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Jordan Moldow and Nadeem Ahmad
PuppetConf 2016
From	Pain	To	Gain:	
A	Puppet	Unit	Tes4ng	Story
Box	is	a	modern	content	management	pla=orm	
that	transforms	how	organiza4ons	work	and	
collaborate	to	achieve	results	faster.
Who	We	Are	
Produc'vity	Engineering	
Desktop	Engineering
Unit	tes4ng	
monolithic	Puppet	
Or	perhaps	
spaghe6	repos	
Maks	Barzo
Unit	tes4ng	
monolithic	Puppet	
Characteris8cs	of	spaghe6	monoliths	
•  Inter-connected	modules	
•  No	specifica4ons	
•  Organic	growth	
•  Business	logic	everywhere
This	talk	is	not	a	unit	
tes8ng	tutorial
Puppet @ Box
Why unit tesBng?
GeFng started
Making it work
ConBnuous integraBon
Rolling it out
Puppet	@	Box	
Importance and scale
Puppet	@	Box	
Ensuring	Puppet	
correctness	is	cri8cal
Why	unit	tes4ng?	
Our current tesBng process and how we
wanted to improve
Manual	Puppet	tes8ng	@	Box	
~/puppet $ git commit 	
~/puppet $ git push origin $BRANCH	
$ ssh
user@test $ sudo puppet agent –-test --environment=$BRANCH
Manual	Puppet	tes8ng	@	Box	
1.  Wait	for	catalog	to	compile	
2.  Wait	for	no-op	run	to	complete	
3.  Review	and	accept	no-op	results	
4.  Wait	for	Puppet	run	to	complete	
5.  Review	state	of	machine	
Running Puppet on a test machine
Manual	Puppet	tes8ng	@	Box		
Time spent by engineers
Other	issues	with	manual	monolith	tes8ng	
•  Cannot	manually	test	every	affected	role	
•  Tests	are	not	easily	repeatable	
Module	M	
Module	C	Module	B	Module	A	
Role	R3	Role	R2	Role	R1	
Cluster	1	 Cluster	2	 Cluster	3
Approaches	to	Puppet	tes8ng	
1.  Manual	
2.  Acceptance	(Beaker)	
3.  Unit/Integra4on
Project	goals	
1.  Tests	can	be	wriPen	for	most	files	
2.  Tests	run	automa8cally		
3.  Tests	run	quickly	
4.  Tests	fail	if	something	is	broken	
5.  Failing	tests	are	reported	to	code	review		
6.  Developers	write	tests	with	their	code
Gefng	started	
First experiment with rspec-puppet
Tools	we	used	
•  puppet	(3.6.2)	
•  puppetlabs_spec_helper	(0.10.2)			
•  rspec	(3.1.0)	
–  Ruby	spec	tes4ng	framework	
•  rspec-puppet	(2.3.0)	
–  Extension	to	rspec	for	tes4ng	Puppet	
Basic	tes8ng 		
Rakefile – Command definiBons
Basic	tes8ng	
.fixtures.yml –	Pointers	to	your	modules
Basic	tes8ng	
spec/spec_helper.rb – Configure rspec-puppet
Basic	tes8ng	
Running	tests	
~/puppet $ rake spec
Run	all	tests	in	a	directory	
~/puppet $ rake spec SPEC=spec/classes/foo
Run	all	tests	in	a	file	
~/puppet $ rake spec SPEC=spec/classes/foo/bar_spec.rb
Run	all	tests
Running	tests
Basic	tes8ng	
•  This	works!	
•  …on	some	simple	manifests	
•  For	technical	benefits,	this	needs	to	work	on	most	manifests	
•  For	cultural	change,	it	needs	to	work	AND	be	fric4onless
Making	it	work	
Problems we encountered and our
soluBons to them
Problem	#1:	Undefined	facts	
•  rspec-puppet	invokes	Puppet	with	a	bare	minimum	of	facts	provided	
•  Fact	values	default	to	undef	in	manifests	
•  Manifests	won’t	compile	as	expected
Solu8on	#1:	Default	facts	
Problem	#2:	Default	required	aPributes	
•  Resource	collectors	sefng	default	aFributes	
•  In	produc4on,	exec	commands	don't	need	absolute	path	
•  But	tests	will	fail	without	it
Solu8on	#2:	site.pp	symlink	
•  All	of	our	global	defaults	are	in	manifests/site.pp
•  Created	symlink	from	spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp
Problem	#3:	Produc8on-only	func8ons	
•  Some	custom	func4ons	may	only	work	in	produc4on,	e.g.	
‒  Querying	a	produc4on	data	store	
‒  Accessing	files	that	only	exist	on	Puppet	masters	
•  Any	manifest	that	uses	such	a	func4on	cannot	be	tested	
‒  Nor	can	any	manifests	that	includes	such	a	manifest
Solu8on	#3:	Globally-stubbed	func8ons	
•  Produc4on-only	func4ons	should	always	be	stubbed	
•  Any	test	can	be	wriFen	without	test-specific	stubs	
•  All	other	func4ons,	classes,	types	should	act	as	they	would	in	prod
Solu8on	#3:	Globally-stubbed	func8ons	
•  module_path	can	include	mul4ple	directories	
•  Custom	func4ons	cannot	be	redefined;	first	defini4on	wins	
•  Added	extra	tree	to	front	of	module_path
•  Added	new	modules	with	redefined	func4ons	
Stubbing via module paths
Globally-stubbed	func8on	-	Example
Other	big	enhancements	
•  Simple	test	auto-generator	
•  Accumula4ng	fact,	param	defini4ons	from	mul4ple	blocks	
‒  Including	shared	contexts	
•  Emula4ng	other	opera4ng	systems	
‒  We	were	restricted	on	what	hardware	we	could	run	tests
Con4nuous	Integra4on
First	Itera8on	of	CI 		
Define small beta group of Puppet developers
First	Itera8on	of	CI 		
Run unit tests for their code reviews, report feedback
First	Itera8on	of	CI 		
Run unit tests for their code reviews, report feedback
First	Itera8on	of	CI	
•  Iterate	on	framework	
•  Encourage	beta	testers	to	also	write	new	tests
First	Itera8on	of	CI	
•  Test	suite	takes	6-8	minutes	to	run	
•  Goal:	order	of	seconds
Using	ClusterRunner	to	Run	Tests
ClusterRunner	Puppet	Module	
Unlocking	Paralleliza8on	
Find individual test unit
~/puppet $ find spec -name "*_spec.rb"
Running	tests	
~/puppet $ rake spec
Run	all	tests	in	a	directory	
~/puppet $ rake spec SPEC=spec/classes/foo
Run	all	tests	in	a	file	
~/puppet $ rake spec SPEC=spec/classes/foo/init_spec.rb
Run	all	tests
Unlocking	Paralleliza8on	
rake spec is actually a combinaBon of three subcommands:
~/puppet $ rake spec_prep
Creates	fixtures	needed	by	all	tests
Unlocking	Paralleliza8on	
rake spec is actually a combinaBon of three subcommands:
~/puppet $ rake spec_clean
Deletes	all	test	fixtures
Unlocking	Paralleliza8on	
rake spec is actually a combinaBon of three subcommands:
~/puppet $ rake spec_standalone
Runs	the	actual	test	
(assumes	test	fixtures	are	present)
Ini8al	Time	(Serial)	
Final	Time	(Parallel)	
Total	Test	Time	(seconds)	
Test	Run8me	for	~400	Puppet	Unit	Tests
$ git push	
Git hook
Build	State	in	Jenkins
Rolling	It	Out
•  Test	results	need	to	be	posted	to	code	review	for	all	developers	
•  Post-merge	test	results	need	to	be	easily	available
Project	Goals	Checklist	
ü 	Tests	can	be	wriPen	for	most	files	
ü 	Tests	run	automa8cally	
ü 	Tests	run	quickly	
ü 	Tests	fail	if	something	is	broken	
q 	Failing	tests	are	reported	to	code	review	
q 	Developers	write	tests	with	their	code
Possible	future	work	
•  Contribute	to	rspec-puppet,	puppetlabs_spec_helper	
•  Create	standalone	rubygem	
•  box_spec_helper
‒  hFps://	
•  Contact	
‒  Box	
‒  Nadeem	
‒  Jordan	
Using	the	Template	and	Guidelines	
•  Refer	to	this	document	for	rules	and	recommenda4ons	for	the	
treatment	of	graphic	elements	
•  Always	start	a	new	presenta4on	using	the	Box	corporate	template	and	
make	edits	from	there;	this	will	ensure	you	always	have	the	correct	
styles,	color	paleFe	and	fonts	in	use	
•  For	layout	inspira4on,	please	refer	to	the	key	slides	presenta4on
Color	and	Font	Themes	
How to Save Themes…
Start	by	opening	the	Box	
Corporate	Template	and	
clicking	on	the	Design	tab.	
Save	the	colors	from	the	
template	to	your	system	by	
clicking	Colors	and	Create	New	
Theme	Colors	and	save	as	Box.	
Do	the	same	thing	for	
the	template	fonts.	
Create	New	Theme	
Fonts	and	save	as	Box.
Bullet	Slide	Treatment	(Calibri	Regular	24pt)	
•  Bullets	are	sentence	case	(Calibri	Regular	20pt)	
‒  Second-line	bullets	are	Calibri	16pt	
‒  Third-line	bullets	are	Calibri	14pt	
•  Limit	the	number	of	bullets	on	a	slide	
•  Text	highlights	are	Calibri	Bold,	but	not	underlined	
•  Try	not	to	go	below	the	recommended	font	sizes
Bullet	Slide	With	Sub-8tle	Treatment	
•  Try	to	keep	your	use	of	bullet	slides	to	a	minimum	
•  Be	crea4ve	and	think	visually	
•  If	you	need	to	source	something	copy	and	paste	the	text	box	at	the	
boFom	les	onto	your	page	
SubBtle Text Placeholder Title Case (Calibri 20pt)
Source:	Gray	Calibri	Regular	10pt
Centered	Bullet	Slide	Treatment	
•  Bullets	are	sentence	case	(Calibri	Regular	20pt)	
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•  Limit	the	number	of	bullets	on	a	slide	
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•  Try	to	keep	your	use	of	bullet	slides	to	a	minimum	
•  Be	crea4ve	and	think	visually	
•  If	you	need	to	source	something	copy	and	paste	the	text	box	at	the	
boFom	les	onto	your	page	
SubBtle Text Placeholder Title Case (Calibri 22pt)
Source:	Gray	Calibri	Regular	10pt
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SubBtle goes here in sentence case
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SubBtle goes here in sentence case
Segue	Slide	Title	Goes	Here	and	
Can	Be	a	Few	Lines	in	Length	
SubBtle goes here in sentence case
Segue	Slide	Title	Goes	Here	and	
Can	Be	a	Few	Lines	in	Length	
SubBtle goes here in sentence case
Segue	Slide	Title	Goes	Here	and	
Can	Be	a	Few	Lines	in	Length	
SubBtle goes here in sentence case
Segue	Slide	Title	Goes	Here	and	
Can	Be	a	Few	Lines	in	Length	
SubBtle goes here in sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon one here and use sentence case
Agenda	Slide	Design	
Enter Btle for secBon two here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon three here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon four here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon five here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon one here and use sentence case
Agenda	Slide	Design	With	Highlight	for	Each	Sec8on	
Enter Btle for secBon two here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon three here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon four here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon five here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon one here and use sentence case
Agenda	Slide	Design	With	Highlight	for	Each	Sec8on	
Enter Btle for secBon two here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon three here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon four here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon five here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon one here and use sentence case
Agenda	Slide	Design	With	Highlight	for	Each	Sec8on	
Enter Btle for secBon two here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon three here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon four here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon five here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon one here and use sentence case
Agenda	Slide	Design	With	Highlight	for	Each	Sec8on	
Enter Btle for secBon two here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon three here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon four here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon five here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon one here and use sentence case
Agenda	Slide	Design	With	Highlight	for	Each	Sec8on	
Enter Btle for secBon two here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon three here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon four here and use sentence case
Enter Btle for secBon five here and use sentence case
Enter	4tle	for	sec4on	one	here	and	use	sentence	case	
Agenda	Slide	Color	Coding	Op8on	
Use different colors to color code each secBon/segue slide
Enter	4tle	for	sec4on	two	here	and	use	sentence	case	
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Axis Title Goes Here in Title Case Calibri 16pt
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Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Series 7
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76	 75	
Category	1	 Category	2	 Category	3	 Category	4	
Axis Title Goes Here in Title Case Calibri 16pt
Series	1	
Series	2	
Series	3
Place	a	quote	from	someone	really,	
really	important	and	it	can	be	up	to	
three	lines…	
Author	Name	Here	
Author	Title	and/or	Date	Here
Suppor4ng	text	
goes	here	under	
the	number	
Suppor4ng	text	
goes	here	under	
the	number	
Suppor4ng	text	
goes	here	under	
the	number	
2M	 15M	 7B	
Big	Number	Treatment
Process	Diagram	Treatment	
See Style Page for More Color OpBons
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Suppor4ng	text	
goes	here	under	
the	number	
Suppor4ng	text	
goes	here	under	
the	number	
Suppor4ng	text	
goes	here	under	
the	number	
Suppor4ng	text	
goes	here	under	
the	number
Process	Diagram	Treatment	
You Can Use the Blue Bar to House Heavy Content
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•  Two	bullet	
•  Three	bullet	
Title	Goes	Here	
•  One	bullet		
•  Two	bullet	
•  Three	bullet	
Title	Goes	Here	
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•  Two	bullet	
•  Three	bullet	
Title	Goes	Here	
•  One	bullet		
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•  Three	bullet	
1	 2	 3	 4
Box	With	Bullet	Treatment	
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•  Three	bullet	
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•  Three	bullet	
•  One	bullet		
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•  Three	bullet	
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SubBtle Text Placeholder Title Case (Calibri 20pt)
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Title	Seven	 Informa4on	 Informa4on	 Informa4on
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in	Calibri	Bold	(40	pt)
Use	this	area	for		
a	big	idea,	make		
sure	your	image	has	
enough	clear	space	+	
contrast	so	you	can	
ensure	readability
You	can	use	this	area	for	
a	text	treatment	that	
supports	your	chosen	
You	can	use	this	area	for	
a	text	treatment	that	
supports	your	chosen	
You	can	use	this	area	for	
a	text	treatment	that	
supports	your	chosen	
You	can	use	this	area	for	
a	text	treatment	that	
supports	your	chosen	
You	can	use	this	area	for	
a	text	treatment	that	
supports	your	chosen	
You	can	use	this	area	for	
a	text	treatment	that	
supports	your	chosen	
You	can	use	this	area	for	
a	text	treatment	that	
supports	your	chosen	
Image	Treatment	With	Cap8on	Layout	
How to Add Your Own Photos and Crop Properly…
Insert	one	of	the	Picture	with	
Cap4on	layouts.	Click	on	the	icon	
at	the	center	to	add	your	image.		
Your	image	will	populate	the	
container	but	you	will	likely	need	
to	adjust	the	crop.	
Click	on	the	image	and	the	format	
tab	and	then	select	crop.
Image	Treatment	With	Cap8on	Layout	(Con8nued)	
How to Add Your Own Photos and Crop Properly…
Click	on	the	grayed	out	por4on	of	
the	image	and	drag	to	the	les	or	
right	un4l	you	are	happy	with	the	
Click	out	of	the	cropped	image	to	
set	it	and	your	image	is	ready	to	
Image	With	Bullets	Treatment		
Insert Your Own Photo, See Slide 39 for InstrucBons
•  Bullet	text	here	
•  Some	more	bullet	text	
•  Another	short	bullet	
•  Last	bullet	goes	here
Logo	With	Bullets	Treatment		
Insert Your Chosen Logo to the Lek of the Line
•  Bullet	text	here	
•  Some	more	bullet	text	
•  Another	short	bullet	
•  Last	bullet	goes	here
Image	Treatment	for	Two	Images	
Sub-Btle or Secondary InformaBon Here
Image	Treatment	for	Three	Images	
Sub-Btle or Secondary InformaBon Here
Mul8ple	Image	Treatment	
Sub-Btle or Secondary InformaBon Here
Mul8ple	Image	Treatment	
How to Insert MulBple Images…
This	layout	will	appear.	Next,	click	
the	icon	to	insert	an	image.		
Navigate	to	your	image	and	
insert	it.	Repeat	for	all	the	image	
boxes.	For	instruc4ons	on	how	
to	crop	your	image	see	page	39.	
Click	the	New	Slide	tab	and	select	
Mul4ple	Image	Layout.
Screen	Shot	Treatment	With	Browser	Window
Screen	Shot	Treatment	With	Browser	Window	
How to Drop in Your Screen Shot…
The	browser	window	is	like	a	frame	
so	anything	you	drop	behind	it	will	
show	through.	
Drop	in	your	screen	shot,	go	to	
the	format	menu	and	crop	it	to	
show	only	what	you	want.	
Last,	be	sure	to	right	click	on	your	
screen	shot	and	send	to	back	so	it	
tucks	behind	the	browser	window	
Color	PalePe	
Hex# 22A7F0
 Hex# 2A62B9
 Hex# 2D3D4F
 Hex# BCC1C7
Hex# 3FB87F
 Hex# 955CA5
Hex# F7931D
 Hex# E33D55
Hex# 74808C
Styles	and	Treatments	
Click	on	these	logos/icons	and	you	
can	recolor	them	within	PowerPoint	
as	needed.	Be	sure	to	follow	brand	
guidelines	for	usage	and	colors.	
Various	template	colors	can	be	
used	for	shapes.	Shapes	should	
have	a	4pt	line	stroke.	
Gradient	line	can	be	used	to	
separate	content	and	should	have	
a	1pt	line	stroke.	
Video	in	Your	Presenta8on	
How to Insert Video and Set Your Playback SeFngs…
To	insert	a	video	click	insert	on	
the	menu	bar		
Next	select	video	and	navigate	to	
your	video.	
Once	your	video	is	on	the	slide	and	
you	click	on	it,	you	will	get	a	new	
menu	tab.	You	can	now	make	
changes	to	both	the	format	and	
playback	of	your	video.	
Use	these	sefngs	for	video	playback:	
Start	Automa4cally,	Play	Full	Screen,	
and	Hide	While	Not	Playing.	This	will	
ensure	a	consistent	look	within	all	Box	

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