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My Most Memorable Day Essay
My Most Important Day
The most memorable day in my life, I remember so clearly. It happened just this past summer and is still so fresh in my mind. I was on the upper
level of our house, painting my sisters bedroom. The room was painted two colors. The upper part (that was split by the molding) was painted a
white peach and the bottom a very light pink color. My whole body was covered in white and pink paint, and my back was starting to get stiff from all
the hours I had been rolling and cutting in. I was just climbing down the ladder when I started to hear this thumping. I honestly did not think anything
of it and I just kept working.
"Thump...Thump.." I suddenly heard it again. This time I thought I should go check it out. I slowly walk through the hallway and I still hear it. I walk
down the stairs to the surprise of my neighbor (Aunt Julie) running through the front door. I could tell by the sound in her voice that something was
wrong so I ran down the stairs to talk to her.
"You have to come quick Tom (Julie's husband) fell in the garden and I can't get him up." she said almost in tears. For some odd reason, before my
neighbor has said anything about someone being hurt, I was already in my dad's bedroom yelling for him to get up. My dad was working all
weekend and his knee had been hurting so he was upstairs taking a nap.
I ran in turned on the lights and yelled, "DAD! Get up it's Aunt Julie!"
I saw my dad quickly turn over and jump out of bed and get dressed. I ran down the stairs and I said, "He's coming down now, I'll run over and
check on Tom." I didn't even wait for a reply, I just sprinted over to my neighbors house while still in painting clothes and paint covering my body. I
had remembered she said he was in the garden so I started to run to the one that was in the front. He wasn't there. The i ran to the ones behind the
house. Still not there. Then i remember her vegetable garden that i would pick tomatoes out of during the summer. I ran back towards the shed and
there Tom was lying. I'm not going to lie I hesitating walking up because I was scared he was dead. His face was flat in the dirt. I knew that it was
serious. Even though he is a really heavy drinker and has episodes where he
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My Best Day Essay
He looked at me and I didn't know what to think, he gave me that look. That look of sudden disappointment, sudden regret. We sat at Blue Eagle
Lounge at about 11:00 pm and he peered over my left shoulder. He stared a little longer and then he ran. How? What have I done? Why do I ruin
every single good thing in my life? But then I remembered. I have done something terrible. Something that I will never forgive myself for. Earlier that
day. The man I had known but never had a conversation with, came over my way. He had on baggy jeans with zippers at the pockets and lace–up
boots he wore underneath his loosely fitted jeans. He had a t–shirt on with a flannel over the top. His brown eyes told a story. He had a voice that gave
me a warm tingly feeling when he would simply say my name. He made me happy and I know that this was a real happiness that would last a long
time. The freckles on his nose were direct mirrors to all of the stories he had. Stories of trips that made his family stronger and his heart a little
bigger. He was tall and had brown hair that was always perfect. He made me smile and I knew he did not feel the same about me. I was falling for
him and he wasn't there to catch me when I landed. But there was something fishy about this boy, he had a secret, and I was dying to know what it
was. He seemed different when he was with his friends and different when he was with his family and then a little different when he was around me.
The boy was the type of person that
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My Best Day At School
My Best Day at School
"Hey, mom what's for breakfast?" I shouted while getting dressed.
"I'm making pancakes & eggs." She shouted back at me. I hoped that she would at least wake me up earlier before 6 am so that way I could take a
shower before school. But instead, she woke me up at 7 am. I soon got ready for school & walked down stairs for breakfast.
"How many pancakes do you want?" she asked.
"I'll have two." I replied as I sat down at the table.
"Here you go," she said while she set the plate down on the table. I soon later got done & was waiting for the bus. I saw my mom cleaning so I went
up to her to ask a question.
"Hey Mom, why do I have to go to school," I said jokingly.
"So that way you learn more stuff & you could soon leave my house when you go to college." She said while laughing. But I don't know if I found it
funny. "Well.... that's kinda rude." I said in a sad voice. Soon later I started to leave & wait for the bus. It took a little while but the bus arrived. I
started to walk & got on the bus & sat at the back of the row of the bus. It was only me in the back of the bus because all my friends either walk or they
get rides from their parents or even brothers & sisters. "Man I really don't want to go to class at all." I thought to myself while I was walking into the
school building. I soon got to my class & sat down at my table. Except Mr. Kane wasn't there. "Hey Tom. Where is Mr. Kane." I asked him.
"Dude, you didn't hear, he's gone today, we
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My Best Day
This day has been the longest day. I have been looking forward to going out trick or treating with all of my friends for weeks and finally it is
tonight. But could the clock go any slower, ticktock, ticktock. I really believe the clock is going as slow as a turtle. It is finally Thursday, the
thirty–first of October, but I really don't believe it is ever going to be six o'clock in the evening. At least it is a nice night out and no rain in the
forecast. You couldn't ask for a better night to go trick or treating than this magnificent 70 degree evening. I guess, I might as well get into my
costume and be ready when all of my friends meet in front of my house. I am going to be a Halo Wars Jackel. My costume has a shield and a Halo
blaster. I will look like a soldier from the covenant. With the body armor, no one will even know who I am for sure. Brandon is going to be dressed
up as a silly monkey. He acts just like a monkey, so that is a perfect costume for him. Bethy is going to be a slice of toast and jelly, where she got
that costume I will never know. But she is as thin as a rake, so I guess that fits her also. Finally Hunter is going to be a fighter pilot. His costume is
part of his grandpa's uniform from when he was in the Air Force. I am really surprised that it hasn't fallen apart, you know that has to be as old as
Methuselah. Won't we be an unusual set of friends walking around together tonight, our costumes are as different as night and day.
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My Best Day In My Life
My best day ever was when my brother was born. It was also when my sister was born but I was to young to remember that. My brother, Colin was
born July 25, 2011. I was in 1st grade when it happened, It July 18,2011 and thats when my Mom and Dad said my sister and I would be staying at
my Nana and Papa's house for the week. My sister wasn't to happy about having a brother because she really wanted a sister to dress up and play
princess with. I was exited about a brother because I really liked playing in the mud, so that gave me a chance to do that with a brother. My sister
and I where jumping up and down in our seats exited to spend the weekend with our grandparents. Once we arrived my nana gave my mom a
basket filled with goodies for the baby. My Mom's stomach was to big for hugs so my Nana just gave her kiss. My Mom's parents lived in
Massachusetts so they weren't there to watch us or see the baby for a while. My Papa carried our stuff inside and brought them to our room. My
Mom kissed me and my sister on the cheek and my Dad gave us a big bear hug, and then they drove off to the hospital. My Nana had picked up
some crafts for us to do while my parents where gone so we decided to get right to it. My Papa and I made vanilla cupcakes while my Nana and
sister where painting pictures of animals. I was seven at the time and my sister was five so we enjoyed watching Cinderella and Snow White every
night before bedtime and every morning during breakfast. Our favorite thing
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My Best Day
The best day in my life so far was October 14th, 2012. It was an ideal fall day. When I stepped outside the air was cold, and I could feel little hairs
on my arms begin to rise, yet the warm sun, shined through the clouds to counter this sensation. To my recollection, this day was quite unique as far
as typical fall weather goes. I remember the previous days being dark, numbingly cold, and rainy. The environment of this day is a symbol of when I
truly defined my character. It was a time when I learned my passion. It was a time when I learned of authentic love. It was a time when my life changed
It was 2006, a month before first grade. Face ashen, he staggers towards me, the weighty footsteps in sync with more content...
School became a passion of mine. For the first time in my life I was more than just memories. I was a future.
All my life I have been loved. It's hard to find love and appreciation in the times of sorrow and remorse. More times than not I have felt alone, but it
wasn't until I began to analyze my life, and begin to accept myself, that I truly understood what it meant to be loved. Love is the short phone calls,
just to check in. Love is the "Good Morning" from your teacher. Love is baking treats with your Aunt, Uncle, and cousins around the holidays.
Love is a hug goodbye. Love is a kiss hello. Love is connecting with others, and spreading kindness through one's experiences. Love is watching
your dad cry, apologizing for his actions. Love is forgiveness. I believe the most important virtue is kindness. Every single person has experiences
that define them. No one background is better or worse, all are uniquely different. Just like every person. A way to find commonality between
backgrounds however, is spreading undeniable love and affection. Still, I find myself leaving marks I am not proud of. Too many of times I wish to
change what I have done. Still, I persist, learning from my mistakes and living in love.
The best day of my life.
I was at school, on the most perfect fall day. When I got a call to
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The Best Day Of My Life Essay
Thinking back on an event or a day that I would entitle the best day of my life was more of a challenge because to me I feel I had so many, but
there was this one day that kept haunting my brain, not letting me suppress it. The memory of my 16th birthday. Now I know you may wonder why I
choose this particular day to be my top choice out my 17 years of life, but it was just something about this time that makes it different than any other
ordinary day.
It all started early morning on the twenty–sixth day of May 2016, when my mom came into my room and sung to me the "black version" of the birthday
song. After, listening and laughing at her belt out her high notes for a song that is primarily sung in a low to more content...
As I was observing my new phone, my eyes started to become full of tears of joy, because I was asking for this gift for the longest but she would
never budge to buy it for me, not knowing she was just waiting for the perfect time to give to me. At this point my day could not get any better than
this. Still yet, her work wasn't done! She rushed me out of the house and drove two hours and 32 minutes to be exact towards our destination,
Myrtle Beach. On our ride there we did your normal car dues such as karaoke where we would assign each other's parts to sing, we even took pleasure
at laughing at people's facial expressions as they passed by. There was also a point when we participated in a stoplight race, which by the way was
100 percent safe, because we just wanted to see whose car had the fastest takeoff.
Now that we were just an hour away from where we were going we stopped at a little corner store on the edge of Tuberville to gas up and buy some
snacks since we were getting hungry. As I was walking towards the store with $30.00 in hand, I saw a little glare from the ground. Nearing the
suspicious flash, I bent down and right beside the broken glass was $200.00
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Best Day of my Life Essay
Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being
the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my
drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me
and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just
knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire more
My drivers' license brought me great feelings and let me do more with my life than I could ever do before. As well as giving me those feelings and
that type of freedom, having my drivers' license opened up a new image of the community for me. I could see more of the city, gain experience with
directions and I could improve my driving abilities all with my drivers' license. I also became very interested in the way the automobile works and
eventually looking more into what makes it go faster. Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed gave
me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and hearing everything go by faster made the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth
watered with envy as I approached the drivers' seat every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest of mine;
the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved driving and I loved cars and all of this new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license.
Such a simple piece of paper opened up such a broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers' license was
the best day of my life. It will be remembered forever because of the feelings, experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my
interest in the automobile but the thrill of driving has dulled significantly since I receive
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My Best Day Essay
I'm here to tell you about the time when I had a huge life changing event happen to me. It was probably the worst day of my life. I will always
remember the day everything changed. The day I will never forget, March 27, 2017. I'm going to introduce my grandma a little bit. She was the
grandma that always had treats for you. A lot of the times the treat was ice cream. Even when you were home sick from school, she would give you a
bowl of ice cream. She was the grandma that always loved her grandkids. Even the dogs. She loved my old dog Maddie, who my grandma called
"Maddie–Moo". She would always give Maddie treats. She was the grandma who always wanted us to be down at her house. I mean that's every
grandma, but she always wanted us to get off the bus at her house, and come see her anytime we wanted. Some of my favorite things we kids did
was going down to the farm and playing around, and then we would stop playing and go down to grandma's to get ice cream. Or when I did chores
with my dad in the morning, I would go straight down to grandmas. I mean I would do a few chores, but then I would ditch him to go see my
grandma. I would always wait up there until it was time for coffee. Which is where they all take a break from chores to eat breakfast, and that's
usually at about 10. So now that you know my grandma a little better, let's start the story. So my sister and I were having a great weekend at my
grandpa's farm in Decorah (my mom's dad). It was Sunday, and we were running
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My Best Day
I once heard a quote that T. Roosevelt said. It started with "Believe you can and you're halfway there." I have believed and my life has been already
halfway there. On a cool spring day, on May 25, 2005 I was welcomed to the world. I was born an identical twin at 2:29 PM. I was born first. I was
referred to as Baby A before I was born. I weighed 6lbs 12oz and 18 Вѕ inches. I had to be in the nursery for 12 hours to get more oxygen. I was named
after Jada Pinkett Smith. My mom decided on the name and my sister picked me to be named Jada. Many of our family and friends came to hold and
see me. That was a day I will never forget.
May 25, 2006, was an exciting day for me, my family, and my friends. It was my first birthday! Many friends and family came to our house to
celebrate it. Me and Kylie both got a smash cake to dive into. My mom had to show us how to eat the smash cake, because we had no clue what it
even was. We dived into the smash cake and I thought it tasted delicious! I had it all in my hair and all over the place. It was the best thing I've ever
tasted, because all I ever ate was baby food and that tasted nothing like the smash cake did. When it was time to open presents everyone gathered in
the living room and helped us open them. After watching how to open the presents I wanted to try, so I ripped open the presents and I was shocked at
all the different presents everyone bought me. The present that I remember the most was these little pink and purple cars.
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My Best Day
The Happiest I Have Ever Been In My Life Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being
the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my
life was definitely the day that I received my drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received
it, the opportunities that were opened up for me and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my driver's
license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just knowing that I had a driver's license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the
open sky with no real place to go, just a desire to be free. felt like I could do anything. I had new responsibilities like most adults, and I came to a
realization that I had lived through one of the most important events in the process of growing up. This event opened up many possibilities for me
such as interests in cars, driving skill improvement, and freedom. With my drivers' license I could pick up my friends without my parents around,
making the friend experience a whole lot better. I could go on dates without the embarrassment of my parents driving me, on any given day I could do
anything I wanted because I could drive. I could feel the textures of the roads, smell the fresh air when my windows were down, see the beautiful
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My Best Day
Saturday, a day beloved by many due to its relaxing nature. I would think a Saturday like this one, would be the ideal day to remain home, far from
the anomalously large crowds gathering downtown for the 150th Canada Day celebration, however, I knew going was inevitable. Regardless of
whether it was willingly or not, I was going. My grandmother's sister's husband's brother's daughter's daughter (who I will refer to as my 'aunt' (though
she is more like a distant cousin)), her husband (my 'uncle'), and her 2 daughters (my 'cousins') had come all the way from a suburb in the United States
for this day and consequently, my mother would not allow me to remain home.
"Beep, beep, beep," shrieked the last of several alarms my mother had set to wake me up.
It was the school day before Saturday and the night my cousins and their parents arrived in Toronto. They had rented a car and there had been no need
to pick them up.
Once school was long over and it was nearly midnight, I heard the ring of a doorbell. Contrasted to the silence of the house, it sounded boisterous.
My mother opened the door to find my cousins, Eleanor and Piper, along with their parents. Both of them and myself were around the same age,
Elenor being the same age as me (12) and Piper being a year older.
"Why are you up so late Genesis?" my aunt asked once she spotted me. Due to no one other than my father having met them previously, I was
understandably surprised she knew my name. Not being able to conceive a
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Descriptive Essay About My Best Day
It was a cloudy morning, darkened gray smudges of wool surrounded the sky, the rain was showering the school, and the air had soothing coldness of
the breeze.
I had P.E. in my first hour. My classmates and I were not very thrilled to start Friday's morning this way. We thought that the weather would ruin our
weekend's plans as if it was disastrous. Apparently, the gloom of the morning was reflected in our mood.
Our teacher walked in with a towel surrounding her neck since she got half–drowned from the rain and said sarcastically, "Listen to me all of you, since
we are having a lovely weather today, we are not going to have any outside activities obviously. So, you can play badminton, basketball and you are
allowed to try the balance beam to whom have climbed and tried it previously. Enjoy our blessed Friday." After that, she went back to her office to
change her wet clothes. She never liked us in the first place and neither did we.
I was extremely excited to play badminton with my friends because it had been a long time since I had the chance to play it. When I went to ask my
friends to join me, they were excited to do something otherwise.
They wanted to climb on the balance beam which was located in the gymnastics section of the gym. I thought it was a terrible idea and I did not want
to do it; however, they kept insisting on me to come so they grabbed my arm and went along with them.
As I entered the gymnastics section, I noticed gymnastic equipment were filling the
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My Best Day Essay
My eyes open to my mom's familiar smile, as she nudges me awake, I slowly rub my eyes and I walk to the mirror to get dressed. I take a peek at
the window sill, upon which sits a gift from my mother, a marble clear as the morning sky. "Hurry honey," my mom invites me downstairs in her
loving voice: the one that never changes. I rush down, my favourite breakfast awaits; the eggs and toast, albeit simple, were prepared with care, a
staple. I quickly finish my morning feast, my mom kisses me goodbye and I head out into the the glorious day. Outside the birds are chirping and the
sun is in full bloom, as if to say I'm here and here I will stay: a lie. I continue to walk down the familiar road, my eyes clear, looking around me I decide
to make a sharp turn heading down Ne road; a road made the same day I was born. I see my friends, they laugh, eyes planted on their phones. I wave
and yell "hello," they turn around and meet me with loving eyes. One asks if I want to play a game, I quickly nod yes and pull out my phone; a
grin was plastered on my face. The school grows larger in my view, and eventually we reach the door. My friends follow me into the classroom, and
we sit down in our seats. It had always been like this, at most the only thing that changed was the classroom. The day passes by quickly, school
always does, on my way back home I spot a distant face. I reach out and say "hello," –she doesn't hear me. Maybe she'll hear me tomorrow? She was
beautiful, someone who I
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Essay About My Best Day
Have you at any point had an exceptionally paramount day that you wish you could remember those minutes over and over again if you could? Well
I do. Everything begins when I attempted this celebrated surely understood Mexican dish called Birria. My goodness did I begin to look all starry
eyed at this fiery delicious stew meat that I lean toward eating this than any other dish. Be that as it may, mind you, seafood was my most loved
sustenance yet Birria has prevailed upon my heart any fish dish. I can simply recall the best and absolute best day ever that I had when I was nine
years of age. On August seventh, 2007 my ninth birthday celebration is the thing that has turned this exact day into my most memorable memory.
The day preceding my birthday, August sixth, I was pressing my gear quickly around 6 o'clock pm since I had a flight to take with my folks for
my birthday surprise. I was so energized and anxious to know where me and my family would go. I kept running towards my father's Nissan auto
and sat in the back with my younger sibling clasping her safety belt on her. I recollect that I was chiming into my most loved Rihanna tune from the
radio station so I already knew it was going to be a good day. We arrived at the Oakland air terminal more content...
I aroused at 11:00 AM to a pleasant blustery warm bright Tuesday morning in Hawaii. To be much more particular I was in Maui and I had no clue
how I got into a bed yet I was so glad to have woken up in my Auntie Alejandra's comfortable home. If you have visited by any chance been to Maui
or some other Hawaiian islands you know it feels like you are in heaven. Particularly when you are youthful you have no kind of worries or stress.
The weather was burning hot that I couldn't fall asleep at night or perhaps it was the exhilaration not giving me a chance to fall asleep since my
birthday was the following day. When I woke up, I noticed a scent that helped me to remember my most loved
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My Best Day
I though this summer day would be the best day, I woke up at 9:00 a.m the bright sun was peeking through my window and the birds were chirping.
I didn't have to worry about getting ready fast to make the bus or do any homework. My mom finally had a day off work and we were going to go
shopping and go swimming. My mom burst in my room, throwing clothes yelling " come on you have a doctor's appointment, we are going to be late!"
I hate the doctor, she is always is telling me there is a problem, I feel like she is mean to me on purpose. My mom is still trying to pry me out of bed,
she final go me out after 5 minutes had past. I know today would be the worst day ever after I had to get out of bed before 10:30. We had gotten in
the car and my mom was zooming past cars like a crazy lady. We finally arrived at the doctor's office at 9:49 my appointment was at 9:50 , so we
had to sprint in the building so we would not be late. We had opened the door to Yong Yo office I could smell the torture coming. The smell of sick
old nasty people filled the air. There were two ratty chairs in there with a sign that said "Cover your mouth", it also had a desk in the back where the
assistance were sitting. They had walls and walls of files. There were papers scattered on her desk with sticky notes on then. After we got the
assistance, attention we checked in. Yong Yo had called me back with her scratchy voice. I sat in the room that felt like a small box with one healthy
poster on the tan
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My Best Days Of My Life
Wednesday, December 16th, or as I like to call it, one of the best days of my life. Is it clichГ© to call my first concert experience one of the best days
of my life? Probably. But it was just such a surreal experience. I went to go see The 1975 at Club Nokia in Los Angeles, California. My best friend
knew that I had never been to a concert before, so on my Birthday she gave me tickets to go see The 1975 as a gift. I had been looking forward to
the concert for months, and when the day finally came, I felt both nervous and excited to go see one of my favorite bands. The 1975 is an alternative
rock/indie rock/pop music band who I had heard of due to another band that decided to cover one of their songs. The first song I heard was called
"Medicine." It was two in the morning and I was driving to Arizona. Such a beautiful song, something about it was almost therapeutic for me. I fell in
love with it instantly. After my trip to Arizona, I finally had time to do my research. I listened to The 1975's entire discography and they immediately
became one of my favorite bands. I was glad that The 1975 would be my first concert experience ever.
It was a cold Wednesday morning, I woke up at around six and waited for my friends to pick me up so we could go eat breakfast at IHOP before we
made our way to Los Angeles. Upon arrival we decided to make a few stops before heading to the venue. We decided to do some shopping at The
Grove. Being the huge book nerd that I am, I of course had to
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My Best Day
I thought this summer day would be the best day, I woke up at 9:00 a.m the bright sun was peeking through my window and the birds were
chirping. I didn't have to worry about getting ready fast to make the bus or do any homework. My mom finally had a day off work and we were
going to go shopping and go swimming. My mom burst in my room, throwing clothes yelling " come on you have a doctor's appointment, we are going
to be late!" I hate the doctor, she is always telling me there is a problem, I feel like she is mean to me on purpose. My mom is still trying to pry me out
of bed, she finally got me out of bed after 5 minutes had past. I know today would be the worst day ever after I had to get out of bed before 10:30.
We had gotten into the car and my mom was zooming past cars like a crazy lady as we arrive at the doctor's office. My appointment was at 9:50
and we showed up 1 minute early, so we had to sprint in the building so we would not be late. We had opened the door to Yong Yo's office, I could
smell the torture coming; the smell of sick old nasty people filled the air. There were two ratty chairs in there with a sign that said "Cover your
mouth", it also had a desk in the back where the assistant was sitting. They had walls and walls of files, There were papers scattered on her desk with
sticky notes on them.After we got the assistant's attention we checked in. Yong Yo had called me back with her scratchy voice and I sat in the room,
it was a small box with one
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My Best Day Essay : My Perfect Day
Have you ever wondered what a perfect day would be like? An everyday routine starts to get annoying and boring, especially if you don't get a day
off. At the moment, my routine is to wake up early, get ready for school, go to school, and after a long day come back home. From the time I get
home which is around two in the afternoon and by the time I go to sleep, it all consists of doing homework. Sometimes I wish I can at least take a day
off and relax, with having no worries. The idea of a perfect day for me should be a day to get rid of stress, and should be an unforgettable day.
As the sun started to come out, I knew it was time to start my day. The perfect day that I've always dreamed of was going to be today. I looked at my more content...
In the meantime, while I was waiting for my food to get here I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes that I left in the morning. After my food got
delivered I went back into my bed and started eating my orange chicken with rice. By that time, I was already in the fourth movie, all of a sudden it
was really dark outside, but I was not scared at all, even though I was home alone. Now it was around ten at night and I had finished watching the
Halloween series. I turned my tv off and started playing really loud music on my speaker. I knew it was nighttime and the neighbors might complain,
but at the moment I didn't care about anything. I enjoy listening to depressing songs specially from Coldplay which gets me in the mood to cry. My
eyes began to close so I turned my speaker off as well as the light and I went to sleep. At last, a perfect day for me should be different from any
ordinary day, and should enjoy it like as if it was my last. I see a perfect day as not something outstanding, but more of like a lazy day. This day was
one of the best days I've ever had because it's been forever since I've taken a break. Many people might do something like this on a regular day, but for
me it was one of the days where I got to stay in bed, relax, and let all of the stress out. Days like this doesn't hurt and everyone has their own ideal day,
but for me is all about being comfortable. As long as, I have a day off
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  • 2. My Best Day Essay He looked at me and I didn't know what to think, he gave me that look. That look of sudden disappointment, sudden regret. We sat at Blue Eagle Lounge at about 11:00 pm and he peered over my left shoulder. He stared a little longer and then he ran. How? What have I done? Why do I ruin every single good thing in my life? But then I remembered. I have done something terrible. Something that I will never forgive myself for. Earlier that day. The man I had known but never had a conversation with, came over my way. He had on baggy jeans with zippers at the pockets and lace–up boots he wore underneath his loosely fitted jeans. He had a t–shirt on with a flannel over the top. His brown eyes told a story. He had a voice that gave me a warm tingly feeling when he would simply say my name. He made me happy and I know that this was a real happiness that would last a long time. The freckles on his nose were direct mirrors to all of the stories he had. Stories of trips that made his family stronger and his heart a little bigger. He was tall and had brown hair that was always perfect. He made me smile and I knew he did not feel the same about me. I was falling for him and he wasn't there to catch me when I landed. But there was something fishy about this boy, he had a secret, and I was dying to know what it was. He seemed different when he was with his friends and different when he was with his family and then a little different when he was around me. The boy was the type of person that Get more content on
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  • 4. My Best Day This day has been the longest day. I have been looking forward to going out trick or treating with all of my friends for weeks and finally it is tonight. But could the clock go any slower, ticktock, ticktock. I really believe the clock is going as slow as a turtle. It is finally Thursday, the thirty–first of October, but I really don't believe it is ever going to be six o'clock in the evening. At least it is a nice night out and no rain in the forecast. You couldn't ask for a better night to go trick or treating than this magnificent 70 degree evening. I guess, I might as well get into my costume and be ready when all of my friends meet in front of my house. I am going to be a Halo Wars Jackel. My costume has a shield and a Halo blaster. I will look like a soldier from the covenant. With the body armor, no one will even know who I am for sure. Brandon is going to be dressed up as a silly monkey. He acts just like a monkey, so that is a perfect costume for him. Bethy is going to be a slice of toast and jelly, where she got that costume I will never know. But she is as thin as a rake, so I guess that fits her also. Finally Hunter is going to be a fighter pilot. His costume is part of his grandpa's uniform from when he was in the Air Force. I am really surprised that it hasn't fallen apart, you know that has to be as old as Methuselah. Won't we be an unusual set of friends walking around together tonight, our costumes are as different as night and day. Get more content on
  • 5. My Best Day In My Life My best day ever was when my brother was born. It was also when my sister was born but I was to young to remember that. My brother, Colin was born July 25, 2011. I was in 1st grade when it happened, It July 18,2011 and thats when my Mom and Dad said my sister and I would be staying at my Nana and Papa's house for the week. My sister wasn't to happy about having a brother because she really wanted a sister to dress up and play princess with. I was exited about a brother because I really liked playing in the mud, so that gave me a chance to do that with a brother. My sister and I where jumping up and down in our seats exited to spend the weekend with our grandparents. Once we arrived my nana gave my mom a basket filled with goodies for the baby. My Mom's stomach was to big for hugs so my Nana just gave her kiss. My Mom's parents lived in Massachusetts so they weren't there to watch us or see the baby for a while. My Papa carried our stuff inside and brought them to our room. My Mom kissed me and my sister on the cheek and my Dad gave us a big bear hug, and then they drove off to the hospital. My Nana had picked up some crafts for us to do while my parents where gone so we decided to get right to it. My Papa and I made vanilla cupcakes while my Nana and sister where painting pictures of animals. I was seven at the time and my sister was five so we enjoyed watching Cinderella and Snow White every night before bedtime and every morning during breakfast. Our favorite thing Get more content on
  • 6. My Best Day The best day in my life so far was October 14th, 2012. It was an ideal fall day. When I stepped outside the air was cold, and I could feel little hairs on my arms begin to rise, yet the warm sun, shined through the clouds to counter this sensation. To my recollection, this day was quite unique as far as typical fall weather goes. I remember the previous days being dark, numbingly cold, and rainy. The environment of this day is a symbol of when I truly defined my character. It was a time when I learned my passion. It was a time when I learned of authentic love. It was a time when my life changed forever. Character. It was 2006, a month before first grade. Face ashen, he staggers towards me, the weighty footsteps in sync with more content... School became a passion of mine. For the first time in my life I was more than just memories. I was a future. Love. All my life I have been loved. It's hard to find love and appreciation in the times of sorrow and remorse. More times than not I have felt alone, but it wasn't until I began to analyze my life, and begin to accept myself, that I truly understood what it meant to be loved. Love is the short phone calls, just to check in. Love is the "Good Morning" from your teacher. Love is baking treats with your Aunt, Uncle, and cousins around the holidays. Love is a hug goodbye. Love is a kiss hello. Love is connecting with others, and spreading kindness through one's experiences. Love is watching your dad cry, apologizing for his actions. Love is forgiveness. I believe the most important virtue is kindness. Every single person has experiences that define them. No one background is better or worse, all are uniquely different. Just like every person. A way to find commonality between backgrounds however, is spreading undeniable love and affection. Still, I find myself leaving marks I am not proud of. Too many of times I wish to change what I have done. Still, I persist, learning from my mistakes and living in love. The best day of my life. I was at school, on the most perfect fall day. When I got a call to
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  • 8. The Best Day Of My Life Essay Thinking back on an event or a day that I would entitle the best day of my life was more of a challenge because to me I feel I had so many, but there was this one day that kept haunting my brain, not letting me suppress it. The memory of my 16th birthday. Now I know you may wonder why I choose this particular day to be my top choice out my 17 years of life, but it was just something about this time that makes it different than any other ordinary day. It all started early morning on the twenty–sixth day of May 2016, when my mom came into my room and sung to me the "black version" of the birthday song. After, listening and laughing at her belt out her high notes for a song that is primarily sung in a low to more content... As I was observing my new phone, my eyes started to become full of tears of joy, because I was asking for this gift for the longest but she would never budge to buy it for me, not knowing she was just waiting for the perfect time to give to me. At this point my day could not get any better than this. Still yet, her work wasn't done! She rushed me out of the house and drove two hours and 32 minutes to be exact towards our destination, Myrtle Beach. On our ride there we did your normal car dues such as karaoke where we would assign each other's parts to sing, we even took pleasure at laughing at people's facial expressions as they passed by. There was also a point when we participated in a stoplight race, which by the way was 100 percent safe, because we just wanted to see whose car had the fastest takeoff. Now that we were just an hour away from where we were going we stopped at a little corner store on the edge of Tuberville to gas up and buy some snacks since we were getting hungry. As I was walking towards the store with $30.00 in hand, I saw a little glare from the ground. Nearing the suspicious flash, I bent down and right beside the broken glass was $200.00 Get more content on
  • 9. Best Day of my Life Essay Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire more content... My drivers' license brought me great feelings and let me do more with my life than I could ever do before. As well as giving me those feelings and that type of freedom, having my drivers' license opened up a new image of the community for me. I could see more of the city, gain experience with directions and I could improve my driving abilities all with my drivers' license. I also became very interested in the way the automobile works and eventually looking more into what makes it go faster. Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed gave me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and hearing everything go by faster made the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth watered with envy as I approached the drivers' seat every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest of mine; the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved driving and I loved cars and all of this new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license. Such a simple piece of paper opened up such a broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers' license was the best day of my life. It will be remembered forever because of the feelings, experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my interest in the automobile but the thrill of driving has dulled significantly since I receive Get more content on
  • 10. My Best Day Essay I'm here to tell you about the time when I had a huge life changing event happen to me. It was probably the worst day of my life. I will always remember the day everything changed. The day I will never forget, March 27, 2017. I'm going to introduce my grandma a little bit. She was the grandma that always had treats for you. A lot of the times the treat was ice cream. Even when you were home sick from school, she would give you a bowl of ice cream. She was the grandma that always loved her grandkids. Even the dogs. She loved my old dog Maddie, who my grandma called "Maddie–Moo". She would always give Maddie treats. She was the grandma who always wanted us to be down at her house. I mean that's every grandma, but she always wanted us to get off the bus at her house, and come see her anytime we wanted. Some of my favorite things we kids did was going down to the farm and playing around, and then we would stop playing and go down to grandma's to get ice cream. Or when I did chores with my dad in the morning, I would go straight down to grandmas. I mean I would do a few chores, but then I would ditch him to go see my grandma. I would always wait up there until it was time for coffee. Which is where they all take a break from chores to eat breakfast, and that's usually at about 10. So now that you know my grandma a little better, let's start the story. So my sister and I were having a great weekend at my grandpa's farm in Decorah (my mom's dad). It was Sunday, and we were running Get more content on
  • 11. My Best Day I once heard a quote that T. Roosevelt said. It started with "Believe you can and you're halfway there." I have believed and my life has been already halfway there. On a cool spring day, on May 25, 2005 I was welcomed to the world. I was born an identical twin at 2:29 PM. I was born first. I was referred to as Baby A before I was born. I weighed 6lbs 12oz and 18 Вѕ inches. I had to be in the nursery for 12 hours to get more oxygen. I was named after Jada Pinkett Smith. My mom decided on the name and my sister picked me to be named Jada. Many of our family and friends came to hold and see me. That was a day I will never forget. May 25, 2006, was an exciting day for me, my family, and my friends. It was my first birthday! Many friends and family came to our house to celebrate it. Me and Kylie both got a smash cake to dive into. My mom had to show us how to eat the smash cake, because we had no clue what it even was. We dived into the smash cake and I thought it tasted delicious! I had it all in my hair and all over the place. It was the best thing I've ever tasted, because all I ever ate was baby food and that tasted nothing like the smash cake did. When it was time to open presents everyone gathered in the living room and helped us open them. After watching how to open the presents I wanted to try, so I ripped open the presents and I was shocked at all the different presents everyone bought me. The present that I remember the most was these little pink and purple cars. Get more content on
  • 12. My Best Day The Happiest I Have Ever Been In My Life Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my driver's license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just knowing that I had a driver's license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire to be free. felt like I could do anything. I had new responsibilities like most adults, and I came to a realization that I had lived through one of the most important events in the process of growing up. This event opened up many possibilities for me such as interests in cars, driving skill improvement, and freedom. With my drivers' license I could pick up my friends without my parents around, making the friend experience a whole lot better. I could go on dates without the embarrassment of my parents driving me, on any given day I could do anything I wanted because I could drive. I could feel the textures of the roads, smell the fresh air when my windows were down, see the beautiful Get more content on
  • 13. My Best Day Saturday, a day beloved by many due to its relaxing nature. I would think a Saturday like this one, would be the ideal day to remain home, far from the anomalously large crowds gathering downtown for the 150th Canada Day celebration, however, I knew going was inevitable. Regardless of whether it was willingly or not, I was going. My grandmother's sister's husband's brother's daughter's daughter (who I will refer to as my 'aunt' (though she is more like a distant cousin)), her husband (my 'uncle'), and her 2 daughters (my 'cousins') had come all the way from a suburb in the United States for this day and consequently, my mother would not allow me to remain home. "Beep, beep, beep," shrieked the last of several alarms my mother had set to wake me up. It was the school day before Saturday and the night my cousins and their parents arrived in Toronto. They had rented a car and there had been no need to pick them up. Once school was long over and it was nearly midnight, I heard the ring of a doorbell. Contrasted to the silence of the house, it sounded boisterous. My mother opened the door to find my cousins, Eleanor and Piper, along with their parents. Both of them and myself were around the same age, Elenor being the same age as me (12) and Piper being a year older. "Why are you up so late Genesis?" my aunt asked once she spotted me. Due to no one other than my father having met them previously, I was understandably surprised she knew my name. Not being able to conceive a Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Essay About My Best Day It was a cloudy morning, darkened gray smudges of wool surrounded the sky, the rain was showering the school, and the air had soothing coldness of the breeze. I had P.E. in my first hour. My classmates and I were not very thrilled to start Friday's morning this way. We thought that the weather would ruin our weekend's plans as if it was disastrous. Apparently, the gloom of the morning was reflected in our mood. Our teacher walked in with a towel surrounding her neck since she got half–drowned from the rain and said sarcastically, "Listen to me all of you, since we are having a lovely weather today, we are not going to have any outside activities obviously. So, you can play badminton, basketball and you are allowed to try the balance beam to whom have climbed and tried it previously. Enjoy our blessed Friday." After that, she went back to her office to change her wet clothes. She never liked us in the first place and neither did we. I was extremely excited to play badminton with my friends because it had been a long time since I had the chance to play it. When I went to ask my friends to join me, they were excited to do something otherwise. They wanted to climb on the balance beam which was located in the gymnastics section of the gym. I thought it was a terrible idea and I did not want to do it; however, they kept insisting on me to come so they grabbed my arm and went along with them. As I entered the gymnastics section, I noticed gymnastic equipment were filling the Get more content on
  • 15. My Best Day Essay My eyes open to my mom's familiar smile, as she nudges me awake, I slowly rub my eyes and I walk to the mirror to get dressed. I take a peek at the window sill, upon which sits a gift from my mother, a marble clear as the morning sky. "Hurry honey," my mom invites me downstairs in her loving voice: the one that never changes. I rush down, my favourite breakfast awaits; the eggs and toast, albeit simple, were prepared with care, a staple. I quickly finish my morning feast, my mom kisses me goodbye and I head out into the the glorious day. Outside the birds are chirping and the sun is in full bloom, as if to say I'm here and here I will stay: a lie. I continue to walk down the familiar road, my eyes clear, looking around me I decide to make a sharp turn heading down Ne road; a road made the same day I was born. I see my friends, they laugh, eyes planted on their phones. I wave and yell "hello," they turn around and meet me with loving eyes. One asks if I want to play a game, I quickly nod yes and pull out my phone; a grin was plastered on my face. The school grows larger in my view, and eventually we reach the door. My friends follow me into the classroom, and we sit down in our seats. It had always been like this, at most the only thing that changed was the classroom. The day passes by quickly, school always does, on my way back home I spot a distant face. I reach out and say "hello," –she doesn't hear me. Maybe she'll hear me tomorrow? She was beautiful, someone who I Get more content on
  • 16. Essay About My Best Day Have you at any point had an exceptionally paramount day that you wish you could remember those minutes over and over again if you could? Well I do. Everything begins when I attempted this celebrated surely understood Mexican dish called Birria. My goodness did I begin to look all starry eyed at this fiery delicious stew meat that I lean toward eating this than any other dish. Be that as it may, mind you, seafood was my most loved sustenance yet Birria has prevailed upon my heart any fish dish. I can simply recall the best and absolute best day ever that I had when I was nine years of age. On August seventh, 2007 my ninth birthday celebration is the thing that has turned this exact day into my most memorable memory. The day preceding my birthday, August sixth, I was pressing my gear quickly around 6 o'clock pm since I had a flight to take with my folks for my birthday surprise. I was so energized and anxious to know where me and my family would go. I kept running towards my father's Nissan auto and sat in the back with my younger sibling clasping her safety belt on her. I recollect that I was chiming into my most loved Rihanna tune from the radio station so I already knew it was going to be a good day. We arrived at the Oakland air terminal more content... I aroused at 11:00 AM to a pleasant blustery warm bright Tuesday morning in Hawaii. To be much more particular I was in Maui and I had no clue how I got into a bed yet I was so glad to have woken up in my Auntie Alejandra's comfortable home. If you have visited by any chance been to Maui or some other Hawaiian islands you know it feels like you are in heaven. Particularly when you are youthful you have no kind of worries or stress. The weather was burning hot that I couldn't fall asleep at night or perhaps it was the exhilaration not giving me a chance to fall asleep since my birthday was the following day. When I woke up, I noticed a scent that helped me to remember my most loved Get more content on
  • 17. My Best Day I though this summer day would be the best day, I woke up at 9:00 a.m the bright sun was peeking through my window and the birds were chirping. I didn't have to worry about getting ready fast to make the bus or do any homework. My mom finally had a day off work and we were going to go shopping and go swimming. My mom burst in my room, throwing clothes yelling " come on you have a doctor's appointment, we are going to be late!" I hate the doctor, she is always is telling me there is a problem, I feel like she is mean to me on purpose. My mom is still trying to pry me out of bed, she final go me out after 5 minutes had past. I know today would be the worst day ever after I had to get out of bed before 10:30. We had gotten in the car and my mom was zooming past cars like a crazy lady. We finally arrived at the doctor's office at 9:49 my appointment was at 9:50 , so we had to sprint in the building so we would not be late. We had opened the door to Yong Yo office I could smell the torture coming. The smell of sick old nasty people filled the air. There were two ratty chairs in there with a sign that said "Cover your mouth", it also had a desk in the back where the assistance were sitting. They had walls and walls of files. There were papers scattered on her desk with sticky notes on then. After we got the assistance, attention we checked in. Yong Yo had called me back with her scratchy voice. I sat in the room that felt like a small box with one healthy poster on the tan Get more content on
  • 18. My Best Days Of My Life Wednesday, December 16th, or as I like to call it, one of the best days of my life. Is it clichГ© to call my first concert experience one of the best days of my life? Probably. But it was just such a surreal experience. I went to go see The 1975 at Club Nokia in Los Angeles, California. My best friend knew that I had never been to a concert before, so on my Birthday she gave me tickets to go see The 1975 as a gift. I had been looking forward to the concert for months, and when the day finally came, I felt both nervous and excited to go see one of my favorite bands. The 1975 is an alternative rock/indie rock/pop music band who I had heard of due to another band that decided to cover one of their songs. The first song I heard was called "Medicine." It was two in the morning and I was driving to Arizona. Such a beautiful song, something about it was almost therapeutic for me. I fell in love with it instantly. After my trip to Arizona, I finally had time to do my research. I listened to The 1975's entire discography and they immediately became one of my favorite bands. I was glad that The 1975 would be my first concert experience ever. It was a cold Wednesday morning, I woke up at around six and waited for my friends to pick me up so we could go eat breakfast at IHOP before we made our way to Los Angeles. Upon arrival we decided to make a few stops before heading to the venue. We decided to do some shopping at The Grove. Being the huge book nerd that I am, I of course had to Get more content on
  • 19. My Best Day I thought this summer day would be the best day, I woke up at 9:00 a.m the bright sun was peeking through my window and the birds were chirping. I didn't have to worry about getting ready fast to make the bus or do any homework. My mom finally had a day off work and we were going to go shopping and go swimming. My mom burst in my room, throwing clothes yelling " come on you have a doctor's appointment, we are going to be late!" I hate the doctor, she is always telling me there is a problem, I feel like she is mean to me on purpose. My mom is still trying to pry me out of bed, she finally got me out of bed after 5 minutes had past. I know today would be the worst day ever after I had to get out of bed before 10:30. We had gotten into the car and my mom was zooming past cars like a crazy lady as we arrive at the doctor's office. My appointment was at 9:50 and we showed up 1 minute early, so we had to sprint in the building so we would not be late. We had opened the door to Yong Yo's office, I could smell the torture coming; the smell of sick old nasty people filled the air. There were two ratty chairs in there with a sign that said "Cover your mouth", it also had a desk in the back where the assistant was sitting. They had walls and walls of files, There were papers scattered on her desk with sticky notes on them.After we got the assistant's attention we checked in. Yong Yo had called me back with her scratchy voice and I sat in the room, it was a small box with one Get more content on
  • 20. My Best Day Essay : My Perfect Day Have you ever wondered what a perfect day would be like? An everyday routine starts to get annoying and boring, especially if you don't get a day off. At the moment, my routine is to wake up early, get ready for school, go to school, and after a long day come back home. From the time I get home which is around two in the afternoon and by the time I go to sleep, it all consists of doing homework. Sometimes I wish I can at least take a day off and relax, with having no worries. The idea of a perfect day for me should be a day to get rid of stress, and should be an unforgettable day. As the sun started to come out, I knew it was time to start my day. The perfect day that I've always dreamed of was going to be today. I looked at my more content... In the meantime, while I was waiting for my food to get here I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes that I left in the morning. After my food got delivered I went back into my bed and started eating my orange chicken with rice. By that time, I was already in the fourth movie, all of a sudden it was really dark outside, but I was not scared at all, even though I was home alone. Now it was around ten at night and I had finished watching the Halloween series. I turned my tv off and started playing really loud music on my speaker. I knew it was nighttime and the neighbors might complain, but at the moment I didn't care about anything. I enjoy listening to depressing songs specially from Coldplay which gets me in the mood to cry. My eyes began to close so I turned my speaker off as well as the light and I went to sleep. At last, a perfect day for me should be different from any ordinary day, and should enjoy it like as if it was my last. I see a perfect day as not something outstanding, but more of like a lazy day. This day was one of the best days I've ever had because it's been forever since I've taken a break. Many people might do something like this on a regular day, but for me it was one of the days where I got to stay in bed, relax, and let all of the stress out. Days like this doesn't hurt and everyone has their own ideal day, but for me is all about being comfortable. As long as, I have a day off Get more content on