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Night Elie Wiesel Questions
Question #1 I think the purpose for Wiesel writing Night was to tell others about what actually happened during the Holocaust and how he survived.
It's important for future generations to be informed about what happened during the Holocaust. If the Holocaust happened again, we could use the
information we read in Night and learn from his experience. For example, when Elie said "Hunger was tormenting us; we had not eaten for nearly
six days," (page 114) we now know to try not eating all of your bread and soup at once because there might be times when you go days without
eating. Question #2 In the book, Elie says, "But we no longer feared death, in any event not this particular death. Every bomb that hit filled us with joy,
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Essay about Night by Elie Wiesel
Night is a novel written from the perspective of a Jewish teenager, about his experiences as a prisoner during the Holocaust. Our teenager named
Eliezer grew up in the small community of Sighet, located in Hungarian Transylvania. It's here that Eliezer studies religion, both the Cabbala and the
Torah. At the beginning of the war Eliezer was dedicated and absolute in his belief of God, but throughout the events of World War II his faith slowly
starts to wither away. Eliezer's main conflict that governs the story would be sustaining his belief in God. This becomes especially hard throughout the
book, as he has to face more and more challenging issues. Moshe the Beadle is the one character that Eliezer learned about his faith from, Moshes more content...
It's in these moments that Eliezer has lost all faith he had in humanity and religion, which he had previously learned from Moshe. One point in the
story that Eliezer questions his faith in God is when they are forced to watch the hanging of other prisoners, one time the Gestapo even hangs and
kills a small child for being associated with the rebels. It seems that during this point the prisoners start to react for means of survival only, family
members were turning on each other. The prisoners turn cold hearted and cruel towards each other because now their only concern is survival. Because
of the horrific events in the concentration camp and the ever–present risk of death does Eliezer begin to lose his faith in humanity and his God. Eliezer
has a tough time understanding how the world and the Gestapo can be capable of this much fury. Because his teachings tell him that God is good,
and since God is everywhere the world therefore must be good. Another strong theme from the book is the importance of family bonds, especially if
that's all you have left in harsh conditions. Eliezer has a hard time watching the other families interact because they no longer share a special bond of
love but instead share the idea of selfishness. More than once Eliezer experiences the rupture of the bond a family shares between both the father and
son. He describes his bond with his father as a support system; they both ensure the other has enough to survive
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How Does Elie Wiesel Question His Faith In Night
In Night, a memoir, by Elie Wiesel, tells about his life during the holocaust and how he begins to question his faith as he witnesses the brutality of the
Nazis. The Nazis force them into concentration camps and murder them without mercy. In Buna, he witnesses God being hanged as he watched a
young boy being executed in front of his eyes. Wiesel starts to question his faith in God when witnessing the horrific events he experienced during the
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Night By Elie Wiesel: An Analysis
The book Night tells the story of Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, and his time in concentration camps. Throughout the story, Elie slowly transitions
from a devout man of faith, into another godless wandering soul among this earth, phased by all of the thing that he saw in the god– forsaken
concentration camps. Before leaving his sleepy town of Sighet, Elie was so wrapped up in his faith, that he was somewhat naГЇve, believing every
about God that he has heard. Yet, when he and his father arrive at the concentration camp, Elie starts to question his faith, he wonders how God
would allow these mass amounts of death to happen. 'For the first time, I felt anger rising within me. Why should I bless His name? What had I to
thank him for?'(33). Elie, like most humans, had started to change what he believed in when things did not go his way. As he began to see the flames
of children and families burning, he went on to say, 'Never shall I forget the flames which consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget these
moments which murdered my god and my soul and dreams turned to dust' (22). This, was the final moment that Elie Wiesel had faith in God. For a
moment, he was just a scared little boy, trying to find someone to grasp his hand and comfort him in a time of more content...
While his father is lying on his deathbed, as Elie needed relief and pitied himself, he starts to pray again, he starts to regain the faith that he once lost,
'Please lord, take these horrible thoughts that I have had about leaving my
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Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel
Discussion Questions for Night 1. Elie's mission is one of survival, for both his father and himself. The book describes his journey to freedom and
the daily struggles he faced as a jew. Elie's longevity, at the concentration camps, is a direct result of his fathers physical presence. After the departure
of Elie's father he says "since my father's death, nothing mattered to me anymore"(Wiesel 113). Elie remains focused after his fathers passing and lives
to tell his story. 2. Elie struggles to remain humane and hold true to his faith. While in the concentration camp Elie begins to question why God is
allowing these horrendous acts to happen to his followers. One night while at dinner he angrily thinks "what are you, my God?"(Wiesel 66). Elie's
confusion and anger with God affects his emotions during his stay at the camp. . Elie is also troubled by his lack of proper nutrition, and at one
point he describes himself by "I was a body. Perhaps less than that even: a starved stomach"(Wiesel 50). This physically damages Elie's body and
lowers his chance at more content...
A part of the book that captured my attention was when Elie's dad, a strong religious leader, starts to cry. This shocks Elie and he says "It was the
first time I saw him cry. I had never thought it was possible"(Wiesel 19). Another pivotal event came when Akiba Drumer, an extremely faithful
person, loses all trust in God. This comes, as a direct result, from the horrible experiences he endured while in the concentration camps. Prior to
Akiba Drumer losing his faith he preached "God is testing us"(Wiesel 45) and "We have no right to despair. And if he punishes us mercilessly, it is a
sign that He loves us much more"(Wiesel 45). Both of these significantly poignant examples show how even the most faithful people, can eventually
be broken in a concentration camp. It also speaks to the strength that This also proves how hard is was for Elie to survive in the concentration
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Night By Elie Wiesel: Chapter Analysis
At the beginning of night, Eliezer describes himself, who believes strongly. How have his experience at Auschwitz and other camps affected his
faith? It has changed a lot and I will be talking about it in these three paragraphs. In the first chapter Elie's faith is strong. He believes that God is there
too protect him. He got asked a question by Moishe the Beadle "why do you pray". Elie answered "why do I pray? Why did I live? Why did I
Breathe." The quote is on chapter 1, page 4, quote 4. He is comparing life to prayer. He thinks his prayer is as important than life. He likes god that
much to think that. He has the most faith in the beginning. But it starts to change. Elie is questioning his faith in chapter 2 and 3. He still has faith
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Night By Elie Wiesel Analysis
Elie Wiesel says, "I pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the right questions"(5). Questioning God is essential to
building a relationship with Him. As one finds the answers to the questions they become closer to God. In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie grows
up questioning God and when he is put in the concentration camp he questions God in ways that test his faith. Despite having grown up so strong in
his faith, Elie questions his faith as he is put through the trials and tribulations of the concentration camp. Elie is traumatized by the horrors of the
concentration camps and it changes his faith so that it becomes difficult to believe in God. When Elie witnesses what his tormentors do at the more content...
Upon entering the concentration camps Elie forsakes God for putting him in this situation, but while being herded toward a fire and having a near
death experience he still finds himself praying. "Deep down, I was saying good–bye to my father, to the whole universe, and against my will I found
myself whispering the words: "Yisgadal, veyiskadash, shmey raba ... May his name be exalted and sanctified ..." My heart was about to burst.
There, I was face to face with the Angel of Death" (34). Elie finds himself praying because it is instinctual to him and is deeply rooted in him so
that praying is what he does when nearing death. Even though Elie was condemning God a few moments before, he does not know what else to do
but pray. Elie's belief in God is more powerful than his doubt in God. Faith is relief for Elie when he switches barracks and connects with two
Zionist youth. Elie says, "They quickly became my friends. Having once belonged to a Zionist youth organization, they knew countless Hebrew
songs. And so we would sometimes hum melodies evoking the gentle waters of the Jordan River and the majestic sanctity of Jerusalem. We also spoke
often about Palestine. Their parents, like mine, had not the courage to sell everything and emigrate while there was still time. We decided that if we
were allowed to live until the Liberation, we would not
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Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel
The book "Night", is an incredible story of one young man's journey between himself and his God under Jewish religion. Elie Wiesel is the main
character, and author of the book. He reveals things within himself, that a child should never have to question. During war there are many
questions that can never be answered by child, or adult. Wiesel starts his journey wanting to learn the word of Kabbalah, but his dad felt that he
was too young. Wiesel's father thought there were no Kabbalah in Sighet and that his son was too young, Wiesel's journey started in the book at
the age of thirteen. He had originally wanted his father to teach him the words, but would start by learning them from a man called Moishe.
Moishe was the Beadle, a jack of all trades in a Hasidic house of prayer. Wiesel studied Talmud, and by night would weep of the destruction of the
synagogue. Moishe was among the poorest of the poor in Sighet. He met with Wiesel, and begin the read the same page of the Zohar over and
over. Wiesel did not want to learn the word of Zohar, just to know the word. He wanted to learn and discover within his heart, the very essence of
divinity. One day all of the foreign Jews were expelled from Sighet, and Moishe the Beadle was a foreigner. Wiesel was distraught to see his friend
and mentor be taken from Signet, but unknowingly would face more torment in days to come. The Germans came to town, and broke the town into
two ghettos. No one had the right to frequent restaurant or cafes , more content...
Would I be able to ever believe in a God that put him through the terrible things that he did? [ Pg 115] "From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was
contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left." I think that Wiesel was trying to imply, that no matter how he has tried to
escape the feeling of death, that the experience would always be there with
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Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel
I chose essay question number 3. I chose this question in particular because there is a couple parts of the book Night that really stand out to me
because they seem very emotional and very challenging. And just because I thought it was a very good part of the book. The parts I really liked
were the big run the Jews had to run on, the time Elie and his father were in the cart for a couple of days and when Shlomo (Elie's father) was very
ill and Elie had to take care of him. The run was a pretty big part in the book to me because that was when Elie was almost to freedom. The
conditions of the run were very very harsh. It was super cold and windy. The prisoners running just had a their "uniform" on which included a thin
shirt and pants. And some people had shoes on but it they did they were very cheap. Mr. Weisel says in the story people were dropping like flies. Elie
says this in the story . I also more content...
He wants to give up but his son will not let him. He keeps urging him to keep going on and keep fighting but Shlomo says he can't. When the Jews
get to the camp after the run and the cart ride, Shlomo is put in the infirmary. Elie stays with him for all the time he can. But day after day Shlomo
gets weaker and weaker. Elie offers his father his soup and his one piece of bread he receives. The men who sleep by Shlomo steal his daily ration
of soup and bread. Someone tells Elie that he should not give his father his food and that he should take his own fathers food because Shlomo is
dying and he cannot be cured by anything. The morning that Elie finds out that his father died he did not cry or feel sad. He felt like the weight on
his shoulders was just gone. . When I read about this I was feeling very many things. Like how could I take my fathers food when he was nearly
dead? And how could I not mourn my own fathers death? I knew that I definitely would, no matter what was going on between my father and
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Essay Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel
The essay is about elie weisels he was taken to a death camp .The camp he was taken to was called Auschoutz. Elie was taken their at age 15 they
taken him in in 1944 and all his family got their at the same time his mom and little sister was killed and his dad died from sick ness. He survived
and got out 2 years later. Quote 1 neutrally helps the oppressor never the victim silence encourages the tormentor never the tormented .silence makes
the tormentor feel like he is doing something right but if you talk about it and let the world know .They'll realize they are doing something wrong. If
they was to put me in a death camp and I survived I would let the world know about all the suffering and torture I went through and that Hitler's way of
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Argumentative Essay On Night By Elie Wiesel
Night Do you know how it feels to live through a genocide? Do you know how it feels to be discriminated and even killed just for being different
because you're "interfering", and those watching don't help or speak up? Welcome to the holocaust, where millions of people were abused and killed
by the Germans just for being Jewish. In the book Night, Elie Wiesel, a holocaust survivor, explains in depth the horrifying experience he lived
through during this time period. He also elaborates on how it's dangerous to not speak up for those who are suffering, later on in his speeches.
Therefore, it's important to never forget the tragedy that happened and to do whatever is possible to prevent it from happening again and his purpose
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As Wiesel gives his speech on The Perils of Indifference, he states, "for the person who is indifferent... Their lives are meaningless". To further
explain, Elie elaborates on how people are seen differently to others and for that reason are mistreated and many people don't do anything to help
them. In that case, that's where he says that those people's lives are worth nothing once they are ignored instead of helped by those who are
bystanders. Furthermore, Wiesel continues his speech by saying, " Indifference.. is more dangerous than anger and hatred." Elie's testimony indicates
that due to people's religion, race, culture, they are judged and abused by others who dislike the aspects of that person. He clarifies that nothing can be
worse than being different than others and be discriminated, hated and maltreated. To further add, he points out that indifference is worse than anger
and hatred combined because everyone sees the horror those people are put through, yet, they do nothing about the situation and let it happen as if
they've seen nothing. This being said, Elie wants people to know that it's worse to be indifferent when coming to the suffering of others; he wants
people to open their eyes and observe if this is still occurring and if so, to not be the bystander and ignore the cruelty others are put through but
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Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel
Elie Wiesel was an award–winning author that wrote many inspiring books. "Night", a book about Wiesel's time spent as a prisoner during the
Holocaust inspired many to share their stories about the troubling experiences they faced in concentration camps. Elie Wiesel has had many
experiences during his lifetime, here, I will answer a set of questions to help the reader better understand the thesis of the book "Night" by: Elie Wiesel.
Elie Wiesel wrote the book "Night" as a tribute to all his loved ones that did not make it through the Holocaust. He aspired to show audiences
worldwide the true horrors of being a prisoner in one of the concentration camps. This is shown in the book when Wiesel wrote "Were there still
miracles on Earth? more content...
Many Jewish people did not have the luxury nor the time to write detailed paragraphs about their day. They were more focused on their basic needs
such as food, water, and sleep. While an author that writes about the Holocaust after the war may have more time to worry about the details of the
book. This is reinforced when Wiesel explained "They transferred me to another Kommando, the construction one, where twelve hours a day I hauled
heavy slabs of stone" (Lines 6–9). This shows that Jewish people did not have the time to write deeply detailed paragraphs about how their day was
during their time as a prisoner. Most Jewish people in the camps were barely given the necessities to survive more than 3 days in the camps. This
explains why very few diaries written during the Holocaust by one of the prisoners were found after the war. I would recommend this memoir to all
my friends and family because it takes someone a step closer to realizing the true terrors that Nazi Germany was doing to Jewish women, children, and
elderly. It shows that many take their way of living for granted and that people are not thankful for what they have because their conditions can be a
lot worse than they would expect. I believe that if I have some of my friends and family read this book, they will not take what they have for granted
and they will be more thankful for what they have instead of focusing on what they don't
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Night By Elie Wiesel, Questions And Answers
4.Is there such a thing as morality in "survival" mode? Can a person right from wrong when they are suffering?
There is a sense of morality in intense suffering, yet it is warped. When you are suffering from extreme pain, you disregard the sense of mortality.
When you are going through this stage, you only process the thought of ending the pain, and disregard the moral standards that you may have. In a
sense, you turn into a beast. The effect is greater for others, but there is always some amount of morality when you're in survival mode, though it may
seem negligible.
"Stunned by the blows, the old man said crying:
Meir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize me.. You're killing your father... I have bread... for you too.. For you too..."
Wiesel, more content...
He looked after his father and tried to keep him alive for a long time. Wiesel never was inclined to steal or attack other Jews. Wiesel questions his
god, and his life due to his suffering. His spiritual belief weakened by a hefty amount. Nevertheless, he still continued to have belief in god.
"It's Over. God is no longer with us."
Wiesel, Elie, and Marion Wiesel. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print. PG 76
9.What do you believe were the long term effects of this experience on Wiesel?
The long term effects on Wiesel were most likely very deep. Wisel probably had post traumatic stress disorder. He likely suffered from depression.
Wiesel without a doubt must have had many nightmares. The intense suffering and sights of horror has engraved a void into his soul.
"Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.
Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long God Himself.
Wiesel, Elie, and Marion Wiesel. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print. PG xix
10.What effect do you believe than an experience like Wiesel's would have on
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Elie wiesel uses a metaphor, Rhetorical Question to demonstrate that dehumanization ultimately causes severe mental, physical changes in the victim.
Elie wiesel use of metaphor demonstrates that they are acting like animals. For example "two lamb's without hundreds of wolves lying in wait for
them"(wiesel 59). The food is the Lamb's and the wolves are the jews that are hungry. Elie wiesel uses this quotation to express that the food and the
jews are acting like animals. The use of phrases lying in wait for them implies that the jews are waiting on the food. In conclusion, the metaphor used
in ch. 4 emphasises how they are acting like animals. Wiesel use of rhetorical question demonstrates they do not care about dying. For example "our
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Questions On Elie Wiesel's 'Night'
As the most famous Holocaust theme author, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Elie Wiesel's painful memoir novel, Night, records his personal
nightmares as a young Jew during the World War II and impacts today's world profoundly. The terrible living condition in the ghetto, the numb of the
prisoned Jews to send the little body of Jewish children into the cremation chimney, the diminishing faith of Elie to God, the little hope of surviving
and so on, too many such horrible scenes mingle in every reader's mind and meanwhile arise a lot of questions. Aren't those German soldier human
beings? Why the SS and Gestapo have not any mercy to those normal elegant Jews, including those lovely young girls and cute children? Why most of
the Aryan people just stand by during that time but not shelter the Jews? How can the people in a democratic German make their collective decisions
to support the dictator Hitler? What's wrong with that generation of people living in that land? Can we prevent such genocide happen again in today's
world? more content...
What most valuable thing the novel Night leaves us is just the reader's rethink to the humanity, the analysis to the society running organism, and the
backtracking to the soil that nurturing the anti–human crime. After almost half century's reflecting and exploring, the answer for all the questions above
relies in the Award Ceremony Speech from the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Egil Aarvik, "The lost of conscience, the indifference to
evil makes the people during that time be the partners in the
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"Why do you pray? He asked after a moment. Why did I pray? Strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?" (Pg.5). Moishe the Beadle
asked Elie Wiesel some questions that Elies did not know how to answered, he prayed everyday, he was alive but he didn't know why, he breathe and
he didn't know why neither. But the real answer only Elie could find it within himself. The book is based on real–life fact about how the Germans or
best known as Nazis came and slave all the Jews, they took away their freedom and their happiness. And this tell book the the story of the holocaust in
the point of view of a person named Elie Wiesel. Elements of dark and light can change your faith, how you believe and in what do you believe, but
how can it be changed
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Essay about Night By Elie Wiesel DOK Questions
Night By Elie Wiesel
Taylor BrennanOctober 2014
Period 6 Senior EnglishMs. Scimone/Hagis
Chapter 1 DOK Questions:
1. Identify one character trait of Elie's father. Elie's father doesn't display his feelings, and he is rather distant from his family.
2. Organise the events from 1941–1944.
1941: Elie meets Moishe the Beatle when he is 13.
1942: All foreign Jews were expelled from Sighet, including Elie's friend, Moishe.
1943: Daily bombings of Germany and Stalingrad occurred.
1944: German Army vehicles come into Sighet. Rules and regulations for all Jews came into effect.
3. Cite evidence to prove how the Germans manipulated the Jews. They acted politely to the women in their homes to more content...
The novel also mentions the stench of burning flesh on page 28.
3. Compare and contrast the behaviour of the Germans towards the Jews in chapter 1 and then in chapter 2. In chapter 1, the Germans were kind and
polite to the Jews in order to gain their trust. For example, the Germans treated the women with respect and bought them chocolates. In chapter 2, this
behaviour changed dramatically. For example, the German officers beat the Jews and had them cramped into cattlecars until they reached their
destination, which was Auschwitz. This treatment is also a form of irony for the Jewish people, as they did not expect this behaviour from the polite
German officers they had come to know in chapter 1.
4. Analyse how the Jews turned against each other in the cattlecars and throughout the novel. In chapter 2, the reader can infer that the Jews turn
against one another. For example, When Mrs. Schächter was yelling about the fire, the Jews attempted to calm down/soothe her. As time passed, her
screams excelled and were causing the passengers to become upset and anxious. They then started to beat Mrs. Schächter to silence her. The reader
can also infer that this behaviour continues throughout the novel because nobody can trust anyone and the Jews had to fend for themselves in these
harsh concentration camps.
Taylor BrennanOctober 2014
Period 6 Senior EnglishMs. Scimone/Hagis
Chapter 3 DOK Questions:
1. Recall Elie's concerns when
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Summary Of ' Night ' By Elie Wiesel
Keandre Santiago Mr. Roe English 4 CP Book Report Part 1 Title: Night Author: Elie Wiesel Number of pages:120 Where published: Buenos Aires
Copyright date:1972 Setting (time and place): Early 1940s, during World War Two, Holocaust era. starting in Sighet, Transylvania, and moving
throughout concentration camps in Europe. Type of book: Holocaust autobiography I would describe the main character Eliezer as polluted. His
innocence as a child was stolen. his beliefs that were fueled by his curiosity were put in question and stripped from him. He went into the camp
with the belief that there could not be a place as bad as people described. As he watched people starving and suffering all around him his whole
mind changed. We see him start to think differently and respond to situations differently. His religion was one thing he thought he would never
forget but his time in the camp changed him. He began to question the very existence of a God because of the events that unfolded around him.
The first setting that is crucial to the storyline is Sighet where we meet Eliezer and his father. The reason this place is so important is because this
is the place where you learn how close he and his father are and where you learn how important religion is to him. Both of which shape the story. If
he didn 't love his father why would he try to help him learn to march instep to help him stop being beat on. Or be so enraged and disgusted when the
pipel beat his father. If we didn 't find out
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Questions On Elie Wiesel's 'Night'
Part A
Question: What does the author, Elie Wiesel, have to say about the theme suffering?
In the novel, Night, written by Elie Wiesel, the author displays that one can only push through times of misfortune by staying determined. The author
proves this by describing it in three characters: Moshe, Eliezer, and Shlomo.
At the beginning of the story, Moshe experiences difficulty when he is one of the first to successfully escape the killing of the Jews. Moshe stays
determined through the suffering he endured by preventing fellow community members from meeting the same demise as what he saw in the camp.
This is seen from the scene: " more content...
When Eliezer first comes to the camp he has not adapted to his new lifestyle, and to the food. On the first day Eliezer rejects his ration of bread and
in return, he did not have the energy required for the next day. Eliezer is quick to adapt in the novel that eating his daily rations will provide him with
enough energy for the days to come.
In another scene, Eliezer comes back from another execution. His mind has become desensitized to seeing the executions countless times. Eliezer has
come to the realization that bread is life within the camp. This can be seen through the coming scene "Bread, soup –these were my whole life.". Elie
Wiesel Analyzes in the novel that bread is worth the same amount as an individual's life. He explores that regardless of what you go through you
should be grateful for what you have because you never know when it might change.
In the last scene, bread symbolizes both life and death, it can be within your grasp in one minute or the next it could be gone within seconds. The
following scene shows Eliezer and several other Jewish people trapped in a cage like a zoo animal. From the outside, people are throwing pieces of
bread into the cage. The people throwing the bread into the cage hold all the power in their hands whether or not that the Jewish people will live or
die. The bread in this scene represents both life and
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Night Elie Wiesel Questions

  • 1. Night Elie Wiesel Questions Question #1 I think the purpose for Wiesel writing Night was to tell others about what actually happened during the Holocaust and how he survived. It's important for future generations to be informed about what happened during the Holocaust. If the Holocaust happened again, we could use the information we read in Night and learn from his experience. For example, when Elie said "Hunger was tormenting us; we had not eaten for nearly six days," (page 114) we now know to try not eating all of your bread and soup at once because there might be times when you go days without eating. Question #2 In the book, Elie says, "But we no longer feared death, in any event not this particular death. Every bomb that hit filled us with joy, gave Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Night by Elie Wiesel Night is a novel written from the perspective of a Jewish teenager, about his experiences as a prisoner during the Holocaust. Our teenager named Eliezer grew up in the small community of Sighet, located in Hungarian Transylvania. It's here that Eliezer studies religion, both the Cabbala and the Torah. At the beginning of the war Eliezer was dedicated and absolute in his belief of God, but throughout the events of World War II his faith slowly starts to wither away. Eliezer's main conflict that governs the story would be sustaining his belief in God. This becomes especially hard throughout the book, as he has to face more and more challenging issues. Moshe the Beadle is the one character that Eliezer learned about his faith from, Moshes more content... It's in these moments that Eliezer has lost all faith he had in humanity and religion, which he had previously learned from Moshe. One point in the story that Eliezer questions his faith in God is when they are forced to watch the hanging of other prisoners, one time the Gestapo even hangs and kills a small child for being associated with the rebels. It seems that during this point the prisoners start to react for means of survival only, family members were turning on each other. The prisoners turn cold hearted and cruel towards each other because now their only concern is survival. Because of the horrific events in the concentration camp and the ever–present risk of death does Eliezer begin to lose his faith in humanity and his God. Eliezer has a tough time understanding how the world and the Gestapo can be capable of this much fury. Because his teachings tell him that God is good, and since God is everywhere the world therefore must be good. Another strong theme from the book is the importance of family bonds, especially if that's all you have left in harsh conditions. Eliezer has a hard time watching the other families interact because they no longer share a special bond of love but instead share the idea of selfishness. More than once Eliezer experiences the rupture of the bond a family shares between both the father and son. He describes his bond with his father as a support system; they both ensure the other has enough to survive Get more content on
  • 3. How Does Elie Wiesel Question His Faith In Night In Night, a memoir, by Elie Wiesel, tells about his life during the holocaust and how he begins to question his faith as he witnesses the brutality of the Nazis. The Nazis force them into concentration camps and murder them without mercy. In Buna, he witnesses God being hanged as he watched a young boy being executed in front of his eyes. Wiesel starts to question his faith in God when witnessing the horrific events he experienced during the holocaust. Get more content on
  • 4. Night By Elie Wiesel: An Analysis The book Night tells the story of Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, and his time in concentration camps. Throughout the story, Elie slowly transitions from a devout man of faith, into another godless wandering soul among this earth, phased by all of the thing that he saw in the god– forsaken concentration camps. Before leaving his sleepy town of Sighet, Elie was so wrapped up in his faith, that he was somewhat naГЇve, believing every about God that he has heard. Yet, when he and his father arrive at the concentration camp, Elie starts to question his faith, he wonders how God would allow these mass amounts of death to happen. 'For the first time, I felt anger rising within me. Why should I bless His name? What had I to thank him for?'(33). Elie, like most humans, had started to change what he believed in when things did not go his way. As he began to see the flames of children and families burning, he went on to say, 'Never shall I forget the flames which consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget these moments which murdered my god and my soul and dreams turned to dust' (22). This, was the final moment that Elie Wiesel had faith in God. For a moment, he was just a scared little boy, trying to find someone to grasp his hand and comfort him in a time of more content... While his father is lying on his deathbed, as Elie needed relief and pitied himself, he starts to pray again, he starts to regain the faith that he once lost, 'Please lord, take these horrible thoughts that I have had about leaving my Get more content on
  • 5. Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel Discussion Questions for Night 1. Elie's mission is one of survival, for both his father and himself. The book describes his journey to freedom and the daily struggles he faced as a jew. Elie's longevity, at the concentration camps, is a direct result of his fathers physical presence. After the departure of Elie's father he says "since my father's death, nothing mattered to me anymore"(Wiesel 113). Elie remains focused after his fathers passing and lives to tell his story. 2. Elie struggles to remain humane and hold true to his faith. While in the concentration camp Elie begins to question why God is allowing these horrendous acts to happen to his followers. One night while at dinner he angrily thinks "what are you, my God?"(Wiesel 66). Elie's confusion and anger with God affects his emotions during his stay at the camp. . Elie is also troubled by his lack of proper nutrition, and at one point he describes himself by "I was a body. Perhaps less than that even: a starved stomach"(Wiesel 50). This physically damages Elie's body and lowers his chance at more content... A part of the book that captured my attention was when Elie's dad, a strong religious leader, starts to cry. This shocks Elie and he says "It was the first time I saw him cry. I had never thought it was possible"(Wiesel 19). Another pivotal event came when Akiba Drumer, an extremely faithful person, loses all trust in God. This comes, as a direct result, from the horrible experiences he endured while in the concentration camps. Prior to Akiba Drumer losing his faith he preached "God is testing us"(Wiesel 45) and "We have no right to despair. And if he punishes us mercilessly, it is a sign that He loves us much more"(Wiesel 45). Both of these significantly poignant examples show how even the most faithful people, can eventually be broken in a concentration camp. It also speaks to the strength that This also proves how hard is was for Elie to survive in the concentration Get more content on
  • 6. Night By Elie Wiesel: Chapter Analysis At the beginning of night, Eliezer describes himself, who believes strongly. How have his experience at Auschwitz and other camps affected his faith? It has changed a lot and I will be talking about it in these three paragraphs. In the first chapter Elie's faith is strong. He believes that God is there too protect him. He got asked a question by Moishe the Beadle "why do you pray". Elie answered "why do I pray? Why did I live? Why did I Breathe." The quote is on chapter 1, page 4, quote 4. He is comparing life to prayer. He thinks his prayer is as important than life. He likes god that much to think that. He has the most faith in the beginning. But it starts to change. Elie is questioning his faith in chapter 2 and 3. He still has faith Get more content on
  • 7. Night By Elie Wiesel Analysis Elie Wiesel says, "I pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the right questions"(5). Questioning God is essential to building a relationship with Him. As one finds the answers to the questions they become closer to God. In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie grows up questioning God and when he is put in the concentration camp he questions God in ways that test his faith. Despite having grown up so strong in his faith, Elie questions his faith as he is put through the trials and tribulations of the concentration camp. Elie is traumatized by the horrors of the concentration camps and it changes his faith so that it becomes difficult to believe in God. When Elie witnesses what his tormentors do at the more content... Upon entering the concentration camps Elie forsakes God for putting him in this situation, but while being herded toward a fire and having a near death experience he still finds himself praying. "Deep down, I was saying good–bye to my father, to the whole universe, and against my will I found myself whispering the words: "Yisgadal, veyiskadash, shmey raba ... May his name be exalted and sanctified ..." My heart was about to burst. There, I was face to face with the Angel of Death" (34). Elie finds himself praying because it is instinctual to him and is deeply rooted in him so that praying is what he does when nearing death. Even though Elie was condemning God a few moments before, he does not know what else to do but pray. Elie's belief in God is more powerful than his doubt in God. Faith is relief for Elie when he switches barracks and connects with two Zionist youth. Elie says, "They quickly became my friends. Having once belonged to a Zionist youth organization, they knew countless Hebrew songs. And so we would sometimes hum melodies evoking the gentle waters of the Jordan River and the majestic sanctity of Jerusalem. We also spoke often about Palestine. Their parents, like mine, had not the courage to sell everything and emigrate while there was still time. We decided that if we were allowed to live until the Liberation, we would not Get more content on
  • 8. Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel The book "Night", is an incredible story of one young man's journey between himself and his God under Jewish religion. Elie Wiesel is the main character, and author of the book. He reveals things within himself, that a child should never have to question. During war there are many questions that can never be answered by child, or adult. Wiesel starts his journey wanting to learn the word of Kabbalah, but his dad felt that he was too young. Wiesel's father thought there were no Kabbalah in Sighet and that his son was too young, Wiesel's journey started in the book at the age of thirteen. He had originally wanted his father to teach him the words, but would start by learning them from a man called Moishe. Moishe was the Beadle, a jack of all trades in a Hasidic house of prayer. Wiesel studied Talmud, and by night would weep of the destruction of the synagogue. Moishe was among the poorest of the poor in Sighet. He met with Wiesel, and begin the read the same page of the Zohar over and over. Wiesel did not want to learn the word of Zohar, just to know the word. He wanted to learn and discover within his heart, the very essence of divinity. One day all of the foreign Jews were expelled from Sighet, and Moishe the Beadle was a foreigner. Wiesel was distraught to see his friend and mentor be taken from Signet, but unknowingly would face more torment in days to come. The Germans came to town, and broke the town into two ghettos. No one had the right to frequent restaurant or cafes , more content... Would I be able to ever believe in a God that put him through the terrible things that he did? [ Pg 115] "From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left." I think that Wiesel was trying to imply, that no matter how he has tried to escape the feeling of death, that the experience would always be there with Get more content on
  • 9. Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel I chose essay question number 3. I chose this question in particular because there is a couple parts of the book Night that really stand out to me because they seem very emotional and very challenging. And just because I thought it was a very good part of the book. The parts I really liked were the big run the Jews had to run on, the time Elie and his father were in the cart for a couple of days and when Shlomo (Elie's father) was very ill and Elie had to take care of him. The run was a pretty big part in the book to me because that was when Elie was almost to freedom. The conditions of the run were very very harsh. It was super cold and windy. The prisoners running just had a their "uniform" on which included a thin shirt and pants. And some people had shoes on but it they did they were very cheap. Mr. Weisel says in the story people were dropping like flies. Elie says this in the story . I also more content... He wants to give up but his son will not let him. He keeps urging him to keep going on and keep fighting but Shlomo says he can't. When the Jews get to the camp after the run and the cart ride, Shlomo is put in the infirmary. Elie stays with him for all the time he can. But day after day Shlomo gets weaker and weaker. Elie offers his father his soup and his one piece of bread he receives. The men who sleep by Shlomo steal his daily ration of soup and bread. Someone tells Elie that he should not give his father his food and that he should take his own fathers food because Shlomo is dying and he cannot be cured by anything. The morning that Elie finds out that his father died he did not cry or feel sad. He felt like the weight on his shoulders was just gone. . When I read about this I was feeling very many things. Like how could I take my fathers food when he was nearly dead? And how could I not mourn my own fathers death? I knew that I definitely would, no matter what was going on between my father and Get more content on
  • 10. Essay Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel The essay is about elie weisels he was taken to a death camp .The camp he was taken to was called Auschoutz. Elie was taken their at age 15 they taken him in in 1944 and all his family got their at the same time his mom and little sister was killed and his dad died from sick ness. He survived and got out 2 years later. Quote 1 neutrally helps the oppressor never the victim silence encourages the tormentor never the tormented .silence makes the tormentor feel like he is doing something right but if you talk about it and let the world know .They'll realize they are doing something wrong. If they was to put me in a death camp and I survived I would let the world know about all the suffering and torture I went through and that Hitler's way of Get more content on
  • 11. Argumentative Essay On Night By Elie Wiesel Night Do you know how it feels to live through a genocide? Do you know how it feels to be discriminated and even killed just for being different because you're "interfering", and those watching don't help or speak up? Welcome to the holocaust, where millions of people were abused and killed by the Germans just for being Jewish. In the book Night, Elie Wiesel, a holocaust survivor, explains in depth the horrifying experience he lived through during this time period. He also elaborates on how it's dangerous to not speak up for those who are suffering, later on in his speeches. Therefore, it's important to never forget the tragedy that happened and to do whatever is possible to prevent it from happening again and his purpose for more content... As Wiesel gives his speech on The Perils of Indifference, he states, "for the person who is indifferent... Their lives are meaningless". To further explain, Elie elaborates on how people are seen differently to others and for that reason are mistreated and many people don't do anything to help them. In that case, that's where he says that those people's lives are worth nothing once they are ignored instead of helped by those who are bystanders. Furthermore, Wiesel continues his speech by saying, " Indifference.. is more dangerous than anger and hatred." Elie's testimony indicates that due to people's religion, race, culture, they are judged and abused by others who dislike the aspects of that person. He clarifies that nothing can be worse than being different than others and be discriminated, hated and maltreated. To further add, he points out that indifference is worse than anger and hatred combined because everyone sees the horror those people are put through, yet, they do nothing about the situation and let it happen as if they've seen nothing. This being said, Elie wants people to know that it's worse to be indifferent when coming to the suffering of others; he wants people to open their eyes and observe if this is still occurring and if so, to not be the bystander and ignore the cruelty others are put through but Get more content on
  • 12. Discussion Questions For Night By Elie Wiesel Elie Wiesel was an award–winning author that wrote many inspiring books. "Night", a book about Wiesel's time spent as a prisoner during the Holocaust inspired many to share their stories about the troubling experiences they faced in concentration camps. Elie Wiesel has had many experiences during his lifetime, here, I will answer a set of questions to help the reader better understand the thesis of the book "Night" by: Elie Wiesel. Elie Wiesel wrote the book "Night" as a tribute to all his loved ones that did not make it through the Holocaust. He aspired to show audiences worldwide the true horrors of being a prisoner in one of the concentration camps. This is shown in the book when Wiesel wrote "Were there still miracles on Earth? more content... Many Jewish people did not have the luxury nor the time to write detailed paragraphs about their day. They were more focused on their basic needs such as food, water, and sleep. While an author that writes about the Holocaust after the war may have more time to worry about the details of the book. This is reinforced when Wiesel explained "They transferred me to another Kommando, the construction one, where twelve hours a day I hauled heavy slabs of stone" (Lines 6–9). This shows that Jewish people did not have the time to write deeply detailed paragraphs about how their day was during their time as a prisoner. Most Jewish people in the camps were barely given the necessities to survive more than 3 days in the camps. This explains why very few diaries written during the Holocaust by one of the prisoners were found after the war. I would recommend this memoir to all my friends and family because it takes someone a step closer to realizing the true terrors that Nazi Germany was doing to Jewish women, children, and elderly. It shows that many take their way of living for granted and that people are not thankful for what they have because their conditions can be a lot worse than they would expect. I believe that if I have some of my friends and family read this book, they will not take what they have for granted and they will be more thankful for what they have instead of focusing on what they don't Get more content on
  • 13. Night By Elie Wiesel, Questions And Answers 4.Is there such a thing as morality in "survival" mode? Can a person right from wrong when they are suffering? There is a sense of morality in intense suffering, yet it is warped. When you are suffering from extreme pain, you disregard the sense of mortality. When you are going through this stage, you only process the thought of ending the pain, and disregard the moral standards that you may have. In a sense, you turn into a beast. The effect is greater for others, but there is always some amount of morality when you're in survival mode, though it may seem negligible. "Stunned by the blows, the old man said crying: Meir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize me.. You're killing your father... I have bread... for you too.. For you too..." Wiesel, more content... He looked after his father and tried to keep him alive for a long time. Wiesel never was inclined to steal or attack other Jews. Wiesel questions his god, and his life due to his suffering. His spiritual belief weakened by a hefty amount. Nevertheless, he still continued to have belief in god. "It's Over. God is no longer with us." Wiesel, Elie, and Marion Wiesel. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print. PG 76 9.What do you believe were the long term effects of this experience on Wiesel? The long term effects on Wiesel were most likely very deep. Wisel probably had post traumatic stress disorder. He likely suffered from depression. Wiesel without a doubt must have had many nightmares. The intense suffering and sights of horror has engraved a void into his soul. "Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes. Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long God Himself. Never" Wiesel, Elie, and Marion Wiesel. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. Print. PG xix 10.What effect do you believe than an experience like Wiesel's would have on
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  • 15. Elie wiesel uses a metaphor, Rhetorical Question to demonstrate that dehumanization ultimately causes severe mental, physical changes in the victim. Elie wiesel use of metaphor demonstrates that they are acting like animals. For example "two lamb's without hundreds of wolves lying in wait for them"(wiesel 59). The food is the Lamb's and the wolves are the jews that are hungry. Elie wiesel uses this quotation to express that the food and the jews are acting like animals. The use of phrases lying in wait for them implies that the jews are waiting on the food. In conclusion, the metaphor used in ch. 4 emphasises how they are acting like animals. Wiesel use of rhetorical question demonstrates they do not care about dying. For example "our minds Get more content on
  • 16. Questions On Elie Wiesel's 'Night' As the most famous Holocaust theme author, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Elie Wiesel's painful memoir novel, Night, records his personal nightmares as a young Jew during the World War II and impacts today's world profoundly. The terrible living condition in the ghetto, the numb of the prisoned Jews to send the little body of Jewish children into the cremation chimney, the diminishing faith of Elie to God, the little hope of surviving and so on, too many such horrible scenes mingle in every reader's mind and meanwhile arise a lot of questions. Aren't those German soldier human beings? Why the SS and Gestapo have not any mercy to those normal elegant Jews, including those lovely young girls and cute children? Why most of the Aryan people just stand by during that time but not shelter the Jews? How can the people in a democratic German make their collective decisions to support the dictator Hitler? What's wrong with that generation of people living in that land? Can we prevent such genocide happen again in today's world? more content... What most valuable thing the novel Night leaves us is just the reader's rethink to the humanity, the analysis to the society running organism, and the backtracking to the soil that nurturing the anti–human crime. After almost half century's reflecting and exploring, the answer for all the questions above relies in the Award Ceremony Speech from the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Egil Aarvik, "The lost of conscience, the indifference to evil makes the people during that time be the partners in the Get more content on
  • 17. "Why do you pray? He asked after a moment. Why did I pray? Strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?" (Pg.5). Moishe the Beadle asked Elie Wiesel some questions that Elies did not know how to answered, he prayed everyday, he was alive but he didn't know why, he breathe and he didn't know why neither. But the real answer only Elie could find it within himself. The book is based on real–life fact about how the Germans or best known as Nazis came and slave all the Jews, they took away their freedom and their happiness. And this tell book the the story of the holocaust in the point of view of a person named Elie Wiesel. Elements of dark and light can change your faith, how you believe and in what do you believe, but how can it be changed Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about Night By Elie Wiesel DOK Questions Night By Elie Wiesel Taylor BrennanOctober 2014 Period 6 Senior EnglishMs. Scimone/Hagis Chapter 1 DOK Questions: 1. Identify one character trait of Elie's father. Elie's father doesn't display his feelings, and he is rather distant from his family. 2. Organise the events from 1941–1944. 1941: Elie meets Moishe the Beatle when he is 13. 1942: All foreign Jews were expelled from Sighet, including Elie's friend, Moishe. 1943: Daily bombings of Germany and Stalingrad occurred. 1944: German Army vehicles come into Sighet. Rules and regulations for all Jews came into effect. 3. Cite evidence to prove how the Germans manipulated the Jews. They acted politely to the women in their homes to more content... The novel also mentions the stench of burning flesh on page 28. 3. Compare and contrast the behaviour of the Germans towards the Jews in chapter 1 and then in chapter 2. In chapter 1, the Germans were kind and polite to the Jews in order to gain their trust. For example, the Germans treated the women with respect and bought them chocolates. In chapter 2, this behaviour changed dramatically. For example, the German officers beat the Jews and had them cramped into cattlecars until they reached their destination, which was Auschwitz. This treatment is also a form of irony for the Jewish people, as they did not expect this behaviour from the polite German officers they had come to know in chapter 1. 4. Analyse how the Jews turned against each other in the cattlecars and throughout the novel. In chapter 2, the reader can infer that the Jews turn against one another. For example, When Mrs. SchГ¤chter was yelling about the fire, the Jews attempted to calm down/soothe her. As time passed, her screams excelled and were causing the passengers to become upset and anxious. They then started to beat Mrs. SchГ¤chter to silence her. The reader
  • 19. can also infer that this behaviour continues throughout the novel because nobody can trust anyone and the Jews had to fend for themselves in these harsh concentration camps. Taylor BrennanOctober 2014 Period 6 Senior EnglishMs. Scimone/Hagis Chapter 3 DOK Questions: 1. Recall Elie's concerns when Get more content on
  • 20. Summary Of ' Night ' By Elie Wiesel Keandre Santiago Mr. Roe English 4 CP Book Report Part 1 Title: Night Author: Elie Wiesel Number of pages:120 Where published: Buenos Aires Copyright date:1972 Setting (time and place): Early 1940s, during World War Two, Holocaust era. starting in Sighet, Transylvania, and moving throughout concentration camps in Europe. Type of book: Holocaust autobiography I would describe the main character Eliezer as polluted. His innocence as a child was stolen. his beliefs that were fueled by his curiosity were put in question and stripped from him. He went into the camp with the belief that there could not be a place as bad as people described. As he watched people starving and suffering all around him his whole mind changed. We see him start to think differently and respond to situations differently. His religion was one thing he thought he would never forget but his time in the camp changed him. He began to question the very existence of a God because of the events that unfolded around him. The first setting that is crucial to the storyline is Sighet where we meet Eliezer and his father. The reason this place is so important is because this is the place where you learn how close he and his father are and where you learn how important religion is to him. Both of which shape the story. If he didn 't love his father why would he try to help him learn to march instep to help him stop being beat on. Or be so enraged and disgusted when the pipel beat his father. If we didn 't find out Get more content on
  • 21. Questions On Elie Wiesel's 'Night' **AT THE END OF EACH PARAGRAPH, YOU NEED TO WRITE HOW THE PARAGRAPH CONNECTS BACK TO THE QUESTION** Part A Question: What does the author, Elie Wiesel, have to say about the theme suffering? Answer: In the novel, Night, written by Elie Wiesel, the author displays that one can only push through times of misfortune by staying determined. The author proves this by describing it in three characters: Moshe, Eliezer, and Shlomo. At the beginning of the story, Moshe experiences difficulty when he is one of the first to successfully escape the killing of the Jews. Moshe stays determined through the suffering he endured by preventing fellow community members from meeting the same demise as what he saw in the camp. This is seen from the scene: " more content... When Eliezer first comes to the camp he has not adapted to his new lifestyle, and to the food. On the first day Eliezer rejects his ration of bread and in return, he did not have the energy required for the next day. Eliezer is quick to adapt in the novel that eating his daily rations will provide him with enough energy for the days to come. In another scene, Eliezer comes back from another execution. His mind has become desensitized to seeing the executions countless times. Eliezer has come to the realization that bread is life within the camp. This can be seen through the coming scene "Bread, soup –these were my whole life.". Elie Wiesel Analyzes in the novel that bread is worth the same amount as an individual's life. He explores that regardless of what you go through you should be grateful for what you have because you never know when it might change. In the last scene, bread symbolizes both life and death, it can be within your grasp in one minute or the next it could be gone within seconds. The following scene shows Eliezer and several other Jewish people trapped in a cage like a zoo animal. From the outside, people are throwing pieces of bread into the cage. The people throwing the bread into the cage hold all the power in their hands whether or not that the Jewish people will live or die. The bread in this scene represents both life and
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