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Human Services
Grading guidelines: Compose a journal assignment of at least
two paragraphs as a Word document with double spacing, 12-
point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your
journal assignments must follow APA formatting guidelines.
Visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' website, specifically
the pages on Social and Human Service
Assistants and Community and Social Service Occupations.
Also visit the What Is Human Services? page of the National
Organization for Human Services.
· In a journal posting, share what type of agency you might be
interested in working for and what type of human services
network (e.g., community resources) you would need to
familiarize yourself with in order to address the needs of your
· How would you develop this network? For example, if you
wanted to work in a Head Start program for children ages 3–4,
parents would probably ask you for resources that cover medical
care, food, housing, and clothing.
MBA 705 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
For the capstone assessment, you will create a business
implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the
product, service, or idea you have been
developing throughout your MBA coursework. You will be
assessed through two artifacts. The first will be a business
implementation plan, detailing the concept
and proposed implementation for potential investors or senior
managers. The second artifact will be an audiovisual
presentation designed to pitch the concept
(including implementation) to the same audience.
To effectively respond to the demands of a rapidly evolving
business environment, today’s business managers need to
possess a solid grounding in the theory,
best practices, and approaches that drive internal decision-
making as well as the various external factors that can impact
business choices. Perhaps no function
encompasses as many of these critical skills as ushering a new
business idea, product, or service from initial conception to
implementation. Throughout your
MBA coursework, you have been working to develop a business
concept (product, service, or idea), considering the different
elements that impact decision
making and creating a business plan for moving the concept
forward successfully. As the final step in your journey toward
your Master of Business Administration
degree, your capstone will bring all that work to the doorstep of
implementation through the creation of a business
implementation plan and an audiovisual
presentation designed to present the idea to potential investors
or senior managers. You will integrate the knowledge and skills
you have developed in previous
coursework and over the duration of the term with the goal of
having a “ready to launch” project that you can present to an
employer or potential financial
backer moving forward.
The capstone project is composed of two components. The first
is a business implementation plan detailing your concept and its
proposed implementation for
potential investors or senior managers. This plan should show
potential supporters that you have done your homework and
assure them that you have covered
all the details necessary to ensure that their money and/or time
will be well invested. The second component, an audiovisual
presentation (such as a webcam
recording or PowerPoint presentation with audio), will allow
you to design and practice your “pitch.” In it, you will briefly
present the key features of your
concept (including implementation) with an eye toward
convincing busy business executives and potential investors to
support your idea. Because many MBA
programs end with the creation of a business plan, your ability
to take the next step in planning for implementation will give
you an important advantage both in
gaining support for your project and in showcasing your ability
to think through all phases of a project.
Evaluation of Capstone
This capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other
courses you have taken online at SNHU. There are two separate
components that operate
together to comprise the whole capstone experience and are not
assessed separately. You will be evaluated on both as a unit in
determining whether you have
demonstrated proficiency in each outcome. Your work is
expected to meet the highest professional standards.
The project is divided into six milestones, which will be
submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold
learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six. The final submission for
Capstone Component 1 and
Capstone Component 2 is due in Module Nine.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following course outcomes:
qualitative techniques and information technology skills for
effective problem solving and
decision making
-functional teams in complex
and diverse business environments
lls to
effectively articulate thoughts and intentions in diverse business
-cultural, economic, geopolitical, and systems
knowledge to solve complex business problems in a global
conduct and corporate social
responsibility in making sustainable business decisions
global environment that add value to an organization through
the integration, synthesis,
and application of business practices
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
Throughout this capstone you will draw from many of your
previous courses, including assignments and artifacts. You will
continue to build upon these projects
and ideas throughout the capstone. This is an essential part of
your academic career, so it is important to avoid plagiarism,
specifically self-plagiarism. Please
review the Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Library Guide as
well as the article What Is Considered Plagiarism And How to
Avoid It for more information on the
proper steps to take for citation.
Southern New Hampshire University requires all students to
adhere to high standards of integrity in their academic work.
Activities such as plagiarism and
cheating are not condoned by the university. Review the full
Academic Honesty Policy for more information.
Throughout your MBA coursework, you have been developing a
business concept you think would be a valuable contribution in
the current market context. You
have created an initial business plan with relevant addenda and
considered the financial, regulatory, and other elements that
affect your concept. For your
capstone project, you will take the next step to consider how
you will implement your business plan and present your ideas to
potential financial supporters or
company executives. The capstone consists of two components:
a business implementation plan and an audiovisual presentation
of your business concept
(including implementation).
Capstone Component 1: Business Implementation Plan
In the first component of your capstone, you will create a
business implementation plan detailing your concept and how it
will be carried out for potential
investors and other concerned stakeholders (management, cross -
functional team members, and others). Throughout, you should
build on your previous
coursework, including your business plan and relevant addenda,
making any necessary adjustments and being sure to tie the
different elements together in
presenting a comprehensive business implementation plan.
Keep in mind that although different actors will be looking for
different things and will read your plan with varying levels of
detail, all stakeholders will want to
know that you have thoroughly researched your idea and have
carefully considered all relevant aspects for its successful
implementation before deciding to
support it. Consequently, your plan should be well-grounded in
evidence and data.
Your business implementation plan must include the following
I. Executive Summary. Provide a brief overview of your concept
and its key features, including cost, time frame, and anticipated
II. Justification. Lay out the rationale for the concept, including
the problem or opportunity it addresses, the market for the
product or service, and the key
features that set it apart from the competition. You should also
discuss how the concept fits with the mission, vision, and
priorities of the company
implementing it and how or why it is innovative.
III. Implementation Plan. Propose a clear and comprehensive
plan for implementing and managing the concept from inception
to completion. Although the
details of your plan will necessarily depend upon your concept,
at a minimum your plan should consider:
for the concept,
including where these will come from and how they will be used
to reduce cost or
improve operations. Be sure to discuss why one resource option
is better than another where appropriate.
needs to
be done, by when, and by whom. The schedule should identify
the critical path to
success and outline the dependencies between tasks.
that the project stays on target
ation of how intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship
factors in to the implementation of your plan and how you will
protect intangible
assets, such as intellectual property or brand
IV. Company and Key Personnel. Explain why your
organization is well positioned to carry out the project,
including how the concept fits with your
organization’s core competencies and the type of corporate
culture that will offer the best possibility for successful
implementation. In addition, define
the key roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of the cross-
functional team that will be responsible for implementing the
project. Although you may
not always be able to provide the names of the specific
individuals who will occupy those roles, you should explain the
specific skills and experience
required for each and the contributions each member will make,
including what your own role will be in the process and
contingency plans should the
team composition you propose need to be modified.
V. Financial Analysis and Funding. Analyze the projected costs,
revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from
launch until two years after
the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment
of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding,
and the associated costs of
attaining that capital as part of your analysis. Support your
analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an
appendix, specifying any relevant
assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other
support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income
projections, and any other
relevant calculations or financial reports.
VI. Assumptions and Contingency Planning. Clearly explain the
assumptions you have made in creating your business
implementation plan, any factors that
may affect those assumptions or the success of the project, and
how you have planned for those contingencies. At a minimum,
you should discuss any
cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may
impact the business environment and concept; how you will
ensure that the project operates
in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including
relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need
to be obtained; plans for
incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning
and implementation of the concept; and the role corporate social
responsibility will play
in the implementation of your concept.
Capstone Component 2: Audiovisual Presentation
For the second and final component of your capstone, you will
create an audiovisual presentation (such as a webcam
presentation or PowerPoint with audio)
designed to pitch your concept to potential financial backers or
senior executives. Your presentation should highlight the key
elements of your business concept
and implementation plan that are most likely to convince your
audience to support the idea moving forward. Remember that
while your audience wants to know
you have thoroughly researched and planned out your idea,
including implementation, they do not want a verbatim or
lengthy repetition of the information in
the business implementation plan when you pitch the idea.
Instead, you should strategically select the information you will
present and in how much detail
based on your intended audience. You should bear in mind the
key information they will want to know and the types of
concerns they are likely to have, and
anticipate the types of questions they are likely to ask.
Also bear in mind that financial or managerial support for a
project often has as much to do with the individuals leading the
project as with the concept. Backers
need to be convinced of project leaders’ and key staff’s ability
to be the face and drivers of the idea, as well as of their honesty
and integrity. Since you are
presumably one of the key team members, how you present is
just as important as what you present in building audience trust.
Be sure to communicate clearly
and professionally throughout.
Milestone One: Justification
In Module One, you will submit the justification for your idea
or concept. Lay out the rationale for the concept, including the
problem or opportunity it
addresses, the market for the product or service, and the key
features that set it apart from the competition. You should also
discuss how the concept fits with
the mission, vision, and priorities of the company implementing
it and how or why it is innovative. This milestone is graded
with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Implementation Plan
In Module Two, you will submit an implementation plan, which
is a clear and comprehensive plan for implementing and
managing the concept from inception to
completion. Although the details of your plan will necessarily
depend upon your concept, at a minimum your plan should
• Physical and technological resources needed for the concept,
including where these will come from and how they will be used
to reduce cost or improve
operations. Be sure to discuss why one resource option is better
than another where appropriate.
• A detailed implementation schedule covering what needs to be
done, by when, and by whom. The schedule should identify the
critical path to success
and outline the dependencies between tasks.
• Project review processes and indicators of success to ensure
that the project stays on target.
• An explanation of how intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship
factor in to the implementation of your plan and how you will
protect intangible assets,
such as intellectual property or brand.
This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Company and Key Personnel
In Module Three, you will submit the company and key
personnel, which includes your explanation of why your
organization is well positioned to carry out the
project, including how the concept fits with your organization’s
core competencies and the type of corporate culture that will
offer the best possibility for
successful implementation. In addition, define the key roles,
responsibilities, and qualifications of the cross-functional team
that will be responsible for
implementing the project. Although you may not always be able
to provide the names of the specific individuals who will
occupy those roles, you should explain
the specific skills and experience required for each and the
contributions each member will make, including what your own
role will be in the process and
contingency plans should the team composition you propose
need to be modified. This milestone is graded with the
Milestone Three Rubric.
Milestone Four: Financial Analysis and Funding
In Module Four, you will submit a financial analysis and
funding plan, which includes your analysis of the projected
costs, revenue streams, and net present
value for the concept from launch until two years after the
breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of
assets and liabilities, your anticipated
sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that
capital as part of your analysis. Support your analysis with
relevant primary and secondary data in
an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and
limitations. You should include, among other support, sales
forecasts, cash flow statements, income
projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial
reports. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Four
Milestone Five: Assumptions and Contingency Planning
In Module Five, you will submit assumptions and contingency
planning, which includes your explanation of assumptions you
have made in creating your
business implementation plan, any factors that may affect those
assumptions or the success of the project, and how you have
planned for those contingencies.
At a minimum, you should discuss any cross-cultural, economic,
and geopolitical factors that may impact the business
environment and concept; how you will
ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically
compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or
patents or permits that may need to be
obtained; plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer
diversity into planning and implementation of the concept; and
the role corporate social
responsibility will play in the implementation of your concept.
This milestone is graded with the Milestone Five Rubric.
Milestone Six: Audiovisual Presentation
In Module Six, you will submit an audiovisual presentation
(such as a webcam presentation or PowerPoint with audio)
designed to pitch your concept to
potential financial backers or senior executives. Your
presentation should highlight the key elements of your business
concept and implementation plan that are
most likely to convince your audience to support the idea
moving forward. Remember that while your audience wants to
know you have thoroughly researched
and planned out your idea, including implementation, they do
not want a verbatim or lengthy repetition of the information in
the business implementation plan
when you pitch the idea. Instead, you should strategically select
the information you will present and in how much detail based
on your intended audience. You
should bear in mind the key information they will want to know
and the types of concerns they are likely to have, and anticipate
the types of questions they are
likely to ask.
Note: If you plan to use a presentation software other than
PowerPoint, please check in with your instructor to make sure
your instructor can access the software
you plan to use.
This milestone is graded with the Milestone Six Rubric.
Final Submission: Business Implementation Plan and
Audiovisual Presentation
In Module Nine, you will submit the complete project including
Capstone Component 1: Business Implementation Plan and
Capstone Component 2:
Audiovisual Presentation. These should be complete, polished
artifacts containing all of the critical elements of the final
product. They should reflect the
incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. The
final submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
One Justification One Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Two Implementation Plan Two Graded separately; Milestone
Two Rubric
Three Company and Key Personnel Three Graded separately;
Milestone Three Rubric
Four Financial Analysis and Funding Four Graded separately;
Milestone Four Rubric
Five Assumptions and Contingency Planning Five Graded
separately; Milestone Five Rubric
Six Audiovisual Presentation Six Graded separately; Milestone
Six Rubric
Final Submission: Business Implementation
Plan and Audiovisual Presentation
Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your business implementation plan
should be approximately 25 pages long (not including
appendices, references, etc.), using 12-
point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You
should use appropriate section headers to divide the text and
cite references using the most recent
APA conventions. You may include summary pictures, charts,
graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully
explain the concept and
implementation, but should use appendices for detailed
supporting documentation.
Your audiovisual presentation should be approximately 30
minutes (or roughly the equivalent of 25 slides) with sufficient
audio to give the audience a clear, but
concise, understanding of concept and its eventual
implementation. Your instructor must approve the software you
plan to use for the presentation early in the
course to ensure that your instructor will be able to access the
This rubric will be applied to both components as a whole, and
no component will be assessed on its own. The “Possible
Indicators of Success” are examples for
you and the instructor of the types of concepts to look for to
demonstrate proficiency. They are neither exhaustive nor
proscriptive and should be used as guides
for illustrating how your capstone embodies the outcome. All
outcomes are weighted equally.
MBA-705-01: Analyze primary and secondary data using
quantitative and
qualitative techniques and information technology skills for
problem solving and decision making
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop problem
statements, based on data-driven analysis, that justify why the
proposed project is desirable, timely, and relevant?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to identify market
problems and opportunities using appropriate information
and data analysis techniques and tools?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to assess, using
relevant primary and secondary data, how his or her concept fits
into the
overall market ecosystem, including trends, consumer needs and
preferences, and major competitors?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to quantitatively and
qualitatively analyze existing or potential competitors’
strategies in
informing decisions about his or her own product or service?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to clearly present a
financial analysis for the concept that shows the investment
as well as when the concept will break even?
MBA-705-02: Lead and operate within cross-functional teams in
and diverse business environments
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to clearly designate the
relevant operational functions and roles necessary in
an implementation team to execute the concept on time and on
Does the student demonstrate the ability to identify a leader for
the concept implementation team with the relevant skills,
experience, and professional profile that is likely to inspire trust
among financial backers or other important stakeholders?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze how the
skills of each team member will contribute to successful
implementation of the concept in dynamic and challenging
business environments?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to appropriately plan
for contingencies across the organization should assumptions
regarding contributing team members and business conditions
prove incorrect?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to plan strategies for
strengthening organizational culture to successfully implement
MBA-705-03: Demonstrate oral and written communication
skills to
effectively articulate thoughts and intentions in diverse business
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to integrate concept
elements in a written report that effectively communicates
plan details, supported by evidence, to executive leadership,
potential investors, or other financial backers?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to effectively articulate
his or her thoughts and intentions to the target audience through
audiovisual media, highlighting the most important elements of
the proposal for that audience succinctly and accurately?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to deliver a clear,
compelling, and professional oral presentation that is likely to
financial backers to support the concept?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to distinguish between
the communications purposes of the written plan and
presentation and appropriately tailor the language and level of
detail of each?
MBA-705-04: Integrate cross-cultural, economic, geopolitical,
and systems
knowledge to solve complex business problems in a global
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to incorporate
stakeholder and customer diversity in planning implementation
of the
Does the student demonstrate the ability connect the concept to
the larger global marketplace and analyze how that connection
impact planning, marketing, production, and implementation?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to anticipate how
government regulation and political realities will interact with
Does the student demonstrate the ability to effectively plan
project review processes and success indicators by applying
systems knowledge?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop a plan that
properly protects intellectual property and other non-tangible
assets in the global business environment?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze differences
in regulatory requirements from country to country for how that
impacts global competitiveness and concept implementation?
MBA-705-05: Incorporate legal and ethical conduct and
corporate social
responsibility in making sustainable business decisions
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to articulate the ways
in which ethical precepts will be embedded throughout the
implementation of the product, service, or idea?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to connect the concept
with socially responsible approaches to the environment and to
other stakeholders, incorporating diverse perspectives?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop strategies
that have the potential to strengthen corporate culture such that
culture supports high performance and ethical behavior over
both the short term and long term?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze the legal
and regulatory environment to ensure compliance with relevant
statutes and oversight?
MBA-705-06: Create intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial
opportunities in a
global environment that add value to an organization through
integration, synthesis, and application of business practices
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to synthesize
established business practices with innovative approaches in
acting on
intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial opportunities?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to integrate various
project elements in presenting intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial
opportunities to potential supporters?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to create new business
opportunities by effectively articulating the ways in which the
concept will make money for the organization and its backers?
Business Implementation Plan and Audiovisual Presentation
Abdussamet akca
Defense industry is one of the most critical projects in any
It often tends to be costly projects to undertake
The industry essentially requires a great deal of financial
resources to facilitate its operations
Additionally, human resources are also a critical requirement in
this context
Its relevance significantly relies on the provisions of the
prevailing technology
Advancements in technology affects implementation of a
business plan in this sector greatly
This implies that shifts in technology during the plan’s
implementation critically interfere with the actualization
Defense industry should manifest continuous production if it
has to remain relevant
The primary provision that facilitates this continuous
production is the use of robots
These robots amongst other sophisticated relevant technology
ensures efficiency in the production
Also, the involvement of robots aims at minimizing costs in the
Defense industry tends to be a sensitive and controlled sector as
countries upholds the concept of uniqueness in this field
Focus of this business implementation plan
The primary focus will be developing technological equipment
needed in the defense sector
Also, it will focus on the critical issues that affect people’s
lives; an excellent example is the environment
This implies actualization the project under the provisions of
the law that gives guidelines on how to harmonize business’s
operations and these critical issues (Sherkow et al., 2021)
Furthermore, the relevance of quality and ethics will be
considered adequately
Project’s leaders and key staffs
Project sponsor; the person behind the definition of the success
criteria. He has a remarkable reputation of having undertaken
the same role for other three mega projects perfectly.
Project manager; will be responsible for organizing, planning
and directing the implementation process. He has a relevant
experience of ten years.
Human resource manager; responsible for hiring, leading and
directing routine activities. They manifest an undisputable
experience with a governmental institution
Financial manager; responsible for financial well-being of the
business project. They have a-nine-year experience in relevant
projects and is a part-time assistant financial manager at a
reputable financial institution in the country.
Technology manager; responsible for overseeing all
implementation specialists and processes. They have manifested
an undisputable work record for a significant period.
Critical necessities in defense industry
For the defense industry to remain relevant and attain success,
the following provisions are required:
- Financial resources
- Human resources
- Relevant technology
- Materials
- Acceptable documentations from the authorities
These provisions have to be coordinated comprehensively and
adequately to realize the presumed goals
Financial resources
A business implementation plan in defense industry will involve
enhanced financial resources
This implies that financial constraints is a threat to realization
of the perceived plan
Financial resources are important in acquiring right technology
and necessary materials
Finances are key in ensuring excellent mobilization of all
resources towards attaining expected efficiency
Human resources
Human resources who are highly skilled are essential for the
project’s success
This implies that the implementation plan should emphasize on
the concept of outsourcing skilled labor keenly
They often tend to be critical in facilitating both tactical and
strategic roles designed to attract success of the project
For instance, automating various roles by use of technology
needs a technology expert
Acquiring right technology in the implementation plan should
be given maximum sensitivity
Some critical technology requirements will often be outsourced
from other companies
This concept will be primarily emphasized by the relevance of
robots in the production
Since the defense industry tends to be a sensitive provision,
restriction aimed to protect leakage of know-how will be upheld
This involves all components required to realize the objectives
and goals of the project
The implementation of the plan critically relies on the
availability of the materials
Parties involved in supplying the key components should be
approved of their competence and reliability
The procured material should be of high-quality that meets the
expectation of the company
Legal documentations
This provision proves to be essential in ensuring the company’s
operations are legal
Proper documentation from the relevant authorities will be a
requirement before commencement of the project (Hochscheid
et al., 2019)
These authorities will involve governmental institutions and
relevant governmental regulatory organs
Acquiring legal documents such as patents licenses ensures that
the business gains legality
Further necessities
Furthermore, the project will involve other key stakeholders
that include:
- Shareholders
- Customers
The reason why they will be incorporated in the plan is because
they play a key role in the business
Other stakeholders will be incorporated in the business
strategically through the provision of their feedback
Strategies to enhance the success of the plan
Involvement of robots in the implementation to enhance
Also, these robots will facilitate the need to minimize costs of
During the relevance of this provision, robot’s technology will
be expected to maintain consistency during the entire process
The company will engage many suppliers; this will emphasize
the needed effectiveness and efficiency since it will be
convenient to switch from one supplier to another
Continuous production geared towards meeting set targets; this
will be necessitated by constant application of robots
In addition to robots, deployment of other sophisticated
technology towards preventing cases of failure will be
The considered human resources will be comprehensively
evaluated towards deploying high-skilled personnel
Enlightening the companies employees of the ethical
requirements to be observed to ensure that their practices are
ethically sensitive
Another concept that needs to be appreciated critically in this
context is the provision of communication
An effective and reliable language will be deployed as a key
tool towards attaining constructive communication in the
This will find great relevance especially when doing business
transactions with other stakeholders
Significance of the project
During the actualization of the project, much concern will be to
benefit the immediate community
The implementation of the project is expected to create job
opportunities to many of the immediate population
Many people will be engaged to provide services such as
accounting, financial advisory, and technologists amongst
This will be associated with ultimate improvement of their
living standards
The business is expected to prioritize the concept of
environmental conservation primarily through corporate social
responsibility (Simpson et al., 2020)
Significant emphasis will be invested on the issues of
environmental pollution
The primary aim will be to enhance the environment as a better
place for the immediate society
Also, the generated revenue will be channeled to the
establishment of critical social infrastructures such as health
centers to benefit the immediate community
Furthermore, the project will create a reliable market for the
local resources
Most of required materials will be sourced from the immediate
Additionally, the project proves to be critical in enhancing the
country’s overall security
Presence of the company in the country ensures availability of
defense equipment and at considerably lower costs
Potential challenges
Occasional international conflicts often affect business
activities between nations adversely (Sethi, 2007)
This will inconvenience movement of products across borders
Also, some other countries may tend to impose enhanced taxes
and tariffs on products from other countries
These implications manifest a significant challenge as the
company’s international relevance is concerned
Economic factors such as inflation rates, interest rates and taxes
income levels also manifest a remarkable threat to the success
of the project
This concept tends to interfere with the well-being of the
business environment critically (Masters et al., n.d)
The adversity of the same poses a possibility of limiting the
company’s net incomes which may turn to be devastating
Precautions to be taken
The adopted technology provisions should remain relatively
stable in the course of implementation
The standard specifications must always be met in all
dimensions of the implementation
Language barrier should always be addressed with immediate
urgency especially when dealing with potential stakeholders
Ensuring that legal documentations are always up-to-date
Ensuring emphasis of ethical provisions in all of the company’s
The process should ensure that it observes all environmental
Deployment of robots versus that of human resources should be
Relevant appeal
Accordance of occasional tax relief by the government
Constructive mutual business relationships with the locals
Positive response from all stakeholders when needed
Favorable managing regulations by the government towards
creating a conducive environment
The implementation of project requires comprehensive
deployment of human, technological and financial resources
Also, it will be expected to uphold relevant legal and ethical
It manifests remarkable benefits such as job and market creation
However, it faces potential challenges that involves
implications of economic factors and international conflicts
The success of the project requires appreciation of sensitivity
and quality
Hochscheid, É., & Halin, G. (2019). Micro BIM adoption in
design firms: Guidelines for doing a BIM implementation plan.
In Creative Construction Conference 2019 (pp. 864-871).
Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Masters, W. L., & Style, A. P. A. analysis of cross-cultural
economic and geopolitical factors paper.
International Business Strategy, 7(2).
Sherkow, J. S., Barker, K., Braverman, I., Cook-Deegan, B.,
Durbin, R., Easter, C., ... & Greely, H. T. (2021). Ethical, legal,
and social issues in the Earth BioGenome Project. Ann and da
Silva, Manuela and Torrance, Andrew W. and Greely, Henry
(Hank) T., Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in the Earth
BioGenome Project (March 25, 2021).
Simpson, B., Robertson, J. L., & White, K. (2020). How co-
creation increases employee corporate social responsibility and
organizational engagement: The moderating role of self-
construal. Journal of Business Ethics, 166(2), 331-350.
1-2 Milestone One: Justification
Abdussamet akca
MBA 750
Increasing automation in the defense sector is a concept that can
be implemented to
benefit defense and aerospace manufacturing companies.
Creating robots reduces the workforce
required in a job, increases production, and lowers the costs
involved in production. Many
companies are adopting automation to increase non-defective
products production. Due to human
error, there is the likelihood that some goods, if produced using
the workforce, will be defective.
For a company trying to maximize profits and minimize
expenditure and costs, defective goods
lower the company's profitability. Hence, robots are the best
option because automation leads to
uniform and non-defective products. In addition, the concept
lowers the costs of the workforce
because machines do not get tired or exhausted (Terry, 2019).
That means it can operate for
many hours, unlike human power. Therefore, the company
reduces the money spent on hiring
because the robots can handle many people's work. The robots
also help in doing dangerous and
unpleasant work. In the defense sector, there is the
manufacturing of many goods. Some of the
products manufactured cause harm to human beings when
exposed to them. Therefore the
procedure becomes more expensive for the manufacturing
companies as they are forced to spend
a lot on protective wear for the employees carrying out the
work. Since robots do not get infected
or are not affected by the reaction between the chemicals used
in these harmful procedures, they
can save the manufacturing companies a lot. Firstly, companies
do not need to hire many people
to perform these tasks since they require maximum carefulness.
The costs of hiring so many staff
are reduced when the robots are adopted to do the work. In
addition, the company does not spend
a lot on protective wear since the robots do not need it.
Automation also powers growth in companies; when covid 19
hit the planet, many
companies underwent many challenges. Since there were
government orders and restrictions for
people to keep a distance and stay at home, many companies
experienced shortages in labor.
This is because f a unit comprises a certain number of people,
they could not operate in such a
unit anymore. Therefore the companies started experiencing
losses because of low productivity
and high labor costs. Due to this, companies need to adopt
automation so that the production
lines can continue running. Having robots do the work
eliminates any chances of production
stoppage since machines do not get sick or exhausted. Therefor e
companies do not face the
dangers of running short of production when there is a
contingency. There is also the assurance
of stability if the automation processes are used. This is because
there is always production going
on, even in the presence of contingencies or crises. Therefore
the companies do not stop
production because they are not entirely dependent on the
workforce. There is reliability in using
machines, and the company's growth is increased because there
is a steady flow of production
(Tuomi et al., 2019). There are also other benefits stemming
from the adoption of robots in
production; automation has led to many opportunities, including
reliance on technology. The
efficiency of a company can be increased by reliance on
technology; this is because
technological advancements offer companies the chance to
produce innovative products. This
increases the market share of the company as well as its
competitive advantage. In addition,
artificial intelligence and robotic automation are increased in
the company; the company
becomes more reliant on technology and the advantages the
technology advancements have to
offer. Also, the company starts becoming more competitive, and
the goods they produce are
competitive in the market. The company's resources are utilized
to the maximum because
defective goods are reduced. The company is transformed by
technology because technology
makes it possible to achieve its goals more quickly.
The market for artificial intelligence is growing around the
world. This is because many
companies in different industries adopt automation to make
their work easier. The concept
targets a large market since every industry can utilize the
concept of automation. But most
importantly, in this case, the concept targets manufacturing
companies. The concept aims to
ensure companies increase automation in the manufacturing
process to ease the costs of
production. This is a vast market that affects the economy.
When there are decreased costs in
production, there is a decrease in prices, or the companies can
decide3 not to lower the prices so
that they can enjoy large margin profits. This means growth in
these companies. The market for
robots has its dynamics, such as the rise in demand for the
robots. Industries have been acquiring
automation to ensure they reach their desired goals; since the
automation process has been
utilized by some companies and led them to success, then other
companies in the same or
different industries are also adopting the technolo gy.
Therefore, the concept can be used in different companies
because it allows employees to
shift their focus from the tasks that robots can handle and focus
on other essential tasks. The
other market for robots apart from companies in the domestic
sector (Cave et al., 2019).
Automation is possible even at home. Some chores can be
carried out using robots at home. This
lowers the amount of time a person uses doing these chores and
focuses on other essential tasks.
This means the market for robots and automation technology is
extensive and can be adopted at
home and in companies. The market is even expected to grow
with time since other sectors such
as healthcare, defense, and others are adopting the technology,
increasing its demand and
growth. The demand is even rising due to the increase in
preventing coronavirus. The health
sector has been raising its demand for automation and artificial
intelligence to deal with the
impacts of covid 19.
The robots are made with sp0ecific features that set them apart
from the other similar
technologies to ensure they are competitive in the market.
Firstly, the robots are manufactured
according to the company's needs, and the industry company is
in. since there is the production
of many robots for different uses, it is possible for the
production not to fit the desired use or the
reason it has been manufactured for. There is an existing
problem where companies make robots
with no distinctive features. Therefore some become ineffective
because they cannot handle
some tasks. The difference in the type of robots produced by
this company is that they are
specifically made for their uses. There is no generalization, and
the requirements are researched
before the technology is developed. The robots have featur es
similar to human beings to ensure
the tasks are performed to satisfaction. Therefore it is an
artificial intelligence developed to
answer questions or handle a task. It is programmed in a way
similar to that of human beings.
The programming is done to almost suit the human being's
perception to ensure perfection. In
addition, the robots used in handling complex manual tasks have
features that allow them to
perfect on that specific task (Kaartemo & Helkkula, 2018). Due
to these features, the robots can
beat competition since there are many gaps in the markets, and
there has been a failure in these
technologies due to generalization. The main idea is to ensure
there is no generalization in the
making of the robots, and each can handle the tasks it is made
for. Hence, the product will be
able to quickly gain market share since they are efficient and
lead to the fulfillment of the
customers' needs.
The company prioritizes ensuring its products are innovative
and competitive, even in
line with its vision and mission. Hence the product is
innovative. It is in line with the company's
mission and vision. It can drive the company towards its goals
and set strategies. The product is
also innovative because it uses technology to solve an existing
problem (Upchurch, 2018). It is
designed to come up with easy ways to solve the existing
problem of production. Through the
technology, production is made easy, and also it lowers the
costs incurred by companies in the
production process. More time is given to the development of
the product to ensure it is more
specific in solving the problems it is made for. The fact that it
is not generalized makes it more
innovative. This is because it is made to be specific about
problems, and it solves the specific
problems it is made for hence making it easy to use and more
effective. It is also innovative
because the technology used in making it is different in that it is
focused on a specific area
instead of general sectors.
The following graph show the number of hours worked by a
robot, this helps to explain
the impact of the robots in companies and how they influence
the performance of the company
across different countries of the world.
Cave, S., Coughlan, K., & Dihal, K. (2019, January). " Scary
Robots" Examining Public
Responses to AI. Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM
Conference on AI, Ethics, and
Society (pp. 331-337).
Kaartemo, V., & Helkkula, A. (2018). A systematic review of
artificial intelligence and robots in
value co-creation: current status and future research avenues.
Journal of Creating Value,
4(2), 211-228.
Terry, N. (2019). Of regulating healthcare AI and robots.
Available at SSRN 3321379.
Tuomi, A., Tussyadiah, I., & Stienmetz, J. (2019). Leveraging
LEGO® Serious Play® to
embrace AI and robots in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research,
81, 102736.
Upchurch, M. (2018). Robots and AI at work: the prospects for
singularity. New Technology,
Work and Employment, 33(3), 205-218.
Milestone two: Implementation plan
Abdussamet Akca
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a technological software
developed to make it easy to build, deploy, and manage
software robots that emulate human actions through interaction
with digital systems and software. The desired outcome for the
implementation plan is to have as many organizations and
households embrace and adopt the use of robots and automation
of tasks to not only reduce the cost of production but also
increase effective productivity and consistency. Even though
some argue that Robots are replacing humans in employment
opportunities, (Fan & Tang, 2021) noted that the people whose
work can be done by robots get to explore other tasks where
they are much needed. But, for the implementation process and
plan to succeed, the following critical elements have to be
catered for:
Educating the people about robots and seeking wide acceptance
The first step of implementation, in this case, would be to
educate the masses and organizations on the value of robots and
get wide support especially from all the departments in
companies. The robotic solution would impact a lot of
individuals and departments. It is therefore essential to seek
wide acceptance before introducing the use of robots and
automation of tasks.
A discussion is necessary before doing anything especially
among several parties including the senior management, IT
department, and even those involved with basic operations as
well as the human resource managers and those who will be
tasked with buying, maintaining, and operating the robots.
These groups of people have to be part of the process from the
very beginning, as the policy of implementation requires (Van
& Van, 1975).
It is vital and critical that everyone understands the facts about
robot automation but most importantly they need to understand
that it brings with it a short return on investment. In addition, it
can open up other opportunities for companies and does not in
any way replace workers because there will be jobs that cannot
be performed by robots. Robots can only handle monotonous
dangerous jobs that are tiring and risky to humans (Singh,
Sellappan& Kumaradhas, 2013). Gathering user stories may also
help to convince people of the value of robots. It helps when
people hear from others already using the robotic automation
systems in their businesses.
Getting consensus on the definition of failure
Before the implementation is done; all the parties must
understand the viability of the robotic systems to agree on an
acceptable tolerance of failure. That will help determine the
level at which the process is deemed a failure if the RPA robots
do not meet the agreed-upon criteria for success. It is also at
this stage parties agree on what components can be automated
as robots cannot perform in all areas especially places of work
where a best-suited person has to sometimes make split-second
judgments or manipulate components for production to be
efficient (Joh, 2016). In such cases, the best consensus is not to
proceed with the RPA installation in those such cases.
Physical and technological resources
The physical resources needed for robotic automation to be
implemented include the robots, the installation of
technological devices necessary to run the robots, for example,
Keysight's Eggplant, Pega, blue prism, uipath, contexter, and
Inflectra Rapise. Most importantly, before installation, the
company stakeholders have to have a unified consensus on the
list of processes that are supposed to undergo automation. As
not all business processes will be suitable for automation.
A feasibility assessment will have to be done before the
process begins and any readjustments necessary made in good
time. Once the feasibility assessment is carried out, the RPA
process can be started and tested upon completion. After the
testing, a reaffirmation is necessary to ensure everything is
running smoothly and finally deployed to desired areas of work
for the robots to function. It is also important to build an error
handling procedure to ensure easy restoration in case of any
Implementation schedule
Often the implementation of RPA systems takes longer than
expected especially if the previous processes like identification
of areas to be installed, budget allocation, and what technology
is needed are not determined prior. Most times companies fail to
identify the right process or have insufficient information about
their existing processes (Chesbrough, 2010).
The implementation schedule must include the installation
procedure which must have the order of events. For example, it
should begin with installing high-level frameworks and
breaking down processes into the specific workflow. the
activities have to be chosen carefully and the workflow must
have good readability for workers to understand. In other words,
once the installation is started it has to go according to the plan
in order to avoid overlapping and wastage of time which in the
end costs money. Below is an example of a comprehensive
implementation schedule.
Person to undertake the activity
Training, certification, and approvals
One month
RPA team and HR
Program design
Two weeks
IT chairman
Program plan
Two weeks
RPA experts
Program execution
2 months
RPA experts
Program deployment and testing
Three weeks
The maintenance team together with RPA experts and the IT
The project review process
After the implementation and installation of the robotic
automation features, it is important to review the whole process
to ascertain that everything was done by the book. This is
necessary for ensuring that overall code quality is improved,
codes adhere to pre-defined coding standards, and that the codes
are user-easy and easy to maintain. It also confirms if they are
easy to read which is a critical quality.
The project review process must include conducting a gap
analysis to determine any inefficiencies cost by the new system.
Also, the review will help in the determination of whether the
project goals were achieved as well as determine whether the
stakeholders including workers are satisfied. During this
process, the project's costs and benefits will also be determined,
in addition, the review will also identify areas that require
further development if any. Most importantly the project review
phase will identify the lessons learned through the whole
implementation process.
Protection of tangible assets
Using robots is a big undertaking and can be challenging to say
the least. Some of the unforeseen challenges that come with
RPA systems include not being able to protect intellectual
property. Because data is fed into the systems for the robots to
perform, the likelihood of the technological systems being
hacked by fraudsters is high. It is for this reason why one must
have ways to protect themselves from such attacks.
One way to achieve intellectual property security is to have all
employees including the installers of the robotic systems
signing a non-disclosure agreement that forbids them from
sharing any intellectual property from the company. It i s also
advisable to invest well in data security while using RP as
anything using technology is prone to cyber-attacks. It is also
fundamental to ensure the company's tangible assets including
the robots which are expensive investments. From an
entrepreneurship perspective, insurance of property comes in
handy in case of any disaster that might affect the robots.
The world is moving from analog ways to more digital efficient
ways of production or working it is therefore inevitable to work
with robots to increase production. Implementing such a huge
project is however not easy, which is why proper planning,
scheduling, and above all sensitization is critical. For any
project to succeed, the implementation phase has to be correct
and according to the plan
Chesbrough, H. (2010). Business model innovation:
opportunities and barriers. Long-range planning, 43(2-3), 354-
Fan, H., Hu, Y., & Tang, L. (2021). Labor costs and the
adoption of robots in China. Journal of Economic Behavior &
Organization, 186, 608-631.
Joh, E. E. (2016). Policing police robots. UCLA L. Rev.
Discourse, 64, 516.
Singh, B., Sellappan, N., & Kumaradhas, P. (2013). Evolution
of industrial robots and their applications. International Journal
of emerging technology and advanced engineering, 3(5), 763-
Van Meter, D. S., & Van Horn, C. E. (1975). The policy
implementation process: A conceptual framework.
Administration & Society, 6(4), 445-488.
Business implementation plan and audiovisual presentatio n
Abdussamet akca
Business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation
While creating the business implementation plan in the defense
industry, it is assumed that the technology changes will remain
relatively stable during the implementation period. Shifts in the
technology during the plan's implementation interfere with the
actual realization of the project plan. Robots’ technology is
supposed to remain relatively constant during the
implementation stage. The use of robots in the defense industry
helps minimize the costs during the production process.
Automation of the production process through robots reduces
the cost of employing people to work the firm. The salaries
expenses of the employees who work in the production are
reduced hence the general cost of production reduced. It is
assumed that technology will remain constant in the entire
Materials are key components in the realization of the
company's planned project. Material components are very
important in realizing goals and objectives interfering with the
availability of the resources and materials affects plan
implementation adversely. During the creation of the business
implementation plan, it is assumed that the supplier of the key
component and other parts can deliver high-quality material
meeting the standard requirement of the firm and on a timely
basis. The company identifies different suppliers of key
components. They can be easily brought into the company to
ensure a steady and reliable supply of materials. When the
company has many suppliers, it becomes easy to switch h from
one supplier to another to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
It is assumed that production will be continuous for the entire
period. The use of robots in the production process continues
without stopping. Ensuring continuous production is key to
ensuring that a defense industry firm can meet its targets.
Robots and other sophisticated technology are employed to
ensure that production process, and there are minimal instances
of production failure.
Availability of resources such as financial and human resources
is key to the project's success. Financial resources are important
in obtaining the material and obtaining the right technology,
which is helpful in the running of the firms’ activities. The
defense company outsources some technologies from other
companies at a price to carry out various activities. They
combine the material to perform various roles and functions.
Therefore, financial resources are key in ensuring that resources
are well mobilized in the company to offer efficiency. Human
resources who are highly skilled are essential for the project's
success. Automating different roles by use of technology
requires a technology expert. The sourcing of skilled labor is
key in ensuring the company's success as they contribute to both
strategic and tactical roles, which leads to the success of the
Communication is a very key business environment. For the two
parties to exchange goods and any services, it is necessary to
ensure that the two parties have agreed with each other. A
language is a key tool in the communication process that allows
people to share information. The language barrier makes it
difficult for the business transactions to be carried out as partie s
do not understand each other.
International conflicts have a significant impact on business
activities between countries. When countries conflict, business
activities are usually interfered with (Master and Style).
Products cannot move from one country to another because of
the country's security issues. Different countries also impose
tariffs and heavily taxes products from the other countries. This
affects business as products from other countries appear more
expensive. In ensuring that one country's defense industry
becomes stronger than the other, Countries with superior
technology heavily restrict the transfer of know-how from their
countries to other countries. Countries create legislation and
identify which kind of company can operate in a certain region.
Economic factors such as interest rates, inflation rates, and
taxes income levels significantly affect the business. An
increase in the interest rates of the products affects the business
environment adversely as it makes goods prices in the market
increase. Business finds it difficult to survive in countries with
very high taxation rates. Higher tax rates reduce the business's
net incomes, hence forcing them out. Businesses mainly thrive
in countries that have favorable tax rates. Defense industries
are set up where government regulation managing the business
is favorable and supports the business.
Income level and inflation rates have a very significant effect
on the performance of the business. High inflation results in a
fast increase in the prices of commodities of goods. When
there are high inflation rates in the market, many people cannot
afford goods as it keeps on rising. Current cash, owned by the
company, cannot purchase goods because of the abnormal rise
in prices. The reduction in the incomes of the people also harms
the ability of people to make a purchase. When prices of goods
reduce, the money available for expenditure reduces, which
makes carrying out business hard. Countries with little income
cannot afford to have an advanced defense industry.
Before the commencement of the project, we will get proper
documentation from the authorities. Obtaining proper
documentation from the government institutions and other
government regulatory organs ensures that businesses carried
out are legal. The business operates ethically, and it is
important to ensure that the company's employees are fully
aware of ethical practices. This helps them remain ethical in
all their practices in the operation of the business. Establishing
the ethical standards within the project helps ensure that project
members help the organization become ethical. According to
Sherkow et al. (2021), Obtaining legal documents such as
patents licenses is key to ensuring that the business gains
legality. The company gets the right to venture into any kind of
business when it obtains the business permit to operate such
kind of business.
Stakeholders such as shareholders and customers play a key role
in the business. They must be incorporated into the planning of
the business. Organizations incorporate other stakeholders into
the business strategically by using the feedback received from
these stakeholders. During strategic planning, an organization
collects feedback compiled in the form of a report. The report
containing diverse opinions is implemented, which favors
people from different Areas.
During the implementation of the project, it will aim to benefit
the members of the community. The revenue generated from the
project will be used to build social infrastructures such as
health centers and hospitals which can benefit the close
community. Most of the resources used in these projects are
planned to be sourced from the local areas. Sourcing materials
and components used locally helps promote the market for
locally available resources.
The implementation of the project will create job opportunities
for many members of society. The complete execution of the
concept will require many people to be involved who can
provide services such as financial advisory, accounting,
technologists, and others. These people will be employed either
permanently or temporarily during the project. The employed
people will earn salaries used to improve their living standards.
During the implementation of the project, a lot of emphases will
also be given to issues of environmental pollution. The
environment is a key aspect that affects living organisms. In
implementing the project, environmental conservation measures
will be given major emphasis to protect the destruction of the
environment from pollution. According to Simpson, Robertson,
and White (2020), our business will become the co-creators of a
better environment for all people through corporate social
As this project will focus on developing technological tools
used in the defense industry, it will also focus on the real issues
that affect human beings' lives, such as the environment. All the
strategies for improving the environment will be developed
following the law. This is mainly because the fact project will
require legal in all aspects. The robots and other automated
equipment developed will be standard, meeting all the quality
Hochscheid, É., & Halin, G. (2019). Micro BIM adoption in
design firms: Guidelines for doing a BIM implementation plan.
In Creative Construction Conference 2019 (pp. 864-871).
Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Masters, W. L., & Style, A. P. A. analysis of cross-cultural
economic and geopolitical factors paper.
International Business Strategy, 7(2).
Sherkow, J. S., Barker, K., Braverman, I., Cook-Deegan, B.,
Durbin, R., Easter, C., ... & Greely, H. T. (2021). Ethical, legal,
and social issues in the Earth BioGenome Project. Ann and da
Silva, Manuela and Torrance, Andrew W. and Greely, Henry
(Hank) T., Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in the Earth
BioGenome Project (March 25, 2021).
Simpson, B., Robertson, J. L., & White, K. (2020). How co-
creation increases employee corporate social responsibility and
organizational engagement: The moderating role of self-
construal. Journal of Business Ethics, 166(2), 331-350.
Financial analysis and funding plan
Abdussamet akca
Financial analysis and funding plan
Robots are very important in improving the functionality of the
defense industry. The use of robots helps improve the efficiency
at the workplace as they can overcome the weaknesses of a
human being—the human being as faced with shortcomings such
as getting tired while doing their job and making errors. Since
there is huge demand s for the products being manufactured by
different industries, sometimes has resulted in overstraining on
the available labor, which always fails to achieve the targets set
for them. Some products are also manufactured from toxic
chemicals, which are harmful when exposed to human beings. In
the provision of security, robots can detect security threats
faster and take faster actions. Because of an increase in demand
for robots, our projects will mainly focus on developing robots
to be used in both industries and different security agencies.
The project aims to develop robots to use factories, treat people
and help in providing security.
Project costs
Robot development projects have a lot of costs. To have fully
functioning robots requires the robot manufacturer to incur
some critical costs. Costs incurred are necessary as they
ensure that robot developers become efficient in developing a
product that will meet customers' needs. Some of the critical
costs necessary in the manufacturing and development of the
robots include research and development costs, material costs,
installation costs, engineering costs, labor costs, technological
costs, maintenance costs, and other costs.
Research and development costs
Robot technology is new. Many people and businesses have
little knowledge about the functioning and effectiveness of
robots. There are also functions that people carry out, which
robots can carry out. Research and development costs are
important costs that have to be incurred by an organization.
Through research, an organization will be able to understand
different roles and activities carried out in manufacturing and
other sectors that robots can perform. Research identifies gaps
that have not been addressed by existing robotic technology,
and strategies are developed in the area.
Material costs
The manufacture of robots requires different types of materials.
The raw material, which includes metals, batteries, and systems
that ensure the efficient functioning of robots, is essential in
robots’ development. These materials are usually outsourced
from outside suppliers at a price. Robots' development will
therefore cost a company material. Material required to
manufacture robots can be costly since they are a special type of
Labor costs
Human labor is critical in the manufacturing of robots. People
are employed in the firm to perform administrative duties.
Human beings also operate machines used in robots
manufacturing. Therefore, a human being performs a critical
role in ensuring the running of the firm in terms of efficiency.
The firm usually employs these people to work in the
manufacturing firm, and they receive wages and salaries for the
work they do in an organization.
Technological costs
Technology is key in the actualization of robots' development.
Robots, which are by themselves technology, operate under
sophisticated automated Intelligence. Automated intelligence
technology is costly, and its implementation costs an
organization resource. Manufacturers spend their finances in
developing technology and operating the technology they use.
Technology that has been implemented also needs periodic
maintenance to ensure that it is performing well. Maintenance
costs also include repairing faulty machines used in the
manufacturing process.
Installation costs
For the robots to function, they are supposed to be installed.
Automated technology needs to be installed to realize the use of
robots. Machines and all required technology that ensure
accurate performance are installed and ensure that there is an
efficient performance of the tasks assigned to them. The
manufacturer has to be ready to incur the initial installation of
machines used in the manufacturing process and all technology
necessary for the proper functioning and operation of the
manufacturing process.
Cost Budget
Budget item
Estimated Cost
Research and development costs
$ 300000
$ 500000
Machine installation
$ 50000
Labor costs
$ 50000
Technological costs
$ 100000
Total Cost
Revenue Streams
Sale of Robots
After the successful establishment of robot manufacturing firms
and the production of robots starts, revenues will mainly be
generated from the sale of robots. It is expected that
manufactured robots will be able to be sold to hospitals,
schools, banks. Currently, governments are heavily investing in
advanced robots to provide security in sensitive areas. Such
provides the ready market for the products; thus, sales of robots
become the main source of revenues for the firm. Because of
the Covid-19 health measures, manufacturing firms have opted
to start using robots that are identified to be cost-effective since
they are cheap and efficient. Because of the realization
efficiency, the demand for robots has therefore increased.
Companies are now opting for a different production method of
using convenient robots.
Installation revenues
Installing robots to clients at a small fee helps an organization
generate revenues. Some manufacturers purchase robots and fail
to install them to start functioning properly. Such clients might
hire services from us to help them install those robots on their
premises. The installation will be the second-largest stream of
revenues for the robot manufacturing firm as clients will pay
small fees for the services they provide.
Training revenues
Training clients and employees on the use of robots efficiently
at a smaller fee helps generate revenues for the people. Training
fee charged on the clients who want to understand operating
robots is the organization's revenue.
Sources of funding
Equity funding
During the commencement of the project, I will carry out equity
financing. I will carry out marketing of my idea to potential
investors in the company. Those who will accept my idea and
invest some of their finances into the company will get to own
some company shares. Subscribers will be invited from all over
the world, and hence it will ensure that the project succeeds.
Equity financing will also be a good option for me since it will
help to spread the risk to many people. The shareholders will
never ask for cash after investing in the company. They will
only transfer ownership to other people when they feel not
associated with the company.
Debt funding
Since investing in a robot manufacturing firm requires a lot of
capital, it is necessary to look for an alternative source of funds
to finance the business's operations. Debt capital is key to
ensuring that the organization can keep running. Even at a
smaller interest fee, the company should obtain loans from
investment banks and other capital-providing organizations.
Debt financing also assures the company amount of revenues
that can be raised.
Retained earnings
Profits that the firm generates through sales of robots are
plowed back into the business. Such profits are re-invested back
into the manufacturing, which helps the business carry out its
activities, such as increasing the stock level.
Sales forecast
Sales Revenue
Projected cash flow statement
Operating cash flow
Net Earnings
Less: Changes in working capital
Cash flow from operation
Investing activities
investment in property & Equipment
Net cash from investing activities
Financing activities
issuance(repayment) of debt
Issuance(repayment) of equity
Cash from financing
Net Increase (decrease) in cash
opening cash balance
closing cash balance
Proforma Income Statement
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross profit
Administrative expenses
Depreciation & Amortization
Total expenses
Earnings before tax
Net earnings
PADURE, G. Using financial management to adopt long-term
Rodrigues, J. C. (2022). Business models for the digital
transformation of audiovisual archives. International Journal of
Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
Sledgianowski, D., Gomaa, M., & Tan, C. (2017). Toward
integration of Big Data, technology and information systems
competencies into the accounting curriculum. Journal of
Accounting Education, 38, 81-93.
Milestone 3: Company and Key Personnel
Abdussamet Akca
Rivian is a new electric vehicle company that aims to capture
market share and attention through its quality, unique vehicles.
However, the company is currently facing challenges due to
increased competition from established companies like Tesla
and Volkswagen. Other fossil fuel vehicle manufacturers are
also shifting to electric vehicles to remain competitive and for
future survival. Therefore, Rivian has to focus more on
increasing its competitive advantage, maintaining product
quality, and increasing sales. One of the strategies is robotic
automation; however, Rivian must understand how to use the
systems to fit its core competitive advantage, the new culture
and company teams to support the process.
How it fits organizations core competencies
Competitive edge
Robotic automation will help the company boost its competitive
advantage in various ways. First, the company will improve its
quality and assurance standards by eliminating common human
errors that compromise product quality (Jovanović et al., 2018).
The automation will also boost the production process, enabling
the company to meet all the demands in time, avoiding negative
reviews or product delays. Deploying robotics will enable the
company to reduce some production costs and expenses. The
costs will be diverted into activities such as research and
development to help the company produce products needed by
consumers. The additional costs can also be divided towards
sales and marketing, increasing the company brand image and
product demand.
Maintaining low production costs
The company focuses on maintaining low production costs to
ensure the costs of their products also remain low. This strategy
will help in capturing the market. Robotic automation will save
the automobile company a lot of money. Since the company is
planning to increase its productivity of electric vehicles, they
need to shift more capital towards boosting production instead
of exposes such as salaries. Automation will reduce salary and
other costs, such as human resources motivation and training
(Pramod, 2021). The company will also improve the production
capacity since robots do not require breaks and rest. This will
prevent the company from incurring losses caused by delays
within a section of the production facility.
Improved production capacity
The company aims at increasing its production capacity so that
its products can be widely available. Robots can cut production
time by about 60% by taking over most human labor processes,
reducing production time (Jovanović et al., 2018). The human
labour will only be deployed in areas requiring human input
such as test drives, system configuration, and other sections.
When working with robots, the need to confirm and recheck the
product for quality and whether everything is done perfectly is
minimized. The company can easily roll out the cars from the
factory without worries about a component missing. This is
because robots can perform redundant tasks without forgetting
any component.
High product quality
Robots can help the company achieve its product quality and
maintain the culture in various ways. First, it reduces any
possibility of errors occurring. By replacing human labor, errors
arising from actions such as forgetfulness are reduced (Pramod,
2021). Next, the company can quickly change the development
process without retraining. This enables the company to
improve product quality within the shortest duration and
without errors. Automation can help in quality and product
inspection without missing any components. They can easily
detect any component missing hence preventing the chances of
selling out a car with a default.
Corporate culture to support the implementation
Innovation and problem solving
Automation requires a culture of creativity and innovation. It
requires the employees, such as the production team, to get
creative on minimizing human labor demand and replacing it
with robotics. It also requires an innovative culture committed
to identifying ways to make the robots more perfect for the
duty. Robots can also be a challenge to the production
processes, especially when a software error occurs, the role of
the employees should be to ensure the occurrence of such errors
are limited and contingency plans are in action in case of any
error (Ivančić et al., 2019). Once the company switches to
robotic automation, going back to human labor due to
automation challenges is impossible; hence the team should
identify any error before occurrence.
The culture is also necessary to improve product quality and
standards; hence the team should increase the extent of
automation to perform other jobs such as vehicle inspection and
test drive. The inspection and test drive processes are done by
human labor, and they cannot test all the cars; hence they
sample a few for tests. This creates the challenge of other
products being faulty due to the sampling. Robotic automation
can inspect every car hence reducing such complaints.
Customer focus
Despite the company focusing much on automation as a quality
improvement and cost reduction strategy, there is a need to
focus more on the customers. The customer focus ensures that
the company identifies customer needs then develops a product
to address these needs (De Brentani & Kleinschmidt, 2016). The
customer-centric culture will enable the company to do more
market research to develop vehicle designs needed by the
customers. Then the company can reprogram the robots to
manufacture the exact vehicle specifications. The customer
focus will also boost the company's competitive advantage since
the products will be desirable. The robotic automation will
ensure the exact product features are achieved, boosting product
quality and demand in the long run.
Performance Improvement
The performance improvement culture aims to ensure that
product quality improves with time. Employees committed to
product improvement are innovative and creative to develop
various ways of improving product quality through automation
(De Brentani & Kleinschmidt, 2016). The product improvement
culture also focuses on boosting the innovation culture to make
unique vehicles to improve the company's competitive
Introducing robots in a company and automa ting most processes
requires teamwork to achieve success. The process includes
input from various departments to ensure the final automation
increases the production benefits while minimizing costs and
expenses (Norman, 2017). All the departments should join
forces during activities such as brainstorming to improve the
automation process. This also includes other departments such
as human resources, who will be responsible for employee
motivation and training to ensure the production, R&D; product
design teams are creative to achieve the company automation
Role, responsibilities, qualification of the team
Research and development
The research and development team consists of various
departments committed to developing a new product design and
features to meet user needs. This includes departments such as
product development, marketing and IT. The role of the
research and development team will be to ensure the company
develop new product designs that automate the production
process to guarantee product quality and ensure the exact design
specifications are met (Norman, 2017). The team will also be
responsible for market research to develop strategies to make
the vehicles safer and increase their performance capabilities.
Their role is to develop innovation and technologies then
automate the robotic process to produce the new products.
Production Team
The production team is responsible for running and coordinating
the robotic process automation. Their role is to identify
redundancies and dangerous processes that can be replaced by
human labor. Their role also covers identifying areas with
delays or those that can cause delays then reporting them to the
design team to develop strategies to reduce the production time
at the stages (Anagnoste, 2018). Robots will not entirely replace
human labor at the factory floor; hence the role of the
production team is to coordinate with the remaining labor to
ensure product quality. They also have the role of accessing the
robotics processes and confirming their feasibility and whether
they help the company achieve the desired benefits.
IT department
The IT team will consist of various employees in charge of
automation. I will be in charge of this team, and my role will be
developing a blueprint on areas where to put the robots to
increase their productivity by limiting the product journey on
the factory flow (Krzywdzinski, 2017). We will automate every
area using the blueprint, only leaving the sections that cannot
be accomplished using robots. The team will also be responsible
for identifying the various problems and developing solutions
before errors occur. They will do regular product maintenance
and upgrades to improve the capabilities of robots and speed
various processes.
Contingency plan
Robotic automation is critical for the organization; however,
challenges can arise, especially if there is a breakdown in a
particular area. In the long run, the company will develop a
redundancy plan to ensure the backup option takes over if any
error occurs. However, the company should prepare for short
term problems. This can be achieved through the parallel
implementation of robotic automation and systems. The parallel
contingency plan involves running the robotic automation
system alongside human labor; the two should work parallel.
The parallel system helps the company identify potential errors,
correct them and develop future solutions (Niemueller et al.,
2018). The parallel system ensures the production does not stop
due to system error.
Jovanović, S. Z., Đurić, J. S., & Šibalija, T. V. (2018). Robotic
process automation: overview and opportunities. Int. J. Adv.
Qual, 46(3-4), 34-39.
Pramod, D. (2021). Robotic process automation for industry:
adoption status, benefits, challenges and research
agenda. Benchmarking: An International Journal.
Ivančić, L., Vugec, D. S., & Vukšić, V. B. (2019, September).
Robotic process automation: a systematic literature review.
In International Conference on Business Process
Management (pp. 280-295). Springer, Cham.
De Brentani, U., & Kleinschmidt, E. J. (2016). Corporate
culture and commitment: impact on the performance of
international new product development programs. Journal of
product innovation management, 21(5), 309-333.
Norman, D. (2017). Design, Business Models, and Human-
Technology Teamwork: As automation and artificial
intelligence technologies develop, we need to think less about
human-machine interfaces and more about human-machine
teamwork. Research-Technology Management, 60(1), 26-30.
Anagnoste, S. (2018). Setting up a robotic process automation
center of excellence. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge
Economy, 6(2), 307-332.
Niemueller, T., Lakemeyer, G., & Ferrein, A. (2018, March).
Incremental task-level reasoning in a competitive factory
automation scenario. In the 2013 AAAI Spring Symposium
Krzywdzinski, M. (2017). Automation, skill requirements and
labour‐ use strategies: high‐ wage and low‐ wage approaches to
high‐ tech manufacturing in the automotive industry. New
Technology, Work and Employment, 32(3), 247-267.

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Human ServicesGrading guidelines Compose a journal assign

  • 1. Human Services Grading guidelines: Compose a journal assignment of at least two paragraphs as a Word document with double spacing, 12- point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your journal assignments must follow APA formatting guidelines. Visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' website, specifically the pages on Social and Human Service Assistants and Community and Social Service Occupations. Also visit the What Is Human Services? page of the National Organization for Human Services. · In a journal posting, share what type of agency you might be interested in working for and what type of human services network (e.g., community resources) you would need to familiarize yourself with in order to address the needs of your clients. · How would you develop this network? For example, if you wanted to work in a Head Start program for children ages 3–4, parents would probably ask you for resources that cover medical care, food, housing, and clothing. MBA 705 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview
  • 2. For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the product, service, or idea you have been developing throughout your MBA coursework. You will be assessed through two artifacts. The first will be a business implementation plan, detailing the concept and proposed implementation for potential investors or senior managers. The second artifact will be an audiovisual presentation designed to pitch the concept (including implementation) to the same audience. To effectively respond to the demands of a rapidly evolving business environment, today’s business managers need to possess a solid grounding in the theory, best practices, and approaches that drive internal decision- making as well as the various external factors that can impact business choices. Perhaps no function encompasses as many of these critical skills as ushering a new business idea, product, or service from initial conception to implementation. Throughout your MBA coursework, you have been working to develop a business concept (product, service, or idea), considering the different elements that impact decision making and creating a business plan for moving the concept forward successfully. As the final step in your journey toward your Master of Business Administration degree, your capstone will bring all that work to the doorstep of implementation through the creation of a business implementation plan and an audiovisual presentation designed to present the idea to potential investors or senior managers. You will integrate the knowledge and skills you have developed in previous coursework and over the duration of the term with the goal of having a “ready to launch” project that you can present to an employer or potential financial backer moving forward.
  • 3. The capstone project is composed of two components. The first is a business implementation plan detailing your concept and its proposed implementation for potential investors or senior managers. This plan should show potential supporters that you have done your homework and assure them that you have covered all the details necessary to ensure that their money and/or time will be well invested. The second component, an audiovisual presentation (such as a webcam recording or PowerPoint presentation with audio), will allow you to design and practice your “pitch.” In it, you will briefly present the key features of your concept (including implementation) with an eye toward convincing busy business executives and potential investors to support your idea. Because many MBA programs end with the creation of a business plan, your ability to take the next step in planning for implementation will give you an important advantage both in gaining support for your project and in showcasing your ability to think through all phases of a project. Evaluation of Capstone This capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other courses you have taken online at SNHU. There are two separate components that operate together to comprise the whole capstone experience and are not assessed separately. You will be evaluated on both as a unit in determining whether you have demonstrated proficiency in each outcome. Your work is expected to meet the highest professional standards. The project is divided into six milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules
  • 4. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six. The final submission for Capstone Component 1 and Capstone Component 2 is due in Module Nine. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: d qualitative techniques and information technology skills for effective problem solving and decision making -functional teams in complex and diverse business environments lls to effectively articulate thoughts and intentions in diverse business environments -cultural, economic, geopolitical, and systems knowledge to solve complex business problems in a global environment conduct and corporate social responsibility in making sustainable business decisions global environment that add value to an organization through the integration, synthesis, and application of business practices
  • 5. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Throughout this capstone you will draw from many of your previous courses, including assignments and artifacts. You will continue to build upon these projects and ideas throughout the capstone. This is an essential part of your academic career, so it is important to avoid plagiarism, specifically self-plagiarism. Please review the Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Library Guide as well as the article What Is Considered Plagiarism And How to Avoid It for more information on the proper steps to take for citation. Southern New Hampshire University requires all students to adhere to high standards of integrity in their academic work. Activities such as plagiarism and cheating are not condoned by the university. Review the full Academic Honesty Policy for more information. Prompt Throughout your MBA coursework, you have been developing a business concept you think would be a valuable contribution in the current market context. You have created an initial business plan with relevant addenda and considered the financial, regulatory, and other elements that affect your concept. For your capstone project, you will take the next step to consider how you will implement your business plan and present your ideas to potential financial supporters or company executives. The capstone consists of two components: a business implementation plan and an audiovisual presentation of your business concept (including implementation). Capstone Component 1: Business Implementation Plan In the first component of your capstone, you will create a
  • 6. business implementation plan detailing your concept and how it will be carried out for potential investors and other concerned stakeholders (management, cross - functional team members, and others). Throughout, you should build on your previous coursework, including your business plan and relevant addenda, making any necessary adjustments and being sure to tie the different elements together in presenting a comprehensive business implementation plan. Keep in mind that although different actors will be looking for different things and will read your plan with varying levels of detail, all stakeholders will want to know that you have thoroughly researched your idea and have carefully considered all relevant aspects for its successful implementation before deciding to support it. Consequently, your plan should be well-grounded in evidence and data. considered-plagiarism catalog#/policy/Hk7DXnEcW Your business implementation plan must include the following sections: I. Executive Summary. Provide a brief overview of your concept and its key features, including cost, time frame, and anticipated benefits.
  • 7. II. Justification. Lay out the rationale for the concept, including the problem or opportunity it addresses, the market for the product or service, and the key features that set it apart from the competition. You should also discuss how the concept fits with the mission, vision, and priorities of the company implementing it and how or why it is innovative. III. Implementation Plan. Propose a clear and comprehensive plan for implementing and managing the concept from inception to completion. Although the details of your plan will necessarily depend upon your concept, at a minimum your plan should consider: for the concept, including where these will come from and how they will be used to reduce cost or improve operations. Be sure to discuss why one resource option is better than another where appropriate. needs to be done, by when, and by whom. The schedule should identify the critical path to success and outline the dependencies between tasks. that the project stays on target ation of how intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship factors in to the implementation of your plan and how you will protect intangible assets, such as intellectual property or brand
  • 8. IV. Company and Key Personnel. Explain why your organization is well positioned to carry out the project, including how the concept fits with your organization’s core competencies and the type of corporate culture that will offer the best possibility for successful implementation. In addition, define the key roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of the cross- functional team that will be responsible for implementing the project. Although you may not always be able to provide the names of the specific individuals who will occupy those roles, you should explain the specific skills and experience required for each and the contributions each member will make, including what your own role will be in the process and contingency plans should the team composition you propose need to be modified. V. Financial Analysis and Funding. Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of your analysis. Support your analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.
  • 9. VI. Assumptions and Contingency Planning. Clearly explain the assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, any factors that may affect those assumptions or the success of the project, and how you have planned for those contingencies. At a minimum, you should discuss any cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept; how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained; plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept; and the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of your concept. Capstone Component 2: Audiovisual Presentation For the second and final component of your capstone, you will create an audiovisual presentation (such as a webcam presentation or PowerPoint with audio) designed to pitch your concept to potential financial backers or senior executives. Your presentation should highlight the key elements of your business concept and implementation plan that are most likely to convince your audience to support the idea moving forward. Remember that while your audience wants to know you have thoroughly researched and planned out your idea, including implementation, they do not want a verbatim or lengthy repetition of the information in
  • 10. the business implementation plan when you pitch the idea. Instead, you should strategically select the information you will present and in how much detail based on your intended audience. You should bear in mind the key information they will want to know and the types of concerns they are likely to have, and anticipate the types of questions they are likely to ask. Also bear in mind that financial or managerial support for a project often has as much to do with the individuals leading the project as with the concept. Backers need to be convinced of project leaders’ and key staff’s ability to be the face and drivers of the idea, as well as of their honesty and integrity. Since you are presumably one of the key team members, how you present is just as important as what you present in building audience trust. Be sure to communicate clearly and professionally throughout. Milestones Milestone One: Justification In Module One, you will submit the justification for your idea or concept. Lay out the rationale for the concept, including the problem or opportunity it addresses, the market for the product or service, and the key features that set it apart from the competition. You should also discuss how the concept fits with the mission, vision, and priorities of the company implementing it and how or why it is innovative. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Implementation Plan In Module Two, you will submit an implementation plan, which is a clear and comprehensive plan for implementing and managing the concept from inception to
  • 11. completion. Although the details of your plan will necessarily depend upon your concept, at a minimum your plan should consider: • Physical and technological resources needed for the concept, including where these will come from and how they will be used to reduce cost or improve operations. Be sure to discuss why one resource option is better than another where appropriate. • A detailed implementation schedule covering what needs to be done, by when, and by whom. The schedule should identify the critical path to success and outline the dependencies between tasks. • Project review processes and indicators of success to ensure that the project stays on target. • An explanation of how intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship factor in to the implementation of your plan and how you will protect intangible assets, such as intellectual property or brand. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Company and Key Personnel In Module Three, you will submit the company and key personnel, which includes your explanation of why your organization is well positioned to carry out the project, including how the concept fits with your organization’s core competencies and the type of corporate culture that will offer the best possibility for
  • 12. successful implementation. In addition, define the key roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of the cross-functional team that will be responsible for implementing the project. Although you may not always be able to provide the names of the specific individuals who will occupy those roles, you should explain the specific skills and experience required for each and the contributions each member will make, including what your own role will be in the process and contingency plans should the team composition you propose need to be modified. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Milestone Four: Financial Analysis and Funding In Module Four, you will submit a financial analysis and funding plan, which includes your analysis of the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of your analysis. Support your analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Four Rubric. Milestone Five: Assumptions and Contingency Planning In Module Five, you will submit assumptions and contingency planning, which includes your explanation of assumptions you have made in creating your business implementation plan, any factors that may affect those assumptions or the success of the project, and how you have
  • 13. planned for those contingencies. At a minimum, you should discuss any cross-cultural, economic, and geopolitical factors that may impact the business environment and concept; how you will ensure that the project operates in a legally and ethically compliant environment, including relevant laws, regulations, or patents or permits that may need to be obtained; plans for incorporating stakeholder and customer diversity into planning and implementation of the concept; and the role corporate social responsibility will play in the implementation of your concept. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Five Rubric. Milestone Six: Audiovisual Presentation In Module Six, you will submit an audiovisual presentation (such as a webcam presentation or PowerPoint with audio) designed to pitch your concept to potential financial backers or senior executives. Your presentation should highlight the key elements of your business concept and implementation plan that are most likely to convince your audience to support the idea moving forward. Remember that while your audience wants to know you have thoroughly researched and planned out your idea, including implementation, they do not want a verbatim or lengthy repetition of the information in the business implementation plan when you pitch the idea. Instead, you should strategically select the information you will present and in how much detail based on your intended audience. You should bear in mind the key information they will want to know and the types of concerns they are likely to have, and anticipate the types of questions they are likely to ask. Note: If you plan to use a presentation software other than PowerPoint, please check in with your instructor to make sure
  • 14. your instructor can access the software you plan to use. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Six Rubric. Final Submission: Business Implementation Plan and Audiovisual Presentation In Module Nine, you will submit the complete project including Capstone Component 1: Business Implementation Plan and Capstone Component 2: Audiovisual Presentation. These should be complete, polished artifacts containing all of the critical elements of the final product. They should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. The final submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric. Deliverables Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading One Justification One Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric Two Implementation Plan Two Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric Three Company and Key Personnel Three Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric Four Financial Analysis and Funding Four Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric
  • 15. Five Assumptions and Contingency Planning Five Graded separately; Milestone Five Rubric Six Audiovisual Presentation Six Graded separately; Milestone Six Rubric Final Submission: Business Implementation Plan and Audiovisual Presentation Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your business implementation plan should be approximately 25 pages long (not including appendices, references, etc.), using 12- point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You should use appropriate section headers to divide the text and cite references using the most recent APA conventions. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your audiovisual presentation should be approximately 30 minutes (or roughly the equivalent of 25 slides) with sufficient audio to give the audience a clear, but concise, understanding of concept and its eventual implementation. Your instructor must approve the software you plan to use for the presentation early in the course to ensure that your instructor will be able to access the content. This rubric will be applied to both components as a whole, and no component will be assessed on its own. The “Possible
  • 16. Indicators of Success” are examples for you and the instructor of the types of concepts to look for to demonstrate proficiency. They are neither exhaustive nor proscriptive and should be used as guides for illustrating how your capstone embodies the outcome. All outcomes are weighted equally. MBA-705-01: Analyze primary and secondary data using quantitative and qualitative techniques and information technology skills for effective problem solving and decision making Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop problem statements, based on data-driven analysis, that justify why the proposed project is desirable, timely, and relevant? Does the student demonstrate the ability to identify market problems and opportunities using appropriate information technology and data analysis techniques and tools? Does the student demonstrate the ability to assess, using relevant primary and secondary data, how his or her concept fits into the
  • 17. overall market ecosystem, including trends, consumer needs and preferences, and major competitors? Does the student demonstrate the ability to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze existing or potential competitors’ strategies in informing decisions about his or her own product or service? Does the student demonstrate the ability to clearly present a financial analysis for the concept that shows the investment required as well as when the concept will break even? MBA-705-02: Lead and operate within cross-functional teams in complex and diverse business environments Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the student demonstrate the ability to clearly designate the relevant operational functions and roles necessary in establishing an implementation team to execute the concept on time and on budget? Does the student demonstrate the ability to identify a leader for the concept implementation team with the relevant skills, experience, and professional profile that is likely to inspire trust among financial backers or other important stakeholders? Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze how the
  • 18. skills of each team member will contribute to successful implementation of the concept in dynamic and challenging business environments? Does the student demonstrate the ability to appropriately plan for contingencies across the organization should assumptions regarding contributing team members and business conditions prove incorrect? Does the student demonstrate the ability to plan strategies for strengthening organizational culture to successfully implement the concept? MBA-705-03: Demonstrate oral and written communication skills to effectively articulate thoughts and intentions in diverse business environments Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the student demonstrate the ability to integrate concept elements in a written report that effectively communicates relevant plan details, supported by evidence, to executive leadership, potential investors, or other financial backers? Does the student demonstrate the ability to effectively articulate his or her thoughts and intentions to the target audience through audiovisual media, highlighting the most important elements of the proposal for that audience succinctly and accurately?
  • 19. Does the student demonstrate the ability to deliver a clear, compelling, and professional oral presentation that is likely to convince financial backers to support the concept? Does the student demonstrate the ability to distinguish between the communications purposes of the written plan and audiovisual presentation and appropriately tailor the language and level of detail of each? MBA-705-04: Integrate cross-cultural, economic, geopolitical, and systems knowledge to solve complex business problems in a global environment Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the student demonstrate the ability to incorporate stakeholder and customer diversity in planning implementation of the concept? Does the student demonstrate the ability connect the concept to the larger global marketplace and analyze how that connection will impact planning, marketing, production, and implementation?
  • 20. Does the student demonstrate the ability to anticipate how government regulation and political realities will interact with the concept? Does the student demonstrate the ability to effectively plan project review processes and success indicators by applying business systems knowledge? Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop a plan that properly protects intellectual property and other non-tangible assets in the global business environment? Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze differences in regulatory requirements from country to country for how that impacts global competitiveness and concept implementation? MBA-705-05: Incorporate legal and ethical conduct and corporate social responsibility in making sustainable business decisions Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the student demonstrate the ability to articulate the ways in which ethical precepts will be embedded throughout the implementation of the product, service, or idea? Does the student demonstrate the ability to connect the concept with socially responsible approaches to the environment and to
  • 21. other stakeholders, incorporating diverse perspectives? Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop strategies that have the potential to strengthen corporate culture such that the culture supports high performance and ethical behavior over both the short term and long term? Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze the legal and regulatory environment to ensure compliance with relevant legal statutes and oversight? MBA-705-06: Create intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial opportunities in a global environment that add value to an organization through the integration, synthesis, and application of business practices Proficient 100% Not Proficient 0% Possible Indicators of Success Does the student demonstrate the ability to synthesize established business practices with innovative approaches in acting on intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial opportunities? Does the student demonstrate the ability to integrate various project elements in presenting intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial opportunities to potential supporters? Does the student demonstrate the ability to create new business
  • 22. opportunities by effectively articulating the ways in which the concept will make money for the organization and its backers? Business Implementation Plan and Audiovisual Presentation Abdussamet akca 02-13-2022 Introduction Defense industry is one of the most critical projects in any country It often tends to be costly projects to undertake The industry essentially requires a great deal of financial resources to facilitate its operations Additionally, human resources are also a critical requirement in this context Continuation… Its relevance significantly relies on the provisions of the prevailing technology Advancements in technology affects implementation of a business plan in this sector greatly This implies that shifts in technology during the plan’s implementation critically interfere with the actualization process Defense industry should manifest continuous production if it has to remain relevant
  • 23. Continuation… The primary provision that facilitates this continuous production is the use of robots These robots amongst other sophisticated relevant technology ensures efficiency in the production Also, the involvement of robots aims at minimizing costs in the production Defense industry tends to be a sensitive and controlled sector as countries upholds the concept of uniqueness in this field Focus of this business implementation plan The primary focus will be developing technological equipment needed in the defense sector Also, it will focus on the critical issues that affect people’s lives; an excellent example is the environment This implies actualization the project under the provisions of the law that gives guidelines on how to harmonize business’s operations and these critical issues (Sherkow et al., 2021) Furthermore, the relevance of quality and ethics will be considered adequately Project’s leaders and key staffs Project sponsor; the person behind the definition of the success criteria. He has a remarkable reputation of having undertaken the same role for other three mega projects perfectly. Project manager; will be responsible for organizing, planning and directing the implementation process. He has a relevant experience of ten years. Human resource manager; responsible for hiring, leading and
  • 24. directing routine activities. They manifest an undisputable experience with a governmental institution Continuation… Financial manager; responsible for financial well-being of the business project. They have a-nine-year experience in relevant projects and is a part-time assistant financial manager at a reputable financial institution in the country. Technology manager; responsible for overseeing all implementation specialists and processes. They have manifested an undisputable work record for a significant period. Critical necessities in defense industry For the defense industry to remain relevant and attain success, the following provisions are required: - Financial resources - Human resources - Relevant technology - Materials - Acceptable documentations from the authorities These provisions have to be coordinated comprehensively and adequately to realize the presumed goals Financial resources A business implementation plan in defense industry will involve enhanced financial resources This implies that financial constraints is a threat to realization of the perceived plan
  • 25. Financial resources are important in acquiring right technology and necessary materials Finances are key in ensuring excellent mobilization of all resources towards attaining expected efficiency Human resources Human resources who are highly skilled are essential for the project’s success This implies that the implementation plan should emphasize on the concept of outsourcing skilled labor keenly They often tend to be critical in facilitating both tactical and strategic roles designed to attract success of the project For instance, automating various roles by use of technology needs a technology expert Technology Acquiring right technology in the implementation plan should be given maximum sensitivity Some critical technology requirements will often be outsourced from other companies This concept will be primarily emphasized by the relevance of robots in the production Since the defense industry tends to be a sensitive provision, restriction aimed to protect leakage of know-how will be upheld
  • 26. Materials This involves all components required to realize the objectives and goals of the project The implementation of the plan critically relies on the availability of the materials Parties involved in supplying the key components should be approved of their competence and reliability The procured material should be of high-quality that meets the expectation of the company Legal documentations This provision proves to be essential in ensuring the company’s operations are legal Proper documentation from the relevant authorities will be a requirement before commencement of the project (Hochscheid et al., 2019) These authorities will involve governmental institutions and relevant governmental regulatory organs Acquiring legal documents such as patents licenses ensures that the business gains legality Further necessities Furthermore, the project will involve other key stakeholders that include: - Shareholders - Customers The reason why they will be incorporated in the plan is because they play a key role in the business Other stakeholders will be incorporated in the business strategically through the provision of their feedback
  • 27. Strategies to enhance the success of the plan Involvement of robots in the implementation to enhance efficiency Also, these robots will facilitate the need to minimize costs of operations During the relevance of this provision, robot’s technology will be expected to maintain consistency during the entire process The company will engage many suppliers; this will emphasize the needed effectiveness and efficiency since it will be convenient to switch from one supplier to another Continuation… Continuous production geared towards meeting set targets; this will be necessitated by constant application of robots In addition to robots, deployment of other sophisticated technology towards preventing cases of failure will be appreciated The considered human resources will be comprehensively evaluated towards deploying high-skilled personnel Enlightening the companies employees of the ethical requirements to be observed to ensure that their practices are ethically sensitive Continuation…
  • 28. Another concept that needs to be appreciated critically in this context is the provision of communication An effective and reliable language will be deployed as a key tool towards attaining constructive communication in the process This will find great relevance especially when doing business transactions with other stakeholders Significance of the project During the actualization of the project, much concern will be to benefit the immediate community The implementation of the project is expected to create job opportunities to many of the immediate population Many people will be engaged to provide services such as accounting, financial advisory, and technologists amongst others This will be associated with ultimate improvement of their living standards Continuation… The business is expected to prioritize the concept of environmental conservation primarily through corporate social responsibility (Simpson et al., 2020) Significant emphasis will be invested on the issues of environmental pollution The primary aim will be to enhance the environment as a better place for the immediate society Also, the generated revenue will be channeled to the establishment of critical social infrastructures such as health centers to benefit the immediate community
  • 29. Continuation… Furthermore, the project will create a reliable market for the local resources Most of required materials will be sourced from the immediate locality Additionally, the project proves to be critical in enhancing the country’s overall security Presence of the company in the country ensures availability of defense equipment and at considerably lower costs Potential challenges Occasional international conflicts often affect business activities between nations adversely (Sethi, 2007) This will inconvenience movement of products across borders Also, some other countries may tend to impose enhanced taxes and tariffs on products from other countries These implications manifest a significant challenge as the company’s international relevance is concerned Continuation… Economic factors such as inflation rates, interest rates and taxes income levels also manifest a remarkable threat to the success of the project This concept tends to interfere with the well-being of the business environment critically (Masters et al., n.d) The adversity of the same poses a possibility of limiting the company’s net incomes which may turn to be devastating
  • 30. Precautions to be taken The adopted technology provisions should remain relatively stable in the course of implementation The standard specifications must always be met in all dimensions of the implementation Language barrier should always be addressed with immediate urgency especially when dealing with potential stakeholders Ensuring that legal documentations are always up-to-date Continuation… Ensuring emphasis of ethical provisions in all of the company’s dimensions The process should ensure that it observes all environmental provisions Deployment of robots versus that of human resources should be balanced Relevant appeal Accordance of occasional tax relief by the government Constructive mutual business relationships with the locals Positive response from all stakeholders when needed Favorable managing regulations by the government towards creating a conducive environment Conclusion The implementation of project requires comprehensive
  • 31. deployment of human, technological and financial resources Also, it will be expected to uphold relevant legal and ethical provisions It manifests remarkable benefits such as job and market creation However, it faces potential challenges that involves implications of economic factors and international conflicts The success of the project requires appreciation of sensitivity and quality References Hochscheid, É., & Halin, G. (2019). Micro BIM adoption in design firms: Guidelines for doing a BIM implementation plan. In Creative Construction Conference 2019 (pp. 864-871). Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Masters, W. L., & Style, A. P. A. analysis of cross-cultural economic and geopolitical factors paper. Sethi, D. (2007). THE IMPACT OF GEOPOLITICAL FACTORS ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Journal of International Business Strategy, 7(2). Continuation… Sherkow, J. S., Barker, K., Braverman, I., Cook-Deegan, B., Durbin, R., Easter, C., ... & Greely, H. T. (2021). Ethical, legal, and social issues in the Earth BioGenome Project. Ann and da Silva, Manuela and Torrance, Andrew W. and Greely, Henry (Hank) T., Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in the Earth BioGenome Project (March 25, 2021). Simpson, B., Robertson, J. L., & White, K. (2020). How co- creation increases employee corporate social responsibility and organizational engagement: The moderating role of self- construal. Journal of Business Ethics, 166(2), 331-350.
  • 32. 1 1-2 Milestone One: Justification Abdussamet akca MBA 750 01/09/2022 2
  • 33. Increasing automation in the defense sector is a concept that can be implemented to benefit defense and aerospace manufacturing companies. Creating robots reduces the workforce required in a job, increases production, and lowers the costs involved in production. Many companies are adopting automation to increase non-defective products production. Due to human error, there is the likelihood that some goods, if produced using the workforce, will be defective. For a company trying to maximize profits and minimize expenditure and costs, defective goods lower the company's profitability. Hence, robots are the best option because automation leads to uniform and non-defective products. In addition, the concept lowers the costs of the workforce because machines do not get tired or exhausted (Terry, 2019). That means it can operate for many hours, unlike human power. Therefore, the company reduces the money spent on hiring because the robots can handle many people's work. The robots also help in doing dangerous and unpleasant work. In the defense sector, there is the manufacturing of many goods. Some of the products manufactured cause harm to human beings when exposed to them. Therefore the procedure becomes more expensive for the manufacturing companies as they are forced to spend a lot on protective wear for the employees carrying out the work. Since robots do not get infected or are not affected by the reaction between the chemicals used in these harmful procedures, they can save the manufacturing companies a lot. Firstly, companies
  • 34. do not need to hire many people to perform these tasks since they require maximum carefulness. The costs of hiring so many staff are reduced when the robots are adopted to do the work. In addition, the company does not spend a lot on protective wear since the robots do not need it. Automation also powers growth in companies; when covid 19 hit the planet, many companies underwent many challenges. Since there were government orders and restrictions for people to keep a distance and stay at home, many companies experienced shortages in labor. This is because f a unit comprises a certain number of people, they could not operate in such a unit anymore. Therefore the companies started experiencing losses because of low productivity and high labor costs. Due to this, companies need to adopt automation so that the production lines can continue running. Having robots do the work eliminates any chances of production stoppage since machines do not get sick or exhausted. Therefor e companies do not face the dangers of running short of production when there is a contingency. There is also the assurance of stability if the automation processes are used. This is because there is always production going on, even in the presence of contingencies or crises. Therefore the companies do not stop production because they are not entirely dependent on the workforce. There is reliability in using machines, and the company's growth is increased because there is a steady flow of production (Tuomi et al., 2019). There are also other benefits stemming from the adoption of robots in
  • 35. production; automation has led to many opportunities, including reliance on technology. The efficiency of a company can be increased by reliance on technology; this is because technological advancements offer companies the chance to produce innovative products. This increases the market share of the company as well as its competitive advantage. In addition, artificial intelligence and robotic automation are increased in the company; the company becomes more reliant on technology and the advantages the technology advancements have to offer. Also, the company starts becoming more competitive, and the goods they produce are 3 competitive in the market. The company's resources are utilized to the maximum because defective goods are reduced. The company is transformed by technology because technology makes it possible to achieve its goals more quickly. The market for artificial intelligence is growing around the world. This is because many companies in different industries adopt automation to make their work easier. The concept targets a large market since every industry can utilize the concept of automation. But most importantly, in this case, the concept targets manufacturing companies. The concept aims to ensure companies increase automation in the manufacturing process to ease the costs of
  • 36. production. This is a vast market that affects the economy. When there are decreased costs in production, there is a decrease in prices, or the companies can decide3 not to lower the prices so that they can enjoy large margin profits. This means growth in these companies. The market for robots has its dynamics, such as the rise in demand for the robots. Industries have been acquiring automation to ensure they reach their desired goals; since the automation process has been utilized by some companies and led them to success, then other companies in the same or different industries are also adopting the technolo gy. Therefore, the concept can be used in different companies because it allows employees to shift their focus from the tasks that robots can handle and focus on other essential tasks. The other market for robots apart from companies in the domestic sector (Cave et al., 2019). Automation is possible even at home. Some chores can be carried out using robots at home. This lowers the amount of time a person uses doing these chores and focuses on other essential tasks. This means the market for robots and automation technology is extensive and can be adopted at home and in companies. The market is even expected to grow with time since other sectors such as healthcare, defense, and others are adopting the technology, increasing its demand and growth. The demand is even rising due to the increase in preventing coronavirus. The health sector has been raising its demand for automation and artificial intelligence to deal with the impacts of covid 19.
  • 37. The robots are made with sp0ecific features that set them apart from the other similar technologies to ensure they are competitive in the market. Firstly, the robots are manufactured according to the company's needs, and the industry company is in. since there is the production of many robots for different uses, it is possible for the production not to fit the desired use or the reason it has been manufactured for. There is an existing problem where companies make robots with no distinctive features. Therefore some become ineffective because they cannot handle some tasks. The difference in the type of robots produced by this company is that they are specifically made for their uses. There is no generalization, and the requirements are researched before the technology is developed. The robots have featur es similar to human beings to ensure the tasks are performed to satisfaction. Therefore it is an artificial intelligence developed to answer questions or handle a task. It is programmed in a way similar to that of human beings. The programming is done to almost suit the human being's perception to ensure perfection. In addition, the robots used in handling complex manual tasks have features that allow them to perfect on that specific task (Kaartemo & Helkkula, 2018). Due to these features, the robots can beat competition since there are many gaps in the markets, and there has been a failure in these technologies due to generalization. The main idea is to ensure there is no generalization in the making of the robots, and each can handle the tasks it is made for. Hence, the product will be able to quickly gain market share since they are efficient and lead to the fulfillment of the
  • 38. customers' needs. 4 The company prioritizes ensuring its products are innovative and competitive, even in line with its vision and mission. Hence the product is innovative. It is in line with the company's mission and vision. It can drive the company towards its goals and set strategies. The product is also innovative because it uses technology to solve an existing problem (Upchurch, 2018). It is designed to come up with easy ways to solve the existing problem of production. Through the technology, production is made easy, and also it lowers the costs incurred by companies in the production process. More time is given to the development of the product to ensure it is more specific in solving the problems it is made for. The fact that it is not generalized makes it more innovative. This is because it is made to be specific about problems, and it solves the specific problems it is made for hence making it easy to use and more effective. It is also innovative because the technology used in making it is different in that it is focused on a specific area instead of general sectors. The following graph show the number of hours worked by a robot, this helps to explain the impact of the robots in companies and how they influence
  • 39. the performance of the company across different countries of the world. 5 References Cave, S., Coughlan, K., & Dihal, K. (2019, January). " Scary Robots" Examining Public Responses to AI. Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (pp. 331-337). Kaartemo, V., & Helkkula, A. (2018). A systematic review of artificial intelligence and robots in value co-creation: current status and future research avenues.
  • 40. Journal of Creating Value, 4(2), 211-228. Terry, N. (2019). Of regulating healthcare AI and robots. Available at SSRN 3321379. Tuomi, A., Tussyadiah, I., & Stienmetz, J. (2019). Leveraging LEGO® Serious Play® to embrace AI and robots in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 81, 102736. Upchurch, M. (2018). Robots and AI at work: the prospects for singularity. New Technology, Work and Employment, 33(3), 205-218. 7 Milestone two: Implementation plan Abdussamet Akca 01/16/2022
  • 41. Introduction Robotic process automation (RPA) is a technological software developed to make it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate human actions through interaction with digital systems and software. The desired outcome for the implementation plan is to have as many organizations and households embrace and adopt the use of robots and automation of tasks to not only reduce the cost of production but also increase effective productivity and consistency. Even though some argue that Robots are replacing humans in employment opportunities, (Fan & Tang, 2021) noted that the people whose work can be done by robots get to explore other tasks where they are much needed. But, for the implementation process and plan to succeed, the following critical elements have to be catered for: Educating the people about robots and seeking wide acceptance The first step of implementation, in this case, would be to educate the masses and organizations on the value of robots and get wide support especially from all the departments in companies. The robotic solution would impact a lot of individuals and departments. It is therefore essential to seek wide acceptance before introducing the use of robots and automation of tasks. A discussion is necessary before doing anything especially among several parties including the senior management, IT department, and even those involved with basic operations as well as the human resource managers and those who will be tasked with buying, maintaining, and operating the robots. These groups of people have to be part of the process from the
  • 42. very beginning, as the policy of implementation requires (Van & Van, 1975). It is vital and critical that everyone understands the facts about robot automation but most importantly they need to understand that it brings with it a short return on investment. In addition, it can open up other opportunities for companies and does not in any way replace workers because there will be jobs that cannot be performed by robots. Robots can only handle monotonous dangerous jobs that are tiring and risky to humans (Singh, Sellappan& Kumaradhas, 2013). Gathering user stories may also help to convince people of the value of robots. It helps when people hear from others already using the robotic automation systems in their businesses. Getting consensus on the definition of failure Before the implementation is done; all the parties must understand the viability of the robotic systems to agree on an acceptable tolerance of failure. That will help determine the level at which the process is deemed a failure if the RPA robots do not meet the agreed-upon criteria for success. It is also at this stage parties agree on what components can be automated as robots cannot perform in all areas especially places of work where a best-suited person has to sometimes make split-second judgments or manipulate components for production to be efficient (Joh, 2016). In such cases, the best consensus is not to proceed with the RPA installation in those such cases. Physical and technological resources The physical resources needed for robotic automation to be implemented include the robots, the installation of technological devices necessary to run the robots, for example, Keysight's Eggplant, Pega, blue prism, uipath, contexter, and Inflectra Rapise. Most importantly, before installation, the company stakeholders have to have a unified consensus on the list of processes that are supposed to undergo automation. As not all business processes will be suitable for automation. A feasibility assessment will have to be done before the process begins and any readjustments necessary made in good
  • 43. time. Once the feasibility assessment is carried out, the RPA process can be started and tested upon completion. After the testing, a reaffirmation is necessary to ensure everything is running smoothly and finally deployed to desired areas of work for the robots to function. It is also important to build an error handling procedure to ensure easy restoration in case of any problems. Implementation schedule Often the implementation of RPA systems takes longer than expected especially if the previous processes like identification of areas to be installed, budget allocation, and what technology is needed are not determined prior. Most times companies fail to identify the right process or have insufficient information about their existing processes (Chesbrough, 2010). The implementation schedule must include the installation procedure which must have the order of events. For example, it should begin with installing high-level frameworks and breaking down processes into the specific workflow. the activities have to be chosen carefully and the workflow must have good readability for workers to understand. In other words, once the installation is started it has to go according to the plan in order to avoid overlapping and wastage of time which in the end costs money. Below is an example of a comprehensive implementation schedule. Activity Time Person to undertake the activity Training, certification, and approvals One month RPA team and HR Program design Two weeks IT chairman Program plan Two weeks RPA experts
  • 44. Program execution 2 months RPA experts Program deployment and testing Three weeks The maintenance team together with RPA experts and the IT team The project review process After the implementation and installation of the robotic automation features, it is important to review the whole process to ascertain that everything was done by the book. This is necessary for ensuring that overall code quality is improved, codes adhere to pre-defined coding standards, and that the codes are user-easy and easy to maintain. It also confirms if they are easy to read which is a critical quality. The project review process must include conducting a gap analysis to determine any inefficiencies cost by the new system. Also, the review will help in the determination of whether the project goals were achieved as well as determine whether the stakeholders including workers are satisfied. During this process, the project's costs and benefits will also be determined, in addition, the review will also identify areas that require further development if any. Most importantly the project review phase will identify the lessons learned through the whole implementation process. Protection of tangible assets Using robots is a big undertaking and can be challenging to say the least. Some of the unforeseen challenges that come with RPA systems include not being able to protect intellectual property. Because data is fed into the systems for the robots to perform, the likelihood of the technological systems being hacked by fraudsters is high. It is for this reason why one must have ways to protect themselves from such attacks. One way to achieve intellectual property security is to have all employees including the installers of the robotic systems
  • 45. signing a non-disclosure agreement that forbids them from sharing any intellectual property from the company. It i s also advisable to invest well in data security while using RP as anything using technology is prone to cyber-attacks. It is also fundamental to ensure the company's tangible assets including the robots which are expensive investments. From an entrepreneurship perspective, insurance of property comes in handy in case of any disaster that might affect the robots. Conclusion The world is moving from analog ways to more digital efficient ways of production or working it is therefore inevitable to work with robots to increase production. Implementing such a huge project is however not easy, which is why proper planning, scheduling, and above all sensitization is critical. For any project to succeed, the implementation phase has to be correct and according to the plan References Chesbrough, H. (2010). Business model innovation: opportunities and barriers. Long-range planning, 43(2-3), 354- 363. Fan, H., Hu, Y., & Tang, L. (2021). Labor costs and the adoption of robots in China. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 186, 608-631.
  • 46. Joh, E. E. (2016). Policing police robots. UCLA L. Rev. Discourse, 64, 516. Singh, B., Sellappan, N., & Kumaradhas, P. (2013). Evolution of industrial robots and their applications. International Journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering, 3(5), 763- 768. Van Meter, D. S., & Van Horn, C. E. (1975). The policy implementation process: A conceptual framework. Administration & Society, 6(4), 445-488. 2 Business implementation plan and audiovisual presentatio n Abdussamet akca 02/06/2022 Business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation While creating the business implementation plan in the defense industry, it is assumed that the technology changes will remain relatively stable during the implementation period. Shifts in the technology during the plan's implementation interfere with the actual realization of the project plan. Robots’ technology is supposed to remain relatively constant during the implementation stage. The use of robots in the defense industry helps minimize the costs during the production process. Automation of the production process through robots reduces the cost of employing people to work the firm. The salaries expenses of the employees who work in the production are reduced hence the general cost of production reduced. It is
  • 47. assumed that technology will remain constant in the entire process. Materials are key components in the realization of the company's planned project. Material components are very important in realizing goals and objectives interfering with the availability of the resources and materials affects plan implementation adversely. During the creation of the business implementation plan, it is assumed that the supplier of the key component and other parts can deliver high-quality material meeting the standard requirement of the firm and on a timely basis. The company identifies different suppliers of key components. They can be easily brought into the company to ensure a steady and reliable supply of materials. When the company has many suppliers, it becomes easy to switch h from one supplier to another to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. It is assumed that production will be continuous for the entire period. The use of robots in the production process continues without stopping. Ensuring continuous production is key to ensuring that a defense industry firm can meet its targets. Robots and other sophisticated technology are employed to ensure that production process, and there are minimal instances of production failure. Availability of resources such as financial and human resources is key to the project's success. Financial resources are important in obtaining the material and obtaining the right technology, which is helpful in the running of the firms’ activities. The defense company outsources some technologies from other companies at a price to carry out various activities. They combine the material to perform various roles and functions. Therefore, financial resources are key in ensuring that resources are well mobilized in the company to offer efficiency. Human resources who are highly skilled are essential for the project's success. Automating different roles by use of technology requires a technology expert. The sourcing of skilled labor is key in ensuring the company's success as they contribute to both strategic and tactical roles, which leads to the success of the
  • 48. project. Communication is a very key business environment. For the two parties to exchange goods and any services, it is necessary to ensure that the two parties have agreed with each other. A language is a key tool in the communication process that allows people to share information. The language barrier makes it difficult for the business transactions to be carried out as partie s do not understand each other. International conflicts have a significant impact on business activities between countries. When countries conflict, business activities are usually interfered with (Master and Style). Products cannot move from one country to another because of the country's security issues. Different countries also impose tariffs and heavily taxes products from the other countries. This affects business as products from other countries appear more expensive. In ensuring that one country's defense industry becomes stronger than the other, Countries with superior technology heavily restrict the transfer of know-how from their countries to other countries. Countries create legislation and identify which kind of company can operate in a certain region. Economic factors such as interest rates, inflation rates, and taxes income levels significantly affect the business. An increase in the interest rates of the products affects the business environment adversely as it makes goods prices in the market increase. Business finds it difficult to survive in countries with very high taxation rates. Higher tax rates reduce the business's net incomes, hence forcing them out. Businesses mainly thrive in countries that have favorable tax rates. Defense industries are set up where government regulation managing the business is favorable and supports the business. Income level and inflation rates have a very significant effect on the performance of the business. High inflation results in a fast increase in the prices of commodities of goods. When there are high inflation rates in the market, many people cannot afford goods as it keeps on rising. Current cash, owned by the company, cannot purchase goods because of the abnormal rise
  • 49. in prices. The reduction in the incomes of the people also harms the ability of people to make a purchase. When prices of goods reduce, the money available for expenditure reduces, which makes carrying out business hard. Countries with little income cannot afford to have an advanced defense industry. Before the commencement of the project, we will get proper documentation from the authorities. Obtaining proper documentation from the government institutions and other government regulatory organs ensures that businesses carried out are legal. The business operates ethically, and it is important to ensure that the company's employees are fully aware of ethical practices. This helps them remain ethical in all their practices in the operation of the business. Establishing the ethical standards within the project helps ensure that project members help the organization become ethical. According to Sherkow et al. (2021), Obtaining legal documents such as patents licenses is key to ensuring that the business gains legality. The company gets the right to venture into any kind of business when it obtains the business permit to operate such kind of business. Stakeholders such as shareholders and customers play a key role in the business. They must be incorporated into the planning of the business. Organizations incorporate other stakeholders into the business strategically by using the feedback received from these stakeholders. During strategic planning, an organization collects feedback compiled in the form of a report. The report containing diverse opinions is implemented, which favors people from different Areas. During the implementation of the project, it will aim to benefit the members of the community. The revenue generated from the project will be used to build social infrastructures such as health centers and hospitals which can benefit the close community. Most of the resources used in these projects are planned to be sourced from the local areas. Sourcing materials and components used locally helps promote the market for locally available resources.
  • 50. The implementation of the project will create job opportunities for many members of society. The complete execution of the concept will require many people to be involved who can provide services such as financial advisory, accounting, technologists, and others. These people will be employed either permanently or temporarily during the project. The employed people will earn salaries used to improve their living standards. During the implementation of the project, a lot of emphases will also be given to issues of environmental pollution. The environment is a key aspect that affects living organisms. In implementing the project, environmental conservation measures will be given major emphasis to protect the destruction of the environment from pollution. According to Simpson, Robertson, and White (2020), our business will become the co-creators of a better environment for all people through corporate social responsibility. As this project will focus on developing technological tools used in the defense industry, it will also focus on the real issues that affect human beings' lives, such as the environment. All the strategies for improving the environment will be developed following the law. This is mainly because the fact project will require legal in all aspects. The robots and other automated equipment developed will be standard, meeting all the quality requirements.
  • 51. References Hochscheid, É., & Halin, G. (2019). Micro BIM adoption in design firms: Guidelines for doing a BIM implementation plan. In Creative Construction Conference 2019 (pp. 864-871). Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Masters, W. L., & Style, A. P. A. analysis of cross-cultural economic and geopolitical factors paper. Sethi, D. (2007). THE IMPACT OF GEOPOLITICAL FACTORS ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Journal of International Business Strategy, 7(2). Sherkow, J. S., Barker, K., Braverman, I., Cook-Deegan, B., Durbin, R., Easter, C., ... & Greely, H. T. (2021). Ethical, legal, and social issues in the Earth BioGenome Project. Ann and da Silva, Manuela and Torrance, Andrew W. and Greely, Henry (Hank) T., Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in the Earth BioGenome Project (March 25, 2021). Simpson, B., Robertson, J. L., & White, K. (2020). How co- creation increases employee corporate social responsibility and organizational engagement: The moderating role of self- construal. Journal of Business Ethics, 166(2), 331-350. 2 Financial analysis and funding plan Abdussamet akca 30/01/2022
  • 52. Financial analysis and funding plan Robots are very important in improving the functionality of the defense industry. The use of robots helps improve the efficiency at the workplace as they can overcome the weaknesses of a human being—the human being as faced with shortcomings such as getting tired while doing their job and making errors. Since there is huge demand s for the products being manufactured by different industries, sometimes has resulted in overstraining on the available labor, which always fails to achieve the targets set for them. Some products are also manufactured from toxic chemicals, which are harmful when exposed to human beings. In the provision of security, robots can detect security threats faster and take faster actions. Because of an increase in demand for robots, our projects will mainly focus on developing robots to be used in both industries and different security agencies. The project aims to develop robots to use factories, treat people and help in providing security. Project costs Robot development projects have a lot of costs. To have fully functioning robots requires the robot manufacturer to incur some critical costs. Costs incurred are necessary as they ensure that robot developers become efficient in developing a product that will meet customers' needs. Some of the critical costs necessary in the manufacturing and development of the robots include research and development costs, material costs, installation costs, engineering costs, labor costs, technological costs, maintenance costs, and other costs. Research and development costs Robot technology is new. Many people and businesses have little knowledge about the functioning and effectiveness of robots. There are also functions that people carry out, which robots can carry out. Research and development costs are important costs that have to be incurred by an organization. Through research, an organization will be able to understand
  • 53. different roles and activities carried out in manufacturing and other sectors that robots can perform. Research identifies gaps that have not been addressed by existing robotic technology, and strategies are developed in the area. Material costs The manufacture of robots requires different types of materials. The raw material, which includes metals, batteries, and systems that ensure the efficient functioning of robots, is essential in robots’ development. These materials are usually outsourced from outside suppliers at a price. Robots' development will therefore cost a company material. Material required to manufacture robots can be costly since they are a special type of metal. Labor costs Human labor is critical in the manufacturing of robots. People are employed in the firm to perform administrative duties. Human beings also operate machines used in robots manufacturing. Therefore, a human being performs a critical role in ensuring the running of the firm in terms of efficiency. The firm usually employs these people to work in the manufacturing firm, and they receive wages and salaries for the work they do in an organization. Technological costs Technology is key in the actualization of robots' development. Robots, which are by themselves technology, operate under sophisticated automated Intelligence. Automated intelligence technology is costly, and its implementation costs an organization resource. Manufacturers spend their finances in developing technology and operating the technology they use. Technology that has been implemented also needs periodic maintenance to ensure that it is performing well. Maintenance costs also include repairing faulty machines used in the manufacturing process. Installation costs For the robots to function, they are supposed to be installed. Automated technology needs to be installed to realize the use of
  • 54. robots. Machines and all required technology that ensure accurate performance are installed and ensure that there is an efficient performance of the tasks assigned to them. The manufacturer has to be ready to incur the initial installation of machines used in the manufacturing process and all technology necessary for the proper functioning and operation of the manufacturing process. Cost Budget Budget item Estimated Cost Research and development costs $ 300000 Materials $ 500000 Machine installation $ 50000 Labor costs $ 50000 Technological costs $ 100000 Total Cost $1000000 Revenue Streams Sale of Robots After the successful establishment of robot manufacturing firms and the production of robots starts, revenues will mainly be generated from the sale of robots. It is expected that manufactured robots will be able to be sold to hospitals, schools, banks. Currently, governments are heavily investing in advanced robots to provide security in sensitive areas. Such provides the ready market for the products; thus, sales of robots become the main source of revenues for the firm. Because of the Covid-19 health measures, manufacturing firms have opted to start using robots that are identified to be cost-effective since
  • 55. they are cheap and efficient. Because of the realization efficiency, the demand for robots has therefore increased. Companies are now opting for a different production method of using convenient robots. Installation revenues Installing robots to clients at a small fee helps an organization generate revenues. Some manufacturers purchase robots and fail to install them to start functioning properly. Such clients might hire services from us to help them install those robots on their premises. The installation will be the second-largest stream of revenues for the robot manufacturing firm as clients will pay small fees for the services they provide. Training revenues Training clients and employees on the use of robots efficiently at a smaller fee helps generate revenues for the people. Training fee charged on the clients who want to understand operating robots is the organization's revenue. Sources of funding Equity funding During the commencement of the project, I will carry out equity financing. I will carry out marketing of my idea to potential investors in the company. Those who will accept my idea and invest some of their finances into the company will get to own some company shares. Subscribers will be invited from all over the world, and hence it will ensure that the project succeeds. Equity financing will also be a good option for me since it will help to spread the risk to many people. The shareholders will never ask for cash after investing in the company. They will only transfer ownership to other people when they feel not associated with the company. Debt funding Since investing in a robot manufacturing firm requires a lot of capital, it is necessary to look for an alternative source of funds to finance the business's operations. Debt capital is key to ensuring that the organization can keep running. Even at a smaller interest fee, the company should obtain loans from
  • 56. investment banks and other capital-providing organizations. Debt financing also assures the company amount of revenues that can be raised. Retained earnings Profits that the firm generates through sales of robots are plowed back into the business. Such profits are re-invested back into the manufacturing, which helps the business carry out its activities, such as increasing the stock level. Sales forecast Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sales Revenue 200000 230000 264500 304175 349801.3 402271.4 Projected cash flow statement Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Operating cash flow
  • 57. Net Earnings 91700 114625 143281.3 179101.6 223877 279846.2 Depreciation 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30001 Less: Changes in working capital -20000 -22000 -24200 -26620 -29282 -32210.2 Cash flow from operation 101700 122625 149081.3 182481.6 224595 277637
  • 58. Investing activities investment in property & Equipment -50000 -50000 -50000 -50000 -50000 -49999 Net cash from investing activities -50000 -50000 -50000 -50000 -50000 -49999 Financing activities
  • 59. issuance(repayment) of debt 1000000 0 0 -45000 0 0 Issuance(repayment) of equity 1000000 0 0 0 0 0 Cash from financing 2000000 0 0 -45000 0 0 Net Increase (decrease) in cash 2051700 72625 99081.25 87481.56 174595 227638
  • 60. opening cash balance 0 2051700 2124325 2223406 2310888 2485483 closing cash balance 2051700 2124325 2223406 2310888 2485483 2713121 Proforma Income Statement Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revenue 200000 230000 264500 304175 349801.3 402271.4 Cost of Goods Sold 50000 57500 66125 76043.75 87450.31
  • 61. 100567.9 Gross profit 150000 172500 198375 228131.3 262350.9 301703.6 Expenses Administrative expenses 15000 17250 19837.5 22813.13 26235.09 30170.36 Depreciation & Amortization 3000 3450 3967.5 4562.625 5247.019 6034.072 Interest 1000 1150 1322.5 1520.875 1749.006 2011.357
  • 62. Total expenses 19000 21850 25127.5 28896.63 33231.12 38215.79 Earnings before tax 131000 150650 173247.5 199234.6 229119.8 263487.8 Tax 39300 45195 51974.25 59770.39 68735.95 79046.34 Net earnings 91700 105455 121273.3 139464.2 160383.9 184441.5 References PADURE, G. Using financial management to adopt long-term funding. Rodrigues, J. C. (2022). Business models for the digital transformation of audiovisual archives. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. Sledgianowski, D., Gomaa, M., & Tan, C. (2017). Toward
  • 63. integration of Big Data, technology and information systems competencies into the accounting curriculum. Journal of Accounting Education, 38, 81-93. 8 Milestone 3: Company and Key Personnel Abdussamet Akca 01/3/2022 Rivian is a new electric vehicle company that aims to capture market share and attention through its quality, unique vehicles. However, the company is currently facing challenges due to increased competition from established companies like Tesla and Volkswagen. Other fossil fuel vehicle manufacturers are also shifting to electric vehicles to remain competitive and for future survival. Therefore, Rivian has to focus more on increasing its competitive advantage, maintaining product quality, and increasing sales. One of the strategies is robotic
  • 64. automation; however, Rivian must understand how to use the systems to fit its core competitive advantage, the new culture and company teams to support the process. How it fits organizations core competencies Competitive edge Robotic automation will help the company boost its competitive advantage in various ways. First, the company will improve its quality and assurance standards by eliminating common human errors that compromise product quality (Jovanović et al., 2018). The automation will also boost the production process, enabling the company to meet all the demands in time, avoiding negative reviews or product delays. Deploying robotics will enable the company to reduce some production costs and expenses. The costs will be diverted into activities such as research and development to help the company produce products needed by consumers. The additional costs can also be divided towards sales and marketing, increasing the company brand image and product demand. Maintaining low production costs The company focuses on maintaining low production costs to ensure the costs of their products also remain low. This strategy will help in capturing the market. Robotic automation will save the automobile company a lot of money. Since the company is planning to increase its productivity of electric vehicles, they need to shift more capital towards boosting production instead of exposes such as salaries. Automation will reduce salary and other costs, such as human resources motivation and training (Pramod, 2021). The company will also improve the production capacity since robots do not require breaks and rest. This will prevent the company from incurring losses caused by delays within a section of the production facility. Improved production capacity The company aims at increasing its production capacity so that its products can be widely available. Robots can cut production time by about 60% by taking over most human labor processes, reducing production time (Jovanović et al., 2018). The human
  • 65. labour will only be deployed in areas requiring human input such as test drives, system configuration, and other sections. When working with robots, the need to confirm and recheck the product for quality and whether everything is done perfectly is minimized. The company can easily roll out the cars from the factory without worries about a component missing. This is because robots can perform redundant tasks without forgetting any component. High product quality Robots can help the company achieve its product quality and maintain the culture in various ways. First, it reduces any possibility of errors occurring. By replacing human labor, errors arising from actions such as forgetfulness are reduced (Pramod, 2021). Next, the company can quickly change the development process without retraining. This enables the company to improve product quality within the shortest duration and without errors. Automation can help in quality and product inspection without missing any components. They can easily detect any component missing hence preventing the chances of selling out a car with a default. Corporate culture to support the implementation Innovation and problem solving Automation requires a culture of creativity and innovation. It requires the employees, such as the production team, to get creative on minimizing human labor demand and replacing it with robotics. It also requires an innovative culture committed to identifying ways to make the robots more perfect for the duty. Robots can also be a challenge to the production processes, especially when a software error occurs, the role of the employees should be to ensure the occurrence of such errors are limited and contingency plans are in action in case of any error (Ivančić et al., 2019). Once the company switches to robotic automation, going back to human labor due to automation challenges is impossible; hence the team should identify any error before occurrence. The culture is also necessary to improve product quality and
  • 66. standards; hence the team should increase the extent of automation to perform other jobs such as vehicle inspection and test drive. The inspection and test drive processes are done by human labor, and they cannot test all the cars; hence they sample a few for tests. This creates the challenge of other products being faulty due to the sampling. Robotic automation can inspect every car hence reducing such complaints. Customer focus Despite the company focusing much on automation as a quality improvement and cost reduction strategy, there is a need to focus more on the customers. The customer focus ensures that the company identifies customer needs then develops a product to address these needs (De Brentani & Kleinschmidt, 2016). The customer-centric culture will enable the company to do more market research to develop vehicle designs needed by the customers. Then the company can reprogram the robots to manufacture the exact vehicle specifications. The customer focus will also boost the company's competitive advantage since the products will be desirable. The robotic automation will ensure the exact product features are achieved, boosting product quality and demand in the long run. Performance Improvement The performance improvement culture aims to ensure that product quality improves with time. Employees committed to product improvement are innovative and creative to develop various ways of improving product quality through automation (De Brentani & Kleinschmidt, 2016). The product improvement culture also focuses on boosting the innovation culture to make unique vehicles to improve the company's competitive advantage. Teamwork Introducing robots in a company and automa ting most processes requires teamwork to achieve success. The process includes input from various departments to ensure the final automation increases the production benefits while minimizing costs and expenses (Norman, 2017). All the departments should join
  • 67. forces during activities such as brainstorming to improve the automation process. This also includes other departments such as human resources, who will be responsible for employee motivation and training to ensure the production, R&D; product design teams are creative to achieve the company automation needs. Role, responsibilities, qualification of the team Research and development The research and development team consists of various departments committed to developing a new product design and features to meet user needs. This includes departments such as product development, marketing and IT. The role of the research and development team will be to ensure the company develop new product designs that automate the production process to guarantee product quality and ensure the exact design specifications are met (Norman, 2017). The team will also be responsible for market research to develop strategies to make the vehicles safer and increase their performance capabilities. Their role is to develop innovation and technologies then automate the robotic process to produce the new products. Production Team The production team is responsible for running and coordinating the robotic process automation. Their role is to identify redundancies and dangerous processes that can be replaced by human labor. Their role also covers identifying areas with delays or those that can cause delays then reporting them to the design team to develop strategies to reduce the production time at the stages (Anagnoste, 2018). Robots will not entirely replace human labor at the factory floor; hence the role of the production team is to coordinate with the remaining labor to ensure product quality. They also have the role of accessing the robotics processes and confirming their feasibility and whether they help the company achieve the desired benefits. IT department The IT team will consist of various employees in charge of automation. I will be in charge of this team, and my role will be
  • 68. developing a blueprint on areas where to put the robots to increase their productivity by limiting the product journey on the factory flow (Krzywdzinski, 2017). We will automate every area using the blueprint, only leaving the sections that cannot be accomplished using robots. The team will also be responsible for identifying the various problems and developing solutions before errors occur. They will do regular product maintenance and upgrades to improve the capabilities of robots and speed various processes. Contingency plan Robotic automation is critical for the organization; however, challenges can arise, especially if there is a breakdown in a particular area. In the long run, the company will develop a redundancy plan to ensure the backup option takes over if any error occurs. However, the company should prepare for short term problems. This can be achieved through the parallel implementation of robotic automation and systems. The parallel contingency plan involves running the robotic automation system alongside human labor; the two should work parallel. The parallel system helps the company identify potential errors, correct them and develop future solutions (Niemueller et al., 2018). The parallel system ensures the production does not stop due to system error. References Jovanović, S. Z., Đurić, J. S., & Šibalija, T. V. (2018). Robotic process automation: overview and opportunities. Int. J. Adv. Qual, 46(3-4), 34-39. Pramod, D. (2021). Robotic process automation for industry: adoption status, benefits, challenges and research
  • 69. agenda. Benchmarking: An International Journal. Ivančić, L., Vugec, D. S., & Vukšić, V. B. (2019, September). Robotic process automation: a systematic literature review. In International Conference on Business Process Management (pp. 280-295). Springer, Cham. De Brentani, U., & Kleinschmidt, E. J. (2016). Corporate culture and commitment: impact on the performance of international new product development programs. Journal of product innovation management, 21(5), 309-333. Norman, D. (2017). Design, Business Models, and Human- Technology Teamwork: As automation and artificial intelligence technologies develop, we need to think less about human-machine interfaces and more about human-machine teamwork. Research-Technology Management, 60(1), 26-30. Anagnoste, S. (2018). Setting up a robotic process automation center of excellence. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 6(2), 307-332. Niemueller, T., Lakemeyer, G., & Ferrein, A. (2018, March). Incremental task-level reasoning in a competitive factory automation scenario. In the 2013 AAAI Spring Symposium Series. Krzywdzinski, M. (2017). Automation, skill requirements and labour‐ use strategies: high‐ wage and low‐ wage approaches to high‐ tech manufacturing in the automotive industry. New Technology, Work and Employment, 32(3), 247-267.