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The Principles of Nature
and its ethical implications
1. Intelligent design and human
2. Creation, formation and evolution
of the universe through the Logos
In this chapter, we will elaborate in more
detail a model of creation and evolution of
the universe based on UnificationThought,
which starts from the basic assumption
that the first cause of the universe, or God,
is both mental and material.
In modern terms, it would be like
assuming that all emerging levels of mental
processes and degrees of consciousness,
including the level of mental processes and
degree of human self-awareness, must
have originated from that first cause or had
to be present in some way in that supposed
initial outburst of energy.
We are going to establish a
correspondence between the model of
creative productivity that humans use, and
the model of creative productivity that
gave rise to the universe.
We will try to demonstrate that both
models are based on two stages: a first
stage of elaboration of a design, project or
general plan carried out by an intelligent
and intentional mental process; and a
second stage of fabrication or evolution
based on mechanisms guided by laws and
by chance.
 Human creativity
 Design process
 Fabrication process
 Artificial designs and natural designs
 Popper'sTheory of theThreeWorlds
 The exquisite design of the human eye
 The mysterious beauty of nature
To begin with, we will use an updated version
of the old model of the artisan God,
establishing an analogy between the
production of artifacts resulting from the
intelligent design and human creativity and the
natural process of formation of the universe.
It is not a matter of ignoring the geological
model or denying some role to chance in the
process of formation of the universe, but of
pointing out that this model has been
unjustifiably extrapolated and generalized to all
fields. All scientists differentiate very well the
design of a natural geological formation, such
as a rock eroded by the wind or waves of the
sea, from the intelligent design of a sculpture
by Michelangelo.
When archaeologists find a small stone with
signs of being carved, they immediately identify it
as an instrument of supposed primitive men. None
of them expect to find a device as simple as a
bicycle in the middle of the desert that is the result
of wind erosion or any other environmental
However, a unicellular microorganism, which is
an infinitely more sophisticated and complex
machine than a bicycle, is considered a natural
formation as accidental and fortuitous as a
volcanic rock. If rectilinear or otherwise regular
channels had been discovered on the surface of
Mars, they would immediately have been
considered as engineering works constructed by
supposedly intelligent Martians.
Let us begin by analyzing human
creativity in the first place.When
someone builds something, he always
does it for a reason or an end.The
motive, in general, is usually to give
satisfaction to the person’s own need or
another’s, whether a physical,
intellectual, emotional or aesthetic
Therefore, all things man makes have
a utility, are made for an end or serve a
specific purpose.
For example, a house has the purpose
of serving as a place to live, and a car is
made to serve as a means of
transportation. It does not occur to
anyone to build something that is good
for nothing.
Once you have set the end for which
you want to destine the object, a mental
design process first takes place. After
this, the material manufacturing process
is started.
Human creativity
Design process
The design process is a mental
process.The design is elaborated
through an interaction between the
functional part of the mind, that is, the
intellectual, emotional and volitional
capacities, and the objective part,
namely, mental images, concepts, data,
laws and mathematical calculations.
At the same time, the design is
shaped or codified in the form of plans,
schemes, drawings or virtual designs.
Regardless of its material support,
once a design has been made it can be
said that it is an objective mental
product or creation.
The design process begins with the main utility to
which the object to be manufactured serves,
followed by the general plans, then descending to
the specific plans or details.
For example, the design of a house begins with the
design of the interior space or human habitat,
followed by the design of the whole house, then
design the structure that supports the building and
the building materials.
Fabrication process
The manufacturing process follows
an inverse course to the design
process, begins with materials and
structural details, and ends with the
For example, with clay and crushed
stone, bricks and cement are made
first, then with these are built
foundations and walls, and thus to
finish with the decoration of the house.
Artificial designs and natural designs
All inventions, designs and machines
made by man, are inspired or are simply
copies of models that already exist in
For example, the design of the aircraft
mimics the design of the birds, the design
of the sailboat keel imitates the fins of
the fish, computers simulate the human
The sophisticated human technology is
still far behind the astonishing complex
and yet unknown mechanisms that exist
in a single cell.
Popper'sTheory of theThree Worlds
Popper, in his theory of the three worlds, to
the world of human cultural creations or
productions, orWorld-3, as he designates it,
confers an objective character or reality
independent of nature, orWorld-1, and the
psychic world, orWorld-2.
However, it seems incongruous to feel
admiration and proclaim the objectivity
of the world of human cultural
productions (World-3) asserting that
despite being intangible things embody
ideas, theories, designs and projects
fruit of human creativity and
inventiveness, and, on the other hand,
continue to assert that nature (World-1)
is a purely material world that does not
embody any idea, design or intelligent
K. R. Popper, El yo y su cerebro, Editorial Labor,
Barcelona, 1993, p. 44.
World 2
Psychic world
World 1
Natural world
World 3
World of human
The exquisite design of the human eye
Sun Myung Moon in a simple way but with great common sense, observing
the utility of parts of the human eye comes to the conclusion that responds
to the design of an intelligence, as Socrates did millennia ago.
«Look at the eye. Before it was formed, the eye
must have been designed by someone who
realized that it would be functioning in an
atmosphere of dust and wind. It was designed in
such a way to adjust to such conditions. Do you
think the eye knew ahead of time what conditions
it would face? If it did not, there must be someone
who knew, and who created the eye with the
means to protect it.
There must be some Intelligence, operating
behind the scenes, which had cosmic knowledge. It
knew that the earth’s heat would cause moisture to
evaporate from the surface of the eye, so it made
tear ducts to lubricate it.
There is Reason within the design of nature.
Look at the eyelids, designed to prevent the
serious problem of dust entering the eye. Look
at the eyebrows; they were designed to block
sweat from running down into the eye. Did the
eyebrows appear knowing that they would have
this function? Or did the eyes put on eyebrows
because they knew this of themselves?
No.There is an Intelligence that knew in
advance the environment in which the eye
would be functioning and designed the eye
precisely for it.»
Sun Myung Moon, Speech Collection Books, Seoul, HSA-
UWC, 117:78 (February 1, 1982).
The exquisite design of the human eye does not cease to amaze today's scientists
Monod, fervent defender of chance,
nevertheless does not fail to:
Davies points out that it is difficult to believe that
the parts of the eye were formed at random:
«The component parts of these organs are so
specifically interdependent it is hard to believe
that they have arisen separately and gradually by
a sequence of independent accidents.
After all, half an eye would be of dubious
selective advantage; it would, in fact, be utterly
But what are the chances that just the right
sequence of purely random mutations would
occur in the limited time available so that the end
product happened to be a successfully
functioning eye?»
Paul Davies, The Cosmic Blueprint,Templeton Foundation
Press, USA, 2004, p. 110.
«emphasize that it is sterile and arbitrary
to deny that the natural organ, the eye,
represents the aim of a “project” (that of
capturing images) as clear as that which led
to the attainment of the photographic
So it would be absurd not to arrive, in a
final analysis, to the conclusion that the
project that “explains” the apparatus is not
the same as the one that gave the eye its
Jacques Monod, El azar y la necesidad, Tusquets
Editores, Barcelona, 1970, p. 20.
The mysterious beauty of nature
From the perspective of beauty, it is obvious that all great artists have
been inspired by the beauty of nature to create their works of art.This
mysterious beauty of nature provokes doubts to agnostic scientists like
Weinberg who write:
«I have to admit that sometimes nature seems more beautiful than is
strictly necessary.
Behind the window of the study of my house there is a hackberry,
frequented by an assemblage of ingenious birds: blue jays, orioles of
yellow breast and, the most beautiful of all, an occasional red cardinal.
Although I quite understand how brightly colored feathers evolved
from a competition for mate search, it is almost impossible to stop
imagining that all this beauty was somehow put for our sake.»
Steven Weinberg, El sueño de una teoría final, Crítica, Barcelona, 1994, pp.198-199.
Natural beauty makes Dobzhansky, a Darwinian biologist, say things as curious
and incongruous as these:
«Art is the manifestation of an aesthetic activity.An
observer, if he is sensitive and knowledgeable, obtains an
aesthetic satisfaction of the discovery and contemplation of
the various apparently infinite structures and life forms of living
I am not referring here only to beautiful butterflies and birds.
A living body, any of them, is a work of art. Its beauty lies in its
internal teleology...The beauty of human artistic creations is
imposed by their creators; it is an external teleology. (...)
It is noteworthy that, for man, internal teleology has an
aesthetic appeal... this is where evolution resembles an artistic
creation. Its masterpiece is the human being.»
T. Dobzhansky, «El azar y la creatividad en la evolución», en Estudios sobre la
filosofía de la biología, F. J. Ayala yT. Dobzhansky, Ariel, Barcelona, 1983, pp.
419, 420, 428.
How can he say that a totally
blind, accidental and fortuitous
mechanism —that is, a series of
extraordinary casual
coincidences— has been able to
create an immense and beautiful
work of art, that is, a nature full of
beauty that produces us —due to
another incredible chance— a
great aesthetic satisfaction, and
its masterpiece is man?
The only thing left to say is that
evolution is not only creative, but
omniscient and omnipotent.
 The Heart MotivationTheory
 The concept of Logos
 Logos design process
 Process of formation and evolution
of the universe
 ¿How is it possible that something
mental can lead to a material
 Historical background of the idea of
a Logos that comes to materialize
 The modern theory of fields and
the Logos
 The Logos as a Large Primal
Unified Field
 Formation of the first essential
elements of the universe through
the Logos
 Formation of the first living beings
 Principle of the two stages of
creative processes
Using the analogy of the human
creativity model, we will now present a
more detailed explanation of the origin
and evolution of the universe using the
classical concept of Logos based on
This model offers a unifying vision
that combines and harmonizes the
different metaphors and models used in
the history of thought in scientific,
philosophical and religious traditions,
and especially the creationist and
evolutionist model.
In order for the explanation to be as complete
as possible, let us first briefly introduce the
UnificationThought explanation of God's motive
or purpose to create the universe.
Their reasoning is simple, if we see that the
ultimate aspiration of human beings —who are
the beings who possess the highest degree of
mental processes— is to achieve full happiness
by satisfying the deepest desire of their hearts
which is to love and to be loved, by analogy, the
first cause of the universe had to have a similar
motive that prompted him to create the
«Thus, God’s Heart can also be
expressed as the “emotional impulse to
love infinitely.” Love necessarily
requires an object partner.
Especially, the love of God is an
irrepressible impulse and therefore, an
object partner of love was absolutely
necessary for God…
With Heart serving as the motive, God
created human beings and all things as
His object partners of love.»
Sung Hun Lee, New Essentials of Unification
Thought, UTI, Korea, 2006, p. 24.
The Heart MotivationTheory
UnificationThought states that the
deepest part of God's mind is Shimjung or
This theory of the motivation of the
Heart harmonizes the Christian vision of a
God of love who created human beings by
a voluntary act, but not necessary
because God alone in an absolutely
perfect and happy being, with the
emanationist theories that maintain that
everything comes from God in a necessary
way, due to the excess of power or
perfection of God, similar to how light and
heat emanate from the Sun.
The range of meanings of the
classical notion of Logos brings
together all these connotations:
common rational intelligence,
plan, project, reasoned
discourse, word, numerical
reason, measure, order, and law.
By analogy with the model of
human creativity, let us suppose
that in the formation and
evolution of the universe two
processes took place; a first
design process and a second
fabrication process.
Then, let's call Logos the fruit of the first design
It would be something like the plan, conception,
design or general project of the universe.
This Logos would be a mental production or
creation, but objective and real, based on an
energetic material support.
The second fabrication process would be
equivalent to the process of formation and
evolution of the universe, during which the Logos
or project materializes.
In other words, a process in which the Logos
develops, evolves or unfolds.
The concept of Logos
We saw earlier that in human mental
processes intervene a functional and operative
part with intellectual, emotional, and volitional
aspects that handle another objective part,
composed of mental images and
representations, concepts, symbols, principles
and laws, and mathematical formulas and
Since human creativity far exceeds that of
other living beings, and human mental processes
are the most complex and of a higher level, it is
reasonable to suppose that the mental process
that led to the creation of that supposed Logos
or Cosmic project would be a mental process
similar to the human mental process.
Logos design process
The difference could only be that God, or
the first cause, would have a greater capacity.
We could imagine Him as the Mind of the
universe or a supercomputer with great power
and a big amount of information stored.
Observing nature, one cannot deny to God
an extraordinary intellectual capacity for
inventiveness, foresight, data manipulation or
execution of high-level mathematical
calculations. Neither can He be denied an
emotional ability to handle mental images and
create multiple forms of rich and varied
beauty. He should also include the ability to
choose between several possibilities or
This Logos design process, by analogy with the
human design process, would begin with the general
plans, according to the previously predetermined final
ends. And then go down to the specific plans and
It would be similar to the process of designing a
house, which begins with the design of the living
space and global plan, and end up with the calculation
of the structures and foundations and the materials.
Thus, it is logical to suppose that in addition to a
general Logos or global project of the universe,
particular and specific logos would be designed,
beginning with human beings, who are the highest
and most complex level, and then descending on the
scale of livings beings to the basic structures or
foundations of the universe.
Logos design process
This design process, whose final product
would be the Logos, would not only
encompass the static or spatial design of the
universe and its different levels and
structures, as well as its fundamental laws,
but would also include the design of the
dynamic and temporal process of formation
and evolution of the universe.
That is to say, the design of all the
instruments and mechanisms of production,
multiplication and evolution, which would be
responsible for building, in a staggered way,
all levels of reality.
The first thing to note is that the
manufacturing process follows a
course virtually inverse to the design
For example, with clay and
crushed stone, bricks and cement are
made first, then with these
foundations and walls are built, and
thus to finish with the decoration of
the house.
For this reason, the universe began
by building the particles, which are
like bricks of energy, and with these
all the different types of atoms.
Process of formation and evolution of the universe
Then, with these atoms build
molecules until the formation of stars
and planets that constitute the skeleton
or basic structure of the universe
necessary for the later appearance of
living beings.
The process of formation and evolution
of the universe…
…is a manufacturing process
Previous design process
Process of materialization of the Logos
structure of
the universe
Mental process of design of the Logos
The key error of current scientific views about the
origin and evolution of the universe, which prevents
them from giving coherent explanations, is not
understanding that the process from energy to
galaxies is only a process of constructing a building
from the foundations to the roof, without realizing
that before there had to be a design process in the
opposite direction.
This happens when you observe the same fact
from two different perspectives. For example,
ancient peoples, seeing the sun rise on the horizon,
naively believed that the sun was moving and
circling the earth, because that seemed most
evident. Instead, Copernicus imagined himself
mounted on top of a big ball circling the sun.
In an analogous way, it may seem
that the most obvious explanation is
to say that at the origin of the
universe there was only energy and
that from it particles were formed
and so on up to the galaxies.
But when we imagine that there
was a previous design process, the
formation and evolution of the
universe is viewed from a completely
different and inverse perspective,
with which it is possible to give a
more complete and coherent
A Copernican twist in observing the formation and evolution of the universe
This supposed cosmic project or Logos,
once elaborated and completed by a mental
process of design, became a real and
objective mental product based on a material
or energy support. From there a process of
materialization of the Logos was initiated.
This process unfolded in an autonomous
way, that is, with a certain capacity for self-
regulation, but also in an automatic or
mechanical way, that is, following
predetermined laws, and partly also by
chance or accidental processes.
¿How is it possible that something mental can lead to a material process?
We start from the supposition that
mind and matter are not two
independent substances. Both aspects
never exist separately.
Every mental process is always
carried out in some kind of material
support and every material process
always includes some kind of mental
In addition, there is a continuity
between mind and matter, and both
can be interchanged.
Is not this falling into mystical beliefs or speaking of supernatural forces?
The Pythagoreans imagined a continuity between the One, the other numbers, the numerical
reasons (Logos), the unextended geometric points, the extensive material points, and things.
Heraclitus spoke of the Logos as a creative fire that forged and exchanged
with all things.
One Numbers
Historical background of the idea of a Logos that comes to materialize
Plato imagined a Demiurge who forged material things taking as models
the ideal and eternal prototypes (Logos).
Idea of
the Good
Demiurge Things
Aristotle elaborated the theory that there was a hierarchy of forms or souls, beginning with the
Prime Mover (God) and reaching the Soul of theWorld (general logos), rational soul, sensitive
soul and vegetative soul, which were the forms (particular logos) engraved in the matter.
of Souls
Soul of theWorld
(General Logos)
Rational, sensitive
and vegetative soul
(particular logos)
Engraved on
Plotinus thought that all things originated by emanation or procession from the One,
beginning with the Intelligence (logos), Souls and reaching and the end to matter.
The One Intelligence
Souls Matter
The Stoics imagined a monistic process of formation of the universe starting from a general
or common Logos, followed by a multiplication of seminal logos with a support of a subtler
active matter, or pneuma, which became entangled in a thicker passive matter.
Pneuma Matter Things
St. Augustine, despite having a dualistic view, attempted to connect theTruth or ideal archetypes in the
mind of God (logos) with material things through the Stoic seminal reasons or logos.
The metaphysics of light attempted to elaborate a vision of monistic character, presupposing a continuity
between God, ideal models, species (seminal logos) sustained in a subtle light, physical light and thicker
Ideal Models
(Mind of God)
Matter Things
Ideal Models
(Mind of God)
Seminal Logos
Subtle Light
Light (Sun)
In almost all religious traditions there is a concept that fulfills a function similar to the Logos, as
mediator in a supposed creation or formation of the cosmos.
Logos (Word of God)
Dharma (Cosmic and moral laws)
Rita (Cosmic Order)
Tao (Way, cosmic truth)
The modern theory of fields and the Logos
The idea of field of forces originated in the
19th century to try to explain the effects
caused by magnets and electric currents. At
first, they imagined a space furrowed with
lines of forces, and for that reason it was
called field.
They speculated on all kinds of
mechanisms, such as springs, threads or tubes
that turned, to try to give a mechanistic
explanation to its effects.Then, using some of
these models, Maxwell's famous equations
were elaborated which surprisingly accurately
calculate the electromagnetic forces.
As they observed that it was
impossible for the fields, because of
their properties, to consist of any
known material substance, the concept
of ether, an unknown substance with
extraordinary properties, was invented.
In the end, it was decided not to
speculate more about the physical
nature of the fields, the concept of the
ether was discarded and only the
abstract notion of fields of force and
the mathematical equations that
govern them were kept.
The modern theory of fields and the Logos
It was precisely this research on
the fields that led to the collapse of
the paradigm of the materialist
mechanicism in physics.
At first some speculated with a
duality of substances;The subtle
field or ether, on the one hand, and
the particles on the other. But in
the end, with the advent of
quantum physics, they came to the
conclusion that quantum fields are
the only primary reality, and
particles being a derived reality.
The ancient image of particles or material
corpuscles floating in an empty space have been
transformed into tiny packets of waves of an
energetic field that fills space completely, as the
English physicist David Bohm poetically says:
«What can be said in the current state of
theoretical physics implies that empty space
has all this energy and that matter is a slight
increase in energy, and therefore matter is
like a small loop in this tremendous ocean of
David Bohm, El Paradigma Holográfico, Kairós, Barcelona,
1987, p. 80.
The current scientific concept of a Unified Field (gravitational,
electromagnetic, strong and weak) that creates and governs matter
through fundamental laws of nature, mathematical equations or wave
functions is a notion very similar to the concept we are using of Logos.
Unified Field
(Fundamental laws
of nature)
The modern theory of fields and the Logos
Some physicists and biologists, like Charon and Sheldrake, extend the
concept of physical fields to higher levels by talking about evolutionary
fields, life fields, morphogenetic fields, and higher-level fields.
Morphogenetic Fields
Life Fields
Unified Field
The modern theory of fields and the Logos
According to Charon, specific evolutionary fields guide material structures toward
the final state of the universe, a progression from disorder to order.
«A material structure is
incapable by itself of creating life,
for it always evolves from order to
disorder, while life goes from
disorder to order.
The structure cannot therefore
be a living “actor,” it can only be a
“receiver” capable of resonating
with something pre-existent to the
material structure in space and to
what physicists often call the field.
This field has as limit the two states, the
initial and the final of the universe as a whole.
And as we call order to any progression
towards the final state of the universe, we
affirm that any structure “adapted” to the
specific field goes from disorder to order.
This field can be rightly called the
“evolutionary” field, since it is the motor of
the whole evolution of the universe between
its initial state and its final state.»
Jean F. Charon, De la materia a la vida, Guadarrama,
Madrid, 1971, pp. 363-364.
The evolutionary field that guides material structures
According to Sheldrake, the appearance of new beings and things is due to the
creative activity of the morphogenetic fields that are encompassed in the great primal
unified field of the universe.
«The idea of morphogenetic
fields has been widely adopted in
developmental biology. But the
nature of these fields has
remained obscure.»
«Many theoretical physicists
now think that the fundamental
fields of physics arose from a
higher and more inclusive field,
the primal unified field of the
In the same way, at every level of
organization, new morphic fields may arise
within and from higher-level fields.
Creativity occurs not just upward from
the bottom, with new forms arising from
less complex systems by spontaneous
jumps; it also proceeds downward from the
top, through the creative activity of higher-
level fields.»
Rupert Sheldrake, The Rebirth of Nature, Bantam
Books, NewYork, 1991, pp. 109, 195.
The creative activity of the morphogenetic fields
Thus, our supposed Logos or cosmic
project, the real, objective and
energetic fruit of a design process
within the mind of God, could be
defined as a large primal unified field
that would encompass a series of
staggered fields, such as those Russian
dolls which are within each other,
corresponding to the different levels of
reality, from the human, animal and
plant level until ending at the atomic
The Logos as a Large Primal Unified Field
This general Logos would thus
contain the specific logos or
projects of all beings of each level.
This large unified field was a
reality before the outburst of
energy or big bang that gave rise
to the process of making particles,
atoms, molecules and living
We will speak first of the formation of
the first particles. Now physicists agree
that field and energy are the primary
reality, particles are a byproduct.
When it is supposed that there was an
intelligent cause, which is also a source of
energy, and that in a first mental process
he designed a Logos or cosmic project —
something similar to a computer program
in an energy support— that corresponds
to the scientific concept of field, it is not
difficult to see how an idea or plan can
materialize in the form of particles.
Formation of the first essential elements of the universe
through the Logos
Someone might object to the
following:What is the need to suppose
that there is a design or computer
program within the physical fields?Why
not think that the particles were formed
spontaneously at random by
accumulations of energy waves?
Quantum physics teaches us that the
energy packs are not formed in an
arbitrary way, but that the energy is
quantized, that is, the measures of the
packs are not continuous but follow a
discontinuous scale.
The formula, E=h, discovered by Planck at the
beginning of the 20th century that revolutionized
the physics, establishes a proportion between the
energy (E) of the packs or quanta and the
frequency of vibration () through a universal
constant (h), which determines the scale.Who
chose precisely that number?
If the formation of packs of energy had been
fortuitous or accidental, it would be more logical
to have packs of all measures and frequencies
combined arbitrarily.
Thus, the particles closely resemble the notes of
a musical scale. In fact, physicists now define the
particles only with numbers. It is quite possible that
each particle and atomic nucleus has its own
associated quantum field or microchips where the
key information or numbers that defines it is
Proof of this is that the electronic cloud that
surrounds the atomic nucleus fluctuates and reacts
in an unpredictable way if it is bombarded with
photons of light, which means that it has some
capacity for self-regulation or autonomy.
Therefore, simply by varying in an intelligent way
the numbers of the associated quantum field new
particles could be constructed, just as by varying
the frequencies of sound waves the great variety of
musical notes of a symphony can be created.
Quantum fields
Logos (Software)
Modifies the frequencies of
energy quanta (packs)
Quantum field
associated with a
specific particle
Numbers that
define the particle
Particles Particles
Formation of the first essential elements of the universe
through the Logos
When scientists try to explain
how the different kinds of atoms
have formed from a first soup of
particles in a spontaneous or
accidental way, they encounter
unexplained jumps or gaps.
In addition, numerical values,
force intensities, universal
constants continue to appear, all
of them of great importance for
the future structure of the
universe and for the later
emergence of life, as can be seen
in this quote fromTipler.
The Anthropic Principle
“Strange coincidences”
«The Holy Grail of modern physics is to explain why these
numerical constants —numbers, for example, like the ratio of
proton and electron mass— have the particular numerical value
they have.Although there has been significant progress towards
this goal in recent years, we are still very far from an answer to
that question...
It has been found that there are a number of strange
coincidences between numbers of enormous magnitude which,
apparently, are completely independent; in addition, these
coincidences appear to be essential for the existence in the
universe of carbon-based observers.
So numerous and strange are these coincidences that Carter
proposed a stronger version of the Anthropic Principle... that the
universe must be so to admit the creation of observers within it at
some stage of its development.»
J. D. Barrow & F. J.Tipler,The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford University
Press, 1986, p. 5.
The Anthropic
Principle «There are some striking
examples in the laws of nuclear
physics of numerical accidents
that seem to conspire to make
the universe habitable.
The power of the nuclear
attraction forces is exactly what is
needed to overcome the
electrical repulsion between
positive charges in the nucleus of
ordinary atoms like oxygen or
iron. But the nuclear forces are
not powerful enough to unite two
protons. (...)
If the nuclear forces had been
slightly more powerful than they
are, there would be the diproton,
and almost all the hydrogen in
the universe would have become
diproton and heavier nucleus.
Hydrogen would have been a
rare element, and stars like the
Sun, which for a long time lived
by the slow combustion of
hydrogen from their nuclei, could
not exist.»
Freeman Dyson, Trastornando el
universo, F.C.E., México, 1982, pp. 282-284.
Freeman Dyson
points out in this quote
other examples of those
"numerical accidents"
that make the universe
One must be very blind or have a
strong dogmatic prejudice to not see
that behind the evolution of the
universe there is a project that
guides it in a certain direction.
In the evolution of the universe it
is clear that hydrogen, the simplest
and most abundant element, is a key
element —as Dyson says— that
serves as an energy source for the
entire universe, since all stars can
radiate energy through the slow
combustion of hydrogen.
Another key element for life,
which is supposed to exist in
considerable amounts in the form of
ice particles in space, is water.
Although people still speculate about where the heaviest
elements were formed, such places would be like factories
to produce more complex molecular structures such as
carbon, which is also fundamental to life.
Thus, we see that there was a process of manufacturing
increasingly complex molecules, which would then be the
basic materials to make living cells.
Hydrogen atom Water molecule Carbon atom
The cell is like the building block of living
organisms, but it has some very special
It can be said that prior to the
appearance of the first living organisms,
the method of manufacturing the elements
was similar to that of cement or chemical
plants, where heating, mixing or pressure
processes are used in order to produce
large quantities of the same product.
However, in the cell it is as if the factory
and assembly line had been miniaturized
and introduced into each of them.
Formation of the first living beings
Instead of multiplying elements by
manufacturing them in large quantities, the cell
uses the method of multiplication by making copies
of itself, dividing them into two, or by joining two
cells that give rise to seeds or embryos which then
grow to be complete products.
A growing seed or an embryo multiplying is like
an automated factory that is building a product
absorbing the materials from the outside.
This is achieved because the cell has a central
computer, the DNA, where the virtual design is
contained and all the instructions necessary to
manufacture the complete product or organism.
The cell is like the basic unit and miniaturized
factory of living organisms. Regardless of when
and how a first cell formed, it is clear that it
responds to a superior design or project to that
of molecular structures.
For this reason, it is reasonable to think that in
its construction a higher-level field of forces
intervened, that is to say, a life field that would
contain the virtual design or specific project of
the cell, which would be part of the general
Logos or cosmic project.
The first step would be to construct DNA,
which is like the material support or hardware
and at the same time it acts as a protein
assembly line, which are the basic building
material of living organisms.
Formation of the first living beings
Then, once the DNA was completed, the
virtual design or genetic program of the cell
would be automatically loaded into the
DNA, causing the cell to be completed and
started to function and reproduce as an
embryo of a living being.
The appearance of all living beings would
follow similar processes in which ever
higher levels of mental processes and
consciousness life fields intervened,
culminating in the appearance of human
beings, which are the living beings that
show the highest level of mental processes,
including self-awareness and unique
personal identity.
Formation of the first living beings
Life Field
Specific logos (software)
Genetic information
Virtual design
Life Field
Genetic information
Virtual design
Principle of the universality of the creative
productivity model based on two stages; A first
stage of creation of a project, design or Logos
elaborated by a mental process; and a second
stage of manufacture or evolution intentionally
guided by the project or Logos, which also
involves mechanisms governed by laws and
random processes.

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Creation and Evolution through the Logos book 1 chap 3

  • 1. The Principles of Nature and its ethical implications
  • 2. 1. Intelligent design and human creativity 2. Creation, formation and evolution of the universe through the Logos CHAPTER 3 CREATION AND EVOLUTION THROUGH THE LOGOS
  • 3. INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we will elaborate in more detail a model of creation and evolution of the universe based on UnificationThought, which starts from the basic assumption that the first cause of the universe, or God, is both mental and material. In modern terms, it would be like assuming that all emerging levels of mental processes and degrees of consciousness, including the level of mental processes and degree of human self-awareness, must have originated from that first cause or had to be present in some way in that supposed initial outburst of energy. We are going to establish a correspondence between the model of creative productivity that humans use, and the model of creative productivity that gave rise to the universe. We will try to demonstrate that both models are based on two stages: a first stage of elaboration of a design, project or general plan carried out by an intelligent and intentional mental process; and a second stage of fabrication or evolution based on mechanisms guided by laws and by chance.
  • 4.  Human creativity  Design process  Fabrication process  Artificial designs and natural designs  Popper'sTheory of theThreeWorlds  The exquisite design of the human eye  The mysterious beauty of nature INTELLIGENT DESIGN AND HUMAN CREATIVITY
  • 5. To begin with, we will use an updated version of the old model of the artisan God, establishing an analogy between the production of artifacts resulting from the intelligent design and human creativity and the natural process of formation of the universe. It is not a matter of ignoring the geological model or denying some role to chance in the process of formation of the universe, but of pointing out that this model has been unjustifiably extrapolated and generalized to all fields. All scientists differentiate very well the design of a natural geological formation, such as a rock eroded by the wind or waves of the sea, from the intelligent design of a sculpture by Michelangelo. When archaeologists find a small stone with signs of being carved, they immediately identify it as an instrument of supposed primitive men. None of them expect to find a device as simple as a bicycle in the middle of the desert that is the result of wind erosion or any other environmental condition. However, a unicellular microorganism, which is an infinitely more sophisticated and complex machine than a bicycle, is considered a natural formation as accidental and fortuitous as a volcanic rock. If rectilinear or otherwise regular channels had been discovered on the surface of Mars, they would immediately have been considered as engineering works constructed by supposedly intelligent Martians. INTELLIGENT DESIGN AND HUMAN CREATIVITY
  • 6. Let us begin by analyzing human creativity in the first place.When someone builds something, he always does it for a reason or an end.The motive, in general, is usually to give satisfaction to the person’s own need or another’s, whether a physical, intellectual, emotional or aesthetic need. Therefore, all things man makes have a utility, are made for an end or serve a specific purpose. For example, a house has the purpose of serving as a place to live, and a car is made to serve as a means of transportation. It does not occur to anyone to build something that is good for nothing. Once you have set the end for which you want to destine the object, a mental design process first takes place. After this, the material manufacturing process is started. Human creativity
  • 7. Design process The design process is a mental process.The design is elaborated through an interaction between the functional part of the mind, that is, the intellectual, emotional and volitional capacities, and the objective part, namely, mental images, concepts, data, laws and mathematical calculations. At the same time, the design is shaped or codified in the form of plans, schemes, drawings or virtual designs. Regardless of its material support, once a design has been made it can be said that it is an objective mental product or creation. The design process begins with the main utility to which the object to be manufactured serves, followed by the general plans, then descending to the specific plans or details. For example, the design of a house begins with the design of the interior space or human habitat, followed by the design of the whole house, then design the structure that supports the building and the building materials.
  • 8. Fabrication process The manufacturing process follows an inverse course to the design process, begins with materials and structural details, and ends with the whole. For example, with clay and crushed stone, bricks and cement are made first, then with these are built foundations and walls, and thus to finish with the decoration of the house.
  • 9. Artificial designs and natural designs All inventions, designs and machines made by man, are inspired or are simply copies of models that already exist in nature. For example, the design of the aircraft mimics the design of the birds, the design of the sailboat keel imitates the fins of the fish, computers simulate the human brain. The sophisticated human technology is still far behind the astonishing complex and yet unknown mechanisms that exist in a single cell.
  • 10. Popper'sTheory of theThree Worlds Popper, in his theory of the three worlds, to the world of human cultural creations or productions, orWorld-3, as he designates it, confers an objective character or reality independent of nature, orWorld-1, and the psychic world, orWorld-2. However, it seems incongruous to feel admiration and proclaim the objectivity of the world of human cultural productions (World-3) asserting that despite being intangible things embody ideas, theories, designs and projects fruit of human creativity and inventiveness, and, on the other hand, continue to assert that nature (World-1) is a purely material world that does not embody any idea, design or intelligent project. K. R. Popper, El yo y su cerebro, Editorial Labor, Barcelona, 1993, p. 44. World 2 Psychic world World 1 Natural world World 3 World of human creations
  • 11. The exquisite design of the human eye Sun Myung Moon in a simple way but with great common sense, observing the utility of parts of the human eye comes to the conclusion that responds to the design of an intelligence, as Socrates did millennia ago. «Look at the eye. Before it was formed, the eye must have been designed by someone who realized that it would be functioning in an atmosphere of dust and wind. It was designed in such a way to adjust to such conditions. Do you think the eye knew ahead of time what conditions it would face? If it did not, there must be someone who knew, and who created the eye with the means to protect it. There must be some Intelligence, operating behind the scenes, which had cosmic knowledge. It knew that the earth’s heat would cause moisture to evaporate from the surface of the eye, so it made tear ducts to lubricate it. There is Reason within the design of nature. Look at the eyelids, designed to prevent the serious problem of dust entering the eye. Look at the eyebrows; they were designed to block sweat from running down into the eye. Did the eyebrows appear knowing that they would have this function? Or did the eyes put on eyebrows because they knew this of themselves? No.There is an Intelligence that knew in advance the environment in which the eye would be functioning and designed the eye precisely for it.» Sun Myung Moon, Speech Collection Books, Seoul, HSA- UWC, 117:78 (February 1, 1982).
  • 12. The exquisite design of the human eye does not cease to amaze today's scientists Monod, fervent defender of chance, nevertheless does not fail to: Davies points out that it is difficult to believe that the parts of the eye were formed at random: «The component parts of these organs are so specifically interdependent it is hard to believe that they have arisen separately and gradually by a sequence of independent accidents. After all, half an eye would be of dubious selective advantage; it would, in fact, be utterly useless. But what are the chances that just the right sequence of purely random mutations would occur in the limited time available so that the end product happened to be a successfully functioning eye?» Paul Davies, The Cosmic Blueprint,Templeton Foundation Press, USA, 2004, p. 110. «emphasize that it is sterile and arbitrary to deny that the natural organ, the eye, represents the aim of a “project” (that of capturing images) as clear as that which led to the attainment of the photographic apparatus. So it would be absurd not to arrive, in a final analysis, to the conclusion that the project that “explains” the apparatus is not the same as the one that gave the eye its structure.» Jacques Monod, El azar y la necesidad, Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, 1970, p. 20.
  • 13. The mysterious beauty of nature From the perspective of beauty, it is obvious that all great artists have been inspired by the beauty of nature to create their works of art.This mysterious beauty of nature provokes doubts to agnostic scientists like Weinberg who write: «I have to admit that sometimes nature seems more beautiful than is strictly necessary. Behind the window of the study of my house there is a hackberry, frequented by an assemblage of ingenious birds: blue jays, orioles of yellow breast and, the most beautiful of all, an occasional red cardinal. Although I quite understand how brightly colored feathers evolved from a competition for mate search, it is almost impossible to stop imagining that all this beauty was somehow put for our sake.» Steven Weinberg, El sueño de una teoría final, Crítica, Barcelona, 1994, pp.198-199.
  • 14. Natural beauty makes Dobzhansky, a Darwinian biologist, say things as curious and incongruous as these: «Art is the manifestation of an aesthetic activity.An observer, if he is sensitive and knowledgeable, obtains an aesthetic satisfaction of the discovery and contemplation of the various apparently infinite structures and life forms of living beings. I am not referring here only to beautiful butterflies and birds. A living body, any of them, is a work of art. Its beauty lies in its internal teleology...The beauty of human artistic creations is imposed by their creators; it is an external teleology. (...) It is noteworthy that, for man, internal teleology has an aesthetic appeal... this is where evolution resembles an artistic creation. Its masterpiece is the human being.» T. Dobzhansky, «El azar y la creatividad en la evolución», en Estudios sobre la filosofía de la biología, F. J. Ayala yT. Dobzhansky, Ariel, Barcelona, 1983, pp. 419, 420, 428. How can he say that a totally blind, accidental and fortuitous mechanism —that is, a series of extraordinary casual coincidences— has been able to create an immense and beautiful work of art, that is, a nature full of beauty that produces us —due to another incredible chance— a great aesthetic satisfaction, and its masterpiece is man? The only thing left to say is that evolution is not only creative, but omniscient and omnipotent.
  • 15.  The Heart MotivationTheory  The concept of Logos  Logos design process  Process of formation and evolution of the universe  ¿How is it possible that something mental can lead to a material process?  Historical background of the idea of a Logos that comes to materialize CREATION, FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF THE UNIVERSE THROUGH THE LOGOS  The modern theory of fields and the Logos  The Logos as a Large Primal Unified Field  Formation of the first essential elements of the universe through the Logos  Formation of the first living beings  Principle of the two stages of creative processes
  • 16. CREATION, FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF THE UNIVERSE THROUGH THE LOGOS Using the analogy of the human creativity model, we will now present a more detailed explanation of the origin and evolution of the universe using the classical concept of Logos based on UnificationThought. This model offers a unifying vision that combines and harmonizes the different metaphors and models used in the history of thought in scientific, philosophical and religious traditions, and especially the creationist and evolutionist model. In order for the explanation to be as complete as possible, let us first briefly introduce the UnificationThought explanation of God's motive or purpose to create the universe. Their reasoning is simple, if we see that the ultimate aspiration of human beings —who are the beings who possess the highest degree of mental processes— is to achieve full happiness by satisfying the deepest desire of their hearts which is to love and to be loved, by analogy, the first cause of the universe had to have a similar motive that prompted him to create the universe.
  • 17. «Thus, God’s Heart can also be expressed as the “emotional impulse to love infinitely.” Love necessarily requires an object partner. Especially, the love of God is an irrepressible impulse and therefore, an object partner of love was absolutely necessary for God… With Heart serving as the motive, God created human beings and all things as His object partners of love.» Sung Hun Lee, New Essentials of Unification Thought, UTI, Korea, 2006, p. 24. The Heart MotivationTheory UnificationThought states that the deepest part of God's mind is Shimjung or Heart. This theory of the motivation of the Heart harmonizes the Christian vision of a God of love who created human beings by a voluntary act, but not necessary because God alone in an absolutely perfect and happy being, with the emanationist theories that maintain that everything comes from God in a necessary way, due to the excess of power or perfection of God, similar to how light and heat emanate from the Sun.
  • 18. The range of meanings of the classical notion of Logos brings together all these connotations: common rational intelligence, plan, project, reasoned discourse, word, numerical reason, measure, order, and law. By analogy with the model of human creativity, let us suppose that in the formation and evolution of the universe two processes took place; a first design process and a second fabrication process. Then, let's call Logos the fruit of the first design process. It would be something like the plan, conception, design or general project of the universe. This Logos would be a mental production or creation, but objective and real, based on an energetic material support. The second fabrication process would be equivalent to the process of formation and evolution of the universe, during which the Logos or project materializes. In other words, a process in which the Logos develops, evolves or unfolds. The concept of Logos
  • 19. We saw earlier that in human mental processes intervene a functional and operative part with intellectual, emotional, and volitional aspects that handle another objective part, composed of mental images and representations, concepts, symbols, principles and laws, and mathematical formulas and equations. Since human creativity far exceeds that of other living beings, and human mental processes are the most complex and of a higher level, it is reasonable to suppose that the mental process that led to the creation of that supposed Logos or Cosmic project would be a mental process similar to the human mental process. Logos design process The difference could only be that God, or the first cause, would have a greater capacity. We could imagine Him as the Mind of the universe or a supercomputer with great power and a big amount of information stored. Observing nature, one cannot deny to God an extraordinary intellectual capacity for inventiveness, foresight, data manipulation or execution of high-level mathematical calculations. Neither can He be denied an emotional ability to handle mental images and create multiple forms of rich and varied beauty. He should also include the ability to choose between several possibilities or options.
  • 20. This Logos design process, by analogy with the human design process, would begin with the general plans, according to the previously predetermined final ends. And then go down to the specific plans and details. It would be similar to the process of designing a house, which begins with the design of the living space and global plan, and end up with the calculation of the structures and foundations and the materials. Thus, it is logical to suppose that in addition to a general Logos or global project of the universe, particular and specific logos would be designed, beginning with human beings, who are the highest and most complex level, and then descending on the scale of livings beings to the basic structures or foundations of the universe. Logos design process This design process, whose final product would be the Logos, would not only encompass the static or spatial design of the universe and its different levels and structures, as well as its fundamental laws, but would also include the design of the dynamic and temporal process of formation and evolution of the universe. That is to say, the design of all the instruments and mechanisms of production, multiplication and evolution, which would be responsible for building, in a staggered way, all levels of reality.
  • 21. The first thing to note is that the manufacturing process follows a course virtually inverse to the design process. For example, with clay and crushed stone, bricks and cement are made first, then with these foundations and walls are built, and thus to finish with the decoration of the house. For this reason, the universe began by building the particles, which are like bricks of energy, and with these all the different types of atoms. Process of formation and evolution of the universe Then, with these atoms build molecules until the formation of stars and planets that constitute the skeleton or basic structure of the universe necessary for the later appearance of living beings.
  • 22. The process of formation and evolution of the universe… …is a manufacturing process Origen
  • 23. Previous design process Process of materialization of the Logos Origin Motive Main Purpose General Logos Global Project Specific logos Human beings Living beings Material structure of the universe Mental process of design of the Logos
  • 24. The key error of current scientific views about the origin and evolution of the universe, which prevents them from giving coherent explanations, is not understanding that the process from energy to galaxies is only a process of constructing a building from the foundations to the roof, without realizing that before there had to be a design process in the opposite direction. This happens when you observe the same fact from two different perspectives. For example, ancient peoples, seeing the sun rise on the horizon, naively believed that the sun was moving and circling the earth, because that seemed most evident. Instead, Copernicus imagined himself mounted on top of a big ball circling the sun. In an analogous way, it may seem that the most obvious explanation is to say that at the origin of the universe there was only energy and that from it particles were formed and so on up to the galaxies. But when we imagine that there was a previous design process, the formation and evolution of the universe is viewed from a completely different and inverse perspective, with which it is possible to give a more complete and coherent explanations. A Copernican twist in observing the formation and evolution of the universe
  • 25. This supposed cosmic project or Logos, once elaborated and completed by a mental process of design, became a real and objective mental product based on a material or energy support. From there a process of materialization of the Logos was initiated. This process unfolded in an autonomous way, that is, with a certain capacity for self- regulation, but also in an automatic or mechanical way, that is, following predetermined laws, and partly also by chance or accidental processes. ¿How is it possible that something mental can lead to a material process? We start from the supposition that mind and matter are not two independent substances. Both aspects never exist separately. Every mental process is always carried out in some kind of material support and every material process always includes some kind of mental process. In addition, there is a continuity between mind and matter, and both can be interchanged. Is not this falling into mystical beliefs or speaking of supernatural forces?
  • 26. The Pythagoreans imagined a continuity between the One, the other numbers, the numerical reasons (Logos), the unextended geometric points, the extensive material points, and things. Heraclitus spoke of the Logos as a creative fire that forged and exchanged with all things. One Numbers Numerical reasons (Logos) Geometric points Material points Things Logos Creative Fire Things Historical background of the idea of a Logos that comes to materialize
  • 27. Plato imagined a Demiurge who forged material things taking as models the ideal and eternal prototypes (Logos). Idea of the Good Ideal Models (Logos) Demiurge Things Aristotle elaborated the theory that there was a hierarchy of forms or souls, beginning with the Prime Mover (God) and reaching the Soul of theWorld (general logos), rational soul, sensitive soul and vegetative soul, which were the forms (particular logos) engraved in the matter. Prime Mover Hierarchy of Souls Soul of theWorld (General Logos) Rational, sensitive and vegetative soul (particular logos) Engraved on matter
  • 28. Plotinus thought that all things originated by emanation or procession from the One, beginning with the Intelligence (logos), Souls and reaching and the end to matter. The One Intelligence (Logos) Souls Matter The Stoics imagined a monistic process of formation of the universe starting from a general or common Logos, followed by a multiplication of seminal logos with a support of a subtler active matter, or pneuma, which became entangled in a thicker passive matter. Common Logos Seminal Logos Pneuma Matter Things
  • 29. St. Augustine, despite having a dualistic view, attempted to connect theTruth or ideal archetypes in the mind of God (logos) with material things through the Stoic seminal reasons or logos. The metaphysics of light attempted to elaborate a vision of monistic character, presupposing a continuity between God, ideal models, species (seminal logos) sustained in a subtle light, physical light and thicker matter. God Ideal Models (Mind of God) Seminal reasons Matter Things God Ideal Models (Mind of God) Species Seminal Logos Subtle Light Physical Light (Sun) Sensitive matter In almost all religious traditions there is a concept that fulfills a function similar to the Logos, as mediator in a supposed creation or formation of the cosmos. God Logos (Word of God) Dharma (Cosmic and moral laws) Rita (Cosmic Order) Tao (Way, cosmic truth) Creation
  • 30. The modern theory of fields and the Logos The idea of field of forces originated in the 19th century to try to explain the effects caused by magnets and electric currents. At first, they imagined a space furrowed with lines of forces, and for that reason it was called field. They speculated on all kinds of mechanisms, such as springs, threads or tubes that turned, to try to give a mechanistic explanation to its effects.Then, using some of these models, Maxwell's famous equations were elaborated which surprisingly accurately calculate the electromagnetic forces. As they observed that it was impossible for the fields, because of their properties, to consist of any known material substance, the concept of ether, an unknown substance with extraordinary properties, was invented. In the end, it was decided not to speculate more about the physical nature of the fields, the concept of the ether was discarded and only the abstract notion of fields of force and the mathematical equations that govern them were kept.
  • 31. The modern theory of fields and the Logos It was precisely this research on the fields that led to the collapse of the paradigm of the materialist mechanicism in physics. At first some speculated with a duality of substances;The subtle field or ether, on the one hand, and the particles on the other. But in the end, with the advent of quantum physics, they came to the conclusion that quantum fields are the only primary reality, and particles being a derived reality. The ancient image of particles or material corpuscles floating in an empty space have been transformed into tiny packets of waves of an energetic field that fills space completely, as the English physicist David Bohm poetically says: «What can be said in the current state of theoretical physics implies that empty space has all this energy and that matter is a slight increase in energy, and therefore matter is like a small loop in this tremendous ocean of energy.» David Bohm, El Paradigma Holográfico, Kairós, Barcelona, 1987, p. 80.
  • 32. The current scientific concept of a Unified Field (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak) that creates and governs matter through fundamental laws of nature, mathematical equations or wave functions is a notion very similar to the concept we are using of Logos. Unified Field (Fundamental laws of nature) Quantum World Universe I I Logos The modern theory of fields and the Logos
  • 33. Some physicists and biologists, like Charon and Sheldrake, extend the concept of physical fields to higher levels by talking about evolutionary fields, life fields, morphogenetic fields, and higher-level fields. Higher-level Fields Morphogenetic Fields Life Fields Unified Field (Laws) Quantum World Living beings Human beings I I Logos The modern theory of fields and the Logos
  • 34. According to Charon, specific evolutionary fields guide material structures toward the final state of the universe, a progression from disorder to order. «A material structure is incapable by itself of creating life, for it always evolves from order to disorder, while life goes from disorder to order. The structure cannot therefore be a living “actor,” it can only be a “receiver” capable of resonating with something pre-existent to the material structure in space and to what physicists often call the field. This field has as limit the two states, the initial and the final of the universe as a whole. And as we call order to any progression towards the final state of the universe, we affirm that any structure “adapted” to the specific field goes from disorder to order. This field can be rightly called the “evolutionary” field, since it is the motor of the whole evolution of the universe between its initial state and its final state.» Jean F. Charon, De la materia a la vida, Guadarrama, Madrid, 1971, pp. 363-364. The evolutionary field that guides material structures
  • 35. According to Sheldrake, the appearance of new beings and things is due to the creative activity of the morphogenetic fields that are encompassed in the great primal unified field of the universe. «The idea of morphogenetic fields has been widely adopted in developmental biology. But the nature of these fields has remained obscure.» «Many theoretical physicists now think that the fundamental fields of physics arose from a higher and more inclusive field, the primal unified field of the universe. In the same way, at every level of organization, new morphic fields may arise within and from higher-level fields. Creativity occurs not just upward from the bottom, with new forms arising from less complex systems by spontaneous jumps; it also proceeds downward from the top, through the creative activity of higher- level fields.» Rupert Sheldrake, The Rebirth of Nature, Bantam Books, NewYork, 1991, pp. 109, 195. The creative activity of the morphogenetic fields
  • 36. Thus, our supposed Logos or cosmic project, the real, objective and energetic fruit of a design process within the mind of God, could be defined as a large primal unified field that would encompass a series of staggered fields, such as those Russian dolls which are within each other, corresponding to the different levels of reality, from the human, animal and plant level until ending at the atomic level. The Logos as a Large Primal Unified Field This general Logos would thus contain the specific logos or projects of all beings of each level. This large unified field was a reality before the outburst of energy or big bang that gave rise to the process of making particles, atoms, molecules and living things.
  • 37. We will speak first of the formation of the first particles. Now physicists agree that field and energy are the primary reality, particles are a byproduct. When it is supposed that there was an intelligent cause, which is also a source of energy, and that in a first mental process he designed a Logos or cosmic project — something similar to a computer program in an energy support— that corresponds to the scientific concept of field, it is not difficult to see how an idea or plan can materialize in the form of particles. Formation of the first essential elements of the universe through the Logos Someone might object to the following:What is the need to suppose that there is a design or computer program within the physical fields?Why not think that the particles were formed spontaneously at random by accumulations of energy waves? Quantum physics teaches us that the energy packs are not formed in an arbitrary way, but that the energy is quantized, that is, the measures of the packs are not continuous but follow a discontinuous scale.
  • 38. The formula, E=h, discovered by Planck at the beginning of the 20th century that revolutionized the physics, establishes a proportion between the energy (E) of the packs or quanta and the frequency of vibration () through a universal constant (h), which determines the scale.Who chose precisely that number? If the formation of packs of energy had been fortuitous or accidental, it would be more logical to have packs of all measures and frequencies combined arbitrarily. Thus, the particles closely resemble the notes of a musical scale. In fact, physicists now define the particles only with numbers. It is quite possible that each particle and atomic nucleus has its own associated quantum field or microchips where the key information or numbers that defines it is contained. Proof of this is that the electronic cloud that surrounds the atomic nucleus fluctuates and reacts in an unpredictable way if it is bombarded with photons of light, which means that it has some capacity for self-regulation or autonomy. Therefore, simply by varying in an intelligent way the numbers of the associated quantum field new particles could be constructed, just as by varying the frequencies of sound waves the great variety of musical notes of a symphony can be created.
  • 39. Quantum fields Logos (Software) Modifies the frequencies of energy quanta (packs) Particles Quantum field associated with a specific particle Numbers that define the particle Particles Particles Atoms Molecules Universe Formation of the first essential elements of the universe through the Logos
  • 40. When scientists try to explain how the different kinds of atoms have formed from a first soup of particles in a spontaneous or accidental way, they encounter unexplained jumps or gaps. In addition, numerical values, force intensities, universal constants continue to appear, all of them of great importance for the future structure of the universe and for the later emergence of life, as can be seen in this quote fromTipler. The Anthropic Principle “Strange coincidences” «The Holy Grail of modern physics is to explain why these numerical constants —numbers, for example, like the ratio of proton and electron mass— have the particular numerical value they have.Although there has been significant progress towards this goal in recent years, we are still very far from an answer to that question... It has been found that there are a number of strange coincidences between numbers of enormous magnitude which, apparently, are completely independent; in addition, these coincidences appear to be essential for the existence in the universe of carbon-based observers. So numerous and strange are these coincidences that Carter proposed a stronger version of the Anthropic Principle... that the universe must be so to admit the creation of observers within it at some stage of its development.» J. D. Barrow & F. J.Tipler,The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford University Press, 1986, p. 5.
  • 41. The Anthropic Principle «There are some striking examples in the laws of nuclear physics of numerical accidents that seem to conspire to make the universe habitable. The power of the nuclear attraction forces is exactly what is needed to overcome the electrical repulsion between positive charges in the nucleus of ordinary atoms like oxygen or iron. But the nuclear forces are not powerful enough to unite two protons. (...) If the nuclear forces had been slightly more powerful than they are, there would be the diproton, and almost all the hydrogen in the universe would have become diproton and heavier nucleus. Hydrogen would have been a rare element, and stars like the Sun, which for a long time lived by the slow combustion of hydrogen from their nuclei, could not exist.» Freeman Dyson, Trastornando el universo, F.C.E., México, 1982, pp. 282-284. Freeman Dyson points out in this quote other examples of those "numerical accidents" that make the universe habitable.
  • 42. One must be very blind or have a strong dogmatic prejudice to not see that behind the evolution of the universe there is a project that guides it in a certain direction. In the evolution of the universe it is clear that hydrogen, the simplest and most abundant element, is a key element —as Dyson says— that serves as an energy source for the entire universe, since all stars can radiate energy through the slow combustion of hydrogen. Another key element for life, which is supposed to exist in considerable amounts in the form of ice particles in space, is water. Although people still speculate about where the heaviest elements were formed, such places would be like factories to produce more complex molecular structures such as carbon, which is also fundamental to life. Thus, we see that there was a process of manufacturing increasingly complex molecules, which would then be the basic materials to make living cells. Hydrogen atom Water molecule Carbon atom
  • 43. The cell is like the building block of living organisms, but it has some very special characteristics. It can be said that prior to the appearance of the first living organisms, the method of manufacturing the elements was similar to that of cement or chemical plants, where heating, mixing or pressure processes are used in order to produce large quantities of the same product. However, in the cell it is as if the factory and assembly line had been miniaturized and introduced into each of them. Formation of the first living beings Instead of multiplying elements by manufacturing them in large quantities, the cell uses the method of multiplication by making copies of itself, dividing them into two, or by joining two cells that give rise to seeds or embryos which then grow to be complete products. A growing seed or an embryo multiplying is like an automated factory that is building a product absorbing the materials from the outside. This is achieved because the cell has a central computer, the DNA, where the virtual design is contained and all the instructions necessary to manufacture the complete product or organism.
  • 44. The cell is like the basic unit and miniaturized factory of living organisms. Regardless of when and how a first cell formed, it is clear that it responds to a superior design or project to that of molecular structures. For this reason, it is reasonable to think that in its construction a higher-level field of forces intervened, that is to say, a life field that would contain the virtual design or specific project of the cell, which would be part of the general Logos or cosmic project. The first step would be to construct DNA, which is like the material support or hardware and at the same time it acts as a protein assembly line, which are the basic building material of living organisms. Formation of the first living beings Then, once the DNA was completed, the virtual design or genetic program of the cell would be automatically loaded into the DNA, causing the cell to be completed and started to function and reproduce as an embryo of a living being. The appearance of all living beings would follow similar processes in which ever higher levels of mental processes and consciousness life fields intervened, culminating in the appearance of human beings, which are the living beings that show the highest level of mental processes, including self-awareness and unique personal identity.
  • 45. Formation of the first living beings Living beings Life Field Specific logos (software) Genetic information Virtual design DNA Associated Life Field Genetic information Virtual design Cell DNA (hardware)
  • 46. Principle of the universality of the creative productivity model based on two stages; A first stage of creation of a project, design or Logos elaborated by a mental process; and a second stage of manufacture or evolution intentionally guided by the project or Logos, which also involves mechanisms governed by laws and random processes. PRINCIPLE OF THE TWO STAGES OF CREATIVE PROCESSES