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BDD is a process designed to aid the management and the delivery of
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Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States"
And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
And the store ships everywhere for free
Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart
When I add this product to the cart
Then I should be on my cart summary page
And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
And there should be one item in my cart
And this item should have name "T-shirt banana"
Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States"
And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
And the store ships everywhere for free
Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart
When I add this product to the cart
Then I should be on my cart summary page
And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
And there should be one item in my cart
And this item should have name "T-shirt banana"
Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States"
And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
And the store ships everywhere for free
Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart
When I add this product to the cart
Then I should be on my cart summary page
And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
And there should be one item in my cart
And this item should have name "T-shirt banana"
Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
* @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/
public function storeHasAProductPricedAt(
string $productName,
int $price = 100
): void {
$product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel);
Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
* @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/
public function storeHasAProductPricedAt(
string $productName,
int $price = 100
): void {
$product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel);
$product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel);
private function createProduct(
string $productName,
int $price = 100,
ChannelInterface $channel = null
): ProductInterface {
// ...
$product = $this->productFactory->createWithVariant();
// ...
$productVariant = $this->defaultVariantResolver->getVariant($product);
$this->createChannelPricingForChannel($price, $channel)
// ...
return $product;
Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
* @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/
public function storeHasAProductPricedAt(
string $productName,
int $price = 100
): void {
$product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel);
priced at ("[^"]+")
int $price = 100
* @Transform /^"(-)?(?:€|£|¥|$)((?:d+.)?d+)"$/
public function getPriceFromString(string $sign, string $price): int
$price = (int) round((float) $price * 100, 2);
if ('-' === $sign) {
$price *= -1;
return $price;
When I add this product to the cart
* @Given /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the cart$/
public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void
$this->productShowPage->open(['slug' => $product->getSlug()]);
When I add this product to the cart
* @Given /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the cart$/
public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void
$this->productShowPage->open(['slug' => $product->getSlug()]);
(this product)
ProductInterface $product
* @Transform /^(?:this|that|the) ([^"]+)$/
public function getResource(mixed $resource): mixed
return $this->sharedStorage->get(
private function saveProduct(ProductInterface $product)
$this->sharedStorage->set('product', $product);
public function set($key, $resource): void
$this->clipboard[$key] = $resource;
$this->latestKey = $key;
private function saveProduct(ProductInterface $product)
$this->sharedStorage->set('product', $product);
* @Transform /^(?:this|that|the) ([^"]+)$/
public function getResource(string $resource): mixed
return $this->sharedStorage->get(
* @Given /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the cart$/
public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void
$this->productShowPage->open(['slug' => $product->getSlug()]);
$this->productShowPage->open(['slug' => $product->getSlug()]);
public function open(array $urlParameters = []): void
public function tryToOpen(array $urlParameters = []): void
public function verify(array $urlParameters = []): void
public function addToCart(): void
protected function getDefinedElements(): array
return array_merge(parent::getDefinedElements(), [
'add_to_cart_button' => '#addToCart button',
// ...
Then there should be one item in my cart
* @Then there should be one item in my cart
public function thereShouldBeOneItemInMyCart()
public function isSingleItemOnPage(): bool
$items = $this
->findAll('css', '[data-test-cart-product-row]')
return 1 === count($items);
Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States"
And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
And the store ships everywhere for free
@ui @api
Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart
When I add this product to the cart
Then I should be on my cart summary page
And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
And there should be one item in my cart
And this item should have name "T-shirt banana"
Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States"
And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
And the store ships everywhere for free
@ui @api
Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart
When I add this product to the cart
Then I should be on my cart summary page
And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
And there should be one item in my cart
And this item should have name "T-shirt banana"
Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
* @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/
public function storeHasAProductPricedAt(
string $productName,
int $price = 100
): void {
$product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel);
When I add this product to the cart
* @When /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the (cart)$/
public function iAddThisProductToTheCart(
ProductInterface $product,
?string $tokenValue
): void {
$tokenValue ??= $this->pickupCart();
$request = Request::customItemAction(
'shop', 'orders', $tokenValue, HttpRequest::METHOD_POST, 'items'
'productVariant' => // variant identifier,
'quantity' => 1,
$this->sharedStorage->set('product', $product);
When I add this product to the cart
* @When /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the (cart)$/
public function iAddThisProductToTheCart(
ProductInterface $product,
?string $tokenValue
): void {
$tokenValue ??= $this->pickupCart();
$request = Request::customItemAction(
'shop', 'orders', $tokenValue, HttpRequest::METHOD_POST, 'items'
'productVariant' => // variant identifier,
'quantity' => 1,
$this->sharedStorage->set('product', $product);
$request = Request::customItemAction(
'shop', 'orders', $tokenValue, HttpRequest::METHOD_POST, 'items'
public static function customItemAction(
?string $section,
string $resource,
string $id,
string $type,
string $action
): RequestInterface {
return new self(
sprintf('/api/v2/%s/%s/%s/%s', $section, $resource, $id, $action),
['CONTENT_TYPE' => self::resolveHttpMethod($type)],
<itemOperation name="shop_add_item">
<attribute name="method">POST</attribute>
<attribute name="path">/shop/orders/{tokenValue}/items</attribute>
<attribute name="messenger">input</attribute>
<attribute name=„input">SyliusBundleApiBundleCommandCartAddItemToCart</attribute>
<attribute name="normalization_context">
<attribute name="groups">shop:cart:read</attribute>
<attribute name="denormalization_context">
<attribute name="groups">shop:cart:add_item</attribute>
<attribute name="openapi_context">
<attribute name="summary">Adds Item to cart</attribute>
POST /api/v2/shop/orders/HcgfktTi8E/items HTTP/2
accept: application/json
content-type: application/json
content-length: 90
"productVariant": "/api/v2/shop/product-variants/variant1",
"quantity": 3
Then there should be one item in my cart
* @Then there should be one item in my cart
public function thereShouldBeOneItemInMyCart(): void
$response = $this->cartsClient->getLastResponse();
$items = $this->responseChecker->getValue($response, 'items');
Assert::count($items, 1);
public function getValue(Response $response, string $key): mixed
$content = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
Assert::keyExists($content, $key);
return $content[$key];
$items = $this->responseChecker->getValue($response, 'items');
"@context": "/api/v2/contexts/Order",
"@id": "/api/v2/shop/orders/{orderToken}",
"@type": „Order",
// ...
"items": [
"@id": "/api/v2/shop/order-items/866997",
"@type": "OrderItem",
"variant": "/api/v2/shop/product-variants/variant1",
// ...
// ...
Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States"
And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
And the store ships everywhere for free
@ui @api @application
Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart
When I add this product to the cart
Then I should be on my cart summary page
And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
And there should be one item in my cart
And this item should have name "T-shirt banana"
Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States"
And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
And the store ships everywhere for free
@ui @api @application
Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart
When I add this product to the cart
Then I should be on my cart summary page
And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
And there should be one item in my cart
And this item should have name "T-shirt banana"
Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54"
* @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/
public function storeHasAProductPricedAt(
string $productName,
int $price = 100
): void {
$product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel);
When I add this product to the cart
* @When /^I add (this product) to the cart$/
public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void
$cart = $this->cartContext->getCart();
try {
->dispatch(new AddToCart($cart, $product, 1))
} catch (HandlerFailedException $exception) {
->set('last_exception', $exception->getPrevious())
When I add this product to the cart
* @When /^I add (this product) to the cart$/
public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void
$cart = $this->cartContext->getCart();
try {
->dispatch(new AddToCart($cart, $product, 1))
} catch (HandlerFailedException $exception) {
->set('last_exception', $exception->getPrevious())
->set('last_exception', $exception->getPrevious())
And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
final readonly class AddToCart
public function __construct(
public OrderInterface $cart,
public ProductInterface $product,
public int $quantity,
) {
final class AddToCartHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
public function __construct(
private FactoryInterface $orderItemFactory,
private OrderModifierInterface $orderModifier,
private OrderItemQuantityModifierInterface $orderItemQuantityModifier,
private ProductVariantResolverInterface $productVariantResolver,
private EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,
) {
public function __invoke(AddToCart $command): void
$variant = $this->productVariantResolver->getVariant($command->product);
$orderItem = $this->orderItemFactory->createNew();
$this->orderItemQuantityModifier->modify($orderItem, $command->quantity);
$this->orderModifier->addToOrder($command->cart, $orderItem);
Then there should be one item in my cart
* @Then there should be one item in my cart
public function thereShouldBeOneItemInMyCart(): void
$cart = ($this->latestCartQuery)();
Assert::count($cart->getItems(), 1);
$cartItem = $cart->getItems()->first();
$this->sharedStorage->set('item', $cartItem);
final class LatestCartQuery
public function __construct(private OrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository)
public function __invoke(): OrderInterface
return $this->orderRepository->findLatestCart();
- suites/application/cart/shopping_cart.yaml
# ...
- suites/api/admin/login.yml
- suites/api/cart/accessing_cart.yml
- suites/api/cart/shopping_cart.yml
- suites/api/channel/channels.yml
- suites/api/channel/managing_channels.yml
# ...
- suites/ui/admin/locale.yml
- suites/ui/admin/login.yml
- suites/ui/cart/shopping_cart.yml
- suites/ui/channel/channels.yml
# ...
- sylius.behat.context.hook.doctrine_orm
- sylius.behat.context.transform.currency
- sylius.behat.context.transform.lexical
- sylius.behat.context.transform.shared_storage
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product_option
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product_variant
- sylius.behat.context.transform.shipping_category
- sylius.behat.context.transform.tax_category
- sylius.behat.context.setup.currency
- sylius.behat.context.setup.exchange_rate
- sylius.behat.context.setup.product
- sylius.behat.context.setup.promotion
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping_category
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shop_security
- sylius.behat.context.setup.taxation
- sylius.behat.context.setup.user
- SyliusBehatContextApplicationCartContext
tags: "@shopping_cart && @application"
- sylius.behat.context.hook.doctrine_orm
- sylius.behat.context.transform.currency
- sylius.behat.context.transform.lexical
- sylius.behat.context.transform.shared_storage
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product_option
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product_variant
- sylius.behat.context.transform.shipping_category
- sylius.behat.context.transform.tax_category
- sylius.behat.context.setup.currency
- sylius.behat.context.setup.exchange_rate
- sylius.behat.context.setup.product
- sylius.behat.context.setup.promotion
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping_category
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shop_security
- sylius.behat.context.setup.taxation
- sylius.behat.context.setup.user
- SyliusBehatContextApplicationCartContext
tags: "@shopping_cart && @application"
- sylius.behat.context.hook.doctrine_orm
- sylius.behat.context.transform.currency
- sylius.behat.context.transform.lexical
- sylius.behat.context.transform.shared_storage
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product_option
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product_variant
- sylius.behat.context.transform.shipping_category
- sylius.behat.context.transform.tax_category
- sylius.behat.context.setup.currency
- sylius.behat.context.setup.exchange_rate
- sylius.behat.context.setup.product
- sylius.behat.context.setup.promotion
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping_category
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shop_security
- sylius.behat.context.setup.taxation
- sylius.behat.context.setup.user
- SyliusBehatContextApplicationCartContext
- sylius.behat.context.hook.doctrine_orm
- sylius.behat.context.transform.currency
- sylius.behat.context.transform.lexical
- sylius.behat.context.transform.shared_storage
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product_option
- sylius.behat.context.transform.product_variant
- sylius.behat.context.transform.shipping_category
- sylius.behat.context.transform.tax_category
- sylius.behat.context.setup.currency
- sylius.behat.context.setup.exchange_rate
- sylius.behat.context.setup.product
- sylius.behat.context.setup.promotion
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping_category
- sylius.behat.context.setup.shop_security
- sylius.behat.context.setup.taxation
- sylius.behat.context.setup.user
- SyliusBehatContextApplicationCartContext
tags: "@shopping_cart && @application"
tags: "@shopping_cart && @application"
- SyliusBehatContextApiV1CartContext
tags: "@shopping_cart && @api && @v1”
- SyliusBehatContextApiV2CartContext
tags: "@shopping_cart && @api && @v2"
? Fun
<service id="sylius.behat.api_platform_client.admin.exchange_rate"
class="SyliusBehatClientApiPlatformClient" parent="sylius.behat.api_platform_client">
<service id=„sylius.behat.context.api.admin.managing_exchange_rates"
<argument type="service" id="sylius.behat.api_platform_client.admin.exchange_rate" />
@Sylius QR CODE
@mpzalewski Zales0123

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Confoo 2023 - Business logic testing with Behat, Twig and Api Platform

  • 3. 3
  • 4. BEHAVIOUR DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT BDD is a process designed to aid the management and the delivery of software development projects by improving communication between engineers and business professionals. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 9. Background: Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States" And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" And the store ships everywhere for free @ui Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart When I add this product to the cart Then I should be on my cart summary page And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added And there should be one item in my cart And this item should have name "T-shirt banana" 9
  • 10. Background: Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States" And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" And the store ships everywhere for free @ui Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart When I add this product to the cart Then I should be on my cart summary page And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added And there should be one item in my cart And this item should have name "T-shirt banana" 10
  • 11. Background: Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States" And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" And the store ships everywhere for free @ui Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart When I add this product to the cart Then I should be on my cart summary page And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added And there should be one item in my cart And this item should have name "T-shirt banana" @ui 11
  • 12. Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" /** * @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/ */ public function storeHasAProductPricedAt( string $productName, int $price = 100 ): void { $product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel); $this->saveProduct($product); } 12
  • 13. Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" /** * @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/ */ public function storeHasAProductPricedAt( string $productName, int $price = 100 ): void { $product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel); $this->saveProduct($product); } $product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel); 13
  • 14. private function createProduct( string $productName, int $price = 100, ChannelInterface $channel = null ): ProductInterface { // ... $product = $this->productFactory->createWithVariant(); $product->setCode(StringInflector::nameToUppercaseCode($productName)); $product->setName($productName); // ... $productVariant = $this->defaultVariantResolver->getVariant($product); $productVariant->addChannelPricing( $this->createChannelPricingForChannel($price, $channel) ); // ... return $product; } 14
  • 15. Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" /** * @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/ */ public function storeHasAProductPricedAt( string $productName, int $price = 100 ): void { $product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel); $this->saveProduct($product); } priced at ("[^"]+") int $price = 100 15
  • 16. /** * @Transform /^"(-)?(?:€|£|¥|$)((?:d+.)?d+)"$/ */ public function getPriceFromString(string $sign, string $price): int { $this->validatePriceString($price); $price = (int) round((float) $price * 100, 2); if ('-' === $sign) { $price *= -1; } return $price; } 16
  • 17. When I add this product to the cart /** * @Given /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the cart$/ */ public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void { $this->productShowPage->open(['slug' => $product->getSlug()]); $this->productShowPage->addToCart(); } @ui 17
  • 18. When I add this product to the cart /** * @Given /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the cart$/ */ public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void { $this->productShowPage->open(['slug' => $product->getSlug()]); $this->productShowPage->addToCart(); } @ui (this product) ProductInterface $product 18
  • 19. /** * @Transform /^(?:this|that|the) ([^"]+)$/ */ public function getResource(mixed $resource): mixed { return $this->sharedStorage->get( StringInflector::nameToCode($resource) ); } 19
  • 20. private function saveProduct(ProductInterface $product) { $this->productRepository->add($product); $this->sharedStorage->set('product', $product); } 20 public function set($key, $resource): void { $this->clipboard[$key] = $resource; $this->latestKey = $key; }
  • 21. private function saveProduct(ProductInterface $product) { $this->productRepository->add($product); $this->sharedStorage->set('product', $product); } /** * @Transform /^(?:this|that|the) ([^"]+)$/ */ public function getResource(string $resource): mixed { return $this->sharedStorage->get( StringInflector::nameToCode($resource) ); } /** * @Given /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the cart$/ */ public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void { $this->productShowPage->open(['slug' => $product->getSlug()]); $this->productShowPage->addToCart(); } 21
  • 22. $this->productShowPage->open(['slug' => $product->getSlug()]); public function open(array $urlParameters = []): void { $this->tryToOpen($urlParameters); $this->verify($urlParameters); } public function tryToOpen(array $urlParameters = []): void { $this->getSession()->visit($this->getUrl($urlParameters)); } public function verify(array $urlParameters = []): void { $this->verifyStatusCode(); $this->verifyUrl($urlParameters); } @ui 22
  • 23. $this->productShowPage->addToCart(); public function addToCart(): void { $this->getElement('add_to_cart_button')->click(); } protected function getDefinedElements(): array { return array_merge(parent::getDefinedElements(), [ 'add_to_cart_button' => '#addToCart button', // ... ]); } @ui 23
  • 24. Then there should be one item in my cart @ui /** * @Then there should be one item in my cart */ public function thereShouldBeOneItemInMyCart() { Assert::true($this->summaryPage->isSingleItemOnPage()); } 24
  • 25. @ui $this->summaryPage->isSingleItemOnPage(); public function isSingleItemOnPage(): bool { $items = $this ->getElement('cart_items') ->findAll('css', '[data-test-cart-product-row]') ; return 1 === count($items); } 25
  • 27. 27
  • 28. Background: Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States" And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" And the store ships everywhere for free @ui @api Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart When I add this product to the cart Then I should be on my cart summary page And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added And there should be one item in my cart And this item should have name "T-shirt banana" 28
  • 29. Background: Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States" And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" And the store ships everywhere for free @ui @api Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart When I add this product to the cart Then I should be on my cart summary page And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added And there should be one item in my cart And this item should have name "T-shirt banana" @api 29
  • 30. Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" /** * @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/ */ public function storeHasAProductPricedAt( string $productName, int $price = 100 ): void { $product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel); $this->saveProduct($product); } 30
  • 31. When I add this product to the cart @api /** * @When /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the (cart)$/ */ public function iAddThisProductToTheCart( ProductInterface $product, ?string $tokenValue ): void { $tokenValue ??= $this->pickupCart(); $request = Request::customItemAction( 'shop', 'orders', $tokenValue, HttpRequest::METHOD_POST, 'items' ); $request->updateContent([ 'productVariant' => // variant identifier, 'quantity' => 1, ]); $this->cartsClient->executeCustomRequest($request); $this->sharedStorage->set('product', $product); } 31
  • 32. When I add this product to the cart @api /** * @When /^I (?:add|added) (this product) to the (cart)$/ */ public function iAddThisProductToTheCart( ProductInterface $product, ?string $tokenValue ): void { $tokenValue ??= $this->pickupCart(); $request = Request::customItemAction( 'shop', 'orders', $tokenValue, HttpRequest::METHOD_POST, 'items' ); $request->updateContent([ 'productVariant' => // variant identifier, 'quantity' => 1, ]); $this->cartsClient->executeCustomRequest($request); $this->sharedStorage->set('product', $product); } 32 $request = Request::customItemAction( 'shop', 'orders', $tokenValue, HttpRequest::METHOD_POST, 'items' );
  • 33. Request::customItemAction @api public static function customItemAction( ?string $section, string $resource, string $id, string $type, string $action ): RequestInterface { return new self( sprintf('/api/v2/%s/%s/%s/%s', $section, $resource, $id, $action), $type, ['CONTENT_TYPE' => self::resolveHttpMethod($type)], ); } 33
  • 34. <itemOperation name="shop_add_item"> <attribute name="method">POST</attribute> <attribute name="path">/shop/orders/{tokenValue}/items</attribute> <attribute name="messenger">input</attribute> <attribute name=„input">SyliusBundleApiBundleCommandCartAddItemToCart</attribute> <attribute name="normalization_context"> <attribute name="groups">shop:cart:read</attribute> </attribute> <attribute name="denormalization_context"> <attribute name="groups">shop:cart:add_item</attribute> </attribute> <attribute name="openapi_context"> <attribute name="summary">Adds Item to cart</attribute> </attribute> </itemOperation> @api 34
  • 35. POST /api/v2/shop/orders/HcgfktTi8E/items HTTP/2 host: accept: application/json content-type: application/json content-length: 90 { "productVariant": "/api/v2/shop/product-variants/variant1", "quantity": 3 } 35
  • 36. Then there should be one item in my cart /** * @Then there should be one item in my cart */ public function thereShouldBeOneItemInMyCart(): void { $response = $this->cartsClient->getLastResponse(); $items = $this->responseChecker->getValue($response, 'items'); Assert::count($items, 1); } @api 36
  • 37. public function getValue(Response $response, string $key): mixed { $content = json_decode($response->getContent(), true); Assert::isArray($content); Assert::keyExists($content, $key); return $content[$key]; } @api $items = $this->responseChecker->getValue($response, 'items'); 37
  • 38. { "@context": "/api/v2/contexts/Order", "@id": "/api/v2/shop/orders/{orderToken}", "@type": „Order", // ... "items": [ { "@id": "/api/v2/shop/order-items/866997", "@type": "OrderItem", "variant": "/api/v2/shop/product-variants/variant1", // ... } ], // ... } 38
  • 40. Background: Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States" And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" And the store ships everywhere for free @ui @api @application Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart When I add this product to the cart Then I should be on my cart summary page And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added And there should be one item in my cart And this item should have name "T-shirt banana" 40
  • 41. Background: Given the store operates on a single channel in "United States" And the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" And the store ships everywhere for free @ui @api @application Scenario: Adding a simple product to the cart When I add this product to the cart Then I should be on my cart summary page And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added And there should be one item in my cart And this item should have name "T-shirt banana" @application 41
  • 42. Given the store has a product "T-shirt banana" priced at "$12.54" /** * @Given /^the store has a product "([^"]+)" priced at ("[^"]+")$/ */ public function storeHasAProductPricedAt( string $productName, int $price = 100 ): void { $product = $this->createProduct($productName, $price, $channel); $this->saveProduct($product); } 42
  • 43. When I add this product to the cart @application /** * @When /^I add (this product) to the cart$/ */ public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void { $cart = $this->cartContext->getCart(); try { $this ->commandBus ->dispatch(new AddToCart($cart, $product, 1)) ; } catch (HandlerFailedException $exception) { $this ->sharedStorage ->set('last_exception', $exception->getPrevious()) ; } } 43
  • 44. When I add this product to the cart @application /** * @When /^I add (this product) to the cart$/ */ public function iAddProductToTheCart(ProductInterface $product): void { $cart = $this->cartContext->getCart(); try { $this ->commandBus ->dispatch(new AddToCart($cart, $product, 1)) ; } catch (HandlerFailedException $exception) { $this ->sharedStorage ->set('last_exception', $exception->getPrevious()) ; } } 44 $this ->sharedStorage ->set('last_exception', $exception->getPrevious()) ; And I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
  • 45. @application final readonly class AddToCart { public function __construct( public OrderInterface $cart, public ProductInterface $product, public int $quantity, ) { } } 45
  • 46. @application final class AddToCartHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface { public function __construct( private FactoryInterface $orderItemFactory, private OrderModifierInterface $orderModifier, private OrderItemQuantityModifierInterface $orderItemQuantityModifier, private ProductVariantResolverInterface $productVariantResolver, private EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, ) { } public function __invoke(AddToCart $command): void { $variant = $this->productVariantResolver->getVariant($command->product); $orderItem = $this->orderItemFactory->createNew(); $orderItem->setVariant($variant); $this->orderItemQuantityModifier->modify($orderItem, $command->quantity); $this->orderModifier->addToOrder($command->cart, $orderItem); $this->entityManager->persist($command->cart); $this->entityManager->flush(); } } 46
  • 47. Then there should be one item in my cart /** * @Then there should be one item in my cart */ public function thereShouldBeOneItemInMyCart(): void { $cart = ($this->latestCartQuery)(); Assert::count($cart->getItems(), 1); $cartItem = $cart->getItems()->first(); $this->sharedStorage->set('item', $cartItem); } @application 47
  • 48. 48 final class LatestCartQuery { public function __construct(private OrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository) { } public function __invoke(): OrderInterface { return $this->orderRepository->findLatestCart(); } } @application
  • 49. 49
  • 50. imports: - suites/application/cart/shopping_cart.yaml # ... - suites/api/admin/login.yml - suites/api/cart/accessing_cart.yml - suites/api/cart/shopping_cart.yml - suites/api/channel/channels.yml - suites/api/channel/managing_channels.yml # ... - suites/ui/admin/locale.yml - suites/ui/admin/login.yml - suites/ui/cart/shopping_cart.yml - suites/ui/channel/channels.yml # ... 50
  • 51. default: suites: application_shopping_cart: contexts: - sylius.behat.context.hook.doctrine_orm - - sylius.behat.context.transform.currency - sylius.behat.context.transform.lexical - sylius.behat.context.transform.shared_storage - sylius.behat.context.transform.product - sylius.behat.context.transform.product_option - sylius.behat.context.transform.product_variant - sylius.behat.context.transform.shipping_category - sylius.behat.context.transform.tax_category - - - sylius.behat.context.setup.currency - sylius.behat.context.setup.exchange_rate - sylius.behat.context.setup.product - sylius.behat.context.setup.promotion - sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping - sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping_category - sylius.behat.context.setup.shop_security - sylius.behat.context.setup.taxation - sylius.behat.context.setup.user - - SyliusBehatContextApplicationCartContext filters: tags: "@shopping_cart && @application" 51
  • 52. default: suites: application_shopping_cart: contexts: - sylius.behat.context.hook.doctrine_orm - - sylius.behat.context.transform.currency - sylius.behat.context.transform.lexical - sylius.behat.context.transform.shared_storage - sylius.behat.context.transform.product - sylius.behat.context.transform.product_option - sylius.behat.context.transform.product_variant - sylius.behat.context.transform.shipping_category - sylius.behat.context.transform.tax_category - - - sylius.behat.context.setup.currency - sylius.behat.context.setup.exchange_rate - sylius.behat.context.setup.product - sylius.behat.context.setup.promotion - sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping - sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping_category - sylius.behat.context.setup.shop_security - sylius.behat.context.setup.taxation - sylius.behat.context.setup.user - - SyliusBehatContextApplicationCartContext filters: tags: "@shopping_cart && @application" 52 - sylius.behat.context.hook.doctrine_orm - - sylius.behat.context.transform.currency - sylius.behat.context.transform.lexical - sylius.behat.context.transform.shared_storage - sylius.behat.context.transform.product - sylius.behat.context.transform.product_option - sylius.behat.context.transform.product_variant - sylius.behat.context.transform.shipping_category - sylius.behat.context.transform.tax_category - - - sylius.behat.context.setup.currency - sylius.behat.context.setup.exchange_rate - sylius.behat.context.setup.product - sylius.behat.context.setup.promotion - sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping - sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping_category - sylius.behat.context.setup.shop_security - sylius.behat.context.setup.taxation - sylius.behat.context.setup.user - - SyliusBehatContextApplicationCartContext
  • 53. default: suites: application_shopping_cart: contexts: - sylius.behat.context.hook.doctrine_orm - - sylius.behat.context.transform.currency - sylius.behat.context.transform.lexical - sylius.behat.context.transform.shared_storage - sylius.behat.context.transform.product - sylius.behat.context.transform.product_option - sylius.behat.context.transform.product_variant - sylius.behat.context.transform.shipping_category - sylius.behat.context.transform.tax_category - - - sylius.behat.context.setup.currency - sylius.behat.context.setup.exchange_rate - sylius.behat.context.setup.product - sylius.behat.context.setup.promotion - sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping - sylius.behat.context.setup.shipping_category - sylius.behat.context.setup.shop_security - sylius.behat.context.setup.taxation - sylius.behat.context.setup.user - - SyliusBehatContextApplicationCartContext filters: tags: "@shopping_cart && @application" tags: "@shopping_cart && @application" 53
  • 54. default: suites: api_v1_shopping_cart: contexts: - SyliusBehatContextApiV1CartContext filters: tags: "@shopping_cart && @api && @v1” api_v2_shopping_cart: contexts: - SyliusBehatContextApiV2CartContext filters: tags: "@shopping_cart && @api && @v2" 54
  • 57. 57
  • 58. 58
  • 59. 59
  • 61. THANK YOU QR CODE @CommerceWeavers @Sylius QR CODE @mpzalewski Zales0123