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12.9 Program: Online shopping cart (continued) (C++)
This program extends the earlier "Online shopping cart" program. (Consider first saving your
earlier program).
(1) Extend the ItemToPurchase class per the following specifications:
Parameterized constructor to assign item name, item description, item price, and item quantity
(default values of 0). (1 pt)
Public member functions
SetDescription() mutator & GetDescription() accessor (2 pts)
PrintItemCost() - Outputs the item name followed by the quantity, price, and subtotal
PrintItemDescription() - Outputs the item name and description
Private data members
string itemDescription - Initialized in default constructor to "none"
Ex. of PrintItemCost() output:
Ex. of PrintItemDescription() output:
(2) Create three new files:
ShoppingCart.h - Class declaration
ShoppingCart.cpp - Class definition
main.cpp - main() function (Note: main()'s functionality differs from the warm up)
Build the ShoppingCart class with the following specifications. Note: Some can be function
stubs (empty functions) initially, to be completed in later steps.
Default constructor
Parameterized constructor which takes the customer name and date as parameters (1 pt)
Private data members
string customerName - Initialized in default constructor to "none"
string currentDate - Initialized in default constructor to "January 1, 2016"
vector < ItemToPurchase > cartItems
Public member functions
GetCustomerName() accessor (1 pt)
GetDate() accessor (1 pt)
Adds an item to cartItems vector. Has parameter ItemToPurchase. Does not return anything.
Removes item from cartItems vector. Has a string (an item's name) parameter. Does not return
If item name cannot be found, output this message: Item not found in cart. Nothing removed.
Modifies an item's description, price, and/or quantity. Has parameter ItemToPurchase. Does not
return anything.
If item can be found (by name) in cart, check if parameter has default values for description,
price, and quantity. If not, modify item in cart.
If item cannot be found (by name) in cart, output this message: Item not found in cart. Nothing
GetNumItemsInCart() (2 pts)
Returns quantity of all. Has no parameters.
GetCostOfCart() (2 pts)
Determines and returns the total cost of items in cart. Has no parameters.
Outputs total of objects in cart.
If cart is empty, output this message: SHOPPING CART IS EMPTY
Outputs each item's description.
Ex. of PrintTotal() output:
Ex. of PrintDescriptions() output:
(3) In main(), prompt the user for a customer's name and today's date. Output the name and
date. Create an object of type ShoppingCart. (1 pt)
(4) Implement the PrintMenu() function. PrintMenu() has a ShoppingCart parameter, and
outputs a menu of options to manipulate the shopping cart. Each option is represented by a single
character. Build and output the menu within the function.
If the an invalid character is entered, continue to prompt for a valid choice. Hint: Implement Quit
before implementing other options. Call PrintMenu() in the main() function. Continue to execute
the menu until the user enters q to Quit. (3 pts)
(5) Implement Output shopping cart menu option. (3 pts)
(6) Implement Output item's description menu option. (2 pts)
(7) Implement Add item to cart menu option. (3 pts)
(8) Implement remove item menu option. (4 pts)
(9) Implement Change item quantity menu option. Hint: Make new ItemToPurchase object and
use ItemToPurchase modifiers before using ModifyItem() function. (5 pts)
My Program:
using namespace std;
class ItemToPurchase {
ItemToPurchase(string itemName, double itemPrice, int itemQuantity, string
void SetName(string itemName);
void SetPrice(double itemPrice);
void SetQuantity(int itemQuantity);
void SetDescription(string itemDescription);
string GetName();
double GetPrice();
int GetQuantity();
string GetDescription();
void PrintItemCost();
void PrintItemDescription();
string itemName;
double itemPrice;
int itemQuantity;
string itemDescription;
#include "ItemToPurchase.h"
using namespace std;
ItemToPurchase::ItemToPurchase() {
itemName = "NoName";
itemPrice = 0.0;
itemQuantity = 0;
itemDescription = "NoDescription";
ItemToPurchase::ItemToPurchase(string itemName, double itemPrice, int itemQuantity, string
itemDescription) {
void ItemToPurchase::SetName(string item_Name) {
itemName = item_Name;
void ItemToPurchase::SetPrice(double item_Price) {
itemPrice = item_Price;
void ItemToPurchase::SetQuantity(int item_Quantity) {
itemQuantity = item_Quantity;
void ItemToPurchase::SetDescription(string item_Description) {
itemDescription = item_Description;
string ItemToPurchase::GetName() {
return itemName;
double ItemToPurchase::GetPrice() {
return itemPrice;
int ItemToPurchase::GetQuantity() {
return itemQuantity;
string ItemToPurchase::GetDescription() {
return itemDescription;
void ItemToPurchase::PrintItemCost() {
cout << itemName << " " << itemQuantity << " @ $" << itemPrice << " = $" <<
itemQuantity * itemPrice << endl;
void ItemToPurchase::PrintItemDescription() {
cout << itemName << ": " << itemDescription << endl;
#include "ItemToPurchase.h"
using namespace std;
class ShoppingCart {
ShoppingCart(string customerName, string currentDate );
string GetCustomerName();
string GetDate();
void AddItem(ItemToPurchase);
void RemoveItem(string);
void ModifyItem(ItemToPurchase);
int GetNumItemsInCart();
int GetCostOfCart();
void PrintTotal();
void PrintDescriptions();
string customerName;
string currentDate;
vector cartItems;
using namespace std;
void cart :: insert()
product p;
int n;
cout << "ele" << elements_in_cart << " " << capacity <<" ";
if (elements_in_cart == capacity)
printf("cart is full ");
cout << " enter the product code ";
cin >> p->product_code;
cout << " enter the product cost ";
cin >> p->product_cost;
void cart :: remove()
product p;
cout << "There are no products in the cart to remove ";
cout << " removed product from the cart is:" << "product code: " << p->product_code
<<" product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " ";
void cart :: display()
product p;
cout << " There are no products in the cart to display ";
for (p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next)
cout << "product code: " << p->product_code <<" product cost: "<< p->product_cost <<
" ";
void cart :: currentTotal()
product p;
int total_cost=0;
cout << " There are no products in the cart to display ";
for (p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next)
cout << "product code: " << p->product_code <<" product cost: "<< p->product_cost <<
" ";
cout << "Current total cost :" << total_cost << " ";
int main()
cart c1;
int choice,n;
cout << " enter the cart size";
cin >> n;
cout << " t1:add an element into the cart   t2:remove an element from the cart  
t3:display elements in the car  t";
cout << "4:show last product   t5:show current total   t6:exit   ";
cout << " enter your choice:";
cin >> choice;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
}while(choice != 6);
return 0;
void cart :: insert()
product p;
int n, cat, pcode;
cout << "ele" << elements_in_cart << " " << capacity <<" ";
if (elements_in_cart == capacity)
printf("cart is full ");
//cout << " enter the product code ";
cin >> cat;
//cout << " enter the product cost ";
cin >> pcode;
} while(!is_product_exists(cat, pcode));
ProductDetails pdtls = get_product_details(cat, pcode);
p->product_code = get_product_key(cat, pcode);
p->product_cost = pdtls.product_cost;
memset(p->product_name, '0', PRODUCT_NAME_LEN);
strcpy(p->product_name, pdtls.product_name);
void cart :: remove()
product p;
cout << "There are no products in the cart to remove ";
cout << " removed product from the cart is:" << "product code: " << p->product_code <<
" product name: " << p->product_name << " product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " ";
void cart :: display()
product p;
cout << " There are no products in the cart to display ";
for (p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next)
cout << "product code: " << p->product_code << " product name: " << p->product_name
<<" product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " ";
void cart :: currentTotal()
product p;
int total_cost=0;
cout << " There are no products in the cart to display ";
for (p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next)
cout << "product code: " << p->product_code << " product name: " <product_name <<"
product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " ";
cout << "Current total cost :" << total_cost << " ";
void print_usage(char *exe) {
printf("Usage: %s [-h] -p  ", exe);
int get_product_key(int category, int product_code)
return category * PRODUCT_KEY_MULTIPLIER + product_code;
std::string trim(const std::string& str,
const std::string& whitespace = " t ")
const std::size_t strBegin = str.find_first_not_of(whitespace);
if (strBegin == std::string::npos)
return ""; // no content
const std::size_t strEnd = str.find_last_not_of(whitespace);
const std::size_t strRange = strEnd - strBegin + 1;
return str.substr(strBegin, strRange);
bool insert_menu_item(const ProductDetails & pdtls)
std::map::iterator itr = p_category.find(pdtls.product_cat_code);
if(itr != p_category.end())
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cout << "product category is already added, "
<< "category code => " << pdtls.product_cat_code
<< " category name => " << pdtls.product_category
<< " proceeding to add sub items"
<< endl;
ProductMenu::iterator mitr = p_menu.find(pdtls.product_cat_code);
if(mitr == p_menu.end())
std::cout << " item is addd to p_category but can not find in p_menu size => " <<
p_menu.size() << endl;
return false;
mitr->second.insert(std::pair(pdtls.product_code, std::string(pdtls.product_name)));
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cout << "added sub menu item to the existing category, p_menu size => " <<
p_menu.size() << endl;
p_category.insert(std::pair (pdtls.product_cat_code, std::string(pdtls.product_category)));
std::map ps_menu;
ps_menu.insert(std::pair(pdtls.product_code, std::string(pdtls.product_name)));
p_menu.insert(std::pair >(pdtls.product_cat_code, ps_menu));
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cout << "item added to p_menu and now the size is => " << p_menu.size() << endl;
return true;
void display_category()
std::map::iterator itr = p_category.begin();
std::cout << " Choose the category from the below list " << endl;
for(; itr != p_category.end(); ++itr)
std::cout << itr->first << " => " << itr->second << endl;
std::cout << endl;
bool display_products_in_category(int cat)
ProductMenu::iterator itr = p_menu.find(cat);
if(itr == p_menu.end())
std::cout << "Invalid category selected. Please, select the correct category again " << endl;
return false;
std::cout << "Select the product from the below menu " << endl;
std::map::iterator sitr = itr->second.begin();
for(; sitr != itr->second.end(); ++sitr)
std::cout << sitr->first << " => " << sitr->second << endl;
std::cout << endl;
return true;
ProductDetails get_product_details(int cat, int pcode)
int pkey = get_product_key(cat, pcode);
std::map::iterator itr = stock_details.find(pkey);
return itr->second;
bool is_product_exists(int cat, int pcode)
int pkey = get_product_key(cat, pcode);
std::map::iterator itr = stock_details.find(pkey);
return itr != stock_details.end();
pdtls.product_cat_code = atoi(value.c_str());
case 1:
memset(pdtls.product_category, '0', PRODUCT_NAME_LEN);
strcpy(pdtls.product_category, value.c_str());
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "category name => " << value << endl;
case 2:
pdtls.product_code = atoi(value.c_str());
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "product code => " << value << endl;
case 3:
memset(pdtls.product_name, '0', PRODUCT_NAME_LEN);
strcpy(pdtls.product_name, value.c_str());
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "product name=> " << value << endl;
case 4:
value = trim(line.substr(sindex));
pdtls.product_cost = atoi(value.c_str());
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "product price Rs. => " << value << endl << endl;
cout << "got more than expected number of delimiters. Ignoring additional values "
<< endl;
std::pair::iterator, bool> ret;
int pkey = get_product_key(pdtls.product_cat_code, pdtls.product_code);
ret = stock_details.insert(std::pair(pkey, pdtls));
if(ret.second == false)
std::cout << "product key : " << pkey
<< " already exists. please, check the product details files with unique entries "
<< endl;
return false;
found = line.find_first_of(":", sindex);
memset(buf, '0', MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE);
return true;
void display_product_details()
std::map::iterator itr = stock_details.begin();
for(; itr != stock_details.end(); ++itr)
std::cout << "product key => " << itr->first << endl;
std::cout << "product category code => " << itr->second.product_cat_code << endl;
std::cout << "product category name => " << itr->second.product_category << endl;
std::cout << "product code => " << itr->second.product_code << endl;
std::cout << "product name => " << itr->second.product_name << endl;
std::cout << "product cost => " << itr->second.product_cost << endl;
std::cout << endl << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//extern char *optarg;
//extern int optind;
cart c1;
int choice,n,option;
string product_file;
if(argc < 2)
cout << "Invalid usage. Please check the usage below" << endl;
//Specifying the expected options
//The two options l and b expect numbers as argument
while ((option = getopt(argc, argv,"hp:")) != -1) {
switch (option) {
case 'p' :
cout << "got the file " << endl;
product_file = optarg;
cout << "assigned the file " << product_file << endl;
case 'h' :
case '?':
cout << " ? Invalid usage. Please check the usage below" << endl;
cout << " default : Invalid usage. Please check the usage below" << endl;
cout << "getting the stock details" << endl;
bool status = get_stock_details(product_file);
cout << "Failed to load stock details from the file. Please check the file :"
<< product_file << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << " enter the cart size: ";
cin >> n;
cout << " t1:add an element into the cart   t2:remove an element from the cart  
t3:display elements in the cart  t";
cout << "4:show last product   t5:show current total   t6:exit   ";
cout << " enter your choice:";
cin >> choice;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
}while(choice != 6);
return 0;

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12.9 Program Online shopping cart (continued) (C++)This program e.pdf

  • 1. 12.9 Program: Online shopping cart (continued) (C++) This program extends the earlier "Online shopping cart" program. (Consider first saving your earlier program). (1) Extend the ItemToPurchase class per the following specifications: Parameterized constructor to assign item name, item description, item price, and item quantity (default values of 0). (1 pt) Public member functions SetDescription() mutator & GetDescription() accessor (2 pts) PrintItemCost() - Outputs the item name followed by the quantity, price, and subtotal PrintItemDescription() - Outputs the item name and description Private data members string itemDescription - Initialized in default constructor to "none" Ex. of PrintItemCost() output: Ex. of PrintItemDescription() output: (2) Create three new files: ShoppingCart.h - Class declaration ShoppingCart.cpp - Class definition main.cpp - main() function (Note: main()'s functionality differs from the warm up) Build the ShoppingCart class with the following specifications. Note: Some can be function stubs (empty functions) initially, to be completed in later steps. Default constructor Parameterized constructor which takes the customer name and date as parameters (1 pt) Private data members string customerName - Initialized in default constructor to "none" string currentDate - Initialized in default constructor to "January 1, 2016" vector < ItemToPurchase > cartItems Public member functions GetCustomerName() accessor (1 pt) GetDate() accessor (1 pt) AddItem() Adds an item to cartItems vector. Has parameter ItemToPurchase. Does not return anything. RemoveItem() Removes item from cartItems vector. Has a string (an item's name) parameter. Does not return
  • 2. anything. If item name cannot be found, output this message: Item not found in cart. Nothing removed. ModifyItem() Modifies an item's description, price, and/or quantity. Has parameter ItemToPurchase. Does not return anything. If item can be found (by name) in cart, check if parameter has default values for description, price, and quantity. If not, modify item in cart. If item cannot be found (by name) in cart, output this message: Item not found in cart. Nothing modified. GetNumItemsInCart() (2 pts) Returns quantity of all items in cart. Has no parameters. GetCostOfCart() (2 pts) Determines and returns the total cost of items in cart. Has no parameters. PrintTotal() Outputs total of objects in cart. If cart is empty, output this message: SHOPPING CART IS EMPTY PrintDescriptions() Outputs each item's description. Ex. of PrintTotal() output: Ex. of PrintDescriptions() output: (3) In main(), prompt the user for a customer's name and today's date. Output the name and date. Create an object of type ShoppingCart. (1 pt) Ex. (4) Implement the PrintMenu() function. PrintMenu() has a ShoppingCart parameter, and outputs a menu of options to manipulate the shopping cart. Each option is represented by a single character. Build and output the menu within the function. If the an invalid character is entered, continue to prompt for a valid choice. Hint: Implement Quit before implementing other options. Call PrintMenu() in the main() function. Continue to execute the menu until the user enters q to Quit. (3 pts) Ex:
  • 3. (5) Implement Output shopping cart menu option. (3 pts) Ex: (6) Implement Output item's description menu option. (2 pts) Ex. (7) Implement Add item to cart menu option. (3 pts) Ex: (8) Implement remove item menu option. (4 pts) Ex: (9) Implement Change item quantity menu option. Hint: Make new ItemToPurchase object and use ItemToPurchase modifiers before using ModifyItem() function. (5 pts) Ex: My Program: #ifndef ITEMTOPURCHASE_H #define ITEMTOPURCHASE_H #include #include using namespace std; class ItemToPurchase { public: ItemToPurchase(); ItemToPurchase(string itemName, double itemPrice, int itemQuantity, string itemDescription); void SetName(string itemName); void SetPrice(double itemPrice); void SetQuantity(int itemQuantity);
  • 4. void SetDescription(string itemDescription); string GetName(); double GetPrice(); int GetQuantity(); string GetDescription(); void PrintItemCost(); void PrintItemDescription(); private: string itemName; double itemPrice; int itemQuantity; string itemDescription; }; #endif #include #include #include "ItemToPurchase.h" using namespace std; ItemToPurchase::ItemToPurchase() { itemName = "NoName"; itemPrice = 0.0; itemQuantity = 0; itemDescription = "NoDescription"; return; } ItemToPurchase::ItemToPurchase(string itemName, double itemPrice, int itemQuantity, string itemDescription) { SetName(itemName); SetPrice(itemPrice); SetQuantity(itemQuantity); SetDescription(itemDescription); return; }
  • 5. void ItemToPurchase::SetName(string item_Name) { itemName = item_Name; return; } void ItemToPurchase::SetPrice(double item_Price) { itemPrice = item_Price; return; } void ItemToPurchase::SetQuantity(int item_Quantity) { itemQuantity = item_Quantity; return; } void ItemToPurchase::SetDescription(string item_Description) { itemDescription = item_Description; return; } string ItemToPurchase::GetName() { return itemName; } double ItemToPurchase::GetPrice() { return itemPrice; } int ItemToPurchase::GetQuantity() { return itemQuantity; } string ItemToPurchase::GetDescription() { return itemDescription; } void ItemToPurchase::PrintItemCost() { cout << itemName << " " << itemQuantity << " @ $" << itemPrice << " = $" << itemQuantity * itemPrice << endl; return; } void ItemToPurchase::PrintItemDescription() { cout << itemName << ": " << itemDescription << endl;
  • 6. return; } #define SHOPPINGCART_H #include #include #include #include "ItemToPurchase.h" using namespace std; class ShoppingCart { public: ShoppingCart(); ShoppingCart(string customerName, string currentDate ); string GetCustomerName(); string GetDate(); void AddItem(ItemToPurchase); void RemoveItem(string); void ModifyItem(ItemToPurchase); int GetNumItemsInCart(); int GetCostOfCart(); void PrintTotal(); void PrintDescriptions(); private: string customerName; string currentDate; vector cartItems; }; #endif Solution #include using namespace std;
  • 7. } void cart :: insert() { product p; int n; cout << "ele" << elements_in_cart << " " << capacity <<" "; if (elements_in_cart == capacity) { printf("cart is full "); return; } p=getnode(); cout << " enter the product code "; cin >> p->product_code; cout << " enter the product cost "; cin >> p->product_cost; p->next=list; list=p; elements_in_cart++; } void cart :: remove() { product p; if(list==NULL) { cout << "There are no products in the cart to remove "; return; } p=list; list=list->next;
  • 8. cout << " removed product from the cart is:" << "product code: " << p->product_code <<" product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " "; } void cart :: display() { product p; p=list; if(p==NULL) cout << " There are no products in the cart to display "; for (p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { cout << "product code: " << p->product_code <<" product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " "; } } void cart :: currentTotal() { product p; int total_cost=0; p=list; if(p==NULL) cout << " There are no products in the cart to display "; for (p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { total_cost+=p->product_cost; cout << "product code: " << p->product_code <<" product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " "; } cout << "Current total cost :" << total_cost << " "; } int main() {
  • 9. cart c1; int choice,n; cout << " enter the cart size"; cin >> n; c1.init(n); do { cout << " t1:add an element into the cart t2:remove an element from the cart t3:display elements in the car t"; cout << "4:show last product t5:show current total t6:exit "; cout << " enter your choice:"; cin >> choice; switch(choice) { case 1: c1.insert(); break; case 2: c1.remove(); break; case 3: c1.display(); break; case 4: c1.showtop(); break; case 5: c1.currentTotal(); break; case 6: c1.freenode(); break; } }while(choice != 6); return 0;
  • 10. } #include #include #include #include #include #include void cart :: insert() { product p; int n, cat, pcode; cout << "ele" << elements_in_cart << " " << capacity <<" "; if (elements_in_cart == capacity) { printf("cart is full "); return; } do { display_category(); //cout << " enter the product code "; cin >> cat; //cout << " enter the product cost "; display_products_in_category(cat); cin >> pcode; } while(!is_product_exists(cat, pcode)); ProductDetails pdtls = get_product_details(cat, pcode); p=getnode(); p->product_code = get_product_key(cat, pcode); p->product_cost = pdtls.product_cost; memset(p->product_name, '0', PRODUCT_NAME_LEN);
  • 11. strcpy(p->product_name, pdtls.product_name); p->next=list; list=p; elements_in_cart++; } void cart :: remove() { product p; if(list==NULL) { cout << "There are no products in the cart to remove "; return; } p=list; list=list->next; cout << " removed product from the cart is:" << "product code: " << p->product_code << " product name: " << p->product_name << " product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " "; } void cart :: display() { product p; p=list; if(p==NULL) cout << " There are no products in the cart to display "; for (p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { cout << "product code: " << p->product_code << " product name: " << p->product_name <<" product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " "; } } void cart :: currentTotal() { product p; int total_cost=0;
  • 12. p=list; if(p==NULL) cout << " There are no products in the cart to display "; for (p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { total_cost+=p->product_cost; cout << "product code: " << p->product_code << " product name: " <product_name <<" product cost: "<< p->product_cost << " "; } cout << "Current total cost :" << total_cost << " "; } void print_usage(char *exe) { printf("Usage: %s [-h] -p ", exe); } int get_product_key(int category, int product_code) { return category * PRODUCT_KEY_MULTIPLIER + product_code; } std::string trim(const std::string& str, const std::string& whitespace = " t ") { const std::size_t strBegin = str.find_first_not_of(whitespace); if (strBegin == std::string::npos) return ""; // no content const std::size_t strEnd = str.find_last_not_of(whitespace); const std::size_t strRange = strEnd - strBegin + 1; return str.substr(strBegin, strRange); } bool insert_menu_item(const ProductDetails & pdtls)
  • 13. { std::map::iterator itr = p_category.find(pdtls.product_cat_code); if(itr != p_category.end()) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "product category is already added, " << "category code => " << pdtls.product_cat_code << " category name => " << pdtls.product_category << " proceeding to add sub items" << endl; #endif ProductMenu::iterator mitr = p_menu.find(pdtls.product_cat_code); if(mitr == p_menu.end()) { std::cout << " item is addd to p_category but can not find in p_menu size => " << p_menu.size() << endl; return false; } mitr->second.insert(std::pair(pdtls.product_code, std::string(pdtls.product_name))); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "added sub menu item to the existing category, p_menu size => " << p_menu.size() << endl; #endif } else { p_category.insert(std::pair (pdtls.product_cat_code, std::string(pdtls.product_category))); std::map ps_menu; ps_menu.clear(); ps_menu.insert(std::pair(pdtls.product_code, std::string(pdtls.product_name))); p_menu.insert(std::pair >(pdtls.product_cat_code, ps_menu));
  • 14. #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "item added to p_menu and now the size is => " << p_menu.size() << endl; #endif } return true; } void display_category() { std::map::iterator itr = p_category.begin(); std::cout << " Choose the category from the below list " << endl; for(; itr != p_category.end(); ++itr) { std::cout << itr->first << " => " << itr->second << endl; } std::cout << endl; } bool display_products_in_category(int cat) { ProductMenu::iterator itr = p_menu.find(cat); if(itr == p_menu.end()) { std::cout << "Invalid category selected. Please, select the correct category again " << endl; return false; } std::cout << "Select the product from the below menu " << endl; std::map::iterator sitr = itr->second.begin(); for(; sitr != itr->second.end(); ++sitr) { std::cout << sitr->first << " => " << sitr->second << endl; } std::cout << endl;
  • 15. return true; } ProductDetails get_product_details(int cat, int pcode) { int pkey = get_product_key(cat, pcode); std::map::iterator itr = stock_details.find(pkey); return itr->second; } bool is_product_exists(int cat, int pcode) { int pkey = get_product_key(cat, pcode); std::map::iterator itr = stock_details.find(pkey); return itr != stock_details.end(); } #endif pdtls.product_cat_code = atoi(value.c_str()); break; case 1: memset(pdtls.product_category, '0', PRODUCT_NAME_LEN); strcpy(pdtls.product_category, value.c_str()); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "category name => " << value << endl; #endif break; case 2: pdtls.product_code = atoi(value.c_str()); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "product code => " << value << endl; #endif break;
  • 16. case 3: memset(pdtls.product_name, '0', PRODUCT_NAME_LEN); strcpy(pdtls.product_name, value.c_str()); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "product name=> " << value << endl; #endif case 4: value = trim(line.substr(sindex)); pdtls.product_cost = atoi(value.c_str()); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "product price Rs. => " << value << endl << endl; #endif break; default: cout << "got more than expected number of delimiters. Ignoring additional values " << endl; continue; } ++n; if(n == MAX_DELIMITER_PER_LINE) { std::pair::iterator, bool> ret; int pkey = get_product_key(pdtls.product_cat_code, pdtls.product_code); ret = stock_details.insert(std::pair(pkey, pdtls)); if(ret.second == false) { std::cout << "product key : " << pkey << " already exists. please, check the product details files with unique entries " << endl; fclose(fptr); return false; } insert_menu_item(pdtls);
  • 17. } found = line.find_first_of(":", sindex); } memset(buf, '0', MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE); } return true; } void display_product_details() { std::map::iterator itr = stock_details.begin(); for(; itr != stock_details.end(); ++itr) { std::cout << "product key => " << itr->first << endl; std::cout << "product category code => " << itr->second.product_cat_code << endl; std::cout << "product category name => " << itr->second.product_category << endl; std::cout << "product code => " << itr->second.product_code << endl; std::cout << "product name => " << itr->second.product_name << endl; std::cout << "product cost => " << itr->second.product_cost << endl; std::cout << endl << endl; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //extern char *optarg; //extern int optind; cart c1; int choice,n,option; string product_file; if(argc < 2) { cout << "Invalid usage. Please check the usage below" << endl; print_usage(argv[0]);
  • 18. exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //Specifying the expected options //The two options l and b expect numbers as argument while ((option = getopt(argc, argv,"hp:")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'p' : cout << "got the file " << endl; product_file = optarg; cout << "assigned the file " << product_file << endl; break; case 'h' : print_usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case '?': cout << " ? Invalid usage. Please check the usage below" << endl; print_usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; default: cout << " default : Invalid usage. Please check the usage below" << endl; print_usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } cout << "getting the stock details" << endl; bool status = get_stock_details(product_file); if(!status) { cout << "Failed to load stock details from the file. Please check the file :" << product_file << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  • 19. } #ifdef DEBUG display_product_details(); #endif cout << " enter the cart size: "; cin >> n; c1.init(n); do { cout << " t1:add an element into the cart t2:remove an element from the cart t3:display elements in the cart t"; cout << "4:show last product t5:show current total t6:exit "; cout << " enter your choice:"; cin >> choice; switch(choice) { case 1: c1.insert(); break; case 2: c1.remove(); break; case 3: c1.display(); break; case 4: c1.showtop(); break; case 5: c1.currentTotal(); break; case 6: c1.freenode(); break;