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Mansoorali Kappungal
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Tine : r lou aDd 15 Einut s
r. Tre as! oa a fathet i! equal to ih€ 6um of th€ sge of hb 4 chil&en- After 20 r€ar., lun of the
4!. .f ihe children silr be ftide tie ase of alte fr!h... whrt il the lge or the rath€r m*?
(A) t0 (E) {0
(c) a6 (D) 48
2, Ths lonslh ol s rectangl€ is deftasd by 60%. Wbai per@Dtas€ ihe width havs to incBa*d
30 as to ncintain the,Ea :
(A) 100 (D) 60
(c) 75 {D) r2o
,. The dp*d ol ! hoat in stilr Nrter i. 16 ]n/hr. Ii can Bo 30 !n up8trean and sturn down
stFdn to iha disiral point in 4lF etrd 90 ninuted Find the speed ofth€ siream:
(A) t kD/h! (B) 3 km/hr
(C) .1.5 [nAr (D) 5 kn/hr
4. F nd tl'e lolslst nudber tbat sil divdo 398, ]tS€ anil 642 l€lving reDeirde! 7, tI and 15
0) 7? (B) 36
(c) r? (D) 16
5, Ths aDgle betveen honr lsil Md @!qio h..d of a .lek wh€n th€ time is ?.25 :
(A) ?2. @ rOO.
(c) 72.6' (D) r30.
6. Ran boughi a conpute. Fith 15% dbsun! on thc labelled price and sld it qiil' r0% prc6t
on lha l.b€ll€d prie. Apprcxihately, ql'!t us hi6 Deentage ol lNit o! t!€ price lE
(A) 29,6 (D 3r%
(c) 28% (D) 36%
7. A l.!g€ ir Ell€d sirh q,Fr
b b. enpn.d by reDMg ]'' ot,t'" -,*. p*"unt ,n n
.v€ryday. Aft.r how dany days Fj[ th€E be cl@d lo 26t6 of the water l€ft in ihe tan] :
iA) ?d day (B) 6dday
(c) 5d day (D) sddoy
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
3, If16 parsons ca. doa solk jn 16 days. Af!€f 4
nany il'ys rhe rcmdiniqs.rk wiuconrpletc
(c) r,
9. R6. 2,400/.is divided among three porsond
ddo@i &. 200/. $ added t cach ofthcir
days 3 bore pcople joined in ihc wo&.ld bos
(B) e
0) 12
P, Q ond n resDeciively in the .atio 3 : ,t : 6. If a.
a}dre6, what id lne new r€dpectire ratio of tien
(B) 6 4:6
(D) .l: 5:6
The mnpotrnd int€rest on s @rtain dun lo. 2 yeg6
sidpl€ inbred. on il ,1 thc aane ..tio lor 2 ,€ars is :
(A) r00o (D)
(c) 1200 (D)
at 8% per snnum is R!.
I. r'TOL!CE i6 F<led ..'CEKNQR . Find th. code oa OFFICDR:
(c) sFD,cEP {I') SEmOOP
rt. {'ha! b !h. n.xr@rn in tht &qwr@ 30, 2I, 39, 30, 5t, ......-?
(A) 30 (B) 60
(c) 43 (D) ,t9
G) +n(r+r)
(B) 40
(D) 23
rB. sun of 'd brn. or rhe s'"" Jt *
* J'' - Jit . ... i" si*" by ,
14, If P seatu ddition, Q o€a.s subhaclion,
is the valu€ of 30P20S6Q4R3 |
lc) 22
wlut will be iho ddiouD nuEber ol Sundayd and MonddJ,a id d leap year?
(A) 104 (B) 106
rc t05 (D) 101
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
16. Tho nunber of says in vhich 6 difi€reni bea& cln be dfang€d to f'm 3 n€cllace ie I
(,) 24 G) 120
(c, 12 (D) t3
l?. AN 6tdtt6 *,lking Fon hone tosaril. Eas! Aliar {au{ing ror 20 n be
righi and 3eg
fo. 10 m. lle tlen iuE l€ii .nd sed for m n Ee the! iu!6 right
'nd s' ia-r 20 b what i'
hta pdition wtth respeca to lis sl3ni.e poin. witn ndsritude Md diretion?
( ) 30 b North.West O) 30 m S.uih-Esst
{C) sO E North.west (D) 50 n Sou'h_Ea3r
18. In thc siven seies;ne nube. i3 *rong Find the nnnber'
t n 24,72. 144,576. |.52, .416
( ) 516 G) 144
(c) 3156 (D) 1152
19. In a triarsle A!C, angte A is lareer tha! a.sle C anil sdoler
ssl€ B bv rhe *n'
anoDnt. If and€ A i6 ?0". sh.t i! tne valuc of angle A :
(A) 60" (B) 53"
{c) 63" @) 70"
20. In r clars of r5 siudetrt6, a f! €d in Ensli6L 6 failed in M'thenatics and 3 &ned in both'
How maly pasil in boln the 6ubj€cb?
(A) 1 €)o
(c) 7 (D)8
21. EuiNphi.lale8neMs:
(A) Lake loor in rulrient€ (B) Lake rich in lutnent€
(C) Ldk pmr in flora and faua (D) La[e lackinc woter
22. An eFulsion is a coDoidal sFleb @n6i6linc of :
(A) tto$lj& (B) two liquids
(C) one sa3 ddon€ solid O) oe ss dd obe liquid
t3. What i!€nlinc phenonemt bebind ths wor|{jns olbn)cle ren@b'2
(A) rcfledtior (B) E6&rio!
(q toht inbinalrefletion {D) deE{tion
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
24. Ionbsiion Erersl iE lowest for :
(A) hdloc€Dg
(Cl altaline ndals
2t. Oxyt@h nonon€ is s€et€d by :
(A) adJ€n l
(tr) pituitsry
,i. Crapnib i! ued iD nucled ascroE :
(A) ag a lubri€ni
(B) a3 a frEl
(C) for lining inside or tho F&tor as !n jsularor
(D) fo! leducira ihe relociry of neuhond
,?, nidois and (rshiorker @ |
(A) tl€tuiencyili&se (B) te€ditary dj&e
. (C) itrltrtious dieas (D) @rnunidbre disa$
16. wba! i! ihe 6e ot a.rr,.tbn h.lwren rwo Mi€. shetr oe of |!€ E!e, i. doubLd?
(A) h,lEd G) doubl€d
(C) infta*d 3 tines @) dede.ed ro U4'I
lt, Ripeni4 ol fmii is a*diat€d with ih. holdonc I
30, Wrich b tho fofr orerc.ry plssa( in ilc 6Dpre.ed dpriq?
(A) potontiateneEy (B) kinetic en€.sy
{C) clernc,r emre/ lD; hear en.B/
lr. 1le rhid hisDer p€.* ir the wo.ld i! :
(A) Mr. K2 Ct) Mr. Kdchdjung.
(C) Mr Neiladevi (D) ML NansrpEbat
32. Tho llb€n bi]l @nrFva6y reldi€d t :
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
8;. The nosi €xi6nsive or the &il eroup6 f.unrl in Eerar! :
(A) Aluvitr sn G) Bhck &il
(q ladsn (D) Irrarit sil
34. wlo haa been chften tor S.hiiy. Aqdedid 6*ard 2013?
(A) ChinuModi {B) Eiren Battacharva'
(C) vrlbrlarra Chardan (D) Pn@n Jo6hi
36, wlo r,. th6 aulhor of Mol{.hsprt&ep.n?
(a) Senarayan. Cuu (B) BrahDaDald! srvebs:
(C) vagbddsnanta (D) Vailudid Swadikal
16. hdia's lowest bmpsrarw ws edided in :
(A) Samgt. (B) Jannu
(C) Dras (D) I?h
37. Which f@ibaD play€r eins FIFA Balon d' d Award 2013?
(A) Christiam &onttdo (B) FErctAiborv
() Lidel Mesi O) Zlahn Ibrthindic
38. Th€ nam€ @n$ess wat suaS€3i€d to th€ olsaaisaiio! bv :
(A) cothal€ (B) Dadabai Navmji
(C) Gandbiji (D) Ao Hloe
49. b.g.6r ri*r ol K.rala E :
(A) Bhamtapwis G) Pubr
(O Penvar (D) chaliy.l
40. "SaIt.udd6dy hem€ a Dt6@noG word,. erd olpsel Tlio& wodst@ spola! bt:
(A) T.gorc G) liji
(C) K Eelappln (D) J,*aharLl Nern
41. Wim€r of Nob€l Prize of lii.laiuie 2013 Alie MunE beloqs io wlich coulitv :
(A) Camda G) UsA
(c) ceddiy (D) Dedarl
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
4r, ldeniiir the 6tub vhich is olso known @ Tho Cty ot Nizaos und ihe Criy oI p€!.ls :
(A) (B) Andru Prade6!
lC) ArunacMt prado.h (D) tasn,tlra
,t3, Ah6 b!s1h ol lhe ft,st ["€ .f K€rab i. :
a,t, T[. norio oa vLicb jourtrat *as "ar a!e, pmy 10 $e lo.d ot $c unircre ! Ari* nN itrer anil
(A) Lerul,w
(C) &rda bhualhsm
(D) 430l<n
,15. The 39,r C8 a':lMit, 20t3 was held itr :
(A);m trehn.t (s) sN'rreddnd
(q (O) Crfn'any
,16. Whocrlled Jinnah rhepoDheiotllindu Mudlim Unity?
(A) nawindranarh T.sorc (B) Srbjiri Naidu
((1 J,'shrrtal Niehru fi,) str s6'yid Anmcd Khan
4?. The ieponant phlri..l dividiohs of India lo.n€d by the riv4s .c I
(A) The llinalay6. (B) Tlo Deccan plat€au
(C) The crelt llrliar Ptain (D) 1'l!e Coa6t.l ptains
Th€ r€tiet R€3io! of Kdala id :
(A) Idukki (B) pathonantnitt4
(0) Emakulan (D) KoldE
,r9, WLich .hre b€@ne tu.r in lndia ro inpleEelr el@rrcnic Cp!. ir MmL 2O1g?
(& Madhra P.o&sh (Br p;qjab
((, Arnnacnal Pradesrr O) Mi@.h
60. i. shich y6R. wes tle & Sivalins! prqrhiehra?
(A) 1336 (B) 13a?
rc) 1333 @) r$9
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
51. Nation $tde suwey3 on @io-smmic bsei are 6ndrt d b, :
52, Thc (rzirdng, Nrliodal park h in :
s9. whrhEF"' poa. ofKeldh Fr up a t'1" frctory
(B) Atundchal Pr.desh
(B) Unmr
6a. Iloary Prohibition A.1 *a. p$sed in th€ y€ar :
(A) 1961 G) r9?1
(c) 1951 (D) 1964
55, $'hicb ddi€ id ob6en€d $'Malala' ilay by Unii.d Naiiod in 2013?
(A) 56Jure (B) 136 Jun€
(C) 2dJuly (D) r"i July
56. Tb€ physios.aphic dirilion li66 ia the est€tn psrt olKetala b:
(A) lligbland (B) Midland
(O r.whnd (D) K'yal3
5?. lldiu hs. no€ rLu 65% of it€ pdpdatiotr bolfl th€ sce oi
(A) 25 (B) .!5
(c) 35 (D) 55
63. mo .,id '?olitical Aeedon i. th€ lile breath of a a,rion ?
(A) Anrbindoceh (a) Mahatorco{lni
(c) Brlagansddn,rTlal (D) I<. K.laplan
5t, Which launch v€hicle is u@d dudrg ftst Med ni6sion?
(A) PSLV,Cs @) PSLV-Cl2
(c) Ps',v-c25 (D) PSLV C23
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
60. Indrisonlyandlinrhospn'lfi)rtuheitli c trp in which of rho follo{ins star$ :
(A) ..dhn ltail€sh (D ri.rndt le
(C) Goa (D) K.rnld
6l, lhe tu6t pergon ton { Minoniy Coonuniry to oculy lhe pos! ottrine Mr$ieroftndid;:
(Al Chandtu SIEhhar (B) P.v. N{.asinba Rao
(C) Ched Sitrsh (D) D. lvtanmohansingh
62. Thcpoq.r.lJudiciaryoflndiatoche.kanddererninerhsv.lidityofala*or.n.rdernay
de*nbod as the poscr ofi
( ) Judicid rclicw (R) wrir
(c) rppcxrt! judsdichon (D) Oricinaljurhdicrion
63. lleoftbng t. ine @.6ritlriian af Indir, sho eiiifies Nhetner a }rrricuts. bilj is , norcy biu
1,! The Presidcnr of lndia
(C) speakor ol lal tiabba
(B) TIB l'inlnce Minister
(D) Tha lrinoMinister
6.!. M@r behbdrs of rhc co$trtuenr A*mbly @onen!€d rhai ,rr i3 rhe ve.y ,oul ot rhe
.o.sliturton and ftry hcnrt of it' Undq $bici! ,tricro ot |llc @siirurioh ot Indi. tlln
(A) Artrcle l.l (B) ,lrticlo 356
(c) arrite 1,70 (Di ArtiuL 32
65. Wi. h8re the poqe. to Eunnon a joi.i sittins ot bot! InL Subha and naiya Sabhr in case or
s de{d l&l betse.n |h.h is1
(A) SlelLerofhksabli (B) The PEside oftndia
(c) The Priac Minist.r (D) The€sident
c6, Thc lundanenidl Duries are in orporared in the @nsitution or rndia by
Crr*itutio.el Anendmcnt,rct.
(:) ,l?iAncndncnt (B) ,1/d AEcadnenl
(C) nnt (D) 97'iAnr.dnen!
67, Tho .onnission appoinled t study ihe quostion of E oreanis.rion or staies on tineuisric
ba,ie was under tbo Chnir'.anship ol:
(A) K.M. Pnnil(Idr G) Sardar Va[abhai prtel
(C) Juti@ Farrl r[ (D) v( IOishna Melod
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
68, The Fift Chahna. ofHunan Riehre Connriesion oflndia wrs:
(A) Justice K G ll8la Knsblo.
(C) Jus :c R:ngan.dha Mishra
Ce.tain pae otfie coGtitlhon ot lndja scre
Pinciplcs of Siate loli.ies ul the
(A) Rri.ih consritutio.
(C) cdadidncanElilulion
70. The PFqeni Sp.ol er of l{eril a Stare lrgbl|tive
(N M vijlya Kunrl
{q X. Rrdhkr hran
(B) JDsti* Altanas Kabir
(D) Jusli.ov.R Krishna t]1er
(B) Anerica" C..stirulio.
(t) hsn (roMtjtulion
(D) Terambil namatriehnatr
?2. You c.n,vd1--_ 15 $3url loavc in a ytd!.
( ) in (3) or
(C) out (D) non€
?3. q'hich pbrtoltho sen[enegNed b.los 6 sr)ng'
(c) 0)
'lpn I lurn loav rre Lljrld l]grs-Ee[ a3!f qr.!!dolr]dlI$ aql|li.
?5. What is the eDogitl oI ANoMALY?
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
?6. HE
coi.s for the mr.iag€.
G) wer
(D) E
(D) U.blnolub rlft|led
The study of @ient soci€tics iB
t0. What i3 iIE coneci passiv€
(A) ls the fd knbd
(c) Is it tte honnds
(A) B.bie. Sw&ahi Yosad
(c) Bals Swdstni Yqqna
"oEt(D) vo$er
voice forn ot , Do the houndo kill the for"?
by the houd.? (B) AE $€ loun&totiU dE tq?
lhat kiD fox? (D) ls the fox b.iry tilled by ihs bound.?
(B) B,Ulo Ssa.thi Yoeanr
(D) Bnaratl Swarihi Yogana
by mals.nalins ode. groe.dudes. Whi.h aFtuzcr YoEana (JEY) is aom€d
83. Who e th. 66nc6ciarie6 o{ VAMBAY?
{A) Ruml sonen
64. NitEII Bhamtl AbLiyaD
ic) vAtltBAY
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
El*rbilily dibnd for n.hila
(A) tho rurdl wohe!
icl $oEcn b€ls {se
{B) Unebployed urbrn wonen
86, Find oui the odd one
the Smp@rno Claber Ro,grr Yogana
(B) Dr. N,nhohan Silah
(D) Dorrroybo.l Curant e Ad
(c) 2000
Idid Awa Y.3nnt ain€d to suppori ;
(C) Boih Rural and Urbanp@r
the l,riEe Mi.isi€r who oloun@r
tle impl€Deniing !g€n.y ot PIIRY *lEne?
Stdie Covernnert th.o!3h Disirict Pdndh[ydt
Srat Governn€nt ihrough Dist.ior Indutrial OtEc€
Cenilal Covernmeni through NCOg
(B) 1995
(D) 2oo5
A! illegal int uio! into. conputer 6ydten or
(C) ha.*ing
(D) Net.{apc conpose!
46t20t 1
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
9$. lrlee i6 l.did 3 tusi crber forensic lobo.atory has tcen *. up r
(,li Tipura (B) odsa
(C) Mrhuasl'rra (D) Delhi
9a, Wrich of th€ b|losing short cut ley dn be
(A) ctll + v
(C) Ctrl + C
96, Fird oni the @rect one l
(A) 102.| KB: r cB
(C) 1024 MB = 1KB
redii cdd detairl rjthout pemission,
wo.ld Corpute! Securily dly is on :
(a) Norenre.3o
(C) Januefy ao
u6ed ao cut telt ir a d@urenf?
(B) ctrl+x
(D) ct l+T
(a) 102,1
(D) ro24
CB= r TB
06. Buyitrs rd selljn8 ol ploducrs usiry @nruref and nciwork is calBrl :
(A) €.bcsires (B) €-msrlct
(c) €.iender (D) e.@mneM
i5 the p@s6 oa acquiing infomatim such
t0, The .ybc nrnisD dbes uDde.
(D) Stuftng
der.ll opdstiotu ped,med by trE Mpltel
(B) caniml P.o@ssing Unil
(D) R .dob A@s M.nory
lo0, @ntbb anil oordinrtB the
1U20r1 l4
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Question Paper Code: 46/2014
S C Development Officer (SR for SC/ST & ST Only)
Medium of Question: English
Date of Test: 26/04/2014
Q No. Q No.
1 B B C A 51 D B C A
2 A C D B 52 D C A C
3 D B D A 53 D D B A
4 C C A D 54 A A C C
5 C B D A 55 D B D D
6 A C B B 56 A C A B
7 B D A C 57 C A B C
8 A D D B 58 A B C D
9 D A C C 59 C C D A
10 A D C B 60 D D A B
11 B B A C 61 D A C C
12 C A B D 62 A C D D
13 B D A D 63 C C B B
14 C C D A 64 D D D A
15 B C A D 65 B B A C
16 C A B B 66 A D C C
17 D B C A 67 C A D D
18 D A B D 68 C C B B
19 A D C C 69 D D A D
20 D A B C 70 B B C A
21 B D B C 71 D C C B
22 B A C D 72 B D A A
23 C B A D 73 B C D C
24 D C B D 74 A A D C
25 D A B A 75 C D B D
26 D B C B 76 C D B C
27 A B D C 77 D B A A
28 B C D A 78 C B C D
29 C D D B 79 A A C D
30 A D A B 80 D C D B
31 B A B C 81 B B B D
32 C B C A 82 A A D C
33 D C A B 83 D B B A
34 A D C C 84 C D B B
35 B A C D 85 A B A A
36 C B D A 86 B B D B
37 A C D B 87 A A C D
38 B A D C 88 B D A B
39 C C A D 89 D C B B
40 D C D A 90 B A A A
41 A D A B 91 C D A A
42 B D C C 92 D C C B
43 C D A A 93 A A B B
44 D A C C 94 B C C D
45 A D D C 95 B B D C
46 B A B D 96 D C A A
47 C C C D 97 C D B C
48 A A D D 98 A A B B
49 C C A A 99 C B D C
50 C D B D 100 B B C D
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mdibuh : l0O na.&6
Tim€ : r hou ad r5 Eirule3
J.J€r qn @mplsi. a NorL
6 d,t. Irhyam 4n coEplet€ th. tsn€ frorl u 3 dsys ln hoy
nany dayr Ja&! !d Shtm t €€thq an @mpl.t€ ih€ worL :
(c) 4
of l€lg:th r00 h tus at , sPeed of 120
lenstl 160 n harels wiur . sp€ed ol30 kh iron
do.6 ofher?
A r€t.ltc nsli circuld de ol blus 36r i.
(O a6r
4 4 yed. ago R.Dn6 age is rhe squE @! of hi! age Nw tb€ aca ofn d!.nilhi.
6rhd * in ibe mtio l:4 Ther {h n Baou . age?
(B) 2
(D) 6
}b/h toE tult} to &!th. Another t'ain of
South io NortL What is tle iihe equired tn
(D) 6.2 6e into r 3pterc iahat b tn€ 3ur{te rea
(B) 30r
(D) 36'
(c) 12
(B) ro
(D) 10
(B) 48
(D) 21
(B) l?20
@) 4260
(B) 8
!D) 24
What i€ tls sosll6.t nunber ilivi.ible hy I,
(N 12
(c) 36
whicb of ils foloviDc b divi.ible bv both 6
(A) r2r,
G) 2!m
g.C.F- of 2,1, aA d 60 b :
(c) 12
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
8. lf th. surfa@ area ,nd lolnnc 6l.phdc nrc in th. ratio 1:2, what is tLe ediu6 of the sphee?
(A) 2 (B) 3
(c) 5 (D) 6
s. 4 n€rchut $lls tqo dolh ot pde respeclively Rs. 100 abd Rs. 150 with a prcfit ol 30% on
fi6t dnd o loss of 30% or so!d. whst tu his nei prefit/los?
($ 696lca (B) 6',6 3ain
(c) 15% lcs (D) 15% eain
10, l,tJa.dd.y 20ri i6 Tuesdly. How ndny Tqedlys a.e tb€re in 2013?
(A) 61 (B) 62
(c) 53 (D) 54
1r. S.aitins lroh a Dla.e P, B oan trlveb .l kn lo{d.& North then tn.m towads right and
lrareb 6 kn. Aft.r that he tuns towads isht lnd tmvals 3 Lm. wlat is hb cu@ni p@itio!
(A) lknt w,xls EaBt (B) 6 tn iowads South Wer
(c, { Ln besnr North Ea.t (D) 6Lr bsJds Soulh E,Bt
12. Find the n€n tlm in tle sequer@: 4, 9, 25, 49,
-:{A) 81 (D 12r
(c) r33 (D) ro2,!
r3, Fird .he odd ore out:
(A) 3425
(C) 7225
(B) 6325
(D) 9225
14. liDd th€ lexi ten in the sequenco B, C, D, G, 1<,
-:(A) L (B) M
(oN (D) o
16. In r e.tdn mdinc iPPLE i3 dded a. 612r6r@L rh€n MANCO is.od.d a. :
(A) 15071.10113 (B) raolrco?r5
(c) r5?r4rr3 (D 15?O14rOr3
16. k6 + Jt-J =
($ r8 (B) 16
(c) $1t (D) t6r6
Lla20t4 1
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
l?. If 14'i April 2oIS id Sund,v 20! Septent€r 2013 t!
(A) s{ndoY G) Tuesdty
(c) wednosder O) lridsY
1s. Man i6 rslar€d to Braio l.asimilsiwav@Dputeridrelatedio:
(A) Monitor (B) P'AM
(c) uPs o) cPU
1$. I<av}! b eld€t thin vcna, .AN is ]oung€' lhan t(lttan @d Vem i! slder than Kuttan
(A) Anu G) Kutiin
(O l(arta O) veem
20, Ifwe dfange the nuDb3B 1,2,6 3,5 2,4,9 in a'denditgordea how ndn' nuibers ]ieepF
ssfe posnLon?
(A) 1 (B) 2
(c) 3 (D) 4
21. Whicl N €*ntial @stitwrb oI aI 5ton6l
(A) El€.tsle (B) Ptutors
(C) Ne u!rcns (D) PGidm
22. Tr!€ dist6&e o( tt..d frlb earih is €x!€tbed soteralJ inte'rs of :
(A) E€tre G) kiloneie!
(C) oshononicdl unit (D) lichtvear
,3. Iiigh baili4 poini ot @te! is dte to :
(A) Wc.k diasiation of wai€r noleculo'
(B) Hisn ditdialiot ofsater nol*ule'
(C) Htdroee! bodins abo4lt saier moletr€'
(D) v.nd.r Wdols fo@s of attractio! aDongd
2,t. tl an elactMl.nh.l cc, iherP i6ihe.onverqon ot
(A) Dec;icsl enelgv idro cheoical enerev
(B) cheni;,] ene€e into electficdl enclgv.
(O Ch6nical ilto heat en€rst
(D) Mdlanicd €nercv inb neai aDerB/
. 5 lllltol4
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
16. W@d chlt@al i. u*d in sa. EAstrs bma@ :
(!0 it b poi.onous (B) it Iiqui6€s gas
(c) it is porcqo (D) ic.dlorb. s@!
26. Tte dieae cau.ed by . prcto&e I
(A) AIDS (B) Malai,
(C) ChicLe! guniya (D) Typhoid
27. A pbEin &lutron on *aring wirh @nenrrac.d litnc ocid b.y tlh y€Uor olt6d .
(A) Xatrrltoprct icb.r (B) BiElt sr
(c) MiUi@ie.r (D) Hopkitr. 6L te.t
m. Tis .,8. aNup .leEe.l€ aF ch&.arei4d hr :
(A) loniztion potdri,l
(B) ElectmEarrivfty
(c) Ioriaiid eEqsl
rD) No. of €letrm ir $! our6rDmi.tEtl
29. Aeiyl s.lcydic rcid is L@! s:
(A) olorwilt€ryE.n (B) s.tor
(c) Alpiri. (D) ptcric.cid
30. llF nd of Eilligtafu of pot siur hydMile EqriEd ro spoli& @ st6 of r trat c oil:
(A) E britc.tion (B) Saponineiioo
(C) , Hyde8€!.rior @) Clen.ils.dion
al. testy 6ia@d ir 1963 which ba@d luled r.,r. i, rtre .h@ph.E, ud.s.t4r , l i!.pr4. but not udclgmund?
(A) PrtsT CI) NIET
(c) NNPT (D) crBT
t.. Wh, ir th€ fqll forE ofPqtA?
(A) PDlection Of T!.d. A@i.rion
(B) PEreDdor OfTorpdd ArbiDor
(c) PeE tion OtT€ftri.r Ac!
(D) Aei.rioD Of 1lad6
3r. Nan€ th6 @unrry which laqcted ir! 6Fr pilor.&bor hdin! ..lBn6?
(A) (B) I(ona
(c) Sirssporc (D) CLiM
tt1t20t4 0
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
31. Swren. olrt g$rhd tl$ isli to )c8ariv,! volrnf, on:
t) 27u S.Dl€nticr 2or3 (B) 2?sodnh'r2013
(C) 2li^ugu5t2ot3 (l)) 2?i 'wnbcr2ol3
(A) Knihasa (B) Nicosio
(c) zasrsb (r)) san Jose
36. who anons the follo$ins Nas demlarcd vilh brarcrv a$srd bv qolld peu€
(A) Bauc! Obana
(C) Ban Ki-ne!
3?. wich mutrl.t is joined & the 2ai membrr eiat'
(A) cr.ahu
(c) Romuri.
ofEu6pea. Unio. d l" Jnly 2013?
tS. Nane the.ouio *htch Nm ihe lCCWoncns
wls passed by rio Brilisl Parhanenl on :
(B) 1i Msy 194?
(D) rn July re,!?
(C) .urfar'o
39. Th€ India indePcndence bill
(A) lnAugusr 19'lt
(c) 1. Jun€ 194?
4t. Nane the mou.r.'n p&5 which prcvide dcNsi AoD wartndd i! Xerula io Mvere itr
Tne !€rcc ntage .f Dorsns below polttlv xnc
() 22%
(o 2B%
'K$i' tle holy pluco $ts sitnst d od the bdlG
(C) Rmhmuputra
(A) Tl'tnaMge.i Pts
(O Pa63
(B) 2l%
(D) 24%
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
43. Kons.t ihc fanou. sun l€nple is siturtod in which stote?
{A) Mah,rftl'rm (B) R4&ih'n
{C) Marll$r Prdesh (D) OdisLa
.1,t. Th€ tEt Nrlioorl pol in Indi, wls :
(A) Anrhalo
(c) Ponnandi
52. Ezhinala situat€ io ihe norrL 6f :
46. Tho tudt Deputy Chairne of tle Planning Conmilsion of Indir :
0D ouDa.ilal Nanda (B) asol M€hri
(C) C.M,'I'riv€di (D) P. Siwnkar
46. WLo vss the CMhor C€.e..1 oflndi! durins rlE tine of tLe Retutr ot rs57?
(A) ldDalhou* (B) tarrl Malb
(c) t Rluadines (D) In.d Cannins
'I?. mo ws ihe founder ofAlisdl Movehenl?
(A) diDmrh.n (B) cuba Nabi Aad
(O Sn SlEd Ahaneed Khd (D) Moorlyi Ah.mmadqlla
,t& ll'e ne$pdpe. publilhed by ME. Anni€ !€enr :
(A) MahE.t! (B) coD0on w6al
(c) Bdneabas O) Kd$,i
,9. Theleailerof srltSatyasrahain&rala was :
() It. Kolappan (B) RaDakd6hn6 piuai
(C) T.X. Mddhav,o (D) V,Llob AMut Kbr&.
50. TLe Ijhorc ession ol rL€ @neR sas held i! |he ye,r : .
(A) 1928 (B) 1930
(o 1929 (D) 1931
51. Bliarata puzh! origGai€d Eon the :
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
53. The (e.ala'Tanil.adu ftlalion9 devslopsd ihtoqh the :
(A) TanaraNery pas@6 (B) Pal,l&ddd pa33e3
(O Cherdnlady p6$s (D P€nYA Pas!€s
54. The autbo. ofAdi Bha3ha
(A) siv'yosi (B) Chdltampi Swani
(C) Arrdnk,li (D) Karuppan
66. The 6rst ol tle teEple6 @!oec@t€d by Sfi NElayatu Curu :
(A) Siv,crn (B) AruvlpDulm
(c) Aluva (D) vdkala
66. In dhich yea. ws sltuyanaparipaldn. Salsid foundad?
@) 1806 (B) 1906
(c) lsor o) 1906
67. Who $as ihe fr)ud.r oI Athn.widy$4.n?
(-A) Clatianpi S{aai (B) Vlsbhabnandi
(C) Palpu (D) Sihvosi
53. Who was th€ fouder of th€ D€rildi@l S{adah"bhibtni?
(-{) VrLlab Moulavi (B) Rm8}rilhmpillai
(c) Dr. PalDu (D) RuDuaM€m
' 69. lvhicl is tle o4aniatio. rdnded by BrahElo.lda Swtni sivavogi?
(A) Anard! Mlhstbh, (B) VidYaP€bini
(C) AthFavidy!.ansan (D) INDP.
60. Mertion the draoa wriiian by V.T. Bhattrlhiripad :
(A) EiM€erun lainavno (B) ?litabacli
(c) sarawathi vijsyao (D) kiani.idananard
61. Wlich Articl€ of lhe Indian Colstitution is Flated to &bhi to Educaiion?
(A) Alticle 6rA (B) A$icle 46
(c) Afiicle 2L4 o) &ticle 19
52, lvho v* t!€ Presiilenf of t!6 Inditn Conaiitueni Ass.nblv?
(A) D!.B.B A4ber&tf (B) Jdwala al Nehru
(c) KM. tn.shi {D) Dr. Rdiendta Padad
A e l,#T.:i
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
63. Ia6 medbeF ofth! najlr Sabha d.Lct d by ths.
(A) P.orL Diectb
rB) M.db@ ofst tet eBfrdvoAedblpr
(C) M6nbds o{ Locm Bodid
(D) MeEb.lEof StaF t4eislrti@ Courci&
5r. The dy3t€n of OEbu<l6ou wa6 i4t intloiluFd in
(A) Srodo! (B) hdia
(c) usA (D) swir4r.rd
06. Tte Nrtidd CooDitutr fo. md ir ldia we btued ir ih. y..r :
(A) 19?6
(c) r98!
(B) 1930
@) 1992
66. Wlo appolnt |l. Chdino of the Stat€ Public Swic
(A) Pre.idenr (B) PliEs Mi!i!i.r
(C) Chi.f Mini.isr (D) cff@t
6?. Wtich of cn! folbEilg tr!e. of tieht6 h.@ b6r {|senhed s IlEi G!@nti@ 8iglr.?
C4) s.d.l .!d E€lonic Rtlt6 (B) , civ and P.li64d Rblis
(C) Nalu!.lRislb (D) Cuftqlal R.irhi.
0& Ifhic.h part ofih. hdi.! ConstitutioD deal. with Distire PdldDld odgr.t Policr?
(A) Panll (B) P,rr III
. (C) P.rt Iv (D) P'ii u
6t .n'ho
se tln 6!!t Clr.i@ of ths NSBC!
(A) Ju.ti@ LG. Bal,lai3bnn (B) Jshe v,6, M.UEarh
(C) Ju.iic€ E ngamihMi.{ (L) &stice A-S. ArlDd
?0. &e Richt to bforD.tid Act {@ rr..€rt i! bili! in tne yed :
(A) 2006 (B) 2002
(c) mcd @) 2o1o
ll4?014 lo
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
71. Cle* tha @rrcct opti@ &r ths buowins :
A "Dr!t Ho@' G :
(a) An el1l.hdr.t r
. (B) A d&L dlouEd to
(C) A FM whoDe abilids G hidd€r d untNn
(D) A bee lireb to wi! a E6
tl. $ll in ilb .psa u.irs the @t pFp@ition .
(A) it (B) ir
(c) on (D) &on
t8. Conrclt lhe .erieE idb itrdiEcr .p4h :
'Tou D.y L.@ t[c Mn", said the tri&i9.L
(A) Th€odncip,l sriil I mtLt l6iw th. to@
(B) Tle plitrip,l uid | tur L.E tha tuD
(O fts pli4ipol !.r. I Disll Le lb. toD
(D) ,l'IE
lri.dral dlid | @uld L.s tb€ M
ru Coft.iaLMte@:
I rould Dw up if I ws you.
(A) I poulil pay up ifl w.F yd (E) r yould lay up ifl ad yN
(C) t *ould p,id u! UI w€syou @) I sotnd pai up if I aF ylr
76. Fill i! !h€ !p@ usilc lh€ @rEct lrtioL :
b@l I ws arrcti!8 bi
?G fill iD t!. lpe.uitrg tbe @t bd of the .dj*dE:
(q ih6
(B) d
II. i! th.
Ba! II.E4rrEr.
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
?7. Convcit lnto passive voi@:
Thcy are rcbuildinc th€ *nm].
(A) Th6 *Iml is Fbunl
(c, Th€ *hml was rebnill
78. Cbo@ lhe @rur oprid :
its) Th. sch@l is being rcbuilt
(D) Tne school ves b€iry Fbtili
79. Tle antonyn ot"acquit is:
quelioDing tbc 6upcct5.
(B) arc
(D) h,vc
80. A wide rcsd with tE€s on eilher sids iso.lled:
(4) stret E) alley
(c) lane (D) arenue
81. The liEit of Eiqoi*dit to a h€n€6cirry und.r th€ Malil" Sanndhi Yojan! Sclena i3 :
(A) Il!. rqo00 (B) Its.15,000
(C) Rs.2q000 (D) R3.25,0llo
a2. Allotnent of an hdiE Awes r'ojrnr (IA)) hou* :
(4) ShaU b€ jointty in tbe nane ol and wiG crepi in the caae of a
vidow/uq0!.nedsep.rated parstr
(B) May be $lely in tle nanc otihe woban
(c) Both (A) nd (B)
(D) None oa the alove
39. SoNic* und€r the ICDS Prcsranne are Fnd€red thrcngh :
(A) Ansd{adice erd (B) PinaryEealih Cent4ft
(O PoriestarioE (D) Noft of the abov€
8,1, whicb ol i ho folloirs *b"nes haa m t. obdoF th. hFcrrted der elopn.nt of *ld@d SC
(r) V.lnili Arbe{0ra. A*aaB YDjdn. (VAI{BAr]
(!) rdi,a AsaasYotana 0A!-)
(c) Pradhan Nlantri AddB! cran YojoM (PMAGD
(D) Sdnpoorna cranean Rozgar YdanN (ScR9
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
86. the Cnaiisan ol th€ Gov€rnilc Bodt ol Kudunbashree Mi$ion is :
(A) Minidiei tor t,sc (B) Principal Setrt$v I.SCD
(C) Dietor of P,nchtFb (D) Conmi*ion€r fo! Rural Dderdpddt
s6. wl cl oftlE followirs i6 . Schene for p@iding ;eranprovd€nt to €d@t€d uenproted
(A) Prin€ Minist€ts R.zgar Yojana (PMBI)
(B) Indila Awaag Yojea oAY)
(q N.donal Fmd ior worl< ProsranD€ (Nrwq
(D) sab!3r. Aw.a6 Yojmb (sAY)
t?. A; IAY llndira Awaas Yojantl hoE slal not h€ lrietut€J fd a pdiod of:
@) r0 t€ds (B) 15 rart
(C) 2oyear6 (D) 25 Yedn
88. Who aeong the following i s € nlilled ad of rish! to an rntvodava card ?
(A) A pd6;n belonsing to B?L s*ial catesorv
. (B) A pe@n beldsirg td a pimitive rribe
(C) A psren sbow th. asr of 66 t€.8
(D) Atl the dove
89. Th€ Nodal Oft6r rt (h€ disfid te@l for tho iFdeoeriaiion ol tho Natiorol F@d tor Wod'
(A) The Di.tlicr Judce (B) The Presid€nl, Dtut.ic! Pancnavat
(C) Tl* Ans,nwadi SwePier (D) The Dbtdci CoU€cto!
90. Whicb ol ih. follains Schen6 aim. to toviiL d sritv fu lll ib&uah Public
Dchbutio. SFbD?
(A) Ariyodlya ArM Yoj3n LAAI)
G) Iddnt Aw.e Yojana (IA9
(q Balil€ Samliddhi Ydjtna (BS,
(D) Valnild A&bed!* Awlas Yoj6na (VAMBAY)
tr. Wticb @Epui.r l.nguage i6 used for Atiiicid hieltLere Motrg tho follosing?
(c) moloc (D) coBol
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
02. $lD innedted the ligh levcl pmgr.m minq lrnsxrse C?
(A) De.nisM. nnchi. (B) R.bert E. Karn
(O Daruld li chie (D) i,aD€s coslins
91, EryMsion of UNIVAC is :
(A) UniY€rs€r vacuum Comput
(B) Universal luto4atic OoEpu!€!
(C) Univ.rsal ldesuicd Vscuun CoDputoi
(D) United Vacuun Codputer
g!, Binary nubberofthe decinal nunber It jr:
(B) 1111
(D) 1001
(B) 0o1r
(r)) 0I10
,6. In a client/*rc. mnput€r net*ort, rhe u*rt @Epuier ig us!611y cdleit :
(A) client (B) N€twdt
(c) serer (D) w€bsi@
e?, IheerFbsD.of.6m edu, .urs, .ner €r dro lau.tb atled :
(A) N€iwor! (B) tP addms
(c) Duain nab6 (D) Mail id
98. FrPskndsfor
(o 1101
06. r's conpleneDt oftlo l0Ir:
' (A) First T.ansfer Prot col
. (o) File Tlarspof Prot col (D) File Tnnsfer Pstml
09, Which of th€ folosirg is a cyber c.lde?
iA) rlackinc G) Trqian
(c) Dnail sp6fi.s (D) Norc ofile abore
100, W}at is a 6K aI prciectiod
(A) SpaD nssase6 (B) MGiolrhevnu6
(c)' (D) Mdticious woms
tunot/| l,l
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Question Paper Code: 114/2014
Medium of Question: English
Date of Test: 02.08.2014
Q No. Q No.
1 B C X A 51 A B B A
2 X C B D 52 X B A X
3 D D X D 53 X C A A
4 B A X C 54 B B X X
5 A C A X 55 B A A X
6 C X A B 56 C A X B
7 C B D X 57 B X X B
8 D X D D 58 A A B C
9 A X C B 59 A X B B
10 C A X A 60 X X C A
11 X A B C 61 C A B C
12 B D X C 62 D D C A
13 X D D D 63 B D C C
14 X C B A 64 A B A D
15 A X A C 65 D C C B
16 A B C X 66 D C D A
17 D X C B 67 B A B D
18 D D D X 68 C C A D
19 C B A X 69 C D D B
20 X A C A 70 A B D C
21 X X A C 71 C A B A
22 X D D X 72 C C X D
23 C B C X 73 X C A C
24 X A X X 74 A B D C
25 D D X C 75 C X C X
26 B C X X 76 C A C A
27 A X C D 77 B D X C
28 D X X B 78 X C A C
29 C X D A 79 A C C B
30 X C B D 80 D X C X
31 X A A X 81 X C B D
32 C D C A 82 C A X A
33 D B X X 83 A A D X
34 A A A C 84 C B A C
35 D C X D 85 A X X A
36 B X C A 86 A D C C
37 A A D D 87 B A A A
38 C X A B 88 X X C A
39 X C D A 89 D C A B
40 A D B C 90 A A A X
41 B C C A 91 C B C X
42 X A B C 92 A C D C
43 D D A B 93 B A X C
44 C C C X 94 B C C A
45 A B B D 95 C D C B
46 D A X C 96 A X A B
47 C C D A 97 C C B C
48 B B C D 98 D C B A
49 A X A C 99 X A C C
50 C D D B 100 C B A D
Asst. Jailor Gr. I - Jail, Armed Police Sub Inspector (Trainee) - Police (APB), Excise
Inspector - Excise, SI of Police (Trainee) - Police (GEB), Armed Police SI (SR for SC/
ST) - Police (APB) (Cat. Nos. 474/2012, 260/2014 421/2013, 253/2014 to 259/2014)
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Question Paper Code: 92/2015
Assistant/Auditor - Govt. Secretariat/KPSC/LFAD (Direct/By Transfer)
Medium of Question: English
Date of Test: 16.05.2015
Q No. Q No.
1 D B C B 51 B A B D
2 B A A D 52 D D A C
3 B C B C 53 A B D B
4 A A D C 54 D A C D
5 C B C D 55 B D B B
6 A D C B 56 A C D D
7 B C D B 57 D B B A
8 D C B A 58 C D D D
9 C D B C 59 B B A B
10 C B A A 60 D D D A
11 D C X A 61 C B A D
12 C A D D 62 D C D A
13 C X A A 63 B A D B
14 A D D C 64 C D A X
15 X A A D 65 A D B C
16 D D C C 66 D A X D
17 A A D C 67 D B C B
18 D C C A 68 A X D C
19 A D C X 69 B C B A
20 C C A D 70 X D C D
21 C A B C 71 C D C A
22 B C A B 72 A C B B
23 A B C X 73 D C A D
24 C A B X 74 C B B A
25 B C X C 75 C A D C
26 A B X B 76 B B A A
27 C X C A 77 A D C D
28 B X B C 78 B A A C
29 X C A B 79 D C D C
30 X B C A 80 A A C B
31 B D A B 81 B D A C
32 C B D X 82 A D D C
33 D A B C 83 D A C B
34 B D X A 84 D D C A
35 A B C B 85 A C B B
36 D X A C 86 D C A A
37 B C B D 87 C B B D
38 X A C B 88 C A A D
39 C B D A 89 B B D A
40 A C B D 90 A A D D
41 A B C B 91 X X D C
42 C C A C 92 B C A B
43 B C B D 93 X D C D
44 C A C C 94 C A B C
45 C B D A 95 D C D X
46 A C C C 96 A B C B
47 B D A B 97 C D X X
48 C C C C 98 B C B C
49 D A B C 99 D X X D
50 C C C A 100 C B C A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
'1. The sun and product of two numbers ar€ 13 and 40 respectively. The sum of their reciprocals is :
Maximum: 100 markg
The ratio of the age of two sisters is 3:4. The product of their ages'is 192. The ratio of their
ages after 5 years will be :
' (Al 5:+
/c 17.91
If the breadth of a rectanefle is increasid by 40% and the length is reduced by 30%. what will
be the effect on its area?
(A) UAo
(c) r3t40
between his office and home is :
(A) 30 km
(C) 50 km
Find (125+95)' -4x125x95 :
(A) 400
(c) 1oo0 ,
(A) r2o"
(c) .160'
(B) 3t4o
(D) 30/40
(B) Increases by 2%
(D) Decreaees by.10%
(B) 26
(D) 24
Time : t hour and 15 minutes
(A) Decreases by 2%
(C) Increases by 10%
When A, B, C arc work together they complete I job in 8 days. When A and C decided to do
the work together they completed this job in 12 days..In how many dtrys B alone can complete
the work?
(A) 20
(c) 3o
A man travelling at a speed of 20 km/hr, reached hie olfice 10 minutes late.
travelled at a speed of 30 km/tu and he reached hie of6ce 10 minutes earlier.
(B) eoo
(D) 440
(B) 150o
(D) 130.
Next day he
The dietance
(D) 20 km
7. The angle betrveen both bands of a clock at 9.20 A'M. will be :
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
8. A purse contains I rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins in.the ratio ?:8:9. If the total money rn
the purse is 159. The number of 50 paise coins in the purse will be :
9. The radii of bases of a cylinder and a cone are in the ratio 3:4. Volume of cylinder and cone
are in the ratio 9:8. Then their heiehts are in the ratio :
(A) 96.
(c) 82
(A) 3:2
(C) 8:9
(A) 22
(c) 18
(A) Potato
(C) Carrot
(B) 84
(D) 86
10. Average age of 15 persons is 24 years. Later a boy is included into this group then average
becomes 23 years. The age of the boy will be :
(B) 4:3
(D) 2:3
(B) 8
(D) 12
11. In a row of students, Sherin is l2th from the left and Athira is 19th from the right. If they
interchange their positions, Sherin becomes 16th from the left. Then, what will be the position
. of Athira from the right? '
(A) 22"d
(C) 24th
:I2. Raghu said, "Manju's father is the brother of my sister's son". How is Manju's father related
to Raghu?
(A) Grandfather
(C) Nephew
13. If the following words are arranged
second word in that order?
(A) Disgrace
(C) . Disgorge .
(D) Disguise
L4. If PUBLISH is coded as BLUSHIP, how will DESTROy be coded?
(B) 23'd
(D) 28th
(B) Cousin
(D) None of these
according to the dictionary order, which will be the
(B) Disgruntled
(B) Cabbage
(D) Beet root
15. Among the following list, choose the one that is different from the other ones :
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
16. From the following options,
(A) Decorated
. (C) Famous
choose the word which best expr'esses the meaning of the word
(B) Imaginative
(D) Informal
their 66 Wedding Anniversar! on
Sunday. What will be the day of their 10h anniversary?
(A) Tuesday
(C) Thursday
Cup is to coffee as plate is to :
(A) spoon
(c) idli
(B) 40 meters, East
(D) 40 meters, West
Dengue fever
(B) Free operating system
(D) Search engine
19t Complete the following series :
-(A) Dl
(c) r]{
@) RN
(D) SM
20. Salim walked 100 meters facing towards South. From thefe,he turned left and walked
40 meters. Thereafter, he turned to his left, wqlked 100 meters and stopped. How far and in
what firection is Salim now from his starting point?
(A) 60 meters, North
(C) 60 meters, East
Which of the following is not a viral disease?
(A) Avion flue
(u) Dars
Richard Stallman is in connection with :
(A) Internet
(C) Computer virus
Who among the following in India was the fust winner of Nobel prize in Physics?
(A) S. Chan<lrasekharan
(C) V. Ramakrishnan
(B) C.V. Raman
A 122t20t6
(D) Hargovind I(horane
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
24, Over production of which hormone leads to exophthalmic goiture?
(A) Iodine
(C) Thyroxind
25. A liquid having pII value more than 7 is :
(A) Citric acid
(C) Soda water
Which among the following is not correctly paired?
@) Insulin
(B) T.irng $'gfs1
- (D) Vinagiri
27 . The instrument used to meaeure the growth of plant is :
(A) Dynamo - Alfred Nobel
(C) Computer - Charles Babbage
(c) NATO
(C) Tenth
(B) Television - J.L. Baird
@) DDT-Pole Muller
(D Auxanometer
(D) Cryometer
@) Eighth
(A) Duroneter
(C) Potometer
28. Which one among the following is a molecular scissor?
(A) Ligae
(C) Super bugs
Eestrrcuon endonuclease
(D) Endrophyl
29. The first nuclear reactor in India, is :
(A) Saras (B) param g000
(C) Apsara (D) Durga
30. Which elenent is in chlorophyll?
(A) Na (B) K
(c) Mg @) Ca
31. "One Vision, One Identity One Community,, is the motto of which of
the following
92. what is the ordinal number of Ban Ki Moon ae the secretary eenerar of u.N.o.?
(A) Seventh (B) Ninth
tza2016 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
(A) 2013'
(c) 2015
(A) Alice Munro
(C) Martin Karplus
36. Asian Games 20i4 was held at :
(A) Tokyo
(C) Incheon
The founder of Wiki Leaks is :
(A) BilI Gateg
(C) Gill Abramson
The Seventeenth SAARC Summit wae held at :
Which year was declared as the international year of Family Farming?
34. Nobel Prize for Literature for 2013 was awarded to :
@) 2oL4
(D) 2016
(B) Eleanor Carlon
(D) Jarires E. Rothman
86. The.Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act was enacted in :
(A) 2qo8
(c) 2010 (D) 2012
(A) New Delhi
(C) Thimpu
Julian Aseange
Jaco! iI. Lew
Slum Free India
Rurril Road Development
89. Rajeev Awaas Yojana aimg at :
(A) Poverty Free India
(C) Rural Employment
The new name of Planning Commission :
(C) MTIAyog
(A) Kunjan Pillai
(C) Thanu Pillai'
.(A) Kumaran Asan.
(C) Sree Narayana Guru
(B) BharatAyog
(D) NEETAyoe
What was the original name of.Chattampi Swamikal?
42. Who ie Pulaya Raja in Kerala Renaissance Movement?
Raman Pillai
.Rajappan Pillai
.A 122120t6:
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
43. Which is the largest backwater in Kerala?
(A) Vembanad kayal (B) Ashtamudi kayal
(C) Sasthamkotta kayal (D) Kayamkulam kayal
44. rn which year sree Narayana Guru established a siva temple at Aruvippuram?
(A) 1880 (B) 1885
(c) 1886 (D) 1S87
45. A famous renaissance leader of Kerala who founded Atma Vidya Sangham?
(A) V.T. Bhattathiripad (B) poiJrayil yohannan
(C) Pandit Karuppan (D) Vagbhatananda
46, Social Justice and brotherhood of man were the cardinal principles of----"""...-'----------.- teaching.
(A) Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi (B) Ayya Vaikundar
(C) Mannathu Padmanabhan (D) Sree Narayana Guru
47. For his outstanding.and selfless social activities, ihe people of Kerala honoured with the title
"Bharata Kesari", who is that leader?
(A) chavara Kuriakose Elias (B) Nidhirikkar Mani Kathanar
(C) Mannathu Padmanabhan (D) Vakkom Moulavi
48. Who is associated with'Pidiyari System' (a small amount of rice) in Kerala society?
(A) Kumaran Asan (B) Dr. palpu
(C) R.,Sankar @) Chavara Kuriakose Elias
49. Where is the headquarter of prathyaksha Reksha Daiva Sabha?
(A) Kumbanad . (B) Vattakottal
(C) Eraviperoor (D) pullad
50' In which year Sree Narayana Guru convened. an inter-religious conGrence at Aluva were he
. gave the noble message of ,One
caste, One religion and One God for men,?
(A) 1921 (B) rs22
(c) re23 (D) rs24
51' marked the first mass campaign against British Rule ied by Indian National
(A) Ahmedabad MiIl Strike CB) Non Co_operadon Movement
(C) Civil Disobedience Movement (D) Khilafat Movement
122120L5 8 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
The Pioneer Martyer of 185? revolt :
(A) Rani LakshrniBai
(C) Nana Sahib
53. Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it :
(A) Bal Gangadar Tilak
(C) Bipin Chandra Pal
64, Who is the Frontier Gantlhi?
(A) Khan Abdul Gaffer Khan
(C) Muhammad Iqbal
The. first Education Minister of free India :
(A) MoiiIaI Nehru
(C)' V.P. Menon
Who was the Grand.Old man of India?
(A) A.O. Hume
(C) C'R Das
57. What was, the importance of the year
(A) Quit India Movement
(C) . Simla Conference
Mangal Pandey
. Tantia Tope
Lata Lijpat Rai
Gopala Krishna Gokhale
Muhammed Ali Jinna
Sir Sa1ryed Ahammad Khan
Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
W.C. Bannerjl
DAdabai Nauoroji
the history of. India's
' (B)
Maharaja Ranjit Sinsh
Motilal Nehru
Motilal Nehru
L942 for
'68. Who was the political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi?
(A) innie Begant
(C) Gopala Krishna Gokhale
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai
(C) C.R. Das
(B) . Cabinet Mission PIan
@) Mountbatten plan
(B) Bipin Chandra PaI
@) W.C. Bannerji
Who was popularly known as the "Lion ofthe Punjab"?
. 60. Who was the founder of Benares Hindu.University?
(A) Bipin Chandra Pal
(C) C.R. Das (D) Panclit Madan Mohan Malaviya
A 9 12a2015
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
61. The National Commission for women was constituted in :
(A) 1e85
(c) 1ee5
62. The number of members nominated by the princely states to the Constituent Assemblv were :
(B) 1ee0
(D) 2000
(B) 3e
(D) e3
sabha by the President
@) usA
(D) Ireland
was boirowed by the
on his table indefinitely ryithout
64. Which among the following is not a way for acquisition of citizenship in India?
(A) 36
(c) 63
63. The nomination of members in the Rajya
Constitution of India from :
(A) UK
(C) Australia
(A) Renunciation
(C) Registration
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
. (C) B.N. Rao
(A) Article 45
(C) Article 48
(B) Descent
' (D) Incorporation of territory
(B) K.M. Munshi
(D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(B) Article 47
(D) Article 50
65. The constitution first Amendment Act sought to :
(A) declare that an amendment passed in accordance with Article 368 will not be law
with the meaning of Article 13
@) nullify the judicially created doctrine of basic features
(C) curtail the right to property guaranteed by Article Bl
(D) none of the above
66. Who was appointed as the advisor of the Constituent assemblv?
67. The Article in the Indian Constitution which prohibits intoxicating drinks and drugs :
68. The President of India may sometimes simply keep a BilJ
giving or refusing assent. This is :
(A) Absolute Veto
(C) Suspensive Veto
12212015 10
(B) Qualified Veto
@) Pocket Veto
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
A member of the. State Public
addressed to :
(A) The President
(C) The Chief Minister
Obiter Dicta is :
71. Fill in the blanks using an article :'
I went to
hospital to see my uncle.
72. In the following sentence,
Neither food nor water to be found there.
Service may resign his offrce by
The Governor
The Chairman
(A) that part of the judgement which was strictly not necessary for the disposal of the
' cause or matter before the court
(B) that which was necessary to dispose of the
(C) both
(D) none of the above
matter and forms the clux of the
(A) were
(C) are
73. FilI in the blank with suitable preposition :
(B) an
(D) some
(B) was
(D) have
(B) bv
@) over
(B) using tooth and nail
@) without eoldiers
My friends stood -- me during my difficult tines.
(A) beside
(C) among
74. Bring out the meaning of the idiom in the following sentence :
We shall fight tooth and nail for our rights. .,
(A) with all our power
(C) peacefully
75. Identi$ the sentence which is in passive voice?
(A) The boy is climbing the cliff
(C) They painted the house red
They made him king
Alice was not rnuch surprieed at this
A L22t2016
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
76. Pick out the sentence which is grammatically correct?
(A) One should not waste his time
(B) The boy who does best he will get a prize
(C) I asked for his book, but he did not lend me
(D) He has been studying hard for the last two weeks
. 77. Find the word which is not a synonym of 'modest'?
(A) Intelligent (B) Shy
(q) Silent @) Timid
78. Give one word substitute for'things of different nature':
(A) homogeneous (B) uniform
(C) heterogeneous (D) compatible
79. Complete the following sentence using an appropriate adjective :
He is the
member of the club.
(A) eldest (B) old
(C) oldest (D) elder
80. Find the other gender of'horse' :
(A) mare (B) rooster
(C) mule (D) doe
81. Which is the thrust area of Valmiki Ambedkar Awaas Yojana?
(A) Rural areas (B) Urban slums
(C) Tlibal areas (D) None ofthese
82. When was 'Andyodaya Anna Yojana" launched?
(A) August 15,2000 (B) August tb,2010
(C) December 25,2OOO (D) December 2b. ZO1O
83. Which is not included in Bharat Nirman?
(A) The Rural Roads G) The Rural housing
(C) The Rural Water Supply (D) The Rural Health
84. Expand IAY :
(d) Indian Antipoverty Yojana (B) Integrated Antipoverty yojana
(C) Indian Awaas Yojana (D) Indira Awaas yojana
L2212015 12 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
86. When 4id "Pradhan Mantri Adharsh Gram Yojana" formally launched?
(A) 2oo8 (B) 2pL0
(D) 2or4(c) 2or2
Which is the thrust afea of Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana?
Which scheme targets the most
6 years of age, pregnant women
and urban slums?
(c) AAY
(A) Old age people
(C) Destitute women
(C) Kudumbasree
(A) N.H.G
(c) A.D.S
(c) c
Programmed Instruction to the computer is known as :
(A) Data
(C) Documentation
vulnerable groups of population inclufing cbildren up to
and nursing mothers in backward rural areas, tribal areas
(B) Unemployed youth
(D) Differentially able population
(D) Grama sabha
88. In Kerala which Programme is formally registered as the "State Poverty Eradication
Mission" a society registered under the Travancore Kochi Literary Scientific and Charitable
-Society Act?
(D) rcDs
Expand NREGP:
($) . National Rural Educational Growth Programme
(B). Nationa,l Road and Electricity Generating Programme
(C) National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme
(D) National Railway Engineering Growth Project
90. Which is the grass root functionary of Kudumbasree?
(B) c.D.S
91. Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?
A 13
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
94. The term associated with the processing speed of computer :
Gerleration computer.
(A) First
(C) Third
In 1983, who defined the term 'Computer Virus'?
(A) Fred Cohen
(C) Norton
When IT Act, 2000 of India came into force?
(A) 17 October 2000
(C) 17 November 2000
(A) Operating system
(C) Browser
(D) cPS
(B) Smith
(D) Mcafee
(B) 17 January 2001
(D) 17 September 2000
mechanisms of an informatron system or
CB) Blocking
(D) Resisting
(B) Word processing
(D) Output
IBM l40r is
57. Unauthorized attempts to bypass the security
network is called :
(A) Spoofing
(C) Hacking
9E. A printer is this kind of device :
(A) Input
(C) Processing
99. Which one is a text editor for Microsoft windows?
(A) MS Word (B) MS Excel
(C) Wordpad (D) Notepad
100. Software which allows the user to load a web page is called :
(B) Web site
(D) Home page
A122t20L5 I4
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Question Paper Code: 122/2015
Medium of Question: English
Date of Test: 04.07.2015
Q No. Q No.
1 C A D C 51 B D A X
2 C D B A 52 B A B C
3 A D C D 53 A C A D
4 D B A B 54 A A X C
5 D C D C 55 D D D D
6 B A B C 56 D A X B
7 C D C A 57 A B C B
8 A B C D 58 C A D A
9 D C A D 59 A X C A
10 B C D B 60 D D D D
11 B A B D 61 X D C B
12 C D C C 62 D A C D
13 A B D A 63 D C B B
14 D C C B 64 A C D A
15 B D A B 65 C B B X
16 C C B C 66 C D A D
17 D A B A 67 B B X D
18 C B C D 68 D A D A
19 A B A B 69 B X D C
20 B C D C 70 A D A C
21 B B B B 71 C B D A
22 B C A B 72 B A D C
23 B B B C 73 B D A C
24 C A B C 74 A D C A
25 B B C B 75 D A C C
26 A B C B 76 D C A B
27 B C B B 77 A C C B
28 B C B C 78 C A B A
29 C B B B 79 C C B D
30 C B C A 80 A B A D
31 B B C B 81 B D A B
32 D A B D 82 C D B C
33 B C B B 83 D A B C
34 A B D C 84 D B C A
35 C B B B 85 A B C B
36 B D C D 86 B C A C
37 B B B B 87 B C B D
38 D C D A 88 C A C D
39 B B B C 89 C B D A
40 C D A B 90 A C D B
41 A X B D 91 B B A C
42 B C B A 92 B C A D
43 A D A C 93 B A C X
44 X C A A 94 C A D C
45 D D D D 95 A C X B
46 X B D A 96 A D C B
47 C B A B 97 C X B B
48 D A C A 98 D C B C
49 C A A X 99 X B B A
50 D D D D 100 C B C A
Municipal Secretary Gr. III - Urban Affairs (Direct & By Transfer) / Secretary,
Block Panchayat - Rural Development
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Which is the emallest number when increased by 5 is divisible by 27 and' 2l?
The cost price of 10 articles is equal to the selling price of8 articles. Find the profit percent:
(A) 50
(c) 12.5
(B) 25
(D) 20
In an election between two candidates, the candidate who gecureg 30% votes is defeated by
4360 votes. Find the number of votes secured by the windng candidate:
(A) 74so
(c) 7080
(B) 7630
(D) 7o7o
50 paise and 25 paise in the ratio 1:2:4:8. If the
of 25 paise coins exceeding those of 50 paise
(B) 200
(D) , 400
b. A train 240 m long is moving at a speed of 25 Km/hr. In how much time will it crosg a nan
coming fron the opposite direction at a speed of 2 Km./hr :
I hour and 15 minutes
(B) t64
(D) 18e
(B) 42 sec
(D) 32 sec
(B) 130"
(D) Lzo
A alone can do it in 40 days. In how many days
(B) r20
(D) e6
Maximum : 100 rnarks
(A) r?e
(c) r84
A purse contains coins of 2 Rupees, 1 Rupee,
total amount is Rs.600, then the number
coins is :
(A) 300
(c) 100
(A) 36 sec
(C) 46 sec
(A) eo'
(c) 150"
A and B together can do a work in 24 daya.
can B do it alone?
(A) 60
(c) 80
when the minute and hour hands ofa clock ghows ?'o clock, the angle between them ie :
lP.r.o.l .
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
8. If a sum of money at simple interest doubles in ? years, it will become four times in:
(A) 12 years (B) 18 years
(C) l4years (D) 2t years
9. Three years ago, Sanju's age was double of Sheeja's. Seven yearg hence the sum of their ages
will be 86 years. The age of Sanju today is :
(A) 44 (B) 30
(c) 47 @) 36
10. A sphere of maximum size is carved out of a solid wooden cylinder of diameter 15 cm and
height 12 cm. Find the volume of the sphere in cms :
(A) 248 r (B) 288 r
. (C) 276 r (D) 236 n
11. compute I + 0.1
+ 0.01
+ 0.001 .
- 0.1 0.01 0.001 . 0.0001
(A) 0-004 (B) 4
(c) 40 (D) 1.111
12. Find the. next term in the sequence:
B, C, E, G, K:
(A)M G)N
(c)o (D)P
13. Find the next tern in the sequence:
2,9,28,65, t26:
" (A) 260 (B) 257
(c) 2t7 (D) 327
14. If FRIEND ie coded as GQJDOC then ENEMy is coded as :
(c) DMDrx (D) FOFNZ
16. Ramu, who is facing east, turns 405" in the anti-clock.wiee direction and then 45o in the clock
wiee direction. Which direction is he facing now?
(A) North East (B) West
(C) North West (D) East
l23l20t6 4 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
16. Statements:
AII birds are black.
Some ctows are black.-
Which of the following conclusions follows logically from the above two statements?
Conclusion 1: AII birds are crows.
2: Some crows are not black.
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(C) Only conclusion 2 follows
fi. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word BRIEF :
(B) Neither 1 nor 2 follows
(D) Both 1 and 2 follows
(c) sHoRT
18. If 1999 Januarj' 1is Friilay,
(A) 2005
(c) 2008
which of the following year starts with Friday?
(B) 2006
(D) 2010
shape. All sides have southern
(B) Black
(D) Can't say
(B) Epicarp
@) Fericarp
A man builds a house rectangular in
walks by. What colour is the bear?
(A) White
(C) Brown
Find tt'e odd one out :
(A) Square
(C) Sphere
Electromyograph is a diagnostic test of :
(A) Lungs
(C) Veins
Mango juice is obtained from :
(A) Mesocarp
(C) Endocarp
An antiviral chemical produced by the animal cell :
(A) Hormone
(C) Interferon
(B) Swine flue
(D) Malaria
exposure. A big bear
Which is the "black death" disease?
(A) Avian.flue
(C) Plague
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
25. The critical angle of a wave will be refracted to :
(A) 60 degree (B) 90 degree
(C) 50 degree (D) 80 degree
26. Elephantiasis disease is transmitted by :
(A) Sand fly (B) Anopheles mosquito
(C) House fly (D) Culux mosquito
27. Pheromones are :
(A) Endohormones
(C) Growth regulators
28. Carbylamine test is a diagnostic test:
(A) Primary amine
(C) Tertiary amine
(B) Ectohormones
' (D) None of these
@) Secondary amine
@) Quartery amine salts
(B) Pharmacognosy
(D) Pharmaceutical
29. The time taken by individual blood cell to make a complete circuit of the body :
(A) 65 seconds (B) 60 seconds
(C) 70 seconds @) 75 seconds
30. The study of action of drugs is known as :
(A) Pharmacology
(C) Pathology
31. Indian super league trophy related to :
(A) Cricket @) Hockey
(C) Tennis (D) Foot baII
32. Who is the chief organiser of Bachpen Bachavo Andolan?
(A) Vandana Rao (B) Kailash Sathyarthi
(C) Sundarlal Bahuguna (D) None ofthe above
33. The operation Kubera related to:
(A) Promotion of BPL community (B) Economic development of farmers
(C) Eliminating Blade Maffia (D) Economic development.of the state
12312016 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
35. In which nation carried observator rank in United Nation Organisation?
34. Present Minister for transport in Kerala :
(A) ThiruvanchurRadhakrishnan
(C) Adoor Prakash
(A) Palestine
(C) Russia
36. Insurance protection to BPL community is known as :
(A) Am Adami Yojana
(C) Janasree Bhima Yojana
(A) Varanasi
(C) Gandhinagar
38. Winner of the Vayalar award 2014 - was :
(4 Subash Chandran
(C) K.R. Meera
(A) M.K. Narayanan
(C) Nikhil Kumar
(A) Sachin Tendulkar
(C) Salyed Anwar
(B) Aryadan Muhammed
(D) Anil Kumar
(B) United states of America
(D) Switzerland
(B) Jawahar Rosgar Yojana
(D) None of the above
(B) Ahmedabad
(D) Lucknow
(B) Sugatha Kamari
(D) Civic Chandran
(B) Sadasivam
(D) Ram Dulari Sinha
(B) Brian Lara
(D) Rohit Sharma
(B) Meghalaya
(D) Si-kkim
37 . Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi represented the Lokhsabha constituency of :
39. One among the chiefjustice of India became the governor ofa state :
40. One of the cricketer to score double century twice in one day international cricket :
4L. Which is the only State in India with an ethnic Nepali majority?
(A) Nagaland
(C) Manipur
42. The biosphere reserve Dehang Debang is located in :
(A) Arunachal Pradesh (B) Uttarakhand
Jammu and Kashmir(C) Bihar @)
43. Who authorized the book 'Poverty and Un-British RuIe' in India?
(A) Prof. VKRV Rao
(C) Prof. S.D. Tendulkar
(B) Prof. P.C. Mahalanobis
(D) Dadabhai Naoroji
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
44. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh Qllational Credit Fund for Women) was set up in:
46. The slogan of Census 2011 was
(A) Our Census, Our Future
(C) For a Good Morrow
47. Which personality is not associated with Ghadar partv?
(A) Lala Hardayal
(C) LaIa Lajpat Rai
(B) ree3
(D) lee1
(B) Chenab
(D) Ravi
(B) Our Land, Our World
@) Towards a Better State
(B) Taraknath Das
(D) Sohan Singh Bakhna
(A) 1e90
(c) rse2
45. On which river the Baglihar Hydro-power project is located?
(A) Brahmaputra
(C) Beas
48. The term 'budget' has been derived from the French word 'bougette',
(A) Allocation
(C) Emolument
(B) Pouch
(D) Money
which means :
50. Which was the only national movement without a leader?
(A) Quit India Movement
(C) Civil Disobedience Movement
49. Who founded the 'Free India Society,?
(A) Aruna Asaf Ali
(C) Madam Bhilaji Cama
51. The fust Malayali appeared in Indian postal stamp :
(A) Alphonsamma
(C) K.Kelappan
(B) Rabindranath Tagore
(D) Mohammed Ali Jinnah
(B) Non Co-operation Movement
(D) Khilafat Movement
(B) , Sreenarayana Guru
(D) Ayyankali
(B) Thiruvanathapuram
(D) Palakkad
52. Which district in Kerala is known as Gateway of Kerala?
(A) Kasargode
(C) Idukki
r23120t5 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
The man who formed Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha?
(A) Elias Chavara
(C) Pandit Karuppan
Who is known as Lincoln of Kerala?
(A) Pandit Karuppan
' (C) Sahodharan Ayyappan
(B) Poykayil Yohannan
@) Samuel Mateer
(B) Ayyankali
(D) Chattampi Swamikal
@) Herman Gundert
@) Kuriakose Elias Chavara
(D Vagbhatanada
(D) Annie Beasant
(B) Vagbhatanada
(D) Dr.Palpu
(B) Dr. Susathan
(D) Kumaranasan
(B) Monarchy
(D) Aristocracy
55. Who among the following is responsible for Noon day meals in Schools?
(A) Joseph Mundasseri
(C) Ringeltaube
Atmavidya Sangam was founded by :
(A) Vaikunda Swamilal
(C) Manjeri Ramayyar
Who founded Ananda Maha Sabha?
(A) Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi
(C) Chattampi Swamikal
(A) Dr. Palpu
(C) Sreenarayana guru
(A) Democracy
(C) Republic
58. Who is the author of Christumatha Nirupanam?
(A) ILV.Simon (D Samuel Mateer
(C) Chattampi Swamikal @) Herman Qundert
59. Who introduced Pantibhoian for the first time in Tlavancore?
(A) Ringal Taube.
(C) Thycaud Ayya Swamikal
(B) Rheed
(D) Vaikunda Swamikal
The author of the book t'Treatment of Thiyyae in Qavancorb" :
61. A nation which has an elected heail of the state is known as :
A 12a2015
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Fundamental Duties are incorporated to the constitution under the recommendation of :
(A) Sapru committee report (B) Nehru committee report
(C) Swaran Singh committee report (D) Shah commission report
Which Article helps the Rajya Sabha to take initiative in the creation ofone or more All India
ln lndia the constitution provides for :
(A) Dual citizenship
(C) Triple citizenship
(A) Article: 325
(C) Article:924
The Indian President is elected by :
, (A) An electrol college
(C) The opposition party
(A) rse2
(c) 2000
(B) Single citizenship
(D) None of the above
(B) Article:370
(D) Article: 312
(B) The party in power
(D) None of the above
Which right is known as the "Heart and SouI ofthe Indian Constitution"?
(A) Right to Constitutional Remedies (B) Right to Freedom
(C) Right to Relision (D) Right to EquariW
67. In which year the National Commission for Women (NCW) is constituted?
(B) 1985
@) 2010
India, that is Bharat, shall be a :
(A) Union of States
(C) Confederation
69. Which Constititional Amendment Act provides
Scheduled Tribe?
(A) 86th
(O 42"d
(B) Federation
@) Totalitarian state
for the creation of National Commission for
(B) 89th
(D) 61"t
70. Who is the Present Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India?
(A) H. L. Dattu
(C) C. Reguram Raj
(B) D. P. Agarwal
(D) Shashi Kant Sharma
10 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
7I. Neither Sinu nor Ritu
the answer to this question.
(A) know @) knows
(C) known (D) none of these
72. Ravi said, "I am going back next weekn :
(A) Ravi said that he wa6 returning the following week
(B) Ravi said that he will be returning the following week
(C) ILrri ttid th"t he is returning the following week
(D) Ravi eaid that he shall be returning the following week
73. I an new to this place. J have not
adjusted to the r:limate.
(A) now G) yet
(C) just (D) onlv
?4. The temple is
down thd lane.
(A) farther (B) Iittle
(C) A tittle @) further
76. capital punishment is considered as ult'mate punishment for any crime.
(A) a (B) an
(C) the @) none of theee
?6. Find a one woril for "courage excited by wine" :
(A) Dutch courage (B) Port courage
(C) Swiss courage @) French coqage
77. Find out the correct tense of the verb :
A dozen oranges
(buY) for Rs. 50
(A) is bought (B) was bought
(C) were bought (D) none ofthe above
?8. Kerala is famous
its beautif'ul scenery.
(A) of G) bv
(C) with (D) for
A 11 1-23120].5
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
79. Arun filed a _ In the High court.
(A) suite
(C) suiting
80. Which of the following pair is wrong?
(A) Glass-glasses
(C) Leaf-leaves
(B) suit
(D) suited
(B) Lion-lioness
(D) Wolf-wolves
81. Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) is connected with :
(A) Special nutrition programme @) Mid-day meal
(C) Public distribution system (D) None of the above
82. The scheme of Balika samridhi Yojana was launched by Govt. of India with the
objective to:
(A) Negative family and community attitudes towards the gi.rl child at birth and
towards her mother
(B) Improve enrolment and retention of girl children in schools
(C) Raise the age at marriage of girls
(D) All the above
83. The beneficiaries of Indira Awaas Yojana (IAIC are selected from :
(A) The list of members of ST community approved by the Grama Sabha
(B) The poorest of the poor list approved by the Grama Sabha
(C) The Below Poverty Line (BPL) Iist approved by the Grama Sabha
(D) None of the above
84. Which of the following is a service provided under the Integrated Child Development
Services (ICDS) Scheme?
(A) Immunization (B) Pre-school non-formal educatr.on
(C) Referral services (D) All the above
85. Release of instalnents in cash to beneficiaries is:
(A) Not permissible under IAY
(B) Permissible under IAY
(C) Permissible under IAY if certain conditions are satisfied
(D) Funds are released under IAY in lump sum
l23t2ot5 L2 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
86. The benefits of Balika Samridhi Yojana are restricted to :
(A) One girl chi-id in a household irrespective of number of children in the
(B) Two girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the
(C) Three girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the
(D) Ali the girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the
87, Jawahar Rozgar Yojna was launched on April l, 1989 by merging :
(A) National Rural Employment Program (NREP) and Rural Landless Employment
Guarantee Program4re (RLEGP)
(B) Baii-l<a Samridhi Yojana (BSYI and Mahila Samridhi Yojana(MSY)
(C) Prime Ministet's Rozgar Yojana GMRY) and Scheme of Fund for
Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFLIRTD
(D) None of the above
E8. In which year was the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) introduced?
(A) 1e65 (B) 1975
(c) 1e85 (D) 1995
89. Who is the nodal officer at District level for the National Food for Work Programme?
(A) Collector (B) District Panchayat President
(C) Additional District Magistrate (D) District Judge
90. Among the following persons, who is entitled as of right to an 'Antyodaya card'?
(A) A person in the list of BPL category
@) A senior citizen
A person belonging to a primitive tribe
(D) All the above
91. ISDN stands for:
(A) Indian Standard Data Network (B) Independent Software Data Network
(C) Integrated Standard Digital Network (D) Integrated Standard Data Network
A 13
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
92. The translator program that translates each line of the source program as it runs is called :
(A) Compiler
(C) Editor
93. The small pictures on the window desktop is called:
(B) Interpreter
(D) Linker
(A) Commands
(C) Menus
94. Section 66F ofIT Act 2008 deals with:
' (A) Cyber stalking
(C) Phishing
(B) Child pornography
(D) Cyber Terrorism
(B) Parallelogram
(D) Circle
(B) Tabs
(D) Icons
95. Ind.ia's fust cyber crime police station is located in i
97. The protocol uged for retrieving email from a mail detver is :
(A) Hyderabad
(C) Delhi
96. The term
(A) Black hat
(C) Cracker
(A) Spreadsheet
(C) Web browser
(A) Open-endedrectangle
(C) Square
100. 1 megabyte is equal to
(A) 10e
(c) 108
(B) Bangalore
. (D) Mumbai
refeis to a bad or criminal hacker.
(B) White hat
(D) Slacker
(D) r'rP
@) Microcode
@) Malware
98. The software application used to accesg and view websites is called :
99. Which is the symbol not associated with data flow diagrams?
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
1 C B D A 51 B B D A
2 B A C D 52 D A B C
3 B D A C 53 B D A C
4 A C D B 54 A B C A
5 D A C C 55 D A C B
6 C D B B 56 B C A D
7 A C C B 57 A C B B
8 D B B A 58 C A D A
9 C C B D 59 C B B D
10 B B A C 60 A D A B
11 C C D C 61 C C A A
12 A B B D 62 B D A A
13 C D C A 63 C A A B
14 B B D A 64 D A A D
15 D C A C 65 A A B C
16 B D A A 66 A A D B
17 C A C C 67 A B C C
18 D A A B 68 A D B D
19 A C C D 69 B C C A
20 A A B B 70 D B D A
21 B C B B 71 B B C C
22 B C D A 72 A A A D
23 C B B B 73 B C C B
24 C D A A 74 A A D B
25 B B B B 75 C C B B
26 D A A B 76 A D B A
27 B B B C 77 C B B B
28 A A B C 78 D B A A
29 B B C B 79 B B B C
30 A B C D 80 B A A A
31 D C A A 81 C C A A
32 B A C C 82 D D B B
33 C A A B 83 C A A A
34 A C C D 84 D B B C
35 A A B D 85 A A A C
36 C C D B 86 B B C D
37 A B D C 87 A A C C
38 C D B A 88 B C D D
39 B D C A 89 A C C A
40 D B A C 90 C D D B
41 D D B C 91 C D B A
42 A B A B 92 B D A C
43 D B C C 93 D B A B
44 B A B A 94 D A C B
45 B C C D 95 B A B C
46 A B A A 96 A C B B
47 C C D D 97 A B C D
48 B A A B 98 C B B D
49 C D D B 99 B C D B
50 A A B A 100 B B D A
Q No.
Question Paper Code: 123/2015
Administrative Officer - Kerala State Road Transport Corporation
Date of Test: 30.06.2015
Q No.
Medium of Question: English
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
The.smallest perfect square which is exactly divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 :
Maximum : 100 marks
Time : t hour and l5 minutes
A does a work in 16 days and B does work in 12 days. B together with a boy does the same
work in 8 days. How much time will the boy alone take to do the work?
(A) 1600
(c) 784
(A) 100 meters
(C) 300 meters
sq. cm
so. cm
(B) e00
(D) 1800
(A) e6
(c) 32
A train clears a platform of 20Q meters long in 15 seconds and passes a telegraph post in
10 seconds. The length of the train is :
(B) 48
(D) 24
. (B) 200 meters
@) 400 meters
TVo concentric circles have their radii 4 cm and 6 cm. The area of the space between then
(use 7r ==-) 18:
5. The L.C.M of two numbers is 864 and their H.C.F is
so. cm
sq. cm
144. If one of the numbeis is 288 the
other number :
(A) 432
(c) r2s6
6. Income of Rajesh is'2lo/o more than the income of Girish. The income of Girish is less than
the income of Rajesh by :
(B) 576
(D) r44
(B) 20%
(D) 22o/o
(A) 25o/o
(c) 30%
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
7. Sanu's present age is one fourth of his father's age. Father has 30 years more than Sanu. The
present age of Sanu :
(A) 12
(c) 10
If A: B=2:3 and
(A) 2:5
(C) 4:5
An outlet empties
further take :
t}ren A:C:
(A) 20 minutes
(C) 15 minutes
B:C =6:5t
(B) 20
(D) 15
(B) 3:5
(D) 6:5
of the tank in 12 minutes. To emfty the remaining content it should
(B) 12 minutes
(D) i 8 minutes
10. Ramu bought 40 kg of wheat at Rs. 12.50 per kg and 25 kg at Rs. 1b.10 per kg. He mixed
them together. At what rate should he sell the mixture to earn 10% profit?
(A) Rs. 14.85
(C) Rs. 13.25
11. Find the next number: 3, 10, 32, 100,
(A) 345
(c) 44o
12. ln a code DET = 8189, then MET = :
@) Rs. 13.50
(D) Rs. 14.75
(B) 308
(D) 460
13. Geetha is taller than seetha, but shorter than n"-u. n"-r is shorter than swapna, but
taller than Maya. Who is the tallest among them?
(A) Swapna
(C) Maya
14' Vinod walked 4 km towards east. Then he turned left and wAlked 3 kms. Then he again
turned Ieft and walked 4 kms. Now how far ii he from the starting place?
(A) 10320
(c) 5e4
(A) 2 km
(c) 3 km
(B) 10300
(D) ro322
(B) Geetha
@) Seetha
(B) 11 km
(D) 4km
4r2gt2br5 A'
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
15. Syam was born on August 11. Mohan is 11 days elder than Syam. Independence day of that
year was on Monday. Then Mohan s birthday is oh :
(A) Monday
(C) Sunday
16. Find the odd man :
(A) Tapioca
(C) Beetroot
17- Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are seated around a.round table facing each other :
(1) A is opposite to D and to the left ofE
lrl B is opposite to C but not near to F
(3) D ig between B and F.
Then who is to the left of F
(A) A
(c), c
How many such 9's are there in the following sequence.which are immediately followed by
. (D)
(B) B
(D) D
19. A clock when see through the mirror read.s a quarter past three. What should be the actual
(B) 8.15
(D) 8.45
20. I am 106 in the queue from either end. How many people are there in the queue?
4 but not immediately.preceded by 8?
5498294389594W 4129 4597 4
(A) 2
(c) 4
(A) le
(c) 18
Dry ice ig :
(A) Solid COz
(C) Solid SO:
Acid us€d to wash eyes :
(A) Lactic acid
(C) Boric acid
(B) 3
(D) 5
(B) 2r
(D) 20
Sofid CO
Acetic acid
Citric acid
D t29120L5
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
24. Which among the following has same unit?
(A) Power and Pressure (B) Work anh Pressure
(C) Power and Energy (D) Work and Energy
25. Sky is blue in colour because :
23. Beri Beri is caused due to the deficiency of:
(A) VitaminA
(C) Vitamin C
(A) Reflection
(C) Scattering
(A) Bio-diversity day
(C) Chemistry day
(A) increases
(C) remains game
28. The planet which gives highest weight for substance :
(A) Mars
(C) Jupiter
(B) decreaseg
(D) irrcreases and then decreases
(B) Saturn
(D) Venus
(B) Sodium
(D) Lithium
(B) Starch
(D) Chitosan
(B) Water Co-operation day
(D) Forest day
(B) Vitamin B
(D) Vitamin D
(B) Dispersion
(D) None
26. Hydrogen has high calorific value. But it is not used as donestic fuel :
(A) It is rare in atmosphere
(B) It is light in weight
(C) It has explosive nature
@) Hydrogen cumbust to give harmful products
27. When limejuice is added to pure water it s pH?
29. Only metal which has boiling point below room temperature :
(A) Mercury
(C) Potassium
30. The polymer found in crustacean shell:
(A) Calcium carbonate
(C) Cellulose
31. IIN celebrate the year 2013 as :
6129t2013 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
32. Information Commissioner of India :
(A) Sushama Singh (B) Mamata Sarma
(C) Nirupama Rao (D) Sushama Swaraj .
38. Which amendment declare that Delhi as National capital territory of India?
(A) 61 (B) 62
(c) 68 (D) 6e
34. The viceroy of British India who introduced the 'Illbert bill' was :
(A) Iord Curzon
(C) Lord Rippon
(A) Ernakulam
(C) Kottayam
36. 'Hybernation' is :
(A) Autumn sleep
(C) Summer sleep
57. Tropical cyclones in 'Atlaritic ocearl :
(A) Tlphoons
(C) Willi-Willies
38. Nobel prize for literature in 2013 :
(A) Jamis Rothman
(C) Alees Mantro
seasion held at :
(A) Bombay
(C) Lucknow
40. '
" Travelling through conflict' is written by :
(A) Hamid Ansari
(C) V.S. Naipaul
41. International day ofpeace :
(A) September 12
(C) October 24
(B) lord Canning
(D) Iord Lytton
@) Thiruvananthapuram
(D) Thriesur
(B) Spring eleep
(D) Winter sleep '
(B) Hurricanes
@) Tornadoes
(B) Peter Hansen
@) Martin Kalps
(B) Culcutta
@) Maclras
(B) Hamid Karsai
(D) Abdul Kalam
(B) September 21
(D) October 26
35. Which district has been declared the fust 'E ' district in Kerala?
39. The famous reeolution on non-co-operation adopted by Indian National congress in a special
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
42. "Go back to the Vedas" was the motto of :
(A) Rajaram Mohanroy (B) Ramakrishna paramahamsa
(C) Swami Vivekananda . (D) Swami Dayananda Saraswathi
43. The river known as "sorrow of Bihar" :
(A) Hugli .(B) Damiritai
(C) Kosi (D) Sot
44. UNDP published its first report on "Human Development,, in :
(A) 1e89 (B) leeo
(c) 1991 (D) rssz
45. 'Firodiya Awards'given for: '
(A) Science and Technology @) Literature
(C) Medicine (D) Sporrs
46. 'Kerala Metro Rail Limited' chairman :
(A) E. Sreedharan (B) S.D. Sharma
(C) V.K. Singh (D) Sudhir Krishna
47. The concept of 'Presidential election' was borrowed frdm :
(A) Canada (B) Russia
(C) Ireland (D) eermany
48. First cricketer from Jammu and Kashmir :
(A) Parvees Rasool CB) Saurav Ganguli
(C) Kapil Dev (D) Sunil Gawaskar
49. The 'Kera]a Muslim Ikyasangam' was founded by :
(A) Thattilassery Muhammed Maulavi
(B) Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi
(C) ChembresseryThangal
(D) Muhammed Abdul Rahman
50. when was the partition of Bengal, effected during the time ofcurzon, annulled :
(A) 1910 (B) 1911
(c) 1912
(D) 1e13
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
51. Dr. Manmoh4n Singh's award' is ins'tituted by :
(A) Bihar
(C) Orissa
55. Who won the prize 'Iokmanyapuraskar 2013'?
(A) A.K. Antony
(C) Ummen Chandy
56. Older alluvium of North Indian plain :
(A). Bhabar
(C) Bhangar
57. The first complete census was taken in India in:
(A) 1861
(c) 1881
58. The east flowing river in Kerala :
(A) Bharatapuzha
(C) Chaliyar
59. The Indian economist who won the Nobel Prize :
(A) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(C) Dr. C.V. Raman
"sadujanaparipalanayogam' was founded by :
(A) Dr. Palpu
(C) Karuppan
@) CambridgeUniversity
(D) Nigarh University '
(D) Gowri Lakshmi Bai(C) Gowri Parvathi Bai
'Karewas' means :
(A) Glacial deposits (B)
(C) Wind deposits (D)
54. The state having the highest BPL ratig in India :
(A) Oxford University
(C) Chicago University
The historic'Temple Entry Proclamation' was issued in 1936 by :
(A) Chithirathirunal Balaramavarma (B) Swathi Thirunal
River deposits
Wave deposits
Jammu and Kashmir
Arunachal Pradesh
V.K. Singh
E. Sreed-haran
(B) Dr. Mahboob-Ul-Haq
@) Dr. Amartyasen'
.Ayyankali .
@) Sree Narayana Guru
A 12912015
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
61. Rule of law meana:
(A) All are equal before law
(B) Equal and full membership in state
(C) Right to minorities
(D) Right to freedom of religion
62. In which amendment did the voting age of Indian citizens is lowered from 21 to 18 :
(A) 67 amendment
(C) 44 amendment
63. Total number of schedules in Indian Constitution is :
(A) e
(c) 12
(B) 42.amendment
@) 61 amendment
(B) 11
(D) 10
(B) u.s.A.
(D) China
(B) Tamil Nadu
(D) Rajasthan
64. From which country, Indian Constitution borrowed Fundamental duties?
66. Which state in India irrplemented Panchayath Raj System first?
(A) U.S.S.R.
(c) u.K.
(A) Kerala
(C) Karnataka
66. The Article 131 of the Infian Constitution deals with :
(A) The Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
(B) The original jurisdiction ofthe Supreme Court
(C) Appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
(D) The miscellaneous jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
67. The minimum age required to become a member of Rajya Sabha is :.
(.{) 30 years
(C) 18 years
(B) 25 years
(D) 21 yeare
68. The Articles 25 to 28 of Indian Constitution deals with :
(A) Right to equality (B) Right to freedom
(C) Right to constitutional remedies (D) Right to freedom of religion
]:2y2ot6 10
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
(B) State Subject
@) Residuary list'
cousin sister
sieter's cousin
(B) have
(D) is
(B) elder
@) oldest
(B) felicitated for
@) felicitated on
you wi;ll be to your goal.
(B) furtheet, closest
(D) further, closer
71. It is 2 O'clock
(A) in
(C) with
She told us that she
(A) will be
(C) wouldbe
late for the party.
(B) will have to be
.11A t2s12016
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
?9.. Which of the following is a synonym for 'consummate'?
(B) consecrate
(D) captivate
80. which of the following phrasal verb will give the meaning "to be patient with someone"?
78. Which among the following is the
etc. wrongfully or by force"?
(A) invade
(C) accumulate
' (A) supreme
(C) flawless
(A) bear with
(C) bear out
81. Bharat Nirman is for development of :
(A) Rurallnfrastructure
(C) Cultural Scheme
82. Indira AwaasYojana was launched in the year :
(A) 1984
(c) 1986
one word substitute "Take
(B) capture
(D) usurp
(B) bear up
(D) bear on
(B) Urbanlnfrastructure
(D) Education of Children
(D 1985
' (D) 1987
(B) 1e08
(D) 1098
(B) 2004
(D) 2006
83. JRY was started in 1989 by merging trvo erstwhile emplolrnent programs. Which were those?
(A) Bharat Nirman and NREGP
(B) Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana and Bharat Nirman
(C) National Rural Employment Progrhmme (NREP) and Rural Landless
Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP)
(D) NRDP and National Food for Work Program
84. Child Line number is :
(A) 18oe
(c) l08e
85, The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed in the year :
(A) 2005
(c) 2003
Atzst20t5 t2
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mahila Samridhi Yojana is :
(A) For Minority
(B) For Women
(C) For giving training in Prodriction/service activity
. @) All the above
(A) Prirne Minister Adharsh Grameen Yojana
(B) Pradhan Mantri Adharsh Grameen Yojana
(C) Prime Mahila Aadhar Grama Yojana
(D) Primary Maha Aadhar Grama Yojana
8E. The objective of Valmiki Ambedkar Awaas Yojana (VAMBAY) is for :
(A) Ameliorate the living conditions of the forelt dwellers
(B) Giving training for'women belonging to SC/ST in production activiiies
. (C) Facilitating dwelling units for urban slum dwellers
@) None of the above
Balika Samridhi Yojana is :
(A) Fully Centrally Sponsored Scheme
(B) Fully State Sponsored Scheme
(C) 50:50 is shared by Centre and State concerned.
(D) None of the above
Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana is :
(A) a centre sponsored scheme r
(B) to provide.additional wage employment
(C) . a sqheme remuneration ofwhich is both cagh and food
@) . all the above
91. The software interface between
' popularly known as:
. (A) Firmware
(C) ApplicationSoftware
physical hardware and the user in a comput€r system is
Qperathgl system
Utfity software
The fundamental unit of storage in a digital computer is known as a :
(A) bit
(C) nibble
(D) megabyte
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
The rnaximum positive
length of z bits is :
'(A) 2"
(c) zn+l
numbet'which can be represehted in a computer system with word
(B) 2" -L
(D) 2" +L
component of computer memory is volatile in nature.
94. The
(c) RAM
95. During program execution, all arithmetic calculations and comparisons are performed by the
of the computer system.
(A) Output unit
96. In terms of accese speed, the
(A) Cache
97. ISP stands for:
(A) Internet Service Provider
(C) Internet Site Provider
98. DNS stands for :
(A) Digital Number System
(C) Domain Name Server
99, Find out the odd item :
(A) Internet explorer
(C) Mozilla Firefox
100, In IT Act 2008, section 65 deals with :
(A) Hacking with Computer System
(B) Punishment for identity theft
(D) Processor Register
(B) Internal Standard Program
@) None of these
(B) Domain Name Service
(D) Domain Name System
(B) Windows explorer
(D) Navigator
(B) Control unit
(D) Memory
memory is the fastest.
(C) Punishment for cheating by personation by using computer resource
(D) Tampering with computer source documents
A129t2015 T4
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
1 B B B B 51 B C B D
2 D C D X 52 A C X B
3 D C A B 53 A D D C
4 C A C D 54 X D C B
5 A A D A 55 D B A A
6 B B B B 56 C B D B
7 C D X D 57 C X B D
8 C A B D 58 D D C C
9 A C D C 59 D C B B
10 A D A A 60 B A A A
11 B B B B 61 A C D A
12 D X D C 62 D A B D
13 A B D C 63 C D A C
14 C D C A 64 A B D B
15 D A A A 65 D A C A
16 B B B B 66 B D B D
17 X D C D 67 A C A C
18 B D C A 68 D B D A
19 D C A C 69 C A C D
20 A A A D 70 B D A B
21 A B C B 71 B D B C
22 C D C C 72 A A D D
23 B C B X 73 D B C X
24 D C C D 74 A D D A
25 C B X A 75 B C X B
26 C C D C 76 D D A A
27 B X A B 77 C X B D
28 C D C D 78 D A A A
29 X A B C 79 X B D B
30 D C D C 80 A A A D
31 B D B X 81 A C A B
32 X B D C 82 B D D C
33 D C C A 83 C A B A
34 C B B B 84 D D C D
35 A A A B 85 A B A A
36 D B X B 86 D C D B
37 B D C A 87 B A A C
38 C C A A 88 C D B D
39 B B B X 89 A A C A
40 A A B D 90 D B D D
41 B X B C 91 B B C A
42 D C A C 92 A C D D
43 C A A D 93 B C A B
44 B B X D 94 C D D D
45 A B D B 95 C A B B
46 X B C B 96 D D D A
47 C A C X 97 A B B B
48 A A D D 98 D D A C
49 B X D C 99 B B B C
50 B D B A 100 D A C D
Q No.
Question Paper Code: 129/2015
Municipal Secretary Gr. III (SR for SC/ST only) - Urban Affairs
Date of Test: 08.07.2015
Q No.
Medium of Question: English
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
1 A B C B 51 B C B X
2 C A B C 52 C A C B
3 B D D A 53 D X A A
4 A C A X 54 A D C C
5 D D D B 55 B A A X
6 B C B A 56 C B X A
7 A B C C 57 A C B X
8 D D A B 58 X A A C
9 C A X A 59 D C C A
10 D D B D 60 A A X C
11 C B A B 61 B A A B
12 B C C A 62 D A C B
13 D A B D 63 A A B D
14 A X A C 64 A C B C
15 D B D D 65 A B D B
16 B A B C 66 C B C D
17 C C A B 67 B D B A
18 A B D D 68 B C D A
19 X A C A 69 D B A A
20 B D D D 70 C D A C
21 X B D A 71 B A C D
22 A A C B 72 C C C C
23 B D A D 73 A C D A
24 A C B C 74 C C C B
25 D A D X 75 C D A B
26 C B C A 76 C C B C
27 A D X B 77 D A B A
28 B C A A 78 C B C C
29 D X B D 79 A B A C
30 C A A C 80 B C C C
31 B X A A 81 D C B B
32 C B X X 82 A C A A
33 A A C B 83 C B B B
34 C C A C 84 C A A D
35 A X C X 85 B B B D
36 X A A B 86 A A D A
37 B X X C 87 B B D C
38 A C B D 88 A D A C
39 C A C A 89 B D C B
40 X C X B 90 D A C A
41 A A B C 91 B A C B
42 X X C A 92 A D A C
43 C B D X 93 A C B B
44 A C A D 94 D A C D
45 C X B A 95 C B B B
46 A B C B 96 A C D A
47 X C A C 97 B B B A
48 B D X A 98 C D A D
49 C A D C 99 B B A C
50 X B A A 100 D A D A
Q No.
Question Paper Code: 140/2015
Assistant Gr. II - KSB (Manufacturing & Marketing) Corporation Ltd/Sr.
Superintendent/Asst. District Lottery Officer - State Lotteries/Assistant Gr.
II/Clerk/LDC/Jr. Clerk/Cashier/Jr. Assistant - Various Comp/Corporations
Date of Test: 25.07.2015
Q No.
Medium of Question: English
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
Maximum : 100 marks
Time : t hour and 15 minutes
1. A cuboid has six sides of different colours. The blue side is adjacent to white. The red side is
opposite to black. The brown side is adjacent to blue. The red side is face down. Which one of
the following would be the opposite to brown?
(A) Red
(C) White
2. Yard is to inch as quart is to :
(A) gallon
(C) milk
(B) Black
(D) BIue
B. X started to walk straight towards south. After walking 6 m he turned to the left and walked
5 m. Then he turned to the rieht and walked 5 m. Now to which direction X is facing?
(B) ounce
(D) Iiquid
' (B) South-West(A) North-East
(C) North
(c) cooKc
Get odd man out
(A) Crimson
(C) Vemilion
Look at this series : 8, 6, 9,
(A) Uncle
(C) Son
(B) Cardinal
(D) Golden
87, ... What number should come ntrxt?
(A) r28
(c) 324
Pointing to a photograph Anjali said, "He is the son of the only son of my grandfather." How
is the man in the photograph related to Anjali?
(D) South
then APPLE is :
(B) 226
(D) 429
(B) Brother
(D) Father
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
8. Six ftiends are sitting in a circie and are facing the centre of the circle. Deepa is between
Prakash and Pankaj. Priti is between Mukesh and Lalit. Prakash and Mukesh are opposite
to each other. Who is sitting opposite to Priti?
(B) Pankaj
(D) Lalit
(B) Silicon
(D) Zirconium
11. Ajith and Salam do 2O% of a work in first 3 days. Then Ajith returns because of some
physical problem. Then Salam alone finishes the remaining work in 20 days. How many days
will Ajith alone take to do the whole work?
(A) Prakash
(C) Deepa
Fill the series: QPO, NML,.KJI,
Choose the word which is different from the rest.
(A) Potassium
(C) Gallium
(A) aol davs
(C) 37 days
12. 2.IL.2OO3 is the first Monday. Which is the fourth Wednesday oT November 2003?
(B) Bzf davs'2
(D) 40 days
(A) 24.rr.2003
(c) 23.11.2003
(B) 25.11.2003
(D) 22.rr.2OO3
13. It takes eight hours for a 600 km journey, if 480 km is done by train and the rest by car. It
takes 20 minutes more, if 400 km is done by train and the rest by car. The ratio of the speed
ofthe train to that of the cars is :
(A) 3:4
(C) 3:2
14' The compound interest on Rs. 4,000 for 2 years at l0% per annum is double the simple
interest on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 8%o per annum. The sum placed on sinple
interest is :
(A) Rs. 1,750
(C) Rs. 1,650
(B) 2:3
(D) 4:3
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
16. The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth. If its length is increased by 1l cm and breadth
is decreased by 5 cm, the area of the rectangle is increasgd by 75 What is the length of
15. If 8: r = 0.5:0.?5, then r is equal ta:
/a n 1,
/c lt
the. gectangle?
(A) 24cm
(C) 2.6m
(A) 7r5'
(c) 785
21. Focal length of a plane mirror is :
(A) Small
(C) Infinite
Common name of acetic acid is :
(A) Soda gas
(C) Citric acid
(B) r.2
@) 0.012
. (B) 26cn
(D) 2.4m
when doubled will be. exactly divisibleWhat will be the least number. which
and 10?
(A) 2520
(c) 630
The greatest number of 3 digits which is alivisibl€ by 5,
17. Reshma is aged thrbe times more than his gon Aman. After 8 years, he would be two and a
half times of Aman'o age. After further 8.years;'how many times would she be of Anan's age?
(A) 4 times (B) 2 times
(C) 2 and 1/2 timeg (D) 3 times
18. 864 can be expressed as a product of primes as :
(A) 2x2x2x2x2x 3x3x3
(B) 2x2x2x2xgxgx.3x3
(C) 2x2xgxBx2xBxgxg
(D) 2xgx2x3x2xBx2xa
15, 21 and 49 is :
765 .
Very small
by 24,78,2l
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
23. Tlpe of lense used in magnifuing glass :
(A) Concave
(C) Plane
Metal ,which kept in kerosene :
(A) Sodium
(C) Mercury
l,eucoplasts are responsible for :
(A) Respiratiorf
(C) Conduction
At sunset, the sun looks reddish :
(A) Dispersion of light
(C) Scattering of light
(A) Mutualism
(C) Guttation
(B) Convex
(D) Oblique
Diversion of light
Refraction of light
27, Sudden and heritable change occurs in chromosome :
28. Loss of water in the form of vapour through stomata :
(A) Transportation
(C) Transpiration
Gens are located in :
(A) Mitochondrion
(C) Golgi bodies
Chemical name of "AJINOMOTO" :
(A) Monosodiumglutamate
(C) Trisodiumglutamate
(A) Somchai Wongsawat
(C) YingluckShinawartra
(B) Translocation
(D) Evaporation
(B) Chromosome
(D) Chloroplast
@) Disodium glutamate
(D) Glutamate
(B) Chuan Leekpai
(D) Abhisit Vejjajiva
31. Who among the following Prime Ministers of Thailand was ordered to step down bv
Constitutional court of Thailan d, on 7 Mav 2014?
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
32. Which date was observed as "Malala Day''bv United Nations in 2013?
33. The world's biggest buiJding "New Century GIobaI Centre" is built in which city?
(B) 12th September
(D) 30th January
(B) Chengdu
(D) Chennai
(B) American Hustle
@) Dallas Buyers Club
of Catholic Church declared saints by Pope
(A) 12 years a slave
(C) Gravity
. Who are the two former Popes
(A) John Paul II & Stephen II
(C) John XXIII & John Paul II
Which country is hosting the FIFA World Cup 2014?
(A) South Africa
(C) Argentina
(A) Salim Kumar
. (C) Suraj Venjaramoode
(A) Rita Basu
(C) Amish Thripaili
(C) Federal Front
(A) l2rt July
(C) 25th December
(A) New York
(C) Dubai
Which part of Ukrain is voted to join Russia?
(A) Kharkiv (B) Kiev
("1 Volya (D) Crimea
Which frlm is the 2013 Oscar best picture winner?
Francis on
38. Who won the national award for best actor 2013 for his tole in Perariyathauar?
(B) Mohan Lal
(D) Suresh Gopi
39. Which Indian writer was killed by Taliban in Afganistan?
(B) Francis I & Fabian I
(D) Clement X & Innocent XI
@) England
(D) Brazil
(B) Susmitha Banergy
(D) Anitha Desai
(D) Third Front
40. Prime Minister Narendra Modi belong to which national coalition?
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
42. Which type of soil constitutes most of the total land surface in India?
4I. The oldest Indian mountain ranse :
(A) Western Ghats
(C) Satpura Range
(A) Recl Soil
(C) Black Soil
(A) Udaipur
(C) Jodhpur
(B) Aravalli Range
(D) Himalayan Range
(B) Laterite SoiI
(D) Alluvial Soil
(B) Jaipur
@) Ranakpur
(B) Lord Hardinge
(D) lord Wellesly
the forerunner of Gandhiji's hunger striles in
43. The City which is known to be the Kashmir of Rajastha4?
44. The British governor general in India during the Great Rebellion :
(A) Lord Dalhousie
(C) Iord Canning
45. The Satyagraha which is
India :
(A) Champaran
(C) Ahmedabad
considered to be
(B) Bardoli
(D) Kaira
46. The nationalist leader who exposed the exploitation of the British Rule in India :
(A) W. C. Banerjee
(C) M.G. Ranade
47. Asia's largest road cum rail bridge is built across the river:
(A) Mahanadi
(C) Tungabhadra
. The Manchester of India : -
(A) Ludhiana
(C) Ahmedabad
49. Which monsoon brings the dry, cool and dense
(A) South East Monsoon
(C) North East Monsoon
(B) G.K. Gokhale
@) Dadabhai Naoroji
(B) Krishna
(D) Godavari
(B) Tirupur
(D) Mumbai
Central Asian air masses to
(B) South West Monsoon
(D) North West Monsoorf
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
50. The scheme started by the Indian government in order to provide food to senior citizens who
cannot take care of themselves.
(A) National Family Benefit Scheme
(B) Annapurna
(C) Integrated Rural Development Programme
(D) Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana
Yokashema Sabha' was founded by :
(A) Pandit Karuppan
(C) V.T.Bhattatirippad
The leader of 'Ezhava Meniorial' :
(A) A.K. Gopalan
'(C) G.P. Pillai
The lines connecting places of equal air pressure :
(A) Isobars
(C) Isotherms
Pedology is the scientific study of :
(A) Rocks
(C) Bricks
The Vaikom Sathyagraha was started on :
(A) 1924 Apttl20
(C) 1924 February 28
(A) Wagon tragedy
(C) Ailya Kerala Movement
The author of 'Atmopadesa Satakam' :
(A) Sree Narayana Guru
(C) Swami Vivekananda
'Hortus Malabaricus' was the contribution of :
(A) Portuguese
(C) Dutch
(B) Chattampi Swamikal
(D) Vagbhatananda
(B) C. Krishnin
(D) Dr. Palpu
(B) Isohyets
(D) Isohels
(B) Soils
(D) Fossils
(B) 1924 November 10
(D) 1924 March 30
(B) Kizhariyur bomb case
(D) Hunger March
(B) Sankaracharya
@) Ayya Vaikundar
(B) French
(D) English
The most important incident of Quit India Movement in Kerala was :
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
59, Which is known as'Magnacarta of Travapcore'?
(A) Temple entry proclamation (F) Kundara proclamation
(C) Malayali memorial
. (D) Trippadidanam
60. The Abstention Movement was started in :
(A) 1931
(c) 1930
61. How many schedules are there in the Indian constitution?
62. The term 'Socialist' was added to the Indian constitution bv:
(B) 74th amendment
(D) none of the above
63. In the case of preventive detention the maximum period of detention
recommendation of advisory board is :
(A) Six months
(C) Two years
64. The following is not a power of the Indian President :
(A) 10
(c) 16
(A) the 25th amendment
(C) 44th amendment
(A) Declaration of war
(C) Appointment of Prime Minister
. (B) re32
(D) le33
@) Article - 4
@) ;{rticle - 240
(B) 72
(D) None of the above
(B) One year
(D) None of the above
(B) Issue of ordinances
(D) None of the above
(B) The High Court of the state
(D) The President of India
without the
65. The member of a state public commission can be removed by :
(A) The Governor of the state
(C) The Legislature ofthe state
66. The following article of the Indian constitution can be amended only with the ratification of
(A) Article - 14
(C) Article - 54
67. Identiff the officer with a right to speak in both houses of parlialrent..
(A) Coinptroller General oflndia (B) Governor
(C) Attorney General (D) Supreme Court ChiefJustrce
l57t2oL5 10.
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
68. The minimum number of judges required for hearing a presidential reference under
Article 143 is :
(A) 25 (B) 2
(c) 5 (D) e
69. The following is a subject included in concurrent list:
(A) Electricity
(C) Census
70. The idea of unified personal laws is associated with :
(A) Article 14
(C) Article 39
71. There is
(A) the
(c) a
I must apologize
(A) for
(C) of
As he is unemployed, he has
(A) the little
(C) httle
(A) emigrant
(C) migrant
(B) Public health and sanitation
(D) Taxes on agricultural income
(B) Article 15
(D) Article 44
hourly bus from here to the capital city. (Insert the correct article)
(B) an
(D) none of these
you for the delay in reaching here.
(B) to
(D) from
to buy a scooter. (Choose the correct
(B) a little
(D) least
(B) exile
(D) resident
(Insert the correct
?4. The stranger said to me, 'which is the shortest route tq the railway station?' (furn to indirect
(A) The stranger asked me which is the shortest route to the railway station
(B) The stranger asked me which route was the shortest to the railway station
(C) The stranger told rne the shortest route to the railway station
(D) The stranger told me the route to the railway station is the shortest
75. Give a one word substitute for a person who leaves his own country to settle in another.
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
76. Give the synohym of Beneuolent:
(A) beautiful (B) rude
(C) generous (D) unkind
77. Find out the antonym for modest:
(A) reserved @) frank
(C) immodest (D) cynic
78. A wild goose chase means :
(A) a useful attempt (B) a foolish attempt
(C) chasing a goose (D) killing a goose
79. Which of the following senfence is correct?
(A) My brother has returned. from Bombay yesterday.
(B) My brother had returned from Bombay yesterday.
(C) My brother returns from Bombay yesterday.
(D) My brother returned from Bombay yesterday.
E0. Let them build a hospital here (Change the voice) :
(A) Let a hospital be build by them
(B) Let a hospital be built by them here
(C) Let a hospital be build by them here
(D) Let a hospit:al be built here by them
81. The Integrated Child Development scheme was first set up in which district ofKerala:
(A) Thiruvananthapuram (B) Thrissur
(C) Malappuram tD) .Ernakulun
'82. Antyodaya Anna Yojana was launched on :
E3. The project Bharath Nirman was mainly intended to the development of :
(A) 25th Decernber 2b00
(C) 29th September 2000
(A) Urban planning
(C) Child development
(B) 25th Nov 2000
(D) 28th Jan 2000
(B) Ruralinfrastructure
(D) Food and sanitation
L2r57t20L5 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
JaWahar Rozgar Yojana mainly intended to promote
. (A) Education
(C) Life skills ,
(c) EMPr
alnong rural people., 84.
. ee.
(B) Housing facility
@) Employmentopportunities
The first executive director of Kudumbasree miesion .:
(A) T.K Jose (B) K.B. ValsalaJ(umary
(C) James Varghese. (D) Sharada Muraleedharan
The recogrrition for innovative practices of Kudumbasree wae awarded by UN in lggb is :
(A) We the People - (B) UNCHS
Sampoora Grameen Rozar was implemented through : .
(A) State governrirent (B) Urban localbodies
(C) L3bour welfare department (D) Panchayat Raj Institutions
88. Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana launched by :
(A), NarendraModi (B). ManMohan Singh
(C) AB Vajpayee (D) Pranab Mukherjee
90. Which was the first state to enact an empleyment guarantee act in the 1970s?
(A) Kerala @) Tamiln'adu
{Cl Punjab (D) Maharaehtra
91, A flip-flop is a binary cell capable of storing information of :
89. Kudumbasree literally means :
(A) Prosperity of Family
(C) ProsperiW of Children
(B) Prosperity of Wgmen
(D) None of these
(B) Zeto bit
@) Eightbit
(B) y+roR
(D) OR
(A) One bit
(C) Four bit
Which of the following is a Universal Gate?
(c) NAND
.A 167lzifrr'
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
93. The term gigabytes refers to :
(A) 1024 Bytes
(C) 1024 Megabytes
Which Layer is not present in TCP/IP model?
(A) . Application Layer
(C) Transport Layer
iRAM stands for :
(A) Independent Random Access Memory
(B) Integrated Randorn Access Memory
(C) Interdependent Random Access Memory
(D) Integrated Random Axis Memory
96. In which year was Cyber Iaw implemented in India?
97. FTP means:
FIat Ttansmission Protocol
File Transfer Protocol
98. RISC stands for:
(A) Regular Instruction Set Computer
(B) Repeated Instruction Set Computer
(C) Random Instruction Set Computer
(D) Reduced Instruction Set Computer
99. DMA refers to :
(A) Direct Memory Addition
(B) Direct Memory Access
(C) Direct Multiplication Array
(D) Direct Memory Application
100. In TCP protocol header "Checksum" is of:
(A) 16 bits
(O 32 bits
1024 Kilobytes
1024 Terabytes
Internet Layer
Presentation Layer
Fa st Transmission Protocol
File Transmission Protocol
8 bits
64 bits
157t2015 T4 A
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
1 C D B C 51 C A D A
2 B B B B 52 D B B C
3 D C D A 53 A D A A
4 A D A B 54 B B C B
5 B A C D 55 D A A C
6 D B C C 56 B C B D
7 B B B B 57 A A C A
8 C D A D 58 C B D B
9 D A B A 59 A C A D
10 A C D B 60 B D B B
11 B C C D 61 B D D C
12 B B B B 62 D D C C
13 D A D C 63 D D C A
14 A B A D 64 D C C D
15 C D B A 65 D C A B
16 C C D B 66 C C D D
17 B B B B 67 C A B D
18 A D C D 68 C D D D
19 B A D A 69 A B D D
20 D B A C 70 D D D C
21 C B D B 71 B C A C
22 D X C C 72 B B C B
23 B D B B 73 C A C D
24 X C C A 74 B C B D
25 D B B C 75 A C D B
26 C C A D 76 C B D B
27 B B C B 77 C D B C
28 C A D X 78 B D B B
29 B C B D 79 D B C A
30 A D X C 80 D B B C
31 C B X D 81 C B C D
32 A D C C 82 A D A C
33 B X D B 83 B C D A
34 D C C A 84 D A C D
35 X D B C 85 C D A C
36 C C A A 86 A C D A
37 D B C B 87 D A C B
38 C A A D 88 C D A D
39 B C B X 89 A C B C
40 A A D C 90 D A D A
41 B A X D 91 A C B C
42 D C D C 92 C D B D
43 A X D C 93 C B C B
44 C D C B 94 D B D A
45 X D C B 95 B C B A
46 D C B D 96 B D A C
47 D C B A 97 C B A C
48 C B D C 98 D A C D
49 C B A X 99 B A C B
50 B D C D 100 A C D B
Medium of Question: English
Date of Test: 22.08.2015
Q No.
Q No.
Question Paper Code: 157/2015
ATO (B/T)-KSRTC & Assistant (SR for SC/ST)- Finance
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
169 / 201s
l. Today is Monday. After 54 days it will be :
(A) Tuesday (B) Thursday (C) Friday (D) Saturday
2. In a certain code SCHOOL is written as LPPIDS. How is COMPUTER written in the same
code ?
3. Look at the Series : 26 25,27,26,28,27 - What number should come next ?
(A) 26 (B) 27 (c) 28 (D) 2s
4. Choose the odd one : 43, 53, 63, 73, 83.
(A) 73 (B) 63 (c) 53 (D) 43
5. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word : WARy
(A) Vigilant (B) Intelligent (C) Accurate (D) Tired
5' If x means adilition, - means ilioision, + rneans subttaction and + rneans multiplication
then the value of :4-4x4+4+4-4 is equal to :
(A) 4 (B) 0 (c) t6 (D) 1
7. Select the correct choice :
Horse : Cart :: Tractor : _l
(A) Bus (B) Driver (C) Trailer (D) Bullock
8. starting from a point, Babu walked 20 meters north side, he turned right and walked
10 meter, he again turned right and walked 20 meters, then he turned ieft and walked
5 meters. How far is he now and in which direction from the starting point ?
(A) 15 meter towards east (B) 5 rneter towards east
(C) 15 meter towards west (D) 5 meter towards west
9. Find the next in series :
(A) XPIQW (B) Xpluv (c) cplQv (D) CPIQU
Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
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22 Degree Level Question Papers and Answer Key (Kerala PSC)

  • 2. 46t20L4 Maximu | 100 D!*g Tine : r lou aDd 15 Einut s r. Tre as! oa a fathet i! equal to ih€ 6um of th€ sge of hb 4 chil&en- After 20 r€ar., lun of the 4!. .f ihe children silr be ftide tie ase of alte fr!h... whrt il the lge or the rath€r m*? (A) t0 (E) {0 (c) a6 (D) 48 2, Ths lonslh ol s rectangl€ is deftasd by 60%. Wbai per@Dtas€ ihe width havs to incBa*d 30 as to ncintain the,Ea : (A) 100 (D) 60 (c) 75 {D) r2o ,. The dp*d ol ! hoat in stilr Nrter i. 16 ]n/hr. Ii can Bo 30 !n up8trean and sturn down stFdn to iha disiral point in 4lF etrd 90 ninuted Find the speed ofth€ siream: (A) t kD/h! (B) 3 km/hr (C) .1.5 [nAr (D) 5 kn/hr 4. F nd tl'e lolslst nudber tbat sil divdo 398, ]tS€ anil 642 l€lving reDeirde! 7, tI and 15 0) 7? (B) 36 (c) r? (D) 16 5, Ths aDgle betveen honr lsil Md @!qio h..d of a .lek wh€n th€ time is ?.25 : (A) ?2. @ rOO. (c) 72.6' (D) r30. 6. Ran boughi a conpute. Fith 15% dbsun! on thc labelled price and sld it qiil' r0% prc6t on lha l.b€ll€d prie. Apprcxihately, ql'!t us hi6 Deentage ol lNit o! t!€ price lE (A) 29,6 (D 3r% (c) 28% (D) 36% 7. A l.!g€ ir Ell€d sirh q,Fr 's b b. enpn.d by reDMg ]'' ot,t'" -,*. p*"unt ,n n .v€ryday. Aft.r how dany days Fj[ th€E be cl@d lo 26t6 of the water l€ft in ihe tan] : iA) ?d day (B) 6dday (c) 5d day (D) sddoy IP,T.O.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 3. 3, If16 parsons ca. doa solk jn 16 days. Af!€f 4 nany il'ys rhe rcmdiniqs.rk wiuconrpletc (c) r, 9. R6. 2,400/.is divided among three porsond ddo@i &. 200/. $ added t cach ofthcir days 3 bore pcople joined in ihc wo&.ld bos (B) e 0) 12 P, Q ond n resDeciively in the .atio 3 : ,t : 6. If a. a}dre6, what id lne new r€dpectire ratio of tien (B) 6 4:6 (D) .l: 5:6 The mnpotrnd int€rest on s @rtain dun lo. 2 yeg6 sidpl€ inbred. on il ,1 thc aane ..tio lor 2 ,€ars is : (A) r00o (D) (c) 1200 (D) at 8% per snnum is R!. I. r'TOL!CE i6 F<led ..'CEKNQR . Find th. code oa OFFICDR: (A) QHHKEGT (B) TGEKHHQ (c) sFD,cEP {I') SEmOOP rt. {'ha! b !h. n.xr@rn in tht &qwr@ 30, 2I, 39, 30, 5t, ......-? (A) 30 (B) 60 (c) 43 (D) ,t9 (c) G) +n(r+r) (B) 40 (D) 23 R rB. sun of 'd brn. or rhe s'"" Jt * "'i, * J'' - Jit . ... i" si*" by , 4rl) 14, If P seatu ddition, Q o€a.s subhaclion, is the valu€ of 30P20S6Q4R3 | lc) 22 wlut will be iho ddiouD nuEber ol Sundayd and MonddJ,a id d leap year? (A) 104 (B) 106 rc t05 (D) 101 4W2074 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 4. 16. Tho nunber of says in vhich 6 difi€reni bea& cln be dfang€d to f'm 3 n€cllace ie I (,) 24 G) 120 (c, 12 (D) t3 l?. AN 6tdtt6 *,lking Fon hone tosaril. Eas! Aliar {au{ing ror 20 n be 'uns righi and 3eg fo. 10 m. lle tlen iuE l€ii .nd sed for m n Ee the! iu!6 right 'nd s' ia-r 20 b what i' hta pdition wtth respeca to lis sl3ni.e poin. witn ndsritude Md diretion? ( ) 30 b North.West O) 30 m S.uih-Esst {C) sO E North.west (D) 50 n Sou'h_Ea3r 18. In thc siven seies;ne nube. i3 *rong Find the nnnber' t n 24,72. 144,576. |.52, .416 ( ) 516 G) 144 (c) 3156 (D) 1152 19. In a triarsle A!C, angte A is lareer tha! a.sle C anil sdoler 'han ssl€ B bv rhe *n' anoDnt. If and€ A i6 ?0". sh.t i! tne valuc of angle A : (A) 60" (B) 53" {c) 63" @) 70" 20. In r clars of r5 siudetrt6, a f! €d in Ensli6L 6 failed in M'thenatics and 3 &ned in both' How maly pasil in boln the 6ubj€cb? (A) 1 €)o (c) 7 (D)8 21. EuiNphi.lale8neMs: (A) Lake loor in rulrient€ (B) Lake rich in lutnent€ (C) Ldk pmr in flora and faua (D) La[e lackinc woter 22. An eFulsion is a coDoidal sFleb @n6i6linc of : (A) tto$lj& (B) two liquids (C) one sa3 ddon€ solid O) oe ss dd obe liquid t3. What i!€nlinc phenonemt bebind ths wor|{jns olbn)cle ren@b'2 (A) rcfledtior (B) E6&rio! (q toht inbinalrefletion {D) deE{tion 46t2014 l?.T,o,l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 5. 24. Ionbsiion Erersl iE lowest for : (A) hdloc€Dg (Cl altaline ndals 2t. Oxyt@h nonon€ is s€et€d by : (A) adJ€n l (tr) pituitsry ,i. Crapnib i! ued iD nucled ascroE : (A) ag a lubri€ni (B) a3 a frEl (C) for lining inside or tho F&tor as !n jsularor (D) fo! leducira ihe relociry of neuhond ,?, nidois and (rshiorker @ | (A) tl€tuiencyili&se (B) te€ditary dj&e . (C) itrltrtious dieas (D) @rnunidbre disa$ 16. wba! i! ihe 6e ot a.rr,.tbn h.lwren rwo Mi€. shetr oe of |!€ E!e, i. doubLd? (A) h,lEd G) doubl€d (C) infta*d 3 tines @) dede.ed ro U4'I lt, Ripeni4 ol fmii is a*diat€d with ih. holdonc I 30, Wrich b tho fofr orerc.ry plssa( in ilc 6Dpre.ed dpriq? (A) potontiateneEy (B) kinetic en€.sy {C) clernc,r emre/ lD; hear en.B/ lr. 1le rhid hisDer p€.* ir the wo.ld i! : (A) Mr. K2 Ct) Mr. Kdchdjung. (C) Mr Neiladevi (D) ML NansrpEbat 32. Tho llb€n bi]l @nrFva6y reldi€d t : 46/!01,1 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 6. 8;. The nosi €xi6nsive or the &il eroup6 f.unrl in Eerar! : (A) Aluvitr sn G) Bhck &il (q ladsn (D) Irrarit sil 34. wlo haa been chften tor S.hiiy. Aqdedid 6*ard 2013? (A) ChinuModi {B) Eiren Battacharva' (C) vrlbrlarra Chardan (D) Pn@n Jo6hi 36, wlo r,. th6 aulhor of Mol{.hsprt&ep.n? (a) Senarayan. Cuu (B) BrahDaDald! srvebs: (C) vagbddsnanta (D) Vailudid Swadikal 16. hdia's lowest bmpsrarw ws edided in : (A) Samgt. (B) Jannu (C) Dras (D) I?h 37. Which f@ibaD play€r eins FIFA Balon d' d Award 2013? (A) Christiam &onttdo (B) FErctAiborv () Lidel Mesi O) Zlahn Ibrthindic 38. Th€ nam€ @n$ess wat suaS€3i€d to th€ olsaaisaiio! bv : (A) cothal€ (B) Dadabai Navmji (C) Gandbiji (D) Ao Hloe 49. b.g.6r ri*r ol K.rala E : (A) Bhamtapwis G) Pubr (O Penvar (D) chaliy.l 40. "SaIt.udd6dy hem€ a Dt6@noG word,. erd olpsel Tlio& wodst@ spola! bt: (A) T.gorc G) liji (C) K Eelappln (D) J,*aharLl Nern 41. Wim€r of Nob€l Prize of lii.laiuie 2013 Alie MunE beloqs io wlich coulitv : (A) Camda G) UsA (c) ceddiy (D) Dedarl 46t2011 tP.T.O.1 7 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 7. 4r, ldeniiir the 6tub vhich is olso known @ Tho Cty ot Nizaos und ihe Criy oI p€!.ls : (A) (B) Andru Prade6! lC) ArunacMt prado.h (D) tasn,tlra ,t3, Ah6 b!s1h ol lhe ft,st ["€ .f K€rab i. : a,t, T[. norio oa vLicb jourtrat *as "ar a!e, pmy 10 $e lo.d ot $c unircre ! Ari* nN itrer anil (A) Lerul,w (C) &rda bhualhsm (D) 430l<n ,15. The 39,r C8 a':lMit, 20t3 was held itr : (A);m trehn.t (s) sN'rreddnd (q (O) Crfn'any ,16. Whocrlled Jinnah rhepoDheiotllindu Mudlim Unity? (A) nawindranarh T.sorc (B) Srbjiri Naidu ((1 J,'shrrtal Niehru fi,) str s6'yid Anmcd Khan 4?. The ieponant phlri..l dividiohs of India lo.n€d by the riv4s .c I (A) The llinalay6. (B) Tlo Deccan plat€au (C) The crelt llrliar Ptain (D) 1'l!e Coa6t.l ptains 'r3. Th€ r€tiet R€3io! of Kdala id : (A) Idukki (B) pathonantnitt4 (0) Emakulan (D) KoldE ,r9, WLich .hre b€@ne tu.r in lndia ro inpleEelr el@rrcnic Cp!. ir MmL 2O1g? (& Madhra P.o&sh (Br p;qjab ((, Arnnacnal Pradesrr O) Mi@.h 60. i. shich y6R. wes tle & Sivalins! prqrhiehra? (A) 1336 (B) 13a? rc) 1333 @) r$9 46nOt1 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 8. 51. Nation $tde suwey3 on @io-smmic bsei are 6ndrt d b, : (A) CSO (B) RGI () DCCrS (D) NSSO 52, Thc (rzirdng, Nrliodal park h in : s9. whrhEF"' poa. ofKeldh Fr up a t'1" frctory 'n {ura" (B) Atundchal Pr.desh (B) Unmr 6a. Iloary Prohibition A.1 *a. p$sed in th€ y€ar : (A) 1961 G) r9?1 (c) 1951 (D) 1964 55, $'hicb ddi€ id ob6en€d $'Malala' ilay by Unii.d Naiiod in 2013? (A) 56Jure (B) 136 Jun€ (C) 2dJuly (D) r"i July 56. Tb€ physios.aphic dirilion li66 ia the est€tn psrt olKetala b: (A) lligbland (B) Midland (O r.whnd (D) K'yal3 5?. lldiu hs. no€ rLu 65% of it€ pdpdatiotr bolfl th€ sce oi (A) 25 (B) .!5 (c) 35 (D) 55 63. mo .,id '?olitical Aeedon i. th€ lile breath of a a,rion ? (A) Anrbindoceh (a) Mahatorco{lni (c) Brlagansddn,rTlal (D) I<. K.laplan 5t, Which launch v€hicle is u@d dudrg ftst Med ni6sion? (A) PSLV,Cs @) PSLV-Cl2 (c) Ps',v-c25 (D) PSLV C23 46120t1 tP,T,o.I Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 9. 60. Indrisonlyandlinrhospn'lfi)rtuheitli c trp in which of rho follo{ins star$ : (A) ..dhn ltail€sh (D ri.rndt le (C) Goa (D) K.rnld 6l, lhe tu6t pergon ton { Minoniy Coonuniry to oculy lhe pos! ottrine Mr$ieroftndid;: (Al Chandtu SIEhhar (B) P.v. N{.asinba Rao (C) Ched Sitrsh (D) D. lvtanmohansingh 62. Thcpoq.r.lJudiciaryoflndiatoche.kanddererninerhsv.lidityofala*or.n.rdernay de*nbod as the poscr ofi ( ) Judicid rclicw (R) wrir (c) rppcxrt! judsdichon (D) Oricinaljurhdicrion 63. lleoftbng t. ine @.6ritlriian af Indir, sho eiiifies Nhetner a }rrricuts. bilj is , norcy biu 1,! The Presidcnr of lndia (C) speakor ol lal tiabba (B) TIB l'inlnce Minister (D) Tha lrinoMinister 6.!. M@r behbdrs of rhc co$trtuenr A*mbly @onen!€d rhai ,rr i3 rhe ve.y ,oul ot rhe .o.sliturton and ftry hcnrt of it' Undq $bici! ,tricro ot |llc @siirurioh ot Indi. tlln (A) Artrcle l.l (B) ,lrticlo 356 (c) arrite 1,70 (Di ArtiuL 32 65. Wi. h8re the poqe. to Eunnon a joi.i sittins ot bot! InL Subha and naiya Sabhr in case or s de{d l&l betse.n |h.h is1 (A) SlelLerofhksabli (B) The PEside oftndia (c) The Priac Minist.r (D) The€sident c6, Thc lundanenidl Duries are in orporared in the @nsitution or rndia by Crr*itutio.el Anendmcnt,rct. (:) ,l?iAncndncnt (B) ,1/d AEcadnenl (C) nnt (D) 97'iAnr.dnen! 67, Tho .onnission appoinled t study ihe quostion of E oreanis.rion or staies on tineuisric ba,ie was under tbo Chnir'.anship ol: (A) K.M. Pnnil(Idr G) Sardar Va[abhai prtel (C) Juti@ Farrl r[ (D) v( IOishna Melod 46/201{ Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 10. 68, The Fift Chahna. ofHunan Riehre Connriesion oflndia wrs: (A) Justice K G ll8la Knsblo. (C) Jus :c R:ngan.dha Mishra Ce.tain pae otfie coGtitlhon ot lndja scre Pinciplcs of Siate loli.ies ul the (A) Rri.ih consritutio. (C) cdadidncanElilulion 70. The PFqeni Sp.ol er of l{eril a Stare lrgbl|tive (N M vijlya Kunrl {q X. Rrdhkr hran () (B) JDsti* Altanas Kabir (D) Jusli.ov.R Krishna t]1er 7t. (B) Anerica" C..stirulio. (t) hsn (roMtjtulion (D) Terambil namatriehnatr 16120t4 lP_T.O,I (B) (D) ?2. You c.n,vd1--_ 15 $3url loavc in a ytd!. ( ) in (3) or (C) out (D) non€ ?3. q'hich pbrtoltho sen[enegNed b.los 6 sr)ng' (c) 0) 'lpn I lurn loav rre Lljrld l]grs-Ee[ a3!f qr.!!dolr]dlI$ aql|li. (c) (a) ?5. What is the eDogitl oI ANoMALY? (c) Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 11. ?6. HE 17, (c) (c) coi.s for the mr.iag€. G) wer (D) E (B) PMRY.iINREP (D) iAYandRLECP (B) SC,ST (D) U.blnolub rlft|led The study of @ient soci€tics iB t0. What i3 iIE coneci passiv€ (A) ls the fd knbd (c) Is it tte honnds 8t, (A) B.bie. Sw&ahi Yosad (c) Bals Swdstni Yqqna (B) "oEt(D) vo$er voice forn ot , Do the houndo kill the for"? by the houd.? (B) AE $€ loun&totiU dE tq? lhat kiD fox? (D) ls the fox b.iry tilled by ihs bound.? 42, (B) B,Ulo Ssa.thi Yoeanr (D) Bnaratl Swarihi Yogana by mals.nalins ode. groe.dudes. Whi.h aFtuzcr YoEana (JEY) is aom€d NREP.Nd &LECP NREOP dd JSY 83. Who e th. 66nc6ciarie6 o{ VAMBAY? {A) Ruml sonen (c)*om€n 64. NitEII Bhamtl AbLiyaD (A) PMRY ic) vAtltBAY 46!2014 (B) NREGP (D) BSY l2 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 12. El*rbilily dibnd for n.hila (A) tho rurdl wohe! icl $oEcn b€ls {se {B) Unebployed urbrn wonen 86, Find oui the odd one (A) PNIRY (c) NREII (D) NRDCP the Smp@rno Claber Ro,grr Yogana (B) Dr. N,nhohan Silah a?, aa. 89, 91. (c) (B) () (D) Dorrroybo.l Curant e Ad (c) 2000 Idid Awa Y.3nnt ain€d to suppori ; (C) Boih Rural and Urbanp@r the l,riEe Mi.isi€r who oloun@r tle impl€Deniing !g€n.y ot PIIRY *lEne? Stdie Covernnert th.o!3h Disirict Pdndh[ydt Srat Governn€nt ihrough Dist.ior Indutrial OtEc€ Cenilal Covernmeni through NCOg (B) 1995 (D) 2oo5 A! illegal int uio! into. conputer 6ydten or (C) ha.*ing (D) Net.{apc conpose! (B) (D) 46t20t 1 IP.T,Ol ll Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 13. 9$. lrlee i6 l.did 3 tusi crber forensic lobo.atory has tcen *. up r (,li Tipura (B) odsa (C) Mrhuasl'rra (D) Delhi 9a, Wrich of th€ b|losing short cut ley dn be (A) ctll + v (C) Ctrl + C 96, Fird oni the @rect one l (A) 102.| KB: r cB (C) 1024 MB = 1KB redii cdd detairl rjthout pemission, wo.ld Corpute! Securily dly is on : (a) Norenre.3o (C) Januefy ao u6ed ao cut telt ir a d@urenf? (B) ctrl+x (D) ct l+T (a) 102,1 (D) ro24 CB= r TB TB=rCB 06. Buyitrs rd selljn8 ol ploducrs usiry @nruref and nciwork is calBrl : (A) €.bcsires (B) €-msrlct (c) €.iender (D) e.@mneM i5 the p@s6 oa acquiing infomatim such 08, t0, The .ybc nrnisD dbes uDde. (D) Stuftng der.ll opdstiotu ped,med by trE Mpltel (B) caniml P.o@ssing Unil (D) R .dob A@s M.nory (D @) lo0, @ntbb anil oordinrtB the 1U20r1 l4 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 14. FINAL ANSWER KEY Question Paper Code: 46/2014 S C Development Officer (SR for SC/ST & ST Only) Medium of Question: English Date of Test: 26/04/2014 Q No. Q No. A B C D A B C D 1 B B C A 51 D B C A 2 A C D B 52 D C A C 3 D B D A 53 D D B A 4 C C A D 54 A A C C 5 C B D A 55 D B D D 6 A C B B 56 A C A B 7 B D A C 57 C A B C 8 A D D B 58 A B C D 9 D A C C 59 C C D A 10 A D C B 60 D D A B 11 B B A C 61 D A C C 12 C A B D 62 A C D D 13 B D A D 63 C C B B 14 C C D A 64 D D D A 15 B C A D 65 B B A C 16 C A B B 66 A D C C 17 D B C A 67 C A D D 18 D A B D 68 C C B B 19 A D C C 69 D D A D 20 D A B C 70 B B C A 21 B D B C 71 D C C B 22 B A C D 72 B D A A 23 C B A D 73 B C D C 24 D C B D 74 A A D C 25 D A B A 75 C D B D 26 D B C B 76 C D B C 27 A B D C 77 D B A A 28 B C D A 78 C B C D 29 C D D B 79 A A C D 30 A D A B 80 D C D B 31 B A B C 81 B B B D 32 C B C A 82 A A D C 33 D C A B 83 D B B A 34 A D C C 84 C D B B 35 B A C D 85 A B A A 36 C B D A 86 B B D B 37 A C D B 87 A A C D 38 B A D C 88 B D A B 39 C C A D 89 D C B B 40 D C D A 90 B A A A 41 A D A B 91 C D A A 42 B D C C 92 D C C B 43 C D A A 93 A A B B 44 D A C C 94 B C C D 45 A D D C 95 B B D C 46 B A B D 96 D C A A 47 C C C D 97 C D B C 48 A A D D 98 A A B B 49 C C A A 99 C B D C 50 C D B D 100 B B C D QUESTION BOOKLET ALPHACODE QUESTION BOOKLET ALPHACODE Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 15. 17412014 Mdibuh : l0O na.&6 Tim€ : r hou ad r5 Eirule3 J.J€r qn @mplsi. a NorL 'n 6 d,t. Irhyam 4n coEplet€ th. tsn€ frorl u 3 dsys ln hoy nany dayr Ja&! !d Shtm t €€thq an @mpl.t€ ih€ worL : (c) 4 A 'rdn of l€lg:th r00 h tus at , sPeed of 120 lenstl 160 n harels wiur . sp€ed ol30 kh iron do.6 ofher? A r€t.ltc nsli circuld de ol blus 36r i. (O a6r 4 4 yed. ago R.Dn6 age is rhe squE @! of hi! age Nw tb€ aca ofn d!.nilhi. 6rhd * in ibe mtio l:4 Ther {h n Baou . age? t. 8. (B) 2 (D) 6 }b/h toE tult} to &!th. Another t'ain of South io NortL What is tle iihe equired tn (D) 6.2 6e into r 3pterc iahat b tn€ 3ur{te rea (B) 30r (D) 36' (c) 12 (B) ro (D) 10 (B) 48 (D) 21 (B) l?20 @) 4260 (B) 8 !D) 24 6, 1. What i€ tls sosll6.t nunber ilivi.ible hy I, (N 12 (c) 36 whicb of ils foloviDc b divi.ible bv both 6 (A) r2r, G) 2!m g.C.F- of 2,1, aA d 60 b : (c) 12 lP.T,O,t Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 16. 8. lf th. surfa@ area ,nd lolnnc 6l.phdc nrc in th. ratio 1:2, what is tLe ediu6 of the sphee? (A) 2 (B) 3 (c) 5 (D) 6 s. 4 n€rchut $lls tqo dolh ot pde respeclively Rs. 100 abd Rs. 150 with a prcfit ol 30% on fi6t dnd o loss of 30% or so!d. whst tu his nei prefit/los? ($ 696lca (B) 6',6 3ain (c) 15% lcs (D) 15% eain 10, l,tJa.dd.y 20ri i6 Tuesdly. How ndny Tqedlys a.e tb€re in 2013? (A) 61 (B) 62 (c) 53 (D) 54 1r. S.aitins lroh a Dla.e P, B oan trlveb .l kn lo{d.& North then tn.m towads right and lrareb 6 kn. Aft.r that he tuns towads isht lnd tmvals 3 Lm. wlat is hb cu@ni p@itio! (A) lknt w,xls EaBt (B) 6 tn iowads South Wer (c, { Ln besnr North Ea.t (D) 6Lr bsJds Soulh E,Bt 12. Find the n€n tlm in tle sequer@: 4, 9, 25, 49, -:{A) 81 (D 12r (c) r33 (D) ro2,! r3, Fird .he odd ore out: (A) 3425 (C) 7225 (B) 6325 (D) 9225 14. liDd th€ lexi ten in the sequenco B, C, D, G, 1<, -:(A) L (B) M (oN (D) o 16. In r e.tdn mdinc iPPLE i3 dded a. 612r6r@L rh€n MANCO is.od.d a. : (A) 15071.10113 (B) raolrco?r5 (c) r5?r4rr3 (D 15?O14rOr3 16. k6 + Jt-J = ($ r8 (B) 16 (c) $1t (D) t6r6 Lla20t4 1 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 17. l?. If 14'i April 2oIS id Sund,v 20! Septent€r 2013 t! (A) s{ndoY G) Tuesdty (c) wednosder O) lridsY 1s. Man i6 rslar€d to Braio l.asimilsiwav@Dputeridrelatedio: (A) Monitor (B) P'AM (c) uPs o) cPU 1$. I<av}! b eld€t thin vcna, .AN is ]oung€' lhan t(lttan @d Vem i! slder than Kuttan (A) Anu G) Kutiin (O l(arta O) veem 20, Ifwe dfange the nuDb3B 1,2,6 3,5 2,4,9 in a'denditgordea how ndn' nuibers ]ieepF 'hc ssfe posnLon? (A) 1 (B) 2 (c) 3 (D) 4 21. Whicl N €*ntial @stitwrb oI aI 5ton6l (A) El€.tsle (B) Ptutors (C) Ne u!rcns (D) PGidm 22. Tr!€ dist6&e o( tt..d frlb earih is €x!€tbed soteralJ inte'rs of : (A) E€tre G) kiloneie! (C) oshononicdl unit (D) lichtvear ,3. Iiigh baili4 poini ot @te! is dte to : (A) Wc.k diasiation of wai€r noleculo' (B) Hisn ditdialiot ofsater nol*ule' (C) Htdroee! bodins abo4lt saier moletr€' (D) v.nd.r Wdols fo@s of attractio! aDongd 'he nol€cule 2,t. tl an elactMl.nh.l cc, iherP i6ihe.onverqon ot (A) Dec;icsl enelgv idro cheoical enerev (B) cheni;,] ene€e into electficdl enclgv. (O Ch6nical ilto heat en€rst (D) Mdlanicd €nercv inb neai aDerB/ . 5 lllltol4 tPTo.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 18. 16. W@d chlt@al i. u*d in sa. EAstrs bma@ : (!0 it b poi.onous (B) it Iiqui6€s gas (c) it is porcqo (D) ic.dlorb. s@! 26. Tte dieae cau.ed by . prcto&e I (A) AIDS (B) Malai, (C) ChicLe! guniya (D) Typhoid 27. A pbEin &lutron on *aring wirh @nenrrac.d litnc ocid b.y tlh y€Uor olt6d . (A) Xatrrltoprct icb.r (B) BiElt sr (c) MiUi@ie.r (D) Hopkitr. 6L te.t m. Tis .,8. aNup .leEe.l€ aF ch&.arei4d hr : (A) loniztion potdri,l (B) ElectmEarrivfty (c) Ioriaiid eEqsl rD) No. of €letrm ir $! our6rDmi.tEtl 29. Aeiyl s.lcydic rcid is L@! s: (A) olorwilt€ryE.n (B) s.tor (c) Alpiri. (D) ptcric.cid 30. llF nd of Eilligtafu of pot siur hydMile EqriEd ro spoli& @ st6 of r trat c oil: (A) E britc.tion (B) Saponineiioo (C) , Hyde8€!.rior @) Clen.ils.dion al. testy 6ia@d ir 1963 which ba@d luled r.,r. i, rtre .h@ph.E, ud.s.t4r , l i!.pr4. but not udclgmund? (A) PrtsT CI) NIET (c) NNPT (D) crBT t.. Wh, ir th€ fqll forE ofPqtA? (A) PDlection Of T!.d. A@i.rion (B) PEreDdor OfTorpdd ArbiDor (c) PeE tion OtT€ftri.r Ac! (D) Aei.rioD Of 1lad6 3r. Nan€ th6 @unrry which laqcted ir! 6Fr pilor.&bor hdin! ..lBn6? (A) (B) I(ona (c) Sirssporc (D) CLiM tt1t20t4 0 ^ Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 19. 31. Swren. olrt g$rhd tl$ isli to )c8ariv,! volrnf, on: t) 27u S.Dl€nticr 2or3 (B) 2?sodnh'r2013 (C) 2li^ugu5t2ot3 (l)) 2?i 'wnbcr2ol3 (A) Knihasa (B) Nicosio (c) zasrsb (r)) san Jose 36. who anons the follo$ins Nas demlarcd vilh brarcrv a$srd bv qolld peu€ 'nd p'Gp'ntv (A) Bauc! Obana (C) Ban Ki-ne! 3?. wich mutrl.t is joined & the 2ai membrr eiat' (A) cr.ahu (c) Romuri. ofEu6pea. Unio. d l" Jnly 2013? tS. Nane the.ouio *htch Nm ihe lCCWoncns wls passed by rio Brilisl Parhanenl on : (B) 1i Msy 194? (D) rn July re,!? (C) .urfar'o 39. Th€ India indePcndence bill (A) lnAugusr 19'lt (c) 1. Jun€ 194? 4t. Nane the mou.r.'n p&5 which prcvide dcNsi AoD wartndd i! Xerula io Mvere itr Tne !€rcc ntage .f Dorsns below polttlv xnc 'n () 22% (o 2B% 'K$i' tle holy pluco $ts sitnst d od the bdlG (C) Rmhmuputra (A) Tl'tnaMge.i Pts (O Pa63 (B) 2l% (D) 24% (B) (D) tt1t20t4 tP.T.Ol Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 20. 43. Kons.t ihc fanou. sun l€nple is siturtod in which stote? {A) Mah,rftl'rm (B) R4&ih'n {C) Marll$r Prdesh (D) OdisLa .1,t. Th€ tEt Nrlioorl pol in Indi, wls : (A) Anrhalo (c) Ponnandi 52. Ezhinala situat€ io ihe norrL 6f : 46. Tho tudt Deputy Chairne of tle Planning Conmilsion of Indir : 0D ouDa.ilal Nanda (B) asol M€hri (C) C.M,'I'riv€di (D) P. Siwnkar 46. WLo vss the CMhor C€.e..1 oflndi! durins rlE tine of tLe Retutr ot rs57? (A) ldDalhou* (B) tarrl Malb (c) t Rluadines (D) In.d Cannins 'I?. mo ws ihe founder ofAlisdl Movehenl? (A) diDmrh.n (B) cuba Nabi Aad (O Sn SlEd Ahaneed Khd (D) Moorlyi Ah.mmadqlla ,t& ll'e ne$pdpe. publilhed by ME. Anni€ !€enr : (A) MahE.t! (B) coD0on w6al (c) Bdneabas O) Kd$,i ,9. Theleailerof srltSatyasrahain&rala was : () It. Kolappan (B) RaDakd6hn6 piuai (C) T.X. Mddhav,o (D) V,Llob AMut Kbr&. 50. TLe Ijhorc ession ol rL€ @neR sas held i! |he ye,r : . (A) 1928 (B) 1930 (o 1929 (D) 1931 51. Bliarata puzh! origGai€d Eon the : t4t2014 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 21. 53. The (e.ala'Tanil.adu ftlalion9 devslopsd ihtoqh the : (A) TanaraNery pas@6 (B) Pal,l&ddd pa33e3 (O Cherdnlady p6$s (D P€nYA Pas!€s 54. The autbo. ofAdi Bha3ha (A) siv'yosi (B) Chdltampi Swani (C) Arrdnk,li (D) Karuppan 66. The 6rst ol tle teEple6 @!oec@t€d by Sfi NElayatu Curu : (A) Siv,crn (B) AruvlpDulm (c) Aluva (D) vdkala 66. In dhich yea. ws sltuyanaparipaldn. Salsid foundad? @) 1806 (B) 1906 (c) lsor o) 1906 67. Who $as ihe fr)ud.r oI Athn.widy$4.n? (-A) Clatianpi S{aai (B) Vlsbhabnandi (C) Palpu (D) Sihvosi 53. Who was th€ fouder of th€ D€rildi@l S{adah"bhibtni? (-{) VrLlab Moulavi (B) Rm8}rilhmpillai (c) Dr. PalDu (D) RuDuaM€m ' 69. lvhicl is tle o4aniatio. rdnded by BrahElo.lda Swtni sivavogi? (A) Anard! Mlhstbh, (B) VidYaP€bini (C) AthFavidy!.ansan (D) INDP. 60. Mertion the draoa wriiian by V.T. Bhattrlhiripad : (A) EiM€erun lainavno (B) ?litabacli (c) sarawathi vijsyao (D) kiani.idananard 61. Wlich Articl€ of lhe Indian Colstitution is Flated to &bhi to Educaiion? (A) Alticle 6rA (B) A$icle 46 (c) Afiicle 2L4 o) &ticle 19 52, lvho v* t!€ Presiilenf of t!6 Inditn Conaiitueni Ass.nblv? (A) D!.B.B A4ber&tf (B) Jdwala al Nehru (c) KM. tn.shi {D) Dr. Rdiendta Padad A e l,#T.:i Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 22. 63. Ia6 medbeF ofth! najlr Sabha d.Lct d by ths. (A) P.orL Diectb rB) M.db@ ofst tet eBfrdvoAedblpr (C) M6nbds o{ Locm Bodid (D) MeEb.lEof StaF t4eislrti@ Courci& 5r. The dy3t€n of OEbu<l6ou wa6 i4t intloiluFd in (A) Srodo! (B) hdia (c) usA (D) swir4r.rd 06. Tte Nrtidd CooDitutr fo. md ir ldia we btued ir ih. y..r : (A) 19?6 (c) r98! (B) 1930 @) 1992 66. Wlo appolnt |l. Chdino of the Stat€ Public Swic (A) Pre.idenr (B) PliEs Mi!i!i.r (C) Chi.f Mini.isr (D) cff@t 6?. Wtich of cn! folbEilg tr!e. of tieht6 h.@ b6r {|senhed s IlEi G!@nti@ 8iglr.? C4) s.d.l .!d E€lonic Rtlt6 (B) , civ and P.li64d Rblis (C) Nalu!.lRislb (D) Cuftqlal R.irhi. 0& Ifhic.h part ofih. hdi.! ConstitutioD deal. with Distire PdldDld odgr.t Policr? (A) Panll (B) P,rr III . (C) P.rt Iv (D) P'ii u a 6t .n'ho se tln 6!!t Clr.i@ of ths NSBC! (A) Ju.ti@ LG. Bal,lai3bnn (B) Jshe v,6, M.UEarh (C) Ju.iic€ E ngamihMi.{ (L) &stice A-S. ArlDd ?0. &e Richt to bforD.tid Act {@ rr..€rt i! bili! in tne yed : (A) 2006 (B) 2002 (c) mcd @) 2o1o ll4?014 lo Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 23. 71. Cle* tha @rrcct opti@ &r ths buowins : A "Dr!t Ho@' G : (a) An el1l.hdr.t r . (B) A d&L dlouEd to (C) A FM whoDe abilids G hidd€r d untNn (D) A bee lireb to wi! a E6 tl. $ll in ilb .psa u.irs the @t pFp@ition . (A) it (B) ir (c) on (D) &on t8. Conrclt lhe .erieE idb itrdiEcr .p4h : 'Tou D.y L.@ t[c Mn", said the tri&i9.L (A) Th€odncip,l sriil I mtLt l6iw th. to@ (B) Tle plitrip,l uid | tur L.E tha tuD (O fts pli4ipol !.r. I Disll Le lb. toD (D) ,l'IE lri.dral dlid | @uld L.s tb€ M ru Coft.iaLMte@: I rould Dw up if I ws you. (A) I poulil pay up ifl w.F yd (E) r yould lay up ifl ad yN (C) t *ould p,id u! UI w€syou @) I sotnd pai up if I aF ylr 76. Fill i! !h€ !p@ usilc lh€ @rEct lrtioL : b@l I ws arrcti!8 bi ?G fill iD t!. lpe.uitrg tbe @t bd of the .dj*dE: (q ih6 (B) d II. i! th. - Ba! II.E4rrEr. t11,/2071 tP'T'O.I Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 24. ?7. Convcit lnto passive voi@: Thcy are rcbuildinc th€ *nm]. (A) Th6 *Iml is Fbunl (c, Th€ *hml was rebnill 78. Cbo@ lhe @rur oprid : its) Th. sch@l is being rcbuilt (D) Tne school ves b€iry Fbtili 79. Tle antonyn ot"acquit is: quelioDing tbc 6upcct5. (B) arc (D) h,vc 80. A wide rcsd with tE€s on eilher sids iso.lled: (4) stret E) alley (c) lane (D) arenue 81. The liEit of Eiqoi*dit to a h€n€6cirry und.r th€ Malil" Sanndhi Yojan! Sclena i3 : (A) Il!. rqo00 (B) Its.15,000 (C) Rs.2q000 (D) R3.25,0llo a2. Allotnent of an hdiE Awes r'ojrnr (IA)) hou* : (4) ShaU b€ jointty in tbe nane ol and wiG crepi in the caae of a vidow/uq0!.nedsep.rated parstr (B) May be $lely in tle nanc otihe woban (c) Both (A) nd (B) (D) None oa the alove 39. SoNic* und€r the ICDS Prcsranne are Fnd€red thrcngh : (A) Ansd{adice erd (B) PinaryEealih Cent4ft (O PoriestarioE (D) Noft of the abov€ 8,1, whicb ol i ho folloirs *b"nes haa m t. obdoF th. hFcrrted der elopn.nt of *ld@d SC m,jorityYjll,c@! (r) V.lnili Arbe{0ra. A*aaB YDjdn. (VAI{BAr] (!) rdi,a AsaasYotana 0A!-) (c) Pradhan Nlantri AddB! cran YojoM (PMAGD (D) Sdnpoorna cranean Rozgar YdanN (ScR9 t74t20r4 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 25. 86. the Cnaiisan ol th€ Gov€rnilc Bodt ol Kudunbashree Mi$ion is : (A) Minidiei tor t,sc (B) Principal Setrt$v I.SCD (C) Dietor of P,nchtFb (D) Conmi*ion€r fo! Rural Dderdpddt s6. wl cl oftlE followirs i6 . Schene for p@iding ;eranprovd€nt to €d@t€d uenproted (A) Prin€ Minist€ts R.zgar Yojana (PMBI) (B) Indila Awaag Yojea oAY) (q N.donal Fmd ior worl< ProsranD€ (Nrwq (D) sab!3r. Aw.a6 Yojmb (sAY) t?. A; IAY llndira Awaas Yojantl hoE slal not h€ lrietut€J fd a pdiod of: @) r0 t€ds (B) 15 rart (C) 2oyear6 (D) 25 Yedn 88. Who aeong the following i s € nlilled ad of rish! to an rntvodava card ? (A) A pd6;n belonsing to B?L s*ial catesorv . (B) A pe@n beldsirg td a pimitive rribe (C) A psren sbow th. asr of 66 t€.8 (D) Atl the dove 89. Th€ Nodal Oft6r rt (h€ disfid te@l for tho iFdeoeriaiion ol tho Natiorol F@d tor Wod' (A) The Di.tlicr Judce (B) The Presid€nl, Dtut.ic! Pancnavat (C) Tl* Ans,nwadi SwePier (D) The Dbtdci CoU€cto! 90. Whicb ol ih. follains Schen6 aim. to toviiL d sritv fu lll ib&uah Public Dchbutio. SFbD? (A) Ariyodlya ArM Yoj3n LAAI) G) Iddnt Aw.e Yojana (IA9 (q Balil€ Samliddhi Ydjtna (BS, (D) Valnild A&bed!* Awlas Yoj6na (VAMBAY) tr. Wticb @Epui.r l.nguage i6 used for Atiiicid hieltLere Motrg tho follosing? (A) FOBTRAN (B) C (c) moloc (D) coBol 1,1420t4 tP.a.ol l8 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 26. 02. $lD innedted the ligh levcl pmgr.m minq lrnsxrse C? (A) De.nisM. nnchi. (B) R.bert E. Karn (O Daruld li chie (D) i,aD€s coslins 91, EryMsion of UNIVAC is : (A) UniY€rs€r vacuum Comput (B) Universal luto4atic OoEpu!€! (C) Univ.rsal ldesuicd Vscuun CoDputoi (D) United Vacuun Codputer g!, Binary nubberofthe decinal nunber It jr: (B) 1111 (D) 1001 (B) 0o1r (r)) 0I10 ,6. In a client/*rc. mnput€r net*ort, rhe u*rt @Epuier ig us!611y cdleit : (A) client (B) N€twdt (c) serer (D) w€bsi@ e?, IheerFbsD.of.6m edu, .urs, .ner €r dro lau.tb atled : (A) N€iwor! (B) tP addms (c) Duain nab6 (D) Mail id 98. FrPskndsfor (o 1101 06. r's conpleneDt oftlo l0Ir: ' (A) First T.ansfer Prot col . (o) File Tlarspof Prot col (D) File Tnnsfer Pstml 09, Which of th€ folosirg is a cyber c.lde? iA) rlackinc G) Trqian (c) Dnail sp6fi.s (D) Norc ofile abore 100, W}at is a 6K aI prciectiod (A) SpaD nssase6 (B) MGiolrhevnu6 (c)' (D) Mdticious woms tunot/| l,l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 27. FINAL ANSWER KEY Question Paper Code: 114/2014 Medium of Question: English Date of Test: 02.08.2014 Q No. Q No. A B C D A B C D 1 B C X A 51 A B B A 2 X C B D 52 X B A X 3 D D X D 53 X C A A 4 B A X C 54 B B X X 5 A C A X 55 B A A X 6 C X A B 56 C A X B 7 C B D X 57 B X X B 8 D X D D 58 A A B C 9 A X C B 59 A X B B 10 C A X A 60 X X C A 11 X A B C 61 C A B C 12 B D X C 62 D D C A 13 X D D D 63 B D C C 14 X C B A 64 A B A D 15 A X A C 65 D C C B 16 A B C X 66 D C D A 17 D X C B 67 B A B D 18 D D D X 68 C C A D 19 C B A X 69 C D D B 20 X A C A 70 A B D C 21 X X A C 71 C A B A 22 X D D X 72 C C X D 23 C B C X 73 X C A C 24 X A X X 74 A B D C 25 D D X C 75 C X C X 26 B C X X 76 C A C A 27 A X C D 77 B D X C 28 D X X B 78 X C A C 29 C X D A 79 A C C B 30 X C B D 80 D X C X 31 X A A X 81 X C B D 32 C D C A 82 C A X A 33 D B X X 83 A A D X 34 A A A C 84 C B A C 35 D C X D 85 A X X A 36 B X C A 86 A D C C 37 A A D D 87 B A A A 38 C X A B 88 X X C A 39 X C D A 89 D C A B 40 A D B C 90 A A A X 41 B C C A 91 C B C X 42 X A B C 92 A C D C 43 D D A B 93 B A X C 44 C C C X 94 B C C A 45 A B B D 95 C D C B 46 D A X C 96 A X A B 47 C C D A 97 C C B C 48 B B C D 98 D C B A 49 A X A C 99 X A C C 50 C D D B 100 C B A D X' DENOTES DELETION Asst. Jailor Gr. I - Jail, Armed Police Sub Inspector (Trainee) - Police (APB), Excise Inspector - Excise, SI of Police (Trainee) - Police (GEB), Armed Police SI (SR for SC/ ST) - Police (APB) (Cat. Nos. 474/2012, 260/2014 421/2013, 253/2014 to 259/2014) QUESTION BOOKLET ALPHACODE QUESTION BOOKLET ALPHACODE Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 40. FINAL ANSWER KEY Question Paper Code: 92/2015 Assistant/Auditor - Govt. Secretariat/KPSC/LFAD (Direct/By Transfer) Medium of Question: English Date of Test: 16.05.2015 Q No. Q No. A B C D A B C D 1 D B C B 51 B A B D 2 B A A D 52 D D A C 3 B C B C 53 A B D B 4 A A D C 54 D A C D 5 C B C D 55 B D B B 6 A D C B 56 A C D D 7 B C D B 57 D B B A 8 D C B A 58 C D D D 9 C D B C 59 B B A B 10 C B A A 60 D D D A 11 D C X A 61 C B A D 12 C A D D 62 D C D A 13 C X A A 63 B A D B 14 A D D C 64 C D A X 15 X A A D 65 A D B C 16 D D C C 66 D A X D 17 A A D C 67 D B C B 18 D C C A 68 A X D C 19 A D C X 69 B C B A 20 C C A D 70 X D C D 21 C A B C 71 C D C A 22 B C A B 72 A C B B 23 A B C X 73 D C A D 24 C A B X 74 C B B A 25 B C X C 75 C A D C 26 A B X B 76 B B A A 27 C X C A 77 A D C D 28 B X B C 78 B A A C 29 X C A B 79 D C D C 30 X B C A 80 A A C B 31 B D A B 81 B D A C 32 C B D X 82 A D D C 33 D A B C 83 D A C B 34 B D X A 84 D D C A 35 A B C B 85 A C B B 36 D X A C 86 D C A A 37 B C B D 87 C B B D 38 X A C B 88 C A A D 39 C B D A 89 B B D A 40 A C B D 90 A A D D 41 A B C B 91 X X D C 42 C C A C 92 B C A B 43 B C B D 93 X D C D 44 C A C C 94 C A B C 45 C B D A 95 D C D X 46 A C C C 96 A B C B 47 B D A B 97 C D X X 48 C C C C 98 B C B C 49 D A B C 99 D X X D 50 C C C A 100 C B C A X- Denotes DELETION QUESTION BOOKLET ALPHACODE QUESTION BOOKLET ALPHACODE Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 41. t22l2Ar5 '1. The sun and product of two numbers ar€ 13 and 40 respectively. The sum of their reciprocals is : Maximum: 100 markg The ratio of the age of two sisters is 3:4. The product of their ages'is 192. The ratio of their ages after 5 years will be : ' (Al 5:+ /c 17.91 If the breadth of a rectanefle is increasid by 40% and the length is reduced by 30%. what will be the effect on its area? (A) UAo (c) r3t40 between his office and home is : (A) 30 km (C) 50 km Find (125+95)' -4x125x95 : (A) 400 (c) 1oo0 , (A) r2o" (c) .160' (B) 3t4o (D) 30/40 2L:17 8:9 (B) Increases by 2% (D) Decreaees by.10% (B) 26 (D) 24 Time : t hour and 15 minutes (A) Decreases by 2% (C) Increases by 10% When A, B, C arc work together they complete I job in 8 days. When A and C decided to do the work together they completed this job in 12 days..In how many dtrys B alone can complete the work? (A) 20 (c) 3o A man travelling at a speed of 20 km/hr, reached hie olfice 10 minutes late. travelled at a speed of 30 km/tu and he reached hie of6ce 10 minutes earlier. (B) eoo (D) 440 (B) 150o (D) 130. Next day he The dietance @) (D) 20 km 7. The angle betrveen both bands of a clock at 9.20 A'M. will be : A IP.r.o.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 42. 8. A purse contains I rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins in.the ratio ?:8:9. If the total money rn the purse is 159. The number of 50 paise coins in the purse will be : 9. The radii of bases of a cylinder and a cone are in the ratio 3:4. Volume of cylinder and cone are in the ratio 9:8. Then their heiehts are in the ratio : (A) 96. (c) 82 (A) 3:2 (C) 8:9 (A) 22 (c) 18 (A) STEROYD (C) STOYRDE (A) Potato (C) Carrot (B) 84 (D) 86 10. Average age of 15 persons is 24 years. Later a boy is included into this group then average becomes 23 years. The age of the boy will be : (B) 4:3 (D) 2:3 (B) 8 (D) 12 11. In a row of students, Sherin is l2th from the left and Athira is 19th from the right. If they interchange their positions, Sherin becomes 16th from the left. Then, what will be the position . of Athira from the right? ' (A) 22"d (C) 24th :I2. Raghu said, "Manju's father is the brother of my sister's son". How is Manju's father related to Raghu? (A) Grandfather (C) Nephew 13. If the following words are arranged second word in that order? (A) Disgrace (C) . Disgorge . (D) Disguise L4. If PUBLISH is coded as BLUSHIP, how will DESTROy be coded? (B) 23'd (D) 28th (B) Cousin (D) None of these according to the dictionary order, which will be the (B) Disgruntled (B) STORYED (D) STEOYRD (B) Cabbage (D) Beet root 15. Among the following list, choose the one that is different from the other ones : A122120t5 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 43. 16. From the following options, 'illustrious': (A) Decorated . (C) Famous t7. 18. choose the word which best expr'esses the meaning of the word (B) Imaginative (D) Informal their 66 Wedding Anniversar! on Sunday. What will be the day of their 10h anniversary? (A) Tuesday (C) Thursday Cup is to coffee as plate is to : (A) spoon (c) idli hotel waiter (B) 40 meters, East (D) 40 meters, West Malaria Dengue fever (B) Free operating system (D) Search engine (B) (D) Wednesday Ftiday @) (D) 19t Complete the following series : IF, JH, IJ, OL, -(A) Dl (c) r]{ @) RN (D) SM 20. Salim walked 100 meters facing towards South. From thefe,he turned left and walked 40 meters. Thereafter, he turned to his left, wqlked 100 meters and stopped. How far and in what firection is Salim now from his starting point? 2L. (A) 60 meters, North (C) 60 meters, East Which of the following is not a viral disease? (A) Avion flue (u) Dars Richard Stallman is in connection with : (A) Internet (C) Computer virus (B) (D) Who among the following in India was the fust winner of Nobel prize in Physics? (A) S. Chan<lrasekharan (C) V. Ramakrishnan (B) C.V. Raman A 122t20t6 ,[P.r.o.] (D) Hargovind I(horane Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 44. 24, Over production of which hormone leads to exophthalmic goiture? (A) Iodine (C) Thyroxind 25. A liquid having pII value more than 7 is : (A) Citric acid (C) Soda water Which among the following is not correctly paired? @) Insulin (D) ADH (B) T.irng $'gfs1 - (D) Vinagiri 27 . The instrument used to meaeure the growth of plant is : (A) Dynamo - Alfred Nobel (C) Computer - Charles Babbage organisations? (A) APEC (c) NATO (C) Tenth (B) Television - J.L. Baird @) DDT-Pole Muller (D Auxanometer (D) Cryometer (B) ASEAN (D) NAM @) Eighth 6 (A) Duroneter (C) Potometer 28. Which one among the following is a molecular scissor? (A) Ligae (C) Super bugs Eestrrcuon endonuclease (D) Endrophyl 29. The first nuclear reactor in India, is : (A) Saras (B) param g000 (C) Apsara (D) Durga 30. Which elenent is in chlorophyll? (A) Na (B) K (c) Mg @) Ca 31. "One Vision, One Identity One Community,, is the motto of which of (B) the following 92. what is the ordinal number of Ban Ki Moon ae the secretary eenerar of u.N.o.? (A) Seventh (B) Ninth tza2016 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 45. 33. (A) 2013' (c) 2015 (A) Alice Munro (C) Martin Karplus 36. Asian Games 20i4 was held at : (A) Tokyo (C) Incheon The founder of Wiki Leaks is : (A) BilI Gateg (C) Gill Abramson The Seventeenth SAARC Summit wae held at : Which year was declared as the international year of Family Farming? 34. Nobel Prize for Literature for 2013 was awarded to : @) 2oL4 (D) 2016 (B) (D) (B) (D) (B) Eleanor Carlon (D) Jarires E. Rothman Hanoy 86. The.Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act was enacted in : (A) 2qo8 (c) 2010 (D) 2012 37. 4L. (A) New Delhi (C) Thimpu Julian Aseange Jaco! iI. Lew Colombo Adclu Slum Free India Rurril Road Development 89. Rajeev Awaas Yojana aimg at : (A) Poverty Free India (C) Rural Employment - The new name of Planning Commission : (A) NNPC (C) MTIAyog (A) Kunjan Pillai (C) Thanu Pillai' .(A) Kumaran Asan. (C) Sree Narayana Guru (B) BharatAyog (D) NEETAyoe What was the original name of.Chattampi Swamikal? 42. Who ie Pulaya Raja in Kerala Renaissance Movement? Raman Pillai .Rajappan Pillai Ayyankati Vagbhatananda .A 122120t6: lP.r.o.I Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 46. l .' 43. Which is the largest backwater in Kerala? (A) Vembanad kayal (B) Ashtamudi kayal (C) Sasthamkotta kayal (D) Kayamkulam kayal 44. rn which year sree Narayana Guru established a siva temple at Aruvippuram? (A) 1880 (B) 1885 (c) 1886 (D) 1S87 45. A famous renaissance leader of Kerala who founded Atma Vidya Sangham? (A) V.T. Bhattathiripad (B) poiJrayil yohannan , (C) Pandit Karuppan (D) Vagbhatananda 46, Social Justice and brotherhood of man were the cardinal principles of----"""...-'----------.- teaching. (A) Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi (B) Ayya Vaikundar (C) Mannathu Padmanabhan (D) Sree Narayana Guru 47. For his outstanding.and selfless social activities, ihe people of Kerala honoured with the title "Bharata Kesari", who is that leader? (A) chavara Kuriakose Elias (B) Nidhirikkar Mani Kathanar (C) Mannathu Padmanabhan (D) Vakkom Moulavi 48. Who is associated with'Pidiyari System' (a small amount of rice) in Kerala society? (A) Kumaran Asan (B) Dr. palpu (C) R.,Sankar @) Chavara Kuriakose Elias 49. Where is the headquarter of prathyaksha Reksha Daiva Sabha? (A) Kumbanad . (B) Vattakottal (C) Eraviperoor (D) pullad 50' In which year Sree Narayana Guru convened. an inter-religious conGrence at Aluva were he . gave the noble message of ,One caste, One religion and One God for men,? (A) 1921 (B) rs22 (c) re23 (D) rs24 51' marked the first mass campaign against British Rule ied by Indian National Congress. (A) Ahmedabad MiIl Strike CB) Non Co_operadon Movement (C) Civil Disobedience Movement (D) Khilafat Movement 122120L5 8 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 47. The Pioneer Martyer of 185? revolt : (A) Rani LakshrniBai (C) Nana Sahib 53. Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it : (A) Bal Gangadar Tilak (C) Bipin Chandra Pal 64, Who is the Frontier Gantlhi? oa. (A) Khan Abdul Gaffer Khan (C) Muhammad Iqbal The. first Education Minister of free India : (A) MoiiIaI Nehru (C)' V.P. Menon Who was the Grand.Old man of India? (A) A.O. Hume (C) C'R Das 57. What was, the importance of the year Independence? (A) Quit India Movement (C) . Simla Conference Mangal Pandey . Tantia Tope Lata Lijpat Rai Gopala Krishna Gokhale Muhammed Ali Jinna Sir Sa1ryed Ahammad Khan Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad W.C. Bannerjl DAdabai Nauoroji the history of. India's (B) (D) (B) (D) {6. (B) (D) (B) (D) (B) @) ' (B) Maharaja Ranjit Sinsh Motilal Nehru Motilal Nehru L942 for @) (D) IN '68. Who was the political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi? (A) innie Begant (C) Gopala Krishna Gokhale (A) Lala Lajpat Rai (C) C.R. Das (B) . Cabinet Mission PIan @) Mountbatten plan (B) Bipin Chandra PaI @) W.C. Bannerji Who was popularly known as the "Lion ofthe Punjab"? . 60. Who was the founder of Benares Hindu.University? (A) Bipin Chandra Pal (C) C.R. Das (D) Panclit Madan Mohan Malaviya A 9 12a2015 tP.r.o.I Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 48. 61. The National Commission for women was constituted in : (A) 1e85 (c) 1ee5 62. The number of members nominated by the princely states to the Constituent Assemblv were : (B) 1ee0 (D) 2000 (B) 3e (D) e3 sabha by the President @) usA (D) Ireland was boirowed by the on his table indefinitely ryithout 64. Which among the following is not a way for acquisition of citizenship in India? (A) 36 (c) 63 63. The nomination of members in the Rajya Constitution of India from : (A) UK (C) Australia (A) Renunciation (C) Registration (A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad . (C) B.N. Rao (A) Article 45 (C) Article 48 (B) Descent ' (D) Incorporation of territory (B) K.M. Munshi (D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (B) Article 47 (D) Article 50 65. The constitution first Amendment Act sought to : (A) declare that an amendment passed in accordance with Article 368 will not be law with the meaning of Article 13 @) nullify the judicially created doctrine of basic features (C) curtail the right to property guaranteed by Article Bl (D) none of the above 66. Who was appointed as the advisor of the Constituent assemblv? 67. The Article in the Indian Constitution which prohibits intoxicating drinks and drugs : 68. The President of India may sometimes simply keep a BilJ giving or refusing assent. This is : (A) Absolute Veto (C) Suspensive Veto 12212015 10 (B) Qualified Veto @) Pocket Veto A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 49. 69. 70, A member of the. State Public addressed to : (A) The President (C) The Chief Minister Obiter Dicta is : 71. Fill in the blanks using an article :' I went to (A) (c) hospital to see my uncle. 72. In the following sentence, Neither food nor water to be found there. Service may resign his offrce by (B) (D) The Governor The Chairman (A) that part of the judgement which was strictly not necessary for the disposal of the ' cause or matter before the court (B) that which was necessary to dispose of the decision (C) both (D) none of the above matter and forms the clux of the (A) were (C) are 73. FilI in the blank with suitable preposition : (B) an (D) some (B) was (D) have (B) bv @) over (B) using tooth and nail @) without eoldiers My friends stood -- me during my difficult tines. a the (A) beside (C) among 74. Bring out the meaning of the idiom in the following sentence : We shall fight tooth and nail for our rights. ., (A) with all our power (C) peacefully 75. Identi$ the sentence which is in passive voice? (A) The boy is climbing the cliff (C) They painted the house red They made him king Alice was not rnuch surprieed at this (B) (D) A L22t2016 tP.r.o.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 50. l 76. Pick out the sentence which is grammatically correct? (A) One should not waste his time (B) The boy who does best he will get a prize (C) I asked for his book, but he did not lend me (D) He has been studying hard for the last two weeks . 77. Find the word which is not a synonym of 'modest'? (A) Intelligent (B) Shy (q) Silent @) Timid 78. Give one word substitute for'things of different nature': (A) homogeneous (B) uniform (C) heterogeneous (D) compatible 79. Complete the following sentence using an appropriate adjective : He is the - member of the club. (A) eldest (B) old (C) oldest (D) elder 80. Find the other gender of'horse' : (A) mare (B) rooster (C) mule (D) doe 81. Which is the thrust area of Valmiki Ambedkar Awaas Yojana? (A) Rural areas (B) Urban slums (C) Tlibal areas (D) None ofthese 82. When was 'Andyodaya Anna Yojana" launched? (A) August 15,2000 (B) August tb,2010 (C) December 25,2OOO (D) December 2b. ZO1O 83. Which is not included in Bharat Nirman? (A) The Rural Roads G) The Rural housing (C) The Rural Water Supply (D) The Rural Health 84. Expand IAY : (d) Indian Antipoverty Yojana (B) Integrated Antipoverty yojana (C) Indian Awaas Yojana (D) Indira Awaas yojana L2212015 12 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 51. 86. When 4id "Pradhan Mantri Adharsh Gram Yojana" formally launched? (A) 2oo8 (B) 2pL0 (D) 2or4(c) 2or2 Which is the thrust afea of Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana? Which scheme targets the most 6 years of age, pregnant women and urban slums? (A) ICDS (c) AAY (A) Old age people (C) Destitute women (A) MGNREGA (C) Kudumbasree (A) N.H.G (c) A.D.S (A) FORTRAN / (c) c Programmed Instruction to the computer is known as : (A) Data (C) Documentation vulnerable groups of population inclufing cbildren up to and nursing mothers in backward rural areas, tribal areas (B) DWCRA (D) JRY (B) Unemployed youth (D) Differentially able population (D) Grama sabha (B) PROLOG (D) COBOL 89. 88. In Kerala which Programme is formally registered as the "State Poverty Eradication Mission" a society registered under the Travancore Kochi Literary Scientific and Charitable -Society Act? (B) BSY (D) rcDs Expand NREGP: ($) . National Rural Educational Growth Programme (B). Nationa,l Road and Electricity Generating Programme (C) National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme (D) National Railway Engineering Growth Project 90. Which is the grass root functionary of Kudumbasree? (B) c.D.S 91. Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence? (B) (D) Code. Database t22t20t5 lP.T.Orl A 13 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 52. 94. The term associated with the processing speed of computer : Gerleration computer. (A) First (C) Third (A) FFTS (C) MIPS In 1983, who defined the term 'Computer Virus'? (A) Fred Cohen (C) Norton When IT Act, 2000 of India came into force? (A) 17 October 2000 (C) 17 November 2000 (A) Operating system (C) Browser Second Fourth (B) MPG (D) cPS (B) Smith (D) Mcafee (B) 17 January 2001 (D) 17 September 2000 mechanisms of an informatron system or CB) Blocking (D) Resisting (B) Word processing (D) Output IBM l40r is (B) (D) 95. 96. 57. Unauthorized attempts to bypass the security network is called : (A) Spoofing (C) Hacking 9E. A printer is this kind of device : (A) Input (C) Processing 99. Which one is a text editor for Microsoft windows? (A) MS Word (B) MS Excel (C) Wordpad (D) Notepad 100. Software which allows the user to load a web page is called : (B) Web site (D) Home page A122t20L5 I4 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 53. FINAL ANSWER KEY Question Paper Code: 122/2015 Medium of Question: English Date of Test: 04.07.2015 Q No. Q No. A B C D A B C D 1 C A D C 51 B D A X 2 C D B A 52 B A B C 3 A D C D 53 A C A D 4 D B A B 54 A A X C 5 D C D C 55 D D D D 6 B A B C 56 D A X B 7 C D C A 57 A B C B 8 A B C D 58 C A D A 9 D C A D 59 A X C A 10 B C D B 60 D D D D 11 B A B D 61 X D C B 12 C D C C 62 D A C D 13 A B D A 63 D C B B 14 D C C B 64 A C D A 15 B D A B 65 C B B X 16 C C B C 66 C D A D 17 D A B A 67 B B X D 18 C B C D 68 D A D A 19 A B A B 69 B X D C 20 B C D C 70 A D A C 21 B B B B 71 C B D A 22 B C A B 72 B A D C 23 B B B C 73 B D A C 24 C A B C 74 A D C A 25 B B C B 75 D A C C 26 A B C B 76 D C A B 27 B C B B 77 A C C B 28 B C B C 78 C A B A 29 C B B B 79 C C B D 30 C B C A 80 A B A D 31 B B C B 81 B D A B 32 D A B D 82 C D B C 33 B C B B 83 D A B C 34 A B D C 84 D B C A 35 C B B B 85 A B C B 36 B D C D 86 B C A C 37 B B B B 87 B C B D 38 D C D A 88 C A C D 39 B B B C 89 C B D A 40 C D A B 90 A C D B 41 A X B D 91 B B A C 42 B C B A 92 B C A D 43 A D A C 93 B A C X 44 X C A A 94 C A D C 45 D D D D 95 A C X B 46 X B D A 96 A D C B 47 C B A B 97 C X B B 48 D A C A 98 D C B C 49 C A A X 99 X B B A 50 D D D D 100 C B C A X- Denotes DELETION Municipal Secretary Gr. III - Urban Affairs (Direct & By Transfer) / Secretary, Block Panchayat - Rural Development QUESTION BOOKLET ALPHACODE QUESTION BOOKLET ALPHACODE Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 54. 12312015 Which is the emallest number when increased by 5 is divisible by 27 and' 2l? The cost price of 10 articles is equal to the selling price of8 articles. Find the profit percent: (A) 50 (c) 12.5 (B) 25 (D) 20 In an election between two candidates, the candidate who gecureg 30% votes is defeated by 4360 votes. Find the number of votes secured by the windng candidate: (A) 74so (c) 7080 (B) 7630 (D) 7o7o 50 paise and 25 paise in the ratio 1:2:4:8. If the of 25 paise coins exceeding those of 50 paise (B) 200 (D) , 400 b. A train 240 m long is moving at a speed of 25 Km/hr. In how much time will it crosg a nan coming fron the opposite direction at a speed of 2 Km./hr : I hour and 15 minutes (B) t64 (D) 18e (B) 42 sec (D) 32 sec (B) 130" (D) Lzo A alone can do it in 40 days. In how many days (B) r20 (D) e6 Maximum : 100 rnarks 3. (A) r?e (c) r84 A purse contains coins of 2 Rupees, 1 Rupee, total amount is Rs.600, then the number coins is : (A) 300 (c) 100 (A) 36 sec (C) 46 sec (A) eo' (c) 150" A and B together can do a work in 24 daya. can B do it alone? (A) 60 (c) 80 when the minute and hour hands ofa clock ghows ?'o clock, the angle between them ie : A lP.r.o.l . Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 55. I 8. If a sum of money at simple interest doubles in ? years, it will become four times in: (A) 12 years (B) 18 years (C) l4years (D) 2t years 9. Three years ago, Sanju's age was double of Sheeja's. Seven yearg hence the sum of their ages will be 86 years. The age of Sanju today is : (A) 44 (B) 30 (c) 47 @) 36 10. A sphere of maximum size is carved out of a solid wooden cylinder of diameter 15 cm and height 12 cm. Find the volume of the sphere in cms : (A) 248 r (B) 288 r . (C) 276 r (D) 236 n 11. compute I + 0.1 + 0.01 + 0.001 . - 0.1 0.01 0.001 . 0.0001 (A) 0-004 (B) 4 (c) 40 (D) 1.111 12. Find the. next term in the sequence: B, C, E, G, K: (A)M G)N (c)o (D)P 13. Find the next tern in the sequence: 2,9,28,65, t26: " (A) 260 (B) 257 (c) 2t7 (D) 327 14. If FRIEND ie coded as GQJDOC then ENEMy is coded as : (A) DODNX (B) FMFLZ (c) DMDrx (D) FOFNZ 16. Ramu, who is facing east, turns 405" in the anti-clock.wiee direction and then 45o in the clock wiee direction. Which direction is he facing now? (A) North East (B) West - (C) North West (D) East l23l20t6 4 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 56. 16. Statements: AII birds are black. Some ctows are black.- Which of the following conclusions follows logically from the above two statements? Conclusion 1: AII birds are crows. 2: Some crows are not black. (A) Only conclusion I follows (C) Only conclusion 2 follows fi. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word BRIEF : (B) Neither 1 nor 2 follows (D) Both 1 and 2 follows 19. (A) LIMITED (c) sHoRT 18. If 1999 Januarj' 1is Friilay, (A) 2005 (c) 2008 (B) SMALL (D) LITTLE which of the following year starts with Friday? (B) 2006 (D) 2010 . shape. All sides have southern (B) Black (D) Can't say Cube Cylinder Muscles Blood (B) Epicarp @) Fericarp A man builds a house rectangular in walks by. What colour is the bear? (A) White (C) Brown Find tt'e odd one out : (A) Square (C) Sphere Electromyograph is a diagnostic test of : (A) Lungs (C) Veins Mango juice is obtained from : (A) Mesocarp (C) Endocarp An antiviral chemical produced by the animal cell : (A) Hormone (C) Interferon (B) Swine flue (D) Malaria exposure. A big bear L2312015 IP.r.o.l (B) (D) (B) (D) 20. 2L. 28, (B) (D) Virone Cystone Which is the "black death" disease? (A) Avian.flue (C) Plague A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 57. 25. The critical angle of a wave will be refracted to : (A) 60 degree (B) 90 degree (C) 50 degree (D) 80 degree 26. Elephantiasis disease is transmitted by : (A) Sand fly (B) Anopheles mosquito (C) House fly (D) Culux mosquito 27. Pheromones are : (A) Endohormones (C) Growth regulators 28. Carbylamine test is a diagnostic test: (A) Primary amine (C) Tertiary amine (B) Ectohormones ' (D) None of these @) Secondary amine @) Quartery amine salts (B) Pharmacognosy (D) Pharmaceutical 29. The time taken by individual blood cell to make a complete circuit of the body : (A) 65 seconds (B) 60 seconds (C) 70 seconds @) 75 seconds 30. The study of action of drugs is known as : (A) Pharmacology (C) Pathology 31. Indian super league trophy related to : (A) Cricket @) Hockey (C) Tennis (D) Foot baII 32. Who is the chief organiser of Bachpen Bachavo Andolan? (A) Vandana Rao (B) Kailash Sathyarthi (C) Sundarlal Bahuguna (D) None ofthe above 33. The operation Kubera related to: (A) Promotion of BPL community (B) Economic development of farmers (C) Eliminating Blade Maffia (D) Economic development.of the state 12312016 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 58. 35. In which nation carried observator rank in United Nation Organisation? 34. Present Minister for transport in Kerala : (A) ThiruvanchurRadhakrishnan (C) Adoor Prakash (A) Palestine (C) Russia 36. Insurance protection to BPL community is known as : (A) Am Adami Yojana (C) Janasree Bhima Yojana (A) Varanasi (C) Gandhinagar 38. Winner of the Vayalar award 2014 - was : (4 Subash Chandran (C) K.R. Meera (A) M.K. Narayanan (C) Nikhil Kumar (A) Sachin Tendulkar (C) Salyed Anwar (B) Aryadan Muhammed (D) Anil Kumar (B) United states of America (D) Switzerland (B) Jawahar Rosgar Yojana (D) None of the above (B) Ahmedabad (D) Lucknow (B) Sugatha Kamari (D) Civic Chandran (B) Sadasivam (D) Ram Dulari Sinha (B) Brian Lara (D) Rohit Sharma (B) Meghalaya (D) Si-kkim 37 . Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi represented the Lokhsabha constituency of : 39. One among the chiefjustice of India became the governor ofa state : 40. One of the cricketer to score double century twice in one day international cricket : 4L. Which is the only State in India with an ethnic Nepali majority? (A) Nagaland (C) Manipur 42. The biosphere reserve Dehang Debang is located in : (A) Arunachal Pradesh (B) Uttarakhand Jammu and Kashmir(C) Bihar @) 43. Who authorized the book 'Poverty and Un-British RuIe' in India? A (A) Prof. VKRV Rao (C) Prof. S.D. Tendulkar (B) Prof. P.C. Mahalanobis (D) Dadabhai Naoroji 12312015 lP.T.O.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 59. 44. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh Qllational Credit Fund for Women) was set up in: 46. The slogan of Census 2011 was (A) Our Census, Our Future (C) For a Good Morrow 47. Which personality is not associated with Ghadar partv? (A) Lala Hardayal (C) LaIa Lajpat Rai (B) ree3 (D) lee1 (B) Chenab (D) Ravi (B) Our Land, Our World @) Towards a Better State (B) Taraknath Das (D) Sohan Singh Bakhna (A) 1e90 (c) rse2 45. On which river the Baglihar Hydro-power project is located? (A) Brahmaputra (C) Beas 48. The term 'budget' has been derived from the French word 'bougette', (A) Allocation (C) Emolument (B) Pouch (D) Money which means : 50. Which was the only national movement without a leader? (A) Quit India Movement (C) Civil Disobedience Movement 49. Who founded the 'Free India Society,? (A) Aruna Asaf Ali (C) Madam Bhilaji Cama 51. The fust Malayali appeared in Indian postal stamp : (A) Alphonsamma (C) K.Kelappan (B) Rabindranath Tagore (D) Mohammed Ali Jinnah (B) Non Co-operation Movement (D) Khilafat Movement (B) , Sreenarayana Guru (D) Ayyankali (B) Thiruvanathapuram (D) Palakkad 52. Which district in Kerala is known as Gateway of Kerala? (A) Kasargode (C) Idukki r23120t5 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 60. 54. The man who formed Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha? (A) Elias Chavara (C) Pandit Karuppan Who is known as Lincoln of Kerala? (A) Pandit Karuppan ' (C) Sahodharan Ayyappan (B) Poykayil Yohannan @) Samuel Mateer (B) Ayyankali (D) Chattampi Swamikal @) Herman Gundert @) Kuriakose Elias Chavara (D Vagbhatanada (D) Annie Beasant (B) Vagbhatanada (D) Dr.Palpu (B) Dr. Susathan (D) Kumaranasan (B) Monarchy (D) Aristocracy 55. Who among the following is responsible for Noon day meals in Schools? ol. (A) Joseph Mundasseri (C) Ringeltaube Atmavidya Sangam was founded by : (A) Vaikunda Swamilal (C) Manjeri Ramayyar Who founded Ananda Maha Sabha? (A) Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi (C) Chattampi Swamikal (A) Dr. Palpu (C) Sreenarayana guru (A) Democracy (C) Republic 58. Who is the author of Christumatha Nirupanam? (A) ILV.Simon (D Samuel Mateer (C) Chattampi Swamikal @) Herman Qundert 59. Who introduced Pantibhoian for the first time in Tlavancore? (A) Ringal Taube. (C) Thycaud Ayya Swamikal (B) Rheed (D) Vaikunda Swamikal The author of the book t'Treatment of Thiyyae in Qavancorb" : 61. A nation which has an elected heail of the state is known as : 60. A 12a2015 IP.r.o.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 61. 64. Fundamental Duties are incorporated to the constitution under the recommendation of : (A) Sapru committee report (B) Nehru committee report (C) Swaran Singh committee report (D) Shah commission report Which Article helps the Rajya Sabha to take initiative in the creation ofone or more All India Service? ln lndia the constitution provides for : (A) Dual citizenship (C) Triple citizenship (A) Article: 325 (C) Article:924 The Indian President is elected by : , (A) An electrol college (C) The opposition party (A) rse2 (c) 2000 (B) Single citizenship (D) None of the above (B) Article:370 (D) Article: 312 (B) The party in power (D) None of the above Which right is known as the "Heart and SouI ofthe Indian Constitution"? (A) Right to Constitutional Remedies (B) Right to Freedom (C) Right to Relision (D) Right to EquariW 67. In which year the National Commission for Women (NCW) is constituted? (B) 1985 @) 2010 India, that is Bharat, shall be a : (A) Union of States (C) Confederation 69. Which Constititional Amendment Act provides Scheduled Tribe? (A) 86th (O 42"d (B) Federation @) Totalitarian state for the creation of National Commission for (B) 89th (D) 61"t 70. Who is the Present Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India? (A) H. L. Dattu (C) C. Reguram Raj 123t2015 (B) D. P. Agarwal (D) Shashi Kant Sharma 10 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 62. 7I. Neither Sinu nor Ritu - the answer to this question. (A) know @) knows (C) known (D) none of these 72. Ravi said, "I am going back next weekn : (A) Ravi said that he wa6 returning the following week (B) Ravi said that he will be returning the following week (C) ILrri ttid th"t he is returning the following week (D) Ravi eaid that he shall be returning the following week 73. I an new to this place. J have not --_i- adjusted to the r:limate. (A) now G) yet . (C) just (D) onlv ?4. The temple is - down thd lane. (A) farther (B) Iittle (C) A tittle @) further 76. capital punishment is considered as ult'mate punishment for any crime. (A) a (B) an (C) the @) none of theee ?6. Find a one woril for "courage excited by wine" : (A) Dutch courage (B) Port courage (C) Swiss courage @) French coqage 77. Find out the correct tense of the verb : A dozen oranges - (buY) for Rs. 50 (A) is bought (B) was bought (C) were bought (D) none ofthe above ?8. Kerala is famous - its beautif'ul scenery. (A) of G) bv (C) with (D) for A 11 1-23120].5 lP.r.o.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 63. 79. Arun filed a _ In the High court. (A) suite (C) suiting 80. Which of the following pair is wrong? (A) Glass-glasses (C) Leaf-leaves (B) suit (D) suited (B) Lion-lioness (D) Wolf-wolves 81. Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) is connected with : (A) Special nutrition programme @) Mid-day meal (C) Public distribution system (D) None of the above 82. The scheme of Balika samridhi Yojana was launched by Govt. of India with the objective to: (A) Negative family and community attitudes towards the gi.rl child at birth and towards her mother (B) Improve enrolment and retention of girl children in schools (C) Raise the age at marriage of girls (D) All the above 83. The beneficiaries of Indira Awaas Yojana (IAIC are selected from : (A) The list of members of ST community approved by the Grama Sabha (B) The poorest of the poor list approved by the Grama Sabha (C) The Below Poverty Line (BPL) Iist approved by the Grama Sabha (D) None of the above 84. Which of the following is a service provided under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme? (A) Immunization (B) Pre-school non-formal educatr.on (C) Referral services (D) All the above 85. Release of instalnents in cash to beneficiaries is: (A) Not permissible under IAY (B) Permissible under IAY (C) Permissible under IAY if certain conditions are satisfied (D) Funds are released under IAY in lump sum l23t2ot5 L2 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 64. 86. The benefits of Balika Samridhi Yojana are restricted to : (A) One girl chi-id in a household irrespective of number of children in the household (B) Two girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the household (C) Three girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the householc- (D) Ali the girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the householc 87, Jawahar Rozgar Yojna was launched on April l, 1989 by merging : (A) National Rural Employment Program (NREP) and Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Program4re (RLEGP) (B) Baii-l<a Samridhi Yojana (BSYI and Mahila Samridhi Yojana(MSY) (C) Prime Ministet's Rozgar Yojana GMRY) and Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFLIRTD (D) None of the above E8. In which year was the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) introduced? (A) 1e65 (B) 1975 (c) 1e85 (D) 1995 89. Who is the nodal officer at District level for the National Food for Work Programme? (A) Collector (B) District Panchayat President (C) Additional District Magistrate (D) District Judge 90. Among the following persons, who is entitled as of right to an 'Antyodaya card'? (A) A person in the list of BPL category @) A senior citizen (C) . A person belonging to a primitive tribe (D) All the above 91. ISDN stands for: (A) Indian Standard Data Network (B) Independent Software Data Network (C) Integrated Standard Digital Network (D) Integrated Standard Data Network 12312015 tP.r.o.l A 13 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 65. 92. The translator program that translates each line of the source program as it runs is called : (A) Compiler (C) Editor 93. The small pictures on the window desktop is called: (B) Interpreter (D) Linker (A) Commands (C) Menus 94. Section 66F ofIT Act 2008 deals with: ' (A) Cyber stalking (C) Phishing (B) Child pornography (D) Cyber Terrorism (B) Parallelogram (D) Circle (B) Tabs (D) Icons 95. Ind.ia's fust cyber crime police station is located in i 97. The protocol uged for retrieving email from a mail detver is : (A) Hyderabad (C) Delhi 96. The term (A) Black hat (C) Cracker (A) POP (C) SMTP (A) Spreadsheet (C) Web browser (A) Open-endedrectangle (C) Square 100. 1 megabyte is equal to - bytes. (A) 10e (c) 108 Lzgl20!5 (B) Bangalore . (D) Mumbai refeis to a bad or criminal hacker. (B) White hat (D) Slacker (B) SNMP (D) r'rP @) Microcode @) Malware 98. The software application used to accesg and view websites is called : 99. Which is the symbol not associated with data flow diagrams? (B) (D) 106 104 At4 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 66. A B C D A B C D 1 C B D A 51 B B D A 2 B A C D 52 D A B C 3 B D A C 53 B D A C 4 A C D B 54 A B C A 5 D A C C 55 D A C B 6 C D B B 56 B C A D 7 A C C B 57 A C B B 8 D B B A 58 C A D A 9 C C B D 59 C B B D 10 B B A C 60 A D A B 11 C C D C 61 C C A A 12 A B B D 62 B D A A 13 C D C A 63 C A A B 14 B B D A 64 D A A D 15 D C A C 65 A A B C 16 B D A A 66 A A D B 17 C A C C 67 A B C C 18 D A A B 68 A D B D 19 A C C D 69 B C C A 20 A A B B 70 D B D A 21 B C B B 71 B B C C 22 B C D A 72 A A A D 23 C B B B 73 B C C B 24 C D A A 74 A A D B 25 B B B B 75 C C B B 26 D A A B 76 A D B A 27 B B B C 77 C B B B 28 A A B C 78 D B A A 29 B B C B 79 B B B C 30 A B C D 80 B A A A 31 D C A A 81 C C A A 32 B A C C 82 D D B B 33 C A A B 83 C A A A 34 A C C D 84 D B B C 35 A A B D 85 A A A C 36 C C D B 86 B B C D 37 A B D C 87 A A C C 38 C D B A 88 B C D D 39 B D C A 89 A C C A 40 D B A C 90 C D D B 41 D D B C 91 C D B A 42 A B A B 92 B D A C 43 D B C C 93 D B A B 44 B A B A 94 D A C B 45 B C C D 95 B A B C 46 A B A A 96 A C B B 47 C C D D 97 A B C D 48 B A A B 98 C B B D 49 C D D B 99 B C D B 50 A A B A 100 B B D A FINAL ANSWER KEY Q No. Question Paper Code: 123/2015 Administrative Officer - Kerala State Road Transport Corporation Date of Test: 30.06.2015 QUESTION BOOKLET Q No. QUESTION BOOKLET Medium of Question: English Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 67. r29120L5 The.smallest perfect square which is exactly divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 : Maximum : 100 marks Time : t hour and l5 minutes 2. 3. 4. A does a work in 16 days and B does work in 12 days. B together with a boy does the same work in 8 days. How much time will the boy alone take to do the work? (A) 1600 (c) 784 (A) 100 meters (C) 300 meters 550 - sq. cm 7 440 - so. cm 7' (B) e00 (D) 1800 (A) e6 (c) 32 A train clears a platform of 20Q meters long in 15 seconds and passes a telegraph post in 10 seconds. The length of the train is : (B) 48 (D) 24 (B) (D) . (B) 200 meters @) 400 meters TVo concentric circles have their radii 4 cm and 6 cm. The area of the space between then q, (use 7r ==-) 18: I 5. The L.C.M of two numbers is 864 and their H.C.F is b26 - so. cm 7' 88 - sq. cm 7' 144. If one of the numbeis is 288 the other number : (A) 432 (c) r2s6 (A) (c) 6. Income of Rajesh is'2lo/o more than the income of Girish. The income of Girish is less than the income of Rajesh by : (B) 576 (D) r44 (B) 20% (D) 22o/o (A) 25o/o (c) 30% A tP.r.o.I Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 68. 7. Sanu's present age is one fourth of his father's age. Father has 30 years more than Sanu. The present age of Sanu : (A) 12 (c) 10 If A: B=2:3 and (A) 2:5 (C) 4:5 An outlet empties further take : t}ren A:C: (A) 20 minutes (C) 15 minutes B:C =6:5t 8 9. (B) 20 (D) 15 (B) 3:5 (D) 6:5 of the tank in 12 minutes. To emfty the remaining content it should (B) 12 minutes (D) i 8 minutes 10. Ramu bought 40 kg of wheat at Rs. 12.50 per kg and 25 kg at Rs. 1b.10 per kg. He mixed them together. At what rate should he sell the mixture to earn 10% profit? (A) Rs. 14.85 (C) Rs. 13.25 11. Find the next number: 3, 10, 32, 100, - ' (A) 345 (c) 44o 12. ln a code DET = 8189, then MET = : @) Rs. 13.50 (D) Rs. 14.75 (B) 308 (D) 460 13. Geetha is taller than seetha, but shorter than n"-u. n"-r is shorter than swapna, but taller than Maya. Who is the tallest among them? (A) Swapna (C) Maya 14' Vinod walked 4 km towards east. Then he turned left and wAlked 3 kms. Then he again turned Ieft and walked 4 kms. Now how far ii he from the starting place? (A) 10320 (c) 5e4 (A) 2 km (c) 3 km (B) 10300 (D) ro322 (B) Geetha @) Seetha (B) 11 km (D) 4km 4r2gt2br5 A' Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 69. 15. Syam was born on August 11. Mohan is 11 days elder than Syam. Independence day of that year was on Monday. Then Mohan s birthday is oh : (A) Monday (C) Sunday 16. Find the odd man : (A) Tapioca (C) Beetroot 17- Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are seated around a.round table facing each other : (1) A is opposite to D and to the left ofE lrl B is opposite to C but not near to F (3) D ig between B and F. Then who is to the left of F (A) A (c), c How many such 9's are there in the following sequence.which are immediately followed by (B) ,@) (B) . (D) (B) B (D) D 1E. 19. A clock when see through the mirror read.s a quarter past three. What should be the actual time? (B) 8.15 (D) 8.45 20. I am 106 in the queue from either end. How many people are there in the queue? 4 but not immediately.preceded by 8? 5498294389594W 4129 4597 4 (A) 2 (c) 4 9.15 2.45 (A) le (c) 18 Dry ice ig : (A) Solid COz (C) Solid SO: Acid us€d to wash eyes : (A) Lactic acid (C) Boric acid (B) 3 (D) 5 (B) 2r (D) 20 (A) (c) (B) (D) (B) (D) ,, A SolidNO: Sofid CO Acetic acid Citric acid D t29120L5 IP;T;O.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 70. 24. Which among the following has same unit? (A) Power and Pressure (B) Work anh Pressure (C) Power and Energy (D) Work and Energy 25. Sky is blue in colour because : 23. Beri Beri is caused due to the deficiency of: (A) VitaminA (C) Vitamin C (A) Reflection (C) Scattering (A) Bio-diversity day (C) Chemistry day (A) increases (C) remains game a 28. The planet which gives highest weight for substance : (A) Mars (C) Jupiter (B) decreaseg (D) irrcreases and then decreases (B) Saturn (D) Venus (B) Sodium (D) Lithium (B) Starch (D) Chitosan (B) Water Co-operation day (D) Forest day (B) Vitamin B (D) Vitamin D (B) Dispersion (D) None 26. Hydrogen has high calorific value. But it is not used as donestic fuel : (A) It is rare in atmosphere (B) It is light in weight (C) It has explosive nature @) Hydrogen cumbust to give harmful products 27. When limejuice is added to pure water it s pH? 29. Only metal which has boiling point below room temperature : (A) Mercury (C) Potassium 30. The polymer found in crustacean shell: (A) Calcium carbonate (C) Cellulose 31. IIN celebrate the year 2013 as : 6129t2013 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 71. 32. Information Commissioner of India : (A) Sushama Singh (B) Mamata Sarma (C) Nirupama Rao (D) Sushama Swaraj . 38. Which amendment declare that Delhi as National capital territory of India? (A) 61 (B) 62 (c) 68 (D) 6e 34. The viceroy of British India who introduced the 'Illbert bill' was : (A) Iord Curzon (C) Lord Rippon (A) Ernakulam (C) Kottayam 36. 'Hybernation' is : (A) Autumn sleep (C) Summer sleep 57. Tropical cyclones in 'Atlaritic ocearl : (A) Tlphoons (C) Willi-Willies 38. Nobel prize for literature in 2013 : (A) Jamis Rothman (C) Alees Mantro seasion held at : (A) Bombay (C) Lucknow 40. ' " Travelling through conflict' is written by : (A) Hamid Ansari (C) V.S. Naipaul 41. International day ofpeace : (A) September 12 (C) October 24 (B) lord Canning (D) Iord Lytton @) Thiruvananthapuram (D) Thriesur (B) Spring eleep (D) Winter sleep ' (B) Hurricanes @) Tornadoes (B) Peter Hansen @) Martin Kalps (B) Culcutta @) Maclras (B) Hamid Karsai (D) Abdul Kalam (B) September 21 (D) October 26 35. Which district has been declared the fust 'E ' district in Kerala? 39. The famous reeolution on non-co-operation adopted by Indian National congress in a special t29t2015 tP.r.o.l A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 72. 42. "Go back to the Vedas" was the motto of : (A) Rajaram Mohanroy (B) Ramakrishna paramahamsa (C) Swami Vivekananda . (D) Swami Dayananda Saraswathi 43. The river known as "sorrow of Bihar" : (A) Hugli .(B) Damiritai (C) Kosi (D) Sot 44. UNDP published its first report on "Human Development,, in : (A) 1e89 (B) leeo (c) 1991 (D) rssz 45. 'Firodiya Awards'given for: ' (A) Science and Technology @) Literature (C) Medicine (D) Sporrs 46. 'Kerala Metro Rail Limited' chairman : (A) E. Sreedharan (B) S.D. Sharma (C) V.K. Singh (D) Sudhir Krishna 47. The concept of 'Presidential election' was borrowed frdm : (A) Canada (B) Russia (C) Ireland (D) eermany 48. First cricketer from Jammu and Kashmir : (A) Parvees Rasool CB) Saurav Ganguli (C) Kapil Dev (D) Sunil Gawaskar 49. The 'Kera]a Muslim Ikyasangam' was founded by : (A) Thattilassery Muhammed Maulavi (B) Vakkom Abdul Khader Maulavi (C) ChembresseryThangal (D) Muhammed Abdul Rahman 50. when was the partition of Bengal, effected during the time ofcurzon, annulled : (A) 1910 (B) 1911 (c) 1912 129t2015 A (D) 1e13 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 73. 51. Dr. Manmoh4n Singh's award' is ins'tituted by : (A) Bihar (C) Orissa 55. Who won the prize 'Iokmanyapuraskar 2013'? (A) A.K. Antony (C) Ummen Chandy 56. Older alluvium of North Indian plain : (A). Bhabar (C) Bhangar 57. The first complete census was taken in India in: (A) 1861 (c) 1881 58. The east flowing river in Kerala : (A) Bharatapuzha (C) Chaliyar 59. The Indian economist who won the Nobel Prize : (A) Dr. Manmohan Singh (C) Dr. C.V. Raman "sadujanaparipalanayogam' was founded by : (A) Dr. Palpu (C) Karuppan 9 @) CambridgeUniversity (D) Nigarh University ' (D) Gowri Lakshmi Bai(C) Gowri Parvathi Bai 'Karewas' means : (A) Glacial deposits (B) (C) Wind deposits (D) 54. The state having the highest BPL ratig in India : (A) Oxford University (C) Chicago University The historic'Temple Entry Proclamation' was issued in 1936 by : (A) Chithirathirunal Balaramavarma (B) Swathi Thirunal 53. (B) (D) (B) @) (B) (D) River deposits Wave deposits Jammu and Kashmir Arunachal Pradesh V.K. Singh E. Sreed-haran Terrai 'Khadar (B) (D) 1871 1891 Periyar Kabani (B) (D) 60.' (B) Dr. Mahboob-Ul-Haq @) Dr. Amartyasen' (B) .Ayyankali . @) Sree Narayana Guru A 12912015 tP,T.o.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 74. 61. Rule of law meana: (A) All are equal before law (B) Equal and full membership in state (C) Right to minorities (D) Right to freedom of religion 62. In which amendment did the voting age of Indian citizens is lowered from 21 to 18 : (A) 67 amendment (C) 44 amendment 63. Total number of schedules in Indian Constitution is : (A) e (c) 12 (B) 42.amendment @) 61 amendment (B) 11 (D) 10 (B) u.s.A. (D) China (B) Tamil Nadu (D) Rajasthan 64. From which country, Indian Constitution borrowed Fundamental duties? 66. Which state in India irrplemented Panchayath Raj System first? (A) U.S.S.R. (c) u.K. (A) Kerala (C) Karnataka 66. The Article 131 of the Infian Constitution deals with : (A) The Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court (B) The original jurisdiction ofthe Supreme Court (C) Appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court (D) The miscellaneous jurisdiction of the Supreme Court 67. The minimum age required to become a member of Rajya Sabha is :. (.{) 30 years (C) 18 years (B) 25 years (D) 21 yeare 68. The Articles 25 to 28 of Indian Constitution deals with : (A) Right to equality (B) Right to freedom (C) Right to constitutional remedies (D) Right to freedom of religion ]:2y2ot6 10 I A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 75. 70. (B) State Subject @) Residuary list' by on cousin sister sieter's cousin (B) have (D) is (B) elder @) oldest (B) felicitated for @) felicitated on you wi;ll be to your goal. (B) furtheet, closest (D) further, closer 71. It is 2 O'clock (A) in (C) with (A) (c) She told us that she (A) will be (C) wouldbe (B) (D) (B) @) 72. 78. 74. 76. late for the party. (B) will have to be .11A t2s12016 IP.r.o.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 76. ?9.. Which of the following is a synonym for 'consummate'? (B) consecrate (D) captivate 80. which of the following phrasal verb will give the meaning "to be patient with someone"? 78. Which among the following is the etc. wrongfully or by force"? (A) invade (C) accumulate ' (A) supreme (C) flawless (A) bear with (C) bear out 81. Bharat Nirman is for development of : (A) Rurallnfrastructure (C) Cultural Scheme 82. Indira AwaasYojana was launched in the year : (A) 1984 (c) 1986 one word substitute "Take (B) capture (D) usurp (B) bear up (D) bear on (B) Urbanlnfrastructure (D) Education of Children (D 1985 ' (D) 1987 (B) 1e08 (D) 1098 (B) 2004 (D) 2006 83. JRY was started in 1989 by merging trvo erstwhile emplolrnent programs. Which were those? (A) Bharat Nirman and NREGP (B) Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana and Bharat Nirman (C) National Rural Employment Progrhmme (NREP) and Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP) (D) NRDP and National Food for Work Program 84. Child Line number is : (A) 18oe (c) l08e 85, The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed in the year : (A) 2005 (c) 2003 Atzst20t5 t2 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 77. Mahila Samridhi Yojana is : (A) For Minority (B) For Women (C) For giving training in Prodriction/service activity . @) All the above PMAGYis: (A) Prirne Minister Adharsh Grameen Yojana (B) Pradhan Mantri Adharsh Grameen Yojana (C) Prime Mahila Aadhar Grama Yojana (D) Primary Maha Aadhar Grama Yojana 8E. The objective of Valmiki Ambedkar Awaas Yojana (VAMBAY) is for : 87. 89. (A) Ameliorate the living conditions of the forelt dwellers (B) Giving training for'women belonging to SC/ST in production activiiies . (C) Facilitating dwelling units for urban slum dwellers @) None of the above Balika Samridhi Yojana is : (A) Fully Centrally Sponsored Scheme (B) Fully State Sponsored Scheme (C) 50:50 is shared by Centre and State concerned. (D) None of the above Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana is : (A) a centre sponsored scheme r (B) to provide.additional wage employment (C) . a sqheme remuneration ofwhich is both cagh and food @) . all the above 91. The software interface between ' popularly known as: . (A) Firmware (C) ApplicationSoftware physical hardware and the user in a comput€r system is Qperathgl system Utfity software t29t20r5 tP.T.O.l (B) (D) The fundamental unit of storage in a digital computer is known as a : (A) bit (C) nibble 13A (D) megabyte Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 78. The rnaximum positive length of z bits is : '(A) 2" (c) zn+l numbet'which can be represehted in a computer system with word (B) 2" -L (D) 2" +L component of computer memory is volatile in nature. (B) PROM (D) EPROM 94. The (A) ROM (c) RAM 95. During program execution, all arithmetic calculations and comparisons are performed by the of the computer system. (A) Output unit (C) ALU 96. In terms of accese speed, the (A) Cache (C) SRAM 97. ISP stands for: (A) Internet Service Provider (C) Internet Site Provider 98. DNS stands for : (A) Digital Number System (C) Domain Name Server 99, Find out the odd item : (A) Internet explorer (C) Mozilla Firefox 100, In IT Act 2008, section 65 deals with : (A) Hacking with Computer System (B) Punishment for identity theft (D) Processor Register (B) Internal Standard Program @) None of these (B) Domain Name Service (D) Domain Name System (B) Windows explorer (D) Navigator (B) Control unit (D) Memory memory is the fastest. (B) DRAM (C) Punishment for cheating by personation by using computer resource (D) Tampering with computer source documents A129t2015 T4 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 79. A B C D A B C D 1 B B B B 51 B C B D 2 D C D X 52 A C X B 3 D C A B 53 A D D C 4 C A C D 54 X D C B 5 A A D A 55 D B A A 6 B B B B 56 C B D B 7 C D X D 57 C X B D 8 C A B D 58 D D C C 9 A C D C 59 D C B B 10 A D A A 60 B A A A 11 B B B B 61 A C D A 12 D X D C 62 D A B D 13 A B D C 63 C D A C 14 C D C A 64 A B D B 15 D A A A 65 D A C A 16 B B B B 66 B D B D 17 X D C D 67 A C A C 18 B D C A 68 D B D A 19 D C A C 69 C A C D 20 A A A D 70 B D A B 21 A B C B 71 B D B C 22 C D C C 72 A A D D 23 B C B X 73 D B C X 24 D C C D 74 A D D A 25 C B X A 75 B C X B 26 C C D C 76 D D A A 27 B X A B 77 C X B D 28 C D C D 78 D A A A 29 X A B C 79 X B D B 30 D C D C 80 A A A D 31 B D B X 81 A C A B 32 X B D C 82 B D D C 33 D C C A 83 C A B A 34 C B B B 84 D D C D 35 A A A B 85 A B A A 36 D B X B 86 D C D B 37 B D C A 87 B A A C 38 C C A A 88 C D B D 39 B B B X 89 A A C A 40 A A B D 90 D B D D 41 B X B C 91 B B C A 42 D C A C 92 A C D D 43 C A A D 93 B C A B 44 B B X D 94 C D D D 45 A B D B 95 C A B B 46 X B C B 96 D D D A 47 C A C X 97 A B B B 48 A A D D 98 D D A C 49 B X D C 99 B B B C 50 B D B A 100 D A C D X' DENOTES DELETION FINAL ANSWER KEY Q No. Question Paper Code: 129/2015 Municipal Secretary Gr. III (SR for SC/ST only) - Urban Affairs Date of Test: 08.07.2015 QUESTION BOOKLET Q No. QUESTION BOOKLET Medium of Question: English Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 92. A B C D A B C D 1 A B C B 51 B C B X 2 C A B C 52 C A C B 3 B D D A 53 D X A A 4 A C A X 54 A D C C 5 D D D B 55 B A A X 6 B C B A 56 C B X A 7 A B C C 57 A C B X 8 D D A B 58 X A A C 9 C A X A 59 D C C A 10 D D B D 60 A A X C 11 C B A B 61 B A A B 12 B C C A 62 D A C B 13 D A B D 63 A A B D 14 A X A C 64 A C B C 15 D B D D 65 A B D B 16 B A B C 66 C B C D 17 C C A B 67 B D B A 18 A B D D 68 B C D A 19 X A C A 69 D B A A 20 B D D D 70 C D A C 21 X B D A 71 B A C D 22 A A C B 72 C C C C 23 B D A D 73 A C D A 24 A C B C 74 C C C B 25 D A D X 75 C D A B 26 C B C A 76 C C B C 27 A D X B 77 D A B A 28 B C A A 78 C B C C 29 D X B D 79 A B A C 30 C A A C 80 B C C C 31 B X A A 81 D C B B 32 C B X X 82 A C A A 33 A A C B 83 C B B B 34 C C A C 84 C A A D 35 A X C X 85 B B B D 36 X A A B 86 A A D A 37 B X X C 87 B B D C 38 A C B D 88 A D A C 39 C A C A 89 B D C B 40 X C X B 90 D A C A 41 A A B C 91 B A C B 42 X X C A 92 A D A C 43 C B D X 93 A C B B 44 A C A D 94 D A C D 45 C X B A 95 C B B B 46 A B C B 96 A C D A 47 X C A C 97 B B B A 48 B D X A 98 C D A D 49 C A D C 99 B B A C 50 X B A A 100 D A D A X' DENOTES DELETION FINAL ANSWER KEY Q No. Question Paper Code: 140/2015 Assistant Gr. II - KSB (Manufacturing & Marketing) Corporation Ltd/Sr. Superintendent/Asst. District Lottery Officer - State Lotteries/Assistant Gr. II/Clerk/LDC/Jr. Clerk/Cashier/Jr. Assistant - Various Comp/Corporations Date of Test: 25.07.2015 QUESTION BOOKLET Q No. QUESTION BOOKLET Medium of Question: English Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 93. r5712015 Maximum : 100 marks Time : t hour and 15 minutes 1. A cuboid has six sides of different colours. The blue side is adjacent to white. The red side is opposite to black. The brown side is adjacent to blue. The red side is face down. Which one of the following would be the opposite to brown? (A) Red (C) White 2. Yard is to inch as quart is to : (A) gallon (C) milk (B) Black (D) BIue lP.r.o_.1 B. X started to walk straight towards south. After walking 6 m he turned to the left and walked 5 m. Then he turned to the rieht and walked 5 m. Now to which direction X is facing? (B) ounce (D) Iiquid ' (B) South-West(A) North-East (C) North 4. If PENCIL is OGMEHN and CAMEL is BCLGK, (A) ZROND (c) cooKc Get odd man out (A) Crimson (C) Vemilion Look at this series : 8, 6, 9, (A) Uncle (C) Son o. 23,6. (B) Cardinal (D) Golden 87, ... What number should come ntrxt? (A) r28 (c) 324 Pointing to a photograph Anjali said, "He is the son of the only son of my grandfather." How is the man in the photograph related to Anjali? (D) South then APPLE is : (B) COONG (D) ZOONG (B) 226 (D) 429 (B) Brother (D) Father Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 94. 8. Six ftiends are sitting in a circie and are facing the centre of the circle. Deepa is between Prakash and Pankaj. Priti is between Mukesh and Lalit. Prakash and Mukesh are opposite to each other. Who is sitting opposite to Priti? 9. 10. (B) Pankaj (D) Lalit (B) CAB (D) HGF (B) Silicon (D) Zirconium 11. Ajith and Salam do 2O% of a work in first 3 days. Then Ajith returns because of some physical problem. Then Salam alone finishes the remaining work in 20 days. How many days will Ajith alone take to do the whole work? (A) Prakash (C) Deepa Fill the series: QPO, NML,.KJI, -, EDC (A) GHI (C) JKL Choose the word which is different from the rest. (A) Potassium (C) Gallium (A) aol davs 2 (C) 37 days 12. 2.IL.2OO3 is the first Monday. Which is the fourth Wednesday oT November 2003? (B) Bzf davs'2 (D) 40 days (A) 24.rr.2003 (c) 23.11.2003 (B) 25.11.2003 (D) 22.rr.2OO3 13. It takes eight hours for a 600 km journey, if 480 km is done by train and the rest by car. It takes 20 minutes more, if 400 km is done by train and the rest by car. The ratio of the speed ofthe train to that of the cars is : (A) 3:4 (C) 3:2 14' The compound interest on Rs. 4,000 for 2 years at l0% per annum is double the simple interest on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 8%o per annum. The sum placed on sinple interest is : (A) Rs. 1,750 (C) Rs. 1,650 L57l2ot5 (B) 2:3 (D) 4:3 Rs. Rs. (B) (D) 1,850 1,950 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 95. 16. The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth. If its length is increased by 1l cm and breadth is decreased by 5 cm, the area of the rectangle is increasgd by 75 What is the length of 15. If 8: r = 0.5:0.?5, then r is equal ta: /a n 1, /c lt the. gectangle? (A) 24cm (C) 2.6m (A) 7r5' (c) 785 21. Focal length of a plane mirror is : (A) Small (C) Infinite Common name of acetic acid is : (A) Soda gas (C) Citric acid ': (B) r.2 @) 0.012 . (B) 26cn (D) 2.4m when doubled will be. exactly divisibleWhat will be the least number. which and 10? (A) 2520 (c) 630 The greatest number of 3 digits which is alivisibl€ by 5, 17. Reshma is aged thrbe times more than his gon Aman. After 8 years, he would be two and a half times of Aman'o age. After further 8.years;'how many times would she be of Anan's age? (A) 4 times (B) 2 times (C) 2 and 1/2 timeg (D) 3 times 18. 864 can be expressed as a product of primes as : (A) 2x2x2x2x2x 3x3x3 (B) 2x2x2x2xgxgx.3x3 (C) 2x2xgxBx2xBxgxg (D) 2xgx2x3x2xBx2xa @) (D) (B) (D) (B) (D) (B) @) 1260 5040 15, 21 and 49 is : 765 . 735 Very small long Vanaspathi Vinegar by 24,78,2l r57t20r5 tP.r.oJ Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 96. 23. Tlpe of lense used in magnifuing glass : (A) Concave (C) Plane Metal ,which kept in kerosene : (A) Sodium (C) Mercury l,eucoplasts are responsible for : (A) Respiratiorf (C) Conduction At sunset, the sun looks reddish : (A) Dispersion of light (C) Scattering of light (A) Mutualism (C) Guttation (B) Convex (D) Oblique 25. (B) (D) (B) (D) Potassium Calcium Photosynthesis Storage Diversion of light Refraction of light Mutation Predation 27, Sudden and heritable change occurs in chromosome : (B) (D) @) (D) 29. 28. Loss of water in the form of vapour through stomata : (A) Transportation (C) Transpiration Gens are located in : (A) Mitochondrion (C) Golgi bodies Chemical name of "AJINOMOTO" : (A) Monosodiumglutamate (C) Trisodiumglutamate (A) Somchai Wongsawat (C) YingluckShinawartra r57t20L5 (B) Translocation (D) Evaporation (B) Chromosome (D) Chloroplast @) Disodium glutamate (D) Glutamate (B) Chuan Leekpai (D) Abhisit Vejjajiva 31. Who among the following Prime Ministers of Thailand was ordered to step down bv Constitutional court of Thailan d, on 7 Mav 2014? Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 97. 32. Which date was observed as "Malala Day''bv United Nations in 2013? 33. The world's biggest buiJding "New Century GIobaI Centre" is built in which city? (B) 12th September (D) 30th January (B) Chengdu (D) Chennai (B) American Hustle @) Dallas Buyers Club of Catholic Church declared saints by Pope (A) 12 years a slave (C) Gravity . Who are the two former Popes April27,2Ol4? (A) John Paul II & Stephen II (C) John XXIII & John Paul II Which country is hosting the FIFA World Cup 2014? (A) South Africa (C) Argentina (A) Salim Kumar . (C) Suraj Venjaramoode (A) Rita Basu (C) Amish Thripaili (A) NDA (C) Federal Front (A) l2rt July (C) 25th December (A) New York (C) Dubai 34. 35. 36. Which part of Ukrain is voted to join Russia? (A) Kharkiv (B) Kiev ("1 Volya (D) Crimea Which frlm is the 2013 Oscar best picture winner? Francis on 38. Who won the national award for best actor 2013 for his tole in Perariyathauar? (B) Mohan Lal (D) Suresh Gopi 39. Which Indian writer was killed by Taliban in Afganistan? (B) Francis I & Fabian I (D) Clement X & Innocent XI @) England (D) Brazil (B) Susmitha Banergy (D) Anitha Desai (B) UPA (D) Third Front 40. Prime Minister Narendra Modi belong to which national coalition? 157t2015 lP.T.o.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 98. 42. Which type of soil constitutes most of the total land surface in India? 4I. The oldest Indian mountain ranse : (A) Western Ghats (C) Satpura Range (A) Recl Soil (C) Black Soil (A) Udaipur (C) Jodhpur (B) Aravalli Range (D) Himalayan Range (B) Laterite SoiI (D) Alluvial Soil (B) Jaipur @) Ranakpur (B) Lord Hardinge (D) lord Wellesly the forerunner of Gandhiji's hunger striles in 43. The City which is known to be the Kashmir of Rajastha4? 44. The British governor general in India during the Great Rebellion : (A) Lord Dalhousie . (C) Iord Canning 45. The Satyagraha which is India : (A) Champaran (C) Ahmedabad considered to be (B) Bardoli (D) Kaira 46. The nationalist leader who exposed the exploitation of the British Rule in India : (A) W. C. Banerjee (C) M.G. Ranade 47. Asia's largest road cum rail bridge is built across the river: (A) Mahanadi (C) Tungabhadra 48. . The Manchester of India : - (A) Ludhiana (C) Ahmedabad 49. Which monsoon brings the dry, cool and dense India? (A) South East Monsoon (C) North East Monsoon (B) G.K. Gokhale @) Dadabhai Naoroji (B) Krishna (D) Godavari (B) Tirupur (D) Mumbai Central Asian air masses to (B) South West Monsoon (D) North West Monsoorf r5712015 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 99. 50. The scheme started by the Indian government in order to provide food to senior citizens who cannot take care of themselves. (A) National Family Benefit Scheme (B) Annapurna (C) Integrated Rural Development Programme 51. 52. (D) Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana Yokashema Sabha' was founded by : (A) Pandit Karuppan (C) V.T.Bhattatirippad The leader of 'Ezhava Meniorial' : (A) A.K. Gopalan '(C) G.P. Pillai The lines connecting places of equal air pressure : (A) Isobars (C) Isotherms Pedology is the scientific study of : (A) Rocks (C) Bricks The Vaikom Sathyagraha was started on : (A) 1924 Apttl20 (C) 1924 February 28 (A) Wagon tragedy (C) Ailya Kerala Movement The author of 'Atmopadesa Satakam' : (A) Sree Narayana Guru (C) Swami Vivekananda 'Hortus Malabaricus' was the contribution of : (A) Portuguese (C) Dutch (B) Chattampi Swamikal (D) Vagbhatananda (B) C. Krishnin (D) Dr. Palpu (B) Isohyets (D) Isohels (B) Soils (D) Fossils (B) 1924 November 10 (D) 1924 March 30 (B) Kizhariyur bomb case (D) Hunger March (B) Sankaracharya @) Ayya Vaikundar (B) French (D) English The most important incident of Quit India Movement in Kerala was : 15712015 tP.r.o.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 100. 59, Which is known as'Magnacarta of Travapcore'? (A) Temple entry proclamation (F) Kundara proclamation (C) Malayali memorial . (D) Trippadidanam 60. The Abstention Movement was started in : (A) 1931 (c) 1930 61. How many schedules are there in the Indian constitution? 62. The term 'Socialist' was added to the Indian constitution bv: (B) 74th amendment (D) none of the above 63. In the case of preventive detention the maximum period of detention recommendation of advisory board is : (A) Six months (C) Two years 64. The following is not a power of the Indian President : (A) 10 (c) 16 (A) the 25th amendment (C) 44th amendment (A) Declaration of war (C) Appointment of Prime Minister . (B) re32 (D) le33 @) Article - 4 @) ;{rticle - 240 (B) 72 (D) None of the above (B) One year (D) None of the above (B) Issue of ordinances (D) None of the above (B) The High Court of the state (D) The President of India without the 65. The member of a state public commission can be removed by : (A) The Governor of the state (C) The Legislature ofthe state 66. The following article of the Indian constitution can be amended only with the ratification of states: (A) Article - 14 (C) Article - 54 67. Identiff the officer with a right to speak in both houses of parlialrent.. (A) Coinptroller General oflndia (B) Governor (C) Attorney General (D) Supreme Court ChiefJustrce l57t2oL5 10. Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 101. 68. The minimum number of judges required for hearing a presidential reference under Article 143 is : (A) 25 (B) 2 (c) 5 (D) e 69. The following is a subject included in concurrent list: 72. (A) Electricity (C) Census 70. The idea of unified personal laws is associated with : (A) Article 14 (C) Article 39 71. There is (A) the (c) a I must apologize preposition) (A) for (C) of As he is unemployed, he has adjective) (A) the little (C) httle (A) emigrant (C) migrant (B) Public health and sanitation (D) Taxes on agricultural income (B) Article 15 (D) Article 44 hourly bus from here to the capital city. (Insert the correct article) (B) an (D) none of these you for the delay in reaching here. (B) to (D) from to buy a scooter. (Choose the correct (B) a little (D) least (B) exile (D) resident 157t20r5 tP.r.o.1 (Insert the correct 73. ?4. The stranger said to me, 'which is the shortest route tq the railway station?' (furn to indirect speech) (A) The stranger asked me which is the shortest route to the railway station (B) The stranger asked me which route was the shortest to the railway station (C) The stranger told rne the shortest route to the railway station (D) The stranger told me the route to the railway station is the shortest 75. Give a one word substitute for a person who leaves his own country to settle in another. 11 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 102. 76. Give the synohym of Beneuolent: (A) beautiful (B) rude (C) generous (D) unkind 77. Find out the antonym for modest: (A) reserved @) frank (C) immodest (D) cynic 78. A wild goose chase means : (A) a useful attempt (B) a foolish attempt (C) chasing a goose (D) killing a goose 79. Which of the following senfence is correct? (A) My brother has returned. from Bombay yesterday. (B) My brother had returned from Bombay yesterday. (C) My brother returns from Bombay yesterday. (D) My brother returned from Bombay yesterday. E0. Let them build a hospital here (Change the voice) : (A) Let a hospital be build by them (B) Let a hospital be built by them here (C) Let a hospital be build by them here (D) Let a hospit:al be built here by them 81. The Integrated Child Development scheme was first set up in which district ofKerala: (A) Thiruvananthapuram (B) Thrissur (C) Malappuram tD) .Ernakulun '82. Antyodaya Anna Yojana was launched on : E3. The project Bharath Nirman was mainly intended to the development of : (A) 25th Decernber 2b00 (C) 29th September 2000 (A) Urban planning (C) Child development (B) 25th Nov 2000 (D) 28th Jan 2000 (B) Ruralinfrastructure (D) Food and sanitation L2r57t20L5 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 103. JaWahar Rozgar Yojana mainly intended to promote . (A) Education (C) Life skills , (c) EMPr alnong rural people., 84. . ee. E7. 85. (B) Housing facility @) Employmentopportunities The first executive director of Kudumbasree miesion .: (A) T.K Jose (B) K.B. ValsalaJ(umary (C) James Varghese. (D) Sharada Muraleedharan The recogrrition for innovative practices of Kudumbasree wae awarded by UN in lggb is : (A) We the People - (B) UNCHS (D) CAPAM Sampoora Grameen Rozar was implemented through : . (A) State governrirent (B) Urban localbodies (C) L3bour welfare department (D) Panchayat Raj Institutions 88. Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana launched by : (A), NarendraModi (B). ManMohan Singh (C) AB Vajpayee (D) Pranab Mukherjee 90. Which was the first state to enact an empleyment guarantee act in the 1970s? (A) Kerala @) Tamiln'adu {Cl Punjab (D) Maharaehtra 91, A flip-flop is a binary cell capable of storing information of : 89. Kudumbasree literally means : (A) Prosperity of Family (C) ProsperiW of Children (B) Prosperity of Wgmen (D) None of these (B) Zeto bit @) Eightbit (B) y+roR (D) OR 92. (A) One bit (C) Four bit Which of the following is a Universal Gate? (A) AND (c) NAND .A 167lzifrr' tP.T.O.l 18 Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 104. 93. The term gigabytes refers to : (A) 1024 Bytes (C) 1024 Megabytes Which Layer is not present in TCP/IP model? (A) . Application Layer (C) Transport Layer iRAM stands for : (A) Independent Random Access Memory (B) Integrated Randorn Access Memory (C) Interdependent Random Access Memory (D) Integrated Random Axis Memory 96. In which year was Cyber Iaw implemented in India? 2003 2002 97. FTP means: FIat Ttansmission Protocol File Transfer Protocol 98. RISC stands for: (A) Regular Instruction Set Computer (B) Repeated Instruction Set Computer (C) Random Instruction Set Computer (D) Reduced Instruction Set Computer 99. DMA refers to : (A) Direct Memory Addition (B) Direct Memory Access (C) Direct Multiplication Array (D) Direct Memory Application 100. In TCP protocol header "Checksum" is of: (A) 16 bits (O 32 bits 95. (B) (D) (B) (D) (B) (D) (B) (D) (A) (c) (A) (c) 1024 Kilobytes 1024 Terabytes Internet Layer Presentation Layer 2000 2001 Fa st Transmission Protocol File Transmission Protocol 8 bits 64 bits (B) (D) 157t2015 T4 A Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 105. A B C D A B C D 1 C D B C 51 C A D A 2 B B B B 52 D B B C 3 D C D A 53 A D A A 4 A D A B 54 B B C B 5 B A C D 55 D A A C 6 D B C C 56 B C B D 7 B B B B 57 A A C A 8 C D A D 58 C B D B 9 D A B A 59 A C A D 10 A C D B 60 B D B B 11 B C C D 61 B D D C 12 B B B B 62 D D C C 13 D A D C 63 D D C A 14 A B A D 64 D C C D 15 C D B A 65 D C A B 16 C C D B 66 C C D D 17 B B B B 67 C A B D 18 A D C D 68 C D D D 19 B A D A 69 A B D D 20 D B A C 70 D D D C 21 C B D B 71 B C A C 22 D X C C 72 B B C B 23 B D B B 73 C A C D 24 X C C A 74 B C B D 25 D B B C 75 A C D B 26 C C A D 76 C B D B 27 B B C B 77 C D B C 28 C A D X 78 B D B B 29 B C B D 79 D B C A 30 A D X C 80 D B B C 31 C B X D 81 C B C D 32 A D C C 82 A D A C 33 B X D B 83 B C D A 34 D C C A 84 D A C D 35 X D B C 85 C D A C 36 C C A A 86 A C D A 37 D B C B 87 D A C B 38 C A A D 88 C D A D 39 B C B X 89 A C B C 40 A A D C 90 D A D A 41 B A X D 91 A C B C 42 D C D C 92 C D B D 43 A X D C 93 C B C B 44 C D C B 94 D B D A 45 X D C B 95 B C B A 46 D C B D 96 B D A C 47 D C B A 97 C B A C 48 C B D C 98 D A C D 49 C B A X 99 B A C B 50 B D C D 100 A C D B X- Denotes DELETION Medium of Question: English Date of Test: 22.08.2015 QUESTION BOOKLET Q No. QUESTION BOOKLET FINAL ANSWER KEY Q No. Question Paper Code: 157/2015 ATO (B/T)-KSRTC & Assistant (SR for SC/ST)- Finance Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER
  • 106. 7 169 / 201s l. Today is Monday. After 54 days it will be : (A) Tuesday (B) Thursday (C) Friday (D) Saturday 2. In a certain code SCHOOL is written as LPPIDS. How is COMPUTER written in the same code ? (A) RFVUPNPC (B) RFUVQNPC (C) KCZFXMYA (D) DPNQVSFT 3. Look at the Series : 26 25,27,26,28,27 - What number should come next ? (A) 26 (B) 27 (c) 28 (D) 2s 4. Choose the odd one : 43, 53, 63, 73, 83. (A) 73 (B) 63 (c) 53 (D) 43 5. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word : WARy (A) Vigilant (B) Intelligent (C) Accurate (D) Tired 5' If x means adilition, - means ilioision, + rneans subttaction and + rneans multiplication then the value of :4-4x4+4+4-4 is equal to : (A) 4 (B) 0 (c) t6 (D) 1 7. Select the correct choice : Horse : Cart :: Tractor : _l (A) Bus (B) Driver (C) Trailer (D) Bullock 8. starting from a point, Babu walked 20 meters north side, he turned right and walked 10 meter, he again turned right and walked 20 meters, then he turned ieft and walked 5 meters. How far is he now and in which direction from the starting point ? (A) 15 meter towards east (B) 5 rneter towards east (C) 15 meter towards west (D) 5 meter towards west 9. Find the next in series : APsQR, ZP4QS, BP3QT, YP2QU ? (A) XPIQW (B) Xpluv (c) cplQv (D) CPIQU lP.r.o.l Mansoorali Kappungal PSC THRILLER