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Upgrading to Ruby 2.x 
Joe Rafaniello 
1. History 
2. Why upgrade? 
3. Ruby 2.1 
4. Ruby 2.0 
5. "Fall cleanup" of old code 
6. Slow tests 
7. Building 2.0 appliances 
8. Developer setup 
9. Links 
10. Questions?
Tue Nov 1 2011: 
First ruby 1.8.7 -> 1.9.3 related commit on ManageIQ
Tue Nov 1 2011: 
First ruby 1.8.7 -> 1.9.3 related commit on ManageIQ 
Tue Apr 23 2013: 
Ruby 1.9.3 finally...
Tue Nov 1 2011: 
First ruby 1.8.7 -> 1.9.3 related commit on ManageIQ 
Tue Apr 23 2013: 
Ruby 1.9.3 finally... 
540 days???
Tue Nov 1 2011: 
First ruby 1.8.7 -> 1.9.3 related commit on ManageIQ 
Tue Apr 23 2013: 
Ruby 1.9.3 finally... 
540 days??? 
Lesson learned: Don't wait to upgrade!
Why upgrade?
Why upgrade? 
We're behind!!! 
Ruby 1.9.3 is ending 
In maintenance until February 23, 2014 
Security only mode until February 23, 2015 
Ruby 2.0.0 is nearly 20 months old 
Ruby 2.1.0 is nearly 10 months old 
Ruby 2.2.0 is scheduled for a Christmas release
Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! 
Generational mark and sweep garbage collector 
String#freeze - reuse String objects 
Less objects == less memory == less GC time 
Object allocation tracing 
Required keyword arguments 
def returns method name 
Exception#cause - ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid#cause -> Real error 
Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! 
Useless benchmark 
bundle exec rspec spec/models/ems_refresh/refreshers 
70.85s user 2.23s system 96% cpu 1:15.98 total 
71.21s user 2.22s system 96% cpu 1:16.27 total
Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! 
Useless benchmark 
bundle exec rspec spec/models/ems_refresh/refreshers 
70.85s user 2.23s system 96% cpu 1:15.98 total 
71.21s user 2.22s system 96% cpu 1:16.27 total 
54.02s user 2.03s system 95% cpu 58.980 total 
49.96s user 2.14s system 94% cpu 54.923 total
Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! 
Useless benchmark 
bundle exec rspec spec/models/ems_refresh/refreshers 
70.85s user 2.23s system 96% cpu 1:15.98 total 
71.21s user 2.22s system 96% cpu 1:16.27 total 
54.02s user 2.03s system 95% cpu 58.980 total 
49.96s user 2.14s system 94% cpu 54.923 total 
36.52s user 2.79s system 91% cpu 42.930 total 
35.68s user 2.22s system 92% cpu 40.768 total
Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! 
Example allocation information: 
Line number 
Number of allocations by object type 
Such as: 
Running: ./spec/controllers/application_controller/buttons_spec.rb:91 
223730 Arrays @ .../activerecord/lib/active_record/result.rb:35 
203280 Strings @ .../activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb:27
Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! 
Example allocation information: 
Line number 
Number of allocations by object type 
Such as: 
Running: ./spec/controllers/application_controller/buttons_spec.rb:91 
223730 Arrays @ .../activerecord/lib/active_record/result.rb:35 
203280 Strings @ .../activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb:27 
See Issue 241 and 762
But that's 2.1, let's get to 2.0 first...
Ruby 2.0 features
Faster Rails startup 
Optimizations were made to speed up 'require'
Faster Rails startup 
Optimizations were made to speed up 'require' 
(master) (1.9.3-p545) + time bundle exec rake environment 
bundle exec rake environment 3.51s user 0.63s system 99% cpu 4.148 total 
(master) (2.0.0-p576) + time bundle exec rake environment 
bundle exec rake environment 2.60s user 0.53s system 99% cpu 3.132 total
Faster Rails startup 
Optimizations were made to speed up 'require' 
(master) (1.9.3-p545) + time bundle exec rake environment 
bundle exec rake environment 3.51s user 0.63s system 99% cpu 4.148 total 
(master) (2.0.0-p576) + time bundle exec rake environment 
bundle exec rake environment 2.60s user 0.53s system 99% cpu 3.132 total 
25% faster loading of rails environment!
Faster Rails startup 
Optimizations were made to speed up 'require' 
(master) (1.9.3-p545) + time bundle exec rake environment 
bundle exec rake environment 3.51s user 0.63s system 99% cpu 4.148 total 
(master) (2.0.0-p576) + time bundle exec rake environment 
bundle exec rake environment 2.60s user 0.53s system 99% cpu 3.132 total 
25% faster loading of rails environment! 
Most obvious when: 
Running tests 
Loading Rails console
Keyword arguments 
Simplifies conventions: 
Accessing option hash values 
Default hash values 
Optional / can't handle all cases
Keyword arguments 
Example: EmsVmware#vm_connect_all 
def vm_connect_all(vm, options={}) 
defaults = { :onStartup => false } 
options = defaults.merge(options) 
Keyword arguments 
Example: EmsVmware#vm_connect_all 
def vm_connect_all(vm, options={}) 
defaults = { :onStartup => false } 
options = defaults.merge(options) 
With keyword arguments: 
def vm_connect_all(vm, user_event: nil, onStartup: false) 
vm_connect_disconnect_all_connectable_devices(vm, true, onStartup, user_event) 
Keyword arguments 
Invoking methods not changed 
Valid on 1.9.3 / 2.0.0: 
vm_connect_all(:vm_object1, :onStartup => true, :user_event => "event1") 
vm_connect_all(:vm_object3, :user_event => "event3") 
vm_connect_all(:vm_object3, user_event: "event3")
Keyword arguments 
Shortcomings and gotchas: 
if - valid hash key / invalid keyword argument 
Required keyword arguments added in 2.1 
Problem: We want to debug a slow method.
Problem: We want to debug a slow method. 
Wrap the method so can time it!
Using alias_method: 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
def run_with 
puts "DebugIt" 
alias_method :run_without, :run 
alias_method :run, :run_with 
Using alias_method: 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
def run_with 
puts "DebugIt" 
Sub is a class with the slow run method... 
alias_method :run_without, :run 
alias_method :run, :run_with 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
def run_with 
puts "DebugIt" 
Sub is a class with the slow run method... 
alias_method :run_without, :run 
alias_method :run, :run_with 
Using alias_method:
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
def run_with 
puts "DebugIt" 
Sub is a class with the slow run method... 
alias_method :run_without, :run 
alias_method :run, :run_with 
YAY! But that's really dirty! 
Using alias_method:
Using include: 
module DebugIt 
def run 
puts "DebugIt" 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
include DebugIt 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
module DebugIt 
def run 
puts "DebugIt" 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
include DebugIt 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
Sub is a class with the slow run method... 
Using include:
module DebugIt 
def run 
puts "DebugIt" 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
include DebugIt 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
Sub is a class with the slow run method... 
irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors 
=> [Sub, DebugIt, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] 
Using include:
module DebugIt 
def run 
puts "DebugIt" 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
include DebugIt 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
Sub is a class with the slow run method... 
irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors 
=> [Sub, DebugIt, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] 
Using include:
module DebugIt 
def run 
puts "DebugIt" 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
include DebugIt 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
Sub is a class with the slow run method... 
irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors 
=> [Sub, DebugIt, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] 
UGH, Sub's method comes first! 
Using include:
Using prepend: 
module DebugIt 
def run 
puts "DebugIt" 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
prepend DebugIt 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
module DebugIt 
def run 
puts "DebugIt" 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
prepend DebugIt 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors 
=> [DebugIt, Sub, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] 
Using prepend:
module DebugIt 
def run 
puts "DebugIt" 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
prepend DebugIt 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors 
=> [DebugIt, Sub, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] 
Using prepend:
module DebugIt 
def run 
puts "DebugIt" 
class Parent 
def run 
puts "Parent" 
class Sub < Parent 
prepend DebugIt 
def run 
puts "Sub" 
irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors 
=> [DebugIt, Sub, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] 
Ship it! 
... but don't forget to call super! 
Using prepend:
Array of symbols: %i and %I
Array of symbols: %i and %I 
irb(main):001:0> %i{vmware redhat microsoft} 
=> [:vmware, :redhat, :microsoft]
Array of symbols: %i and %I 
irb(main):001:0> %i{vmware redhat microsoft} 
=> [:vmware, :redhat, :microsoft] 
%I allows interpolation:
Array of symbols: %i and %I 
irb(main):001:0> %i{vmware redhat microsoft} 
=> [:vmware, :redhat, :microsoft] 
%I allows interpolation: 
irb(main):002:0> prefix = "vm_" 
=> "vm_" 
irb(main):003:0> %I{#{prefix}vmware #{prefix}redhat #{prefix}microsoft} 
=> [:vm_vmware, :vm_redhat, :vm_microsoft]
Goal: localize monkey patches 
I'm not going to explain them because: 
Ruby's open classes 
Many gotchas... 
See Charles Nutter (@headius/jruby guy) explanation:
Enumerable methods evaluate left to right 
With lazy, chains of enumerations are evaluated right to left
Enumerable methods evaluate left to right 
With lazy, chains of enumerations are evaluated right to left 
Ruby may "cheat": 
May skip creating intermediate objects 
Large collection operations may be optimized
Example benchmark 
What is this doing?
Example benchmark 
What is this doing? 
First 5 odd numbers 
=> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
require 'benchmark/ips' 
Benchmark.ips do |x|"normal") { (0...1000).select(&:odd?).take(5).to_a }"lazy") { (0...1000) } 
require 'benchmark/ips' 
Benchmark.ips do |x|"normal") { (0...1000).select(&:odd?).take(5).to_a }"lazy") { (0...1000) } 
Calculating ------------------------------------- 
normal 1539 i/100ms 
lazy 5778 i/100ms 
normal 15123.2 (±2.5%) i/s - 76950 in 5.091373s 
lazy 59797.4 (±4.0%) i/s - 300456 in 5.033123s 
__dir__ path of the script without the filename 
# cat test.rb 
puts __dir__ 
# ruby test.rb 
__dir__ path of the script without the filename 
# cat test.rb 
puts __dir__ 
# ruby test.rb 
We have 984 instances of File.dirname(__FILE__)! 
Ruby 2.0 breaking changes and deprecations 
Note: We're green on travis, so we're getting close...
Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods 
Ruby 1.9.3: 
respond_to?(symbol) => public and protected methods 
respond_to?(symbol, true) => all methods
Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods 
Ruby 1.9.3: 
respond_to?(symbol) => public and protected methods 
respond_to?(symbol, true) => all methods 
Ruby 2.0.0 
respond_to?(symbol) => public methods only 
respond_to?(symbol, true) => all methods
Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods 
class Worker 
def run 
Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods 
class Worker 
def run 
1.9.3 => true 
2.0.0 => false
Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods 
class Worker 
def run 
1.9.3 => true 
2.0.0 => false 
Pass true as second argument..., true) 
1.9.3 => true 
2.0.0 => true
Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods 
class Worker 
def run 
1.9.3 => true 
2.0.0 => false 
Pass true as second argument..., true) 
1.9.3 => true 
2.0.0 => true 
See Pull #685 - default_value_for gem
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
# cat test.rb 
FOO = "222dL256"
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
# cat test.rb 
FOO = "222dL256" 
Ruby 1.9.3 
US-ASCII is the default encoding of ruby scripts
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
# cat test.rb 
FOO = "222dL256" 
Ruby 1.9.3 
US-ASCII is the default encoding of ruby scripts 
Binary string literals become ASCII-8BIT:
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
# cat test.rb 
FOO = "222dL256" 
Ruby 1.9.3 
US-ASCII is the default encoding of ruby scripts 
Binary string literals become ASCII-8BIT: 
irb(main):001:0> require './test' 
=> true 
irb(main):002:0> FOO.encoding 
=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
# cat test.rb 
FOO = "222dL256"
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
# cat test.rb 
FOO = "222dL256" 
Ruby 2.0.0 
UTF-8 is the default encoding
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
# cat test.rb 
FOO = "222dL256" 
Ruby 2.0.0 
UTF-8 is the default encoding 
Binary string literals become UTF-8 even if invalid: 
irb(main):001:0> require './test' 
=> true 
irb(main):002:0> FOO.encoding 
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8> 
irb(main):003:0> FOO.valid_encoding? 
=> false
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
So, what's the problem? 
Binary strings are used in many places for vm "fleecing" 
Invalid UTF-8 encoded strings != raw binary:
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
So, what's the problem? 
Binary strings are used in many places for vm "fleecing" 
Invalid UTF-8 encoded strings != raw binary: 
irb(main):003:0> FOO.valid_encoding? 
=> false 
irb(main):004:0> FOO == "222dL256".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") 
=> false
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
Force binary on individual Strings: 
1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible 
Painful on files with many binary string literals
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
Force binary on individual Strings: 
1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible 
Painful on files with many binary string literals 
# cat test.rb 
FOO = "222dL256".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
Force binary on individual Strings: 
1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible 
Painful on files with many binary string literals 
# cat test.rb 
FOO = "222dL256".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") 
irb(main):001:0> require './test' 
=> true 
irb(main):002:0> FOO.encoding 
=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT> 
irb(main):003:0> FOO.valid_encoding? 
=> true 
irb(main):004:0> FOO == "222dL256".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") 
=> true
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
Use String#b on individual strings 
Not compatible with ruby 1.9.3 
Copies the String in ASCII-8BIT encoding 
Note: String#force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") modifies the receiver
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
Add #encoding magic comment at top 
1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible 
Good option when binary strings are expected
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
Add #encoding magic comment at top 
1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible 
Good option when binary strings are expected 
# cat test.rb 
# encoding: US-ASCII 
FOO = "222dL256"
UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby 
Add #encoding magic comment at top 
1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible 
Good option when binary strings are expected 
# cat test.rb 
# encoding: US-ASCII 
FOO = "222dL256" 
irb(main):001:0> require './test' 
=> true 
irb(main):002:0> FOO.encoding 
=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
Descriptors except 0, 1, 2 are closed in child 
Prevents file descriptor leakage 
See Pull #682, Issue #459, and
Descriptors except 0, 1, 2 are closed in child 
Prevents file descriptor leakage 
See Pull #682, Issue #459, and 
Example: shared pipe to communicate data between two processes
Descriptors except 0, 1, 2 are closed in child 
Prevents file descriptor leakage 
See Pull #682, Issue #459, and 
Example: shared pipe to communicate data between two processes 
Use IO#close_on_exec = false 
reader, writer = IO.pipe 
writerfd = writer.fileno 
my_env["WRITER_FD"] = writerfd.to_s 
+ writer.close_on_exec = false 
pid = Kernel.spawn(my_env, "ruby #{SERVER_PATH}VixDiskLibServer.rb", 
[:out, :err] => [LOG_FILE, "a"], 
:unsetenv_others => true,
String#lines returns an array 
Also String#chars, #bytes and #codepoints 
Previously, returned enumerators 
Above are deprecated for StringIO, IO and friends
String#lines returns an array 
Also String#chars, #bytes and #codepoints 
Previously, returned enumerators 
Above are deprecated for StringIO, IO and friends 
StringIO#lines deprecated, so use #each_line instead: 
- lines = @log_stream.lines.to_a 
+ lines = @log_stream.each_line.to_a 
lines.length.should == 1 
line = lines.first.chomp
String#lines returns an array 
Also String#chars, #bytes and #codepoints 
Previously, returned enumerators 
Above are deprecated for StringIO, IO and friends 
StringIO#lines deprecated, so use #each_line instead: 
- lines = @log_stream.lines.to_a 
+ lines = @log_stream.each_line.to_a 
lines.length.should == 1 
line = lines.first.chomp 
See Pull #714
Ok, great, but are we there yet???
"Fall cleanup" of old code 
"...Now I've only been an OpenBSD developer for 11 years, one year less than 
this header has existed, but in that brief time, I've learned a thing or two 
about deleting obsolete code. It doesn't delete itself. And worse, people 
will continue using it until you force them onto a better path."
"Fall cleanup" of old code 
"...Now I've only been an OpenBSD developer for 11 years, one year less than 
this header has existed, but in that brief time, I've learned a thing or two 
about deleting obsolete code. It doesn't delete itself. And worse, people 
will continue using it until you force them onto a better path." 
Git is our friend if we really want it back
"Fall cleanup" of old code 
Path to ruby 2.0...
"Fall cleanup" of old code 
Path to ruby 2.0... 
83 commits 
565 lines added 
5,553 lines deleted
"Fall cleanup" of old code 
Path to ruby 2.0... 
83 commits 
565 lines added 
5,553 lines deleted 
A good start?
"Fall cleanup" of old code 
More "opportunities" 
host directory 
soap4r/actionwebservice (fork) 
handsoap (fork) - note, useful but still forked :-( 
ruport (fork) 
ziya (fork) - patches rails! 
old rails plugins 
old gems 
old monkey patches
Slow tests 
Tests take 30+ minutes on CI servers 
Separate tests 
Minimizing setup (database inserts) 
Remove invalid/not useful/duplicate tests 
Allocation tracing with ruby 2.1 
Cut support for 1.9.3 when 2.0 is stable
Building 2.0 appliances 
Verified Ruby 2.0 on CentOS appliance: 
Appliance startup 
SmartState Analysis "fleecing" using vddk 
vCenter inventory 
Basic reporting
Building 2.0 appliances 
Goal: automate building ruby 2.0 appliances 
We currently use ruby 1.9.3 through SCL rpms 
Not multi-platform 
Restricts updating of some gems 
Ruby 2.1 is not yet packaged as SCL rpms
Building 2.0 appliances 
rpms for base CentOS OS 
rpms needed to build ruby and compiled gems 
libxml2-devel, libxslt-devel, etc.
Building 2.0 appliances 
rpms for base CentOS OS 
rpms needed to build ruby and compiled gems 
libxml2-devel, libxslt-devel, etc. 
Use ruby-install or ruby-build for building ruby
Building 2.0 appliances 
rpms for base CentOS OS 
rpms needed to build ruby and compiled gems 
libxml2-devel, libxslt-devel, etc. 
Use ruby-install or ruby-build for building ruby 
Let bundler handle what it does well...
Developer setup 
2.0.0 is not much different from 1.9.3: 
Install using rvm, ruby-install, or ruby-build 
Manage with rvm, rbenv, or chruby 
Need guinea pigs to try it and document any issues 
Others tools, such as rubymine, may require some configuration
2.0 open issues: 
2.0 closed issues: 
2.0 in depth: 
2.1 in depth: 
Slides available here: 
Slides written in markdown using remarkjs:

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  • 1. Upgrading to Ruby 2.x Joe Rafaniello @jrafanie
  • 3. 13
  • 4. Agenda 1. History 2. Why upgrade? 3. Ruby 2.1 4. Ruby 2.0 5. "Fall cleanup" of old code 6. Slow tests 7. Building 2.0 appliances 8. Developer setup 9. Links 10. Questions?
  • 5. History Tue Nov 1 2011: First ruby 1.8.7 -> 1.9.3 related commit on ManageIQ
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  • 8. History Tue Nov 1 2011: First ruby 1.8.7 -> 1.9.3 related commit on ManageIQ Tue Apr 23 2013: Ruby 1.9.3 finally... 540 days??? Lesson learned: Don't wait to upgrade!
  • 10. Why upgrade? We're behind!!! Ruby 1.9.3 is ending In maintenance until February 23, 2014 Security only mode until February 23, 2015 Ruby 2.0.0 is nearly 20 months old Ruby 2.1.0 is nearly 10 months old Ruby 2.2.0 is scheduled for a Christmas release
  • 11. Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! Generational mark and sweep garbage collector String#freeze - reuse String objects Less objects == less memory == less GC time Object allocation tracing Required keyword arguments def returns method name Exception#cause - ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid#cause -> Real error More...
  • 12. Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! Useless benchmark bundle exec rspec spec/models/ems_refresh/refreshers 1.9.3-p545 70.85s user 2.23s system 96% cpu 1:15.98 total 71.21s user 2.22s system 96% cpu 1:16.27 total
  • 13. Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! Useless benchmark bundle exec rspec spec/models/ems_refresh/refreshers 1.9.3-p545 70.85s user 2.23s system 96% cpu 1:15.98 total 71.21s user 2.22s system 96% cpu 1:16.27 total 2.0.0-p576 54.02s user 2.03s system 95% cpu 58.980 total 49.96s user 2.14s system 94% cpu 54.923 total
  • 14. Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! Useless benchmark bundle exec rspec spec/models/ems_refresh/refreshers 1.9.3-p545 70.85s user 2.23s system 96% cpu 1:15.98 total 71.21s user 2.22s system 96% cpu 1:16.27 total 2.0.0-p576 54.02s user 2.03s system 95% cpu 58.980 total 49.96s user 2.14s system 94% cpu 54.923 total 2.1.3 36.52s user 2.79s system 91% cpu 42.930 total 35.68s user 2.22s system 92% cpu 40.768 total
  • 15. Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! Example allocation information: Line number Number of allocations by object type Such as: Running: ./spec/controllers/application_controller/buttons_spec.rb:91 223730 Arrays @ .../activerecord/lib/active_record/result.rb:35 203280 Strings @ .../activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb:27
  • 16. Why upgrade? ... Because ruby 2.1! Example allocation information: Line number Number of allocations by object type Such as: Running: ./spec/controllers/application_controller/buttons_spec.rb:91 223730 Arrays @ .../activerecord/lib/active_record/result.rb:35 203280 Strings @ .../activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb:27 See Issue 241 and 762
  • 17. But that's 2.1, let's get to 2.0 first...
  • 19. Faster Rails startup Optimizations were made to speed up 'require'
  • 20. Faster Rails startup Optimizations were made to speed up 'require' (master) (1.9.3-p545) + time bundle exec rake environment bundle exec rake environment 3.51s user 0.63s system 99% cpu 4.148 total (master) (2.0.0-p576) + time bundle exec rake environment bundle exec rake environment 2.60s user 0.53s system 99% cpu 3.132 total
  • 21. Faster Rails startup Optimizations were made to speed up 'require' (master) (1.9.3-p545) + time bundle exec rake environment bundle exec rake environment 3.51s user 0.63s system 99% cpu 4.148 total (master) (2.0.0-p576) + time bundle exec rake environment bundle exec rake environment 2.60s user 0.53s system 99% cpu 3.132 total 25% faster loading of rails environment!
  • 22. Faster Rails startup Optimizations were made to speed up 'require' (master) (1.9.3-p545) + time bundle exec rake environment bundle exec rake environment 3.51s user 0.63s system 99% cpu 4.148 total (master) (2.0.0-p576) + time bundle exec rake environment bundle exec rake environment 2.60s user 0.53s system 99% cpu 3.132 total 25% faster loading of rails environment! Most obvious when: Running tests Loading Rails console
  • 23. Keyword arguments Simplifies conventions: Accessing option hash values Default hash values Optional / can't handle all cases
  • 24. Keyword arguments Example: EmsVmware#vm_connect_all def vm_connect_all(vm, options={}) defaults = { :onStartup => false } options = defaults.merge(options) vm_connect_disconnect_all_connectable_devices( vm, true, options[:onStartup], options[:user_event] ) end
  • 25. Keyword arguments Example: EmsVmware#vm_connect_all def vm_connect_all(vm, options={}) defaults = { :onStartup => false } options = defaults.merge(options) vm_connect_disconnect_all_connectable_devices( vm, true, options[:onStartup], options[:user_event] ) end With keyword arguments: def vm_connect_all(vm, user_event: nil, onStartup: false) vm_connect_disconnect_all_connectable_devices(vm, true, onStartup, user_event) end
  • 26. Keyword arguments Invoking methods not changed Valid on 1.9.3 / 2.0.0: vm_connect_all(:vm_object1, :onStartup => true, :user_event => "event1") vm_connect_all(:vm_object2) vm_connect_all(:vm_object3, :user_event => "event3") vm_connect_all(:vm_object3, user_event: "event3")
  • 27. Keyword arguments Shortcomings and gotchas: if - valid hash key / invalid keyword argument Required keyword arguments added in 2.1 dot-0/
  • 28. Module#prepend Problem: We want to debug a slow method.
  • 29. Module#prepend Problem: We want to debug a slow method. Wrap the method so can time it!
  • 30. Module#prepend Using alias_method: class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent def run puts "Sub" super end def run_with puts "DebugIt" run_without end alias_method :run_without, :run alias_method :run, :run_with end
  • 31. Module#prepend Using alias_method: class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent def run puts "Sub" super end def run_with puts "DebugIt" run_without end Sub is a class with the slow run method... alias_method :run_without, :run alias_method :run, :run_with end
  • 32. class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent def run puts "Sub" super end def run_with puts "DebugIt" run_without end Sub is a class with the slow run method... alias_method :run_without, :run alias_method :run, :run_with end irb(main):01:0> DebugIt Sub Parent Module#prepend Using alias_method:
  • 33. class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent def run puts "Sub" super end def run_with puts "DebugIt" run_without end Sub is a class with the slow run method... alias_method :run_without, :run alias_method :run, :run_with end irb(main):01:0> DebugIt Sub Parent YAY! But that's really dirty! (alias_method_chain) Module#prepend Using alias_method:
  • 34. Module#prepend Using include: module DebugIt def run puts "DebugIt" super end end class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent include DebugIt def run puts "Sub" super end end
  • 35. module DebugIt def run puts "DebugIt" super end end class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent include DebugIt def run puts "Sub" super end end Sub is a class with the slow run method... Module#prepend Using include:
  • 36. module DebugIt def run puts "DebugIt" super end end class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent include DebugIt def run puts "Sub" super end end Sub is a class with the slow run method... irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors => [Sub, DebugIt, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] Module#prepend Using include:
  • 37. module DebugIt def run puts "DebugIt" super end end class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent include DebugIt def run puts "Sub" super end end Sub is a class with the slow run method... irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors => [Sub, DebugIt, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] irb(main):01:0> Sub DebugIt Parent Module#prepend Using include:
  • 38. module DebugIt def run puts "DebugIt" super end end class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent include DebugIt def run puts "Sub" super end end Sub is a class with the slow run method... irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors => [Sub, DebugIt, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] irb(main):01:0> Sub DebugIt Parent UGH, Sub's method comes first! Module#prepend Using include:
  • 39. Module#prepend Using prepend: module DebugIt def run puts "DebugIt" super end end class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent prepend DebugIt def run puts "Sub" super end end
  • 40. module DebugIt def run puts "DebugIt" super end end class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent prepend DebugIt def run puts "Sub" super end end irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors => [DebugIt, Sub, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] Module#prepend Using prepend:
  • 41. module DebugIt def run puts "DebugIt" super end end class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent prepend DebugIt def run puts "Sub" super end end irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors => [DebugIt, Sub, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] irb(main):01:0> DebugIt Sub Parent Module#prepend Using prepend:
  • 42. module DebugIt def run puts "DebugIt" super end end class Parent def run puts "Parent" end end class Sub < Parent prepend DebugIt def run puts "Sub" super end end irb(main):002:0> Sub.ancestors => [DebugIt, Sub, Parent, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] irb(main):01:0> DebugIt Sub Parent Ship it! ... but don't forget to call super! Module#prepend Using prepend:
  • 43. Array of symbols: %i and %I
  • 44. Array of symbols: %i and %I irb(main):001:0> %i{vmware redhat microsoft} => [:vmware, :redhat, :microsoft]
  • 45. Array of symbols: %i and %I irb(main):001:0> %i{vmware redhat microsoft} => [:vmware, :redhat, :microsoft] %I allows interpolation:
  • 46. Array of symbols: %i and %I irb(main):001:0> %i{vmware redhat microsoft} => [:vmware, :redhat, :microsoft] %I allows interpolation: irb(main):002:0> prefix = "vm_" => "vm_" irb(main):003:0> %I{#{prefix}vmware #{prefix}redhat #{prefix}microsoft} => [:vm_vmware, :vm_redhat, :vm_microsoft]
  • 47. Refinements Goal: localize monkey patches I'm not going to explain them because: Ruby's open classes Many gotchas... See Charles Nutter (@headius/jruby guy) explanation:
  • 48. Enumerable#lazy Enumerable methods evaluate left to right With lazy, chains of enumerations are evaluated right to left
  • 49. Enumerable#lazy Enumerable methods evaluate left to right With lazy, chains of enumerations are evaluated right to left Ruby may "cheat": May skip creating intermediate objects Large collection operations may be optimized
  • 50. Enumerable#lazy Example benchmark (0...1000).select(&:odd?).take(5).to_a (0...1000) What is this doing?
  • 51. Enumerable#lazy Example benchmark (0...1000).select(&:odd?).take(5).to_a (0...1000) What is this doing? First 5 odd numbers => [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
  • 52. Enumerable#lazy require 'benchmark/ips' Benchmark.ips do |x|"normal") { (0...1000).select(&:odd?).take(5).to_a }"lazy") { (0...1000) } end
  • 53. Enumerable#lazy require 'benchmark/ips' Benchmark.ips do |x|"normal") { (0...1000).select(&:odd?).take(5).to_a }"lazy") { (0...1000) } end Calculating ------------------------------------- normal 1539 i/100ms lazy 5778 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- normal 15123.2 (±2.5%) i/s - 76950 in 5.091373s lazy 59797.4 (±4.0%) i/s - 300456 in 5.033123s See lazy
  • 54. __dir__ __dir__ path of the script without the filename # cat test.rb puts __dir__ # ruby test.rb /Users/joerafaniello/Code/test
  • 55. __dir__ __dir__ path of the script without the filename # cat test.rb puts __dir__ # ruby test.rb /Users/joerafaniello/Code/test We have 984 instances of File.dirname(__FILE__)! WAT...Why?
  • 56. Ruby 2.0 breaking changes and deprecations Note: We're green on travis, so we're getting close...
  • 57. Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods Ruby 1.9.3: respond_to?(symbol) => public and protected methods respond_to?(symbol, true) => all methods
  • 58. Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods Ruby 1.9.3: respond_to?(symbol) => public and protected methods respond_to?(symbol, true) => all methods Ruby 2.0.0 respond_to?(symbol) => public methods only respond_to?(symbol, true) => all methods
  • 59. Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods class Worker protected def run end end
  • 60. Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods class Worker protected def run end end 1.9.3 => true 2.0.0 => false
  • 61. Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods class Worker protected def run end end 1.9.3 => true 2.0.0 => false Pass true as second argument..., true) 1.9.3 => true 2.0.0 => true
  • 62. Objects don't respond_to? to protected methods class Worker protected def run end end 1.9.3 => true 2.0.0 => false Pass true as second argument..., true) 1.9.3 => true 2.0.0 => true See Pull #685 - default_value_for gem
  • 63. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts # cat test.rb FOO = "222dL256"
  • 64. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts # cat test.rb FOO = "222dL256" Ruby 1.9.3 US-ASCII is the default encoding of ruby scripts
  • 65. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts # cat test.rb FOO = "222dL256" Ruby 1.9.3 US-ASCII is the default encoding of ruby scripts Binary string literals become ASCII-8BIT:
  • 66. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts # cat test.rb FOO = "222dL256" Ruby 1.9.3 US-ASCII is the default encoding of ruby scripts Binary string literals become ASCII-8BIT: irb(main):001:0> require './test' => true irb(main):002:0> FOO.encoding => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
  • 67. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts # cat test.rb FOO = "222dL256"
  • 68. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts # cat test.rb FOO = "222dL256" Ruby 2.0.0 UTF-8 is the default encoding
  • 69. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts # cat test.rb FOO = "222dL256" Ruby 2.0.0 UTF-8 is the default encoding Binary string literals become UTF-8 even if invalid: irb(main):001:0> require './test' => true irb(main):002:0> FOO.encoding => #<Encoding:UTF-8> irb(main):003:0> FOO.valid_encoding? => false
  • 70. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts So, what's the problem? Binary strings are used in many places for vm "fleecing" Invalid UTF-8 encoded strings != raw binary:
  • 71. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts So, what's the problem? Binary strings are used in many places for vm "fleecing" Invalid UTF-8 encoded strings != raw binary: irb(main):003:0> FOO.valid_encoding? => false irb(main):004:0> FOO == "222dL256".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") => false
  • 72. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts Solutions: Force binary on individual Strings: 1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible Painful on files with many binary string literals
  • 73. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts Solutions: Force binary on individual Strings: 1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible Painful on files with many binary string literals # cat test.rb FOO = "222dL256".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
  • 74. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts Solutions: Force binary on individual Strings: 1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible Painful on files with many binary string literals # cat test.rb FOO = "222dL256".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") irb(main):001:0> require './test' => true irb(main):002:0> FOO.encoding => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT> irb(main):003:0> FOO.valid_encoding? => true irb(main):004:0> FOO == "222dL256".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") => true
  • 75. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts Solutions: Use String#b on individual strings Not compatible with ruby 1.9.3 Copies the String in ASCII-8BIT encoding Note: String#force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") modifies the receiver
  • 76. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts Solutions: Add #encoding magic comment at top 1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible Good option when binary strings are expected
  • 77. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts Solutions: Add #encoding magic comment at top 1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible Good option when binary strings are expected # cat test.rb # encoding: US-ASCII FOO = "222dL256"
  • 78. UTF-8 is the default character encoding of ruby scripts Solutions: Add #encoding magic comment at top 1.9.3/2.0.0 compatible Good option when binary strings are expected # cat test.rb # encoding: US-ASCII FOO = "222dL256" irb(main):001:0> require './test' => true irb(main):002:0> FOO.encoding => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
  • 79. Descriptors except 0, 1, 2 are closed in child processes Prevents file descriptor leakage See Pull #682, Issue #459, and
  • 80. Descriptors except 0, 1, 2 are closed in child processes Prevents file descriptor leakage See Pull #682, Issue #459, and Example: shared pipe to communicate data between two processes
  • 81. Descriptors except 0, 1, 2 are closed in child processes Prevents file descriptor leakage See Pull #682, Issue #459, and Example: shared pipe to communicate data between two processes Use IO#close_on_exec = false reader, writer = IO.pipe writerfd = writer.fileno my_env["WRITER_FD"] = writerfd.to_s + + writer.close_on_exec = false + pid = Kernel.spawn(my_env, "ruby #{SERVER_PATH}VixDiskLibServer.rb", [:out, :err] => [LOG_FILE, "a"], :unsetenv_others => true,
  • 82. String#lines returns an array Also String#chars, #bytes and #codepoints Previously, returned enumerators Above are deprecated for StringIO, IO and friends
  • 83. String#lines returns an array Also String#chars, #bytes and #codepoints Previously, returned enumerators Above are deprecated for StringIO, IO and friends StringIO#lines deprecated, so use #each_line instead: @log_stream.rewind - lines = @log_stream.lines.to_a + lines = @log_stream.each_line.to_a lines.length.should == 1 line = lines.first.chomp
  • 84. String#lines returns an array Also String#chars, #bytes and #codepoints Previously, returned enumerators Above are deprecated for StringIO, IO and friends StringIO#lines deprecated, so use #each_line instead: @log_stream.rewind - lines = @log_stream.lines.to_a + lines = @log_stream.each_line.to_a lines.length.should == 1 line = lines.first.chomp See Pull #714
  • 85. Ok, great, but are we there yet???
  • 86. "Fall cleanup" of old code "...Now I've only been an OpenBSD developer for 11 years, one year less than this header has existed, but in that brief time, I've learned a thing or two about deleting obsolete code. It doesn't delete itself. And worse, people will continue using it until you force them onto a better path."
  • 87. "Fall cleanup" of old code "...Now I've only been an OpenBSD developer for 11 years, one year less than this header has existed, but in that brief time, I've learned a thing or two about deleting obsolete code. It doesn't delete itself. And worse, people will continue using it until you force them onto a better path." Git is our friend if we really want it back
  • 88. "Fall cleanup" of old code Path to ruby 2.0...
  • 89. "Fall cleanup" of old code Path to ruby 2.0... 83 commits 565 lines added 5,553 lines deleted
  • 90. "Fall cleanup" of old code Path to ruby 2.0... 83 commits 565 lines added 5,553 lines deleted A good start?
  • 91. "Fall cleanup" of old code More "opportunities" host directory soap4r/actionwebservice (fork) handsoap (fork) - note, useful but still forked :-( ruport (fork) ziya (fork) - patches rails! prototype old rails plugins old gems old monkey patches
  • 92. Slow tests Tests take 30+ minutes on CI servers Separate tests Minimizing setup (database inserts) Remove invalid/not useful/duplicate tests Allocation tracing with ruby 2.1 Cut support for 1.9.3 when 2.0 is stable
  • 93. Building 2.0 appliances Verified Ruby 2.0 on CentOS appliance: Appliance startup SmartState Analysis "fleecing" using vddk vCenter inventory Basic reporting
  • 94. Building 2.0 appliances Goal: automate building ruby 2.0 appliances We currently use ruby 1.9.3 through SCL rpms Not multi-platform Restricts updating of some gems Ruby 2.1 is not yet packaged as SCL rpms
  • 95. Building 2.0 appliances Solution: rpms for base CentOS OS rpms needed to build ruby and compiled gems libxml2-devel, libxslt-devel, etc.
  • 96. Building 2.0 appliances Solution: rpms for base CentOS OS rpms needed to build ruby and compiled gems libxml2-devel, libxslt-devel, etc. Use ruby-install or ruby-build for building ruby
  • 97. Building 2.0 appliances Solution: rpms for base CentOS OS rpms needed to build ruby and compiled gems libxml2-devel, libxslt-devel, etc. Use ruby-install or ruby-build for building ruby Let bundler handle what it does well...
  • 98. Developer setup 2.0.0 is not much different from 1.9.3: Install using rvm, ruby-install, or ruby-build Manage with rvm, rbenv, or chruby Need guinea pigs to try it and document any issues Others tools, such as rubymine, may require some configuration
  • 99. Links 2.0 open issues: 2.0 closed issues: q=label%3A%22ruby+2%22+is%3Aclosed 2.0 in depth: 2.1 in depth: Slides available here: Slides written in markdown using remarkjs: