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I See Her Online, All The Time: Script
Intro scene
(First shot description) A girl walks into her room and sits down on
her bed to look at her phone during the daytime and stares at her
phone for a few seconds
(Second shot description) Time has passed as the lighting has
changed. The girl is still in the same position on her bed with phone
still in hand and eyes firmly focused on her phone screen.
(Third Shot Description) Her room is now completely dark as it is now
nighttime, she has spent all of her free time on her phone the only
light you can see is coming from the phone screen on her face. She
decides that enough is enough, she turns off the phone. There’s no
more light in the room its dark and silent for a few seconds. The first
half of the title appears along with an auto tuned voice
“I See Her Online,”
After this the second half of the title appears with the voice finishing
off their sentence
“All The Time.”
Cut to black
End scene.
Presenter Scene 1
An empty control room lays silent with a chair right in the centre of
the frame. After a few seconds, the door opens and Lewis (the
presenter) walks in the room and sits down in the chair with a phone
in his hand and looks directly at the audience. He speaks
(the camera is positioned at a medium shot)
“Mobile Phones…”
When these words are said the word appears on screen until Lewis
begins to speak again
“Are almost essential tools now to everyone’s daily lives. It’s what
we use to connect with people through phone calls, It’s Apps are
used to look at peoples posts and talk to friends over direct
messages, we can use the internet to learn almost anything we want
as quickly as you could ask the question.”
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“It’s invention has changed culture potentially forever. Art is now
created more commonly through digital means and music is no
longer in the form of physical discs but now on Spotify or Apple
Music. Musicians have felt this change with their now main source of
income coming through streams instead of record sales and now
while they do mostly write about Love they write about the culture
that they are a part of and witness.”
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“One of the best examples of this is the Album ‘A Brief Inquiry Into
Online Relationships’ by The 1975 which focuses on… well love in the
modern digital age, but also the almost dystopian bleakness that
technological advances have had on peoples lives. The 1975 are a
band who… well we’ll let our interviewees describe it.”
Cut to Saul Cottons interview where he has a positive view on the
band. In the bottom left corner Saul’s name is shown and
underneath it says “The 1975 enthusiast”
After Saul stops talking cut to Daniel Oliver’s interview where he has
a negative view on the band. In the bottom left corner Daniel’s name
is shown and underneath it says “The 1975 Despiser”
Once this interviewee has stopped talking cut back to Lewis in the
room and after 2 seconds of silence he says with a smile on his face
as the camera zooms in on him.
“So yeah, a bit controversial”
Cut back to the medium shot/End of Presenter Scene 1.
Presenter Scene 2
“Saul, in his interview, mentioned a song from A Brief Inquiry into
Online Relationships as you may remember ‘I Like America and
America Likes Me’. This song, along being my favourite song too, is
almost all about the mind the state the people now have because of
the internet and because of mobile phones. It’s packed full of poetic
lyrics from Matty Healy that despite being written 5 years ago still
hold true to the time of recording.”
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“Along with that, the production from the drummer of the band
George Daniel emulates the most popular genre of the time Sound
cloud rap which Matty Healy has been vocal about when talking
about this song in detail.”
Cut to archive footage of an interview with Matty Healy on Radio X
talking about I Like America and America Likes Me’s production.
Cut back to Lewis in medium shot
“The only way I could truly show off the deeper meanings of the song
Is by going through line by line, lyric by lyric to show the state of
current culture and how the 1975 have an understanding of modern
life… even if Matty Healy thinks everything is post-modern”
At the same time Lewis says ‘post-modern’ a clip of Matty Healy
saying the same thing is overlayed
End of Presenter Scene 2
Black and White Scene 1
Cut to black and white footage of an unlit campfire in the woods with
a disembodied saying words and as he says them, they appear on
Voice of God
“I’m scared of dying. Is that on fire? Am I a liar? I’m scared of dying.
No gun required. My skin is fire, it’s so desired,”
Cut Back to Control room with Lewis Still in a medium shot/End of
Black and White scene 1
Presenter scene 3
“The First line of the song is repeated like a mantra throughout the
entire song and for good reason. Because what the meaning of the
line is to show how anxiety and mental health issues are now more
prominent with young people and a lot of this is because of social
Cut to Interview clips of Saul or Daniel depending on who gives the
better answer.
Once over, cut back to Lewis in the control room.
“The song asks two questions in this line ‘Is that on fire?’ and ‘am I a
liar?’ I believe this is in reference to the modern desire to be seen as
a better version of yourself on the internet or on social media.
Meaning that what the song means by ‘fire’ could be fire emojis
which mean fire as in good. But, because of these fake personas we
make for ourselves it leads us to not be authentically ourselves and
question our own personalities by asking if we are ‘liars’.”
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“After this the next part of the lyric is ‘My skin is fire, It’s so desired’
which may have many different meanings but what I think it could
mean is that because of how personal social media is it can feel as
though even the smallest minute detail of your life can be a source of
entertainment for other people on the internet.
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“But it could also address Matty’s status as a celebrity and how
people grow para-social relationships with celebrities through the
internet and believe that they are entitled to always know what they
are doing disregarding the person with fame’s need for a private life.
These types of relationships are born from loneliness that the
internet is the answer to but also the reason for their loneliness,
leaving both parties in a cycle of one wanting more and the other
wanting to be left alone.
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
The internet almost gives people an excuse to not socialize in person
because your whole social life could be people on Instagram or
discord. But in reality, who do you really have if you live your life like
Cut to Saul’s interview where he answers a question on anxiety and
how it has affected him
Cut to Black and White Scene 2/ End of Presenter scene 3
Black and White Scene 2
This time you can see someone walk into frame from the right and
stand in front of the unlit campfire look at their phone, look up and
after a few seconds look down on the campfire with a disembodied
saying this time with the words appearing on the screen
Voice of God
“Is that designer? Is that on fire? Am I a liar?
Oh, will this help me lay down?”
Cut To Presenter Scene 4/End of Black and White scene 2
“The song has now established people's doubts in today’s age and
the next line sees to explain how some people may cope with this.
One way the song proposes people cope with their loneliness is
through consumerism when it asks, “is that designer?” in reference
to designer brands. Wearing fashion brands and finding self-worth in
expensive fashion can almost make someone feel like they are a part
of exclusive club. Like they are a part of something. Or in some cases
are closer to their influences
Cut to Daniels interview where he claims he is a consumerist. After
cut to Saul’s explanation of how he wears brands influencers wear
Cut back to Lewis in control room
“The last part of this lyric asks if by subscribing to these superficial
things will it give them some kind of relief. I believe what the song
means by “lay down” is peace of mind, this is because of how much
anxiety has skyrocketed in recent years with 8 million people in the
UK suffering from it and 40 million in the US.
(Sources: Anxiety Statistics UK | 2023 Data | Champion Health
Anxiety Disorders | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Cut to Sauls interview about anxiety and how it affected him
Cut To Black and white Scene 3/End of presenter scene 4
Black and White Scene 3
The person can now be seen foraging for materials for the campfire
he seems to want to set It alight. The disembodied voice still
speaking as his words appear on screen
Voice of God
“We’re scared of dying, it’s fine. What’s a fiver? Being young in the
city. Belief and saying something.”
End of Black and White Scene 3/Cut to Presenter scene 5
Presenter Scene 5
“Now the ‘I’m’ has changed to ‘We’re’, the song seems to be
speaking for the whole internet as a unified group as vast as it is. But
offers that everything is ‘fine’ because they have each other in this
digital space as fake as it is.
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“This idea of relationships now being digital follows on to another
important aspect of life, money. Now because of things like apple
pay nobody really uses physical money anymore and its all
contactless now so by asking ‘What's a fiver?’ can be quite literal in
today’s age. It also could be significant in terms that now the way
you live your life is lived is based on an almost fictional number that
society claims to have meaning.
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“Now the last bit of the pre-chorus speaks directly to the young
audience who will most likely relate the most to this song. It shows
the main part of being a person is not what you do on the internet or
how much money you have it’s your beliefs and what you say who
makes you who you are. I think it is quite a beautiful sentiment as it
kind of gives some light on how to ‘lay down’ or find some kind of
sense of self or peace.
Cut to Black and White scene 4/ End of presenter scene 5
Black and White scene 4
The person is stood in front of the fire he pulls out a piece of paper
form his coat pocket he looks at it and puts it into the campfire and
looks for more materials.
Voice of God
“Would you please listen?
Would you please listen?
We can see what's missing
When you bleed, say so we know
Council, being listed
Man, I kinda miss it, hey”
Cut to Presenter Scene 6/End of Black and White scene 4
Presenter Scene 6
“The first line of the chorus repeats itself in desperation and finally
saying what it wants to say, ‘we can see what’s missing’. This is
meant to symbolize a sort of cry out for understanding or belonging
that young people battle with in today’s society. Or it could be a
more political message in terms of young people crying out to be
listened too. An example could be Greta Thunberg who actually does
feature on a The 1975 song on their album ’Notes On A Conditional
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
Whichever it is the point remains the same, young people are not
listened to and are almost disregarded in the grand scheme of things.
Which is a repulsive attitude to have against the people who will lead
society in the years to come. To reject young people and their ideas
is to reject progression and development of something that
otherwise would have the potential to do anything. And that’s what
these two lines emphasize it’s a perfect example on how saying less
is more.
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“This end part of the chorus is only sung once on the first rendition.
But it uses building listings as a metaphor for things being no longer
taking seriously. If a local council puts a building on the building list it
means it holds importance to the local community and is protected.
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
The final line saying ‘Man, I kinda miss it” shows that almost nothing
holds importance anymore which, despite the overall song being
supportive of young people, is a critique as well as a call to change
on how problems are talked about on the internet through post-
ironic memes.
Cut to Black and White Scene 5/End of Presenter Scene 6
Black and White Scene 5
The person starts to kneel at the side of the campfire he looks at it
for a moment then pulls out a lighter from his pocket and alights the
fire. He looks at it then looks at his phone he looks back at the fire
and tosses his phone into the fire he then leaves the shot from the
left side of the screen.
Voice Of God
“I'm a designer, unite pariahs
Am I a liar?
Oh, will this help me lay down?
Kids don't want rifles, they want Supreme
No gun required
Oh, will this help me lay down?”
Cut to Presenter Scene 7/End of Black and White Scene 5
Presenter Scene 7
“Verse 2 comes straight out of the gate with a self-reference to verse
1 but instead of asking the question “is that designer?” it makes the
statement “I’m a designer” which we can now assume that is being
spoken from the perspective of the bands frontman, Matty Healy,
and how because of his status he ‘unites pariahs because of his
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“Through the internet, people grow para-social relationships with
celebrities and believe that they are entitled to always know what
they are doing disregarding the person with fame’s need for a
private life. These types of relationships are born from loneliness
that the internet is the answer to but also the reason for their
loneliness, leaving both parties in a cycle of one wanting more and
the other wanting to be left alone.”
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“You may have noticed that earlier in the documentary I disregarded
a line that seem quite interesting this line being ‘no gun required’
this is because I believe its message is best paired with this verses
line ‘Kids don’t want rifles, they want Supreme”
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“these two lines tie into an anti-gun message and statement on
School Shootings. In 2022 alone, there were 51 school shootings in
the USA and I couldn’t tell you the name of any of them. And that’s
the tragedy of it, it happens so often its not even really an
occurrence anymore. its accepted that this isn’t news anymore. The
most recent shooting I heard about I heard about it 3 days after it
happened on TikTok… and I’m not kidding I’m being serious.”
(Source: School Shootings in 2022: How Many and Where
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“The Michigan state University shooting is not even the most recent
school shooting in 2023 but it’s the only one I can say with
confidence I’ve heard about. People have died, people have lost
loved ones, friends and classmates and the news don’t even make
enough noise about it for people to notice, they have to go to social
media where there not even looking for it to hear about it from some
stranger on the internet.”
Cut to Saul’s and Daniel’s interviews about news and social media
Cut back to Lewis in the control room
“But, back to the lyric itself. The line connects the previous point
about consumerism to the point against gun violence saying that
‘kids’ shouldn’t have to worry about being at the wrong side of a
‘rifle’ but concerned about their chosen path of escapism like what
the new release from their favourite clothing brand is, that in this
example being ‘Supreme’”
Cut To Black and White Scene 6/ End of Presenter Scene 7
Black and White Scene 6
The fire is burning there is no one around in the woods just the fire
staring back at the audience
Voice Of God
“Gone off designer
It's all on fire
And we're all liars
So won't you help me lay down
My skin is fire, it's so desired
No gun required
Oh, won't you help me lay down?”
Cut to Presenter Scene 8/End of Black and White Scene 6
Presenter Scene 8
“Finally, at the end of the song the questions it has been asking
get answers. But these answers maybe come with a sense of
awakening that comes with facing reality. The first question ‘Is
that designer’ is met with a now disregard for the topic as the
song realises that escapism is just a distraction from what is
really in front of you as they now have ‘gone off designer’.
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
The second question ‘Is that on fire?” is met with a more direct
and literal answer. ‘Its all on fire’ could mean that everything is
either good or it is quite literally all on fire after letting go of
material desire.
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
And the last question, ‘Am I a Liar?” being met again with a
direct answer. ‘We’re all liars’. It almost sums up the entire
internet, we are all someone we are not when portraying our
outward image. Whether we use our real name and post
ourselves on social media or we use a username and don’t
show our faces we all use facades to hide our true selves.
There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing
will change in terms of audience perspective
“In conclusion, I Like America and America Likes Me is a song that
has, evidently, a lot to say about modern society and young people’s
struggles. I hope to have shed some light on what this conscious
songs message has to say and I Thank you for watching.”
Lewis then gets up from the chair and walks out the same door he
entered from leaving the room empty once again
Fade To Black

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  • 1. I See Her Online, All The Time: Script Intro scene (First shot description) A girl walks into her room and sits down on her bed to look at her phone during the daytime and stares at her phone for a few seconds (Second shot description) Time has passed as the lighting has changed. The girl is still in the same position on her bed with phone still in hand and eyes firmly focused on her phone screen. (Third Shot Description) Her room is now completely dark as it is now nighttime, she has spent all of her free time on her phone the only light you can see is coming from the phone screen on her face. She decides that enough is enough, she turns off the phone. There’s no more light in the room its dark and silent for a few seconds. The first half of the title appears along with an auto tuned voice “I See Her Online,” After this the second half of the title appears with the voice finishing off their sentence “All The Time.” Cut to black End scene. Presenter Scene 1 An empty control room lays silent with a chair right in the centre of the frame. After a few seconds, the door opens and Lewis (the presenter) walks in the room and sits down in the chair with a phone in his hand and looks directly at the audience. He speaks (the camera is positioned at a medium shot)
  • 2. Lewis “Mobile Phones…” When these words are said the word appears on screen until Lewis begins to speak again Lewis “Are almost essential tools now to everyone’s daily lives. It’s what we use to connect with people through phone calls, It’s Apps are used to look at peoples posts and talk to friends over direct messages, we can use the internet to learn almost anything we want as quickly as you could ask the question.” There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “It’s invention has changed culture potentially forever. Art is now created more commonly through digital means and music is no longer in the form of physical discs but now on Spotify or Apple Music. Musicians have felt this change with their now main source of income coming through streams instead of record sales and now while they do mostly write about Love they write about the culture that they are a part of and witness.” There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “One of the best examples of this is the Album ‘A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships’ by The 1975 which focuses on… well love in the modern digital age, but also the almost dystopian bleakness that technological advances have had on peoples lives. The 1975 are a band who… well we’ll let our interviewees describe it.” Cut to Saul Cottons interview where he has a positive view on the band. In the bottom left corner Saul’s name is shown and underneath it says “The 1975 enthusiast”
  • 3. After Saul stops talking cut to Daniel Oliver’s interview where he has a negative view on the band. In the bottom left corner Daniel’s name is shown and underneath it says “The 1975 Despiser” Once this interviewee has stopped talking cut back to Lewis in the room and after 2 seconds of silence he says with a smile on his face as the camera zooms in on him. Lewis “So yeah, a bit controversial” Cut back to the medium shot/End of Presenter Scene 1. Presenter Scene 2 Lewis “Saul, in his interview, mentioned a song from A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships as you may remember ‘I Like America and America Likes Me’. This song, along being my favourite song too, is almost all about the mind the state the people now have because of the internet and because of mobile phones. It’s packed full of poetic lyrics from Matty Healy that despite being written 5 years ago still hold true to the time of recording.” There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “Along with that, the production from the drummer of the band George Daniel emulates the most popular genre of the time Sound cloud rap which Matty Healy has been vocal about when talking about this song in detail.” Cut to archive footage of an interview with Matty Healy on Radio X talking about I Like America and America Likes Me’s production. Cut back to Lewis in medium shot
  • 4. Lewis “The only way I could truly show off the deeper meanings of the song Is by going through line by line, lyric by lyric to show the state of current culture and how the 1975 have an understanding of modern life… even if Matty Healy thinks everything is post-modern” At the same time Lewis says ‘post-modern’ a clip of Matty Healy saying the same thing is overlayed End of Presenter Scene 2 Black and White Scene 1 Cut to black and white footage of an unlit campfire in the woods with a disembodied saying words and as he says them, they appear on screen Voice of God “I’m scared of dying. Is that on fire? Am I a liar? I’m scared of dying. No gun required. My skin is fire, it’s so desired,” Cut Back to Control room with Lewis Still in a medium shot/End of Black and White scene 1 Presenter scene 3 Lewis “The First line of the song is repeated like a mantra throughout the entire song and for good reason. Because what the meaning of the line is to show how anxiety and mental health issues are now more prominent with young people and a lot of this is because of social media.”
  • 5. Cut to Interview clips of Saul or Daniel depending on who gives the better answer. Once over, cut back to Lewis in the control room. Lewis “The song asks two questions in this line ‘Is that on fire?’ and ‘am I a liar?’ I believe this is in reference to the modern desire to be seen as a better version of yourself on the internet or on social media. Meaning that what the song means by ‘fire’ could be fire emojis which mean fire as in good. But, because of these fake personas we make for ourselves it leads us to not be authentically ourselves and question our own personalities by asking if we are ‘liars’.” There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “After this the next part of the lyric is ‘My skin is fire, It’s so desired’ which may have many different meanings but what I think it could mean is that because of how personal social media is it can feel as though even the smallest minute detail of your life can be a source of entertainment for other people on the internet. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “But it could also address Matty’s status as a celebrity and how people grow para-social relationships with celebrities through the internet and believe that they are entitled to always know what they are doing disregarding the person with fame’s need for a private life. These types of relationships are born from loneliness that the internet is the answer to but also the reason for their loneliness, leaving both parties in a cycle of one wanting more and the other wanting to be left alone. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective
  • 6. The internet almost gives people an excuse to not socialize in person because your whole social life could be people on Instagram or discord. But in reality, who do you really have if you live your life like this?” Cut to Saul’s interview where he answers a question on anxiety and how it has affected him Cut to Black and White Scene 2/ End of Presenter scene 3 Black and White Scene 2 This time you can see someone walk into frame from the right and stand in front of the unlit campfire look at their phone, look up and after a few seconds look down on the campfire with a disembodied saying this time with the words appearing on the screen Voice of God “Is that designer? Is that on fire? Am I a liar? Oh, will this help me lay down?” Cut To Presenter Scene 4/End of Black and White scene 2 Lewis “The song has now established people's doubts in today’s age and the next line sees to explain how some people may cope with this. One way the song proposes people cope with their loneliness is through consumerism when it asks, “is that designer?” in reference to designer brands. Wearing fashion brands and finding self-worth in expensive fashion can almost make someone feel like they are a part of exclusive club. Like they are a part of something. Or in some cases are closer to their influences Cut to Daniels interview where he claims he is a consumerist. After cut to Saul’s explanation of how he wears brands influencers wear Cut back to Lewis in control room
  • 7. Lewis “The last part of this lyric asks if by subscribing to these superficial things will it give them some kind of relief. I believe what the song means by “lay down” is peace of mind, this is because of how much anxiety has skyrocketed in recent years with 8 million people in the UK suffering from it and 40 million in the US. (Sources: Anxiety Statistics UK | 2023 Data | Champion Health Anxiety Disorders | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness) Cut to Sauls interview about anxiety and how it affected him Cut To Black and white Scene 3/End of presenter scene 4 Black and White Scene 3 The person can now be seen foraging for materials for the campfire he seems to want to set It alight. The disembodied voice still speaking as his words appear on screen Voice of God “We’re scared of dying, it’s fine. What’s a fiver? Being young in the city. Belief and saying something.” End of Black and White Scene 3/Cut to Presenter scene 5 Presenter Scene 5 Lewis “Now the ‘I’m’ has changed to ‘We’re’, the song seems to be speaking for the whole internet as a unified group as vast as it is. But offers that everything is ‘fine’ because they have each other in this digital space as fake as it is. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective Lewis
  • 8. “This idea of relationships now being digital follows on to another important aspect of life, money. Now because of things like apple pay nobody really uses physical money anymore and its all contactless now so by asking ‘What's a fiver?’ can be quite literal in today’s age. It also could be significant in terms that now the way you live your life is lived is based on an almost fictional number that society claims to have meaning. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective Lewis “Now the last bit of the pre-chorus speaks directly to the young audience who will most likely relate the most to this song. It shows the main part of being a person is not what you do on the internet or how much money you have it’s your beliefs and what you say who makes you who you are. I think it is quite a beautiful sentiment as it kind of gives some light on how to ‘lay down’ or find some kind of sense of self or peace. Cut to Black and White scene 4/ End of presenter scene 5 Black and White scene 4 The person is stood in front of the fire he pulls out a piece of paper form his coat pocket he looks at it and puts it into the campfire and looks for more materials. Voice of God “Would you please listen? Would you please listen? We can see what's missing When you bleed, say so we know Council, being listed Man, I kinda miss it, hey” Cut to Presenter Scene 6/End of Black and White scene 4
  • 9. Presenter Scene 6 Lewis “The first line of the chorus repeats itself in desperation and finally saying what it wants to say, ‘we can see what’s missing’. This is meant to symbolize a sort of cry out for understanding or belonging that young people battle with in today’s society. Or it could be a more political message in terms of young people crying out to be listened too. An example could be Greta Thunberg who actually does feature on a The 1975 song on their album ’Notes On A Conditional Form’. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective Whichever it is the point remains the same, young people are not listened to and are almost disregarded in the grand scheme of things. Which is a repulsive attitude to have against the people who will lead society in the years to come. To reject young people and their ideas is to reject progression and development of something that otherwise would have the potential to do anything. And that’s what these two lines emphasize it’s a perfect example on how saying less is more. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective Lewis “This end part of the chorus is only sung once on the first rendition. But it uses building listings as a metaphor for things being no longer taking seriously. If a local council puts a building on the building list it means it holds importance to the local community and is protected. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective
  • 10. The final line saying ‘Man, I kinda miss it” shows that almost nothing holds importance anymore which, despite the overall song being supportive of young people, is a critique as well as a call to change on how problems are talked about on the internet through post- ironic memes. Cut to Black and White Scene 5/End of Presenter Scene 6 Black and White Scene 5 The person starts to kneel at the side of the campfire he looks at it for a moment then pulls out a lighter from his pocket and alights the fire. He looks at it then looks at his phone he looks back at the fire and tosses his phone into the fire he then leaves the shot from the left side of the screen. Voice Of God “I'm a designer, unite pariahs Am I a liar? Oh, will this help me lay down? Kids don't want rifles, they want Supreme No gun required Oh, will this help me lay down?” Cut to Presenter Scene 7/End of Black and White Scene 5 Presenter Scene 7 Lewis “Verse 2 comes straight out of the gate with a self-reference to verse 1 but instead of asking the question “is that designer?” it makes the statement “I’m a designer” which we can now assume that is being spoken from the perspective of the bands frontman, Matty Healy, and how because of his status he ‘unites pariahs because of his influence.”
  • 11. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “Through the internet, people grow para-social relationships with celebrities and believe that they are entitled to always know what they are doing disregarding the person with fame’s need for a private life. These types of relationships are born from loneliness that the internet is the answer to but also the reason for their loneliness, leaving both parties in a cycle of one wanting more and the other wanting to be left alone.” There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “You may have noticed that earlier in the documentary I disregarded a line that seem quite interesting this line being ‘no gun required’ this is because I believe its message is best paired with this verses line ‘Kids don’t want rifles, they want Supreme” There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “these two lines tie into an anti-gun message and statement on School Shootings. In 2022 alone, there were 51 school shootings in the USA and I couldn’t tell you the name of any of them. And that’s the tragedy of it, it happens so often its not even really an occurrence anymore. its accepted that this isn’t news anymore. The most recent shooting I heard about I heard about it 3 days after it happened on TikTok… and I’m not kidding I’m being serious.” (Source: School Shootings in 2022: How Many and Where ( There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “The Michigan state University shooting is not even the most recent school shooting in 2023 but it’s the only one I can say with
  • 12. confidence I’ve heard about. People have died, people have lost loved ones, friends and classmates and the news don’t even make enough noise about it for people to notice, they have to go to social media where there not even looking for it to hear about it from some stranger on the internet.” Cut to Saul’s and Daniel’s interviews about news and social media Cut back to Lewis in the control room Lewis “But, back to the lyric itself. The line connects the previous point about consumerism to the point against gun violence saying that ‘kids’ shouldn’t have to worry about being at the wrong side of a ‘rifle’ but concerned about their chosen path of escapism like what the new release from their favourite clothing brand is, that in this example being ‘Supreme’” Cut To Black and White Scene 6/ End of Presenter Scene 7 Black and White Scene 6 The fire is burning there is no one around in the woods just the fire staring back at the audience Voice Of God “Gone off designer It's all on fire And we're all liars So won't you help me lay down My skin is fire, it's so desired No gun required Oh, won't you help me lay down?” Cut to Presenter Scene 8/End of Black and White Scene 6 Presenter Scene 8 Lewis
  • 13. “Finally, at the end of the song the questions it has been asking get answers. But these answers maybe come with a sense of awakening that comes with facing reality. The first question ‘Is that designer’ is met with a now disregard for the topic as the song realises that escapism is just a distraction from what is really in front of you as they now have ‘gone off designer’. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective The second question ‘Is that on fire?” is met with a more direct and literal answer. ‘Its all on fire’ could mean that everything is either good or it is quite literally all on fire after letting go of material desire. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective And the last question, ‘Am I a Liar?” being met again with a direct answer. ‘We’re all liars’. It almost sums up the entire internet, we are all someone we are not when portraying our outward image. Whether we use our real name and post ourselves on social media or we use a username and don’t show our faces we all use facades to hide our true selves. There will be a cut so Lewis can read the rest of the script nothing will change in terms of audience perspective “In conclusion, I Like America and America Likes Me is a song that has, evidently, a lot to say about modern society and young people’s struggles. I hope to have shed some light on what this conscious songs message has to say and I Thank you for watching.” Lewis then gets up from the chair and walks out the same door he entered from leaving the room empty once again Fade To Black Fin.