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Research Report
Group Members : Lew Quo Ming 0322884
Chang May Chen 0322636
Karen Choo 0322480
Haroon Faleel 0322197
Soh Young Zhou 0322123
Lecturer : T. Shankar
Intake : January 2015
Subject : Social Psychology
Content Page
1) Acknowledgement
2) Introduction
3) Method
a) Apparatus / Material
b) Procedure
4) Discussion
a) Concept and Definitions
b) Storyboard Design
c) Application and Analysis
d) Conclusion
5) References
6) Appendix
First off, this assignment would not be completed successfully without the effort and time
dedicates from our lovely fellow groupmates, which are Lew Quo Ming, Chang May Chen,
Karen Choo, Haroon Faleel and Soh Yong Zhou. Our responsibilities, patience and
enthusiasms are also part of the keys of overcoming the tasks.
We would also like to credit our lecturer, Mr. T. Shankar, for leading us to
understand the philosophy of psychology. With the efforts from us and guidance from Mr.
Shankar, we have successfully completed the report, video and the presentation slides.
In this project, students are required to either film a video clip or record a social experiment
videos based on the psychology concepts that we have learned throughout this semester
and the video will be played during our presentation. My group and I decide to film a story
line applies with these 6 main concepts, which are gender prejudice, prosocial behaviour,
aggressive, negative attributional style and stereotype.
The next step of this project is making a slide. Once we are done with the video
shooting, my groups and I are required to make a slide briefly explaining how the concepts
we choose apply on the story. Last but not least, we have to analyse and summarize
everything in our report, which includes the concepts, procedure, application and analysis
and more.
The project will help students to have better understanding of psychology within the
connection between concepts and perspective. Hence, students are not just learning
psychology but more to applying the theories in real life.
a) Apparatus and Materials
 One camera – to record series of the short sense efficiently
 Mobile phone (iPhone 5S) – as a prop needed and record audio for narration
 Paper- as a prop needed
Video editing software:
 I movie
 Movie maker
 Voice memos
 YouTube-mp3-org.
 YouTube
b) Procedure
 23 November 2015: The first meeting with most of the group members. During this
meeting, we discussed upon what type of concept to use and also came up with a
draft of the storyboard. The meeting was rather short as we immediately delegated
task to each members and began working on it.
 26 November 2015: After a short meeting on refining and further improving the story
board, we discussed about the script of the video and planned a suitable time and
date along with the venue for the filming of the video.
 29 November 2015: First day of filming. We filmed majority of our video in Block E
level 3 classrooms as well as using the corridor of Block E level 3. Filming began at
9am until 12 pm. After finish filming majority of the video, we began discussing on
finishing up the report and the meeting ended around 1.45pm.
 30 November 2015: Final day of filming and discussing about the slides and report
again. The filming began at 3pm until 4pm. The venue was in an X-Space room in
Block D level 3. We required to filmone more scene for the video as one of our
members were not able to attend the first day of filming. After finishing filming, we
began to delegate task once again as we plan to be able to edit finish the video the
next day.
c) Roles Delegation
Member Overall context Videocontext
ChangMay Chen Audioeditor
Main editorforpresentation
Main character,
KarenChoo Main editorforvideo The girl whowantto be the
Soo youngZhou Recorderfornarration
Contribute onreport
The boy whohas gender
prejudice behavior
Quo Ming Main reportwriter
Main character.
Haroon Cameraman
Contribute onreport
a) Concept and Definitions
For this video, there were 6 social psychology concept that was applied and demonstrated
through the way each character was portrayed. The 6 concepts are gender prejudice,
prosocial behaviour, aggression, the negative attributional style, first impression, and
stereotype. All of these concepts will be shown and demonstrated through the video.
The first concept that we applied into the video was first impression. First impression
is basically the first mental image of a person when a person encounters with another
person. The impression is made based on a wide range of characteristics namely the
appearance of a person, the actions done by the person, number of people present, and
time allowed to process. Impressions may be either positive or negative.
The second concept that was applied in this assignment was stereotype. Stereotypes
are the beliefs about people based on their membership in a particular group. Stereotypes
can be positive, negative, or neutral. Stereotypes based on gender, ethnicity, or occupation
are common in many societies. By stereotyping we infer that a person has a whole range of
characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have.
For our third concept, we used gender prejudice. Prejudice is a negative learned
attitude towards a group of people. Fitting gender under prejudice would mean that
treating people unequally due to their gender. Gender prejudice comes under sexism.
The fourth concept would be prosocial behaviour refers to the phenomenon of people
helping each other with no thought of reward or compensation. Prosocial behaviours are
actions or patterns of behaviour rather than motivations. Prosocial behaviour consist of two
types of model. Egoistic model is when the behaviours are done for selfish reasons while the
altruistic model is when behaviours are done for selfish reasons.
The fifth concept is aggression. Aggression is a range of behaviours that can result in
both physical and psychological harm to one. There are several forms of aggression which
includes physical, verbal, mental and emotional. Aggression also serves all sorts of different
purpose in the given situation.
The final concept that was applied would be the negative attributional style. This
attribution is applied when we automatically explain a partner’s action in negative ways as it
also decreases relationship satisfaction and increases conflict.
b) Storyboard
The story isabout a girl,Aliciawhohasstart her college life andmeetsherfirstlove.She fellinlove
withherseniorand alongthe wayshe faced multiple problemsthroughhercollege life.
Scene 1 – Orientation
On the seconddayof orientation,Aliciawenttoherclass tomeethernew lecturerandalso was
laterintroducedhertoher seniors.
Lecturer : So nowintroduce youthe semester2student.ThisisMathew,fromsemester2.
Mathew : Hellomyname is Mathew.I am fromFNBE….
WhenMathewwalkedin,Aliciaeyeswerefocusedonhimasthe wayhe dressedandwalkswas
somewhatappealingforAlicia.While Mathew wasintroducinghimself andalsosharinghispast
experience fromFNBESemester1,the onlypersonthatpaid full attentionwasAlicia. InAlicia’s
mind-set,seniorsare alwaysrightastheysomehow knowseverything.
Scene 2 – Assignments
A couple of weekslater,Aliciahasbeguntoworkon assignmentsgivenbyherlecturer.She was
havinga group discussionbetweentwoof hergroupmates whichwere Yongand Karen.
Yong : Hey,we don’thave thismaterial.Ithinkwe needto go get it,I think visionarthas it.
Karen : I can drive youguys there.
Yong tookthe car keysfromKarenand insistedondrivingthemthere.
Yong : Are yougoingto drive usthere?!Doyou know whatdoesGCD means?
Karen : I don’tknow…
Yong : Girls CannotDrive.Letme drive,Idon’tthinkyou can drive betterthanme.I can drift and
can do anything. Let’sgo!
Scene 3 – Final Project
As time passesby,Alicia’sfinal projectdue date wassoonand Aliciaisstrugglingwithitbadly. When
the lecturerseesherdrawing,he just tosses itaway.HisactionsmakesAliciafeel more stressedout
and she feelslost.She wasdesperateandhadchosento ask for helpfromhercurrentboyfriend
Mathew.She starts textinghimtocome to heraid.
Scene 4 – Comingto help
MathewmeetsupwithAliciaandhe broughthis previousworkinhopesthatitwill be able toassist
herfor her project.
Mathew : Hey,sothisis whatI did the lasttime …. So thiswasmy previous project…sobasicallyI
Scene 5 - Anger
Aliciafinallysubmittedherprojecttoherlecturerandwashopingthat she will be able toobtaina
goodgrade because Mathewhadalreadytaughther everythingshe neededtoknow aboutthe
project.However,the lecturergave hera bad grade inthe end.Aliciawasfeelingsadandfelthighly
emotional aboutit.
Aroundthe same time,Mathew wasalsofacing a similarproblemashe wasgivenabad grade byhis
lecturereventhoughhe haddone hisbestforthe project.Mathew was extremelyupsetandnearly
assaultedthe lecturer.
Scene 6 - Conflict
Mathewstormedout of hisclassroomand metup withAlicia.He wasshockedtosee that Aliciawas
cryingat a corner.
Mathew : Are youokay?
Alicia : Yeah,I’m okay.
But Aliciawasfeelingreallyunhappy asshe keptoncryingwhile Mathew begantofeel irritatedwith
Mathew : Canyou stopcrying?!
Scene 7 - Finale
Mathew : Let’sbreakup…
Aliciacriesasshe was lefttowonderwhatwentwrongwiththisrelationship. Endof Story
d) Application and Analysis
First impression
Scene Description: During the second day of orientation, Alicia’s lecturer introduces
Mathew, a second semester student who is considered a senior. Mathew started talking
about his experience and what challenges he had face during the first semester. Only Alicia
paid full attention to him while the rest of the class was busy playing with their mobile
devices. This scene occurs during 0:16:00 to 0:31:00.
Concept Application Explanation: The concept of first impression is applied in the beginning
of the story in which Alicia thinks that Mathew, who dressed smartly and also walks
confidently is a smart and handsome person. Mathew’s image was evaluated based on what
he wore as well as his body movement. It is a positive impression because Alicia view him as
a smart and handsome person until. She finds herself falling in love with Matthew due to
her first impression. On the other hand, there is also a negative impression towards Mathew
as some view him as annoying and talkative. The student beside Alicia decided not to listen
to whatever Mathew is talking and just ignored him by playing her phone because her first
impression of Mathew was that he came across annoying and a show off by telling them
what to do throughout the semester and his accomplishments.
Scene Description: Taken place during the first scene as well. As Mathew was explaining
about his experience during his first semester in FNBE, Alicia paid full attention to him unlike
the rest of the class. Given that Mathew was considered a senior to Alicia, she though that
all seniors knows everything and should follow all of their given advice no matter good or
Concept Application Explanation: The second concept which is stereotype is applied in this
scene as well due to the fact that Alicia categorizes all seniors to be highly knowledgeable
people and must listen to whatever advice that they provide no matter the consequences.
Alicia also finds Mathew attractive as according to her stereotyping thinking in which seniors
must be good and perfect.
Gender Prejudice
Scene Description: While in group discussion, Alicia’s group decided upon what materials
they required to complete their group project. One of Alicia’s friend offered to fetch her
team to go get the materials they needed. However, another friend of Alicia who is a guy
rejected the idea of having her friend to fetch them as he thinks that girls can’t drive
properly or even drive better than him. So he rejects the offer and insisted that he fetches
them there instead. This scene takes place in the video between 0:51:00 to 1:11:00.
Concept Application Explanation: The male friend of Alicia in this scene uses gender
prejudice as he practices sexismtowards female. He did not want Alicia’s female friend to
drive them there due to the fact that he thinks woman are not capable drivers compared to
men and should leave the hard work to guys. As he insisted on driving them there, he clearly
shows that he does not want to be a passenger while the female is the driver. This shows
that the guy is gender prejudice as he sees that male are more capable than female.
Prosocial Behaviour
Scene Description: As time passes by, Alicia’s final project due date was soon and Alicia is
struggling with it badly. When the lecturer sees her drawing, he just tosses it away. His
actions makes Alicia feel more stressed out and she feels lost. She was desperate and had
chosen to ask for help from her current boyfriend Mathew. She starts texting him to come
to her aid. Mathew is willing to help Alicia because he emphasizes Alicia and he wants Alicia
to get a good grade. This scene takes place in the video between 1:48:00 to 1:58:00.
Concept Application Explanation: This scene demonstrated Mathew as someone who is an
altruistic person as he came to the aid of Alicia without having to gain any benefit but just to
help her succeed in the project. His prosocial behaviour follows the altruistic model as he
did it without any intention of getting any benefit back in return.
Scene Description: After completing the project, Alicia submitted it and hopes for good
grade as she was pretty confident about her work being good. However, her lecturer
disagrees with her and gave her a bad grade, feeling broken hearted about this situation,
she was feeling emotionally angry and at the same time sad but she kept her anger within
compared to Mathew who demonstrated his anger after his lecturer failed his project.
Mathew attempted to provoke the lecturer by pushing the tables aside and also kicking the
door on his way out as a way to demonstrate his anger. This scene takes place in the video
between 2:27:00 – 2:37:00.
Concept Application Explanation: As Alicia did feel anger, she kept it within and instead she
rather cry it out than releasing her anger onto others while Mathew showed his aggression
physically as he was prepared to assault the lecturer due to the lecturer failing his project
and after that showing his aggression once again when he kicked the door on the way out.
The Negative Attributional Style
Scene Description: At the end of the video, Mathew is annoyed by Alicia as he feels that she
is too annoying and overly emotional. He also feels that the relationship between both of
them is long over as he breaks up with her at the end. Alicia is left crying and thinking about
what went wrong with everything.
Concept Application Explanation: At the end of the video, the final concept that is negative
attributional style can be seen when both of them finally decided to break up due to the fact
that their relationship satisfaction is at an end as they mostly have more conflict. This video
also shows that Mathew is annoyed with her attitude and automatically interprets Alicia’s
action all in negative ways.
This assignment helped us understand the many concepts of psychology and theories.
Before this project we did not realize that social psychology plays a big role in our daily lives.
From learning and understanding these concepts and theories we were able to apply them
to our final video by acting it out.
We would not be able to understand these interesting concepts of our daily lives if it
weren’t for Mr. Shankar who did a great job in explaining these concepts in a fun and
interesting way. The way he thought us made us really interested in social psychology which
most of us weren’t before.
 Franzoi, S. L. (2009). Social Psychology. Boston, Mass : McGraw-Hill.
 Batson, C. Daniel. 1998. Altruism and prosocial behavior. In The handbook of social
psychology. 2 vols. 4th ed. Edited by Daniel T. Gilbert, Susan T. Fiske, and Gardner
Lindzey, 282–316. New York: McGraw-Hill.
 R. Smith, E. (n.d.). Social Psychology. Retrieved December 6, 2015, from
 McLeod, S. A. (2008). Prejudice and Discrimination. Retrieved December 6, 2015,
 Stereotype. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2015, from
 Duff, K.. (2012). Think Social Psychology of Work. London : Penguin Books.
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5
Scene 6

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Psycho report

  • 1. SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND DESIGN THE DESIGN SCHOOL FOUNDATION IN NATURAL AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT Research Report Group Members : Lew Quo Ming 0322884 Chang May Chen 0322636 Karen Choo 0322480 Haroon Faleel 0322197 Soh Young Zhou 0322123 Lecturer : T. Shankar Intake : January 2015 Subject : Social Psychology
  • 2. Content Page 1) Acknowledgement 2) Introduction 3) Method a) Apparatus / Material b) Procedure 4) Discussion a) Concept and Definitions b) Storyboard Design c) Application and Analysis d) Conclusion 5) References 6) Appendix
  • 3. Acknowledgement First off, this assignment would not be completed successfully without the effort and time dedicates from our lovely fellow groupmates, which are Lew Quo Ming, Chang May Chen, Karen Choo, Haroon Faleel and Soh Yong Zhou. Our responsibilities, patience and enthusiasms are also part of the keys of overcoming the tasks. We would also like to credit our lecturer, Mr. T. Shankar, for leading us to understand the philosophy of psychology. With the efforts from us and guidance from Mr. Shankar, we have successfully completed the report, video and the presentation slides.
  • 4. Introduction In this project, students are required to either film a video clip or record a social experiment videos based on the psychology concepts that we have learned throughout this semester and the video will be played during our presentation. My group and I decide to film a story line applies with these 6 main concepts, which are gender prejudice, prosocial behaviour, aggressive, negative attributional style and stereotype. The next step of this project is making a slide. Once we are done with the video shooting, my groups and I are required to make a slide briefly explaining how the concepts we choose apply on the story. Last but not least, we have to analyse and summarize everything in our report, which includes the concepts, procedure, application and analysis and more. The project will help students to have better understanding of psychology within the connection between concepts and perspective. Hence, students are not just learning psychology but more to applying the theories in real life.
  • 5. Method a) Apparatus and Materials  One camera – to record series of the short sense efficiently  Mobile phone (iPhone 5S) – as a prop needed and record audio for narration  Paper- as a prop needed Video editing software:  I movie  Movie maker  Voice memos  YouTube-mp3-org.  YouTube b) Procedure  23 November 2015: The first meeting with most of the group members. During this meeting, we discussed upon what type of concept to use and also came up with a draft of the storyboard. The meeting was rather short as we immediately delegated task to each members and began working on it.  26 November 2015: After a short meeting on refining and further improving the story board, we discussed about the script of the video and planned a suitable time and date along with the venue for the filming of the video.  29 November 2015: First day of filming. We filmed majority of our video in Block E level 3 classrooms as well as using the corridor of Block E level 3. Filming began at 9am until 12 pm. After finish filming majority of the video, we began discussing on finishing up the report and the meeting ended around 1.45pm.  30 November 2015: Final day of filming and discussing about the slides and report again. The filming began at 3pm until 4pm. The venue was in an X-Space room in Block D level 3. We required to filmone more scene for the video as one of our members were not able to attend the first day of filming. After finishing filming, we began to delegate task once again as we plan to be able to edit finish the video the next day.
  • 6. c) Roles Delegation Member Overall context Videocontext ChangMay Chen Audioeditor Main editorforpresentation slide Main character, KarenChoo Main editorforvideo The girl whowantto be the diver Soo youngZhou Recorderfornarration Contribute onreport The boy whohas gender prejudice behavior Quo Ming Main reportwriter Reportcombination Main character. Haroon Cameraman Contribute onreport Lecturer
  • 7. Discussion a) Concept and Definitions For this video, there were 6 social psychology concept that was applied and demonstrated through the way each character was portrayed. The 6 concepts are gender prejudice, prosocial behaviour, aggression, the negative attributional style, first impression, and stereotype. All of these concepts will be shown and demonstrated through the video. The first concept that we applied into the video was first impression. First impression is basically the first mental image of a person when a person encounters with another person. The impression is made based on a wide range of characteristics namely the appearance of a person, the actions done by the person, number of people present, and time allowed to process. Impressions may be either positive or negative. The second concept that was applied in this assignment was stereotype. Stereotypes are the beliefs about people based on their membership in a particular group. Stereotypes can be positive, negative, or neutral. Stereotypes based on gender, ethnicity, or occupation are common in many societies. By stereotyping we infer that a person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have. For our third concept, we used gender prejudice. Prejudice is a negative learned attitude towards a group of people. Fitting gender under prejudice would mean that treating people unequally due to their gender. Gender prejudice comes under sexism. The fourth concept would be prosocial behaviour refers to the phenomenon of people helping each other with no thought of reward or compensation. Prosocial behaviours are actions or patterns of behaviour rather than motivations. Prosocial behaviour consist of two
  • 8. types of model. Egoistic model is when the behaviours are done for selfish reasons while the altruistic model is when behaviours are done for selfish reasons. The fifth concept is aggression. Aggression is a range of behaviours that can result in both physical and psychological harm to one. There are several forms of aggression which includes physical, verbal, mental and emotional. Aggression also serves all sorts of different purpose in the given situation. The final concept that was applied would be the negative attributional style. This attribution is applied when we automatically explain a partner’s action in negative ways as it also decreases relationship satisfaction and increases conflict.
  • 9. b) Storyboard The story isabout a girl,Aliciawhohasstart her college life andmeetsherfirstlove.She fellinlove withherseniorand alongthe wayshe faced multiple problemsthroughhercollege life. Scene 1 – Orientation On the seconddayof orientation,Aliciawenttoherclass tomeethernew lecturerandalso was laterintroducedhertoher seniors. Lecturer : So nowintroduce youthe semester2student.ThisisMathew,fromsemester2. Mathew : Hellomyname is Mathew.I am fromFNBE…. WhenMathewwalkedin,Aliciaeyeswerefocusedonhimasthe wayhe dressedandwalkswas somewhatappealingforAlicia.While Mathew wasintroducinghimself andalsosharinghispast experience fromFNBESemester1,the onlypersonthatpaid full attentionwasAlicia. InAlicia’s mind-set,seniorsare alwaysrightastheysomehow knowseverything. Scene 2 – Assignments A couple of weekslater,Aliciahasbeguntoworkon assignmentsgivenbyherlecturer.She was havinga group discussionbetweentwoof hergroupmates whichwere Yongand Karen. Yong : Hey,we don’thave thismaterial.Ithinkwe needto go get it,I think visionarthas it. Karen : I can drive youguys there. Yong tookthe car keysfromKarenand insistedondrivingthemthere. Yong : Are yougoingto drive usthere?!Doyou know whatdoesGCD means? Karen : I don’tknow… Yong : Girls CannotDrive.Letme drive,Idon’tthinkyou can drive betterthanme.I can drift and can do anything. Let’sgo! Scene 3 – Final Project As time passesby,Alicia’sfinal projectdue date wassoonand Aliciaisstrugglingwithitbadly. When the lecturerseesherdrawing,he just tosses itaway.HisactionsmakesAliciafeel more stressedout
  • 10. and she feelslost.She wasdesperateandhadchosento ask for helpfromhercurrentboyfriend Mathew.She starts textinghimtocome to heraid. Scene 4 – Comingto help MathewmeetsupwithAliciaandhe broughthis previousworkinhopesthatitwill be able toassist herfor her project. Mathew : Hey,sothisis whatI did the lasttime …. So thiswasmy previous project…sobasicallyI didwas….. Scene 5 - Anger Aliciafinallysubmittedherprojecttoherlecturerandwashopingthat she will be able toobtaina goodgrade because Mathewhadalreadytaughther everythingshe neededtoknow aboutthe project.However,the lecturergave hera bad grade inthe end.Aliciawasfeelingsadandfelthighly emotional aboutit. Aroundthe same time,Mathew wasalsofacing a similarproblemashe wasgivenabad grade byhis lecturereventhoughhe haddone hisbestforthe project.Mathew was extremelyupsetandnearly assaultedthe lecturer. Scene 6 - Conflict Mathewstormedout of hisclassroomand metup withAlicia.He wasshockedtosee that Aliciawas cryingat a corner. Mathew : Are youokay? Alicia : Yeah,I’m okay. But Aliciawasfeelingreallyunhappy asshe keptoncryingwhile Mathew begantofeel irritatedwith Alicia. Mathew : Canyou stopcrying?! Scene 7 - Finale Mathew : Let’sbreakup… Aliciacriesasshe was lefttowonderwhatwentwrongwiththisrelationship. Endof Story
  • 11. d) Application and Analysis First impression Scene Description: During the second day of orientation, Alicia’s lecturer introduces Mathew, a second semester student who is considered a senior. Mathew started talking about his experience and what challenges he had face during the first semester. Only Alicia paid full attention to him while the rest of the class was busy playing with their mobile devices. This scene occurs during 0:16:00 to 0:31:00. Concept Application Explanation: The concept of first impression is applied in the beginning of the story in which Alicia thinks that Mathew, who dressed smartly and also walks confidently is a smart and handsome person. Mathew’s image was evaluated based on what he wore as well as his body movement. It is a positive impression because Alicia view him as a smart and handsome person until. She finds herself falling in love with Matthew due to her first impression. On the other hand, there is also a negative impression towards Mathew as some view him as annoying and talkative. The student beside Alicia decided not to listen to whatever Mathew is talking and just ignored him by playing her phone because her first impression of Mathew was that he came across annoying and a show off by telling them what to do throughout the semester and his accomplishments.
  • 12. Stereotype Scene Description: Taken place during the first scene as well. As Mathew was explaining about his experience during his first semester in FNBE, Alicia paid full attention to him unlike the rest of the class. Given that Mathew was considered a senior to Alicia, she though that all seniors knows everything and should follow all of their given advice no matter good or bad. Concept Application Explanation: The second concept which is stereotype is applied in this scene as well due to the fact that Alicia categorizes all seniors to be highly knowledgeable people and must listen to whatever advice that they provide no matter the consequences. Alicia also finds Mathew attractive as according to her stereotyping thinking in which seniors must be good and perfect.
  • 13. Gender Prejudice Scene Description: While in group discussion, Alicia’s group decided upon what materials they required to complete their group project. One of Alicia’s friend offered to fetch her team to go get the materials they needed. However, another friend of Alicia who is a guy rejected the idea of having her friend to fetch them as he thinks that girls can’t drive properly or even drive better than him. So he rejects the offer and insisted that he fetches them there instead. This scene takes place in the video between 0:51:00 to 1:11:00. Concept Application Explanation: The male friend of Alicia in this scene uses gender prejudice as he practices sexismtowards female. He did not want Alicia’s female friend to drive them there due to the fact that he thinks woman are not capable drivers compared to men and should leave the hard work to guys. As he insisted on driving them there, he clearly shows that he does not want to be a passenger while the female is the driver. This shows that the guy is gender prejudice as he sees that male are more capable than female.
  • 14. Prosocial Behaviour Scene Description: As time passes by, Alicia’s final project due date was soon and Alicia is struggling with it badly. When the lecturer sees her drawing, he just tosses it away. His actions makes Alicia feel more stressed out and she feels lost. She was desperate and had chosen to ask for help from her current boyfriend Mathew. She starts texting him to come to her aid. Mathew is willing to help Alicia because he emphasizes Alicia and he wants Alicia to get a good grade. This scene takes place in the video between 1:48:00 to 1:58:00. Concept Application Explanation: This scene demonstrated Mathew as someone who is an altruistic person as he came to the aid of Alicia without having to gain any benefit but just to help her succeed in the project. His prosocial behaviour follows the altruistic model as he did it without any intention of getting any benefit back in return.
  • 15. Aggression Scene Description: After completing the project, Alicia submitted it and hopes for good grade as she was pretty confident about her work being good. However, her lecturer disagrees with her and gave her a bad grade, feeling broken hearted about this situation, she was feeling emotionally angry and at the same time sad but she kept her anger within compared to Mathew who demonstrated his anger after his lecturer failed his project. Mathew attempted to provoke the lecturer by pushing the tables aside and also kicking the door on his way out as a way to demonstrate his anger. This scene takes place in the video between 2:27:00 – 2:37:00. Concept Application Explanation: As Alicia did feel anger, she kept it within and instead she rather cry it out than releasing her anger onto others while Mathew showed his aggression physically as he was prepared to assault the lecturer due to the lecturer failing his project and after that showing his aggression once again when he kicked the door on the way out.
  • 16. The Negative Attributional Style Scene Description: At the end of the video, Mathew is annoyed by Alicia as he feels that she is too annoying and overly emotional. He also feels that the relationship between both of them is long over as he breaks up with her at the end. Alicia is left crying and thinking about what went wrong with everything. Concept Application Explanation: At the end of the video, the final concept that is negative attributional style can be seen when both of them finally decided to break up due to the fact that their relationship satisfaction is at an end as they mostly have more conflict. This video also shows that Mathew is annoyed with her attitude and automatically interprets Alicia’s action all in negative ways.
  • 17. Conclusion This assignment helped us understand the many concepts of psychology and theories. Before this project we did not realize that social psychology plays a big role in our daily lives. From learning and understanding these concepts and theories we were able to apply them to our final video by acting it out. We would not be able to understand these interesting concepts of our daily lives if it weren’t for Mr. Shankar who did a great job in explaining these concepts in a fun and interesting way. The way he thought us made us really interested in social psychology which most of us weren’t before.
  • 18. References  Franzoi, S. L. (2009). Social Psychology. Boston, Mass : McGraw-Hill.  Batson, C. Daniel. 1998. Altruism and prosocial behavior. In The handbook of social psychology. 2 vols. 4th ed. Edited by Daniel T. Gilbert, Susan T. Fiske, and Gardner Lindzey, 282–316. New York: McGraw-Hill.  R. Smith, E. (n.d.). Social Psychology. Retrieved December 6, 2015, from  McLeod, S. A. (2008). Prejudice and Discrimination. Retrieved December 6, 2015, from  Stereotype. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2015, from  Duff, K.. (2012). Think Social Psychology of Work. London : Penguin Books.