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Despite the commonunderstanding thatadequate calciumintakeisnecessaryforhealthygrowthin
children,onlyabout½the youngerchildrenpopulationactuallygetenough!Thisnumber isevenlessin
teens.Nutritionhabitsanddevelopmentof foodpreferencesstartinearlyyearsof life.Thismeansitis
not onlyimperativeyoungchildrenobtainenoughcalciumintheirdietforproperdevelopment;the
introductionof calcium-richfoodsearlyonmayinfluence betternutritionasthe childgets older.
The recommendeddailyintake forgirlsandboysfromages1-3 is700 mg daily.Thisrecommendation
factors inthe varyingabsorptionratesfromdifferentfoodsources.Milk andmilkproducts, are the most
well knownsourcesandthe mostcommonsource inthe UnitedStates.Childrenwithlactose intolerance
or milkallergiesmustreceivetheircalcium.Otheranimal basedsourcesinclude sardinesandcanned
salmon,whichare oftencannedwiththeirsoft,edible bones(richincalcium).Breads,grainsandcereals
are alsorich sourcesof calcium,as theyare oftenfortifiedorpickupcalciumfromprocessing.
Traditionally,cornandflourtortillasare treatedwithlime inproduction,addingcalciumtothe product.
Calciumcan alsobe abundantlyfoundin manyfruitsandveggies,suchaskale,broccoli andfigs.
Almondsare alsoloadedwithcalcium.
It mustbe consideredthatveganorvegetarianchildrenmaybe at riskforcalciumdeficiencydue tolack
of intake of dairyproducts,aswell asconsumption of highphytate andoxylate foods,whichoften
inhibitcalciumabsorption.However,phytateandoxylate levelscanbe decreasedasmuchas 31-87%
throughcookingmethods.Withthe decrease of these substancesincalciumrich,yethighoxylate or
phytate foods,the calciumcontentcanbe betterutilized.
There issuch thingas too muchcalcium:hypercalcemia.Inthisstate of excess,inhibitionof other
importantnutrients,suchasironand zinc,can occur. Symptomsinclude constipation,muscle weakness,
and couldleadto kidneystonesandgallstones. The highestamountproventobe safelytoleratedis
2500 mg perday; the equivalentto8 8-ounce glassesof milkperday.
The thyroidand parathyroidglandsworktogethertomonitordayto dayintake.
 Whencalciumlevelsare low,calciumreceptors,orCaRs,on the parathyroidisalerted.
Parathyroidhormone (PTH) productionisthenincreased.PTHthenstimulatesthe kidneysto
increase productionof anenzyme called1-hydroxylase.Thisenzymeworkstoyieldcalcitriol,or
an active formof vitaminD.Calcitriol putsosteoclastsinthe bone towork:these little guys are
responsible forthe break-downof bone calciuminordertorelease thatcalciumforbodilyuse.
Calcitriol alsotravelsthroughthe bloodtothe intestinestotell Calbindin,the guywho’s
“bindin’”tocalcium,toincrease hisrate of absorption.
 Whencalciumlevelsare toohigh,CaRsup-regulate the productionof calcitonin,andPTH
productionisdown-regulated.Calcitonintellsthe osteoclasts,the bone calciumminers,to“tone
it down.”Osteoblastsare thencalledintoreinforce the bone structure byincreasingbone
mineralization. Absorptionrate of additional calciumfromfoodisalsodecreasedwhenlevelsin
the bodyare alreadyhigh.
Absorptionrates,orhoweffectivelycalciumisabsorbedforuse inthe body,dependonthe body’sneed
at the time of consumption.Asitplaysavital role incalciumabsorption,vitaminDstatusisvery
importantto propercalciumutilization. VitaminC,vitaminKandmagnesiumstatusalsopositively
affectscalciumstatus. Infantsandyoungchildrenneedmassive amountsof calciumeachdaytofuel
theirgrowinganddevelopingbodies,sothe absorptionratesinthisage groupisrelativelyhigh. Timing
isalso everythingwithcalcium:smallerspreadingcalciumintakeinsmallerdosesincreasesthe
Mock Tuna Salad
Original recipe byKayla
1 15-ounce can chickpeas,rinsedanddrained
2 celerystalks,diced
1 tablespoondill pickle juice
1 dill pickle spear,diced
1 tablespoonnutritionalyeast
½ tsp onionpowder
1 tablespoonmayonnaiseorveganmayo
½ tsp kelppowderor1 tablespooncrumblednori (optional)
Withthe back of a fork,mash chickpeasuntil nofull beansremain.Stirin remainingingredients.Enjoy
on bread,ina wrap, withveggies,orbyitself!
Calcium: 136 mg
Loaded withvitamin K, greatsource of vitamin C. Also containsdecentprotein and omega-3fatty acid
content. This is a greatoption forthe meat freekiddos.However,vitamin D and omega-3fatty acids can
be enhanceby mixing in 1 can of tuna.
Butternut Squash and Kale Quesadillas
Recipe fromDinnerMom
1 butternutsquash, about4 cups, dicedin1/2” cubes
1 tablespoonoil
1 teaspoonbutter
1 bunchof kale,tornfromstemsand finelychopped
8 6-inchflouror corn tortillas
2 cupsmozzarella or Swiss cheese,orvegansubstitute,shredded
Heat the oil and 1 teaspoonof butterovermedium-highheat.
Addbutternutsquashandsauté for about5-7 minutes,oruntil cookedslightlylessthanforktender
Addkale and sauté forabout 3-5 minutes,oruntil kale haswilted.Remove fromheatandsetaside.
Butterone side of the tortillaandplace butter-side downinacleanpanthat has beenheatedover
mediumheat.Sprinkle2tablespoonscheese ontortilla
Spreadabout½ cupbutternutsquash-kale mixtureovercheese
Sprinkle 2tablespoonsmore cheeseovertopof squashandkale
Butterone side of secondtortillaandplace itbutter-side upontopof the cheese.Toastuntil bottom
layerisgoldenbrownandthe cheese isstartingto melt.Flipandtoastthe otherside.
Remove quesadillaandrepeatforthe restof of the servings.Sliceinquarterstoserve.
Calcium:608 mg
Abundantin vitamin Kand vitamin C,in addition to the high vitamin E content;high protein contentand
relatively low sodiumcontent.
Potato Crusted Mini Quiches
Adaptedfrom SweatySportsBras
8 oz yellowpotatoes,grated
8 oz sweetpotatoes
6 large eggs
1 tablespoonwhole-wheatpastryflour
½ teaspoonsalt
1/8 teaspoonpepper
1 teaspoonolive oil
½ cup dicedonions
½ cup dicedbell peppers
1 broccoli,choppedinsmall ½inchflorets
2 clovesgarlic,minced
½ cup plainGreekyogurt
¼ cup shreddedzucchini
2 oz cheddarcheese,shredded
Preheatovento425◦F. Prepare muffintinswithliners andlightlyspray,oruse siliconemuffinliners.
In a large bowl,combine potatoes,1whole egg,flour,saltandpepper.Line the muffincupswiththe
mixture;the potatocrustshouldbe about¼-inchthickonall sides.Bake forabout 25 minutes,until
brownedonedges.Remove fromthe ovenandletcool while preparingthe filling.Reduceovenheatto
Heat the oil inskilletovermedium-lowheat.Addonionsandletcookuntil translucentandstartingto
brown,about10 minutes. Addthe peppers,broccoli andgarlicandcookand cook another5-10 minutes,
dependingonhowmuchcrunchis desiredinthe quiche.Addshreddedzucchiniandcookuntil softened.
In a large bowl,whisktogether4 eggs.AddGreekyogurtand whiskuntil incorporated.Addvegetables
and cheese andstir.Divide mixture evenlyintopreparedpotatocrusts.
Bake at 350◦F until set,25-35 minutes.Removefromovenandletcool forabout 10 minutesbefore
Calcium:105 mg
Excellent vitamin C and vitamin K contentand good sourceof omega-3fatty acidsto promoteVitamin D
Raspberry Buttermilk Pancakes
Adaptedfrom Oh,SweetBasil
½ teaspoonsalt
2 teaspoonsbakingpowder
1 teaspoonbakingsoda
2 cupssiftedflour
2 tablespoonssugar
2 eggs,slightlywhisked
2 cupsbuttermilk
2 tablespoonsbutter,unsaltedandmelted
2 cupsfreshraspberries
Heat griddle tomediumheat
Whisktogethersalt,bakingpowder,bakingsoda,flourandsugarina mediumbowl.
In a separate bowl,whisktogetherthe eggsandbuttermilk.Slowly drizzle inbutterwhile whisking.
Make a well inthe middle of the dryingredientswithawoodenspoon.Pourinwetingredientsandstir
until justcombined.
Buttergriddle andscoop1/3 cup batter.Cookuntil bubblesbegintoform.Sprinkle ¼ cupraspberrieson
top.Flipand cookuntil otherside isgolden.
Calcium:147 mg
Good sourceof vitamin C; containsvitamin E and vitamin K
Slow Cooker Pumpkin Porridge
Recipe fromThe NakedFig
1/3 cup quinoa
1/3 cup amaranth
1/3 cup steel cutoats
1 ½ cup pumpkinpuree
2 cupscoconut milkor evaporated milk
2 cupswater
1/8 teaspoonsalt
2 teaspooncinnamon
½ teaspoonturmeric
1 vanillabean,scraped(or1 teaspoonvanilla)
Maple syrup or honeytotaste
Addall ingredientstoslowcooker.Whisktoaevenconsistencywithnochunks.Turnonlow overnight,
about8 hours.Stir inthe morningand sweetentotaste.
Top withpumpkinseeds,coconut,Greekyogurt, coconutcream, crystallizedginger,orpuffedamaranth.
Calcium:329 mg
Excellent sourceof vitamin D and vitamin K; also containsvitamin E and vitamin C
Butternut Squash Swirled Mashed Cauliflower
Recipe FromDashingDish
¼ cup lowfatmilkor milkalternative
1 large headof cauliflower(about3-4cups)
1 mediumbutternutsquash,peeled(about2-3cups)
1 teaspoongarlicpowder
¼ cup parmesancheese
Saltand peppertotaste
Addcauliflowertofoodprocessorwith2 tablespoonsmilk,2tablespoonsparmesancheese,½teaspoon
garlicpowderandsalt and peppertotaste.Scoopmixture intogallonZiplocbag,tippingtoone side.
Addsquashto blenderwith2tablespoonsmilk,2tablespoonsparmesancheese and½teaspoongarlic
powder.Saltandpeppertotaste.Blenduntil smooth.Scoopmixture intootherhalf of the Ziplocbag.
Trim tipoff of the Ziplocbag.Squeeze mixture into servingdisharoundthe bowl,swirlingupwarduntil
contentsare emptied.
Calcium:249 mg
Excellent sourceof vitamin C; containsvitamin E and D.
Broccoli Cheese Lasagna
Recipe fromReal Simple
1 15-oz containerricottacheese
1 poundbroccoli florets,cooked,patteddryandchopped
2 ¼ cups gratedmozzarella
½ cup gratedParmesan
Saltand pepper
16-ounce marinara sauce
½ cup evaporatedmilk
8 no-boil lasagnanoodles
Preheatovento400◦F. In a large bowl,combine ricotta,broccoli,2cups of the mozzarella,¼ cupof the
parmesan,½ teaspoonsaltand¼ teaspoonpepper.
Ina small bowl,combine marinarasauce andcream.
Spoonthinlayerof sauce intothe bottomof an 8-inchsquare bakingdish.Topwith2 noodles,aquarter
of the remainingsauce anda thirdof the broccoli mixture;repeattwomore times.Topwiththe
remainingnoodlesandsauce.Sprinklewithremaining¼ cupmozzarellaand¼ cup parmesan.
Covertightlywithoiledpiece of foil andbake until noodlesare tender,35-40 minutes.Uncoverandbake
until the topis goldenbrown,10-15 minutes.
Calcium:364 mg
Loaded withvitamin C and vitamin K; good sourceof vitamin E and vitamin D
Mushroom Fennel Quinoa Stuffing
Recipe fromSkinnyTaste
1 cup quinoa,rinsedwell
1 ½ cups lowsodiumbroth
1 tbspoil
1 small onion,diced
¾ cup fennel,diced
½ cup celery,diced
½ cup carrots, diced
8 oz slicedfreshmushrooms
Saltand peppertotaste
Addquinoaand brothto mediumsauce pan.Bringto a boil,thenreduce heattosimmerabout15-20
While quinoaiscooking,inalarge heavysauté pan add olive oil tothe pan, thenthe onion:sauté one
minute.Addfennel,celery,andcarrots;saltand peppertotaste.Cookabout12-15 minutesover
mediumheat,until vegetablesare soft.
Addthe mushroomsto the pan,more saltand pepperif neededandcook,stirring5 minutes,thencook
coveredfor2 minutesuntil mushroomsare cookedthrough.Addcookedquinoatopanandmix well.
Calcium:44.4 mg
Great sourceof vitamin K and vitamin C; containsvitamin E and D; low sodiumdish
Turkey Spinach Sliders
Recipe fromPaleoaholic
1 lbgroundturkey
4 cupsbaby spinach
4 scallions
3 tspcoconut oil
½ teaspoongarlicpowder
1 tablespoonflaxseedmeal
1 tspchili powder
Seasalt and black pepper
Combine spinach,scallions,garlicpowder,turkeyandchili powderina bowl.
Seasonwith saltand peppertotaste
Combine andmix gently.Form½inchthickpatties.
Cookovera large skilletwithcoconutoil orplace ongrill
Cookuntil goldenbrownandcookedthoroughly.
Serve with½slice of Muenstercheese onwhole wheatsliderbunswithfavorite condiments.
Calcium:132 mg
Good sourceof magnesium,vitamin Dand E; Loaded with vitamin K and good sourceof vitamin C.
Homemade Fig Newtons
Recipe fromCupcake Project
1 cup driedblackmissionfigs
2 tablespoonsunsweetenedapplesauce
1 tablespoonagave nectar
Pinchof cinnamon
3 cupsalmondmeal
½ teaspoonseasalt
¾ cup agave nectar
¼ cup grapeseedoil
1 tablespoonvanillaextract
For the filling:
Remove all stemsfromthe figsandplace infoodprocessorwithotherfillingingredients.Processuntil
For the dough:
In a medium-sizedmixingbowl,combinealmondmeal andsalt.
In a small bowl,combine agave,grapeseedoil andvanilla.
Mix wetingredientsintodryingredients.Note:thiswill lookmuchwetterthanmostcookie doughsand
youmay questionhowitwill everbe possibletoroll thisdoughout.Don’tworry;the doughwill get
much thickerafteryourefrigerate it.
Refrigerate doughforone hour.
Remove doughfromrefrigeratorandpreheatovento350◦F.
Divide doughintofourequal sections.Startingwiththe firstsection,roll outthe doughbetweentwo
piecesof parchmentpapertoa rectangle that’sabout10” long,4” wide,and¼”thick.Note:the
parchmentpaperisabsolutelyessential.If the doughdirectlytouchesthe rollingpin,itwillbe
impossible tokeepitfromstickingtothe pin.
Spread¼ of the newtonfillingalongthe rightside of the dough
Foldthe doughin half lengthwise sothatthe doughonthe leftside completelycoversthe figfilling.The
easiestwaytodo thisisliftthe parchmentpaperfromunderneathtomake the foldand thenpeel the
parchmentpaperback afterthe foldisdone.If there istoo much overlap,trimthe seamwitha butter
knife tomake a straightline.
Repeatwiththe remainingthree sections.Place all fourdoughlogsontoa bakingsheetlinedwith
parchmentpaperand bake for12 minutes,oruntil edgesjustbegintobrown.
Remove fromthe oven.
Cool until youcan comfortablytouchthe logs.Then,cut every2” to formthe cookies.
Calcium:177 mg
High vitamin E content;good sourceof vitamin K,vitamin C, and magnesium
Creamy Vanilla Rice Pudding with Rhubarb Compote
Recipe fromNami-Nami
Rice pudding:
½ cup parboiledshortgrainwhite rice
2 cupsmilk
2 tablespoonssugar
1 vanillabean,halvedlengthwise
3-4 stalkspinkrhubarb
2 tablespoonssugar
1 tablespoonwater
Adddrainedrice to saucepan;addmilk,sugarand vanillabean.Bringtoboil,thenreduce heattolow
and simmer,uncovered,forabout20 minutes.Stiroccasionally,until rice issoftandcreamy.
While rice puddingissimmering,prepare rhubarbcompote. Cutthe rhubarbstalksinto1 inch lengths.
Place insmall sauce pan,add sugar and water.Bringto a boil,thenreduce heatandsimmeronmedium
heatfor 5-7 minutes,untilrhubarbhassoftened(butnotmushy!)
Remove vanillabeanfromrice porridge,gentlyfoldincompote.Servewarm.
Calcium:304 mg
Excellent sourceof vitamin K, good contentof vitamin Cand magnesium
Recipe fromThe MinimalistBaker
4 cupsstemmedand chopped collardgreens(one bunch)
1 15.5 ounce can chickpeas,rinsedanddrained
3 clovesgarlic,chopped
1.5 tablespoonstahini
1.5 tablespoonsfreshlemonjuice
¼ teaspooncumin
Seasalt and blackpepper
3-4 tablespoonsoatflour
4 tablespoonsgrapeseedorolive oil forcooking
and mix tocombine.
Once well incorporated,transfertomixingbowl andstirinoatflour,one tablespoon ata time,until
mixture isthickenoughtohandle (about3-4tablespoons)
Taste and adjustseasoningsasneeded.Itmayneedmore salt,pepper,lemonjuice ormore tahini
Heat a large skilletovermedium/mediumhighheatandadd2 tablespoonsoil atatime.Swirl tocoat
Add4 falafel (orhowevermanywill notcrowdthe pan) to the pan at a time
Checkat the 1-2 minute markto ensure theyaren’tbrowningtooquickly.Reduce heatslightlyif thisis
the case. Fliponce deepgoldenbrown- about3-4minutes.
Cookuntil underside isgoldenbrownalso.
Serve withhummusandpaprika,orin a pita withhummusor taziki
Calcium:146 mg
Rich in vitamin C,magnesiumand vitamin E; Loaded with vitamin K
Scalloped Turnips
Recipe fromTaste of Home
3 cupsdicedpeeledturnips
2 cupswater
1 teaspoonsugar
2 tablespoonsbutter
3 tablespoonsall-purposeflour
¾ teaspoonssalt
1 ½ cups milk
¼ cup crushedcornflakes
2 tablespoonsshreddedcheddarcheese
Place the turnips,waterandsugar ina large sauce pan. Bringto a boil.Reduce heat;coverandsimmer
for 5-8 minutesoruntil tender.Drainandsetaside.
In anothersaucepan,meltbutter; stirinflourandsaltif desireduntil smooth.Graduallyaddmilk;bring
to a boil.Cookand stirfor 2 minutesoruntil thickenedandbubbly.Stirinturnips.
Pourinto a greases1-quartbakingdish;sprinkle withcornflakesandcheese.Bake,uncovered at350◦F
for 20 minutesoruntil bubbly.Garnishwithparsleyif using.
Calcium:129 mg
Excellent vitamin C and vitamin K content;good sourceof vitamin C and magnesium
Spinach and Artichoke Quinoa Casserole
Recipe fromMakingThyme for Health
3 cupsquinoa,cooked
10 oz frozenspinach,defrosted
2 cupsmarinatedartichoke hearts,chopped
2 tablespoonsoliveoil
1 shallot,finelychopped
3 garliccloves, minced
½ cup Italianblendcheese +¼ cup fortopping
¼ cup pepperjackcheese
2 mediumeggs
6 oz plainnon-fatGreekyogurt
Saltand peppertotaste
Preheatthe ovento375◦F thenprepare a large casserole dish(1quartrecommended) bygreasingwith
butterof choice.
Warm the olive oil overmediumheatinasauté pan andcook the shallotandgarlic fora few minutes,
until fragrant.
Usinga straineranda papertowel,pressthe excesswateroutfromthe defrostedspinach,thenaddto
the pan. Addthe choppedartichoke hearts,discardinganytoughparts.Adda pinchof saltand pepper
to the pan and cookfor 5 minutes.
Meanwhile,combine the eggs,yogurt,andcheese inalarge bowl andwhisktogetheruntil well
Remove the spinachartichoke mixture fromthe heatandallow tocool for a few minutesbefore adding
to the bowl witheggsand cheese.
Lastly,add the cookedquinoaandstiruntil everythingismixedtogetherwell.
Place the mixture intothe casserole dish,smoothingthe topwiththe backof a spoon.Sprinkle afew
tablespoonsof cheeseontopand cookfor 30-35 minutes,untiltopisgoldenbrown.Serve warmand
Calcium:118 mg
Loaded withvitamin K, excellent magnesiumand vitamin E source;also containsvitamin C and D
Crunchy Baked Okra
Recipe fromSingforYour Supper
1 lbokra, choppedin½ inchslices
2 tablespoonscornmeal
3 tablespoonspankobreadcrumbs
½ teaspoonsalt
¼ teaspoonpepper
½ teaspoongratedparmesancheese
2 eggs
Preheatthe ovento400 degrees.Combine the cornmeal,panko,salt,pepperandparmesancheese ina
large plate or pie dish
In a separate plate orpie dish,beatthe two eggs.
Toss the okra ineggsuntil evenlycoated.Thendredgethe okrainthe cornmeal/breadcrumbmixture.
Place on greasedbakingsheets.Bake for15-20 minutes,turningthe okrahalfwaythroughbaking.
Calcium:104 mg
Loaded withvitamin C and vitamin K; excellent sourceof magnesium
Orange- Ginger Sesame Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry
Recipe fromNatasha’sKitchen
1 ½ tablespooncookingoil
1 small redonion,finelydiced
1 lbchickenbreasts,cutin ½ inchcubes
5-6 cupsbroccoli florets(1large headof broccoli)
1 bunchasparagusspears,basestrimmedandcut into½ inchpieces
½ cup carrot matchsticks
¼ cup coldwater
½ tablespooncornstarch
½ tablespoongratedorange zest
½ cup freshlysqueezedorange juice
4 tablespoonlowsodiumsoysauce ortamari
2 teaspoonssesame oil
1 tablespoonfreshginger,grated
3 garliccloves,finelyminced
2 tablespoonshoneyorlightagave
6 cupshot cookedwhite rice (2cups dry)
In a bowl,whisktogethercoldwaterandcorn starch. Whiskinthe remainingmarinade ingredients.
Add¼ of marinade to chickenmeat,stirandletmarinate while preparingveggies(atleast15-30
Heat a large wokor heavybottomedsauté panover highheat.Add½ cup water.As soonas it boils,add
broccoli,carrot and asparagus.Coverandletit steamcook for2 minutesoverhighheatuntl the veggies
are crisptenderandbrightgreen.Remove veggiesintoabowl thenrinse anddryyour pan.
Reheatpanoverhighheat andstir in1 ½ tablespoonoil.Adddicedonionandsauté 1 minute,stirring
constantly.Addmarinatedchickentohotskilletinasingle layer.Letchickensituntouched2minutes
until browned.Stirtobrownonthe otherside.Once chickenisalmostcooked,addthe reserved
marinade andsimmer3 minutesoruntil sauce thickens.Stirinthe vegetablesandcontinue tocook
anotherminute.Chickenshouldbe fullycooked.
Serve overhotwhite rice andsprinkle withsesame seeds,if desired.
Calcium:114 mg
Loaded withvitamin C and vitamin K; Excellent sourceof magnesiumand vitamin E
Fruit and Yogurt Parfait with Granola: Start witha layerof nonfatyogurt.Add dicedfruit,suchas
strawberriesandmangoes,thensprinklesome granola.
Calcium:323 mg + Vitamin C,Magnesium,vitamin E,and vitamin K
Kale chipswith nutritional yeast: Tear kale fromstemsinto1” piecesandarrange on cookie sheet.
Drizzle with2 tablespoonsoliveoil,sprinklewithnutritional yeastandadash of salt.Bake at 275 for20
Calcium:91 mg + Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Magnesium
Applesand Almondbutter: Slice applesandserve with2 tablespoonsalmondbutter
Calcium:97 mg + Magnesium,Vitamin Eand Vitamin C
Chia pudding:Add4 cups milkto ¾ cups chia seed,alongwith2teaspoonsvanillaandasprinkle of
cinnamon.Combine andallowtosetforat least4 hoursinrefrigerator.Addfruitsuchas mangoes,
strawberries,peachesorbananasto boostvitaminCcontent.
Calcium392 + Vitamin D and Magnesium
Chocolate Ricotta Crème with Raspberries:Mix ½ cupricotta with1 tablespooncocoa,ateaspoon
sugar and a teaspoonof vanilla.Topwithahandful of raspberriesandatablespoonof bittersweet
chocolate chips.
Calcium:366 mg + Vitamin C,Vitamin K, Vitamin E and Magnesium
Cottage cheese stuffedtomatoes:Slice 3-5cherry tomatoesinhalf.Scoopoutthe centermeat.Ina
small bowl,mix ½cup cottage cheese withthe tomatomeat.Scooptomato-cottage cheese mixtureback
intothe tomato skins
Calcium:81 + Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Magnesium
FrozenYogurt with AlmondButter-Pear Sauce: Skinandslice 1 mediumpear.Addto small sauté pan
with1 tablespoonhoney.Heat onmediumlow until pearbeginstocaramelize.Add1tablespoon
almondbutterand½ teaspooncinnamon.Drizzle sauce over½cup frozenyogurt.
Calcium:185 mg + Magnesium,Vitamin C,Vitamin Eand Vitamin K
Fruit and mozzarellaSkewers:Chop 1 mozzarellastringcheese stickinto¼ inchslices.Dice ½apple,½
pear,¼ cup pineappleand2-3 strawberries.Alternatefruitandcheese onaskewer.
Calcium:234 mg + Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Magnesium;and Vitamin E
Mandarin orange popsicles:Blend1-2cups mandarinoranges,1 can evaporatedmilk,and1 tablespoon
honey.Addtopopsicle moldsandfreeze.
Calcium:154 mg + Vitamin C,Vitamin D and Magnesium
Mini Fruit Pizzas: Toastan Englishmuffin.Toeachhalf,add1-2 tablespoonsnonfatGreek yogurt,3-4
slicesbanana,1 slicedstrawberry,and1 tablespoonmandarinoranges
Calcium:76 + Vitamin C and Magnesium

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  • 1. Calcium Despite the commonunderstanding thatadequate calciumintakeisnecessaryforhealthygrowthin children,onlyabout½the youngerchildrenpopulationactuallygetenough!Thisnumber isevenlessin teens.Nutritionhabitsanddevelopmentof foodpreferencesstartinearlyyearsof life.Thismeansitis not onlyimperativeyoungchildrenobtainenoughcalciumintheirdietforproperdevelopment;the introductionof calcium-richfoodsearlyonmayinfluence betternutritionasthe childgets older. The recommendeddailyintake forgirlsandboysfromages1-3 is700 mg daily.Thisrecommendation factors inthe varyingabsorptionratesfromdifferentfoodsources.Milk andmilkproducts, are the most well knownsourcesandthe mostcommonsource inthe UnitedStates.Childrenwithlactose intolerance or milkallergiesmustreceivetheircalcium.Otheranimal basedsourcesinclude sardinesandcanned salmon,whichare oftencannedwiththeirsoft,edible bones(richincalcium).Breads,grainsandcereals are alsorich sourcesof calcium,as theyare oftenfortifiedorpickupcalciumfromprocessing. Traditionally,cornandflourtortillasare treatedwithlime inproduction,addingcalciumtothe product. Calciumcan alsobe abundantlyfoundin manyfruitsandveggies,suchaskale,broccoli andfigs. Almondsare alsoloadedwithcalcium. It mustbe consideredthatveganorvegetarianchildrenmaybe at riskforcalciumdeficiencydue tolack of intake of dairyproducts,aswell asconsumption of highphytate andoxylate foods,whichoften inhibitcalciumabsorption.However,phytateandoxylate levelscanbe decreasedasmuchas 31-87% throughcookingmethods.Withthe decrease of these substancesincalciumrich,yethighoxylate or phytate foods,the calciumcontentcanbe betterutilized. There issuch thingas too muchcalcium:hypercalcemia.Inthisstate of excess,inhibitionof other importantnutrients,suchasironand zinc,can occur. Symptomsinclude constipation,muscle weakness, and couldleadto kidneystonesandgallstones. The highestamountproventobe safelytoleratedis 2500 mg perday; the equivalentto8 8-ounce glassesof milkperday. The thyroidand parathyroidglandsworktogethertomonitordayto dayintake.  Whencalciumlevelsare low,calciumreceptors,orCaRs,on the parathyroidisalerted. Parathyroidhormone (PTH) productionisthenincreased.PTHthenstimulatesthe kidneysto increase productionof anenzyme called1-hydroxylase.Thisenzymeworkstoyieldcalcitriol,or an active formof vitaminD.Calcitriol putsosteoclastsinthe bone towork:these little guys are responsible forthe break-downof bone calciuminordertorelease thatcalciumforbodilyuse. Calcitriol alsotravelsthroughthe bloodtothe intestinestotell Calbindin,the guywho’s “bindin’”tocalcium,toincrease hisrate of absorption.  Whencalciumlevelsare toohigh,CaRsup-regulate the productionof calcitonin,andPTH productionisdown-regulated.Calcitonintellsthe osteoclasts,the bone calciumminers,to“tone it down.”Osteoblastsare thencalledintoreinforce the bone structure byincreasingbone mineralization. Absorptionrate of additional calciumfromfoodisalsodecreasedwhenlevelsin the bodyare alreadyhigh.
  • 2. Absorptionrates,orhoweffectivelycalciumisabsorbedforuse inthe body,dependonthe body’sneed at the time of consumption.Asitplaysavital role incalciumabsorption,vitaminDstatusisvery importantto propercalciumutilization. VitaminC,vitaminKandmagnesiumstatusalsopositively affectscalciumstatus. Infantsandyoungchildrenneedmassive amountsof calciumeachdaytofuel theirgrowinganddevelopingbodies,sothe absorptionratesinthisage groupisrelativelyhigh. Timing isalso everythingwithcalcium:smallerspreadingcalciumintakeinsmallerdosesincreasesthe absorptionrate. Meals: Mock Tuna Salad Original recipe byKayla 1 15-ounce can chickpeas,rinsedanddrained 2 celerystalks,diced 1 tablespoondill pickle juice 1 dill pickle spear,diced 1 tablespoonnutritionalyeast ½ tsp onionpowder 1 tablespoonmayonnaiseorveganmayo ½ tsp kelppowderor1 tablespooncrumblednori (optional) Withthe back of a fork,mash chickpeasuntil nofull beansremain.Stirin remainingingredients.Enjoy on bread,ina wrap, withveggies,orbyitself! Calcium: 136 mg Loaded withvitamin K, greatsource of vitamin C. Also containsdecentprotein and omega-3fatty acid content. This is a greatoption forthe meat freekiddos.However,vitamin D and omega-3fatty acids can be enhanceby mixing in 1 can of tuna. Butternut Squash and Kale Quesadillas Recipe fromDinnerMom 1 butternutsquash, about4 cups, dicedin1/2” cubes 1 tablespoonoil 1 teaspoonbutter 1 bunchof kale,tornfromstemsand finelychopped 8 6-inchflouror corn tortillas 2 cupsmozzarella or Swiss cheese,orvegansubstitute,shredded Heat the oil and 1 teaspoonof butterovermedium-highheat.
  • 3. Addbutternutsquashandsauté for about5-7 minutes,oruntil cookedslightlylessthanforktender Addkale and sauté forabout 3-5 minutes,oruntil kale haswilted.Remove fromheatandsetaside. Butterone side of the tortillaandplace butter-side downinacleanpanthat has beenheatedover mediumheat.Sprinkle2tablespoonscheese ontortilla Spreadabout½ cupbutternutsquash-kale mixtureovercheese Sprinkle 2tablespoonsmore cheeseovertopof squashandkale Butterone side of secondtortillaandplace itbutter-side upontopof the cheese.Toastuntil bottom layerisgoldenbrownandthe cheese isstartingto melt.Flipandtoastthe otherside. Remove quesadillaandrepeatforthe restof of the servings.Sliceinquarterstoserve. Calcium:608 mg Abundantin vitamin Kand vitamin C,in addition to the high vitamin E content;high protein contentand relatively low sodiumcontent. Potato Crusted Mini Quiches Adaptedfrom SweatySportsBras 8 oz yellowpotatoes,grated 8 oz sweetpotatoes 6 large eggs 1 tablespoonwhole-wheatpastryflour ½ teaspoonsalt 1/8 teaspoonpepper 1 teaspoonolive oil ½ cup dicedonions ½ cup dicedbell peppers 1 broccoli,choppedinsmall ½inchflorets 2 clovesgarlic,minced ½ cup plainGreekyogurt ¼ cup shreddedzucchini 2 oz cheddarcheese,shredded Preheatovento425◦F. Prepare muffintinswithliners andlightlyspray,oruse siliconemuffinliners. In a large bowl,combine potatoes,1whole egg,flour,saltandpepper.Line the muffincupswiththe mixture;the potatocrustshouldbe about¼-inchthickonall sides.Bake forabout 25 minutes,until brownedonedges.Remove fromthe ovenandletcool while preparingthe filling.Reduceovenheatto 350◦F. Heat the oil inskilletovermedium-lowheat.Addonionsandletcookuntil translucentandstartingto brown,about10 minutes. Addthe peppers,broccoli andgarlicandcookand cook another5-10 minutes, dependingonhowmuchcrunchis desiredinthe quiche.Addshreddedzucchiniandcookuntil softened. Setaside. In a large bowl,whisktogether4 eggs.AddGreekyogurtand whiskuntil incorporated.Addvegetables and cheese andstir.Divide mixture evenlyintopreparedpotatocrusts.
  • 4. Bake at 350◦F until set,25-35 minutes.Removefromovenandletcool forabout 10 minutesbefore removingmuffincupsfromtinormolds. Calcium:105 mg Excellent vitamin C and vitamin K contentand good sourceof omega-3fatty acidsto promoteVitamin D production Raspberry Buttermilk Pancakes Adaptedfrom Oh,SweetBasil ½ teaspoonsalt 2 teaspoonsbakingpowder 1 teaspoonbakingsoda 2 cupssiftedflour 2 tablespoonssugar 2 eggs,slightlywhisked 2 cupsbuttermilk 2 tablespoonsbutter,unsaltedandmelted 2 cupsfreshraspberries Heat griddle tomediumheat Whisktogethersalt,bakingpowder,bakingsoda,flourandsugarina mediumbowl. In a separate bowl,whisktogetherthe eggsandbuttermilk.Slowly drizzle inbutterwhile whisking. Make a well inthe middle of the dryingredientswithawoodenspoon.Pourinwetingredientsandstir until justcombined. Buttergriddle andscoop1/3 cup batter.Cookuntil bubblesbegintoform.Sprinkle ¼ cupraspberrieson top.Flipand cookuntil otherside isgolden. Calcium:147 mg Good sourceof vitamin C; containsvitamin E and vitamin K Slow Cooker Pumpkin Porridge Recipe fromThe NakedFig 1/3 cup quinoa 1/3 cup amaranth 1/3 cup steel cutoats 1 ½ cup pumpkinpuree 2 cupscoconut milkor evaporated milk 2 cupswater 1/8 teaspoonsalt 2 teaspooncinnamon ½ teaspoonturmeric 1 vanillabean,scraped(or1 teaspoonvanilla) Maple syrup or honeytotaste
  • 5. Addall ingredientstoslowcooker.Whisktoaevenconsistencywithnochunks.Turnonlow overnight, about8 hours.Stir inthe morningand sweetentotaste. Top withpumpkinseeds,coconut,Greekyogurt, coconutcream, crystallizedginger,orpuffedamaranth. Calcium:329 mg Excellent sourceof vitamin D and vitamin K; also containsvitamin E and vitamin C Butternut Squash Swirled Mashed Cauliflower Recipe FromDashingDish ¼ cup lowfatmilkor milkalternative 1 large headof cauliflower(about3-4cups) 1 mediumbutternutsquash,peeled(about2-3cups) 1 teaspoongarlicpowder ¼ cup parmesancheese Saltand peppertotaste Addcauliflowertofoodprocessorwith2 tablespoonsmilk,2tablespoonsparmesancheese,½teaspoon garlicpowderandsalt and peppertotaste.Scoopmixture intogallonZiplocbag,tippingtoone side. Addsquashto blenderwith2tablespoonsmilk,2tablespoonsparmesancheese and½teaspoongarlic powder.Saltandpeppertotaste.Blenduntil smooth.Scoopmixture intootherhalf of the Ziplocbag. Trim tipoff of the Ziplocbag.Squeeze mixture into servingdisharoundthe bowl,swirlingupwarduntil contentsare emptied. Calcium:249 mg Excellent sourceof vitamin C; containsvitamin E and D. Broccoli Cheese Lasagna Recipe fromReal Simple 1 15-oz containerricottacheese 1 poundbroccoli florets,cooked,patteddryandchopped 2 ¼ cups gratedmozzarella ½ cup gratedParmesan Saltand pepper 16-ounce marinara sauce ½ cup evaporatedmilk 8 no-boil lasagnanoodles Preheatovento400◦F. In a large bowl,combine ricotta,broccoli,2cups of the mozzarella,¼ cupof the parmesan,½ teaspoonsaltand¼ teaspoonpepper. Ina small bowl,combine marinarasauce andcream. Spoonthinlayerof sauce intothe bottomof an 8-inchsquare bakingdish.Topwith2 noodles,aquarter of the remainingsauce anda thirdof the broccoli mixture;repeattwomore times.Topwiththe remainingnoodlesandsauce.Sprinklewithremaining¼ cupmozzarellaand¼ cup parmesan.
  • 6. Covertightlywithoiledpiece of foil andbake until noodlesare tender,35-40 minutes.Uncoverandbake until the topis goldenbrown,10-15 minutes. Calcium:364 mg Loaded withvitamin C and vitamin K; good sourceof vitamin E and vitamin D Mushroom Fennel Quinoa Stuffing Recipe fromSkinnyTaste 1 cup quinoa,rinsedwell 1 ½ cups lowsodiumbroth 1 tbspoil 1 small onion,diced ¾ cup fennel,diced ½ cup celery,diced ½ cup carrots, diced 8 oz slicedfreshmushrooms Saltand peppertotaste Addquinoaand brothto mediumsauce pan.Bringto a boil,thenreduce heattosimmerabout15-20 minutescovered. While quinoaiscooking,inalarge heavysauté pan add olive oil tothe pan, thenthe onion:sauté one minute.Addfennel,celery,andcarrots;saltand peppertotaste.Cookabout12-15 minutesover mediumheat,until vegetablesare soft. Addthe mushroomsto the pan,more saltand pepperif neededandcook,stirring5 minutes,thencook coveredfor2 minutesuntil mushroomsare cookedthrough.Addcookedquinoatopanandmix well. Calcium:44.4 mg Great sourceof vitamin K and vitamin C; containsvitamin E and D; low sodiumdish Turkey Spinach Sliders Recipe fromPaleoaholic 1 lbgroundturkey 4 cupsbaby spinach 4 scallions 3 tspcoconut oil ½ teaspoongarlicpowder 1 tablespoonflaxseedmeal 1 tspchili powder Seasalt and black pepper Combine spinach,scallions,garlicpowder,turkeyandchili powderina bowl. Seasonwith saltand peppertotaste Combine andmix gently.Form½inchthickpatties.
  • 7. Cookovera large skilletwithcoconutoil orplace ongrill Cookuntil goldenbrownandcookedthoroughly. Serve with½slice of Muenstercheese onwhole wheatsliderbunswithfavorite condiments. Calcium:132 mg Good sourceof magnesium,vitamin Dand E; Loaded with vitamin K and good sourceof vitamin C. Homemade Fig Newtons Recipe fromCupcake Project Filling: 1 cup driedblackmissionfigs 2 tablespoonsunsweetenedapplesauce 1 tablespoonagave nectar Pinchof cinnamon Dough: 3 cupsalmondmeal ½ teaspoonseasalt ¾ cup agave nectar ¼ cup grapeseedoil 1 tablespoonvanillaextract For the filling: Remove all stemsfromthe figsandplace infoodprocessorwithotherfillingingredients.Processuntil smooth. For the dough: In a medium-sizedmixingbowl,combinealmondmeal andsalt. In a small bowl,combine agave,grapeseedoil andvanilla. Mix wetingredientsintodryingredients.Note:thiswill lookmuchwetterthanmostcookie doughsand youmay questionhowitwill everbe possibletoroll thisdoughout.Don’tworry;the doughwill get much thickerafteryourefrigerate it. Refrigerate doughforone hour. Remove doughfromrefrigeratorandpreheatovento350◦F. Divide doughintofourequal sections.Startingwiththe firstsection,roll outthe doughbetweentwo piecesof parchmentpapertoa rectangle that’sabout10” long,4” wide,and¼”thick.Note:the parchmentpaperisabsolutelyessential.If the doughdirectlytouchesthe rollingpin,itwillbe impossible tokeepitfromstickingtothe pin. Spread¼ of the newtonfillingalongthe rightside of the dough Foldthe doughin half lengthwise sothatthe doughonthe leftside completelycoversthe figfilling.The easiestwaytodo thisisliftthe parchmentpaperfromunderneathtomake the foldand thenpeel the parchmentpaperback afterthe foldisdone.If there istoo much overlap,trimthe seamwitha butter knife tomake a straightline.
  • 8. Repeatwiththe remainingthree sections.Place all fourdoughlogsontoa bakingsheetlinedwith parchmentpaperand bake for12 minutes,oruntil edgesjustbegintobrown. Remove fromthe oven. Cool until youcan comfortablytouchthe logs.Then,cut every2” to formthe cookies. Calcium:177 mg High vitamin E content;good sourceof vitamin K,vitamin C, and magnesium Creamy Vanilla Rice Pudding with Rhubarb Compote Recipe fromNami-Nami Rice pudding: ½ cup parboiledshortgrainwhite rice 2 cupsmilk 2 tablespoonssugar 1 vanillabean,halvedlengthwise Compote: 3-4 stalkspinkrhubarb 2 tablespoonssugar 1 tablespoonwater Adddrainedrice to saucepan;addmilk,sugarand vanillabean.Bringtoboil,thenreduce heattolow and simmer,uncovered,forabout20 minutes.Stiroccasionally,until rice issoftandcreamy. While rice puddingissimmering,prepare rhubarbcompote. Cutthe rhubarbstalksinto1 inch lengths. Place insmall sauce pan,add sugar and water.Bringto a boil,thenreduce heatandsimmeronmedium heatfor 5-7 minutes,untilrhubarbhassoftened(butnotmushy!) Remove vanillabeanfromrice porridge,gentlyfoldincompote.Servewarm. Calcium:304 mg Excellent sourceof vitamin K, good contentof vitamin Cand magnesium Falafel Recipe fromThe MinimalistBaker 4 cupsstemmedand chopped collardgreens(one bunch) 1 15.5 ounce can chickpeas,rinsedanddrained 3 clovesgarlic,chopped 1.5 tablespoonstahini 1.5 tablespoonsfreshlemonjuice ¼ teaspooncumin Seasalt and blackpepper 3-4 tablespoonsoatflour 4 tablespoonsgrapeseedorolive oil forcooking Addcollardgreens,chickpeas,garlic,tahini,lemonjuice,cuminandsaltandpeppertofoodprocessor and mix tocombine.
  • 9. Once well incorporated,transfertomixingbowl andstirinoatflour,one tablespoon ata time,until mixture isthickenoughtohandle (about3-4tablespoons) Taste and adjustseasoningsasneeded.Itmayneedmore salt,pepper,lemonjuice ormore tahini Heat a large skilletovermedium/mediumhighheatandadd2 tablespoonsoil atatime.Swirl tocoat pan. Add4 falafel (orhowevermanywill notcrowdthe pan) to the pan at a time Checkat the 1-2 minute markto ensure theyaren’tbrowningtooquickly.Reduce heatslightlyif thisis the case. Fliponce deepgoldenbrown- about3-4minutes. Cookuntil underside isgoldenbrownalso. Serve withhummusandpaprika,orin a pita withhummusor taziki Calcium:146 mg Rich in vitamin C,magnesiumand vitamin E; Loaded with vitamin K Scalloped Turnips Recipe fromTaste of Home 3 cupsdicedpeeledturnips 2 cupswater 1 teaspoonsugar 2 tablespoonsbutter 3 tablespoonsall-purposeflour ¾ teaspoonssalt 1 ½ cups milk ¼ cup crushedcornflakes 2 tablespoonsshreddedcheddarcheese Choppedfreshparsley(optional) Place the turnips,waterandsugar ina large sauce pan. Bringto a boil.Reduce heat;coverandsimmer for 5-8 minutesoruntil tender.Drainandsetaside. In anothersaucepan,meltbutter; stirinflourandsaltif desireduntil smooth.Graduallyaddmilk;bring to a boil.Cookand stirfor 2 minutesoruntil thickenedandbubbly.Stirinturnips. Pourinto a greases1-quartbakingdish;sprinkle withcornflakesandcheese.Bake,uncovered at350◦F for 20 minutesoruntil bubbly.Garnishwithparsleyif using. Calcium:129 mg Excellent vitamin C and vitamin K content;good sourceof vitamin C and magnesium Spinach and Artichoke Quinoa Casserole Recipe fromMakingThyme for Health 3 cupsquinoa,cooked 10 oz frozenspinach,defrosted 2 cupsmarinatedartichoke hearts,chopped 2 tablespoonsoliveoil
  • 10. 1 shallot,finelychopped 3 garliccloves, minced ½ cup Italianblendcheese +¼ cup fortopping ¼ cup pepperjackcheese 2 mediumeggs 6 oz plainnon-fatGreekyogurt Saltand peppertotaste Preheatthe ovento375◦F thenprepare a large casserole dish(1quartrecommended) bygreasingwith butterof choice. Warm the olive oil overmediumheatinasauté pan andcook the shallotandgarlic fora few minutes, until fragrant. Usinga straineranda papertowel,pressthe excesswateroutfromthe defrostedspinach,thenaddto the pan. Addthe choppedartichoke hearts,discardinganytoughparts.Adda pinchof saltand pepper to the pan and cookfor 5 minutes. Meanwhile,combine the eggs,yogurt,andcheese inalarge bowl andwhisktogetheruntil well combines. Remove the spinachartichoke mixture fromthe heatandallow tocool for a few minutesbefore adding to the bowl witheggsand cheese. Lastly,add the cookedquinoaandstiruntil everythingismixedtogetherwell. Place the mixture intothe casserole dish,smoothingthe topwiththe backof a spoon.Sprinkle afew tablespoonsof cheeseontopand cookfor 30-35 minutes,untiltopisgoldenbrown.Serve warmand enjoy. Calcium:118 mg Loaded withvitamin K, excellent magnesiumand vitamin E source;also containsvitamin C and D Crunchy Baked Okra Recipe fromSingforYour Supper 1 lbokra, choppedin½ inchslices 2 tablespoonscornmeal 3 tablespoonspankobreadcrumbs ½ teaspoonsalt ¼ teaspoonpepper ½ teaspoongratedparmesancheese 2 eggs Preheatthe ovento400 degrees.Combine the cornmeal,panko,salt,pepperandparmesancheese ina large plate or pie dish In a separate plate orpie dish,beatthe two eggs. Toss the okra ineggsuntil evenlycoated.Thendredgethe okrainthe cornmeal/breadcrumbmixture. Place on greasedbakingsheets.Bake for15-20 minutes,turningthe okrahalfwaythroughbaking. Calcium:104 mg
  • 11. Loaded withvitamin C and vitamin K; excellent sourceof magnesium Orange- Ginger Sesame Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry Recipe fromNatasha’sKitchen 1 ½ tablespooncookingoil 1 small redonion,finelydiced 1 lbchickenbreasts,cutin ½ inchcubes 5-6 cupsbroccoli florets(1large headof broccoli) 1 bunchasparagusspears,basestrimmedandcut into½ inchpieces ½ cup carrot matchsticks Marinade: ¼ cup coldwater ½ tablespooncornstarch ½ tablespoongratedorange zest ½ cup freshlysqueezedorange juice 4 tablespoonlowsodiumsoysauce ortamari 2 teaspoonssesame oil 1 tablespoonfreshginger,grated 3 garliccloves,finelyminced 2 tablespoonshoneyorlightagave 6 cupshot cookedwhite rice (2cups dry) In a bowl,whisktogethercoldwaterandcorn starch. Whiskinthe remainingmarinade ingredients. Add¼ of marinade to chickenmeat,stirandletmarinate while preparingveggies(atleast15-30 minutes) Heat a large wokor heavybottomedsauté panover highheat.Add½ cup water.As soonas it boils,add broccoli,carrot and asparagus.Coverandletit steamcook for2 minutesoverhighheatuntl the veggies are crisptenderandbrightgreen.Remove veggiesintoabowl thenrinse anddryyour pan. Reheatpanoverhighheat andstir in1 ½ tablespoonoil.Adddicedonionandsauté 1 minute,stirring constantly.Addmarinatedchickentohotskilletinasingle layer.Letchickensituntouched2minutes until browned.Stirtobrownonthe otherside.Once chickenisalmostcooked,addthe reserved marinade andsimmer3 minutesoruntil sauce thickens.Stirinthe vegetablesandcontinue tocook anotherminute.Chickenshouldbe fullycooked. Serve overhotwhite rice andsprinkle withsesame seeds,if desired. Calcium:114 mg Loaded withvitamin C and vitamin K; Excellent sourceof magnesiumand vitamin E Snacks: Fruit and Yogurt Parfait with Granola: Start witha layerof nonfatyogurt.Add dicedfruit,suchas strawberriesandmangoes,thensprinklesome granola. Calcium:323 mg + Vitamin C,Magnesium,vitamin E,and vitamin K
  • 12. Kale chipswith nutritional yeast: Tear kale fromstemsinto1” piecesandarrange on cookie sheet. Drizzle with2 tablespoonsoliveoil,sprinklewithnutritional yeastandadash of salt.Bake at 275 for20 minutes. Calcium:91 mg + Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Magnesium Applesand Almondbutter: Slice applesandserve with2 tablespoonsalmondbutter Calcium:97 mg + Magnesium,Vitamin Eand Vitamin C Chia pudding:Add4 cups milkto ¾ cups chia seed,alongwith2teaspoonsvanillaandasprinkle of cinnamon.Combine andallowtosetforat least4 hoursinrefrigerator.Addfruitsuchas mangoes, strawberries,peachesorbananasto boostvitaminCcontent. Calcium392 + Vitamin D and Magnesium Chocolate Ricotta Crème with Raspberries:Mix ½ cupricotta with1 tablespooncocoa,ateaspoon sugar and a teaspoonof vanilla.Topwithahandful of raspberriesandatablespoonof bittersweet chocolate chips. Calcium:366 mg + Vitamin C,Vitamin K, Vitamin E and Magnesium Cottage cheese stuffedtomatoes:Slice 3-5cherry tomatoesinhalf.Scoopoutthe centermeat.Ina small bowl,mix ½cup cottage cheese withthe tomatomeat.Scooptomato-cottage cheese mixtureback intothe tomato skins Calcium:81 + Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Magnesium FrozenYogurt with AlmondButter-Pear Sauce: Skinandslice 1 mediumpear.Addto small sauté pan with1 tablespoonhoney.Heat onmediumlow until pearbeginstocaramelize.Add1tablespoon almondbutterand½ teaspooncinnamon.Drizzle sauce over½cup frozenyogurt. Calcium:185 mg + Magnesium,Vitamin C,Vitamin Eand Vitamin K Fruit and mozzarellaSkewers:Chop 1 mozzarellastringcheese stickinto¼ inchslices.Dice ½apple,½ pear,¼ cup pineappleand2-3 strawberries.Alternatefruitandcheese onaskewer. Calcium:234 mg + Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Magnesium;and Vitamin E Mandarin orange popsicles:Blend1-2cups mandarinoranges,1 can evaporatedmilk,and1 tablespoon honey.Addtopopsicle moldsandfreeze. Calcium:154 mg + Vitamin C,Vitamin D and Magnesium Mini Fruit Pizzas: Toastan Englishmuffin.Toeachhalf,add1-2 tablespoonsnonfatGreek yogurt,3-4 slicesbanana,1 slicedstrawberry,and1 tablespoonmandarinoranges Calcium:76 + Vitamin C and Magnesium