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Assistant Professor of Health , Physical and
Yoga Education,ITTR
Types of yoga
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1. Introduction
2. History and developmentof yoga
3. Guidence for yoga practice
4. Benifits of yoga
5. Limitationof yoga
Yoga is a higher state of
consciousness and a
process to ease the mind
and manifst the wisdom
Yoga had a special place during the INDUS VALLEY CIVILISATION
(2000B.C. ) . The stone seals restored from the sites of the INDUS
CIVILISATION depict the practice of Yoga during old days .
The word Yoga is frequently refered in all four Vedas
references about yoga. The BHAGAVAD GITA is considered as a
classical treatise on yoga
Before the yogic practice -
➢ Shauch means cleanlinessan importantpre requisite for Yogic practice.
➢ It include the cleanlinessof surroundings ,body and mind.
➢ Yogic practice should be performed on an empty stomach.
During the practice -
❖ Practice session should start with prayer as it creates conductiveenvironment
and thereby relaxes the mind
❖ Perform the practice slowly with body, breathe awareness along with
After the practice -
❑ Bath may be taken only after15 to 30 minutes of the yoga practice
✓Not a miracle cure for all problems .
✓Not for emergencies.
✓Consult a doctor where in doubt.
✓Advise on diet and life style is very important.
• Definition of Health
(WHO) define health
as "s�ate complete
physical, men�al, and
social well-being,
merely the of disease
or infirmity" (WHO,
* Concept of Health
• Health the basis of all the health
•Health not perceived the members
community including various
professional groups (like
biomedical scientists, social
scientists, health administrators,
ecologists) giving confusion concept
• Health has evolved over the centuries
from the concept of individual concern
to a world wide social goal
• the various changing concept of health as
follows :
Biomedical concept
Ecological concept
Psychosocial concept
Holistical concept
One of the most important factor is biological factors i.e.heridity
The traits are being transferred from parents to ward.
The common diseases are transferred from parents to their children.
The genetical constitution of man plays an important role for health of an individual.
• Environment consists of those things in which man is exposed after conception.
• It is established that environment is an eyewitness to physical mental and social wellness.
• Family problems ,financial problem & other personal problems are also the part of
1. LIVING STANDARD :The way of living is disturbed or developed with
personal habits such as ( smoking,drinking ,uses of drugs etc .)
2. SOCIO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS : In some countries social and
economic factors plays a very important role in health care of their
3. HEALTH SERVICES:This is also a very important factor which means
proper health services are provided for good health and nutrition to their
families & country.
4 EDUCATION:Education plays a very important role for making an healthy
individual ,if a person become aware about the proper healthy diet and
proper nutrition then the health of the particular individual is improved.
5 SOCIAL : Society is also one of the most important facotr which develops
various issues of family groups and friends.
6 CULTURE:Is the product of human society and man in largely.Culture
stands for custom belifs and laws and religious .
Physical Education
and its Objectives
The word physical education is derived from two separate words
'physical’ and ‘education’. Physical word is related to ‘body’ and
education means ‘schematic instruction or training’. A combined
meaning of these two words would be that systematic instruction or
training which is related to physical activity is Or programmes of
activities necessary for the development and maintenance of human
body, development of physical parts and cultivation of physical skills.
• “Physical education is that part of education which has to do with the
development and training of the whole individual through physical
activities activities.” - AR Wayman
• “Physical education is the sum of those experience which come in the
individual through movement.”. - Delbert
• “Physical education is the sum of the changes in the individual caused
by experience cantering motor activity.” - Cassidy
• The objectives of physical education are stated differently by many of Physical Educationists. The
following are main objectives of physical education:
• Development of Mental health: The mental development objective deals with the accumulation of a
body of knowledge and the ability to think and to interpret their knowledge. Physical education
programmers need alertness of mind, deep concentration and calculated movements. Physical
activities sharpen the mind, to perform various activities. It includes rules and regulations techniques
of games, anatomatical and physiological studies balanced diet, sanitation, health and diseases
personal hygiene etc. Through participation in various activities and individual learns to draw certain
conclusions. He is able to understand the new situation faced in the games. He is able to take
decisions independently.
• Social Development: In the democratic society in which we live it is necessary
to have all individual develop sense of group consciousness and cooperative
living. Social traits are essential for better adjustment in life. The programme
of physical education develops these traits. They provide leadership qualities.
Through physical activities, the players come closer with each other and adjust
themselves according to situations. It helps in attaining the traits like
cooperation courtesy fair play, sportsmanship self control unselfishness
tolerance and sympathy.
• Development of Neuro muscular co-ordination: The nervous system is
strengthened only proper physical exercise. Neuro muscular coordination
develops well only of various of exercises are done repeated for a long period
of time. Good neuro muscular coordination helps to keep off fatigue
coordination. We get accuracy and smooth function of our body. Our reaction
• Development of Desirable habits ·
1. To be inculcated regular activities rest regulated diet
2. Maintaining cleanliness
3. To be disciplined in one’s work
4. Chalking out a schedule of desirable activities that may contribute
towards a healthy body and a happy mind .
• Development of Personality
1. Attainment of sportsmanship
2. Development of leadership qualities
3. Development of social cooperation
4. Development of fearlessness
5. Attainment of positive qualities of self confidence
6. Attainment of self control.
• Development of Organic Fitness: This objectives deals with the program of
activities which builds physical power in and individual through the
development of the various organic systems of the body. The systems such a
circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system, muscular system
and digestive systems. Physical education is related to physical activities,
which create various effects on our organic systems. These systems are
developed in size, shape, efficiency etc. This promotes a sound health,
which enables the individual to be the valuable asset for the nation. If our
systems remain in sound health, they can perform their functions in an
efficiency way.
• Providing for mental hygiene :
1. Mental Hygiene comprises those activities and techniques which promote
and maintain mental health.
2. Development of ability to face stresses and string of like
3. Elimination of worry and tension through games and sports
1. Development of Functional Knowledge
2. To know the rules and techniques of different games
3. To know and acquire knowledge, proper health procedure
4. To know the methods and principles of games and exercises
5. To know the body parts and the effects of exercise on various organs and
• Development of qualities of a good citizenship
1. One has to abide rules and regulation
2. One’s discipline improves the qualities of a good citizenship
Role of school and society in
developing a healthy individual
through the programmes of health,
yoga And physical education
 Health and Physical education is an opportunity for students to learn about
the importance of being active and healthy. We need health and
physical education in our school so that the students can begin to
practice healthy lifestyle and to continue the lifestyle in future.
 Physical education helps children to develop their confidence. Students
who are physically healthy are better able to concentrate and maintain
focus which has opposite impact on their academic life.
Role of School
and society in
healthy individual
through health,
yoga and
Role of schools and society in developing
healthy individual through health, yoga and
physical education are as following:
 Health yoga and physical education posters:
posters depicting correct method of washing
of bodies about various diseases like plague,
malaria etc and about food sleep yoga and
exercise etc can be made and pasted on the
school walls
 Health yoga and physical education book:
Each student should be asked to maintain a
health, yoga and physical education book
one important role should be pasted on the
top of each page pictures illustrating certain
health rules maybe pasted on it also should
contain their health records.
 Healthy environment: attempt be made to
make classroom and the school building very
attractive and conductive to health.This has at
direct bearing on the child.”As environment, so
is the individual”.
 Educational trips: “Seeing is believing “is it a
true saying. Excursions to the good dispensaries
is water supply centres etc. May be planned for
health educational purpose.
 Health clubs and Yoga camps : Like literary
clubs, health clubs and yoga camps should
also be organised in schools. A definite weekly
or monthly program maybe chalked out in
cooperation with the school red cross society,
debates and declamation contest on health
matters maybe arranged. Plays depicting
health rules be staged.
 Radio : special program related to health
should be broadcasted for children.
 Television : Television provides a good pdf
to telecast features on healthful living the
teachers should take interest in such
 Models and demonstrations : These helps to
get ideas across.For example, if we want to
talk with mothers and midwives about care
in cutting the cord of newborn child, we
can make a doll for the baby and pin a
cloth cord to its belly. Experienced
midwives can demonstrate to other.
 Play acting: Stories that can make important
points clear can reach to children and
people effectively if they are acted out.
Perhaps the school teacher or someone of
the health committee can plan short plays
or 'skits’ with the school children.
 Group discussion: mothers ,fathers, school
childrens , young people or other groups
can discuss needs and problems that affect
health. Their chief purpose could be to help
people to share the ideas.
 Village health committee : A group of able
and interested persons can be chosen to
help plan and lead activities relating to the
well being of the community. For example
digging garbage pits. The teacher and the
health workers can and should share much
of their responsibility with other persons. This
is a very effective practical way of
important health instructions.
 Health counseling and follow up : The
main aims of this service are:
1. Giving pupils the information about their
health status as revealed by appraisal or
medical inspection.
2. Acquainting parents with the significance
of health problems and encouraging
them to know how to take care of their
3. Motivating pupils to seek and accept
needed treatment.
4. Promoting each pupil’s acceptance of
responsibility for his own health in keeping
with his stage of maturity.
 Meaning of Nutrition :
 Nutrition is defined as the science of food
and its relationship to health.
 It is concerned chiefly with the part played by
nutrients in growth and development of the
body In other words Nutrition is the science
deals with foods and its uses by the body
Good nutrition stands for the supply of
essential nutrients adequate quantities
 Macronutrients: These are the nutrients that
our bodies require in large quantities, and
they include carbohydrates, proteins, and
fats. These nutrients provide energy and are
essential for the growth and repair of tissues.
 Fiber: Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that our
bodies cannot digest. It helps to regulate
digestion, prevent constipation, and reduce
the risk of certain diseases.
 Water: Water is an essential nutrient that our
bodies require in large quantities. It is necessary
for various bodily functions, including digestion,
absorption, and transportation of nutrients.
 Antioxidants: These are compounds found in
certain foods, such as fruits and vegetables, that
protect our cells from damage caused by free
 Probiotics: These are live microorganisms that
are beneficial for our digestive system. They are
found in certain foods, such as yogurt and
fermented foods.
 Micronutrients: These are the nutrients that
our bodies require in small quantities, and
they include vitamins and minerals. They play
a vital role in maintaining good health and
preventing nutrient deficiencies.
 Prebiotics: These are types of dietary fiber
that serve as food for the beneficial bacteria
in our gut. They help to maintain a healthy
balance of gut bacteria.
 Whole Foods: Whole foods such as fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and
healthy fats are the best sources of nutrition.
They are rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and
minerals that are essential for good health.
 Supplements: Supplements such as vitamins,
minerals, and other dietary supplements can be
used to fill in any gaps in your diet. However, it's
important to consult with a healthcare provider
before taking any supplements to ensure that
they are safe and effective.
 Fortified Foods: Fortified foods are foods that
have been enriched with additional vitamins and
minerals. Examples of fortified foods include
milk, cereal, and bread.
 Processed Foods: Processed foods are often high
in calories, sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats.
However, some processed foods, such as canned
fruits and vegetables, frozen fruits and
vegetables, and whole-grain crackers, can be part
of a healthy diet.
 Water: Water is an essential nutrient and is the
best source of hydration. Drinking enough water
is essential for maintaining good health and
preventing dehydration.
 Herbs and Spices: Herbs and spices such as
turmeric, cinnamon, and ginger are rich in
antioxidants and other beneficial compounds
that can improve health.
 Probiotics and Prebiotics: Probiotics and
prebiotics are found in certain foods such as
yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, and whole-
grain foods, and can help maintain a healthy
gut microbiome.
 1. It creates tissues
 2. It repairs the damaged tissues
 3. It effects chemical change in the body
 4. It created heat in the body
 5. It provides energy to the body
 6. It creates a fiber while the other gets
 Meaning of Food :
 Food is any substance that is consumed to provide nutritional
support for the body.
 It can be in the form of plants, animals, or synthetic products
that contain essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins,
fats, vitamins, minerals, and water, which are required for proper
functioning of the body.
 Food can be prepared and consumed in various ways, including
cooking, baking, grilling, and blending, and it can be consumed
as solids or liquids.
 Food serves as a source of energy for the body, and it plays a
vital role in maintaining good health and preventing diseases.
 Providing energy: The body needs energy to
carry out its functions, and food provides the
fuel (in the form of calories) necessary for
this energy.
 Supporting growth and maintenance: The
body needs nutrients such as proteins,
vitamins, and minerals to support growth and
maintenance of tissues, cells, and organs.
 Regulating body processes: Many nutrients in
food help regulate bodily processes such as
metabolism, hormone production, and immune
 Providing essential nutrients: Essential nutrients
are those that the body cannot produce on its
own, and must be obtained through food.
Examples include essential amino acids, essential
fatty acids, and certain vitamins and minerals.
 Aiding digestion: Some components of food, such
as fiber, can help promote healthy digestion and
prevent digestive disorders.
 Providing satiety: Eating food provides a
feeling of fullness and satisfaction, which can
help regulate food intake and prevent
 Enhancing enjoyment and socialization: Food
is often associated with enjoyment,
socialization, and cultural traditions, and can
play an important role in social and emotional
 Plant-based foods: These are foods that
come from plants, such as fruits, vegetables,
grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
 Animal-based foods: These are foods that
come from animals, such as meat, poultry,
fish, eggs, and dairy products.
 Fungi-based foods: These are foods that
come from fungi, such as mushrooms and
 Water
 Carbohydrates
 Proteins
 Fats
 Minerals
 Vitamins
 Fiber
 Energy-providing foods: These are foods that are
rich in carbohydrates and fats, and provide the
body with the energy it needs to carry out daily
activities. Examples include grains, cereals,
bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and fatty foods such
as oils, nuts, and seeds.
 Growth and maintenance foods: These are foods
that are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals,
and are necessary for the growth and
maintenance of the body's tissues and organs.
Examples include meat, fish, eggs, dairy
products, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
 Protective foods: These are foods that are rich in
antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and help
protect the body against damage from free radicals
and other harmful substances. Examples include
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and certain types of
 Regulatory foods: These are foods that help regulate
bodily processes such as metabolism, hormone
production, and immune function. Examples include
probiotics, prebiotics, and certain types of fiber.
 Comfort foods: These are foods that are associated
with positive emotions and help improve mood and
reduce stress. Examples include chocolate, ice cream,
and other types of sweets.
 Meaning of Diet :
 A diet is the sum of all the foods and drinks
that an individual consumes on a regular
basis. It refers to the pattern of food intake
and the quantity and quality of food
 A well-balanced diet can help reduce the risk
of chronic diseases such as heart disease,
diabetes, and obesity, and can improve
overall health and well-being. It is important
to consult a healthcare professional or
registered dietitian to determine the specific
dietary needs for an individual based on their
age, sex, weight, activity level, and health
Balanced diet and its Components
• A diet that contains adequate amounts of all necessary nutrients
required for healthy growth and activity
• A balanced diet may be defined as that diet which contains all
the nutrients in the correct amount as required by the body.
• The ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be
1:1:4 respectively.
Functions Of Balanced Diet
• Provision of moist environment
• Aqueous condition for metabolism
• Moistening of food for swallowing
• Regulation of body temperature
• Being a major constituent of blood and tissue fluid it transport
• Prevent constipation
• Reduces body fat
• Helps our systems to function properly
• Helps maintaining a healthy weight
Components Of Balanced
• CARBOHYDRATES- Carbs give fuel to all cells, organs and tissues as
glucose. A portion of its sources incorporate nourishments, for example,
entire grains, natural products, vegetables and vegetables. You may
likewise get great measure of sugars in nourishments like confections,
baked goods, treats and seasoned drinks. Starch is one of the significant
parts of a fair eating regimen. On a normal, a grown-up ought to get
around 45 percent to 65 percent of their calories from carbs.
• VITAMINS- Vitamins help with chemical reactions in the body and that is
why the body needs 13 different vitamins to grow and develop. Each
vitamin helps with certain functions. For example, vitamin A improves
vision, vitamin C maintains healthy skin and vitamin D keeps the bones
and teeth strong. You can get vitamins from fresh fruits and vegetables or
from vitamin supplements.
• FIBERS- Fiber, often referred to as roughage, is a type of carbohydrate found in
plant foods that the body is not able to digest or absorb. Eating a balanced diet
that is high in fiber can keep your body systems regular and contribute to a
lowered risk of chronic disease.
• FAT- Fat is an important part of a balanced diet. It contributes to around 25
percent to 35 percent of the daily caloric intake, however, the content of saturated
fats should be kept to no more than 10 percent of the total fat intake. The
healthiest fats come from mono saturated and polyunsaturated sources such as
nuts, olive oil and fish. One can skip trans-fatty acids entirely.
• MINERALS- Minerals are very important for the body and they need to be
delivered through food since the body can't make them. Many minerals, such as
calcium, potassium and tron are vital to the proper functioning of the body and
must be taken in relatively large amounts. Other trace minerals like zinc.
selentum and copper are only needed in small amounts to maintain good health.
• WATER- Water is essential to our survival and should be taken in adequate
amounts. It keeps the body hydrated and let the body function properly.
Water accounts for 55%-65% of body weight, but because the body can't
store water, we must constantly replenish it.
• PROTEINS -Proteins are nutrients that are essential to the building.
maintenance and repair of body tissues such as the skin, the internal
organs and muscles. Out of 22 protein types, the body can make 14, the
other 8, called essential amino acids, can only be obtained from food. A
balanced diet has to be rich in these 8 proteins. Fish, meat, poultry, eggs,
cheese and other Foods from animal sources provide all the eight essential
amino acids.
Yogic Diet
• The yogic diet stresses the consumption of natural, unprocessed
foods that promote spiritual, mental, and physical health and aligns
with yogic philosophy. It’s based primarily on the yogic principles
of ahimsa, sattva, and saucha.
• Created by Yogi Bhajan, the yogic diet recommends eating whole,
unprocessed foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods—
which are nutritious and easy to digest—are known as Sattvic (pure)
foods. The opposite of that are Tamasic (angry) Rajasic (forceful
foods), like meat and alcohol, which are prohibited on the yogic
• Introduction
• Sattvic Food
• Rajasic Food
• Tamasic Food
• There are Three Types of Food according to
Yogis are :
1. Sattvic Food
2. Rajasic Food
3. Tamsic Food
Sattvic Food
• In general, sattvic foods are ripe, raw, or
lightly cooked and freshly prepared.
• Foods that are old or not prepared properly are
not sattvic.
• The sattvic diet is high in nutrient-rich plant
foods and low in processed and fried foods.
• Sattvic Food Includes:-
1. Honey
2. Cheese
3. Nuts
4. Fresh Fruits
5. Seeds
6. Herbal Trees
7. Ghee
8. Whole Grains
Benefits of Sattvic Food
• A sattvic diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains, so it's very healthy. It including
lower risks of:
1. Heart Disease
2. Cancer
3. Stroke
4. Diabetes
Rajasic Food
• The royal families prepared this food; hence it is
called Rajasic food.
• Such a diet includes both salty and spicy foods.
• Apart from these, bitter and dry ingredients are
also included in it. Such foods and drinks
stimulate the mind, giving a lot of energy to the
human being.
• Rajasic food contains onion-garlic in large
quantities and is cooked for quite an extended
• Rajasic Food Includes:-
1. Unsprouted dals
2. Whole pulses
3. Vegetables
4. Chicken
5. Pepper
6. Chillies
7. Eggs
Tamasic Food
• Tamasic food is overcooked with spices which
dull the body and mind.
• Excessive consumption can lead to laziness,
confusion and disorientation.
• Due to lots of spices, tamasic foods cannot be
eaten after reheating. Because rewarming
herby foods often harms health.
• Tamasic Food Includes:-
1. Fish
2. Meat
3. Garlic
4. Onions
5. Mushrooms
6. Alcohol
7. Cakes and pastries
Mal Nutrition ,
Causes and
• Mal- Nutrition
 Malnutrition refersto deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake,imbalance of essential
nutrientsor impairednutrient utilization.The double burden of malnutritionconsistsof
both under nutrition and overweight and obesity, as well as diet-relatedno
 Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body is deprived of
vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and
organ function. Malnutrition occurs in people who are either undernourished or
• Types of Mal- Nutrition
1. Under nutrition
2. Over nutrition
3. Imbalance
4. Specific deficiency
1. Under nutrition
 When one gets sufficient amount of food.
 Under nutrition denotes insufficientintake of energy and nutrients to meet an
individual'sneeds to maintaingood health.
2. Over nutrition
 It is a state when one consumes food in excess for a long period which
results in obesity
 Over nutrition is a form of malnutrition (imbalanced nutrition) arising from excessive
intake of nutrients, leading to accumulationof body fat that impairshealth .
3. Imbalance
 It is a state when one consume food which lacks the proper nutrive values.
 Malnutrition occurs when an organismgets too few or too many nutrients, resulting in
health problems.Specifically, it is "a deficiency, excess, or imbalance of energy, protein
and other nutrients" which adverselyaffects the body's tissues and form.Malnutrition
is not receiving the correctamount of nutrition.
4. Specific deficiency
 It is a state when body lacks a particular nutritive constituent.
 Specific deficiency is the pathological state resulting form a deficiency of
an individual nutrient such as vitamin A deficiency , iodine deficiency.
Major causes of mal- nutrition
Malnutritionis a man made disease of human society. It begins from womb and
ends in the grave. Major causes of malnutrition are:
1. Poverty: This is one of the major reasons of malnutrition. Many people due to
lack of money are poorly fed. Some people have to skip their meals because
of non availability of food.
2. Lack of knowledge: Many people in our country are illetrate . They do not
know what has to be consituents of diet and in what ratio they have to be
taken , it leads to the condition of malnutrition. Women have to be taught
about the balanced diet.
3. Adulterated Food: Some greedy traders in our country supply food which is not
pure. Cheap and unwanted materials are mixed in food for more profits such
food is harmful and causes mal nutrition.
4. Religion: Religion has powerful influence of the food habits of the people.
Hindus do not eat beaf and muslims pork
Major causes of mal nutrition
5. Food Fads: Likes and dislikes whilechoosing food is calledfood fads. This is also one
of the reasons of mal nutrition.
6. Cooking practices : Draining away the rice water after cooking, prolonged boiling
in open pans, peeling of vegetables, all such practices influence nutritive valueof
food .
7. Child rearing practices : They vary widely from region to region and influencethe
nutritional status of infants and children .
8. Costly foods : Many food items like cheese , paneer, almond, butter etc. Are very
costly and are out of reach of commonman.
Remedies of Mal nutrition
The following steps may be taken to preventmalnutrition among school children:
 Home environment: Parents should motivateand take care of their wards to develop heathy
food habits. Environmentof house in relation to food like kitchen , dinning table etc. Had to be
neat and clean.
 School environment: Canteen and dinning room should be properly furnished and kept neat
and clean to motivatechildren to havegood food . Water arrangement has to be proper and
 Mid day meal program scheme: School should providenutritiousmid day meal food for children
.Government is running this scheme in many states in govt.Schools. By this scheme school going
studentscan be provided nutritiousfood, thuswe can saveour children from malnutrition .
 Balanced diet : Children should be fed with varietyin their foods so that their body receives
components of diet in required amount .
 Fixed time : If the meals are taken at right and scheduled time the diet becomes more
Remedies of mal nutrition
 Health check up: Routine check up of body should be done regularly so
that the deficiency in body is detected so that it shouldbe taken care off .
 Knowledge of health and health education : The knowledge of health and
health education shouldbe providedby means of vocational and non
vocational methods of educational. In schools health health education
shouldbe taught as a subject. It will make people aware that how they
can keep their body gealthy and fit.
 Proper balanced diet
 Regulated diet
 Proper excercises etc.
Notes_4458_Health Yoga  Physical Education Food and Nutrition.pdf
Notes_4458_Health Yoga  Physical Education Food and Nutrition.pdf

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Notes_4458_Health Yoga Physical Education Food and Nutrition.pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. Mr.DIVIJ Assistant Professor of Health , Physical and Yoga Education,ITTR
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
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  • 8.
  • 9. I N F O G R A P H I C 09 T I T L E H E R E T I T L E H E R E Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. 1 T I T L E H E R E Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. 2 T I T L E H E R E Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. 4
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  • 12. 1. Introduction 2. History and developmentof yoga 3. Guidence for yoga practice 4. Benifits of yoga 5. Limitationof yoga
  • 14. ACCORDING TO UPANISHADS Yoga is a higher state of consciousness and a process to ease the mind and manifst the wisdom
  • 15. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENTOF YOGA Yoga had a special place during the INDUS VALLEY CIVILISATION (2000B.C. ) . The stone seals restored from the sites of the INDUS CIVILISATION depict the practice of Yoga during old days . The word Yoga is frequently refered in all four Vedas RIGVEDA,YAJURVEDA, SAMVEDA,ATHARVAVEDA THE EPICS - RAMAYANA and MAHABHARATA have numerous references about yoga. The BHAGAVAD GITA is considered as a classical treatise on yoga
  • 16. Before the yogic practice - ➢ Shauch means cleanlinessan importantpre requisite for Yogic practice. ➢ It include the cleanlinessof surroundings ,body and mind. ➢ Yogic practice should be performed on an empty stomach. During the practice - ❖ Practice session should start with prayer as it creates conductiveenvironment and thereby relaxes the mind ❖ Perform the practice slowly with body, breathe awareness along with relaxation After the practice - ❑ Bath may be taken only after15 to 30 minutes of the yoga practice
  • 17. LIMITATION OF YOGA ✓Not a miracle cure for all problems . ✓Not for emergencies. ✓Consult a doctor where in doubt. ✓Advise on diet and life style is very important.
  • 18. • Definition of Health WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO) define health as "s�ate complete physical, men�al, and social well-being, merely the of disease or infirmity" (WHO, 1947).
  • 19. * Concept of Health • Health the basis of all the health Care •Health not perceived the members community including various professional groups (like biomedical scientists, social scientists, health administrators, ecologists) giving confusion concept health.
  • 20. • Health has evolved over the centuries from the concept of individual concern to a world wide social goal • the various changing concept of health as follows : Biomedical concept Ecological concept Psychosocial concept Holistical concept
  • 22.
  • 28. 1 BIOLOGICAL FACTORS One of the most important factor is biological factors i.e.heridity The traits are being transferred from parents to ward. The common diseases are transferred from parents to their children. The genetical constitution of man plays an important role for health of an individual.
  • 29. II ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS • Environment consists of those things in which man is exposed after conception. • It is established that environment is an eyewitness to physical mental and social wellness. • Family problems ,financial problem & other personal problems are also the part of environment.
  • 30. III PERSONAL FACTORS 1. LIVING STANDARD :The way of living is disturbed or developed with personal habits such as ( smoking,drinking ,uses of drugs etc .) 2. SOCIO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS : In some countries social and economic factors plays a very important role in health care of their populations. 3. HEALTH SERVICES:This is also a very important factor which means proper health services are provided for good health and nutrition to their families & country.
  • 31. 4 EDUCATION:Education plays a very important role for making an healthy individual ,if a person become aware about the proper healthy diet and proper nutrition then the health of the particular individual is improved. 5 SOCIAL : Society is also one of the most important facotr which develops various issues of family groups and friends. 6 CULTURE:Is the product of human society and man in largely.Culture stands for custom belifs and laws and religious .
  • 33. MEANING OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION : The word physical education is derived from two separate words 'physical’ and ‘education’. Physical word is related to ‘body’ and education means ‘schematic instruction or training’. A combined meaning of these two words would be that systematic instruction or training which is related to physical activity is Or programmes of activities necessary for the development and maintenance of human body, development of physical parts and cultivation of physical skills.
  • 34. DEFINITION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION • “Physical education is that part of education which has to do with the development and training of the whole individual through physical activities activities.” - AR Wayman • “Physical education is the sum of those experience which come in the individual through movement.”. - Delbert • “Physical education is the sum of the changes in the individual caused by experience cantering motor activity.” - Cassidy
  • 35. OBJECTIVES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION • The objectives of physical education are stated differently by many of Physical Educationists. The following are main objectives of physical education: • Development of Mental health: The mental development objective deals with the accumulation of a body of knowledge and the ability to think and to interpret their knowledge. Physical education programmers need alertness of mind, deep concentration and calculated movements. Physical activities sharpen the mind, to perform various activities. It includes rules and regulations techniques of games, anatomatical and physiological studies balanced diet, sanitation, health and diseases personal hygiene etc. Through participation in various activities and individual learns to draw certain conclusions. He is able to understand the new situation faced in the games. He is able to take decisions independently.
  • 36. • Social Development: In the democratic society in which we live it is necessary to have all individual develop sense of group consciousness and cooperative living. Social traits are essential for better adjustment in life. The programme of physical education develops these traits. They provide leadership qualities. Through physical activities, the players come closer with each other and adjust themselves according to situations. It helps in attaining the traits like cooperation courtesy fair play, sportsmanship self control unselfishness tolerance and sympathy. • Development of Neuro muscular co-ordination: The nervous system is strengthened only proper physical exercise. Neuro muscular coordination develops well only of various of exercises are done repeated for a long period of time. Good neuro muscular coordination helps to keep off fatigue coordination. We get accuracy and smooth function of our body. Our reaction time
  • 37. • Development of Desirable habits · 1. To be inculcated regular activities rest regulated diet 2. Maintaining cleanliness 3. To be disciplined in one’s work 4. Chalking out a schedule of desirable activities that may contribute towards a healthy body and a happy mind . • Development of Personality 1. Attainment of sportsmanship 2. Development of leadership qualities 3. Development of social cooperation 4. Development of fearlessness 5. Attainment of positive qualities of self confidence 6. Attainment of self control.
  • 38. • Development of Organic Fitness: This objectives deals with the program of activities which builds physical power in and individual through the development of the various organic systems of the body. The systems such a circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system, muscular system and digestive systems. Physical education is related to physical activities, which create various effects on our organic systems. These systems are developed in size, shape, efficiency etc. This promotes a sound health, which enables the individual to be the valuable asset for the nation. If our systems remain in sound health, they can perform their functions in an efficiency way. • Providing for mental hygiene : 1. Mental Hygiene comprises those activities and techniques which promote and maintain mental health. 2. Development of ability to face stresses and string of like 3. Elimination of worry and tension through games and sports
  • 39. 1. Development of Functional Knowledge 2. To know the rules and techniques of different games 3. To know and acquire knowledge, proper health procedure 4. To know the methods and principles of games and exercises 5. To know the body parts and the effects of exercise on various organs and systems. • Development of qualities of a good citizenship 1. One has to abide rules and regulation 2. One’s discipline improves the qualities of a good citizenship
  • 40. Role of school and society in developing a healthy individual through the programmes of health, yoga And physical education
  • 41. Introduction:  Health and Physical education is an opportunity for students to learn about the importance of being active and healthy. We need health and physical education in our school so that the students can begin to practice healthy lifestyle and to continue the lifestyle in future.  Physical education helps children to develop their confidence. Students who are physically healthy are better able to concentrate and maintain focus which has opposite impact on their academic life.
  • 42. Role of School and society in developing healthy individual through health, yoga and physical education Role of schools and society in developing healthy individual through health, yoga and physical education are as following:  Health yoga and physical education posters: posters depicting correct method of washing of bodies about various diseases like plague, malaria etc and about food sleep yoga and exercise etc can be made and pasted on the school walls  Health yoga and physical education book: Each student should be asked to maintain a health, yoga and physical education book one important role should be pasted on the top of each page pictures illustrating certain health rules maybe pasted on it also should contain their health records.
  • 43.  Healthy environment: attempt be made to make classroom and the school building very attractive and conductive to health.This has at direct bearing on the child.”As environment, so is the individual”.  Educational trips: “Seeing is believing “is it a true saying. Excursions to the good dispensaries is water supply centres etc. May be planned for health educational purpose.  Health clubs and Yoga camps : Like literary clubs, health clubs and yoga camps should also be organised in schools. A definite weekly or monthly program maybe chalked out in cooperation with the school red cross society, debates and declamation contest on health matters maybe arranged. Plays depicting health rules be staged.
  • 44.  Radio : special program related to health should be broadcasted for children.  Television : Television provides a good pdf to telecast features on healthful living the teachers should take interest in such programmes.  Models and demonstrations : These helps to get ideas across.For example, if we want to talk with mothers and midwives about care in cutting the cord of newborn child, we can make a doll for the baby and pin a cloth cord to its belly. Experienced midwives can demonstrate to other.
  • 45.  Play acting: Stories that can make important points clear can reach to children and people effectively if they are acted out. Perhaps the school teacher or someone of the health committee can plan short plays or 'skits’ with the school children.  Group discussion: mothers ,fathers, school childrens , young people or other groups can discuss needs and problems that affect health. Their chief purpose could be to help people to share the ideas.  Village health committee : A group of able and interested persons can be chosen to help plan and lead activities relating to the well being of the community. For example digging garbage pits. The teacher and the health workers can and should share much of their responsibility with other persons. This is a very effective practical way of important health instructions.
  • 46.  Health counseling and follow up : The main aims of this service are: 1. Giving pupils the information about their health status as revealed by appraisal or medical inspection. 2. Acquainting parents with the significance of health problems and encouraging them to know how to take care of their children. 3. Motivating pupils to seek and accept needed treatment. 4. Promoting each pupil’s acceptance of responsibility for his own health in keeping with his stage of maturity.
  • 47.
  • 48.  Meaning of Nutrition :  Nutrition is defined as the science of food and its relationship to health.  It is concerned chiefly with the part played by nutrients in growth and development of the body In other words Nutrition is the science deals with foods and its uses by the body Good nutrition stands for the supply of essential nutrients adequate quantities
  • 49.  Macronutrients: These are the nutrients that our bodies require in large quantities, and they include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These nutrients provide energy and are essential for the growth and repair of tissues.  Fiber: Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that our bodies cannot digest. It helps to regulate digestion, prevent constipation, and reduce the risk of certain diseases.
  • 50.  Water: Water is an essential nutrient that our bodies require in large quantities. It is necessary for various bodily functions, including digestion, absorption, and transportation of nutrients.  Antioxidants: These are compounds found in certain foods, such as fruits and vegetables, that protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals.  Probiotics: These are live microorganisms that are beneficial for our digestive system. They are found in certain foods, such as yogurt and fermented foods.
  • 51.  Micronutrients: These are the nutrients that our bodies require in small quantities, and they include vitamins and minerals. They play a vital role in maintaining good health and preventing nutrient deficiencies.  Prebiotics: These are types of dietary fiber that serve as food for the beneficial bacteria in our gut. They help to maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria.
  • 52.  Whole Foods: Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats are the best sources of nutrition. They are rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for good health.  Supplements: Supplements such as vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements can be used to fill in any gaps in your diet. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any supplements to ensure that they are safe and effective.
  • 53.  Fortified Foods: Fortified foods are foods that have been enriched with additional vitamins and minerals. Examples of fortified foods include milk, cereal, and bread.  Processed Foods: Processed foods are often high in calories, sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. However, some processed foods, such as canned fruits and vegetables, frozen fruits and vegetables, and whole-grain crackers, can be part of a healthy diet.  Water: Water is an essential nutrient and is the best source of hydration. Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining good health and preventing dehydration.
  • 54.  Herbs and Spices: Herbs and spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, and ginger are rich in antioxidants and other beneficial compounds that can improve health.  Probiotics and Prebiotics: Probiotics and prebiotics are found in certain foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, and whole- grain foods, and can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome.
  • 55.  1. It creates tissues  2. It repairs the damaged tissues  3. It effects chemical change in the body  4. It created heat in the body  5. It provides energy to the body  6. It creates a fiber while the other gets destroyed
  • 56.
  • 57.  Meaning of Food :  Food is any substance that is consumed to provide nutritional support for the body.  It can be in the form of plants, animals, or synthetic products that contain essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water, which are required for proper functioning of the body.  Food can be prepared and consumed in various ways, including cooking, baking, grilling, and blending, and it can be consumed as solids or liquids.  Food serves as a source of energy for the body, and it plays a vital role in maintaining good health and preventing diseases.
  • 58.  Providing energy: The body needs energy to carry out its functions, and food provides the fuel (in the form of calories) necessary for this energy.  Supporting growth and maintenance: The body needs nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support growth and maintenance of tissues, cells, and organs.
  • 59.  Regulating body processes: Many nutrients in food help regulate bodily processes such as metabolism, hormone production, and immune function.  Providing essential nutrients: Essential nutrients are those that the body cannot produce on its own, and must be obtained through food. Examples include essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and certain vitamins and minerals.  Aiding digestion: Some components of food, such as fiber, can help promote healthy digestion and prevent digestive disorders.
  • 60.  Providing satiety: Eating food provides a feeling of fullness and satisfaction, which can help regulate food intake and prevent overeating.  Enhancing enjoyment and socialization: Food is often associated with enjoyment, socialization, and cultural traditions, and can play an important role in social and emotional well-being.
  • 61.  Plant-based foods: These are foods that come from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.  Animal-based foods: These are foods that come from animals, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.  Fungi-based foods: These are foods that come from fungi, such as mushrooms and truffles.
  • 62.  Water  Carbohydrates  Proteins  Fats  Minerals  Vitamins  Fiber
  • 63.  Energy-providing foods: These are foods that are rich in carbohydrates and fats, and provide the body with the energy it needs to carry out daily activities. Examples include grains, cereals, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and fatty foods such as oils, nuts, and seeds.  Growth and maintenance foods: These are foods that are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and are necessary for the growth and maintenance of the body's tissues and organs. Examples include meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
  • 64.  Protective foods: These are foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and help protect the body against damage from free radicals and other harmful substances. Examples include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and certain types of tea.  Regulatory foods: These are foods that help regulate bodily processes such as metabolism, hormone production, and immune function. Examples include probiotics, prebiotics, and certain types of fiber.  Comfort foods: These are foods that are associated with positive emotions and help improve mood and reduce stress. Examples include chocolate, ice cream, and other types of sweets.
  • 65.  Meaning of Diet :  A diet is the sum of all the foods and drinks that an individual consumes on a regular basis. It refers to the pattern of food intake and the quantity and quality of food consumed.
  • 66.  A well-balanced diet can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, and can improve overall health and well-being. It is important to consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine the specific dietary needs for an individual based on their age, sex, weight, activity level, and health status.
  • 67. Balanced diet and its Components
  • 68. Definition • A diet that contains adequate amounts of all necessary nutrients required for healthy growth and activity • A balanced diet may be defined as that diet which contains all the nutrients in the correct amount as required by the body. • The ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4 respectively.
  • 69. Functions Of Balanced Diet • Provision of moist environment • Aqueous condition for metabolism • Moistening of food for swallowing • Regulation of body temperature • Being a major constituent of blood and tissue fluid it transport substances • Prevent constipation • Reduces body fat • Helps our systems to function properly • Helps maintaining a healthy weight
  • 70. Components Of Balanced Diet • CARBOHYDRATES- Carbs give fuel to all cells, organs and tissues as glucose. A portion of its sources incorporate nourishments, for example, entire grains, natural products, vegetables and vegetables. You may likewise get great measure of sugars in nourishments like confections, baked goods, treats and seasoned drinks. Starch is one of the significant parts of a fair eating regimen. On a normal, a grown-up ought to get around 45 percent to 65 percent of their calories from carbs. • VITAMINS- Vitamins help with chemical reactions in the body and that is why the body needs 13 different vitamins to grow and develop. Each vitamin helps with certain functions. For example, vitamin A improves vision, vitamin C maintains healthy skin and vitamin D keeps the bones and teeth strong. You can get vitamins from fresh fruits and vegetables or from vitamin supplements.
  • 71. • FIBERS- Fiber, often referred to as roughage, is a type of carbohydrate found in plant foods that the body is not able to digest or absorb. Eating a balanced diet that is high in fiber can keep your body systems regular and contribute to a lowered risk of chronic disease. • FAT- Fat is an important part of a balanced diet. It contributes to around 25 percent to 35 percent of the daily caloric intake, however, the content of saturated fats should be kept to no more than 10 percent of the total fat intake. The healthiest fats come from mono saturated and polyunsaturated sources such as nuts, olive oil and fish. One can skip trans-fatty acids entirely. • MINERALS- Minerals are very important for the body and they need to be delivered through food since the body can't make them. Many minerals, such as calcium, potassium and tron are vital to the proper functioning of the body and must be taken in relatively large amounts. Other trace minerals like zinc. selentum and copper are only needed in small amounts to maintain good health.
  • 72. • WATER- Water is essential to our survival and should be taken in adequate amounts. It keeps the body hydrated and let the body function properly. Water accounts for 55%-65% of body weight, but because the body can't store water, we must constantly replenish it. • PROTEINS -Proteins are nutrients that are essential to the building. maintenance and repair of body tissues such as the skin, the internal organs and muscles. Out of 22 protein types, the body can make 14, the other 8, called essential amino acids, can only be obtained from food. A balanced diet has to be rich in these 8 proteins. Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese and other Foods from animal sources provide all the eight essential amino acids.
  • 73. Yogic Diet • The yogic diet stresses the consumption of natural, unprocessed foods that promote spiritual, mental, and physical health and aligns with yogic philosophy. It’s based primarily on the yogic principles of ahimsa, sattva, and saucha. • Created by Yogi Bhajan, the yogic diet recommends eating whole, unprocessed foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods— which are nutritious and easy to digest—are known as Sattvic (pure) foods. The opposite of that are Tamasic (angry) Rajasic (forceful foods), like meat and alcohol, which are prohibited on the yogic diet.
  • 75. Content • Introduction • Sattvic Food • Rajasic Food • Tamasic Food
  • 76. Introduction • There are Three Types of Food according to Yogis are : 1. Sattvic Food 2. Rajasic Food 3. Tamsic Food
  • 77. Sattvic Food • In general, sattvic foods are ripe, raw, or lightly cooked and freshly prepared. • Foods that are old or not prepared properly are not sattvic. • The sattvic diet is high in nutrient-rich plant foods and low in processed and fried foods.
  • 78. Examples • Sattvic Food Includes:- 1. Honey 2. Cheese 3. Nuts 4. Fresh Fruits 5. Seeds 6. Herbal Trees 7. Ghee 8. Whole Grains
  • 79. Benefits of Sattvic Food • A sattvic diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, so it's very healthy. It including lower risks of: 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Stroke 4. Diabetes
  • 80. Rajasic Food • The royal families prepared this food; hence it is called Rajasic food. • Such a diet includes both salty and spicy foods. • Apart from these, bitter and dry ingredients are also included in it. Such foods and drinks stimulate the mind, giving a lot of energy to the human being. • Rajasic food contains onion-garlic in large quantities and is cooked for quite an extended period
  • 81. Examples • Rajasic Food Includes:- 1. Unsprouted dals 2. Whole pulses 3. Vegetables 4. Chicken 5. Pepper 6. Chillies 7. Eggs
  • 82. Tamasic Food • Tamasic food is overcooked with spices which dull the body and mind. • Excessive consumption can lead to laziness, confusion and disorientation. • Due to lots of spices, tamasic foods cannot be eaten after reheating. Because rewarming herby foods often harms health.
  • 83. Examples • Tamasic Food Includes:- 1. Fish 2. Meat 3. Garlic 4. Onions 5. Mushrooms 6. Alcohol 7. Cakes and pastries
  • 84. Mal Nutrition , Causes and Prevention
  • 85. • Mal- Nutrition  Malnutrition refersto deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake,imbalance of essential nutrientsor impairednutrient utilization.The double burden of malnutritionconsistsof both under nutrition and overweight and obesity, as well as diet-relatedno communicablediseases.  Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body is deprived of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function. Malnutrition occurs in people who are either undernourished or overnourished.
  • 86. • Types of Mal- Nutrition 1. Under nutrition 2. Over nutrition 3. Imbalance 4. Specific deficiency
  • 87.
  • 88. 1. Under nutrition  When one gets sufficient amount of food.  Under nutrition denotes insufficientintake of energy and nutrients to meet an individual'sneeds to maintaingood health.
  • 89. 2. Over nutrition  It is a state when one consumes food in excess for a long period which results in obesity  Over nutrition is a form of malnutrition (imbalanced nutrition) arising from excessive intake of nutrients, leading to accumulationof body fat that impairshealth .
  • 90. 3. Imbalance  It is a state when one consume food which lacks the proper nutrive values.  Malnutrition occurs when an organismgets too few or too many nutrients, resulting in health problems.Specifically, it is "a deficiency, excess, or imbalance of energy, protein and other nutrients" which adverselyaffects the body's tissues and form.Malnutrition is not receiving the correctamount of nutrition.
  • 91. 4. Specific deficiency  It is a state when body lacks a particular nutritive constituent.  Specific deficiency is the pathological state resulting form a deficiency of an individual nutrient such as vitamin A deficiency , iodine deficiency.
  • 92. Major causes of mal- nutrition Malnutritionis a man made disease of human society. It begins from womb and ends in the grave. Major causes of malnutrition are: 1. Poverty: This is one of the major reasons of malnutrition. Many people due to lack of money are poorly fed. Some people have to skip their meals because of non availability of food. 2. Lack of knowledge: Many people in our country are illetrate . They do not know what has to be consituents of diet and in what ratio they have to be taken , it leads to the condition of malnutrition. Women have to be taught about the balanced diet. 3. Adulterated Food: Some greedy traders in our country supply food which is not pure. Cheap and unwanted materials are mixed in food for more profits such food is harmful and causes mal nutrition. 4. Religion: Religion has powerful influence of the food habits of the people. Hindus do not eat beaf and muslims pork
  • 93. Major causes of mal nutrition 5. Food Fads: Likes and dislikes whilechoosing food is calledfood fads. This is also one of the reasons of mal nutrition. 6. Cooking practices : Draining away the rice water after cooking, prolonged boiling in open pans, peeling of vegetables, all such practices influence nutritive valueof food . 7. Child rearing practices : They vary widely from region to region and influencethe nutritional status of infants and children . 8. Costly foods : Many food items like cheese , paneer, almond, butter etc. Are very costly and are out of reach of commonman.
  • 94.
  • 95. Remedies of Mal nutrition The following steps may be taken to preventmalnutrition among school children:  Home environment: Parents should motivateand take care of their wards to develop heathy food habits. Environmentof house in relation to food like kitchen , dinning table etc. Had to be neat and clean.  School environment: Canteen and dinning room should be properly furnished and kept neat and clean to motivatechildren to havegood food . Water arrangement has to be proper and adequate  Mid day meal program scheme: School should providenutritiousmid day meal food for children .Government is running this scheme in many states in govt.Schools. By this scheme school going studentscan be provided nutritiousfood, thuswe can saveour children from malnutrition .  Balanced diet : Children should be fed with varietyin their foods so that their body receives components of diet in required amount .  Fixed time : If the meals are taken at right and scheduled time the diet becomes more beneficial.
  • 96. Remedies of mal nutrition  Health check up: Routine check up of body should be done regularly so that the deficiency in body is detected so that it shouldbe taken care off .  Knowledge of health and health education : The knowledge of health and health education shouldbe providedby means of vocational and non vocational methods of educational. In schools health health education shouldbe taught as a subject. It will make people aware that how they can keep their body gealthy and fit.  Proper balanced diet  Regulated diet  Proper excercises etc.