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Honorable President Barack Obama: “Dear Caroline…Thank you for being part of the most open inauguration in our nation's history. As we
begin the work of remaking America, we must draw on the common hopes that brought us together this week. I'm counting on you to keep the spirit of
unity and service alive… how you can get involved in the work ahead. We face many challenges… we have seen, time and time again, that there are no
limits to what we can accomplish when we stand together. Our journey is just beginning. Thank you for all you do,..." Barack
Honorable President William Clinton: “As we prepare to meet the challenges of the 21st Century, it is important to me that I know the
thoughts and experiences of people who care about the future of America and our world. I’m confident that, working together, we can protect
our shared values and meet our common challenges.”
Honorable President George W. Bush: “ RA National Proclamation – As we celebrate National African American History Month, we
recognize the many contributions of African Americans to our country and reinforce our commitment to be a Nation of opportunity and
hope for every citizen...Working together...will continue to foster hope and build a better tomorrow for all our children and grandchildren...”
Hon. First Lady/Senator H.R. Clinton "In its children resides each nation's greatest treasure (...) I commend you for your hard work, your
compassion and your dedication (…) We must all work together to make sure that every child has the opportunity to live up to his/her God-
given promise (…) I encourage your continued commitment to this important cause".
Hon. Mayor Bloomberg: “Dear Dr. Hoth…Your organization has provided tremendous support to the people of New York City and I
promise to do my best to make New York City a better place for all to live. Many thanks… “
Majority Leader Hon.Senator Trent Lott: “I appreciate receiving this recognition based upon my philosophy and record and I am indeed
honored to be the recipient of this award.”
Hon.President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea: “I commend your commitment and work to end hunger, war and poverty in Africa through
educating the youth. It is a noble cause (…)The future of our continent depends on our combined effort in this task(…) The people of Eritrea
fully remember the principled support extended to them by Remember Africa during the trying times of war(…)”
Hon. Congressman Charles Rangel (…) “The topics you have selected for discussion are most appropriate during this turbulent time of
youth violence and the tragedy resulting from such violence.(…) I wish you success in your endeavors as you seek to empower our youth”
Hon.President Laurent Kabila of DR of Congo: “I’m very happy to receive this beautiful Award. To express my gratitude, I would like
to invite you to Kinshasa-Congo..."
Hon. Dr. Peter Ross: "Remember Africa Organization raises funds in the US to help with some of the numerous challenges facing sub-
Saharan Africa … for education and health initiatives and handles publicity…energetically lobbied for the African, Caribbean and Latin
trade bill successfully passed by Congress…for Free Trade and improve the quality of trade and Tariff regulation… "
Hon. Jena Roscoe Director-The White House Office of Public Liaison:“Thank you for sending the letter to the President expressing
support for the African Growth and Opportunity Act. It is important for the administration to note the individuals in organizations that are in
support of this African Trade Bill. President Clinton believes this legislation will “offer the opportunity for increased trade and investment
between the U.S. and Africa to the mutual benefit of both.”(…) Again, thank you for your letter sharing support for the A.G.O.A.
Andre J. Hornsby, Superintendent of schools - Yonkers Public Schools: want to thank and acknowledge you and the entire dedicated and
hard-working individual associated with your organization for according me this honor. I commend you for the work that you do to identify
and resolve global issues that impact the continent of Africa and its people throughout the world.
Remember Africa In the News
By the NY Daily News – Remember Africa “Youth Power”: Remember Africa holds a youth empowerment reception to help young people understand
themselves and to help build self-esteem, communication and character skills.
By The Journal News: Remember Africa is an organization that promotes education for children…
By Far Rockaway Penny Saver: Remember Africa is an organization formed to promote and support the literacy drive in America, the Caribbean and
the African continent. (...) Through coordinated projects with the UN, IRC, local governments public and private schools, Remember Africa is able to
develop internal exchanges and services.
By Caribbean Life: Remember Africa's Youth Empowerment Drive. Remember Africa focuses on providing education and motivation to children and
youth in Africa and all over the world. Remember Africa aims to empower youth for the 21th century by communicating the wrong and the right. Says
Dr. Hoth: "Let us continue helping our youth to understand themselves by showing them more love and building up their self-esteem, communication
and character skill. By Black Diaspora Magazine: “Remember Africa is comprised of a diverse Board of Directors. The organization promotes and
supports literacy drives in America, the Caribbean and the African Continent».By Caribbean Update–Channel 12, LULU.COM, ABC News,&UPN 9
Thanking AMINA MAGAZINE, ERITREA, ETHIOPIA, LONDON, DRC, &Cameroon Press & Media: Tribune, Mutations, Le Jour, Situation,
RA Special Recognition Invitation by Hon. President Bill Clinton & First Lady/Senator/SOS Hillary R.Clinton
The White House Millennium. After the African-Caribbean’s &Latin Trade Legislations (AGOA)
 Fournir et générer les moyens pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie de ceux qui sont dans le besoin
au sein des communautés Afro-Américaines et d'autres communautés minoritaires : Les Caraïbes,
L’Europe, L’Asie et L’Afrique en partenariat avec les UN, les Gouvernements, Compagnies et ONG…
 Développer les échanges et les services internationaux à travers la suggestion d’adoption des
Législations et Projet de Lois pour une bonne répartition des biens et investissements
 Promouvoir et soutenir l'éducation, la santé, la justice sociale, les Hi-Tech-de la Télécommunication,
l’Investissement au Développement durable, AGOA et la Paix dans le monde.
 Améliorer le niveau de vie au moyen de : la formation, l’entraide, la concertation et la communication
entre les peuples par la création des écoles, des hôpitaux et des systèmes agricoles industrialisés.
Provide and generate means to better reach and educate those in need in the African-American and
other minority communities, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and African continents in partnership with
the UN, Governments, Inviduals, Corporations, and other Associations or NGOs.
Develop International exchanges and services through Legislations and Opportunity Act. Stand for
Education, Healthcare, Social Justice, Hi-Tech-Telecoms Investments, AGOA & Peace around the
Improve the Quality of Lives By Educating, Encouraging Negotiations, Hi-Tech Communication
Among The Peoples through Conferences, Seminaries, Schools, Hospitals, Agriculture, Int’l
Exchanges(AGOA), and livestock systems...
For further information, please visit us at or Email at All rights@RA
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Donnez les noms des VIP Personnalité
cachées en page 2 et gagnez des lots de R A
For further information, please visit us at or Email at All rights@RA
Promotes and Supports Education, Peace, Agriculture, Socio-Economic Durable Development, Justice, Hi-Tech-
Telecoms Investments, Healthcare in the American, African Continents, Europe, Asia & the Caribbean’s
International Non-Gouvernemental Organisation (USA-501C3 NGO) NY 10573
ONG De Promotion et de Soutien à l’Education, Paix, Agriculture, Développement Durable Socio-économique Hi-Tech-
Télécoms , Justice et Santé dans les Continents Américain, Africain, Europe, Asie et Caraïbes
E-mail: * Web site:
REMEMBER AFRICA est une Organisation internationale constituée de personnes très capables, volontaires et
expérimentées dans les secteurs de la recherche, de l’éducation, de la santé, de la justice sociale, des études internationales, de l’art
et l’informatique. Cette équipe a développé une synergie au sein de REMEMBER AFRICA avec des responsabilités focalisées
uniquement à la distribution des dons reçus des sponsors et autres mécènes de l'éducation, de la santé et du bien-être au profit de la
jeunesse : Afro-américaine, Africaine, Caraïbienne et Latino-Américaine.
2010-2013 : *Soutien et Travail continu avec l’Honorable Président BARACK OBAMA USA jusqu’à l’approbation de la Loi de
projet de Santé (Healthcare Bill).Sans précédant dans l’Histoire des USA…La Résolution du 21 Juillet à NYde RA pour mieux
servir dans La Haute Technologie et les Télécommunications de Première Catégorie en votant plus de $3, 000,000,000 USD,
Licence Int’le Hi-Tech-Télécoms 1eer
Catégorie parUSA, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya,CEMAC, & autres pays africain, Caribéens
En 2007-2009 : *Participation forte et soutenue de Remember Africa aux élections présidentielles américaines du Président
Barack Obama-Joe Biden et Hillary Clinton avec Honneur à RA d’une Invitation à la Maison Blanche (White House.
*Promotion du E-commerce et création d’une maison d’édition sur Internet avec la publication en ligne, sur plus de 100 pays, des
produits, et Œuvres telles que « BAGUE DE LA MORT », «THE DANGEROUS RING » DE JOE DOUXON puis sélection au
Festival de Cannes-S.F.C- France ; Poèmes célèbres écrits et publiés pour l’Honorable Président Barack Obama et autres,
produits etc., Plus savoir sur et RA-NECOM
En 2006-2007 REMEMBER AFRICA a reçu par le biais de sa Présidente/CEO Dr. Caroline Hoth HEARTS OF AFRICA
AWARDS-UK-LONDON et a été officiellement reconnu par la majorité des Etats Africains et l’Honorable Président Georges W.
Bush qui a signé la Proclamation Nationale. REMEMBER AFRICA pilote des projets d’ÉPARGNE/CREDIT pour les Projets de
développement, l'ONU, du CICR, des Gouvernements, des écoles et universités locales, des ambassades, afin de développer des
échanges et des services internationaux. Distribuant des bourses, des vêtements, des chaussures, de la nourriture et des fournitures
scolaires, Hi-Tech équipements et outils nécessaires.
En 1999-2000 REMEMBER AFRICA a fortement contribué à la conception et la publication de la législation relative au
commerce international des USA avec L’Afrique, Les Caraïbes et l’Amérique Latine. la matérialisation de cet acte reste la Loi
AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act) signée par le Président Bill Clinton ; la Première Dame, approuvée par le Sénat
et le Congrès des Etats-Unis : Une Première dans l’histoire des USA, L’Afrique et sa diaspora.
REMEMBER AFRICA n’entend pas se concentrer uniquement sur l'éducation, nous devons tous réfléchir pour aider
l’Organisation à améliorer les conditions de vie de nos peuples en investissant plus sur l’HOMME. Des recherches approfondies
indiquent qu'un pourcentage élevé de peuples en Afrique et des Caraïbes n’ont jamais reçu une éducation conséquente. Ces mêmes
études révèlent aussi que les populations des zones défavorisées des communautés Afro-américaines et d'autres communautés
minoritaires sont sous scolarisées aux Etats-Unis, en Europe, en Afrique, et en Asie. Et qui parle de « sous-scolarisation » parle de
« sous investissement »surtout en Afrique. Le but de notre organisation est de produire et développer des moyens pour améliorer le
niveau d’instruction de toutes ces personnes qui sont dans le besoin, principalement en Afrique.
Nos enfants ne peuvent plus vivre dans l’analphabétisme au 21ème
siècle ; ils comptent devenir des professionnels qualifiés
dans le village planétaire naissant. Inévitablement, ils doivent être instruits, formés et éduqués. Une attention particulière doit être
portée sur la santé et une bonne alimentation. Le niveau de vie de cette génération entière peut être amélioré si les mesures
suivantes sont prises : Ecole pour tous ! Accès aux fournitures scolaires et aux formateurs, l'éducation sera donc accessible pour
nos enfants. Il y a un nombre croissant de sans-abri et de pauvres en Afrique, en Amérique et partout ailleurs dans le monde. Votre
contribution garantit à ces nécessiteux des conditions de vie meilleure
En 1995, REMEMBER AFRICA sous le patronage d’ISS a apporté l'aide aux sans-abri et enfants réfugiés, aux hommes et femmes de beaucoup
de pays africains et particulièrement du Rwanda pendant la période du génocide. De même qu’en Erithrée et en Ethiopie. Par votre don ou contribution,
nous pourrons améliorer d’autres secteurs de la vie tels que : la santé, l'agriculture, l'investissement productif et, améliorer les conditions de vie pour
tous, contribuer à la stabilisation des pays en réduisant le niveau de la criminalité et de l'immigration massive aux pays développés, mais surtout éviter
les guerres inutiles de notre temps pour une vie démocratique meilleure. Veuillez vous vous joindre à nous en tant que membre, sponsor ou
mécène, orateur, volontaire ou membre du Conseil d'Administration dans votre secteur, ville, village, pays pour nous aider à
bâtir un monde meilleur avec beaucoup d'amour et de justice pour tous.
Hon. Primate H.E. Abuna Shiloh–Hon. H.E. UN SG. Kofi Annan- Hon. H.E. Bill Clinton- Hon. H.E. Pres. George W. Bush- Hon.- Hon. H.E. PM Tony Blair- Hon.
Prof Dr. Caroline Hoth- Bishop Laurence- Hon. MSG.Anthony – Archbishop H.G Eraldo Clarke- Hon. Rev. Sun Yun Moon – Hon. Pres. Isaías Afwerki Of
Eritrea- Hon. Nelson Mandela, Hon. Jessey Norman- Hon. Dr. Mann- Hon. Pres. L. Kabila Of Dr C Hon. Philip Chen- Hon. Prof Georgette Hoth, Hon.
AssemblyMan & RA Speciel Adviser Eric Stevenson holding RAPROCLAMATIONS,, Hon. CongressWomen .Clack, Hon. Members, Keynotes-speakers, etc..
REMEMBER AFRICA is an Organization comprised of very talented and skilled individuals who specialize in
areas from educational research to health care, agriculture, art, social justice, international economic trades,
studies, and computer technology. This team has developed a division within REMEMBER AFRICA with
responsibilities dedicated solely to the distribution of donations and funds received from sponsors, members,
friends, partners, Governments, and corporations for the education, training, jobs creation, health and well being
of the African, Caribbean and African-American youth.
2010-2013: Strong Support to President Elect BARACK OBAMA-JOE BIDEN & Hillary Clinton. Good campaign &
Assistance to The Honorable President BARACK OBAMA to pass with success the UNPRECEDENTED Healthcare
Legislation in USA. *RA-NECOM Hi-Tech-Telecoms NY July 21st
Resolution with Initial Investment approved by the Board
of Directors for more than $3,000,000,000 USD for Durable Development in partnership with nations & all RA’s members.
Approval of RA-NECOM’s 1st
Category Licenses by Cameroon Government, CEMAC and other African nations...
2008-2009: Creation of RA Online Publication and Promotion of E-commerce, E-culture, E-education, etc,
through Publishing two initial Books “BAGUE DE LA MORT=THE DANGEROUS RING of JOE DOUXON
selected for the Cannes Festival in France…. Poetry, Products, and much more
In 2006-2007 Remember Africa through its dynamic President/CEO Dr. Caroline Hoth was rewarded with the United States
Nation Proclamation by President George W. Bush, and received the HEARTS TO AFRICA AWARDS-UK-LONDON.
Also the great majority of African Nations has recognized the dynamism of RA & since became involved with RA programs,
especially RA-NECOM and the SAVING/CREDIT for Projects-Development.
In 1999-2000 at the eve of the new millennium, Remember Africa worked very hard to help President Bill Clinton, congress and
senate to pass the African, Caribbean and Latin Trade Legislation (AGOA). An unprecedented event in the History of
America and Africa. Check more on and RA-NECOM
Extensive researches reveal that a large percentage of people in
Africa and the Caribbean have never received a formal
Education. Those same studies also reveal that people in the
low-income areas of the African-Americans and other minority
communities are under-educated in the USA, Europe, Africa,
and Asia. And who says «under-educated” also says:” under-
investment.” The purpose of this organization is to provide and
generate the means to better reach and educate those persons in
need, and also give them a ”Push” by bringing to them “Initial
REMEMBER AFRICA coordinates projects with the UN, IRC,
local Governments, Ambassadors, public and private CIEs &
schools in order to develop international exchanges and
services. Our children can no longer be in these conditions and
expect to become trained individuals in the emerging global
community. Inevitably they must be educated! Attention must
be paid for more healthcare and good nutrition. The quality of
lives of this entire generation can be dramatically improved
once the following steps are taken by All. With access to
scholarships, classrooms, educational supplies, investments, and
instructors, formal education will be available to all children
with better creative future. There is an increasing amount of
homelessness, immigrants and underprivileged living conditions
in America. Your contribution provides the funds and means
for these necessities to become available.
In 1995, REMEMBER AFRICA, through the sponsorship of the
ISS,STC and Ssplendor, has brought assistance to the homeless and the
refugee children, men and women of many African countries and
especially Rwanda by collecting clothes, shoes, food and school supplies.
REMEMBER AFRICA understands that it cannot concentrate only on
education if we are to help improve the quality of life for the people of
Africa. That’s why we have initiated “Initial Investment” through
President Reward & ”Call to Invest” in your area. An
UNPRECEDENTED EVENT in the Investments industry with no
discrimination WHATSOEVER.
Through your donation and membership support, we will be able to improve other areas of life such as health,
agriculture, business investment, savings/credit for Development, and better living conditions leading to the
stabilization of countries by reducing level of crime and massive immigration to the developed countries.
lease join us as a member, sponsor, keynote speaker, volunteer or director of the Board in your area, city,
village, town, country to help us make this World a much better one with much Love and Justice for all...
Hon. Pres. Bush encouraging RA with RA National Proclamation
sent to RA by President W. Bush in 2006. RA DAY on February
For further information, please visit us at or Email at All rights@RA For further information, please visit us at or Email at All rights@RA

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Remember africa-historic

  • 1. MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORM N°_____ ASK FOR PRESIDENT REWARDS FOR YOUR FREE INITIAL INVESTMENT w/RA-NECOM Family name: ______________________________________ Date of birth: _________________ Place of birth:______________ Occupation: _________________________________ Residence:____________________________________________________ Annual contribution for 201 :________________Amount received:____________________Balance due:____________________ ( $100USD=50,000F- LILITED TIME) Total:____________________________Educational level:________________________Job:______________________________ Do you have kids (if yes how many)?______ Why are you interested in RA?___________________________________________ Would you volunteer or work for RA’S causes?____________Reasons/CV____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COUPON D’ADHESION! EXIGER VOTRE INVESTISSEMENT INITAL EN DEVENANT MEMBRE&CONTRIBUABLE TEMPSTRES LIMITE/LIMITED TIME Nom:_________________________________________________Né(e)le______________________à______________________ Profession_______________________________________ Résidence________________________________________________ Contribution annuelle 201:_____________Montant versé____________Solde___________ Niveau d’instruction_____________ (50.000F CFA ou $100-USA) Emploi__________________________Avez-vous des enfants ? (Si oui)__________________ Combien_____________________ Seriez-vous volontaire de travailler pour les causes de RA ? Donner les raisons/CV ?_______________________________ Honorable President Barack Obama: “Dear Caroline…Thank you for being part of the most open inauguration in our nation's history. As we begin the work of remaking America, we must draw on the common hopes that brought us together this week. I'm counting on you to keep the spirit of unity and service alive… how you can get involved in the work ahead. We face many challenges… we have seen, time and time again, that there are no limits to what we can accomplish when we stand together. Our journey is just beginning. Thank you for all you do,..." Barack Honorable President William Clinton: “As we prepare to meet the challenges of the 21st Century, it is important to me that I know the thoughts and experiences of people who care about the future of America and our world. I’m confident that, working together, we can protect our shared values and meet our common challenges.” Honorable President George W. Bush: “ RA National Proclamation – As we celebrate National African American History Month, we recognize the many contributions of African Americans to our country and reinforce our commitment to be a Nation of opportunity and hope for every citizen...Working together...will continue to foster hope and build a better tomorrow for all our children and grandchildren...” Hon. First Lady/Senator H.R. Clinton "In its children resides each nation's greatest treasure (...) I commend you for your hard work, your compassion and your dedication (…) We must all work together to make sure that every child has the opportunity to live up to his/her God- given promise (…) I encourage your continued commitment to this important cause". Hon. Mayor Bloomberg: “Dear Dr. Hoth…Your organization has provided tremendous support to the people of New York City and I promise to do my best to make New York City a better place for all to live. Many thanks… “ Majority Leader Hon.Senator Trent Lott: “I appreciate receiving this recognition based upon my philosophy and record and I am indeed honored to be the recipient of this award.” Hon.President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea: “I commend your commitment and work to end hunger, war and poverty in Africa through educating the youth. It is a noble cause (…)The future of our continent depends on our combined effort in this task(…) The people of Eritrea fully remember the principled support extended to them by Remember Africa during the trying times of war(…)” Hon. Congressman Charles Rangel (…) “The topics you have selected for discussion are most appropriate during this turbulent time of youth violence and the tragedy resulting from such violence.(…) I wish you success in your endeavors as you seek to empower our youth” Hon.President Laurent Kabila of DR of Congo: “I’m very happy to receive this beautiful Award. To express my gratitude, I would like to invite you to Kinshasa-Congo..." Hon. Dr. Peter Ross: "Remember Africa Organization raises funds in the US to help with some of the numerous challenges facing sub- Saharan Africa … for education and health initiatives and handles publicity…energetically lobbied for the African, Caribbean and Latin trade bill successfully passed by Congress…for Free Trade and improve the quality of trade and Tariff regulation… " Hon. Jena Roscoe Director-The White House Office of Public Liaison:“Thank you for sending the letter to the President expressing support for the African Growth and Opportunity Act. It is important for the administration to note the individuals in organizations that are in support of this African Trade Bill. President Clinton believes this legislation will “offer the opportunity for increased trade and investment between the U.S. and Africa to the mutual benefit of both.”(…) Again, thank you for your letter sharing support for the A.G.O.A. Andre J. Hornsby, Superintendent of schools - Yonkers Public Schools: want to thank and acknowledge you and the entire dedicated and hard-working individual associated with your organization for according me this honor. I commend you for the work that you do to identify and resolve global issues that impact the continent of Africa and its people throughout the world. Remember Africa In the News By the NY Daily News – Remember Africa “Youth Power”: Remember Africa holds a youth empowerment reception to help young people understand themselves and to help build self-esteem, communication and character skills. By The Journal News: Remember Africa is an organization that promotes education for children… By Far Rockaway Penny Saver: Remember Africa is an organization formed to promote and support the literacy drive in America, the Caribbean and the African continent. (...) Through coordinated projects with the UN, IRC, local governments public and private schools, Remember Africa is able to develop internal exchanges and services. By Caribbean Life: Remember Africa's Youth Empowerment Drive. Remember Africa focuses on providing education and motivation to children and youth in Africa and all over the world. Remember Africa aims to empower youth for the 21th century by communicating the wrong and the right. Says Dr. Hoth: "Let us continue helping our youth to understand themselves by showing them more love and building up their self-esteem, communication and character skill. By Black Diaspora Magazine: “Remember Africa is comprised of a diverse Board of Directors. The organization promotes and supports literacy drives in America, the Caribbean and the African Continent».By Caribbean Update–Channel 12, LULU.COM, ABC News,&UPN 9 Thanking AMINA MAGAZINE, ERITREA, ETHIOPIA, LONDON, DRC, &Cameroon Press & Media: Tribune, Mutations, Le Jour, Situation, REMEMBER AFRICA IS COMMITTED TO BRINGING THE WORLD TOGETHER BY PROMOTING EDUCATION, HI-TECH-TELECOMS-INVESTMENTS, PEACE, AGRICULTURE & INT'L ECONOMIC TRADES -AGOA IN THE USA, THE AFRICAN CONTINENT, CARIBBEAN'S, LATIN AMERICA, EUROPE, ASIA RA Special Recognition Invitation by Hon. President Bill Clinton & First Lady/Senator/SOS Hillary R.Clinton The White House Millennium. After the African-Caribbean’s &Latin Trade Legislations (AGOA) HONORING THE GREATEST MEN &WOMEN OF THE 20TH CENTURY @WHITE HOUSE & TAVERNE ON THE GREEN C.PARK  Fournir et générer les moyens pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie de ceux qui sont dans le besoin au sein des communautés Afro-Américaines et d'autres communautés minoritaires : Les Caraïbes, L’Europe, L’Asie et L’Afrique en partenariat avec les UN, les Gouvernements, Compagnies et ONG…  Développer les échanges et les services internationaux à travers la suggestion d’adoption des Législations et Projet de Lois pour une bonne répartition des biens et investissements  Promouvoir et soutenir l'éducation, la santé, la justice sociale, les Hi-Tech-de la Télécommunication, l’Investissement au Développement durable, AGOA et la Paix dans le monde.  Améliorer le niveau de vie au moyen de : la formation, l’entraide, la concertation et la communication entre les peuples par la création des écoles, des hôpitaux et des systèmes agricoles industrialisés. Provide and generate means to better reach and educate those in need in the African-American and other minority communities, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and African continents in partnership with the UN, Governments, Inviduals, Corporations, and other Associations or NGOs. Develop International exchanges and services through Legislations and Opportunity Act. Stand for Education, Healthcare, Social Justice, Hi-Tech-Telecoms Investments, AGOA & Peace around the World. Improve the Quality of Lives By Educating, Encouraging Negotiations, Hi-Tech Communication Among The Peoples through Conferences, Seminaries, Schools, Hospitals, Agriculture, Int’l Exchanges(AGOA), and livestock systems... For further information, please visit us at or Email at All rights@RA NOS MISSIONS ET OBJECTIFS LEADERS & VIP HONOR & ENCOURAGE RA IN USA & AROUND THE WORLD! OUR MISSION & OBJECTIVES Give the names of the HI-Personalities in the faded picture on page 2 and win RA prizes ? Donnez les noms des VIP Personnalité cachées en page 2 et gagnez des lots de R A For further information, please visit us at or Email at All rights@RA REMEMBER AFRICA Promotes and Supports Education, Peace, Agriculture, Socio-Economic Durable Development, Justice, Hi-Tech- Telecoms Investments, Healthcare in the American, African Continents, Europe, Asia & the Caribbean’s International Non-Gouvernemental Organisation (USA-501C3 NGO) NY 10573 ONG De Promotion et de Soutien à l’Education, Paix, Agriculture, Développement Durable Socio-économique Hi-Tech- Télécoms , Justice et Santé dans les Continents Américain, Africain, Europe, Asie et Caraïbes E-mail: * Web site:
  • 2. REMEMBER AFRICA est une Organisation internationale constituée de personnes très capables, volontaires et expérimentées dans les secteurs de la recherche, de l’éducation, de la santé, de la justice sociale, des études internationales, de l’art et l’informatique. Cette équipe a développé une synergie au sein de REMEMBER AFRICA avec des responsabilités focalisées uniquement à la distribution des dons reçus des sponsors et autres mécènes de l'éducation, de la santé et du bien-être au profit de la jeunesse : Afro-américaine, Africaine, Caraïbienne et Latino-Américaine. 2010-2013 : *Soutien et Travail continu avec l’Honorable Président BARACK OBAMA USA jusqu’à l’approbation de la Loi de projet de Santé (Healthcare Bill).Sans précédant dans l’Histoire des USA…La Résolution du 21 Juillet à NYde RA pour mieux servir dans La Haute Technologie et les Télécommunications de Première Catégorie en votant plus de $3, 000,000,000 USD, Licence Int’le Hi-Tech-Télécoms 1eer Catégorie parUSA, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya,CEMAC, & autres pays africain, Caribéens En 2007-2009 : *Participation forte et soutenue de Remember Africa aux élections présidentielles américaines du Président Barack Obama-Joe Biden et Hillary Clinton avec Honneur à RA d’une Invitation à la Maison Blanche (White House. *Promotion du E-commerce et création d’une maison d’édition sur Internet avec la publication en ligne, sur plus de 100 pays, des produits, et Œuvres telles que « BAGUE DE LA MORT », «THE DANGEROUS RING » DE JOE DOUXON puis sélection au Festival de Cannes-S.F.C- France ; Poèmes célèbres écrits et publiés pour l’Honorable Président Barack Obama et autres, produits etc., Plus savoir sur et RA-NECOM En 2006-2007 REMEMBER AFRICA a reçu par le biais de sa Présidente/CEO Dr. Caroline Hoth HEARTS OF AFRICA AWARDS-UK-LONDON et a été officiellement reconnu par la majorité des Etats Africains et l’Honorable Président Georges W. Bush qui a signé la Proclamation Nationale. REMEMBER AFRICA pilote des projets d’ÉPARGNE/CREDIT pour les Projets de développement, l'ONU, du CICR, des Gouvernements, des écoles et universités locales, des ambassades, afin de développer des échanges et des services internationaux. Distribuant des bourses, des vêtements, des chaussures, de la nourriture et des fournitures scolaires, Hi-Tech équipements et outils nécessaires. En 1999-2000 REMEMBER AFRICA a fortement contribué à la conception et la publication de la législation relative au commerce international des USA avec L’Afrique, Les Caraïbes et l’Amérique Latine. la matérialisation de cet acte reste la Loi AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act) signée par le Président Bill Clinton ; la Première Dame, approuvée par le Sénat et le Congrès des Etats-Unis : Une Première dans l’histoire des USA, L’Afrique et sa diaspora. REMEMBER AFRICA n’entend pas se concentrer uniquement sur l'éducation, nous devons tous réfléchir pour aider l’Organisation à améliorer les conditions de vie de nos peuples en investissant plus sur l’HOMME. Des recherches approfondies indiquent qu'un pourcentage élevé de peuples en Afrique et des Caraïbes n’ont jamais reçu une éducation conséquente. Ces mêmes études révèlent aussi que les populations des zones défavorisées des communautés Afro-américaines et d'autres communautés minoritaires sont sous scolarisées aux Etats-Unis, en Europe, en Afrique, et en Asie. Et qui parle de « sous-scolarisation » parle de « sous investissement »surtout en Afrique. Le but de notre organisation est de produire et développer des moyens pour améliorer le niveau d’instruction de toutes ces personnes qui sont dans le besoin, principalement en Afrique. Nos enfants ne peuvent plus vivre dans l’analphabétisme au 21ème siècle ; ils comptent devenir des professionnels qualifiés dans le village planétaire naissant. Inévitablement, ils doivent être instruits, formés et éduqués. Une attention particulière doit être portée sur la santé et une bonne alimentation. Le niveau de vie de cette génération entière peut être amélioré si les mesures suivantes sont prises : Ecole pour tous ! Accès aux fournitures scolaires et aux formateurs, l'éducation sera donc accessible pour nos enfants. Il y a un nombre croissant de sans-abri et de pauvres en Afrique, en Amérique et partout ailleurs dans le monde. Votre contribution garantit à ces nécessiteux des conditions de vie meilleure En 1995, REMEMBER AFRICA sous le patronage d’ISS a apporté l'aide aux sans-abri et enfants réfugiés, aux hommes et femmes de beaucoup de pays africains et particulièrement du Rwanda pendant la période du génocide. De même qu’en Erithrée et en Ethiopie. Par votre don ou contribution, nous pourrons améliorer d’autres secteurs de la vie tels que : la santé, l'agriculture, l'investissement productif et, améliorer les conditions de vie pour tous, contribuer à la stabilisation des pays en réduisant le niveau de la criminalité et de l'immigration massive aux pays développés, mais surtout éviter les guerres inutiles de notre temps pour une vie démocratique meilleure. Veuillez vous vous joindre à nous en tant que membre, sponsor ou mécène, orateur, volontaire ou membre du Conseil d'Administration dans votre secteur, ville, village, pays pour nous aider à bâtir un monde meilleur avec beaucoup d'amour et de justice pour tous. . RA-BOARD-CELEBRITIES& AWARD RECEPTIONS FOR BEST CONTRIBUTIONS AROUND THE WORLD Hon. Primate H.E. Abuna Shiloh–Hon. H.E. UN SG. Kofi Annan- Hon. H.E. Bill Clinton- Hon. H.E. Pres. George W. Bush- Hon.- Hon. H.E. PM Tony Blair- Hon. Prof Dr. Caroline Hoth- Bishop Laurence- Hon. MSG.Anthony – Archbishop H.G Eraldo Clarke- Hon. Rev. Sun Yun Moon – Hon. Pres. Isaías Afwerki Of Eritrea- Hon. Nelson Mandela, Hon. Jessey Norman- Hon. Dr. Mann- Hon. Pres. L. Kabila Of Dr C Hon. Philip Chen- Hon. Prof Georgette Hoth, Hon. AssemblyMan & RA Speciel Adviser Eric Stevenson holding RAPROCLAMATIONS,, Hon. CongressWomen .Clack, Hon. Members, Keynotes-speakers, etc.. REMEMBER AFRICA is an Organization comprised of very talented and skilled individuals who specialize in areas from educational research to health care, agriculture, art, social justice, international economic trades, studies, and computer technology. This team has developed a division within REMEMBER AFRICA with responsibilities dedicated solely to the distribution of donations and funds received from sponsors, members, friends, partners, Governments, and corporations for the education, training, jobs creation, health and well being of the African, Caribbean and African-American youth. 2010-2013: Strong Support to President Elect BARACK OBAMA-JOE BIDEN & Hillary Clinton. Good campaign & Assistance to The Honorable President BARACK OBAMA to pass with success the UNPRECEDENTED Healthcare Legislation in USA. *RA-NECOM Hi-Tech-Telecoms NY July 21st Resolution with Initial Investment approved by the Board of Directors for more than $3,000,000,000 USD for Durable Development in partnership with nations & all RA’s members. Approval of RA-NECOM’s 1st Category Licenses by Cameroon Government, CEMAC and other African nations... 2008-2009: Creation of RA Online Publication and Promotion of E-commerce, E-culture, E-education, etc, through Publishing two initial Books “BAGUE DE LA MORT=THE DANGEROUS RING of JOE DOUXON selected for the Cannes Festival in France…. Poetry, Products, and much more In 2006-2007 Remember Africa through its dynamic President/CEO Dr. Caroline Hoth was rewarded with the United States Nation Proclamation by President George W. Bush, and received the HEARTS TO AFRICA AWARDS-UK-LONDON. Also the great majority of African Nations has recognized the dynamism of RA & since became involved with RA programs, especially RA-NECOM and the SAVING/CREDIT for Projects-Development. In 1999-2000 at the eve of the new millennium, Remember Africa worked very hard to help President Bill Clinton, congress and senate to pass the African, Caribbean and Latin Trade Legislation (AGOA). An unprecedented event in the History of America and Africa. Check more on and RA-NECOM Extensive researches reveal that a large percentage of people in Africa and the Caribbean have never received a formal Education. Those same studies also reveal that people in the low-income areas of the African-Americans and other minority communities are under-educated in the USA, Europe, Africa, and Asia. And who says «under-educated” also says:” under- investment.” The purpose of this organization is to provide and generate the means to better reach and educate those persons in need, and also give them a ”Push” by bringing to them “Initial Investment” REMEMBER AFRICA coordinates projects with the UN, IRC, local Governments, Ambassadors, public and private CIEs & schools in order to develop international exchanges and services. Our children can no longer be in these conditions and expect to become trained individuals in the emerging global community. Inevitably they must be educated! Attention must be paid for more healthcare and good nutrition. The quality of lives of this entire generation can be dramatically improved once the following steps are taken by All. With access to scholarships, classrooms, educational supplies, investments, and instructors, formal education will be available to all children with better creative future. There is an increasing amount of homelessness, immigrants and underprivileged living conditions in America. Your contribution provides the funds and means for these necessities to become available. In 1995, REMEMBER AFRICA, through the sponsorship of the ISS,STC and Ssplendor, has brought assistance to the homeless and the refugee children, men and women of many African countries and especially Rwanda by collecting clothes, shoes, food and school supplies. REMEMBER AFRICA understands that it cannot concentrate only on education if we are to help improve the quality of life for the people of Africa. That’s why we have initiated “Initial Investment” through President Reward & ”Call to Invest” in your area. An UNPRECEDENTED EVENT in the Investments industry with no discrimination WHATSOEVER. Through your donation and membership support, we will be able to improve other areas of life such as health, agriculture, business investment, savings/credit for Development, and better living conditions leading to the stabilization of countries by reducing level of crime and massive immigration to the developed countries. lease join us as a member, sponsor, keynote speaker, volunteer or director of the Board in your area, city, village, town, country to help us make this World a much better one with much Love and Justice for all... Hon. Pres. Bush encouraging RA with RA National Proclamation sent to RA by President W. Bush in 2006. RA DAY on February 24th of EACH YEAR ON USA BLACK HISTORY MONTH RASSEMBLER LE MONDE PAR UNE MEILLEURE ÉDUCATION, LA PAIX, LA SANTÉ, HI-TECH- TELECOMS, L’AGRICULTURE & LES ECHANGES ECONOMIQUES INTERNATIONAUX -AGOA For further information, please visit us at or Email at All rights@RA For further information, please visit us at or Email at All rights@RA BRINGING THE WORLD TOGETHER THRU BETTER EDUCATION, PEACE HEALTHCARE, HI-TECH- TELECOMS INVESTMENTS, LITERACY DRIVE, AGRICULTURE & INTL ECONOMIC TRADES-AGOA