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Methodology For The Optimal Design Of
Metamoprhic Manipulators
Charalampos Valsamos
Aims of the Dissertation
1. The proposal and of Modular Metamorphic
Manipulators as a new robotic manipulator class.
2. The proposal and development of a methodology and
the development of optimal kinematic design tools for
open chain modular metamorphic manipulators.
3. The development of an experimental prototype
metamorphic manipulator and the design and
execution of relative experiments.
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Dissertation Structure
Determination of Gaps
Design/development of
basic elements
Basic definitions
Structure representation
Metamorphic links
Analytical parametric
solution to the inverse
Optimal Kinematic Synthesis
of Metamorphic Topologies
Task based
methodology for the
determinaltion of the
optimal anatomy
Methodology for the
determination of the
global optimal
Expremental set-up
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Open Chain
Existing Classes of Open Chain Manipulators
Fixed Anatomy Manipulators
• Multitude of methods and indices for
• In use for decades with increasing
numbers tendency
• Fixed anatomy for “good”
performance based on global
• Fixed anatomy limits task types to
be performed
Reconfigurable Manipulators1,2
• Structuring from basic parts allows
anatomy to task mapping
• Greater flexibility and adaptability
• Lack of homogeneity in basic parts
• Require resourses for
• New class – Tools and methods
under development
1. Chen I-M, Rapid Response Manufacturing through a Rapidly Reconfigurable Robotic Workcell. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17, pp.
199-213, 2001
2. Paredis C., Brown B., Khosla P., A rapidly deployable manipulator system , Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
1996, pp. 1434-1439
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Pseudo - Joint
• Manual rotating connector
• At each setting can be considered fixed to a
given value of the pseudo joint parameter θp
• Constructed using composites and aluminium
• 2 connection surfaces
• 2 prototypes
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Basic definitions
1. Metamorphic parameters – anatomy: A metamorphic anatomy
is depicted by the vector θp of the pseudo joint parameters.
2. Metamorphic Topology: An open kinematic chain formed by a
combination of the three basic elements and their
3. Metamorpgic structure: The physical materialization of a
metamoprhic topology.
4. Reference anatomy: where θp=0
5. Reference Configuration: where joint variables are zero
1 2
... ... , , 1,2,..., ,
: 0,1,2,...,12, 1,2,...
p p p pj pm
pj pjL
pj pj
j m
k k j m
    
 
 
 
   
  
     
  
θ V
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Metamorphic Structure Representation (MSR)
• Enumeration of Basic Elements and Connection types
Basic Element Type
Active Joint (AJ) Pseudo Joint (P)
Digit 0 1
Relative position of consecutive joint twists (Connection
type) (Ci)
Perpendicular Parallel Skew
Digit 1 2 3
(a): 0-1-1-#
(b): 0-3-1-#
(c): 0-2-1-#
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Metamorphic Structure
• A proper mathematical representation of a metamorphic
structure composed of n+m basic elements (n being the
active joints number and m the pseudo joints number)
     
1 1 2 1
1 2 2 1
... : 0,1 1,2,3 ,3 0 6,
0, 2, 0 0, 1,2,...,
i i i i i i
i i i i i n m n m n m
M M M M M M M M i n m
      
     
          
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Determination of possible relative position of
consecutive active joint twists within a metamorphic link
     
 
 
2 1 1 2
1 2
1 2
( )
( )
p p
    
 
ω θ t ω t θ
ω ω θ 0
t t θ
            2 2 2 2 2 2
p p p p p p           
θ t θ ω θ q θ ω θ ω θ
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Enumeration process results
Metamorphic links with one pseudo joint
Metamorphic links with two pseudo joints (partial)
MSR Relative position of consecutive active joint twists as a function of θpi i=1,2
Intersecting Parallel Skew Sngular
01 11 11 0#    0
1 2 0p p    0
1 2 90p p
   0
1 2 0p pand NA
01 11 12 0# NA   0
1 0p   0
1 0p NA
01 11 13 0# NA    0
1 90p
  0
2 0p
   0
1 90p
01 12 11 0#    0
1 2 0p p    0
1 2 0p p
1 2
0 0
0 0p pand  
NA    0
1 2 0p p
01 12 12 0#    0
1 2 0p p
NA    0
1 2 0p p
01 12 13 0#     0
1 2 90p p    0
1 2 90p p
01 13 11 0#   0 0
1 20 0p pand or
  0 0
2 10 0p pand
NA   0
1 0p
  0
2 0p
   0
1 2 0p p
MSR Relative position of consecutive active joint twists as a function of θp1
Intersecting Parallel Skew Singular
01 11 0#   0
1 0p
NA NA   0
1 0p
01 12 0#   0
1 0p
NA   0
1 0p
01 13 0#    0
1 90p    0
1 90p
02 11 0#   0
1 0p
NA   0
1 0p
02 12 0# NA  1p
02 13 0# NA NA  1p
03 11 0#    0
1 90p    0
1 90p
03 12 0# NA NA  1p NA
03 13 0#   0
1 0p   0
1 0p
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Dissertation contribution
1. The proposal of the new class of modular metamorphic
open chain manipulators.
i. The new class modular structure allows the rapid
modification of a metamorphic structure to a new one.
ii. The use of the pseudo joint allows the metamorphosis
of a structure to different anatomies without any need
for disassembly/reassembly of the existing
iii. The proposed class presents high homogeneity
regarding basic components.
2. New basic definition were introduced (structure, anatomy,
metamorphic parameters etc.).
3. The Metamorphic Structure Representation was
presented (MSR).
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Analytical Parametric Solution Of The Inverse
Kinematics Problem
• For reconfigurable manipulators a numerical solution is
usually preferred3
• The metamorphic parameters of a structure are
defined as parameters.
• The Product of Exponential Formula was used to
determine the kinematic equations
• The Paden Kahan sub problems method was used to
decompose the kinematic equations for the inverse
kinematics solution
3. Chen I-M., Gao Y., Inverse Kinematics for Modular Robots, Proc. Of the 1998 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation,
Leuven, Belgium
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Dissertation Contribution
• Rapid solution of the kinematic equations
• Capability of obtaining analytical solutions for all
anatomies of 3 and 4 degrees of freedom. Capability of
obtaining solutions for different anatomies of 5 d.o.f.
structures under perquisites. Capability of obtaining
solution for all 6 d.o.f. structures anatomies provided a
spherical wrist is used.
• Multiple solutions to the inverse kinematics
• No new algebraic calculations are need once the final set
of equations for a structure is determined
• Solution to the inverse kinematics for non-typical
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Kinematic Design
of Modular
Optimal Kinematic Synthesis of Metamorphic
State of the Art:
• Fixed anatomy manipulators5,6
• Synthesis takes place using global indices and
optimal anatomy searching methods.
• Reconfigurable manipulators7,8
• Synthesis takes place with respect to task
specifications to ensure best performance
5. Gonzalez Palacios, M.A., Angeles, J., Ranjbaran, F.,1993, “Kinematics Synthesis of Serial Manipulators With a Prescribed Jacobian”, Proceedings of
the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1, pp. 450-455, Atlanta, GA, USA
6. Ting-Li Yang, An-Xin Liu, Qiong Jin, 2009, “Position and Orientation Characteristic Equation for Topological Design of Robot Mechanisms”, Journal
of Mechanical Design. 131, (2), pp. 0210011-02100117
7.O. Chocron, 2008, “Evolutionary Design of Modular Robotic Arms”, Robotica,26 (3), pp 323-330
8. Yang G., Chen I-M., 2000, “Task-based Optimization of Modular Robot Configurations: Minimized Degree of Freedom Approach”, Mechanism and
Machine Theory, 35, pp. 517-540
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Introduced Criteria for the Evaluation of
Metamorphic Topologies
I. Structure Simplicity
II. Structure Anatomical Wealth
III. Structure Kinematic Solvability
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Metamorphic Link Categories
Category MSR Relative position of consecutive active joint twists
Intersecting I1 Parallel I2 Skew I3 Singular I4
1 01 11 11 0# 0.0059 0.0237 0.9704 0
01 13 12 0# 0.0651 0.0118 0.9231 0
01 13 13 0# 0.0651 0.0118 0.9231 0
02 13 11 0# 0.0651 0.1538 0.7811 0
02 13 13 0# 0.0710 0.0769 0.8521 0
03 13 11 0# 0.0651 0.0118 0.9231 0
03 13 12 0# 0.0710 0.0769 0.8521 0
2 01 13 0# 0.8462 0.1538 0 0
03 11 0# 0.8462 0.1538 0 0
03 13 0# 0.9231 0.0769 0 0
01 12 11 0# 0.9231 0.0710 0 0.0059
01 12 13 0# 0.9172 0.0828 0 0
03 12 11 0# 0.9172 0.0828 0 0
03 12 13 0# 0.9231 0.0769 0 0
3 01 11 12 0# 0 0.0769 0.9231 0
01 11 13 0# 0 0.0118 0.9882 0
02 11 11 0# 0 0.0769 0.9231 0
02 11 13 0# 0 0.1538 0.8462 0
03 11 11 0# 0 0.1538 0.8462 0
03 11 12 0# 0 0.1538 0.8462 0
03 11 13 0# 0 0.0059 0.9941 0
03 13 13 0# 0 0.0237 0.9763 0
4 01 12 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0
02 11 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0
01 12 12 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0
01 13 11 0# 0.1479 0 0.8462 0.0059
02 11 12 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0
02 12 11 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0
5 01 11 0# 0.9231 0 0 0.0769
6 02 12 0# 0 1 0 0
02 12 12 0# 0 1 0 0
7 02 13 0# 0 0 1 0
03 12 0# 0 0 1 0
02 12 13 0# 0 0 1 0
02 13 12 0# 0 0 1 0
03 12 12 0# 0 0 1 0
• Category 1: Links that may present all
three types of relative active joint twists
• Categories 2,3 και 4: Links that may
present two out of three types of
relative active joint twists positions.
• Categories 5,6 και 7: Links that may
only present one of the three types of
relative active joint twists positions.
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Simplicity – Anatomical Wealth
• Simplicity Index:
• Index for the grading of metamorphic links based on
anatomical wealth
• Anatomical wealth index
  . . .
1 1
,0 1
d o f
z S z  
1 1,0 1
B B
  
 
2 2,0 1
z S z
  
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
• Enumeration process results for solvability of possible
• Solvability index
D.o.f. Total structures Fully
Solvable Non - solvable
3 50653 50653 0 0
4 1874161 1874161 0 0
5 69343957 1462055 55521497 12360405
 3 3,0 1
numberof solvableanatomies
z S z  
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Optimal kinematic synthesis methodology for
metamorphic topologies
• Objective function (multicriteria evaluation index for
metamorphic topologies)
• Where w1+w2+w3=1 weights set by the designer with
respect to specifications.
• The optimal kinematic synthesis problem solution is:
       1 1 2 2 3 3z S w z S w z S w z S  
  *
arg maxS z S
 
  
 
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Optimal topology search method
• Genetic Algorithm
• Encoding: The structure’s MSR was used (variable
size chromosome)
• Crossover:
• Mutation (2 types):
• Mutating a single gene corresponding to a connection type
• Mutating a string corresponding to a link
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Indicative Results
• Results for w1=0.35, w2=0.4, w3=0.25
• Individual criteria values
Number of GA run Objective
function value
Structure MSR
1 0.663816 0311011311011303131103
2 0.663816 02110211110311031103
3 0.663816 02121303130213031101
4 0.663816 0311130113031302111303
5 0.663816 0312120311031303111103
Number of GA run z1 z2 z3
1 0.8824 0.2625 1
2 0.8824 0.2625 1
3 0.8824 0.2625 1
4 0.8824 0.2625 1
5 0.8824 0.2625 1
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Graphic illustration of selected best determined
GA run Number 1
GA run Number 5
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Dissertation Contribution
• Quantification of qualitative aspects not commonly used
for topology synthesis.
• The proposal of the methodology for the optimal
kinematic synthesis of metamorphic manipulators.
• The application of the proposed method provides a
number of different structures meeting the
specifications accordingly.
• This is a definite advantage as it allows the designer
to select the optimal amongst a large number of
equally suitable structures.
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Task Based Optimal Anatomy Determination
State of the Art:
• Fixed anatomy manipulators
• Performance increase via optimal positioning of the
task in the robot’s workspace or the robot’s base for
a given task position9,10
• Reconfigurable manipulators
• Determination of optimal anatomy/structure for given
task position for maximum performance11,12
9 A. Nektarios, N. Aspragathos, “Optimizing Velocity Performance of a Position and Orientation Path Following Task”, Robotics and Computer
Integrated Manufacturing, 26(2), (2010), 162-1736.
10. Feng X., Holmgren B., Olvander J., Evaluation and optimization of industrial robot families using different kinematic measures, 2009 ASME
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2009; San Diego, CA; 30
August 2009 through 2 September 2009
11. Kim, J.; Khosla, P.K., "A formulation for task based design of robot manipulators," Intelligent Robots and Systems '93, IROS '93. Proceedings of the
1993 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on , vol.3, no., pp.2310,2317 vol.3, 26-30 Jul 1993
12. A. K. Dash, I. -M. Chen, S. H. Yeo & G. Yang, Task oriented configuration design for reconfigurable parallel manipulator systems, Int. Journal of
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 18(7), 615-634, 2005
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Optimal Anatomy Determination Process
Optimal task
location for in
the reference
anatomy for
the given task
Optimal task
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Point to point task
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Optimal task position for point to point task
Point p1
given as BTS
STi ,
Inverse Kinematics
θi,j(BTS), j=1…8
Determine Ji,j(BTS)
Determine min wi,j(BTS)
Other points position and orientation relative to p1
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Introduced index for he determination of the
optimal position of point to point task
• Yoshikawa’s manipulability index at each point:
• Introduced task based index:
         , , , ,det , 1,..., , 1,...,8B B B
i j i j i j i jT T Tw i k j   θ θ θJ J
     B B
S Si,j
i j
T TW min min w i 1,...,k j 1,...,8  
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Trajectory following application
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Introduced index for optimal anatomy
determination for trajectory following application
• MVR (Manipulator Velocity Ratio)
• is given as:
• MVR index value for each segment:
• Introduced task based index:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )min , , , 1,..., 2, 1...B B B B
vi S vn S vs S vf S
r T r T r T r T n N i m= = - =
( ) ( )( )minB B
v S vi S
R T r T=
 
1 T T
v v v v vr
 
u J J u
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Optimal anatomy determination –
point to point task
• Yoshikawa’s manipulability index at each point:
• Proposed task based index:
• Solution to the optimal anatomy determination problem:
         , , , ,det , 1,..., , 1,...,8i j
p i j p i j p i j pw i k j   θ θ θ θ θ θJ J
     i,jp p p
i j
W min min i 1,...,k j 1,...,8pw  θθ
  *
p p p
arg max W
 
  
 θ
θ θ
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Optimal anatomy determination –
trajectory following task
• MVR value for each segment:
• Introduced task based index:
• Solution to the optimal anatomy determination problem:
        min , , , 1,..., 2, 1...vpi p vn p vs p vf p
r r r r n N i m   θ θ θ θ
    minvp p vpi p
R rθ θ
  *
arg max
p vp pR   
 θ
θ θ
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Method application
• The illustrated
pointstrajectories are
• A G.A. was used to determine the optimal task(s) location, its fitness
function identical to the problem’s objective function
• A brute force algorithm was used to determine the optimal anatomy to
provide comparison data for all of the structures the considered anatomy
could be metamorphosed to
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Results – Point to Point Task
Reference anatomy Optimal anatomy
Wp θa θb θc θd θe θf
2.1930 75 90 90 0 15 0
2.1927 75 90 0 -90 30 0
2.1405 75 90 90 0 30 0
2.1320 75 75 90 0 15 0
2.1235 75 75 90 0 15 15
2.0479 75 90 90 0 15 15
2.1927 75 90 0 -90 30 0
2.1405 75 90 90 0 30 0
0.411088 0 0 0 0 0 0
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Results – Trajectory Following Task
Reference anatomy Optimal anatomy
θa θb θc θd θe θf
1.2516 15 0 15 -90 45 60
1.2309 0 0 0 -75 45 60
1.2174 0 0 15 -90 30 45
1.2147 15 0 15 -90 60 75
1.2055 15 0 0 -75 45 45
1.2046 15 0 0 -75 45 60
0.769798 0 0 0 0 0 0
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Considered metamorphic structure’s possible
anatomies comparison
Point to point task Trajectory following task
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Dissertation Contribution
• The proposed method allows the determination of the
optimal anatomy of a metamorphic structure for best
possible performance during task execution.
• The performance comparison between the fixed
anatomy manipulator (reference anatomy, PUMA type
manipulator) and the possible anatomies of the
metamorphic structure leads to the conclusion that the
latter surpasses the former.
• The full extend of the presented method allows both for
the optimal task placement and optimal anatomy
determination to maximize performance.
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Introduction of global kinematic and dynamic
anatomies evaluation indices
• In joint space an index values form a
• The following values are determined:
• The mean index value in joint
• The mean value of a number g of
maximum index values
• The distance of the two means
• The distance of the overall
maximum value from 𝑦max, δy
y 
max max
y y y  
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Introduced kinematic and dynamic index
• The multicriteria index is composed of 𝑦, 𝛿 𝑦max και δy
• A “good” anatomy should present high values for the
first two criteria and small values for the third
• The method was extended to use Yoshikawa’s dynamic
manipulability measure to create a global dynamic
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Proposed method for the rapid determination
of the introduced global index
• The Choquet integral is used to determine the index
• An ANFIS was trained to rapidly calculate the index
       1
u p j j j
C x u A C u A C 
  
 θ
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Set of random
configurations θ
Set of random
anatomies p
  ,puC y θ θ
Training Data
set  ,p puC  θ θ
New anatomy
New Index
 p
uC θ
Method application – Results
Θp1 Θp2 Θp3 Θp4 Θp5 Θp6 Τιμή
90 90 90 30 30 90 1.4880
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Trained Results
Calculated Results
Considered anatomy
Global kinematic index Global dynamic index
Θp1 Θp2 Θp3 Θp4 Θp5 Θp6 Τιμή
90 0 0 0 0 0 177.79
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Dissertation Contribution
• Introduction and development of multicriteria anatomy
evaluation indices, based on local kinematic and
dynamic performance measures.
• The procedure for the development of the global
kinematic indices can be applied to all local kinematic
performance measures.
• The proposed global indices can help rapidly evaluate
the possible anatomies of a metamorphic structure in
terms of overall performance.
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Anatomies Evaluation Method Based On The Connected
High Performance Area For 3 D.O.F. Metamorphic Structures
State of the Art:
• The high manipulability area of the workspace has
been used as a global performance index in
manipulator design.
• Examples: 12, 13
12. D. Chablat, P. Wenger, F. Majou, J-P.Merlet, An interval analysis based study for the design and the comparison of three-degrees-of-freedom
parallel kinematic machines, The Int. Journal of Robotic Research 23 (2004) 615–624.
13. Z. Li, D. Glozman, D. Milutinovic, J. Rosen, Maximizing dexterous workspace and optimal port placement of a multi-arm surgical robot,
in: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 3394–3399.
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Proposed global index
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Proposed global index calculation
Yoshikawa’s manipulability index
values w>1 mapping to cartesian
space from a given grid in joint
Rotated index values (aligned with x-z
Projection to the x-z plane
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Proposed index calculation (cont.)
• New grid creation
• The proposed index value is the
approach of the area where w>1
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Proposed method application
• Reference anatomy
• Optimal anatomies
Chromosome Anatomy Area (dm2 )
1 [1 14 30 25 6 0] [-85 -20 60 35 -60 0] 9.5213
2 [1 15 4 14 7 1] [-85 -15 -70 -20 -75 5] 9.0988
3 [2 15 34 21 27 0] [-80 -15 65 -15 45 0] 8.9847
4 [4 31 1 15 8 3] [-70 65 -85 15 -50 15] 8.3171
5 [3 14 25 31 31 2] [-75 -20 35 -65 65 10] 8.2168
6 [18 0 0 18 0 0] [0 0 0 -90 0 0] 3.2616
No Chromosome Anatomy Area (dm2 )
1 [4 14 35 23 33 0] [-70 -15 85 -25 75 0] 6.2850
2 [4 15 32 26 32 1] [-70 -10 70 -40 70 5] 5.9565
3 [36 23 1 14 5 0] [90 25 -85 20 -45 0] 5.8774
4 [13 3 9 4 5 4] [-25 -75 -45 70 -65 20] 5.8018
5 [5 14 26 31 3 4] [-65 -20 40 -65 -75 20] 5.5989
6 [18 0 0 18 0 0] [0 0 0 -90 0 0] 2.4007
Based on Yoshikawa’s index Based on KCI
w>1 KCI>0.25
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Dissertation Contribution
• The proposed index and optimal anatomy
determination method:
• Allows the evaluation of the anatomies with respect
to performance during kinematic task execution.
• May be easily modified to be applicable to other
classes of open chain manipulators.
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Part 3Experimental
Experimental Set-Up
• Prototype metamorphic 3 d.o.f. robot
Lengths (m)
L1 0.365
L2 0.3185
L3 0.3725
L4 0.1795
L5 0.0845
Active joints twists directions
𝜔1 0,0,1 T
𝜔2 0,1,0 T
𝜔3 0, −1,0 T
Pseudo joints twists directions
𝜔 𝑝1
−1,0,0 T
𝜔 𝑝2
0,0,1 T
Points on active joint axes of rotation
𝑃1 0,0,0 T
𝑃2 0,0,0.365 T
𝑃3 0.3725,0.2735,0.365 T
Points on pseudo joints axes of rotation
0,0,0.365 T
0.1665,0.3185,0.365 T
Metamorphic parameter values
𝜃 𝑝1
𝜃 𝑝2
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Experimental Set-Up (Details)
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Results – Point to point task
Initial points position
S𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭
0.457, 0.139, 0.365 𝑇
E𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭
−0.1390, 0.2494, 0.5090 𝑇
Optimal points location
S𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭
−0.4650, −0.0386, 0.365 𝑇
E𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭
−0.0904, −0.4380,0.5090 𝑇
parameter value
Θp1 60o
Θp2 0o
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Results - Videos
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Reference anatomy Optimal Anatomy
• Open chain modular metamorphic manipulators are a
step in the evolution of modular reconfigurable
• The extent of the possibilities that the new class
presents the designer with is increased compared to
other classes
• The proposed MSR allows for the rapid and effortless
automation of the development of metamorphic
• The methodology for the optimal kinematic synthesis of
metamorphic topologies allows the determination of a
significant number of them fulfilling the set
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Conclusions (cont.)
• The proposed performance indices whether task based
or global can be easily modified to be applicable to
other classes.
• The presented methods application results show that
the proposed manipulator class presents extended
performance capabilities compared to the existing
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Valsamos C. Moulianitis V. Aspragathos N. Index based optimal anatomy of a
metamorphic manipulator for a given task. In Robotics and Computer Integrated
Manufacturing, volume 28, pages 517 - 529, 2012.
Valsamos C. Moulianitis V. Aspragathos N. Kinematic Synthesis of Structures for
Metamorphic Serial Manipulators J. Mechanisms Robotics 6, 041005 (2014) (14
pages doi:10.1115/1.4027741
C Valsamos, V C Moulianitis, A I Synodinos and N A Aspragathos. Introduction
of the high performance area measure for the evaluation of metamorphic
manipulator anatomies. Mechanism and Machine Theory 86(0):88 - 107, 2015.
Moulianitis, V. C., Synodinos, A. I., Valsamos, C. D., & Aspragathos, N. A. Task-
based optimal design of metamorphic service manipulators. Journal of
Mechanisms and Robotics, 2016.
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Conferences (Selected)
Valsamos H., Aspragathos N.A. (2007), “Design of a Versatile Passive Connector for Reconfigurable
Robotic Manipulators with Articulated Anatomies and their Kinematic Analysis”, I*PROMS 2007 Virtual
Βάλσαμος Χ. Ασπραγκαθος Ν., Ταχεία Μεταμόρφωση της Ανατομίας Ρομποτικού Βραχίονα με Χρήση
Ψευδό-– Αρθρώσεων και Παραμετρική Επίλυση του Αντιστρόφου Κινηματικού Προβλήματος, 1ο
ΠΑΣΥΡΟ, 2009 (in Greek)
Valsamos H., Moulianitis V., Aspragathos N., A Generalized Method for Solving the Kinematics of 3
D.O.F. Reconfigurable Manipulators, I*PROMS 2009 Virtual Conference, (2009)
Valsamos H., Nektarios, A., Aspragathos N.A., 2005, Optimal Placement of Path Following Robot Task
using Genetic Algorithms, SYROCO 2006.
Valsamos H., Aspragathos N. (2009), “Determination of Anatomy and Configuration of a Reconfigurable
Manipulator for the Optimal Manipulability”, ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable
Mechanisms and Robots, London, pp. 497-503
Βάλσαμος Χ.,Μουλιανίτης Β., Ασπραγκαθος Ν., Διαμόρφωση ανατομίας μεταμορφικού βραχίονα –
Βέλτιστη τοποθέτηση εργασίας στο χώρο εργασίας αυτού., 2ο ΠΑΣΥΡΟ, 2010 (In Greek)
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Valsamos H., Moulianitis V., Aspragathos N., Rapid evaluation of reconfigurable robots anatomies using computational
intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture
Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6277 LNAI, Issue PART 2, 2010, Pages 341-350
Βάλσαμος Χ.,Μουλιανίτης Β., Ασπραγκαθος Ν., Δείκτης αξιολόγησης ανατομιών μεταμορφικού ρομποτικού βραχίονα και
υπολογισμός αυτού μέσω συστήματος ANFIS, 2ο ΠΑΣΥΡΟ, 2010 (in Greek)
Valsamos H., Moulianitis V., Aspragathos N., Rapid Evaluation of Anatomies For Metamorphic Robots Based on Dynamic
Manipulability Using an ANFIS System, ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics 4-7 July 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Valsamos C., Moulianitis V., Aspragathos N.,, Metamorphic Structure Representation: Designing and Evaluating Anatomies
of Metamorphic Manipulators, Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots I , 2012, pp 3-11
V.C. Moulianitis, N.A. Aspragathos, C Valsamos. Suboptimal anatomy of metamorphic manipulators based on the high
rotational dexterity Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots II, 509-519,2016. (Best Paper Award)
Vassilis C. Moulianitis, Nikos A Aspragathos, Aris I Synodinos and Charalampos D. Valsamos.Task-based optimal design of
serial metamorphic manipulators. Accepted for presentation in ICRA 2014 WS Task Based Optimal Design of Robots, 2014.
Charalampos Valsamos, Vassilis Moulianitis and Nikos Aspragathos. Experimental verification of the advantages of a
modular open chain metamorphic manipulator. In 47th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR2016), 2016, 215-221.
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
Other Publications
Papachristou, A., Valsamos, H., Dentsoras, A., Optimal initial positioning of
excavators in digging processes, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 224 (7) , pp. 835-844
Papachristou, A., Valsamos, H., Dentsoras, A., Optimal positioning of excavators in
digging processes, Innovative Production Machines and Systems Conference 2009
Hoepf, M., Valsamos, H., Research Topics in Manufacturing - The I*PROMS Delphi
Study, IEEE INDIN 2008 Conference on Industrial Informatics (2008)
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic
• Thank you very much for your attendance
Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic

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Methodology for the Optimal Design of Metamorphic Manipulators - PhD Dissertation

  • 1. Methodology For The Optimal Design Of Metamoprhic Manipulators Charalampos Valsamos
  • 2. Aims of the Dissertation 1. The proposal and of Modular Metamorphic Manipulators as a new robotic manipulator class. 2. The proposal and development of a methodology and the development of optimal kinematic design tools for open chain modular metamorphic manipulators. 3. The development of an experimental prototype metamorphic manipulator and the design and execution of relative experiments. 2 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 3. Dissertation Structure 3 Determination of Gaps Design/development of basic elements Basic definitions Structure representation Metamorphic links Analytical parametric solution to the inverse kinematics Optimal Kinematic Synthesis of Metamorphic Topologies Methodology Task based methodology for the determinaltion of the optimal anatomy Methodology for the determination of the global optimal anatomy Expremental set-up Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 5. Existing Classes of Open Chain Manipulators 5 Fixed Anatomy Manipulators + • Multitude of methods and indices for design • In use for decades with increasing numbers tendency - • Fixed anatomy for “good” performance based on global criteria • Fixed anatomy limits task types to be performed Reconfigurable Manipulators1,2 + • Structuring from basic parts allows anatomy to task mapping • Greater flexibility and adaptability - • Lack of homogeneity in basic parts • Require resourses for reconfiguration • New class – Tools and methods under development 1. Chen I-M, Rapid Response Manufacturing through a Rapidly Reconfigurable Robotic Workcell. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17, pp. 199-213, 2001 2. Paredis C., Brown B., Khosla P., A rapidly deployable manipulator system , Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1996, pp. 1434-1439 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 6. Pseudo - Joint 6 • Manual rotating connector • At each setting can be considered fixed to a given value of the pseudo joint parameter θp • Constructed using composites and aluminium alloy • 2 connection surfaces • 2 prototypes Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 7. Basic definitions 1. Metamorphic parameters – anatomy: A metamorphic anatomy is depicted by the vector θp of the pseudo joint parameters. 2. Metamorphic Topology: An open kinematic chain formed by a combination of the three basic elements and their interconnections. 3. Metamorpgic structure: The physical materialization of a metamoprhic topology. 4. Reference anatomy: where θp=0 5. Reference Configuration: where joint variables are zero 7 1 2 ... ... , , 1,2,..., , : 0,1,2,...,12, 1,2,... 12 T p p p pj pm m pj L U pj pjL pj pj j m k k j m                             θ V V V Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 8. Metamorphic Structure Representation (MSR) • Enumeration of Basic Elements and Connection types 8 Basic Element Type Active Joint (AJ) Pseudo Joint (P) Digit 0 1 Relative position of consecutive joint twists (Connection type) (Ci) Perpendicular Parallel Skew Digit 1 2 3 (a): 0-1-1-# (b): 0-3-1-# (c): 0-2-1-# Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 9. Metamorphic Structure • A proper mathematical representation of a metamorphic structure composed of n+m basic elements (n being the active joints number and m the pseudo joints number) is: 9        1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 ... : 0,1 1,2,3 ,3 0 6, 0, 2, 0 0, 1,2,..., i i i i i i i i i i i n m n m n m S M C M C M C M C M M M M M M M M M i n m                          Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 10. Determination of possible relative position of consecutive active joint twists within a metamorphic link 10           2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 ( ) ( ) p p p p a b c            ω θ t ω t θ ω ω θ 0 t t θ             2 2 2 2 2 2 TT p p p p p p            θ t θ ω θ q θ ω θ ω θ Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 11. Enumeration process results 11 Metamorphic links with one pseudo joint Metamorphic links with two pseudo joints (partial) MSR Relative position of consecutive active joint twists as a function of θpi i=1,2 Intersecting Parallel Skew Sngular 01 11 11 0#    0 1 2 0p p    0 1 2 90p p    0 1 2 0p pand NA 01 11 12 0# NA   0 1 0p   0 1 0p NA 01 11 13 0# NA    0 1 90p και   0 2 0p    0 1 90p NA 01 12 11 0#    0 1 2 0p p    0 1 2 0p p and 1 2 0 0 0 0p pand   NA    0 1 2 0p p 01 12 12 0#    0 1 2 0p p NA    0 1 2 0p p NA 01 12 13 0#     0 1 2 90p p    0 1 2 90p p NA NA 01 13 11 0#   0 0 1 20 0p pand or   0 0 2 10 0p pand NA   0 1 0p and   0 2 0p    0 1 2 0p p MSR Relative position of consecutive active joint twists as a function of θp1 Intersecting Parallel Skew Singular 01 11 0#   0 1 0p NA NA   0 1 0p 01 12 0#   0 1 0p NA   0 1 0p NA 01 13 0#    0 1 90p    0 1 90p NA NA 02 11 0#   0 1 0p NA   0 1 0p NA 02 12 0# NA  1p NA NA 02 13 0# NA NA  1p NA 03 11 0#    0 1 90p    0 1 90p NA NA 03 12 0# NA NA  1p NA 03 13 0#   0 1 0p   0 1 0p NA NA Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 12. Dissertation contribution 1. The proposal of the new class of modular metamorphic open chain manipulators. i. The new class modular structure allows the rapid modification of a metamorphic structure to a new one. ii. The use of the pseudo joint allows the metamorphosis of a structure to different anatomies without any need for disassembly/reassembly of the existing components. iii. The proposed class presents high homogeneity regarding basic components. 2. New basic definition were introduced (structure, anatomy, metamorphic parameters etc.). 3. The Metamorphic Structure Representation was presented (MSR). 12 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 13. Analytical Parametric Solution Of The Inverse Kinematics Problem • For reconfigurable manipulators a numerical solution is usually preferred3 • The metamorphic parameters of a structure are defined as parameters. • The Product of Exponential Formula was used to determine the kinematic equations • The Paden Kahan sub problems method was used to decompose the kinematic equations for the inverse kinematics solution 13 3. Chen I-M., Gao Y., Inverse Kinematics for Modular Robots, Proc. Of the 1998 IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, Belgium Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 14. Dissertation Contribution 14 • Rapid solution of the kinematic equations • Capability of obtaining analytical solutions for all anatomies of 3 and 4 degrees of freedom. Capability of obtaining solutions for different anatomies of 5 d.o.f. structures under perquisites. Capability of obtaining solution for all 6 d.o.f. structures anatomies provided a spherical wrist is used. • Multiple solutions to the inverse kinematics • No new algebraic calculations are need once the final set of equations for a structure is determined • Solution to the inverse kinematics for non-typical anatomies Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 15. PART 2 Optimal Kinematic Design of Modular Metamorphic Manipulators Methodology
  • 16. Optimal Kinematic Synthesis of Metamorphic Topologies State of the Art: • Fixed anatomy manipulators5,6 • Synthesis takes place using global indices and optimal anatomy searching methods. • Reconfigurable manipulators7,8 • Synthesis takes place with respect to task specifications to ensure best performance 16 5. Gonzalez Palacios, M.A., Angeles, J., Ranjbaran, F.,1993, “Kinematics Synthesis of Serial Manipulators With a Prescribed Jacobian”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1, pp. 450-455, Atlanta, GA, USA 6. Ting-Li Yang, An-Xin Liu, Qiong Jin, 2009, “Position and Orientation Characteristic Equation for Topological Design of Robot Mechanisms”, Journal of Mechanical Design. 131, (2), pp. 0210011-02100117 7.O. Chocron, 2008, “Evolutionary Design of Modular Robotic Arms”, Robotica,26 (3), pp 323-330 8. Yang G., Chen I-M., 2000, “Task-based Optimization of Modular Robot Configurations: Minimized Degree of Freedom Approach”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 35, pp. 517-540 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 17. Introduced Criteria for the Evaluation of Metamorphic Topologies I. Structure Simplicity II. Structure Anatomical Wealth III. Structure Kinematic Solvability 17 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 18. Metamorphic Link Categories 18 Category MSR Relative position of consecutive active joint twists Intersecting I1 Parallel I2 Skew I3 Singular I4 1 01 11 11 0# 0.0059 0.0237 0.9704 0 01 13 12 0# 0.0651 0.0118 0.9231 0 01 13 13 0# 0.0651 0.0118 0.9231 0 02 13 11 0# 0.0651 0.1538 0.7811 0 02 13 13 0# 0.0710 0.0769 0.8521 0 03 13 11 0# 0.0651 0.0118 0.9231 0 03 13 12 0# 0.0710 0.0769 0.8521 0 2 01 13 0# 0.8462 0.1538 0 0 03 11 0# 0.8462 0.1538 0 0 03 13 0# 0.9231 0.0769 0 0 01 12 11 0# 0.9231 0.0710 0 0.0059 01 12 13 0# 0.9172 0.0828 0 0 03 12 11 0# 0.9172 0.0828 0 0 03 12 13 0# 0.9231 0.0769 0 0 3 01 11 12 0# 0 0.0769 0.9231 0 01 11 13 0# 0 0.0118 0.9882 0 02 11 11 0# 0 0.0769 0.9231 0 02 11 13 0# 0 0.1538 0.8462 0 03 11 11 0# 0 0.1538 0.8462 0 03 11 12 0# 0 0.1538 0.8462 0 03 11 13 0# 0 0.0059 0.9941 0 03 13 13 0# 0 0.0237 0.9763 0 4 01 12 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0 02 11 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0 01 12 12 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0 01 13 11 0# 0.1479 0 0.8462 0.0059 02 11 12 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0 02 12 11 0# 0.0769 0 0.9231 0 5 01 11 0# 0.9231 0 0 0.0769 6 02 12 0# 0 1 0 0 02 12 12 0# 0 1 0 0 7 02 13 0# 0 0 1 0 03 12 0# 0 0 1 0 02 12 13 0# 0 0 1 0 02 13 12 0# 0 0 1 0 03 12 12 0# 0 0 1 0 • Category 1: Links that may present all three types of relative active joint twists positions. • Categories 2,3 και 4: Links that may present two out of three types of relative active joint twists positions. • Categories 5,6 και 7: Links that may only present one of the three types of relative active joint twists positions. Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 19. Simplicity – Anatomical Wealth • Simplicity Index: • Index for the grading of metamorphic links based on anatomical wealth • Anatomical wealth index 19   . . . 1 1 A ,0 1 (n+m) d o f z S z   3 1 1 1,0 1 0.037 b b I B B       2 1 2 2,0 1 0.211369 l r r B z S z l       Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 20. Solvability • Enumeration process results for solvability of possible structures • Solvability index 20 D.o.f. Total structures Fully solvable Solvable Non - solvable 3 50653 50653 0 0 4 1874161 1874161 0 0 5 69343957 1462055 55521497 12360405  3 3,0 1 13m numberof solvableanatomies z S z   Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 21. Optimal kinematic synthesis methodology for metamorphic topologies • Objective function (multicriteria evaluation index for metamorphic topologies) • Where w1+w2+w3=1 weights set by the designer with respect to specifications. • The optimal kinematic synthesis problem solution is: 21        1 1 2 2 3 3z S w z S w z S w z S     * arg maxS z S        Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 22. Optimal topology search method • Genetic Algorithm • Encoding: The structure’s MSR was used (variable size chromosome) • Crossover: • Mutation (2 types): • Mutating a single gene corresponding to a connection type • Mutating a string corresponding to a link 22 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 23. Indicative Results • Results for w1=0.35, w2=0.4, w3=0.25 • Individual criteria values 23 Number of GA run Objective function value Structure MSR 1 0.663816 0311011311011303131103 2 0.663816 02110211110311031103 3 0.663816 02121303130213031101 4 0.663816 0311130113031302111303 5 0.663816 0312120311031303111103 Number of GA run z1 z2 z3 1 0.8824 0.2625 1 2 0.8824 0.2625 1 3 0.8824 0.2625 1 4 0.8824 0.2625 1 5 0.8824 0.2625 1 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 24. Graphic illustration of selected best determined topologies 24 GA run Number 1 GA run Number 5 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 25. Dissertation Contribution • Quantification of qualitative aspects not commonly used for topology synthesis. • The proposal of the methodology for the optimal kinematic synthesis of metamorphic manipulators. • The application of the proposed method provides a number of different structures meeting the specifications accordingly. • This is a definite advantage as it allows the designer to select the optimal amongst a large number of equally suitable structures. 25 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 26. Task Based Optimal Anatomy Determination State of the Art: • Fixed anatomy manipulators • Performance increase via optimal positioning of the task in the robot’s workspace or the robot’s base for a given task position9,10 • Reconfigurable manipulators • Determination of optimal anatomy/structure for given task position for maximum performance11,12 26 9 A. Nektarios, N. Aspragathos, “Optimizing Velocity Performance of a Position and Orientation Path Following Task”, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26(2), (2010), 162-1736. 10. Feng X., Holmgren B., Olvander J., Evaluation and optimization of industrial robot families using different kinematic measures, 2009 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2009; San Diego, CA; 30 August 2009 through 2 September 2009 11. Kim, J.; Khosla, P.K., "A formulation for task based design of robot manipulators," Intelligent Robots and Systems '93, IROS '93. Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on , vol.3, no., pp.2310,2317 vol.3, 26-30 Jul 1993 12. A. K. Dash, I. -M. Chen, S. H. Yeo & G. Yang, Task oriented configuration design for reconfigurable parallel manipulator systems, Int. Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 18(7), 615-634, 2005 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 27. Optimal Anatomy Determination Process 27 Optimal task location for in the reference anatomy’s workspace determination Optimal anatomy for the given task location determination Task Reference anatomy Optimal task position Anatomies Task based optimal anatomy Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 28. Point to point task 28 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 29. Optimal task position for point to point task 29 Point p1 given as BTS BTi=BTS STi , i=2…k Inverse Kinematics θi,j(BTS), j=1…8 Determine Ji,j(BTS) Solution? wi,j=0 Determine wi,j(BTS) Determine min wi,j(BTS) Other points position and orientation relative to p1 Yes No W(BTS) Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 30. Introduced index for he determination of the optimal position of point to point task • Yoshikawa’s manipulability index at each point: • Introduced task based index: 30          , , , ,det , 1,..., , 1,...,8B B B S S S T i j i j i j i jT T Tw i k j   θ θ θJ J      B B S Si,j i j T TW min min w i 1,...,k j 1,...,8   Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 31. Trajectory following application 31 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 32. Introduced index for optimal anatomy determination for trajectory following application • MVR (Manipulator Velocity Ratio) • is given as: • MVR index value for each segment: • Introduced task based index: 32 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )min , , , 1,..., 2, 1...B B B B vi S vn S vs S vf S n r T r T r T r T n N i m= = - = ( ) ( )( )minB B v S vi S i R T r T=   1 1 T T v v v v vr    V u J J u q& Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 33. Optimal anatomy determination – point to point task • Yoshikawa’s manipulability index at each point: • Proposed task based index: • Solution to the optimal anatomy determination problem: 33          , , , ,det , 1,..., , 1,...,8i j T p i j p i j p i j pw i k j   θ θ θ θ θ θJ J      i,jp p p i j W min min i 1,...,k j 1,...,8pw  θθ   * p p p p arg max W       θ θ θ Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 34. Optimal anatomy determination – trajectory following task • MVR value for each segment: • Introduced task based index: • Solution to the optimal anatomy determination problem: 34         min , , , 1,..., 2, 1...vpi p vn p vs p vf p n r r r r n N i m   θ θ θ θ     minvp p vpi p i R rθ θ   * arg max p p vp pR     θ θ θ Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 35. Method application 35 • The illustrated pointstrajectories are considered • A G.A. was used to determine the optimal task(s) location, its fitness function identical to the problem’s objective function • A brute force algorithm was used to determine the optimal anatomy to provide comparison data for all of the structures the considered anatomy could be metamorphosed to Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 36. Results – Point to Point Task 36 Reference anatomy Optimal anatomy Wp θa θb θc θd θe θf 2.1930 75 90 90 0 15 0 2.1927 75 90 0 -90 30 0 2.1405 75 90 90 0 30 0 2.1320 75 75 90 0 15 0 2.1235 75 75 90 0 15 15 2.0479 75 90 90 0 15 15 2.1927 75 90 0 -90 30 0 2.1405 75 90 90 0 30 0 0.411088 0 0 0 0 0 0 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 37. Results – Trajectory Following Task 37 Reference anatomy Optimal anatomy RVp θa θb θc θd θe θf 1.2516 15 0 15 -90 45 60 1.2309 0 0 0 -75 45 60 1.2174 0 0 15 -90 30 45 1.2147 15 0 15 -90 60 75 1.2055 15 0 0 -75 45 45 1.2046 15 0 0 -75 45 60 0.769798 0 0 0 0 0 0 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 38. Considered metamorphic structure’s possible anatomies comparison 38 Point to point task Trajectory following task Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 39. Dissertation Contribution • The proposed method allows the determination of the optimal anatomy of a metamorphic structure for best possible performance during task execution. • The performance comparison between the fixed anatomy manipulator (reference anatomy, PUMA type manipulator) and the possible anatomies of the metamorphic structure leads to the conclusion that the latter surpasses the former. • The full extend of the presented method allows both for the optimal task placement and optimal anatomy determination to maximize performance. 39 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 40. Introduction of global kinematic and dynamic anatomies evaluation indices 40 • In joint space an index values form a hypersurface • The following values are determined: • The mean index value in joint space • The mean value of a number g of maximum index values • The distance of the two means • The distance of the overall maximum value from 𝑦max, δy y max 1 max g i i g y y    max max y y y   Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 41. Introduced kinematic and dynamic index • The multicriteria index is composed of 𝑦, 𝛿 𝑦max και δy • A “good” anatomy should present high values for the first two criteria and small values for the third • The method was extended to use Yoshikawa’s dynamic manipulability measure to create a global dynamic index. 41 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 42. Proposed method for the rapid determination of the introduced global index • The Choquet integral is used to determine the index value • An ANFIS was trained to rapidly calculate the index value 42        1 1 : n i u p j j j j C x u A C u A C       θ Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators Set of random configurations θ Set of random anatomies p θ Index calculation   ,puC y θ θ ANFIS Training Data set  ,p puC  θ θ New anatomy p new θ New Index  p new uC θ
  • 43. Method application – Results 43 Θp1 Θp2 Θp3 Θp4 Θp5 Θp6 Τιμή Δείκτ η 90 90 90 30 30 90 1.4880 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Samples EvaluationScore Trained Results Calculated Results Considered anatomy Global kinematic index Global dynamic index Θp1 Θp2 Θp3 Θp4 Θp5 Θp6 Τιμή Δείκτ η 90 0 0 0 0 0 177.79 92 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 44. Dissertation Contribution • Introduction and development of multicriteria anatomy evaluation indices, based on local kinematic and dynamic performance measures. • The procedure for the development of the global kinematic indices can be applied to all local kinematic performance measures. • The proposed global indices can help rapidly evaluate the possible anatomies of a metamorphic structure in terms of overall performance. 44 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 45. Anatomies Evaluation Method Based On The Connected High Performance Area For 3 D.O.F. Metamorphic Structures State of the Art: • The high manipulability area of the workspace has been used as a global performance index in manipulator design. • Examples: 12, 13 45 12. D. Chablat, P. Wenger, F. Majou, J-P.Merlet, An interval analysis based study for the design and the comparison of three-degrees-of-freedom parallel kinematic machines, The Int. Journal of Robotic Research 23 (2004) 615–624. 13. Z. Li, D. Glozman, D. Milutinovic, J. Rosen, Maximizing dexterous workspace and optimal port placement of a multi-arm surgical robot, in: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 3394–3399. Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 46. Proposed global index 46 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 47. Proposed global index calculation 47 Yoshikawa’s manipulability index values w>1 mapping to cartesian space from a given grid in joint space Rotated index values (aligned with x-z plane) Projection to the x-z plane Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 48. Proposed index calculation (cont.) 48 • New grid creation • The proposed index value is the approach of the area where w>1 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 49. Proposed method application • Reference anatomy • Optimal anatomies 49 N o Chromosome Anatomy Area (dm2 ) 1 [1 14 30 25 6 0] [-85 -20 60 35 -60 0] 9.5213 2 [1 15 4 14 7 1] [-85 -15 -70 -20 -75 5] 9.0988 3 [2 15 34 21 27 0] [-80 -15 65 -15 45 0] 8.9847 4 [4 31 1 15 8 3] [-70 65 -85 15 -50 15] 8.3171 5 [3 14 25 31 31 2] [-75 -20 35 -65 65 10] 8.2168 6 [18 0 0 18 0 0] [0 0 0 -90 0 0] 3.2616 No Chromosome Anatomy Area (dm2 ) 1 [4 14 35 23 33 0] [-70 -15 85 -25 75 0] 6.2850 2 [4 15 32 26 32 1] [-70 -10 70 -40 70 5] 5.9565 3 [36 23 1 14 5 0] [90 25 -85 20 -45 0] 5.8774 4 [13 3 9 4 5 4] [-25 -75 -45 70 -65 20] 5.8018 5 [5 14 26 31 3 4] [-65 -20 40 -65 -75 20] 5.5989 6 [18 0 0 18 0 0] [0 0 0 -90 0 0] 2.4007 Based on Yoshikawa’s index Based on KCI w>1 KCI>0.25 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 50. Results 50 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 51. Dissertation Contribution • The proposed index and optimal anatomy determination method: • Allows the evaluation of the anatomies with respect to performance during kinematic task execution. • May be easily modified to be applicable to other classes of open chain manipulators. 51 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 53. Experimental Set-Up • Prototype metamorphic 3 d.o.f. robot 53 Lengths (m) L1 0.365 L2 0.3185 L3 0.3725 L4 0.1795 L5 0.0845 Active joints twists directions 𝜔1 0,0,1 T 𝜔2 0,1,0 T 𝜔3 0, −1,0 T Pseudo joints twists directions 𝜔 𝑝1 −1,0,0 T 𝜔 𝑝2 0,0,1 T Points on active joint axes of rotation 𝑃1 0,0,0 T 𝑃2 0,0,0.365 T 𝑃3 0.3725,0.2735,0.365 T Points on pseudo joints axes of rotation 𝑃𝑝1 0,0,0.365 T 𝑃𝑝2 0.1665,0.3185,0.365 T Metamorphic parameter values 𝜃 𝑝1 0o 𝜃 𝑝2 0o Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 54. Experimental Set-Up (Details) 54 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 55. Results – Point to point task 55 Initial points position S𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡 0.457, 0.139, 0.365 𝑇 E𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝑃𝑓𝑖𝑛 −0.1390, 0.2494, 0.5090 𝑇 Optimal points location S𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡 −0.4650, −0.0386, 0.365 𝑇 E𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝑃𝑓𝑖𝑛 −0.0904, −0.4380,0.5090 𝑇 Metamorphic parameter value Degrees Θp1 60o Θp2 0o Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 56. Results - Videos 56 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators Reference anatomy Optimal Anatomy
  • 57. Conclusions • Open chain modular metamorphic manipulators are a step in the evolution of modular reconfigurable manipulators. • The extent of the possibilities that the new class presents the designer with is increased compared to other classes • The proposed MSR allows for the rapid and effortless automation of the development of metamorphic structures • The methodology for the optimal kinematic synthesis of metamorphic topologies allows the determination of a significant number of them fulfilling the set specifications. 57 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 58. Conclusions (cont.) • The proposed performance indices whether task based or global can be easily modified to be applicable to other classes. • The presented methods application results show that the proposed manipulator class presents extended performance capabilities compared to the existing classes. 58 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 59. Publications Journals Valsamos C. Moulianitis V. Aspragathos N. Index based optimal anatomy of a metamorphic manipulator for a given task. In Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, volume 28, pages 517 - 529, 2012. Valsamos C. Moulianitis V. Aspragathos N. Kinematic Synthesis of Structures for Metamorphic Serial Manipulators J. Mechanisms Robotics 6, 041005 (2014) (14 pages doi:10.1115/1.4027741 C Valsamos, V C Moulianitis, A I Synodinos and N A Aspragathos. Introduction of the high performance area measure for the evaluation of metamorphic manipulator anatomies. Mechanism and Machine Theory 86(0):88 - 107, 2015. Moulianitis, V. C., Synodinos, A. I., Valsamos, C. D., & Aspragathos, N. A. Task- based optimal design of metamorphic service manipulators. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2016. 59 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 60. Publications Conferences (Selected) Valsamos H., Aspragathos N.A. (2007), “Design of a Versatile Passive Connector for Reconfigurable Robotic Manipulators with Articulated Anatomies and their Kinematic Analysis”, I*PROMS 2007 Virtual Conference. Βάλσαμος Χ. Ασπραγκαθος Ν., Ταχεία Μεταμόρφωση της Ανατομίας Ρομποτικού Βραχίονα με Χρήση Ψευδό-– Αρθρώσεων και Παραμετρική Επίλυση του Αντιστρόφου Κινηματικού Προβλήματος, 1ο ΠΑΣΥΡΟ, 2009 (in Greek) Valsamos H., Moulianitis V., Aspragathos N., A Generalized Method for Solving the Kinematics of 3 D.O.F. Reconfigurable Manipulators, I*PROMS 2009 Virtual Conference, (2009) Valsamos H., Nektarios, A., Aspragathos N.A., 2005, Optimal Placement of Path Following Robot Task using Genetic Algorithms, SYROCO 2006. Valsamos H., Aspragathos N. (2009), “Determination of Anatomy and Configuration of a Reconfigurable Manipulator for the Optimal Manipulability”, ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, London, pp. 497-503 Βάλσαμος Χ.,Μουλιανίτης Β., Ασπραγκαθος Ν., Διαμόρφωση ανατομίας μεταμορφικού βραχίονα – Βέλτιστη τοποθέτηση εργασίας στο χώρο εργασίας αυτού., 2ο ΠΑΣΥΡΟ, 2010 (In Greek) 60 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 61. Publications Valsamos H., Moulianitis V., Aspragathos N., Rapid evaluation of reconfigurable robots anatomies using computational intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 6277 LNAI, Issue PART 2, 2010, Pages 341-350 Βάλσαμος Χ.,Μουλιανίτης Β., Ασπραγκαθος Ν., Δείκτης αξιολόγησης ανατομιών μεταμορφικού ρομποτικού βραχίονα και υπολογισμός αυτού μέσω συστήματος ANFIS, 2ο ΠΑΣΥΡΟ, 2010 (in Greek) Valsamos H., Moulianitis V., Aspragathos N., Rapid Evaluation of Anatomies For Metamorphic Robots Based on Dynamic Manipulability Using an ANFIS System, ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics 4-7 July 2011, Brussels, Belgium Valsamos C., Moulianitis V., Aspragathos N.,, Metamorphic Structure Representation: Designing and Evaluating Anatomies of Metamorphic Manipulators, Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots I , 2012, pp 3-11 V.C. Moulianitis, N.A. Aspragathos, C Valsamos. Suboptimal anatomy of metamorphic manipulators based on the high rotational dexterity Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots II, 509-519,2016. (Best Paper Award) Vassilis C. Moulianitis, Nikos A Aspragathos, Aris I Synodinos and Charalampos D. Valsamos.Task-based optimal design of serial metamorphic manipulators. Accepted for presentation in ICRA 2014 WS Task Based Optimal Design of Robots, 2014. Charalampos Valsamos, Vassilis Moulianitis and Nikos Aspragathos. Experimental verification of the advantages of a modular open chain metamorphic manipulator. In 47th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR2016), 2016, 215-221. 61 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 62. Other Publications Περιοδικά Papachristou, A., Valsamos, H., Dentsoras, A., Optimal initial positioning of excavators in digging processes, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 224 (7) , pp. 835-844 Συνέδρια Papachristou, A., Valsamos, H., Dentsoras, A., Optimal positioning of excavators in digging processes, Innovative Production Machines and Systems Conference 2009 Hoepf, M., Valsamos, H., Research Topics in Manufacturing - The I*PROMS Delphi Study, IEEE INDIN 2008 Conference on Industrial Informatics (2008) 62 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators
  • 63. • Thank you very much for your attendance 63 Methodology for the optimal design of Metamorphic Manipulators