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제 2 장
형식 언어
컴파일러 입문
목 차
2.1 언어(Language)
2.2 문법(Grammar)
2.3 문법의 분류
Inroduction to FL theory
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꼭 기억해야 할 세 가지 개념
1. 언어의 정의
2. 문법의 정의 및 개념
3. 인식기의 의미
 Basic definitions
(1) alphabet
 a finite set of symbols.
 ex) T1 = {ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ,...,ㅎ,ㅏ,ㅑ, … ,ㅡ,ㅣ}
T2 = {A,B,C, … ,Z, a, b, c, …, z}
T3 = {main, int, char, …, while}
(2) string(or sentence, word)
 a sequence of symbols from some alphabet T.
(3) length
 the number of symbols in the string.
 denoted by |ω|
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(4) empty string
 a string consisting of no symbols.
 denoted by ε or λ.
(5) T*
denotes the set of all strings of symbols over the
alphabet T, including the empty string.
= T*
- {ε}
: T star
: T dagger
(6) Language is any set of strings over an alphabet.(Text p.40)
(or A Language L over the alphabet T is a subset of T*
L ⊆ T*
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 Two problems
(1) How do we represent a language ?
If the language is finite, the answer is easy.
If the language is infinite, we are faced with the problem
of finding a finite representation for the language.
 Set description
 Grammar : Generating Scheme
 Recognizer : Recognition Scheme
(2) Does there exist a finite representation for every language ?
No !
 This is not always possible.
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L1 = {a, ab, ba, aba}
L2 = T* = {, a, b, aa, ab, ….}
L3 = {anbn | n1}
L4 = {wwR | wT*}
 More definitions
(1) concatenation
 u =, v = , u • v =
 u • v를 보통 uv로 표기.
 uε= u = εu
 ∀u,v ∈ T*
, uv ∈ T*
 |uv| = |u| + |v|
(2) an
represents n a's.
= ε
(3) the reversal of a string ω, denoted ωR
is the string ω
written in reverse order:
i.e., if ω = then ωR
= anan-1...a1.
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(4) language product
LL' = {xy| x ∈ L and y ∈ L'}
(5) The powers of a language L are defined recursively by:
= {ε}
= LLn-1
for n  1.
(6) L*
: reflexive transitive closure
= L0
∪ L1
∪ L2
∪ ...∪ Ln
∪… =
(7) L+
: transitive closure
= L1
∪ L2
∪... ∪ Ln
∪ ...
= L*
- L0
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L = {a, ab, ba, aba}
L0 = {}
L2 = {aa, aab, aba, aaba, …}
 Language
 문장(sentence)들을 원소로 갖는 집합
 언어를 어떻게 표현할 것인가 ?
 Grammar
 terminal : 정의된 언어의 알파벳
 nonterminal :
 스트링을 생성하는 데 사용되는 중간 과정의 심볼
 언어의 구조를 정의하는데 사용
 grammar symbol (V)
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 G = (VN, VT, P, S)
 VN : a finite set of nonterminal symbols
 VT : a finite set of terminal symbols
VN ∩ VT =  , VN∪ VT = V
 P : a finite set of production rules
α → β, α∈ V+
, β∈ V*
lhs rhs
 S : start symbol(sentence symbol)
 [예] G = ( {S, A}, {a, b}, P, S ) Text p.47 [예 8]
 P : S → aAS S → a
A → SbA A → ba A → SS
⇒ S → aAS | a
A → SbA | ba | SS
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 Derivation
1. ⇒ : “directly produce” or “directly derive”
if α → β∈ P and  , δ∈ V*
 αδ ⇒  βδ
2. ⇒ : Suppose α1,α2,...,αn ∈ V*
and α1 ⇒α2 ⇒… ⇒αn,
then α1 ⇒ αn
(zero or more derivations)
3. ⇒ : one or more derivations.
cf) → : production rule에서 사용.
“may be replaced by”
⇒ : derivation할 때 사용한다.
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Ex. P : S → aA | bB | ε
A → bS
B → aS
S ⇒ abba 유도 과정
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S ⇒ aA (생성규칙 S → aA)
⇒ abS (생성규칙 A → bS)
⇒ abbB (생성규칙 S → bB)
⇒ abbaS (생성규칙 B → aS)
⇒ abba (생성규칙 S → )
 L(G) : Language generated by grammar G
L(G) = {ω | S ⇒ ω, ω ∈ VT
☞ ω is a sentential form of G if S ⇒ ω and ω ∈ V*
ω is a sentence of G if S ⇒ ω and ω ∈ VT
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S ⇒ aA ( 생성규칙 S → aA를 적용 )
⇒ abS ( 생성규칙 A → bS를 적용 )
⇒ abbB ( 생성규칙 S → bB를 적용 )
⇒ abbaS ( 생성규칙 B → aS를 적용 )
⇒ abba ( 생성규칙 S → 를 적용 )
S ⇒ abba
sentential form : aA, abS, abbB, abbaS, abba
sentence : abba
 G1 = ( {S}, {a}, P, S ) 을 이용하여 L(G1)
P : S → a | aS
L (G1) = { an
| n  1 }
 Language design
Grammar Language
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 주어진 문법으로부터 생성되는 언어 발견 과정
 1. start symbol로부터 길이가 짧은 순으로 생성규칙 적용
 2. 생성된 문장들의 형태를 고려하여 일정한 규칙 발견
 G = ( {A, B, C}, {a, b, c}, P, A)
P : A → abc A → aBbc
Bb → bB Bc → Cbcc
bC → Cb aC → aaB
aC → aa
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L(G) = { anbncn | n  1 }
(===>) ex1) S → 0S1 | 01
ex2) S → aSb | c
ex3) A → aB
B → bB | b
ex4) O → a
O → aE
E → aO
ex5) A → abc A → aBbc
Bb → bB Bc → Cbcc
bC → Cb aC → aaB
aC → aa
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 문법 기술 방법
 embedded rule : S → aSb
 right-recursive rule : A → aA
 left-recursive rule : A → Aa
 L = { an
| n  0 } 일 때 문법 : A → aA | ε
 L = { an
| n  1 } 일 때 문법 : A → aA | a
 Embedded production A → aAb
ex1) L1 = { an
| n  0 }
ex2) L2 = { 0i
| i  j, i,j  1 }
ex3) Constructs of Conventional PL
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ex) C 언어의 정수 선언 부분 :
 정수선언 부분은 여러 개의 정수선언으로 구성되며 하나의 선
언은 int a,a,a;와 같은 형태를 갖는다. 여기서 a는 임의의
identifier를 나타낸다.
 그리고 ; 으로 각각의 선언을 구분한다. 예를 들어, int i,j; int sum;
과 같다.
※ 문법을 고안할 때, nonterminal의 이름은 구문 구조를
대변할 수 있는 명칭으로 쓰는 것이 바람직하다.
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 In order to prove that a grammar generates a
language L
i) Every sentence generated by the grammar is in L.
ii) Every string in L can be generated by the grammar.
교과서 55쪽
proof) (=>) Every sentence derivable from S is balanced.
(<=) Every balanced string is derivable from S.
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G = ( { S }, { ( , ) }, {S → (S)S |ε}, S )
⇔ All strings of balanced parentheses.
(=>) Every sentence derivable from S is balanced.
(i.e., S ⇒ ω, ω: balanced)
By induction on the number of steps in a derivation.
i) n = 1 일 때, S ⇒ ε, ε is surely balanced.
ii) Suppose that all derivations of fewer than n steps
produce balanced sentences.
iii) Consider a leftmost derivation of exactly n steps.
S ⇒ (S)S ⇒ (x)S ⇒ (x)y
By the hypothesis x, y : balanced.
Thus (x)y balanced.
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* *
(<=) Every balanced string is derivable from S.
By induction on the length of a string.
i) |ω| = 0, S ⇒ ε
(the empty string is derivable from S.)
ii) Assume that every balanced string of length less than 2n is derived from S.
iii) Consider a balanced string ω of length 2n.
Let (x) : shortest prefix of ω being balanced.
Thus ω = (x)y, where x, y : balanced.
Since |x|, |y | < 2n, they are derivable from S by inductive hypothesis.
Thus S ⇒ (S)S ⇒ (x)S ⇒ (x)y = ω
Therefore, (x)y is also derivable from S.
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* *
Chomsky Hierarchy
 Noam Chomsky
 According to the form of the productions.
α → β ∈ P
 Type 0 : No restrictions(unrestricted grammar)
 Type 1 : Context-sensitive grammar(CSG).
 → β, |  |  | β|
 Type 2 : Context-free grammar(CFG).
A → , where A : nonterminal,  ∈ V*
 Type 3 : Regular grammar(RG).
A → tB or A → t, (right-linear)
A → Bt or A → t, (left-linear)
where, A, B : nonterminal, t ∈ VT
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 REL (Recursively Enumerable Language)
CSL (Context Sensitive Language)
CFL (Context Free Language)
RL (Regular Language)
 Examples of Formal Language
 simple matching language : Lm = {an
| n ≥ 0} CFL
 double matching language : Ldm = {an
| n ≥ 0} CSL
 mirror image language : Lmi = {ωωR
| ω ∈ VT
 palindrome language : Lr = {ω | ω = ωR
 parenthesis language : Lp = {ω | ω: balanced parenthesis} CFL
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 The Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages
unrestricted language
context-sensitive language
context-free language
regular language
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 Languages & Recognizers
Grammar Language Recognizer
type 0
enumerable set
type 1
Linear Bounded
type 2
type 3
Finite Automata
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05.실행환경 교육교재(업무처리,연계통합)
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04.실행환경 교육교재(화면처리)
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03.실행환경 교육교재(배치처리)
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03.모바일 실습교재(모바일 공통컴포넌트 실습)
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02.실행환경 실습교재(데이터처리)
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02.실행환경 교육교재(데이터처리)
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  • 1. 제 2 장 형식 언어 컴파일러 입문
  • 2. 목 차 2.1 언어(Language) 2.2 문법(Grammar) 2.3 문법의 분류 Inroduction to FL theory Page 2 꼭 기억해야 할 세 가지 개념 1. 언어의 정의 2. 문법의 정의 및 개념 3. 인식기의 의미
  • 3. Language  Basic definitions (1) alphabet  a finite set of symbols.  ex) T1 = {ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ,...,ㅎ,ㅏ,ㅑ, … ,ㅡ,ㅣ} T2 = {A,B,C, … ,Z, a, b, c, …, z} T3 = {main, int, char, …, while} (2) string(or sentence, word)  a sequence of symbols from some alphabet T. (3) length  the number of symbols in the string.  denoted by |ω| Inroduction to FL theory Page 3
  • 4. (4) empty string  a string consisting of no symbols.  denoted by ε or λ. (5) T* denotes the set of all strings of symbols over the alphabet T, including the empty string. T+ = T* - {ε} T* : T star T+ : T dagger (6) Language is any set of strings over an alphabet.(Text p.40) (or A Language L over the alphabet T is a subset of T* .) L ⊆ T* Inroduction to FL theory Page 4
  • 5.  Two problems (1) How do we represent a language ? If the language is finite, the answer is easy. If the language is infinite, we are faced with the problem of finding a finite representation for the language.  Set description  Grammar : Generating Scheme  Recognizer : Recognition Scheme (2) Does there exist a finite representation for every language ? No !  This is not always possible. Inroduction to FL theory Page 5 L1 = {a, ab, ba, aba} L2 = T* = {, a, b, aa, ab, ….} L3 = {anbn | n1} L4 = {wwR | wT*}
  • 6.  More definitions (1) concatenation  u =, v = , u • v =  u • v를 보통 uv로 표기.  uε= u = εu  ∀u,v ∈ T* , uv ∈ T* .  |uv| = |u| + |v| (2) an represents n a's. a0 = ε (3) the reversal of a string ω, denoted ωR is the string ω written in reverse order: i.e., if ω = then ωR = anan-1...a1. Inroduction to FL theory Page 6 (ωR)R=ω
  • 7. (4) language product LL' = {xy| x ∈ L and y ∈ L'} (5) The powers of a language L are defined recursively by: L0 = {ε} Ln = LLn-1 for n  1. (6) L* : reflexive transitive closure = L0 ∪ L1 ∪ L2 ∪ ...∪ Ln ∪… = (7) L+ : transitive closure = L1 ∪ L2 ∪... ∪ Ln ∪ ... = L* - L0   0i i L Inroduction to FL theory Page 7 L = {a, ab, ba, aba} L0 = {} L2 = {aa, aab, aba, aaba, …}
  • 8. Grammar  Language  문장(sentence)들을 원소로 갖는 집합  언어를 어떻게 표현할 것인가 ?  Grammar  terminal : 정의된 언어의 알파벳  nonterminal :  스트링을 생성하는 데 사용되는 중간 과정의 심볼  언어의 구조를 정의하는데 사용  grammar symbol (V) Inroduction to FL theory Page 8
  • 9. Inroduction to FL theory Page 9  G = (VN, VT, P, S)  VN : a finite set of nonterminal symbols  VT : a finite set of terminal symbols VN ∩ VT =  , VN∪ VT = V  P : a finite set of production rules α → β, α∈ V+ , β∈ V* lhs rhs  S : start symbol(sentence symbol)
  • 10.  [예] G = ( {S, A}, {a, b}, P, S ) Text p.47 [예 8]  P : S → aAS S → a A → SbA A → ba A → SS ⇒ S → aAS | a A → SbA | ba | SS Inroduction to FL theory Page 10
  • 11.  Derivation 1. ⇒ : “directly produce” or “directly derive” if α → β∈ P and  , δ∈ V* then  αδ ⇒  βδ 2. ⇒ : Suppose α1,α2,...,αn ∈ V* and α1 ⇒α2 ⇒… ⇒αn, then α1 ⇒ αn (zero or more derivations) 3. ⇒ : one or more derivations. cf) → : production rule에서 사용. “may be replaced by” ⇒ : derivation할 때 사용한다. Inroduction to FL theory Page 11 * + *
  • 12. Ex. P : S → aA | bB | ε A → bS B → aS S ⇒ abba 유도 과정 Inroduction to FL theory Page 12 S ⇒ aA (생성규칙 S → aA) ⇒ abS (생성규칙 A → bS) ⇒ abbB (생성규칙 S → bB) ⇒ abbaS (생성규칙 B → aS) ⇒ abba (생성규칙 S → )
  • 13.  L(G) : Language generated by grammar G L(G) = {ω | S ⇒ ω, ω ∈ VT * } ☞ ω is a sentential form of G if S ⇒ ω and ω ∈ V* . ω is a sentence of G if S ⇒ ω and ω ∈ VT * . Inroduction to FL theory Page 13 * * * S ⇒ aA ( 생성규칙 S → aA를 적용 ) ⇒ abS ( 생성규칙 A → bS를 적용 ) ⇒ abbB ( 생성규칙 S → bB를 적용 ) ⇒ abbaS ( 생성규칙 B → aS를 적용 ) ⇒ abba ( 생성규칙 S → 를 적용 ) S ⇒ abba sentential form : aA, abS, abbB, abbaS, abba sentence : abba
  • 14.  G1 = ( {S}, {a}, P, S ) 을 이용하여 L(G1) P : S → a | aS L (G1) = { an | n  1 }  Language design Grammar Language generation design Inroduction to FL theory Page 14
  • 15.  주어진 문법으로부터 생성되는 언어 발견 과정  1. start symbol로부터 길이가 짧은 순으로 생성규칙 적용  2. 생성된 문장들의 형태를 고려하여 일정한 규칙 발견  G = ( {A, B, C}, {a, b, c}, P, A) P : A → abc A → aBbc Bb → bB Bc → Cbcc bC → Cb aC → aaB aC → aa Inroduction to FL theory Page 15 L(G) = { anbncn | n  1 }
  • 16. (===>) ex1) S → 0S1 | 01 ex2) S → aSb | c ex3) A → aB B → bB | b ex4) O → a O → aE E → aO ex5) A → abc A → aBbc Bb → bB Bc → Cbcc bC → Cb aC → aaB aC → aa Inroduction to FL theory Page 16
  • 17.  문법 기술 방법  embedded rule : S → aSb  right-recursive rule : A → aA  left-recursive rule : A → Aa  L = { an | n  0 } 일 때 문법 : A → aA | ε  L = { an | n  1 } 일 때 문법 : A → aA | a  Embedded production A → aAb ex1) L1 = { an bn | n  0 } ex2) L2 = { 0i 1j | i  j, i,j  1 } ex3) Constructs of Conventional PL Inroduction to FL theory Page 17
  • 18. ex) C 언어의 정수 선언 부분 :  정수선언 부분은 여러 개의 정수선언으로 구성되며 하나의 선 언은 int a,a,a;와 같은 형태를 갖는다. 여기서 a는 임의의 identifier를 나타낸다.  그리고 ; 으로 각각의 선언을 구분한다. 예를 들어, int i,j; int sum; 과 같다. ※ 문법을 고안할 때, nonterminal의 이름은 구문 구조를 대변할 수 있는 명칭으로 쓰는 것이 바람직하다. Inroduction to FL theory Page 18
  • 19.  In order to prove that a grammar generates a language L i) Every sentence generated by the grammar is in L. ii) Every string in L can be generated by the grammar. 교과서 55쪽 [예16] proof) (=>) Every sentence derivable from S is balanced. (<=) Every balanced string is derivable from S. Inroduction to FL theory Page 19 G = ( { S }, { ( , ) }, {S → (S)S |ε}, S ) ⇔ All strings of balanced parentheses.
  • 20. (=>) Every sentence derivable from S is balanced. (i.e., S ⇒ ω, ω: balanced) By induction on the number of steps in a derivation. i) n = 1 일 때, S ⇒ ε, ε is surely balanced. ii) Suppose that all derivations of fewer than n steps produce balanced sentences. iii) Consider a leftmost derivation of exactly n steps. S ⇒ (S)S ⇒ (x)S ⇒ (x)y By the hypothesis x, y : balanced. Thus (x)y balanced. Inroduction to FL theory Page 20 * * * *
  • 21. (<=) Every balanced string is derivable from S. By induction on the length of a string. i) |ω| = 0, S ⇒ ε (the empty string is derivable from S.) ii) Assume that every balanced string of length less than 2n is derived from S. iii) Consider a balanced string ω of length 2n. Let (x) : shortest prefix of ω being balanced. Thus ω = (x)y, where x, y : balanced. Since |x|, |y | < 2n, they are derivable from S by inductive hypothesis. Thus S ⇒ (S)S ⇒ (x)S ⇒ (x)y = ω Therefore, (x)y is also derivable from S. Inroduction to FL theory Page 21 * *
  • 22. Chomsky Hierarchy  Noam Chomsky  According to the form of the productions. α → β ∈ P  Type 0 : No restrictions(unrestricted grammar)  Type 1 : Context-sensitive grammar(CSG).  → β, |  |  | β|  Type 2 : Context-free grammar(CFG). A → , where A : nonterminal,  ∈ V* .  Type 3 : Regular grammar(RG). A → tB or A → t, (right-linear) A → Bt or A → t, (left-linear) where, A, B : nonterminal, t ∈ VT *. Inroduction to FL theory Page 22
  • 23.  REL (Recursively Enumerable Language) CSL (Context Sensitive Language) CFL (Context Free Language) RL (Regular Language)  Examples of Formal Language  simple matching language : Lm = {an bn | n ≥ 0} CFL  double matching language : Ldm = {an bn cn | n ≥ 0} CSL  mirror image language : Lmi = {ωωR | ω ∈ VT * } CFL  palindrome language : Lr = {ω | ω = ωR } CFL  parenthesis language : Lp = {ω | ω: balanced parenthesis} CFL Inroduction to FL theory Page 23
  • 24.  The Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages unrestricted language context-sensitive language context-free language regular language Inroduction to FL theory Page 24
  • 25.  Languages & Recognizers Grammar Language Recognizer type 0 (unrestricted) recursively enumerable set Turing machine type 1 (context-sensitive) context-sensitive language Linear Bounded Automata type 2 (context-free) context-free language Pushdown Automata type 3 (regular) regular language Finite Automata Inroduction to FL theory Page 25