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By Fatima Farid Mir
ϟ Definition
ϟ Beta Thalassemia
ϟ Alpha Thalassemia
ϟ Pathogenesis
ϟ Clinical features
ϟ Diagnosis
ϟ Treatment and Disease Monitoring
ϟ References
ϟ Thalassemia is a diverse group of disorders, manifesting as anemia of
varying degrees.
ϟ Occurs as a result of defective/ abnormal rate of production of globin
portion of hemoglobin molecule.
ϟ The globin chains are structurally normal, but an imbalance is present.
This can lead to hemolysis.
ϟ The defect may be homozygous or heterozygous.
ϟ May contribute to protection against malaria.
ϟ There are two major types of thalassemia:
ϟ Alpha: caused by defect in rate of synthesis of alpha chains.
ϟ Beta: caused by defect in rate of synthesis of beta chains.
ϟ Alpha thalassemia is caused by gene deletion on chromosome 16.
ϟ Beta thalassemia is caused by mutation on chromosome 11.
ϟ The end result is microcytic hypochromic anemia of varying degrees.
Beta Thalassemia
Beta Thalassemia
ϟ Classical syndromes:
ϟ Silent carrier state: mildest form of beta thalassemia
ϟ Beta thalassemia minor: heterozygous disorder resulting in mild
hypochromic microcytic hemolytic anemia
ϟ Beta thalassemia intermedia: severity lies between major and minor
ϟ Beta thalassemia major: homozygous disorder resulting in severe
transfusion dependent hemolytic anemia
Beta = normal
Beta+ = reduced function
Beta 0 = no function
Silent Carrier State of Beta Thalassemia
ϟ Various heterozygous beta mutations that produce only small decrease in
production of beta chains.
ϟ Patients have nearly normal beta/ alpha chain ratio and NO hematological
ϟ Have normal levels of HbA2.
Beta Thalassemia Minor
ϟ Caused by heterogeneous mutations that affect beta globin synthesis
ϟ Usually presents as mild, asymptomatic hemolytic anemia unless the patient
is under stress (infection, pregnancy, folic acid deficiency)
ϟ Have one normal beta gene, and one mutated beta gene.
ϟ Hemoglobin level 10- 13 g/dl range, with normal or slightly elevated RBC
Beta Thalassemia Minor
ϟ Anemia is usually hypochromic microcytic with target cells and elliptocytes.
May see basophilic stippling.
ϟ Rarely see hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.
ϟ Have high HbA2 levels (3.5- 8%), and normal/ slightly elevated HbF levels.
ϟ There are different variations of this form depending upon which gene has
ϟ Normally requires no treatment
ϟ Make sure not the diagnose with only iron deficiency anemia.
Beta Thalassemia Intermedia
ϟ Patients are able to maintain minimum hemoglobin of 7 g/dl without
ϟ Expression of disorder may be either heterozygous for mutations (causing
mild decrease in beta chain production), or be homozygous (causing more
serious reduction in beta chain production).
ϟ Increased levels of both HbA2 and HbF.
ϟ Peripheral blood smear similar to Thalassemia minor.
Beta Thalassemia Intermedia
ϟ Have varying symptoms of anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly and
ϟ Significantly increased bilirubin levels.
ϟ Anemia usually becomes worse with infections/ pregnancy
ϟ May become transfusion dependent as adults.
ϟ Tend to develop iron overload as a result of increased GI absorption.
ϟ Usually survive into adulthood.
Beta Thalassemia Major
ϟ Severe microcytic hypochromic anemia
ϟ Detected early in childhood:
ϟ Failure to thrive
ϟ Pallor, variable degrees of jaundice, Hepato/splenomegaly (enlarged
ϟ Hemoglobin levels between 4 and 8 g/dl
ϟ Severe anemia causes marked bone changes due to expansion of marrow
space for increased erythropoiesis.
Beta Thalassemia Major
ϟ There will be changes in skull, long bones and hand bones.
ϟ Protrusion of upper teeth. Mongoloid facial features.
ϟ Physical growth and developmental delay.
ϟ Peripheral blood shows markedly hypochromic microcytic erythrocytes with
extreme poikilocytosis (target cells, tear drop cells) and elliptocytosis.
ϟ MCV ranges from 50 to 60fl. Low retic count 2-8%.
ϟ Most hemoglobin present is HbF, with slight increase in HbA2.
expansion +
Cortical thinning
Normal Hand
Normal Hand
expansion +
Cortical thinning
Beta Thalassemia Major
ϟ Regular transfusions starting from one year of age, continuous throughout
ϟ Excessive number of transfusions results in transfusional hemosiderosis.
Without iron chelation, the patient develops cardiac disease.
ϟ Dangers of continuous transfusion therapy:
ϟ Iron overload
ϟ Alloimmunization = development of antibodies against transfused RBCs
ϟ Transfusion- transmitted diseases (HIV, Hep B, Hep C).
Genotype HbA HbA2 HbF
Normal Normal Normal Normal
Silent Carrier Normal Normal Normal
Minor Low
Normal/ slightly
Intermedia Low Little high High
Major Low High High
Delta Beta Thalassemia
ϟ Only alpha and gamma chains produced (delta and beta inactivated)
ϟ Growth and development nearly normal
ϟ Modest splenomegaly. Similar to beta thalassemia minor.
Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin (HPFH)
ϟ Rare condition. Continued synthesis of HbF into adult life.
ϟ Does not have usual symptoms of thalassemia.
ϟ Little significance unless combined with other hemoglobinopathies.
ϟ HbF is more resistant to denaturation than HbA- can be demonstrated using Kleihauer
Betke stain (stains cells with HbF).
ϟ Classified into 2 groups based on distribution of HbF among cells:
ϟ Pancellular: HbF uniformly distributed throughout all cells
ϟ Heterocellular: HbF only found in a small number of cells
Beta Thalassemia with HbS
ϟ Inherit gene for HbS from one parent, and gene for HbA from other parent
ϟ Great variety in clinical severity depending on amount of HbA produced.
ϟ If no HbA made, true sickle cell symptoms present.
If some HbA present, less symptoms appear.
ϟ Beta Thalassemia with HbE: Very severe disease, transfusion dependent
ϟ Beta Thalassemia with HbC: Usually asymptomatic.
Alpha Thalassemia
Alpha Thalassemia
ϟ Wide range of clinical expression
ϟ It is difficult to classify alpha thalassemia due to a wide variety of possible
genetic combinations
ϟ Absence of alpha chains will result in increase of gamma chains during fetal
life and excess beta chains later in life.
ϟ Molecules like Bart’s Hemoglobin (4 gamma chains) and HbH (4 beta chains)
form: they are stable molecules, but physiologically useless.
Alpha Thalassemia
ϟ The predominant cause is a large number of gene deletions in alpha- globin
ϟ There are 4 clinical syndromes present in alpha thalassemia:
ϟ Silent Carrier State
ϟ Alpha Thalassemia Trait (Alpha Thalassemia Minor)
ϟ Hemoglobin H disease
ϟ Bart’s Hydrops Fetalis Syndrome
Silent Carrier State
ϟ Deletion of one alpha gene, leaving 3 functional alpha genes
ϟ Alpha to beta chain ratio nearly normal
ϟ No hematologic abnormalities present. May have borderline low MCV (78-80
ϟ Diagnosis only possible by genetic mapping
Alpha Thalassemia Trait
ϟ Also called Alpha Thalassemia Minor
ϟ Caused by 2 missing alpha genes.
ϟ May be homozygous (-a/-a), or heterozygous (--/aa)
ϟ Exhibits mild microcytic hypochromic anemia. MCV 70- 75 fl.
ϟ May be confused with iron deficiency anemia.
Hemoglobin H Disease
ϟ Second most severe form of alpha thalassemia
ϟ Caused by presence of only one gene producing alpha chains (--/-a)
ϟ Results in accumulation of excess unpaired gamma or beta chains.
ϟ Born with 10- 40% Bart’s hemoglobin. Gradually replaced with HbH.
ϟ Adults have about 30- 50% HbH.
Hemoglobin H Disease
ϟ Live normal life, but infections/ pregnancy can trigger hemolysis
ϟ RBCs are MCHC with target cells.
ϟ HbH is vulnerable to oxidation. It gradually precipitates in vivo to form
Heinz- like bodies of denatured hemoglobin.
ϟ Cells have been described to have a golf- ball appearance, especially when
stained with Brilliant Cresyl Blue.
Bart’s Hydrops Fetalis Syndrome
ϟ Most severe form. Incompatible with life.
ϟ Have no functioning alpha genes.
ϟ Baby born with hydrops fetalis: edema and ascites caused by accumulation
of fluid in fetal tissues as a result of severe anemia. Causes
hepatosplenomegaly and cardiomegaly.
ϟ Predominant hemoglobin is Hb Bart, along with Hb Portland.
ϟ Hb Bart has high oxygen affinity, so it cannot carry oxygen to tissues. Fetus
dies in utero or shortly after birth. Mother has increased risk of PPH.
Alpha Thalassemia with HbS
ϟ Common in populations of African descent
ϟ Asymptomatic patient
ϟ Have less HbS than in those with sickle cell trait.
Clinical Features
Diagnosing Thalassemia
ϟ History and physical exam (pallor, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal defects)
ϟ LAB:
ϟ Low hemoglobin. Hypochromic microcytic. Low hematocrit.
ϟ MCHC normal or slightly low.
ϟ Normal or HIGH RBC count.
ϟ High retics (depends on severity)
ϟ Raised indirect bilirubin (Thalassemia major and intermedia)
ϟ Can detect type of hemoglobin (HbA, HbA2, HbF and abnormal types)
ϟ Detects combinations of thalassemia and other hemoglobinopathies
ϟ Reduced osmotic fragility: easy screen for carriers
ϟ Brilliant Cresyl Blue stain for HbH disease and Acid Elution test (Kelihauer Betke
test) for HbF
ϟ Iron studies to detect/ rule out concurrent iron deficiency anemia
Howell Jolly bodies
are DNA clusters
(remnants) in
circulating RBCs:
asplenia = cannot
remove these
abnormal cells
Heinz Bodies are
fragments of
hemoglobin within
circulating RBCs:
Alpha Thalassemia
(Beta tetramers =
HbH) and Asplenia
(cannot remove
these abnormal cells)
Blood Transfusion Programs
ϟ Three main Transfusion Programs:
ϟ Regular Transfusion Program: Corrects severe anemia to a safe hemoglobin
of 7- 9g/dl to avoid symptoms of anemia.
ϟ Hypertransfusion Program: Maintains hemoglobin between 10- 12g/dl to
decrease the effects of chronic anemia and prevent abnormal growth/
ϟ Super-Transfusion Program: Hemoglobin is maintained at 12g/dl to
completely suppress hematopoiesis. This reduces transfusion requirements
and iron overload; less Hypersplenism; less damage to bones/ heart; better
Dose of Blood Transfusion
ϟ Ideally, RBCs should be 6 days old, leucocyte reduced.
ϟ 10- 20 ml/kg body weight every 3- 4 weeks. As body size increases, 1-2 units
every 3 weeks.
ϟ Pre-transfusion hemoglobin should be maintained at 10g/dl.
ϟ With each unit of transfused blood, 200mg of iron collects in the body.
Neocyte Transfusion- Not widely practiced
ϟ Younger red cells are selectively extracted from donor blood (found in the
upper portion of the layer of red cells after centrifugation).
ϟ Half life of neocytes is 90- 100 days (compared to 60 days of mature RBCs).
ϟ This leads to reduced transfusion requirements; longer intervals between
transfusions; reduced iron overload.
ϟ Procedure is very expensive and time consuming: not widely accepted.
Iron Overload Management
ϟ Desferrioxamine is currently the most effective iron chelating agent.
ϟ It is started as early as possible; usually when Ferritin >1,000 ng/ml. Must be
older than 5 years.
ϟ Daily subcutaneous infusion of Desferrioxamine 20- 40 mg/kg during sleep
(over 8- 12 hours) with a portable battery- operated infusion pump, 5 days a
ϟ Vitamin C up to 200 mg/day is given alongside Desferrioxamine as it converts
the ferric form of iron into the ferrous form and mobilizes stored iron into free
ϟ There are only 2 doses available: 500 mg/vial and 2 g/vial.
ϟ Subcutaneous Administration: 1-2 g over 8- 24 hours via pump
ϟ IV Administration: 40- 50mg/kg/ day over 8- 12 hours for 5- 7 days via PICC
Desferrioxamine Therapy
Desferal Usage Technique
ϟ Requirements:
ϟ 1. Sterile Water for Injection (around 20 ml)
ϟ 2. Desferal Medicine (around 2 g)
ϟ 3. 10 cc Syringe
ϟ 4. Micro-needle with tubing
ϟ 5. Desferal Infusion Pump
ϟ 6. Alcohol solution to sterilize work place
ϟ 7. Alcohol and iodine skin prep wipes
ϟ 8. Tegaderm (adhesive for skin)
ϟ 9. Emla cream
Steps for Desferal Usage
ϟ 1. Apply Emla cream 30 mins before starting. Clean work place with alcohol
ϟ 2. Gather all equipment needed
ϟ 3. Wash hands with sterile soap
ϟ 4. Open sterile water for injection and also the Desferal medicine bottles
ϟ 5. Sterilize the top of both bottles
ϟ 6. Using the syringe, pull out 20 ml of sterile water
ϟ 7. Add the sterile water to the Desferal medicine bottle
ϟ 8. Shake the Desferal medicine bottle well until it is a clear solution
ϟ 9. Attach the same syringe to the Desferal bottle, and pull out all the medicine
ϟ 10. Make sure there is no air in the syringe
ϟ 11. Remove the micro- needle off the syringe, and keep aside
ϟ 12. Put the Desferal syringe into the Desferal pump.
ϟ 13. Sterilize skin with alcohol wipe, then with the iodine wipe (make sure no iodine
ϟ 14. Prick skin with the needle (attached to tubing), place the tegaderm on top
ϟ 14. Switch the pump on
ϟ 15. Continue with daily activities.
Deferasirox Oral Suspension= Exjade
ϟ Oral chelation agent. Used above the age of 2 years.
ϟ Tablet dissolved in water/ orange juice/ apple juice. Drank right away.
Should be taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes before food.
ϟ Should not be used with other iron chelators (Desferal).
ϟ Three tablets exist: 125 mg; 250 mg; 500 mg.
ϟ Dose: 20 mg/kg/day QID. May increase gradually based on serum ferritin
ϟ The average adult weighing 70kg will require 1,400 mg = 3 tablets of 500mg
QID = 12 tablets daily
Deferasirox Oral Tablet/ Oral Granules = Jadenu
ϟ New form of Deferasirox.
ϟ Three tablet forms exist: 90 mg; 180 mg; 360 mg.
ϟ Dose: 14- 28 mg/kg/day QID.
ϟ The average adult weighing 70kg requires a minimum of 980 mg = 3 tablets
of 360 mg QID = 12 tablets daily (minimum)
ϟ The highest dose possible for 70 kg is 1,960 mg = 5 tablets of 360 mg QID =
20 tablets daily (maximum)
Deferasirox Side Effects
ϟ Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
ϟ Proteinuria, dose- related increase in serum creatinine
ϟ Cough, nasopharyngitis, pharyngolaryngeal pain
ϟ Headache
ϟ Rash
ϟ Fever
ϟ Agranulocytosis: needs monitoring of absolute neutrophil count
Deferiprone = Ferriprox
ϟ Oral chelation agent
ϟ Dose: 25 mg/kg TDS
ϟ Only one tablet available: 500 mg
ϟ Average adult 70kg needs 1,750 mg = 4 tablets TDS = 12 tablets daily
ϟ Used above the age of 2 years
Deferiprone = Ferriprox
ϟ Side effects:
ϟ Agranulocytosis
ϟ Drug- induced lupus
ϟ Reversible arthropathy
Additional Supportive Medications
ϟ Folic Acid 5 mg once a week
ϟ Vitamin C 100 mg daily (if on Desferal)
ϟ Calcium Carbonate 600 mg BD or 1,200
mg BD depending on levels
ϟ Vitamin D 1,000 IU daily or 50,000 IU
weekly/ monthly: depending on levels
ϟ Osteocare Syrup 12 ml BD
ϟ Progyluton tablets for menstrual cycle
(Estradiol valerate + Norgestrel)
ϟ Sustanon injection IM 250 mg every 3
weeks (testosterone)
ϟ Insulin/ Metformin
ϟ Thyroxine
ϟ Growth Hormone injections every 3
ϟ Lisinopril, Bisoprolol for cardiac disease
ϟ Penicillin 250 mg BD (if splenectomized)
ϟ Performed after 5 years of age
ϟ Patient must receive pneumococcal vaccine 2- 4 weeks in advance
ϟ Indications:
ϟ Severe hepatosplenomegaly causing abdominal discomfort
ϟ Transfusion requirements exceeding 200- 250 ml/kg/ year
ϟ Following splenectomy, all patients must be given a prophylactic antibiotic
regime of Penicillin 250 mg BD life- long.
Disease Monitoring
Iron Overload Assessment (in DHA)
ϟ Serum Ferritin
ϟ T2 Cardiac MRI
ϟ Liver Iron Concentration
Monitoring Cardiac Status
ϟ History and physical examination
ϟ Echocardiography
Monitoring Endocrine Status
ϟ Diabetes
ϟ Hypothyroidism
ϟ Hypoparathyroidism
ϟ Hypogonadism
ϟ Menarche
ϟ Menstrual cycle regularity
ϟ Fertility status
Monitoring Hepatic and Coagulation Status
ϟ SGLT and ALT
ϟ PT
ϟ Assessment of liver and spleen spans
More investigations
ϟ Hearing assessment
ϟ Visual assessment
ϟ Viral screening: Hepatitis B and C; HIV
ϟ Vaccination assessment: Influenza and Hepatitis B vaccines
ϟ Assessment for splenectomy
ϟ Assessment for PICC line insertion
ϟ Slide Share: Thalassemia, The Medical Post.
ϟ Thalassemia,
ϟ Medscape
Thank You 

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An Overview of Thalassemia

  • 2. Contents ϟ Definition ϟ Beta Thalassemia ϟ Alpha Thalassemia ϟ Pathogenesis ϟ Clinical features ϟ Diagnosis ϟ Treatment and Disease Monitoring ϟ References
  • 3. Definition ϟ Thalassemia is a diverse group of disorders, manifesting as anemia of varying degrees. ϟ Occurs as a result of defective/ abnormal rate of production of globin portion of hemoglobin molecule. ϟ The globin chains are structurally normal, but an imbalance is present. This can lead to hemolysis. ϟ The defect may be homozygous or heterozygous. ϟ May contribute to protection against malaria.
  • 4. Genetics ϟ There are two major types of thalassemia: ϟ Alpha: caused by defect in rate of synthesis of alpha chains. ϟ Beta: caused by defect in rate of synthesis of beta chains. ϟ Alpha thalassemia is caused by gene deletion on chromosome 16. ϟ Beta thalassemia is caused by mutation on chromosome 11. ϟ The end result is microcytic hypochromic anemia of varying degrees.
  • 6. Beta Thalassemia ϟ Classical syndromes: ϟ Silent carrier state: mildest form of beta thalassemia ϟ Beta thalassemia minor: heterozygous disorder resulting in mild hypochromic microcytic hemolytic anemia ϟ Beta thalassemia intermedia: severity lies between major and minor ϟ Beta thalassemia major: homozygous disorder resulting in severe transfusion dependent hemolytic anemia
  • 7. Beta = normal Beta+ = reduced function Beta 0 = no function
  • 8. Silent Carrier State of Beta Thalassemia ϟ Various heterozygous beta mutations that produce only small decrease in production of beta chains. ϟ Patients have nearly normal beta/ alpha chain ratio and NO hematological abnormalities. ϟ Have normal levels of HbA2.
  • 9. Beta Thalassemia Minor ϟ Caused by heterogeneous mutations that affect beta globin synthesis ϟ Usually presents as mild, asymptomatic hemolytic anemia unless the patient is under stress (infection, pregnancy, folic acid deficiency) ϟ Have one normal beta gene, and one mutated beta gene. ϟ Hemoglobin level 10- 13 g/dl range, with normal or slightly elevated RBC count.
  • 10. Beta Thalassemia Minor ϟ Anemia is usually hypochromic microcytic with target cells and elliptocytes. May see basophilic stippling. ϟ Rarely see hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. ϟ Have high HbA2 levels (3.5- 8%), and normal/ slightly elevated HbF levels. ϟ There are different variations of this form depending upon which gene has mutated. ϟ Normally requires no treatment ϟ Make sure not the diagnose with only iron deficiency anemia.
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  • 13. Beta Thalassemia Intermedia ϟ Patients are able to maintain minimum hemoglobin of 7 g/dl without transfusions. ϟ Expression of disorder may be either heterozygous for mutations (causing mild decrease in beta chain production), or be homozygous (causing more serious reduction in beta chain production). ϟ Increased levels of both HbA2 and HbF. ϟ Peripheral blood smear similar to Thalassemia minor.
  • 14. Beta Thalassemia Intermedia ϟ Have varying symptoms of anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly. ϟ Significantly increased bilirubin levels. ϟ Anemia usually becomes worse with infections/ pregnancy ϟ May become transfusion dependent as adults. ϟ Tend to develop iron overload as a result of increased GI absorption. ϟ Usually survive into adulthood.
  • 15. Beta Thalassemia Major ϟ Severe microcytic hypochromic anemia ϟ Detected early in childhood: ϟ Failure to thrive ϟ Pallor, variable degrees of jaundice, Hepato/splenomegaly (enlarged abdomen) ϟ Hemoglobin levels between 4 and 8 g/dl ϟ Severe anemia causes marked bone changes due to expansion of marrow space for increased erythropoiesis.
  • 16. Beta Thalassemia Major ϟ There will be changes in skull, long bones and hand bones. ϟ Protrusion of upper teeth. Mongoloid facial features. ϟ Physical growth and developmental delay. ϟ Peripheral blood shows markedly hypochromic microcytic erythrocytes with extreme poikilocytosis (target cells, tear drop cells) and elliptocytosis. ϟ MCV ranges from 50 to 60fl. Low retic count 2-8%. ϟ Most hemoglobin present is HbF, with slight increase in HbA2.
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  • 24. Beta Thalassemia Major ϟ Regular transfusions starting from one year of age, continuous throughout life. ϟ Excessive number of transfusions results in transfusional hemosiderosis. Without iron chelation, the patient develops cardiac disease. ϟ Dangers of continuous transfusion therapy: ϟ Iron overload ϟ Alloimmunization = development of antibodies against transfused RBCs ϟ Transfusion- transmitted diseases (HIV, Hep B, Hep C).
  • 25. Comparison Genotype HbA HbA2 HbF Normal Normal Normal Normal Silent Carrier Normal Normal Normal Minor Low Normal/ slightly high Normal Intermedia Low Little high High Major Low High High
  • 26. Delta Beta Thalassemia ϟ Only alpha and gamma chains produced (delta and beta inactivated) ϟ Growth and development nearly normal ϟ Modest splenomegaly. Similar to beta thalassemia minor.
  • 27. Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin (HPFH) ϟ Rare condition. Continued synthesis of HbF into adult life. ϟ Does not have usual symptoms of thalassemia. ϟ Little significance unless combined with other hemoglobinopathies. ϟ HbF is more resistant to denaturation than HbA- can be demonstrated using Kleihauer Betke stain (stains cells with HbF). ϟ Classified into 2 groups based on distribution of HbF among cells: ϟ Pancellular: HbF uniformly distributed throughout all cells ϟ Heterocellular: HbF only found in a small number of cells
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  • 30. Beta Thalassemia with HbS ϟ Inherit gene for HbS from one parent, and gene for HbA from other parent ϟ Great variety in clinical severity depending on amount of HbA produced. ϟ If no HbA made, true sickle cell symptoms present. If some HbA present, less symptoms appear.
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  • 32. Others ϟ Beta Thalassemia with HbE: Very severe disease, transfusion dependent patient ϟ Beta Thalassemia with HbC: Usually asymptomatic.
  • 34. Alpha Thalassemia ϟ Wide range of clinical expression ϟ It is difficult to classify alpha thalassemia due to a wide variety of possible genetic combinations ϟ Absence of alpha chains will result in increase of gamma chains during fetal life and excess beta chains later in life. ϟ Molecules like Bart’s Hemoglobin (4 gamma chains) and HbH (4 beta chains) form: they are stable molecules, but physiologically useless.
  • 35. Alpha Thalassemia ϟ The predominant cause is a large number of gene deletions in alpha- globin gene. ϟ There are 4 clinical syndromes present in alpha thalassemia: ϟ Silent Carrier State ϟ Alpha Thalassemia Trait (Alpha Thalassemia Minor) ϟ Hemoglobin H disease ϟ Bart’s Hydrops Fetalis Syndrome
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  • 37. Silent Carrier State ϟ Deletion of one alpha gene, leaving 3 functional alpha genes ϟ Alpha to beta chain ratio nearly normal ϟ No hematologic abnormalities present. May have borderline low MCV (78-80 fl). ϟ Diagnosis only possible by genetic mapping
  • 38. Alpha Thalassemia Trait ϟ Also called Alpha Thalassemia Minor ϟ Caused by 2 missing alpha genes. ϟ May be homozygous (-a/-a), or heterozygous (--/aa) ϟ Exhibits mild microcytic hypochromic anemia. MCV 70- 75 fl. ϟ May be confused with iron deficiency anemia.
  • 39. Hemoglobin H Disease ϟ Second most severe form of alpha thalassemia ϟ Caused by presence of only one gene producing alpha chains (--/-a) ϟ Results in accumulation of excess unpaired gamma or beta chains. ϟ Born with 10- 40% Bart’s hemoglobin. Gradually replaced with HbH. ϟ Adults have about 30- 50% HbH.
  • 40. Hemoglobin H Disease ϟ Live normal life, but infections/ pregnancy can trigger hemolysis ϟ RBCs are MCHC with target cells. ϟ HbH is vulnerable to oxidation. It gradually precipitates in vivo to form Heinz- like bodies of denatured hemoglobin. ϟ Cells have been described to have a golf- ball appearance, especially when stained with Brilliant Cresyl Blue.
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  • 43. Bart’s Hydrops Fetalis Syndrome ϟ Most severe form. Incompatible with life. ϟ Have no functioning alpha genes. ϟ Baby born with hydrops fetalis: edema and ascites caused by accumulation of fluid in fetal tissues as a result of severe anemia. Causes hepatosplenomegaly and cardiomegaly. ϟ Predominant hemoglobin is Hb Bart, along with Hb Portland. ϟ Hb Bart has high oxygen affinity, so it cannot carry oxygen to tissues. Fetus dies in utero or shortly after birth. Mother has increased risk of PPH.
  • 44. Alpha Thalassemia with HbS ϟ Common in populations of African descent ϟ Asymptomatic patient ϟ Have less HbS than in those with sickle cell trait.
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  • 59. Diagnosis ϟ History and physical exam (pallor, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal defects) ϟ LAB: ϟ Low hemoglobin. Hypochromic microcytic. Low hematocrit. ϟ MCHC normal or slightly low. ϟ Normal or HIGH RBC count. ϟ MCV MUCH LOWER THAN EXPECTED FOR HEMOGLOBIN LEVEL. ϟ High retics (depends on severity) ϟ Raised indirect bilirubin (Thalassemia major and intermedia)
  • 60. Diagnosis ϟ HEMOGLOBIN ELECTROPHORESIS: ϟ Can detect type of hemoglobin (HbA, HbA2, HbF and abnormal types) ϟ Detects combinations of thalassemia and other hemoglobinopathies ϟ HEMOGLOBIN QUANTIFICATION ϟ Reduced osmotic fragility: easy screen for carriers ϟ Brilliant Cresyl Blue stain for HbH disease and Acid Elution test (Kelihauer Betke test) for HbF ϟ Iron studies to detect/ rule out concurrent iron deficiency anemia
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  • 64. Howell Jolly bodies are DNA clusters (remnants) in circulating RBCs: asplenia = cannot remove these abnormal cells
  • 65. Heinz Bodies are fragments of denatured hemoglobin within circulating RBCs: Alpha Thalassemia (Beta tetramers = HbH) and Asplenia (cannot remove these abnormal cells)
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  • 68. Blood Transfusion Programs ϟ Three main Transfusion Programs: ϟ Regular Transfusion Program: Corrects severe anemia to a safe hemoglobin of 7- 9g/dl to avoid symptoms of anemia. ϟ Hypertransfusion Program: Maintains hemoglobin between 10- 12g/dl to decrease the effects of chronic anemia and prevent abnormal growth/ development. ϟ Super-Transfusion Program: Hemoglobin is maintained at 12g/dl to completely suppress hematopoiesis. This reduces transfusion requirements and iron overload; less Hypersplenism; less damage to bones/ heart; better
  • 69. Dose of Blood Transfusion ϟ Ideally, RBCs should be 6 days old, leucocyte reduced. ϟ 10- 20 ml/kg body weight every 3- 4 weeks. As body size increases, 1-2 units every 3 weeks. ϟ Pre-transfusion hemoglobin should be maintained at 10g/dl. ϟ With each unit of transfused blood, 200mg of iron collects in the body.
  • 70. Neocyte Transfusion- Not widely practiced ϟ Younger red cells are selectively extracted from donor blood (found in the upper portion of the layer of red cells after centrifugation). ϟ Half life of neocytes is 90- 100 days (compared to 60 days of mature RBCs). ϟ This leads to reduced transfusion requirements; longer intervals between transfusions; reduced iron overload. ϟ Procedure is very expensive and time consuming: not widely accepted.
  • 71. Iron Overload Management ϟ Desferrioxamine is currently the most effective iron chelating agent. ϟ It is started as early as possible; usually when Ferritin >1,000 ng/ml. Must be older than 5 years. ϟ Daily subcutaneous infusion of Desferrioxamine 20- 40 mg/kg during sleep (over 8- 12 hours) with a portable battery- operated infusion pump, 5 days a week. ϟ Vitamin C up to 200 mg/day is given alongside Desferrioxamine as it converts the ferric form of iron into the ferrous form and mobilizes stored iron into free form.
  • 72. Desferal ϟ There are only 2 doses available: 500 mg/vial and 2 g/vial. ϟ Subcutaneous Administration: 1-2 g over 8- 24 hours via pump ϟ IV Administration: 40- 50mg/kg/ day over 8- 12 hours for 5- 7 days via PICC line
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  • 78. Desferal Usage Technique ϟ Requirements: ϟ 1. Sterile Water for Injection (around 20 ml) ϟ 2. Desferal Medicine (around 2 g) ϟ 3. 10 cc Syringe ϟ 4. Micro-needle with tubing ϟ 5. Desferal Infusion Pump ϟ 6. Alcohol solution to sterilize work place ϟ 7. Alcohol and iodine skin prep wipes ϟ 8. Tegaderm (adhesive for skin) ϟ 9. Emla cream
  • 79. Steps for Desferal Usage ϟ 1. Apply Emla cream 30 mins before starting. Clean work place with alcohol solution. ϟ 2. Gather all equipment needed ϟ 3. Wash hands with sterile soap ϟ 4. Open sterile water for injection and also the Desferal medicine bottles ϟ 5. Sterilize the top of both bottles ϟ 6. Using the syringe, pull out 20 ml of sterile water ϟ 7. Add the sterile water to the Desferal medicine bottle
  • 80. ϟ 8. Shake the Desferal medicine bottle well until it is a clear solution ϟ 9. Attach the same syringe to the Desferal bottle, and pull out all the medicine ϟ 10. Make sure there is no air in the syringe ϟ 11. Remove the micro- needle off the syringe, and keep aside ϟ 12. Put the Desferal syringe into the Desferal pump. ϟ 13. Sterilize skin with alcohol wipe, then with the iodine wipe (make sure no iodine allergy) ϟ 14. Prick skin with the needle (attached to tubing), place the tegaderm on top ϟ 14. Switch the pump on ϟ 15. Continue with daily activities.
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  • 82. Deferasirox Oral Suspension= Exjade ϟ Oral chelation agent. Used above the age of 2 years. ϟ Tablet dissolved in water/ orange juice/ apple juice. Drank right away. Should be taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes before food. ϟ Should not be used with other iron chelators (Desferal). ϟ Three tablets exist: 125 mg; 250 mg; 500 mg. ϟ Dose: 20 mg/kg/day QID. May increase gradually based on serum ferritin levels. ϟ The average adult weighing 70kg will require 1,400 mg = 3 tablets of 500mg QID = 12 tablets daily
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  • 84. Deferasirox Oral Tablet/ Oral Granules = Jadenu ϟ New form of Deferasirox. ϟ Three tablet forms exist: 90 mg; 180 mg; 360 mg. ϟ Dose: 14- 28 mg/kg/day QID. ϟ The average adult weighing 70kg requires a minimum of 980 mg = 3 tablets of 360 mg QID = 12 tablets daily (minimum) ϟ The highest dose possible for 70 kg is 1,960 mg = 5 tablets of 360 mg QID = 20 tablets daily (maximum)
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  • 88. Deferasirox Side Effects ϟ Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea ϟ Proteinuria, dose- related increase in serum creatinine ϟ Cough, nasopharyngitis, pharyngolaryngeal pain ϟ Headache ϟ Rash ϟ Fever ϟ Agranulocytosis: needs monitoring of absolute neutrophil count
  • 89. Deferiprone = Ferriprox ϟ Oral chelation agent ϟ Dose: 25 mg/kg TDS ϟ Only one tablet available: 500 mg ϟ Average adult 70kg needs 1,750 mg = 4 tablets TDS = 12 tablets daily ϟ Used above the age of 2 years
  • 90. Deferiprone = Ferriprox ϟ Side effects: ϟ Agranulocytosis ϟ Drug- induced lupus ϟ Reversible arthropathy
  • 91. Additional Supportive Medications ϟ Folic Acid 5 mg once a week ϟ Vitamin C 100 mg daily (if on Desferal) ϟ Calcium Carbonate 600 mg BD or 1,200 mg BD depending on levels ϟ Vitamin D 1,000 IU daily or 50,000 IU weekly/ monthly: depending on levels ϟ Osteocare Syrup 12 ml BD ϟ Progyluton tablets for menstrual cycle (Estradiol valerate + Norgestrel) ϟ Sustanon injection IM 250 mg every 3 weeks (testosterone) ϟ Insulin/ Metformin ϟ Thyroxine ϟ Growth Hormone injections every 3 weeks ϟ Lisinopril, Bisoprolol for cardiac disease ϟ Penicillin 250 mg BD (if splenectomized)
  • 92.
  • 93. Splenectomy ϟ Performed after 5 years of age ϟ Patient must receive pneumococcal vaccine 2- 4 weeks in advance ϟ Indications: ϟ Severe hepatosplenomegaly causing abdominal discomfort ϟ Transfusion requirements exceeding 200- 250 ml/kg/ year ϟ Following splenectomy, all patients must be given a prophylactic antibiotic regime of Penicillin 250 mg BD life- long.
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  • 100. Iron Overload Assessment (in DHA) ϟ Serum Ferritin ϟ T2 Cardiac MRI ϟ Liver Iron Concentration
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  • 106. Monitoring Cardiac Status ϟ History and physical examination ϟ ECG ϟ Echocardiography
  • 107. Monitoring Endocrine Status ϟ Diabetes ϟ Hypothyroidism ϟ Hypoparathyroidism ϟ Hypogonadism ϟ Menarche ϟ Menstrual cycle regularity ϟ Fertility status
  • 108. Monitoring Hepatic and Coagulation Status ϟ SGLT and ALT ϟ PT ϟ PTT ϟ Assessment of liver and spleen spans
  • 109. More investigations ϟ Hearing assessment ϟ Visual assessment ϟ Viral screening: Hepatitis B and C; HIV ϟ Vaccination assessment: Influenza and Hepatitis B vaccines ϟ Assessment for splenectomy ϟ Assessment for PICC line insertion
  • 111. References ϟ Slide Share: Thalassemia, The Medical Post. ϟ Thalassemia, ϟ Medscape