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• “Historically, the age of consent for a sexual union was determined by tribal custom, or was a matter
for families to decide. In most cases, this coincided with signs of puberty: such as menstruation for a
girl and pubic hair for a boy” )Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society(.
• “Habbani Jewish women were almost always prepubescent at their first marriage. Their first husbands
were often in their late teens. Occasionally, the bridegroom was far older than the bride”(Sephardi and
Middle Eastern Jewries: History and Culture in the Modern Era edited by Harvey E. Goldberg page 267).
• “Girls ages 3 through 12 (the legal age of consent according to halakha) might be given in marriage by
her father. (
• According to M.A. Friedman, "arranging and contracting the marriage of a young girl were the
undisputed prerogatives of her father in ancient Israel." Most girls were married before the age of 15,
often at the start of their puberty” (M. A. Friedman (1980), Jewish Marriage in Palestine, Vol. 1, The
Jewish Theological Seminary of America)
• “In ancient and medieval societies it was common for girls to be betrothed at, or even before, puberty”
(Ross Kraemer 1993, The Jewish Family in Antiquity, Scholars Press, Atlanta, pages 82–110).
• Ruth Lamdan writes: "The numerous references to child marriage in the 16th-
century Responsa literature and other sources, shows that child marriage was so common, it was
virtually the norm (Ruth Lamdan: A Separate People: Jewish Women in Palestine, Syria, and Egypt in the
sixteenth Century, p. 47. Leiden, 2000).
• What is the Talmud and is it an authoritative interpretation of the Old Testament?
• “The sages who taught the teachings, ordinances and decrees which make up the Talmud represented
the totality of the sages of Israel, or at least the majority of them. Because of this, and because the
Talmud was accepted as binding by almost the entire Jewish people at the time, its laws are considered
binding on all Jews no matter when or where they live. And it is precisely this binding that has kept our
Jewish identity strong for thousands of years throughout this long and bitter exile. May we merit the
ultimate redemption speedily in our days”
)Maimonides, introduction to Mishneh Torah(
• The importance of the Talmud in Rabbinic Judaism cannot be understated, it is considered the manual
through which the TaNaKh is understood
• R. Jeremiah of Difti said: We also learnt the following: A maiden aged three years and a day may be
acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabited with her, she becomes
his (Coition is another word for coitus, which means sexual intercourse
• The historian Amram Tropper writes “Most men would have married sufficiently late that we would no
longer consider them to have been children, yet many women (particularly in Babylonia) married so
young that today we would consider them to have been girls, not women (Amram Tropper, “Children
and Childhood in Light of the Demographics of the Jewish Family in Late Antiquity,” Journal for the Study
of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period, 37:3 (2006), p. 332)
• “And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean of
Padan Aram, the sister of Laban the Aramean, to himself for a wife” Genesis 25:20
• Rabbi Rashi comments on this verse and writes:
forty years old: For when Abraham came from Mount Moriah, he was informed that Rebecca had
been born. Isaac was then thirty-seven years old, for at that time Sarah died, and from the time
that Isaac was born until the “Binding” [of Isaac], when Sarah died, were thirty-seven years, for
she was ninety years old when Isaac was born, and one hundred and twenty-seven when she
died, as it is stated (above 23:1): “The life of Sarah was [a hundred and twenty seven years.”] This
makes Isaac thirty-seven years old, and at that time, Rebecca was born. He waited for her until
she would be fit for marital relations-three years-and then married her (From Gen. Rabbah 57:1).
• In the 12th century, Gratian, the influential founder of Cannon Law in medieval Europe, accepted the
age of puberty for marriage to be around twelve for girls and around fourteen for boys but
acknowledged consent to be meaningful if both children were older than seven years of age) Noonan,
Betrothals and Marriages(.
• Talking about Christian communities: “Judges sometimes honored marriages based on mutual consent
at ages younger than seven: in contrast to established canon, there are recorded marriages of two- and
three-year-olds) Bullough, Vern, Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society).
• Catholic Encyclopaedia reads:
“When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by
some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children,
two daughters and four sons, the youngest of whom was James “the Lord’s
brother”. A year after his wife’s death, as the priests announced through Judea
that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary,
then twelve to fourteen years of age. Joseph, who was at the time ninety years
old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates”
• De Robigne Mortimer Bennett says:
“The following ‘Facts about virgin Mary’ are taken from one of the Apocryphal
gospels- the ‘History of Joseph the Carpenter,’ a book that was popular and believed
to be genuine in the so-called Evangelical Church. (D. M. Bennett was the founder and
publisher of Truth Seeker, a radical freethought and reform American periodical
• Infancy Gospel of James also says she was 12 years old when betrothed to Joseph
• Apocryphal does not mean false, it only means hidden. Those Gospels were hidden
because the victors in the wars of religion and doctrine of early Christianity persecuted
all who posses or follow them. Many such Gospels survived the canonizations process
continued to form and influence the belief of Christians worldwide up until recent
times (Read “The Many Faces of Christ” by Philip Jenkins, Professor of History, Baylor
• The American colonies followed the English tradition, but the law was more of a guide. For example,
Mary Hathaway (Virginia, 1689) was only 9 when she was married to William Williams.
• Sir Edward Coke (England, 17th century) made it clear that ”The marriage of girls under 12 was
normal, and the age at which a girl who was a wife was eligible for her husband's estate was 9"
(Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society(
• Isabella of France (9 November 1389 – 13 September 1409) was Queen Consort of England as the
second spouse of King Richard the second. Her parents were King Charles the 6th of
France and Isabeau Of Bavaria. She married the king at the age of six and was widowed three
years later. She later married Charles, Duke of Orléans.
• Caterina Sforza was betrothed aged 9 with Girolamo Riario,
• The first recorded age-of-consent law dates from 1275 in England; as part of its provisions on rape,
the Statute of Westminster 1275 made it a misdemeanor to "ravish" a "maiden within age" . The
phrase "within age" was later interpreted by jurist Sir Edward Coke (England, 17th century) as
meaning the age of marriage, which at the time was twelve years of age ) Robertson,
Stephen, Children and Youth in History )
• In the 16th century, a small number of Italian and German states set the minimum age for sexual
intercourse for girls, setting it at twelve years.
• The first French Constitution of 1791 established the minimum age at eleven years. Portugal,
Spain, Denmark and the Swiss cantons initially set the minimum age at ten to twelve years.
(Same Source)
• English common law had traditionally set the age of consent within the range of ten
to twelve
• Over the course of American History, the most commonly observed age of
consent was 10 (Age of Consent Laws, Children and Youth in History, Annotated by
Stephen Robertson)
• in Delaware, it was seven in 1895, Having lowered it from 10 in 1871 (The New York
Times. BALTIMORE, Oct. 14. October 15, 1895( (
• In France, under the Napoleonic Code, the age of consent was set in 1832 at eleven
• In 19 states, children under 16 can marry.
• Over the past 15 years, more than 200,000 minors married in US, and in Tennessee girls as young as
10 were married in 2001, before the state set a minimum age of 17 in 2018 (Chris Baynes ,
Independent ,Saturday 8 July 2017)
• In May 2017, the high-profile Republican governor for New Jersey declined to sign into law a measure
that would have made his state the first to ban child marriage without exception. Chris Christie claimed
it would conflict with religious custom (Same source(
• In 13 states, there is no absolute minimum marriage age, when all exceptions (such as parental or
judicial consent) are taken into account (Understanding State Statutes on Minimum Marriage Age and
Exceptions Tahirih justice Center
• 61% reported having vaginal or anal intercourse between 14-17 (Virginia
department of health 2012)
• 16% of females and 22% females reported sexual initiation between 10-13
(Virginia department of health 2012)
• In El Salvador: 6.7% of 13 year-olds are sexually active and 13.8% are sexually
active by age 14 (Jokin de Irala, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Oct. 2011)
• In Peru: 4.4% are sexually active by age 13 and 9.6% by age 14 ((Jokin de Irala,
Archives of Sexual Behavior, Oct. 2011)
• The most current data from UNICEF (2018) shows that about 21 percent of young
women worldwide (aged 20 to 24) were married as children; this is a 25 percent
decrease from 10 years ago.
• Ethiopia (60% Christian population): Child marriage rates greater than 20% below
the age of 15, according to 2003–2009 surveys.
• In Kenya (85% Christian population): 6% of children were married by age 15
according to a 2014 survey by UNICEF.
• "So now kill every male child, and every woman who can lie intimately with a man you shall kill. And
all the young girls who have no experience of intimate relations with a man, you may keep alive for
(Numbers 31:17-18)
• Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy in the Department of Near Eastern Languages
and Civilizations of Harvard University, Shaye J.D. Cohen, writes regarding the phrase 'for yourselves'
in Numbers 31:18: ‘for yourselves’; the Hebrew lakhem is unambiguous. That the intent of 'for
yourselves' is sexual or matrimonial is obvious; the passage is correctly understood by Rabbi Simeon
Yohai in the Sifrei (legal biblical exegesis)”
• Professor Shaye J. D. Cohen writes that the word “lakhem” used in the verse is meant sexually:
“Moses enjoins upon the returning warriors to kill their Midianite female captives who have lain with a
man, but ‘spare for yourselves every young woman who has not had carnal relations with a man’; WE
CAPTIVES SEXUALLY. The law in numbers differs from the law in Deuteronomy- perhaps the most
significant distinction is that the law in Deuteronomy does not care whether the captive is a virgin or
not- but it too permits Israelite warrior to marry a foreign woman.”
• “The ‘one woman, one man’ relationship of Eve and Adam becomes one man and two women in
polygamy, both CONSENSUAL AND FORCED, as a human-initiated cultural practice in the scriptures is
particularly striking because of God’s lack of condemnation of it (not to mention, according to
Deuteronomy, God’s sanction of abduction or rape-marriage during armed conflicts).
When inviting individuals and their descendants into eternal covenant relationships with God, God
never required that the matriarchs and patriarchs revert to an Eve-Adam, monogamous
pairing.” (Christian Holiness and Human Sexuality: A Study Guide for Episcopalians [Chapter 2 Scripture:
Sexuality and Sexual Orientation] Professor Wil Gafney)
YOURSELVES.” (A Lily Among the Thorns: Imagining a New Christian Sexuality [Copy Right 2007] By
Miguel A. De La Torre page 45).
• “The Bible was masterfully used by those in power to justify the owning of black bodies. This was an
easy feat; nowhere in either the Hebrew Bible or the New Testament is slavery categorically
condemned. The supporters of slavery in the antebellum south were the ones who had the biblical
chapters and verses to quote to justify their way of life. The abolitionists were hard pressed to find any
biblical passage that outright condemned the institution of slavery"
• The Popular Commentary by Paul E. Kretzmann states:
“But all the women children that have not known a man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves,
as slaves or handmaids, FOR MARRIAGE WITH SUCH WAS NOT FORBIDDEN. The great God is
terrible in His judgments, a fact which should teach us to fear His wrath and not act contrary to His
• How can Jews and Christians justify God commanding genocide , killing of women and children ,
slavery , forced sex with prepubescent girls and, at the same time , attack Prophet Mohammed for
lawfully marrying a girl at an age which , according to biblical standards , is way above the minimum
marrigiable age .
• I call this hypocrisy ,double standards, and pure bigotry selectively directed against all that relates to
• In Manusmriti, a father is considered to have wronged his daughter if he fails to
marry her before puberty and if the girl is not married in less than three years
after reaching puberty, she can search for the husband herself ( Allan Dahlaquist
(1996-12-31). Megasthenes and Indian Religion: A Study in Motives and Types.
Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 113–114)
• Why haven’t we ever heard Christian apologists attacking Hindu scriptures or
attacking their own bible for sanctioning marriage with underaged brides (Based
on today’s social norms)
• Aisha was engaged to man by the name of Jubair ibn Mutem prior to being proposed to by Prophet
Mohammed but he choose to cancel the engagement because of difference in religion.
• This shows that such marriages were culturally acceptable in Arabia at the timeand that Aisha was seen
by her community as being ready for marriage.
• A lady by the name of Kawlah Bint Hakim then suggested that the Prophet marry Aisha; apparently to
console her.
• Prophet Mohammad gave his daughter Ruqayah in marriage to Utbah Ibn Abi Lahab at age 10 before
• The leader of the Jewish community in Madinah gave his daughter Safiyyah at age 10
• Narrated by Al Tirmithis that Aish herself said: " When a girl reaches 9 years of age she is woman"
• This may indicate that this was average age girls got married at or that girls commonly hit pubery at
that age .
• A Pew Research in 2014 Global Attitudes Project conducted on 40,000 responders in
40 countries of abortion, divorce, drinking alcohol, extramarital affairs, gambling,
homosexuality found that the response varied based on where you live.
• This highlights what is know in philosophy as moral relativism. Descriptive moral
relativism is a concept that is acknowledged by most philosophers.
• The American Anthropologist William Graham Sumner argues in his 1906 work
Folkways that what people consider right and wrong is shaped entirely by the
traditions, customs, and practices of their culture and that no trans-cultural judgement
about the rightness or wrongness of a culture’s morals could possibly be justified.
• Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines morality as “A body of standards or
principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion, or
culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal”
• Her Physical maturity and readiness for marriage: Al Tirmithis narrates that
Aish herself said : “When a girl reaches 9 years of age she is woman”. She had
been engaged to a man prior to the Prophet but it did not work out.
• The way she handled the incident of slander against her with wisdom, reason,
patience, and steadfastness immediately after her marriage shows that she was
more mature emotionally, mentally and psychologically that most adults
• The fact that she narrated 2210 Hadith of the Prophets sayings speaks of her
cognitive and mental maturity.
• He immense love and warm romantic relationship with the Prophet speak of her
emotional maturity.
• The only verse in the Quran that explicitly talks about the age of marriage is verse
6 of chapter 4 which is titled the chapter of Women “And test the orphans [in
their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. Then if you perceive in them
sound judgement, release their property to them”.
• There is a consensus of all Muslim scholars commenting on this verse that the
marrigiable age as the age of puberty.
• The expansive exegetical worl of Al Aloosi comments on this verse “The
marrigiable age is puberty or 15 years according to Al Shafii and Abu Hanifa as
this is the common age for onset of puberty and hence for the preparedness for
marriage and its fruits"
• Al Tahir Ibn Ashour in his encyclopedic exegesis titled Al Tahrir Wal Tanweer comments on the the the marrigiable age
that is mentioned in this verse “It is the age of puberty which may vary from community to community and from
environment to environment and it is usually a bit earlier in girls than in boys. Scholars also determined the marrigiable
age by which most girls and boys would have reached puberty. Imam Malik set it at 18 years for boys and girls while
Imam Abu Haneefah set it at 18-19 years for boys and 17 years for girls while most scholars set it at 15 years of age
including Al Shafii and Ahmed”.
• Accordingly the age of marriage is puberty or the age of 15-19 whichever comes first.
• The general rule with regards to marriage practices in Islam is expressed in Chapter 4 verse 19 "Live with them in
accordance with what is fair and kind ”
• The word “ Bil-Maaroof” in Arabic comes from the root ”Urf” which means what is socially and culturally acceptable.
• This is Miraculous because it shows that the revealer if the Quran knows that such marital issues will vary from time to
time and from culture to culture
• Bridal age in Islam is also based on the bride’s preparedness and readiness for marriage as the general
Islam that governs all aspects of Islamic legislation is the saying of the prophet ”Do no harm and
reciprocate no harm” (Ibn Majah 2341) and the verse that bases marital practices on cultural norms.
• Muslims are not obligated to adhere to any cultural practices of the previous era with regards to their
marital habits, eating habits, dress habits etc. These matters vary from time to time.
• Professor Johnathan Brown states "As a general rule, intercourse was prohibited for girls "not able to
undergo it", on the grounds of potential physical harm. Disputes regarding physical maturity between
the involved parties were to be resolved by a judge, potentially after examination by a female expert
witness” (Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy)
• Buchler and Schlater observe that "marriageable age according to classical Islamic law coincides with
the occurrence of puberty. The notion of puberty refers to signs of physical maturity such as the
emission of semen or the onset of menstruation" (Büchler, Andrea; Schlatter, Christina (2013).
"Marriage Age in Islamic and Contemporary Muslim Family Laws: A Comparative Survey" (PDF).
• According to the Shafi book of Jurisprudence Reliance of the Traveler: “No one may marry her
to another after she has reached puberty without her express permission, no matter whether
the guardian is the father, father's father, or someone else. No guardian may marry a woman to
someone who is not a suitable match without her acceptance and the acceptance of all who can be
guardians. (ibn Al Naqib Al Misri, Shihabuddin Abu al-'Abbas Ahmad. "Reliance of the Traveller"
• “And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women - if you doubt, then their period is three
months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until
they give birth. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him of his matter ease” Quran 65:4
• Yes, the majority of Muslim scholars understood from verse 4, chapter 65 that this verse talks about girls who
are divorced before they hit puberty. But this does not mean that such marriages at such young age are
allowed in Islam.
• The verse only talks about the waiting period in various situations that existed in Arabia or may exist in
various cultures but that does not imply that such practices are permissible in Islam. Islam legislated rulings
for every situation that may occur whether it is the product of a Permissible or a prohibited practice.
• Islam lays down rules regarding how to deal with pregnancies resulting from adultery and fornication for
instance. Does that mean that Islam approves of such behavior. Islam prohibits taking interest and dealing in
usury but it still has laws the tell us what to do with money earned through that prohibited transaction.
• This verse may also apply to women who suffer from amenorrhea where they
never have a period regardless of their age; another indication to the
supernatural knowledge of the source of the Quran and its miraculous nature.
This is what is stated by Imams Abu Hayan in his exegetical work Al Bahr Al
Muheet and By Imam Al Sa'di and by Imam Al Tahir Ibn Aashoor in his exegesis Al
Tahrir Wa AlTanweer.
• Let Aisha talk for her self and and describe her own life rather than you
making claims about a life of someone else who lived more than 1400 years
before your time.
• About her readiness for marriage, Al Tirmithis narrates that Aish herself said :
“When a girl reaches 9 years of age she is woman”
• The fact that she had dolls to play with or she had friends playing with her is used
as a red herring by haters of the prophet to indicate that she was immature. Girls
in their teen years and even in their twenties can play with dolls or have stuffy
animals and play have friend. Such activities do not logically imply immaturity in
any way.
• They used to have travel, have fun together and tease each other: Aisha states “ I
was was the messenger of Allah on a journey and we raced and came first. Thereafter,
I gained some weight and he raced me and this time he came first. He then said now
the score is settled” (Sunan Abu Dawood 2578).
• They had a very romantic life:
Bathing together: Aisha reports “The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single
pot after Janabah i.e. sexual intercourse. And our hands would alternate in the pot” (Al
Bukhari, Chapter of Bathing, Hadith no. 261). In some narrations they would tease each
other “I say to him leave some for me and he would say leave some for me”
Combing his hair: Aisha says “While in menses, I used to comb the hair of Allah’s
messenger” (Al Bukhari, Chapter of menses, Hadith No 298)
• He used to go the distance in trying to make her happy: When she lost her
necklace in journey the messenger of Allah camped there so as to look for her
necklace in the middle of desert where there was no water and that is when dry
ablution was prescribed (Al Bukhari, Chapter of Al Taytamum i.e. dry ablution,
Hadith No. 330).
• They watched entertainers (Ethiopians displaying their skills with spears)
togethers; he would screen her as she stood at the door of her house and she
would look over his shoulder (Al Bukhari, Chapter of prayer, Hadith No. 445).
• He stood up for her when she freed a slave girl from her masters and they
wrongly declared the her kinship was to be for them. Prophet gave a sermon
alluding to that incident and confirming the kinship was the right of the
manumitter (Al Bukhari, Chapter of prayer, Hadith No. 446)
• He did not require of her to engage in worship as much as he did:
- Aisha says “I used to sleep in from of Allah’s messenger with my legs facing him
and whenever he prostrated, he pushed my legs and I withdrew them and
whenever he stood I stretched them” (Al Bukhari, Hadith 492)
- She also said “ The Prophet used to pray while I was sleeping across in his bed in
front of him. Whenever he wanted to pray the Witr i.e. the last unit of prayer, he
would wake me up and I would pray Witr” (Al Bukhari, Hadith No. 491).
• Prophet had a special connection with Aisha: “When the Prophet became
seriously ill i.e. just before his death, he asked for permission from his wives to be
nursed at my house and he was allowed” (Al Bukhari, Chapter of Adhaan, Hadith
No. 634)
• Prophet had a special connection with Aisha:
-Aisha Says “During his last sickness, Allah’s messenger would ask repeatedly,
“where am I today? Where will I be tomorrow? Awaiting my day impatiently. Then,
on one of my days, Allah took his soul between my chest and my arms and he was
buried in my house” (Al Bukhari, Chapter of Funerals, Hadith No. 471) in another
Hadith “My saliva was the last saliva to mix with his saliva just before his death i.e.
when she chewed the bristles of his tooth brush to make it softer for him just
before his death”.
-”The Prophet used to embrace me during my menses. He used to put his head out
of the mosque while he was in Itikaf, and I wash it during my menses” (Al Bukhari,
Hadith 247)
• Prophet’s romantic gestures towards Aisha: Aisha Says “I would drink when I
was menstruating, then I would hand the vessel to the Apostle of Allah and he
would put his mouth where mine had been and drink, and I would flesh from a
bone when I was menstruating, then hand it over to the Apostle of Allah and he
would put his mouth where mine had been” (Sahih Muslim, Book of
Menstruation, Hadith No. 590).
• Aisha would get angry if anyone offended her husband: Aisha relates “Once a
group of men entered upon the Prophet and said “Assamualaikum i.e. death be
upon you”. She immediately responded in defense of the Prophet “May the death
and curse of Allah be upon you”. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah tried to calm
her down and said “Calm down o’ Aisha! Allah loves that one should be kind and
lenient in all matters” (Al Bukhari, Book of Manners, Hadith No. 53)
• Aisha was talking to a woman who described her husband as follows: “The eleventh one said, "My
husband is Abu Zar` and what is Abu Zar` (i.e., what should I say about him)? He has given me many
ornaments and my ears are heavily loaded with them and my arms have become fat (i.e., I have
become fat). And he has pleased me, and I have become so happy that I feel proud of myself. He
found me with my family who were mere owners of sheep and living in poverty, and brought me to a
respected family having horses and camels and threshing and purifying grain. Whatever I say, he does
not rebuke or insult me. When I sleep, I sleep till late in the morning, and when I drink water (or milk), I
drink my fill” Thereupon the Prophet asked Aisha “Am I to you like Abu Zar is to his wife?” She replied
“May my father and mother be sacrificed for you O’ messenger of Allah, you are better than
him” (Sahih Al Bukhari, Chapter of marriage, Hadith 5189)
• Prophet’s special connection with Aisha: Aisha reports “The Prophet used to
kiss me before he went out for prayer” (Sunan Al Tirmidhi, No. 86).
• The Prophet used to help his wives with house chores: Aisha says “The
Prophet helped his wives with house chores” (Al Bukhari, No. 676)
• The Prophet never physically abused anyone: On the authority of Aisha “The
Messenger of Allah never beat anyone with his hand, neither a woman or a
servant” (Sahih Muslim, No. 2328). This refutes the false claims by some haters of
Islam and its Prophet who claim that the Prophet punched Aisha one day in her
chest citing Hadith No. 2127 in Sahih Muslim in which she said “He pressed on
my chest with his finger and it hurt me” the word used is “Lahadani” which means
to press with a the finger according to ”Lisan Al Aarab 3/393)
• The Prophet showed tolerance towards Aisha when she got angry: One day
Aisha got jealous because Um Salamah sent a plate of food to the Prophet when
he was at Aisha’s house so she took a stone and threw it at the plate and broke it
on two halves. The Prophet collected the food items and put them in another
plate and presented the food to the guests who were at his house saying in a
lighthearted manner "Eat oh my guests, your mother i.e. Aisha had a tantrum of
jealousy” (Sunan Al Nasaa'ii, No. 3956).
• The Prophet used to joke with Aisha about her anger: Narrated Aisha , Allah’s
messenger said “O’ Aisha I know when you are angry with me of pleased” I said “
How do you know that, Allah’s messenger” He said “When you are pleased you
would say “Yes, by the Lord of Mohammed, but when you angry you say No, by
the Lord of Abraham” (Al Bukhari, Book of Manners, hadith No. 101)
• Age disparity was the norm in all world societies and is still the norm in many. Modern-
day societies.
• Even in modern time, a Brown University study, it has been noted that the social structure of a
country determines the age difference between spouses more than any other factor (Casterline,
John; Williams, Lindy; McDonald, Peter (1986). "The Age Difference Between Spouses: Variations
among Developing Countries". Population Studies)
• Relationship expert Susan Winter said, “I find it amusing that there’s an equation for the
‘optimal’ age gap in love. While formula’s seem as though they have some kind of scientific
credence, the truth is that two resonant souls will find each other (regardless of their ages)”
• “Although men and women report a preference for and openness to age gaps in their own
relationships, they typically disapprove of age gaps in others’ relationships.” (Lehmiller and
Agnew 2008).
• “It’s possible for two people at different ages – even with a 20 or 30 year age gap – to be equally
“mature,” however you define the term.”(Anisman-Reiner 2008)
• In conclusion, age-gap relationships are criticized, stereotyped, and put down. Even
though they are becoming more common, have been around for centuries, occur in
nature, and have proven to have lower divorce rates. Society should look at the
relationship, not the ages of the people, and maybe more of these relationships would
succeed. Age-gap relationships are just like normal relationships and should,
according to evolution, be the social norm though due to social influences this is not
the case. Nobody likes to be picked-on especially for something that makes them
happy, so we should follow the golden rule “Do onto others as you would have them
do unto you.” Age-gap relationships should be looked at for what they are, not what
they seem. (Essays, UK. (November 2018). An analysis of age gap relationships.
Retrieved from
• Patrick Stewart: b. 1940 with 2 children born 1967 and 1973
Sunny Ozell: b. 1978
Relationship: Started dating in 2009, engaged in 2013, married in 2013
Age Difference: 38 years
• Dennis Quaid: b. 1954
Laura Savoie: b. 1993
Relationship: Started dating in 2018, engaged in 2019
Age Difference: 39 years
• Dick Van Dyke: b. 1925 with 4 children born between 1948-58
Arlene Silver: b. 1971
Relationship: Started dating 2006, married in 2012
Age Difference: 46 years
• King Willem III and Queen Emma had a difference of 41 years.
• The kings brother, Prince Hendrik of the Netherlands was also much older than his second wife,
Princess Marie of Prussia (sister of the Duchess of Connaught), the prince was 35 years older
than his wife.
• King William IV of Great-Britain was 37 years older than his wife, Queen Adelaide.
• King Wladyslaw Jagiello of Poland was 53 years older than his last wife, mother of his two sons.
• Edwar I of England 1239 - Marguerite of France 1279 = c. 40 years
• Louise XII of France1462 - Mary Tudor 1496 = 34
• Henry VIII 1491 - Catherine Howard 1521 = 30
• Count Athenasius Walewski was 55 years older than his wife, Countess Marie Waleswka
• Polygamy was the norm in that society and in many societies worldwide at that
• The bible shows over 36 named men who had more than one wife (Nelson,
Maurice. The Monogamy Lie!: Proof from the Bible that God did not intend "One
man – One woman).
• Polygamy is even the norm in many societies in this time and age: According
to the Ethnographic Atlas (1998), of 1,231 societies noted, 588 had frequent
polygyny, 453 had occasional polygyny, 186 were monogamous and 4 had
polyandry. (George P. Murdock's Ethnographic Atlas recording the marital
composition of 1231 societies from 1960 to 1980)
• Straw man fallacy: Dishonestly misrepresenting someone’s image, position, or argument through
fabrications and exaggeration to vilify the person or refute his argument.
• Ad Hominem (Abusive) Fallacy: Instead of logically refuting one’s argument you attack the opponent’s
character, moral circumstances or other aspects of that person.
• The big lie technique (Staying on message or Proof by assertion): This was originally coined by Adolf
Hitler and denotes when a known falsehood is stated and repeated and treated as if it were true, people
will come to believe it. (Muslims are terrorists, Islam is Barbaric, Mohammed plagiarized the Quran from
the Bible)
• The false analogy fallacy: Incorrectly making an analogical connection between two unconnected items
because of a trivial commonality.
• Cherry picking fallacy (The half truth fallacy): When people focus only on evidence that support their
stance while ignoring evidence that contradicts it. (Taking verses out of context, ignoring the fact that
Prophet Mohammed married ladies who were much older than him)
• Deliberate ignorance fallacy: The practice of refusing to to consider evidence disproving your
ideologically motivated positions. (Aisha herself confirmed that a 9 year old in her culture is mature
enough and ready for marriage and that she was happy in her life with the prophet and that she had
immense love for him and you continue to ignore all this evidence).
• Confirmation bias: The tendency to search desperately for information that confirms a previously held
view. (Looking for texts that, in your twisted understanding, may be used to tarnish the image of Islam or
it s Prophet while ignoring the innumerable texts showing his mercy, piety, kindness, truthfulness,
bravery, uprightness, justice, benevolence, humbleness, spirituality, goodness, etc)
• Appeal to pity fallacy: Attempt to distract from the truth of the conclusion by the use of pity.
• Appeal to emotion fallacy: The manipulation of the the recipient's emotions in order to mislead them.
• Appeal to fear fallacy: When fear from a certain person or group is used to advance opposing arguments.
(Muslims will take away your freedom and will apply Sharia Law on you)
• Appeal to tradition (popularity) fallacy: Misleading the listener by deeming your argument correct on the
basis that it is correlated with some past or present tradition. (Islam’s teachings do not conform with our
culture, then they must be wrong)
• The Bandwagon Fallacy (Argumentum ad populum): Also known as appeal to popularity. The assumption
that the opinion of the majority is always valid. That is, if everyone believes it, so you should too. It only
proves that the belief is popular but not necessarily true or correct.
• Appeal to convenience: Accepting an argument because its conclusion is convenient, not necessarily true.
(Following Islam would be too inconvenient to you, so it’s best just to ignore it)
• Argument from ignorance: It asserts a proposition is true because we just don’t know that it’s false or is
false because we just don’t know that it’s true.
• The argument from (personal) incredulity: It asserts that a preposition must be false because it
contradicts one’s personal beliefs, expectations, imagination, or simply what they are willing to accept.
(Islam contradict the beliefs I’ve inherited from my parents, then it must be wrong. Aisha could not have
been ready for marriage and it is impossible that she was happy with her marital life)
• Common Sense Fallacy: Reliance on a vague notion of obviousness, personal experience, and giving too
much weight to common sense in drawing conclusions, at the expense of evidence and reasoning.
• Argument from silence: To come to a conclusion that is based on the absence of statements in historical
records rather than their presence. The absence of reference to an event is used to cast doubt on the
event not mentioned. (There are no historical records that prove that Aisha had reached puberty when the
Prophet married here, then she must have been prepubescent)
• Blood is thicker than water fallacy (Favoritism, Appeal to identity, Genetic fallacy): Assuming truth
because of a close connection with the one making the statement. (My religious leaders and my family
have always told me that Islam is a false and wicked religion, then it must be as they said it was)
• The false dichotomy fallacy: When the debater presents only two choices “either or” when a whole
spectrum of choices exists between the two extremes that are being presented. (Prophet Mohammed
either honors and abides by the minimum age of marriage that we have recently set or that he becomes
an Immoral person).
• Gaslighting: A form of psychological manipulation in which the person seeks to sow the seeds of doubt
in a targeted individual or group so as to make them question their own beliefs through utilizing
persistent denial of evidence, misdirection, contradiction, lying, and deception. (Instead of focusing on
teaching their own religion to their followers, they are more concerned with discrediting Islam using
faulty reasoning, deceptions and lies)
• The mind projection fallacy: When someone thinks that the way they see things reflects the way the things
really are. They are basically projecting their subjective judgement to be inherent properties of the matter at
hand. It is projecting your own mind properties in to the external world. (Prophet Mohamed was reported to
have sucked the lip or tongue of his grandson and this was reported by his disciples. This is a grandfather
playing with his grand sons but someone like David Wood, because his of his dirty mind and intentions,
considers it a creepy pedophilic behavior. Also he considers that the prophet being around Aisha’s girlfriends
who were playing with her creepy)
• Moving the goalposts fallacy: When evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed then
some other (often greater) evidence is demanded. (David Wood’s response to Joseph being 90 and marrying
12 year old marry “Joseph is not the standard for morals, he could be a drug dealer for all that matters” when
the bible itself has called him righteous in several places. He gives the same response to the many other
immoralities committed by prophets in the bible. Mohammed had slaves or traded in slaves, but the Bible has
also condoned slavery and Biblical Prophets also owned and traded in slaves and that practice was a fact on
life in ancient communities but when it comes to attacking Prophet Mohammed none of that is mentioned
and he is judged by totally different standards)
• The procrustean fallacy: Enforcing uniformity or conformity without regard to natural variation or individuality. It is a form
of rhetorical deception made to forward one set of interests at the expense of others.
• Red herring fallacy: When an irrelevant topic (frequently an emotionally loaded one) is introduced in to an argument in
order to divert the attention of the audience from the original issue or to sway their opinion in a particular direction.
(Instead of challenging the sources, tenets, and teachings of Islam in a logical objective way they try to distract people and
sway their opinion away from Islam by tarnishing the image of the Prophet or that of Muslims using false claims that cannot
stand to scrutiny)
• The fallacy of a single cause (reductionism, oversimplification): Ignoring the complexity of an issue and omitting critical
elements of an argument in favor of and easier explanation (That usually serves his/her motives and purpose). (Prophet
Mohammed’s did no teach trinity, he must be a false prophet)
• Non sequitur (It does not follow) fallacy: When one draws conclusions that have no real connection with the provided
premises. (Aisha used to play with her dolls when after she was married, then she must have been an immature,
prepubescent child. Mohammed had sex with his slave girl on the bed of his wife, he is an immoral person).
• The Texas sharpshooter fallacy: Trying to make a pattern from totally random or unrelated incidents.
(Mohammed Kissed his grandsons on on the lips and he married Aisha at age 9, then he must be a
• Shifting the burden of proof: Making a claim that needs justification, then demanding that the
opponent justifies and proves the opposite of that claim. (Prove to me that Aisha had reached puberty,
prove to me that she was consented to this marriage and that she was happy)
• Appeal to authority fallacy: Asserting the correctness of your claim just because it is supported by a
source you deem as authoritative. Even if the source is a true expert or authority, that only renders the
claim likely to be true, but not necessarily true.
• The taboo fallacy (Dogmatism): Refusal to consider or examine a belief or argument because it is not
acceptable to do so (in your opinion). When certain standpoints, people, or concepts are considered off
limits for thinking, then other options are assumed the default. (Islam= Terrorism, I cant even consider
examining it)
• Appeal to Snobbery: An attempt to make one feel part of the elite if they accept the claim. (Christian
countries are more advanced and civilized than Muslim countries, then Islam must be wrong and
Christianity must be right)
• Chronological Snobbery: Thinking, art, or science of an earlier time is inherently inferior when
compared to that of the present. This is more of bias, and when used in argument form, is covered by
the appeal to novelty or argument from age. (The moral standards we believe in today in our culture are
superior to those held by other cultures in the past)
• Weasel Wording: Using ambiguous words in order to mislead or conceal a truth. (David Wood says “I
will mock Mohammed because he used to hit his wives, he punches Aisha in her chest one day”)
• Alternative Fact/Alternative Truth fallacy: Another word for “fiction” or “lie.” This is more about lying
than errors in reasoning. (Using texts that are fabricated or that are deemed historically incorrect and
• After coming to know from the above that the bridal age of marriage has always been much younger
than today’s accepted age of marriage in all world religions, cultures, civilizations, and all human
societies throughout human history, we ask the haters of Islam and Muslims:
• Why have you only selected the Prophet Mohammed for your attacks?
• It makes no sense whatsoever to set your own moral standards at certain point in time then deem
the marital practices of all of humanity over hundreds of thousands of years as morally depraved.
• Furthermore, why would you select one single individual out of millions to direct your attack to unless
you are a senseless, extremist and hypocritical bigot .

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Was prophet mohammed's marriage from aisha at age 9 morally depraved

  • 2. WAS PROPHET MOHAMMED’S MARRIAGE FROM AISHA SOMETHING ABHORRENT ACCORDING TO PREVAILING WORLD CULTURAL PRACTICES OF HIS TIME? • “Historically, the age of consent for a sexual union was determined by tribal custom, or was a matter for families to decide. In most cases, this coincided with signs of puberty: such as menstruation for a girl and pubic hair for a boy” )Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society(. • “Habbani Jewish women were almost always prepubescent at their first marriage. Their first husbands were often in their late teens. Occasionally, the bridegroom was far older than the bride”(Sephardi and Middle Eastern Jewries: History and Culture in the Modern Era edited by Harvey E. Goldberg page 267). • “Girls ages 3 through 12 (the legal age of consent according to halakha) might be given in marriage by her father. (
  • 3. CONT. MARITAL PRACTICES IN JEWISH MEDIEVAL COMMUNITIES IN THE MIDDLE EAST • According to M.A. Friedman, "arranging and contracting the marriage of a young girl were the undisputed prerogatives of her father in ancient Israel." Most girls were married before the age of 15, often at the start of their puberty” (M. A. Friedman (1980), Jewish Marriage in Palestine, Vol. 1, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America) • “In ancient and medieval societies it was common for girls to be betrothed at, or even before, puberty” (Ross Kraemer 1993, The Jewish Family in Antiquity, Scholars Press, Atlanta, pages 82–110). • Ruth Lamdan writes: "The numerous references to child marriage in the 16th- century Responsa literature and other sources, shows that child marriage was so common, it was virtually the norm (Ruth Lamdan: A Separate People: Jewish Women in Palestine, Syria, and Egypt in the sixteenth Century, p. 47. Leiden, 2000).
  • 4. JEWISH MARITAL PRACTICES WERE BASED ON TEACHINGS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT (TORAH) AS AGREED UPON IN THE TALMUD • What is the Talmud and is it an authoritative interpretation of the Old Testament? • “The sages who taught the teachings, ordinances and decrees which make up the Talmud represented the totality of the sages of Israel, or at least the majority of them. Because of this, and because the Talmud was accepted as binding by almost the entire Jewish people at the time, its laws are considered binding on all Jews no matter when or where they live. And it is precisely this binding that has kept our Jewish identity strong for thousands of years throughout this long and bitter exile. May we merit the ultimate redemption speedily in our days” )Maimonides, introduction to Mishneh Torah( • The importance of the Talmud in Rabbinic Judaism cannot be understated, it is considered the manual through which the TaNaKh is understood
  • 5. THE ACCEPTABLE AGE FOR A SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP ACCORDING TO THE TALMUD • R. Jeremiah of Difti said: We also learnt the following: A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabited with her, she becomes his (Coition is another word for coitus, which means sexual intercourse ( • The historian Amram Tropper writes “Most men would have married sufficiently late that we would no longer consider them to have been children, yet many women (particularly in Babylonia) married so young that today we would consider them to have been girls, not women (Amram Tropper, “Children and Childhood in Light of the Demographics of the Jewish Family in Late Antiquity,” Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period, 37:3 (2006), p. 332)
  • 6. ISAAC WAS 40 YEARS OLD WHEN HE MARRIED REBECCA AGED 3 AND A HALF • “And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean of Padan Aram, the sister of Laban the Aramean, to himself for a wife” Genesis 25:20 • Rabbi Rashi comments on this verse and writes: forty years old: For when Abraham came from Mount Moriah, he was informed that Rebecca had been born. Isaac was then thirty-seven years old, for at that time Sarah died, and from the time that Isaac was born until the “Binding” [of Isaac], when Sarah died, were thirty-seven years, for she was ninety years old when Isaac was born, and one hundred and twenty-seven when she died, as it is stated (above 23:1): “The life of Sarah was [a hundred and twenty seven years.”] This makes Isaac thirty-seven years old, and at that time, Rebecca was born. He waited for her until she would be fit for marital relations-three years-and then married her (From Gen. Rabbah 57:1).
  • 7. MARITAL PRACTICES WERE NO DIFFERENT IN ROMAN CATHOLIC EUROPE CENTURIES PAST THE ERA OF PROPHET MOHAMMED, AGAIN, BASED ON CANNON • In the 12th century, Gratian, the influential founder of Cannon Law in medieval Europe, accepted the age of puberty for marriage to be around twelve for girls and around fourteen for boys but acknowledged consent to be meaningful if both children were older than seven years of age) Noonan, John (1967). "MARRIAGE CANONS from THE DECRETUM OF GRATIAN—BOOK FOUR—TITLE I— Betrothals and Marriages(. • Talking about Christian communities: “Judges sometimes honored marriages based on mutual consent at ages younger than seven: in contrast to established canon, there are recorded marriages of two- and three-year-olds) Bullough, Vern, Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society).
  • 8. JOSEPH AGED 90, CALLED RIGHTEOUS IN THE BIBLE, MARRIES MARY AGED 12 • Catholic Encyclopaedia reads: “When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children, two daughters and four sons, the youngest of whom was James “the Lord’s brother”. A year after his wife’s death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age. Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates” (
  • 9. CHRISTIAN APOLOGISTS WILL TRY TO DENY THAT • De Robigne Mortimer Bennett says: “The following ‘Facts about virgin Mary’ are taken from one of the Apocryphal gospels- the ‘History of Joseph the Carpenter,’ a book that was popular and believed to be genuine in the so-called Evangelical Church. (D. M. Bennett was the founder and publisher of Truth Seeker, a radical freethought and reform American periodical • Infancy Gospel of James also says she was 12 years old when betrothed to Joseph ( • Apocryphal does not mean false, it only means hidden. Those Gospels were hidden because the victors in the wars of religion and doctrine of early Christianity persecuted all who posses or follow them. Many such Gospels survived the canonizations process continued to form and influence the belief of Christians worldwide up until recent times (Read “The Many Faces of Christ” by Philip Jenkins, Professor of History, Baylor University)
  • 10. WHAT WERE THE BRIDAL AGE NORMS IN WESTERN SOCIETIES TILL RECENT TIMES • The American colonies followed the English tradition, but the law was more of a guide. For example, Mary Hathaway (Virginia, 1689) was only 9 when she was married to William Williams. • Sir Edward Coke (England, 17th century) made it clear that ”The marriage of girls under 12 was normal, and the age at which a girl who was a wife was eligible for her husband's estate was 9" (Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society( • Isabella of France (9 November 1389 – 13 September 1409) was Queen Consort of England as the second spouse of King Richard the second. Her parents were King Charles the 6th of France and Isabeau Of Bavaria. She married the king at the age of six and was widowed three years later. She later married Charles, Duke of Orléans. • Caterina Sforza was betrothed aged 9 with Girolamo Riario,
  • 11. WHEN WAS AGE OF CONSENT FOR SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS FIRST INTRODUCED IN THE WEST • The first recorded age-of-consent law dates from 1275 in England; as part of its provisions on rape, the Statute of Westminster 1275 made it a misdemeanor to "ravish" a "maiden within age" . The phrase "within age" was later interpreted by jurist Sir Edward Coke (England, 17th century) as meaning the age of marriage, which at the time was twelve years of age ) Robertson, Stephen, Children and Youth in History ) • In the 16th century, a small number of Italian and German states set the minimum age for sexual intercourse for girls, setting it at twelve years. • The first French Constitution of 1791 established the minimum age at eleven years. Portugal, Spain, Denmark and the Swiss cantons initially set the minimum age at ten to twelve years. (Same Source)
  • 12. WHAT WAS THE AGE OF CONSENT IN ENGLAND , FRANCE , AND THE UNITED STATES TILL VERY RECENTLY • English common law had traditionally set the age of consent within the range of ten to twelve • Over the course of American History, the most commonly observed age of consent was 10 (Age of Consent Laws, Children and Youth in History, Annotated by Stephen Robertson) • in Delaware, it was seven in 1895, Having lowered it from 10 in 1871 (The New York Times. BALTIMORE, Oct. 14. October 15, 1895( ( • In France, under the Napoleonic Code, the age of consent was set in 1832 at eleven ) "Loi du 28 avril 1832 CONTENANT DES MODIFICATIONS AU CODE PENAL ET AU CODE D'INSTRUCTION CRIMINELLE—Legifrance(
  • 13. UNDERAGE MARRIAGE IS STILL ACCEPTABLE IN WESTERN WORLD • In 19 states, children under 16 can marry. • Over the past 15 years, more than 200,000 minors married in US, and in Tennessee girls as young as 10 were married in 2001, before the state set a minimum age of 17 in 2018 (Chris Baynes , Independent ,Saturday 8 July 2017) • In May 2017, the high-profile Republican governor for New Jersey declined to sign into law a measure that would have made his state the first to ban child marriage without exception. Chris Christie claimed it would conflict with religious custom (Same source( • In 13 states, there is no absolute minimum marriage age, when all exceptions (such as parental or judicial consent) are taken into account (Understanding State Statutes on Minimum Marriage Age and Exceptions Tahirih justice Center
  • 14. SURVEYS OF MODERN SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN PREDOMINANTLY CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES • 61% reported having vaginal or anal intercourse between 14-17 (Virginia department of health 2012) • 16% of females and 22% females reported sexual initiation between 10-13 (Virginia department of health 2012) • In El Salvador: 6.7% of 13 year-olds are sexually active and 13.8% are sexually active by age 14 (Jokin de Irala, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Oct. 2011) • In Peru: 4.4% are sexually active by age 13 and 9.6% by age 14 ((Jokin de Irala, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Oct. 2011)
  • 15. UNDERAGE MARRIAGE STILL CULTURALLY ACCEPTABLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD EVEN TODAY • The most current data from UNICEF (2018) shows that about 21 percent of young women worldwide (aged 20 to 24) were married as children; this is a 25 percent decrease from 10 years ago. • Ethiopia (60% Christian population): Child marriage rates greater than 20% below the age of 15, according to 2003–2009 surveys. • In Kenya (85% Christian population): 6% of children were married by age 15 according to a 2014 survey by UNICEF.
  • 16. THE SAME ARGUMENT USED AGAINST PROPHET MOHAMMED IN AN ATTEMPT TO FALSIFY ISLAM WOULD FALSIFY CHRISTIANITY AND JUDAISM • "So now kill every male child, and every woman who can lie intimately with a man you shall kill. And all the young girls who have no experience of intimate relations with a man, you may keep alive for yourselves" (Numbers 31:17-18) • Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations of Harvard University, Shaye J.D. Cohen, writes regarding the phrase 'for yourselves' in Numbers 31:18: ‘for yourselves’; the Hebrew lakhem is unambiguous. That the intent of 'for yourselves' is sexual or matrimonial is obvious; the passage is correctly understood by Rabbi Simeon Yohai in the Sifrei (legal biblical exegesis)”
  • 17. NUMBERS 31:17 AND 18 FURTHER EXPLAINED • Professor Shaye J. D. Cohen writes that the word “lakhem” used in the verse is meant sexually: “Moses enjoins upon the returning warriors to kill their Midianite female captives who have lain with a man, but ‘spare for yourselves every young woman who has not had carnal relations with a man’; WE MAY BE SURE THAT ‘FOR YOURSELVES’ MEANS THAT THE WARRIORS MAY ‘USE’ THEIR VIRGIN CAPTIVES SEXUALLY. The law in numbers differs from the law in Deuteronomy- perhaps the most significant distinction is that the law in Deuteronomy does not care whether the captive is a virgin or not- but it too permits Israelite warrior to marry a foreign woman.”
  • 18. WIL GAFNEY, PH.D., ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF HEBREW AND OLD TESTAMENT AT THE LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, PHILADELPHIA COMMENTS ON NUMBERS 31:18 • “The ‘one woman, one man’ relationship of Eve and Adam becomes one man and two women in Genesis 4:19, ONE MAN AND AN UNTOLD NUMBER OF PREPUBESCENT GIRL CAPTIVES IN NUMBER 31:18 and in several other texts. IT APPEARS THAT GOD HAS LEFT IT TO HUMANITY TO DECIDE WHO ARE APPROPRIATE INTIMATE PARTNERS AND UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES. The evolution of polygamy, both CONSENSUAL AND FORCED, as a human-initiated cultural practice in the scriptures is particularly striking because of God’s lack of condemnation of it (not to mention, according to Deuteronomy, God’s sanction of abduction or rape-marriage during armed conflicts). When inviting individuals and their descendants into eternal covenant relationships with God, God never required that the matriarchs and patriarchs revert to an Eve-Adam, monogamous pairing.” (Christian Holiness and Human Sexuality: A Study Guide for Episcopalians [Chapter 2 Scripture: Sexuality and Sexual Orientation] Professor Wil Gafney)
  • 19. PROFESSOR MIGUEL A. DE LA TORRE MENTIONS THAT NUMBERS 31:18 FOUND BIBLICAL JUSTIFICATION OF RAPING FEMALE SLAVES • EVEN THE RAPE OF FEMALE SLAVES FOUND BIBLICAL JUSTIFICATION AND WAS CONSIDERED TO BE ORDAINED BY GOD. SPECIFICALLY, NUMBERS 31:18 INSTRUCTS CONQUERORS AS FOLLOWS: ‘YOU SHALL KEEP ALIVE ALL YOUNG FEMALES WHO HAVE NOT HAD SEX WITH A MALE FOR YOURSELVES.” (A Lily Among the Thorns: Imagining a New Christian Sexuality [Copy Right 2007] By Miguel A. De La Torre page 45). • “The Bible was masterfully used by those in power to justify the owning of black bodies. This was an easy feat; nowhere in either the Hebrew Bible or the New Testament is slavery categorically condemned. The supporters of slavery in the antebellum south were the ones who had the biblical chapters and verses to quote to justify their way of life. The abolitionists were hard pressed to find any biblical passage that outright condemned the institution of slavery"
  • 20. FURTHER EXPLANATION OF NUMBERS 31:18 • The Popular Commentary by Paul E. Kretzmann states: “But all the women children that have not known a man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves, as slaves or handmaids, FOR MARRIAGE WITH SUCH WAS NOT FORBIDDEN. The great God is terrible in His judgments, a fact which should teach us to fear His wrath and not act contrary to His commandments.” • How can Jews and Christians justify God commanding genocide , killing of women and children , slavery , forced sex with prepubescent girls and, at the same time , attack Prophet Mohammed for lawfully marrying a girl at an age which , according to biblical standards , is way above the minimum marrigiable age . • I call this hypocrisy ,double standards, and pure bigotry selectively directed against all that relates to Islam.
  • 21. MARRIAGE AGE IN HINDU SCRIPTURES • In Manusmriti, a father is considered to have wronged his daughter if he fails to marry her before puberty and if the girl is not married in less than three years after reaching puberty, she can search for the husband herself ( Allan Dahlaquist (1996-12-31). Megasthenes and Indian Religion: A Study in Motives and Types. Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 113–114) • Why haven’t we ever heard Christian apologists attacking Hindu scriptures or attacking their own bible for sanctioning marriage with underaged brides (Based on today’s social norms)
  • 22. MARRIAGE PRACTICES IN ANCIENT ARABIA WERE NO DIFFERENT THEN ELSE WHERE IN ALL OTHER WORLD CULTURES AND RELIGIONS • Aisha was engaged to man by the name of Jubair ibn Mutem prior to being proposed to by Prophet Mohammed but he choose to cancel the engagement because of difference in religion. • This shows that such marriages were culturally acceptable in Arabia at the timeand that Aisha was seen by her community as being ready for marriage. • A lady by the name of Kawlah Bint Hakim then suggested that the Prophet marry Aisha; apparently to console her. • Prophet Mohammad gave his daughter Ruqayah in marriage to Utbah Ibn Abi Lahab at age 10 before Islam. • The leader of the Jewish community in Madinah gave his daughter Safiyyah at age 10 • Narrated by Al Tirmithis that Aish herself said: " When a girl reaches 9 years of age she is woman" • This may indicate that this was average age girls got married at or that girls commonly hit pubery at that age .
  • 23. WHAT IS MORALLY ACCEPTABLE AND WHAT IS NOT? • A Pew Research in 2014 Global Attitudes Project conducted on 40,000 responders in 40 countries of abortion, divorce, drinking alcohol, extramarital affairs, gambling, homosexuality found that the response varied based on where you live. • This highlights what is know in philosophy as moral relativism. Descriptive moral relativism is a concept that is acknowledged by most philosophers. • The American Anthropologist William Graham Sumner argues in his 1906 work Folkways that what people consider right and wrong is shaped entirely by the traditions, customs, and practices of their culture and that no trans-cultural judgement about the rightness or wrongness of a culture’s morals could possibly be justified. • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines morality as “A body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion, or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal”
  • 24. WAS AISHA PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY MATURE AT THE TIME OF HER MARRIAGE FROM THE PROPHET? NO NEED TO BASELESS CLAIMS AND SPECULATIONS, LET AISHA’S WORDS AND LIFE STORY SPEAK THE TRUTH • Her Physical maturity and readiness for marriage: Al Tirmithis narrates that Aish herself said : “When a girl reaches 9 years of age she is woman”. She had been engaged to a man prior to the Prophet but it did not work out. • The way she handled the incident of slander against her with wisdom, reason, patience, and steadfastness immediately after her marriage shows that she was more mature emotionally, mentally and psychologically that most adults today. • The fact that she narrated 2210 Hadith of the Prophets sayings speaks of her cognitive and mental maturity. • He immense love and warm romantic relationship with the Prophet speak of her emotional maturity.
  • 25. SO WHAT IS THE AGE OF MARRIAGE IN ISLAM • The only verse in the Quran that explicitly talks about the age of marriage is verse 6 of chapter 4 which is titled the chapter of Women “And test the orphans [in their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. Then if you perceive in them sound judgement, release their property to them”. • There is a consensus of all Muslim scholars commenting on this verse that the marrigiable age as the age of puberty. • The expansive exegetical worl of Al Aloosi comments on this verse “The marrigiable age is puberty or 15 years according to Al Shafii and Abu Hanifa as this is the common age for onset of puberty and hence for the preparedness for marriage and its fruits"
  • 26. CONT. AGE OF MARRIAGE IN ISLAM AND COMMENTARY OF VERSE 6 CHAPTER 4 OF THE QURAN • Al Tahir Ibn Ashour in his encyclopedic exegesis titled Al Tahrir Wal Tanweer comments on the the the marrigiable age that is mentioned in this verse “It is the age of puberty which may vary from community to community and from environment to environment and it is usually a bit earlier in girls than in boys. Scholars also determined the marrigiable age by which most girls and boys would have reached puberty. Imam Malik set it at 18 years for boys and girls while Imam Abu Haneefah set it at 18-19 years for boys and 17 years for girls while most scholars set it at 15 years of age including Al Shafii and Ahmed”. • Accordingly the age of marriage is puberty or the age of 15-19 whichever comes first. • The general rule with regards to marriage practices in Islam is expressed in Chapter 4 verse 19 "Live with them in accordance with what is fair and kind ” • The word “ Bil-Maaroof” in Arabic comes from the root ”Urf” which means what is socially and culturally acceptable. • This is Miraculous because it shows that the revealer if the Quran knows that such marital issues will vary from time to time and from culture to culture
  • 27. CONT. AGE OF MARRIAGE IN ISLAM • Bridal age in Islam is also based on the bride’s preparedness and readiness for marriage as the general Islam that governs all aspects of Islamic legislation is the saying of the prophet ”Do no harm and reciprocate no harm” (Ibn Majah 2341) and the verse that bases marital practices on cultural norms. • Muslims are not obligated to adhere to any cultural practices of the previous era with regards to their marital habits, eating habits, dress habits etc. These matters vary from time to time. • Professor Johnathan Brown states "As a general rule, intercourse was prohibited for girls "not able to undergo it", on the grounds of potential physical harm. Disputes regarding physical maturity between the involved parties were to be resolved by a judge, potentially after examination by a female expert witness” (Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy)
  • 28. CONT. AGE OF MARRIAGE IN ISLAM • Buchler and Schlater observe that "marriageable age according to classical Islamic law coincides with the occurrence of puberty. The notion of puberty refers to signs of physical maturity such as the emission of semen or the onset of menstruation" (Büchler, Andrea; Schlatter, Christina (2013). "Marriage Age in Islamic and Contemporary Muslim Family Laws: A Comparative Survey" (PDF). • According to the Shafi book of Jurisprudence Reliance of the Traveler: “No one may marry her to another after she has reached puberty without her express permission, no matter whether the guardian is the father, father's father, or someone else. No guardian may marry a woman to someone who is not a suitable match without her acceptance and the acceptance of all who can be guardians. (ibn Al Naqib Al Misri, Shihabuddin Abu al-'Abbas Ahmad. "Reliance of the Traveller"
  • 29. WHAT ABOUT VERSE 4 OF CHAPTER 65 IN THE QURAN • “And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women - if you doubt, then their period is three months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him of his matter ease” Quran 65:4 • Yes, the majority of Muslim scholars understood from verse 4, chapter 65 that this verse talks about girls who are divorced before they hit puberty. But this does not mean that such marriages at such young age are allowed in Islam. • The verse only talks about the waiting period in various situations that existed in Arabia or may exist in various cultures but that does not imply that such practices are permissible in Islam. Islam legislated rulings for every situation that may occur whether it is the product of a Permissible or a prohibited practice. • Islam lays down rules regarding how to deal with pregnancies resulting from adultery and fornication for instance. Does that mean that Islam approves of such behavior. Islam prohibits taking interest and dealing in usury but it still has laws the tell us what to do with money earned through that prohibited transaction.
  • 30. WHAT ABOUT VERSE 4 OF CHAPTER 65 IN THE QURAN • This verse may also apply to women who suffer from amenorrhea where they never have a period regardless of their age; another indication to the supernatural knowledge of the source of the Quran and its miraculous nature. This is what is stated by Imams Abu Hayan in his exegetical work Al Bahr Al Muheet and By Imam Al Sa'di and by Imam Al Tahir Ibn Aashoor in his exegesis Al Tahrir Wa AlTanweer.
  • 31. THE CLAIM THAT AISHA HAD A TERRIBLE DEAL AND A HORRIBLE LIFE Response: • Let Aisha talk for her self and and describe her own life rather than you making claims about a life of someone else who lived more than 1400 years before your time. • About her readiness for marriage, Al Tirmithis narrates that Aish herself said : “When a girl reaches 9 years of age she is woman” • The fact that she had dolls to play with or she had friends playing with her is used as a red herring by haters of the prophet to indicate that she was immature. Girls in their teen years and even in their twenties can play with dolls or have stuffy animals and play have friend. Such activities do not logically imply immaturity in any way.
  • 32. AISHA’S HAPPY MARITAL LIFE WITH THE PROPHET • They used to have travel, have fun together and tease each other: Aisha states “ I was was the messenger of Allah on a journey and we raced and came first. Thereafter, I gained some weight and he raced me and this time he came first. He then said now the score is settled” (Sunan Abu Dawood 2578). • They had a very romantic life: Bathing together: Aisha reports “The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot after Janabah i.e. sexual intercourse. And our hands would alternate in the pot” (Al Bukhari, Chapter of Bathing, Hadith no. 261). In some narrations they would tease each other “I say to him leave some for me and he would say leave some for me” Combing his hair: Aisha says “While in menses, I used to comb the hair of Allah’s messenger” (Al Bukhari, Chapter of menses, Hadith No 298)
  • 33. AISHA’S HAPPY MARITAL LIFE WITH THE PROPHET • He used to go the distance in trying to make her happy: When she lost her necklace in journey the messenger of Allah camped there so as to look for her necklace in the middle of desert where there was no water and that is when dry ablution was prescribed (Al Bukhari, Chapter of Al Taytamum i.e. dry ablution, Hadith No. 330). • They watched entertainers (Ethiopians displaying their skills with spears) togethers; he would screen her as she stood at the door of her house and she would look over his shoulder (Al Bukhari, Chapter of prayer, Hadith No. 445). • He stood up for her when she freed a slave girl from her masters and they wrongly declared the her kinship was to be for them. Prophet gave a sermon alluding to that incident and confirming the kinship was the right of the manumitter (Al Bukhari, Chapter of prayer, Hadith No. 446)
  • 34. AISHA’S HAPPY MARITAL LIFE WITH THE PROPHET • He did not require of her to engage in worship as much as he did: - Aisha says “I used to sleep in from of Allah’s messenger with my legs facing him and whenever he prostrated, he pushed my legs and I withdrew them and whenever he stood I stretched them” (Al Bukhari, Hadith 492) - She also said “ The Prophet used to pray while I was sleeping across in his bed in front of him. Whenever he wanted to pray the Witr i.e. the last unit of prayer, he would wake me up and I would pray Witr” (Al Bukhari, Hadith No. 491). • Prophet had a special connection with Aisha: “When the Prophet became seriously ill i.e. just before his death, he asked for permission from his wives to be nursed at my house and he was allowed” (Al Bukhari, Chapter of Adhaan, Hadith No. 634)
  • 35. AISHA’S HAPPY MARITAL LIFE WITH THE PROPHET • Prophet had a special connection with Aisha: -Aisha Says “During his last sickness, Allah’s messenger would ask repeatedly, “where am I today? Where will I be tomorrow? Awaiting my day impatiently. Then, on one of my days, Allah took his soul between my chest and my arms and he was buried in my house” (Al Bukhari, Chapter of Funerals, Hadith No. 471) in another Hadith “My saliva was the last saliva to mix with his saliva just before his death i.e. when she chewed the bristles of his tooth brush to make it softer for him just before his death”. -”The Prophet used to embrace me during my menses. He used to put his head out of the mosque while he was in Itikaf, and I wash it during my menses” (Al Bukhari, Hadith 247)
  • 36. AISHA’S HAPPY MARITAL LIFE WITH THE PROPHET • Prophet’s romantic gestures towards Aisha: Aisha Says “I would drink when I was menstruating, then I would hand the vessel to the Apostle of Allah and he would put his mouth where mine had been and drink, and I would flesh from a bone when I was menstruating, then hand it over to the Apostle of Allah and he would put his mouth where mine had been” (Sahih Muslim, Book of Menstruation, Hadith No. 590). • Aisha would get angry if anyone offended her husband: Aisha relates “Once a group of men entered upon the Prophet and said “Assamualaikum i.e. death be upon you”. She immediately responded in defense of the Prophet “May the death and curse of Allah be upon you”. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah tried to calm her down and said “Calm down o’ Aisha! Allah loves that one should be kind and lenient in all matters” (Al Bukhari, Book of Manners, Hadith No. 53)
  • 37. HOW DID AISHA VIEW THE PROPHET AS HER HUSBAND? THE FOLLOWING HADITH SAYS IT ALL • Aisha was talking to a woman who described her husband as follows: “The eleventh one said, "My husband is Abu Zar` and what is Abu Zar` (i.e., what should I say about him)? He has given me many ornaments and my ears are heavily loaded with them and my arms have become fat (i.e., I have become fat). And he has pleased me, and I have become so happy that I feel proud of myself. He found me with my family who were mere owners of sheep and living in poverty, and brought me to a respected family having horses and camels and threshing and purifying grain. Whatever I say, he does not rebuke or insult me. When I sleep, I sleep till late in the morning, and when I drink water (or milk), I drink my fill” Thereupon the Prophet asked Aisha “Am I to you like Abu Zar is to his wife?” She replied “May my father and mother be sacrificed for you O’ messenger of Allah, you are better than him” (Sahih Al Bukhari, Chapter of marriage, Hadith 5189)
  • 38. AISHA’S HAPPY MARITAL LIFE WITH THE PROPHET • Prophet’s special connection with Aisha: Aisha reports “The Prophet used to kiss me before he went out for prayer” (Sunan Al Tirmidhi, No. 86). • The Prophet used to help his wives with house chores: Aisha says “The Prophet helped his wives with house chores” (Al Bukhari, No. 676) • The Prophet never physically abused anyone: On the authority of Aisha “The Messenger of Allah never beat anyone with his hand, neither a woman or a servant” (Sahih Muslim, No. 2328). This refutes the false claims by some haters of Islam and its Prophet who claim that the Prophet punched Aisha one day in her chest citing Hadith No. 2127 in Sahih Muslim in which she said “He pressed on my chest with his finger and it hurt me” the word used is “Lahadani” which means to press with a the finger according to ”Lisan Al Aarab 3/393)
  • 39. AISHA’S HAPPY MARITAL LIFE WITH THE PROPHET • The Prophet showed tolerance towards Aisha when she got angry: One day Aisha got jealous because Um Salamah sent a plate of food to the Prophet when he was at Aisha’s house so she took a stone and threw it at the plate and broke it on two halves. The Prophet collected the food items and put them in another plate and presented the food to the guests who were at his house saying in a lighthearted manner "Eat oh my guests, your mother i.e. Aisha had a tantrum of jealousy” (Sunan Al Nasaa'ii, No. 3956). • The Prophet used to joke with Aisha about her anger: Narrated Aisha , Allah’s messenger said “O’ Aisha I know when you are angry with me of pleased” I said “ How do you know that, Allah’s messenger” He said “When you are pleased you would say “Yes, by the Lord of Mohammed, but when you angry you say No, by the Lord of Abraham” (Al Bukhari, Book of Manners, hadith No. 101)
  • 40. WAS AGE DISPARITY A PROBLEM FOR AISHA? WHAT DOES RESEARCH SAY ABOUT THAT • Age disparity was the norm in all world societies and is still the norm in many. Modern- day societies. • Even in modern time, a Brown University study, it has been noted that the social structure of a country determines the age difference between spouses more than any other factor (Casterline, John; Williams, Lindy; McDonald, Peter (1986). "The Age Difference Between Spouses: Variations among Developing Countries". Population Studies) • Relationship expert Susan Winter said, “I find it amusing that there’s an equation for the ‘optimal’ age gap in love. While formula’s seem as though they have some kind of scientific credence, the truth is that two resonant souls will find each other (regardless of their ages)” • “Although men and women report a preference for and openness to age gaps in their own relationships, they typically disapprove of age gaps in others’ relationships.” (Lehmiller and Agnew 2008). • “It’s possible for two people at different ages – even with a 20 or 30 year age gap – to be equally “mature,” however you define the term.”(Anisman-Reiner 2008)
  • 41. WHAT DOES SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH SAY ABOUT AGE-GAP MARRIAGE • In conclusion, age-gap relationships are criticized, stereotyped, and put down. Even though they are becoming more common, have been around for centuries, occur in nature, and have proven to have lower divorce rates. Society should look at the relationship, not the ages of the people, and maybe more of these relationships would succeed. Age-gap relationships are just like normal relationships and should, according to evolution, be the social norm though due to social influences this is not the case. Nobody likes to be picked-on especially for something that makes them happy, so we should follow the golden rule “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.” Age-gap relationships should be looked at for what they are, not what they seem. (Essays, UK. (November 2018). An analysis of age gap relationships. Retrieved from relationships-sociology-essay.php?vref=1)
  • 42. FAMOUS AGE-GAP COUPLES IN MODERN TIMES • Patrick Stewart: b. 1940 with 2 children born 1967 and 1973 Sunny Ozell: b. 1978 Relationship: Started dating in 2009, engaged in 2013, married in 2013 Age Difference: 38 years • Dennis Quaid: b. 1954 Laura Savoie: b. 1993 Relationship: Started dating in 2018, engaged in 2019 Age Difference: 39 years • Dick Van Dyke: b. 1925 with 4 children born between 1948-58 Arlene Silver: b. 1971 Relationship: Started dating 2006, married in 2012 Age Difference: 46 years
  • 43. EUROPEAN ROYALS WITH BIG MARITAL AGE DIFFERENCE • King Willem III and Queen Emma had a difference of 41 years. • The kings brother, Prince Hendrik of the Netherlands was also much older than his second wife, Princess Marie of Prussia (sister of the Duchess of Connaught), the prince was 35 years older than his wife. • King William IV of Great-Britain was 37 years older than his wife, Queen Adelaide. • King Wladyslaw Jagiello of Poland was 53 years older than his last wife, mother of his two sons. • Edwar I of England 1239 - Marguerite of France 1279 = c. 40 years • Louise XII of France1462 - Mary Tudor 1496 = 34 • Henry VIII 1491 - Catherine Howard 1521 = 30 • Count Athenasius Walewski was 55 years older than his wife, Countess Marie Waleswka
  • 44. WAS BEING IN A POLYGAMOUS MARRIAGE A PROBLEM FOR AISHA • Polygamy was the norm in that society and in many societies worldwide at that time. • The bible shows over 36 named men who had more than one wife (Nelson, Maurice. The Monogamy Lie!: Proof from the Bible that God did not intend "One man – One woman). • Polygamy is even the norm in many societies in this time and age: According to the Ethnographic Atlas (1998), of 1,231 societies noted, 588 had frequent polygyny, 453 had occasional polygyny, 186 were monogamous and 4 had polyandry. (George P. Murdock's Ethnographic Atlas recording the marital composition of 1231 societies from 1960 to 1980)
  • 45. LOGICAL FALLACIES AND MISLEADING ARGUMENTS RESORTED TO BY HATERS OF THE PROPHETS IN AN ATTEMPT TO DEMORALIZE AND VILIFY HIM • Straw man fallacy: Dishonestly misrepresenting someone’s image, position, or argument through fabrications and exaggeration to vilify the person or refute his argument. • Ad Hominem (Abusive) Fallacy: Instead of logically refuting one’s argument you attack the opponent’s character, moral circumstances or other aspects of that person. • The big lie technique (Staying on message or Proof by assertion): This was originally coined by Adolf Hitler and denotes when a known falsehood is stated and repeated and treated as if it were true, people will come to believe it. (Muslims are terrorists, Islam is Barbaric, Mohammed plagiarized the Quran from the Bible) • The false analogy fallacy: Incorrectly making an analogical connection between two unconnected items because of a trivial commonality.
  • 46. LOGICAL FALLACIES AND MISLEADING ARGUMENTS RESORTED TO BY HATERS OF THE PROPHETS IN AN ATTEMPT TO DEMORALIZE AND VILIFY HIM • Cherry picking fallacy (The half truth fallacy): When people focus only on evidence that support their stance while ignoring evidence that contradicts it. (Taking verses out of context, ignoring the fact that Prophet Mohammed married ladies who were much older than him) • Deliberate ignorance fallacy: The practice of refusing to to consider evidence disproving your ideologically motivated positions. (Aisha herself confirmed that a 9 year old in her culture is mature enough and ready for marriage and that she was happy in her life with the prophet and that she had immense love for him and you continue to ignore all this evidence). • Confirmation bias: The tendency to search desperately for information that confirms a previously held view. (Looking for texts that, in your twisted understanding, may be used to tarnish the image of Islam or it s Prophet while ignoring the innumerable texts showing his mercy, piety, kindness, truthfulness, bravery, uprightness, justice, benevolence, humbleness, spirituality, goodness, etc)
  • 47. LOGICAL FALLACIES AND MISLEADING ARGUMENTS RESORTED TO BY HATERS OF THE PROPHETS IN AN ATTEMPT TO DEMORALIZE AND VILIFY HIM • Appeal to pity fallacy: Attempt to distract from the truth of the conclusion by the use of pity. • Appeal to emotion fallacy: The manipulation of the the recipient's emotions in order to mislead them. • Appeal to fear fallacy: When fear from a certain person or group is used to advance opposing arguments. (Muslims will take away your freedom and will apply Sharia Law on you) • Appeal to tradition (popularity) fallacy: Misleading the listener by deeming your argument correct on the basis that it is correlated with some past or present tradition. (Islam’s teachings do not conform with our culture, then they must be wrong) • The Bandwagon Fallacy (Argumentum ad populum): Also known as appeal to popularity. The assumption that the opinion of the majority is always valid. That is, if everyone believes it, so you should too. It only proves that the belief is popular but not necessarily true or correct. • Appeal to convenience: Accepting an argument because its conclusion is convenient, not necessarily true. (Following Islam would be too inconvenient to you, so it’s best just to ignore it)
  • 48. LOGICAL FALLACIES AND MISLEADING ARGUMENTS RESORTED TO BY HATERS OF THE PROPHETS IN AN ATTEMPT TO DEMORALIZE AND VILIFY HIM • Argument from ignorance: It asserts a proposition is true because we just don’t know that it’s false or is false because we just don’t know that it’s true. • The argument from (personal) incredulity: It asserts that a preposition must be false because it contradicts one’s personal beliefs, expectations, imagination, or simply what they are willing to accept. (Islam contradict the beliefs I’ve inherited from my parents, then it must be wrong. Aisha could not have been ready for marriage and it is impossible that she was happy with her marital life) • Common Sense Fallacy: Reliance on a vague notion of obviousness, personal experience, and giving too much weight to common sense in drawing conclusions, at the expense of evidence and reasoning. • Argument from silence: To come to a conclusion that is based on the absence of statements in historical records rather than their presence. The absence of reference to an event is used to cast doubt on the event not mentioned. (There are no historical records that prove that Aisha had reached puberty when the Prophet married here, then she must have been prepubescent)
  • 49. LOGICAL FALLACIES AND MISLEADING ARGUMENTS RESORTED TO BY HATERS OF THE PROPHETS IN AN ATTEMPT TO DEMORALIZE AND VILIFY HIM • Blood is thicker than water fallacy (Favoritism, Appeal to identity, Genetic fallacy): Assuming truth because of a close connection with the one making the statement. (My religious leaders and my family have always told me that Islam is a false and wicked religion, then it must be as they said it was) • The false dichotomy fallacy: When the debater presents only two choices “either or” when a whole spectrum of choices exists between the two extremes that are being presented. (Prophet Mohammed either honors and abides by the minimum age of marriage that we have recently set or that he becomes an Immoral person). • Gaslighting: A form of psychological manipulation in which the person seeks to sow the seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group so as to make them question their own beliefs through utilizing persistent denial of evidence, misdirection, contradiction, lying, and deception. (Instead of focusing on teaching their own religion to their followers, they are more concerned with discrediting Islam using faulty reasoning, deceptions and lies)
  • 50. LOGICAL FALLACIES AND MISLEADING ARGUMENTS RESORTED TO BY HATERS OF THE PROPHETS IN AN ATTEMPT TO DEMORALIZE AND VILIFY HIM • The mind projection fallacy: When someone thinks that the way they see things reflects the way the things really are. They are basically projecting their subjective judgement to be inherent properties of the matter at hand. It is projecting your own mind properties in to the external world. (Prophet Mohamed was reported to have sucked the lip or tongue of his grandson and this was reported by his disciples. This is a grandfather playing with his grand sons but someone like David Wood, because his of his dirty mind and intentions, considers it a creepy pedophilic behavior. Also he considers that the prophet being around Aisha’s girlfriends who were playing with her creepy) • Moving the goalposts fallacy: When evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed then some other (often greater) evidence is demanded. (David Wood’s response to Joseph being 90 and marrying 12 year old marry “Joseph is not the standard for morals, he could be a drug dealer for all that matters” when the bible itself has called him righteous in several places. He gives the same response to the many other immoralities committed by prophets in the bible. Mohammed had slaves or traded in slaves, but the Bible has also condoned slavery and Biblical Prophets also owned and traded in slaves and that practice was a fact on life in ancient communities but when it comes to attacking Prophet Mohammed none of that is mentioned and he is judged by totally different standards)
  • 51. LOGICAL FALLACIES AND MISLEADING ARGUMENTS RESORTED TO BY HATERS OF THE PROPHETS IN AN ATTEMPT TO DEMORALIZE AND VILIFY HIM • The procrustean fallacy: Enforcing uniformity or conformity without regard to natural variation or individuality. It is a form of rhetorical deception made to forward one set of interests at the expense of others. • Red herring fallacy: When an irrelevant topic (frequently an emotionally loaded one) is introduced in to an argument in order to divert the attention of the audience from the original issue or to sway their opinion in a particular direction. (Instead of challenging the sources, tenets, and teachings of Islam in a logical objective way they try to distract people and sway their opinion away from Islam by tarnishing the image of the Prophet or that of Muslims using false claims that cannot stand to scrutiny) • The fallacy of a single cause (reductionism, oversimplification): Ignoring the complexity of an issue and omitting critical elements of an argument in favor of and easier explanation (That usually serves his/her motives and purpose). (Prophet Mohammed’s did no teach trinity, he must be a false prophet) • Non sequitur (It does not follow) fallacy: When one draws conclusions that have no real connection with the provided premises. (Aisha used to play with her dolls when after she was married, then she must have been an immature, prepubescent child. Mohammed had sex with his slave girl on the bed of his wife, he is an immoral person).
  • 52. LOGICAL FALLACIES AND MISLEADING ARGUMENTS RESORTED TO BY HATERS OF THE PROPHETS IN AN ATTEMPT TO DEMORALIZE AND VILIFY HIM • The Texas sharpshooter fallacy: Trying to make a pattern from totally random or unrelated incidents. (Mohammed Kissed his grandsons on on the lips and he married Aisha at age 9, then he must be a pedophile) • Shifting the burden of proof: Making a claim that needs justification, then demanding that the opponent justifies and proves the opposite of that claim. (Prove to me that Aisha had reached puberty, prove to me that she was consented to this marriage and that she was happy) • Appeal to authority fallacy: Asserting the correctness of your claim just because it is supported by a source you deem as authoritative. Even if the source is a true expert or authority, that only renders the claim likely to be true, but not necessarily true. • The taboo fallacy (Dogmatism): Refusal to consider or examine a belief or argument because it is not acceptable to do so (in your opinion). When certain standpoints, people, or concepts are considered off limits for thinking, then other options are assumed the default. (Islam= Terrorism, I cant even consider examining it)
  • 53. LOGICAL FALLACIES AND MISLEADING ARGUMENTS RESORTED TO BY HATERS OF THE PROPHETS IN AN ATTEMPT TO DEMORALIZE AND VILIFY HIM • Appeal to Snobbery: An attempt to make one feel part of the elite if they accept the claim. (Christian countries are more advanced and civilized than Muslim countries, then Islam must be wrong and Christianity must be right) • Chronological Snobbery: Thinking, art, or science of an earlier time is inherently inferior when compared to that of the present. This is more of bias, and when used in argument form, is covered by the appeal to novelty or argument from age. (The moral standards we believe in today in our culture are superior to those held by other cultures in the past) • Weasel Wording: Using ambiguous words in order to mislead or conceal a truth. (David Wood says “I will mock Mohammed because he used to hit his wives, he punches Aisha in her chest one day”) • Alternative Fact/Alternative Truth fallacy: Another word for “fiction” or “lie.” This is more about lying than errors in reasoning. (Using texts that are fabricated or that are deemed historically incorrect and unreliable)
  • 54. DO NOT BE A HYPOCRITE • After coming to know from the above that the bridal age of marriage has always been much younger than today’s accepted age of marriage in all world religions, cultures, civilizations, and all human societies throughout human history, we ask the haters of Islam and Muslims: • Why have you only selected the Prophet Mohammed for your attacks? • It makes no sense whatsoever to set your own moral standards at certain point in time then deem the marital practices of all of humanity over hundreds of thousands of years as morally depraved. • Furthermore, why would you select one single individual out of millions to direct your attack to unless you are a senseless, extremist and hypocritical bigot .