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secret sharing
for laptop data
Submitted by
Chippy Thomas
Mtech cs
Roll no 4
• With the benefits of portability
and mobility, laptops have
become more and more popular.
• People usually believe that their
personal laptop is safe, and they
store sensitive data in it.
• Sensitive data includes business
documents, credit card
information, E-mail and
• For this reason, several security
mechanisms for protecting
sensitive data on laptops have
been designed.
• Kao et al. designed a protocol
• That allowed laptop users to use
their mobile phones as the
encryption key to protect their
• Although the mobile-based
• This paper present about a novel
scheme based on secret-sharing
• Users can easily encrypt/decrypt
their laptop data offline, that is,
without access to the Internet.
• security analysis shows that
their scheme satisfies all of the
essential requirements for
security and functionality.
• performance analysis indicates
Existing system
• Studer and Perrig proposed a
location-based scheme [mobile
user location-specific encryption
• The MULE scheme provides an
automatic mechanism for
encrypting/decrypting the
sensitive data on a laptop in a
trusted place.
• Then, Kao et al. designed a
protocol (MELP)
• That allows users to use their
mobile phones as the encryption
key to protect the files in their
• In their scheme, first, the user
must register her/his laptop and
mobile phone as the legal devices
• after that sensitive data can be
Proposed system
• In this paper, we proposed a
novel scheme based on a secret-
sharing (SS) technique protecting
sensitive data on laptops.
• We realised that not all users
who wish to encrypt/decrypt the
data on their laptops have
mobile phones and Internet
• Thus, our scheme enhances the
• There are three members in our
scheme, that is, the laptop, the
USB device and the server.
• Our scheme can be easily divided
into four phases, that is,
• (i) the registration phase
• (ii) the encryption/decryption
• (iii) the recovery phase
• (iv) the reuse phase.
• The user to register his laptop
and universal serial bus (USB)
device only one time on the
• After that, the user can offline
encrypt and decrypt data on
laptop with the assist of
registered USB device and
• when the user has lost his USB
device, he can recover the
• In addition, when a thief steals
the laptop, our scheme can
guarantee that the thief cannot
extract and decrypt the data in
the laptop.
• Proposed scheme uses :
Secure sockets layer
SS scheme
• Algorithm used here is shamir
secret sharing algorithm
• In this a secret is shared among
• We can reconstruct secret only if
we have k number of shares
• we define a polynomial f (x) = a0 +
a1x + a2x2
+ · · · +an−1xn−1
for SS, where
n is the integer and a0 is the secret
• Then, we compute n shares as D1,
Registration phase
• In this phase, we describe how a
user registers her/his laptop and
USB device in our scheme.
• When a user who wants to
protect his files that are stored
in a laptop, he must register the
devices (i.e. the laptop and USB
device) as legal devices.
• After that, the user can
• Step 1: User i connects a USB device
to her/his laptop.
• Step 2: User i uses his laptop to
choose an identity IDi, a password
Pwi and three random
numbers, that is, R1, x1 and x2. After
that, the laptop computes A = h(R1||
• Step 3: User i sends A, x1, x2 and
IDi to the server by her/his laptop.
• Step 4: After receiving the message,
the server chooses a master key Z, and
• Next, the server picks a polynomial f (x) =
aix + si, which is based on Shamir’s SS
• The server computes and sets Lt = f
(x1), Usb = f (x2) and Ser = f (x3).
• The server uses f (x3) and its master key
Z to compute E = h( f (x3)||Z) and
stores C, D and f (x3) in its database.
• Step 5: The server sends B, C, Lt, Usb
and E to the laptop.
• Step 6: First, the laptop uses A to
encrypt B, E and Usb as (B)A, (E)A
Encryption/decryption phase
• In this phase, when a user wants
to encrypt/decrypt the files in his
laptop, he first must use the
registered USB device connected to
his laptop.
• After that, the user can use his
identity and password to log into
the USB device to verify his
• Then, the laptop and USB device
• Step 1: At the beginning of this phase,
user i must connect the registered USB
device to her/his laptop.
• Step 2: The user enters IDi and PWi into
the laptop.
• Step 3: The laptop forwards IDi and
PWi to the USB device.
• Step 4: After receiving the messages
from the laptop, the USB device uses the
received IDi and PWi to compute A =′
• And then, the USB device uses A′ to
• Step 5: The USB device sends the
decryption value Usb to the laptop.
• Step 6: After receiving the decryption
value Usb, the laptop can use
Lt = f (x1) and Usb = f (x2) to
compute s and set it as the key for
Recovery phase
• When a user loses his USB device
in our proposed scheme he can
still recover his encrypted file by
executing the recovery phase that
we designed.
• In this phase, the user must
connect his laptop to the Internet
and use online decryption to
decrypt the file.
• Step 1: The user enters his identity IDi
and password PWi into his laptop.
• The laptop computes A = h(R1||PWi)′
to decrypt (B)A and generates
• F = B IDi.⊕
• After that, the laptop uses the value A′ to
decrypt (E)A, and it uses E to encrypt Lt,
IDi, B, A′, Ti and F as G = (Lt, IDi, B, A′, Ti,
F)E, where Ti is a timestamp.
• Step 2: The laptop sends F, Ti and G to
the server.
• Step 3: The server immediately checks
• If the timestamp is not valid, the server
terminates the procedure; otherwise, it
computes D = F Z′ ⊕ = R2⊕IDi by the
received F and its master key Z.
• After that, the server uses D′ to determine
the corresponding C and f(x3) in its
• At the same time, server uses Z and f (x3)
to compute E′=h( f(x3)||Z), uses E′ to
decrypt G and then checks the timestamp
Ti in the message G.
• After that, the server computes C″ = h(B||
• Step 4: The server sends H to the laptop.
• Step 5: The laptop uses E to decrypt H.
Then, the laptop can use Lt = f (x1) and f
(x3) to compute 3i=1, i=2 f (xi)3r=1, r=2
and i (x − xr)/(xi− xr).
• Then, the laptop can retrieve the value s
and set it as the key for the decryption of
the files.
Reuse phase
• In our proposed scheme, we
provide the recovery phase fo
reconstructing the encrypted file
when the user loses his USB
• Also, we provide the reuse phase
for rebuilding a new USB device to
use in the future without double
• Step 1: After decrypting the file, the laptop
generates a timestamp Ti2 and chooses
two random numbers, x4 and x5. And, the
laptop uses E to encrypt two values as I =
(Ti2, x4,x5)E.
• Step 2: The laptop sends Ti2 and I to the
• Step 3: After receiving the message, the
server first checks the timestamps Ti2.
Then, the server picks a polynomial f (x) =
ai ′x + si′ that is based on Shamir’s SS
• Finally, the server updates the original f
(x3) to f (x6) in its database.
• Step 4: The server sends J to the laptop.
• Step 5: After receiving J from the server,
the laptop uses E to decrypt J = (Lt′, Usb′,
E′′)E′ . And then, the laptop uses A to
encrypt Usb′ and E″ as (Usb′)A and (E″)A.
After that, the laptop updates Lt and (E)A
to Lt′ and (E″)A.
• Step 6: The user connects a new USB
• Step 7: The laptop sends R1, (B)A, C and
Security analysis
• we assume that an attacker tries
to access the data in the laptop
by common attacks, that is,
• the replay attack and the
impersonation attack.
• our proposed scheme can
withstand these attacks.
Withstanding the replay attack
• The replay attack is when an
attacker intercepts one log-in
message from a legal user
• And then the attacker may try to
resend the log-in message to the
server and pretend to be the
original user.
• Attacker may replay messages
using recovery phase and reuse
Replaying messages in recovery
• Attacker may intercepts the
messages F, G and Ti in Step 2
of ‘the recovery phase’.
• She may try to resend them to
impersonate the original user.
• Fortunately, Eve will not be
successful because the server can
easily detect that these messages
are not fresh.
Replaying messages in reuse phase
• If we assume that Eve intercepts the
messages Ti2 and I in Step 2 of ‘the
reuse phase’ and resends the
messages to the server
• she still can do nothing. Our proposed
scheme uses a timestamp that
ensures the freshness of the received
• So server checks the timestamp Ti2,
the server can determine that these
Withstanding the impersonation attack
• 2 cases
• (i) impersonating the user
• (ii)impersonating the server
• Impersonating the user:
• Attacker tries to impersonate a legal
user in our proposed scheme.
• She may intercept and modify the
messages F, Ti and G in Step 2 of the
‘recovery phase’, where F = B⊕IDi
and G =(Lt, IDi, B, A′, Ti, F)E.
• without knowing parameter B and key
E, Eve cannot arbitrarily modify F and
• If Eve uses the fake timestamp Teve to
cheat the server, she also cannot
pass the verification when the server
decrypts the message G and uses the
• If we assume that Eve intercepts the
messages Ti2 and I in Step 2 of the
‘reuse phase’, where I = (Ti2, x4,
• She may try to modify the intercepted
message so that she can pretend to
be the original user.
• She cannot accomplish this because,
without knowing key E, Eve cannot
modify the message I.
• To protect the transmitted messages
Impersonating the server:
• Eve impersonates the server in order
to obtain useful information from
• Case 1 :When she receives the
messages F, Ti and G from the user
in Step 2 of the ‘recovery phase’,
• she cannot obtain useful information
without knowing parameter B and key
• Without the correct value f (x3) and
correct master key Z, Eve cannot
generate the encryption key E′.
• This encryption key E′ is equal to the
user’s decryption key E.
• Hence, when the user cannot use his
key E to decrypt the fake message H′′
= (f (xeve))Eeve .
• he will immediately know that
message H″ is incorrect and
terminate the procedure.
• Case 2 : When Eve receives the
message I and Ti2 in Step 2 of the
‘reuse phase’ , she also tries to :
• (i) obtain useful information from these
• (ii) generate the valid message J.
• To prevent Eve from obtaining useful
information from the received
message, we use symmetrical key E
to protect the transmitted message.
• In addition, Eve cannot generate the
Case of withstanding the loss of the
• To prevent an attacker from
extracting sensitive information from
the devices, we have to ensure that
the laptop and the USB device are
• our proposed scheme can withstand
the case in which either or both of the
devices are lost or stolen.
• 1)Loss of the laptop :
• She may extract the parameters Lt, a
random number R1, (B)A and (E)A
from this laptop, where Lt = f (x1), B =
Z⊕R2, E = h( f (x3)||Z) and A = h(R1||
PWi) are symmetrical
encryption/decryption keys.
• Obviously, without the symmetrical
encryption/decryption key A, Eve
cannot decrypt and extract any useful
information from parameters (B)A and
• Next, we assume that Eve attempts to
recover the encrypted messages that
were stored in the stolen laptop by
using the recovery phase.
• Fortunately, she cannot ask for one
recovery share from the server
because she does not have the
correct identity and password.
• our proposed scheme still ensured
that the sensitive data in the laptop
will not be available to the attacker.
• She may obtain the random number
R1, parameters (Usb)A, (B)A and C
from the USB device, where C = h(B||
• Eve may omit the random number R1
and the hash value C, because these
two parameters are useless information
for her.
• In addition, she cannot extract any
message in (B)A and (Usb′)A because
those parameters are protected by
3)Loss of both the laptop and the
USB device:
• In this third scenario, we give the
attacker more power.
• Assuming that Eve steals both the
laptop and the corresponding USB
• she may try to connect the stolen laptop
with the stolen USB device and execute
the encryption/decryption phase.
• Fortunately, without the user’s identity
• In addition, even if Eve extracts the
parameters Lt, a random number R1,
(B)A and (E)A from this laptop
• and the random number R1, parameters
(Usb)A, (B)A and C from the USB
device, she still can do nothing
• because all of the important parameters
are protected by the encryption key A,
that is, (B)A, (Usb)A and (E)A.
• In our proposed scheme, an attacker
will be unable to retrieve any useful
• User-friendliness
• In our proposed scheme, we designed
the ‘recovery phase’ and the ‘reuse
phase’ to ensure that the scheme was
• Withstand attacks
• Our security analysis showed that our
scheme can withstand various well-
known attacks .
• Replay attack and impersonation attack
• It also can withstand three other
serious threats, that is,
• (i) the loss of the laptop
• (ii) the loss of the USB device and
• (iii) the loss of both the laptop and the
USB device.
• Uses symmetric key encryption for
transmitted messages
• So attacker cant modify the transmitted
• Users can easily encrypt/decrypt
• In this paper, we proposed a novel,
secure and practical Scheme based on
SS for protecting sensitive data on
• Our proposed scheme provides a
simple way that the user can easily
register the service
• And the user can execute the
encryption/decryption phase offline to
access her or his data easily.
• And generating a new registered USB
device for encryption/decryption without
having to register twice.
• our proposed scheme can still withstand
several well-known attacks and provide
better performance.
• The security and performance analyses
showed that our proposed scheme is
secure and more suitable for protecting
sensitive data on laptops.
laptop data protection method

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laptop data protection method

  • 1. secret sharing for laptop data protection Submitted by Chippy Thomas Mtech cs Roll no 4
  • 2. Introduction • With the benefits of portability and mobility, laptops have become more and more popular. • People usually believe that their personal laptop is safe, and they store sensitive data in it. • Sensitive data includes business documents, credit card information, E-mail and
  • 3. • For this reason, several security mechanisms for protecting sensitive data on laptops have been designed. • Kao et al. designed a protocol (MELP) • That allowed laptop users to use their mobile phones as the encryption key to protect their files. • Although the mobile-based
  • 4. • This paper present about a novel scheme based on secret-sharing technique. • Users can easily encrypt/decrypt their laptop data offline, that is, without access to the Internet. • security analysis shows that their scheme satisfies all of the essential requirements for security and functionality. • performance analysis indicates
  • 5. Existing system • Studer and Perrig proposed a location-based scheme [mobile user location-specific encryption (MULE)]. • The MULE scheme provides an automatic mechanism for encrypting/decrypting the sensitive data on a laptop in a trusted place.
  • 6. • Then, Kao et al. designed a protocol (MELP) • That allows users to use their mobile phones as the encryption key to protect the files in their laptops. • In their scheme, first, the user must register her/his laptop and mobile phone as the legal devices • after that sensitive data can be encrypted.
  • 7. Proposed system • In this paper, we proposed a novel scheme based on a secret- sharing (SS) technique protecting sensitive data on laptops. • We realised that not all users who wish to encrypt/decrypt the data on their laptops have mobile phones and Internet access. • Thus, our scheme enhances the
  • 8. • There are three members in our scheme, that is, the laptop, the USB device and the server. • Our scheme can be easily divided into four phases, that is, • (i) the registration phase • (ii) the encryption/decryption phase • (iii) the recovery phase • (iv) the reuse phase.
  • 9. • The user to register his laptop and universal serial bus (USB) device only one time on the Internet. • After that, the user can offline encrypt and decrypt data on laptop with the assist of registered USB device and laptop. • when the user has lost his USB device, he can recover the
  • 10. • In addition, when a thief steals the laptop, our scheme can guarantee that the thief cannot extract and decrypt the data in the laptop. • Proposed scheme uses : Secure sockets layer SS scheme
  • 11. • Algorithm used here is shamir secret sharing algorithm • In this a secret is shared among members • We can reconstruct secret only if we have k number of shares • we define a polynomial f (x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + · · · +an−1xn−1 for SS, where n is the integer and a0 is the secret S. • Then, we compute n shares as D1,
  • 12. Registration phase • In this phase, we describe how a user registers her/his laptop and USB device in our scheme. • When a user who wants to protect his files that are stored in a laptop, he must register the devices (i.e. the laptop and USB device) as legal devices. • After that, the user can
  • 13. • Step 1: User i connects a USB device to her/his laptop. • Step 2: User i uses his laptop to choose an identity IDi, a password Pwi and three random numbers, that is, R1, x1 and x2. After that, the laptop computes A = h(R1|| PWi). • Step 3: User i sends A, x1, x2 and IDi to the server by her/his laptop. • Step 4: After receiving the message, the server chooses a master key Z, and
  • 14. • Next, the server picks a polynomial f (x) = aix + si, which is based on Shamir’s SS scheme. • The server computes and sets Lt = f (x1), Usb = f (x2) and Ser = f (x3). • The server uses f (x3) and its master key Z to compute E = h( f (x3)||Z) and stores C, D and f (x3) in its database. • Step 5: The server sends B, C, Lt, Usb and E to the laptop. • Step 6: First, the laptop uses A to encrypt B, E and Usb as (B)A, (E)A
  • 15.
  • 16. Encryption/decryption phase • In this phase, when a user wants to encrypt/decrypt the files in his laptop, he first must use the registered USB device connected to his laptop. • After that, the user can use his identity and password to log into the USB device to verify his identity. • Then, the laptop and USB device
  • 17. • Step 1: At the beginning of this phase, user i must connect the registered USB device to her/his laptop. • Step 2: The user enters IDi and PWi into the laptop. • Step 3: The laptop forwards IDi and PWi to the USB device. • Step 4: After receiving the messages from the laptop, the USB device uses the received IDi and PWi to compute A =′ h(R1||PWi). • And then, the USB device uses A′ to
  • 18. • Step 5: The USB device sends the decryption value Usb to the laptop. • Step 6: After receiving the decryption value Usb, the laptop can use Lt = f (x1) and Usb = f (x2) to compute s and set it as the key for encryption/decryption.
  • 19.
  • 20. Recovery phase • When a user loses his USB device in our proposed scheme he can still recover his encrypted file by executing the recovery phase that we designed. • In this phase, the user must connect his laptop to the Internet and use online decryption to decrypt the file.
  • 21. • Step 1: The user enters his identity IDi and password PWi into his laptop. • The laptop computes A = h(R1||PWi)′ to decrypt (B)A and generates • F = B IDi.⊕ • After that, the laptop uses the value A′ to decrypt (E)A, and it uses E to encrypt Lt, IDi, B, A′, Ti and F as G = (Lt, IDi, B, A′, Ti, F)E, where Ti is a timestamp. • Step 2: The laptop sends F, Ti and G to the server. • Step 3: The server immediately checks
  • 22. • If the timestamp is not valid, the server terminates the procedure; otherwise, it computes D = F Z′ ⊕ = R2⊕IDi by the received F and its master key Z. • After that, the server uses D′ to determine the corresponding C and f(x3) in its database. • At the same time, server uses Z and f (x3) to compute E′=h( f(x3)||Z), uses E′ to decrypt G and then checks the timestamp Ti in the message G. • After that, the server computes C″ = h(B||
  • 23. • Step 4: The server sends H to the laptop. • Step 5: The laptop uses E to decrypt H. Then, the laptop can use Lt = f (x1) and f (x3) to compute 3i=1, i=2 f (xi)3r=1, r=2 and i (x − xr)/(xi− xr). • Then, the laptop can retrieve the value s and set it as the key for the decryption of the files.
  • 24.
  • 25. Reuse phase • In our proposed scheme, we provide the recovery phase fo reconstructing the encrypted file when the user loses his USB device. • Also, we provide the reuse phase for rebuilding a new USB device to use in the future without double registering.
  • 26. • Step 1: After decrypting the file, the laptop generates a timestamp Ti2 and chooses two random numbers, x4 and x5. And, the laptop uses E to encrypt two values as I = (Ti2, x4,x5)E. • Step 2: The laptop sends Ti2 and I to the server. • Step 3: After receiving the message, the server first checks the timestamps Ti2. Then, the server picks a polynomial f (x) = ai ′x + si′ that is based on Shamir’s SS scheme.
  • 27. • Finally, the server updates the original f (x3) to f (x6) in its database. • Step 4: The server sends J to the laptop. • Step 5: After receiving J from the server, the laptop uses E to decrypt J = (Lt′, Usb′, E′′)E′ . And then, the laptop uses A to encrypt Usb′ and E″ as (Usb′)A and (E″)A. After that, the laptop updates Lt and (E)A to Lt′ and (E″)A. • Step 6: The user connects a new USB device. • Step 7: The laptop sends R1, (B)A, C and
  • 28.
  • 29. Security analysis • we assume that an attacker tries to access the data in the laptop by common attacks, that is, • the replay attack and the impersonation attack. • our proposed scheme can withstand these attacks.
  • 30. Withstanding the replay attack • The replay attack is when an attacker intercepts one log-in message from a legal user • And then the attacker may try to resend the log-in message to the server and pretend to be the original user. • Attacker may replay messages using recovery phase and reuse
  • 31. Replaying messages in recovery phase • Attacker may intercepts the messages F, G and Ti in Step 2 of ‘the recovery phase’. • She may try to resend them to impersonate the original user. • Fortunately, Eve will not be successful because the server can easily detect that these messages are not fresh.
  • 32. Replaying messages in reuse phase • If we assume that Eve intercepts the messages Ti2 and I in Step 2 of ‘the reuse phase’ and resends the messages to the server • she still can do nothing. Our proposed scheme uses a timestamp that ensures the freshness of the received message. • So server checks the timestamp Ti2, the server can determine that these
  • 33. Withstanding the impersonation attack • 2 cases • (i) impersonating the user • (ii)impersonating the server • Impersonating the user: • Attacker tries to impersonate a legal user in our proposed scheme.
  • 34. • She may intercept and modify the messages F, Ti and G in Step 2 of the ‘recovery phase’, where F = B⊕IDi and G =(Lt, IDi, B, A′, Ti, F)E. • without knowing parameter B and key E, Eve cannot arbitrarily modify F and G. • If Eve uses the fake timestamp Teve to cheat the server, she also cannot pass the verification when the server decrypts the message G and uses the
  • 35. • If we assume that Eve intercepts the messages Ti2 and I in Step 2 of the ‘reuse phase’, where I = (Ti2, x4, x5)E. • She may try to modify the intercepted message so that she can pretend to be the original user. • She cannot accomplish this because, without knowing key E, Eve cannot modify the message I. • To protect the transmitted messages
  • 36. Impersonating the server: • Eve impersonates the server in order to obtain useful information from users. • Case 1 :When she receives the messages F, Ti and G from the user in Step 2 of the ‘recovery phase’, • she cannot obtain useful information without knowing parameter B and key E.
  • 37. • Without the correct value f (x3) and correct master key Z, Eve cannot generate the encryption key E′. • This encryption key E′ is equal to the user’s decryption key E. • Hence, when the user cannot use his key E to decrypt the fake message H′′ = (f (xeve))Eeve . • he will immediately know that message H″ is incorrect and terminate the procedure.
  • 38. • Case 2 : When Eve receives the message I and Ti2 in Step 2 of the ‘reuse phase’ , she also tries to : • (i) obtain useful information from these messages • (ii) generate the valid message J. • To prevent Eve from obtaining useful information from the received message, we use symmetrical key E to protect the transmitted message. • In addition, Eve cannot generate the
  • 39. Case of withstanding the loss of the device • To prevent an attacker from extracting sensitive information from the devices, we have to ensure that the laptop and the USB device are secure. • our proposed scheme can withstand the case in which either or both of the devices are lost or stolen. • 1)Loss of the laptop :
  • 40. • She may extract the parameters Lt, a random number R1, (B)A and (E)A from this laptop, where Lt = f (x1), B = Z⊕R2, E = h( f (x3)||Z) and A = h(R1|| PWi) are symmetrical encryption/decryption keys. • Obviously, without the symmetrical encryption/decryption key A, Eve cannot decrypt and extract any useful information from parameters (B)A and (E)A.
  • 41. • Next, we assume that Eve attempts to recover the encrypted messages that were stored in the stolen laptop by using the recovery phase. • Fortunately, she cannot ask for one recovery share from the server because she does not have the correct identity and password. • our proposed scheme still ensured that the sensitive data in the laptop will not be available to the attacker.
  • 42. • She may obtain the random number R1, parameters (Usb)A, (B)A and C from the USB device, where C = h(B|| A||IDi). • Eve may omit the random number R1 and the hash value C, because these two parameters are useless information for her. • In addition, she cannot extract any message in (B)A and (Usb′)A because those parameters are protected by
  • 43. 3)Loss of both the laptop and the USB device: • In this third scenario, we give the attacker more power. • Assuming that Eve steals both the laptop and the corresponding USB device, • she may try to connect the stolen laptop with the stolen USB device and execute the encryption/decryption phase. • Fortunately, without the user’s identity
  • 44. • In addition, even if Eve extracts the parameters Lt, a random number R1, (B)A and (E)A from this laptop • and the random number R1, parameters (Usb)A, (B)A and C from the USB device, she still can do nothing • because all of the important parameters are protected by the encryption key A, that is, (B)A, (Usb)A and (E)A. • In our proposed scheme, an attacker will be unable to retrieve any useful
  • 45. Advantage • User-friendliness • In our proposed scheme, we designed the ‘recovery phase’ and the ‘reuse phase’ to ensure that the scheme was user-friendly. • Withstand attacks • Our security analysis showed that our scheme can withstand various well- known attacks . • Replay attack and impersonation attack
  • 46. • It also can withstand three other serious threats, that is, • (i) the loss of the laptop • (ii) the loss of the USB device and • (iii) the loss of both the laptop and the USB device. • Uses symmetric key encryption for transmitted messages • So attacker cant modify the transmitted messages • Users can easily encrypt/decrypt
  • 47. Conclusion • In this paper, we proposed a novel, secure and practical Scheme based on SS for protecting sensitive data on laptops. • Our proposed scheme provides a simple way that the user can easily register the service • And the user can execute the encryption/decryption phase offline to access her or his data easily.
  • 48. • And generating a new registered USB device for encryption/decryption without having to register twice. • our proposed scheme can still withstand several well-known attacks and provide better performance. • The security and performance analyses showed that our proposed scheme is secure and more suitable for protecting sensitive data on laptops.