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Short Communication
Interdisciplinary Seminars and First-Aid Textbook on Dental Traumafor
Medical Students and Practitioners
Cecilia Young*
IndependentResearcher,Hong Kong
*CorrespondingAuthor:Cecilia Young, Independent Researcher, Hong Kong.
Received:May29, 2018 ;Published:June21, 2018
Volume2 Issue 4 July2018
An avulsed permanent tooth is one of the few real emergency
situations in dentistry [1]. Immediate replantation is the best treat-
ment option at the place of accident, we should put the tooth in
storage media if this cannot be carried out [1]. Delayed replanta-
tion has a poor long-term prognosis. The periodontal ligament will
be necrotic and not expected to heal and the outcome is ankylo- sis
and resorption of the root, the tooth will be lost eventually [1].
Management guidelines for fractures and luxations of permanent
teeth [2], avulsion of permanent teeth [1] and Injuries in the pri-
mary dentition [3] were developed.
Educational campaigns and formal interactive education is as-
sociated with confidence and knowledge, and importantly, is de-
sired by the majority of specialist and trainee emergency physi-
cians in Australasia [13]. A 2.5 hours workshop was given to the
emergency physicians and physicians for information and clinical
skills related to dental emergency including dental trauma, intra-
oral bleeding, and bleeding after dental treatment, orbital space
infection of dental origin, cavernous sinus thrombosis, brain ab-
scess and Ludwig Angina [17].
Howard., et al. suggested educational campaigns must be un-
dertaken to improve both the resources available to the emergen-
cy department and to improve the knowledge of physicians about
TDI. They further recommended local organizations to provide
emergency department with lists of dentists who are knowledge-
able and willing to be available 24 hours per day to consult with
TDI when necessary [14]. Other studies also suggested Education-
al campaigns to physicians [4,5,9,10] and emergency physicians
Going directly to dentist (44.7%), to the casualty in the near-
est hospital on foot or by any transport (25.4%) or call an ambu-
lance (15.6%), visit the nearest private doctor (5.3%) or the family
doctor (2.5%) were the answers of secondary school students (US
grade 7-12) in Hong Kong when there is a traumatic dental injury
[4]. Similar results were found when the same set of questions was
given to the primary (US grade 1-6) and secondary school teachers
(US grade 7 - 12) in Hong Kong [5]. The authors suggested Emer-
gency management of dental trauma should be added to first aid
publications and taught to students and health professionals [4,5].
Emergency departments need to triage and manage traumatic
dental injuries (TDI) before the patients reach dentists [6-8]. Un-
fortunately, many physicians [9-11] and emergency physicians [12-
14] do not possess adequate knowledge to deal with them, mainly
due to lack of formal training. Emergency physicians [12,13] feel
lack of confidence to manage dental trauma.
Zadik evaluated the first aid textbooks and manuals and con-
cluded that the insufficient information of oral trauma manage-
ment partly explains the reports of poor and inadequate knowl-
edge among medics, teachers and the general public [15]. Another
first-aid textbook and manual review has also shown that only 19
among 45 of the reviewed text mention procedures for use in case
of traumatic dental injuries. One text published in 2000 recom-
mends seeing the dentist after 7 days which was misleading. The
authors suggested to add current, evidence-based, first –aid proce-
dures for dental traumafor forthcoming editions [16].
Strongest predictor of emergency physicians’ confidence in
specific topics of dental emergencies including dental trauma was
formal education [13]. Young., et al. sent letters to institutions re-
questing the course coordinator to include emergency manage-
ment of dental trauma in the undergraduate and the continuing
professional development programmes of healthcare profession-
als [4,5].
1. L Andersson., et al. “International Association of Dental Trau-
matology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental
injuries: 2. Avulsion of permanent teeth”. Dental Traumatol-
ogy28.2 (2012): 88-96.
2. AJ Di Angelis., et al. “International Association of Dental Trau-
matology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental
injuries: 1. Fractures and luxations of permanent teeth”. Den-
tal Traumatology 28.1 (2012): 2-12.
Citation:Cecilia Young.“Interdisciplinary Seminars and First-Aid Textbook on Dental Trauma for Medical Students and Practitioners”. Acta Scientific
MedicalSciences2.4 (2018): 55-56.
InterdisciplinarySeminarsandFirst-Aid TextbookonDentalTraumafor MedicalStudentsandPractitioners
3. B Malmgren., et al. “International Association of Dental Trau-
matology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental
injuries: 3. Injuries in the primary dentition”. Dental Trauma-
tology28.3 (2012): 174-182.
4. C Young, et al. “A survey on Hong Kong secondary school stu-
dents’ knowledge of emergency management of dental trau-
ma”.PLoSOne9.1 (2014): e84406.
5. C Young., et al. “Emergency management of dental trauma:
knowledge of Hong Kong primary and secondary school
teachers”. HongKongMedical Journal18.5 (2012): 362-370.
6. C Lewis., et al. “Dental complaints in emergency departments:
A national perspective”. Annals of Emergency Medicine 42.1
(2003): 93-99.
7. TE Ladrillo., et al. “Increasing prevalence of emergency de-
partment visits for pediatric dental care, 1997-2001”. Journal
of the AmericanDental Association137.3 (2006): 379-385.
8. P Casamassimo. “Hospital Emergency Visits and Admissions
Associated with Dental Problems Increased by 121% between
1997 and 2001”. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 7.1
(2007): 31-32.
9. M Raoof., et al. “Should medical students be educated about
dental trauma emergency management? A study of physicians
and dentists in Kerman Province, Iran”. Journal of Dental Edu-
cation 77.4 (2013): 494-501.
10. MAbu-Dawoud., et al. “Knowledge of emergency management
of avulsed teeth among young physicians and dentists”. Dental
Traumatology 23.6 (2007): 348-355.
11. K Subhashraj. “Awareness of management of dental trauma
among medical professionals in Pondicherry, India”. Dental
Traumatology 25.1 (2009): 92-94.
12. C Trivedy., et al. “The attitudes and awareness of emergency
department (ED) physicians towards the management of
common dentofacial emergencies”. Dental Traumatology 28.2
(2012): 121-126.
13. HSamaei., et al. “Knowledge and Confidence of a Convenience
Sample of Australasian Emergency Doctors in Managing Den-
tal Emergencies: Results of a Survey”. Emergency Medicine In-
ternational (2015).
14. HL Needleman., et al. “Massachusetts emergency depart-
ments’ resources and physicians’ knowledge of manage- ment
of traumatic dental injuries”. Dental Traumatology 29.4
(2013): 272-279.
15. Y Zadik. “Oral trauma and dental emergency management
recommendations of first-aid textbooks and manuals”. Dental
Traumatology 23.5 (2007): 304-306.
17. CYoung. “Professional Education and Training -Dental Emer-
gencies” (2012).
Volume2 Issue4July2018
©Allrights arereserved byCecilia Young.
16. K Emerich and E Gazda. “Review of recommendations for the
management of dental trauma presented in first-aid textbooks
and manuals”.Dental Traumatology 26.3 (2010): 212-216.
Citation:Cecilia Young.“Interdisciplinary Seminars and First-Aid Textbook on Dental Trauma for Medical Students and Practitioners”. Acta Scientific
MedicalSciences2.4 (2018): 55-56.
Dr. Cecilia Young Yau Yau
當中 "我們" 或 "示範中的方法" 指牙醫業內一般做法或其中一種
Health )或社會牙醫科
(Community Dentistry )更是牙科內的一個科目。
1.6 牙科/口腔健康教育活動
1.6.1 牙醫可以參與真確的牙科/口腔健康教育活動,例如演講
及作 專業發表..............
1.6.3 向公眾提供的資料應具權威性、合宜並與一般經驗相符。
該等 資料應有事實根據、清楚易明及用詞淺白。
香港牙醫管理委員會 香港牙醫專業守則
楊幽幽牙科醫生教育系列 以下為公共口腔衛生教育系列關鍵字
嵌塞 牙縫刷 腎病 致命牙齒脫位 膿 退縮 戒煙 骨質疏鬆 腫脹 四環素染色 楊幽幽牙科醫生 更薄的牙齒 刮舌板 牙齒長出 牙
齒不可逆性牙髓炎 水氟化 X光對生育期內婦女的影響, 什麼年紀最適合箍牙, 假牙, 傷口處理, 公共衛生教育, 剝牙, 副作用,
口腔種植, 成人矯齒成效如何, 止血, 正確刷牙及使用牙線方法, 楊幽幽牙科醫生口腔教育系列 注意事項, 洗牙流血點解, 活
動假牙托, 流血不止, 滿口牙套可以箍牙嗎, 漂牙, 牙周病, 牙周病患者是否可以箍牙. 透明牙箍有用嗎, 牙柱, 牙橋, 牙痛, 牙
瘡, 牙肉流血, 牙醫, 牙骹, 種牙, 空姐接觸的宇宙射線會否影響胎兒, 笑容, 箍牙會唔會失敗, 脫牙, 蛀牙, 關節 好唔好
以下為公共口腔衛生教育系列關鍵字, 阿士匹靈,抗血小板劑,抗凝血劑, 抗生素, 關節僵硬,銀粉, 矯正, 植牙, 膿腫, 研磨劑,
刷蝕牙齒, 態度, ,撕脫, 乳齒, 細菌, 口氣, 咬, 矯正器, 腦膿腫, 刷牙, 緩衝作用, 過氧化尿素,齲齒,檢查,咀嚼, 複合, 牙套, 牙冠
環孢素A, 失智症, 牙,科, 牙橋, 牙科疾病, 牙科脫牙,牙科問題, 牙髓, 牙周膜, 牙菌膜, 矯齒,根管治療, 洗牙齒表面, 微電測試
牙髓, 預防性樹脂補牙, 玻璃離子, 牙腳尖, 二手煙, 敏感牙齒, 吸煙, 手術, 鑽洞測試,水銀, 成功,牙齒氟化, 發炎, 淋巴核, 神
經, 牙齒過度長出酸鹼值, 維他命C, 智慧齒,華法林, 牙膏, 牙刷, 牙齒美白,牙齒漂白, 口氣, 失敗, 補牙, 牙線, 外觀, 咬合, 橋
體, 牙冠,口腔種植周邊炎 , 含氟漱口水, 漱口水, 硝酸鉀, 口腔黏膜發炎, 尼古丁, 口腔疾病, 口腔感染, 預防, 牙袋, 家庭主婦,
感冒, 象牙質, 牙齒創傷, 牙骨黏連, 牙周膜位置骨化, 磨蝕牙齒, 牙齒正畸, 氟素防蛀劑, 牙紋防蛀劑,鑲嵌物, 鑄造瓷貼片, 酸
蝕牙齒, 牙齒腫大, 漱口水, 肝素, 薄血藥, 維生素C,血栓栓塞, 國際標準化比值, 感染性心內膜炎, 琺瑯質, 局部麻醉劑, 三氯
沙, 空間固定器, 進食次數,用餐次數, 全口假牙托、琺瑯質形狀缺陷,馬利蘭牙橋, 咽喉炎, 食物與牙齒健康, 奶瓶齲齒, 鎮靜,
牙髓治療, 氟素凝膠, 牙腳斷裂, 牙腳吸收, 牙根整平術, 早期兒童蛀牙, 糖尿病, 效用, 測試, 牙齦, 牙齦組織, 牙齦出血, 雙氧
水, 免疫抑制劑, 嵌塞, 牙縫刷, 腎病, 致命,牙齒脫位, 膿, 退縮, 戒煙,骨質疏鬆, 腫脹, 四環素染色, 更薄的牙齒, 刮舌板, 牙齒
長出, 牙齒不可逆性牙髓炎, 水氟化X光對生育期內婦女的影響、什麼年紀最適合箍牙、假牙、傷口處理、公共衛生教育、
流血不止、滿口牙套可以箍牙嗎、漂牙、牙周病、牙周病患者是否可以箍牙. 透明牙箍有用嗎、牙柱、牙橋、牙痛、牙瘡、
牙肉流血、牙醫、牙骹、種牙、空姐接觸的宇宙射線會否影響胎兒、笑容、箍牙會唔會失敗、脫牙、蛀牙、關節, 常見的
牙患及預防方法, 蛀牙的成因及預防, 牙周病的成因及預防方法
甚麼是根管治療, 關於脫牙的事實, 銀汞合金安全嗎, 牙齒如何漂白, 需要矯齒的原因及準備, 牙齒創傷即時處理及治療, 懷
孕婦女需特別注重口腔健康, 如何除口氣, 骨質疏鬆與牙齒脫落的關係, 家長須助孩子護理乳齒, 牙周病─治療方法探究篇,
牙患可以致命, 鑲補牙齒方法知多少, 假牙扥 你們對我的期望合理嗎, 牙菌膜可以使種牙鬆脫, 糖尿病與牙周病互相影響, 必
先利其器 口腔衛生用品知多少, 脫牙前必須認真考慮, 預防蛀牙的方法氟素防蛀劑及牙紋防蛀劑, 漂白牙齒的各種方法, 細
數牙周病各種病徵, 用力刷牙≠清潔
使用漱口水是否好習慣, 吸煙與牙周病, 吸煙對治療牙周病的影響, 吸煙與口腔癌關係密切
戒煙為何與如何, 二手煙立法與自律, 乳齒對恆齒的影響, 公眾對洗牙的誤解調查, 兒童乳齒的根管治療, 第一隻長出的恆齒,
換牙時需注意事項, 護理口腔第一步正確刷牙方法, 敏感牙齒成因及預防, 公眾對洗牙的誤解應用篇, 如何保養活動假牙, 矯
齒點滴, 矯齒前應注意的事項, 木糖醇對人有害嗎, 口腔穿環的後遺問題, 牙周牙髓聯合症, 防敏感牙膏不適合長期使用, 頭
頸部放射治療前後的口腔護理, 幫助睡眠窒息症患者呼吸口腔矯治器, 根管治療時斷針是否失誤, 小朋友在牙科治療時不合
作, 嚴重蛀牙 幼兒一次被脫8隻乳齒(上)
嚴重蛀牙 幼兒一次被脫8隻乳齒(中), 嚴重蛀牙 幼兒一次被脫8隻乳齒(下), 香港牙膏並未含有「二甘醇」, 社會醫學研究電
話調查, 小朋友不肯見牙醫 怎辦?, 牙周病口瘡性潰痬與口腔癌 牙齒創傷幸與不幸, 智慧齒過度長出, 智慧齒過度長出引致
的其他牙患, 矯齒替代鑲假牙, 矯齒替代鑲假牙(二), 善用抗生素, 失去牙齒的其他後果, 一顆牙齒多個問題
根管治療後如何加上牙柱及牙套, 澳洲回顧研究 漱口水內的酒精致口腔癌, 牙齒美容
牙齒美容(二), 牙齒美容(三), 常見牙齒問題酸蝕, 牙科治療 為甚麼要磨蝕好的牙齒, 健康牙齒伴你一生, 淺談假牙的承扥問
題, 腎病患者的口腔問題, 抗凝血劑 抗血小板劑與脫牙
感染性心內膜炎與牙科治療, 二手煙對兒童牙齒的影響, 失智症(老人痴呆症)與口腔健康
如何保持牙齒清潔, 防敏感牙膏新資訊, 牙套內會不會蛀牙, 探討牙科內常用的局部麻醉劑
孕婦及牙科常用藥物, 牙科病人與精神問題(上), 牙科病人與精神問題(下), 阻生智慧齒
殺菌劑三氯沙氾濫我們應否使用抗菌牙膏, 牙科病人的求診習慣, 診斷不同不知信那一個
什麼情況,什麼病人不宜脫牙, 關於植牙的種種迷恩, 如何處理長者的牙患, 預防牙患多角度孕婦與胎兒母親與嬰幼
兒, 牙周整形手術治敏感牙齒, 牙齦萎縮不能復原, 牙周組織再生法, 植骨與植牙手術 先植骨後植牙, 同時進行植骨
與植牙, 口腔植體周邊組織炎, 牙冠增長手術(上). 牙冠增長手術(下), 中小學教師與中學生對牙齒創傷認識不足, 牙
齒各類創傷與處理, 牙齒各類創傷與處理(2), 牙齒創傷當牙周膜死了, 牙齒創傷日後可能顯現的問題
牙齒創傷後的治療個案, 假牙可以戴多久, 即時性假牙托, 假牙的種類和設計, 假牙的種類和設計--種牙, 假牙的種
類和設計--牙橋, 假牙的種類和設計--活動假牙托, 我的牙齒為什麼不好, 由牙齒所引致的感染看似小事的牙瘡, 由
由牙齒所引致的感染細菌進入眼部, 由牙齒所引致的感染細菌入腦, 由牙齒所引致的感染Ludwig氏咽峽炎阻塞氣道,
漱口水過酸易蛀牙, 食物與牙齒健康, 錯誤使用奶瓶餵飼幼兒奶瓶齲齒, 兒童嚴重蛀牙的治療方法, 兒童嚴重蛀牙的
治療方法--牙套, 牙齒咬合與移位(上), 牙齒咬合與移位(下), 智障人士的牙患, 智障人士如何預防牙患, 正確使用氨
氟素以外牙紋防蛀劑填補牙紋縫隙, 牙齒重疊最需要徹底清潔, 牙齒磨損, 對牙菌膜的監測
簡介牙髓的各種測試, 淺談口腔以外的牙科X光, 口腔以內的牙科X光, 牙髓死亡, 淺析咬合垂直距離, 牙痛, 到底哪
裡痛, 能不能忍一時之痛, 活動假牙托下不應有壞牙腳, 氟斑齒的處理方法 注意有否刷蝕牙齒, 牙齒消炎丸到底是
甚麼., 正確使用抗生素, 處理接近神經線的阻生智慧齒, 脫牙流血不止, 正確清潔牙齒及牙肉邊緣, 牙科手術儀器的
消毒程序, 牙科用具其他消毒程序, 黏液囊腫, 看見和看不見的蛀牙, 切除部分牙腳手術, 切除部分牙腳手術 2, 如何
清潔牙腳分岔位 上, 如何清潔牙腳分岔位 下, 牙線功能成疑, 美白牙膏去牙漬, 洗牙真的很痛嗎, 清刮牙腳, 再談清
刮牙腳, 洗牙流血只因牙肉發炎 口腔腫塊--牙齦瘤
口腔腫塊--乳突瘤, 口腔內的黑色素---牙齦的黑色素沉澱,G6PD缺乏症與牙科治療
頭頸癌放化治後牙科問題, 關愛基金改善政策使長者更受惠, 關愛基金改善政策使長者更受惠, 磨去蛀牙
Dr. Cecilia Young Yau Yau Oral Health Education series key words
mellitus, diagnosis, early childhood caries, effectiveness, electric pulp test, enamel,
erosion, esthetics, examination, extraction, failure, fever, fillings, fissure sealant, flight
attendant, flossing, fluoride gel, fluorosis, gaps, gingiva, Gingival hypertrophy, gingival
tissue, glass ionomer, gum bleeding, gum disease, halitosis, Heparin, housewife, hydrogen
peroxide, hypoplasia, immunosuppressant, impaction, implant, infective endocarditis,
inflammation, inlay, interdental brushing, international normalizing ratio INR, Kidney
disease, lethal, local anaesthesia, look, luxation, lymph node, mechanical cleansing,
mercury, mouthrinse, mucositis, nerve, nicotine, number of meals, nursing bottle
syndrome, occlusion, onlay, oral disease, Oral Health Education, oral infection,
orthodontic treatment, osteoporosis, overeruption, peri-implantitis, periodontal disease,
periodontal membrane, pH value, plaque, pocket, pontic, porcelain veneer, post, post and
core, potassium nitrate, prevention, abrasion、abrasives、abscess、abutment tooth、
attitude、attrition、avulsion、baby teeth、bacteria、bad breath、biting、bleaching、
bleeding、bracing.., brain abscess、bridge、brushing、buffering effect、carbamide
lengthening、cyclosporine A、dementia、Dental、dental bridge、dental decay、dental
disesase. dental extraction、dental problem、dental pulp、dental scaling、dental
trauma、dentine、denture、diabetes mellitus、diagnosis、early childhood caries、
effectiveness、electric pulp test、enamel、erosion、esthetics、examination、
extraction.. failure、fever、fillings、fissure sealant、flight attendant、flossing、
fluoride gel、fluorosis、gaps、gingiva、Gingival hypertrophy、gingival tissue、glass
ionomer、gum bleeding、gum disease、halitosis、Heparin、housewife、hydrogen
peroxide.. hypoplasia、immunosuppressant、impaction、implant、infective
endocarditis、inflammation、inlay、interdental brushing、international normalizing
ratio INR、Kidney disease、lethal、local anaesthesia、look、luxation、lymph node、
mechanical cleansing.. periodontal membrane、pH value、plaque、pocket、pontic、
porcelain veneer、post、post and core、potassium nitrate、prevention、preventive
resin restoration、pus、recession、removable appliance、removable denture、root
apex.. Root Canal Treatment、root fracture、root planning、root resorption、scaling、
second hand smoking、sensitive teeth、side effect、smile、smoking、smoking
cessation、successful、surgery、swelling、test cavity、tetracycline staining、thinner
teeth. thromboembolism、tongue scrapper、tooth bleaching、Tooth bracing、tooth
decay、tooth eruption、tooth whitening、tooth. Irreversible pulpitis、toothache、
toothbrush、toothpaste、triclosan、vitamin C、warfarin、washing effect、water
fluoridation.. wisdom tooth、wound handling ,complete Denture, space maintainer,
Maryland Bridge ,pharyngitis, sedation , Pulpotomy. Small tooth, black tooth, damage

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醫藥人 楊幽幽 正確清潔牙齒及牙肉邊緣 175
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醫藥人 楊幽幽 正確清潔牙齒及牙肉邊緣 175
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醫藥人 楊幽幽  脫牙流血不止174醫藥人 楊幽幽  脫牙流血不止174
醫藥人 楊幽幽 脫牙流血不止174
醫藥人 楊幽幽 處理接近神經線的阻生智慧齒173
醫藥人 楊幽幽  處理接近神經線的阻生智慧齒173醫藥人 楊幽幽  處理接近神經線的阻生智慧齒173
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醫藥人 楊幽幽  正確使用抗生素172醫藥人 楊幽幽  正確使用抗生素172
醫藥人 楊幽幽 正確使用抗生素172
醫藥人 楊幽幽 牙齒消炎丸到底是甚麼171
醫藥人 楊幽幽  牙齒消炎丸到底是甚麼171醫藥人 楊幽幽  牙齒消炎丸到底是甚麼171
醫藥人 楊幽幽 牙齒消炎丸到底是甚麼171
醫藥人 楊幽幽 注意有否刷蝕牙齒 170
醫藥人 楊幽幽   注意有否刷蝕牙齒 170醫藥人 楊幽幽   注意有否刷蝕牙齒 170
醫藥人 楊幽幽 注意有否刷蝕牙齒 170
醫藥人 楊幽幽 氟斑齒的處理方法 169
醫藥人 楊幽幽 氟斑齒的處理方法 169醫藥人 楊幽幽 氟斑齒的處理方法 169
醫藥人 楊幽幽 氟斑齒的處理方法 169
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Interdisciplinary Seminars and First-Aid Textbook on Dental Trauma for Medical Students and Practitioners

  • 1. Short Communication Interdisciplinary Seminars and First-Aid Textbook on Dental Traumafor Medical Students and Practitioners Cecilia Young* IndependentResearcher,Hong Kong *CorrespondingAuthor:Cecilia Young, Independent Researcher, Hong Kong. Received:May29, 2018 ;Published:June21, 2018 ACTA SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL SCIENCES Volume2 Issue 4 July2018 An avulsed permanent tooth is one of the few real emergency situations in dentistry [1]. Immediate replantation is the best treat- ment option at the place of accident, we should put the tooth in storage media if this cannot be carried out [1]. Delayed replanta- tion has a poor long-term prognosis. The periodontal ligament will be necrotic and not expected to heal and the outcome is ankylo- sis and resorption of the root, the tooth will be lost eventually [1]. Management guidelines for fractures and luxations of permanent teeth [2], avulsion of permanent teeth [1] and Injuries in the pri- mary dentition [3] were developed. Educational campaigns and formal interactive education is as- sociated with confidence and knowledge, and importantly, is de- sired by the majority of specialist and trainee emergency physi- cians in Australasia [13]. A 2.5 hours workshop was given to the emergency physicians and physicians for information and clinical skills related to dental emergency including dental trauma, intra- oral bleeding, and bleeding after dental treatment, orbital space infection of dental origin, cavernous sinus thrombosis, brain ab- scess and Ludwig Angina [17]. Howard., et al. suggested educational campaigns must be un- dertaken to improve both the resources available to the emergen- cy department and to improve the knowledge of physicians about TDI. They further recommended local organizations to provide emergency department with lists of dentists who are knowledge- able and willing to be available 24 hours per day to consult with TDI when necessary [14]. Other studies also suggested Education- al campaigns to physicians [4,5,9,10] and emergency physicians [4,5,12]. Going directly to dentist (44.7%), to the casualty in the near- est hospital on foot or by any transport (25.4%) or call an ambu- lance (15.6%), visit the nearest private doctor (5.3%) or the family doctor (2.5%) were the answers of secondary school students (US grade 7-12) in Hong Kong when there is a traumatic dental injury [4]. Similar results were found when the same set of questions was given to the primary (US grade 1-6) and secondary school teachers (US grade 7 - 12) in Hong Kong [5]. The authors suggested Emer- gency management of dental trauma should be added to first aid publications and taught to students and health professionals [4,5]. Emergency departments need to triage and manage traumatic dental injuries (TDI) before the patients reach dentists [6-8]. Un- fortunately, many physicians [9-11] and emergency physicians [12- 14] do not possess adequate knowledge to deal with them, mainly due to lack of formal training. Emergency physicians [12,13] feel lack of confidence to manage dental trauma. Zadik evaluated the first aid textbooks and manuals and con- cluded that the insufficient information of oral trauma manage- ment partly explains the reports of poor and inadequate knowl- edge among medics, teachers and the general public [15]. Another first-aid textbook and manual review has also shown that only 19 among 45 of the reviewed text mention procedures for use in case of traumatic dental injuries. One text published in 2000 recom- mends seeing the dentist after 7 days which was misleading. The authors suggested to add current, evidence-based, first –aid proce- dures for dental traumafor forthcoming editions [16]. Strongest predictor of emergency physicians’ confidence in specific topics of dental emergencies including dental trauma was formal education [13]. Young., et al. sent letters to institutions re- questing the course coordinator to include emergency manage- ment of dental trauma in the undergraduate and the continuing professional development programmes of healthcare profession- als [4,5]. Bibliography 1. L Andersson., et al. “International Association of Dental Trau- matology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 2. Avulsion of permanent teeth”. Dental Traumatol- ogy28.2 (2012): 88-96. 2. AJ Di Angelis., et al. “International Association of Dental Trau- matology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 1. Fractures and luxations of permanent teeth”. Den- tal Traumatology 28.1 (2012): 2-12. Citation:Cecilia Young.“Interdisciplinary Seminars and First-Aid Textbook on Dental Trauma for Medical Students and Practitioners”. Acta Scientific MedicalSciences2.4 (2018): 55-56.
  • 2. InterdisciplinarySeminarsandFirst-Aid TextbookonDentalTraumafor MedicalStudentsandPractitioners 3. B Malmgren., et al. “International Association of Dental Trau- matology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 3. Injuries in the primary dentition”. Dental Trauma- tology28.3 (2012): 174-182. 4. C Young, et al. “A survey on Hong Kong secondary school stu- dents’ knowledge of emergency management of dental trau- ma”.PLoSOne9.1 (2014): e84406. 5. C Young., et al. “Emergency management of dental trauma: knowledge of Hong Kong primary and secondary school teachers”. HongKongMedical Journal18.5 (2012): 362-370. 6. C Lewis., et al. “Dental complaints in emergency departments: A national perspective”. Annals of Emergency Medicine 42.1 (2003): 93-99. 7. TE Ladrillo., et al. “Increasing prevalence of emergency de- partment visits for pediatric dental care, 1997-2001”. Journal of the AmericanDental Association137.3 (2006): 379-385. 8. P Casamassimo. “Hospital Emergency Visits and Admissions Associated with Dental Problems Increased by 121% between 1997 and 2001”. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 7.1 (2007): 31-32. 9. M Raoof., et al. “Should medical students be educated about dental trauma emergency management? A study of physicians and dentists in Kerman Province, Iran”. Journal of Dental Edu- cation 77.4 (2013): 494-501. 10. MAbu-Dawoud., et al. “Knowledge of emergency management of avulsed teeth among young physicians and dentists”. Dental Traumatology 23.6 (2007): 348-355. 11. K Subhashraj. “Awareness of management of dental trauma among medical professionals in Pondicherry, India”. Dental Traumatology 25.1 (2009): 92-94. 12. C Trivedy., et al. “The attitudes and awareness of emergency department (ED) physicians towards the management of common dentofacial emergencies”. Dental Traumatology 28.2 (2012): 121-126. 13. HSamaei., et al. “Knowledge and Confidence of a Convenience Sample of Australasian Emergency Doctors in Managing Den- tal Emergencies: Results of a Survey”. Emergency Medicine In- ternational (2015). 14. HL Needleman., et al. “Massachusetts emergency depart- ments’ resources and physicians’ knowledge of manage- ment of traumatic dental injuries”. Dental Traumatology 29.4 (2013): 272-279. 15. Y Zadik. “Oral trauma and dental emergency management recommendations of first-aid textbooks and manuals”. Dental Traumatology 23.5 (2007): 304-306. 17. CYoung. “Professional Education and Training -Dental Emer- gencies” (2012). Volume2 Issue4July2018 ©Allrights arereserved byCecilia Young. 56 16. K Emerich and E Gazda. “Review of recommendations for the management of dental trauma presented in first-aid textbooks and manuals”.Dental Traumatology 26.3 (2010): 212-216. Citation:Cecilia Young.“Interdisciplinary Seminars and First-Aid Textbook on Dental Trauma for Medical Students and Practitioners”. Acta Scientific MedicalSciences2.4 (2018): 55-56.
  • 3. 楊幽幽牙科醫生 Dr. Cecilia Young Yau Yau 內容授權於原文醫藥人 以全篇原文為準 **以上內容已得病人同意使用作公共衛生教學用途 當中 "我們" 或 "示範中的方法" 指牙醫業內一般做法或其中一種 做法 內容只作一般公共衛生教育用途,病人應該與醫生商量自己的處 理方法。 所有牙醫均可進行公共口腔衛生教育,而公共衛生(Public Health )或社會牙醫科 (Community Dentistry )更是牙科內的一個科目。 牙醫專業守則 1.6 牙科/口腔健康教育活動 1.6.1 牙醫可以參與真確的牙科/口腔健康教育活動,例如演講 及作 專業發表.............. 1.6.3 向公眾提供的資料應具權威性、合宜並與一般經驗相符。 該等 資料應有事實根據、清楚易明及用詞淺白。 香港牙醫管理委員會 香港牙醫專業守則
  • 4. 楊幽幽牙科醫生教育系列 以下為公共口腔衛生教育系列關鍵字 嵌塞 牙縫刷 腎病 致命牙齒脫位 膿 退縮 戒煙 骨質疏鬆 腫脹 四環素染色 楊幽幽牙科醫生 更薄的牙齒 刮舌板 牙齒長出 牙 齒不可逆性牙髓炎 水氟化 X光對生育期內婦女的影響, 什麼年紀最適合箍牙, 假牙, 傷口處理, 公共衛生教育, 剝牙, 副作用, 口腔種植, 成人矯齒成效如何, 止血, 正確刷牙及使用牙線方法, 楊幽幽牙科醫生口腔教育系列 注意事項, 洗牙流血點解, 活 動假牙托, 流血不止, 滿口牙套可以箍牙嗎, 漂牙, 牙周病, 牙周病患者是否可以箍牙. 透明牙箍有用嗎, 牙柱, 牙橋, 牙痛, 牙 瘡, 牙肉流血, 牙醫, 牙骹, 種牙, 空姐接觸的宇宙射線會否影響胎兒, 笑容, 箍牙會唔會失敗, 脫牙, 蛀牙, 關節 好唔好 以下為公共口腔衛生教育系列關鍵字, 阿士匹靈,抗血小板劑,抗凝血劑, 抗生素, 關節僵硬,銀粉, 矯正, 植牙, 膿腫, 研磨劑, 刷蝕牙齒, 態度, ,撕脫, 乳齒, 細菌, 口氣, 咬, 矯正器, 腦膿腫, 刷牙, 緩衝作用, 過氧化尿素,齲齒,檢查,咀嚼, 複合, 牙套, 牙冠 增長手術, 環孢素A, 失智症, 牙,科, 牙橋, 牙科疾病, 牙科脫牙,牙科問題, 牙髓, 牙周膜, 牙菌膜, 矯齒,根管治療, 洗牙齒表面, 微電測試 牙髓, 預防性樹脂補牙, 玻璃離子, 牙腳尖, 二手煙, 敏感牙齒, 吸煙, 手術, 鑽洞測試,水銀, 成功,牙齒氟化, 發炎, 淋巴核, 神 經, 牙齒過度長出酸鹼值, 維他命C, 智慧齒,華法林, 牙膏, 牙刷, 牙齒美白,牙齒漂白, 口氣, 失敗, 補牙, 牙線, 外觀, 咬合, 橋 體, 牙冠,口腔種植周邊炎 , 含氟漱口水, 漱口水, 硝酸鉀, 口腔黏膜發炎, 尼古丁, 口腔疾病, 口腔感染, 預防, 牙袋, 家庭主婦, 感冒, 象牙質, 牙齒創傷, 牙骨黏連, 牙周膜位置骨化, 磨蝕牙齒, 牙齒正畸, 氟素防蛀劑, 牙紋防蛀劑,鑲嵌物, 鑄造瓷貼片, 酸 蝕牙齒, 牙齒腫大, 漱口水, 肝素, 薄血藥, 維生素C,血栓栓塞, 國際標準化比值, 感染性心內膜炎, 琺瑯質, 局部麻醉劑, 三氯 沙, 空間固定器, 進食次數,用餐次數, 全口假牙托、琺瑯質形狀缺陷,馬利蘭牙橋, 咽喉炎, 食物與牙齒健康, 奶瓶齲齒, 鎮靜, 牙髓治療, 氟素凝膠, 牙腳斷裂, 牙腳吸收, 牙根整平術, 早期兒童蛀牙, 糖尿病, 效用, 測試, 牙齦, 牙齦組織, 牙齦出血, 雙氧 水, 免疫抑制劑, 嵌塞, 牙縫刷, 腎病, 致命,牙齒脫位, 膿, 退縮, 戒煙,骨質疏鬆, 腫脹, 四環素染色, 更薄的牙齒, 刮舌板, 牙齒 長出, 牙齒不可逆性牙髓炎, 水氟化X光對生育期內婦女的影響、什麼年紀最適合箍牙、假牙、傷口處理、公共衛生教育、 剝牙、副作用、口腔種植、成人矯齒成效如何、止血、正確刷牙及使用牙線方法、注意事項、洗牙流血點解、活動假牙托、 流血不止、滿口牙套可以箍牙嗎、漂牙、牙周病、牙周病患者是否可以箍牙. 透明牙箍有用嗎、牙柱、牙橋、牙痛、牙瘡、 牙肉流血、牙醫、牙骹、種牙、空姐接觸的宇宙射線會否影響胎兒、笑容、箍牙會唔會失敗、脫牙、蛀牙、關節, 常見的 牙患及預防方法, 蛀牙的成因及預防, 牙周病的成因及預防方法 甚麼是根管治療, 關於脫牙的事實, 銀汞合金安全嗎, 牙齒如何漂白, 需要矯齒的原因及準備, 牙齒創傷即時處理及治療, 懷 孕婦女需特別注重口腔健康, 如何除口氣, 骨質疏鬆與牙齒脫落的關係, 家長須助孩子護理乳齒, 牙周病─治療方法探究篇, 牙患可以致命, 鑲補牙齒方法知多少, 假牙扥 你們對我的期望合理嗎, 牙菌膜可以使種牙鬆脫, 糖尿病與牙周病互相影響, 必 先利其器 口腔衛生用品知多少, 脫牙前必須認真考慮, 預防蛀牙的方法氟素防蛀劑及牙紋防蛀劑, 漂白牙齒的各種方法, 細 數牙周病各種病徵, 用力刷牙≠清潔 使用漱口水是否好習慣, 吸煙與牙周病, 吸煙對治療牙周病的影響, 吸煙與口腔癌關係密切 戒煙為何與如何, 二手煙立法與自律, 乳齒對恆齒的影響, 公眾對洗牙的誤解調查, 兒童乳齒的根管治療, 第一隻長出的恆齒, 換牙時需注意事項, 護理口腔第一步正確刷牙方法, 敏感牙齒成因及預防, 公眾對洗牙的誤解應用篇, 如何保養活動假牙, 矯 齒點滴, 矯齒前應注意的事項, 木糖醇對人有害嗎, 口腔穿環的後遺問題, 牙周牙髓聯合症, 防敏感牙膏不適合長期使用, 頭 頸部放射治療前後的口腔護理, 幫助睡眠窒息症患者呼吸口腔矯治器, 根管治療時斷針是否失誤, 小朋友在牙科治療時不合 作, 嚴重蛀牙 幼兒一次被脫8隻乳齒(上) 嚴重蛀牙 幼兒一次被脫8隻乳齒(中), 嚴重蛀牙 幼兒一次被脫8隻乳齒(下), 香港牙膏並未含有「二甘醇」, 社會醫學研究電 話調查, 小朋友不肯見牙醫 怎辦?, 牙周病口瘡性潰痬與口腔癌 牙齒創傷幸與不幸, 智慧齒過度長出, 智慧齒過度長出引致 的其他牙患, 矯齒替代鑲假牙, 矯齒替代鑲假牙(二), 善用抗生素, 失去牙齒的其他後果, 一顆牙齒多個問題 根管治療後如何加上牙柱及牙套, 澳洲回顧研究 漱口水內的酒精致口腔癌, 牙齒美容 牙齒美容(二), 牙齒美容(三), 常見牙齒問題酸蝕, 牙科治療 為甚麼要磨蝕好的牙齒, 健康牙齒伴你一生, 淺談假牙的承扥問 題, 腎病患者的口腔問題, 抗凝血劑 抗血小板劑與脫牙
  • 5. 感染性心內膜炎與牙科治療, 二手煙對兒童牙齒的影響, 失智症(老人痴呆症)與口腔健康 如何保持牙齒清潔, 防敏感牙膏新資訊, 牙套內會不會蛀牙, 探討牙科內常用的局部麻醉劑 孕婦及牙科常用藥物, 牙科病人與精神問題(上), 牙科病人與精神問題(下), 阻生智慧齒 殺菌劑三氯沙氾濫我們應否使用抗菌牙膏, 牙科病人的求診習慣, 診斷不同不知信那一個 什麼情況,什麼病人不宜脫牙, 關於植牙的種種迷恩, 如何處理長者的牙患, 預防牙患多角度孕婦與胎兒母親與嬰幼 兒, 牙周整形手術治敏感牙齒, 牙齦萎縮不能復原, 牙周組織再生法, 植骨與植牙手術 先植骨後植牙, 同時進行植骨 與植牙, 口腔植體周邊組織炎, 牙冠增長手術(上). 牙冠增長手術(下), 中小學教師與中學生對牙齒創傷認識不足, 牙 齒各類創傷與處理, 牙齒各類創傷與處理(2), 牙齒創傷當牙周膜死了, 牙齒創傷日後可能顯現的問題 牙齒創傷後的治療個案, 假牙可以戴多久, 即時性假牙托, 假牙的種類和設計, 假牙的種類和設計--種牙, 假牙的種 類和設計--牙橋, 假牙的種類和設計--活動假牙托, 我的牙齒為什麼不好, 由牙齒所引致的感染看似小事的牙瘡, 由 牙齒所引致的感染看似皮膚問題的牙瘡 由牙齒所引致的感染細菌進入眼部, 由牙齒所引致的感染細菌入腦, 由牙齒所引致的感染Ludwig氏咽峽炎阻塞氣道, 漱口水過酸易蛀牙, 食物與牙齒健康, 錯誤使用奶瓶餵飼幼兒奶瓶齲齒, 兒童嚴重蛀牙的治療方法, 兒童嚴重蛀牙的 治療方法--牙套, 牙齒咬合與移位(上), 牙齒咬合與移位(下), 智障人士的牙患, 智障人士如何預防牙患, 正確使用氨 素 氟素以外牙紋防蛀劑填補牙紋縫隙, 牙齒重疊最需要徹底清潔, 牙齒磨損, 對牙菌膜的監測 簡介牙髓的各種測試, 淺談口腔以外的牙科X光, 口腔以內的牙科X光, 牙髓死亡, 淺析咬合垂直距離, 牙痛, 到底哪 裡痛, 能不能忍一時之痛, 活動假牙托下不應有壞牙腳, 氟斑齒的處理方法 注意有否刷蝕牙齒, 牙齒消炎丸到底是 甚麼., 正確使用抗生素, 處理接近神經線的阻生智慧齒, 脫牙流血不止, 正確清潔牙齒及牙肉邊緣, 牙科手術儀器的 消毒程序, 牙科用具其他消毒程序, 黏液囊腫, 看見和看不見的蛀牙, 切除部分牙腳手術, 切除部分牙腳手術 2, 如何 清潔牙腳分岔位 上, 如何清潔牙腳分岔位 下, 牙線功能成疑, 美白牙膏去牙漬, 洗牙真的很痛嗎, 清刮牙腳, 再談清 刮牙腳, 洗牙流血只因牙肉發炎 口腔腫塊--牙齦瘤 口腔腫塊--乳突瘤, 口腔內的黑色素---牙齦的黑色素沉澱,G6PD缺乏症與牙科治療 頭頸癌放化治後牙科問題, 關愛基金改善政策使長者更受惠, 關愛基金改善政策使長者更受惠, 磨去蛀牙
  • 6. Dr. Cecilia Young Yau Yau Oral Health Education series key words mellitus, diagnosis, early childhood caries, effectiveness, electric pulp test, enamel, erosion, esthetics, examination, extraction, failure, fever, fillings, fissure sealant, flight attendant, flossing, fluoride gel, fluorosis, gaps, gingiva, Gingival hypertrophy, gingival tissue, glass ionomer, gum bleeding, gum disease, halitosis, Heparin, housewife, hydrogen peroxide, hypoplasia, immunosuppressant, impaction, implant, infective endocarditis, inflammation, inlay, interdental brushing, international normalizing ratio INR, Kidney disease, lethal, local anaesthesia, look, luxation, lymph node, mechanical cleansing, mercury, mouthrinse, mucositis, nerve, nicotine, number of meals, nursing bottle syndrome, occlusion, onlay, oral disease, Oral Health Education, oral infection, orthodontic treatment, osteoporosis, overeruption, peri-implantitis, periodontal disease, periodontal membrane, pH value, plaque, pocket, pontic, porcelain veneer, post, post and core, potassium nitrate, prevention, abrasion、abrasives、abscess、abutment tooth、 aligners、amalgam、ankylosis、antibiotics、anticoagulation、antiplatelet、aspirin、 attitude、attrition、avulsion、baby teeth、bacteria、bad breath、biting、bleaching、 bleeding、bracing.., brain abscess、bridge、brushing、buffering effect、carbamide peroxide、caries、check-up、chewing、chlorhexidine、composite、crown、crown lengthening、cyclosporine A、dementia、Dental、dental bridge、dental decay、dental disesase. dental extraction、dental problem、dental pulp、dental scaling、dental trauma、dentine、denture、diabetes mellitus、diagnosis、early childhood caries、 effectiveness、electric pulp test、enamel、erosion、esthetics、examination、 extraction.. failure、fever、fillings、fissure sealant、flight attendant、flossing、 fluoride gel、fluorosis、gaps、gingiva、Gingival hypertrophy、gingival tissue、glass ionomer、gum bleeding、gum disease、halitosis、Heparin、housewife、hydrogen peroxide.. hypoplasia、immunosuppressant、impaction、implant、infective endocarditis、inflammation、inlay、interdental brushing、international normalizing ratio INR、Kidney disease、lethal、local anaesthesia、look、luxation、lymph node、 mechanical cleansing.. periodontal membrane、pH value、plaque、pocket、pontic、 porcelain veneer、post、post and core、potassium nitrate、prevention、preventive resin restoration、pus、recession、removable appliance、removable denture、root apex.. Root Canal Treatment、root fracture、root planning、root resorption、scaling、 second hand smoking、sensitive teeth、side effect、smile、smoking、smoking cessation、successful、surgery、swelling、test cavity、tetracycline staining、thinner teeth. thromboembolism、tongue scrapper、tooth bleaching、Tooth bracing、tooth decay、tooth eruption、tooth whitening、tooth. Irreversible pulpitis、toothache、 toothbrush、toothpaste、triclosan、vitamin C、warfarin、washing effect、water fluoridation.. wisdom tooth、wound handling ,complete Denture, space maintainer, Maryland Bridge ,pharyngitis, sedation , Pulpotomy. Small tooth, black tooth, damage tooth.