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 This is a technology that improves reproductive
insufficiency through different techniques.
 It is also termed Assisted Reproductive
Technology and it involves equipments and
procedures used in treatment of infertility
 Infertility is the biological inability of a couple to conceive
after 1 year of regular unprotected sex without using
 It affects as many as 186million people worldwide
 Male infertility is an underlying cause in approximately 1/3rd
of couples. Female infertility also contributes to 1/3rd of
infertility cases with 1/3rd undetermined or from both
 The chance of conception for young fertile couples is 20-37%
during the first 3 months. The chance of success increases to
80% by one year and 90% after two years of trying.
 Uterine factors such as Fibroid (Non-cancerous
tumors that develop on or in the walls of the uterus),
cervical polyps, endometriosis.
 Ovarian/tubal factors such as Polycystic ovarian
syndrome (PCOS), Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
(POI), tubal blockage, scar tissues
 Hormonal factors such as hyperprolactinemia
(excesssive prolactin), hypothalamic dysfunction
(results in LH and FSH imbalance)
 Advanced maternal age
 azospermia(no sperm cells are produced)
 Oligospermia (low sperm count).
 Teratozoospermia (abnormal cell morphology)
 Asthenozoospermia (poor sperm motility)
 Erectile disorder
 ART includes medical procedures used to address infertility.
 The process of sexual intercourse is sometimes bypassed and
fertilization of oocytes occurs in the laboratory environment
 The methods of ART include;
a. Invitro fertilization (IVF)
b. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
c. Gametes Intrafallopian tube Transfer (GIFT)
d. Zygote Intrafallopian tube Transfer (ZIFT)
e. Surrogacy
• In Vitro Fertilization is the uniting of egg and sperm in
vitro(in the lab) and subsequently transferring the
embryo into the uterus through the cervix
 It is usually the most common method for female
 Ovary stimulation: Drugs are given to stimulate the ovary to
produce more than one ovum. It involves suppression of
spontaneous ovulation and two methods are available:
a. GnRH agonist protocol: Beginning of hyperstimulation
treatment and date of oocyte retrival can be chosen to
conform to personal choice
b. GnRH antagonist: Treatment must be adapted to the
spontaneous onset of previous menstruation 40
c. Oocyte retrieval: Induction of final oocyte maturation is
done by injection of hCG and ovulation would occur
between 38 and 40hours after a single hCG injection.
Oocyte retrival is done 34-36hours after hCG injection
using a transvaginal technique
 Sperm retrieval and washing: Approximately 3hours to the
procedure, sperm is obtained and washed by separating
seminal fluid and removing inactive cells
 Fertilization: The egg and sperm are fertilized in the
 Embryo transfer: One or more embryos are transfer to the
patient’s uterus to improve chances of implantation and
Egg donation is used in IVF mostly due to the high success rate
which is about 55%-63%. It usually involves the egg donor,
recipient (future mother) and sperm donor (future father).
There are various types of egg donor:
 Anonymous donor: They are recruited by the IVF clinic and
identity is unknown to the clients. Its usually for monetary
 Designated donors: They are brought in by the patients e.g
friend or relative
 Patients who go through IVF taking part in shared oocyte
programmes donating unused eggs to such program
 Donor recruitment and screening which involves carrying
out of physical examinations, blood tests, medical and
psychological history, pelvic ultrasound. A legal contract is
also signed by the parties involved .
 Ovarian stimulation: Involves receiving of hormonal
treatments and this is usually administered by the donor
herself in form of subcutaneous injection for a period of 1-
 Follicular puncture: Approximately 36hours to the
procedure, an HCG injection is administered to produce LH
hormone peak. Oocytes are retrieved surgically through an
ultrasound guided transvaginal procedure
 It involves the direct injection
of sperm into eggs obtained
from invitro fertilization (IVF)
 It is used if infertility
originates from the male
 Fertilization rates of 70-80%
of all eggs injected is achieved
with ICSI
 The mature egg is held with a specialized pipette.
 A very delicate, sharp, and hollow needle is used to
immobilize and pick up a single sperm.
 The needle is then carefully inserted through the shell
of the egg and into the cytoplasm of the egg.
 The sperm is injected into the cytoplasm, and the
needle is carefully removed.
 The eggs are checked the following day for evidence of
normal fertilization.
 Eggs are removed from a
woman’s ovaries and placed
in one of fallopian tubes
along with the man’s sperm
 The first attempt was made
by Steptoe and Edwards.
 Approximately 25-30% of all
GIFT cycle result in
 The Patient must have atleast an healthy fallopian tube
 Using a laparoscope, eggs are then retrieved from the ovaries.
 The male provides a sperm sample the same day that the eggs
are retrieved.
 The eggs are then mixed with the sperm in a catheter.
 The egg and sperm mixture is inserted into the fallopian
tubes with a catheter.
 The woman is then provided with medication to build up the
uterine lining to support implantation of a fertilized egg
 It is a treatment used when
blockage of fallopian tubes
prevent normal binding of
sperm to the egg .
 Egg cells are removed from a
woman’s ovaries, and in vitro
fertilized, the resulting
zygote is placed into the
fallopian tube by the use of
 A woman’s ovaries are stimulated with medications and
eggs are retrieved.
 Those eggs are fertilized in a laboratory in a procedure
identical to IVF, with the exception of the time frame.
 During the ZIFT procedure, fertilized eggs are transferred
through a laparoscopic procedure within 24 hours, versus
3-5 days as used in a regular IVF cycle.
 The final step is to watch for early pregnancy symptoms
 Average pregnancy rates per embryo transfer are 42% in
ZIFT-ICSI cycles and 37% in ZIFT-non-ICSI cycles
 This is a fertility treatment
that involves placing sperm
inside a woman’s uterus to
facilitate fertilization
 It is less invasive and less
expensive compare to IVF
 Ovulation stimulation medication may be
administered to the woman
 The procedure will be performed around ovulation
period , about 24hours to LH surge
 The collected semen sample will be washed to
separate semen from seminal fluid
 Catether will be used to insert the sperm directly into
the uterus
 It increase the number of sperms reaching the
fallopian tubes and increase chance of fertilization
 This is an arrangement often
supported by a legal agreement
where a woman agrees to
delivery on behalf of another
person or couple who will be the
child’s parents after birth
 Traditional surrogacy: The surrogate is impregnated
naturally or artificially, but the resulting child is
genetically related to the surrogate
 2. Gestational surrogacy: An egg is removed from the
intended mother or an anonymous donor and fertilized
with the sperm of the intended father or anonymous
donor. The fertilized egg, or embryo, is then transferred
to a surrogate who carries the baby to term
 Assisted Zona Hatching: This procedure involve making a
small hole in the zona pellucida using micromanipulator to
facilitate zona hatching
NB: Zona hatching is when the blastocyst gets rid of the
surrounding zona pellucida to allow implantation to the
 Embryo splitting: This is the formation of twins or multiple
embryos invitro to split an embryo in 2, 4, or 8 cell stage to
increase number of available embryo
 Cryopreservation: It involves the removal of egg from a
woman’s ovary, fertilizing with sperm to form an embryo
which is frozen and can later be removed and placed in the
uterus. This is a type of fertility preservation
 Miscarriage
 Low birth weight
 Multiple pregnancies
 Birth defects
 Ectopic pregnancy
 Religious response: In Islam, Gad El-Hak’s ART fatwa
includes that IVF is allowed only if the egg and sperm are
from the couples and the fertilized egg is transferred back to
the uterus. A third party donor is not accepted as it is
tantamount to adultery (zina)
The catholic church opposes all kinds of ART as they consider
it to be a replacement of the marital act and therefore
The Hindus welcome IVF as a gift for those unable to bear
children .
• Society and Culture: Many women of Sub-saharan Africa
choose to foster their children to infertile women.
Since ART allows this women to have their own children, it
imposes new idea to the culture. This could result in
decreased resources for large families and ultimately hinder
community’s growth
 Profit desire of the industry: The IVF industry has been
described as a market-driven industry. In 2008, a California
physician transferred 12 embryos to a woman who gave birth
to octuplets. This led to acccusations that a doctor is willing
to endanger the health of people for money
 Transgender parents: There is a misconception about
children of transgender parents not being good compared to
cisgender parents. However, a study was done in france and it
shows that children of both transgender and cisgender
parents have the same level of childhood development and
psycho-emotional health
 ART has been the answer for many childless
couples, resulting in successful pregnancies and
 Today there is a range of infertile treatment that
aims to ensure a healthy sustainable pregnancy.
 There are still risks, stress and high cost associated
with ART but with the advent of new technologies,
it is hoped that these shortcomings would be
overcome in the nearest future and every infertile
couple would have the privilege of parenthood.
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 Bhatia Kalsang, Martindale Elizabeth , Rustamov Oybek, Nysenbaum Anthony M. (2009).
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 Condat, A., Mamou, G., Lagrange, C., Mendes, N., Wielart, J., Poirier, F. (2020). Transgender
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 Brinsden, P. R. (2005). Gift (Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer). East Sussex, UK: CHILD: The National
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 Hartman, H. E. (2019). Earning while giving: Rhetorical strategies for navigating multiple
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 Haas, J. M. (2012). Begotten not made: A catholic view of Reproductive Technology.
 Imrie Susan, Jadva Vasanti. (2014). “The long term experiences of surrogates: relationships and
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 Inhorn, M. C., Patrizio, P. (2015). Infertility around the globe: new thinking on gender,
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  • 2. REPRODUCTIVE BIOTECHNOLOGY  This is a technology that improves reproductive insufficiency through different techniques.  It is also termed Assisted Reproductive Technology and it involves equipments and procedures used in treatment of infertility 2
  • 3. INFERTILITY  Infertility is the biological inability of a couple to conceive after 1 year of regular unprotected sex without using contraceptive  It affects as many as 186million people worldwide  Male infertility is an underlying cause in approximately 1/3rd of couples. Female infertility also contributes to 1/3rd of infertility cases with 1/3rd undetermined or from both partners  The chance of conception for young fertile couples is 20-37% during the first 3 months. The chance of success increases to 80% by one year and 90% after two years of trying. 3
  • 4. CAUSES OF INFERTILITY FEMALE INFERTILITY  Uterine factors such as Fibroid (Non-cancerous tumors that develop on or in the walls of the uterus), cervical polyps, endometriosis.  Ovarian/tubal factors such as Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), tubal blockage, scar tissues  Hormonal factors such as hyperprolactinemia (excesssive prolactin), hypothalamic dysfunction (results in LH and FSH imbalance)  Advanced maternal age 4
  • 5. MALE INFERTILITY  azospermia(no sperm cells are produced)  Oligospermia (low sperm count).  Teratozoospermia (abnormal cell morphology)  Asthenozoospermia (poor sperm motility)  Erectile disorder 5
  • 7. ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY (ART)  ART includes medical procedures used to address infertility.  The process of sexual intercourse is sometimes bypassed and fertilization of oocytes occurs in the laboratory environment  The methods of ART include; a. Invitro fertilization (IVF) b. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection c. Gametes Intrafallopian tube Transfer (GIFT) d. Zygote Intrafallopian tube Transfer (ZIFT) e. Surrogacy 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. INVITRO FERTILIZATION (IVF) • In Vitro Fertilization is the uniting of egg and sperm in vitro(in the lab) and subsequently transferring the embryo into the uterus through the cervix  It is usually the most common method for female infertility 9
  • 10. PROCEDURES IN IVF  Ovary stimulation: Drugs are given to stimulate the ovary to produce more than one ovum. It involves suppression of spontaneous ovulation and two methods are available: a. GnRH agonist protocol: Beginning of hyperstimulation treatment and date of oocyte retrival can be chosen to conform to personal choice b. GnRH antagonist: Treatment must be adapted to the spontaneous onset of previous menstruation 40 c. Oocyte retrieval: Induction of final oocyte maturation is done by injection of hCG and ovulation would occur between 38 and 40hours after a single hCG injection. Oocyte retrival is done 34-36hours after hCG injection using a transvaginal technique 10
  • 11. PROCEDURES IN IVF  Sperm retrieval and washing: Approximately 3hours to the procedure, sperm is obtained and washed by separating seminal fluid and removing inactive cells  Fertilization: The egg and sperm are fertilized in the laboratory  Embryo transfer: One or more embryos are transfer to the patient’s uterus to improve chances of implantation and pregnancy 11
  • 13. EGG DONOR Egg donation is used in IVF mostly due to the high success rate which is about 55%-63%. It usually involves the egg donor, recipient (future mother) and sperm donor (future father). There are various types of egg donor:  Anonymous donor: They are recruited by the IVF clinic and identity is unknown to the clients. Its usually for monetary reasons  Designated donors: They are brought in by the patients e.g friend or relative  Patients who go through IVF taking part in shared oocyte programmes donating unused eggs to such program 13
  • 14. EGG DONOR CONT’D PROCEDURES INVOLVED ARE  Donor recruitment and screening which involves carrying out of physical examinations, blood tests, medical and psychological history, pelvic ultrasound. A legal contract is also signed by the parties involved .  Ovarian stimulation: Involves receiving of hormonal treatments and this is usually administered by the donor herself in form of subcutaneous injection for a period of 1- 3weeks.  Follicular puncture: Approximately 36hours to the procedure, an HCG injection is administered to produce LH hormone peak. Oocytes are retrieved surgically through an ultrasound guided transvaginal procedure 14
  • 15. INTRACYTOPLASMIC SPERM INJECTION (ICSI)  It involves the direct injection of sperm into eggs obtained from invitro fertilization (IVF)  It is used if infertility originates from the male  Fertilization rates of 70-80% of all eggs injected is achieved with ICSI 15
  • 16. PROCEDURE OF ICSI  The mature egg is held with a specialized pipette.  A very delicate, sharp, and hollow needle is used to immobilize and pick up a single sperm.  The needle is then carefully inserted through the shell of the egg and into the cytoplasm of the egg.  The sperm is injected into the cytoplasm, and the needle is carefully removed.  The eggs are checked the following day for evidence of normal fertilization. 16
  • 17. GAMETE INTRAFALLOPIAN TUBE TRANSFER (GIFT)  Eggs are removed from a woman’s ovaries and placed in one of fallopian tubes along with the man’s sperm  The first attempt was made by Steptoe and Edwards.  Approximately 25-30% of all GIFT cycle result in pregnancy 17
  • 18. PROCEDURE OF GIFT  The Patient must have atleast an healthy fallopian tube  Using a laparoscope, eggs are then retrieved from the ovaries.  The male provides a sperm sample the same day that the eggs are retrieved.  The eggs are then mixed with the sperm in a catheter.  The egg and sperm mixture is inserted into the fallopian tubes with a catheter.  The woman is then provided with medication to build up the uterine lining to support implantation of a fertilized egg 18
  • 19. ZYGOTE INTRAFALLOPIAN TUBE TRANSFER (ZIFT)  It is a treatment used when blockage of fallopian tubes prevent normal binding of sperm to the egg .  Egg cells are removed from a woman’s ovaries, and in vitro fertilized, the resulting zygote is placed into the fallopian tube by the use of laparoscopy 19
  • 20. PROCEDURE OF ZIFT  A woman’s ovaries are stimulated with medications and eggs are retrieved.  Those eggs are fertilized in a laboratory in a procedure identical to IVF, with the exception of the time frame.  During the ZIFT procedure, fertilized eggs are transferred through a laparoscopic procedure within 24 hours, versus 3-5 days as used in a regular IVF cycle.  The final step is to watch for early pregnancy symptoms  Average pregnancy rates per embryo transfer are 42% in ZIFT-ICSI cycles and 37% in ZIFT-non-ICSI cycles 20
  • 22. INTRAUTERINE INSEMINATION(IUI)  This is a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm inside a woman’s uterus to facilitate fertilization  It is less invasive and less expensive compare to IVF 22
  • 23. PROCEDURE OF IUI  Ovulation stimulation medication may be administered to the woman  The procedure will be performed around ovulation period , about 24hours to LH surge  The collected semen sample will be washed to separate semen from seminal fluid  Catether will be used to insert the sperm directly into the uterus  It increase the number of sperms reaching the fallopian tubes and increase chance of fertilization 23
  • 24. 24
  • 25. SURROGACY  This is an arrangement often supported by a legal agreement where a woman agrees to delivery on behalf of another person or couple who will be the child’s parents after birth 25
  • 26. TYPES OF SURROGACY  Traditional surrogacy: The surrogate is impregnated naturally or artificially, but the resulting child is genetically related to the surrogate  2. Gestational surrogacy: An egg is removed from the intended mother or an anonymous donor and fertilized with the sperm of the intended father or anonymous donor. The fertilized egg, or embryo, is then transferred to a surrogate who carries the baby to term 26
  • 27. OTHER ART TECHNIQUES  Assisted Zona Hatching: This procedure involve making a small hole in the zona pellucida using micromanipulator to facilitate zona hatching NB: Zona hatching is when the blastocyst gets rid of the surrounding zona pellucida to allow implantation to the uterus.  Embryo splitting: This is the formation of twins or multiple embryos invitro to split an embryo in 2, 4, or 8 cell stage to increase number of available embryo  Cryopreservation: It involves the removal of egg from a woman’s ovary, fertilizing with sperm to form an embryo which is frozen and can later be removed and placed in the uterus. This is a type of fertility preservation 27
  • 28. RISK FACTORS OF ART  Miscarriage  Low birth weight  Multiple pregnancies  Birth defects  Ectopic pregnancy 28
  • 29. ETHICAL ISSUES  Religious response: In Islam, Gad El-Hak’s ART fatwa includes that IVF is allowed only if the egg and sperm are from the couples and the fertilized egg is transferred back to the uterus. A third party donor is not accepted as it is tantamount to adultery (zina) The catholic church opposes all kinds of ART as they consider it to be a replacement of the marital act and therefore immoral The Hindus welcome IVF as a gift for those unable to bear children . • Society and Culture: Many women of Sub-saharan Africa choose to foster their children to infertile women. 29
  • 30. ETHICAL ISSUES Since ART allows this women to have their own children, it imposes new idea to the culture. This could result in decreased resources for large families and ultimately hinder community’s growth  Profit desire of the industry: The IVF industry has been described as a market-driven industry. In 2008, a California physician transferred 12 embryos to a woman who gave birth to octuplets. This led to acccusations that a doctor is willing to endanger the health of people for money  Transgender parents: There is a misconception about children of transgender parents not being good compared to cisgender parents. However, a study was done in france and it shows that children of both transgender and cisgender parents have the same level of childhood development and psycho-emotional health 30
  • 31. CONCLUSION  ART has been the answer for many childless couples, resulting in successful pregnancies and childbirth.  Today there is a range of infertile treatment that aims to ensure a healthy sustainable pregnancy.  There are still risks, stress and high cost associated with ART but with the advent of new technologies, it is hoped that these shortcomings would be overcome in the nearest future and every infertile couple would have the privilege of parenthood. 31
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