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For medical Student
Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 1
History of lump:
1. When did you noticed it?
2. How did you noticed it?
3. Is the lump symptomatic? Pain, pressure.
4. Any change in size since first noticed?
5. Does the lump ever disappeared or reduced in
6. Any other lump in the body?
7. Any cause? trauma? Heavy weight lifting?
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 2
1_ When was the lump first noticed?
• It is important to be precise with dates and
• Do not write ‘the lump first appeared 6 months
ago’, when you mean ‘the lump was first noticed 6
months ago’.
• Many lumps may exist for months, even years,
before the patient notices them.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 3
2_ What made the patient notice the lump?
• There are four common answers to this
a) ‘I felt or saw it when washing.’
b) ‘I had a pain and found the lump when I felt the
painful area.’
c) ‘Someone else noticed it and told me about it.’
d) ‘I found it on self examination’, for example a
breast lump in a female.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 4
3_ What are the symptoms of the lump?
• The lump may be painful, and if it is, you
must take a careful history of the pain.
• Pain is usually associated with inflammation, not
neoplastic change.
• Many patients expect cancer to be painful and
ignore a malignant lump just because it does not
• A lump may be disfiguring or interfere with
movement, respiration or swallowing.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 5
4_ Has the lump changed since it was first noticed?
• The patient should be able to tell you if
the lump has got bigger or smaller, or has
fluctuated in size and when they noticed
a change in size.
• They may also have appreciated other changes
in the nature of the lump that they can tell
you about.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 6
5_ Does the lump ever disappear?
• A lump may disappear on lying down, or
during exercise, and yet be irreducible at the
time of your examination.
• The patient should always be asked if the
lump ever disappears completely, because this
physical characteristic is peculiar to only a few
types of lump.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 7
6_ Has the patient ever had any other lumps?
• You must ask this question because it might
not have occurred to the patient that there
could be any connection between their present
lump and a previous lump, or even a coexisting
one (e.g. neurofibromas or lipomas).
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 8
7_ What does the patient think caused the lump?
• Lumps occasionally follow injuries or systemic
illnesses known only to the patient
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 9
Examination of lump:
1. Site
2. Size
3. Shape
4. Surface
5. Colour
6. Temperature
7. Tenderness
8. Edge
9. Composition:
• Consistency
• Fluctuation
• Fluid thrill
• Translucency.
• Resonance
• Pulsatility
• Compressibility
• Bruit
11. Reducibility
12. Relations to surrounding
structures – mobility/ fixity
13. Regional lymph glands
14. State of local tissues:
• Arteries
• Nerves
• Bones and joints
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 10
1= Site:
• The location of a lump must be described in exact
anatomical terms, using distances measured from
bony points.
• Do not guess distances; use a tape measure.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 12
2= Size:
• Once the shape has been established, it is possible to
measure its dimensions.
• Remember that all solid objects have at least three
dimensions: width, length and height or depth, although
the latter may be impossible to measure clinically.
• Asymmetrical lumps will need more measurements to
describe them accurately, and sometimes a diagram will
clarify your written description.
• The size are:
a) Small.
b) Large.
c) Huge.
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Horizontal and vertical
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 14
3= Shape:
• Remember that lumps have three dimensions.
• You cannot have a circular lump because a circle
is a plane figure.
• Many lumps are:
a) Ovoid.
b) Pear shaped.
c) Spherical.
d) Elliptical or hemispherical.
e) Irregular.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 16
Oval shaped Pear shaped
4= Surface:
• It may be:
a) Smooth.
b) Irregular.
• An irregular surface may be covered with
smooth bumps, rather like cobblestones, which can
be called bosselated, or may be irregular or rough.
• There may be a mixture of surfaces if the lump
is large.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 18
Smooth Irregular
5= Color and texture of the
overlying skin:
• The skin over a lump may be:
a) Discolored.
b) Inflamed.
c) Smooth and shiny.
d) Thick and rough.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 20
Smooth and shiny
Thick and rough
6= Temperature:
• Is the lump hot or of normal temperature?
• Assess the skin temperature with the dorsal
surfaces of your fingers, because they are usually
dry (free of sweat) and cool.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 22
7= Tenderness:
• Is the lump tender?
• If so, is the whole lump tender?
• Always try to feel the non-tender part before feeling
the tender area, and watch the patient’s face to ensure
that you are not causing discomfort as you palpate.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 24
8= Edge:
• The edge of a lump may be:
a) Clearly defined.
b) Indistinct.
• It may have a definite pattern.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 26
9= Composition:
• Any lump must be composed of one or
more of the following:
a) Bony-hard _ calcified tissues such as bone, which
make it
b) Solid or firm or rubbery _ tightly packed cells, it
depending on the tissue of origin and the individual’s
stromal response.
c) Soft and Cystic _ extravascular fluid, such as urine,
serum, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid or
extravascular blood.
d) Gas _ which makes it soft and compressible.
e) Intravascular blood _ which makes it pulsatile.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 27
• The consistency of a lump may vary from very soft
to very hard.
• As it is difficult to describe hardness, it is common
practice to compare the consistency of a lump to
well-known objects.
• A simple scale for consistency is as follows:
a) Stony hard: not indentable – usually bone or
b) Firm: hard but not as hard as bone – similar to an
unripe apple or pear.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 28
c) Rubbery but slightly squashable – similar to a
rubber ball.
d) Spongy: soft and very squashable, but still with
some resilience, like a sponge.
e) Soft: squashable and with no resilience, like a
• The consistency of a lump is dependent not only
upon its structure, but also on the tension
within the lump.
• Some fluid-filled lumps feel hard, some solid
lumps are soft.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 29
• Pressure on one side of a fluid-filled cavity makes all
the other surfaces protrude.
• This is because an increase of pressure within a cavity is
transmitted equally and at right angles to all parts of its
• When you press on one aspect of a solid lump, it may
or may not bulge out in another direction, but it will
not bulge outwards in every other direction.
• Fluctuation is elicited by feeling at least two other
areas of the lump between the thumb and index
finger of the left hand while pressing on a third
central point with the index finger of the right hand.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 31
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 32
Fluid thrill:
• A percussion wave is easily conducted across a
large fluid collection or cyst but not across a
solid mass.
• The presence of a fluid thrill is detected
by tapping one side of the lump, by flicking the
middle finger of the right hand against the thumb,
and feeling the transmitted vibration when it
reaches the other side, where the second detecting
left hand is placed.
• When it is present, a fluid thrill is a diagnostic and
extremely valuable physical sign.
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• Beware – a percussion wave can be transmitted along
the wall of a large swelling.
• This is prevented by placing the edge of the patient’s
or an assistant’s hand on the lump midway between
the percussing and palpating hands.
• Percussion waves cannot be felt across small fluid-filled
lumps because the wave moves so quickly that the time
gap cannot be appreciated or distinguished from the
mechanical shaking of the tissue caused by the
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 35
• Light passes easily through clear fluids but does not
pass through solid tissues. A lump that
transilluminates must contain water, serum, lymph
or plasma.
• Highly refractile light can also appear to
transilluminate through a large lipoma, while blood
and other opaque fluids do not transmit light.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 36
• Transillumination requires a bright pinpoint
light source and a darkened room.
• The light should be placed on one side of the lump,
not directly on top of it.
• Transillumination is present when the whole lump
glows at a distance from the light source.
• Attempts at transillumination with a poor-quality
flashlight in a bright room are bound to fail and
•The room must be really dark!
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 38
• Solid and fluid-filled lumps sound dull when
• A gas-filled lump, such as a hernia sac containing
bowel, sounds hollow and resonant.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 40
• Lumps may pulsate because they are near to an
artery and are moved by its pulsations (transmitted
pulsation) or because they are connected with the
heart or arterial system (expansile pulsation).
• The most common cause of expansile pulsation is
an aneurysm, with, rarely, very vascular tumours.
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 41
• Always let your hand rest still for a few seconds on
every lump to discover if it is pulsating.
• When a lump pulsates, you must find out whether
the pulsations are transmitted or are expansile.
• Place a finger (or fingers if the lump is large) of
each hand on opposite sides of the lump and feel if
they are pushed outwards and upwards.
• When they are, the lump has an expansile pulsation
‘true pulsating’.
• When they are pushed only upwards, the lump has
a transmitted pulsation ‘false pulsating’.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 43
• Some fluid-filled lumps can be compressed until
they disappear.
• When the compressing hand is removed, the lump
• This finding is a common feature of vascular
malformations and fluid collections that can be
pushed back into a cavity, a joint or a cistern.
• Compressibility should not be confused with
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 45
• Gently compressing it.
• A reducible lump becomes smaller and then moves to
another place as it is compressed.
• It may disappear quite suddenly after appropriate
pressure has been applied.
• The lump may return, when you ask the patient to
cough, expanding as it does so.
• This is called a cough impulse and is a feature of
hernias and some vascular lumps.
• The reduction can be maintained by pressing over the
point at which the lump finally disappeared.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 47
• Always listen to a lump.
• A systolic bruit or a machinery murmur (throughout
both systole and diastole) may be audible over
vascular lumps that contain an arteriovenous
• Audible bowel sounds can be heard over a hernia
containing bowel.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 49
10= Relations to surrounding
• Superficial:
• The attachment of skin and other superficial structures
to a lump can easily be determined.
• The lump should be gently moved while the skin is
inspected for movement or ‘puckering’.
• The lump is attached to the fascia covering the
superficial surface of the muscle or to the muscle itself.
• Deep:
• Attachment to deeper structures is more difficult
to determine.
• The lump is within or deep to the muscles.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 51
Superficial: Deep:
• The underlying muscles must be tensed to see if
this reduces the mobility of an overlying lump or
makes it easier or more difficult to feel.
a) Lumps that are attached to bone move very little.
b) Lumps that are attached to or arising from vessels
or nerves may be moved from side to side, but
not up and down.
c) Lumps in the abdomen that are freely mobile
usually arise from the intestine, its mesentery or
the omentum.
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11= State of the regional lymph
• Never forget to palpate the lymph glands that
would normally drain lymph from the region
occupied by the lump:
a) the skin, muscles and bones of the limbs and
trunk drain to the axillary and inguinal glands.
b) the head and neck to the cervical glands.
c) the intra-abdominal structures to the preaortic
and para-aortic glands.
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12= Local tissues:
• It is important to examine the overlying and nearby
skin, subcutaneous tissues, muscles and bones, and
the local circulation and nerve supply of adjacent
• This is more relevant when
examining an ulcer, but some lumps are
associated with a local vascular or neurological
abnormality, so this part of the examination must
not be forgotten, as for example skin ulceration can
occur over a locally advanced breast cancer.
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11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 56
General examination
11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 57

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History taking & physical examination of lump

  • 1. For medical Student 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 1
  • 2. History of lump: 1. When did you noticed it? 2. How did you noticed it? 3. Is the lump symptomatic? Pain, pressure. 4. Any change in size since first noticed? 5. Does the lump ever disappeared or reduced in size? 6. Any other lump in the body? 7. Any cause? trauma? Heavy weight lifting? 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 2
  • 3. 1_ When was the lump first noticed? • It is important to be precise with dates and terminology. • Do not write ‘the lump first appeared 6 months ago’, when you mean ‘the lump was first noticed 6 months ago’. • Many lumps may exist for months, even years, before the patient notices them. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 3
  • 4. 2_ What made the patient notice the lump? • There are four common answers to this question: a) ‘I felt or saw it when washing.’ b) ‘I had a pain and found the lump when I felt the painful area.’ c) ‘Someone else noticed it and told me about it.’ d) ‘I found it on self examination’, for example a breast lump in a female. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 4
  • 5. 3_ What are the symptoms of the lump? • The lump may be painful, and if it is, you must take a careful history of the pain. • Pain is usually associated with inflammation, not neoplastic change. • Many patients expect cancer to be painful and ignore a malignant lump just because it does not hurt. • A lump may be disfiguring or interfere with movement, respiration or swallowing. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 5
  • 6. 4_ Has the lump changed since it was first noticed? • The patient should be able to tell you if the lump has got bigger or smaller, or has fluctuated in size and when they noticed a change in size. • They may also have appreciated other changes in the nature of the lump that they can tell you about. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 6
  • 7. 5_ Does the lump ever disappear? • A lump may disappear on lying down, or during exercise, and yet be irreducible at the time of your examination. • The patient should always be asked if the lump ever disappears completely, because this physical characteristic is peculiar to only a few types of lump. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 7
  • 8. 6_ Has the patient ever had any other lumps? • You must ask this question because it might not have occurred to the patient that there could be any connection between their present lump and a previous lump, or even a coexisting one (e.g. neurofibromas or lipomas). 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 8
  • 9. 7_ What does the patient think caused the lump? • Lumps occasionally follow injuries or systemic illnesses known only to the patient 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 9
  • 10. Examination of lump: 1. Site 2. Size 3. Shape 4. Surface 5. Colour 6. Temperature 7. Tenderness 8. Edge 9. Composition: • Consistency • Fluctuation • Fluid thrill • Translucency. • Resonance • Pulsatility • Compressibility • Bruit 11. Reducibility 12. Relations to surrounding structures – mobility/ fixity 13. Regional lymph glands 14. State of local tissues: • Arteries • Nerves • Bones and joints 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 10
  • 11. 1= Site: • The location of a lump must be described in exact anatomical terms, using distances measured from bony points. • Do not guess distances; use a tape measure. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 11
  • 12. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 12
  • 13. 2= Size: • Once the shape has been established, it is possible to measure its dimensions. • Remember that all solid objects have at least three dimensions: width, length and height or depth, although the latter may be impossible to measure clinically. • Asymmetrical lumps will need more measurements to describe them accurately, and sometimes a diagram will clarify your written description. • The size are: a) Small. b) Large. c) Huge. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 13 Horizontal and vertical
  • 14. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 14
  • 15. 3= Shape: • Remember that lumps have three dimensions. • You cannot have a circular lump because a circle is a plane figure. • Many lumps are: a) Ovoid. b) Pear shaped. c) Spherical. d) Elliptical or hemispherical. e) Irregular. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 15
  • 16. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 16 Oval shaped Pear shaped
  • 17. 4= Surface: • It may be: a) Smooth. b) Irregular. • An irregular surface may be covered with smooth bumps, rather like cobblestones, which can be called bosselated, or may be irregular or rough. • There may be a mixture of surfaces if the lump is large. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 17
  • 18. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 18 Smooth Irregular Cobblestones
  • 19. 5= Color and texture of the overlying skin: • The skin over a lump may be: a) Discolored. b) Inflamed. c) Smooth and shiny. d) Thick and rough. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 19
  • 20. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 20 Discolored Inflamed Smooth and shiny Thick and rough
  • 21. 6= Temperature: • Is the lump hot or of normal temperature? • Assess the skin temperature with the dorsal surfaces of your fingers, because they are usually dry (free of sweat) and cool. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 21
  • 22. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 22
  • 23. 7= Tenderness: • Is the lump tender? • If so, is the whole lump tender? • Always try to feel the non-tender part before feeling the tender area, and watch the patient’s face to ensure that you are not causing discomfort as you palpate. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 23
  • 24. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 24
  • 25. 8= Edge: • The edge of a lump may be: a) Clearly defined. b) Indistinct. • It may have a definite pattern. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 25
  • 26. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 26
  • 27. 9= Composition: • Any lump must be composed of one or more of the following: a) Bony-hard _ calcified tissues such as bone, which make it b) Solid or firm or rubbery _ tightly packed cells, it depending on the tissue of origin and the individual’s stromal response. c) Soft and Cystic _ extravascular fluid, such as urine, serum, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid or extravascular blood. d) Gas _ which makes it soft and compressible. e) Intravascular blood _ which makes it pulsatile. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 27
  • 28. Consistency: • The consistency of a lump may vary from very soft to very hard. • As it is difficult to describe hardness, it is common practice to compare the consistency of a lump to well-known objects. • A simple scale for consistency is as follows: a) Stony hard: not indentable – usually bone or calcification. b) Firm: hard but not as hard as bone – similar to an unripe apple or pear. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 28
  • 29. c) Rubbery but slightly squashable – similar to a rubber ball. d) Spongy: soft and very squashable, but still with some resilience, like a sponge. e) Soft: squashable and with no resilience, like a balloon. • The consistency of a lump is dependent not only upon its structure, but also on the tension within the lump. • Some fluid-filled lumps feel hard, some solid lumps are soft. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 29
  • 30. Fluctuation: • Pressure on one side of a fluid-filled cavity makes all the other surfaces protrude. • This is because an increase of pressure within a cavity is transmitted equally and at right angles to all parts of its wall. • When you press on one aspect of a solid lump, it may or may not bulge out in another direction, but it will not bulge outwards in every other direction. • Fluctuation is elicited by feeling at least two other areas of the lump between the thumb and index finger of the left hand while pressing on a third central point with the index finger of the right hand. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 30
  • 31. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 31
  • 32. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 32
  • 33. Fluid thrill: • A percussion wave is easily conducted across a large fluid collection or cyst but not across a solid mass. • The presence of a fluid thrill is detected by tapping one side of the lump, by flicking the middle finger of the right hand against the thumb, and feeling the transmitted vibration when it reaches the other side, where the second detecting left hand is placed. • When it is present, a fluid thrill is a diagnostic and extremely valuable physical sign. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 33
  • 34. • Beware – a percussion wave can be transmitted along the wall of a large swelling. • This is prevented by placing the edge of the patient’s or an assistant’s hand on the lump midway between the percussing and palpating hands. • Percussion waves cannot be felt across small fluid-filled lumps because the wave moves so quickly that the time gap cannot be appreciated or distinguished from the mechanical shaking of the tissue caused by the percussion. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 34
  • 35. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 35
  • 36. Translucency (Transillumination): • Light passes easily through clear fluids but does not pass through solid tissues. A lump that transilluminates must contain water, serum, lymph or plasma. • Highly refractile light can also appear to transilluminate through a large lipoma, while blood and other opaque fluids do not transmit light. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 36
  • 37. • Transillumination requires a bright pinpoint light source and a darkened room. • The light should be placed on one side of the lump, not directly on top of it. • Transillumination is present when the whole lump glows at a distance from the light source. • Attempts at transillumination with a poor-quality flashlight in a bright room are bound to fail and mislead. •The room must be really dark! 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 37
  • 38. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 38
  • 39. Resonance: • Solid and fluid-filled lumps sound dull when percussed. • A gas-filled lump, such as a hernia sac containing bowel, sounds hollow and resonant. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 39
  • 40. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 40
  • 41. Pulsatility: • Lumps may pulsate because they are near to an artery and are moved by its pulsations (transmitted pulsation) or because they are connected with the heart or arterial system (expansile pulsation). • The most common cause of expansile pulsation is an aneurysm, with, rarely, very vascular tumours. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 41
  • 42. • Always let your hand rest still for a few seconds on every lump to discover if it is pulsating. • When a lump pulsates, you must find out whether the pulsations are transmitted or are expansile. • Place a finger (or fingers if the lump is large) of each hand on opposite sides of the lump and feel if they are pushed outwards and upwards. • When they are, the lump has an expansile pulsation ‘true pulsating’. • When they are pushed only upwards, the lump has a transmitted pulsation ‘false pulsating’. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 42
  • 43. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 43
  • 44. Compressibility: • Some fluid-filled lumps can be compressed until they disappear. • When the compressing hand is removed, the lump re-forms. • This finding is a common feature of vascular malformations and fluid collections that can be pushed back into a cavity, a joint or a cistern. • Compressibility should not be confused with reducibility. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 44
  • 45. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 45
  • 46. Reducibility: • Gently compressing it. • A reducible lump becomes smaller and then moves to another place as it is compressed. • It may disappear quite suddenly after appropriate pressure has been applied. • The lump may return, when you ask the patient to cough, expanding as it does so. • This is called a cough impulse and is a feature of hernias and some vascular lumps. • The reduction can be maintained by pressing over the point at which the lump finally disappeared. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 46
  • 47. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 47
  • 48. Bruits: • Always listen to a lump. • A systolic bruit or a machinery murmur (throughout both systole and diastole) may be audible over vascular lumps that contain an arteriovenous fistula. • Audible bowel sounds can be heard over a hernia containing bowel. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 48
  • 49. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 49
  • 50. 10= Relations to surrounding structures: • Superficial: • The attachment of skin and other superficial structures to a lump can easily be determined. • The lump should be gently moved while the skin is inspected for movement or ‘puckering’. • The lump is attached to the fascia covering the superficial surface of the muscle or to the muscle itself. • Deep: • Attachment to deeper structures is more difficult to determine. • The lump is within or deep to the muscles. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 50
  • 51. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 51 Superficial: Deep:
  • 52. • The underlying muscles must be tensed to see if this reduces the mobility of an overlying lump or makes it easier or more difficult to feel. a) Lumps that are attached to bone move very little. b) Lumps that are attached to or arising from vessels or nerves may be moved from side to side, but not up and down. c) Lumps in the abdomen that are freely mobile usually arise from the intestine, its mesentery or the omentum. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 52
  • 53. 11= State of the regional lymph glands: • Never forget to palpate the lymph glands that would normally drain lymph from the region occupied by the lump: a) the skin, muscles and bones of the limbs and trunk drain to the axillary and inguinal glands. b) the head and neck to the cervical glands. c) the intra-abdominal structures to the preaortic and para-aortic glands. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 53
  • 54. 12= Local tissues: • It is important to examine the overlying and nearby skin, subcutaneous tissues, muscles and bones, and the local circulation and nerve supply of adjacent tissues. • This is more relevant when examining an ulcer, but some lumps are associated with a local vascular or neurological abnormality, so this part of the examination must not be forgotten, as for example skin ulceration can occur over a locally advanced breast cancer. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 54
  • 55. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 55
  • 56. 11/7/2021 Dr: Ayub Abdulkadir Abdi 56