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The	craniocervical junction	is	a	vital	component	in	understanding	the	
function	of	the	human	central	nervous	system.
The	craniovertebral junction	(CVJ)	comprises	the	occiput,	atlas,	and	
Abnormal	development	of	any	of	these	components	may	lead	to	
altered	structure,	and	therefore,	altered	function	in	the	central	nervous	
• Atlantoaxial dislocation,		occipitalisation of	atlas,	 and	fusion	of	C2	
and	C3	vertebrae	are	the	commonest	anomalies	occurring	 in	India.
• Males	are	most		commonly	affected	and	a	predisposing	factor	like	
trivial	neck	trauma	may	be	identified	in	nearly	50%	of	the	cases.
• The	signs	and	symptoms	of	these	anomalies	are	diverse	that	include	
local	radicular	Neck	pain,	high	cervical	cord	compression,		lower	
cranial	nerves	palsy	and		cerebellar	involvement.
• The	clinical	manifestations	are	often	delayed	into	the	second	and	
third	decade	because	they	are	usually	subtle
• Diagnosis	is	established	only	after		plain	radiographs	of	the	cervical	
spine	in	full	flexion	and	extension	positions.
• Magnetic	resonance	imaging	is	the	ideal	tool	to	use	after	plain	
radiographs	are	obtained.
• It	identifies	the	neural	abnormalities	as	well	as	the	osseous	
• Lines and angles used in radiologic diagnosis of C.V
junction anomalies.
• Extends	from	the	posterior	margin	of	the	hard	palate	to	the	
posterior	margin	of	the	foramen	magnum	(opisthion).
• The	tip	of	the	odontoid	process	normally	lies	below	or	just	 tangent	to	
the	Chamberlain’s	line.	
• The	odontoid	projecting	above	this	line	is	diagnostic	of	 “basilar	
• McGregor	proposed	a	modification	of	Chamberlain’s	line	(basal	line),	
extending	from	the	posterior	margin	of	the	hard	palate	to	the	lowest	
point	of	the	occipital	squamosal	surface.
• McGregor	determined	that	the	tip	of	the	odontoid	process	may	
normally	project	above	this	line	for	a	distance	of	5	mm	in	females	and	
7	mm	in	males.
• It	is	generally	considered	abnormal,	if	the	tip	of	the	odontoid	projects	
more	than	5	mm	above	Chamberlain’s	line	or	7	mm	above	
McGregor’s	basal	line.
• Formed	by	the	intersection	of	nasion– midsella and	midsella–basion
• The	average	angle	is	134–135° with	a	minimum	of	121° and	a	
maximum	of	148–149°.	
• An	abnormally	obtuse	angle	is	the	best	indication	of	platybasia or	
flattening	of	the	skull	base.
• it	is	frequently	associated	with	basilar	invagination.
• It	is	constructed	by	drawing	a	line	along	the	clivus and	extending	it	
inferiorly	into	the	upper	cervical	spinal	canal.
• This	line	normally	falls	tangent	to	the	posterior	aspect	of	the	odontoid	tip.
• In	addition	to	its	use	in	describing	CVJ	abnormalities	, this	line	is	very	useful	
for	assessment	of	CVJ	traumatic	injuries.	
• If	the	line	falls	too	far	posterior	to	the	odontoid,	posterior	craniocervical
dislocation	may	be	present	.
• if	the	lines	actually	intersects	the	body	or	base	of	the	odontoid,	anterior	
craniocervical dislocation	may	be	diagnosed.
A	line	is	drawn	from	basion to	opisthion and
another	line	along	the	plane	of	clivus to	the	basion,	intersecting	the	
first	line.
The	resultant	angle	formed	is	the	boogards angle.
The	normal	value	is	126° +/- 6° .
In	platybasia it	exceeds	136°.
It	is	the	distance	between	the	tip	of	dens	and	tuberculum	torcula line.
It	represents	the	height	or	depth	of	the	posterior	fossa.	
The	mean	value	is	41+_4	mm.
A	value	of	<35mm	usually	indicates	Basilar	invagination	or	Platybasia.
Also	called	as	the	foramen	magnum	line.
It	is	constructed	by	joining	opisthion to	basion and	corresponds	to	
effective	diameter	of		the	foramen	magnum.	
Normal	diameter	is	around	40mm.
When	effective	saggital diameter	is	<20	mm,	neurological	symptoms	
occur	(termed	as	Foramen	Magnum	stenosis).
It	is	formed	at	the	intersection	of	tangents	drawn	parallel	to	the	
atlanto-occipital	joints.
These	tangents	typically	intersect	at	the	center	of	the	odontoid	
process	when	the	condyles	are	symmetric.	
The	average	angle	measures	124° to	127°.
The	angle	becomes	more	obtuse	in	the	face	of	occipital	condylar	
hypoplasia	and	may	even	approach	180° or	more.
• It	is	the	normal	space	between	the	posteroinferior margin	of	the	
anterior	arch	of	C1	and	the	adjacent	anterior	surface	of	the	odontoid	
• It	normally	measures	3	mm	in	adults	and	as	much	as	5	mm	in	children	
up	to	the	age	of	9	years.	
• Widening	of	this	space	is	associated	with	atlanto-axial	instability,	such	
as	in	children	with	Down’s	syndrome	and	muco-polysaccharidosis.
1. Bony Anomalies
(A)Major anomalies
i) Platybasia
ii) Occipitalization
iii) Basilar invagination
iv) Dens dysplasia
v) Atlanto-axial dislocation
vi) Klippel-feil anomaly
(B) Anomalies of occipital condyles,
arch of atlas, clivus etc.
2. Soft tissue anomalies
i) Arnold-chiari malformation
ii) Syringobulbia and/or syringomyelia
• These	refer	to	a	spectrum	of	congenital	hindbrain	abnormalities	
affecting	the	structural	relationships	between	the
1)	cerebellum
2)	brainstem	
3)	upper	cervical	cord
4)		bony	cranial	base.
• Chiari type	I	malformation	is	the	most	common	and	the	least	severe	
of	the	spectrum,	often	diagnosed	in	adulthood.
• Its	hallmark	is	caudal	displacement	of	peglike cerebellar	tonsil	below	
the	level	of	the	foramen	magnum	referred	to	as	congenital	tonsillar	
herniation,	tonsillar	ectopia,	or	tonsillar	descent.	
• The	resultant	impaction	of	the	foramen	magnum,	compression	of	the	
cervicomedullary junction	by	the	ectopic	tonsils,	and	interruption	of	
normal	flow	of	cerebrospinal	fluid	(CSF)	through	the	region	produce	
the	clinical	syndrome.
• Chiari type	II	malformation	is	less	common	and	more	severe,	almost	
invariably	associated	with	myelomeningocele.	Because	of	its	greater	
severity,	it	becomes	symptomatic	in	infancy	or	early	childhood.	
• The	type	III	malformation	refers	to	herniation	of	cerebellum	into	a	
high	cervical	myelomeningocele,	whereas	type	IV	refers	to	cerebellar	
• The	advent	of	MRI,	with	its	capacity	for	sagittal	views,	has	
revolutionized	the	diagnosis	of	Arnold	chiari malformation.
Characteristic Chiari I Chiari II
Usual age of diagnosis Adults and older children Infants and young children
Clinical findings
• Headache and neck pain (worsened by cough or Valsalva
• Myelopathy
• Cerebellar symptoms
• Lower brainstem symptoms (eg, dysarthria, dysphagia,
downbeat nystagmus)
• Central cord symptoms (eg, hand weakness, dissociated
sensory loss, cape anesthesia)
• In infants, signs of brainstem dysfunction predominate:
swallowing/feeding difficulties, stridor, apnea, weak cry,
• Weakness of extremities
Primary anatomical abnormalities
• Herniation of cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum,
producing compression of cervicomedullary junction
• Herniation of lower brainstem through foramen magnum
• Kinking of cervicomedullary junction
• "Beaking" of tectum
• Upward herniation of vermis through incisura
• Nearly vertical tentorium
Myelomeningocele No Always
Hydrocephalus Less than 10% of cases Very common
Syringomyelia 30-70% Common
Associated abnormalities
• Craniocervical hypermobility syndromes
• Klippel-Feil anomaly
• Hereditary connective tissue disorders and neurofibromatosis
type II
• Callosum corpus pellucidum septum of agenesis
• Hypoplasia or
• Enlargement of massa intermedia
• Heterotopias and gyral abnormalities
Shared associated abnormalities
• Basilar invagination
• Occipitalization of atlas
• Bifida of C1 posterior arch
• Foramen magnum variant anatomy
• Basilar invagination
• Occipitalization of atlas
• Bifida of C1 posterior arch
• Foramen magnum variant anatomy
• Chiari malformation	type	I,	hypothesized	to	be	a	disorder	of	para-axial	
mesoderm,	which	subsequently	results	in	formation	of	a	small	
posterior	fossa.	
• The	development	of	the	cerebellum	within	this	small	compartment	
results	in	overcrowding	of	the	posterior	fossa,	herniation	of	the	
cerebellar	tonsils,	and	impaction	of	the	foramen	magnum.
• The	greater	incidence	of	Chiari I	and	II	in	females	supports	the	view	
that	posterior	fossa	size	is	genetically	determined,	with	males	having	
larger	posterior	fossa	 spaces	than	females,	so	that	restriction	of	
posterior	fossa	size	leads	to	hindbrain	herniation	more	readily	in	
females	than	males.
• Symptoms	of	Chiari I	develop	as	a	result	of	3	pathophysiological	
consequences	of	the	disordered	anatomy
(1)	compression	of	medulla	and	upper	spinal	cord
(2)	compression	of	cerebellum
(3)	disruption	of	CSF	flow	through	foramen	magnum.
• Compression	of	cord	and	medulla	may	result	in	myelopathy	and	
lower	cranial	nerve	and	nuclear	dysfunction.
• Compression	of	cerebellum	may	result	in	ataxia,	dysmetria,	
• The	disordered	flow	of	CSF	through	foramen	magnum	may	result	in	
formation	of	syringomyelia and	central	cord	symptoms such	as	hand	
weakness	and	dissociated	sensory	loss.
• MRI	is	the	imaging	modality	of	choice.
• On	sagittal	imaging,	the	best	plane	for	assessing	for	the	presence	of	
Chiari I	malformations,	the	tonsils	are	pointed,	rather	than	rounded	
and	referred	to	as	peg-like.
• MRI	assesses	the	extent	of	tonsillar	descent	and	descent	of	>5	mm	is	
chosen	by	most	radiologists	as	the	threshold	value	for	labeling	
tonsillar	ectopia.
In	a	study	by	Mikulis et	al,	normal	tonsillar	position	correlated	with	age	.
As	measured	from	a	line	drawn	from	the	basion to	opisthion,	the	tonsils	may	
be	considered	in	normal	position	when	they	herniate	up	to,
1)	6	mm	in	children		0–10	years	of	age,
2)		5	mm	in	older	children	and	young	adults	(10–29	years	of	age),	
3)		4	mm	in	adults	30–79	years	of	age,	and	
4)		3	mm	in	individuals	older	than	80	years.	
• Other	important	findings	include	a	syrinx	(50–70%	of	patients)	that	is	
usually	(but	not	always)	cervical		as	seen	on	T2-weighted	MRI.
• Patients	with	Chiari I	malformations	who	have	minimal	symptoms	
without	syringomyelia can	be	treated	conservatively.
• Mild	neck	pain	and	headaches	can	be	treated	with	analgesics,	muscle	
relaxants,	and	occasional	use	of	a	soft	collar.	
• Frankly	symptomatic	patients	should	be	offered	surgical	treatment.
• The	goals	of	surgical	treatment	are	decompression	of	
cervicomedullary junction	and	restoration	of	normal	CSF	flow	in	the	
region	of	foramen	magnum.
• Syringomyelia is	the	development	of	a	fluid-filled	cavity	or	syrinx	
within	the	spinal	cord.	
• It	is	a	condition	with	many	possible	causes.
• Hindbrain	herniation	is	the	most	common	cause,	followed	by	spinal	
arachnoiditis and	also	intraspinal tumors.	
• Rarely	no	cause	has	been	found	in	some	patients	and	thus	the	term	
idiopathic	syringomyelia.
• Based	on	the	MR	imaging	syrinx		were	classified	into
1)	Communicating,
2)	Non-communicating,	and	
3)	Atrophic	types.
1)Communicating	syringes are	caused	by	obstructions	of
the	CSF	pathways	distal	to	the	outlets	of	the	fourth	ventricle.
In	typical	cases,	there	is	generalized	enlargement
of	all	four	cerebral	ventricles,	and	the	central	canal
participates	in	the	hydrocephalic	process	like	a	"fifth	ventricle.“
The	etiologies	of	communicating	syrinx	include
1)	subarachnoid	hemorrhage
2)	meningitis
3)	neoplastic	seeding	of	the	leptomeninges
4)	idiopathic
2)	Non	Communicating	syringes	are dilations	of	the	central	canal	that	do	
not	communicate	with	the	fourth	ventricle	are	associated	with	
obstructions	of	the	CSF	pathways	at	or	below	the	foramen	
Causes	include	
1)	Chiari I	malformation,	
2)	basilar	invagination,	
3)	spinal	arachnoiditis,
4)	extramedullary compressions,	
5)	acquired	tonsillar	herniation.
3)	Atrophic	syringes	
which	occur	with	myelomalacia (following	trauma	or	infarction),	
are		associated	with	a	reduction	in	the	transverse	dimensions	of	
the	spinal	cord	on	MR	images
• Syringomyelia usually	progresses	slowly;	the	course	may	extend	over	
many	years.	
• Symptomatic	presentation	depends	primarily	on	the	location	of	the	
lesion	within	the	neuraxis.
• Syrinx	interrupts	the	decussating	spinothalamic fibers	that	mediate	
pain	and	temperature	sensibility,	resulting	in	loss	of	these	sensations,	
while	light	touch,	vibration,	and	position	senses	are	preserved	
(dissociated	sensory	loss).
• When	the	cavity	enlarges	to	involve	the	posterior	columns,	position	
and	vibration	senses	in	the	feet	are	lost.
• A	syrinx	may	extend	into	the	medulla,	producing	a	syringobulbia.
• This	syndrome	is	characterized	by	dysphagia,	nystagmus,	pharyngeal	
and	palatal	weakness,	asymmetric	weakness	and	atrophy	of	the	
tongue,	and	sensory	loss	involving	primarily	pain	and	temperature	
senses	in	the	distribution	of	the	trigeminal	nerve.
MRI	is	the	preferred	method	of	investigation	for	diagnosis	of	syringomyelia
and	clearly	demonstrates	cavities	in	the	spinal	cord.	
MRI	has	two	basic	features	for	syringomyelia-
1-The	presence	of	a	cyst	in	spinal	cord	parenchyma;	and
2- The	associated	abnormal	signal	of	cord	due	to	gliosis.
• Both	these	can	be	analysed on	T1W	and	T2W	images.
• T1W- The	syrinx	cavity	has	a	signal	intensity	equal	to	or	slightly	higher	than	
• T2W- Spinal	cord	tissue	around	a	syrinx	is	often	abnormal	giving	rise	to	
hyper-intense	signal	called	myelomalcia.
• No	medical	treatment	is	known	for	patients	with	syringomyelia.	
However,	a	chronic,	stable	clinical	course	is	common.
• Surgical	interventions	are	Suboccipital and	cervical	decompression	
includes	suboccipital craniectomy;	laminectomy	of	C1,	C2,	and	
sometimes	C3	.
Bony	anomalies
• In	this	the		odontoid	abnormally	prolapses	into	the	foramen	magnum	
and		often	associated	with	other	osseous	anomalies	of	the	
craniovertebral junction,	including	atlanto-occipital	assimilation,	
incomplete	ring	of	C1,	and	hypoplasia	of	the	basiocciput,	occipital	
condyles,	and	atlas.	
• basilar	invagination	and	related	malformation	are	related	to	acquired	
instability	of	the	atlanto-axial	joint	.
• Goel further	classified	basilar	invagination	into	two	categories	based	
on	the	anatomical	inclination	of	odontoid	process	and	clivus.
• In	group	A		basilar	invagination,		there	was	a	‘fixed’	atlantoaxial
dislocation	and	the	tip	of	the	odontoid	process	‘invaginated’	into	the	
foramen	magnum	and	was	above	the	Chamberlain	line,	McRae	line	of	
foramen	magnum		and	Wackenheim’s clival line.	
• In	group	B,	patients	had	normally	inclined	odontoid	process	and	clivus
and	the	tip	of	the	odontoid	process	was	above	Chamberlain’s	line	but	
below	McRae’s	and	Wackenheim’s lines.
• Essentially	group	A	patients	had	atlanto-axial	instability	which	was	
absent	in	group	B	patients	and	brainstem	girth	was	significantly	
decreased	in	group	A	patients	and	not	in	group	B	patients.
• Plain	radiography	establishes	diagnosis	but	MRI	demonstrates	extent	
of	cord	compression	and	correlates	with	clinical	neurological	
• The	brainstem	girth	was	markedly	reduced	in	Group	A	patients,	the	
girth	was	only	marginally	affected	or	unaffected	in	Group	B	patients	.
• Goel’s classification	for	BI	based	on	the	presence	(Group	A)	or	
absence	(Group	B)	of	clinical	and	radiological	instability	between	C1	
and	C2		helps	surgeons	to	choose	the	best	strategy	to	manage	these	
• Patients	with	BI	and	C1-C2	instability	(group	A)	should		be	treated	
with	posterior	fixation	after	reduction.	
• Group	B	patients		without	C1-C2	instability		benefit	with	posterior	
foramen	magnum	decompression	— the	most	common	treatment	for	
patients	in	this	group	based	on	the	principle	of	increasing	the	
posterior	fossa	volume.
• Atlantoaxial facet	joints	are	the	center	of	mobility	and	also	center	for	
instability	of	the	atlantoaxial region.
• It	is	one	of	the	most	mobile	joints	of	the	body.
• Goel incriminates	all		craniovertebral instability	to	be	due	to	
atlantoaxial dislocation.
• The	atlantoaxial instability	has	been	traditionally	gauzed	by	the	
atlantodental interval	that	signifies	the	abnormal	movement	of	the	
odontoid	process	away	from	the	circle	of	atlas	and	toward	the	neural	
structures	in	the	spinal	canal.	
• The	indentation	of	the	odontoid	process	into	the	critical	cervicomedullary
neural	structures	result	in	related	symptoms.
• Such	instability,	also	called	as	the	type	1	atlanto-axial	instabilty is	the	more	
common	form	of	atlantoaxial dislocation.
• Type	2	atlantoaxial instability,	wherein	the	facets	of	atlas	are	dislocated	
posterior	to	the	facet	of	axis	on	lateral	CT	images.
Also	classified	as
1) Lateral	atlantoaxial facetal dislocation		is	when	the	facet	of	the	atlas	is	
dislocated	lateral	in	relationship	with	the	facet	of	axis.
2) Vertical	atlantoaxial dislocation	is	when	the	odontoid	process	migrates	
superiorly	on	flexion	of		the	head	and	returns	back	entirely	or	incompletely	
to	normal	position	on	head	extension.	
3) Rotatory	atlantoaxial dislocation	is	when	the	facet	of	the	atlas	is	dislocated	
posterior	in	relationship	with	the	facet	of	axis	on	one	side	and	anterior	in	
its	relationship	on	the	contralateral	side.
Such	a	dislocation	results	in	torticollis.
4)		Translatory atlantoaxial dislocation	is	a	clinical	situation	when	the	facets				
of	atlas	of	both	sides	are	dislocated	anterior	to	the	facets	of	axis.
• Unless	symptoms	of	spinal	cord	compression	occur,	
Atlantoaxial Dislocation	requires	no	treatment.
• Once	symptoms	arise,	cervical	spine	stabilization	is	indicated	until	
surgical	stabilization	is	performed.
The	Klippel–Feil triad	consists	of	a	short	neck,	a	low	hairline	and		
limitation	of	neck	motion due	to	congenital	fusion	of	two	or	more	
cervical	vertebrae.	
Although	majority	of	the	patients	are		asymptomatic,		these		are	
especially	prone	to	cervical	cord	injury	after	a	minor	fall	or	a	major	
traumatic	episode.
• Feil,	in	1919,	described	KFS	into	3	groups	according	to	degree	of	
• Type	I- Massive	fusion	of	many	of	the	cervical	and	upper	thoracic	
• Type	II- the	fusion	at	one	or	two	interspaces	with	occipitoatlantoid
fusion,	hemivertebrae or	other	abnormalities	in	the	cervical	spine	,	
• Type	III- cervical	fusion	in	combination	with	lower	thoracic	or	lumbar	
Patients	may	develop	neurological	symptoms	that	are	secondary	to	
1)the	degenerative	disc	disease	of	the	adjacent	mobile	segments,	
2)spinal	instability	from	the	hypermobility	or	from	trauma,	and	
3)spinal	stenosis	in	later	decades	of	life.
The	syndrome	includes	a	complex	of	anomalies	such	as-
1)	scoliosis	(60%).
2)	renal	anomalies	(35%)	such	as	agenesis,	dysgenesis,	renal	ectopia.
3)deafness	(30%).
4)cardiovascular	malformations	(14%)	such	as	atrial	/	ventricular	septal	
defect,	Aortic	coarctation.
5)	cranial	and	facial	asymmetry	(13%)	
6)cleft	palate	(10%)
• Most	patients	present	with	a	short	neck	and	a	decreased	cervical	
rotation	of	movement,	with	a	low	hairline	occurring	in	40-50%	of	
• Decreased	Rotation	of	movement	is	the	most	frequent	clinical	finding.
• In	addition	to	fusion	anomalies	in	the	cervical	spine,	cervical	spinal	
stenosis	can	occur;	though	uncommon,	it	can	increase	the	risk	of	
neurologic	involvement
• Surgical	treatment	of	Klippel-Feil syndrome	is	indicated	in	a	variety	of	
• Neurologic	deficits	and	persistent	pain	are	indications	for	surgery.
Platybasia is	abnormal	flattening	of	the	skull	base.
Radiographically,	platybasia results	in	abnormal	obtuseness	of	the	basal	
angle	and	provides	the	basis	for	its	evaluation.
Platybasia can	occur	in	a	variety	of	congenital	disorders	(e.g.craniofacial
anomalies	,	osteogenesis imperfecta,	craniocleidodysostosis,	Arnold-Chiari
malformation)	or	in	acquired	diseases	(e.g.,	Paget	disease,	osteomalacia,	
rickets,	trauma).
Occipitalization of	the	atlas	is	a	developmental	anomaly	in	which	part	
or	the	complete	atlas	is	fused	to	the	occiput.	
occipitalization is	a	failure	of	segmentation	between	the	fourth	
occipital	sclerotome (proatlas)	and	the	first	cervical	sclerotome during	
embryonic	development.
Occipitalization is	the	most	common	anomaly	of	the	craniocervical
junction	and		majority	of	which	remain	asymptomatic.
• Atul Goel ;	Goel's classification	of	atlantoaxial “facetal”	dislocation.	J	Craniovertebr Junction	
Spine.	2014	Jan-Mar;	5(1):	3–8.
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