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Classical Distributed
Algorithms with DDS
The Data Distribution Service (DDS) provides a very useful foundation for building
highly dynamic, reconfigurable, dependable and high performance systems
However, in building distributed systems with DDS one is often faced with two
kind of problems:
- How can distributed coordination problems be solved with DDS?
e.g. distributed mutual exclusion, consensus, etc
- How can higher order primitives and abstractions be supported over DDS?
e.g. fault-tolerant distributed queues, total-order multicast, etc.
In this presentation we will look at how DDS can be used to implement some of
the classical Distributed Algorithm that solve these problems
DDS Abstractions and Properties
Data Distribution Service (DDS)
‣ DDS provides a Global Data Space
abstraction that allows applications
to autonomously, anonymously,
securely and efficiently share data
‣ DDS’ Global Data Space is fully
distributed, highly efficient and
DDS Global Data Space
Data Distribution Service (DDS)
‣ DataWriters and DataReaders are
automatically and dynamically
matched by the DDS Discovery
‣ A rich set of QoS allows to control
existential, temporal, and spatial
properties of data
DDS Global Data Space
Fully Distributed Data Space
Conceptual Model Actual Implementation
DDS Global Data Space
Fully Distributed Data Space
Vortex supports the definition of Data
These data models allow to naturally
represent physical and virtual entities
characterising the application
Vortex types are extensible and
evolvable, thus allowing incremental
updates and upgrades
Data Centricity
A Topic defines a domain-wide information’s class
A Topic is defined by means of a (name, type, qos)
tuple, where
• name: identifies the topic within the domain
• type: is the programming language type
associated with the topic. Types are
extensible and evolvable
• qos: is a collection of policies that express
the non-functional properties of this topic,
e.g. reliability, persistence, etc.
Each unique key value identifies a
unique stream of data
DDS not only demultiplexes
“streams” but provides also
lifecycle information
A DDS DataWriter can write
multiple instances
Topic Instances
color =”Green”
color =”red”
color = “Blue”
struct ShapeType {
@Key string color;
long x; long y;
long shapesize;};
Vortex “knows” about
application data types
and uses this
information provide
type-safety and content-
based routing
Content Awareness
sid temp hum
101 25.3 0.6
507 33.2 0.7
913 27,5 0.55
1307 26.2 0.67
sid temp hum
101 25.3 0.6
507 33.2 0.7
1307 26.2 0.67
For data to flow from a DataWriter (DW) to
one or many DataReader (DR) a few
conditions have to apply:
The DR and DW domain participants have
to be in the same domain
The partition expression of the DR’s
Subscriber and the DW’s Publisher should
match (in terms of regular expression
The QoS Policies offered by the DW should
exceed or match those requested by the DR
Quality of Service
writes reads
Domain Id
joins joins
produces-in consumes-from
RxO QoS Policies
Anatomy of a DDS Application
Domain (e.g. Domain 123)
Partition (e.g. “Telemetry”, “Shapes”, )
Topic Instances/Samples
We can think of a DataWriter and its matching
DataReaders as connected by a logical typed
communication channel
The properties of this channel are controlled by
means of QoS Policies
At the two extreme this logical communication
channel can be:
- Best-Effort/Reliable Last n-values Channel
- Best-Effort/Reliable FIFO Channel
Channel Properties
The last n-values channel is useful when modelling
distributed state
When n=1 then the last value channel provides a way of
modelling an eventually consistent distributed state
This abstraction is very useful if what matters is the
current value of a given topic instance
The Qos Policies that give a Last n-value Channel are:
Last n-values Channel
The FIFO Channel is useful when we care about every single
sample that was produced for a given topic -- as opposed to the
“last value”
This abstraction is very useful when writing distributing
algorithm over DDS
Depending on Qos Policies, DDS provides:
- Best-Effort/Reliable FIFO Channel
- FT-Reliable FIFO Channel (using an OpenSplice-specific extension)
The Qos Policies that give a FIFO Channel are:
FIFO Channel
We can think of a DDS Topic as defining a group
The members of this group are matching DataReaders
and DataWriters
DDS’ dynamic discovery manages this group
membership, however it provides a low level interface
to group management and eventual consistency of
In addition, the group view provided by DDS makes
available matched readers on the writer-side and
matched-writers on the reader-side
This is not sufficient for certain distributed algorithms.
DataWriter Group View
DW DRTopic
DataReader Group View
DDS provides built-in mechanism for
detection of DataWriter faults through the
A writer is considered as having lost its
liveliness if it has failed to assert it within its
lease period
DW DRTopic
DataReader Group View
System Model
Partially Synchronous
- After a Global Stabilisation Time (GST) communication latencies are bounded, yet
the bound is unknown
Non-Byzantine Fail/Recovery
- Process can fail and restart but don’t perform malicious actions
System Model
The algorithms that will be showed next are implemented on OpenSplice using
the Moliere Scala API
All algorithms are available as part of the Open Source project dada
Programming Environment
! DDS-based Advanced Distributed
Algorithms Toolkit
!Open Source
Higher Level Abstractions
A Group Management abstraction should
provide the ability to join/leave a group,
provide the current view and detect
failures of group members
Ideally group management should also
provide the ability to elect leaders
A Group Member should represent a
Group Management
abstract class Group {
// Join/Leave API
def join(mid: Int)
def leave(mid: Int)
// Group View API
def size: Int
def view: List[Int]
def waitForViewSize(n: Int)
def waitForViewSize(n: Int,
timeout: Int)
// Leader Election API
def leader: Option[Int]
def proposeLeader(mid: Int, lid: Int)
// Reactions handling Group Events
val reactions: Reactions
case class MemberJoin(val mid: Int)
case class MemberLeave(val mid: Int)
case class MemberFailure(mid:Int)
case class EpochChange(epoch: Long)
case class NewLeader(mid: Option[Int])
To implement the Group abstraction with support for Leader Election it is
sufficient to rely on the following topic types:
Topic Types
enum TMemberStatus {
struct TMemberInfo {
long mid; // member-id
TMemberStatus status;
#pragma keylist TMemberInfo mid
struct TEventualLeaderVote {
long long epoch;
long mid;
long lid; // voted leader-id
#pragma keylist TEventualLeaderVote mid
Group Management
The TMemberInfo topic is used to advertise presence and manage the members state
Leader Election
The TEventualLeaderVote topic is used to cast votes for leader election
This leads us to:
Topic(name = MemberInfo, type = TMemberInfo,
QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepLast(1), Durability.TransientLocal})
Topic(name = EventualLeaderVote, type = TEventualLeaderVote,
QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepLast(1), Durability.TransientLocal}
Notice that we are using two Last-Value Channels for implementing both the
(eventual) group management and the (eventual) leader election
This makes it possible to:
- Let DDS provide our latest known state automatically thanks to the TransientLocal
- No need for periodically asserting our liveliness. DDS will do that for our DataWriter
At the beginning of each epoch the leader is None
Each new epoch a leader election algorithm is run
Leader Election
epoch = 0 epoch = 1 epoch = 2 epoch = 3
Leader: None => M1 Leader: None => M1 Leader: None => M0 Leader: None => M0
To isolate the traffic generated by different groups, we use the group-id gid to
name the partition in which all the group related traffic will take place
Distinguishing Groups
“3” DDS Domain
Partition associated to
the group with gid=2
Events provide notification of group
membership changes
These events are handled by
registering partial functions with the
Group reactions
Example object GroupMember {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 2) {
println("USAGE: GroupMember <gid> <mid>")
val gid = args(0).toInt
val mid = args(1).toInt
val group = Group(gid)
val printGroupView = () => {
print("Group["+ gid +"] = { ")
group.view foreach(m => print(m + " "))
group listen {
case MemberFailure(mid) => {
println("Member "+ mid + " Failed.")
case MemberJoin(mid) => {
println("Member "+ mid + " Joined")
case MemberLeave(mid) => {
println("Member "+ mid +" Left")
An eventual leader election algorithm can
be implemented by simply casting a vote
each time there is an group epoch change
A Group Epoch change takes place each
time there is a change on the group view
The leader is eventually elected only if a
majority of the process currently on the
view agree
Otherwise the group leader is set to
object EventualLeaderElection {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 2) {
println("USAGE: GroupMember <gid> <mid>")
val gid = args(0).toInt
val mid = args(1).toInt
val group = Group(gid)
group listen {
case EpochChange(e) => {
val lid = group.view.min
group.proposeLeader(mid, lid)
case NewLeader(l) =>
println(">> NewLeader = "+ l)
Distributed Mutex
A relatively simple Distributed Mutex Algorithm was proposed by Leslie Lamport
as an example application of Lamport’s Logical Clocks
The basic protocol (with Agrawala optimization) works as follows (sketched):
- When a process needs to enter a critical section sends a MUTEX request by tagging
it with its current logical clock
- The process obtains the Mutex only when he has received ACKs from all the other
process in the group
- When process receives a Mutex requests he sends an ACK only if he has not an
outstanding Mutex request timestamped with a smaller logical clock
Lamport’s Distributed Mutex
A base class defines the Mutex Protocol
The Mutex companion uses dependency
injection to decide which concrete mutex
implementation to use
Mutex Abstraction
abstract class Mutex  {

  def acquire()
def release()
The mutual exclusion algorithm requires essentially:
- FIFO communication channels between group members
- Logical Clocks
- MutexRequest and MutexAck Messages
These needs, have now to be translated in terms of topic types, topics, readers/
writers and QoS Settings
Foundation Abstractions
For implementing the Mutual Exclusion Algorithm it is sufficient to define the
following topic types:
Topic Types
struct TLogicalClock {
long ts;
long mid;
#pragma keylist LogicalClock mid
struct TAck {
long amid; // acknowledged member-id
LogicalClock ts;
#pragma keylist TAck ts.mid
We need essentially two topics:
One topic for representing the Mutex Requests, and
Another topic for representing Acks
This leads us to:
Topic(name = MutexRequest, type = TLogicalClock,
QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepAll})
Topic(name = MutexAck, type = TAck,
QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepAll})
All the algorithms presented were implemented using DDS and Scala
The resulting library has been baptized “dada” (DDS Advanced Distributed
Algorithms) and is available under LGPL-v3
Show me the Code!
The LCMutex is one of the possible Mutex protocol, implementing the Agrawala
variation of the classical Lamport’s Algorithm
class LCMutex(val mid: Int, val gid: Int, val n: Int)(implicit val logger: Logger) extends Mutex {
private var group = Group(gid)
private var ts = LogicalClock(0, mid)
private var receivedAcks = new AtomicLong(0)
private var pendingRequests = new SynchronizedPriorityQueue[LogicalClock]()
private var myRequest = LogicalClock.Infinite
private val reqDW =
DataWriter[TLogicalClock](LCMutex.groupPublisher(gid), LCMutex.mutexRequestTopic, LCMutex.dwQos)
private val reqDR =
DataReader[TLogicalClock](LCMutex.groupSubscriber(gid), LCMutex.mutexRequestTopic, LCMutex.drQos)
private val ackDW =
DataWriter[TAck](LCMutex.groupPublisher(gid), LCMutex.mutexAckTopic, LCMutex.dwQos)
private val ackDR =
DataReader[TAck](LCMutex.groupSubscriber(gid), LCMutex.mutexAckTopic, LCMutex.drQos)
private val ackSemaphore = new Semaphore(0)
def acquire() {
ts =
myRequest = ts
reqDW write myRequest
Notice that as the LCMutex is
single-threaded we can’t
issue concurrent acquire.
Notice that as the LCMutex is
single-threaded we can’t
issue a new request before
we release.
def release() {
myRequest = LogicalClock.Infinite
(pendingRequests dequeueAll) foreach { req =>
ts = ts inc()
ackDW write new TAck(, ts)
ackDR listen {
case DataAvailable(dr) => {
// Count only the ACK for us
val acks = ((ackDR take) filter (_.amid == mid))
val k = acks.length
if (k > 0) {
// Set the local clock to the max (tsi, tsj) + 1
synchronized {
val maxTs = math.max(ts.ts, (acks map (_.ts.ts)).max) + 1
ts = LogicalClock(maxTs,
val ra = receivedAcks.addAndGet(k)
val groupSize = group.size
// If received sufficient many ACKs we can enter our Mutex!
if (ra == groupSize - 1) {
reqDR.reactions += {
case DataAvailable(dr) => {
val requests = (reqDR take) filterNot (_.mid == mid)
if (requests.isEmpty == false ) {
synchronized {
val maxTs = math.max((requests map (_.ts)).max, ts.ts) + 1
ts = LogicalClock(maxTs,
requests foreach (r => {
if (r < myRequest) {
ts = ts inc()
val ack = new TAck(r.mid, ts)
ackDW ! ack
else {
(pendingRequests find (_ == r)).getOrElse({
Distributed Queue
A distributed queue conceptually provides the ability of enqueueing and
dequeueing elements
Depending on the invariants that are guaranteed the distributed queue
implementation can be more or less efficient
In what follows we’ll focus on a relaxed form of distributed queue, called
Eventual Queue, which while providing a relaxed yet very useful semantics is
amenable to high performance implementations
Distributed Queue Abstraction
- All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued
- Each element is dequeued once
- If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing
- If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something
- Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued
Eventual Queue Specification
Distributed Eventual Queue
- All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued
- Each element is dequeued once
- If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing
- If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something
- Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued
Eventual Queue Specification
Distributed Eventual Queue
- All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued
- Each element is dequeued once
- If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing
- If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something
- Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued
Eventual Queue Specification
Distributed Eventual Queue
- All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued
- Each element is dequeued once
- If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing
- If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something
- Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued
Eventual Queue Specification
Distributed Eventual Queue
- All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued
- Each element is dequeued once
- If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing
- If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something
- Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued
Eventual Queue Specification
Distributed Eventual Queue
A Queue can be seen as the composition of two
simpler data structure, a Dequeue and an Enqueue
The Enqueue simply allows to add elements
The Enqueue simply allows to get elements
Eventual Queue Abstraction
trait Enqueue[T] {
def enqueue(t: T)
trait Dequeue[T] {
def dequeue(): Option[T]
def sdequeue(): Option[T]
def length: Int
def isEmpty: Boolean = length == 0
trait Queue[T]
extends Enqueue[T] with Dequeue[T]
One approach to implement the eventual queue on DDS is to keep a local queue
on each of the consumer and to run a coordination algorithm to enforce the
Eventual Queue Invariants
The advantage of this approach is that the latency of the dequeue is minimized
and the throughput of enqueues is maximised (we’ll see this latter is really a
property of the eventual queue)
The disadvantage, for some use cases, is that the consumer need to store the
whole queue locally thus, this solution is applicable for either symmetric
environments running on LANs
Eventual Queue on DDS
All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued
Each element is dequeued once
If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing
If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something
- These invariants require that we implement a distributed protocol for ensuring that
values are eventually picked up and picked up only once!
Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued
Eventual Queue Invariants & DDS
All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued
If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing
If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something
Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued
- This essentially means that we can have different local order for the queue elements on each
consumer. Which in turns means that we can distribute enqueued elements by simple DDS
- The implication of this is that the enqueue operation is going to be as efficient as a DDS write
- Finally, to ensure eventual consistency in presence of writer faults we’ll take advantage of
OpenSplice’s FT-Reliability!
Eventual Queue Invariants & DDS
A possible Dequeue protocol can be derived by the Lamport/Agrawala Distributed Mutual
Exclusion Algorithm
The general idea is similar as we want to order dequeues as opposed to access to some
critical section, however there are some important details to be sorted out to ensure that
we really maintain the eventual queue invariants
Key Issues to Address
- DDS provides eventual consistency thus we might have wildly different local view of the
content of the queue (not just its order but the actual elements)
- Once a process has gained the right to dequeue it has to be sure that it can pick an element
that nobody else has picked just before. Then he has to ensure that before he allows
anybody else to pick a value his choice has to be popped by all other local queues
Dequeue Protocol: General Idea
To implement the Eventual Queue over DDS
we use three different Topic Types
The TQueueCommand represents all the
commands used by the protocol (more later
on this)
TQueueElement represents a writer time-
stamped queue element
Topic Types
struct TLogicalClock {
long long ts;
long mid;
enum TCommandKind {
struct TQueueCommand {
TCommandKind kind;
long mid;
TLogicalClock ts;
#pragma keylist TQueueCommand
typedef sequence<octet> TData;
struct TQueueElement {
TLogicalClock ts;
TData data;
#pragma keylist TQueueElement
To implement the Eventual Queue we need only two topics:
One topic for representing the queue elements
Another topic for representing all the protocol messages. Notice that the choice
of using a single topic for all the protocol messages was carefully made to be
able to ensure FIFO ordering between protocol messages
This leads us to:
Topic(name = QueueElement, type = TQueueElement,
QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepAll})
Topic(name = QueueCommand, type = TQueueCommand,
QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepAll})
Dequeue Protocol: A Sample Run
a, ts
b, ts’
app 1
req {(1,2)}
ack {(2,2)}
pop{ts, (3,1)}req {(1,1)}
1 1 2
1 1 2 3
ack {(4,1)}
pop{ts, (5,2)}
app 2
b, ts’
a, ts
(1,2) (1,1)
b, ts’
b, ts’
(1,2) (1,2)
Example: Producer
object MessageProducer {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 4) {
println("USAGE:nt MessageProducer <mid> <gid> <n> <samples>")
val mid = args(0).toInt
val gid = args(1).toInt
val n = args(2).toInt
val samples = args(3).toInt
val group = Group(gid)
group listen {
case MemberJoin(mid) => println("Joined M["+ mid +"]")
val queue = Enqueue[String]("CounterQueue", mid, gid)
for (i <- 1 to samples) {
val msg = "MSG["+ mid +", "+ i +"]"
// Pace the write so that you can see what's going on
Example: Consumer
object MessageConsumer {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 4) {
println("USAGE:nt MessageProducer <mid> <gid> <readers-num> <n>")
val mid = args(0).toInt
val gid = args(1).toInt
val rn = args(2).toInt
val n = args(3).toInt
val group = Group(gid)
group.reactions += {
case MemberJoin(mid) => println("Joined M["+ mid +"]")
val queue = Queue[String]("CounterQueue", mid, gid, rn)
val baseSleep = 1000
while (true) {
queue.sdequeue() match {
case Some(s) => println(Console.MAGENTA_B + s + Console.RESET)
case _ => println(Console.MAGENTA_B + "None" + Console.RESET)
val sleepTime = baseSleep + (math.random * baseSleep).toInt
Dealing with Faults
The algorithms presented so far can be easily extended to deal with failures by
taking advantage of group abstraction presented earlier
The main issue to carefully consider is that if a timing assumption is violated
thus leading to falsely suspecting the crash of a process safety of some of those
algorithms might be violated!
Paxos is a protocol for state-machine replication proposed by Leslie Lamport in
his “The Part-time Parliament”
The Paxos protocol works in under asynchrony -- to be precise, it is safe under
asynchrony and has progress under partial synchrony (both are not possible under
asynchrony due to FLP) -- and admits a crash/recovery failure mode
Paxos requires some form of stable storage
The theoretical specification of the protocol is very simple and elegant
The practical implementations of the protocol have to fill in many hairy details...
Paxos in Brief
The Paxos protocol considers three different kinds of agents (the same process can play
multiple roles):
- Proposers
- Acceptors
- Learners
To make progress the protocol requires that a proposer acts as the leader in issuing
proposals to acceptors on behalf of clients
The protocol is safe even if there are multiple leaders, in that case progress might be scarified
- This implies that Paxos can use an eventual leader election algorithm to decide the
distinguished proposer
Paxos in Brief
Paxos Synod Protocol
Paxos in Action
Paxos in Action -- Phase 1A
Paxos in Action -- Phase 1B
phase1B(rnd, v-rnd, v-val)
Paxos in Action -- Phase 2A
phase2A(c-rnd, c-val)
Paxos in Action -- Phase 2B
phase2B(v-rnd, v-val)
Paxos in Action -- Phase 2B
The Eventual queue we specified on the previous section can be implemented
using an adaptation of the Paxos protocol
In this case, consumers don’t cache locally the queue but leverage a mid-tier
running the Paxos protocol to serve dequeues
Eventual Queue with Paxos
[Eventual Queue]
L1 [Learners]
Summing Up
DDS provides a good foundation to effectively and efficiently express some of the
most important distributed algorithms
- e.g. DataWriter fault-detection and FT-Reliable Multicast
dada provides access to reference implementations of many of the most
important distributed algorithms
- It is implemented in Scala, but that means you can also use these libraries from
Java too!
Concluding Remarks
struct Point { long x, long y }
struct Point3D : Point { long z }

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Distributed Algorithms with DDS

  • 1. Angelo  Corsaro,  PhD   Chief  Technology  Officer Classical Distributed Algorithms with DDS
  • 2. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 The Data Distribution Service (DDS) provides a very useful foundation for building highly dynamic, reconfigurable, dependable and high performance systems However, in building distributed systems with DDS one is often faced with two kind of problems: - How can distributed coordination problems be solved with DDS? e.g. distributed mutual exclusion, consensus, etc - How can higher order primitives and abstractions be supported over DDS? e.g. fault-tolerant distributed queues, total-order multicast, etc. In this presentation we will look at how DDS can be used to implement some of the classical Distributed Algorithm that solve these problems Context
  • 3. DDS Abstractions and Properties
  • 4. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Data Distribution Service (DDS) ‣ DDS provides a Global Data Space abstraction that allows applications to autonomously, anonymously, securely and efficiently share data ‣ DDS’ Global Data Space is fully distributed, highly efficient and scalable DDS Global Data Space ... Data Writer Data Writer Data Writer Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Writer TopicA QoS TopicB QoS TopicC QoS TopicD QoS
  • 5. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Data Distribution Service (DDS) ‣ DataWriters and DataReaders are automatically and dynamically matched by the DDS Discovery ‣ A rich set of QoS allows to control existential, temporal, and spatial properties of data DDS Global Data Space ... Data Writer Data Writer Data Writer Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Writer TopicA QoS TopicB QoS TopicC QoS TopicD QoS
  • 6. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Fully Distributed Data Space Conceptual Model Actual Implementation Data Writer Data Writer Data Writer Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Writer TopicA QoS TopicB QoS TopicC QoS TopicD QoS TopicD QoS TopicD QoS TopicA QoS DDS Global Data Space ... Data Writer Data Writer Data Writer Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Writer TopicA QoS TopicB QoS TopicC QoS TopicD QoS
  • 7. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Data Writer Data Writer Data Writer Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Writer TopicA QoS TopicB QoS TopicC QoS TopicD QoS TopicD QoS TopicD QoS TopicA QoS Fully Distributed Data Space The  communication   between  the   DataWriter  and  the   DataReader  can  use   UDP/IP  (Unicast   and  Multicast)or   TCP/IP
  • 8. CopyrightPrismTech,2014 Vortex supports the definition of Data Models. These data models allow to naturally represent physical and virtual entities characterising the application domain Vortex types are extensible and evolvable, thus allowing incremental updates and upgrades Data Centricity
  • 9. CopyrightPrismTech,2014 A Topic defines a domain-wide information’s class A Topic is defined by means of a (name, type, qos) tuple, where • name: identifies the topic within the domain • type: is the programming language type associated with the topic. Types are extensible and evolvable • qos: is a collection of policies that express the non-functional properties of this topic, e.g. reliability, persistence, etc. Topic Topic Type Name QoS struct  TemperatureSensor  {        @key        long  sid;        float  temp;        float  hum;   }    
  • 10. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Each unique key value identifies a unique stream of data DDS not only demultiplexes “streams” but provides also lifecycle information A DDS DataWriter can write multiple instances Topic Instances Topic InstancesInstances color =”Green” color =”red” color = “Blue” struct ShapeType { @Key string color; long x; long y; long shapesize;};
  • 11. CopyrightPrismTech,2014 Vortex “knows” about application data types and uses this information provide type-safety and content- based routing Content Awareness struct  TemperatureSensor  {        @key        long  sid;        float  temp;        float  hum;   }     sid temp hum 101 25.3 0.6 507 33.2 0.7 913 27,5 0.55 1307 26.2 0.67 “temp  >  25  OR  hum  >=  0.6” sid temp hum 101 25.3 0.6 507 33.2 0.7 1307 26.2 0.67 Type TempSensor
  • 12. CopyrightPrismTech,2014 For data to flow from a DataWriter (DW) to one or many DataReader (DR) a few conditions have to apply: The DR and DW domain participants have to be in the same domain The partition expression of the DR’s Subscriber and the DW’s Publisher should match (in terms of regular expression match) The QoS Policies offered by the DW should exceed or match those requested by the DR Quality of Service Domain Participant DURABILITY OWENERSHIP DEADLINE LATENCY BUDGET LIVELINESS RELIABILITY DEST. ORDER Publisher DataWriter PARTITION DataReader Subscriber Domain Participant offered QoS Topic writes reads Domain Id joins joins produces-in consumes-from RxO QoS Policies requested QoS
  • 13. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Anatomy of a DDS Application Domain (e.g. Domain 123) Domain Participant Topic Publisher DataWrter Subscriber DataReader Partition (e.g. “Telemetry”, “Shapes”, ) Topic Instances/Samples
  • 14. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 We can think of a DataWriter and its matching DataReaders as connected by a logical typed communication channel The properties of this channel are controlled by means of QoS Policies At the two extreme this logical communication channel can be: - Best-Effort/Reliable Last n-values Channel - Best-Effort/Reliable FIFO Channel Channel Properties DR DR DR TopicDW
  • 15. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 The last n-values channel is useful when modelling distributed state When n=1 then the last value channel provides a way of modelling an eventually consistent distributed state This abstraction is very useful if what matters is the current value of a given topic instance The Qos Policies that give a Last n-value Channel are: - RELIABILITY = RELIABLE - HISTORY = KEEP_LAST(n) - DURABILITY = TRANSIENT | PERSISTENT [in most cases] Last n-values Channel DR DR DR TopicDW
  • 16. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 The FIFO Channel is useful when we care about every single sample that was produced for a given topic -- as opposed to the “last value” This abstraction is very useful when writing distributing algorithm over DDS Depending on Qos Policies, DDS provides: - Best-Effort/Reliable FIFO Channel - FT-Reliable FIFO Channel (using an OpenSplice-specific extension) The Qos Policies that give a FIFO Channel are: - RELIABILITY = RELIABLE - HISTORY = KEEP_ALL FIFO Channel DR DR DR TopicDW
  • 17. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 We can think of a DDS Topic as defining a group The members of this group are matching DataReaders and DataWriters DDS’ dynamic discovery manages this group membership, however it provides a low level interface to group management and eventual consistency of views In addition, the group view provided by DDS makes available matched readers on the writer-side and matched-writers on the reader-side This is not sufficient for certain distributed algorithms. Membership DR DR DR TopicDW DataWriter Group View DW DW DRTopic DW DataReader Group View
  • 18. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 DDS provides built-in mechanism for detection of DataWriter faults through the LivelinessChangedStatus A writer is considered as having lost its liveliness if it has failed to assert it within its lease period Fault-Detection DW DW DRTopic DW DataReader Group View
  • 20. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Partially Synchronous - After a Global Stabilisation Time (GST) communication latencies are bounded, yet the bound is unknown Non-Byzantine Fail/Recovery - Process can fail and restart but don’t perform malicious actions System Model
  • 21. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 The algorithms that will be showed next are implemented on OpenSplice using the Moliere Scala API All algorithms are available as part of the Open Source project dada Programming Environment ! DDS-based Advanced Distributed Algorithms Toolkit !Open Source !
  • 23. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 A Group Management abstraction should provide the ability to join/leave a group, provide the current view and detect failures of group members Ideally group management should also provide the ability to elect leaders A Group Member should represent a process Group Management abstract class Group { // Join/Leave API def join(mid: Int) def leave(mid: Int) // Group View API def size: Int def view: List[Int] def waitForViewSize(n: Int) def waitForViewSize(n: Int, timeout: Int) // Leader Election API def leader: Option[Int] def proposeLeader(mid: Int, lid: Int) // Reactions handling Group Events val reactions: Reactions } case class MemberJoin(val mid: Int) case class MemberLeave(val mid: Int) case class MemberFailure(mid:Int) case class EpochChange(epoch: Long) case class NewLeader(mid: Option[Int])
  • 24. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 To implement the Group abstraction with support for Leader Election it is sufficient to rely on the following topic types: Topic Types enum TMemberStatus { JOINED, LEFT, FAILED, SUSPECTED }; struct TMemberInfo { long mid; // member-id TMemberStatus status; }; #pragma keylist TMemberInfo mid struct TEventualLeaderVote { long long epoch; long mid; long lid; // voted leader-id }; #pragma keylist TEventualLeaderVote mid
  • 25. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Group Management The TMemberInfo topic is used to advertise presence and manage the members state transitions Leader Election The TEventualLeaderVote topic is used to cast votes for leader election This leads us to: Topic(name = MemberInfo, type = TMemberInfo, QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepLast(1), Durability.TransientLocal}) Topic(name = EventualLeaderVote, type = TEventualLeaderVote, QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepLast(1), Durability.TransientLocal} Topics
  • 26. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Notice that we are using two Last-Value Channels for implementing both the (eventual) group management and the (eventual) leader election This makes it possible to: - Let DDS provide our latest known state automatically thanks to the TransientLocal Durability - No need for periodically asserting our liveliness. DDS will do that for our DataWriter Observation
  • 27. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 At the beginning of each epoch the leader is None Each new epoch a leader election algorithm is run Leader Election M1 M2 M0 crashjoin join join epoch = 0 epoch = 1 epoch = 2 epoch = 3 Leader: None => M1 Leader: None => M1 Leader: None => M0 Leader: None => M0
  • 28. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 To isolate the traffic generated by different groups, we use the group-id gid to name the partition in which all the group related traffic will take place Distinguishing Groups “1” “2” “3” DDS Domain Partition associated to the group with gid=2
  • 29. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Events provide notification of group membership changes These events are handled by registering partial functions with the Group reactions Example object GroupMember { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length < 2) { println("USAGE: GroupMember <gid> <mid>") sys.exit(1) } val gid = args(0).toInt val mid = args(1).toInt val group = Group(gid) group.join(mid) val printGroupView = () => { print("Group["+ gid +"] = { ") group.view foreach(m => print(m + " ")) println("}")} group listen { case MemberFailure(mid) => { println("Member "+ mid + " Failed.") printGroupView() } case MemberJoin(mid) => { println("Member "+ mid + " Joined") printGroupView() } case MemberLeave(mid) => { println("Member "+ mid +" Left") printGroupView() } } } } [1/2]
  • 30. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 An eventual leader election algorithm can be implemented by simply casting a vote each time there is an group epoch change A Group Epoch change takes place each time there is a change on the group view The leader is eventually elected only if a majority of the process currently on the view agree Otherwise the group leader is set to “None” Example[2/2] object EventualLeaderElection { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length < 2) { println("USAGE: GroupMember <gid> <mid>") sys.exit(1) } val gid = args(0).toInt val mid = args(1).toInt val group = Group(gid) group.join(mid) group listen { case EpochChange(e) => { val lid = group.view.min group.proposeLeader(mid, lid) } case NewLeader(l) => println(">> NewLeader = "+ l) } } }
  • 32. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 A relatively simple Distributed Mutex Algorithm was proposed by Leslie Lamport as an example application of Lamport’s Logical Clocks The basic protocol (with Agrawala optimization) works as follows (sketched): - When a process needs to enter a critical section sends a MUTEX request by tagging it with its current logical clock - The process obtains the Mutex only when he has received ACKs from all the other process in the group - When process receives a Mutex requests he sends an ACK only if he has not an outstanding Mutex request timestamped with a smaller logical clock Lamport’s Distributed Mutex
  • 33. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 A base class defines the Mutex Protocol The Mutex companion uses dependency injection to decide which concrete mutex implementation to use Mutex Abstraction abstract class Mutex  {
   def acquire() def release() }
  • 34. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 The mutual exclusion algorithm requires essentially: - FIFO communication channels between group members - Logical Clocks - MutexRequest and MutexAck Messages These needs, have now to be translated in terms of topic types, topics, readers/ writers and QoS Settings Foundation Abstractions
  • 35. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 For implementing the Mutual Exclusion Algorithm it is sufficient to define the following topic types: Topic Types struct TLogicalClock { long ts; long mid; }; #pragma keylist LogicalClock mid struct TAck { long amid; // acknowledged member-id LogicalClock ts; }; #pragma keylist TAck ts.mid
  • 36. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 We need essentially two topics: One topic for representing the Mutex Requests, and Another topic for representing Acks This leads us to: Topic(name = MutexRequest, type = TLogicalClock, QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepAll}) Topic(name = MutexAck, type = TAck, QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepAll}) Topics
  • 37. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 All the algorithms presented were implemented using DDS and Scala The resulting library has been baptized “dada” (DDS Advanced Distributed Algorithms) and is available under LGPL-v3 Show me the Code!
  • 38. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 The LCMutex is one of the possible Mutex protocol, implementing the Agrawala variation of the classical Lamport’s Algorithm LCMutex class LCMutex(val mid: Int, val gid: Int, val n: Int)(implicit val logger: Logger) extends Mutex { private var group = Group(gid) private var ts = LogicalClock(0, mid) private var receivedAcks = new AtomicLong(0) private var pendingRequests = new SynchronizedPriorityQueue[LogicalClock]() private var myRequest = LogicalClock.Infinite private val reqDW = DataWriter[TLogicalClock](LCMutex.groupPublisher(gid), LCMutex.mutexRequestTopic, LCMutex.dwQos) private val reqDR = DataReader[TLogicalClock](LCMutex.groupSubscriber(gid), LCMutex.mutexRequestTopic, LCMutex.drQos) private val ackDW = DataWriter[TAck](LCMutex.groupPublisher(gid), LCMutex.mutexAckTopic, LCMutex.dwQos) private val ackDR = DataReader[TAck](LCMutex.groupSubscriber(gid), LCMutex.mutexAckTopic, LCMutex.drQos) private val ackSemaphore = new Semaphore(0)
  • 39. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 LCMutex.acquire def acquire() { ts = myRequest = ts reqDW write myRequest ackSemaphore.acquire() } Notice that as the LCMutex is single-threaded we can’t issue concurrent acquire.
  • 40. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 LCMutex.release Notice that as the LCMutex is single-threaded we can’t issue a new request before we release. def release() { myRequest = LogicalClock.Infinite (pendingRequests dequeueAll) foreach { req => ts = ts inc() ackDW write new TAck(, ts) } }
  • 41. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 LCMutex.onACK ackDR listen { case DataAvailable(dr) => { // Count only the ACK for us val acks = ((ackDR take) filter (_.amid == mid)) val k = acks.length if (k > 0) { // Set the local clock to the max (tsi, tsj) + 1 synchronized { val maxTs = math.max(ts.ts, (acks map (_.ts.ts)).max) + 1 ts = LogicalClock(maxTs, } val ra = receivedAcks.addAndGet(k) val groupSize = group.size // If received sufficient many ACKs we can enter our Mutex! if (ra == groupSize - 1) { receivedAcks.set(0) ackSemaphore.release() } } } }
  • 42. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 LCMutex.onReq reqDR.reactions += { case DataAvailable(dr) => { val requests = (reqDR take) filterNot (_.mid == mid) if (requests.isEmpty == false ) { synchronized { val maxTs = math.max((requests map (_.ts)).max, ts.ts) + 1 ts = LogicalClock(maxTs, } requests foreach (r => { if (r < myRequest) { ts = ts inc() val ack = new TAck(r.mid, ts) ackDW ! ack None } else { (pendingRequests find (_ == r)).getOrElse({ pendingRequests.enqueue(r) r}) } }) } } }
  • 44. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 A distributed queue conceptually provides the ability of enqueueing and dequeueing elements Depending on the invariants that are guaranteed the distributed queue implementation can be more or less efficient In what follows we’ll focus on a relaxed form of distributed queue, called Eventual Queue, which while providing a relaxed yet very useful semantics is amenable to high performance implementations Distributed Queue Abstraction
  • 45. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Invariants - All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued - Each element is dequeued once - If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing - If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something - Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued Eventual Queue Specification DR DR DR DW DW DW DR Distributed Eventual Queue
  • 46. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Invariants - All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued - Each element is dequeued once - If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing - If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something - Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued Eventual Queue Specification DR DR DR DW DW DW DR Distributed Eventual Queue
  • 47. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Invariants - All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued - Each element is dequeued once - If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing - If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something - Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued Eventual Queue Specification DR DR DR DW DW DW DR Distributed Eventual Queue
  • 48. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Invariants - All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued - Each element is dequeued once - If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing - If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something - Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued Eventual Queue Specification DR DR DR DW DW DW DR Distributed Eventual Queue
  • 49. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Invariants - All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued - Each element is dequeued once - If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing - If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something - Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued Eventual Queue Specification DR DR DR DW DW DW Distributed Eventual Queue DR
  • 50. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 A Queue can be seen as the composition of two simpler data structure, a Dequeue and an Enqueue The Enqueue simply allows to add elements The Enqueue simply allows to get elements Eventual Queue Abstraction trait Enqueue[T] { def enqueue(t: T) } trait Dequeue[T] { def dequeue(): Option[T] def sdequeue(): Option[T] def length: Int def isEmpty: Boolean = length == 0 } trait Queue[T] extends Enqueue[T] with Dequeue[T]
  • 51. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 One approach to implement the eventual queue on DDS is to keep a local queue on each of the consumer and to run a coordination algorithm to enforce the Eventual Queue Invariants The advantage of this approach is that the latency of the dequeue is minimized and the throughput of enqueues is maximised (we’ll see this latter is really a property of the eventual queue) The disadvantage, for some use cases, is that the consumer need to store the whole queue locally thus, this solution is applicable for either symmetric environments running on LANs Eventual Queue on DDS
  • 52. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued Each element is dequeued once If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something - These invariants require that we implement a distributed protocol for ensuring that values are eventually picked up and picked up only once! Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued Eventual Queue Invariants & DDS
  • 53. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 All enqueued elements will be eventually dequeued If the queue is empty a dequeue returns nothing If the queue is non-empty a dequeue might return something Elements might be dequeued in a different order than they are enqueued - This essentially means that we can have different local order for the queue elements on each consumer. Which in turns means that we can distribute enqueued elements by simple DDS writes! - The implication of this is that the enqueue operation is going to be as efficient as a DDS write - Finally, to ensure eventual consistency in presence of writer faults we’ll take advantage of OpenSplice’s FT-Reliability! Eventual Queue Invariants & DDS
  • 54. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 A possible Dequeue protocol can be derived by the Lamport/Agrawala Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm The general idea is similar as we want to order dequeues as opposed to access to some critical section, however there are some important details to be sorted out to ensure that we really maintain the eventual queue invariants Key Issues to Address - DDS provides eventual consistency thus we might have wildly different local view of the content of the queue (not just its order but the actual elements) - Once a process has gained the right to dequeue it has to be sure that it can pick an element that nobody else has picked just before. Then he has to ensure that before he allows anybody else to pick a value his choice has to be popped by all other local queues Dequeue Protocol: General Idea
  • 55. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 To implement the Eventual Queue over DDS we use three different Topic Types The TQueueCommand represents all the commands used by the protocol (more later on this) TQueueElement represents a writer time- stamped queue element Topic Types struct TLogicalClock { long long ts; long mid; }; enum TCommandKind { DEQUEUE, ACK, POP }; struct TQueueCommand { TCommandKind kind; long mid; TLogicalClock ts; }; #pragma keylist TQueueCommand typedef sequence<octet> TData; struct TQueueElement { TLogicalClock ts; TData data; }; #pragma keylist TQueueElement
  • 56. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 To implement the Eventual Queue we need only two topics: One topic for representing the queue elements Another topic for representing all the protocol messages. Notice that the choice of using a single topic for all the protocol messages was carefully made to be able to ensure FIFO ordering between protocol messages Topics
  • 57. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 This leads us to: Topic(name = QueueElement, type = TQueueElement, QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepAll}) Topic(name = QueueCommand, type = TQueueCommand, QoS = {Reliability.Reliable, History.KeepAll}) Topics
  • 58. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Dequeue Protocol: A Sample Run deq():a a, ts b, ts’ app 1 (1,1) req {(1,2)} deq():b ack {(2,2)} (1,1) (1,2) pop{ts, (3,1)}req {(1,1)} 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 ack {(4,1)} 4 pop{ts, (5,2)} app 2 b, ts’ a, ts (1,2) (1,1) (1,2) b, ts’ b, ts’ (1,2) (1,2) ’
  • 59. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Example: Producer object MessageProducer { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length < 4) { println("USAGE:nt MessageProducer <mid> <gid> <n> <samples>") sys.exit(1) } val mid = args(0).toInt val gid = args(1).toInt val n = args(2).toInt val samples = args(3).toInt val group = Group(gid) group listen { case MemberJoin(mid) => println("Joined M["+ mid +"]") } group.join(mid) group.waitForViewSize(n) val queue = Enqueue[String]("CounterQueue", mid, gid) for (i <- 1 to samples) { val msg = "MSG["+ mid +", "+ i +"]" println(msg) queue.enqueue(msg) // Pace the write so that you can see what's going on Thread.sleep(300) } } }
  • 60. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Example: Consumer object MessageConsumer { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length < 4) { println("USAGE:nt MessageProducer <mid> <gid> <readers-num> <n>") sys.exit(1) } val mid = args(0).toInt val gid = args(1).toInt val rn = args(2).toInt val n = args(3).toInt val group = Group(gid) group.reactions += { case MemberJoin(mid) => println("Joined M["+ mid +"]") } group.join(mid) group.waitForViewSize(n) val queue = Queue[String]("CounterQueue", mid, gid, rn) val baseSleep = 1000 while (true) { queue.sdequeue() match { case Some(s) => println(Console.MAGENTA_B + s + Console.RESET) case _ => println(Console.MAGENTA_B + "None" + Console.RESET) } val sleepTime = baseSleep + (math.random * baseSleep).toInt Thread.sleep(sleepTime) } } }
  • 62. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 The algorithms presented so far can be easily extended to deal with failures by taking advantage of group abstraction presented earlier The main issue to carefully consider is that if a timing assumption is violated thus leading to falsely suspecting the crash of a process safety of some of those algorithms might be violated! Fault-Detectors
  • 63. Paxos
  • 64. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Paxos is a protocol for state-machine replication proposed by Leslie Lamport in his “The Part-time Parliament” The Paxos protocol works in under asynchrony -- to be precise, it is safe under asynchrony and has progress under partial synchrony (both are not possible under asynchrony due to FLP) -- and admits a crash/recovery failure mode Paxos requires some form of stable storage The theoretical specification of the protocol is very simple and elegant The practical implementations of the protocol have to fill in many hairy details... Paxos in Brief
  • 65. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 The Paxos protocol considers three different kinds of agents (the same process can play multiple roles): - Proposers - Acceptors - Learners To make progress the protocol requires that a proposer acts as the leader in issuing proposals to acceptors on behalf of clients The protocol is safe even if there are multiple leaders, in that case progress might be scarified - This implies that Paxos can use an eventual leader election algorithm to decide the distinguished proposer Paxos in Brief
  • 68. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Paxos in Action -- Phase 1A C1 C2 Cn P1 P2 Pk [Leader] A2 Am A1 L2 Lh L1 phase1A(c-rnd)
  • 69. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Paxos in Action -- Phase 1B C1 C2 Cn P1 P2 Pk [Leader] A2 Am A1 L2 Lh L1 phase1B(rnd, v-rnd, v-val)
  • 70. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Paxos in Action -- Phase 2A C1 C2 Cn P1 P2 Pk [Leader] A2 Am A1 L2 Lh L1 phase2A(c-rnd, c-val)
  • 71. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Paxos in Action -- Phase 2B C1 C2 Cn P1 P2 Pk [Leader] A2 Am A1 L2 Lh L1 phase2B(v-rnd, v-val)
  • 72. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 Paxos in Action -- Phase 2B C1 C2 Cn P1 P2 Pk [Leader] A2 Am A1 L2 Lh L1 Decision(v-val)
  • 73. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 The Eventual queue we specified on the previous section can be implemented using an adaptation of the Paxos protocol In this case, consumers don’t cache locally the queue but leverage a mid-tier running the Paxos protocol to serve dequeues Eventual Queue with Paxos C1 C2 Cn P1 P2 Pm[Learners] Pi Ai [Proposers] [Acceptors] [Eventual Queue] L1 [Learners]
  • 75. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 DDS provides a good foundation to effectively and efficiently express some of the most important distributed algorithms - e.g. DataWriter fault-detection and FT-Reliable Multicast dada provides access to reference implementations of many of the most important distributed algorithms - It is implemented in Scala, but that means you can also use these libraries from Java too! Concluding Remarks
  • 77. CopyrightPrismTech,2015 struct Point { long x, long y } struct Point3D : Point { long z }