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Introducing Structures
 A structure is a collection of multiple data types
that can be referenced with single name.
 The data items in structure are called structure
members, elements, or fields.
 The difference between array and structure: is that
array must consists of a set of values of same data
type but on the other hand, structure may consists
of different data types.
Introducing Structures
 The difference between classes and structure: is
that A structure (as typically used) is a collection of
data, while a class is a collection of both data and
 Classes deals with objects, structures deal with
Defining the Structure
• Structure definition tells how
the structure is organized: it
specifies what members the
structure will contain.
Syntax & Example 
struct StructName
DataType1 Identifier1;
DataType2 Identifier2;
struct Product
int ID;
string name;
float price;
Structure Definition Syntax
Declaring a Structure variable
• Structure variable can be defined after the definition of
a structure. The syntax of the declaration is:
StructName Identifier;
part processor;
part keyboard;
• This declaration tells the compiler to allocate memory
space according to the elements of the structure.
• The structure variable processor and keyboard occupies 12
bytes in the memory. 4 bytes for modelnumber, 4 bytes for
partnumber, 4 bytes for cost
Structure members in memory
struct part
int modelnumber;
int partnumber;
float cost;
4 Bytes
4 Bytes
4 Bytes
Another way of Declaring a Structure variable
• You can also declare struct variables when you
define the struct. For example:
struct part
int modelnumber;
int partnumber;
float cost;
} part1;
 These statements define the struct named part and
also declare part1 to be a variable of type part.
struct employee
string firstName;
string lastName;
string address;
double salary;
int deptID;
employee e1;
struct student
string firstName;
string lastName;
char courseGrade;
int Score;
double CGPA;
} s1, s2;
Initializing Structure Variables
• The syntax of initializing structure is:
StructName struct_identifier = {Value1, Value2, …};
Structure Variable Initialization with Declaration
Note: Values should be written in the same sequence in which
they are specified in structure definition.
struct student
string firstName;
string lastName;
char courseGrade;
int marks;
void main( )
student BC022010= {“M”, “Umar”, ‘A’, 94} ;
Assigning Values to Structure Variables
• After creating structure variable, values to structure
members can be assigned using dot (.) operator
• The syntax is as follows:
student BC111017;
BC111017.firstName = “Muhammad”;
BC111017.lastName = “Umar”;
BC111017.courseGrade = ‘A’;
BC111017.marks = 93;
Assigning Values to Structure Variables
• After creating structure variable, values to structure
members can be assigned using cin.
• Output to screen using cout
student BC012311;
cin>>BC012311.marks ;
Assigning one Structure Variable to another
• A structure variable can be assigned to another
structure variable only if both are of same type
• A structure variable can be initialized by assigning
another structure variable to it by using the assignment
operator as follows:
studentType newStudent = {“John”, “Lee”, ‘A’, 99} ;
studentType student2 = newStudent;
Structure Example Program 1
// uses parts inventory to demonstrate structures
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct part //declare a structure
int modelnumber; //ID number of widget
int partnumber; //ID number of widget part
float cost; //cost of part
int main() {
part part1; //define a structure variable
part1.modelnumber = 6244; //give values to structure members
part1.partnumber = 373;
part1.cost = 217.55F;
//display structure members
cout << “Model “ << part1.modelnumber;
cout << “, part “ << part1.partnumber;
cout << “, costs $” << part1.cost << endl;
return 0; }
The program’s output looks like this:
Model 6244, part 373, costs $217.55
Structure Example Program 2 (Initialization)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct part { //declare a structure
int modelnumber; //ID number of widget
int partnumber; //ID number of widget part
float cost; //cost of part
int main() {
part part1 = { 6244, 373, 217.55F }; //define a structure
part part2; //define variable
cout << “Model “ << part1.modelnumber;
cout << “, part “ << part1.partnumber;
cout << “, costs $” << part1.cost << endl;
part2 = part1; //assign first variable to second
cout << “Model “ << part2.modelnumber;
cout << “, part “ << part2.partnumber;
cout << “, costs $” << part2.cost << endl; return 0; }
The program’s output looks like this:
Model 6244, part 373, costs $217.55
Model 6244, part 373, costs $217.55
Structure Example Program 3
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Distance //English distance
int feet;
float inches;
int main() {
Distance d1, d3; //define two lengths
Distance d2 = { 11, 6.25 }; //define & initialize one length
//get length d1 from user
cout << “nEnter feet: “; cin >> d1.feet;
cout << “Enter inches: “; cin >> d1.inches;
//add lengths d1 and d2 to get d3
d3.inches = d1.inches + d2.inches; //add the inches
//display all lengths
cout << d1.feet << “’-” << d1.inches << “” + “; cout <<
d2.feet << “’-” << d2.inches << “” = “; cout << d3.feet <<
“’-” << d3.inches << “”n”; return 0; }
d3 = d1 + d2; // can’t do this in
Array of Structures
• An array can also be created of user-defined type such as:
• An array of structure is a type of array in which each element
contains a complete structure.
struct Book
int ID;
int Pages;
float Price;
Book MAJULibrary[100]; // declaration of array of structures
ID Pages Price
ID Pages Price
ID Pages Price
Initialization of Array of Structures
struct Book
int ID;
int Pages;
float Price;
Book b[3]; // declaration of array of structures
• Initializing can be at the time of declaration
Book b[3] = {{1,275,70},{2,600,90},{3,786,100}};
• Or can be assigned values using cin:
cin>>b[0].ID ;
Array as Member of Structures
• A structure may also contain arrays as members.
struct Student
int RollNo;
float Marks[3];
• Initialization can be done at time of declaration:
Student S = {1, {70.0, 90.0, 97.0} };
Array as Member of Structures
• Or it can be assigned values later in the program:
Student S;
S.RollNo = 1;
S.Marks[0] = 70.0;
S.Marks[1] = 90.0;
S.Marks[2] = 97.0;
• Or user can use cin to get input directly:
Structure Example Program 4
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct part {
int modelnumber;
int partnumber;
float cost; };
int main() {
part apart[4]; //define array of structures
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){//get values
cout << “Enter model number: “;
cin >> apart[i].modelnumber;
cout << “Enter part number: “;
cin >> apart[i].partnumber;
cout << “Enter cost: “;
cin >> apart[i].cost;
cout << endl; }
cout << endl;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) //show values
cout << “Model “ << apart[i].modelnumbe
cout << “ Part “ << apart[i].partnumber;
cout << “ Cost “ << apart[i].cost << endl;
return 0; }
Structure Example Program 4
Enter model number: 44
Enter part number: 4954
Enter cost: 133.45
Enter model number: 44
Enter part number: 8431
Enter cost: 97.59
Enter model number: 77
Enter part number: 9343
Enter cost: 109.99
Enter model number: 77
Enter part number: 4297
Enter cost: 3456.55
Model 44 Part 4954 Cost 133.45
Model 44 Part 8431 Cost 97.59
Model 77 Part 9343 Cost 109.99
Model 77 Part 4297 Cost 3456.55
Structure Example Program 4
Structure Example Program 5
Write a program to create a structure(student)
which contains name, roll and marks as its data
member. Then, create a structure variable(s)
Take, data (name, roll and marks) from user and
stored in data members of structure variable(s).
Finally, the data entered by user is displayed.
Enter information,
Enter name: Ali
Enter roll number: 4
Enter marks: 55.6
Displaying Information,
Name: Ali
Roll Number: 4
Marks: 55.6
Structure Example Program 5
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct student
char name[50];
int roll;
float marks;
int main() {
student s;
cout << "Enter information," << endl;
cout << "Enter name: ";
cin >>;
cout << "Enter roll number: ";
cin >> s.roll;
cout << "Enter marks: ";
cin >> s.marks;
cout << "nDisplaying Information," << endl;
cout << "Name: " << << endl;
cout << "Roll: " << s.roll << endl;
cout << "Marks: " << s.marks << endl;
Structure Example Program 6
Write a program that takes the information of 10
students from the user and displays it on the
screen, create a structure(student) which contains
name, roll and marks as its data member. Then,
create a structure array of size 10 to store
information of 10 students. Take, data (name, roll
and marks) from user and stored in data members
of structure variable(s).
Finally, the data entered by user is displayed.
USE FOR LOOP for arrays to enter data
Structure Example Program 6
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct student
char name[50];
int roll;
float marks;
int main() {
student s[20];
cout << "Enter information of students: " << endl;
// storing information
for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){
cout << "Enter name: ";
cin >> s[i].name;
cout << "Enter Roll: ";
cin >> s[i].roll;
cout << "Enter marks: ";
cin >> s[i].marks;
cout << endl; }
Structure Example Program 6
cout << "Displaying Information: " << endl;
// Displaying information
for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
cout << "nRoll number: " << i+1 << endl;
cout << "Name: " << s[i].name << endl;
cout << "nRoll number: " << s[i].roll << endl;
cout << "Marks: " << s[i].marks << endl;
return 0;
Structure Example Program 6
Enter information of students:
Enter name: Tom
Enter Roll: 1
Enter marks: 98
Enter name: Jerry
Enter Roll: 2
Enter marks: 89
. . .
Displaying Information:
Name: Tom
Roll: 1
Marks: 98
. . .
Nested Structure
• A structure can be a member of another structure:
called nesting of structure
struct A
int x;
double y;
struct B
char ch;
A v1;
B record;
ch y
Initializing/Assigning to Nested Structure
struct A{
int x;
float y;
struct B{
char ch;
A v2;
void main()
B record;
void main()
B record = {‘S’, {100, 3.6} };
void main()
B record; = ‘S’;
record.v2.x = 100;
record.v2.y = 3.6;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Distance { //English distance
int feet;
float inches;
void engldisp( Distance dd); //declaration of function
int main() {
Distance d1, d2;
cout << “Enter feet: “; cin >> d1.feet;
cout << “Enter inches: “; cin >> d1.inches;
cout << “nEnter feet: “; cin >> d2.feet;
cout << “Enter inches: “; cin >> d2.inches;
cout << “d1 = “; engldisp(d1);
cout << “d2 = “; engldisp(d2);
return 0; }
Structures as Arguments
void engldisp( Distance dd ) {
cout << dd.feet;
cout<< dd.inches;
Enter feet: 6
Enter inches: 4
Enter feet: 5
Enter inches: 4.25
d1 = 6’-4”
d2 = 5’-4.25”
Structures as Arguments
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Person {
int age;
float salary;
void displayData(Person);
int main() {
Person p;
cout << "Enter age: ";
cin >> p.age;
cout << "Enter salary: ";
cin >> p.salary;
return 0;
void displayData(Person p)
cout << "nDisplaying Information." << endl;
cout <<"Age: " << p.age << endl;
cout << "Salary: " << p.salary;
Accessing Structures with Pointers
• Pointer variables can be used to point to structure
type variables too.
• The pointer variable should be of same type, for
example: structure type
struct Rectangle {
int width;
int height;
void main( )
Rectangle rect1={22,33};
Rectangle* rect1Ptr = &rect1;
Accessing Structures with Pointers
• How to access the structure members (using
– Use dereferencing operator (*) with dot (.) operator
struct Rectangle {
int width;
int height;
void main( )
Rectangle rect1={22,33};
Rectangle* rectPtr = &rect1;
cout<< (*rectPrt).width<<(*rectPrt).height;
Accessing Structures with Pointers
• Is there some easier way also?
– Use arrow operator ( -> )
struct Rectangle {
int width;
int height;
void main( )
Rectangle rect1={22,33};
Rectangle* rectPtr = &rect1;
cout<< rectPrt->width<<rectPrt->height;
Class Exercises(1) – Find Errors
• Find errors:
int x;
float y;
struct values
char name[20];
int age;
Class Exercises(2) – Find Errors
• Find errors:
struct TwoVals
int a,b;
int main()
Class Exercises(3) – Find Errors
• Find errors:
struct ThreeVals
int a,b,c;
int main()
ThreeVals vals={1,2,3};
return 0;
Class Exercises(4) – Find Errors
• Find errors:
struct names
char first[20];
char last[20];
int main()
names customer = {“Muhammad”, “Ali”};
return 0;
Class Exercises(5) – Find Errors
• Find errors:
struct TwoVals
int a=5;
int b=10;
int main()
TwoVals v;
cout<<v.a<<“ “<<v.b;
return 0;
Homework Exercise-6
• Define a structure called “car”. The member elements
of the car structure are:
• string Model;
• int Year;
• float Price
Create an array of 30 cars. Get input for all 30 cars
from the user. Then the program should display
complete information (Model, Year, Price) of those
cars only which are above 500000 in price.
HomeWork Exercise-7
• An array stores details of 25 students (rollno, name,
marks in three subject). Write a program to create such
an array and print out a list of students who have failed
in more than one subject.
HomeWork Exercise-8 Output :
Enter details of 1 Employee
Enter Employee Id : 101
Enter Employee Name : Saad
Enter Employee Age : 29
Enter Employee Salary : 45000
Enter details of 2 Employee
Enter Employee Id : 102
Enter Employee Name : Hassan
Enter Employee Age : 31
Enter Employee Salary : 51000
Enter details of 3 Employee
Enter Employee Id : 103
Enter Employee Name : Ramis
Enter Employee Age : 28
Enter Employee Salary : 47000
Details of Employees
ID Name Age Salary
101 Saad 29 45000
102 Hassad 31 51000
103 Ramis 28 47000
Get and display 3 employees
information using array
• Sample output is given
HomeWork Exercise-9
Get and display 3 students
information using array structures
and arrays within structure
• Sample output is given
Output :
Enter Student Roll : 10
Enter Student Name : Kiran
Enter Marks 1 : 78
Enter Marks 2 : 89
Enter Marks 3 : 56
Roll : 10
Name : Kiran
Total : 223
Average : 74.00000

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  • 2. Introducing Structures  A structure is a collection of multiple data types that can be referenced with single name.  The data items in structure are called structure members, elements, or fields.  The difference between array and structure: is that array must consists of a set of values of same data type but on the other hand, structure may consists of different data types.
  • 3. Introducing Structures  The difference between classes and structure: is that A structure (as typically used) is a collection of data, while a class is a collection of both data and functions.  Classes deals with objects, structures deal with variables
  • 4. Defining the Structure • Structure definition tells how the structure is organized: it specifies what members the structure will contain. Syntax & Example  Syntax: struct StructName { DataType1 Identifier1; DataType2 Identifier2; . . . }; Example: struct Product { int ID; string name; float price; };
  • 6. Declaring a Structure variable • Structure variable can be defined after the definition of a structure. The syntax of the declaration is: StructName Identifier; Example: part processor; part keyboard; • This declaration tells the compiler to allocate memory space according to the elements of the structure. • The structure variable processor and keyboard occupies 12 bytes in the memory. 4 bytes for modelnumber, 4 bytes for partnumber, 4 bytes for cost
  • 7. Structure members in memory struct part { int modelnumber; int partnumber; float cost; }; modelnumber partnumber cost 4 Bytes 4 Bytes 4 Bytes
  • 8. Another way of Declaring a Structure variable • You can also declare struct variables when you define the struct. For example: struct part { int modelnumber; int partnumber; float cost; } part1;  These statements define the struct named part and also declare part1 to be a variable of type part.
  • 9. Examples struct employee { string firstName; string lastName; string address; double salary; int deptID; }; employee e1; struct student { string firstName; string lastName; char courseGrade; int Score; double CGPA; } s1, s2;
  • 10. Initializing Structure Variables • The syntax of initializing structure is: StructName struct_identifier = {Value1, Value2, …};
  • 11. Structure Variable Initialization with Declaration Note: Values should be written in the same sequence in which they are specified in structure definition. struct student { string firstName; string lastName; char courseGrade; int marks; }; void main( ) { student BC022010= {“M”, “Umar”, ‘A’, 94} ; }
  • 12. Assigning Values to Structure Variables • After creating structure variable, values to structure members can be assigned using dot (.) operator • The syntax is as follows: student BC111017; BC111017.firstName = “Muhammad”; BC111017.lastName = “Umar”; BC111017.courseGrade = ‘A’; BC111017.marks = 93;
  • 13. Assigning Values to Structure Variables • After creating structure variable, values to structure members can be assigned using cin. • Output to screen using cout student BC012311; cin>>BC012311.firstName; cin>>BC012311.lastName; cin>>BC012311.courseGrade; cin>>BC012311.marks ; cout<<BC012311.firstName<<BC012311.lastName;
  • 14. Assigning one Structure Variable to another • A structure variable can be assigned to another structure variable only if both are of same type • A structure variable can be initialized by assigning another structure variable to it by using the assignment operator as follows: Example: studentType newStudent = {“John”, “Lee”, ‘A’, 99} ; studentType student2 = newStudent;
  • 15. Structure Example Program 1 // uses parts inventory to demonstrate structures #include <iostream> using namespace std; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct part //declare a structure { int modelnumber; //ID number of widget int partnumber; //ID number of widget part float cost; //cost of part }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { part part1; //define a structure variable part1.modelnumber = 6244; //give values to structure members part1.partnumber = 373; part1.cost = 217.55F; //display structure members cout << “Model “ << part1.modelnumber; cout << “, part “ << part1.partnumber; cout << “, costs $” << part1.cost << endl; return 0; } The program’s output looks like this: Model 6244, part 373, costs $217.55
  • 16. Structure Example Program 2 (Initialization) #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct part { //declare a structure int modelnumber; //ID number of widget int partnumber; //ID number of widget part float cost; //cost of part }; int main() { part part1 = { 6244, 373, 217.55F }; //define a structure variable part part2; //define variable cout << “Model “ << part1.modelnumber; cout << “, part “ << part1.partnumber; cout << “, costs $” << part1.cost << endl; part2 = part1; //assign first variable to second cout << “Model “ << part2.modelnumber; cout << “, part “ << part2.partnumber; cout << “, costs $” << part2.cost << endl; return 0; } The program’s output looks like this: Model 6244, part 373, costs $217.55 Model 6244, part 373, costs $217.55
  • 17.
  • 18. Structure Example Program 3 #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Distance //English distance { int feet; float inches; }; int main() { Distance d1, d3; //define two lengths Distance d2 = { 11, 6.25 }; //define & initialize one length //get length d1 from user cout << “nEnter feet: “; cin >> d1.feet; cout << “Enter inches: “; cin >> d1.inches; //add lengths d1 and d2 to get d3 d3.inches = d1.inches + d2.inches; //add the inches //display all lengths cout << d1.feet << “’-” << d1.inches << “” + “; cout << d2.feet << “’-” << d2.inches << “” = “; cout << d3.feet << “’-” << d3.inches << “”n”; return 0; } d3 = d1 + d2; // can’t do this in
  • 19. Array of Structures • An array can also be created of user-defined type such as: structure. • An array of structure is a type of array in which each element contains a complete structure. struct Book { int ID; int Pages; float Price; }; Book MAJULibrary[100]; // declaration of array of structures MAJULibrary[0] ID Pages Price … MAJULibrary[1] ID Pages Price MAJULibrary[99] ID Pages Price
  • 20. Initialization of Array of Structures struct Book { int ID; int Pages; float Price; }; Book b[3]; // declaration of array of structures • Initializing can be at the time of declaration Book b[3] = {{1,275,70},{2,600,90},{3,786,100}}; • Or can be assigned values using cin: cin>>b[0].ID ; cin>>b[0].Pages; cin>>b[0].Price;
  • 21. Array as Member of Structures • A structure may also contain arrays as members. struct Student { int RollNo; float Marks[3]; }; • Initialization can be done at time of declaration: Student S = {1, {70.0, 90.0, 97.0} };
  • 22. Array as Member of Structures • Or it can be assigned values later in the program: Student S; S.RollNo = 1; S.Marks[0] = 70.0; S.Marks[1] = 90.0; S.Marks[2] = 97.0; • Or user can use cin to get input directly: cin>>S.RollNo; cin>>S.Marks[0]; cin>>S.Marks[1]; cin>>S.Marks[2];
  • 23. Structure Example Program 4 #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct part { int modelnumber; int partnumber; float cost; }; int main() { part apart[4]; //define array of structures for(int i=0; i<4; i++){//get values cout << “Enter model number: “; cin >> apart[i].modelnumber; cout << “Enter part number: “; cin >> apart[i].partnumber; cout << “Enter cost: “; cin >> apart[i].cost; cout << endl; } cout << endl; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) //show values { cout << “Model “ << apart[i].modelnumbe cout << “ Part “ << apart[i].partnumber; cout << “ Cost “ << apart[i].cost << endl; } return 0; }
  • 24. Structure Example Program 4 OUTPUT Enter model number: 44 Enter part number: 4954 Enter cost: 133.45 Enter model number: 44 Enter part number: 8431 Enter cost: 97.59 Enter model number: 77 Enter part number: 9343 Enter cost: 109.99 Enter model number: 77 Enter part number: 4297 Enter cost: 3456.55 Model 44 Part 4954 Cost 133.45 Model 44 Part 8431 Cost 97.59 Model 77 Part 9343 Cost 109.99 Model 77 Part 4297 Cost 3456.55
  • 26. Structure Example Program 5 Write a program to create a structure(student) which contains name, roll and marks as its data member. Then, create a structure variable(s) Take, data (name, roll and marks) from user and stored in data members of structure variable(s). Finally, the data entered by user is displayed. SAMPLE OUTPUT Enter information, Enter name: Ali Enter roll number: 4 Enter marks: 55.6 Displaying Information, Name: Ali Roll Number: 4 Marks: 55.6
  • 27. Structure Example Program 5 #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct student { char name[50]; int roll; float marks; }; int main() { student s; cout << "Enter information," << endl; cout << "Enter name: "; cin >>; cout << "Enter roll number: "; cin >> s.roll; cout << "Enter marks: "; cin >> s.marks; cout << "nDisplaying Information," << endl; cout << "Name: " << << endl; cout << "Roll: " << s.roll << endl; cout << "Marks: " << s.marks << endl;
  • 28. Structure Example Program 6 Write a program that takes the information of 10 students from the user and displays it on the screen, create a structure(student) which contains name, roll and marks as its data member. Then, create a structure array of size 10 to store information of 10 students. Take, data (name, roll and marks) from user and stored in data members of structure variable(s). Finally, the data entered by user is displayed. USE FOR LOOP for arrays to enter data
  • 29. Structure Example Program 6 #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct student { char name[50]; int roll; float marks; }; int main() { student s[20]; cout << "Enter information of students: " << endl; // storing information for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){ cout << "Enter name: "; cin >> s[i].name; cout << "Enter Roll: "; cin >> s[i].roll; cout << "Enter marks: "; cin >> s[i].marks; cout << endl; }
  • 30. Structure Example Program 6 cout << "Displaying Information: " << endl; // Displaying information for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { cout << "nRoll number: " << i+1 << endl; cout << "Name: " << s[i].name << endl; cout << "nRoll number: " << s[i].roll << endl; cout << "Marks: " << s[i].marks << endl; } return 0; }
  • 31. Structure Example Program 6 Enter information of students: Enter name: Tom Enter Roll: 1 Enter marks: 98 Enter name: Jerry Enter Roll: 2 Enter marks: 89 . . . Displaying Information: Name: Tom Roll: 1 Marks: 98 . . .
  • 32. Nested Structure • A structure can be a member of another structure: called nesting of structure struct A { int x; double y; }; struct B { char ch; A v1; }; B record; record v1 x ch y
  • 33. Initializing/Assigning to Nested Structure struct A{ int x; float y; }; struct B{ char ch; A v2; }; void main() { B record; cin>>; cin>>record.v2.x; cin>>record.v2.y; } void main() { B record = {‘S’, {100, 3.6} }; } void main() { B record; = ‘S’; record.v2.x = 100; record.v2.y = 3.6; }
  • 34. #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Distance { //English distance int feet; float inches; }; void engldisp( Distance dd); //declaration of function int main() { Distance d1, d2; cout << “Enter feet: “; cin >> d1.feet; cout << “Enter inches: “; cin >> d1.inches; cout << “nEnter feet: “; cin >> d2.feet; cout << “Enter inches: “; cin >> d2.inches; cout << “d1 = “; engldisp(d1); cout << “d2 = “; engldisp(d2); return 0; } Structures as Arguments c void engldisp( Distance dd ) { cout << dd.feet; cout<< dd.inches; } OUTPUT Enter feet: 6 Enter inches: 4 Enter feet: 5 Enter inches: 4.25 d1 = 6’-4” d2 = 5’-4.25”
  • 35. Structures as Arguments c #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Person { int age; float salary; }; void displayData(Person); int main() { Person p; cout << "Enter age: "; cin >> p.age; cout << "Enter salary: "; cin >> p.salary; displayData(p); return 0; } void displayData(Person p) { cout << "nDisplaying Information." << endl; cout <<"Age: " << p.age << endl; cout << "Salary: " << p.salary; }
  • 36. Accessing Structures with Pointers • Pointer variables can be used to point to structure type variables too. • The pointer variable should be of same type, for example: structure type struct Rectangle { int width; int height; }; void main( ) { Rectangle rect1={22,33}; Rectangle* rect1Ptr = &rect1; }
  • 37. Accessing Structures with Pointers • How to access the structure members (using pointer)? – Use dereferencing operator (*) with dot (.) operator struct Rectangle { int width; int height; }; void main( ) { Rectangle rect1={22,33}; Rectangle* rectPtr = &rect1; cout<< (*rectPrt).width<<(*rectPrt).height; }
  • 38. Accessing Structures with Pointers • Is there some easier way also? – Use arrow operator ( -> ) struct Rectangle { int width; int height; }; void main( ) { Rectangle rect1={22,33}; Rectangle* rectPtr = &rect1; cout<< rectPrt->width<<rectPrt->height; }
  • 39. Class Exercises(1) – Find Errors • Find errors: struct { int x; float y; }; struct values { char name[20]; int age; }
  • 40. Class Exercises(2) – Find Errors • Find errors: struct TwoVals { int a,b; }; int main() { TwoVals.a=10; TwoVals.b=20; }
  • 41. Class Exercises(3) – Find Errors • Find errors: struct ThreeVals { int a,b,c; }; int main() { ThreeVals vals={1,2,3}; cout<<vals<<endl; return 0; }
  • 42. Class Exercises(4) – Find Errors • Find errors: struct names { char first[20]; char last[20]; }; int main() { names customer = {“Muhammad”, “Ali”}; cout<<names.first<<endl; cout<<names.last<<endl; return 0; }
  • 43. Class Exercises(5) – Find Errors • Find errors: struct TwoVals { int a=5; int b=10; }; int main() { TwoVals v; cout<<v.a<<“ “<<v.b; return 0; }
  • 44. Homework Exercise-6 • Define a structure called “car”. The member elements of the car structure are: • string Model; • int Year; • float Price Create an array of 30 cars. Get input for all 30 cars from the user. Then the program should display complete information (Model, Year, Price) of those cars only which are above 500000 in price.
  • 45. HomeWork Exercise-7 • An array stores details of 25 students (rollno, name, marks in three subject). Write a program to create such an array and print out a list of students who have failed in more than one subject.
  • 46. HomeWork Exercise-8 Output : Enter details of 1 Employee Enter Employee Id : 101 Enter Employee Name : Saad Enter Employee Age : 29 Enter Employee Salary : 45000 Enter details of 2 Employee Enter Employee Id : 102 Enter Employee Name : Hassan Enter Employee Age : 31 Enter Employee Salary : 51000 Enter details of 3 Employee Enter Employee Id : 103 Enter Employee Name : Ramis Enter Employee Age : 28 Enter Employee Salary : 47000 Details of Employees ID Name Age Salary 101 Saad 29 45000 102 Hassad 31 51000 103 Ramis 28 47000 Get and display 3 employees information using array structures • Sample output is given
  • 47. HomeWork Exercise-9 Get and display 3 students information using array structures and arrays within structure • Sample output is given Output : Enter Student Roll : 10 Enter Student Name : Kiran Enter Marks 1 : 78 Enter Marks 2 : 89 Enter Marks 3 : 56 Roll : 10 Name : Kiran Total : 223 Average : 74.00000 ….