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Cardiac pacemakers and
implanted defibrillators
Dr Andrew Crofton
Emergency Registrar
Indications for emergency pacing
 Symptomatic bradycardia
 Symptomatic high-grade AV block (Mobitz II or complete)
 Severe sick sinus syndrome with asystole >3s and syncope
 Overdrive pacing for torsades de pointes
 Overdrive pacing for recurrent monomorphic VT
 Risk of inducing VF and limited by machine pacing limit of 180
 Overdrive pacing of unstable SVT
 Only once pharmacological and electrical cardioversion have failed
Emergency pacing
 Transcutaneous pacing for severe hypotension with bradycardia
 70% survive with good neurological outcome vs. 15% with non-pacing modalities
 May be able to pace RV infarct when transvenous pacing fails (as can directly pace LV)
Technique for transcutaneous pacing
 External pads and electrodes for monitoring required
 If bradyasystolic peri-arrest, ramp up current to 100mA and titrate down once stabilised
 If less severe compromise, can titrate up from 10mA to usually 50-100mA and then maintain at 1.25x the threshold
 Set rate to 80bpm and increase by 10bpm until perfusing (up to 100/min)
 May be fixed or demand (synchronous)
 Fixed (asynchronous) pacing carries risk of R on T, however, there is little outcome data to support a preference for either
 Need electrical and mechanical capture
 US can be helpful for ensuring mechanical capture if poorly perfused
 Reasons for failed capture may include
 Inadequate current
 Faulty electrical contact
 Electrode placement
 Patient size
 Underlying pathology
 PTX, severe ischaemia, pericardial effusion or metabolic derangement
Resuscitation in patients with permanent
 If countershock required, place pads at least 8cm from the pulse generator
 After countershock, interrogate the pacemaker to ensure still functioning as can
suffer from:
 Pacemaker inhibition due to reversion to noise mode
 Deletion (reprogramming)
 Circuit damage
 Myocardial damage near lead tip caused by current transmission via the electrode to the
myocardial interface
 Defibrillation can lead to global myocardial ischaemia which in turn also increases
the pacing threshold thus causing capture failure
 If this occurs, try transcutaneous pacing at a higher current
Letter position I II III IV V
Category Chamber(s) paced Chamber(s) sensed Response to sensing Programmability, rate Antiarrhythmic
O, none
A, atria
V, ventricle
D, dual (A+V)
S, single chamber
O, none
A, atria
V, ventricle
D, dual (A+V)
S, single chamber
O, none
T, triggered
I, inhibited
D, dual (D + I)
O, none
P, simple program
M, multiprogram
C, communicating
R, rate modulation
O, none
P, pacing
S, shock
D, dual (P+S)
Most commonly VVI and DDD
The fifth letter is rarely used
Third position D indicates both triggered and inhibition responses can occur
i.e. If atrial activity sensed, atrial pacing is inhibited but triggers ventricular pacing
 Activity sensors: Vibration detectors (accelerometers or piezoelectric crystal)
 May respond to certain activities e.g. using a drill
 Minute ventilation sensors
 Measures impedence between pacemaker unit and electrode
Magnet inhibition
 Placing magnet over permanent pacemaker causes sensing to be inhibited and
results in asynchronous mode (AOO, VOO, DOO)
 Usually at rate of 100
 Risk of R on T
Pacing modes for bradycardia
 Single-chamber pacing
 AOO and VOO
 Asynchronous and virtually obsolete except in a few emergency situations
 Atrial demand pacing
 Indicated in sinus bradycardia providing AV conduction is intact
 Only paces if does not sense atrial activity
 Ventricular demand pacing
 Most commonly used mode in life-threatening bradycardias
 Spontaneous ventricular activity is sensed and low risk of R on T
 AV synchrony is lost
Pacing modes for bradycardia
 Dual chamber pacing
 DVI (AV sequential pacing)
 Will pace atria, wait and then pace ventricle if no ventricular activity sensed
 To maintain AV synchrony in the absence of atrial sensing, pacing rate must be higher than
intrinsic spontaneous atrial rate
 Indicated if impaired AV conduction and atrial bradycardia
 Not useful if atrial tachyarrhythmias exist as cannot pace faster than them
 VDD (Atrial synchronous ventricular inhibited)
 Paces only the ventricle but senses both
 Sensed P-wave triggers ventricular pacing
Pacing modes for bradycardia
 Dual chamber pacing
 DDD (Dual pacing and sensing)
 Atrial impulse triggers ventricular pacing unless senses autonomous ventricular activity
 Upper rate limiters prevent ventricular pacing of atrial tachyarrhythmias
 If atrial bradycardia with intact AV conduction – Atrial pacing
 If sinus rhythm with AV block – synchronised ventricular pacing of intrinsic P waves
 If sinus bradycardia with AV block – Sequential atrial then ventricular pacing
 Normal sinus rhythm and AV conduction – Inhibition of both atrial and ventricular pacing
 Can suffer re-entry loops where PVC is transmitted retrogradely to atria, where it is sensed and
results in ventricular pacing with endless loop
Pacing modes for bradycardia
 Dual chamber pacing
 DDI (AV sequential, non-P-wave synchronous)
 Sensing of both but sensed atrial events do not trigger ventricular pacing
 Prevents endless loop phenomenon or tracking of SVTs
 Useful for SA node dysfunction with episodic atrial tachyarrhythmias
 Will simply pace ventricle at backup rate in the setting of atrial tachyarrhythmia
Complete AV block in acute MI
Feature Inferior Anterior
Onset Slow Sudden
Type Mobitz I Mobitz 2
Ventricular rate >45 <45
Escape pacemaker Stable unstable
Response to atropine Yes No
Haemodynamic effects No Yes
Permanent pacing No Yes (if high-degree AV
Prognosis Good Terrible
Indications for permanent pacing
 Class I
 Chronic symptomatic 2nd or 3rd degree AV block
 SA node dysfunction with documented sinus bradycardia
 Recurrent syncope associated with carotid sinus hypersensitivity
 Class II-IIa
 Asymptomatic complete AV block with average ventricular rate >40 in awake patient
 Class IIb (weak supportive evidence)
 1st degree block with depressed LV function and symptoms of LV failure
 Class III (not indicated)
 Asymptomatic 1st degree block or reversible AV block due to drugs
Indications for permanent pacing
 Other
 HOCM (Class IIb)
 Usually for symptomatic patients with high gradient in LVOT
 DDD pacing with short AV interval caused RV apical activation with altered septal activation to
reduce LVOT gradient and systolic anterior motion of mitral valve
 Heart failure
 Class IIa for NYHA III/IV patients with dilated or ischaemic cardiomyopathy, QRS >130ms
 Cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) is indicated in these patients via biventricular pacing to
improve survival and symptoms
Fixed-rate vs. demand
 Fixed-rate pulse generators produce an electrical signal regardless of patients own
intrinsic electrical rhythm
 Can result in serious arrhythmias if discharges during vulnerable period (T wave)
 Demand pacing
 Typically discharges if no sensed electrical activity after certain time period
 May be inhibited by intrinsic sensed electrical activity or triggered to discharge during
absolute refractory period
Pacing in tachyarrhythmias
 May be useful for:
 SVT: AVNRT, AVRT (rarely required)
 Atrial flutter (rapid atrial overdrive pacing)
 Unifocal atrial tachycardia (rapid atrial overdrive pacing helpful if re-entry pathway driven
but less so if autonomous focus firing at rapid rate)
 Ventricular tachycardia
 Should not be used if very rapid ventricular rates >300 or significant haemodynamic instability
 No value in sinus tachycardia, AF or VF
Pacing in tachyarrhythmias
 Torsades
 Pace atria or ventricle at 110-120/min
 Atrial pacing at 60-80 and slowly increase to 10-20% faster than spontaneous atrial rate
 Atria then paced for around 30 seconds then switched off with ensuing sinus rhythm
 If fails, try different atrial pacing site and faster rate
Pacing in tachyarrhythmias
 VT
 Ventricular burst pacing
 Pace ventricle at 120% of spontaneous VT rate for 5-10 beats then stop
 Can precipitate faster VT and VF
 Underdrive ventricular pacing at rate <50% of VT rate is sometimes successful
 Overdrive atrial pacing may be useful if 1:1 AV conduction and ventricular rate relatively
slow (120-180/min)
 Lithium batteries have lifespan of 8-12 years
 Most units preset for rates near 70, with pacing interval of 0.84 seconds
 Demand pacemakers have built-in refractory period of 0.2 to 0.4 seconds during
which it will not sense, to prevent it being inhibited by its own stimulus
 Magnets held over most units will convert them from demand to fixed-rate mode
 Can quickly ascertain paced rate, however, should only be performed for short periods
due to risk of arrhythmia in fixed-rate mode (due to stimulus in vulnerable period)
 More sophisticated units can be interrogated
Pacemaker malfunctions
 1) Problems with the pocket
 2) Problems with the leads
 3) Failure to pace
 4) Failure to sense – Leads to fixed rate pacing and risk of arrhythmia
 5) Malfunction causing overpacing or runaway pacing
Pacemaker evaluation
 Evaluation
 Examination of pocket
 CXR to confirm lead placement and device itself
 Electrolytes
 Cardiac enzymes
 Interrogation
 Magnet fixed-rate testing
Pacemaker syndrome
 Seen in 20% of patients in early phase with symptoms of syncope, near-syncope, orthostatic dizziness, exercise intolerance, dizziness,
uncomfortable pulsations over neck/abdomen and RUQ pain
 AV synchrony and presence of ventriculoatrial conduction are most common in VVI but can be seen with DDI mode
 In VVI
 If the sinus node is intact, an atrial impulse can occur when the tricuspid and mitral valves are closed with increased jugular and pulmonary
venous pressure leading to symptoms of CCF
 Atrial distension can lead to reflex vasodepressor effects mediated by the CNS
 If contribution of atrial contraction to late diastolic ventricular filling is important, then orthostatic hypotension can occur
 In DDI with AV block
 If sinus node discharge rate exceeds the programmed rate of the pacemaker, can get atrial contraction against closed valves with subsequent
pacemaker syndrome
 Typically symptoms are mild and patients adapt to them over time
 Unfortunately, symptoms are severe in 1/3 and may warrant upgrade from VVI to dual-chamber pacing or lowering the rate of VVI
 If symptoms occur in DDI, then optimising the timing of atrial and ventricular pacing is often required
Pacemaker infection
 Seen in <1% soon after placement
 Mostly S. aureus or S. epidermidis early on
 Presents as local inflammation or abscess at site
 Skin adherence to the device with discolouration is highly suggestive
 If only superficial infection suspected, antibiotics and analgesics with early review is
 If erosion of skin occurs, requires surgical replacement
 Cardiac device-related IE can occur presenting with sepsis and positive BC without
local inflammation at pocket
Thrombophlebitis and venous obstruction
 Extensive venous collaterals exist making this quite rare (0.3-3% of patients)
 Site of insertion makes no difference
 Symptoms include oedema, pain or venous engorgement ipsilaterally
 Treatment is IV heparin then oral NOAC/warfarin
 Seen in 1% of patients after insertion
 More common with subclavian insertion technique
 Failure to sense intrinsic cardiac activity with subsequent asynchronous, fixed-rate
 Causes include increased threshold (exit block), poor lead contact, new BBB, inferior
MI or programming issues
 Pacing spikes within QRS complexes is highly suggestive of this
 Lead dislodgement usually occurs within 2 days of insertion
 Pacemaker senses electrical activity not from atria or ventricles; it is thus inhibited, and
generation of pacemaker impulse suppressed leading to bradycardia
 Unipolar electrodes are more prone to environmental sensing than bipolar leads
 Suxamethonium-induced depolarisation fasciculations
 Crosstalk (atrial output sensed by ventricular lead)
 Why might tachyarrhythmia arise?
 Intrinsic depolarisation occurring during pacemaker refractory period, this not being sensed,
and pacemaker firing soon after in the vulnerable period to initiate a re-entrant tachycardia
 Maintenance of the tachyarrhythmia does then not involve the pacemaker at all
 Emergency therapy can involve re-programming, or more commonly, magnet conversion to
asynchronous, fixed-rate mode
Output failure
 Paced stimulus not generated when expected
 Results in decreased or absent pacemaker activity on ECG
 Causes include oversensing, wire fracture, lead displacement
 Steps:
 Make sure pacemaker box is on and connected
 Increase pacemaker current (up to 200mA for transcutaneous or 20mA for transvenous)
 Asynchronous DOO/VOO mode selected to avoid oversensing
 Convert to transcutaneous pacing while new pacing system inserted
Failure to capture
 Paced stimulation does not cause myocardial depolarisation
 Electrode displacement, wire fracture, electrolyte disturbance, MI at lead tip or exit
 Seen with amiodarone, flecainide, hyperkalaemia, acidosis, alkalosis, cardiac
perforation and improper settings also
 If patients native heart rate is higher than the paced rate, no pacemaker activity is
expected and output failure/capture failure cannot be recognised on ECG
 Suxamethonium causes depolarisation fasciculations that can lead to oversensing
and subsequent failure to capture
Failure to capture
 Rx
 Place in left lateral position (maximises electrode contact with endocardium)
 Maximise pacemaker output
 Use asynchronous mode
 Transcutaneous if failing transvenous (as can directly pace LV)
 Isoprenaline/adrenaline infusion to increase intrinsic HR
Pacemaker-associated dysrhythmias
 Pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT)
 Re-entry tachycardia with antegrade pathway via pacemaker and retrograde via AV node
 Caused by retrograde P waves being sensed as native atrial activity by dual chamber
 Get paced tachycardia at rate determined by pacemaker
 Can be terminated by AV block e.g. adenosine OR magnet application
 Sensor-induced tachycardia
 Modern sensors respond to exercise, tachypnoea.etc.
 Sensors may misfire in the presence of vibrations, loud noise, fever, limb movement or
electrocautery with subsequent inappropriately fast rate
 Ventricular rate cannot exceed programmed max of 160-180
 Terminated by magnet application
Pacemaker-associated dysrhythmias
 Runaway pacemaker
 Low battery voltage in older units results in pacing spikes at 2000bpm with risk of
subsequent VF
 Paradoxically, may be failure to capture due to low amplitude pacing spikes and
subsequent bradycardia
 Application of magnet may be lifesaving
 Lead displacement arrhythmia
 If dislodged, lead may float in RV causing tickling of myocardium causing ventricular
ectopics, possible VT and failure to capture
 CXR helps confirm diagnosis
 If changes from typical LBBB pattern (indicating RV placement) to RBBB pattern, suggests
erosion through interventricular septum
Pacemaker-associated dysrhythmias
 Twiddler’s syndrome
 Pulse generator rotation in pocket with dislodgement of leads and subsequent
diaphragmatic or brachial plexus pacing
 RV perforation
 RBBB instead of LBBB
 Pacing of diaphragm
 Haemopericardium rarely
 Reduce mortality from 30-45% to <2% per year in those at risk of sudden cardiac
 Mostly follow a tiered approach to ventricular arrhythmias
 Antitachycardia pacing
 Low-energy cardioversion
 Defibrillation
 Projected lifespan of 6-9 years
 Most common cause of death is CCF and this should be managed as usual
ED evaluation of ICD
 Causes of inappropriate shock delivery
 False sensing
 SVT with RVR
 Muscular activity (shivering, diaphragm contraction)
 Extraneous source (tapping of chest wall, vibrations)
 Sensing T waves as QRS (double counting)
 Sensing lead fracture or migration
 Unsustained tachyarrhythmia
 ICD-pacemaker interactions
 Component failure
ED evaluation
 Ask about symptoms around event, number of shocks, activity at the time and any recent anti-arrhythmic
drug changes
 Look for signs of trauma
 12-lead
 Any shock-related ST changes should resolve within 15 minutes and if not suggests new ischaemia
 Electrode migration, displacement or fracture
 Anti-arrhythmic drug levels and serum electrolytes
 If patient is receiving repeated inappropriate shocks, temporarily deactive with a magnet over the device
(can simply remove magnet if want to shock again)
 All ICD’s should then be evaluated by a cardiologist if been magnetised
 If in cardiac arrest:
 Follow normal protocols
 Place pads at least 8cm from generator
 Need to discuss with treating cardiologist
 Admission generally warranted if:
 Cardiovascular instability
 2 or more shocks in a 1-week period
 Correctable causes of dysrhythmia
 Any sign of infection or mechanical disruption of the system

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Pacemakers and implantable cardiac defibrillators

  • 1. Cardiac pacemakers and implanted defibrillators Dr Andrew Crofton Emergency Registrar Disclaimer:
  • 2. Indications for emergency pacing  Symptomatic bradycardia  Symptomatic high-grade AV block (Mobitz II or complete)  Severe sick sinus syndrome with asystole >3s and syncope  Overdrive pacing for torsades de pointes  Overdrive pacing for recurrent monomorphic VT  Risk of inducing VF and limited by machine pacing limit of 180  Overdrive pacing of unstable SVT  Only once pharmacological and electrical cardioversion have failed
  • 3. Emergency pacing  Transcutaneous pacing for severe hypotension with bradycardia  70% survive with good neurological outcome vs. 15% with non-pacing modalities  May be able to pace RV infarct when transvenous pacing fails (as can directly pace LV)
  • 4. Technique for transcutaneous pacing  External pads and electrodes for monitoring required  If bradyasystolic peri-arrest, ramp up current to 100mA and titrate down once stabilised  If less severe compromise, can titrate up from 10mA to usually 50-100mA and then maintain at 1.25x the threshold  Set rate to 80bpm and increase by 10bpm until perfusing (up to 100/min)  May be fixed or demand (synchronous)  Fixed (asynchronous) pacing carries risk of R on T, however, there is little outcome data to support a preference for either  Need electrical and mechanical capture  US can be helpful for ensuring mechanical capture if poorly perfused  Reasons for failed capture may include  Inadequate current  Faulty electrical contact  Electrode placement  Patient size  Underlying pathology  PTX, severe ischaemia, pericardial effusion or metabolic derangement
  • 5. Resuscitation in patients with permanent pacemakers  If countershock required, place pads at least 8cm from the pulse generator  After countershock, interrogate the pacemaker to ensure still functioning as can suffer from:  Pacemaker inhibition due to reversion to noise mode  Deletion (reprogramming)  Circuit damage  Myocardial damage near lead tip caused by current transmission via the electrode to the myocardial interface  Defibrillation can lead to global myocardial ischaemia which in turn also increases the pacing threshold thus causing capture failure  If this occurs, try transcutaneous pacing at a higher current
  • 6. Nomenclature Letter position I II III IV V Category Chamber(s) paced Chamber(s) sensed Response to sensing Programmability, rate Antiarrhythmic functions O, none A, atria V, ventricle D, dual (A+V) S, single chamber O, none A, atria V, ventricle D, dual (A+V) S, single chamber O, none T, triggered I, inhibited D, dual (D + I) O, none P, simple program M, multiprogram C, communicating (telemetry) R, rate modulation O, none P, pacing S, shock D, dual (P+S) Most commonly VVI and DDD The fifth letter is rarely used Third position D indicates both triggered and inhibition responses can occur i.e. If atrial activity sensed, atrial pacing is inhibited but triggers ventricular pacing
  • 7. Programmability  Activity sensors: Vibration detectors (accelerometers or piezoelectric crystal)  May respond to certain activities e.g. using a drill  Minute ventilation sensors  Measures impedence between pacemaker unit and electrode
  • 8. Magnet inhibition  Placing magnet over permanent pacemaker causes sensing to be inhibited and results in asynchronous mode (AOO, VOO, DOO)  Usually at rate of 100  Risk of R on T
  • 9. Pacing modes for bradycardia  Single-chamber pacing  AOO and VOO  Asynchronous and virtually obsolete except in a few emergency situations  AAI  Atrial demand pacing  Indicated in sinus bradycardia providing AV conduction is intact  Only paces if does not sense atrial activity  VVI  Ventricular demand pacing  Most commonly used mode in life-threatening bradycardias  Spontaneous ventricular activity is sensed and low risk of R on T  AV synchrony is lost
  • 10. Pacing modes for bradycardia  Dual chamber pacing  DVI (AV sequential pacing)  Will pace atria, wait and then pace ventricle if no ventricular activity sensed  To maintain AV synchrony in the absence of atrial sensing, pacing rate must be higher than intrinsic spontaneous atrial rate  Indicated if impaired AV conduction and atrial bradycardia  Not useful if atrial tachyarrhythmias exist as cannot pace faster than them  VDD (Atrial synchronous ventricular inhibited)  Paces only the ventricle but senses both  Sensed P-wave triggers ventricular pacing
  • 11. Pacing modes for bradycardia  Dual chamber pacing  DDD (Dual pacing and sensing)  Atrial impulse triggers ventricular pacing unless senses autonomous ventricular activity  Upper rate limiters prevent ventricular pacing of atrial tachyarrhythmias  If atrial bradycardia with intact AV conduction – Atrial pacing  If sinus rhythm with AV block – synchronised ventricular pacing of intrinsic P waves  If sinus bradycardia with AV block – Sequential atrial then ventricular pacing  Normal sinus rhythm and AV conduction – Inhibition of both atrial and ventricular pacing  Can suffer re-entry loops where PVC is transmitted retrogradely to atria, where it is sensed and results in ventricular pacing with endless loop
  • 12. Pacing modes for bradycardia  Dual chamber pacing  DDI (AV sequential, non-P-wave synchronous)  Sensing of both but sensed atrial events do not trigger ventricular pacing  Prevents endless loop phenomenon or tracking of SVTs  Useful for SA node dysfunction with episodic atrial tachyarrhythmias  Will simply pace ventricle at backup rate in the setting of atrial tachyarrhythmia
  • 13. Complete AV block in acute MI Feature Inferior Anterior Onset Slow Sudden Type Mobitz I Mobitz 2 Ventricular rate >45 <45 Escape pacemaker Stable unstable Response to atropine Yes No Haemodynamic effects No Yes Permanent pacing No Yes (if high-degree AV block) Prognosis Good Terrible
  • 14. Indications for permanent pacing  Class I  Chronic symptomatic 2nd or 3rd degree AV block  SA node dysfunction with documented sinus bradycardia  Recurrent syncope associated with carotid sinus hypersensitivity  Class II-IIa  Asymptomatic complete AV block with average ventricular rate >40 in awake patient  Class IIb (weak supportive evidence)  1st degree block with depressed LV function and symptoms of LV failure  Class III (not indicated)  Asymptomatic 1st degree block or reversible AV block due to drugs
  • 15. Indications for permanent pacing  Other  HOCM (Class IIb)  Usually for symptomatic patients with high gradient in LVOT  DDD pacing with short AV interval caused RV apical activation with altered septal activation to reduce LVOT gradient and systolic anterior motion of mitral valve  Heart failure  Class IIa for NYHA III/IV patients with dilated or ischaemic cardiomyopathy, QRS >130ms  Cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) is indicated in these patients via biventricular pacing to improve survival and symptoms
  • 16. Fixed-rate vs. demand  Fixed-rate pulse generators produce an electrical signal regardless of patients own intrinsic electrical rhythm  Can result in serious arrhythmias if discharges during vulnerable period (T wave)  Demand pacing  Typically discharges if no sensed electrical activity after certain time period  May be inhibited by intrinsic sensed electrical activity or triggered to discharge during absolute refractory period
  • 17. Pacing in tachyarrhythmias  May be useful for:  SVT: AVNRT, AVRT (rarely required)  Atrial flutter (rapid atrial overdrive pacing)  Unifocal atrial tachycardia (rapid atrial overdrive pacing helpful if re-entry pathway driven but less so if autonomous focus firing at rapid rate)  Ventricular tachycardia  Should not be used if very rapid ventricular rates >300 or significant haemodynamic instability exists  No value in sinus tachycardia, AF or VF
  • 18. Pacing in tachyarrhythmias  Torsades  Pace atria or ventricle at 110-120/min  SVT  Atrial pacing at 60-80 and slowly increase to 10-20% faster than spontaneous atrial rate  Atria then paced for around 30 seconds then switched off with ensuing sinus rhythm  If fails, try different atrial pacing site and faster rate
  • 19. Pacing in tachyarrhythmias  VT  Ventricular burst pacing  Pace ventricle at 120% of spontaneous VT rate for 5-10 beats then stop  Can precipitate faster VT and VF  Underdrive ventricular pacing at rate <50% of VT rate is sometimes successful  Overdrive atrial pacing may be useful if 1:1 AV conduction and ventricular rate relatively slow (120-180/min)
  • 20. Features  Lithium batteries have lifespan of 8-12 years  Most units preset for rates near 70, with pacing interval of 0.84 seconds  Demand pacemakers have built-in refractory period of 0.2 to 0.4 seconds during which it will not sense, to prevent it being inhibited by its own stimulus  Magnets held over most units will convert them from demand to fixed-rate mode  Can quickly ascertain paced rate, however, should only be performed for short periods due to risk of arrhythmia in fixed-rate mode (due to stimulus in vulnerable period)  More sophisticated units can be interrogated
  • 21. Pacemaker malfunctions  1) Problems with the pocket  2) Problems with the leads  3) Failure to pace  4) Failure to sense – Leads to fixed rate pacing and risk of arrhythmia  5) Malfunction causing overpacing or runaway pacing
  • 22. Pacemaker evaluation  Evaluation  Examination of pocket  CXR to confirm lead placement and device itself  Electrolytes  Cardiac enzymes  ECG  Interrogation  Magnet fixed-rate testing
  • 23. Pacemaker syndrome  Seen in 20% of patients in early phase with symptoms of syncope, near-syncope, orthostatic dizziness, exercise intolerance, dizziness, uncomfortable pulsations over neck/abdomen and RUQ pain  AV synchrony and presence of ventriculoatrial conduction are most common in VVI but can be seen with DDI mode  In VVI  If the sinus node is intact, an atrial impulse can occur when the tricuspid and mitral valves are closed with increased jugular and pulmonary venous pressure leading to symptoms of CCF  Atrial distension can lead to reflex vasodepressor effects mediated by the CNS  If contribution of atrial contraction to late diastolic ventricular filling is important, then orthostatic hypotension can occur  In DDI with AV block  If sinus node discharge rate exceeds the programmed rate of the pacemaker, can get atrial contraction against closed valves with subsequent pacemaker syndrome  Typically symptoms are mild and patients adapt to them over time  Unfortunately, symptoms are severe in 1/3 and may warrant upgrade from VVI to dual-chamber pacing or lowering the rate of VVI pacing  If symptoms occur in DDI, then optimising the timing of atrial and ventricular pacing is often required
  • 24. Pacemaker infection  Seen in <1% soon after placement  Mostly S. aureus or S. epidermidis early on  Presents as local inflammation or abscess at site  Skin adherence to the device with discolouration is highly suggestive  If only superficial infection suspected, antibiotics and analgesics with early review is indicated  If erosion of skin occurs, requires surgical replacement  Cardiac device-related IE can occur presenting with sepsis and positive BC without local inflammation at pocket
  • 25. Thrombophlebitis and venous obstruction  Extensive venous collaterals exist making this quite rare (0.3-3% of patients)  Site of insertion makes no difference  Symptoms include oedema, pain or venous engorgement ipsilaterally  Treatment is IV heparin then oral NOAC/warfarin
  • 26. Pneumothorax  Seen in 1% of patients after insertion  More common with subclavian insertion technique
  • 27. Undersensing  Failure to sense intrinsic cardiac activity with subsequent asynchronous, fixed-rate pacing  Causes include increased threshold (exit block), poor lead contact, new BBB, inferior MI or programming issues  Pacing spikes within QRS complexes is highly suggestive of this  Lead dislodgement usually occurs within 2 days of insertion
  • 28. Oversensing  Pacemaker senses electrical activity not from atria or ventricles; it is thus inhibited, and generation of pacemaker impulse suppressed leading to bradycardia  Unipolar electrodes are more prone to environmental sensing than bipolar leads  Suxamethonium-induced depolarisation fasciculations  Crosstalk (atrial output sensed by ventricular lead)  Why might tachyarrhythmia arise?  Intrinsic depolarisation occurring during pacemaker refractory period, this not being sensed, and pacemaker firing soon after in the vulnerable period to initiate a re-entrant tachycardia  Maintenance of the tachyarrhythmia does then not involve the pacemaker at all  Emergency therapy can involve re-programming, or more commonly, magnet conversion to asynchronous, fixed-rate mode
  • 29. Output failure  Paced stimulus not generated when expected  Results in decreased or absent pacemaker activity on ECG  Causes include oversensing, wire fracture, lead displacement  Steps:  Make sure pacemaker box is on and connected  Increase pacemaker current (up to 200mA for transcutaneous or 20mA for transvenous)  Asynchronous DOO/VOO mode selected to avoid oversensing  Convert to transcutaneous pacing while new pacing system inserted
  • 30. Failure to capture  Paced stimulation does not cause myocardial depolarisation  Electrode displacement, wire fracture, electrolyte disturbance, MI at lead tip or exit block  Seen with amiodarone, flecainide, hyperkalaemia, acidosis, alkalosis, cardiac perforation and improper settings also  If patients native heart rate is higher than the paced rate, no pacemaker activity is expected and output failure/capture failure cannot be recognised on ECG  Suxamethonium causes depolarisation fasciculations that can lead to oversensing and subsequent failure to capture
  • 31. Failure to capture  Rx  Place in left lateral position (maximises electrode contact with endocardium)  Maximise pacemaker output  Use asynchronous mode  Transcutaneous if failing transvenous (as can directly pace LV)  Isoprenaline/adrenaline infusion to increase intrinsic HR
  • 32. Pacemaker-associated dysrhythmias  Pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT)  Re-entry tachycardia with antegrade pathway via pacemaker and retrograde via AV node  Caused by retrograde P waves being sensed as native atrial activity by dual chamber pacemaker  Get paced tachycardia at rate determined by pacemaker  Can be terminated by AV block e.g. adenosine OR magnet application  Sensor-induced tachycardia  Modern sensors respond to exercise, tachypnoea.etc.  Sensors may misfire in the presence of vibrations, loud noise, fever, limb movement or electrocautery with subsequent inappropriately fast rate  Ventricular rate cannot exceed programmed max of 160-180  Terminated by magnet application
  • 33. Pacemaker-associated dysrhythmias  Runaway pacemaker  Low battery voltage in older units results in pacing spikes at 2000bpm with risk of subsequent VF  Paradoxically, may be failure to capture due to low amplitude pacing spikes and subsequent bradycardia  Application of magnet may be lifesaving  Lead displacement arrhythmia  If dislodged, lead may float in RV causing tickling of myocardium causing ventricular ectopics, possible VT and failure to capture  CXR helps confirm diagnosis  If changes from typical LBBB pattern (indicating RV placement) to RBBB pattern, suggests erosion through interventricular septum
  • 34. Pacemaker-associated dysrhythmias  Twiddler’s syndrome  Pulse generator rotation in pocket with dislodgement of leads and subsequent diaphragmatic or brachial plexus pacing  RV perforation  RBBB instead of LBBB  Pacing of diaphragm  Haemopericardium rarely
  • 35. ICD  Reduce mortality from 30-45% to <2% per year in those at risk of sudden cardiac death  Mostly follow a tiered approach to ventricular arrhythmias  Antitachycardia pacing  Low-energy cardioversion  Defibrillation  Projected lifespan of 6-9 years  Most common cause of death is CCF and this should be managed as usual
  • 36. ED evaluation of ICD  Causes of inappropriate shock delivery  False sensing  SVT with RVR  Muscular activity (shivering, diaphragm contraction)  Extraneous source (tapping of chest wall, vibrations)  Sensing T waves as QRS (double counting)  Sensing lead fracture or migration  Unsustained tachyarrhythmia  ICD-pacemaker interactions  Component failure
  • 37. ED evaluation  Ask about symptoms around event, number of shocks, activity at the time and any recent anti-arrhythmic drug changes  Look for signs of trauma  12-lead  Any shock-related ST changes should resolve within 15 minutes and if not suggests new ischaemia  CXR  Electrode migration, displacement or fracture  Anti-arrhythmic drug levels and serum electrolytes  If patient is receiving repeated inappropriate shocks, temporarily deactive with a magnet over the device (can simply remove magnet if want to shock again)  All ICD’s should then be evaluated by a cardiologist if been magnetised  If in cardiac arrest:  Follow normal protocols  Place pads at least 8cm from generator
  • 38. Disposition  Need to discuss with treating cardiologist  Admission generally warranted if:  Cardiovascular instability  2 or more shocks in a 1-week period  Correctable causes of dysrhythmia  Any sign of infection or mechanical disruption of the system