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ADM. NO: 2021P04376.
9/1/2023 - 31/3/2023.
I hereby declare that the industrial attachment report held at WEST KENYA SUGAR COMPANY
LIMITED during my attachment for three months (January to March) is My own original work
and has never been submitted nor presented anywhere for the same purpose, so no part of it
shall be therefore be dublicated without my permission.
Name ..................................................................... ADM. NO: ....................................
Signature ........................... Date. .......................................
SUPERVISOR ........................................................................................................
TITLE HELD..................................................................................................................................
SIGNATURE........................................ DATE ............................... STAMP..............................
The attachment was successfully due to the support of number of people who have enabled me
gain much more than what the School could offer.
First I would like to appreciate the almighty God for the humble time and Energy to be in the
attachment, also I acknowledge my industrial supervisor Mr Wanyama for sharing with me
their experience in the field of Engineering and also guiding me throughout my attachment
I also extend my appreciation message to West Kenya sugar company limited Electrical
Department and the School supervisor from the Eldoret National polytechnic for the
opportunity during the attachment period.
Lastly I would like to thank my Family and Friends for their close support towards achieving my
dream career.
I would like to dedicate this work to all Electrical Engineers and the upcoming ones In addition, I
dedicate to my loved family ( Muchika's Family) and all my friends especially whom we were
together during the attachment.
This report is complied in partial fulfilment of Craft certificate in Electrical and Electronics
Technology (power option) at the Eldoret National polytechnic (TENP).
The report talks more about when I was attached at West Kenya sugar company limited in
Electrical department.
Sources used to gather more information on writing this report includes doing practical,
Observation and lastly interacting and asking questions.
Table of contents.
Executive summary........................................................... iv
1.0 CHAPTER ONE ..............................................1
1.1 Introduction..................................................................1
1.2 Brief history.................................................................1
1.3 Vision mission and objectives....................................2
1.4 Nature of the company................................................3
1.5 Organisational structure..............................................3
2.0 CHAPTER TWO ..............................................4
Miling department.............................................................4
2.1 Free meals...................................................................4
2.2 Mills.............................................................................. 4
3.0 CHAPTER THREE ......................................... 6
3.1 Process house..............................................................6
3.2 Sugar processing..........................................................6
3.2.1 Juice wayment...........................................................6
3.2.2 Juice heating and clarification.................................6
3.3 Evaporator.....................................................................6
3.3.1 Types of evaporators....................... ........................ 7
3.4 Pan boiling.....................................................................7
3.4.1 Types of pan.............................................................. 8
3.5 Centrifugation............................................................... 9
3.5.1 Types of centrifuges................................................. 9
3.6 Sugar dying.................................................................10
3.7 Sugar grades................................................................10
3.8 Sugar parking, bugging and storage..........................10
4.0 CHAPTER FOUR ............................................11
4.1 Boiler department.........................................................11
4.1.1 Parts of a boiler.........................................................11
4.2 Flow of water and steam into the boiler..................... 12
4.3 Flow of air..................................................................... 12
4.4 Fuel system....................................................................14
5.0 CHAPTER FIVE ...............................................15
5.1 Powerhouse..................................................................15
5.2 Transformer..................................................................15
5.2.1 Types of Transformers..............................................15
5.3 Alternator........................................................................16
6.0 CHAPTER SIX ..................................................17
6.1 Electrical workshop.......................................................17
6.2 Motors.............................................................................17
6.2.1 Types of Motors......................................................... 18
6.2.2 Parts of Motors...........................................................18
6.2.3 Operation of motor.....................................................19
6.3 Rotor................................................................................19
6.4 Stator...............................................................................20
6.5 Slip ring motor................................................................20
6.6 Diesel motors.................................................................20
6.7 Methods of starting a motor.........................................21
6.7.1 Direct online (DOL) ....................................................21
6.7.2 Star delta.....................................................................22
6.7.3 Forward-reverse..........................................................23
6.7.4 Star delta forward reverse..........................................24
7.0 CHAPTER SEVEN ...........................................25
Conclusion challenges and reference.............................. 25
7.1 Conclusion.................................................................... 25
7.2 Challenges..................................................................... 25
7.3 Reference.........................................................................25
Appendix................................................................ 26
1.1 Introduction
I am Amos Karakacha Muchika a student from the Eldoret National polytechnic studying Craft
certificate in Electrical and Electronics Technology (power option).I began My industrial
attachment at West Kenya sugar company limited on 9th January 2023 to 31st March 2023 and
my main pertion was to gain more experience in the field of Electrical engineering. This was
successfully through doing practical of what I used to gather during class.
It had been good for me since I got the full support and teamwork from the company that
helped me gain much more skills and this was very encouraging and welcoming behavior .
Objectives of industrial attachment.
*To have a clear view of what is really done in the company.
*To learn more of what is taught at classroom.
*To acquire more skills and confidentiality in an industry.
*It is a requirement from the college.
*Attachment creates job opportunities the market after completion.
1.2 Brief history of the organization.
West Kenya sugar company limited is a processing industry that it's product is sugar raw
materials being sugar canes. West Kenya is located in Kakamega county Malava district South
All of our Engineers and supervisor are licensed and have enough skills in the field of Electrical
engineering .
1.3 Vision, Mission, Objectives and core values.
Vision :
To be the regions premier engineering construction and project management company by fully
integrating the building organization, process and operations to yield optimal performance and
transforming the world.
To employ the best and experienced staff and help develop their talents to provide unique
solution and new level of unbeatable services in Engineering field.
-Integrity. -Innovative solution
-Professionalism. -Sustainability
-Accountability. -Transparency
1.4 Nature of the company.
The company is internal installation.
1.5 Organizational structure.
2.1 Pre-mills.
Can which have been weighted is carried to the cane yard are unloaded from the tracks and
tractors to feed table. Unloading is done in three ways;
- Winch unloading.
- Grapper unloading.
- Hydraulic and tipper.
2.1.1 Cane yard.
This is were canes are off-loaded and stored for short period before it's processed. Canes are
then loaded up to the feed table which then loads the cane into Cane carrier. Kickers are
installed above the feed table to prevent excess Cane to the carriers . The cane carrier moves
sugar cane into pre-milling zone where rotating choppers are situated that chops sugar cane
into smaller pieces . Chopped canes are the conveyed to the heavy duty cutters which further
cuts the canes into pieces and also leveling canes. The heavy duty cutters crushes the Cane
stalks to fibers, the fibers are then conveyed to the first mill.
2.2 Mills
This is the process of squizing juice from sugar canes under the set of mills. This mills 4 rollers,
here impition water is added for maximum extraction of juice. Hot water is spreed over the
cane fibre just before it enters the last Mill and its juice recirculated back to the first mill.
2.2.1 Importance of impition water.
I. Maximum extraction of sucrose
II. Disolve sucrose content in Cane fibre.
III. Kills any bacteria in the juice.
IV. Improve the quality of bagasse as it's used to fuel the boiler.
2.2.2 Components of Mills.
(a) Feed rollers ~ Feeds sugar Cane fibre to the roller
(b) Underfeed/Bottom rollers ~ Compress fibre to remove juice.
(c) Top rollers ~Compress cane fibre to squeeze out juice.
(d) Discharge rollers ~Discharges fibre to the intercarrier.
3.1 process house
3.2 sugar processing
This involves extraction of sugar crystals from the milling sugar Jones. It involves the process
discussed below.
3.2.1. Juice weightment
This involves determining the weight of juice in order to determine polarity percentage of sugar
in the can and also offer effective chemical control which is done by automatic juice weighing
3.2.2. Juice Heating and clarification.
The juice is pumped to the primary produce heater. This are heat exchangers the shell and tube
design containing tubes 2 m long full stop the first heater heat the used to temperature of 65
degrees Celsius. It uses hot water as the heating fluid. The second heater uses third body vapor
to heat up the juice. It heats up the juice to 80°C.
The juice is then pumped to the raw juice receiver and then flows under gravity to the liming
tank. At liming tank,lime is added to the juice to raise up the PH level of the juice to between
7.3 and 7.5. The lime juice is then flown to the lime juice receiver tank then pumped to the
limed juice heater.
The juice is then pumped to flash tank where the volume is increased causing the liquid under
high pressure which may cause disturbances during clarification and the remaining juice is then
flowed to a flocculation champer via the valve. In flocculant mud is made to settle down when
it reacts with the juice. Clear juice is pumped to clear juice tank as the mud is transferred to
rotary vacuum filter then transferred to juice heater which then transfer it to the evaporator for
3.3 Evaporator
This is where juice is concentrated and converted to syrup. The process is achieved by heating
the surface of evaporator which comprises of stainless steel tubes. The main function of the
evaporator station is to concentrate clear juice containing around 83-86%Water and transform
it into syrup.
West Kenya sugar company has three sets of evaporators, set A, B and C respectively.
3.3.1Types of evaporators.
a. Sk evaporator. It's a tube that exhaust steam from the turbine to boil juice
b.FFE. :It has low steam consumption and relatively high retention time which leads to a good
syrup formation which is ideal for good pan boiling.
C. Robert type.
This type of evaporator has a downtake at the center. It has a tube from which juice is heated
from the first body uses the Power of steam from Sk evaporator to boil the juice which again
produces vapour steam that will build body two. This process continues until the juice reaches
body 5 ready to be discharged into the syrup tank.
3.4 Pan Boiling
This is the process of forming crystals by evaporation and concentration. It is done in pants. In
process coma syrup of prick 65° and purity of 85 from the evaporator is our father concentrated
to brixes of 92 degrees to 96 Degrees and Crystal purity 100 and final molasses of
approximately 35 purity. Concentrated sugar liquor in which crystallization has taken place is
called a massecuite. Massecuite are boiled to reduce temperature and pressure under vacuum
to avoid the composition of sucrose by
inversion and subsequent formation of degradation products.
3.4.1 Types of pans
a. Batch pans
Batch pants are mostly vertical cylindrical vessels broadly classified according to type steam
heating surface. Batch at West Kenya are mostly used for A and C boiling.
Parts of batch pan
a. Steam control valve
b. Vacuum valve
C. Feed valve for syrup, molasses and water
d.Massecuite discharge Valve
e. Incondensable vases extraction valves
f. Valve to break the vacuum
h. Pan streaming or washing valve.
i. Graining valve
j. Cut over valve to link the pan to other pans on the station
k. Automatic control valves
l. Wash water valve.
b. Continuous pans.
This has to be supplied with a footing prepared in a conventional patch pan. The footing from
the ban is dropped into a seed receiver where it can be pumped by means of variable speed
pump into first compartment of the continuous ban. As massecuite increase in volume due to
feeding, it overflows to the next compartment until the finished product overflows the off-take
weir into transfer crystallizer. They fit to each compartment is automatically control. Balancing
water is also supplied to each compartment.
After condition of strike, the massecuite is still saturated or slightly supersaturated at pan
temperature 70 to 75 degrees Celsius. On cooling it becomes supersaturated and further
growth hence exhaustion of liquor is possible. Thus,pans are followed by crystallizer. The mercy
cute from the pan after a strike gravitates to the crystallizer for some cooling 2 supersaturation
and allows father growth of crystals. The growth is limited by the increasing viscosity and
exhaustion of mother liquor. Crystallizer are there for fitted with agitators which renew the
layer of the mother liquor around the Crystals and ensure uniform supersaturation and
distribution of cooling.
3.5 Centrifugation.
This massecuite contains sugar crystals and molasses which needs to be separated. The process
of separating sugar from molasses is called centrifugal. This process is achieved by use of
centrifugal machine.
A centrifugal consist of perforated drums or baskets so arranged that it may result on a vertical
shaft or axis called spindle. The basket revolve around a metal casing called Curb which catches
the molasses spun off by the centrifugal forces. Central or centrifugation can either be batch or
3.5.1 Types of centrifuges
a. Batch centrifuges
This type is mainly used to process a sugar. It consist of a resolving cylindrical perforated
metallic basket design to receive the material to be treated. The basket is carried on a vertical
shaft driven by Motor and is designed to withstand the centrifugal forces. It has linings of metal
screens which serves to return the sugar crystal ; it's open at the top to allow feeding and with
a bottom discharge valve to allow removal of sugar at the end of the cycle. The basket is
surrounded by a casing designed to catch the molasses there by released and for production
operation of the moving parts this monitor casing as it is referred is made of Steel. It also
prevents the fan if it which cooling otherwise affect The Separation due to the cooling effect.
The centrifuges are arranged in line to form a battery. A mixer distributor open at the top
normally install on top of a battery of a centrifugal to receive mercy cute and distribute it.
Massacre can be pumped into the mixer or gravitated. Other settings have a header in in place
of the mixer. Sugar producer produced by the parts and figure is discharged on hopper
conveyor, screw conveyor and belt conveyor
3.6 Sugar drying.
Sugar leaving the centrifuges has a moisture content of 0.5 to 2%. This quantity of moisture or
those mall has an extremely detrimental effects of keeping the quality of raw sugar. Live steam
at 60 PSI is used for drying. Sugar needs to be dried and cooled to improve handling and
minimise loss and colour formation in storage enhanced by temperature and length of time in
storage and the reason for drying sugar is because for easy handling in the parking section, for
preservation purpose and for easier selection of West One dead crystal size.
3.7 Sugar graders.
These are machines used to grade sugar and separate sugar crystals from dust before being
sent to Sugar pin for storage, While dust is sent to remelt tank for remelting. The remelted
sugar is then taken for A boiling.
3.8 Sugar packing, bagging and storage.
Belt Conveyors to Sugar bins, stationed about the parking station conveys dried sugar.
Packaging is done as long as sugar is in the bins. The packing process is automated to pack 2kg,
1 kg, 1/2 kg and 1/4 kg packets. The amount of sugar packed and pagged is accounted for by
keeping records of the numbers and weight of the outgoing packing /pagging units in parking
and parking.
4.1 Boiler department.
This section deals with the production of steam which is better used to produce electricity
through turbine for stop steam is also used to processes during sugar production.
A boiler is an enclosed vessel which is used to generate steam from water to run turbine at a
recommended temperature. There are two types of boilers at West Kenya sugar company
water tube boiler and fire tube boiler.
Types of systems used in boilers
-Water system.
- Fuel supply system.
-Combustion air system.
4.1.1 Parts of a Boiler
Deaerator~ remove dissolved gases from boiler feed water
Super heaters ~ convert the wet steam generated by the boiler to dry steam
Economizer ~, pre-heats the feed water
Steam drum~ contain cyclone scrapers circulating baffle which aid in separation of
Steam from water.
Mud/Water drum ~ solid and mud can settle in this mud run for removal.
Mechanical dust collector ~ installed in the new boiler to separate the ash from flu gas using
centrifugal forces
Electrostatic precipitator ~ installed in the new boiler to separate us from flu gas using the
principle of charges.
Feed Water pump ~Transport water into the boiler using high pressure.
Fans ie Forced draught fan(FD), Induced draught fan( ID) and Secondary air fan (SI).
West Kenya sugar company has two boilers namely ;
a. International steam generation engineering company(ISGEC)
b. National heavy engineering company(NHEC)
Properties of ISGEC
*Uses travelling cranes system to dump Ash
*Has capacity of 100 tonnes
*Has electrostatic precipitation system
*Has a Silo
Properties of NHEC
*Dumping of ashes done mmanually.
* Has a capacity of 70 tonnes.
*Has engineering cyclone system.
*Does not have a silo.
4.2 Flow of water and Steam in the boiler.
Water in the boiler is obtained from water treatment plant by being pumped to the
demineralization tongue and it's temperature is raised by use of steam. It's then pumped to
condensate tank from this tank what is then pumped to deaerator tank. At aerator gas are
removed and steam is added to raise its temperature full-stop from the dehydrator water is
pumped through economiser by use of feed pump. From the economizer water is transferred to
steam drum than primary and secondary superheaters are finally to steam header then it
moves to the turbine.
4.3 Flow of Air.
Each boiler is South by three fans namely first draught fun secondary air fan and lastly induced
fan. The function of the fans are as below.
- Forced draught fan- brings in positive draught to the boiler furnace to facilitate measure of
fuel and air and also makes the fuel to burn in suspension.
-Secondary air fan- suppress the fuel inside the furnace causing the mixture of air and fuel to
be even and burn in suspension.
- Induced draught fan- eliminate the products of combustion to the atmosphere through
4.4 Fuel system.
The boiler requires fuel which liberate heat to turn water into steam. The main source of fuel in
this company is buggers obtained from extraction section which is conveyed to the boilers
through Paggers elevator which then discharges Paggers to the main Paggers carrier. Excess
Paggers goes to the paggers store where it comes back to the boiler through a park feed
elevator. Back feed helps the boiler in the supplementing and shortage of fuel from the main
and sustain the boiler when there is no Milling.
5.1 Power House.
This is a special place where generation of electrical power is done and also transmission of the
generated power starts from. At West Kenya sugar company, their are total of 4 turbines in the
power house, 1.5 megawatts diesel generator used for starting purpose. And the other three 3
megawatt turbines and a single 12 megawatt turbine. The prime mover is superheated steam
rotate the turbine which rotates the alternator. The turbine rotates at 10700 RPM. This RPM is
reduced by system of Gears and the rotor of the alternator up to 1500 RPM. The alternator has
an amateur and field Windings. The armature Windings are excited by the use of a DC voltage.
The DC voltage creates magnetic flux which has the motor which rotates and cut through the
field Windings on the starter thus inducing an electromotive Force in the mean according with
the Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. The alternating current is conveyed from the
alternator by the use of bus pass to the step down transformer that steps down the voltage
from 11 KV to 690 V 415 V and 240 V.
5.2 Transformers.
A transformer is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another
through inductivity coupled conductors . The principal in effect in the process of this electrical
transfer is mutual induction. A transformer consist of two sets of coil or Windings. Each set of
winding is simply an inductor. AC voltage is applied to one of the Windings the primary
Windings. The other Windings the secondary winding which is position in close proximity to the
primary Windings but is electrically isolated from it.
5.2.1 Types of transformers.
a. Step down transformers.
This is a type of transformer that convert high voltage primary supply too low voltage
secondary output. They are mainly used for distribution of power.
b. Step up transformer.
This type of transformer are mostly used between the power generator and the power
grid system. Transformers are widely used to transmit power from The Generation station to
the step-down Transformers or the other step-up Transformers to maintain the high-voltage
5.3 Alternator.
An alternator is an electrical generator that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in
form of alternating current. At West Kenya sugar company the alternator is connected the
turbine we are the gearbox that reduce the speed of the turbine from 10700 RPM to 11 KV. Dell
alternator is also connected in star in order to obtain the Neutral from the start Point for better
supplying of power the control and power system at the company.
Electrical Department
6.1 Electrical workshop.
The electrical workshop is concerned with the repair and maintenance of electrical equipments
and appliances such as Motors and their drives, Transformers, electrical lamps, fluorescent
fittings, LED fittings LED tubes, circuit breaker, fuse replacement, motor rewinding and also
repair of welding machines.
6.2 Motors.
A mother is an electrical device that transforms electrical energy to mechanical energy.
Universe Kenya Motors are widely used throughout the production process full-stop mother co-
star of different types and sizes according to the work they are in sulfur full-stop Motors are
used to run machines like Schrader can kick Ass rollers Palms conveyor belts e t c.
West Kenya sugar company uses both AC motor and DC Motors according to their work
AC Three phase motor
6.2.1 Types of Motors
6.2.2 Parts of Motor
Three phase motors have two main parts ;
Other parts Include
Fan- cooles the motor to avoid overheating.
Fan cover- this protects the fan from external damage.
Stator and rotor fins- helps in cooling the Windings.
Bearings- allows mods rotation of the shaft and also supports the rotor.
Termination box- allows termination of cables for power supply to the motor.
6.2.3 Operation of motor.
When a starter of a 3-phase motor is connected to a supply a rotating magnetic field is set in
the air gap. The Pulse of the field produced protest at the synchronous speed n, given by
The rotating field passes through the air gap and cuts the what are conductors which are
stationary positioned. Due to the relative speed between the rotating flags and the stationary
rotor, it results to an induced EMF in the rotor Windings. Because the rotor winding is short-
circuited, current Flows in their rotor conductor. A mechanical force is produced and act on the
rotor. This Force produce a torque that tend to move the rotor. The direction of the induced
current is such that it opposes the rotating magnetic field produced. Thus the relative speed
between the rotating field and the rotor reduces as the rotor starts rotating in the same
direction as the rotating magnetic field. This rotor eventually reaches a steady-state speed in
less than, at which the magnetic flux rotates in the air gap. The difference between the rotor
speed and the synchronous speed of the magnetic flux is called the slip.
6.3 Rotor.
It is a hollow laminated core having slots on its outer peripheral. Auto Endings are of two types;
squirrel cage rotor- it consist of a laminated cylindrical call having parallel slots on its outer
Periphery. Most copper and aluminium bars are the once used. The bars are joined at each end
by end rings. This form of permanently short circuit winding which is indestructible. The entire
construction resembles a squirrel cage and hence its name. The rotor is not directly supplied by
the power but it acquires magnetic flux current by induction from the rotor. Most induction
motors are squirrel cage rotor as it has a remarkable simple construction and it's robust
construction helps it to operate in the most advanced circumstances. However it suffers from
the disadvantage of Law starting torque . This is because the rota bus are permanently short-
circuited and that's not possible to add an external resistance to the circuit to have a high
Wound rotor - consists of a laminated core and carried a 3-phase winding similar to the one in
the stator . The rotor Windings are uniformly distributed in the slots and usually star connected.
The open end of a rotor winding are brought out and join two three insulated slip ring mounted
on the rotor shaft with one brush resting on each slip ring. The three brushes are connected to
a 3-phase star connected
rheostat. At starting torque the external resistance is induced in the rotor circuit to give a high
starting torque. This resistance are gradually reduced to zero as the motor runs up to speed.
External resistance is used during starting only. When the motor attends its running tongue the
three brushes are short-circuited so that the wound rotor runs like a squirrel cage rotor.
6.4 Stator.
It consists of a steel frame which encloses a hollow cylindrical coil made up of a thin laminations
of silicon Steel to reduce hysteresis and Eddy current losses. A number of Evenly spaced slots
are provided on the inner part of the laminations. The stator carries are three phase winding
and is fed by a 3-phase supply. It is wound for a defined number of Poles, the extra number
determines the required speed of the motor. Greater the number of Poles, the lesser the speed,
the lesser the poles, the greater the speed of the motor. When supplied by a three-phase
current a rotating magnetic flux of a constant magnitude is produce full stop this rotating field
induces a current in the rotor by electromagnetic induction.
6.5 Slip Ring Motors.
Slip ring induction motor is a wound rotor type. Its rotor winding consist of more numbers of
Windings, higher voltage and less current compared to squirrel cage motor . These windings are
a connected to external resistance through slip rings which helps to control the torque and
hence the speed of the motor.
The starter of a slip ring motor comprises of various slots that are arranged to support the
construction of three phase winding circuit connection of a 3-phase supply AC source. On the
other side the rotor consist of a cylindrical core with steel lamination. It has a parallel slots of a
3-phase winding.
6.6 DC Motors.
DC Motors is a direct current motor that converts direct current electrical energy into
mechanical energy full-stop DC Motors are used in the male's sections in their speed can be
control according to the work assigned. They offer excellent response characteristics when
starting or stopping and reversing the spin Direction. Basically DC Motors uses the principle that
when a conductor carrying current is placed in a magnetic field it experiences a mechanical
Force. The diagram below shows the DC motor;
This month is are classified according to their mode of field wing used. They are;
- series wound DC Motors.
- permanent magnetic DC Motors.
- shunt or parallel DC Motors.
-Compound DC Motors.
Main parts of a DC motor.
- Armature - this is the rotating parts of a motor. It rotates on its axis and it's separated from
the field winding coil by an air gap in between them.
- Field or starter- a non-moving part of a DC motor. It consists the field winding that produces a
magnetic field.
- Commutator - it's a cylindrical structure that is made up of copper segments stacked together
and insulated with Mica. It supplies the Armature with current.
- Brushes- DC Motors uses graphite and carbon brushes to supply current to the armature with
the help of a commutator.
6.7 methods of starting a motor.
6.7.1Direct online starter( DOL)
This is mostly used to run a motor on either star or delta connection with low ratings. For
example a motor having a rating of 75 HP are normally started in dol. Just like the name
suggests the motor is directly connected to the supply through a main conductor
and an overload relay. The main conductor contains auxiliary's in which they control
circuit is connected to its power circuit. The overload relays protect the motor from the
6.7.2 Star delta starter.
This is where the motor winding is connected to a 3-phase in two ways which is a star delta
connection will stop in the Star the Windings are connected refers to the Neutral line and the
tell they are connected between fences which have higher voltage than star. This type of
connection is mostly done on high starting torque Motors so that it can start with the stand
then changes to Delta after the motor maximum speed.
The diagram below shows the connection of a star Delta;
6.7.3 Forward reverse of DOL.
In order to change the direction of a three phase induction motor one need to interchange to
faces and maintain the first. Use a running motor in both forward and reverse mod. In order
to achieve this one is required to use to contact us to interchange fees and so that the motor
can be able to run either in forward or reverse Direction depending on the user desire.
6.7.4 Star delta forward reverse.
In this connection a motor will run indu Direction we are forward and reverse Direction but at
the start it will start at the star then move to Delta after it gains a maximum torque.
7.1 Conclusion.
This report outlines the activities I did at West Kenya sugar company during my period of
attachment and I would like to conclude that the attachment was successful since I had a
chance to engage myself into different activities such as servicing of Motors, motor connection,
troubleshooting of various electrical equipments and also diagnosis of machinery electrical
faults and providing technical solution. Also this attachment has equipped me with
confidentiality to deal with high voltage and low voltage in the field of electrical engineering.
7.2 Challenge.
- lack of adequate information from some of the stuff.
- Some Motors didn't have readly available spares hence a lot of time for their repair.
-Some machines were difficult to operate hence manual should be readily available for
- Lack of accessibility to all areas since it required skilled personnel only.
7.3 References
>Notes taken during my attachment periods.
>Online research.
>Interaction with West Kenya sugar company electrical department staff.
West Kenya sugar company Electrical and Electronics Engineering industrial attachment report.

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West Kenya sugar company Electrical and Electronics Engineering industrial attachment report.

  • 2. I hereby declare that the industrial attachment report held at WEST KENYA SUGAR COMPANY LIMITED during my attachment for three months (January to March) is My own original work and has never been submitted nor presented anywhere for the same purpose, so no part of it shall be therefore be dublicated without my permission. Name ..................................................................... ADM. NO: .................................... Signature ........................... Date. ....................................... WEST KENYA SUGAR COMPANY LIMITED INDUSTRIAL SUPERVISOR ........................................................................................................ TITLE HELD.................................................................................................................................. SIGNATURE........................................ DATE ............................... STAMP.............................. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .
  • 3. The attachment was successfully due to the support of number of people who have enabled me gain much more than what the School could offer. First I would like to appreciate the almighty God for the humble time and Energy to be in the attachment, also I acknowledge my industrial supervisor Mr Wanyama for sharing with me their experience in the field of Engineering and also guiding me throughout my attachment period. I also extend my appreciation message to West Kenya sugar company limited Electrical Department and the School supervisor from the Eldoret National polytechnic for the opportunity during the attachment period. Lastly I would like to thank my Family and Friends for their close support towards achieving my dream career. ii DEDICATION.
  • 4. I would like to dedicate this work to all Electrical Engineers and the upcoming ones In addition, I dedicate to my loved family ( Muchika's Family) and all my friends especially whom we were together during the attachment. iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .
  • 5. This report is complied in partial fulfilment of Craft certificate in Electrical and Electronics Technology (power option) at the Eldoret National polytechnic (TENP). The report talks more about when I was attached at West Kenya sugar company limited in Electrical department. Sources used to gather more information on writing this report includes doing practical, Observation and lastly interacting and asking questions. iv Table of contents.
  • 6. Declaration........................................................................i Acknowledgement............................................................ii Dedication..........................................................................iii Executive summary........................................................... iv 1.0 CHAPTER ONE ..............................................1 1.1 Introduction..................................................................1 1.2 Brief history.................................................................1 1.3 Vision mission and objectives....................................2 1.4 Nature of the company................................................3 1.5 Organisational structure..............................................3 2.0 CHAPTER TWO ..............................................4 Miling department.............................................................4 2.1 Free meals...................................................................4 2.2 Mills.............................................................................. 4 3.0 CHAPTER THREE ......................................... 6 3.1 Process house..............................................................6 3.2 Sugar processing..........................................................6 3.2.1 Juice wayment...........................................................6 3.2.2 Juice heating and clarification.................................6 3.3 Evaporator.....................................................................6 3.3.1 Types of evaporators....................... ........................ 7
  • 7. 3.4 Pan boiling.....................................................................7 3.4.1 Types of pan.............................................................. 8 3.5 Centrifugation............................................................... 9 3.5.1 Types of centrifuges................................................. 9 3.6 Sugar dying.................................................................10 3.7 Sugar grades................................................................10 3.8 Sugar parking, bugging and storage..........................10 4.0 CHAPTER FOUR ............................................11 4.1 Boiler department.........................................................11 4.1.1 Parts of a boiler.........................................................11 4.2 Flow of water and steam into the boiler..................... 12 4.3 Flow of air..................................................................... 12 4.4 Fuel system....................................................................14 5.0 CHAPTER FIVE ...............................................15 5.1 Powerhouse..................................................................15 5.2 Transformer..................................................................15 5.2.1 Types of Transformers..............................................15 5.3 Alternator........................................................................16 6.0 CHAPTER SIX ..................................................17 6.1 Electrical workshop.......................................................17 6.2 Motors.............................................................................17
  • 8. 6.2.1 Types of Motors......................................................... 18 6.2.2 Parts of Motors...........................................................18 6.2.3 Operation of motor.....................................................19 6.3 Rotor................................................................................19 6.4 Stator...............................................................................20 6.5 Slip ring motor................................................................20 6.6 Diesel motors.................................................................20 6.7 Methods of starting a motor.........................................21 6.7.1 Direct online (DOL) ....................................................21 6.7.2 Star delta.....................................................................22 6.7.3 Forward-reverse..........................................................23 6.7.4 Star delta forward reverse..........................................24 7.0 CHAPTER SEVEN ...........................................25 Conclusion challenges and reference.............................. 25 7.1 Conclusion.................................................................... 25 7.2 Challenges..................................................................... 25 7.3 Reference.........................................................................25 Appendix................................................................ 26 CHAPTER ONE.
  • 9. 1.1 Introduction I am Amos Karakacha Muchika a student from the Eldoret National polytechnic studying Craft certificate in Electrical and Electronics Technology (power option).I began My industrial attachment at West Kenya sugar company limited on 9th January 2023 to 31st March 2023 and my main pertion was to gain more experience in the field of Electrical engineering. This was successfully through doing practical of what I used to gather during class. It had been good for me since I got the full support and teamwork from the company that helped me gain much more skills and this was very encouraging and welcoming behavior . Objectives of industrial attachment. *To have a clear view of what is really done in the company. *To learn more of what is taught at classroom. *To acquire more skills and confidentiality in an industry. *It is a requirement from the college. *Attachment creates job opportunities the market after completion. 1.2 Brief history of the organization. West Kenya sugar company limited is a processing industry that it's product is sugar raw materials being sugar canes. West Kenya is located in Kakamega county Malava district South Kabras. All of our Engineers and supervisor are licensed and have enough skills in the field of Electrical engineering . 1 1.3 Vision, Mission, Objectives and core values. Vision :
  • 10. To be the regions premier engineering construction and project management company by fully integrating the building organization, process and operations to yield optimal performance and transforming the world. Mission: To employ the best and experienced staff and help develop their talents to provide unique solution and new level of unbeatable services in Engineering field. Objectives -Integrity. -Innovative solution -Professionalism. -Sustainability -Accountability. -Transparency 2 1.4 Nature of the company. The company is internal installation.
  • 11. 1.5 Organizational structure. 3 2.0 CHAPTER TWO. MILLING DEPARTMENT.
  • 12. 2.1 Pre-mills. Can which have been weighted is carried to the cane yard are unloaded from the tracks and tractors to feed table. Unloading is done in three ways; - Winch unloading. - Grapper unloading. - Hydraulic and tipper. 2.1.1 Cane yard. This is were canes are off-loaded and stored for short period before it's processed. Canes are then loaded up to the feed table which then loads the cane into Cane carrier. Kickers are installed above the feed table to prevent excess Cane to the carriers . The cane carrier moves sugar cane into pre-milling zone where rotating choppers are situated that chops sugar cane into smaller pieces . Chopped canes are the conveyed to the heavy duty cutters which further cuts the canes into pieces and also leveling canes. The heavy duty cutters crushes the Cane stalks to fibers, the fibers are then conveyed to the first mill. 2.2 Mills This is the process of squizing juice from sugar canes under the set of mills. This mills 4 rollers, here impition water is added for maximum extraction of juice. Hot water is spreed over the cane fibre just before it enters the last Mill and its juice recirculated back to the first mill. 4 2.2.1 Importance of impition water. I. Maximum extraction of sucrose II. Disolve sucrose content in Cane fibre. III. Kills any bacteria in the juice. IV. Improve the quality of bagasse as it's used to fuel the boiler.
  • 13. 2.2.2 Components of Mills. (a) Feed rollers ~ Feeds sugar Cane fibre to the roller (b) Underfeed/Bottom rollers ~ Compress fibre to remove juice. (c) Top rollers ~Compress cane fibre to squeeze out juice. (d) Discharge rollers ~Discharges fibre to the intercarrier. 5 CHAPTER THREE 3.1 process house 3.2 sugar processing This involves extraction of sugar crystals from the milling sugar Jones. It involves the process discussed below. 3.2.1. Juice weightment
  • 14. This involves determining the weight of juice in order to determine polarity percentage of sugar in the can and also offer effective chemical control which is done by automatic juice weighing scale. 3.2.2. Juice Heating and clarification. The juice is pumped to the primary produce heater. This are heat exchangers the shell and tube design containing tubes 2 m long full stop the first heater heat the used to temperature of 65 degrees Celsius. It uses hot water as the heating fluid. The second heater uses third body vapor to heat up the juice. It heats up the juice to 80°C. The juice is then pumped to the raw juice receiver and then flows under gravity to the liming tank. At liming tank,lime is added to the juice to raise up the PH level of the juice to between 7.3 and 7.5. The lime juice is then flown to the lime juice receiver tank then pumped to the limed juice heater. The juice is then pumped to flash tank where the volume is increased causing the liquid under high pressure which may cause disturbances during clarification and the remaining juice is then flowed to a flocculation champer via the valve. In flocculant mud is made to settle down when it reacts with the juice. Clear juice is pumped to clear juice tank as the mud is transferred to rotary vacuum filter then transferred to juice heater which then transfer it to the evaporator for concentration. 3.3 Evaporator This is where juice is concentrated and converted to syrup. The process is achieved by heating the surface of evaporator which comprises of stainless steel tubes. The main function of the evaporator station is to concentrate clear juice containing around 83-86%Water and transform it into syrup. 6 West Kenya sugar company has three sets of evaporators, set A, B and C respectively.
  • 15. 3.3.1Types of evaporators. a. Sk evaporator. It's a tube that exhaust steam from the turbine to boil juice b.FFE. :It has low steam consumption and relatively high retention time which leads to a good syrup formation which is ideal for good pan boiling. C. Robert type. This type of evaporator has a downtake at the center. It has a tube from which juice is heated from the first body uses the Power of steam from Sk evaporator to boil the juice which again produces vapour steam that will build body two. This process continues until the juice reaches body 5 ready to be discharged into the syrup tank. 3.4 Pan Boiling This is the process of forming crystals by evaporation and concentration. It is done in pants. In process coma syrup of prick 65° and purity of 85 from the evaporator is our father concentrated to brixes of 92 degrees to 96 Degrees and Crystal purity 100 and final molasses of approximately 35 purity. Concentrated sugar liquor in which crystallization has taken place is called a massecuite. Massecuite are boiled to reduce temperature and pressure under vacuum to avoid the composition of sucrose by 7 inversion and subsequent formation of degradation products.
  • 16. 3.4.1 Types of pans a. Batch pans Batch pants are mostly vertical cylindrical vessels broadly classified according to type steam heating surface. Batch at West Kenya are mostly used for A and C boiling. Parts of batch pan a. Steam control valve b. Vacuum valve C. Feed valve for syrup, molasses and water d.Massecuite discharge Valve e. Incondensable vases extraction valves f. Valve to break the vacuum h. Pan streaming or washing valve. i. Graining valve j. Cut over valve to link the pan to other pans on the station k. Automatic control valves l. Wash water valve. b. Continuous pans. This has to be supplied with a footing prepared in a conventional patch pan. The footing from the ban is dropped into a seed receiver where it can be pumped by means of variable speed pump into first compartment of the continuous ban. As massecuite increase in volume due to feeding, it overflows to the next compartment until the finished product overflows the off-take weir into transfer crystallizer. They fit to each compartment is automatically control. Balancing water is also supplied to each compartment. 8 Crystallization.
  • 17. After condition of strike, the massecuite is still saturated or slightly supersaturated at pan temperature 70 to 75 degrees Celsius. On cooling it becomes supersaturated and further growth hence exhaustion of liquor is possible. Thus,pans are followed by crystallizer. The mercy cute from the pan after a strike gravitates to the crystallizer for some cooling 2 supersaturation and allows father growth of crystals. The growth is limited by the increasing viscosity and exhaustion of mother liquor. Crystallizer are there for fitted with agitators which renew the layer of the mother liquor around the Crystals and ensure uniform supersaturation and distribution of cooling. 3.5 Centrifugation. This massecuite contains sugar crystals and molasses which needs to be separated. The process of separating sugar from molasses is called centrifugal. This process is achieved by use of centrifugal machine. A centrifugal consist of perforated drums or baskets so arranged that it may result on a vertical shaft or axis called spindle. The basket revolve around a metal casing called Curb which catches the molasses spun off by the centrifugal forces. Central or centrifugation can either be batch or continuous. 3.5.1 Types of centrifuges a. Batch centrifuges This type is mainly used to process a sugar. It consist of a resolving cylindrical perforated metallic basket design to receive the material to be treated. The basket is carried on a vertical shaft driven by Motor and is designed to withstand the centrifugal forces. It has linings of metal screens which serves to return the sugar crystal ; it's open at the top to allow feeding and with a bottom discharge valve to allow removal of sugar at the end of the cycle. The basket is surrounded by a casing designed to catch the molasses there by released and for production operation of the moving parts this monitor casing as it is referred is made of Steel. It also prevents the fan if it which cooling otherwise affect The Separation due to the cooling effect. The centrifuges are arranged in line to form a battery. A mixer distributor open at the top normally install on top of a battery of a centrifugal to receive mercy cute and distribute it. Massacre can be pumped into the mixer or gravitated. Other settings have a header in in place of the mixer. Sugar producer produced by the parts and figure is discharged on hopper 9 conveyor, screw conveyor and belt conveyor
  • 18. 3.6 Sugar drying. Sugar leaving the centrifuges has a moisture content of 0.5 to 2%. This quantity of moisture or those mall has an extremely detrimental effects of keeping the quality of raw sugar. Live steam at 60 PSI is used for drying. Sugar needs to be dried and cooled to improve handling and minimise loss and colour formation in storage enhanced by temperature and length of time in storage and the reason for drying sugar is because for easy handling in the parking section, for preservation purpose and for easier selection of West One dead crystal size. 3.7 Sugar graders. These are machines used to grade sugar and separate sugar crystals from dust before being sent to Sugar pin for storage, While dust is sent to remelt tank for remelting. The remelted sugar is then taken for A boiling. 3.8 Sugar packing, bagging and storage. Belt Conveyors to Sugar bins, stationed about the parking station conveys dried sugar. Packaging is done as long as sugar is in the bins. The packing process is automated to pack 2kg, 1 kg, 1/2 kg and 1/4 kg packets. The amount of sugar packed and pagged is accounted for by keeping records of the numbers and weight of the outgoing packing /pagging units in parking and parking. 10. 4.0 CHAPTER FOUR. 4.1 Boiler department.
  • 19. This section deals with the production of steam which is better used to produce electricity through turbine for stop steam is also used to processes during sugar production. A boiler is an enclosed vessel which is used to generate steam from water to run turbine at a recommended temperature. There are two types of boilers at West Kenya sugar company water tube boiler and fire tube boiler. Types of systems used in boilers -Water system. - Fuel supply system. -Combustion air system. 4.1.1 Parts of a Boiler Deaerator~ remove dissolved gases from boiler feed water Super heaters ~ convert the wet steam generated by the boiler to dry steam Economizer ~, pre-heats the feed water Steam drum~ contain cyclone scrapers circulating baffle which aid in separation of Steam from water. Mud/Water drum ~ solid and mud can settle in this mud run for removal. Mechanical dust collector ~ installed in the new boiler to separate the ash from flu gas using centrifugal forces Electrostatic precipitator ~ installed in the new boiler to separate us from flu gas using the principle of charges. Feed Water pump ~Transport water into the boiler using high pressure. Fans ie Forced draught fan(FD), Induced draught fan( ID) and Secondary air fan (SI). 11 West Kenya sugar company has two boilers namely ; a. International steam generation engineering company(ISGEC) b. National heavy engineering company(NHEC)
  • 20. Properties of ISGEC *Uses travelling cranes system to dump Ash *Has capacity of 100 tonnes *Has electrostatic precipitation system *Has a Silo Properties of NHEC *Dumping of ashes done mmanually. * Has a capacity of 70 tonnes. *Has engineering cyclone system. *Does not have a silo. 4.2 Flow of water and Steam in the boiler. Water in the boiler is obtained from water treatment plant by being pumped to the demineralization tongue and it's temperature is raised by use of steam. It's then pumped to condensate tank from this tank what is then pumped to deaerator tank. At aerator gas are removed and steam is added to raise its temperature full-stop from the dehydrator water is pumped through economiser by use of feed pump. From the economizer water is transferred to steam drum than primary and secondary superheaters are finally to steam header then it moves to the turbine. 4.3 Flow of Air. Each boiler is South by three fans namely first draught fun secondary air fan and lastly induced fan. The function of the fans are as below. - Forced draught fan- brings in positive draught to the boiler furnace to facilitate measure of fuel and air and also makes the fuel to burn in suspension. 12 -Secondary air fan- suppress the fuel inside the furnace causing the mixture of air and fuel to be even and burn in suspension.
  • 21. - Induced draught fan- eliminate the products of combustion to the atmosphere through chimney. 4.4 Fuel system. The boiler requires fuel which liberate heat to turn water into steam. The main source of fuel in this company is buggers obtained from extraction section which is conveyed to the boilers through Paggers elevator which then discharges Paggers to the main Paggers carrier. Excess Paggers goes to the paggers store where it comes back to the boiler through a park feed elevator. Back feed helps the boiler in the supplementing and shortage of fuel from the main and sustain the boiler when there is no Milling. 14 5.0 CHAPTER FIVE. 5.1 Power House.
  • 22. This is a special place where generation of electrical power is done and also transmission of the generated power starts from. At West Kenya sugar company, their are total of 4 turbines in the power house, 1.5 megawatts diesel generator used for starting purpose. And the other three 3 megawatt turbines and a single 12 megawatt turbine. The prime mover is superheated steam rotate the turbine which rotates the alternator. The turbine rotates at 10700 RPM. This RPM is reduced by system of Gears and the rotor of the alternator up to 1500 RPM. The alternator has an amateur and field Windings. The armature Windings are excited by the use of a DC voltage. The DC voltage creates magnetic flux which has the motor which rotates and cut through the field Windings on the starter thus inducing an electromotive Force in the mean according with the Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. The alternating current is conveyed from the alternator by the use of bus pass to the step down transformer that steps down the voltage from 11 KV to 690 V 415 V and 240 V. 5.2 Transformers. A transformer is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductivity coupled conductors . The principal in effect in the process of this electrical transfer is mutual induction. A transformer consist of two sets of coil or Windings. Each set of winding is simply an inductor. AC voltage is applied to one of the Windings the primary Windings. The other Windings the secondary winding which is position in close proximity to the primary Windings but is electrically isolated from it. 5.2.1 Types of transformers. a. Step down transformers. This is a type of transformer that convert high voltage primary supply too low voltage secondary output. They are mainly used for distribution of power. 15 b. Step up transformer. This type of transformer are mostly used between the power generator and the power grid system. Transformers are widely used to transmit power from The Generation station to
  • 23. the step-down Transformers or the other step-up Transformers to maintain the high-voltage transmission. 5.3 Alternator. An alternator is an electrical generator that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in form of alternating current. At West Kenya sugar company the alternator is connected the turbine we are the gearbox that reduce the speed of the turbine from 10700 RPM to 11 KV. Dell alternator is also connected in star in order to obtain the Neutral from the start Point for better supplying of power the control and power system at the company. 16 6.0 CHAPTER SIX Electrical Department 6.1 Electrical workshop.
  • 24. The electrical workshop is concerned with the repair and maintenance of electrical equipments and appliances such as Motors and their drives, Transformers, electrical lamps, fluorescent fittings, LED fittings LED tubes, circuit breaker, fuse replacement, motor rewinding and also repair of welding machines. 6.2 Motors. A mother is an electrical device that transforms electrical energy to mechanical energy. Universe Kenya Motors are widely used throughout the production process full-stop mother co- star of different types and sizes according to the work they are in sulfur full-stop Motors are used to run machines like Schrader can kick Ass rollers Palms conveyor belts e t c. West Kenya sugar company uses both AC motor and DC Motors according to their work performance. AC Three phase motor 17 6.2.1 Types of Motors
  • 25. 6.2.2 Parts of Motor Three phase motors have two main parts ; -Rotor -Stator Other parts Include Fan- cooles the motor to avoid overheating. Fan cover- this protects the fan from external damage. Stator and rotor fins- helps in cooling the Windings. Bearings- allows mods rotation of the shaft and also supports the rotor. Termination box- allows termination of cables for power supply to the motor. 18 6.2.3 Operation of motor.
  • 26. When a starter of a 3-phase motor is connected to a supply a rotating magnetic field is set in the air gap. The Pulse of the field produced protest at the synchronous speed n, given by n=(120f/p) The rotating field passes through the air gap and cuts the what are conductors which are stationary positioned. Due to the relative speed between the rotating flags and the stationary rotor, it results to an induced EMF in the rotor Windings. Because the rotor winding is short- circuited, current Flows in their rotor conductor. A mechanical force is produced and act on the rotor. This Force produce a torque that tend to move the rotor. The direction of the induced current is such that it opposes the rotating magnetic field produced. Thus the relative speed between the rotating field and the rotor reduces as the rotor starts rotating in the same direction as the rotating magnetic field. This rotor eventually reaches a steady-state speed in less than, at which the magnetic flux rotates in the air gap. The difference between the rotor speed and the synchronous speed of the magnetic flux is called the slip. 6.3 Rotor. It is a hollow laminated core having slots on its outer peripheral. Auto Endings are of two types; squirrel cage rotor- it consist of a laminated cylindrical call having parallel slots on its outer Periphery. Most copper and aluminium bars are the once used. The bars are joined at each end by end rings. This form of permanently short circuit winding which is indestructible. The entire construction resembles a squirrel cage and hence its name. The rotor is not directly supplied by the power but it acquires magnetic flux current by induction from the rotor. Most induction motors are squirrel cage rotor as it has a remarkable simple construction and it's robust construction helps it to operate in the most advanced circumstances. However it suffers from the disadvantage of Law starting torque . This is because the rota bus are permanently short- circuited and that's not possible to add an external resistance to the circuit to have a high torque. Wound rotor - consists of a laminated core and carried a 3-phase winding similar to the one in the stator . The rotor Windings are uniformly distributed in the slots and usually star connected. The open end of a rotor winding are brought out and join two three insulated slip ring mounted on the rotor shaft with one brush resting on each slip ring. The three brushes are connected to a 3-phase star connected 19 rheostat. At starting torque the external resistance is induced in the rotor circuit to give a high starting torque. This resistance are gradually reduced to zero as the motor runs up to speed.
  • 27. External resistance is used during starting only. When the motor attends its running tongue the three brushes are short-circuited so that the wound rotor runs like a squirrel cage rotor. 6.4 Stator. It consists of a steel frame which encloses a hollow cylindrical coil made up of a thin laminations of silicon Steel to reduce hysteresis and Eddy current losses. A number of Evenly spaced slots are provided on the inner part of the laminations. The stator carries are three phase winding and is fed by a 3-phase supply. It is wound for a defined number of Poles, the extra number determines the required speed of the motor. Greater the number of Poles, the lesser the speed, the lesser the poles, the greater the speed of the motor. When supplied by a three-phase current a rotating magnetic flux of a constant magnitude is produce full stop this rotating field induces a current in the rotor by electromagnetic induction. 6.5 Slip Ring Motors. Slip ring induction motor is a wound rotor type. Its rotor winding consist of more numbers of Windings, higher voltage and less current compared to squirrel cage motor . These windings are a connected to external resistance through slip rings which helps to control the torque and hence the speed of the motor. The starter of a slip ring motor comprises of various slots that are arranged to support the construction of three phase winding circuit connection of a 3-phase supply AC source. On the other side the rotor consist of a cylindrical core with steel lamination. It has a parallel slots of a 3-phase winding. 6.6 DC Motors. DC Motors is a direct current motor that converts direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy full-stop DC Motors are used in the male's sections in their speed can be control according to the work assigned. They offer excellent response characteristics when starting or stopping and reversing the spin Direction. Basically DC Motors uses the principle that when a conductor carrying current is placed in a magnetic field it experiences a mechanical Force. The diagram below shows the DC motor; 20
  • 28. This month is are classified according to their mode of field wing used. They are; - series wound DC Motors. - permanent magnetic DC Motors. - shunt or parallel DC Motors. -Compound DC Motors. Main parts of a DC motor. - Armature - this is the rotating parts of a motor. It rotates on its axis and it's separated from the field winding coil by an air gap in between them. - Field or starter- a non-moving part of a DC motor. It consists the field winding that produces a magnetic field. - Commutator - it's a cylindrical structure that is made up of copper segments stacked together and insulated with Mica. It supplies the Armature with current. - Brushes- DC Motors uses graphite and carbon brushes to supply current to the armature with the help of a commutator. 6.7 methods of starting a motor. 6.7.1Direct online starter( DOL) This is mostly used to run a motor on either star or delta connection with low ratings. For example a motor having a rating of 75 HP are normally started in dol. Just like the name suggests the motor is directly connected to the supply through a main conductor 21
  • 29. and an overload relay. The main conductor contains auxiliary's in which they control circuit is connected to its power circuit. The overload relays protect the motor from the overloading. 6.7.2 Star delta starter. This is where the motor winding is connected to a 3-phase in two ways which is a star delta connection will stop in the Star the Windings are connected refers to the Neutral line and the tell they are connected between fences which have higher voltage than star. This type of connection is mostly done on high starting torque Motors so that it can start with the stand then changes to Delta after the motor maximum speed. The diagram below shows the connection of a star Delta; 22
  • 30. 6.7.3 Forward reverse of DOL. In order to change the direction of a three phase induction motor one need to interchange to faces and maintain the first. Use a running motor in both forward and reverse mod. In order to achieve this one is required to use to contact us to interchange fees and so that the motor can be able to run either in forward or reverse Direction depending on the user desire. 23 6.7.4 Star delta forward reverse. In this connection a motor will run indu Direction we are forward and reverse Direction but at the start it will start at the star then move to Delta after it gains a maximum torque.
  • 31. 24 7.0 CHAPTER SEVEN. CONCLUSION, CHALLENGES AND REFERENCES. 7.1 Conclusion. This report outlines the activities I did at West Kenya sugar company during my period of attachment and I would like to conclude that the attachment was successful since I had a chance to engage myself into different activities such as servicing of Motors, motor connection, troubleshooting of various electrical equipments and also diagnosis of machinery electrical faults and providing technical solution. Also this attachment has equipped me with confidentiality to deal with high voltage and low voltage in the field of electrical engineering. 7.2 Challenge. - lack of adequate information from some of the stuff.
  • 32. - Some Motors didn't have readly available spares hence a lot of time for their repair. -Some machines were difficult to operate hence manual should be readily available for reference. - Lack of accessibility to all areas since it required skilled personnel only. 7.3 References >Notes taken during my attachment periods. >Online research. >Interaction with West Kenya sugar company electrical department staff. 25 Appendix