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Surgical infection
( 2020 )
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
 Prepared by:
 Dr. Shahd 17
 Dr.Alaa 17
 Dr. Samah 18
 Dr. Zaineb 19
 Presented by:
 Dr: Amar Yahia
 Registrar of General Surgery
 Surgical Club Red Sea University SC(RSU) 15/7/2020
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
*Risk factors of surgical infection :
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical infection can be :
1- superficial : in the wound .
2- deep : in the deeper facia muscular layer (burst
abdomen – wound dehiscent) .
3- organ space infection … in abdomen (liver abscess) .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
is a spreading inflammation of subcutaneous and
facial planes follow a small scratch or wound or
incision or insect (snake/scorpion) bite.
*common in the face, upper and Lower limbs and
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Clinical features:
- fever , toxicity ( tachycardia , hypotension).
- Diffuse swelling.
- - pain , tenderness, red shiny area of skin.
- - tender regional LN and may be palpable which
indicate severity.
No edge , no pus ,no fluctuation.-
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- - elevation of the limb to reduce oedema .
- - antibiotic : penicillin , cephalosporin's.
- -dressing by glycerine magnesium sulphate.
- bandaging .
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acute non suppurative infection and spreading inflammation of
lymphatic of skin and subcutaneous tissue .
Causes :
- filiariasis (wuchereria bancrofti) is the most common cause.
-B haemolytic streptococci, staph, clostridium following trauma.
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Clinical features:
- - Streaky redness ( on pressure area blanches, on
release redness reappear )
- - Oedema , palpable tender LN.
-- Fever and features of toxaemia .
- Regional LN (only) may suppurate
to form abscess.
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-antibiotic: penicillin.
-elevation , rest , glycerine magnesium sulphate .
-management of toxaemia .
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3- abscess:
Risk factors:anaemia , age of patient , nutrition , DM , HIV ,
immunosuppression, trauma, RTA.
Type of abscess:
1-pyogenic abscess .
2-pyaemic abscess .
3- metastatic abscess .
4- cold abscess .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Staph Aureus , streptococcus pyogenus , gram (-) bacteria.
Pyogenic abscess:
-localized collection of pus in a cavity, lined by granulation
tissue,coverd by pyogenic membrane.
-pus contain dead WBC, multiplying bacteria, toxin and
necrotic material.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Clinical features:
-fever , throbbing pain and pointing tenderness .
-localized swollen.
-visible (pointing) pus.
-rub or (redness) , dolour (pain), calor (heat),tumor
- Loss of adjacent( tissue / joint) function.
- Fluctuation .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Breast Abscess
Peri-rectal abscess
-CBC: increase WBC , decrease Hb .
-RBG .
-CPB , ESR .
-CT , MRI for brain .
-LFT , PO2 , PCO2 .
-blood culture.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
1- bactermia , Septicaemia , pyemia.
2- multiple abscess formation.
3- metastic abscess.
4- destruction of tissue .
5- antibioma formation . (common in breast abscess).
6- sinus and fistula formation.
7- haemorrhage , as in pancreatic abscess.
8- abscess in head and neck causing laryngeal oedema and stridor.
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Complication of internal abscess:
-brain abscess can cause intracranial HTN.
-liver abscess can cause jaundice or hepatic failure .
-lung abscess can cause bronchoplural fistula.
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1-abscess should be aspirated first to get pus.
2-drange by using sinusforceps and breaking of loculi using finger.
3-clean the abscess cavity and irrigated with normal saline and iodine.
4- wound is not closed .
5- send of pus for culture and sensitivity .
7- treat the cause.
DD: soft tissue tumour , hematoma .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Cold abscessPyogenic abscess
-no sign of acute
-tuberculous bacteria .
-non dependent incision.
-wound is sutured .
-no drain .
-Red , warm , tender.
-strepto, staph.
-for drainage (dependent
-wound is not sutured.
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Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Hilton method for abscess drainage:
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-Bactermia: presence of bacteria in the blood.
-Septicaemia: presence of over whelming
bacteria in blood and toxin causing SIRS or MODS .
-pyaemia: presence of multiplying bactermia in
the blood as emboli which spread in different organ.
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Metastatic abscess:
It is an abscess which spread from other abscess . E.g.
lung abscess causing metastatic abscess in the brain .
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Furuncle (boil):
It is acute staphylococcal infection of hair follicle with
perifolliculitis which usually proceed to suppuration and
central necrosis.
TT: antibiotic give if boil not resolving.
Complication: cellulitis , lymphadenitis ,
hidradenitis(infection of group of hair follicle).
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Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Hidradenitis suppurative:
-Chronic infection and fibrous disease of skin in apocrine
sweat glands.
-common in female 4:1.
-most common site is axilla .
-antibiotic : penicillin.
-excision of involved area .
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-infective gangrene of skin and subcutaneous tissue .
-main cause staph aureus .
-common site nape of neck and the back.
-Common in immunocompromised patient as diabetic.
-blood sugar , urine sugar and Keaton bodies .
-Discharge for C/S. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
-control of diabetes.
-skin graft .
-surgical excision of slough is commonly needed .
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Scalded Skin Syndrome
Staphylococcal scalded
skin syndrome (SSSS)
 Bacterial agent is
Staphylococcus aureus
 Toxin mediated disease
Signs & Symptoms
 Skin appears burned (scalded)
 Other symptoms include
malaise, irritability, fever; nose,
mouth and genitalia may be
Exfoliative toxin released at
infection site
Outer layer of skin is lost
Causes body fluid loss and
increase susceptibility to
secondary infection
Prevention and treatment
Only preventative measure is patient isolation
Treatment includes bactericidal antibiotics
Anti-staphylococcals such as penicillinase-
resistant penicillins like cloxacillin
Treatment also includes removal of dead skin
 Signs & Symptoms
 Superficial skin infection
 Blisters just below outer skin
 Blisters replaced by weepy
yellow crust
 There is little fever or pain
 Lymph nodes enlarge near
 May result in erysipelas
most prevalent among children
Most affected are two to six years of age
Disease primarily spread person-to-person
Also spread by insects and fomites
 Prevention and treatment
 Prevention is directed at cleanliness and
avoidance of individuals with impetigo
 Prompt treatment of wounds and application
of antiseptics can lessen chance of infection
 Active cases are treated with penicillin,
erythromycin or vancomycin
Pyogenic granuloma:
-infection lead to formation of un healing granulation
tissue, which protnudes through the wound .
-Site : face , scalp ,finger, toes.
C/P: single , red ,firm nodules , which bleed on touch .
D.D: haemangioma, papilloma.
TT: excision , laser surgery .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
- -infective condition caused by clostridium tetani leading to reflex muscle
spasm .
- -gram (+) anaerobic , non capsulated organism.
Risk factors:
-absence of tetanus toxoid immunization
-improper sterilization in laboratory and operation theatre.
-tattooing and rusted nails.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Trismus, lock jaw , stiffness of neck , opisthotonos , sleep less ,
dysphagia, dyspnoea.
Pathogenesis :
By releasing exotoxin (tetanospasmin and tetanolysin).
Sign: trismus, risus sardonicus (smiling faces) , hyperreflexia , tonic
clonic convulsion , fever , tachycardia , urine retention , constipation
(duo to spasm of sphincter).
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Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
-admission and isolation .
-avoid noise and light .
-IV fluid with TPN.
-urinary catheterization.
-nosogastric tube to prevent aspiration .
-Nasal O2 when required.
-anti tetanus globulin (ATG) 3000unit IM.
-injection of tetanus toxoid 0.5ml IM.
-prevention of bed sore.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Other supporting measures:
 Remove and destroy the source of the toxin through surgical
exploration and cleaning of the wound (debridement).
 • Bed rest with a nonstimulating environment (dim light,
reduced noise, and stable temperature) may be
 • Sedation may be necessary to keep the affected person
 • Respiratory support with oxygen, endotracheal tube, and
mechanical ventilation may be necessary.Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
-diazepam in convolution .
-prevention of DVT.
-good nursing care.
Complication :
Fracture bone, hematoma , aspiration pneumonia
, toxaemia secondary infection .
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Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Gas gangrene:
-infective gangrene caused by clostridium perfringens .
-gram (+) , non motile , capsulated organism.
Clostridium welchii : 60%
Predisposing factor: crush wound , after amputation , RTA , gunshot.
Pathophysiology :
1- spore enter through crush injury .
2- spore germinate.
3- released bacteria will multiply .
4- exotoxin released .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Diabetic woman with rapidly spreading
gangrenous infection
Photo courtesy of T. File MD
Photo courtesy of T. File MD
Type of exotoxin :
1- lecithinase : haemolytic and membranolytic causing
myositis .
2- haemolysin: cause extensive haemolysis.
3- hyaloronidase : help in rapid spread of gas gangrene .
4- protienese : break down protein of infected tissue .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
- Incubation period is 1-2days (rapidly spreading infection) .
- 1- wound with foul smelling discharge .
- 2- feature of toxaemia ( fever , tachycardia , pallor ) .
- 3-Crepitus .
4- khaki brown skin due to haemolysis .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Clinical type:
1- fulminate type : rapid progress and cause death .
2- massive type : involve whole of one limb.
3-group type : infection of one group of muscle.
4-single muscle : affecting one single muscle.
5- subcutaneous type: superficial.
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-wound culture.
-LFT , urea , creatine .
-PO2 , PCO2.
-bone X-ray.
-x-ray or CT scan for abdomen and chest.
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-hyperbaric oxygen .
- Fresh blood transfusion (hypotension in gas gangrene is treated with
whole blood transfusion ).
- - injection of benzyl penicillin + metronidazole + aminoglycoside ( if
blood urea is normal ) .
- -debridement .
- -electrolyte management.
- - in sever cases amputation is done as life saving procedure .
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-renal failure.
-liver failure .
- -DIC.
- -secondary infection.
- -death.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Mycetoma ( Madura foot )
-chronic granulomatous condition of the foot ,
involving subcutaneous and deep tissue causing
multiple discharging sinuses.
- Type:
- 1-fungal (most common) .
- 2-bacterial.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Pathogenesis :
1- organism enter through prick in foot.
2- reach deeper plane in foot.
3- evoke chronic granulamotus.
4- formation of vesicle.
5- discharging sinuses.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
1- pain less , diffuse , swollen in the foot.
2- multiple discharging sinuses.
3-limb disability.
-regional LN are not involved unless secondary
bacterial infection is present .
DD: chronic osteomyelitis , TB asteomylitis , cancer.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
1- discharge study.
2- gram stain for bacteria.
3- culture in sabouroud agar.
4- x-ray of foot.
1- anti fungal (amphotecin)
2- long term penicillin.
3- dapsone.
4- in severe case amputation. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Necrotising fasciitis:
-spreading inflammation of the skin , deep fascia
and soft tissue.
-commonly duo to S.pyogenes.
-trauma is a common precipitating factor .
-muscle is usually not involved in necrotising
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
1- sudden swelling and pain , ulceration .
2- foul smelled discharge .
3- feature of toxaemia .
4- oliguria.
5- jaundice.
6- feature of SIRS , MODS .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
1- IV fluid , fresh blood transfusion .
2- antibiotic dependon c/s.
3- catheterization and monitoring hourly urine out put.
4- assessment of creatinine , electrolyte.
5-pus culture and blood culture .
6- control of diabetes if patient is diabetic .
7- O2 , ventilator support .
8- radical wound excision of gangrenous tissue.Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical site infection (SSI):
-SSI is the most common complication following
surgical procedure (the first one is post operative
pneumonia ).
Common source of infection :
1- surgical wound , catheter ,drain , sputum ,urine .
2- operation room with out prepare ventilation , nurse ,
surgeons , sterilization of instrument .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Organism causing:
-commonly S.aureus.
-other gram (-) bacteria.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
SSI – Wound Classification
Class 1 = Clean
Class 2 = Clean contaminated
Class 3 = Contaminated
Class 4 = Dirty infected
c antibiotics
Types of Surgery
Clean Hernia repair
breast biopsy
Elective bowel
Emergency bowel
Dirty/infected Perforation, abscess 5-30%
Operative Antibiotic Prophylaxis
 Decreases bacterial counts at surgical site
 Given within 60 minutes prior to starting surgery (knife to skin)
 Repeat dose for longer surgery
 Do not continue beyond 24 hours
 Determinants – prevailing pathogens, antibiotic resistance, type of surgery
 Not a substitute for aseptic surgery or good technique
 Scrub
 Duration? With what?
 Skin preparation
 Iodophors, chlorahexadine, or alcohol
 Hair removal
 Night before? Clipper vs razor
 Antiseptic showering
 Reduce skin flora only
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Site Infection Prevention Bundle
1. Prophylactic antibiotic given within one hour prior
to surgical incision
2. Appropriate prophylactic antibiotic selection for
surgical patients
3.Prophylactic antibiotics discontinued within 24
hours after surgery end time (48 hours for cardiac
4.Cardiac surgery patients with controlled 6 A.M.
postoperative serum blood glucose
Surgical Site Infection Prevention
Bundle Components
5. Surgery patients with appropriate hair removal
6. Surgery Patients with Perioperative Temperature
Management – maintaining normothermia
7. Urinary Catheter removal on postoperative Day 1
or 2 with day of surgery being day zero.
Other SSI Prevention Measures
 Protect closed incision with sterile
dressing for 24-48 hours
 Maintain adequate/recommended
ventilation processes in the
operating rooms
Timing of prophylaxis
 Intravenous antibiotics should be given within 60 minutes before skin
incision and as close to time of incision as practically possible
 For caesarian section it can be given pre-incision or after cord
 Single dose with long-enough half-life to achieve activity for
duration of operation
Management of SSI:
1-management depending the type of SSI.
2- all infected material and pus should be removal
3- suture are removed to allow free drainage .
4- infective fluid is sent for culture .
5- once wound show sign of healing (granulation tissue )
secondary suturing is done.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical infection
Antisepsis: killing of the bacteria in the skin or tissue .
-A sepsis: is prevention of entry of organism.
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is the killing or removal of all microorganisms in a
material or on an object.
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 is the reduction of the number of pathogenic
microorganisms to the point where they pose no
danger of disease.
e.g.- Formaldehyde, phenol, ethyl alcohol, soaps.
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is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their
Can be chemical or physical agents
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Patient safety:
- patient safety is the absence of preventable harm to
a patient during the process of health care 8
reduction of risk of unnecessary harm ass with health
care to an acceptable minimum.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
-Every point in the process of care giving contains
a certain degree of inherent un safety.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
-4 out of 10 are harmed in primary and ambulatory Care settings.
-134 million adverse events occur each year in hospitals,
contributing To 2.6 million deaths annually due to un safe care.
- 42 Ś billion: is the estimated medication errors Cost.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
10 patient safety tips for hospitals:
1- prevent central Line - associated blood stream
2-Re-engineer hospital discharge. (create a simple easy to
understand discharge plan).
3- prevent venous thromboembolism by using evidence
based guide to create VTE protocol.
4-Educate patients about using blood thinners safely.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
5-Limit shift duration for hospital staff if possible.
6-consider working with a patient safety organization.
7-use good hospital design principles.
8- Measure the hospital's patient safety culture .
9-build better teams : rapid response Systems.
10-Insert chest tube safely.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
-Taking responsibility a basic understanding of ethical &
Medio legal principles is Essential to ensure that the
patients relive the highest possible standard of treatment,
And the clinicians minimize the risk of complaint or
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
*principles of medical ethics:
Core Values of modern medical ethics:
Autonomy: is the right of the individual to act freely ,
following decisions rescilting from his or her own
independent thoughts.
Beneficent: means, doing good, for doctors, this effectively
means that they Act in the best interests of their patients.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Non maleficence: A doctor must not harm his or her patient .
a conflict referred to as (Double effect)) between beneficence &
Non-Maleficence, in That many medical Interventions may cause
damage to the pt This requires pt and doctor Together to weigh up
what is in the pts best interest.
Justice: Respects for the rights and dignity of all human beings.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
confidentiality. The duties of doctor include to Respect patient's right to
confidentiality .This includes non-Medical information imparted in the
context of the doctor – patient.
- Exceptions to the duty of confidentiality :
1- consent of the patient for their health information to be shared.
2- pablic interest If there is real, immediate and serious risk to the public.
3- Notifiable Diseases e.g.: TB, Malaria, Salmonella
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Clinical governance and Risk Management:
Quality Control: should cover every aspect of clinical care
This includes: Access to appropriate treatment options, the right
equipment and building : personal professional
development.(appraisal and revalidation).
-appraisal: feedback on doctor performance.
-Revalidation: Revalidation If specialist continue to be Fit to
practice in their chosen Field.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Risk management:
-critical incident forms .
-staff concerns.
- morbidity & Mortality Meeting
-Audit o to identify areas and extent of weak performance.
-compression measures between individuals :organizations
to produce guidelines to minimize risk.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
incident Reporting:
Regular reporting of all incidents including near
miss incidents, results in improvement safety.
patient safety incident: is any un
intended or unexpected incident that Could have
led or did Lead to harm for one or more patients.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
concenter un toward Incidents:
E.g. : unexpected or avoidable death of one or
more patients, staff , Victors or members of public.
- serious harm to one or more patients staff visitors
that require life saving intervention .
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Never events : Are very serious, largely preventable patient
Incidents that should not occur if the relevant preventable
measures Hare been put in place.
The list of Never events for 2011/2012 :
1-wrong site surgery.
2-wrong implant.
3- Retained foreign object after surgery intervention.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
4- Wrongly prepared high-risk injectable medication.
5- Maladministration of potassium containing Solutions.
6- wrong route of administration of chemotherapy.
7-I.V. administration of epidural medication
8- Maladministration of insulin.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
9 -overdose of midazolam during conscious sedation.
10- Opioid overdose in opioid - naive patient.
11- Trans fusion of ABO incompatible blood.
12-Transplantation of ABO or HLA incompatible organs.
13- Misplaced naso-or orogastric tubes.
14- wrong gas administered .
15-severe scalding of patients.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical outcomes, Audit Cycle 8 clinical decision making:
-Surgical outcome: is defined as the end result of either specific
Intervention or the pts management as a whole.
-out come may be assessed:
1-subjectively: patient satisfaction questioner.
2- objectively: survivorship data, time to discharge.
-outcome categorized in term of :
1-physical health.
2-mental health.
3-social health.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Patient satisfaction : is Multi factorial, drawing a combination of
physical, mental , social health.
The audit cycle :
The collective review, evaluation & improvement of practice with the
common aim of improving patient care and out comes .
1-Encourage improvement in clinical procedure.
2- raise over all quality of clinical care.
3-Educate all members of the team
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
 1.Personal knowledge : background knowledge & foreground knowledge
 2. Senior review: decision-making guided by someone of greater experience
 3. Guidelines and protocols.
1. Assessment & diagnosis
2. Planning (strategy)
3. Intervention
4. evaluation
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
• Sharing information within the wider team is
important for safe &effective patient care.
• “ Delegation ”:asking colleague to provide
treatment on your behalf
• “ retinal “: transferring responsibilities for the patient
care to outside your competence.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
 Definition: negligence is a civil wrong that occurs when one part
breach their duty of care owed to another, causing the latter to
sustain an injury or a loss.
 Elements of negligence:
• Duty of care: all doctors have a duty to provide patients with care to
an acceptable standards.
• Breach of duty: once the duty of care has established ,a claimant
must then demonstrate that the doctor failed to meet the duty.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
CONT..elements of negligence
• Incompetence: if a breach of duty of care has not caused
harm to a patient it may still that the GMC will choose to
instigate incompetence proceeding against the doctor.
• Gross negligence: this occurs when a disregard of the duty of
care is shown as to amount to recklessness. Should this lead to
a patient death? Then this may constitute criminal
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
 Definition of consent:
• Capacity: for the consent to be valid the patient must be able
▪ Understand the information given to them.
▪ Retain this information.
▪ Process information to form decision.
▪ Communicate this decision.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Information required
 The information provided to the patient must include:
1. The nature of the disease and its natural history if not
2. A basic understanding of the nature of the procedure.
3. Serious or frequency occurring risks.
4. Alternative treatment options.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
 #Verbal & implied consent:
• Verbal consent: refers to patient stating their agreement to a medical
• Implied consent: normally refers to the inference, from the patient’s
conduct , that they agree to the procedure proposed to them.
 #person that can obtain consent:
• it’s the operating surgeon responsibility , the person taking consent must
be sufficiently trained to have appropriate knowledge of the procedure
, alternatives and inherent risks.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
# person that can give consent:
• The general role is that only patients themselves can give
• For their consent to be valid they should have mental
capacity to:
✓ Understand the information.
✓ Retain it.
✓ Process it meaningfully.
✓ Communicating it.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
# lack of capacity: either temporary:”e.g :
unconscious patient” or permanent.
*children: only PARENTS or those with legal parental
responsibility can legally give consent on behalf of
their children.
From age 16 onwards minors are deemed to have
capacity to provide their own consent on their own
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
*physical restrictions:
• some patients e.g. those with hand injuries may be
physically unable to sign a consent form, this should not
be confused with a lack of mental capacity.
• Most trust consent form have an area there a witness
can sign on a patients behalf if they are unable to sign,
this should be used, not mental incapacity form.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
 #divided into:
Direct medical cost [e.g; personnel m drugs]
Indirect medical cost [buildings]
Indirect cost of loss productivity [e.g day-off work]
Intangible costs [pain]
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
consequences of surgery:
+ve: { relive of symptoms; increasing life
expectancy }
-ve: {complications; period of hospitalization }
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
 SRB's Manual of Surgery, 5th. Edition
 Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery, 27th edition
 MRCS Part A_ Essential Revision Notes_ Book 1.
Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)

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Surgical infection

  • 1. Surgical infection ( 2020 ) Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 2.  Prepared by:  Dr. Shahd 17  Dr.Alaa 17  Dr. Samah 18  Dr. Zaineb 19  Presented by:  Dr: Amar Yahia  Registrar of General Surgery  Surgical Club Red Sea University SC(RSU) 15/7/2020 Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 3. *Risk factors of surgical infection : 1-malnutrition. 2-DM. 3-obesity. 4-uremia. 5-jaundice. 6-malignancy. 7-immunosuppression. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 5. Surgical infection can be : 1- superficial : in the wound . 2- deep : in the deeper facia muscular layer (burst abdomen – wound dehiscent) . 3- organ space infection … in abdomen (liver abscess) . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 6. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 7. 1-cellulitis is a spreading inflammation of subcutaneous and facial planes follow a small scratch or wound or incision or insect (snake/scorpion) bite. *common in the face, upper and Lower limbs and scroutm. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 8. Clinical features: - fever , toxicity ( tachycardia , hypotension). - Diffuse swelling. - - pain , tenderness, red shiny area of skin. - - tender regional LN and may be palpable which indicate severity. No edge , no pus ,no fluctuation.- Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 9. Management: - - elevation of the limb to reduce oedema . - - antibiotic : penicillin , cephalosporin's. - -dressing by glycerine magnesium sulphate. - bandaging . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 10. Lymphaginitis: acute non suppurative infection and spreading inflammation of lymphatic of skin and subcutaneous tissue . Causes : - filiariasis (wuchereria bancrofti) is the most common cause. -B haemolytic streptococci, staph, clostridium following trauma. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 11. Clinical features: - - Streaky redness ( on pressure area blanches, on release redness reappear ) - - Oedema , palpable tender LN. -- Fever and features of toxaemia . - Regional LN (only) may suppurate to form abscess. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 12. Management: -antibiotic: penicillin. -elevation , rest , glycerine magnesium sulphate . -management of toxaemia . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 13. 3- abscess: Risk factors:anaemia , age of patient , nutrition , DM , HIV , immunosuppression, trauma, RTA. Type of abscess: 1-pyogenic abscess . 2-pyaemic abscess . 3- metastatic abscess . 4- cold abscess . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 14. Causatives: Staph Aureus , streptococcus pyogenus , gram (-) bacteria. Pyogenic abscess: -localized collection of pus in a cavity, lined by granulation tissue,coverd by pyogenic membrane. -pus contain dead WBC, multiplying bacteria, toxin and necrotic material. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 15. Clinical features: -fever , throbbing pain and pointing tenderness . -localized swollen. -visible (pointing) pus. -rub or (redness) , dolour (pain), calor (heat),tumor (swelling). - Loss of adjacent( tissue / joint) function. - Fluctuation . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 18. Investigation: -CBC: increase WBC , decrease Hb . -RBG . -CPB , ESR . -CXR. -CT , MRI for brain . -LFT , PO2 , PCO2 . -blood culture. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 19. Complication: 1- bactermia , Septicaemia , pyemia. 2- multiple abscess formation. 3- metastic abscess. 4- destruction of tissue . 5- antibioma formation . (common in breast abscess). 6- sinus and fistula formation. 7- haemorrhage , as in pancreatic abscess. 8- abscess in head and neck causing laryngeal oedema and stridor. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 20. Complication of internal abscess: -brain abscess can cause intracranial HTN. -liver abscess can cause jaundice or hepatic failure . -lung abscess can cause bronchoplural fistula. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 21. Management: 1-abscess should be aspirated first to get pus. 2-drange by using sinusforceps and breaking of loculi using finger. 3-clean the abscess cavity and irrigated with normal saline and iodine. 4- wound is not closed . 5- send of pus for culture and sensitivity . 6-antibiotic. 7- treat the cause. DD: soft tissue tumour , hematoma . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 22. Cold abscessPyogenic abscess -no sign of acute inflammation. -tuberculous bacteria . -non dependent incision. -wound is sutured . -no drain . -Red , warm , tender. -strepto, staph. -for drainage (dependent incision). -wound is not sutured. -drain. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 23. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 24. Hilton method for abscess drainage: Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 25. -Bactermia: presence of bacteria in the blood. -Septicaemia: presence of over whelming bacteria in blood and toxin causing SIRS or MODS . -pyaemia: presence of multiplying bactermia in the blood as emboli which spread in different organ. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 26. Metastatic abscess: It is an abscess which spread from other abscess . E.g. lung abscess causing metastatic abscess in the brain . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 27. Furuncle (boil): It is acute staphylococcal infection of hair follicle with perifolliculitis which usually proceed to suppuration and central necrosis. TT: antibiotic give if boil not resolving. Complication: cellulitis , lymphadenitis , hidradenitis(infection of group of hair follicle). Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 28. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 30. Hidradenitis suppurative: -Chronic infection and fibrous disease of skin in apocrine sweat glands. -common in female 4:1. -most common site is axilla . TT: -antibiotic : penicillin. -excision of involved area . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 32. carbuncle: -infective gangrene of skin and subcutaneous tissue . -main cause staph aureus . -common site nape of neck and the back. -Common in immunocompromised patient as diabetic. Investigation: -blood sugar , urine sugar and Keaton bodies . -Discharge for C/S. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 33. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 34. TT: -control of diabetes. -antibiotic. -skin graft . -surgical excision of slough is commonly needed . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 35. Scalded Skin Syndrome Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)  Bacterial agent is Staphylococcus aureus  Toxin mediated disease
  • 36. Signs & Symptoms  Skin appears burned (scalded)  Other symptoms include malaise, irritability, fever; nose, mouth and genitalia may be painful
  • 37. Exfoliative toxin released at infection site Outer layer of skin is lost Causes body fluid loss and increase susceptibility to secondary infection
  • 38. Prevention and treatment Only preventative measure is patient isolation Treatment includes bactericidal antibiotics Anti-staphylococcals such as penicillinase- resistant penicillins like cloxacillin Treatment also includes removal of dead skin
  • 39.  Signs & Symptoms  Superficial skin infection  Blisters just below outer skin layer  Blisters replaced by weepy yellow crust  There is little fever or pain  Lymph nodes enlarge near area  May result in erysipelas
  • 40. Epidemiology most prevalent among children Most affected are two to six years of age Disease primarily spread person-to-person Also spread by insects and fomites
  • 41.  Prevention and treatment  Prevention is directed at cleanliness and avoidance of individuals with impetigo  Prompt treatment of wounds and application of antiseptics can lessen chance of infection  Active cases are treated with penicillin, erythromycin or vancomycin
  • 42. Pyogenic granuloma: -infection lead to formation of un healing granulation tissue, which protnudes through the wound . -Site : face , scalp ,finger, toes. C/P: single , red ,firm nodules , which bleed on touch . D.D: haemangioma, papilloma. TT: excision , laser surgery . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 43. Tetanus: - -infective condition caused by clostridium tetani leading to reflex muscle spasm . - -gram (+) anaerobic , non capsulated organism. Risk factors: -absence of tetanus toxoid immunization -improper sterilization in laboratory and operation theatre. -tattooing and rusted nails. -RTA. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 44. C/P: Trismus, lock jaw , stiffness of neck , opisthotonos , sleep less , dysphagia, dyspnoea. Pathogenesis : By releasing exotoxin (tetanospasmin and tetanolysin). Sign: trismus, risus sardonicus (smiling faces) , hyperreflexia , tonic clonic convulsion , fever , tachycardia , urine retention , constipation (duo to spasm of sphincter). Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 45. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 46. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 47. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 48. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 49. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 50. TT: -admission and isolation . -avoid noise and light . -IV fluid with TPN. -urinary catheterization. -nosogastric tube to prevent aspiration . -Nasal O2 when required. -anti tetanus globulin (ATG) 3000unit IM. -antibiotic. -injection of tetanus toxoid 0.5ml IM. -prevention of bed sore. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 51. Other supporting measures:  Remove and destroy the source of the toxin through surgical exploration and cleaning of the wound (debridement).  • Bed rest with a nonstimulating environment (dim light, reduced noise, and stable temperature) may be recommended.  • Sedation may be necessary to keep the affected person calm.  • Respiratory support with oxygen, endotracheal tube, and mechanical ventilation may be necessary.Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 52. -diazepam in convolution . -steroid. -prevention of DVT. -good nursing care. Complication : Fracture bone, hematoma , aspiration pneumonia , toxaemia secondary infection . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 53. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 54. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 55. Gas gangrene: -infective gangrene caused by clostridium perfringens . -gram (+) , non motile , capsulated organism. Clostridium welchii : 60% Predisposing factor: crush wound , after amputation , RTA , gunshot. Pathophysiology : 1- spore enter through crush injury . 2- spore germinate. 3- released bacteria will multiply . 4- exotoxin released . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 56. Diabetic woman with rapidly spreading gangrenous infection Photo courtesy of T. File MD
  • 57. Photo courtesy of T. File MD
  • 58. Type of exotoxin : 1- lecithinase : haemolytic and membranolytic causing myositis . 2- haemolysin: cause extensive haemolysis. 3- hyaloronidase : help in rapid spread of gas gangrene . 4- protienese : break down protein of infected tissue . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 59. C/P: - Incubation period is 1-2days (rapidly spreading infection) . - 1- wound with foul smelling discharge . - 2- feature of toxaemia ( fever , tachycardia , pallor ) . - 3-Crepitus . 4- khaki brown skin due to haemolysis . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 60. Clinical type: 1- fulminate type : rapid progress and cause death . 2- massive type : involve whole of one limb. 3-group type : infection of one group of muscle. 4-single muscle : affecting one single muscle. 5- subcutaneous type: superficial. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 61. Investigation: -CBC. -RBG. -wound culture. -LFT , urea , creatine . -PO2 , PCO2. -bone X-ray. -x-ray or CT scan for abdomen and chest. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 62. TT: -hyperbaric oxygen . -rehydration. - Fresh blood transfusion (hypotension in gas gangrene is treated with whole blood transfusion ). - - injection of benzyl penicillin + metronidazole + aminoglycoside ( if blood urea is normal ) . - -debridement . - -electrolyte management. - - in sever cases amputation is done as life saving procedure . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 63. Complication: -septicaemia. -toxaemia. -renal failure. -liver failure . - -DIC. - -secondary infection. - -death. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 64. Mycetoma ( Madura foot ) -chronic granulomatous condition of the foot , involving subcutaneous and deep tissue causing multiple discharging sinuses. - Type: - 1-fungal (most common) . - 2-bacterial. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 65. Pathogenesis : 1- organism enter through prick in foot. 2- reach deeper plane in foot. 3- evoke chronic granulamotus. 4- formation of vesicle. 5- discharging sinuses. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 66. C/f: 1- pain less , diffuse , swollen in the foot. 2- multiple discharging sinuses. 3-limb disability. -regional LN are not involved unless secondary bacterial infection is present . DD: chronic osteomyelitis , TB asteomylitis , cancer. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 67. Investigation: 1- discharge study. 2- gram stain for bacteria. 3- culture in sabouroud agar. 4- x-ray of foot. TT: 1- anti fungal (amphotecin) 2- long term penicillin. 3- dapsone. 4- in severe case amputation. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 68. Necrotising fasciitis: -spreading inflammation of the skin , deep fascia and soft tissue. -commonly duo to S.pyogenes. -trauma is a common precipitating factor . -muscle is usually not involved in necrotising dasciitis. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 69. C/F: 1- sudden swelling and pain , ulceration . 2- foul smelled discharge . 3- feature of toxaemia . 4- oliguria. 5- jaundice. 6- feature of SIRS , MODS . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 70. Management: 1- IV fluid , fresh blood transfusion . 2- antibiotic dependon c/s. 3- catheterization and monitoring hourly urine out put. 4- assessment of creatinine , electrolyte. 5-pus culture and blood culture . 6- control of diabetes if patient is diabetic . 7- O2 , ventilator support . 8- radical wound excision of gangrenous tissue.Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 71. Surgical site infection (SSI): -SSI is the most common complication following surgical procedure (the first one is post operative pneumonia ). Common source of infection : 1- surgical wound , catheter ,drain , sputum ,urine . 2- operation room with out prepare ventilation , nurse , surgeons , sterilization of instrument . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 72. Organism causing: -commonly S.aureus. -other gram (-) bacteria. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 73. SSI – Wound Classification Class 1 = Clean Class 2 = Clean contaminated Class 3 = Contaminated Class 4 = Dirty infected Prophylacti c antibiotics indicated Therapeutic antibiotics
  • 74. Types of Surgery Clean Hernia repair breast biopsy 1.5% Clean- Contaminate d Cholecystectomy Elective bowel resection 2-5% Contaminate d Emergency bowel resection 5-30% Dirty/infected Perforation, abscess 5-30%
  • 75. Operative Antibiotic Prophylaxis  Decreases bacterial counts at surgical site  Given within 60 minutes prior to starting surgery (knife to skin)  Repeat dose for longer surgery  Do not continue beyond 24 hours  Determinants – prevailing pathogens, antibiotic resistance, type of surgery  Not a substitute for aseptic surgery or good technique
  • 76.
  • 77. Preop  Scrub  Duration? With what?  Skin preparation  Iodophors, chlorahexadine, or alcohol  Hair removal  Night before? Clipper vs razor  Antiseptic showering  Reduce skin flora only
  • 78. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 79. Surgical Site Infection Prevention Bundle Components 1. Prophylactic antibiotic given within one hour prior to surgical incision 2. Appropriate prophylactic antibiotic selection for surgical patients 3.Prophylactic antibiotics discontinued within 24 hours after surgery end time (48 hours for cardiac surgery) 4.Cardiac surgery patients with controlled 6 A.M. postoperative serum blood glucose
  • 80. Surgical Site Infection Prevention Bundle Components 5. Surgery patients with appropriate hair removal 6. Surgery Patients with Perioperative Temperature Management – maintaining normothermia 7. Urinary Catheter removal on postoperative Day 1 or 2 with day of surgery being day zero.
  • 81. Other SSI Prevention Measures  Protect closed incision with sterile dressing for 24-48 hours postoperatively  Maintain adequate/recommended ventilation processes in the operating rooms
  • 82. Timing of prophylaxis  Intravenous antibiotics should be given within 60 minutes before skin incision and as close to time of incision as practically possible  For caesarian section it can be given pre-incision or after cord clamping  Single dose with long-enough half-life to achieve activity for duration of operation
  • 83. Management of SSI: 1-management depending the type of SSI. 2- all infected material and pus should be removal (debridment). 3- suture are removed to allow free drainage . 4- infective fluid is sent for culture . 5- once wound show sign of healing (granulation tissue ) secondary suturing is done. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 84. Surgical infection Antisepsis: killing of the bacteria in the skin or tissue . -A sepsis: is prevention of entry of organism. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 85. Sterilization is the killing or removal of all microorganisms in a material or on an object. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 86. DISINFECTANTS  is the reduction of the number of pathogenic microorganisms to the point where they pose no danger of disease. e.g.- Formaldehyde, phenol, ethyl alcohol, soaps. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 87. antimicrobial is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth Can be chemical or physical agents Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
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  • 89. Patient safety: Introduction: - patient safety is the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of health care 8 reduction of risk of unnecessary harm ass with health care to an acceptable minimum. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 90. -Every point in the process of care giving contains a certain degree of inherent un safety. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 91. -4 out of 10 are harmed in primary and ambulatory Care settings. -134 million adverse events occur each year in hospitals, contributing To 2.6 million deaths annually due to un safe care. - 42 Ś billion: is the estimated medication errors Cost. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 92. 10 patient safety tips for hospitals: 1- prevent central Line - associated blood stream infections. 2-Re-engineer hospital discharge. (create a simple easy to understand discharge plan). 3- prevent venous thromboembolism by using evidence based guide to create VTE protocol. 4-Educate patients about using blood thinners safely. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 93. 5-Limit shift duration for hospital staff if possible. 6-consider working with a patient safety organization. 7-use good hospital design principles. 8- Measure the hospital's patient safety culture . 9-build better teams : rapid response Systems. 10-Insert chest tube safely. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 94. Ethics: -Taking responsibility a basic understanding of ethical & Medio legal principles is Essential to ensure that the patients relive the highest possible standard of treatment, And the clinicians minimize the risk of complaint or negligence. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 95. *principles of medical ethics: Core Values of modern medical ethics: Autonomy: is the right of the individual to act freely , following decisions rescilting from his or her own independent thoughts. Beneficent: means, doing good, for doctors, this effectively means that they Act in the best interests of their patients. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 96. Non maleficence: A doctor must not harm his or her patient . a conflict referred to as (Double effect)) between beneficence & Non-Maleficence, in That many medical Interventions may cause damage to the pt This requires pt and doctor Together to weigh up what is in the pts best interest. Justice: Respects for the rights and dignity of all human beings. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 97. Confidentiality: confidentiality. The duties of doctor include to Respect patient's right to confidentiality .This includes non-Medical information imparted in the context of the doctor – patient. - Exceptions to the duty of confidentiality : 1- consent of the patient for their health information to be shared. 2- pablic interest If there is real, immediate and serious risk to the public. 3- Notifiable Diseases e.g.: TB, Malaria, Salmonella Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 98. Clinical governance and Risk Management: Quality Control: should cover every aspect of clinical care This includes: Access to appropriate treatment options, the right equipment and building : personal professional development.(appraisal and revalidation). -appraisal: feedback on doctor performance. -Revalidation: Revalidation If specialist continue to be Fit to practice in their chosen Field. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 99. Risk management: -critical incident forms . -staff concerns. - morbidity & Mortality Meeting -Audit o to identify areas and extent of weak performance. -compression measures between individuals :organizations to produce guidelines to minimize risk. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 100. incident Reporting: Regular reporting of all incidents including near miss incidents, results in improvement safety. patient safety incident: is any un intended or unexpected incident that Could have led or did Lead to harm for one or more patients. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 101. concenter un toward Incidents: E.g. : unexpected or avoidable death of one or more patients, staff , Victors or members of public. - serious harm to one or more patients staff visitors that require life saving intervention . Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 102. Never events : Are very serious, largely preventable patient safety, Incidents that should not occur if the relevant preventable measures Hare been put in place. The list of Never events for 2011/2012 : 1-wrong site surgery. 2-wrong implant. 3- Retained foreign object after surgery intervention. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 103. 4- Wrongly prepared high-risk injectable medication. 5- Maladministration of potassium containing Solutions. 6- wrong route of administration of chemotherapy. 7-I.V. administration of epidural medication 8- Maladministration of insulin. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 104. 9 -overdose of midazolam during conscious sedation. 10- Opioid overdose in opioid - naive patient. 11- Trans fusion of ABO incompatible blood. 12-Transplantation of ABO or HLA incompatible organs. 13- Misplaced naso-or orogastric tubes. 14- wrong gas administered . 15-severe scalding of patients. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 105. Surgical outcomes, Audit Cycle 8 clinical decision making: -Surgical outcome: is defined as the end result of either specific Intervention or the pts management as a whole. -out come may be assessed: 1-subjectively: patient satisfaction questioner. 2- objectively: survivorship data, time to discharge. -outcome categorized in term of : 1-physical health. 2-mental health. 3-social health. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 106. Patient satisfaction : is Multi factorial, drawing a combination of physical, mental , social health. The audit cycle : The collective review, evaluation & improvement of practice with the common aim of improving patient care and out comes . Functions: 1-Encourage improvement in clinical procedure. 2- raise over all quality of clinical care. 3-Educate all members of the team Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 107. CLINICAL DISCISION MAKING  * THE BASICS OF DICISION MAKING:  1.Personal knowledge : background knowledge & foreground knowledge  2. Senior review: decision-making guided by someone of greater experience  3. Guidelines and protocols.  *STAGES OF DECISION-MAKING: 1. Assessment & diagnosis 2. Planning (strategy) 3. Intervention 4. evaluation Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 108. CONT…  *WORKING IN TEAMS: • Sharing information within the wider team is important for safe &effective patient care. • “ Delegation ”:asking colleague to provide treatment on your behalf • “ retinal “: transferring responsibilities for the patient care to outside your competence. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 109. MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE  Definition: negligence is a civil wrong that occurs when one part breach their duty of care owed to another, causing the latter to sustain an injury or a loss.  Elements of negligence: • Duty of care: all doctors have a duty to provide patients with care to an acceptable standards. • Breach of duty: once the duty of care has established ,a claimant must then demonstrate that the doctor failed to meet the duty. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 110. CONT..elements of negligence • Incompetence: if a breach of duty of care has not caused harm to a patient it may still that the GMC will choose to instigate incompetence proceeding against the doctor. • Gross negligence: this occurs when a disregard of the duty of care is shown as to amount to recklessness. Should this lead to a patient death? Then this may constitute criminal negligence. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 111. INFORMED COSENT  Definition of consent: • Capacity: for the consent to be valid the patient must be able to: ▪ Understand the information given to them. ▪ Retain this information. ▪ Process information to form decision. ▪ Communicate this decision. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 112. Information required  The information provided to the patient must include: 1. The nature of the disease and its natural history if not treated. 2. A basic understanding of the nature of the procedure. 3. Serious or frequency occurring risks. 4. Alternative treatment options. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 113.  #Verbal & implied consent: • Verbal consent: refers to patient stating their agreement to a medical intervention. • Implied consent: normally refers to the inference, from the patient’s conduct , that they agree to the procedure proposed to them.  #person that can obtain consent: • it’s the operating surgeon responsibility , the person taking consent must be sufficiently trained to have appropriate knowledge of the procedure , alternatives and inherent risks. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 114. # person that can give consent: • The general role is that only patients themselves can give consent. • For their consent to be valid they should have mental capacity to: ✓ Understand the information. ✓ Retain it. ✓ Process it meaningfully. ✓ Communicating it. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 115. # lack of capacity: either temporary:”e.g : unconscious patient” or permanent. *children: only PARENTS or those with legal parental responsibility can legally give consent on behalf of their children. From age 16 onwards minors are deemed to have capacity to provide their own consent on their own behalf. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 116. *physical restrictions: • some patients e.g. those with hand injuries may be physically unable to sign a consent form, this should not be confused with a lack of mental capacity. • Most trust consent form have an area there a witness can sign on a patients behalf if they are unable to sign, this should be used, not mental incapacity form. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 117. COST OF SURGERY  #divided into: Direct medical cost [e.g; personnel m drugs] Indirect medical cost [buildings] Indirect cost of loss productivity [e.g day-off work] Intangible costs [pain] Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
  • 118. consequences of surgery: +ve: { relive of symptoms; increasing life expectancy } -ve: {complications; period of hospitalization } Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)
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  • 120. References  SRB's Manual of Surgery, 5th. Edition  Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery, 27th edition  MRCS Part A_ Essential Revision Notes_ Book 1. Surgical Club Red Sea University SC (RSU)