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© Copyright 2008-2020, Brigham Young University-Idaho All rights reserved.
Requirements Document
BYU-Idaho Pathway Speaking Partner
Scheduling System
Revision Date: 08/16/2013
Revision Num: 1.4
File Name: SpeakingPartnerScheduling_RequirementDoc.pdf
Num of Pages: 10
Author: Alex Zaleski
Academic Portfolio
117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801
2 | P a g e
Document Reviewers / Approvers
Name Position Reviewer Reviewer and
Signature of
Karl Karstad
Online Support
Services Coordinator
Bryan Pope
Outreach and
Scott Bailey IT Project Manager X
1. Overview
The Pathway program reaches out to students all across the globe. Many of these
students are learning English as their second language. To assist them in their learning
process, Pathway has created a program called Pathway Speaking Partners. This
program connects English learners with those who are fluent in English. Once paired,
each partnership will meet at a regular scheduled time and talk via Skype to allow the
English learner to practice English and get direct feedback.
2. User Story
I want a simple way for Pathway Speaking Partners and Pathway Students to coordinate
speaking appointments.
3. Requirements
3.1 Volunteers
3.1.1 Must be able to post available time slots
a. Volunteers must be able to post the times when they would be available for
a speaking partner.
b. This allows students to select volunteers and times that work for them. (see
3.2.3 & 3.2.4)
c. Test Case #6
3.1.2 Must be able to edit or cancel times.
a. Volunteers must be able to edit or cancel times they posted before that
time was requested by a student.
b. This will allow volunteers to correct a time if it was accidentally posted.
c. Test Case #7
3.1.3 Must be able to decline an appointment request.
a. At times a volunteer may only want one speaking partner but will post many
available time hoping that one of those times would be good for a student.
However they may then receive multiple requests from different students.
Academic Portfolio
117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801
3 | P a g e
The volunteer will need the ability to decline the extra students who
requested them.
b. This will allow volunteers to put up multiple times that would work for
them, yet still only have to be paired with the number of students they
c. Test Case #21
3.1.4 Must have access to Student Information
a. After a volunteer and student are paired together, the volunteer must have
access to the student’s information. This information includes: the students
first and last name, location, email, Skype address and which script the
volunteer should use.
b. This will help in coordinating between volunteer and student .
c. Test Case #25 & #26
3.1.5 Must be able to have more than one speaking partner.
a. Volunteers must be allowed to have multiple speaking partners during the 6
or 12 week block.
b. This will allow for more students to get speaking partners.
c. Test Case #27
3.1.6 Must be able to break-up partnership
a. Volunteers must have the ability to dissolve the partnership at any point in
the 12 week block.
b. This allows the volunteer to find a new partner if a problem arises in the
c. Test Case #9
3.2 Students
3.2.1 Single sign-in for Students
a. When students sign-in they will use single sign in through BYUI. The
following data must be passed from the student database to the scheduling
tool; Student’s Name, Student’s Birth date, Student’s email, Student’s
picture, Student’s gender, Student’s marital status, Course enrolment
(Students must be enrolled in one of the following: ENG106L, GS120L,
MATH 100L.)
b. This is how we will get information on each student.
c. Test Case #18
3.2.2 Must have a way for students to input personal information
a. Students must input the following information: their location and Skype
b. This will allow the volunteers to see this information (see 3.1.4) and will aid
in pairing partners (see 3.3.10).
c. Test Case #11
Academic Portfolio
117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801
4 | P a g e
3.2.3 Must be able to see all available time slots before they select their speaking
a. In the beginning of the 12 week block, students need to be able to see all
available times posted by volunteers.
b. This will allow them to choose the best time that will work for them.
c. Test Case # 14
3.2.4 Must only be able to select one time slot.
a. Students are only able to have one speaking partner.
b. This will eliminate any confusion on who a student’s partner is.
c. Test Case #15
3.2.5 Must have access to important volunteer information
a. The student needs to have access to their volunteer’s name, Skype name,
and email address.
b. This will allow them the know who to look for on Skype
c. Test Case #25 & #26
3.2.6 Must be enrolled in pathway course.
a. In order for a pathway student to participate e in the pathway speaking
partner program they must be at least one of the following classes,
ENG106L, GS120L, MATH 100L.
b. This ensures that only pathway students are using this program.
c. Test Case #12
3.2.7 Student must be able to cancel a requested time with a volunteer.
a. If a student requests a time to meet with a volunteer, the student must be
able to cancel that request if the volunteer has not confirmed it.
b. This will allow a student to select another time if a volunteer takes too long
to confirm there appointment or is a student find a time that works better
for them.
c. Test Case #16
3.2.8 Must be able to break-up partnership
a. Students must have the ability to dissolve the partnership at any point in
the 12 week block.
b. This allows the student to find a new partner if a problem arises in the
c. Test Case # 17
3.3 System Requirements
3.3.1 Must allow volunteers to make an account.
a. Volunteers must have a way to input their personal information, such as
their name, email and Skype address. They also need to be able to input the
times they are available to speak.
1) An age range must there for volunteers to select.
b. This information will help pair partners. (see 3.3.10)
Academic Portfolio
117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801
5 | P a g e
c. Test Case #3
3.3.2 Must confirm volunteers email.
a. When a volunteer creates their account the system must verify that the
email they inputted is the correct email they use.
b. This will ensure that any email sent to the volunteer is being sent to the
correct email address.
c. Test Case #4 & #5
3.3.3 Must allow volunteer to edit their profile information.
a. After a volunteer has registered they must be able to change their account
information, such as their email and time zone.
b. This will help keep volunteer information accurate and up to date.
c. Test Case #8
3.3.4 Must send volunteer an email when a student selects one of the volunteer’s
available times.
a. When a student selects one of a volunteer’s available times, the volunteer
needs to receive an email saying that a student has requested one of their
b. This will ensure that the volunteer is notified of a speaking partner request.
c. Test Case #19
3.3.5 Must send volunteer an email if student cancels their requested time.
a. When a student cancels a time request with a volunteer, an email needs to
be sent the volunteer notifying them of the cancelation.
b. This will reduce confusion for the volunteer.
c. Test Case #20
3.3.6 Must provide a way for the volunteer to accept the requested time.
a. When a student requests a time and the volunteer receives the request
email, there needs to be a way for the volunteer to accept the time request.
b. This will help with communication between the volunteer and student.
c. Test Case # 21
3.3.7 Must provide a way for student to know when their appointment has been
a. After a volunteer accepts an appointment, the student that made the
appointment must be notified that the appointment has been confirmed.
b. This will reduce the amount of communication errors between volunteers
and students.
c. Test Case #24
3.3.8 Must provide a way for student to know when their appointment has been
a. If a volunteer declines a time requested by a student, that student must be
notified of the declination.
b. This will allow the student to know to choose another time.
Academic Portfolio
117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801
6 | P a g e
c. Test Case #23
3.3.9 Time must adjust to user’s time zone.
a. Although the program will be based out of Rexburg ID, the systems times
must adjust to the time zone of any user in the world.
b. This will reduce confusion when a student is making an appointment with a
speaking partner.
c. Test Case #28
3.3.10 Must pair a volunteer and student together for the entire 6 or 12 week block.
a. When a student selects a volunteer and time to be a speech partner, that
student and volunteer must be paired together for the entire 6 or 12 week
b. This allows the volunteer to help the student to their fullest.
c. Test Case #22
3.3.11 If a student of volunteer is married, they MUST be paired with someone of their
own gender.
a. If a male student is married he must be paired with a male volunteer. Is a
female volunteer is married she must be paired with a female student.
b. This will reduce the risk of problems that could arise in a marriage.
c. Test Case #29, #30, #31 & #32
3.3.12 Volunteer must verify their age is 18 years or older.
a. As a volunteer is filling out their registration information they must verify
that they are 18 years or older.
b. This protects students and the university from lawsuits.
c. Test Case #33
3.3.13 Volunteer must verify that they are a member.
a. As a volunteer is filling out their registration information they must verify
that they are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
b. This assures that volunteers are members
c. Test Case #34
3.4 System Capacity
3.4.1 The system must initially support 2,000 students
3.4.2 The system must initially support 2,000 volunteers
3.4.3 The system must be able to support growth in both areas
3.5 Program Reporting
3.5.1 System must report an on screen list of all email addresses of volunteers and
students enrolled in the speaking partner program.
a. Test Case #35 & #36
3.5.2 System must report an on screen list of names of all students and volunteers in
the program.
a. Test Case #37 & #38
3.5.3 System must show total number of students participating in the program.
Academic Portfolio
117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801
7 | P a g e
a. Test Case #39
3.5.4 System must show the total number of volunteers participating in the program.
a. Test Case #40
3.5.5 System must report an on screen list of names of all partnerships in the
a. Test Case #41
3.5.6 System must show the total number of partnerships in the program
a. Test Case #42
3.5.7 System must report an on screen list of names of all unmatched students in the
a. Test Case #43
3.5.8 System must show the total number of unmatched students in the program.
a. Test Case #44
3.5.9 System must report an on screen list of names of all unmatched volunteers in
the program.
a. Test Case #45
3.5.10 System must show the total number of unmatched volunteers in the program.
a. Test Case #46
4. High-Fidelity Mock-Up
4.1 See SpeakingPartnerSlides.ppt
5. Notes
5.1 LDS Account never went through
Pass Fail Test Case
 
1. Volunteer goes to website (most likely something like
 
2. Volunteer isn’t logged in, they are re-directed to the volunteer login page. There will be a link to the
register here, or they go directly to the register page depending on where they learn of the site.
  3. The volunteer registers. Their email is their username.
  4. A confirmation email is sent to the volunteer.
 
5. Volunteer clicks on the link in the confirmation email. It takes them to the website where they
confirmed and then redirected to the main volunteer screen.
  6. The volunteer chooses the times they are available.
 
7. The volunteerr can visit the site to edit or cancle their times available (only if they don’t have a student
that has selected that time)
  8. volunteers can change other profile information such as time zone.
  9. Volunteer is able to break up partnership.
 
10. Student goes to website (, it redirects them to the university
login page and log in)
  11. If the student has never used the site, they will be redirected to the registration page.
  12. Student must be enrolled in either: ENG106L, GS120L, and/or MATH 100L to be able to register.
  13. Once registered they are redirected back to the main student page.
  14. The main page will display available times.
  15. Student can click on a time slot and then choose the volunteer they would like to use.
  16. Student must be able to cancle a requested time slot
  17. Student is able to break up pratnership
 
18. Student signs in to sheduling tool. The tool retrieves the following information from the student
database; Student’s Name, Student’s Birth date, Student’s email, Student’s picture, Student’s gender,
Student’s marital status, Course enrolment.
 
19. The student selects a volunteer and time slot. The database is updated and an email is sent to the
 
20. The student cancles their requested time, the database will update and send an email notifying the
volunteer of the cancelation.
 
21. The volunteer can either click on the link in the email or on the volunteer main page to accept or
decline a request. The database is updated.
 
22. If the volunteer accepts, then an end date of 6 or 12 weeks must be set for the partnership in the
 
23. If the volunteer declines the request, an email must be sent to the student nofifying them of the
  24. If the volunteer accepts, an email must be sent to the student notifying them of the acception.
  25. If the volunteer accepts, an email is sent to both the volunteer and student with contact information.
Pass Fail Test Case
 
26. Volunteer's and student's contact information must also be avaliable on the main page for both
volunteer and student.
  27. A volunteer can be selected and can accept more than one speaking partner.
 
28. The time must ajust for time diffrences according to where the student is located. Ex. If a student is in
Califoria the time must be one hour earlier than the time in Rexburg, ID.
 
29. A male student registers and has selected that he is married. He must only be able to see male
 
30. A female student registers and has selected that she is married. She must only be able to see female
 
31. A male has made an account to be a volunteer and has selected that he is married, he must only be
selected by male students
 
32. A female has made an account to be a volunteer and has selected that she is married, she must only
be selected by female students
 
33. A volunteer is registering to be a speaking partner, he/she must have a way to verify that they are 18
years or older.
 
34. A volunteer is registering to be a speaking partner, he/she must have a way to verify that they are a
member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
System Reporting
  35. Admin must be able to see a list of all emails for volunteers participating in speaking partner program.
  36. Admin must be able to see a list of all emails for students participating in speaking partner program.
  37. Admin must be able to see the names of all volunteers participating in the speaking partner program.
  38. Admin must be able to see the total number of volunteers participating in the program.
  39. Admin must be able to see the names of all students participating in the speaking partner program.
  40. Admin must be able to see the total number of students participating in the program.
  41. Admin must be able to see the names of all partnerships in the speaking partner program.
  42. Admin must be able to see the total number of partnerships participating in the program.
  43. Admin must be able to see the names of all unmatched students in the speaking partner program.
  44. Admin must be able to see the total number of unmatched students in the program.
  45. Admin must be able to see the names of all unmatched volunteers in the speaking partner program.
  46. Admin must be able to see the total number of unmatched volunteers in the program.
Additional Features
  47. Status: "Waiting for relpy" appears Red.
  48. Status "Accepted" appears Green.
  49. Text explaining timezone views on volunteer and student scheduel's.
  50. Delete selected volunteer.
  51. Admin can create block times.
  52. Admin can create new semesters.
  53. Admin can cancel partnerships.
Volunteer goes to
Speaking Partner website
Voluinteer goes to the
volunteer log in page
Is the volunteer registered? Volunteer logs inYes
Volunteer registers
A confirmation
email is sent to
Volunteer goes to
email and clicks link
to confirm email
Volunteer goes to main
volunteer web page
Volunteer chooses times
they are available.
When a student
selects one of the
volunteers times
Email is sent
to volunteer
them of the
Volunteer can accept
request or decline it.
database is
Database is
updated and
time is available
to another
Database is
partnership is
created, end
date is set.
Email is sent to both the
student and the volunteer
noticything them of the
partnership and contact
Student goes to Speaking
Partner website
Student goes to
university login page
Has Student used
this site before?
Student is directed
to registration page
Student is directed to
student main page
(No Filter)
Student and volunteer
meet together over Skype
and practice English!
Is student
Student is directed to
Student main page
(Gender Filter)
Does student cancel
Email is sent to
notifying them of
the cancelation Yes

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  • 1. © Copyright 2008-2020, Brigham Young University-Idaho All rights reserved. Requirements Document BYU-Idaho Pathway Speaking Partner Scheduling System Revision Date: 08/16/2013 Revision Num: 1.4 File Name: SpeakingPartnerScheduling_RequirementDoc.pdf Num of Pages: 10 Author: Alex Zaleski
  • 2. Academic Portfolio 117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801 2 | P a g e Document Reviewers / Approvers Name Position Reviewer Reviewer and Approver Signature of Approver Sign-off Date Karl Karstad Online Support Services Coordinator X Bryan Pope Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator X Scott Bailey IT Project Manager X 1. Overview The Pathway program reaches out to students all across the globe. Many of these students are learning English as their second language. To assist them in their learning process, Pathway has created a program called Pathway Speaking Partners. This program connects English learners with those who are fluent in English. Once paired, each partnership will meet at a regular scheduled time and talk via Skype to allow the English learner to practice English and get direct feedback. 2. User Story I want a simple way for Pathway Speaking Partners and Pathway Students to coordinate speaking appointments. 3. Requirements 3.1 Volunteers 3.1.1 Must be able to post available time slots a. Volunteers must be able to post the times when they would be available for a speaking partner. b. This allows students to select volunteers and times that work for them. (see 3.2.3 & 3.2.4) c. Test Case #6 3.1.2 Must be able to edit or cancel times. a. Volunteers must be able to edit or cancel times they posted before that time was requested by a student. b. This will allow volunteers to correct a time if it was accidentally posted. c. Test Case #7 3.1.3 Must be able to decline an appointment request. a. At times a volunteer may only want one speaking partner but will post many available time hoping that one of those times would be good for a student. However they may then receive multiple requests from different students.
  • 3. Academic Portfolio 117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801 3 | P a g e The volunteer will need the ability to decline the extra students who requested them. b. This will allow volunteers to put up multiple times that would work for them, yet still only have to be paired with the number of students they want. c. Test Case #21 3.1.4 Must have access to Student Information a. After a volunteer and student are paired together, the volunteer must have access to the student’s information. This information includes: the students first and last name, location, email, Skype address and which script the volunteer should use. b. This will help in coordinating between volunteer and student . c. Test Case #25 & #26 3.1.5 Must be able to have more than one speaking partner. a. Volunteers must be allowed to have multiple speaking partners during the 6 or 12 week block. b. This will allow for more students to get speaking partners. c. Test Case #27 3.1.6 Must be able to break-up partnership a. Volunteers must have the ability to dissolve the partnership at any point in the 12 week block. b. This allows the volunteer to find a new partner if a problem arises in the partnership. c. Test Case #9 3.2 Students 3.2.1 Single sign-in for Students a. When students sign-in they will use single sign in through BYUI. The following data must be passed from the student database to the scheduling tool; Student’s Name, Student’s Birth date, Student’s email, Student’s picture, Student’s gender, Student’s marital status, Course enrolment (Students must be enrolled in one of the following: ENG106L, GS120L, MATH 100L.) b. This is how we will get information on each student. c. Test Case #18 3.2.2 Must have a way for students to input personal information a. Students must input the following information: their location and Skype address. b. This will allow the volunteers to see this information (see 3.1.4) and will aid in pairing partners (see 3.3.10). c. Test Case #11
  • 4. Academic Portfolio 117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801 4 | P a g e 3.2.3 Must be able to see all available time slots before they select their speaking partner. a. In the beginning of the 12 week block, students need to be able to see all available times posted by volunteers. b. This will allow them to choose the best time that will work for them. c. Test Case # 14 3.2.4 Must only be able to select one time slot. a. Students are only able to have one speaking partner. b. This will eliminate any confusion on who a student’s partner is. c. Test Case #15 3.2.5 Must have access to important volunteer information a. The student needs to have access to their volunteer’s name, Skype name, and email address. b. This will allow them the know who to look for on Skype c. Test Case #25 & #26 3.2.6 Must be enrolled in pathway course. a. In order for a pathway student to participate e in the pathway speaking partner program they must be at least one of the following classes, ENG106L, GS120L, MATH 100L. b. This ensures that only pathway students are using this program. c. Test Case #12 3.2.7 Student must be able to cancel a requested time with a volunteer. a. If a student requests a time to meet with a volunteer, the student must be able to cancel that request if the volunteer has not confirmed it. b. This will allow a student to select another time if a volunteer takes too long to confirm there appointment or is a student find a time that works better for them. c. Test Case #16 3.2.8 Must be able to break-up partnership a. Students must have the ability to dissolve the partnership at any point in the 12 week block. b. This allows the student to find a new partner if a problem arises in the partnership. c. Test Case # 17 3.3 System Requirements 3.3.1 Must allow volunteers to make an account. a. Volunteers must have a way to input their personal information, such as their name, email and Skype address. They also need to be able to input the times they are available to speak. 1) An age range must there for volunteers to select. b. This information will help pair partners. (see 3.3.10)
  • 5. Academic Portfolio 117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801 5 | P a g e c. Test Case #3 3.3.2 Must confirm volunteers email. a. When a volunteer creates their account the system must verify that the email they inputted is the correct email they use. b. This will ensure that any email sent to the volunteer is being sent to the correct email address. c. Test Case #4 & #5 3.3.3 Must allow volunteer to edit their profile information. a. After a volunteer has registered they must be able to change their account information, such as their email and time zone. b. This will help keep volunteer information accurate and up to date. c. Test Case #8 3.3.4 Must send volunteer an email when a student selects one of the volunteer’s available times. a. When a student selects one of a volunteer’s available times, the volunteer needs to receive an email saying that a student has requested one of their times. b. This will ensure that the volunteer is notified of a speaking partner request. c. Test Case #19 3.3.5 Must send volunteer an email if student cancels their requested time. a. When a student cancels a time request with a volunteer, an email needs to be sent the volunteer notifying them of the cancelation. b. This will reduce confusion for the volunteer. c. Test Case #20 3.3.6 Must provide a way for the volunteer to accept the requested time. a. When a student requests a time and the volunteer receives the request email, there needs to be a way for the volunteer to accept the time request. b. This will help with communication between the volunteer and student. c. Test Case # 21 3.3.7 Must provide a way for student to know when their appointment has been accepted. a. After a volunteer accepts an appointment, the student that made the appointment must be notified that the appointment has been confirmed. b. This will reduce the amount of communication errors between volunteers and students. c. Test Case #24 3.3.8 Must provide a way for student to know when their appointment has been declined. a. If a volunteer declines a time requested by a student, that student must be notified of the declination. b. This will allow the student to know to choose another time.
  • 6. Academic Portfolio 117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801 6 | P a g e c. Test Case #23 3.3.9 Time must adjust to user’s time zone. a. Although the program will be based out of Rexburg ID, the systems times must adjust to the time zone of any user in the world. b. This will reduce confusion when a student is making an appointment with a speaking partner. c. Test Case #28 3.3.10 Must pair a volunteer and student together for the entire 6 or 12 week block. a. When a student selects a volunteer and time to be a speech partner, that student and volunteer must be paired together for the entire 6 or 12 week block. b. This allows the volunteer to help the student to their fullest. c. Test Case #22 3.3.11 If a student of volunteer is married, they MUST be paired with someone of their own gender. a. If a male student is married he must be paired with a male volunteer. Is a female volunteer is married she must be paired with a female student. b. This will reduce the risk of problems that could arise in a marriage. c. Test Case #29, #30, #31 & #32 3.3.12 Volunteer must verify their age is 18 years or older. a. As a volunteer is filling out their registration information they must verify that they are 18 years or older. b. This protects students and the university from lawsuits. c. Test Case #33 3.3.13 Volunteer must verify that they are a member. a. As a volunteer is filling out their registration information they must verify that they are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. b. This assures that volunteers are members c. Test Case #34 3.4 System Capacity 3.4.1 The system must initially support 2,000 students 3.4.2 The system must initially support 2,000 volunteers 3.4.3 The system must be able to support growth in both areas 3.5 Program Reporting 3.5.1 System must report an on screen list of all email addresses of volunteers and students enrolled in the speaking partner program. a. Test Case #35 & #36 3.5.2 System must report an on screen list of names of all students and volunteers in the program. a. Test Case #37 & #38 3.5.3 System must show total number of students participating in the program.
  • 7. Academic Portfolio 117 Biddulph  Rexburg, ID  83460-0710  Phone: 949-636-1801 7 | P a g e a. Test Case #39 3.5.4 System must show the total number of volunteers participating in the program. a. Test Case #40 3.5.5 System must report an on screen list of names of all partnerships in the program. a. Test Case #41 3.5.6 System must show the total number of partnerships in the program a. Test Case #42 3.5.7 System must report an on screen list of names of all unmatched students in the program. a. Test Case #43 3.5.8 System must show the total number of unmatched students in the program. a. Test Case #44 3.5.9 System must report an on screen list of names of all unmatched volunteers in the program. a. Test Case #45 3.5.10 System must show the total number of unmatched volunteers in the program. a. Test Case #46 4. High-Fidelity Mock-Up 4.1 See SpeakingPartnerSlides.ppt 5. Notes 5.1 LDS Account never went through
  • 8. Pass Fail Test Case Volunteer   1. Volunteer goes to website (most likely something like   2. Volunteer isn’t logged in, they are re-directed to the volunteer login page. There will be a link to the register here, or they go directly to the register page depending on where they learn of the site.   3. The volunteer registers. Their email is their username.   4. A confirmation email is sent to the volunteer.   5. Volunteer clicks on the link in the confirmation email. It takes them to the website where they confirmed and then redirected to the main volunteer screen.   6. The volunteer chooses the times they are available.   7. The volunteerr can visit the site to edit or cancle their times available (only if they don’t have a student that has selected that time)   8. volunteers can change other profile information such as time zone.   9. Volunteer is able to break up partnership. Student   10. Student goes to website (, it redirects them to the university login page and log in)   11. If the student has never used the site, they will be redirected to the registration page.   12. Student must be enrolled in either: ENG106L, GS120L, and/or MATH 100L to be able to register.   13. Once registered they are redirected back to the main student page.   14. The main page will display available times.   15. Student can click on a time slot and then choose the volunteer they would like to use.   16. Student must be able to cancle a requested time slot   17. Student is able to break up pratnership System   18. Student signs in to sheduling tool. The tool retrieves the following information from the student database; Student’s Name, Student’s Birth date, Student’s email, Student’s picture, Student’s gender, Student’s marital status, Course enrolment.   19. The student selects a volunteer and time slot. The database is updated and an email is sent to the volunteer.   20. The student cancles their requested time, the database will update and send an email notifying the volunteer of the cancelation.   21. The volunteer can either click on the link in the email or on the volunteer main page to accept or decline a request. The database is updated.   22. If the volunteer accepts, then an end date of 6 or 12 weeks must be set for the partnership in the database.   23. If the volunteer declines the request, an email must be sent to the student nofifying them of the declination.   24. If the volunteer accepts, an email must be sent to the student notifying them of the acception.   25. If the volunteer accepts, an email is sent to both the volunteer and student with contact information.
  • 9. Pass Fail Test Case   26. Volunteer's and student's contact information must also be avaliable on the main page for both volunteer and student.   27. A volunteer can be selected and can accept more than one speaking partner.   28. The time must ajust for time diffrences according to where the student is located. Ex. If a student is in Califoria the time must be one hour earlier than the time in Rexburg, ID.   29. A male student registers and has selected that he is married. He must only be able to see male volunteers   30. A female student registers and has selected that she is married. She must only be able to see female volunteers.   31. A male has made an account to be a volunteer and has selected that he is married, he must only be selected by male students   32. A female has made an account to be a volunteer and has selected that she is married, she must only be selected by female students   33. A volunteer is registering to be a speaking partner, he/she must have a way to verify that they are 18 years or older.   34. A volunteer is registering to be a speaking partner, he/she must have a way to verify that they are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. System Reporting   35. Admin must be able to see a list of all emails for volunteers participating in speaking partner program.   36. Admin must be able to see a list of all emails for students participating in speaking partner program.   37. Admin must be able to see the names of all volunteers participating in the speaking partner program.   38. Admin must be able to see the total number of volunteers participating in the program.   39. Admin must be able to see the names of all students participating in the speaking partner program.   40. Admin must be able to see the total number of students participating in the program.   41. Admin must be able to see the names of all partnerships in the speaking partner program.   42. Admin must be able to see the total number of partnerships participating in the program.   43. Admin must be able to see the names of all unmatched students in the speaking partner program.   44. Admin must be able to see the total number of unmatched students in the program.   45. Admin must be able to see the names of all unmatched volunteers in the speaking partner program.   46. Admin must be able to see the total number of unmatched volunteers in the program. Additional Features   47. Status: "Waiting for relpy" appears Red.   48. Status "Accepted" appears Green.   49. Text explaining timezone views on volunteer and student scheduel's.   50. Delete selected volunteer.   51. Admin can create block times.   52. Admin can create new semesters.   53. Admin can cancel partnerships.
  • 10. Volunteer goes to Speaking Partner website Voluinteer goes to the volunteer log in page Is the volunteer registered? Volunteer logs inYes Volunteer registers No A confirmation email is sent to volunteer Volunteer goes to email and clicks link to confirm email Volunteer goes to main volunteer web page Volunteer chooses times they are available. When a student selects one of the volunteers times Email is sent to volunteer notifying them of the request Volunteer can accept request or decline it. Scheduling database is updated Database is updated and time is available to another student Decline Database is updated, partnership is created, end date is set. Accept Email is sent to both the student and the volunteer noticything them of the partnership and contact information Student goes to Speaking Partner website Student goes to university login page Has Student used this site before? Student is directed to registration page No Student is directed to student main page (No Filter) Student and volunteer meet together over Skype and practice English! Yes Is student married? No Student is directed to Student main page (Gender Filter) Yes Does student cancel requested appointment? No Email is sent to volunteer notifying them of the cancelation Yes