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Errors of Artificial Intelligence, their
Correction and Simplicity Revolution in
A.N. Gorban
University of Leicester, UK &
Lobachevski University, Russia
Joint work
with I.Y. Tyukin and B. Grechuk (Leicester), and
V.A. Makarov (Madrid),
The heresy of unheard-of simplicity
Boris Pasternak, “The Waves”, 1931
Assured of kinship with Everything
And with the Future closely knit
We can’t but fall – a heresy! –
To unbelievable simplicity.
But to be spared we can’t expect
If we do not conceal it closely.
Men need it more than anything,
But complex things are easier for them.
В родстве со всем, что есть, уверясь,
И знаясь с будущим в быту,
Нельзя не впасть к концу, как в ересь,
В неслыханную простоту.
Но мы пощажены не будем,
Когда ее не утаим,
Она всего нужнее людям,
Но сложное понятней им.
• Two problems:
- Errors of AI systems and one-shot correctors;
- Grandmother cells, sparse coding and single-cell revolution
in neuroscience.
• Between curse of dimensionality and blessing of
dimensionality: Measure concentration and Stochastic
- Geometric preliminaries,
- Surprising power of Fisher’s discriminant in high
dimension and main stochastic separation theorems.
• Two examples of technical applications.
• Selective memory of neural ensembles.
• Conclusion and outlook.
Development of AI is a strategic
direction of technical evolution,
The world of big legacy AI systems grows:
• Google (Google Cars, FaceNet, DeepMind)
• Facebook (DeepText, face recognition API)
• Amazon (Recognition, Alexa)
• Apple (Siri, face recognition phone unlock)
• IBM (Watson, face recognition API)
• NEC (face recognition)
What stops the AIs: AI Systems Make
What stops the AIs: AI Systems Make
mistakes 6
What stops the AIs: AI Systems Make
What stops the AIs: AI Systems Make
IBM Watson recommends “unsafe
and incorrect cancer treatment”
• InsiperoBot Poor Testing/Coding
• Cortana Not Working Bias/Limited Training Set
Poor Testing/Coding
• Alexa Blasting Music Unexpected Human Behaviour
• Passport Checker Bias/Limited Training Set Poor Testing/Coding
• Knightscope Robot Hits Toddler Poor Testing/Coding Unexpected
Human Behaviour
• Facebook Translate Arrest, Bias/Limited Training Set Unexpected
Human Behaviour
• Google Tag Racist Bias/Limited Training Set
• WeChat Racist Bias/Limited Training Set Unexpected
Human Behaviour
• Microsoft - Tay Unexpected Human Behaviour Bias/Limited
Training Set
(Thanks to Rosie Fenwick and Eliyas Woldegeorgis for collecting the list)
AI Errors: and the list continues …
Fundamental Challenge #1:
Correct Mistakes of AIs
• With guaranteed high probabilities;
• Without damaging correct skills;
• Without complete re-training;
• Fast (one-shot);
• Reversible.
Corrector has to separate mistakes from
correctly solved examples and correct them
Corrector is a binary classifier for error diagnosis combined
with the modified decision rule for high risk situations.
Inputs Outputs
Internal signals
Corrector has to separate mistakes from
correctly solved examples and correct them
Corrector is a binary classifier for error diagnosis combined
with the modified decision rule for high risk situations.
Inputs Outputs
Internal signals
Challenge #2:
Grandmother and concept cells
Grandmother cells, was introduced by Lettvin around
1969 in a jocular story about ‘a great if unknown
neurosurgeon’, Akakhi Akakhievitch, who deleted concepts
from patient’s memory by ablating the corresponding cells.
More seriously, this is a hypothesis (proposed by
Konorski in 1967) that there are neurons that react
selectively to specific concepts and images.
There are hypothetical grandmother cells, Jennifer Aniston
cells, Dodecahedron cells of even ‘Grandmother cell’ cells
(the cells, that react selectively on the pattern or even the
idea of grandmother cell).
Idea of grandmother cell, a neuron that reacts selectively on
a pattern: Jennifer Aniston cell, Dodecahedron cell, and
‘Grandmother cell’ cell.
Schematic representation of the idea behind idealised ‘concept
cells’: high-dimensional input signal (dimension N) after
preprocessing (dimension n), arrives to an ensemble of non-
interacting concept cells.
A source of sparsity could be bounded number of links.
‘Five dogmas’ of a single cell
revolution (Barlow, 1972):
1. (Focus on cellular level) To understand nervous
function one needs to look at interactions at a cellular
level, rather than either a more macroscopic or
microscopic level, because behaviour depends upon the
organized pattern of these intercellular interactions.
2. (Minimization of the number of active neurons) The
sensory system is organized to achieve as complete a
representation of the sensory stimulus as possible with
the minimum number of active neurons.
3. (Synergy between experience and development)
Trigger features of sensory neurons are matched to
redundant patterns of stimulation by experience as
well as by developmental processes.
4. (Individual concepts correspond to small samples
from huge number of concept cells) Perception
corresponds to the activity of a small selection from
the very numerous high-level neurons, each of which
corresponds to a pattern of external events of the
order of complexity of the events symbolized by a
5. High impulse frequency in such neurons
corresponds to high certainty that the trigger feature
is present.
Concept cells in experiments
• A series of experiments demonstrated that neurons in the
human medial temporal lobe (MTL) fire selectively to images
of faces, animals, and other objects or scenes.
• It was demonstrated that the firing of MTL cells was sparse -
most of them did not respond to the great majority of images
used in the experiment.
• These cells have low baseline activity and their response is
highly selective.
• ‘Jennifer Aniston’ cells responded to pictures of Jennifer
Aniston but rarely of very weekly to pictures of other persons.
• These neurons respond also to the printed name of the
• The voluntary control of these neurons is possible via
imagination: it is sufficient to imagine the concept or
‘continuously think of the concept’.
Interaction of concepts
• There are several concept cells for each concept.
• One cell can fire for different concepts – this is
association between concepts.
• For example, the ‘Jennifer Aniston’ cells also fired to
Lisa Kudrow, a costar in the TV series Friends, and
‘Luke Skywalker’ cell also fired to Yoda.
• The presence of the individual can, in most cases,
be reliably decoded from a small number of
• Redistribution of attention between different parts of
the image can have effect opposite to association.
• For example, the ‘Jennifer Aniston’ cell did not react
on the picture, where Jennifer Aniston is together
with Brad Pitt. It is recognised rather as Brad Pitt.
Geometric preliminaries
Concentration of the volume and the Gibbs
theorem about equivalence of ensembles
Radius r
𝑉𝑛 𝑟
𝑉𝑛 1
= 𝑟 𝑛
Volume of high-dimensional ball
is concentrated near its border (sphere)
Almost all
appears at r≈1
Concentration of the volume and the Gibbs
theorem about equivalence of ensembles
Radius r
𝑉𝑛 𝑟
𝑉𝑛 1
= 𝑟 𝑛
Volume of high-dimensional ball
is concentrated near its border (sphere)
Almost all
appears at r≈1
Stochastic separation theorems in
high dimensions
Extreme points
In high dimension, with high
probability even in an
exponentially large random set
all points are extreme ones!
Expected ε IS NOT small
in high dimension!
Bárány & Füredi 1988 – proof for uniform distribution in
Donoho &Tanner 2009 – proof for Gaussians
-Just linear discriminants are still too
complex and require iterative learning (like
SVM or perceptron).
-Fisher discriminants are explicit and non-
iterative (much better)!
After data whitening, Fisher’s discriminant can be
defined by a simple linear inequality:
Definition. A point x is Fisher separable from a finite
set Y with a threshold α (0 ≤ α < 1) if
(x, y)≤α(x, x) (1)
for all y from Y.
-Just linear discriminants are still too
complex and require iterative learning (like
SVM or perceptron).
-Fisher discriminants are explicit and non-
iterative (much better)!
After data whitening, Fisher’s discriminant can be
defined by a simple linear inequality:
Definition. A point x is Fisher separable from a finite
set Y with a threshold α (0 ≤ α < 1) if
(x, y)≤α(x, x) (1)
for all y from Y.
Whitening is a change of coordinates that
transforms the empiric covariance matrix into 1.
Whitening can be represented in four steps:
1. Centralise the data cloud (subtract the mean from all
data vectors), normalise the coordinates to unit
variance and calculate the empiric correlation matrix.
2. Apply principal component analysis (i.e. calculate
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of empiric correlation
3. Delete minor components, which correspond to the
small eigenvalues of empiric correlation matrix.
4. In the remained principal component basis normalise
coordinates to unit variance.
Fisher separability inequality (1) holds for vectors
x, y if and only if x does not belong to a ball
•• cy/α
Assume the absence of large deviations and
sets with small volume but high probability.
Note: r≤1, α<1
but rα>0.5
For proof: just evaluate excluded
volumes and probability to be there
•• cy/α
Unit ball
Uniform distribution in a ball
Uniform distribution in a ball
Example: For n=100 and M < 2,740,000 the set of M
points is Fisher-separable (each point from the rest)
with probability p>99%
Product distribution in a cube 0≤xi≤1:
Coordinates of the vectors x are independent
random variables with variances σi.
Log-concave distributions
Stochastic separation for
log-concave distributions
• Sums of distributions (when the number of
summands grows slower than dimension);
• Products of distributions;
• Not i.i.d. samples;
• Combining with cluster analysis and
unsupervised learning (stochastic separation of
• Kernel classifiers;
• More precise evaluation of constants;
Exact estimate for distributions in a cube
Exact estimate for distributions in a cube
The stochastic separation theorems hold if:
• There are no heavy tails of the probability
• The sets of small volume should not have large
probability (what “small” and “large” mean is
strictly defined for different contexts).
In this cases, Fisher discriminant is an effective tool
for classification and AI correctors in high dimension.
IT applications
• Creation of classifiers;
• Computer vision and robotics;
• Correctors of AI systems;
• New approach to empirical dimension of datasets;
• Knowledge transfer between artificial intelligence
• Multiagent learning and social networks of AI;
TITANAI in action
Advanced Imaging Technology
Linear functionals in high dimensions for
matching faces in Live Video Streams
TITANAI in action
Advanced Imaging Technology
Linear functionals in high dimensions for
matching faces in Live Video Streams
One-shot learning HOG-SVM
With Prof Pim Allison from the Department of Archaeology 45
Recent £1M ARHC grant “Automated recording
and machine learning for collating Roman
ceramic tablewares…”, PI Prof P. Allison.
Schematic representation of three
memory encoding schemes:
Selectivity. A neuron (shown in green) receives inputs from multiple
presynaptic cells that code different information items. It detects
(responds to) only one stimulus (purple trace), whereas rejecting the
Clustering. A neuron (shown in blue) detects a group of stimuli
(purple and blue traces) and ignores the others;
Acquiring memories. A neuron (shown in red) learns dynamically a
new memory item (blue trace) by associating it with a know one47
Jennifer Aniston Cell and “Imprinting
𝑦(𝑡) = ⟨𝑆 𝑡 , 𝑤⟩
Jennifer Aniston Cell and “Imprinting
Emerging selectivity due to “standard” normalizing Hebbian learning
Take home messages
• All AI systems make mistakes and need corrections.
• Ensembles of single neurons can correct mistakes of AI
and model neuronal selectivity.
• They are also used in revealing neuronal selectivity, fast
learning of ‘concept cells’ by association, and memory
• The stochastic separation theorems give the theoretical
background of existence and efficiency of ‘concept cells’
and sparse coding.
• The stochastic separation theorems allow us to create
reversible, non-destructive and non-iterative (one-shot)
correctors in a form of Fisher discriminants or small
neural networks.
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• A.N. Gorban, R. Burton, I. Romanenko, I. Tyukin. One-Trial Correction of Legacy AI
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• A.N. Gorban, I. Tyukin. Blessing of dimensionality: mathematical foundations of the
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• I. Tyukin, A.N. Gorban, C. Calvo, J. Makarova, V.A. Makarov. High-dimensional Brain.
A Tool for Encoding and Rapid Learning of Memories by Single Neurons. Bulletin of
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• I. Tyukin, A.N. Gorban, K. Sofeikov, I. Romanenko. Knowledge Transfer Between
Artificial Intelligence Systems. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2018. .
• A.N. Gorban, A. Golubkov, B. Grechuk, E.M. Mirkes, I.Y. Tyukin. Correction of AI
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• I. Tyukin, A.N. Gorban, S. Green, D. Prokhorov. Fast Construction of Correcting
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Co-authors and collaborators
• Ivan Tyukin
• Jeremy Levesley
• Bogdan Grechuk
• Evgeny Mirkes
• Tatiana Tyukina
• Valeri Makarov
• Rosie Fenwick
• Eliyas Woldegeorgis
• Stephen Green
• Richard Burton
• Konstantin Sofeikov
• Sepehr Meshkinfamfard
• Ilya Romanenko
• Danil Prokhorov
• Jays Shields
• John Downie

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Errors of Artificial Intelligence, their Correction and Simplicity Revolution in Neuroscience

  • 1. Errors of Artificial Intelligence, their Correction and Simplicity Revolution in Neuroscience A.N. Gorban University of Leicester, UK & Lobachevski University, Russia Joint work with I.Y. Tyukin and B. Grechuk (Leicester), and V.A. Makarov (Madrid),
  • 2. The heresy of unheard-of simplicity Boris Pasternak, “The Waves”, 1931 Assured of kinship with Everything And with the Future closely knit We can’t but fall – a heresy! – To unbelievable simplicity. But to be spared we can’t expect If we do not conceal it closely. Men need it more than anything, But complex things are easier for them. 2 В родстве со всем, что есть, уверясь, И знаясь с будущим в быту, Нельзя не впасть к концу, как в ересь, В неслыханную простоту. Но мы пощажены не будем, Когда ее не утаим, Она всего нужнее людям, Но сложное понятней им.
  • 3. Plan • Two problems: - Errors of AI systems and one-shot correctors; - Grandmother cells, sparse coding and single-cell revolution in neuroscience. • Between curse of dimensionality and blessing of dimensionality: Measure concentration and Stochastic separation: - Geometric preliminaries, - Surprising power of Fisher’s discriminant in high dimension and main stochastic separation theorems. • Two examples of technical applications. • Selective memory of neural ensembles. • Conclusion and outlook. 3
  • 4. Development of AI is a strategic direction of technical evolution, The world of big legacy AI systems grows: • Google (Google Cars, FaceNet, DeepMind) • Facebook (DeepText, face recognition API) • Amazon (Recognition, Alexa) • Apple (Siri, face recognition phone unlock) • IBM (Watson, face recognition API) • NEC (face recognition) ………………………………………………. but AI SYSTEMS MAKE ERRORS! 4
  • 5. What stops the AIs: AI Systems Make mistakes 5
  • 6. What stops the AIs: AI Systems Make mistakes 6
  • 7. What stops the AIs: AI Systems Make mistakes 7
  • 8. What stops the AIs: AI Systems Make mistakes 8
  • 9. IBM Watson recommends “unsafe and incorrect cancer treatment” 9
  • 10. • InsiperoBot Poor Testing/Coding • Cortana Not Working Bias/Limited Training Set Poor Testing/Coding • Alexa Blasting Music Unexpected Human Behaviour • Passport Checker Bias/Limited Training Set Poor Testing/Coding • Knightscope Robot Hits Toddler Poor Testing/Coding Unexpected Human Behaviour • Facebook Translate Arrest, Bias/Limited Training Set Unexpected Human Behaviour • Google Tag Racist Bias/Limited Training Set • WeChat Racist Bias/Limited Training Set Unexpected Human Behaviour • Microsoft - Tay Unexpected Human Behaviour Bias/Limited Training Set (Thanks to Rosie Fenwick and Eliyas Woldegeorgis for collecting the list) AI Errors: and the list continues … 10
  • 11. Fundamental Challenge #1: Correct Mistakes of AIs • With guaranteed high probabilities; • Without damaging correct skills; • Without complete re-training; • Fast (one-shot); • Reversible. 11
  • 12. Corrector has to separate mistakes from correctly solved examples and correct them Corrector is a binary classifier for error diagnosis combined with the modified decision rule for high risk situations. Inputs Outputs Internal signals Correction Corrector 12
  • 13. Corrector has to separate mistakes from correctly solved examples and correct them Corrector is a binary classifier for error diagnosis combined with the modified decision rule for high risk situations. Inputs Outputs Internal signals Correction Corrector 13
  • 14. Challenge #2: Grandmother and concept cells 14 Grandmother cells, was introduced by Lettvin around 1969 in a jocular story about ‘a great if unknown neurosurgeon’, Akakhi Akakhievitch, who deleted concepts from patient’s memory by ablating the corresponding cells. More seriously, this is a hypothesis (proposed by Konorski in 1967) that there are neurons that react selectively to specific concepts and images. There are hypothetical grandmother cells, Jennifer Aniston cells, Dodecahedron cells of even ‘Grandmother cell’ cells (the cells, that react selectively on the pattern or even the idea of grandmother cell).
  • 15. 15 Idea of grandmother cell, a neuron that reacts selectively on a pattern: Jennifer Aniston cell, Dodecahedron cell, and ‘Grandmother cell’ cell.
  • 16. 16 Schematic representation of the idea behind idealised ‘concept cells’: high-dimensional input signal (dimension N) after preprocessing (dimension n), arrives to an ensemble of non- interacting concept cells. A source of sparsity could be bounded number of links.
  • 17. ‘Five dogmas’ of a single cell revolution (Barlow, 1972): 1. (Focus on cellular level) To understand nervous function one needs to look at interactions at a cellular level, rather than either a more macroscopic or microscopic level, because behaviour depends upon the organized pattern of these intercellular interactions. 2. (Minimization of the number of active neurons) The sensory system is organized to achieve as complete a representation of the sensory stimulus as possible with the minimum number of active neurons. 17
  • 18. 3. (Synergy between experience and development) Trigger features of sensory neurons are matched to redundant patterns of stimulation by experience as well as by developmental processes. 4. (Individual concepts correspond to small samples from huge number of concept cells) Perception corresponds to the activity of a small selection from the very numerous high-level neurons, each of which corresponds to a pattern of external events of the order of complexity of the events symbolized by a word. 5. High impulse frequency in such neurons corresponds to high certainty that the trigger feature is present. 18
  • 19. 19 Concept cells in experiments • A series of experiments demonstrated that neurons in the human medial temporal lobe (MTL) fire selectively to images of faces, animals, and other objects or scenes. • It was demonstrated that the firing of MTL cells was sparse - most of them did not respond to the great majority of images used in the experiment. • These cells have low baseline activity and their response is highly selective. • ‘Jennifer Aniston’ cells responded to pictures of Jennifer Aniston but rarely of very weekly to pictures of other persons. • These neurons respond also to the printed name of the person. • The voluntary control of these neurons is possible via imagination: it is sufficient to imagine the concept or ‘continuously think of the concept’.
  • 20. 20 Interaction of concepts • There are several concept cells for each concept. • One cell can fire for different concepts – this is association between concepts. • For example, the ‘Jennifer Aniston’ cells also fired to Lisa Kudrow, a costar in the TV series Friends, and ‘Luke Skywalker’ cell also fired to Yoda. • The presence of the individual can, in most cases, be reliably decoded from a small number of neurons. • Redistribution of attention between different parts of the image can have effect opposite to association. • For example, the ‘Jennifer Aniston’ cell did not react on the picture, where Jennifer Aniston is together with Brad Pitt. It is recognised rather as Brad Pitt.
  • 22. 22
  • 23. Concentration of the volume and the Gibbs theorem about equivalence of ensembles Radius r Volume 𝑉𝑛 𝑟 𝑉𝑛 1 = 𝑟 𝑛 Volume of high-dimensional ball is concentrated near its border (sphere) Almost all volume appears at r≈1 23
  • 24. Concentration of the volume and the Gibbs theorem about equivalence of ensembles Radius r Volume 𝑉𝑛 𝑟 𝑉𝑛 1 = 𝑟 𝑛 Volume of high-dimensional ball is concentrated near its border (sphere) Almost all volume appears at r≈1 24
  • 25. Stochastic separation theorems in high dimensions Extreme points In high dimension, with high probability even in an exponentially large random set all points are extreme ones! ε Expected ε IS NOT small in high dimension! Bárány & Füredi 1988 – proof for uniform distribution in balls. Donoho &Tanner 2009 – proof for Gaussians 25
  • 26. -Just linear discriminants are still too complex and require iterative learning (like SVM or perceptron). -Fisher discriminants are explicit and non- iterative (much better)! After data whitening, Fisher’s discriminant can be defined by a simple linear inequality: Definition. A point x is Fisher separable from a finite set Y with a threshold α (0 ≤ α < 1) if (x, y)≤α(x, x) (1) for all y from Y. 26
  • 27. -Just linear discriminants are still too complex and require iterative learning (like SVM or perceptron). -Fisher discriminants are explicit and non- iterative (much better)! After data whitening, Fisher’s discriminant can be defined by a simple linear inequality: Definition. A point x is Fisher separable from a finite set Y with a threshold α (0 ≤ α < 1) if (x, y)≤α(x, x) (1) for all y from Y. 27
  • 28. Whitening is a change of coordinates that transforms the empiric covariance matrix into 1. Whitening can be represented in four steps: 1. Centralise the data cloud (subtract the mean from all data vectors), normalise the coordinates to unit variance and calculate the empiric correlation matrix. 2. Apply principal component analysis (i.e. calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of empiric correlation matrix). 3. Delete minor components, which correspond to the small eigenvalues of empiric correlation matrix. 4. In the remained principal component basis normalise coordinates to unit variance. 28
  • 29. Fisher separability inequality (1) holds for vectors x, y if and only if x does not belong to a ball •• cy/α x Lx Excluded volume • y • • • • 29
  • 30. Assume the absence of large deviations and sets with small volume but high probability. Note: r≤1, α<1 but rα>0.5 30
  • 31. For proof: just evaluate excluded volumes and probability to be there •• cy/α x Lx Excluded volume • y • • • • Unit ball 31
  • 33. Uniform distribution in a ball Example: For n=100 and M < 2,740,000 the set of M points is Fisher-separable (each point from the rest) with probability p>99% 33
  • 34. Product distribution in a cube 0≤xi≤1: Coordinates of the vectors x are independent random variables with variances σi. 34
  • 37. Generalizations • Sums of distributions (when the number of summands grows slower than dimension); • Products of distributions; • Not i.i.d. samples; • Combining with cluster analysis and unsupervised learning (stochastic separation of clusters); • Kernel classifiers; • More precise evaluation of constants; ……………………… 37
  • 38. Exact estimate for distributions in a cube 38
  • 39. Exact estimate for distributions in a cube 39
  • 40. Heuristic The stochastic separation theorems hold if: • There are no heavy tails of the probability distribution; • The sets of small volume should not have large probability (what “small” and “large” mean is strictly defined for different contexts). In this cases, Fisher discriminant is an effective tool for classification and AI correctors in high dimension. 40
  • 41. IT applications • Creation of classifiers; • Computer vision and robotics; • Correctors of AI systems; • New approach to empirical dimension of datasets; • Knowledge transfer between artificial intelligence systems; • Multiagent learning and social networks of AI; ……………………………………………. 41
  • 42. TITANAI in action TITANAi Advanced Imaging Technology TM Linear functionals in high dimensions for matching faces in Live Video Streams 42
  • 43. TITANAI in action TITANAi Advanced Imaging Technology TM Linear functionals in high dimensions for matching faces in Live Video Streams 43
  • 44. 44
  • 45. One-shot learning HOG-SVM With Prof Pim Allison from the Department of Archaeology 45
  • 46. Recent £1M ARHC grant “Automated recording and machine learning for collating Roman ceramic tablewares…”, PI Prof P. Allison. 46
  • 47. Schematic representation of three memory encoding schemes: Selectivity. A neuron (shown in green) receives inputs from multiple presynaptic cells that code different information items. It detects (responds to) only one stimulus (purple trace), whereas rejecting the others; Clustering. A neuron (shown in blue) detects a group of stimuli (purple and blue traces) and ignores the others; Acquiring memories. A neuron (shown in red) learns dynamically a new memory item (blue trace) by associating it with a know one47
  • 48. Jennifer Aniston Cell and “Imprinting effect” 𝑦(𝑡) = ⟨𝑆 𝑡 , 𝑤⟩ 48
  • 49. Jennifer Aniston Cell and “Imprinting effect” Emerging selectivity due to “standard” normalizing Hebbian learning 49
  • 50. 50
  • 51. Take home messages • All AI systems make mistakes and need corrections. • Ensembles of single neurons can correct mistakes of AI and model neuronal selectivity. • They are also used in revealing neuronal selectivity, fast learning of ‘concept cells’ by association, and memory mechanisms. • The stochastic separation theorems give the theoretical background of existence and efficiency of ‘concept cells’ and sparse coding. • The stochastic separation theorems allow us to create reversible, non-destructive and non-iterative (one-shot) correctors in a form of Fisher discriminants or small neural networks. 51
  • 52. • J. W. Gibbs, Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics, developed with especial reference to the rational foundation of thermodynamics, (New York: Dover Publications, 1960 [1902]) • Lévy P, Problèmes concrets d'analyse fonctionnelle. Paris: Gauthier-Villars; 1951. (Second edition.) • F. Rosenblatt, Principles of Neurodynamics: Perceptrons and the Theory of Brain Mechanisms, Spartan Books, 1962 • Talagrand, M. (1995). Concentration of measure and isoperimetric inequalities in product spaces. Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, 81(1), 73-205. • M. Gromov, Isoperimetry of waists and concentration of maps, GAFA, Geom. Funct. Anal. 13 (2003) 178-215 52 References 52
  • 53. • P. C. Kainen, Utilizing geometric anomalies of high dimension: When complexity makes computation easier. In Computer Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing (pp. 283-294). Birkhäuser, Boston, MA. (1997) • P.C. Kainen, V. Kůrková, Quasiorthogonal dimension of Euclidian spaces, Appl. Math. Lett. 6(3) (1993) 7–10. • H.B. Barlow, Single units and sensation: a neuron doctrine for perceptual psychology?. Perception 1972;1(4):371–394. • R. Quian Quiroga, L. Reddy, G. Kreiman, C. Koch, I. Fried. Invariant visual representation by single neurons in the human brain. Nature 2005;435(7045):1102–1107. • Bárány I., Füredi Z. On the shape of the convex hull of random points. Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 77, 231–240 (1988). • Donoho D, Tanner J. Observed universality of phase transitions in high-dimensional geometry, with implications for modern data analysis and signal processing. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2009;367:4273–4293. 53
  • 54. • A.N. Gorban, V.A. Makarov, I.Y. Tyukin. The unreasonable effectiveness of small neural ensembles in high-dimensional brain. Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 55-88. • A. Tozzi, J. F. Peters, The Borsuk-Ulam theorem solves the curse of dimensionality, Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 89-92. • V. Kreinovich, The heresy of unheard-of simplicity, Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 93-95. • G. Kreiman, It's a small dimensional world after all, Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 96-97. • V. Kůrková, Some insights from high-dimensional spheres, Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 98-100. • L. Fortuna, Nonlinear effects for the reinforcement of small neural ensembles in high dimensional brain, Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 101-103. • C. van Leeuwen, The reasonable ineffectiveness of biological brains in applying the principles of high-dimensional cybernetics, Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 104-105. • P. Varona, High and low dimensionality in neuroscience and artificial intelligence, Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 106-107. • R. Barrio, “Brainland” vs. “flatland”: How many dimensions do we need in brain dynamics? Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 108-110. • R. Quian Quiroga, Akakhievitch revisited, Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 111-114 • A.N. Gorban, V.A. Makarov, I.Y. Tyukin, Symphony of high- dimensional brain, Phys. Life Rev., 29, 2019, 115-119. 54
  • 55. • A.N. Gorban, I. Tyukin, D. Prokhorov, K. Sofeikov. Approximation with random bases: Pro et contra. Information Sciences, 324-325, 129-145, 2016. • A.N. Gorban, I.Y. Tyukin. Stochastic Separation Theorems. Neural Networks, 94, 255-259, 2017. • A.N. Gorban, R. Burton, I. Romanenko, I. Tyukin. One-Trial Correction of Legacy AI Systems and Stochastic Separation Theorems. Information Sciences, 484, 237-254, 2019. • A.N. Gorban, I. Tyukin. Blessing of dimensionality: mathematical foundations of the statistical physics of data. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 376: 20170237, 2018. • I. Tyukin, A.N. Gorban, C. Calvo, J. Makarova, V.A. Makarov. High-dimensional Brain. A Tool for Encoding and Rapid Learning of Memories by Single Neurons. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2018, • I. Tyukin, A.N. Gorban, K. Sofeikov, I. Romanenko. Knowledge Transfer Between Artificial Intelligence Systems. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2018. . • A.N. Gorban, A. Golubkov, B. Grechuk, E.M. Mirkes, I.Y. Tyukin. Correction of AI systems by linear discriminants: Probabilistic foundations. Information Sciences, 466, 303-322, 2018. • I. Tyukin, A.N. Gorban, S. Green, D. Prokhorov. Fast Construction of Correcting Ensembles for Legacy Artificial Intelligence Systems: Algorithms and a Case Study, Information Sciences, 485, 230-247, 2019. 55
  • 56. 56 Co-authors and collaborators • Ivan Tyukin • Jeremy Levesley • Bogdan Grechuk • Evgeny Mirkes • Tatiana Tyukina • Valeri Makarov • Rosie Fenwick • Eliyas Woldegeorgis • Stephen Green • Richard Burton • Konstantin Sofeikov • Sepehr Meshkinfamfard • Ilya Romanenko • Danil Prokhorov • Jays Shields • John Downie