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Видавнича група «Основа»
Книга скачана с сайта http://e�
Издательская группа «Основа» —
«Электронные книги»
ISBN 978-611-00-0198-4
УДК 372.8=111
ББК 74.268.1Англ
Кіктенко Т. М.
К38 Англійська мова. 6 клас за підручником О. Д. Карп’юк
“English pupil’s book 6”. II семестр. — Х.: Вид. група «Ос­
но­ва», 2012.— 110 [2] с. — (Серія «Мій конспект»).
ISBN 978-611-00-0198-4.
Видання «Мій конспект» — це нова серія посібників, які став-
лять за мету надати допомогу вчителеві в підготовці та про­веденні
уроку. Автори пропонують базову основу конспектів 102 уроків
англійської мови (48 — І семестр, 54 — ІІ семестр) на відривних
аркушах із використанням додаткових матеріалів та підручника
О. Д.Кар­п’юк “English pupil’s book 6”. Узявши за основу посібник,
учитель може створити власний конспект уроку.
Для вчителів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.
УДК 372.8=111
ББК 74.268.1Англ
© Кіктенко Т. М., 2009
© ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”», 2012
Навчальне видання
Серія «Мій конспект»
Кіктенко Тамара Миколаївна
Англійська мова.
6 клас за підручником
О. Д. Карп’юк “English pupil’s book 6”
II семестр
Головний редактор О. С. Любченко
Редактор А. Л. Мирошніченко
Відповідальний за видання Ю. М. Афанасенко
Технічний редактор О. В. Лєбєдєва
Коректор О. М. Журенко
Підп. до друку 17.06.2009. Формат 60×90/8.
Папір офсет. Гарнітура Шкільна. Друк офсет.
Ум. друк. арк. 12,00. Зам. № 9-06/08-06.
ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”»
61001 м. Харків, вул. Плеханівська, 66
тел. (057) 731-96-33
Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи
Свідоцтво ДК № 2911 від 25.07.2007 р.
Серія «Мій конспект»
Заснована 2008 року
Unit 5. On the Move
Lesson 49.	 Come in time ....................................................................  5
Lesson 50.	 Are you fond of travelling? .................................................  7
Lesson 51.	 You are speaking too fast ....................................................  9
Lesson 52.	 What is travelling? .......................................................... 11
Lesson 53.	 How do you like to travel? .................................................. 13
Lesson 54.	 Great discoveries ............................................................. 15
Lesson 55.	 It’s time for reading ......................................................... 17
Lesson 56.	 Let’s brush up our grammar ............................................... 19
Lesson 57.	 Travelling is cool! ............................................................. 21
Lesson 58.	 Home Reading. The story of Robinson Crusoe (p. 161) ............. 23
Unit 6. Around the World
Lesson 59.	 Looking up some information ............................................. 25
Lesson 60.	 Quizzes! Quizzes! .............................................................. 27
Lesson 61.	 Brown or the Browns ........................................................ 29
Lesson 62.	 Welcome to Canada .......................................................... 31
Lesson 63.	 Countries and cities .......................................................... 33
Lesson 64.	 Let’s go sightseeing .......................................................... 35
Lesson 65.	 It’s time for reading ......................................................... 37
Lesson 66.	 Let’s brush up our grammar ............................................... 39
Lesson 67.	 It’s a Superlative World .................................................... 41
Lesson 68.	 Home Reading. The USA (p. 159) ........................................ 43
Unit 7. Welcome to Ukraine!
Lesson 69.	 Meeting the guests ........................................................... 45
Lesson 70.	 We need some ideas .......................................................... 47
Lesson 71.	 Teach yourself ................................................................. 49
Lesson 72.	 Welcome to Ukraine! ......................................................... 51
Lesson 73.	 Know more about Ukraine ................................................. 53
Lesson 74.	 The most popular tourist places .......................................... 55
Lesson 75.	 It’s time for reading ......................................................... 57
Lesson 76.	 Let’s brush up our grammar ............................................... 59
Lesson 77.	 We are Ukrainians ........................................................... 61
Lesson 78.	 Home Reading. The Arctic (p. 162) ...................................... 63
Unit 8. Save Your Planet!
Lesson 79.	 Meeting spring ................................................................ 65
Lesson 80.	 What is around us? ........................................................... 67
Lesson 81.	 My favourite season .......................................................... 69
Lesson 82.	 Our planet needs help .......................................................   71
Lesson 83.	 How do you treat the Earth? ..............................................   73
Lesson 84.	 Rainforest Destruction. Animals in Danger ..........................   75
Lesson 85.	 It’s time for reading ........................................................   77
Lesson 86.	 Let’s brush up our grammar ..............................................   79
Lesson 87.	 The Whole World in Our Hands .........................................   81
Lesson 88.	 Home Reading. Animals in Danger (p. 163) ..........................   83
Unit 9. Hello, Summer Holidays!
Lesson 89.	 Summer Comes ...............................................................   85
Lesson 90.	 Looking Forward to Summer .............................................   87
Lesson 91.	 Holidays Are Coming .......................................................   89
Lesson 92.	 Enjoy your holidays .........................................................   91
Lesson 93.	 Outdoor activities ...........................................................   93
Lesson 94.	 Welcome to Australia! ......................................................   95
Lesson 95.	 It’s time for reading ........................................................   97
Lesson 96.	 Let’s brush up our grammar ..............................................   99
Lesson 97.	 Explore India! .................................................................101
Lesson 98.	 Happy Holidays to You .....................................................103
Lesson 99.	 Listening Comprehension .................................................105
Lesson 100.	Speaking .......................................................................107
Lesson 101.	Reading ........................................................................109
Lesson 102.	Writing .........................................................................110
Unit 5. On the Move
Lesson 49
Come in time
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і слів too,
enough з іменниками і прикметниками; удосконалювати навички усного
мовлення й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію
учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1.	 Warm-up
Let’s revise the Question tags.
It’s cold, __?1)	
You’re not ready, __?2)	
You speak Greek, __?3)	
She can’t swim, __?4)	
They’re late, __?5)	
The new car looks good, __?6)	
You can drive, __?7)	
Henry wasn’t here yesterday, __?8)	
She celebrates her birthday in May, __?9)	
He doesn’t look at all like his brother, __?10)	
You won’t tell anybody, __?11)	
Your mother lived in China when she was younger, __?12)	
2.	 Listening
Listen to the story and do the task.
Many years ago Fast Airlines was a small, very new company. It had
very little money and its airplanes were very old. Mr White flew by Fast
Airlines once. That day he went to the airport, got on the Fast Airlines
airplane and waited.
After a few minutes there was a lot of noise, and then the captain
came out and shouted, “I’m not going to take this airplane up! One of the
engines is broken, and they aren’t going to get a new one”.
The passengers got out, and then, an hour later, an air hostess said,
“The airplane is ready again now”. The passengers walked past her to
the aero plane again.
“Did you get a new engine? Mr White asked her.
“No, we got a new a new captain”, she answered.
True or False
Fast Airlines was a big rich company.1)	
Its airplanes weren’t old.2)	
One day Mr White decided to fly Wonder Airlines plane.3)	
The captain didn’t want to take the plane up because he was a bad4)	
The captain didn’t want to take the plane up because the plane had5)	
a bad engine.
The passengers had to get out and wait for two hours.6)	
After that the plane had a new engine.7)	
After that the plane had a new captain.8)
3.	 Grammar practice
Explain the rule how to use too / enough, write example sentences on
the board and practise them chorally and individually.
It’s too hot here.1)	
It’s too cold today.2)	
You are too lazy.3)	
There are too many mistakes in your work.4)	
There is too much information there.5)	
Our classroom is warm enough.6)	
I haven’t got enough time.7)	
4.	 Writing
Write advice to your friend using the following words: buns, choco-
late, sparkling water, cigarettes, exercise.
Example: cakes — You eat too many cakes. You shouldn’t eat so
many cakes.
You want to organize a party. Write about the problems using
enough and the following words: room, tables, orange juice, chairs, ice
cream, glasses.
Example: We haven’t got enough room.
5.	 Reading and speaking
Read the dialogue in Ex. 1, p. 76 and answer the questions in Ex. 2,
p. 76.
6.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Read the dialogue and make your own dialogues using the example
and the table.
A. When is the train to Liverpool, please?
B. 3.15, madam.
A. Which platform?
B. Platform seven.
A. How much is the ticket?
B. Single or return?
A. Return, please.
B. That will be 14 pounds.
A. Here you are.
B. Thank you, madam.
A. Thank you.
City Platform Time Fare (single, return)
London 8 2.40 12 pounds
Leeds 3 7.15 8 pounds
Bristol 5 3.10 10 pounds
Cambridge 2 11.20 7 pounds
Liverpool 6 14.00 12 pounds
7.	 Summary
Do you always come to school in time?1)	
Have you usually got enough time to prepare for the lesson (to do2)	
your homework)?
Are you really too busy to have extra-school activities?3)	
You haven’t got t4)	 oo much work to do at home, have you?
8.	Homework
Make up and write down 10 sentences using too and enough to de-
scribe your last birthday party.
Lesson 50
Are you fond of travelling?
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона-
лювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання й читання; розвивати мов-
ну здогадку; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.
1.	 Warm-up
Read the poem using pictures and then learn it.
We go by car
And we go by train.
We go by boat
And we go by plane.
We go by land,
And see and air.
We go, go, go
From here to there.
2.	 Listening
Listen to your classmates’ compositions about their parties (home-
work) and ask questions for more information.
Example: Have you got enough lemonade?
3.	 Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Using pictures make up as many sentences as you can.
My father
My friends
Our family
Our relatives
My uncle
Ann’s parents
My grandmother
4.	 Reading and speaking
Work in pairs.
Do Ex. 3, p. 76.
Do Ex. 4, p. 77.
Complete the sentences.
Alex loves __.1)	
He visits different places on __ and for __.2)	
When he travels on business, he goes __.3)	
When he travels for pleasure, he goes __.4)	
It isn’t pleasant for him enough to travel __.5)	
Make up your own dialogue.
5.	 Listening
Listen to the story and answer the questions.
Mrs Walker lives in a big city and she works in a café. She has gone
there by car every morning for twenty years. Then she was forty-five
years old, and she said to herself, “I’m fat now, because I go everywhere
by car. I’m going to buy a bicycle”.
She bought one, and after that she always went to her café on that,
and not in her car. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and she
went quickly past them to the front, because her bicycle was narrow.
Then she was happy.
Yesterday she stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind her
on another bicycle. He stopped too and said, “Have the police taken your
driving licence away too?”
Does Mrs. Walker work in a shop?1)	
Why did she decide to buy a bicycle?2)	
Where did she stop one day?3)	
Who came up behind her then?4)	
What did he think about Mrs Walker?5)	
6.	 Summary
Do Ex. 5, p. 77.
7.	Homework
Make up and write down 10 questions about travelling.
Lesson 51
You are speaking too fast
Цілі: формувати навички вживання прислівників, нових лексичних оди-
ниць і слів too, enough; удосконалювати навички письма з опорою на лек-
сико-граматичні структури; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів.
1.	 Warm-up
Do you like to travel?1)	
Which types of travel have you tried? (Plane, boat, hitch-hiking…)2)	
Which do you like best? Why?3)	
When do you prefer to travel?4)	
2.	 Speaking
Ask your classmates about their last travelling. (Homework)
3.	 Grammar practice
Explain the rule (p. 78), write similar example on the board and
practise them chorally and individually.
Turn these adjectives into adverbs.
beautiful —	 careful —	 careless —
bad —	 quick —	 hungry —	
perfect —	 quiet —	 honest —
nice —	 loud —	 good —
Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 78.
4.	 Writing
Finish the sentences about a naughty boy.
He laughs very __ (1)	 loud).
He runs upstairs very __ (2)	 noisy).
He dances __ (3)	 bad).
He shouts __ (4)	 angry).
He does this work very __ (5)	 slow).
Agree with your partner.
I think he is a careful worker.
I agree. He works very carefully.
good teacher•	
fast translator•	
hungry eaters•	
honest player•	
careless driver•	
slow football player•	
5.	 Reading
Do Ex. 3, p. 79.
6.	 Grammar practice
Explain the rule (p. 79), write similar example on the board and
practise them chorally and individually.
Make up as many sentences as you can.
Do Ex. 4, p. 79.
7.	 Writing
Fill in the gaps with enough, too much or too many.
You are very thin. You don’t eat __.1)	
I don’t like the weather. There’s __ rain.2)	
I can’t wait for them. I haven’t got __ time.3)	
You drink __ coffee. It’s not good for you.4)	
You don’t eat __ fruit. You should eat more.5)	
There was nowhere to sit on the bench. There were __ people.6)	
I can’t decide what to do because I haven’t got __ information.7)	
Fill in the gaps with too, enough and the following adjectives: big,
busy, expensive, far, loud, sharp, warm, loud.
Please, turn the radio down. It’s __.1)	
Can you turn up the radio, please? It isn’t __.2)	
I don’t want to walk home. It’s __.3)	
Don’t buy anything in that shop. It’s __.4)	
You can’t put all your things in this bag. It __.5)	
We didn’t go to the beach. It __.6)	
I can’t talk to you now. I __.7)	
I can’t cut anything with this knife. It __.8)	
8.	 Summary
Is it warm enough today to go out?1)	
Was it really too cold yesterday?2)	
Have you got enough money to buy this computer?3)	
Have you got enough information to make this report?4)	
Did they have too many players in the team?5)	
9.	Homework
Do Ex. 5, p. 79.
Lesson 52
What is travelling?
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; формувати
навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; виховувати доброзичливе
ставлення до співрозмовника; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовлен-
нєву реакцію учнів.
1.	 Warm-up
Can you drive a car?1)	
Have you traveled by car? Where to?2)	
Where do you get the fuel for our car when on road?3)	
What is the speed limit in the cities of Ukraine?4)	
How is the traffic in a big city regulated?5)	
What are the means of city transport?6)	
Are you allowed to park a car in a busy street?7)	
What do they call the underground in England and in the USA?8)	
2.	 Listening
Write the following words on the board then ask pupils to listen to
the text and match the people and their description.
a businessman an experienced traveler
a professor of History a couch potato
A)	 He likes to travel alone or with his students. They travel from curi-
osity. They like to see the beauty of the world and learn traditions of
other countries. They think that travelling is fascinating and enjoy-
able. It broadens their mind and allows to understand other people
B)	 He doesn’t like to travel at all. He believes that it’s better to stay at
home, because travelling is dangerous, troublesome and expensive.
C)	 He likes to travel alone or with his friends. Usually he travels for
pleasure or in search of adventures. When he travels he likes to go
sightseeing or explore unknown places. He believes that travelling
is exciting and gives us life experience.
D)	 Usually he travels alone on business. When he travels he likes to
meet new people. He thinks that travelling is useful but sometimes
it’s a bit tiring.
3.	 Speaking and writing
Practise the new vocabulary.
1)	 an advantage
2)	 a disadvantage
3)	 an airport
4)	 a railway station
5)	 a vacation
6)	 a view
7)	 to arrange
8)	 to discover
9)	 to go on a trip
a)	 краєвид
b)	 вокзал, залізнична станція
c)	 перевага
d)	 організовувати, планувати
e)	 їхати в подорож
f)	 недолік
g)	 відкривати
h)	 літовище
i)	 відпустка
Fill in the gaps with the new words.
When you’re in a hurry planes have __ over trains.1)	
A place where trains stop for passengers to get on and off is __.2)	
A place where planes begin and stop flying is __.3)	
The main __ of this hotel is that it’s too dirty.4)	
The __ of the coastline was splendid.5)	
Every year my parents __ a big surprise party for my birthday.6)	
Columbus __ America.7)	
We’re on __ for the next two weeks.8)	
Why don’t we __ to the mountains?9)	
4.	 Reading
Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 80, find the new words there and read
them aloud.
Answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 80.
Complete the sentences.
Travelling is __.1)	
People like travelling because they can __.2)	
If you wish to enjoy your trip __ before.3)	
If you are not sure where to go and you need help, go to __.4)	
You have some ways of travelling such as __.5)	
Each mean of transport has its __ and __.6)	
If you want to show your friends where you were, __.7)	
5.	 Reading and speaking
Read the text in Ex. 3, p. 81 and in pairs make up your dialogues.
Sample dialogue
How did you get to the railway station?
I went there by bus.
How did you get to the airport?
I went there by train.
How did you get to the harbour?
I went there by taxi.
How did you get to your Granny?
I rode my bicycle.
6.	 Summary
Do Ex. 4, p. 81.
7.	Homework
Do Ex. 5, p. 81.
Lesson 53
How do you like to travel?
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовленняу живання но-
вих лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здогадку, пам’ять; виховувати
інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.
1.	 Warm-up
Have you ever travelled by plane?1)	
When did you travel by plane last?2)	
Where did you fly?3)	
How long did it take you to get to the airport?4)	
What opportunities does travelling give us?5)	
2.	 Speaking and writing
Practise the new vocabulary.
Match the signs in the airport with their explanations.
1)	 Exit
2)	 Gate
3)	 Customs
4)	 Check-in
5)	 Entrance
6)	 Tickets
7)	 Information
8)	 Departures
9)	 Passport Control
10)	 Arrivals
a)	 Вікно реєстрації
b)	 Продаж квитків
c)	 Вхід
d)	 Прибуття літаків
e)	 Вихід
f)	 Відправлення літаків
g)	 Ворота (вихід на літовище)
h)	 Бюро інформації
i)	 Паспортний контроль
j)	 Митниця
3.	 Reading and speaking
Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 82. Find the new words (p. 82) in the text
and read the sentences with them aloud. Try to guess their meaning or
look up it in a dictionary. Practise the new vocabulary chorally and indi-
vidually in different sentences.
Do Ex. 2, p. 82.
Fill in the gaps with the new words.
passport control tickets customs × 2 Gate 1 check-in desk × 2
suitcase departure cart information desk entrance
You should book __ before you go on a trip. When you arrive to the
airport, you should go through __ to get to the __ and the __. If you
have got a heavy __ you should take a __. If you don’t know the time of
your __, you should find it out at the __. After __, __ and __ you may go
to __ and get on the plane.
4.	 Speaking
Answer the questions in Ex. 3, p. 83.
5.	 Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 4 (a), p. 83 and practise the new vocabulary chorally and in-
dividually in different sentences.
Retell the text (part (b)).
6.	 Writing
Do Ex. 6, p. 83.
7.	 Summary
What ways of travel do you know?1)	
Which of them do you prefer? Why?2)	
Why are many people fond of travelling?3)	
What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train? (By4)	
air, by ship, by car)
8.	Homework
Do Ex. 5, p. 83.
Lesson 54
Great discoveries
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона-
лювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення; розвивати мов-
леннєву реакцію й пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість
у розширенні своїх знань.
1.	 Warm-up
Write the words under the headings. Some of them will go in more than
one group.
boarding pass change check-in check the oil compartment
crossroads delay driver emergency exit flight map
motorway no smoking petrol station pilot platform
return ticket roadwork seatbelt security check coach
speed limit stewardess ticket collector commuter rush hour
driver	 compartment	 boarding pass
2.	 Listening
Before listening
Find out the meanings of the words in a dictionary.
land	 coast
island	 bay
seaman	 to explore
publication	 trade	 sailor
Listen to the story and say if it is True or False.
Three countries of Europe were interested in the discovery of Amer-
ica. They were Spain, France and England. Spain sent Christopher Co-
lumbus to discover a new way to the East. With three small ships he
sailed for three months and in October 12, 1492 he saw land. He thought
it was India and gave the name “Indians” to the red-skin men living
there. But it was an island not far from the coast of North America.
Many other sailors went out to America. An Italian seaman, Ameri-
go Vespucci was one of them. He and his men explored the coast of South
America and discovered the Ray of Rio de Janeiro, or River of January.
They named the place after the month in which they had found the bay.
In one of his letters to his friend Amerigo wrote that the new land he had
seen must be a new world. After the publication of those letters the new
land was named after him — America, the land of Amerigo.
Spain, France and England sent many seamen to the North America.
The Spanish came there to look for gold, silver and other metals. The
French began a trade in animal skins with the Indians. the English came
to live and work there. There were English, French and Spanish colonies
in North America in the 16th and 17th centuries.
True or False
Four countries tried to discover new land.1)	
Columbus was a Frenchman.2)	
The voyage took him three months to get to new land.3)	
Columbus landed there in autumn.4)
He understood that he had discovered a new continent.5)	
White-skin people lived there.6)	
Columbus wasn’t the only man who went out to America.7)	
Amerigo Vespucci explored South America in autumn too.8)	
Amerigo Vespucci was the first who wrote about America so it was9)	
named after him.
Spain, France and England had their colonies in North America.10)	
Answer the questions.
What countries were interested in the discovery of America?1)	
What way did Columbus want to find?2)	
What land did he discover?3)	
After whom was America named?4)	
Why did other countries wanted to discover new land?5)	
3.	 Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 4, p. 84.
4.	 Speaking and writing
Do Ex. 5, p. 85.
Practise the new vocabulary chorally and individually in different
I think
I’m sure
to travel
by car
by ship
by plane
by bus
on foot
Write down your opinions.
5.	 Summary
Learn the proverb in Ex. 6, p. 85 and then answer the question:
•	 Do you think travelling helps people to become wiser and healthier?
Listen and read the poem in Ex. 7, p. 85.
6.	Homework
Learn the poem in Ex. 7, p. 85.
Lesson 55
It’s time for Reading
Цілі: формувати лексичні навички; розвивати вміння читати й переказу-
вати; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мис-
1.	 Warm-up
Write any vocabulary words or expressions from the topic on the
board then have all the students repeat them as you write them down.
Next send one student out of the room and erase one of the words or ex-
pressions, then on the count of three have all the students yell “Come on
in!!!” The student outside the classroom comes back in and has to guess
the right word, but none of the other kids can tell them the answer. Re-
ward the student with a team or individual point.
2.	 Reading
Before you read
Look at the picture and say what means of transport they are dis-
How do you think if they agree with each other?1)	
What proverb suits this situation? (Many men, many minds.)2)	
Match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1)	 decide
2)	 discuss
3)	 speed
4)	 comfort
5)	 during
6)	 besides
7)	 expensive
8)	 cheap
9)	 journey
10)	 comfortable
a)	 зручність
b)	 дорогий
c)	 протягом
d)	 вирішувати
e)	 подорож
f)	 обговорювати
g)	 зручний
h)	 окрім того
i)	 швидкість
j)	 дешевий
Ask pupils to read the text for gist and answer the questions:
What is the story about?1)	
Who are the main characters?2)	
Ask pupils to read the story again and do Ex. 2, p. 86.
After you read
Answer the questions in Ex. 3, p. 87.
3.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 4, 5, p. 87.
4.	 Reading, writing and speaking
Cut out and shuffle the parts of the dialogues. Students in pairs
have to sort out the cards to make up the dialogues.
Read the sentences on the cards and decide which ones are connected
with a hotel and which with a train station. Then write down all the sen-
tences in the correct order and act two separate dialogues.
— Could you tell me what time the next train is?
— How much is the room?
— Good morning. Could I have a ticket to Bristol please?
— A single, please.
— Yes, I’d like a room, please.
— Oh, a single, please. How much is it?
— Single or double?
— 11.30 from platform 4.
— Thank you.
— Can I help you?
— Single or return?
— With a bath, please.
— How long will you be staying?
— Thank you very much, bye.
— Thirty pounds a night, including breakfast.
— Your room is number 310 on the third floor. I hope you have a nice stay.
— Bye.
— Two nights.
— Oh yes, of course.
— With a bath or with a shower?
— £15.40, please.
— Could you register, please?
Hotel: Can I help you? / Yes, I’d like a room, please. / Single or dou-
ble? / A single, please. / How long will you be staying? / Two nights. /
With a bath or with a shower? / With a bath, please. / How much is the
room? / Thirty pounds a night, including breakfast. / Could you regis-
ter, please? / Oh yes, of course. / Your room is number 310 on the third
floor. I hope you have a nice stay. / Thank you.
Train station: Good morning. Could I have a ticket to Bristol please? /
Single or return? / Oh, a single, please. How much is it? / £15.40,
please. / Could you tell me what time the next train is? / 11.30 from
platform 4. / Thank you very much, bye. / Bye.
7.	 Summary
What is the fastest mean of transport?1)	
What is the most comfortable mean of transport?2)	
What is the most pleasant mean of transport?3)	
What is the best way to learn many interesting things?4)	
What is the most boring way of treavelling?5)	
8.	Homework
Get ready with the questions for the interview to ask your class-
mates how they like to travel.
Lesson 56
Let’s brush up our grammar
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання прислівників та слів too, enough
у мовленні, удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й письма; розви-
вати увагу дітей та кмітливість; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови.
1.	 Warm-up
Work in a group
Imagine you are going to travel.
First you should pack your things. Read the words on the board and
say what you are going to take and why? Start your answer with the
phrase: “I’m going to take...” Ask any person in your group. Follow this
model as an example:
P1. I’m going to take a camera, a swimming costume, sunglasses,
money with me. What are you going to take?
P2. I’m going to take a passport, a phrase book and money. I’m go-
ing to take a swimming costume because I’m going to swim.
a camera a penknife a radio a swimming costume / swimming
a pair of sandals sunglasses a warm sweater an anorak a big warm coat
a tennis rocket trainers a football a dressing gown a pair of pajamas
jeans T-shirts socks a pair of walking boots a dress a towel books
a clock a passport money a phrase book
go sightseeing visit museums swim sail sleep sunbathe play tennis
see friends go fishing climb go to the theatre camp walk learn English
2.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Make up dialogues about travelling. (Homework)
3.	 Grammar practice
Do Ex. 1. p. 88.
4.	 Reading
Read the letter and complete the sentences. (Ex. 2, p. 88)
5.	 Reading and speaking
Practise too, enough in sentences. (Ex. 3, p. 88)
Practise the tenses. (Ex. 4, 5, p. 88)
6.	 Speaking
Word association
Each student gives a different word connected with previous one
For example: a bus — a passenger — speed — a driver — …
a car — (petrol station)•	
a train — (a carriage)•	
an airport — (check-in desk)•	
a ship — (sea)•	
a beach — (a swimming costume)•
a trip — (a suitcase)•	
a vacation — (rest)•	
a view — (camera)•	
geography — (travelling)•	
7.	 Writing
Practise the word order in questions and negative sentences.
Do Ex. 6, 7, p. 89.
8.	 Summary
Answer the questions. Use means of transport (by bus, … on foot)
1)	 How do you get from your home to your school?
2)	 How do your parents travel to work?
3)	 How do you travel when you go on holiday?
4)	 How do you get to the cinema?
5)	 How do you go from your home to the supermarket?
6)	 How do you get from your home to the station?
7)	 How do you get from your home to the nearest airport?	
8)	 How do you travel to the nearest foreign country?
9.	Homework
Write a short paragraph about the means of transport in your
Lesson 57
Travelling is cool!
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання й аудіювання,
систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати мовленнєву ре-
акцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.
1.	 Warm-up
Brainstorm all words connected with the following key words: sea,
air, road, street, city.
Example: sea-ship, voyage, beach, swimming costume, port, wind,
2.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 1, p. 90.
Tell about the means of transport in your town. (Homework)
3.	 Reading
Read the story and answer the question: What did people have to do
if they wanted to have a pleasant journey?
New words
•	 advertisement — об’ява
•	 centime — монета у Франції
For Those Who Like to Travel
One day a Paris newspaper gave an advertisement about a very cheap
and pleasant way of traveling — for 25 centimes. Many people believed
it and sent the money.
A few days later each of them got a letter. The letter read: “Sir, rest
in bed and remember that the Earth turns. Paris stands at the 49th par-
allel. At the 49th parallel you travel more than 25,000 kilometres a day.
You may look out of the window and watch the beautiful sky”.
4.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Complete the dialogue and then act it out (Ex. 2, p. 90).
5.	 Listening
Listen to the text and answer the questions:
What is the best-known symbol of London? Big Ben? St Paul’s Ca-
thedral? Or could it be the big red London double-decker bus? It cer-
tainly could. Big London red buses are recognized all over the world.
The big red motor bus has been London’s “king of the road” since
1911. Every day thousand of Londoners use the big red buses to move —
often slowly — around town. People used to go by open-topped buses
until 1930s. Today they are only the special tourist ones.
But the most famous London buses, called ‘Routemasters’ and date
from the 1950s and 1960s, are the real symbol of London, which have
been sold, in miniature, to millions of visitors.
The Routemaster is a legend in itself. With its open platform at the
back end, the Routemaster is still the most popular bus in London, be-
cause passengers can climb on and off when they want, even if the bus is
Why are London double-decker buses known all over the world?1)	
What colour are they?2)	
When did the famous Routemasters appear?3)	
Why are they so popular?4)	
6.	 Writing
Write a short paragraph about travelling. (Ex. 3, p, 90)
7.	 Speaking
Read the task in Ex. 4, p. 91 and make up a dialogues with your part-
Greet your partner and ask
what has happened?
Greet your partner and say that you
have to get to London very quickly
Advise to fly by plane
Say you have never flown by plane
and you are afraid of flying
Say that travelling by air is
not dangerous
Ask if it is comfortable
Say ‘yes’ and advise to sleep
during the flight
Say thank you
Sample questions
When was the journey?1)	
Where did you fly to?2)	
How did you get to the airport?3)	
Who was with you?4)	
How did you feel before the flight?5)	
What time did you arrive?6)	
Was it a comfortable flight?7)	
Did you see anything during the journey?8)	
8.	 Summary
Work out the Useful tips for travellers (p. 91).
9.	Homework
Write some useful tips for travellers.
Lesson 58
Home Reading. The story of Robinson Crusoe (p. 161)
Цілі:вдосконалюватинавичкичитання,усногомовлення,уживанняв мов­
ленні граматичних структур і лексичних одиниць із теми, розвивати вмін-
ня послідовно висловлюватися іноземною мовою; розвивати мовну здо-
1.	 Warm-up
Have you ever travelled by sea?1)	
Did you like the voyage?2)	
Was it dangerous? (Enjoyable, exciting, troublesome)3)	
Where did you sail?4)	
What books connected with voyages and sea adventures do you know?5)	
Whish of them are the most famous?6)	
2.	 Listening
Have you read “The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”?1)	
Do you know who wrote it?2)	
Listen to some facts from Daniel Defoe’s biography and answer the
Daniel Defoe is a great English writer. He was born in 1660 in Lon-
don. He was a well-known journalist at that time. He traveled, tried
many professions and wrote many books. He took an active part in po-
litical activity. He thought a lot about problems of education and life of
poor people. In 1719, when Defoe was 59, the first part of “The Adven-
tures of Robinson Crusoe” appeared.
Where was Defoe from?1)	
When was he born?2)	
What did he do?3)	
When did readers see the first part of “The Adventures of Robinson4)	
3.	 Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Match the new words with the Ukrainian equivalents.
1)	 drown
2)	 carpenter’s tools
3)	 gun
4)	 reach
5)	 sink
6)	 corn
7)	 alone
8)	 save
9)	 rescue
10)	 the rest of
a)	 рятувати життя
b)	 решта
c)	 рушниця
d)	 занурюватися
e)	 рятувати з небезпечної ситуації
f)	 один
g)	 теслярські інструменти
h)	 тонути
i)	 дістатися
j)	 зерно
Complete the sentences.
Robinson was happy that he didn’t __.1)	
When Robinson __ an island, he had only __ and __.2)	
Nobody lived on the island so Robinson was __.3)	
He had to learn how to grow __ and cook.4)	
After twenty-four years living alone he saved a man’s life.5)	
And __ the years on the island he wasn’t alone.6)
4.	 Listening
Choose the correct answer.
1)	 Crusoe traveled
a)	 by air
b)	 by sea
c)	 on foot
2)	 Robinson got to
a)	 a country
b)	 a port
c)	 an island
3)	 He cut down trees
a)	 build a house
b)	 make a new ship
c)	 make new furniture
4)	 One day Robinson met
a)	 a man
b)	 some men
c)	 a woman
5)	 Robinson came back home
a)	 by a passing horse
b)	 by a passing carriage
c)	 by a passing ship.
5.	 Reading
Jigsaw reading. Cut out and shuffle the parts of the story. Students
in groups of 5–6 have to sort out the cards to make up the sentences.
Give each pupil one or more cards of the story. Tell them they are not
allowed to let anyone else see their cards or write anything down. They
are allowed only to read out. The aim is to sort out the story orally in the
correct order.
Robinson Crusoe was an English sailor
Robinson was the only person who didn’t drown in the terrible storm
He took some useful things from the ship and reached an island
Robinson met nobody and understood that he was alone
He learnt to do everything not to die
Twenty-four years passed when Robinson saved a man’s life
He taught his new friend to speak English and to work on the farm
Now he wasn’t alone
Four years more passed when a ship rescued Robinson
Robinson was lucky to return home with his friend after such a long voyage
6.	 Summary
What is the story about?1)	
What happened to Robinson Crusoe?2)	
What was his life on the island like?3)	
Who was Friday and how did Robinson meet him?4)	
How much time did he spend on the island?5)	
Retell the story very shortly.6)	
7.	Homework
Write a short paragraph about Robinson’s life on the island. Add
a bit more information than in the text if you can.
Unit 6. Around the World
Lesson 59
Looking up some information
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і артиклів
з географічними назвами; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення
й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку і мовленнєву реакцію учнів; вихову-
вати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1.	 Warm-up
1)	 a tube
2)	 black cab
3)	 night life
4)	 travel card
5)	 visitors
6)	 a flat
7)	 double-decker
8)	 midnight
9)	 the rush hour
10)	 a zone
11)	 dear
12)	 rent
a)	 a bus with two levels
b)	 an apartment
c)	 London taxi
d)	 twelve o’clock
e)	 an area
f)	 an underground train
g)	 tourists
h)	 one-day ticket on London transport
i)	 expensive
j)	 films, concerts, plays, discos
k)	 the busiest time to travel
l)	 the monthly price of a place to live
Key: 1 f, 2 c, 3 j, 4 h, 5 g, 6 b, 7 a, 8 d, 9 k, 10 e, 11 i, 12 l.
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
Kevin was a sailor on a big ship. It went to Japan and Australia, so
Kevin was often on the ship for several months at a time. When he woke
up in the morning and looked out, he only saw the sea, or sometimes
a port.
When he was thirty-three, Kevin got married and bought a small
house with a garden in his wife’s town. It was far away from the sea.
Then he had to go back to his ship, and he did not come home for two
months. He went from the port to the town by bus, and he was very hap-
py to see his wife again.
The next morning he slept until 9 o’clock. Then he woke up suddenly
and looked out of the window. There were trees a few feet away. He was
very frightened and jumped out of bed, shouting, “We’ve hit land!”
1)	 Kevin went to other countries because he was __ .
a)	 a driver
b)	 a sailor
c)	 a traveller
2)	 Kevin got married at the age of __ .
a)	 23
b)	 26
c)	 33
3)	 He bought a house __ .
a)	 in his wife’s town near the sea
b)	 in his wife’s town far from the sea
c)	 in his friend’s town far from the sea
4)	 He left his wife for __ .
a)	 two months
b)	 three months
c)	 four months
5)	 He returned home __ .
a)	 by ship
b)	 by train
c)	 by bus
6)	 He woke up __ .
a)	 in a forest
b)	 at home
c)	 on the ship
7)	 He was frightened because there were trees __ .
a)	 in the sea
b)	 in the forest
c)	 in front of the house
3.	 Reading
Read the dialogue in Ex. 1, p. 92.
Practise the names of different countries and nationalities chorally
and individually in the sentences from the dialogue.
France — French	 China — Chinese
Argentina — Argentinean	 Russia — Russian
Italy — Italian	 Spain — Spanish
Turkey –Turkish	 Portugal — Portuguese
Brazil — Brazilian	 Greece — Greek
Are there any books about Japan?
Let’s write a letter to our Japanese friend.
4.	 Speaking
Answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 92.
In pairs make up your own dialogue.
5.	 Writing
Make up as many sentences as you can.
There is
There are
some information
some books
New Zealand
in the library
in atlases
6.	 Summary
Ask and answer the questions in Ex. 3, p. 92.
7.	Homework
Write some sentences how you can get some information about dif-
ferent countries.
Start like this: If I need some information about… I…
Lesson 60
Quizzes! Quizzes!
Цілі: формувати навички вживання артиклів з географічними назвами;
удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; розвивати мовну
здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у роз-
ширенні своїх знань.
1.	 Warm-up
Where are these places?
Complete the sentences. Ask pupils to do it as quickly as they can.
Columbus discovered __. (1)	 America)
Hollywood is in __ . (2)	 California)
The Great Wall is in __ . (3)	 China)
Samba comes from __. (4)	 Brazil)
Shakespeare lived in __ . (5)	 England)
In Australia the native people are aborigines, and in America they6)	
are called __ . (Indians)
Jack London wrote a lot of stories about __ . (7)	 Alaska)
The capital of Ukraine is __ . (8)	 Kyiv)
The City of Angels is the nickname of __ . (9)	 Los Angeles)
The native people of Turkey are __ . (10)	 The Turkish)
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text and answer the questions.
The word quiz was invented by a Dublin theatre manager called Da-
ly. In 1780, Daly had a bet that within 24 hours he could invent a word
that would be on everyone’s lips the next day. He spent the whole night
chalking QUIZ on every wall in the city. The next day the strange word
was on everyone’s lips! What did it mean?
And so it has become to mean a ‘puzzling question’!
Who invented the word quiz?1)	
When did he invented it?2)	
Where was he from?3)	
Why did he do it?4)	
Where did he chalk the word?5)	
How much time did it took him?6)	
Did all the people say this word the next day?7)	
What did it mean?8)	
Match the words and their Ukrainian equivalents.
1)	 to invent
2)	 to have a bet
3)	 on everybody’s lips
4)	 to chalk
5)	 to mean
6)	 to spend
a)	 означати
b)	 писати крейдою
c)	 винаходити
d)	 витрачати час
e)	 в усіх на вустах
f)	 укласти парі
3.	 Speaking and writing
Using the map practise the new vocabulary the north, the south, the
east, the west, in the centre.
Lviv is in the west of Ukraine.1)	
Odesa is in the south of Ukraine.2)
Kharkiv is in the east of Ukraine.3)	
Chornobyl is in the north of Ukraine.4)	
Kyiv is in the centre of Ukraine.5)	
Think of five places in your country. Write them in the correct places
in this table.
North South East West
Large city
Large town
Small town Alupka
Small village
Example: Alupka is a small town in the south of Ukraine.
4.	 Reading
Using the map, practise the names of different countries and cities
from the dialogue (Ex. 4, p. 93) chorally and individually.
Read the dialogue and act it out.
5.	 Speaking
Make up your own quiz. (Ex. 5, p. 93)
6.	 Summary
What is the longest river in Ukraine?1)	
What is the highest mountain in Ukraine?2)	
Where is the warmest place in Ukraine?3)	
Can you get to the Atlantic Ocean from Ukraine by ship? How?4)	
How many continents and oceans in the world?5)	
7.	Homework
Make up a quiz about Ukraine.
Lesson 61
Brown or the Browns
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання артиклів з географічними на-
звами, навички читання й аудіювання; розвивати пам’ять і пізнавальні ін-
тереси учнів; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.
1.	 Warm-up
Picture dictation
Pupils draw a picture containing simple visual information from
a description which you dictate.
Draw an island in the sea. There are some mountains in the middle
of the island. There are some rocks to the north from the mountains. In
the west next to the mountains is a palm-tree. There is a house in the
east at the bottom of the mountains. There is a small lake to the south
from the house. A narrow road connects the lake and the house. And
a lonely elephant is going along the road to the house.
2.	 Listening
Listen to the texts and complete the information.
The second tallest hotel in the world is the Burj Al-Arab (Tower of
the Arabs) in Dubai (United Arab Emirates in Asia). It’s 320 metres tall.
The hotel is situated on a man-made island 280 metres out of the beach
and is designed in the shape of a sail. It is one of the most expensive ho-
tels in the world.
Several years ago a Dutch architect Jan Sonkie built a very unusual
house in Africa. It’s shaped like a football! “I’m crazy about football”,
he says. He built his house in Malawi because he just likes Africa and
would like to stay on the continent forever. Standing on a three-metre-
tall brick wall, his home has become a popular tourist attraction.
Country Continent
Shape of the
A hotel
A house
Country Continent
Shape of the
A hotel United arab
Asia A sail Very tall, situated on an
A house Malawi Africa A football Unusual shape
3.	 Grammar practice
Explain the rule and practice the definite article with geographical
Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 94.
4.	 Speaking
Work in groups.
Brainstorm geographical names in the following groups.
P1. Mountains
P2, P3, P4. The Rocky Mountains, the Carpathians, the Alps.
P2. Tops
P1, P3, P4. Goverla, Everest, Elbrus
5.	 Reading
Read the sentences and put a tick (v) if they are right, and correct
them if they are wrong.
Dick lives in Coronation Street.1)	
Have you ever been to National Theatre?2)	
Milan is a large city in north of Italy.3)	
Brussels is the capital of Belgium.4)	
Manila is the capital of Philippines.5)	
Rocky Mountains are in North America.6)	
In London Houses of Parliament are beside River Thames.7)	
Last night we saw a play at Royal Theatre.8)	
Panama Canal joins Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean.9)	
Ukraine is a big country in the east of Europe.10)	
If you sail from Britain to Denmark, you cross North Sea.11)	
Mary comes from a small village in west of Ireland.12)	
Have you ever been to USA?13)	
Have you seen the Bondarchuks today?14)	
Where do Chinese live?15)	
6.	 Grammar practice
Do Ex. 3, p. 95.
7.	 Summary
Name different geographical names and ask pupils to repeat them
with articles or without articles according to the rule.
•	 Dnipro — the Dnipro
•	 Kyiv — Kyiv
8.	Homework
Imagine that last year you had a journey round the world. Describe
it using different geographical names.
Lesson 62
Welcome to Canada
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; формувати
навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; виховувати доброзичливе
ставлення до співрозмовника; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовлен-
нєву реакцію учнів.
1.	 Warm-up
What is the question?
Ask students to write down ten answers to questions about their im-
aginary journey (homework). After writing down the answers, they have
to form pairs or small groups and try to find out what the questions are.
Example: answer — By car — How did you travel last year?
— The Carpathians — Where did you go?
— White bears — What did you see?
You can stop at three guesses if you want, or keep going until some-
one in the class can guess the question.
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text and answer the questions.
New words
•	 nomad — кочівник
•	 depend on — залежати
•	 seal — тюлень
•	 caribou — карибу (північний канадський олень)
•	 raw — сирий
In 1999 Canada’s Inuit were given their own territory called Nuna-
vut. It’s huge but extremely cold. The Inuit have lived in this frozen
region of tundra, icy lakes and Arctic islands for thousands of years. In
winter, it’s dark 24 hours a day, and the temperature can drop to –50°C.
In summer, it’s light 24 hours a day!
The Inuit used to be called ‘Eskimos’, which means ‘eaters of raw
meat’, but they prefer ‘Inuit’ because it means ‘the people’.
It’s hard to believe but 50 years ago the Inuit were nomads. They
depended on hunting and fishing and moved from place to place as hunt-
ing seasons changed. Today they live in houses and work in offices and
factories. Young people wear western clothes, eat fast food and listen to
rock music.
Some Inuit, however, continue to live as hunters and fishermen.
They wear their traditional clothes and eat their traditional foods like
seal, caribou and polar bear and still make igloos when they go hunting.
1)	 Where do the Inuit live?
2)	 What is the climate like there?
3)	 What is the other word for ‘Inuit’?
4)	 What did they do 50 years ago?
5)	 What is their life like today?
6)	 How do some Inuit keep traditions?
3.	 Reading
Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 96, find the following words there, read
them aloud and match them with the Ukrainian equivalents.
1)	 wonder
2)	 ancient times
3)	 receive
4)	 introduce
5)	 cover
6)	 area
7)	 population
8)	 root
9)	 immigrant
10)	original
11)	independent
a)	 отримувати
b)	 незалежний
c)	 площа
d)	 коріння
e)	 давні часи
f)	 населення
g)	 корінний, справжній
h)	 іммігрант
i)	 знайомити, рекомендувати
j)	 диво
k)	 займати, покривати
Do Ex. 2, p. 97.
4.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 3, p. 97.
In pairs, do Ex. 4, p. 97.
5.	 Summary
Quiz ‘Do you know Canada?”
1)	 Canada is __ .
a)	 the largest country in the world
b)	 the second largest country in the world
c)	 third largest country in the world
2)	 The capital of Canada is __ .
a)	 Montreal
b)	 Toronto
c)	 Ottawa
3)	 Canada has two official languages. They are __ .
a)	 English and German
b)	 English and French
c)	 English and Canadian
4)	 The official colours of Canada are __ .
a)	 red and blue
b)	 white and red
c)	 red and gold
5)	 Canada national sport is __ .
a)	 baseball
b)	 football
c)	 ice hockey
6)	 The Canadian head of state is __ .
a)	 the Queen
b)	 the President
c)	 the Prime Minister
7)	 A snow house built by the Inuit (Eskimos) is called __ .
a)	 an igloo
b)	 a cabin
c)	 a hut
8)	 The world famous waterfall situated in Canada is __ .
a)	 Victoria
b)	 Niagara
c)	 Sutherland
9)	 Canadians have a special celebration in honour of this sweet drink.
What is it?
a)	 Cola
b)	 lemonade
c)	 maple syrup
Key: 1 b, 2 c, 3 b, 4 b, 5 c, 6 a, 7 a, 8 b, 9 c.
6.	Homework
Write a short paragraph about Canada using the questions in Ex. 4,
p. 97 as a plan.
Lesson 63
Countries and Cities
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення, уживання но-
вих лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здогадку, пам’ять; виховувати
інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.
1.	 Warm-up
Look at the world map and answer the questions.
What is Italy washed by?1)	
What is the capital of Greece?2)	
Where is India situated?3)	
What river does Washington stand on?4)	
What sea is situated between Europe, Asia and Africa?5)	
What is the biggest island in the world?6)	
How many lakes are there in the Lake District between Canada and7)	
the USA?
What mountains are there in the west of South America?8)	
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text and answer the questions.
Practise the new vocabulary.
mystery	 conquistador
destroy	 ruler
cover	 religious ceremony
temple	 magic
Machu Picchu is a place of magic and mystery and really a wonder of
the world. It is an Inca city high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. The
Spanish conquistadors destroyed other Inca cities, but never found Ma-
chu Picchu. It was only discovered in 1911.
Machu Picchu was built more than 500 years ago. It is said that the
Inca ruler Pachacuti covered the buildings in the city with gold. About
750 people lived there and used the city for astrological and religious
The most important buildings in the city are the Temple of the Sun
and the Room of the Three Windows.
1)	 What is Machu Picchu?
2)	 Where is it situated?
3)	 Why didn’t the Spanish conquistadors destroy it?
4)	 When did people discover it?
5)	 When did the Incas build Machu Picchu?
6)	 How did the Incas use it?
7)	 Why did people want to find it?
3.	 Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Write the new words (p. 98) on the board and practise them chorally
and individually.
Western Europe, the eastern sky, southern Italy, Northern Europe.
Using a map make up as many sentences as you can.
the Carpathians
situated in
4.	 Reading
Read the letters in Ex. 1, p. 98 and complete the information in the
Country Capital Location Is washed by Language Attractions
Do Ex. 2, p. 98.
5.	 Writing
Practise the name of the countries and languages. Make up senten­
ces and write them down.
The language of
the USA
6.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Do Ex. 3, p. 99.
7.	 Reading and writing
Do Ex. 4, p. 99.
8.	 Summary
Imagine a country where you come from and answer the questions.
Where do you come from?1)	
Where is it?2)	
Where is it exactly?3)	
What does your city like?4)	
What is the official language of your country?5)	
9.	Homework
Ex. 5, p. 99.
Lesson 64
Let’s go sightseeing
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона-
лювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення; розвивати мов-
леннєву реакцію й пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість
у розширенні своїх знань.
1.	 Warm-up
Put the following sentences in the correct order. Then read the dia-
logue with a partner.
— Could you tell me when we get there?
— Does this bus go to Marble Arch?
— Thank you. Did you say a number 12?
— No, you have to get off at Oxford Circus and take a 12.
— Oxford Circus is the next stop but one.
— Yes, a number 12 or a number 14.
Key: Does this bus go to Marble Arch? / No, you have to get off at
Oxford Circus and take a number 12. / Thank you. Did you say a number
12? / Yes, a number 12 or a number 14. / Could you tell me when we get
there? / Oxford Circus is the next stop but one.
2.	 Listening
Before listening
Answer the questions (1a, p. 100) and practice the new words: a leaf-
let, a sightseeing tour, to have a look.
Listen to the dialogue and complete the information below.
— So what are you going to do while you are here?
— Well, I don’t know much about New York really, you know. I’ve
just come and I’d like to see quite a lot of sights.
— You are lucky. I work at the southern department of City Travel
Service and I’ve got some leaflets about New York. Here you are. You’ll
find a lot of useful information there.
— I’m planning to start early tomorrow morning. What should I do
— I think you should start with the Empire State Building.
— OK. Let’s have a look in the leaflet. What does it say about it? The
Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper in New York City at the
crossroads of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. Its name comes from
the nickname for the state of New York. It was completed in 1931 and
stood as the world’s tallest building for more than forty years until con-
struction of the World Trade Center’s North Tower was completed in
1972. When the World Trade Center was destroyed in 2001, the Empire
State Building again became the tallest building in New York City and
New York State. And now it is the second tallest skyscraper in America.
It sounds great! I’ll definitely do that. And what about the Statue of
Liberty? I must see the Statue of Liberty!
— Sure. You can take a sightseeing tour. It stops nearby and you can
get out and climb up to the top. I must say that the Statue of Liberty was
a present to the people of the United States from the people of France
and was brought to America in 1884. The Statue of Liberty stands on
Liberty Island in the middle of New York harbour. It has become a sym-
bol of hope and freedom and was the first American sight seen by many
people who went to the USA for a better life. The Statue is 46 metres
high and weighs 204 tons.
— Yeah? It’s incredible! I think I’ll start my tour with this monu-
The traveller was lucky to meet a travel agent. (1)	 Yes)
The agent gave him a book about New York. (2)	 No, a leaflet)
The agent advised him to visit the Empire State Building at first.3)	
It is 46 metres high. (4)	 The Statue of Liberty)
It has 102 floors. (5)	 The Empire State Building)
It was built in 1931. (6)	 The Empire State Building)
It was built in 1884. (7)	 The Statue of Liberty)
Answer the questions.
Is the Empire State Building the tallest skyscraper in America?1)	
Was it always the tallest building in New York?2)	
How did the Americans get the Statue of Liberty?3)	
Where does it stand?4)	
What place of interest did the traveller choose to see first?5)	
3.	 Reading
Do Ex. 2, p. 100.
4.	 Reading and speaking
Read the text in Ex. 3, p. 101 and answer the questions.
Can tourists visit the Tower of London every day?1)	
What time does the London Zoo open and close on Sunday?2)	
Where should you call to have a sightseeing tour around London?3)	
What is the address of the Madame Tussaud’s Museum and what4)	
time does it open?
5.	 Writing and speaking
Work in pairs.
Make up a short dialogue using the information in Ex. 3, write it
down and act it out.
— What shall we do at the weekend?
— Why don’t we go to __? We can see __ .
— Yes, let’s __ / That’s a good idea. / When does it open?
— No, I don’t think it’ll be interesting. / They sat it’ll be cold.
— Then what about going / visiting __.?
— OK.
6.	 Summary
What information can we find in leaflets?1)	
How can it help us?2)	
What else can help us when we travel around the city?3)	
What means of transport are comfortable for getting around the4)	
Who can help us to go sightseeing?5)	
7.	Homework
Make up a leaflet for visitors to your country.
Lesson 65
It’s time for reading
Цілі: формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови; розвивати вміння
читати й переказувати; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; роз-
вивати логічне мислення.
1.	 Warm-up
Do you enjoy looking round cities?1)	
What kind of places do you enjoy visiting?2)	
What is the most interesting city that you have visited? Why?3)	
Which cities would you most like to visit? Why?4)	
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text and answer the questions.
Practise the new vocabulary.
deep in the heart	 a peninsula
ancient civilization	 construction
century	 a temple
staircase	 steep
The Egyptians were not the only people who built pyramids. The
Maya built them too.
Deep in the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico lies Chichen
Itza, a former centre of the ancient civilization. Although scientists
know little about the Maya (they had no written language), it is believed
that the construction of Chichen Itza began around the 7th century and
continued for about 200 years. The city had pyramid-shaped temples
and palaces, large squares, markets, baths and an astronomical observa-
tory. One of the pyramids was a Mayan calendar with 92 steps on each
side. Though this staircase is quite steep thousands of tourists from all
over the world try to climb up to the top of the pyramid.
Where is Chichen Itza situated?1)	
What ancient people lived there?2)	
Could the Maya write?3)	
When did the construction of the city start?4)	
How long did it last?5)	
What were there in this city?6)	
What attracts people there?7)	
3.	 Reading
Before you read
Look at the pictures and say what means of transport you can see.
How do you think if they are safe?
Practise the pronunciation of the proper names
Thor Heyerdahl	 Barbados
Norway	 the Pacific Ocean
South America	 Egypt
the Atlantic Ocean	 the River Nile
the Ancient Egyptians	 Morocco
Ask pupils to read the text (p. 102) for gist and answer the ques-
What is the story about?1)	
Who is the main character?2)	
Ask pupils to read the story again and match the following words
with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1)	 notice
2)	 the same
3)	 wooden
4)	 raft
5)	 similar
6)	 both
7)	 reed
8)	 grow
9)	 towards
10)	 sink
a)	 обидва
b)	 рости
c)	 тонути
d)	 очерет
e)	 помічати
f)	 такий самий
g)	 у напрямку
h)	 подібний
i)	 пліт
j)	 дерев’яний
Fill in the gaps.
the same raft both towards noticed similar
He __ two policemen coming __ him.
I saw two __ temples in different countries.
The pyramids in __ countries are built many centuries ago.
People are __ all over the world.
We made a small __ to cross the river.
After you read
Answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 103.
4.	 Speaking
Try to retell the story very shortly. Use the pictures in Ex. 3,
p. 103.
5.	 Summary
What do you know about other travellers and their discoveries. Say
a few sentences using the words in Ex. 4, p. 103
6.	Homework
Write a short paragraph about a traveller you wish using Ex. 4,
p. 103.
Lesson 66
Let’s brush up our grammar
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання лексичних одиниць у граматич-
них структурах Past Simple and Present Perfect, удосконалювати навички
усного мовлення й письма; розвивати увагу дітей та кмітливість; вихову-
вати інтерес до іноземної мови.
1.	 Warm-up
Where can we find these objects? Put these words in the proper col-
zebra crossing meadow refrigerator surfboard pond pedestrian
parking meter carpet dishwasher wet suit chickens pebbles
wash basin shell drawer orchard post box barn
In the street At home On the beach In the country
2.	 Listen
Listen to the text and say which statements are true.
The word that may best describe Texas is ‘big’. After Alaska it’s the
second largest state in the United States. The name Texas comes from
a Native American word meaning ‘friends’, and the motto of the state is
‘Friendship’. The states’ nickname is the ‘Lone Star State’, because it
has the only star on its flag. Texas has a unique history. After becoming
independent from Mexico in 1836, it was a separate country for nearly
10 years! Texas was home to the cowboy, the hero of the American Wild
West and also home to the first rodeo, a competition to see who is the
best at riding a wild horse or a bull, roping a cow or shooting. It was held
in 1883. Rodeos are still very popular in Texas.
The capital of the state is Austin. It stands on the Colorado River in
south-central Texas. The largest city in Texas is Houston. NASA, the
American government space centre, is based in Houston. Texas is known
for its love of American football.
1)	 Texas is the largest city in the USA.
2)	 The word ‘Texas” means ‘friends’.
3)	 There is one star on its flag.
4)	 Before joining the USA, Texas was an independent country.
5)	 Rodeos are competitions for real cowboys.
6)	 Rodeos started in 1893.
7)	 The capital of Texas is Houston.
8)	 The capital stands on the Colorado River in the north of Texas.
9)	 There are a lot of fans of American football in Texas.
3.	 Grammar practice
Revise the rule as for using Past Simple and Present Perfect. Read
the examples in Ex. 1 and make up questions in Ex. 2, p. 104.
4.	 Reading
Do Ex. 3, p. 104.
5.	 Writing
Make up sentences using Present Perfect.
•	 ride a motorbike?
•	 eat fish and chips?
•	 break / my camera,
•	 lose / my car keys
•	 do any skiing?
•	 have an operation?
•	 see / a ghost
•	 drop / my glasses
Do Ex. 4, p. 104
Complete the dialogues.
1)	 — What __ (you / do) last weekend?
	 I __ (stay) at home.
2)	 — __(you / ever / win) a competition?
	 — Yes, I __ (win) a dancing competition in 2008.
3)	 — I __ (meet) Jill last week.
	 — Really? I __ (not / see) her for months.
6.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Do Ex. 5, 6, p. 105.
7.	 Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 7, p. 105
8.	 Summary
Have you ever been to Texas?1)	
When did you go there?2)	
Have you ever seen rodeo?3)	
Did you like it?4)	
Who has become the hero of American westerns?5)	
Have you ever heard about NASA? What is it?6)	
Have you seen all the famous places and sights in your town?7)	
9.	Homework
Write a few incredible answers to the question: What’s happened?
— What’s happened?
— I’ve lost one million dollars!
Lesson 67
It’s a Superlative World
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання й аудіювання,
систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати мовленнєву ре-
акцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.
1.	 Warm-up
Answer your partner’s questions and fill in the chart.
A North South East West
Florida / a state
Linton / a small town
Baltimore / a big city
The UK
Kent ________________________
Snowdon _____________________
York ________________________
B North South East West
The UK
Kent / a county
Snowdon / a mountain
York / a town
Florida _______________________
Linton _______________________
Baltimore _____________________
Sample dialogue
A. Where is Kent?
B. It’s in the south of the UK.
A. Is it a city?
B. No, it isn’t. It’s a county.
A. I know that Kent is a county in the south of the UK.
2.	 Listening
Listen to the texts and do the task.
New words
•	 glacier — льодовик
•	 spring — джерело
•	 steaming water — кипляча вода
•	 geyser — гейзер
Amazing countries, amazing cities
Iceland is an amazing country, its name makes you think of ice, and
this country certainly has lots of it. In fact, there is a glacier in Iceland
that is so big that the rest of all the glaciers in Europe could fit inside it.
But there’s so much more to this country than ice. Actually, it can be
one of the hottest places on the planet! There are two hundred volcanoes
in Iceland, and many of them are still active. Geysers and hot springs
shoot steaming water up out of the ground.
The local people of a small Spanish town Buñol have a very unusual
holiday — a tomato throwing festival called La Tomatina. Thousands of
people take part in this messy event and enjoy throwing tomatoes. It is
held every year on the last Wednesday in August. It’s one of the funni-
est festivals in the world. It started in 1944 when locals began throwing
their lunch at each other in a square in the town.
Complete the sentences.
1)	 In Iceland there is a lot of __ . (Ice)
2)	 Buñol is situated in __ . (Spain)
3)	 __ can move slowly down a mountain. (Glaciers)
4)	 __ are main vegetables of this festival. (Tomatoes)
5)	 __ is a great season for such a funny festival. (Summer)
6)	 It’s such fun to __ tomatoes at each other. (Throw)
7)	 It’s very hot in Iceland because there are a lot of __ there.
8)	 __ and hot __ give much hot water. (Geysers, spring)
3.	 Reading and speaking
Do the quiz in Ex. 1, p. 106.
4.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 2, p. 107.
5.	 Writing and speaking
Match the parts of the dialogue, complete them and then act it out.
— May I help you? — I think __ will be exciting
— What exactly do you want to
— Oh, that’s a good idea. Thank you
— What tour do you prefer — around
the city, visiting churches, art galler-
ies or parks?
— Yes, I’d like to get some informa-
tion about __
— What about travelling around the
old part of the city?
— First of all I’d like to __
6.	 Summary
What is the largest country in the world?1)	
What is the longest river?2)	
Where is the highest mountain?3)	
What river does London stand on?4)	
Why do many people like travelling?5)	
7.	Homework
Ask pupils to imagine the country where they are from and write
about it a few sentences.
Start like this: I’m from… It’s a big (small) country in the north
(east…) of….
Lesson 68
Home Reading. The USA (p. 159)
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення, уживання в мов­
ленні граматичних структур і лексичних одиниць із теми, удосконалювати
навички вимови; розвивати вміння послідовно висловлюватися інозем-
ною мовою; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати інтерес до іноземної
мови, подорожування.
1.	 Warm-up
Work in pairs.
Look at the table and say what languages these people can speak.
A. Can Ali speak German?
B. Yes, he can.
A. Can he speak French?
B. I don’t know.
Maria v
Lee Shu v
Jason v v
Akami v v v
Ali v
Monica v v v
Maria v v
Lee Shu v
Jason v v
Akami v
Ali v
Monica v v v v
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text and do the task.
The White House
The White House in an important part of Washington, D.C. It is
where the president lives and works. George Washington is the only
American president who did not live there.
John Adams was the first president to live in the White House. He
and his family moved into the house in 1800.
The White House has 132 rooms. Visitors may tour some of the first-
floor room, Second floor is “home” for the president and his family. The
White House has many special rooms. It even has a private bowling alley
and a movie theatre.
True or False
George Washington was the first president to live in the White1)	
The American president only works in the White House.2)	
John Adams was the first to move into the White House.3)	
The president and his family live on the first floor.4)	
There are 132 rooms in the White House.5)	
Visitors can tour all of the rooms in the White House.6)	
The White house is located in the state of Washington.7)	
3.	 Speaking
Practise the pronunciation of the proper names
The United States of America	 the USA
Alaska	 California
the Mississippi-Missouri River	 New York
Los Angeles	 Chicago
Rhode Island	 Delaware
Texas	 Washington
Then look at the map and say where they are situated.
4.	 Reading
Complete the information.
Different rich	 far away	 small	 big
1)	 The USA has five time zones because it’s very __ .
2)	 The USA produces quite a lot of different things so it’s very __ .
3)	 Some eastern states are very __ .
4)	 You can’t get Alaska very quickly because it’s very __ .
5)	 People from all over the world come to the USA so they speak __
5.	 Speaking
Answer the questions.
1)	 Where is the USA situated?
2)	 Is it a big country?
3)	 What is the longest river in the USA?
4)	 What things do the USA produce?
5)	 What is the population of the USA?
6)	 What are the largest cities in the USA?
7)	 How many states are there in the USA?
8)	 Has each state got its own government and its own capital?
9)	 What is the capital of the USA?
10)	Is it situated in one of the states?
11)	What is the federal district where the capital is situated called?
12)	Where does the American president live?
13)	How many stars and stripes are there on the American flag?
14)	How many were there original states which got their indepen­
15)	When did it happen?
6.	 Summary
What names do you remember at once when you hear “the USA”?1)	
How can you get to the USA?2)	
Do you know any interesting facts about this country?3)	
Which places of interest would you like to visit in the USA?4)	
7.	Homework
Make a project (p. 107).
Unit 7. Welcome to Ukraine!
Lesson 69
Meeting the guests
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона-
лювати навички аудіювання й усного мовлення з опорю на лексико-гра-
матичні структури і вміння робити пропозицію; удосконалювати навички
монологічного висловлювання; розвивати культуру спілкування; вихову-
вати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.
1.	 Warm-up
What are the most attractive places in your country?1)	
Are there many famous sights in your country? What are they fa-2)	
mous for?
What’s your favourite place in your country? Is it popular with3)	
many people? Why?
2.	 Speaking
Pupils present their projects about foreign countries. (Homework)
3.	 Reading and speaking
Read the dialogue in Ex. 1, p. 108 and act it out. Then answer the
questions in Ex. 2, p. 108.
4.	 Speaking
Present the new vocabulary (p. 108) then practice it chorally and
individually in different sentences.
Our country is famous for its national crafts.1)	
We are proud of our Ukrainian craftsmen.2)	
My friend is good at embroidery.3)	
Ukrainian embroidered towels are well-known in many countries.4)	
I’ve worked out everything and I know what we should do now.5)	
5.	 Listening and speaking
Look at the schedule below and in pairs discuss how to organize the day.
A. Who shall we send to meet them at the airport?
B. Why don’t we all go? / Let’s all go.
Arrive at airport
Who / send to meet them?
Visit the school
What / show them?
What / give them to eat?
Visit famous building/church.
Which one / choose?
Folk dancing or traditional entertainment
What sort of dancing / enter-
tainment / have?
Dinner at school
Where / have it?
Who / invite?
What present / give them?
What sort of concert / prepare?
6.	 Writing and speaking
Write down the suggestions and then practise them orally.
Why don’t we
Why not
What about
show them some folk dancing
prepare an international festival
preparing a concert
have a tour about the city
make an exhibition of Ukrainian craft works
make some souvenirs ourselves
work out a national dishes contest
performing a Ukrainian tale
having anything to eat in “Varenichna”?
work out a football match with their team
have a karaoke competition
Make up short dialogues. React to your partner’s suggestions choos-
ing from the replies below.
Yes, let’s…
That’s a good idea.
That might be interesting.
I don’t like…
I don’t feel like it.
I’m not very fond of…
7.	 Summary
What country would you like to visit?1)	
What would you tell about your country? About your hometown?2)	
Have you ever visited any craft displays?3)	
What craft display would you recommend your guests to visit?4)	
What would you suggest to your friends to prepare to surprise your5)	
8.	Homework
Write a short paragraph about your country (geographical position,
Lesson 70
We need some ideas
Цілі: формувати навички вживання граматичної конструкції So / Neither
do I; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й аудіювання, уживання
лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати любов до
своєї країни й позитивне ставлення до національних традицій.
1.	 Warm-up
In pairs, write a list of places in your country.
Give the names of:
•	 a tourist country
•	 a big town in the north
•	 an old university
•	 a beautiful building
•	 a boring town
•	 a town near the sea
•	 an industrial city
•	 a small town in the south
•	 an ugly building
•	 an interesting town
Then in groups compare your lists. Are they the same?
2.	 Reading
Read the texts and complete the information.
Name of city:
Name of region:
Myrgorod, a beautiful old town in the north-east of Ukraine on the
Khorol River, is situated in Poltava Region. It is known since 1757. Its
name means ‘peaceful town’. Myrgorod is famous for Sorochyntsi
­Autumn Fair.
Feodosia is a town on the south coast of the Crimea, on the Black
Sea. It was founded by the Greeks in the VI century. It has the Picture
Gallery of I. Aivazovskyi, the literary	museum of O. Grin and the His-
torical Reserve “The Fortress of Kafa”. Many people think that the
beaches there are beautiful.
3.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 3, p. 108.
4.	 Grammar practice
Work in groups of four
Practise So do I / Neither do I.
A. I live in Poltava.
C. So do I.
B. I don’t like reading.
D. Neither do I.
Lives in:	 Poltava
Speaks:	 French, Spanish
Likes:	 travelling
Dislikes:	 cooking
Plays:	 volleyball
Lives in:	 Odessa
Speaks:	 Spanish, English
Likes:	 cycling
Dislikes:	 reading
Plays:	 tennis
Lives in:	 Poltava
Speaks:	 English, French
Likes:	 cycling
Dislikes:	 cooking
Plays:	 volleyball
Lives in:	 Kyiv
Speaks:	 English, German
Likes:	 travelling
Dislikes:	 reading
Plays:	 tennis
5.	 Reading and speaking
Read the dialogue in Ex. 4, p. 109. Practise the pronunciation of the
following words: senior, guest, airport, communication, exhibition, folk,
embroidered towel, wooden souvenir
Express your ideas using the table.
We can
show them some folk dancing
prepare an international festival
prepare a concert
have a tour about the city
make an exhibition of Ukrainian craft works
make some souvenirs ourselves
work out a national dishes contest
perform a Ukrainian tale
work out a football match with their team
have a karaoke competition
organize a theme party
6.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 6, p. 109.
In pairs, make up your dialogues using the words from the exercise
and the following expressions:
making suggestions
What about…
Why don’t…
We can…
giving advice
You should
Why don’t you…?
You can…
— I know some of the guests like drama and music.
— Then let’s perform a play.
— Or why don’t we work our a puppet show?
— I think they should visit our drama theatre.
7.	 Summary
Where would you like to spend your holiday in our country? Why?1)	
What things usually attract people in different cities?2)	
What is the best kind of transport to travel about Ukraine?3)	
8.	Homework
Ex. 5, p. 109.
Lesson 71
Teach yourself
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання граматичної конструкції So /
Neither do I і зворотних займенників, навички усного мовлення і вживання
лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здогадку і логічне мислення; вихо-
вувати інтерес до англійської мови.
1.	 Warm-up
In pairs, ask and say where the following places are.
Izmaiil	 Mykolaiv	 Izium
Kharkiv	 Kaniv	 Chornobyl
Kherson	 Lviv	 Yalta
— Where’s Izmaiil?
— It’s in the south of Ukraine.
2.	 Listening
Listen to someone describing a city in the warm-up. Guess what city
it is.
I think it’s my favourite city in the world. It’s very big but some-
times it seems very small because there are certain parts of the city
which have very small streets and very small shops. There are a lot of
things to do there. There are museums, galleries, the Zoo and even child­
ren’s railway. It’s a city that is never boring. It is full of historical build-
ings and also there are a lot of modern buildings there as well. Haven’t
you guessed yet? It has the biggest square in Europe and it was the first
capital of Ukraine. (Kharkiv)
3.	 Grammar practice
Explain the rule how to use So / Nor (neither)+ …, write example
sentences on the board and practise them chorally and individually.
4.	 Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 110.
5.	 Writing
Write down the questions to the answers.
1)	 My bike is very old.
2)	 I’m going to read this book.
3)	 I’ve eaten enough.
4)	 Dan passed the exam.
5)	 I’m not studying tomorrow.
6)	 I can’t understand this rule.
7)	 Beth didn’t go to the festival.
8)	 I’ve got a cold.
9)	 I haven’t got much money.
10)	My printer doesn’t work.
11)	I haven’t done my homework.
12)	We are going to the seaside.
6.	 Grammar practice
Revise the reflexive pronouns. Make up the sentences and then write
down some of them.
a meal
a house
a concert
a snack
a room
a cup of coffee
at the concert
7.	 Reading and writing
Do Ex. 3, p. 111.
8.	 Summary
Do Ex. 4, p. 111.
9.	Homework
Make up some statements for the dialogue.
For example: — I can speak Chinese. — Really? So can I.
Lesson 72
Welcome to Ukraine!
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; формувати
навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і навички вимови; виховува-
ти доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника; розвивати культуру спіл-
кування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів.
1.	 Warm-up
1)	 What is the best city in our country? Why?
2)	 What are the most interesting tourist sights for visitors in our city
(monuments, museums, temples)?
3)	 What are the most popular vacation places for people in our coun-
try? Why?
2.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Make up a dialogue using these prompts. Student A meets Student B
on a train.
Student A
Where do you come from?1)	
Where is that exactly?2)	
What’s it like?3)	
Do you like living there?4)	
Student B
You come from the south of Ukraine. Answer Student’s A questions.
Then return the questions.
3.	 Reading
Before reading
Answer the questions.
Where is Ukraine situated?1)	
What is the capital of Ukraine?2)	
What are the biggest cities?3)	
What interesting places in Ukraine do you know?4)	
Which words do you usually associate with Ukraine?5)	
Read the text (p. 112).
Find the following words in the text and practise them chorally and
individually, then match them with their Ukrainian equivalents and
practice the new vocabulary.
1)	 an independent state
2)	 an undiscovered treasure
3)	 culture
4)	 a health resort
5)	 remarkable
6)	 a tourist
7)	 a pancake
8)	 a style
9)	 a sense of humour
a)	 стиль
b)	 курорт
c)	 почуття гумору
d)	 турист
e)	 незалежна держава
f)	 культура
g)	 чудовий, дивний
h)	 нерозкритий скарб
i)	 млинець
Fill in the gaps.
Culture style an independent state remarkable
health resorts tourists sense of humour
1)	 Many __ visit our country every year.
2)	 She’s got a really good __.
3)	 Our country is __.
4)	 We should be proud of our Ukrainian __.
5)	 There are a lot of __ on the southern coast of Ukraine.
6)	 You look like a film star. I like your __.
7)	 Ukraine is __ for its nature.
4.	 Writing
Do Ex. 2, p. 113.
5.	 Speaking
Introduce your country using the questions in Ex. 3, p. 113.
In pairs, using these questions make up your own dialogues.
6.	 Summary
What remarkable places in Ukraine (in your region) can you name?1)	
What Ukrainian national dishes do you know?2)	
Can you make any of them?3)	
What attracts people from all over the world in our country?4)	
What resorts in Ukraine do you know? Where are they?5)	
Where would you like to spend your holidays?6)	
7.	Homework
Make up a leaflet for visitors to your region.
Lesson 73
Know more about Ukraine
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; удосконалю-
вати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і монологічного ви­
словлювання; розвивати мовну здогадку; розвивати пам’ять; виховувати
любов до своєї країни, інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.
1.	 Warm-up
What’s your favourite place in your country? Is it popular with1)	
many people? Why?
Who are the most popular people in your country? What are they2)	
like? What do they do?
What have they done for your country?3)	
What are the most popular activities and hobbies in your country?4)	
2.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 1, p. 114.
3.	 Reading
Read the texts in Ex. 2, p. 114 and match them with the photos.
4.	 Speaking
Read the new words on the board and practise them chorally and
individually: a description, an impression, a lifestyle, a region, native, to
describe, that’s why.
Find the sentences with them on the page and read them aloud.
5.	 Reading
Read about the people from different parts of Ukraine. Then answer
the questions.
Who has got
a baby daughter?	 two teenage children?
Who lives
at home?	 with her mother?	 in the country?	 in a flat?
Who lives
in the north?	 in the south?	 in the east?	 in the west?
Who is
a musician?	 a pupil?	 a rock lover?
Who works
at an airport?	 in a factory?	 on a farm?
A n n a B o n d a r e n k o. I’m 14 and I live with my mother in a small
town in the north of Ukraine. I’m crazy about rock music that’s why
I’ve learnt to play the guitar. I work hard at my lessons too, so I haven’t
free time at all.
S t e p a n K o v a l e n k o. I live at home with my family. We live in
the country near Lutsk, which is the capital of Volyn Region and one of
industrial centres of the Western Ukraine. I’m in the sixth form. My
parents work on a farm and I often help them because I like animals.
N a t a l i B o y k o. I’m a musician and my husband works in a fac-
tory. We live with our two teenage children in the centre of Kharkiv in
a flat. We like travelling about Ukraine and sharing our impressions
after that. That’s why we try to describe everything we see.
A l e x Z o t o v. I work for the Ukrainian airlines. I work at the
check-in desk at the airport in Simferopol. I live with my wife and baby
daughter in a small flat in Simferopol. The Crimea is a wonderful place,
that’s why we are fond of travelling about our native region and climb-
ing in the Crimean mountains.
6.	 Reading and writing
Read the Fact Files in Ex. 3, p. 115. Then fill in the chart.
Country Ukraine The UK
Size / territory
Special geographical features
Largest cities
Longest rivers
National food
Head of the state
Work in pairs
Make up your own dialogues using this chart.
7.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 3(b), p. 115.
8.	 Summary
Do Ex. 6, p. 115.
9.	Homework
Ex. 5, p. 115.
Lesson 74
The most popular tourist places
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і на-
вички читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовленнєву
реакцію й пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розши-
ренні своїх знань, любов до своєї країни, повагу до минулого.
1.	 Warm-up
Pupils go around the class asking Have you ever been to…?, then they
sum up.
Example: Masha has been to Kharkiv in the east, but she hasn’t been
to Yalta in the south.
Any place
in the south
of Ukraine
Any place
in the north
of Ukraine
Any place
in the east
of Ukraine
Any place
in the west
of Ukraine
Masha * x * x
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text “At the travel agent’s” and answer the questions:
— Hello. What can I do for you?
— Well, I’d like to go somewhere with beautiful beaches.
— Sure, sometimes it’s nice to visit countries that have good weath-
er and beautiful beaches. That’s why places like Australia and Fiji are
such popular destinations.
— Are there any places a bit nearer?
— Certainly. Here you are. Look at this leaflet. The southern coast of
the Black Sea is a nice place to spend holidays. There are different ways
to do that. I can advise you some interesting tours. If you like camping,
you could hike the Crimean Mountains to reach the coast and spend some
days there living in the tents and making meals yourself in the open air.
— Oh, no. I’d like to have a rest without cooking. Is there anything
— Yeah, there’s another interesting trip in the same area — just
around the mountains but staying in summer cottages while you’re
walking towards the coast and then staying in a hotel at the seaside. The
hotel is not big but very comfortable.
— That doesn’t sound very good too. I don’t like walking too much.
I’d like to do nothing at all.
— Perhaps you’d better stay at home and watch beautiful beaches
on TV?
How many pieces of advice does the travel agent give?1)	
Is the traveller going to visit Australia?2)	
Does the traveller like any of the tours?3)	
Why didn’t he like any of them?4)	
3.	 Reading
Do Ex. 2, p. 116.
4.	 Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 3, p. 116.
Practise saying agreement and disagreement.
I (quite) agree (with you)
I think so too.
You’re (quite) right there.
So do I.
That’s right
I don’t agree (I disagree) (with you).
I don’t think so.
I’m afraid I can’t agree (with you).
Come off it.
That’s wrong
— They say there are many cowboys in Kyiv.
— Come off it! It is not Texas.
— They say Kyiv is a wonderful city.
— I think so too.
— So do I. Our capital is…
5.	 Writing
Make up and write down some questions to find out some informa-
tion about any tourist places you are going to visit.
Sample questions
What attractions do they have?1)	
Is the area clean?2)	
Is the traffic heavy?3)	
Are there any ancient castles nearby?4)	
What is this place famous for?5)	
Where can I buy any craft works there?6)	
Do they have any exciting festivals?7)	
6.	 Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 4, p. 117.
Work in pairs. Find your partner
The students get cards. Half of them are with the advertisements of
hotels. The others are for travel agents.
A travel agent starts:
The Dnipro Tourism Board. Helen speaking. May I help you?
The student who has this card answers:
Yes, I’d like to get information about…
The students present their dialogues (3–4 questions) using ques-
tions from the previous task.
Old Village Inn
Attractions: nice
beach, swim-
ming, sports cen-
tres, places of
natural beauty
Holiday House
fresh air, the
beautiful scen-
ery, comfort-
able rooms
National Hotel
Attractions: hik-
ing the moun-
tains, historical
city centre, old
Motel “Dnipro”
Attractions: the
Dnipro views, the
Dnipro power sta-
tion, Khortytsya Is-
land, national folk
The Crimean
Travel Centre
The Regional
Tourist Agency
The Tourist Agen-
cy “SAM”
The Dnipro Tourist
7.	 Summary
1)	 What is the best city in our country? Why?
2)	 What are the most interesting tourist sights for visitors in our city
(monuments, museums, temples)?
3)	 What are the most popular vacation places for people in our coun-
try? Why?
8.	Homework
Ex. 5, p. 117.
Lesson 75
It’s time for reading
Цілі: формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови; розвивати вміння
читати й переказувати; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; роз-
вивати логічне мислення.
1.	 Warm-up
Letter lottery
The teacher will need a box containing pieces of rolled up paper with
letters of alphabet written on them, three for each student. Every pupil
chooses three rolls with written letters. In a minute he or she has to re-
member the words related to the topics “Ukraine” and “Travelling”,
whose names begin with the chosen letters. Finally, each participant
presents the words and describes them.
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text about bears and answer the questions.
Bears Are Different
The brown bear is a large animal. It lives in the forest. Its coat is
thick and rough. It eats wild fruit which it finds in the forest. It also like
honey, and often spoils the hives of the wild bees. During the winter
months the brown bear sleeps.
The polar bear lives in the cold north where there is always snow on
the ground. It has got a coat of thick white fur. It is a very good swim-
mer. In the sea the polar bear catches seals for its dinner. In summer the
polar bear also looks for berries.
The koala bear is from Australia. It lives in trees, sleeps for most of
the day and moves about and feeds at night. They eat eucalyptus leaves
and seldom drink. Adult koala bears are not very big. They are only
0,5 metres tall.
The panda bear is one of the rarest animals in the world. It lives in
the jungles of China. It is a large animal up to 2 metres long. It has got
a coat of long black and white fur. It eats bamboo, plants and sometimes
Which bear lives in the north?1)	
Which bear likes eucalyptus leaves?2)	
Which bear likes honey very much?3)	
Which bear has got black and white fur?4)	
Which bear sleeps in the forest in winter?5)	
Which bear sleeps during the day time?6)	
Which bear can swim well?7)	
Which bear feeds fish and bamboo?8)	
3.	 Reading
Before you read
Look at the pictures and predict what the story is about.
Practise the new vocabulary.
New words to know.
•	 a hollow — дупло
•	 wild — дикий
•	 tiny — крихітний
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6 англ кіктенко_по карп’юк_2_пособ_2012_укр

  • 1. 1 Харків Видавнича група «Основа» 2012 Книга скачана с сайта http://e� Издательская группа «Основа» — «Электронные книги»
  • 2. 2 ISBN 978-611-00-0198-4 УДК 372.8=111 ББК 74.268.1Англ К38 Кіктенко Т. М. К38 Англійська мова. 6 клас за підручником О. Д. Карп’юк “English pupil’s book 6”. II семестр. — Х.: Вид. група «Ос­ но­ва», 2012.— 110 [2] с. — (Серія «Мій конспект»). ISBN 978-611-00-0198-4. Видання «Мій конспект» — це нова серія посібників, які став- лять за мету надати допомогу вчителеві в підготовці та про­веденні уроку. Автори пропонують базову основу конспектів 102 уроків англійської мови (48 — І семестр, 54 — ІІ семестр) на відривних аркушах із використанням додаткових матеріалів та підручника О. Д.Кар­п’юк “English pupil’s book 6”. Узявши за основу посібник, учитель може створити власний конспект уроку. Для вчителів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. УДК 372.8=111 ББК 74.268.1Англ © Кіктенко Т. М., 2009 © ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”», 2012 Навчальне видання Серія «Мій конспект» Кіктенко Тамара Миколаївна Англійська мова. 6 клас за підручником О. Д. Карп’юк “English pupil’s book 6” II семестр Головний редактор О. С. Любченко Редактор А. Л. Мирошніченко Відповідальний за видання Ю. М. Афанасенко Технічний редактор О. В. Лєбєдєва Коректор О. М. Журенко Підп. до друку 17.06.2009. Формат 60×90/8. Папір офсет. Гарнітура Шкільна. Друк офсет. Ум. друк. арк. 12,00. Зам. № 9-06/08-06. ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”» 61001 м. Харків, вул. Плеханівська, 66 тел. (057) 731-96-33 е-mail: Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи Свідоцтво ДК № 2911 від 25.07.2007 р. Серія «Мій конспект» Заснована 2008 року
  • 3. Content Unit 5. On the Move Lesson 49. Come in time ....................................................................  5 Lesson 50. Are you fond of travelling? .................................................  7 Lesson 51. You are speaking too fast ....................................................  9 Lesson 52. What is travelling? .......................................................... 11 Lesson 53. How do you like to travel? .................................................. 13 Lesson 54. Great discoveries ............................................................. 15 Lesson 55. It’s time for reading ......................................................... 17 Lesson 56. Let’s brush up our grammar ............................................... 19 Lesson 57. Travelling is cool! ............................................................. 21 Lesson 58. Home Reading. The story of Robinson Crusoe (p. 161) ............. 23 Unit 6. Around the World Lesson 59. Looking up some information ............................................. 25 Lesson 60. Quizzes! Quizzes! .............................................................. 27 Lesson 61. Brown or the Browns ........................................................ 29 Lesson 62. Welcome to Canada .......................................................... 31 Lesson 63. Countries and cities .......................................................... 33 Lesson 64. Let’s go sightseeing .......................................................... 35 Lesson 65. It’s time for reading ......................................................... 37 Lesson 66. Let’s brush up our grammar ............................................... 39 Lesson 67. It’s a Superlative World .................................................... 41 Lesson 68. Home Reading. The USA (p. 159) ........................................ 43 Unit 7. Welcome to Ukraine! Lesson 69. Meeting the guests ........................................................... 45 Lesson 70. We need some ideas .......................................................... 47 Lesson 71. Teach yourself ................................................................. 49 Lesson 72. Welcome to Ukraine! ......................................................... 51 Lesson 73. Know more about Ukraine ................................................. 53 Lesson 74. The most popular tourist places .......................................... 55 Lesson 75. It’s time for reading ......................................................... 57 Lesson 76. Let’s brush up our grammar ............................................... 59 Lesson 77. We are Ukrainians ........................................................... 61 Lesson 78. Home Reading. The Arctic (p. 162) ...................................... 63 Unit 8. Save Your Planet! Lesson 79. Meeting spring ................................................................ 65 Lesson 80. What is around us? ........................................................... 67 Lesson 81. My favourite season .......................................................... 69 3
  • 4. 4 Lesson 82. Our planet needs help .......................................................   71 Lesson 83. How do you treat the Earth? ..............................................   73 Lesson 84. Rainforest Destruction. Animals in Danger ..........................   75 Lesson 85. It’s time for reading ........................................................   77 Lesson 86. Let’s brush up our grammar ..............................................   79 Lesson 87. The Whole World in Our Hands .........................................   81 Lesson 88. Home Reading. Animals in Danger (p. 163) ..........................   83 Unit 9. Hello, Summer Holidays! Lesson 89. Summer Comes ...............................................................   85 Lesson 90. Looking Forward to Summer .............................................   87 Lesson 91. Holidays Are Coming .......................................................   89 Lesson 92. Enjoy your holidays .........................................................   91 Lesson 93. Outdoor activities ...........................................................   93 Lesson 94. Welcome to Australia! ......................................................   95 Lesson 95. It’s time for reading ........................................................   97 Lesson 96. Let’s brush up our grammar ..............................................   99 Lesson 97. Explore India! .................................................................101 Lesson 98. Happy Holidays to You .....................................................103 Lesson 99. Listening Comprehension .................................................105 Lesson 100. Speaking .......................................................................107 Lesson 101. Reading ........................................................................109 Lesson 102. Writing .........................................................................110
  • 5. 5 Клас Дата Unit 5. On the Move Lesson 49 Come in time Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і слів too, enough з іменниками і прикметниками; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Let’s revise the Question tags. It’s cold, __?1) You’re not ready, __?2) You speak Greek, __?3) She can’t swim, __?4) They’re late, __?5) The new car looks good, __?6) You can drive, __?7) Henry wasn’t here yesterday, __?8) She celebrates her birthday in May, __?9) He doesn’t look at all like his brother, __?10) You won’t tell anybody, __?11) Your mother lived in China when she was younger, __?12) 2. Listening Listen to the story and do the task. Many years ago Fast Airlines was a small, very new company. It had very little money and its airplanes were very old. Mr White flew by Fast Airlines once. That day he went to the airport, got on the Fast Airlines airplane and waited. After a few minutes there was a lot of noise, and then the captain came out and shouted, “I’m not going to take this airplane up! One of the engines is broken, and they aren’t going to get a new one”. The passengers got out, and then, an hour later, an air hostess said, “The airplane is ready again now”. The passengers walked past her to the aero plane again. “Did you get a new engine? Mr White asked her. “No, we got a new a new captain”, she answered. True or False Fast Airlines was a big rich company.1) Its airplanes weren’t old.2) One day Mr White decided to fly Wonder Airlines plane.3) The captain didn’t want to take the plane up because he was a bad4) captain. The captain didn’t want to take the plane up because the plane had5) a bad engine. The passengers had to get out and wait for two hours.6) After that the plane had a new engine.7) After that the plane had a new captain.8)
  • 6. 6 3. Grammar practice Explain the rule how to use too / enough, write example sentences on the board and practise them chorally and individually. It’s too hot here.1) It’s too cold today.2) You are too lazy.3) There are too many mistakes in your work.4) There is too much information there.5) Our classroom is warm enough.6) I haven’t got enough time.7) 4. Writing Write advice to your friend using the following words: buns, choco- late, sparkling water, cigarettes, exercise. Example: cakes — You eat too many cakes. You shouldn’t eat so many cakes. You want to organize a party. Write about the problems using enough and the following words: room, tables, orange juice, chairs, ice cream, glasses. Example: We haven’t got enough room. 5. Reading and speaking Read the dialogue in Ex. 1, p. 76 and answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 76. 6. Speaking Work in pairs. Read the dialogue and make your own dialogues using the example and the table. A. When is the train to Liverpool, please? B. 3.15, madam. A. Which platform? B. Platform seven. A. How much is the ticket? B. Single or return? A. Return, please. B. That will be 14 pounds. A. Here you are. B. Thank you, madam. A. Thank you. City Platform Time Fare (single, return) London 8 2.40 12 pounds Leeds 3 7.15 8 pounds Bristol 5 3.10 10 pounds Cambridge 2 11.20 7 pounds Liverpool 6 14.00 12 pounds 7. Summary Do you always come to school in time?1) Have you usually got enough time to prepare for the lesson (to do2) your homework)? Are you really too busy to have extra-school activities?3) You haven’t got t4) oo much work to do at home, have you? 8. Homework Make up and write down 10 sentences using too and enough to de- scribe your last birthday party.
  • 7. 7 Клас Дата Lesson 50 Are you fond of travelling? Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона- лювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання й читання; розвивати мов- ну здогадку; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Read the poem using pictures and then learn it. We go by car And we go by train. We go by boat And we go by plane. We go by land, And see and air. We go, go, go From here to there. 2. Listening Listen to your classmates’ compositions about their parties (home- work) and ask questions for more information. Example: Have you got enough lemonade? 3. Speaking Practise the new vocabulary. Using pictures make up as many sentences as you can. I My father My friends Chris Our family Our relatives My uncle Ann’s parents My grandmother Alex go goes went travel travels by on for plane air train bus car ship sea foot business pleasure every last year summer week month day yesterday 4. Reading and speaking Work in pairs. Do Ex. 3, p. 76. Do Ex. 4, p. 77. Complete the sentences. Alex loves __.1) He visits different places on __ and for __.2) When he travels on business, he goes __.3) When he travels for pleasure, he goes __.4) It isn’t pleasant for him enough to travel __.5) Make up your own dialogue. 5. Listening Listen to the story and answer the questions. Mrs Walker lives in a big city and she works in a café. She has gone there by car every morning for twenty years. Then she was forty-five
  • 8. 8 years old, and she said to herself, “I’m fat now, because I go everywhere by car. I’m going to buy a bicycle”. She bought one, and after that she always went to her café on that, and not in her car. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and she went quickly past them to the front, because her bicycle was narrow. Then she was happy. Yesterday she stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind her on another bicycle. He stopped too and said, “Have the police taken your driving licence away too?” Does Mrs. Walker work in a shop?1) Why did she decide to buy a bicycle?2) Where did she stop one day?3) Who came up behind her then?4) What did he think about Mrs Walker?5) 6. Summary Do Ex. 5, p. 77. 7. Homework Make up and write down 10 questions about travelling.
  • 9. 9 Клас Дата Lesson 51 You are speaking too fast Цілі: формувати навички вживання прислівників, нових лексичних оди- ниць і слів too, enough; удосконалювати навички письма з опорою на лек- сико-граматичні структури; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Do you like to travel?1) Which types of travel have you tried? (Plane, boat, hitch-hiking…)2) Which do you like best? Why?3) When do you prefer to travel?4) 2. Speaking Ask your classmates about their last travelling. (Homework) 3. Grammar practice Explain the rule (p. 78), write similar example on the board and practise them chorally and individually. Turn these adjectives into adverbs. beautiful — careful — careless — bad — quick — hungry — perfect — quiet — honest — nice — loud — good — Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 78. 4. Writing Finish the sentences about a naughty boy. He laughs very __ (1) loud). He runs upstairs very __ (2) noisy). He dances __ (3) bad). He shouts __ (4) angry). He does this work very __ (5) slow). Agree with your partner. Example: I think he is a careful worker. I agree. He works very carefully. good teacher• fast translator• hungry eaters• honest player• careless driver• slow football player• 5. Reading Do Ex. 3, p. 79. 6. Grammar practice Explain the rule (p. 79), write similar example on the board and practise them chorally and individually.
  • 10. 10 Make up as many sentences as you can. There is isn’t are aren’t too enough much many traffic noise pens information money stamps potatoes work players Do Ex. 4, p. 79. 7. Writing Fill in the gaps with enough, too much or too many. You are very thin. You don’t eat __.1) I don’t like the weather. There’s __ rain.2) I can’t wait for them. I haven’t got __ time.3) You drink __ coffee. It’s not good for you.4) You don’t eat __ fruit. You should eat more.5) There was nowhere to sit on the bench. There were __ people.6) I can’t decide what to do because I haven’t got __ information.7) Fill in the gaps with too, enough and the following adjectives: big, busy, expensive, far, loud, sharp, warm, loud. Please, turn the radio down. It’s __.1) Can you turn up the radio, please? It isn’t __.2) I don’t want to walk home. It’s __.3) Don’t buy anything in that shop. It’s __.4) You can’t put all your things in this bag. It __.5) We didn’t go to the beach. It __.6) I can’t talk to you now. I __.7) I can’t cut anything with this knife. It __.8) 8. Summary Is it warm enough today to go out?1) Was it really too cold yesterday?2) Have you got enough money to buy this computer?3) Have you got enough information to make this report?4) Did they have too many players in the team?5) 9. Homework Do Ex. 5, p. 79.
  • 11. 11 Клас Дата Lesson 52 What is travelling? Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовлен- нєву реакцію учнів. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Can you drive a car?1) Have you traveled by car? Where to?2) Where do you get the fuel for our car when on road?3) What is the speed limit in the cities of Ukraine?4) How is the traffic in a big city regulated?5) What are the means of city transport?6) Are you allowed to park a car in a busy street?7) What do they call the underground in England and in the USA?8) 2. Listening Write the following words on the board then ask pupils to listen to the text and match the people and their description. a businessman an experienced traveler a professor of History a couch potato A) He likes to travel alone or with his students. They travel from curi- osity. They like to see the beauty of the world and learn traditions of other countries. They think that travelling is fascinating and enjoy- able. It broadens their mind and allows to understand other people better. B) He doesn’t like to travel at all. He believes that it’s better to stay at home, because travelling is dangerous, troublesome and expensive. C) He likes to travel alone or with his friends. Usually he travels for pleasure or in search of adventures. When he travels he likes to go sightseeing or explore unknown places. He believes that travelling is exciting and gives us life experience. D) Usually he travels alone on business. When he travels he likes to meet new people. He thinks that travelling is useful but sometimes it’s a bit tiring. 3. Speaking and writing Practise the new vocabulary. Match. 1) an advantage 2) a disadvantage 3) an airport 4) a railway station 5) a vacation 6) a view 7) to arrange 8) to discover 9) to go on a trip a) краєвид b) вокзал, залізнична станція c) перевага d) організовувати, планувати e) їхати в подорож f) недолік g) відкривати h) літовище i) відпустка
  • 12. 12 Fill in the gaps with the new words. When you’re in a hurry planes have __ over trains.1) A place where trains stop for passengers to get on and off is __.2) A place where planes begin and stop flying is __.3) The main __ of this hotel is that it’s too dirty.4) The __ of the coastline was splendid.5) Every year my parents __ a big surprise party for my birthday.6) Columbus __ America.7) We’re on __ for the next two weeks.8) Why don’t we __ to the mountains?9) 4. Reading Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 80, find the new words there and read them aloud. Answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 80. Complete the sentences. Travelling is __.1) People like travelling because they can __.2) If you wish to enjoy your trip __ before.3) If you are not sure where to go and you need help, go to __.4) You have some ways of travelling such as __.5) Each mean of transport has its __ and __.6) If you want to show your friends where you were, __.7) 5. Reading and speaking Read the text in Ex. 3, p. 81 and in pairs make up your dialogues. Sample dialogue How did you get to the railway station? I went there by bus. How did you get to the airport? I went there by train. How did you get to the harbour? I went there by taxi. How did you get to your Granny? I rode my bicycle. 6. Summary Do Ex. 4, p. 81. 7. Homework Do Ex. 5, p. 81.
  • 13. 13 Клас Дата Lesson 53 How do you like to travel? Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовленняу живання но- вих лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здогадку, пам’ять; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Have you ever travelled by plane?1) When did you travel by plane last?2) Where did you fly?3) How long did it take you to get to the airport?4) What opportunities does travelling give us?5) 2. Speaking and writing Practise the new vocabulary. Match the signs in the airport with their explanations. 1) Exit 2) Gate 3) Customs 4) Check-in 5) Entrance 6) Tickets 7) Information 8) Departures 9) Passport Control 10) Arrivals a) Вікно реєстрації b) Продаж квитків c) Вхід d) Прибуття літаків e) Вихід f) Відправлення літаків g) Ворота (вихід на літовище) h) Бюро інформації i) Паспортний контроль j) Митниця 3. Reading and speaking Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 82. Find the new words (p. 82) in the text and read the sentences with them aloud. Try to guess their meaning or look up it in a dictionary. Practise the new vocabulary chorally and indi- vidually in different sentences. Do Ex. 2, p. 82. Fill in the gaps with the new words. passport control tickets customs × 2 Gate 1 check-in desk × 2 suitcase departure cart information desk entrance You should book __ before you go on a trip. When you arrive to the airport, you should go through __ to get to the __ and the __. If you have got a heavy __ you should take a __. If you don’t know the time of your __, you should find it out at the __. After __, __ and __ you may go to __ and get on the plane. 4. Speaking Answer the questions in Ex. 3, p. 83. 5. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 4 (a), p. 83 and practise the new vocabulary chorally and in- dividually in different sentences. Retell the text (part (b)).
  • 14. 14 6. Writing Do Ex. 6, p. 83. 7. Summary What ways of travel do you know?1) Which of them do you prefer? Why?2) Why are many people fond of travelling?3) What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train? (By4) air, by ship, by car) 8. Homework Do Ex. 5, p. 83.
  • 15. 15 Клас Дата Lesson 54 Great discoveries Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона- лювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення; розвивати мов- леннєву реакцію й пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Write the words under the headings. Some of them will go in more than one group. boarding pass change check-in check the oil compartment crossroads delay driver emergency exit flight map motorway no smoking petrol station pilot platform return ticket roadwork seatbelt security check coach speed limit stewardess ticket collector commuter rush hour ROAD RAIL AIR driver compartment boarding pass 2. Listening Before listening Find out the meanings of the words in a dictionary. land coast island bay seaman to explore publication trade sailor Listen to the story and say if it is True or False. Three countries of Europe were interested in the discovery of Amer- ica. They were Spain, France and England. Spain sent Christopher Co- lumbus to discover a new way to the East. With three small ships he sailed for three months and in October 12, 1492 he saw land. He thought it was India and gave the name “Indians” to the red-skin men living there. But it was an island not far from the coast of North America. Many other sailors went out to America. An Italian seaman, Ameri- go Vespucci was one of them. He and his men explored the coast of South America and discovered the Ray of Rio de Janeiro, or River of January. They named the place after the month in which they had found the bay. In one of his letters to his friend Amerigo wrote that the new land he had seen must be a new world. After the publication of those letters the new land was named after him — America, the land of Amerigo. Spain, France and England sent many seamen to the North America. The Spanish came there to look for gold, silver and other metals. The French began a trade in animal skins with the Indians. the English came to live and work there. There were English, French and Spanish colonies in North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. True or False Four countries tried to discover new land.1) Columbus was a Frenchman.2) The voyage took him three months to get to new land.3) Columbus landed there in autumn.4)
  • 16. 16 He understood that he had discovered a new continent.5) White-skin people lived there.6) Columbus wasn’t the only man who went out to America.7) Amerigo Vespucci explored South America in autumn too.8) Amerigo Vespucci was the first who wrote about America so it was9) named after him. Spain, France and England had their colonies in North America.10) Answer the questions. What countries were interested in the discovery of America?1) What way did Columbus want to find?2) What land did he discover?3) After whom was America named?4) Why did other countries wanted to discover new land?5) 3. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 4, p. 84. 4. Speaking and writing Do Ex. 5, p. 85. Practise the new vocabulary chorally and individually in different sentences. I think I’m sure it’s comfortable enjoyable safe interesting dangerous tiring useful troublesome to travel by car by ship by plane by bus on foot because… Write down your opinions. 5. Summary Learn the proverb in Ex. 6, p. 85 and then answer the question: • Do you think travelling helps people to become wiser and healthier? Listen and read the poem in Ex. 7, p. 85. 6. Homework Learn the poem in Ex. 7, p. 85.
  • 17. 17 Клас Дата Lesson 55 It’s time for Reading Цілі: формувати лексичні навички; розвивати вміння читати й переказу- вати; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мис- лення. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Write any vocabulary words or expressions from the topic on the board then have all the students repeat them as you write them down. Next send one student out of the room and erase one of the words or ex- pressions, then on the count of three have all the students yell “Come on in!!!” The student outside the classroom comes back in and has to guess the right word, but none of the other kids can tell them the answer. Re- ward the student with a team or individual point. 2. Reading Before you read Look at the picture and say what means of transport they are dis- cussing. How do you think if they agree with each other?1) What proverb suits this situation? (Many men, many minds.)2) Match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents. 1) decide 2) discuss 3) speed 4) comfort 5) during 6) besides 7) expensive 8) cheap 9) journey 10) comfortable a) зручність b) дорогий c) протягом d) вирішувати e) подорож f) обговорювати g) зручний h) окрім того i) швидкість j) дешевий Reading Ask pupils to read the text for gist and answer the questions: What is the story about?1) Who are the main characters?2) Ask pupils to read the story again and do Ex. 2, p. 86. After you read Answer the questions in Ex. 3, p. 87. 3. Speaking Do Ex. 4, 5, p. 87. 4. Reading, writing and speaking Cut out and shuffle the parts of the dialogues. Students in pairs have to sort out the cards to make up the dialogues. Read the sentences on the cards and decide which ones are connected with a hotel and which with a train station. Then write down all the sen- tences in the correct order and act two separate dialogues.
  • 18. 18 — Could you tell me what time the next train is? — How much is the room? — Good morning. Could I have a ticket to Bristol please? — A single, please. — Yes, I’d like a room, please. — Oh, a single, please. How much is it? — Single or double? — 11.30 from platform 4. — Thank you. — Can I help you? — Single or return? — With a bath, please. — How long will you be staying? — Thank you very much, bye. — Thirty pounds a night, including breakfast. — Your room is number 310 on the third floor. I hope you have a nice stay. — Bye. — Two nights. — Oh yes, of course. — With a bath or with a shower? — £15.40, please. — Could you register, please? Key: Hotel: Can I help you? / Yes, I’d like a room, please. / Single or dou- ble? / A single, please. / How long will you be staying? / Two nights. / With a bath or with a shower? / With a bath, please. / How much is the room? / Thirty pounds a night, including breakfast. / Could you regis- ter, please? / Oh yes, of course. / Your room is number 310 on the third floor. I hope you have a nice stay. / Thank you. Train station: Good morning. Could I have a ticket to Bristol please? / Single or return? / Oh, a single, please. How much is it? / £15.40, please. / Could you tell me what time the next train is? / 11.30 from platform 4. / Thank you very much, bye. / Bye. 7. Summary What is the fastest mean of transport?1) What is the most comfortable mean of transport?2) What is the most pleasant mean of transport?3) What is the best way to learn many interesting things?4) What is the most boring way of treavelling?5) 8. Homework Get ready with the questions for the interview to ask your class- mates how they like to travel.
  • 19. 19 Клас Дата Lesson 56 Let’s brush up our grammar Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання прислівників та слів too, enough у мовленні, удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й письма; розви- вати увагу дітей та кмітливість; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Work in a group Imagine you are going to travel. First you should pack your things. Read the words on the board and say what you are going to take and why? Start your answer with the phrase: “I’m going to take...” Ask any person in your group. Follow this model as an example: P1. I’m going to take a camera, a swimming costume, sunglasses, money with me. What are you going to take? P2. I’m going to take a passport, a phrase book and money. I’m go- ing to take a swimming costume because I’m going to swim. WHAT a camera a penknife a radio a swimming costume / swimming a pair of sandals sunglasses a warm sweater an anorak a big warm coat a tennis rocket trainers a football a dressing gown a pair of pajamas jeans T-shirts socks a pair of walking boots a dress a towel books a clock a passport money a phrase book WHY go sightseeing visit museums swim sail sleep sunbathe play tennis see friends go fishing climb go to the theatre camp walk learn English 2. Speaking Work in pairs. Make up dialogues about travelling. (Homework) 3. Grammar practice Do Ex. 1. p. 88. 4. Reading Read the letter and complete the sentences. (Ex. 2, p. 88) 5. Reading and speaking Practise too, enough in sentences. (Ex. 3, p. 88) Practise the tenses. (Ex. 4, 5, p. 88) 6. Speaking Word association Each student gives a different word connected with previous one given. For example: a bus — a passenger — speed — a driver — … a car — (petrol station)• a train — (a carriage)• an airport — (check-in desk)• a ship — (sea)• a beach — (a swimming costume)•
  • 20. 20 a trip — (a suitcase)• a vacation — (rest)• a view — (camera)• geography — (travelling)• 7. Writing Practise the word order in questions and negative sentences. Do Ex. 6, 7, p. 89. 8. Summary Answer the questions. Use means of transport (by bus, … on foot) 1) How do you get from your home to your school? 2) How do your parents travel to work? 3) How do you travel when you go on holiday? 4) How do you get to the cinema? 5) How do you go from your home to the supermarket? 6) How do you get from your home to the station? 7) How do you get from your home to the nearest airport? 8) How do you travel to the nearest foreign country? 9. Homework Write a short paragraph about the means of transport in your town.
  • 21. 21 Клас Дата Lesson 57 Travelling is cool! Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання й аудіювання, систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати мовленнєву ре- акцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Brainstorm all words connected with the following key words: sea, air, road, street, city. Example: sea-ship, voyage, beach, swimming costume, port, wind, dive… 2. Speaking Do Ex. 1, p. 90. Tell about the means of transport in your town. (Homework) 3. Reading Read the story and answer the question: What did people have to do if they wanted to have a pleasant journey? New words • advertisement — об’ява • centime — монета у Франції For Those Who Like to Travel One day a Paris newspaper gave an advertisement about a very cheap and pleasant way of traveling — for 25 centimes. Many people believed it and sent the money. A few days later each of them got a letter. The letter read: “Sir, rest in bed and remember that the Earth turns. Paris stands at the 49th par- allel. At the 49th parallel you travel more than 25,000 kilometres a day. You may look out of the window and watch the beautiful sky”. 4. Speaking Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue and then act it out (Ex. 2, p. 90). 5. Listening Listen to the text and answer the questions: What is the best-known symbol of London? Big Ben? St Paul’s Ca- thedral? Or could it be the big red London double-decker bus? It cer- tainly could. Big London red buses are recognized all over the world. The big red motor bus has been London’s “king of the road” since 1911. Every day thousand of Londoners use the big red buses to move — often slowly — around town. People used to go by open-topped buses until 1930s. Today they are only the special tourist ones. But the most famous London buses, called ‘Routemasters’ and date from the 1950s and 1960s, are the real symbol of London, which have been sold, in miniature, to millions of visitors. The Routemaster is a legend in itself. With its open platform at the back end, the Routemaster is still the most popular bus in London, be- cause passengers can climb on and off when they want, even if the bus is moving.
  • 22. 22 Why are London double-decker buses known all over the world?1) What colour are they?2) When did the famous Routemasters appear?3) Why are they so popular?4) 6. Writing Write a short paragraph about travelling. (Ex. 3, p, 90) 7. Speaking Read the task in Ex. 4, p. 91 and make up a dialogues with your part- ner. A B Greet your partner and ask what has happened? Greet your partner and say that you have to get to London very quickly Advise to fly by plane Say you have never flown by plane and you are afraid of flying Say that travelling by air is not dangerous Ask if it is comfortable Say ‘yes’ and advise to sleep during the flight Say thank you Sample questions When was the journey?1) Where did you fly to?2) How did you get to the airport?3) Who was with you?4) How did you feel before the flight?5) What time did you arrive?6) Was it a comfortable flight?7) Did you see anything during the journey?8) 8. Summary Work out the Useful tips for travellers (p. 91). 9. Homework Write some useful tips for travellers.
  • 23. 23 Клас Дата Lesson 58 Home Reading. The story of Robinson Crusoe (p. 161) Цілі:вдосконалюватинавичкичитання,усногомовлення,уживанняв мов­ ленні граматичних структур і лексичних одиниць із теми, розвивати вмін- ня послідовно висловлюватися іноземною мовою; розвивати мовну здо- гадку. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Have you ever travelled by sea?1) Did you like the voyage?2) Was it dangerous? (Enjoyable, exciting, troublesome)3) Where did you sail?4) What books connected with voyages and sea adventures do you know?5) Whish of them are the most famous?6) 2. Listening Have you read “The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”?1) Do you know who wrote it?2) Listen to some facts from Daniel Defoe’s biography and answer the questions. Daniel Defoe is a great English writer. He was born in 1660 in Lon- don. He was a well-known journalist at that time. He traveled, tried many professions and wrote many books. He took an active part in po- litical activity. He thought a lot about problems of education and life of poor people. In 1719, when Defoe was 59, the first part of “The Adven- tures of Robinson Crusoe” appeared. Where was Defoe from?1) When was he born?2) What did he do?3) When did readers see the first part of “The Adventures of Robinson4) Crusoe”? 3. Speaking Practise the new vocabulary. Match the new words with the Ukrainian equivalents. 1) drown 2) carpenter’s tools 3) gun 4) reach 5) sink 6) corn 7) alone 8) save 9) rescue 10) the rest of a) рятувати життя b) решта c) рушниця d) занурюватися e) рятувати з небезпечної ситуації f) один g) теслярські інструменти h) тонути i) дістатися j) зерно Complete the sentences. Robinson was happy that he didn’t __.1) When Robinson __ an island, he had only __ and __.2) Nobody lived on the island so Robinson was __.3) He had to learn how to grow __ and cook.4) After twenty-four years living alone he saved a man’s life.5) And __ the years on the island he wasn’t alone.6)
  • 24. 24 4. Listening Choose the correct answer. 1) Crusoe traveled a) by air b) by sea c) on foot 2) Robinson got to a) a country b) a port c) an island 3) He cut down trees a) build a house b) make a new ship c) make new furniture 4) One day Robinson met a) a man b) some men c) a woman 5) Robinson came back home a) by a passing horse b) by a passing carriage c) by a passing ship. 5. Reading Jigsaw reading. Cut out and shuffle the parts of the story. Students in groups of 5–6 have to sort out the cards to make up the sentences. Give each pupil one or more cards of the story. Tell them they are not allowed to let anyone else see their cards or write anything down. They are allowed only to read out. The aim is to sort out the story orally in the correct order. Robinson Crusoe was an English sailor Robinson was the only person who didn’t drown in the terrible storm He took some useful things from the ship and reached an island Robinson met nobody and understood that he was alone He learnt to do everything not to die Twenty-four years passed when Robinson saved a man’s life He taught his new friend to speak English and to work on the farm Now he wasn’t alone Four years more passed when a ship rescued Robinson Robinson was lucky to return home with his friend after such a long voyage 6. Summary What is the story about?1) What happened to Robinson Crusoe?2) What was his life on the island like?3) Who was Friday and how did Robinson meet him?4) How much time did he spend on the island?5) Retell the story very shortly.6) 7. Homework Write a short paragraph about Robinson’s life on the island. Add a bit more information than in the text if you can.
  • 25. 25 Клас Дата Unit 6. Around the World Lesson 59 Looking up some information Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і артиклів з географічними назвами; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку і мовленнєву реакцію учнів; вихову- вати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Match. 1) a tube 2) black cab 3) night life 4) travel card 5) visitors 6) a flat 7) double-decker 8) midnight 9) the rush hour 10) a zone 11) dear 12) rent a) a bus with two levels b) an apartment c) London taxi d) twelve o’clock e) an area f) an underground train g) tourists h) one-day ticket on London transport i) expensive j) films, concerts, plays, discos k) the busiest time to travel l) the monthly price of a place to live Key: 1 f, 2 c, 3 j, 4 h, 5 g, 6 b, 7 a, 8 d, 9 k, 10 e, 11 i, 12 l. 2. Listening Listen to the text and choose the correct answer. Kevin was a sailor on a big ship. It went to Japan and Australia, so Kevin was often on the ship for several months at a time. When he woke up in the morning and looked out, he only saw the sea, or sometimes a port. When he was thirty-three, Kevin got married and bought a small house with a garden in his wife’s town. It was far away from the sea. Then he had to go back to his ship, and he did not come home for two months. He went from the port to the town by bus, and he was very hap- py to see his wife again. The next morning he slept until 9 o’clock. Then he woke up suddenly and looked out of the window. There were trees a few feet away. He was very frightened and jumped out of bed, shouting, “We’ve hit land!” 1) Kevin went to other countries because he was __ . a) a driver b) a sailor c) a traveller 2) Kevin got married at the age of __ . a) 23 b) 26 c) 33 3) He bought a house __ . a) in his wife’s town near the sea b) in his wife’s town far from the sea c) in his friend’s town far from the sea
  • 26. 26 4) He left his wife for __ . a) two months b) three months c) four months 5) He returned home __ . a) by ship b) by train c) by bus 6) He woke up __ . a) in a forest b) at home c) on the ship 7) He was frightened because there were trees __ . a) in the sea b) in the forest c) in front of the house 3. Reading Read the dialogue in Ex. 1, p. 92. Practise the names of different countries and nationalities chorally and individually in the sentences from the dialogue. France — French China — Chinese Argentina — Argentinean Russia — Russian Italy — Italian Spain — Spanish Turkey –Turkish Portugal — Portuguese Brazil — Brazilian Greece — Greek Are there any books about Japan? Let’s write a letter to our Japanese friend. 4. Speaking Answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 92. In pairs make up your own dialogue. 5. Writing Make up as many sentences as you can. There is There are some information some books about Germany Egypt Mexico New Zealand Australia Canada in the library in atlases 6. Summary Ask and answer the questions in Ex. 3, p. 92. 7. Homework Write some sentences how you can get some information about dif- ferent countries. Start like this: If I need some information about… I…
  • 27. 27 Клас Дата Lesson 60 Quizzes! Quizzes! Цілі: формувати навички вживання артиклів з географічними назвами; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у роз- ширенні своїх знань. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Where are these places? Complete the sentences. Ask pupils to do it as quickly as they can. Columbus discovered __. (1) America) Hollywood is in __ . (2) California) The Great Wall is in __ . (3) China) Samba comes from __. (4) Brazil) Shakespeare lived in __ . (5) England) In Australia the native people are aborigines, and in America they6) are called __ . (Indians) Jack London wrote a lot of stories about __ . (7) Alaska) The capital of Ukraine is __ . (8) Kyiv) The City of Angels is the nickname of __ . (9) Los Angeles) The native people of Turkey are __ . (10) The Turkish) 2. Listening Listen to the text and answer the questions. The word quiz was invented by a Dublin theatre manager called Da- ly. In 1780, Daly had a bet that within 24 hours he could invent a word that would be on everyone’s lips the next day. He spent the whole night chalking QUIZ on every wall in the city. The next day the strange word was on everyone’s lips! What did it mean? And so it has become to mean a ‘puzzling question’! Who invented the word quiz?1) When did he invented it?2) Where was he from?3) Why did he do it?4) Where did he chalk the word?5) How much time did it took him?6) Did all the people say this word the next day?7) What did it mean?8) Match the words and their Ukrainian equivalents. 1) to invent 2) to have a bet 3) on everybody’s lips 4) to chalk 5) to mean 6) to spend a) означати b) писати крейдою c) винаходити d) витрачати час e) в усіх на вустах f) укласти парі 3. Speaking and writing Using the map practise the new vocabulary the north, the south, the east, the west, in the centre. Lviv is in the west of Ukraine.1) Odesa is in the south of Ukraine.2)
  • 28. 28 Kharkiv is in the east of Ukraine.3) Chornobyl is in the north of Ukraine.4) Kyiv is in the centre of Ukraine.5) Think of five places in your country. Write them in the correct places in this table. North South East West Large city City Large town Town Small town Alupka Small village Example: Alupka is a small town in the south of Ukraine. 4. Reading Using the map, practise the names of different countries and cities from the dialogue (Ex. 4, p. 93) chorally and individually. Read the dialogue and act it out. 5. Speaking Make up your own quiz. (Ex. 5, p. 93) 6. Summary What is the longest river in Ukraine?1) What is the highest mountain in Ukraine?2) Where is the warmest place in Ukraine?3) Can you get to the Atlantic Ocean from Ukraine by ship? How?4) How many continents and oceans in the world?5) 7. Homework Make up a quiz about Ukraine.
  • 29. 29 Клас Дата Lesson 61 Brown or the Browns Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання артиклів з географічними на- звами, навички читання й аудіювання; розвивати пам’ять і пізнавальні ін- тереси учнів; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Picture dictation Pupils draw a picture containing simple visual information from a description which you dictate. Draw an island in the sea. There are some mountains in the middle of the island. There are some rocks to the north from the mountains. In the west next to the mountains is a palm-tree. There is a house in the east at the bottom of the mountains. There is a small lake to the south from the house. A narrow road connects the lake and the house. And a lonely elephant is going along the road to the house. 2. Listening Listen to the texts and complete the information. The second tallest hotel in the world is the Burj Al-Arab (Tower of the Arabs) in Dubai (United Arab Emirates in Asia). It’s 320 metres tall. The hotel is situated on a man-made island 280 metres out of the beach and is designed in the shape of a sail. It is one of the most expensive ho- tels in the world. Several years ago a Dutch architect Jan Sonkie built a very unusual house in Africa. It’s shaped like a football! “I’m crazy about football”, he says. He built his house in Malawi because he just likes Africa and would like to stay on the continent forever. Standing on a three-metre- tall brick wall, his home has become a popular tourist attraction. Country Continent Shape of the building Attractions A hotel A house Key: Country Continent Shape of the building Attractions A hotel United arab emirates Asia A sail Very tall, situated on an island A house Malawi Africa A football Unusual shape 3. Grammar practice Explain the rule and practice the definite article with geographical names. Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 94. 4. Speaking Work in groups. Brainstorm geographical names in the following groups.
  • 30. 30 Example: P1. Mountains P2, P3, P4. The Rocky Mountains, the Carpathians, the Alps. P2. Tops P1, P3, P4. Goverla, Everest, Elbrus 5. Reading Read the sentences and put a tick (v) if they are right, and correct them if they are wrong. Dick lives in Coronation Street.1) Have you ever been to National Theatre?2) Milan is a large city in north of Italy.3) Brussels is the capital of Belgium.4) Manila is the capital of Philippines.5) Rocky Mountains are in North America.6) In London Houses of Parliament are beside River Thames.7) Last night we saw a play at Royal Theatre.8) Panama Canal joins Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean.9) Ukraine is a big country in the east of Europe.10) If you sail from Britain to Denmark, you cross North Sea.11) Mary comes from a small village in west of Ireland.12) Have you ever been to USA?13) Have you seen the Bondarchuks today?14) Where do Chinese live?15) 6. Grammar practice Do Ex. 3, p. 95. 7. Summary Name different geographical names and ask pupils to repeat them with articles or without articles according to the rule. Example: • Dnipro — the Dnipro • Kyiv — Kyiv 8. Homework Imagine that last year you had a journey round the world. Describe it using different geographical names.
  • 31. 31 Клас Дата Lesson 62 Welcome to Canada Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовлен- нєву реакцію учнів. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up What is the question? Ask students to write down ten answers to questions about their im- aginary journey (homework). After writing down the answers, they have to form pairs or small groups and try to find out what the questions are. Example: answer — By car — How did you travel last year? — The Carpathians — Where did you go? — White bears — What did you see? You can stop at three guesses if you want, or keep going until some- one in the class can guess the question. 2. Listening Listen to the text and answer the questions. New words • nomad — кочівник • depend on — залежати • seal — тюлень • caribou — карибу (північний канадський олень) • raw — сирий In 1999 Canada’s Inuit were given their own territory called Nuna- vut. It’s huge but extremely cold. The Inuit have lived in this frozen region of tundra, icy lakes and Arctic islands for thousands of years. In winter, it’s dark 24 hours a day, and the temperature can drop to –50°C. In summer, it’s light 24 hours a day! The Inuit used to be called ‘Eskimos’, which means ‘eaters of raw meat’, but they prefer ‘Inuit’ because it means ‘the people’. It’s hard to believe but 50 years ago the Inuit were nomads. They depended on hunting and fishing and moved from place to place as hunt- ing seasons changed. Today they live in houses and work in offices and factories. Young people wear western clothes, eat fast food and listen to rock music. Some Inuit, however, continue to live as hunters and fishermen. They wear their traditional clothes and eat their traditional foods like seal, caribou and polar bear and still make igloos when they go hunting. 1) Where do the Inuit live? 2) What is the climate like there? 3) What is the other word for ‘Inuit’? 4) What did they do 50 years ago? 5) What is their life like today? 6) How do some Inuit keep traditions? 3. Reading Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 96, find the following words there, read them aloud and match them with the Ukrainian equivalents.
  • 32. 32 1) wonder 2) ancient times 3) receive 4) introduce 5) cover 6) area 7) population 8) root 9) immigrant 10) original 11) independent a) отримувати b) незалежний c) площа d) коріння e) давні часи f) населення g) корінний, справжній h) іммігрант i) знайомити, рекомендувати j) диво k) займати, покривати Do Ex. 2, p. 97. 4. Speaking Do Ex. 3, p. 97. In pairs, do Ex. 4, p. 97. 5. Summary Quiz ‘Do you know Canada?” 1) Canada is __ . a) the largest country in the world b) the second largest country in the world c) third largest country in the world 2) The capital of Canada is __ . a) Montreal b) Toronto c) Ottawa 3) Canada has two official languages. They are __ . a) English and German b) English and French c) English and Canadian 4) The official colours of Canada are __ . a) red and blue b) white and red c) red and gold 5) Canada national sport is __ . a) baseball b) football c) ice hockey 6) The Canadian head of state is __ . a) the Queen b) the President c) the Prime Minister 7) A snow house built by the Inuit (Eskimos) is called __ . a) an igloo b) a cabin c) a hut 8) The world famous waterfall situated in Canada is __ . a) Victoria b) Niagara c) Sutherland 9) Canadians have a special celebration in honour of this sweet drink. What is it? a) Cola b) lemonade c) maple syrup Key: 1 b, 2 c, 3 b, 4 b, 5 c, 6 a, 7 a, 8 b, 9 c. 6. Homework Write a short paragraph about Canada using the questions in Ex. 4, p. 97 as a plan.
  • 33. 33 Клас Дата Lesson 63 Countries and Cities Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення, уживання но- вих лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здогадку, пам’ять; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Look at the world map and answer the questions. What is Italy washed by?1) What is the capital of Greece?2) Where is India situated?3) What river does Washington stand on?4) What sea is situated between Europe, Asia and Africa?5) What is the biggest island in the world?6) How many lakes are there in the Lake District between Canada and7) the USA? What mountains are there in the west of South America?8) 2. Listening Listen to the text and answer the questions. Practise the new vocabulary. mystery conquistador destroy ruler cover religious ceremony temple magic Machu Picchu is a place of magic and mystery and really a wonder of the world. It is an Inca city high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. The Spanish conquistadors destroyed other Inca cities, but never found Ma- chu Picchu. It was only discovered in 1911. Machu Picchu was built more than 500 years ago. It is said that the Inca ruler Pachacuti covered the buildings in the city with gold. About 750 people lived there and used the city for astrological and religious ceremonies. The most important buildings in the city are the Temple of the Sun and the Room of the Three Windows. 1) What is Machu Picchu? 2) Where is it situated? 3) Why didn’t the Spanish conquistadors destroy it? 4) When did people discover it? 5) When did the Incas build Machu Picchu? 6) How did the Incas use it? 7) Why did people want to find it? 3. Speaking Practise the new vocabulary. Write the new words (p. 98) on the board and practise them chorally and individually. Western Europe, the eastern sky, southern Italy, Northern Europe.
  • 34. 34 Using a map make up as many sentences as you can. Egypt Yalta Dover Liverpool Denmark Winnipeg the Carpathians Kharkiv is are situated in western southern northern eastern Europe England Africa Canada Ukraine 4. Reading Read the letters in Ex. 1, p. 98 and complete the information in the chart. Country Capital Location Is washed by Language Attractions Do Ex. 2, p. 98. 5. Writing Practise the name of the countries and languages. Make up senten­ ces and write them down. The language of the USA Egypt Portugal Spain Brazil Mexico Australia is Spanish English Portuguese Arabic 6. Speaking Work in pairs. Do Ex. 3, p. 99. 7. Reading and writing Do Ex. 4, p. 99. 8. Summary Imagine a country where you come from and answer the questions. Where do you come from?1) Where is it?2) Where is it exactly?3) What does your city like?4) What is the official language of your country?5) 9. Homework Ex. 5, p. 99.
  • 35. 35 Клас Дата Lesson 64 Let’s go sightseeing Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона- лювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення; розвивати мов- леннєву реакцію й пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Put the following sentences in the correct order. Then read the dia- logue with a partner. — Could you tell me when we get there? — Does this bus go to Marble Arch? — Thank you. Did you say a number 12? — No, you have to get off at Oxford Circus and take a 12. — Oxford Circus is the next stop but one. — Yes, a number 12 or a number 14. Key: Does this bus go to Marble Arch? / No, you have to get off at Oxford Circus and take a number 12. / Thank you. Did you say a number 12? / Yes, a number 12 or a number 14. / Could you tell me when we get there? / Oxford Circus is the next stop but one. 2. Listening Before listening Answer the questions (1a, p. 100) and practice the new words: a leaf- let, a sightseeing tour, to have a look. Listening Listen to the dialogue and complete the information below. — So what are you going to do while you are here? — Well, I don’t know much about New York really, you know. I’ve just come and I’d like to see quite a lot of sights. — You are lucky. I work at the southern department of City Travel Service and I’ve got some leaflets about New York. Here you are. You’ll find a lot of useful information there. — I’m planning to start early tomorrow morning. What should I do first? — I think you should start with the Empire State Building. — OK. Let’s have a look in the leaflet. What does it say about it? The Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper in New York City at the crossroads of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. Its name comes from the nickname for the state of New York. It was completed in 1931 and stood as the world’s tallest building for more than forty years until con- struction of the World Trade Center’s North Tower was completed in 1972. When the World Trade Center was destroyed in 2001, the Empire State Building again became the tallest building in New York City and New York State. And now it is the second tallest skyscraper in America. It sounds great! I’ll definitely do that. And what about the Statue of Liberty? I must see the Statue of Liberty! — Sure. You can take a sightseeing tour. It stops nearby and you can get out and climb up to the top. I must say that the Statue of Liberty was a present to the people of the United States from the people of France and was brought to America in 1884. The Statue of Liberty stands on
  • 36. 36 Liberty Island in the middle of New York harbour. It has become a sym- bol of hope and freedom and was the first American sight seen by many people who went to the USA for a better life. The Statue is 46 metres high and weighs 204 tons. — Yeah? It’s incredible! I think I’ll start my tour with this monu- ment. The traveller was lucky to meet a travel agent. (1) Yes) The agent gave him a book about New York. (2) No, a leaflet) The agent advised him to visit the Empire State Building at first.3) (Yes) It is 46 metres high. (4) The Statue of Liberty) It has 102 floors. (5) The Empire State Building) It was built in 1931. (6) The Empire State Building) It was built in 1884. (7) The Statue of Liberty) Answer the questions. Is the Empire State Building the tallest skyscraper in America?1) Was it always the tallest building in New York?2) How did the Americans get the Statue of Liberty?3) Where does it stand?4) What place of interest did the traveller choose to see first?5) 3. Reading Do Ex. 2, p. 100. 4. Reading and speaking Read the text in Ex. 3, p. 101 and answer the questions. Can tourists visit the Tower of London every day?1) What time does the London Zoo open and close on Sunday?2) Where should you call to have a sightseeing tour around London?3) What is the address of the Madame Tussaud’s Museum and what4) time does it open? 5. Writing and speaking Work in pairs. Make up a short dialogue using the information in Ex. 3, write it down and act it out. — What shall we do at the weekend? — Why don’t we go to __? We can see __ . — Yes, let’s __ / That’s a good idea. / When does it open? — No, I don’t think it’ll be interesting. / They sat it’ll be cold. — Then what about going / visiting __.? — OK. 6. Summary What information can we find in leaflets?1) How can it help us?2) What else can help us when we travel around the city?3) What means of transport are comfortable for getting around the4) city? Who can help us to go sightseeing?5) 7. Homework Make up a leaflet for visitors to your country.
  • 37. 37 Клас Дата Lesson 65 It’s time for reading Цілі: формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови; розвивати вміння читати й переказувати; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; роз- вивати логічне мислення. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Do you enjoy looking round cities?1) What kind of places do you enjoy visiting?2) What is the most interesting city that you have visited? Why?3) Which cities would you most like to visit? Why?4) 2. Listening Listen to the text and answer the questions. Practise the new vocabulary. deep in the heart a peninsula ancient civilization construction century a temple staircase steep The Egyptians were not the only people who built pyramids. The Maya built them too. Deep in the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico lies Chichen Itza, a former centre of the ancient civilization. Although scientists know little about the Maya (they had no written language), it is believed that the construction of Chichen Itza began around the 7th century and continued for about 200 years. The city had pyramid-shaped temples and palaces, large squares, markets, baths and an astronomical observa- tory. One of the pyramids was a Mayan calendar with 92 steps on each side. Though this staircase is quite steep thousands of tourists from all over the world try to climb up to the top of the pyramid. Where is Chichen Itza situated?1) What ancient people lived there?2) Could the Maya write?3) When did the construction of the city start?4) How long did it last?5) What were there in this city?6) What attracts people there?7) 3. Reading Before you read Look at the pictures and say what means of transport you can see. How do you think if they are safe? Practise the pronunciation of the proper names Thor Heyerdahl Barbados Norway the Pacific Ocean South America Egypt the Atlantic Ocean the River Nile the Ancient Egyptians Morocco
  • 38. 38 Ask pupils to read the text (p. 102) for gist and answer the ques- tions: What is the story about?1) Who is the main character?2) Ask pupils to read the story again and match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents. 1) notice 2) the same 3) wooden 4) raft 5) similar 6) both 7) reed 8) grow 9) towards 10) sink a) обидва b) рости c) тонути d) очерет e) помічати f) такий самий g) у напрямку h) подібний i) пліт j) дерев’яний Fill in the gaps. the same raft both towards noticed similar He __ two policemen coming __ him. I saw two __ temples in different countries. The pyramids in __ countries are built many centuries ago. People are __ all over the world. We made a small __ to cross the river. After you read Answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 103. 4. Speaking Try to retell the story very shortly. Use the pictures in Ex. 3, p. 103. 5. Summary What do you know about other travellers and their discoveries. Say a few sentences using the words in Ex. 4, p. 103 6. Homework Write a short paragraph about a traveller you wish using Ex. 4, p. 103.
  • 39. 39 Клас Дата Lesson 66 Let’s brush up our grammar Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання лексичних одиниць у граматич- них структурах Past Simple and Present Perfect, удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й письма; розвивати увагу дітей та кмітливість; вихову- вати інтерес до іноземної мови. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Where can we find these objects? Put these words in the proper col- umns. zebra crossing meadow refrigerator surfboard pond pedestrian parking meter carpet dishwasher wet suit chickens pebbles wash basin shell drawer orchard post box barn In the street At home On the beach In the country 2. Listen Listen to the text and say which statements are true. The word that may best describe Texas is ‘big’. After Alaska it’s the second largest state in the United States. The name Texas comes from a Native American word meaning ‘friends’, and the motto of the state is ‘Friendship’. The states’ nickname is the ‘Lone Star State’, because it has the only star on its flag. Texas has a unique history. After becoming independent from Mexico in 1836, it was a separate country for nearly 10 years! Texas was home to the cowboy, the hero of the American Wild West and also home to the first rodeo, a competition to see who is the best at riding a wild horse or a bull, roping a cow or shooting. It was held in 1883. Rodeos are still very popular in Texas. The capital of the state is Austin. It stands on the Colorado River in south-central Texas. The largest city in Texas is Houston. NASA, the American government space centre, is based in Houston. Texas is known for its love of American football. 1) Texas is the largest city in the USA. 2) The word ‘Texas” means ‘friends’. 3) There is one star on its flag. 4) Before joining the USA, Texas was an independent country. 5) Rodeos are competitions for real cowboys. 6) Rodeos started in 1893. 7) The capital of Texas is Houston. 8) The capital stands on the Colorado River in the north of Texas. 9) There are a lot of fans of American football in Texas. 3. Grammar practice Revise the rule as for using Past Simple and Present Perfect. Read the examples in Ex. 1 and make up questions in Ex. 2, p. 104. 4. Reading Do Ex. 3, p. 104.
  • 40. 40 5. Writing Make up sentences using Present Perfect. • ride a motorbike? • eat fish and chips? • break / my camera, • lose / my car keys • do any skiing? • have an operation? • see / a ghost • drop / my glasses Do Ex. 4, p. 104 Complete the dialogues. 1) — What __ (you / do) last weekend? I __ (stay) at home. 2) — __(you / ever / win) a competition? — Yes, I __ (win) a dancing competition in 2008. 3) — I __ (meet) Jill last week. — Really? I __ (not / see) her for months. 6. Speaking Work in pairs. Do Ex. 5, 6, p. 105. 7. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 7, p. 105 8. Summary Have you ever been to Texas?1) When did you go there?2) Have you ever seen rodeo?3) Did you like it?4) Who has become the hero of American westerns?5) Have you ever heard about NASA? What is it?6) Have you seen all the famous places and sights in your town?7) 9. Homework Write a few incredible answers to the question: What’s happened? Example: — What’s happened? — I’ve lost one million dollars!
  • 41. 41 Клас Дата Lesson 67 It’s a Superlative World Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання й аудіювання, систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати мовленнєву ре- акцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Answer your partner’s questions and fill in the chart. A North South East West The USA Florida / a state Linton / a small town Baltimore / a big city + + + The UK Kent ________________________ Snowdon _____________________ York ________________________ B North South East West The UK Kent / a county Snowdon / a mountain York / a town + + + The USA Florida _______________________ Linton _______________________ Baltimore _____________________ Sample dialogue A. Where is Kent? B. It’s in the south of the UK. A. Is it a city? B. No, it isn’t. It’s a county. A. I know that Kent is a county in the south of the UK. 2. Listening Listen to the texts and do the task. New words • glacier — льодовик • spring — джерело • steaming water — кипляча вода • geyser — гейзер Amazing countries, amazing cities Iceland is an amazing country, its name makes you think of ice, and this country certainly has lots of it. In fact, there is a glacier in Iceland that is so big that the rest of all the glaciers in Europe could fit inside it. But there’s so much more to this country than ice. Actually, it can be one of the hottest places on the planet! There are two hundred volcanoes in Iceland, and many of them are still active. Geysers and hot springs shoot steaming water up out of the ground.
  • 42. 42 The local people of a small Spanish town Buñol have a very unusual holiday — a tomato throwing festival called La Tomatina. Thousands of people take part in this messy event and enjoy throwing tomatoes. It is held every year on the last Wednesday in August. It’s one of the funni- est festivals in the world. It started in 1944 when locals began throwing their lunch at each other in a square in the town. Complete the sentences. 1) In Iceland there is a lot of __ . (Ice) 2) Buñol is situated in __ . (Spain) 3) __ can move slowly down a mountain. (Glaciers) 4) __ are main vegetables of this festival. (Tomatoes) 5) __ is a great season for such a funny festival. (Summer) 6) It’s such fun to __ tomatoes at each other. (Throw) 7) It’s very hot in Iceland because there are a lot of __ there. (Volcanoes) 8) __ and hot __ give much hot water. (Geysers, spring) 3. Reading and speaking Do the quiz in Ex. 1, p. 106. 4. Speaking Do Ex. 2, p. 107. 5. Writing and speaking Match the parts of the dialogue, complete them and then act it out. — May I help you? — I think __ will be exciting — What exactly do you want to know? — Oh, that’s a good idea. Thank you — What tour do you prefer — around the city, visiting churches, art galler- ies or parks? — Yes, I’d like to get some informa- tion about __ — What about travelling around the old part of the city? — First of all I’d like to __ 6. Summary What is the largest country in the world?1) What is the longest river?2) Where is the highest mountain?3) What river does London stand on?4) Why do many people like travelling?5) 7. Homework Ask pupils to imagine the country where they are from and write about it a few sentences. Start like this: I’m from… It’s a big (small) country in the north (east…) of….
  • 43. 43 Клас Дата Lesson 68 Home Reading. The USA (p. 159) Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення, уживання в мов­ ленні граматичних структур і лексичних одиниць із теми, удосконалювати навички вимови; розвивати вміння послідовно висловлюватися інозем- ною мовою; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Work in pairs. Look at the table and say what languages these people can speak. Example A. Can Ali speak German? B. Yes, he can. A. Can he speak French? B. I don’t know. A Eng- lish French Chi- nese Japa- nese Span- ish Ger- man Swa- hili Arabic Ukrain- ian Maria v Lee Shu v Jason v v Akami v v v Ali v Monica v v v A Eng- lish French Chi- nese Japa- nese Span- ish Ger- man Swa- hili Arabic Ukrain- ian Maria v v Lee Shu v Jason v v Akami v Ali v Monica v v v v 2. Listening Listen to the text and do the task. The White House The White House in an important part of Washington, D.C. It is where the president lives and works. George Washington is the only American president who did not live there. John Adams was the first president to live in the White House. He and his family moved into the house in 1800. The White House has 132 rooms. Visitors may tour some of the first- floor room, Second floor is “home” for the president and his family. The White House has many special rooms. It even has a private bowling alley and a movie theatre.
  • 44. 44 True or False George Washington was the first president to live in the White1) House. The American president only works in the White House.2) John Adams was the first to move into the White House.3) The president and his family live on the first floor.4) There are 132 rooms in the White House.5) Visitors can tour all of the rooms in the White House.6) The White house is located in the state of Washington.7) 3. Speaking Practise the pronunciation of the proper names The United States of America the USA Alaska California the Mississippi-Missouri River New York Los Angeles Chicago Rhode Island Delaware Texas Washington Then look at the map and say where they are situated. 4. Reading Complete the information. Different rich far away small big 1) The USA has five time zones because it’s very __ . 2) The USA produces quite a lot of different things so it’s very __ . 3) Some eastern states are very __ . 4) You can’t get Alaska very quickly because it’s very __ . 5) People from all over the world come to the USA so they speak __ languages. 5. Speaking Answer the questions. 1) Where is the USA situated? 2) Is it a big country? 3) What is the longest river in the USA? 4) What things do the USA produce? 5) What is the population of the USA? 6) What are the largest cities in the USA? 7) How many states are there in the USA? 8) Has each state got its own government and its own capital? 9) What is the capital of the USA? 10) Is it situated in one of the states? 11) What is the federal district where the capital is situated called? 12) Where does the American president live? 13) How many stars and stripes are there on the American flag? 14) How many were there original states which got their indepen­ dence? 15) When did it happen? 6. Summary What names do you remember at once when you hear “the USA”?1) How can you get to the USA?2) Do you know any interesting facts about this country?3) Which places of interest would you like to visit in the USA?4) 7. Homework Make a project (p. 107).
  • 45. 45 Клас Дата Unit 7. Welcome to Ukraine! Lesson 69 Meeting the guests Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона- лювати навички аудіювання й усного мовлення з опорю на лексико-гра- матичні структури і вміння робити пропозицію; удосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання; розвивати культуру спілкування; вихову- вати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up What are the most attractive places in your country?1) Are there many famous sights in your country? What are they fa-2) mous for? What’s your favourite place in your country? Is it popular with3) many people? Why? 2. Speaking Presentation Pupils present their projects about foreign countries. (Homework) 3. Reading and speaking Read the dialogue in Ex. 1, p. 108 and act it out. Then answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 108. 4. Speaking Present the new vocabulary (p. 108) then practice it chorally and individually in different sentences. Our country is famous for its national crafts.1) We are proud of our Ukrainian craftsmen.2) My friend is good at embroidery.3) Ukrainian embroidered towels are well-known in many countries.4) I’ve worked out everything and I know what we should do now.5) 5. Listening and speaking Look at the schedule below and in pairs discuss how to organize the day. Example A. Who shall we send to meet them at the airport? B. Why don’t we all go? / Let’s all go. 10.00 Arrive at airport Who / send to meet them? 12.00 Visit the school What / show them? 12.45 Lunch What / give them to eat? 2.00 Visit famous building/church. Which one / choose? 3.00 Folk dancing or traditional entertainment What sort of dancing / enter- tainment / have? 5.00 Dinner at school Where / have it? Who / invite? What present / give them? 6.30 Concert What sort of concert / prepare?
  • 46. 46 6. Writing and speaking Write down the suggestions and then practise them orally. Why don’t we Why not Let’s What about show them some folk dancing prepare an international festival preparing a concert have a tour about the city make an exhibition of Ukrainian craft works make some souvenirs ourselves work out a national dishes contest performing a Ukrainian tale having anything to eat in “Varenichna”? work out a football match with their team have a karaoke competition Make up short dialogues. React to your partner’s suggestions choos- ing from the replies below. YES Yes, let’s… That’s a good idea. That might be interesting. NO I don’t like… I don’t feel like it. I’m not very fond of… 7. Summary What country would you like to visit?1) What would you tell about your country? About your hometown?2) Have you ever visited any craft displays?3) What craft display would you recommend your guests to visit?4) What would you suggest to your friends to prepare to surprise your5) guests? 8. Homework Write a short paragraph about your country (geographical position, attractions).
  • 47. 47 Клас Дата Lesson 70 We need some ideas Цілі: формувати навички вживання граматичної конструкції So / Neither do I; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й аудіювання, уживання лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати любов до своєї країни й позитивне ставлення до національних традицій. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up In pairs, write a list of places in your country. Give the names of: • a tourist country • a big town in the north • an old university • a beautiful building • a boring town • a town near the sea • an industrial city • a small town in the south • an ugly building • an interesting town Then in groups compare your lists. Are they the same? 2. Reading Read the texts and complete the information. Name of city: Name of region: Position: Attractions: Myrgorod, a beautiful old town in the north-east of Ukraine on the Khorol River, is situated in Poltava Region. It is known since 1757. Its name means ‘peaceful town’. Myrgorod is famous for Sorochyntsi ­Autumn Fair. Feodosia is a town on the south coast of the Crimea, on the Black Sea. It was founded by the Greeks in the VI century. It has the Picture Gallery of I. Aivazovskyi, the literary museum of O. Grin and the His- torical Reserve “The Fortress of Kafa”. Many people think that the beaches there are beautiful. 3. Speaking Do Ex. 3, p. 108. 4. Grammar practice Work in groups of four Practise So do I / Neither do I. Example A. I live in Poltava. C. So do I. B. I don’t like reading. D. Neither do I.
  • 48. 48 A Lives in: Poltava Speaks: French, Spanish Likes: travelling Dislikes: cooking Plays: volleyball B Lives in: Odessa Speaks: Spanish, English Likes: cycling Dislikes: reading Plays: tennis C Lives in: Poltava Speaks: English, French Likes: cycling Dislikes: cooking Plays: volleyball D Lives in: Kyiv Speaks: English, German Likes: travelling Dislikes: reading Plays: tennis 5. Reading and speaking Read the dialogue in Ex. 4, p. 109. Practise the pronunciation of the following words: senior, guest, airport, communication, exhibition, folk, embroidered towel, wooden souvenir Express your ideas using the table. We can show them some folk dancing prepare an international festival prepare a concert have a tour about the city make an exhibition of Ukrainian craft works make some souvenirs ourselves work out a national dishes contest perform a Ukrainian tale work out a football match with their team have a karaoke competition organize a theme party 6. Speaking Do Ex. 6, p. 109. In pairs, make up your dialogues using the words from the exercise and the following expressions: making suggestions Let’s… What about… Why don’t… We can… giving advice You should Why don’t you…? You can… Example — I know some of the guests like drama and music. — Then let’s perform a play. — Or why don’t we work our a puppet show? — I think they should visit our drama theatre. 7. Summary Where would you like to spend your holiday in our country? Why?1) What things usually attract people in different cities?2) What is the best kind of transport to travel about Ukraine?3) 8. Homework Ex. 5, p. 109.
  • 49. 49 Клас Дата Lesson 71 Teach yourself Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання граматичної конструкції So / Neither do I і зворотних займенників, навички усного мовлення і вживання лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здогадку і логічне мислення; вихо- вувати інтерес до англійської мови. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up In pairs, ask and say where the following places are. Izmaiil Mykolaiv Izium Kharkiv Kaniv Chornobyl Kherson Lviv Yalta Example — Where’s Izmaiil? — It’s in the south of Ukraine. 2. Listening Listen to someone describing a city in the warm-up. Guess what city it is. I think it’s my favourite city in the world. It’s very big but some- times it seems very small because there are certain parts of the city which have very small streets and very small shops. There are a lot of things to do there. There are museums, galleries, the Zoo and even child­ ren’s railway. It’s a city that is never boring. It is full of historical build- ings and also there are a lot of modern buildings there as well. Haven’t you guessed yet? It has the biggest square in Europe and it was the first capital of Ukraine. (Kharkiv) 3. Grammar practice Explain the rule how to use So / Nor (neither)+ …, write example sentences on the board and practise them chorally and individually. 4. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 110. 5. Writing Write down the questions to the answers. 1) My bike is very old. 2) I’m going to read this book. 3) I’ve eaten enough. 4) Dan passed the exam. 5) I’m not studying tomorrow. 6) I can’t understand this rule. 7) Beth didn’t go to the festival. 8) I’ve got a cold. 9) I haven’t got much money. 10) My printer doesn’t work. 11) I haven’t done my homework. 12) We are going to the seaside.
  • 50. 50 6. Grammar practice Revise the reflexive pronouns. Make up the sentences and then write down some of them. I You He She We They cooked built painted organized made enjoyed myself yourself himself herself ourselves themselves a meal a house a concert a snack a room a cup of coffee at the concert 7. Reading and writing Do Ex. 3, p. 111. 8. Summary Do Ex. 4, p. 111. 9. Homework Make up some statements for the dialogue. For example: — I can speak Chinese. — Really? So can I.
  • 51. 51 Клас Дата Lesson 72 Welcome to Ukraine! Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і навички вимови; виховува- ти доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника; розвивати культуру спіл- кування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up 1) What is the best city in our country? Why? 2) What are the most interesting tourist sights for visitors in our city (monuments, museums, temples)? 3) What are the most popular vacation places for people in our coun- try? Why? 2. Speaking Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue using these prompts. Student A meets Student B on a train. Student A Where do you come from?1) Where is that exactly?2) What’s it like?3) Do you like living there?4) Student B You come from the south of Ukraine. Answer Student’s A questions. Then return the questions. 3. Reading Before reading Answer the questions. Where is Ukraine situated?1) What is the capital of Ukraine?2) What are the biggest cities?3) What interesting places in Ukraine do you know?4) Which words do you usually associate with Ukraine?5) Reading Read the text (p. 112). Find the following words in the text and practise them chorally and individually, then match them with their Ukrainian equivalents and practice the new vocabulary. 1) an independent state 2) an undiscovered treasure 3) culture 4) a health resort 5) remarkable 6) a tourist 7) a pancake 8) a style 9) a sense of humour a) стиль b) курорт c) почуття гумору d) турист e) незалежна держава f) культура g) чудовий, дивний h) нерозкритий скарб i) млинець
  • 52. 52 Fill in the gaps. Culture style an independent state remarkable health resorts tourists sense of humour 1) Many __ visit our country every year. 2) She’s got a really good __. 3) Our country is __. 4) We should be proud of our Ukrainian __. 5) There are a lot of __ on the southern coast of Ukraine. 6) You look like a film star. I like your __. 7) Ukraine is __ for its nature. 4. Writing Do Ex. 2, p. 113. 5. Speaking Introduce your country using the questions in Ex. 3, p. 113. In pairs, using these questions make up your own dialogues. 6. Summary What remarkable places in Ukraine (in your region) can you name?1) What Ukrainian national dishes do you know?2) Can you make any of them?3) What attracts people from all over the world in our country?4) What resorts in Ukraine do you know? Where are they?5) Where would you like to spend your holidays?6) 7. Homework Make up a leaflet for visitors to your region.
  • 53. 53 Клас Дата Lesson 73 Know more about Ukraine Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; удосконалю- вати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і монологічного ви­ словлювання; розвивати мовну здогадку; розвивати пам’ять; виховувати любов до своєї країни, інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up What’s your favourite place in your country? Is it popular with1) many people? Why? Who are the most popular people in your country? What are they2) like? What do they do? What have they done for your country?3) What are the most popular activities and hobbies in your country?4) Why? 2. Speaking Do Ex. 1, p. 114. 3. Reading Read the texts in Ex. 2, p. 114 and match them with the photos. 4. Speaking Read the new words on the board and practise them chorally and individually: a description, an impression, a lifestyle, a region, native, to describe, that’s why. Find the sentences with them on the page and read them aloud. 5. Reading Read about the people from different parts of Ukraine. Then answer the questions. Who has got a baby daughter? two teenage children? Who lives at home? with her mother? in the country? in a flat? Who lives in the north? in the south? in the east? in the west? Who is a musician? a pupil? a rock lover? Who works at an airport? in a factory? on a farm? A n n a B o n d a r e n k o. I’m 14 and I live with my mother in a small town in the north of Ukraine. I’m crazy about rock music that’s why I’ve learnt to play the guitar. I work hard at my lessons too, so I haven’t free time at all. S t e p a n K o v a l e n k o. I live at home with my family. We live in the country near Lutsk, which is the capital of Volyn Region and one of industrial centres of the Western Ukraine. I’m in the sixth form. My parents work on a farm and I often help them because I like animals. N a t a l i B o y k o. I’m a musician and my husband works in a fac- tory. We live with our two teenage children in the centre of Kharkiv in
  • 54. 54 a flat. We like travelling about Ukraine and sharing our impressions after that. That’s why we try to describe everything we see. A l e x Z o t o v. I work for the Ukrainian airlines. I work at the check-in desk at the airport in Simferopol. I live with my wife and baby daughter in a small flat in Simferopol. The Crimea is a wonderful place, that’s why we are fond of travelling about our native region and climb- ing in the Crimean mountains. 6. Reading and writing Read the Fact Files in Ex. 3, p. 115. Then fill in the chart. Country Ukraine The UK Location Capital Size / territory Population Special geographical features Climate Largest cities Longest rivers Nature National food Head of the state Flag Work in pairs Make up your own dialogues using this chart. 7. Speaking Do Ex. 3(b), p. 115. 8. Summary Do Ex. 6, p. 115. 9. Homework Ex. 5, p. 115.
  • 55. 55 Клас Дата Lesson 74 The most popular tourist places Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і на- вички читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію й пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розши- ренні своїх знань, любов до своєї країни, повагу до минулого. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Pupils go around the class asking Have you ever been to…?, then they sum up. Example: Masha has been to Kharkiv in the east, but she hasn’t been to Yalta in the south. Name Any place in the south of Ukraine Any place in the north of Ukraine Any place in the east of Ukraine Any place in the west of Ukraine Masha * x * x 2. Listening Listen to the text “At the travel agent’s” and answer the questions: — Hello. What can I do for you? — Well, I’d like to go somewhere with beautiful beaches. — Sure, sometimes it’s nice to visit countries that have good weath- er and beautiful beaches. That’s why places like Australia and Fiji are such popular destinations. — Are there any places a bit nearer? — Certainly. Here you are. Look at this leaflet. The southern coast of the Black Sea is a nice place to spend holidays. There are different ways to do that. I can advise you some interesting tours. If you like camping, you could hike the Crimean Mountains to reach the coast and spend some days there living in the tents and making meals yourself in the open air. — Oh, no. I’d like to have a rest without cooking. Is there anything else? — Yeah, there’s another interesting trip in the same area — just around the mountains but staying in summer cottages while you’re walking towards the coast and then staying in a hotel at the seaside. The hotel is not big but very comfortable. — That doesn’t sound very good too. I don’t like walking too much. I’d like to do nothing at all. — Perhaps you’d better stay at home and watch beautiful beaches on TV? How many pieces of advice does the travel agent give?1) Is the traveller going to visit Australia?2) Does the traveller like any of the tours?3) Why didn’t he like any of them?4) 3. Reading Do Ex. 2, p. 116. 4. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 3, p. 116.
  • 56. 56 Practise saying agreement and disagreement. Agreement I (quite) agree (with you) I think so too. You’re (quite) right there. So do I. That’s right Disagreement I don’t agree (I disagree) (with you). I don’t think so. I’m afraid I can’t agree (with you). Come off it. That’s wrong Example: — They say there are many cowboys in Kyiv. — Come off it! It is not Texas. — They say Kyiv is a wonderful city. — I think so too. — So do I. Our capital is… 5. Writing Make up and write down some questions to find out some informa- tion about any tourist places you are going to visit. Sample questions What attractions do they have?1) Is the area clean?2) Is the traffic heavy?3) Are there any ancient castles nearby?4) What is this place famous for?5) Where can I buy any craft works there?6) Do they have any exciting festivals?7) 6. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 4, p. 117. Work in pairs. Find your partner The students get cards. Half of them are with the advertisements of hotels. The others are for travel agents. A travel agent starts: The Dnipro Tourism Board. Helen speaking. May I help you? The student who has this card answers: Yes, I’d like to get information about… The students present their dialogues (3–4 questions) using ques- tions from the previous task. THE CRIMEA Old Village Inn Attractions: nice beach, swim- ming, sports cen- tres, places of natural beauty KHARKIV Holiday House “Roscha” Attractions: fresh air, the beautiful scen- ery, comfort- able rooms LVIV National Hotel “Lvivyanka” Attractions: hik- ing the moun- tains, historical city centre, old cathedrals ZAPORIZHZHYA Motel “Dnipro” Attractions: the Dnipro views, the Dnipro power sta- tion, Khortytsya Is- land, national folk festival SOUTHERN REGION The Crimean Travel Centre KHARKIV The Regional Tourist Agency WEST REGION The Tourist Agen- cy “SAM” DNIPRO TOURS The Dnipro Tourist Board 7. Summary 1) What is the best city in our country? Why? 2) What are the most interesting tourist sights for visitors in our city (monuments, museums, temples)? 3) What are the most popular vacation places for people in our coun- try? Why? 8. Homework Ex. 5, p. 117.
  • 57. 57 Клас Дата Lesson 75 It’s time for reading Цілі: формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови; розвивати вміння читати й переказувати; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; роз- вивати логічне мислення. PROCEDURE 1. Warm-up Letter lottery The teacher will need a box containing pieces of rolled up paper with letters of alphabet written on them, three for each student. Every pupil chooses three rolls with written letters. In a minute he or she has to re- member the words related to the topics “Ukraine” and “Travelling”, whose names begin with the chosen letters. Finally, each participant presents the words and describes them. 2. Listening Listen to the text about bears and answer the questions. Bears Are Different The brown bear is a large animal. It lives in the forest. Its coat is thick and rough. It eats wild fruit which it finds in the forest. It also like honey, and often spoils the hives of the wild bees. During the winter months the brown bear sleeps. The polar bear lives in the cold north where there is always snow on the ground. It has got a coat of thick white fur. It is a very good swim- mer. In the sea the polar bear catches seals for its dinner. In summer the polar bear also looks for berries. The koala bear is from Australia. It lives in trees, sleeps for most of the day and moves about and feeds at night. They eat eucalyptus leaves and seldom drink. Adult koala bears are not very big. They are only 0,5 metres tall. The panda bear is one of the rarest animals in the world. It lives in the jungles of China. It is a large animal up to 2 metres long. It has got a coat of long black and white fur. It eats bamboo, plants and sometimes fish. Which bear lives in the north?1) Which bear likes eucalyptus leaves?2) Which bear likes honey very much?3) Which bear has got black and white fur?4) Which bear sleeps in the forest in winter?5) Which bear sleeps during the day time?6) Which bear can swim well?7) Which bear feeds fish and bamboo?8) 3. Reading Before you read Look at the pictures and predict what the story is about. Practise the new vocabulary. New words to know. • a hollow — дупло • wild — дикий • tiny — крихітний