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Dept of Pharmacology
These are substances required in the
formation of blood & are used for
treatment of anaemias.
 agents that
- stimulate the production of red
blood cells or
- increase the amount of
haemoglobin in the blood.
 Anaemia is usually defined as adecrease
in amount of red blood cells or
hemoglobin in theblood.
 There are different classifications of
anaemia based on morphology & patho
On the basis of morphology
On the basis of Patho-physiology
1.Blood loss 2.Impaired RBC
Causesof Anemia
1.Blood loss
2. Inherited condition
3. Impaired RBCproduction
4. Kidney disease
1.Easyfatigue & energyloss
3.Pale skin
5.Usually rapid heartbeat
Symptoms of anemia
Treatment of Anaemia:-
The important haematinics are– 1.Iron
Haematinics are the agents that
stimulates the production of red blood
cells or increase the amount of
haemoglobin inblood.
The important haematinics are-
1. Iron
2. Vit B12
3. Folic Acid
Iron is an essential mineral that is required
for human life.Much of the iron in the body
is found in red blood cells.
Distribution of iron in body:
Haemoglobin – 66%
Iron stores as ferritin & haemosiderin – 25%
Myoglobin – 3%
Parenchymal iron – 6%
Adult male : 0.5-1 mg .
Adult female : 1-2 mg.
Infants : 60microgm /kg.
Children : 25microgm /kg.
Pregnancy (last 2 trimesters) : 3-5 mg.
Dietary sourses:
Rich: Liver, egg yolk,oyster, dry beans, dry fruits,
wheat germ, yeast
Medium: Meat, chicken, fish, spinach, banana, apple
Poor: Milk & its products, root vegetables
The major part of dietary iron is
inorganic & in the ferric form. It
needs to be reduced to the ferrous
form before absorption.
Its absorption occurs all over in the
Iron is transported into erythropoietic & other
cells .
Iron dissociated from the complex at the acidic
pH of the intracellular vesicles, the released iron
is utilized for haemoglobin synthesis .
Stored in RE cells in liver, spleen bone
marrow, also in hepatocytes & myocytes as
ferritin .
Excreted through sweat ,very little in
urine, desquamated skin, in some RBCs and in
bile(all lost in faeces).
Factors affecting Iron Absorption
 1. Acid
 2. Reducing
- ascorbic acid
3. Meat
 1. Alkalies ( antacids)
 2. phosphates
 3. phytates
 4. Tetracyclines
 5. presence of other
food in stomach
Oral Iron Preparation:
1. Ferrous Sulfate- Fersolate200mg tab.
2. Ferrous gluconate- Ferronicum 300mg
3. Ferrous fumarate- NORI-A 200mg tab.
4. Colloidal ferric hydroxide-Neoferum 200mg
tab, 400mg/5ml liquid, 100mg/ml drops.
Parenteral Iron Preparation
1. Iron dextran: - 2ml ampule,
dose: - 1.5mg/5ml/day
2. Iron sorbitol citric acid
complex- 1.5ml ampoule.
Therapeutic use ofIron preparation
1.Treatment ofiron deficiency
2. Pregnancy lactation
3.Infants growing
4.Professional blood
Adverse effects-
Epigastric pain
Nausea ,vomiting
Metallic taste
Staining of teeth
On parenteral route: Pain at inj site,
headache, fever, palpitation, dyspnoea,
chest pain
On IV administration: anaphylactic shock
 occurs mostly in infants and children
 10–20 iron tablets or equivalent of the liquid
preparation (> 60 mg/kg iron) may cause serious
toxicity in them. very rare in adults.
 Manifestations are vomiting, abdominal pain,
haematemesis, diarrhoea, lethargy, cyanosis,
dehydration, acidosis, convulsions; finally shock,
cardiovascular collapse and death.
 In few cases death occurs early (within 6 hours), but
is typically delayed to 12–36 hours, with apparent
improvement in the intervening period.
 Should be prompt to prevent further absorption of iron from gut
 (a) Induce vomiting or perform gastric lavage with sodium
bicarbonate solution—to render iron insoluble.
 (b) Give egg yolk and milk orally: to complex iron.
 To bind and remove iron already absorbed Desferrioxamine (an
iron chelating agent) is the drug of choice. It should be injected
i.m. 0.5–1 g (50 mg/kg in children) repeated 4–12 hourly as
required, or i.v. (if shock is present) 10–15 mg/kg/hour; max 75
mg/kg in a day till serum iron falls below 300 µg/dl.
 Alternatively, DTPA or calcium edetate may be used.
Supportive measures
 Fluid and electrolyte balance should be
maintained and acidosis corrected by appropriate
i.v. infusion.
 Respiration and BP may need support.
 Diazepam i.v. may be cautiously used to control
convulsions, if they occur.
Deficiency of vit B12 & folic acid, result in
megaloblastic anaemia characterized by the
presence of large red cell precursors in bone
marrow & their large & shortlived progeny
in peripheral blood.
- vit B12 & folic acid are therefor called
maturation factors.
Cyanocobalamin & hydroxocobalaminare
complex cobalt containing compounds
present in the diet & referred to as vit
Daily requirement:
1-3 mg,pregnancy & lactation 3-5mg.
It occurs as yellow crystals which are
insoluble in water, but its sodium salt is
freely water soluble.
Daily requirement:
In adult is <0.1mg but dietary allowance
of 0.2mg/day is recommended.
During pregnancy , lactation 0.8mg/day is
considered appropriate.
Patients with gastric,ileal resections, small
bowel disease or malabsorption require
parental use.
Iron :
Best to give on empty stomach but can be given
with food to decrease gastric upset.
Assess haemoglobin levels & bowel
movement as constipation is common.
Folic acid:
Contraindicated in uncorrected pernicious
 Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone produced by peritubular cells of
the kidney, essential for normal erythropoiesis.
 Anaemia and hypoxia are sensed by kidney cells and induce rapid
secretion of EPO
 (a) Stimulates proliferation of colony forming cells of the
erythroid series
 (b) Induces haemoglobin formation and erythroblast maturation.
 (c) Releases reticulocytes in the circulation
 Epoetin α, β :-
 It is recombinant human erythropoietin,
 administered by i.v. or s.c. injection
 The primary indication is anaemia of chronic renal failure which is
due to low levels of EPO. Only for symptomatic patients with Hb ≤ 8
g/dl s
 Other uses are:
 1. Anaemia in AIDS patients treated with zidovudine.
 2. Cancer chemotherapy induced anaemia.
 3. Preoperative increased blood production for autologous
transfusion during surgery.
 Adverse effects:
 increased clot formation in the A-V shunts (most patients are on
dialysis), hypertensive episodes or persistently raised BP, serious
thromboembolic events, occasionally seizures. Flu-like symptoms
lasting 2–4 hr occur in some patients.
 Darbepoetin α :
- a hyperglycosylated modified preparation of EPO
Dept of Pharmacology
Blood is a fluid connective tissue that circulate
continuously around the body, allowing constant
communication between tissues distant from each
A clear, straw coloured, watery fluid in which several
different types of blood cells are suspended.
Blood and plasma volume expanders
Plasma expanders are agents that have relatively high
molecular weight and boost the plasma volume by
increasing the osmotic pressure.
They are used to treat patients who have suffered
hemorrhage or shock.
Volume Expanders contd..
Volume expanders are the intravenous fluid solutions
that are used to increase or retain the volume of fluid
in the circulating blood.
These are used to correct hypovolemia due to
loss of plasma or blood.
Types of volume expanders
There are two main types of volume expanders:
1.Crystalloids: crystalloids are aqueous solutions
of mineral salts or other water-soluble
molecules. E.g. normal saline, dextrose,
Ringer’s solution etc.
2.Colloids: Colloids are larger insoluble molecules,
such as dextran, human albumin, gelatin, blood.
Blood itself is a colloid.
Colloids are better than Crystalloids
The larger molecules of colloids are retained more
easily in the intravascular space & increase osmotic
So, more effective resuscitation of plasma volume
occurs by colloids than produced by that of
Duration of action is relatively longer than
Ideal properties of PVEs.
Iso-oncotic with plasma
Distributed to intravascular compartment only
Pharmacodynamically inert
Non-pyrogenic, non-allergenic & non-antigenic
No interference with blood grouping or cross-
Stable, easily sterilizable and cheap.
Generally used Plasma expanders
Human albumin
Degraded gelatin polymer (Polygeline)
Hydroxyethyl starch (Hetastarch/HES)
Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)
Mechanism of action:
 Generally works on the principle of osmosis.
 Increases Plasma osmotic pressure, drawing
water into plasma from interstitial fluid.
Uses Of Plasma Expanders
Used in conditions where blood or plasma has been
lost or has moved to extravascular compartments
e.g., in burns, hypovolaemic shock, endotoxin
shock, severe trauma and extensive tissue
Can also be used as a temporary measure in
cases of whole blood loss till the same can be
Note: They do not have oxygen carrying capacity.
Some Volume Expanders
1.Human Albumin
It is obtained from pooled human plasma.
It can be used without regard to patient’s blood
group and doesn’t interfere with coagulation.
It is free of risk of transmission of hepatitis because
the preparation is heat treated.
St. ofAlbumin
Crystalloid solution must be infused concurrently
for optimum benefit.
It has been used in acute hypoproteinaemia, acute
liver failure and dialysis.
It is comparatively expensive.
Available products:
 Albudac, Albupan 50, 100 ml inj.,
 Albumed 5%, 20% infusion (100 ml)
It is highly branched polysaccharide molecule
obtained from sugar beat .
It is produced by using the bacterial enzyme
dextran sucrase from the bacterium Leuconostoc
mesenteroides which grows in a sucrose medium.
Most commonly used plasma expanders and is
available in two forms.
1.Dextran 70
2.Dextran 40
a) Dextran 70
1.It is most commonly used preparation.
2.It expands plasma volume for nearly 24 hrs.
3.Excreted slowly by glomerular filtration as well as
oxidized in body over weeks .
4.and some amount is deposited in retuculo-
endothelial cells.
Dextran 70 has nearly all the
properties of an ideal plasma
 It may interfere with blood grouping and cross
 It can interfere with coagulation and
platelet function and thus prolong bleeding time .
 Some polysaccharide reacting antibodies, if present,
may cross react with dextran and trigger anaphylactic
reaction like Urticaria, itching, bronchospasm, fall in
b) Dextran 40
It is 10% solution in Dextrose or Saline.
It acts more rapidly than dextrose-70.
It reduces blood viscosity .
It is excreted through renal tubules and occasionally may
produce acute renal failure.
The total dose should not exceed 20 ml/kg in 24 hr.
Dextrans can be stored for 10 years and are cheap so are
the most commonly used plasma expanders.
Caution: Dextran doesn’t provide necessary electrolytes and
can cause hyponatremia or other electrolyte disturbances.
3. Degraded gelatin polymer (polygeline)
It is synthetic polymer (polypeptide) of MW-30,000.
It doesn’t interfere with blood grouping and
cross matching and is non-antigenic.
Expands plasma volume for 12 hrs.
It is more expensive than dextran and can also be used
for priming of heart-lung and dialysis machines.
Haemaccel; Seraccel 500 ml vaccine.
4. Hydroxyethyl starch(Hetastarch)
It is a complex mixture of ethoxylated
amylopectin of various molecular sizes;
average MW 4.5 lacs.
It maintains blood volume longer.
It doesn’t cause acute renal failure or
coagulation disturbances.
It improves hemodynamic status for 24 hrs.
Hetastarch contd..
Adverse effects:
Vomiting, mild fever, itching, chills, flu like symptoms, swelling
of salivary glands, Urticaria, bronchospasm etc.
Expan 6% inj (100 , 500 ml)
It has also been used to improve harvesting of granulocytes because
it accelerates erythrocyte sedimentation.
Adverse effects: Anaphylactic reactions, mild fever, chilling,
periorbital edema, Urticaria, itching .
5. Polyvinylpyrrolidine(PVP)
It is a synthetic polymer of average MW 40,000
used as a 3.5% solution.
PVP was used as blood plasma expander
for trauma victims after the 1950s.
It interferes with blood grouping and cross
matching and is histmine releaser.
It binds to penicillin and Insulin.
It is excreted by kidney and small amounts by liver
A fraction is stored in RE cells for prolonged
It is less commonly used plasma expander.
Sample of PVP
Some Crystalloids:
1. Normal Saline (Isotonic):
It is the crystalloid fluid containing 0.9% NaCl.
NS is frequently used in patients who cannot take fluids orally
and have developed dehydration or hypovolemia.
2. Lactated Ringer’s solution
It was introduced in 1880 by Sydney ringer, a British physician.
The solution was designed to promote the contraction of frog
hearts and was contained with calcium and potassium in a NaCl
diluents .
It is contraindicated as diluents for blood transfusions.
3.Dextrose solutions:
Generally 5% dextrose solutions are used which
provides 170 kcal/lit.
It is IV sugar solution which provides some energy to
the body parts.
Osmolarity is lower than serum.
Useful when Kidney function is Impaired.
Contraindications to plasma
Heart failure
Severe anaemia
Pulmonary edema
Renal insufficiency.
Some commercially used
Plasma volume expanders.

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Haematinics for Anaemia Treatment

  • 1. Dr. ABHIPSA PATRA Dept of Pharmacology VIMSAR BURLA
  • 2. Haematinics These are substances required in the formation of blood & are used for treatment of anaemias.  agents that - stimulate the production of red blood cells or - increase the amount of haemoglobin in the blood.
  • 3.  Anaemia is usually defined as adecrease in amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in theblood.  There are different classifications of anaemia based on morphology & patho physiology. Anaemia
  • 4. On the basis of morphology . Anemia 1.Normocytic normochromic 2.Microcytic hypochromic 3.Macrocytic
  • 5. On the basis of Patho-physiology Anemia 1.Blood loss 2.Impaired RBC production 3.Haemolytic
  • 6. Causesof Anemia 1.Blood loss 2. Inherited condition 3. Impaired RBCproduction 4. Kidney disease
  • 7. 1.Easyfatigue & energyloss 2.Dizziness 3.Pale skin 4.Headache 5.Usually rapid heartbeat Symptoms of anemia
  • 8. Treatment of Anaemia:- Haematinics The important haematinics are– 1.Iron 2.Vitamin-B12 3.FolicAcid Haematinics are the agents that stimulates the production of red blood cells or increase the amount of haemoglobin inblood. The important haematinics are- 1. Iron 2. Vit B12 3. Folic Acid
  • 9. Iron is an essential mineral that is required for human life.Much of the iron in the body is found in red blood cells. Distribution of iron in body: Haemoglobin – 66% Iron stores as ferritin & haemosiderin – 25% Myoglobin – 3% Parenchymal iron – 6%
  • 10. Adult male : 0.5-1 mg . Adult female : 1-2 mg. Infants : 60microgm /kg. Children : 25microgm /kg. Pregnancy (last 2 trimesters) : 3-5 mg. Dietary sourses: Rich: Liver, egg yolk,oyster, dry beans, dry fruits, wheat germ, yeast Medium: Meat, chicken, fish, spinach, banana, apple Poor: Milk & its products, root vegetables
  • 11. The major part of dietary iron is inorganic & in the ferric form. It needs to be reduced to the ferrous form before absorption. Its absorption occurs all over in the intestine.
  • 12. Iron is transported into erythropoietic & other cells . Iron dissociated from the complex at the acidic pH of the intracellular vesicles, the released iron is utilized for haemoglobin synthesis . Stored in RE cells in liver, spleen bone marrow, also in hepatocytes & myocytes as ferritin . Excreted through sweat ,very little in urine, desquamated skin, in some RBCs and in bile(all lost in faeces).
  • 13. Factors affecting Iron Absorption Facilitating absorption  1. Acid  2. Reducing subtances - ascorbic acid 3. Meat Impending absorption  1. Alkalies ( antacids)  2. phosphates  3. phytates  4. Tetracyclines  5. presence of other food in stomach
  • 14. Oral Iron Preparation: 1. Ferrous Sulfate- Fersolate200mg tab. 2. Ferrous gluconate- Ferronicum 300mg tab,400mg/15ml. 3. Ferrous fumarate- NORI-A 200mg tab. 4. Colloidal ferric hydroxide-Neoferum 200mg tab, 400mg/5ml liquid, 100mg/ml drops.
  • 15. Parenteral Iron Preparation 1. Iron dextran: - 2ml ampule, dose: - 1.5mg/5ml/day 2. Iron sorbitol citric acid complex- 1.5ml ampoule.
  • 16. Therapeutic use ofIron preparation 1.Treatment ofiron deficiency anemia 2. Pregnancy lactation 3.Infants growing phase 4.Professional blood donors
  • 17. Adverse effects- Epigastric pain Heartburn Nausea ,vomiting Metallic taste Constipation Staining of teeth On parenteral route: Pain at inj site, headache, fever, palpitation, dyspnoea, chest pain On IV administration: anaphylactic shock
  • 18. ACUTE IRON POISONING  occurs mostly in infants and children  10–20 iron tablets or equivalent of the liquid preparation (> 60 mg/kg iron) may cause serious toxicity in them. very rare in adults.  Manifestations are vomiting, abdominal pain, haematemesis, diarrhoea, lethargy, cyanosis, dehydration, acidosis, convulsions; finally shock, cardiovascular collapse and death.  In few cases death occurs early (within 6 hours), but is typically delayed to 12–36 hours, with apparent improvement in the intervening period.
  • 19. TREATMENT  Should be prompt to prevent further absorption of iron from gut  (a) Induce vomiting or perform gastric lavage with sodium bicarbonate solution—to render iron insoluble.  (b) Give egg yolk and milk orally: to complex iron.  To bind and remove iron already absorbed Desferrioxamine (an iron chelating agent) is the drug of choice. It should be injected i.m. 0.5–1 g (50 mg/kg in children) repeated 4–12 hourly as required, or i.v. (if shock is present) 10–15 mg/kg/hour; max 75 mg/kg in a day till serum iron falls below 300 µg/dl.  Alternatively, DTPA or calcium edetate may be used.
  • 20. Supportive measures  Fluid and electrolyte balance should be maintained and acidosis corrected by appropriate i.v. infusion.  Respiration and BP may need support.  Diazepam i.v. may be cautiously used to control convulsions, if they occur.
  • 21. Deficiency of vit B12 & folic acid, result in megaloblastic anaemia characterized by the presence of large red cell precursors in bone marrow & their large & shortlived progeny in peripheral blood. - vit B12 & folic acid are therefor called maturation factors.
  • 22. Cyanocobalamin & hydroxocobalaminare complex cobalt containing compounds present in the diet & referred to as vit B12. Daily requirement: 1-3 mg,pregnancy & lactation 3-5mg.
  • 23. It occurs as yellow crystals which are insoluble in water, but its sodium salt is freely water soluble. Daily requirement: In adult is <0.1mg but dietary allowance of 0.2mg/day is recommended. During pregnancy , lactation 0.8mg/day is considered appropriate.
  • 24. B12-Cyanocobalamin: Patients with gastric,ileal resections, small bowel disease or malabsorption require parental use. Iron : Best to give on empty stomach but can be given with food to decrease gastric upset. Assess haemoglobin levels & bowel movement as constipation is common. Folic acid: Contraindicated in uncorrected pernicious anemia.
  • 25. ERYTHROPOIETIN  Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone produced by peritubular cells of the kidney, essential for normal erythropoiesis.  Anaemia and hypoxia are sensed by kidney cells and induce rapid secretion of EPO  (a) Stimulates proliferation of colony forming cells of the erythroid series  (b) Induces haemoglobin formation and erythroblast maturation.  (c) Releases reticulocytes in the circulation  Epoetin α, β :-  It is recombinant human erythropoietin,  administered by i.v. or s.c. injection
  • 26. USE & ADVERSE EFFECTS  The primary indication is anaemia of chronic renal failure which is due to low levels of EPO. Only for symptomatic patients with Hb ≤ 8 g/dl s  Other uses are:  1. Anaemia in AIDS patients treated with zidovudine.  2. Cancer chemotherapy induced anaemia.  3. Preoperative increased blood production for autologous transfusion during surgery.  Adverse effects:  increased clot formation in the A-V shunts (most patients are on dialysis), hypertensive episodes or persistently raised BP, serious thromboembolic events, occasionally seizures. Flu-like symptoms lasting 2–4 hr occur in some patients.  Darbepoetin α : - a hyperglycosylated modified preparation of EPO
  • 28. Blood: Blood is a fluid connective tissue that circulate continuously around the body, allowing constant communication between tissues distant from each other. Plasma: A clear, straw coloured, watery fluid in which several different types of blood cells are suspended.
  • 29. Blood and plasma volume expanders Plasma expanders are agents that have relatively high molecular weight and boost the plasma volume by increasing the osmotic pressure. They are used to treat patients who have suffered hemorrhage or shock.
  • 30. Volume Expanders contd.. Volume expanders are the intravenous fluid solutions that are used to increase or retain the volume of fluid in the circulating blood. These are used to correct hypovolemia due to loss of plasma or blood.
  • 31. Types of volume expanders There are two main types of volume expanders: 1.Crystalloids: crystalloids are aqueous solutions of mineral salts or other water-soluble molecules. E.g. normal saline, dextrose, Ringer’s solution etc. 2.Colloids: Colloids are larger insoluble molecules, such as dextran, human albumin, gelatin, blood. Blood itself is a colloid.
  • 32. Colloids are better than Crystalloids because: The larger molecules of colloids are retained more easily in the intravascular space & increase osmotic pressure. So, more effective resuscitation of plasma volume occurs by colloids than produced by that of crystalloids. Duration of action is relatively longer than crystalloids.
  • 33.
  • 34. Ideal properties of PVEs. Iso-oncotic with plasma Distributed to intravascular compartment only Pharmacodynamically inert Non-pyrogenic, non-allergenic & non-antigenic No interference with blood grouping or cross- matching Stable, easily sterilizable and cheap.
  • 35. Generally used Plasma expanders Human albumin Dextran Degraded gelatin polymer (Polygeline) Hydroxyethyl starch (Hetastarch/HES) Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)
  • 36. Mechanism of action:  Generally works on the principle of osmosis.  Increases Plasma osmotic pressure, drawing water into plasma from interstitial fluid.
  • 37. Uses Of Plasma Expanders Used in conditions where blood or plasma has been lost or has moved to extravascular compartments e.g., in burns, hypovolaemic shock, endotoxin shock, severe trauma and extensive tissue damage. Can also be used as a temporary measure in cases of whole blood loss till the same can be arranged. Note: They do not have oxygen carrying capacity.
  • 38. Some Volume Expanders 1.Human Albumin It is obtained from pooled human plasma. It can be used without regard to patient’s blood group and doesn’t interfere with coagulation. It is free of risk of transmission of hepatitis because the preparation is heat treated. St. ofAlbumin
  • 39. Contd… Crystalloid solution must be infused concurrently for optimum benefit. It has been used in acute hypoproteinaemia, acute liver failure and dialysis. It is comparatively expensive. Available products:  Albudac, Albupan 50, 100 ml inj.,  Albumed 5%, 20% infusion (100 ml)
  • 40. 2.Dextran It is highly branched polysaccharide molecule obtained from sugar beat . It is produced by using the bacterial enzyme dextran sucrase from the bacterium Leuconostoc mesenteroides which grows in a sucrose medium. Most commonly used plasma expanders and is available in two forms. 1.Dextran 70 2.Dextran 40
  • 41. a) Dextran 70 1.It is most commonly used preparation. 2.It expands plasma volume for nearly 24 hrs. 3.Excreted slowly by glomerular filtration as well as oxidized in body over weeks . 4.and some amount is deposited in retuculo- endothelial cells.
  • 42. Dextran 70 has nearly all the properties of an ideal plasma except:  It may interfere with blood grouping and cross matching.  It can interfere with coagulation and platelet function and thus prolong bleeding time .  Some polysaccharide reacting antibodies, if present, may cross react with dextran and trigger anaphylactic reaction like Urticaria, itching, bronchospasm, fall in BP .
  • 43. b) Dextran 40 It is 10% solution in Dextrose or Saline. It acts more rapidly than dextrose-70. It reduces blood viscosity . It is excreted through renal tubules and occasionally may produce acute renal failure. The total dose should not exceed 20 ml/kg in 24 hr. Dextrans can be stored for 10 years and are cheap so are the most commonly used plasma expanders. Caution: Dextran doesn’t provide necessary electrolytes and can cause hyponatremia or other electrolyte disturbances.
  • 44. 3. Degraded gelatin polymer (polygeline) It is synthetic polymer (polypeptide) of MW-30,000. It doesn’t interfere with blood grouping and cross matching and is non-antigenic. Expands plasma volume for 12 hrs. It is more expensive than dextran and can also be used for priming of heart-lung and dialysis machines. Brands: Haemaccel; Seraccel 500 ml vaccine.
  • 45. 4. Hydroxyethyl starch(Hetastarch) It is a complex mixture of ethoxylated amylopectin of various molecular sizes; average MW 4.5 lacs. It maintains blood volume longer. It doesn’t cause acute renal failure or coagulation disturbances. It improves hemodynamic status for 24 hrs.
  • 46. Hetastarch contd.. Adverse effects: Vomiting, mild fever, itching, chills, flu like symptoms, swelling of salivary glands, Urticaria, bronchospasm etc. Brand: Expan 6% inj (100 , 500 ml) It has also been used to improve harvesting of granulocytes because it accelerates erythrocyte sedimentation. Adverse effects: Anaphylactic reactions, mild fever, chilling, periorbital edema, Urticaria, itching .
  • 47. 5. Polyvinylpyrrolidine(PVP) It is a synthetic polymer of average MW 40,000 used as a 3.5% solution. PVP was used as blood plasma expander for trauma victims after the 1950s. It interferes with blood grouping and cross matching and is histmine releaser. It binds to penicillin and Insulin.
  • 48. Contd…. It is excreted by kidney and small amounts by liver into bile. A fraction is stored in RE cells for prolonged periods. It is less commonly used plasma expander. Sample of PVP
  • 49. Some Crystalloids: 1. Normal Saline (Isotonic): It is the crystalloid fluid containing 0.9% NaCl. NS is frequently used in patients who cannot take fluids orally and have developed dehydration or hypovolemia. 2. Lactated Ringer’s solution It was introduced in 1880 by Sydney ringer, a British physician. The solution was designed to promote the contraction of frog hearts and was contained with calcium and potassium in a NaCl diluents . It is contraindicated as diluents for blood transfusions.
  • 50. 3.Dextrose solutions: Generally 5% dextrose solutions are used which provides 170 kcal/lit. It is IV sugar solution which provides some energy to the body parts. Osmolarity is lower than serum. Useful when Kidney function is Impaired.
  • 51. Contraindications to plasma expanders Allergy Heart failure Severe anaemia Thrombocytopenia Pulmonary edema Renal insufficiency.
  • 52. Some commercially used Plasma volume expanders.