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The Pharmacologic Management of Status Asthmaticus in Children
                     C. Warren Bierman and William E. Pierson
                            Pediatrics 1974;54;245-247

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 PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
 has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the
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 Copyright © 1974 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005.
 Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

          Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010
PHARMACOLOGY                       FOR        THE       PEDIATRICIAN

                                               The          Pharmacologic                               Management                                                     of Status                                 Asthmaticus
                                                in Children

                                               C. Warren          Bierman,           M.D., and William                         E. Pierson,                   M.D.

                                               From     the Department       ofPediatrics,         University                  of    Washington                  SchoolofMedicine,             and         the    Division            of Allergy,
                                               Children’s       Orthopedic          Hoital     and        Medical                   Center,            Seattle

    Status        asthmaticus,                or asthma            unresponsive               to                          rax (25% of pediatric                     patients        will have         such
epinephrine              injections,             is an acute          medical          emer-                              abnormalities).                              11

gency        in children.       ‘  In the 1960s status                  asthmaticus                            5.         Laboratory             Studies:       Arterial’2           or    arterial-
mortality           in children            increased          abruptly          in widely                                 ized”       (histamine             iontophoresis              of sampling
separated            areas       of the world.2                  Because          of these                                site) blood          gases       (Pao2,        Paco2,       pH,     and base
deaths,        a treatment                protocol           was devised             for the                              excess),       serum        electrolytes,         CBC, urinalysis,
pediatric            house          staff       in Children’s               Orthopedic                                    and bacterial             or viral        cultures        if indicated         by
Hospital          and Medical                Center,         Seattle.       This      proto-                              clinical        or x-ray          evidence            of infection.
cot has been                used        in treating           over       500      children.                     6.        Pulmonary             Function              Studies: Forced           vital
There        have      been       no fatalities.            It has permitted                the                           capacity          (FVC),        forced         expiratory          volume         1
evaluation                of       aminophy1line,              adrenocortico-                                             second           (FEy,),’4             and         forced         expiratory
steroids,6           antibiotics,7                and      respiratory             therapy                                flow2575%         (FEF2575%)            in children           old enough
techniques,            and it has taught                  a succession            of medi-                                to cooperate              (a skilled          respiratory           therapist
cal     students,           interns          and      residents          how       to treat                               often     can       conduct           this      study      in children           as
status      asthmaticus.               It is presented             here      as an effec-                                 young        as 5 years            of age).5
tive approach                to the pharmacologic                        management
of status          asthmaticus.
                                                                                                                                    II. INITIAL                    THERAPY
                                                                                                                1 . Admit                    to Intensive                               Care Unit r other
                                                                                                                                                                                                    o                                 special
              I.   INITIAL          EVALUATION                                                                            area            for acutely                             ill     patients.
    The      initial         evaluation            should        establish          as many                    2. Intravenous                                      Therapy:
objective           measurements                  as possible,          both       as a basis                             a.         Intravenous        fluids (guidelines       only):
for initial           therapy           and for following                   the patient’s                                           1.    Hydrating         (initial)-12      mt/kg                                                              or        360
clinical         course.            Of particular               relevance              are     the                                        mt/sq     m for first hour’5     (5% glucose                                                                in
     1. History:           Duration            of illness,         evidence             of in-
                                                                                                                     Score                    Reap.               Wheezing                    Inapir./               Accessary
         fection,           fluid      balance         (intake,         vomiting,            un-                                              Rate                Score                       Expir.                 Reap.            Muec.
         nation),             medications               administered,                  dosage                                                                                                 Ratio                  Utilization

         and       time         (particularly             methyixanthines                    and                          0                    <30                None                             5/2                           0
                                                                                                                          1                   31-45               Terminal                    5/3-5/4                            +

    2. Physical               Examination:           General          status        of pa-                                                                        Expir.          or                                             -

                                                                                                                                                                  E    Steth.
         tient         (anxiety,           obtundation,               respiratory              ef-                                                                only
         fort),        vital       signs      including           respiratory              rate,
                                                                                                                          2                   46-60                    Entire                      1/1
         pulse,           pulsus          paradoxus,8              blood           pressure,                                                                      Expir.          or
         A/P         chest          diameter,             weight           and        height,
         quality           and symmetry                  of breath           sounds,         and                          3                    >60                Inspir.                     <1/1                             ++++

                                                                                                                                                                  a Expir.
         presence              of papilledema                   which         indicates           a                                                                   Steth.

         Paco2           of greater            than       75 mm           Hg.9
    3. Pulmonary                     Index: A systemized                        clinical
         scoring            system’#{176}shown            in Figure             1.                        If         no        wheezing               is     audible             due     to     minimal
                                                                                                                                                                                                     air           exchange,                  score        3

    4. Admission                  Chest        X-ray for pneumonia,                     ate-
         lectasis,            pneumomediastinum,                     pneumotho-                                                                       Fic.        1. Pulmonary                           index.

                                                                         PEDIATRICS        Vol.  54 No. 2 August                                                                                                    1974                              245
                         Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010
normal        saline).                                                                     bronchoconstriction                   and/or               pneumo-
              2. Maintenance-50               to 60 ml/kg/24      hr or                                     mediastinum                or    pneumothorax.19bO
                  1,500 mi/sq           m/24      hr (5% glucose          in
              3. Depletion            Repair:                                                               III.   FOLLOW-UP                EVALUATION              AND
                 a. Saline        (5% glucose       in normal     saline)                                   TREATMENT
                      10 to 15 ml/kg/24              hr or 300 to 500                             1.   Clinical        Evaluation:
                      mt/sq       m.                                                                   a.  Pulmonary             Index: Repeat           scoring         at #{189},1,
                 b. Water          (5% glucose/water)           10 to 15                                  3, 6, 12 and 24 hours                   after      admission            (Fig.
                      ml/kg/24           hr or 300       to 500    ml/sq                                  1). If score        increases,         repeat         arterial       blood
                      m/24       hr.                                                                      gases.
         b.   Electrolytes:                                                                            b. Pulmonary            Function:      Repeat          FVC,         FEy1,
              1. Potassium            (2 mEq/100                  ml of mainte-                           and FEF2575%               at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours,
                nance         intravenous              fluids).                                           then      every       12 hours        for duration              of hospi-
           2. Sodium              (3 mEq/            100        ml      of mainte-                        talization.
                nance         intravenous              fluids).                                        c. Arterial         Blood        Gases: Repeat            at one and
        C. Buffers:        If pH is below              7.35 and base               def-                   three       hours        or more           frequently,             if mdi-
           icit greater            than       5 mEq/liter,                correct         to              cated       by clinical             course.          If Paco2             goes
           normal        range        with      IV sodium             bicarbonate                         above       60 mm Hg, anticipate                         assisted        yen-
           as clinically                            16                                                    tilation.       A falling        pH in the face of a rising
        d. Aminophylline:                7 mg/kg                diluted         by      3                 Paco2         warns          of impending                   respiratory
           volumes           of saline        and given            in 15 minutes                          failure.
           by IV infusion                 asloading         dose, followed                             d. Repeat         Chest       X-ray: Do if sudden                worsen-
           by 15 mg/kg/24                    hr, by continuous                    IV in-                  ing of clinical            or laboratory             course.        A sud-
           fusion.5         If possible,             theophylline                serum                    den increase              in respiratory              rate      or fall in
           levels       should        be monitored                   during         early                 blood        pressure            may        indicate             pneumo-
           therapy.       17                                                                              mediastinum                or pneumothorax.
         e.   Adrenocorticosteroid.s:                                                            2. Therapy:
              1.     Betamethasone              0.3 mg/kg/STAT,
                                                -                                                      a.  In     Hospital:       At 24 hours,                  theophyitine,
                    followed        by 0.3 mg/kg/24               hr IV, or                               corticosteroids                 and        antibiotics             may          be
              2. Hydrocortisone-7                mg/kg/STAT             fol-                              administered                orally       if the         patient         is im-
                    towed       by 7 mg/kg/24              hr
                                                            IV.6                                          proving.           An overlap             of six to eight                hours
        1.    Antibiotics:        (ONLY       if indicated         by clini-                              in oral       and      intravenous               therapy          provides
              cat or x-ray           evidence       of infection)       ampi-                             for a smooth               transition.            Nebulized              bron-
              ciilin,      100 mg/kg/24          hr.7 Adjust       on identi-                             chodilators            may be administered                        as need-
              fication        of bacterial        pathogen.                                               ed.
3.    Respiratory               Therapy:                                                               b. Outpatient               Treatment:          Status         asthmati-
         a.   Oxygen:       Initial         therapy          with       humidified                         cus in most            children           can be controlled                    in
              oxygen       is desirable,’2               preferably            by Ven-                     24 to 48 hours                with        an average              hospital
            turi mask. Adjustments                        in oxygen          therapy                       stay of 2.5 J: 0.5 days.7 The patient                                 should
            can be made                 on receipt              of blood          arterial                be discharged                 on theophylline                    or a the-
            oxygen          determination.                                                                phyllmne-ephednmne                     combination,                 admin-
         b. Aerosolized                Sympathicomimetic                 Agents:                           istered       every       six hours,           a tapering            steroid
            Either        0.05%         isoproterenol          or a combina-                              dosage         which         may       be discontinued                    after
            tion      of 0.04%               isoproterenol                and        0.06%                a seven-           to ten-day            course         (administered
            phenylephrine’8;                 solution           should        be ad-                       once     daily      in the early             morning)           and com-
            ministered              for five to ten                minutes           every                 pletion          of the        antibiotic             course         if mdi-
            half hour          for the first two hours                     of therapy                      cated.
            by an ultrasonic                  or Puritan           wall nebulizer
            with      oxygen,           and less frequently                     thereaf-
            ter     depending                 on      clinical         course.           The                IV. ASSISTED              VENTILATION
            child’s        pulse          rate      should          be     monitored              The patient        with      any of the following          should      be
            during       administration.                  If the rate          exceeds         considered       for assisted         ventilation2l:
             180      to      200         beats/mm,                the       treatment             1. A Paco2       above        65 mm.
            should            be         temporarily                  discontinued.               2. A Pao2       of less than        60 mm on 100%             oxygen.
              Avoid           positive     pressure         ventilators    (IPPB)                 3. A steadily         rising     Paco2       in an exhausted          pa-
              because             of the   danger         of inducing            further                tient.

246             ASTHMA      IN CHILDHOOD
                        Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010
Comment:         The        specific          management              of pa-                             3.   Shapiro,        J. B., and Tate,                C. F. Deaths
                                                                                                                                                                          :                   in status          asthmati-
                                                                                                                             cus.      Dis.       Chest,         48:484,            1965.
tients    by assisted         ventilation            is beyond      the scope          of
                                                                                                              4.   Richards,              W.,       and        Siegel,           S. C.:            Status         asthmaticus.
this    paper.        Respiratory             failure       demands          a team                                          Pediat.          Clin.       N. Amer.,                16:9,        1969.
approach.           If assisted           ventilation          appears         likely,                        5.    Pierson,          W. E., Bierman,                       C. W., Stamm, J., S.               and       Van
obtain      early     consultation             with      the anesthesiologist                                                Arsdel,         P. P., Jr.: Double                     blind         trial      of aminophyl-
so that       he or she may               be acquainted             with      the pa-                                       line in status               asthmaticus.           Pediatrics,           48:642,         1971.
                                                                                                              6.    Pierson,          W. E., Bierman,                        C. XV., and                  Kelley,         V. C.: A
tient     and      may     participate              in the     decision mi-     to
                                                                                                                            double-blind                   trial        of corticosteroid                          therapy              in
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                                                                                                              7.   Shapiro,           C. C., Eggleston,                        P. A., Pierson,                    W. E., Ray,
                                                                                                                            C. C., and Bierman,                           C. W.: Double-blind                            study         of
                  V.     PITFALLS            IN CARE                                                                         the effectiveness                   of a broad-spectrum                            antibiotic            in
                                                                                                                            status         asthinaticus.           Pediatrics,           53:867,             1974.
       1 . Attempting                 to treat          the patient             with     intrave-            8.    Knowles,            G. K., and Clark, J.P.H.: Pulsus                               paradoxus             as a
              nous      fluids       and       ammnophylline                   in the Emer-                                 valuable            sign      indicating               severity             of asthma.              Lan-
              gency          Room.              A        pediatric              patient,           sick                    cet,       11:1356,          1973.
              enough         to require             these       measures,            is unlikely              9.    Papilledema                 in chest            disease           (editorial).             Brit.       J.,
                                                                                                                            2:1486,           1963.
              to recover             sufficiently              in a few            hours        to be
                                                                                                            10.    Dabbous,             I. A., Tkachyk, J. S., and Stamm,                                J.:
                                                                                                                                                                                                        S. A double
              sent      home         safely.                                                                               blind         study        on the effects                  of corticosteroids                     in the
       2.     Administering                 ammnophyllmne                   in suppository                                  treatment              of bronchiolitis.            Pediatrics,           37:477,          1966.
              form.      Suppositories                 not only            do not provide                   11.    Eggleston,              P. A., Ward,                B. H., Pierson,                    W. E., and Bier-
              dependable               serum          levels,        but frequently                are                      man,        C. W.: Radiographic                             abnormalities                   in acute
                                                                                                                           asthma            in children.           Pediatrics,           to be published.
              responsible             for toxic             overdoses.
                                                                                                            12.     McFadden,                E. R., Jr., and                 Lyons,            H. A.: Arterial                   blood
       3.     Delaying               administration                 of       therapeutic                                   gas tension               in asthma.             New             J.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Eng. Med., 278:1027,
              doses      of adrenocorticosteroids                        on admission.                                       1968.
              The complications                       of hypoxemia5                  may be in-             13.    Stamm,           S.J.: Reliability               of capillary                blood         for the mea-
                                                                                                                            surement                of Pao2             and          oxygen              saturation.               Dis.
                                                                                                                            Chest,          52:191,          1967.
       4.     Writing           orders          illegibly.            For       example,            the     14.    McFadden,                 E. R., Jr., Kiser,                      R., and            De Groot, J.: W.
              nurse           may            confuse               aminophyllmne                      (15                   Acute          bronchial             asthma:             Relations             between             clini-
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                                                                                                            15.    Straub,          P. V., Buhlmann,                       A. A., and               Rossier,         P. H.: Hy-
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                                                                                                                            povolemia                in status             asthmaticus.                   Lancet,           11:923,
              hood       of respiratory                 failure         increases         propor-
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              than      the intensive               care unit.            The early          recog-         17.    Intravenous                 aminophylline                     (editorial).              Lancet,            11:950,
              nition       of serious            complications                  may      be criti-
                                                                                                            18.    Freedman,                B. ., and
                                                                                                                                             J               Hill,      C. B.: Comparative                            study         of
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              um in status               asthmaticus.                 Neither          agent        has     19.    Bierman,             C. W. : Pneumomediastinum                              and        pneumotho-
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              versely         affect        therapy.
                                                                                                            20.     Moore,          R. B., Cotton,                 E. K., and Pinney,                         M. A.: The               ef-
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                                                                                                                            asthmatic              children.        J. All. Clin.                 Immun.,             49:137,
                   CONCLUSIONS                                                                                               1972.
                                                                                                            21.    Wood,           D. W., Downs, J. J., and                        Lecks,          H. I.: The              man-
    This    treatment           protocol         has been         employed      ef-                                         agement             of respiratory                  failure          in childhood                 status
fectively       as a specific         guide.       It also can be adapted                                                   asthmaticus:               Experience                 with       30 episodes               and evo-
to changing           or unique           clinical      situations        and aids                                          lution         of a technique.               J. Allerg.,             42:261,          1968.
in bringing         optimum           treatment           to the child       or ad- 22.                            Barter,          B., and           Roberts,           J. : Unusual
                                                                                                                                                                          R.                         case       of amino-
                                                                                                                            phylline            intoxication.          Pediatrics,             52:608,           1973.
olescent        with     status       asthmaticus.

                   REFERENCES                                                                               ACETAMINOPHEN   POISONING-A
  1.        American          Thoracic        Society:   Management            of status   asth-            CRITICAL COMMENT
                    maticus:         A statenient      of the Committee             on Thera-
                   py. Amer.           Rev.      Resp.  Dis.,    97:735,      1968.
 2.         Speizer,       F. E., Doll,        R., and Heaf,      P.: Observations        on re- EDITOR,                      Pharmacology                         for the                Pediatrician:
                   cent      increase    in mortality       from     asthma. Brit.   Med.           In the                     December                       1973 issue                 of
                                                                                                                                                                                        Pediatrics    there
                   J., 1:335, 1968.                                                              appeared                        an article                   attempting                    to summarize                         the

                                                                           PHARMACOLOGY           FOR THE PEDIATRICIAN                                                                                              247
                              Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010
The Pharmacologic Management of Status Asthmaticus in Children
                       C. Warren Bierman and William E. Pierson
                              Pediatrics 1974;54;245-247
Updated Information                   including high-resolution figures, can be found at:
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Citations                             This article has been cited by 8 HighWire-hosted articles:
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            Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010

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The pharmacologic management of status asthmaticus in children b y p

  • 1. The Pharmacologic Management of Status Asthmaticus in Children C. Warren Bierman and William E. Pierson Pediatrics 1974;54;245-247 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 1974 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010
  • 2. PHARMACOLOGY FOR THE PEDIATRICIAN The Pharmacologic Management of Status Asthmaticus in Children C. Warren Bierman, M.D., and William E. Pierson, M.D. From the Department ofPediatrics, University of Washington SchoolofMedicine, and the Division of Allergy, Children’s Orthopedic Hoital and Medical Center, Seattle Status asthmaticus, or asthma unresponsive to rax (25% of pediatric patients will have such epinephrine injections, is an acute medical emer- abnormalities). 11 gency in children. ‘ In the 1960s status asthmaticus 5. Laboratory Studies: Arterial’2 or arterial- mortality in children increased abruptly in widely ized” (histamine iontophoresis of sampling separated areas of the world.2 Because of these site) blood gases (Pao2, Paco2, pH, and base deaths, a treatment protocol was devised for the excess), serum electrolytes, CBC, urinalysis, pediatric house staff in Children’s Orthopedic and bacterial or viral cultures if indicated by Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle. This proto- clinical or x-ray evidence of infection. cot has been used in treating over 500 children. 6. Pulmonary Function Studies: Forced vital There have been no fatalities. It has permitted the capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume 1 evaluation of aminophy1line, adrenocortico- second (FEy,),’4 and forced expiratory steroids,6 antibiotics,7 and respiratory therapy flow2575% (FEF2575%) in children old enough techniques, and it has taught a succession of medi- to cooperate (a skilled respiratory therapist cal students, interns and residents how to treat often can conduct this study in children as status asthmaticus. It is presented here as an effec- young as 5 years of age).5 tive approach to the pharmacologic management of status asthmaticus. II. INITIAL THERAPY 1 . Admit to Intensive Care Unit r other o special I. INITIAL EVALUATION area for acutely ill patients. The initial evaluation should establish as many 2. Intravenous Therapy: objective measurements as possible, both as a basis a. Intravenous fluids (guidelines only): for initial therapy and for following the patient’s 1. Hydrating (initial)-12 mt/kg or 360 clinical course. Of particular relevance are the mt/sq m for first hour’5 (5% glucose in following: 1. History: Duration of illness, evidence of in- Score Reap. Wheezing Inapir./ Accessary fection, fluid balance (intake, vomiting, un- Rate Score Expir. Reap. Muec. nation), medications administered, dosage Ratio Utilization and time (particularly methyixanthines and 0 <30 None 5/2 0 catecholamines). 1 31-45 Terminal 5/3-5/4 + 2. Physical Examination: General status of pa- Expir. or - E Steth. tient (anxiety, obtundation, respiratory ef- only fort), vital signs including respiratory rate, 2 46-60 Entire 1/1 pulse, pulsus paradoxus,8 blood pressure, Expir. or Steth. A/P chest diameter, weight and height, quality and symmetry of breath sounds, and 3 >60 Inspir. <1/1 ++++ a Expir. presence of papilledema which indicates a Steth. Paco2 of greater than 75 mm Hg.9 3. Pulmonary Index: A systemized clinical scoring system’#{176}shown in Figure 1. If no wheezing is audible due to minimal air exchange, score 3 4. Admission Chest X-ray for pneumonia, ate- lectasis, pneumomediastinum, pneumotho- Fic. 1. Pulmonary index. PEDIATRICS Vol. 54 No. 2 August 1974 245 Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010
  • 3. normal saline). bronchoconstriction and/or pneumo- 2. Maintenance-50 to 60 ml/kg/24 hr or mediastinum or pneumothorax.19bO 1,500 mi/sq m/24 hr (5% glucose in water). 3. Depletion Repair: III. FOLLOW-UP EVALUATION AND a. Saline (5% glucose in normal saline) TREATMENT 10 to 15 ml/kg/24 hr or 300 to 500 1. Clinical Evaluation: mt/sq m. a. Pulmonary Index: Repeat scoring at #{189},1, b. Water (5% glucose/water) 10 to 15 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours after admission (Fig. ml/kg/24 hr or 300 to 500 ml/sq 1). If score increases, repeat arterial blood m/24 hr. gases. b. Electrolytes: b. Pulmonary Function: Repeat FVC, FEy1, 1. Potassium (2 mEq/100 ml of mainte- and FEF2575% at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours, nance intravenous fluids). then every 12 hours for duration of hospi- 2. Sodium (3 mEq/ 100 ml of mainte- talization. nance intravenous fluids). c. Arterial Blood Gases: Repeat at one and C. Buffers: If pH is below 7.35 and base def- three hours or more frequently, if mdi- icit greater than 5 mEq/liter, correct to cated by clinical course. If Paco2 goes normal range with IV sodium bicarbonate above 60 mm Hg, anticipate assisted yen- as clinically 16 tilation. A falling pH in the face of a rising d. Aminophylline: 7 mg/kg diluted by 3 Paco2 warns of impending respiratory volumes of saline and given in 15 minutes failure. by IV infusion asloading dose, followed d. Repeat Chest X-ray: Do if sudden worsen- by 15 mg/kg/24 hr, by continuous IV in- ing of clinical or laboratory course. A sud- fusion.5 If possible, theophylline serum den increase in respiratory rate or fall in levels should be monitored during early blood pressure may indicate pneumo- therapy. 17 mediastinum or pneumothorax. e. Adrenocorticosteroid.s: 2. Therapy: 1. Betamethasone 0.3 mg/kg/STAT, - a. In Hospital: At 24 hours, theophyitine, followed by 0.3 mg/kg/24 hr IV, or corticosteroids and antibiotics may be 2. Hydrocortisone-7 mg/kg/STAT fol- administered orally if the patient is im- towed by 7 mg/kg/24 hr IV.6 proving. An overlap of six to eight hours 1. Antibiotics: (ONLY if indicated by clini- in oral and intravenous therapy provides cat or x-ray evidence of infection) ampi- for a smooth transition. Nebulized bron- ciilin, 100 mg/kg/24 hr.7 Adjust on identi- chodilators may be administered as need- fication of bacterial pathogen. ed. 3. Respiratory Therapy: b. Outpatient Treatment: Status asthmati- a. Oxygen: Initial therapy with humidified cus in most children can be controlled in oxygen is desirable,’2 preferably by Ven- 24 to 48 hours with an average hospital turi mask. Adjustments in oxygen therapy stay of 2.5 J: 0.5 days.7 The patient should can be made on receipt of blood arterial be discharged on theophylline or a the- oxygen determination. phyllmne-ephednmne combination, admin- b. Aerosolized Sympathicomimetic Agents: istered every six hours, a tapering steroid Either 0.05% isoproterenol or a combina- dosage which may be discontinued after tion of 0.04% isoproterenol and 0.06% a seven- to ten-day course (administered phenylephrine’8; solution should be ad- once daily in the early morning) and com- ministered for five to ten minutes every pletion of the antibiotic course if mdi- half hour for the first two hours of therapy cated. by an ultrasonic or Puritan wall nebulizer with oxygen, and less frequently thereaf- ter depending on clinical course. The IV. ASSISTED VENTILATION child’s pulse rate should be monitored The patient with any of the following should be during administration. If the rate exceeds considered for assisted ventilation2l: 180 to 200 beats/mm, the treatment 1. A Paco2 above 65 mm. should be temporarily discontinued. 2. A Pao2 of less than 60 mm on 100% oxygen. Avoid positive pressure ventilators (IPPB) 3. A steadily rising Paco2 in an exhausted pa- because of the danger of inducing further tient. 246 ASTHMA IN CHILDHOOD Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010
  • 4. Comment: The specific management of pa- 3. Shapiro, J. B., and Tate, C. F. Deaths : in status asthmati- cus. Dis. Chest, 48:484, 1965. tients by assisted ventilation is beyond the scope of 4. Richards, W., and Siegel, S. C.: Status asthmaticus. this paper. Respiratory failure demands a team Pediat. Clin. N. Amer., 16:9, 1969. approach. If assisted ventilation appears likely, 5. Pierson, W. E., Bierman, C. W., Stamm, J., S. and Van obtain early consultation with the anesthesiologist Arsdel, P. P., Jr.: Double blind trial of aminophyl- so that he or she may be acquainted with the pa- line in status asthmaticus. Pediatrics, 48:642, 1971. 6. Pierson, W. E., Bierman, C. XV., and Kelley, V. C.: A tient and may participate in the decision mi- to double-blind trial of corticosteroid therapy in tiate assisted ventilation. status asthmaticus. Pediatrics, 54:282, 1974. 7. Shapiro, C. C., Eggleston, P. A., Pierson, W. E., Ray, C. C., and Bierman, C. W.: Double-blind study of V. PITFALLS IN CARE the effectiveness of a broad-spectrum antibiotic in status asthinaticus. Pediatrics, 53:867, 1974. 1 . Attempting to treat the patient with intrave- 8. Knowles, G. K., and Clark, J.P.H.: Pulsus paradoxus as a nous fluids and ammnophylline in the Emer- valuable sign indicating severity of asthma. Lan- gency Room. A pediatric patient, sick cet, 11:1356, 1973. enough to require these measures, is unlikely 9. Papilledema in chest disease (editorial). Brit. J., Med. 2:1486, 1963. to recover sufficiently in a few hours to be 10. Dabbous, I. A., Tkachyk, J. S., and Stamm, J.: S. A double sent home safely. blind study on the effects of corticosteroids in the 2. Administering ammnophyllmne in suppository treatment of bronchiolitis. Pediatrics, 37:477, 1966. form. Suppositories not only do not provide 11. Eggleston, P. A., Ward, B. H., Pierson, W. E., and Bier- dependable serum levels, but frequently are man, C. W.: Radiographic abnormalities in acute asthma in children. Pediatrics, to be published. responsible for toxic overdoses. 12. McFadden, E. R., Jr., and Lyons, H. A.: Arterial blood 3. Delaying administration of therapeutic gas tension in asthma. New J. Eng. Med., 278:1027, doses of adrenocorticosteroids on admission. 1968. The complications of hypoxemia5 may be in- 13. Stamm, S.J.: Reliability of capillary blood for the mea- surement of Pao2 and oxygen saturation. Dis. creased. Chest, 52:191, 1967. 4. Writing orders illegibly. For example, the 14. McFadden, E. R., Jr., Kiser, R., and De Groot, J.: W. nurse may confuse aminophyllmne (15 Acute bronchial asthma: Relations between clini- mg/kg/24 hr) for ampicillin (100 mg/kg/24 cal and physiological manifestations. New J. Eng. hr),22 with serious consequences. Med., 288:221, 1973. 15. Straub, P. V., Buhlmann, A. A., and Rossier, P. H.: Hy- 5. Sedating the hypoxemic patient. The likeli- povolemia in status asthmaticus. Lancet, 11:923, hood of respiratory failure increases propor- 1969. tionately with such medication. 16. Bodes, J. S.: Status asthmaticus. Med. Clin. N. Amer., 6. Admission to a regular hospital ward rather 54:493, 1970. than the intensive care unit. The early recog- 17. Intravenous aminophylline (editorial). Lancet, 11:950, 1973. nition of serious complications may be criti- 18. Freedman, B. ., and J Hill, C. B.: Comparative study of cally delayed. duration of action and cardiovascular effects of 7. The use of antihistamines or cromolyn sodi- bronchodilator aerosols. Thorax, 26:46, 1971. um in status asthmaticus. Neither agent has 19. Bierman, C. W. : Pneumomediastinum and pneumotho- bronchodilator properties and both may ad- rax complicating asthma in children. J. Amer. Dis. Child., 114:42, 1967. versely affect therapy. 20. Moore, R. B., Cotton, E. K., and Pinney, M. A.: The ef- fect of IPPB on airway resistance in normal and asthmatic children. J. All. Clin. Immun., 49:137, CONCLUSIONS 1972. 21. Wood, D. W., Downs, J. J., and Lecks, H. I.: The man- This treatment protocol has been employed ef- agement of respiratory failure in childhood status fectively as a specific guide. It also can be adapted asthmaticus: Experience with 30 episodes and evo- to changing or unique clinical situations and aids lution of a technique. J. Allerg., 42:261, 1968. in bringing optimum treatment to the child or ad- 22. Barter, B., and Roberts, J. : Unusual R. case of amino- phylline intoxication. Pediatrics, 52:608, 1973. olescent with status asthmaticus. REFERENCES ACETAMINOPHEN POISONING-A 1. American Thoracic Society: Management of status asth- CRITICAL COMMENT maticus: A statenient of the Committee on Thera- py. Amer. Rev. Resp. Dis., 97:735, 1968. 2. Speizer, F. E., Doll, R., and Heaf, P.: Observations on re- EDITOR, Pharmacology for the Pediatrician: cent increase in mortality from asthma. Brit. Med. In the December 1973 issue of Pediatrics there J., 1:335, 1968. appeared an article attempting to summarize the PHARMACOLOGY FOR THE PEDIATRICIAN 247 Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010
  • 5. The Pharmacologic Management of Status Asthmaticus in Children C. Warren Bierman and William E. Pierson Pediatrics 1974;54;245-247 Updated Information including high-resolution figures, can be found at: & Services Citations This article has been cited by 8 HighWire-hosted articles: Permissions & Licensing Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or in its entirety can be found online at: Reprints Information about ordering reprints can be found online: Downloaded from Provided by Health Internetwork on September 11, 2010