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Apa itu Training Manajemen Kandidat dan Pelatihan Saksi?
Dua hal penting dalam pemenangan kandidat adalah kemampuan memanajemen kerja-kerja
politik, dan menjaga hasilnya.
Untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan tersebut Tim Desainkata menyediakan Training Manajemen
Kandidat dan Pelatihan Saksi.
Keduanya diberikan sebagai bekal pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan keterampilan kandidat dalam
memanajemen kerja-kerja politiknya dan menjaga hasilnya.
Dua faktor yang terbukti merupakan syarat utama kemenangan caleg ataupun partai politik.
Berbagai program yang dilakukan lembaga-lembaga konsultan politik dalam memenangkan
klien-klien mereka pun merupakan bentuk manajemen kandidat dan penguatan kapasitas saksi,
dengan nama dan format berbeda dalam setiap penawarannya.
Kenapa Anda harus mengikuti In House Training Manajemen Kandidat dan/atau
Pelatihan Saksi?
Anda adalah kandidat yang prinsipnya memiliki kemampuan untuk menang dalam pemilu
melalui 6 sumber daya ajaib manusia: daya impian (imajinasi), daya pikiran (kekuatan otak),
daya fokus (visi target), daya proses (pembelajaran), daya tertib (disiplin diri), dan daya tekun
(konsistensi perjuangan);
Anda ingin menghemat pengeluaran dengan memaksimalkan kemampuan potensi diri dan
kapasitas Tim Pemenangan yang sudah tersedia;
Anda bingung harus dari mana memulai dan bagaimana menjalankan strategi kerja-kerja
pemenangan Anda;
Anda tidak ingin kalah dan harus menang!
Untuk hal-hal tersebut kami menyediakan 4 materi pokok Manajemen Kandidat, terdiri:
(1) Manajemen Tim & Anggaran,
(2) Manajemen Kampanye & Media,
(3) Manajemen Konstutien & Saksi, serta
(4) Manajemen Strategi & Advokasi Pemenangan.
Dan, 3 materi pokok Pelatihan Saksi, terdiri:
(1) Manajemen saksi sebagai mesin pendulang suara,
(2) Manajemen saksi sebagai operator penghitungan suara, serta
(3) Manajemen saksi sebagai penjaga perolehan suara.
Semua materi terinci menjadi sub-sub pembahasan dalam bentuk modul.
Bagaimana Metode Training & Pembelajarannya?
Training ini merupakan training khusus yang hanya bisa dipesan secara in house / internal /
private training.
Di dalamnya, kami akan memberikan tips, trik, dan strategi memanajemen kerja-kerja politik
caleg atau partai politik dan/atau pengembangan, penguatan, dan optimalisasi peran saksi.
Training menggunakan metode pembelajaran andragogi, melalui: presentasi, diskusi, studi kasus,
evaluasi, dan simulasi.
Training masing-masing diselenggarakan secara Full Day+ selama 10 jam, yakni efektif selama
8 jam, terbagi menjadi: 4 jam materi, 2 jam simulasi, dan 2 jam evaluasi. Plus 2 jam asistensi /
Tujuan metode ini agar hasil training dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam kerja-kerja politik
kandidat secara kasus (by case), terukur, dan aplikatif.
Kami akan berusaha menyelaraskan materi training agar sesuai platform partai politik kandidat,
demografi politik daerah pemilihan kandidat, dan kasus (masalah / kendala) kandidat (melalui
isian beberapa formulir yang kami sediakan setelah penandatanganan kontrak dan verifikasi
Berapa Investasi Training Yang Harus Dibayarkan?
Sebagai perbandingan, berikut estimasi biaya kegiatan lembaga konsultan politik* dalam
memanajemen kandidat dan saksi klien.
(1) Manajemen konstituen dan strategi melalui survei: Rp 240 juta – Rp 1,8 miliar, terinci
(a) Operasional surveyor: Rp 200 – 500 ribu per responden,
(b) Untuk mencapai margin of error ideal (+/- 5 sampai 2 %) minimal 400 – 1.200 responden,
(c) Agar kualitas survei up date, tracking survei dilakukan setiap 3 bulan sekali sebanyak
minimal 3X.
(2) Manajemen Tim dan Anggaran: Rp 30 – 250 juta.
(a) Operasional Tim Konsultan (logistik, akomodasi, transportasi, dan komunikasi): Rp 20 – 75
juta, dibayar di muka atau selama berjalan,
(b) Operasional Tim Pemenangan / Tim Sukses Kandidat: at cost (sesuai kebutuhan), rata-rata
antara Rp 10 – 140 juta (bisa lebih besar),
(3) Manajemen Kampanye dan Media melalui Branding Kampanye: Rp 25 – 250 juta (hanya
biaya jasa, tidak termasuk pengadaan atribut kampanye).
(4) Manajemen Saksi atau Pelatihan Saksi: Rp 25 – 35 juta.
(5) Fee Pemenangan: Rp 100 – 500 juta (untuk klien partai politik konon mencapai miliaran
(6) Manajemen Advokasi (kondisional): Rp 25 – 500 juta (tergantung tempat wilayah dan
kualitas konflik)
Total anggaran pemenangan yang harus dipersiapkan kandidat: 445 juta – 3,3 miliar
rupiah (biaya berbeda sesuai tingkatan pencalonan kandidat; DPRD Kabupaten / Kota, DPRD
Provinsi, hingga DPR RI serta tingkat kredibilitas lembaga konsultan yang digunakan dengan
Semua biaya tersebut dapat Anda hemat hingga 90% jika Anda memahami tips, trik, dan
cara-cara kerja pemenangan dalam Pemilu yang kami beberkan dalam Training Manajemen
Kandidat dan/atau Pelatihan Saksi, dengan investasi**:
Hanya Rp 1 – 5 juta saja
* diolah dari berbagai sumber dan hasil konsultasi dengan beberapa lembaga konsultan politik.
** syarat dan ketentuan berlaku. Silakan kontak kami untuk proposal dan penjelasan lengkap.
Bagaimana Cara Booking, Pembayaran, dan Jadwal Pelaksanaan?
Kandidat menanyakan lebih dulu waktu dan tempat yang dianggap tepat bagi pelaksanaan
training dengan mengirim SMS ke 081.934.7777.28 atau pin BB 2967DFC6.
Selanjutnya kandidat mendaftarkan diri (booking agenda) dengan menyetorkan 10% dari
keseluruhan biaya training sebagai tanda jadi ke:
Bank BCA
Nomor Rekening: 1800 524 110
atas nama: ERVIA TOGA
Setelah melakukan pembayaran konfirmasikan melalui SMS dengan format:
PMK_rencana waktu pelaksanaan_nama kandidat_tempat pelaksanaan
Contoh: PMK 5 Mei 2013 Agung Wibowo Hotel Panorama Kota Batu Jawa Timur
Kami dapat membantu kandidat dalam teknis penyelenggaraan yang diatur lebih lanjut (tidak
termasuk biaya training).
Jadwal dan detail materi akan kami kirimkan kepada Anda setelah ada tanda jadi untuk
didiskusikan bersama.
Tanda jadi MENJADI BAGIAN UANG MUKA (down payment) jika kontrak terlaksana, dan
HANGUS jika kontrak terputus sepihak oleh klien sebelum pelaksanaan.
Seluruh pembiayaan harus sudah lunas paling lambat 5 hari sebelum pelaksanaan training.
Pembayaran di tempat acara TIDAK DILAYANI!
Di Mana Tempat Penyelenggaraan Training?
Training dapat diselenggarakan dimanapun Anda dan tim Anda berkenan, selama representative
(misal rumah/villa, hotel, atau customized). Peralatan training disediakan oleh Kandidat (LCD,
sound system, meja-kursi, konsumsi, dan perangkat pendukung lainnya).
Siapa saja para peserta training?
– Training caleg diikuti oleh caleg beserta tim pemenangannya (agar efektif peserta tidak lebih
30 anggota Tim),
– Training organisasi atau partai politik diikuti oleh pengurus partai politik beserta para kandidat
– Pelatihan saksi diikuti oleh caleg / partai politik beserta calon-calon saksi TPS.
Apa fasilitas yang Anda dapatkan?
Setiap kandidat caleg akan mendapatkan:
1 (satu) paket modul/handout
1 (satu) sertifikat untuk setiap peserta (training oleh partai politik)
Paket Buku + CD JJMP (voucher tidak berlaku) sesuai pilihan training
Jasa Konsultan kami bersifat pay after service (jaminan menang baru bayar), meliputi penyusunan
grand strategy, riset, komunikasi kampanye, pelatihan kandidat dan saksi, serta SMS Gateway dan
Real Count.
Reseller Buku + CD dan/atau Marketer In House Training
Jurus Jitu Menang Pemilu
Tanpa Uang Nggak Pake‘ Curang
Plus 10 Langkah Anti Kalah
1. Partner adalah Reseller penjualan paket Buku + CD JJMP dan/atau Marketer In House
Training Manajemen Kandidat dan/atau Pelatihan Saksi.
2. Partner Reseller wajib melakukan pembelian perdana sejumlah minimal 2 paket
(langsung diskon 15%).
3. Partner Marketer wajib melakukan atau mendapatkan minimal 1 order in house training
manajemen kandidat sekaligus pelatihan saksi, atau 2 order salah satu pelatihan
(manajeman kandidat atau pelatihan saksi).
4. Partner wajib mendaftarkan nomor handphone, nama Bank dan Nomor Rekening, serta
mengirimkan copy identitas melalui email: Selanjutnya kami
akan memberikan nomor kode Partner dan membuatkan blog khusus untuk Anda (boleh
membuat / mempromosikan melalui halaman blog sendiri dengan ketentuan point 7).
5. Bonus Partner dapat digabungkan dengan promo paket Buku + CD dan/atau pelatihan
lainnya selama ada. Bonus akan dibayarkan sesuai point 10.
6. Promosi oleh Partner boleh melalui media apa saja, meliputi; media cetak, elektronik,
jejaring sosial (teman-teman facebook/twitter) dan lainnya.
7. Dalam mempromosikan blog Partner wajib mencantumkan nomor rekening kami dan
tidak boleh mengubah / mengganti / mengosongkannya.
8. Transaksi dianggap dilakukan oleh Partner HANYA selama dilakukan melalui nomor
handphone / email Partner yang terdaftar pada kami, untuk Reseller SMS dengan format:
JJMP_nomor kode partner_jumlah paket_nama pengiriman_alamat lengkap pengiriman.
Contoh: JJMP P01R 2 paket Diana Lestari Jl Kemuning 11 Makassar Sulawesi Selatan
9. Setiap transaksi klien yang langsung terhubung dengan kami BERAKIBAT TIDAK
ADA BONUS Partner untuk transaksi tersebut (dikecualikan ada bukti konfirmasi dari
10. Bonus Partner akan dikirimkan ke rekening terdaftar yang diakumulasi sejumlah
pemesanan setiap tanggal 3-5 di bulan berikutnya.
11. Program ini berlaku sampai tanggal 31 januari 2014.
12. Hal-hal yang belum diatur akan dikomunikasikan lebih lanjut.
13. Apa saja yang harus Anda pahami tentang politik sebelum memutuskan jadi caleg?
Kepribadian seperti apa yang harus Anda tampilkan agar lebih unggul dari caleg
Bagaimana cara mengukur popularitas dan elektabilitas Anda secara murah, mudah,
dan mandiri?
Kenapa Anda harus mewaspadai penyelenggara pemilu dan pengurus partai politik?
Dengan apa dan siapa Anda melakukan koalisi pemenangan?
Bagaimana Anda merencanakan dan menyusun strategi, memetakan dukungan,
mendesain kampanye, serta menjaga hasil kerja menjelang dan pasca hari H?
Metode penanganan hukum seperti apa yang dapat Anda gunakan menghadapi
pelanggaran-pelanggaran pemilu yang merugikan Anda?
Prinsip-prinsip dan jurus apa yang harus Anda kuasai agar menang pemilu tanpa uang
nggak pake‘ curang?
Dan masih banyak lagi ‗RAHASIA‘ lain yang akan memudahkan upaya Anda
mencapai kemenangan meraih kursi dewan.
14.Metode Kampanye Efektif
16. Daftar Calon Sementara (DCS) Pileg 2014 telah diumumkan oleh KPU beberapa waktu
lalu. Saya perkirakan tidak akan banyak perubahan dalam DCT nanti.
17. Seiring dengan ditetapkannya DCS, banyak pertanyaan yang disampaikan kepada saya.
Salah satu pertanyaan yang disampaikan para bakal calon ini adalah tentang bagaimana
Metode Kampanye yang paling efektif.
19. Disini saya harus menjelaskan satu prinsip terlebih dahulu bahwa sesungguhnya tidak ada
satu metode kampanye yang secara generik mampu menggerakan pemilih secara efektif
di segala situasi dan kondisi. Sering kita membaca atau mendengar dari politisi atau
pengamat bahwa metode kampanye yang efektif adalah melakukan ―X‖. Mungkin benar
metode ―X‖ sangat efektif saat itu, tetapi metode ini belum tentu efektif bila yang
melakukan orang lain, di waktu yang berbeda dan tempat yang berbeda. Contohnya
begini, di satu daerah caleg A melakukan kampanye dengan cara gerak jalan massal.
Metode ini berhasil diikuti oleh masyarakat setempat dan efektif mengerakan pemilih.
Namun, metode gerak jalan massal ini belum tentu efektif bila dilakukan oleh caleg B
yang berada di tempat dan waktu yang berbeda yang situasi dan kondisinya sangat
berbeda. Demikian juga metode-metode kampanye yang lain.
21. Intinya, metode kampanye yang efektif adalah metode yang memang sesuai dengan
situasi dan kondisi masyarakat atau pemilih. Metode kampanye efektif harus disesuaikan
dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Metode kampanye efektif juga harus memperhatikan
social budaya masyarakat setempat. Metode kampanye efektif juga menimbang segmen
social yang dihadapi. Metode kampanye efektif di daerah perkotaan tentu berbeda dengan
metode kampanye di daerah pedesaan.
23. Disini saya membedakan dua metode kampanye yaitu 1. metode kampanye konvensional
dan 2. metode kampanye non-konvensional.
25. 1. Metode kampanye konvensional
27. Metode konvensional adalah metode-metode kampanye yang sudah lazim digunakan oleh
kandidat dalam sebuah pemilu. Metode konvensional ini sudah sangat dikenal di
masyarakat. Bahkan metode ini sudah identik dengan pemilu. Misalnya, metode
pemasangan poster atau baliho. Begitu ada baliho besar bergambar foto seseorang, dapat
dipastikan masyarakat akan langsung tahu orang dalam foto tersebut akan mencalonkan
dalam pemilu. Itulah kelebihan metode kampanye konvensional. Pesan langsung bisa
ditangkap oleh masyarakat. Popularitas kandidat bisa langsung terdongkrak dalam waktu
singkat. Agar metode konvensional ini efektif dibutuhkan jumlah dan ukuran yang besar.
Ribuan poster dipasang disetiap sudut jalan. Baliho besar dipasang di jalan-jalan
protocol. Metode konvensional ini biasanya membutuhkan biaya yang besar pula.
Namun, metode konvensional ini hanya mampu masuk pada dataran kognisi pemilih.
Metode ini hanya efektif meningkatkan popularitas namun belum tentu efektif dalam
meningkatkan elektabilitas.
29. 2. Metode kampanye non-konvensional
31. Metode non-konvensional adalah metode kampanye yang unik atau belum pernah
dilakukan oleh seorang kandidat di daerah tersebut. Artinya metode ini mungkin sudah
biasa dilakukan di suatu daerah, tapi tidak lazim untuk di daerah lain. Metode ini bisa
dikatakan metode yang tidak lazim dilakukan oleh seoarang kandidat di suatu dearah
pemilihan. Misalnya, seorang caleg melakukan kampanye dengan cara menggunakan
kostum superman. Di setiap penampilannya di depan publik seperti terminal, pasar dan
stasiun kereta api dia selalu mengenakan kostum superman. Ini cara kampanye ―gila‖ ya
memang metode non-konvensional adalah metode ―gila‖ untuk mencuri perhatian
masyarakat. Metode ini tidak memerlukan biaya tinggi. Kekuatan metode ini adalah pada
tingkat kebaruan. Semakin baru dan belum pernah dilakukan oleh kandidat lain semakin
kuat metode ini memancing perhatian masyarakat atau pemilih. Butuh kreativitas tinggi
untuk bisa menciptakan metode non-konvensional. Salah satu hal lain yang dibutuhkan
lagi adalah keberanian keluar dari kebiasaan. Namun jangan asal ―gila‖ karena bisa-bisa
dianggap gila beneran lho.
1. An E-Book fromOnline Political Campaign Tips Page 1
2. IntroductionThis booklet brings you practical tips for you to improve youronline political
campaign. Whether you are a seasonedcandidate or just starting your first political campaign
youare sure to find some useful information in these tips.Thank you for downloading this free
ebook. You arewelcome to share it with others. This book may bereproduced, copied and
distributed for non-commercialpurposes, provided the book remains in its complete originalform.
If you enjoyed this book, please return to discover other works by this
author. Compiled and Published by: Online Candidate® © 2012
Daley Professional Web SolutionsOnline Political Campaign Tips Page 2
3. Things a Candidate Should Never Do Online1) Assume you have privacy. First and
foremost,anything you ever say, post or share online should pass the„New York Times Test‟.
That means, if you wouldn‟t becomfortable with what you‟ve done appearing on the coverof the
New York Times, then don‟t do it.2) Pretend to be someone else. This happens morefrequently
than you might think: a local candidate createsseveral profiles on a local newspaper discussion
board anduses them to promote themselves or bash their opponents.If the candidate or supporter
is outed for doing this, it justlooks bad … and petty.3) Try to delete material after the fact. It‟s
not thecrime, but it‟s the cover-up that gets politicians in trouble. Ifyou must delete a post, do it,
publicly acknowledge that youhave done so, and move on.4) Not completing profiles. Each and
every social mediaprofile should be completed in full with a description,website and any other
important information.5) Spam out. Bombarding your supporters (or worse,voters who are not
actively following you) with automated orunwanted messages of any sort will only serve to
annoyothers – and can get you a reputation as a politicalspammer.6) Share too much information.
Think before you post.If you‟re not sure where to draw the line with your posts,then err on the
side of caution and keep things professional.7) Engaging in social media without a plan. Figure
outwhere you want to stake your online presence before youbegin your campaign. Take some
time to figure out whereyou should be directing your social media efforts, who inyour campaign
is best equipped to manage the accounts,and what kinds of content you will offer.Online Political
Campaign Tips Page 3
4. Add Interactivity To Your Campaign Website1) Email list signup. Email is still an essential
way to keepin touch with supporters. Having an automated way forpeople to add and remove
themselves from your list isimportant. The most popular ways are to have an email listsystem
installed on your website server or, for morefunctionality, consider using an email list service.2)
Social media links. Link out to your social mediaprofiles, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and
YouTube. Thisgives visitors the opportunity to learn more and link tosupport the campaign
through alternate channels.3) Polls and surveys. For candidates with limited budgets,online
surveys and polls help gather feedback and provide away for visitors to share their opinions.
Most everyone likesa quick poll, and a well-designed survey can allow visitors toshare their
opinions on a variety of topics.4) District Maps. A district map makes a great addition toyour
voter registration page.5) Video. Video is a growing part of the web, and the toolsand software
available make it easy for just about anyone tocreate video. For political campaigns ads,
YouTube makes iteasy to link and share videos through HTML code that canbe embedded in a
web page.6) Donations. Perhaps the most valuable interactivefeature is having a way to take
donations through thewebsite. There are a number of payment processorsavailable, and some
specifically cater to political campaigns.We do not get involved in campaign donations
orfundraising, but we recommend PayPal as a simple,inexpensive way to process transactions.7)
Other Forms. Contact and volunteer forms also add alevel of interactivity, though it‟s more one-
way from theuser. Regardless, be sure that your campaign is easy tocontact, and that your site
actively invites people to join andparticipate.Online Political Campaign Tips Page 4
5. Build A Social Media Following1) Start early and start small. While you should buildyour
online presence as early as possible, you‟ll want to startsmall with social medial. Signing up for
Twitter, Facebookand every social network you can find is a recipe fordisaster. Building profiles
for multiple social sites is hardwork, so it‟s best to start by only tackling a couple at first.2) Use
widgets. Add social network widgets on yourcampaign website. The best place to attract new
followers isyour own site. These widgets can include buttons to yourFacebook and Twitter
profiles pages. There are also widgetsthat you can add above and below your page content
thatallows readers to share with others.3) Don‘t sweat the numbers. ―The journey of a
millionfollowers begins with the first Like.‖ Sure, it‟s great to have ahigh number of followers,
but it‟s better to have a smallernumber of interested ones. A few politicians have
artificiallyboosted their follower numbers, and it‟s not that hard to do.In the end, though, „bots
don‟t vote – only people do.4) Be consistent. Publish regularly. It‟s better to update alittle over
time than a lot all at once. Starting a social mediapresence and then abandoning it is worse than
never havingcreated a presence in the first place.5) Listen to what‘s being said about you online.
Gobeyond just monitoring what others are saying about you.While most social media
interactions regarding yourcampaign might not require a response, it‟s critical to findthe few that
do and engage those individuals in a timelyfashion.6) Share with others. Don‟t just post things
about yourcampaign. Share other news items, links and resources thatmay be of interest to those
following you.7) Be careful what you post. Never post anything thatyou would not be
comfortable having anyone read at anytime. Once something goes online it may be difficult, if
notimpossible, to remove it.Online Political Campaign Tips Page 5
6. Use Facebook Like A Pro1) Create your Facebook Page. Any politician can createan
official Facebook Page. (You‟ll want to create an OfficialPage and not a Community Page.)
Facebook only allows youto create a page if you are the candidate or you are anauthorized
person on that politician‟s staff. Unlike your basicprofile, Facebook Pages are visible to
everyone on theinternet by default.2) Update your page profile. Use the Info tab to provideusers
with information about yourself and your campaign.Fill it out with as much detail as you can,
including a link toyour campaign website. Upload a profile picture to appear inthe upper left
corner of your Page. This is typically acandidate head shot or campaign logo.3) Consider using a
custom landing page. UnlikeTwitter, Facebook pages all have a standard look and feel.However,
you can show off your creative side by creating acustom landing page for your page. This can
display anyinitial information, images, or added functionality youchoose. There are a number of
free and paid services thatcan help you create one.4) Be authentic. Voters value authenticity from
politicianswho use social media. Candidates should work to engage ina conversation with
readers, rather than simply broadcastingcampaign updates. The goal is to get people to know,
likeand trust you. That won‟t happen if every post sounds like itwas vetted by a PR firm.5)
Don‘t be a jerk. Be yourself. Share your opinions, yourpersonality, and even a bit of your daily
life. Post frequently,but not so often that you appear to have nothing better todo. Most voters will
never meet you in person. If you are ajerk online, they will only assume that you are a jerk in
reallife.Online Political Campaign Tips Page 6
7. Campaign Twitter Tips1) Claim @YourCampaign. Even if you don‟t plan to useTwitter
right away, be sure you claim your name orcampaign name as your Twitter handle. If you put it
off,there‟s a risk that your name could be taken by someoneelse, similar to domain name
squatting.2) Modify your account settings and look. Add yourinformation and website link to the
account settings. Brandyour profile design by customizing the color settings andbackground to
create a consistent look with your campaignwebsite.3) Update your Twitter account regularly.
How oftenyou post is less important than posting regularly, no matterwhat the schedule may
be.4) Post relevant material. Candidates don‟t have to justpost updates on what they are doing or
thinking. Look athow other prominent politicians use Twitter for style andcontent ideas. News
articles, campaign press releases,endorsements, website updates, blog posts and event alertsare
all good material to keep followers up to date.5) Post to the proper account. Very often the
personwho posts will have a personal Twitter account. That personshould be careful to know
what account they are logged intowhen they post. Having a personal tweet appear in acampaign
account may be embarrassing.6) Make your Twitter account part of your largeronline presence.
Your website, blog, Facebook and othersocial accounts should be kept up to date as well.
BecauseTwitter is designed for „small bites‟ of information, you canupdate your status far more
frequently than you would onFacebook without ticking off your followers.Online Political
Campaign Tips Page 7
8. About Online Candidate® provides affordable campaign
websitedesign for small to medium sized political campaigns. Itallows users to create a high-
impact campaign websiteloaded with features such as a built-in page editor, polls,advanced
contact and donation forms, data capture is designed
for campaignswho want to leverage online communication to reach,communicate and motivate
supporters. Focus on theessentials of creating an effective presence for onlinepolitical
campaigning. Distill the online opportunities, tools,and strategies in order to reach out to voters
and help buildthe support necessary to win your election. Visit us at:
1. ALL POLITICS IS SOCIAL:Social Media Engagement Will Decide Election
2012SocialVibe Test-Case Shows 94% ParticipationRate for Engagement Advertising
Campaignswith Political Themes By Jay Samit, CEO of SocialVibe June 2011
2. ContentsExecutive SummaryIntroductionHelping Supporters Persuade and
EngageFive Ways to Make Political Campaigns More Social 1. Use Facebook and
Campaign Websites to Engage Supporters 2. Make Your Social Presence a Conversation
3. Go Mobile 4. Make E-mails Social 5. Build Allegiance through Engagement
AdvertisingSocialVibe© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 2
3. Executive SummaryAs the 2012 elections approach, social media engagement has
become a key tenet that must bebuilt directly into every campaign strategy. Campaigns
hoping to lead in 2012 need to look toproven social methods to reach, engage, and
motivate supporters with messaging that is true totheir brand and ignites conversation
within key influencers‘ social graphs.Commercial and political advertisers are shifting
more of their advertising budgets to digitalmedia, including both online and mobile
advertising. The most significant challenge in this arenais presenting information to
political supporters in a manner that motivates them to share campaigninformation.
Voters of all stripes are now actively engaged in social networking. According to a May
2011 study conducted by digital agency SocialVibe, 94 percent of social media users of
voting age engaged by a political message watched the entire message, and 39 percent of
these people went on to share it with an average of 130 friends online.The more adept
campaigns become at engaging social media users, the further their message willtravel
virally through personal contacts. If campaigns motivate supporters to express
themselveswhile socially interacting with campaign information, they will be rewarded
with an empoweredarmy of informal spokespeople advocating on their behalf.Candidates
and campaigns up and down the ballot must plan to make outreach efforts more socialthis
election season. Here are five key areas to focus on:1. Use Facebook and Campaign
Websites to Engage SupportersFor campaigns to make the most of their investment in an
online presence, they must provideopportunities for engagement.2. Make Your Social
Presence a ConversationA robust social networking strategy will allow campaigns to
engage supporters in sharing and tomonitor opposition messages.© 2011 SocialVibe. All
Rights Reserved 3
4. 3. Go MobileRoughly equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans use mobile
technology to share informationabout political issues. QR codes, mobile use of social
networking, and mobile advertising will allplay an important role in 2012.14. Make E-
mails SocialThe technological savvy of many voters is still limited to email. And
according to the NielsenCompany, active users of social media tend to spend more time
using email than others.2 Socialmedia-enhanced email is cost-effective and allows
supporters to forward information in their owntime.5. Build Allegiance through
Engagement AdvertisingEngagement advertising enhances consumer loyalty by
combining campaign content with word-of-mouth commentary from friends and
associates. Engagement advertising creates a value-exchangethat invites participants to
share professionally produced video messages with others and allowsadvertisers to target
ads within Facebook based on whatever criteria they choose.A field study by leading
social media technology company SocialVibe showed that the level ofsharing in a
politically-themed engagement advertising campaign was double the average sharerates
of non-political ad campaigns.1 IAB Reports Full-Year Internet Ad Revenues for 2010
Increase 15% to $26 Billion, a New Record. April 13, 2011.
Accessed May 27, 2011.2 Gibs, Jon. Is Social Media Impacting How Much We Email?
September 28, 2009. nielsenwire/online_mobile/is-social-media-
impacting-how-much-we-email/. Accessed May 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights
Reserved 4
5. Introduction Our society has increasingly turned toward interactive platforms for
information-sharing, blending the personal with the political. Today‘s families are more
likely to share interesting news articles or online petitions with one-another via Facebook
or email than they are to watch the nightly news together. More than ever before, voters
expect to be given an opportunity to express themselves and interact with information by
sharing with friends, posting to Facebook, tweeting and commenting on posts. Social
media will play a vital role in determining the 2012 election. Facebook friends, not the
evening news, will inform most voters. Candidates must effectively engage the social
sphere from the Which candidate will master social media in 2012? outset to remain
competitive in this election cycle.The E-voter Institute reports in its 2010 survey of voter
expectations that more than 40 percent ofvoters expect to be able to find information on
demand about campaigns, including online videoand social networking. The vast
majority of voters expect that all campaigns will have at least abasic website.3But that‘s
just the ante to get into the game. No online presence would be complete without arobust
social strategy. Voters of all ages and persuasions are increasingly turning to social
mediafor information about issues and candidates. According to a January 2011 report
from the PewInternet & American Life Project, Republicans and Democrats used social
media to gather or sharepolitical information at roughly equal rates in the 2010 midterm
election cycle.4 As reported bythe Christian Science Monitor, this trend reflects a major
shift from the 2008 presidential electioncycle, in which only 29 percent of McCain voters
were active users of social networking sitescompared to 44 percent of Obama
supporters.3 E-Voter Institute. Social Networks Supercharge Politics: Turnign Action
into Votes in 2010. Results from the E-Voter Institute‘s Fifth Annual Survey. September
2010. voter_voter-2010-
survey-overview.pdf. Accessed on May 18, 2011.4 Smith, Aaron. 22% of online
Americans used social networking or Twitter for politics in 2010 campaign. Pew Internet
& American Life Project, January 27, 2011. http://www.pewinternet.
org/~/media//Files/Reports/2011/PIP-Social- Media-and-2010-Election.pdf . Accessed on
May 16, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 5
6. Part of this shift in user rates relates to the growing use of social media by people age
50 and older.5Social communication offers candidates and campaigns the opportunity to
engage with voters andempower them to put their own twist on content as they share it
with friends. Effective marketingto today‘s social media user – whether you are selling
toothpaste or promoting the platform of aCongressional candidate – creates a ―mutually
beneficial relationship.‖6 Political campaigns are more likely than commercial products
to inspire passion, and as such have an even greater potential to motivate social media
users to share information about a candidate with friends and followers. With 50 million
consumers ―liking‖ a brand each day on Facebook, campaign managers can learn lessons
from the commercial world 2008 2010 that will translate to victory in the political
Election Cycles realm. Social media users who persuade friends to like a candidate or
issue on Republicans and Democrats used social media to discuss politics in roughly
equal Facebook or follow a candidate on Twitter numbers in the 2010 election cycle.
Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project. will feel even more committed to that
campaign.Commercial and political advertisers are shifting more of their advertising
budgets to digitalmedia, including both online and mobile advertising.7 Although
traditional media advertisingrevenue saw a slight uptick in 2010, general trends show that
spending in print and broadcastmedia is expected to remain relatively flat through 2015.8
In contrast, eMarketer recently releaseda study that shows a growing investment in digital
advertising and predicts, ―social networkingsites will increase revenues by 55%‖ in 2011
alone.9 Investments in digital advertising for the 2012cycle have already begun, with the
Democratic National Committee/Obama for America jointlyallocating significant funds
to digital advertising in the first quarter of 2011.10According to a May 2011 study
conducted by digital agency SocialVibe, 94 percent of social mediausers of voting age
engaged by a political message watched the entire message, and 39 percentof these
people went on to share it with an average of 130 friends online. The deep attentionand
loyalty that results from viral message sharing is why brands such as Microsoft, Proctor
&Gamble, Coke, Disney, and others are shifting their advertising dollars from television
to socialmedia. Every major television network has turned to social media to advertise
their own TV showsand connect with their audience.5 Quintanilla, Eloise. Republicans
now as nimble as Democrats on social media, study finds. Christian Science Monitor,
January 27, 2011.
as-nimble-as-Democrats- on-social-media-study-Finds. Accessed May 19, 2011.
Accessed May 19, 2011.6 Solis, B. (2010). Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and
Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web. Hoboken, NJ:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.7 IAB Reports Full-Year Internet Ad Revenues for 2010
Increase 15% to $26 Billion, a New Record. April 13, 2011.
ase/pr-041311. Accessed May 20, 2011.8 Perrin, Nicole. May 2011. Traditional Media:
Dollars and Attention Shift to Digital. (Web summary). Accessed May 27,
2011.9 Perrin, Nicole. US Digital Ad Spending: Online, Mobile, Social. April 2011. Accessed May 25,
2011.10 Kaye, Kate. DNC and Obama Spent Half Million Online This Year. April 29,
2011. news/2046653/dnc-obama-spent-half-million-
online. Accessed May 25, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 6
7. The most significant challenge in this arena is presenting information to political
supporters in a manner that motivates them to share campaign information with others.
As noted by the E-Voter Institute, ―When people are inclined to forward email and links,
campaigns need to be more creative in messaging so as to tap into that desire to share
compelling content and ideas.‖11 Voters and supporters are actively engaged in social
networking of all stripes – the challenge is for campaigns to translate that energy into
increased sharing on social Engagement advertising within social media engages users in
a give-and-take with a brand networking sites.11 Jagoda, Karen A.B., et al. Persuading
and Motivating Voters: What Will It Take in 2010? October 2009. http:// Accessed
May 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 7
8. Helping SupportersPersuade and EngageMuch as brand advertising aims to develop
consumer loyalty, politicalcampaigns persuade and engage potential supporters. The
more Voters of all agesadept campaigns become at engaging social media users, the
further and persuasions aretheir message will travel virally through personal contact
online. increasingly turningSocial media can be leveraged to strengthen a voter‘s
relationship to social media forwith a candidate or issue and/or to inspire further action,
rangingfrom providing a personal endorsement (e.g., ―liking‖ a campaign‘s information
aboutFacebook page) to sharing a message from the candidate, to making issues and
candidates.a micro-donation via text message. Social media users can also
sharepersuasive information with friends and colleagues in moments from their computer
or mobiledevice instead of spending hours making phone calls or canvassing.President
Obama‘s 2008 campaign showed how a robust investment in gathering email
addresses,cell phone numbers, and Facebook user information could be leveraged into a
network of everythingfrom volunteers willing to make campaign calls from home to a
broad network of low-level donors.If campaigns motivate supporters to express
themselves while socially interacting with campaigninformation, they will be rewarded
with an army of informal, but highly connected, spokespeopleadvocating on their
behalf.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 8
9. Five Ways to Make PoliticalCampaigns More SocialThe challenge for political
campaigns in 2012 is to find the right balance between retail politics, massmedia
outreach, and the power of social media to actively engage supporters of all
demographics.Entire generations of voters are increasingly relying on the Internet almost
exclusively to learnabout news, issues, and to engage with campaigns. With the median
age of a TV evening newsviewer approaching 63 years old,12 in this election cycle it is
possible that 18 to 35 year old voterswill not even hear a candidate‘s message if it is not
presented to them through social media channels.With this in mind, candidates and
campaigns up and down the ballot must plan to make outreachefforts more social this
election season.Here are five key areas to focus on:1. Use Facebook and Campaign
Websites to Engage SupportersAccording to Facebook, the website now has about 150
million adult users in the United States.Half of all Facebook users log in on any given
day to keep up on the latest news and informationposted by their friends and loved ones.
Users spend more than 700 billion minutes per month onthe site worldwide. More than
2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook, including over80 of comScore‘s
U.S. Top 100 websites and over half of comScore‘s Global Top 100
websites.13Facebook users are accessing the site more often through their mobile
devices; more than 250million active users currently do so around the world. People who
access the site through theirsmartphones and tablet devices are twice as active on the site
as other users. (See below for moreinformation on how to use mobile devices to engage
potential supporters.)One of the most important Facebook statistics for political campaign
purposes is that the averageuser has 130 friends on the site. That‘s 130 people available
for any user to share information abouta candidate or issue they support with one simple
click. With Americans looking to social mediaand websites for news and information,
and showing greater levels of trust for sources forwardedby someone they know,14
campaigns must take heed of these growing trends. According to theE-Voter Institute, 81
percent of voters expect political campaigns to maintain basic websites that12 Seltzer,
Louisa Ada. Nightly news viewers are aging faster. Media Life Magazine (web). April
30, 2010. http://
viewers-are-aging-faster-asp. Accessed May 27, 2011.13 Accessed May 27, 2011.14 Global
Advertising: Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most. July 7, 2009.
consumers-trust-real-friends-and-virtual-strangersthe- most/. Accessed May 27, 2011.©
2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 9
10. provide general information about the candidate or issue.15 But placing a static
website up at aconvenient URL misses the opportunity to engage visitors as ambassadors,
donors, volunteers, andvoters. Every campaign website should, at the very least, invest in
Search Engine Optimization,purchase alternate URLs in order to protect a candidate‘s
image and message by redirecting allsearches to the campaign‘s main website, and make
it easy for visitors engage on- and off-site.For campaigns to make the most of their
investment in an online presence, they must provideopportunities for engagement. These
opportunities could be as simple as including links to Facebookand Twitter and as
sophisticated as providing an Electronic Press Kit about the candidate. The press kitcan
easily be forwarded with a personalized message by supporters who want to recruit
friends to thecause. Tools like Facebook Connect offer easy opportunities for campaigns
with limited resources toinclude interactive elements on their sites while simultaneously
enhancing their Facebook presence. While it may have been novel for President Obama
to offer campaign updates via text and email in 2008, those tactics are now standard fare
for presidential candidates. Republican presidential contenders Tim Pawlenty, Newt
Gingrich, and Mitt Romney all invite visitors to their campaign websites to sign up for
email updates and donate online. However, as of May 2011 only Mr. Pawlenty‘s site
provided incentives for supporters to serve as hisTim Pawlenty‘s presidential campaign
offers virtual incentives for supporters who share his message via social media. advocates
and ambassadors in their communities. Supporterscan sign up to be part of the ―Pawlenty
Action‖ team, which allows members to earn points andbadges for posting to Facebook,
sharing their Twitter account with the campaign, volunteering,and recruiting others. This
invitation for a value exchange between supporters and the campaignlays the groundwork
for voters to engage.The Pawlenty site offers rich media opportunities both on- and off-
site. Site visitors are invited towatch video housed on the site and/or to subscribe to the
candidate‘s YouTube channel. Visitors arealso invited to inform the candidate‘s platform
by responding to the prompt, ―The next presidentshould…‖. Mr. Pawlenty is also using
Facebook Sponsored Stories ads to further integrate hiswebsite with his Facebook
presence and to extend his viral reach into the newsfeeds of friends ofpeople who ―like‖
the information they see in any of the advertisements.1615 E-Voter Institute. Social
Networks Supercharge Politics: Turnign Action into Votes in 2010. Results from the E-
Voter Institute‘s Fifth Annual Survey. September 2010. voter_voter-2010-survey-
overview.pdf. Accessed on May 18, 2011.16 Kaye, Kate. May 27, 2011. Tim Pawlenty
Tests Facebook Sponsored Stories. news/2074620/tim-
pawlenty-tests-facebook-sponsored-stories. Accessed May 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe.
All Rights Reserved 10
11. As of May 2011 President Obama‘s campaign website had not yet caught up to the
latest trends inonline engagement, although his campaign site indicates it is still in its
beginning stages. Optionsfor engaging with the Obama reelection campaign include
making a donation, ―liking‖ him onFacebook (as do more than 21 million Facebook
users), and finding opportunities to plug into real-world activities in each supporter‘s
community.2. Make Your Social Presence a ConversationIf the 2010 midterm
Congressional election showed us anything, it‘s that social networking is notjust for
young liberals. Twenty-two percent of adult internet users engaged with political
campaignsin the last election cycle overall. Of those who are over 50 and also use social
networking sites, 33percent used these sites to get political news, post political content,
and otherwise engage with acandidate or a cause. Of social media users in the 18-29 age
group, 42 percent used social mediafor those purposes.17 While the numbers still show
stronger political use of social networking sitesamong younger voters, the difference
between these two groups is not nearly as stark as it was inthe last presidential election
cycle.Engagement and personal connection is the new standard for online activity. As
reported by thePew Internet & American Life Project:The main reason our survey
respondents gave for following political groups on social networkingsites or Twitter is
that doing so helps them feel more personally connected to the candidates orgroups they
follow—36 percent said that this was a ―major‖ reason they followed these groups
orcandidates, and an additional 35 percent said it was a ―minor‖ reason.18Campaigns
must embrace the elements of social networking that create its appeal: the ability toshare.
Twitter may offer the opportunity to broadcast information, but if a campaign uses
Twitterto talk but not to listen it is missing out on half of the conversation. Twitter users
seek to connect,not simply gather information. Just like campaigns of the past have been
tempted to see creatinga website as a necessary box to check off, today‘s campaigns must
take care to truly join the give-and-take of a social networking conversation.© 2010 360i
LLC. All Rights Reserved 13Consider the powerful use of Twitter for regime change
during the 2011 Arab Spring. Twitter wasnot used to make static political
announcements, but rather to inspire, engage, even enrage fellowcountrymen to the point
of action. Protesters used the medium to share compelling photos andpersonal
experiences that added texture and urgency in a way that a news report never
could.Campaigns in the United States have much to learn from Mid-East activists who
effectivelyharnessed social media to further a political agenda and motivate action, both
on- and off-line.17 Smith, Aaron. 22% of online Americans used social networking or
Twitter for politics in 2010 campaign. Pew Internet & American Life Project, January 27,
2011. Mediaand-
2010-Election.pdf . Accessed on May 16, 2011.18 Ibid.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights
Reserved 11
12. Twitter provides deep and broad opportunities to engage campaignsupporters in an
ongoing dialogue that can energize a candidate‘s or Roughly equal numbers ofan issue‘s
base to take action and share ideas. Whether a campaign self-identified
Democratsdevelops a memorable cache of hash tags, tweets photos of eventsand
supporters, or creates incentives for followers to retweet key and Republicans
usemessages, a robust Twitter strategy can generate the same kind of mobile
technologypassion seen in countries struggling to overthrow oppressive regimes. to
gather and share information aboutTwitter also offers opportunities for campaigns to
learn more aboutwhat their followers are saying, and to search and monitor what political
issues.messages are motivating their opponents. Campaigns should takethe time to
research and follow top-priority reporters and potential endorsers (ranging from
localelected officials to politically active organizations) with the hope that these
individuals and groupswill follow the campaign in return.Campaigns that master the
effective use of social networking will successfully inspire ―FOMO‖among supporters: a
Fear Of Missing Out. If someone attends a rally, make it easy for her to postphotos,
videos and comments to the campaign‘s Flickr page and/or YouTube Channel. Tag
eventattendees in Facebook photos from rallies and meetings, and invite supporters to tag
themselvesto deepen the connectivity between the campaign‘s Facebook page with those
of its supporters.Inviting supporters to contribute their perspective to the story of a
campaign will greatly increaseits reach.Encouraging people to engage with a campaign
on Facebook also allows the campaign to engagein Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) with its supporters. In a commercial setting, CRMenables a company to
understand each customer‘s full picture and experience with the company.Campaigns can
take advantage of similar techniques to better understand what motivates itssupporters.
Understanding motivation in turn makes it possible for campaigns to target
messagesappropriately and to engage in conversations that encourage further
interaction.Integrated Solutions. Measurable ResultsFacebook makes it possible to target
messaging to supporters with excruciating specificity.Campaigns can target by political
party, a cross-section of information imbedded into a profile(ranging from a user‘s
―likes‖ to the topics she discusses on her wall), and by age, gender, andlocation. This
type of targeting makes it much easier for campaigns to highlight their mostpersuasive
messages when communicating with each Facebook user.3. Go MobileThe use of mobile
communications has increased dramatically since 2008. According to marketresearch
firm comScore, 2010 saw the number of mobile users in the United States that accessed
asocial networking site at least once a month via their mobile device reach nearly 58
million users.1919 comScore Releases Inaugural Report, ―The 2010 Mobile Year in
Review‖. February 14, 2011.
_Releases_Inaugural_Report_ The_2010_Mobile_Year_in_Review. AccessedMay 27,
2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 12
13. Cell phones, smartphones, and tablet devices provide easy opportunities for users to
share ideas aswell as information for campaigns to gather invaluable data. As noted
above, Facebook users whoaccess the site through their mobile devices are twice as
active in social media as non-mobile users.Roughly equal numbers of self-identified
Democrats and Republicans use mobile technology togather and share information about
political issues. However, Democrats in the 2010 election cyclewere somewhat more
likely to use their cell phones specifically for campaign-related activity,such as texting
friends about how they voted. Perhaps as a reflection of how younger
generationsperceive what it means to be politically active, more than one-fifth of cell
phone users who engagedpolitically on their cell phones did not cast a vote in the
election.20The Obama campaign leveraged the cell phone data it collected in the 2008
election to create asense of connection with its supporters. The Obama campaign even
created an iPhone app to makeit easy for supporters to connect with the campaign. By
sharing coveted information – like his pickfor Vice President – first via text message,
President Obama gave supporters something of valuein exchange for that information. In
short, Obama played on the ―FOMO‖ of his followers andsuccessfully coaxed their cell
phone numbers fromthem in exchange for first access to information.The campaign was
then free to use those numbersfor everything from texting requests for low-
dollardonations to phone banking to Get Out the Vote.In 2012, mobile communications
will play an evenmore important role in political campaigns. Mobilecommunications
make it possible to combine real-world experiences with online interactivity. Thegrowing
use of Quick Response (QR) codes mergesthese worlds. Smartphones that are equipped
toread QRs allow users to instantly ―check in‖ toan event via Foursquare or Facebook.
BecauseFoursquare automatically links to Facebook andTwitter accounts, users who scan
a QR code providea mutually beneficial exchange when they do so: the The Obama for
America campaign created an app to allow iPhone users touser gets to announce to
friends and followers that easily connect with the campaign in the 2008 election cycle.he
is at a hip political event, and the organizers ofthat event are able to gather information
from him in return.Facebook has made it easy for users to ―like‖ an event or a cause after
scanning a QR code.Campaigns can also allow people to earn Foursquare badges for
attending candidate events just asthey might for frequenting their corner bar, thus further
integrating campaign activity into people‘severyday lives. The Mitt Romney campaign
recently took advantage of this feature by creating a20 Rainie, Lee and Aaron Smith.
Politics goes mobile: 26% of Americans used their cell phones to connect to the 2010
elections, December 23, 2010. Accessed
May 25, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 13
14. Foursquare badge for participants in a one- day fundraising event in Las Vegas.21
According to a recent article on that provided a preview into
communications strategy in the upcoming presidential campaign cycle: Look for
campaigners to deploy quick Candidates are integrating QR codes into printed campaign
materials. response codes, mobile check-ins and hyper-local targeted messages on
Facebook. Candidates who prove themselves adeptat using these tools can connect with a
younger demographic and save money that would haveotherwise been spent on
traditional media.22The key to using these tools effectively is to invite mobile technology
users into the conversation.Don‘t simply post a QR code and mine the data it provides:
invite people who attend a rally to addto the conversation about who was there, what was
said, and what they thought. Invite supporterswho attend a specific event to go out into
their community and send back images that speak to thecampaign‘s central issues –
whether it‘s photos of a boarded up store on Main Street or a long lineat an ER that is
under-staffed.Mobile engagement advertising is a powerful new tool that enables
supporters to upload photosand incorporate their personal images into candidate
messages they share. Uploading photos,which has been successfully used in social media
advertising campaigns for brands as diverse asGeneral Electric, Ford, and Disney, is the
latest tool being harnessed by candidates.IDC research reports that U.S. spending on
mobile advertising in 2010 was approximately $743million and is expected to reach $1.2
billion in 2011. With mobile devices quickly emerging as theplatform through which
people connect online, campaigns must take advantage of these trends bydeveloping
creative engagements that appeal to supporters and invite them to share with others
intheir networks.Campaigns will get the most from these technologies when they are able
to take advantage of aconnection and turn it into a sharable conversation that can spread
campaign messages virally.People who might not be willing to phone bank for a
candidate may be happy to forward photos ofthemselves at a campaign rally to hundreds
of friends.Campaigns should leverage these kinds of informal campaign interactions by
making it easy forpeople to share images and links through a variety of social networking
platforms, including textand email.21 Kaye, Kate. Mitt Romney Hires Digital Director,
May 31, 2011. romney-hires-digital-
director. Accessed June 1, 2011.22 Crosett, Kathy. Lobbyists and Candidates Plan Early
Ad Spending for the 2012 Campaign, May 3 2011. http:// Accessed May 17, 2011.© 2011
SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 14
15. 4. Make E-mails SocialWhile the world of social networking is rapidly evolving
among particular subsets of the population,the technological savvy of many voters does
not extend far beyond a basic use of email. Unlikebrand advertising, which tends to target
younger audiences (due to spending patterns), campaignshave an obligation – and a
motivation – to effectively connect with voters of all demographics.So while it would
behoove all campaigns to invest in the more sophisticated modes of socialnetworking
explored above, they should not do so at the expense of traditional email marketing.Also,
according to the Nielsen Company, active users of social media tend to spend more time
usingemail, rather than less23 – so email can be used effectively to supplement other
social networkingefforts.While younger voters may be disinclined to even open emails,
theirparents and grandparents still rely on email for information and 94% of voting
ageconnection. Campaigns should continue to communicate via email users engaged by
ato share campaign updates, upcoming event schedules, rich media,and fundraising
appeals. By integrating video and opportunities political message into connect on
Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube into emails social media watchedto campaign
supporters, political campaigns can also invite older the entire message,generations into
these newer forms of social networking by giving and nearly 40% wentthem a peek into
the latest trends. And, just as younger voters sharecampaign information through a wide
swath of social networking on to share it with theirtools and engagement advertising,
older voters can forward emails friends and colleagues while adding their own
commentary to thecampaign‘s message.While not as shareable as Facebook newsfeeds,
reaching supporters via email also has advantagesover other types of social media. Email
allows people to forward information in their own time.It allows them to engage friends
on a political issue any time of day or night, and provides therecipient with that same
flexibility, thus removing the sense of intrusion that often accompaniespersuasive
political calls. It also eliminates the cost and waste that goes along with producing
anddistributing printed persuasive mail pieces.23 Gibs, Jon. Is Social Media Impacting
How Much We Email? September 28, 2009.
May 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 15
16. 5. Build Allegiance through Engagement AdvertisingThe next frontier for political
outreach within social media is engagement advertising.Engagement advertising
enhances consumer loyalty by combining video content with word-of-mouth commentary
from friends and associates. Instead of attempting to disrupt a user‘s onlineexperience,
engagement advertising creates a value-exchange: people choose to engage in
aninteractive advertisement to access information that they find interesting or
entertaining; a companyor campaign gains active attention from the user, who chooses
when and where to engage in thesponsored activity; and the user gains credits for playing
social online games, premium content,or other virtual goods that they find of value. The
depth of the reach of engagement advertisingcontrasts sharply with early modes of online
advertising, such asbanner ads, which have been shown to be largely ignored by most
According to thepeople.24 Campaigns looking to old Web 1.0 advertising formats to
Nielsen Company,help drive online social interactions are unlikely to see the results
active users of socialthey seek. media tend to spendUnlike banner and pop-up
advertising, the goal of engagement more time using email,advertising is to provide users
with an opportunity to deepen their rather than experience by gaining access
to something that they want ata time when they are interested in engaging with the
advertiser‘smessage. Engagement advertisement campaigns are carefully placed where
people are alreadyinvolved on their favorite sites, immediately making the message
relevant to the user.A great example of engagement advertising is Microsoft‘s campaign
with Zynga‘s FarmVille, asocial networking game that is available through Facebook. In
exchange for engaging with aninteractive ad about Bing, FarmVille players were given
an opportunity to earn virtual FarmVillecurrency. Once players completed the
engagement, they had the option to share the engagement.The results were impressive:
not only did Bing dramatically increase its Facebook fan base byhundreds of thousands
of users, but 70 percent of these new fans went on to visit the site withina month of
completing the engagement, and were more than twice as likely to use the searchengine
than Bing‘s other Facebook fans. Equally impressive, the engagement had a 119
percentcompletion rate thanks to FarmVille players sharing the engagement with their
Facebook friends.This earned media greatly reduces overall marketing costs.Engagement
advertising has proven itself to be one of the most powerful innovations in thehistory of
advertising, particularly in the digital age. The leaders in this field have transformed
thequality of online advertising, finally tapping into the interactive mode of the Internet
by creatingan emotional, engaging experience for users. Another advantage of
engagement advertising isthat it allows advertisers (including campaigns) to carefully
target ads within Facebook based onwhatever criteria they choose: gender, age,
affiliation, zip code.24 Dolliver, Mark. Ignoring Internet Banner Ads. November 29,
2010. ADWEEK. technology/ignoring-internet-banner-
ads-103905. Accessed May 31, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 16
17. Because all engagement advertising is user-initiated and non-disruptive engagement
ads leaveusers excited about what they‘ve seen and motivated to share that information
with others, creatinga ―share-ripple‖ that goes far beyond the initial audience targeted
bythe campaign. In the world of commercial advertising, consumers The next frontier
forwho opted into engagements and were motivated to share the brand political
outreachmessage do so with an average of 130 people. The value of thisearned media can
greatly exceed that of paid media. These types of with-in social mediaadvertising
campaigns can see their paid investment spread virally is engagementto ten times more
viewers than they paid for in their initial targeting. advertising.These types of
engagements are particularly relevant for political campaigns, which exist to inspireand
engage potential donors, volunteers, and voters. Campaigns can leverage engagements to
promptan ongoing conversation with Facebook users by inviting them to take periodic
polls that could be usedto inform a candidate‘s platform, or may reveal geographic areas
by zip code that would be interestedin other types of targeted outreach, such as door-to-
door canvassing. Sophisticated candidate andissue campaigns will leverage these
engagement opportunities to connect with supporters whilesimultaneously gathering
valuable information about each engagement participant.For candidates at any level who
have their sights set on higher office, engagement advertisingoffers a unique opportunity
to begin raising awareness beyond a geographic area via supporters‘personal networks. A
compelling engagement will be interesting and often universal in its themes,often with
messages that resonate beyond county or state lines.Similarly, Members of Congress can
direct portions of their Federal Well-craftedFranking budget to fund engagement
advertising campaigns in atargeted and interactive way to gather and share information
with their engagement ads leaveconstituents during non-election periods. users excited
about what they‘ve seen andTo show how this model translates in the world of political
outreach, motivated to sharethe social media technology company SocialVibe put
together a fieldstudy that combines the power of engagement advertising with the that
information withpassion of political identity. The advertising campaign was run under
their community.the title, ―Politics with Confidence: What‘s Your Affiliation?‖ Usersof
Facebook who live in Iowa were invited to participate in the engagement through a value-
exchange platform. SocialVibe discovered that with a media buy of just $25,000 in
engagementadvertising, thanks to viral sharing, the campaign reached voting-age users in
all 50 states withinthe first 24 hours.People who entered the engagement were invited to
select three of twelve photos that mostappealed to them three times in a row (for a total of
nine photos). SocialVibe then used an algorithmbased on the themes that most appealed
to the user to determine which category was most likelyto match the user‘s political
leanings. After participants were placed into a political category,© 2011 SocialVibe. All
Rights Reserved 17
18. they were then invited to share their results with their Facebook friends. Users who
received an invitation to participate in the engagement through a friend were also given
the opportunity to forward the link to their friends. The level of sharing that resulted from
this case study was significantly higher than the average share rates of nonpolitical ad
campaigns. SocialVibe typically sees a share rate of about 14 percent in its engagement
advertising campaigns; the Politics with Confidence campaign had double the typical
response rate and came SocialVibe‘s Iowa test case reached social media users in all 50
in at a 30 percent share rate. Even more significantly, the states within 24 hours.
campaign spread from a narrow outreach campaign in Iowa to reach participants quickly
throughout the country – all through participants eagerly wanting to share the experience
with their friends online. If a presidential candidate were to launch a similar campaign
during the Iowa Caucuses, he or she would reach voters throughout the country with his
or her message—intact and undiluted—just as voters are beginning to tune in to the 2012
presidential election in earnest.I ntegrated Solutions. Measurable Results With this type
of enthusiastic engagement and sharing around political themes, political campaigns of
all types—whether for issues, The share rate in SocialVibe‘s Iowa case study was more
than double the average share rate for its other social media engagement advertising
campaigns. voter initiatives, or candidates— would benefit from taking advantageof
engagement advertising within social media. Campaigns have the option to tailor their
messagesand methodology for each engagement, and have the potential to gain valuable
information from bothparticipant responses and from tracking share rates and geographic
trajectories. Most importantly,campaigns that pursue engagement advertising will meet
potential supporters at a moment when theyare most interested in interacting with their
messages.Political campaigns must continue to evolve their modes of communication if
they hope to remainrelevant in today‘s increasingly fragmented and interactive world. By
leveraging the latest trendsin social networking, campaigns can motivate political
participation of all kinds while engagingand inspiring current and future generations.©
2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 18
19. SocialVibeJay Samit is CEO of SocialVibe, a digital advertising technology company
that provides the mosteffective form of engagement advertising for some of the world‘s
top brands. A 25-year digitalmedia veteran, Samit lead the White House‘s 1996 Initiative
for Education & Technology andspearheaded the effort to create Internet access for
America‘s schools. Unlike ad networks thatsimply deliver impressions through display
advertising, SocialVibe provides opt-in engagementsthat consumers can share across
their social graph. SocialVibe enables advertisers to engage at atime when consumers are
most motivated to participate in brand experiences, such as while playinga social game,
donating to charity or accessing premium content. SocialVibe enables engagementson the
Web and on mobile, reaching a universe of more than 400 million socially-connected
globalconsumers. Visit or check out©
2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 19
Once you run a successful campaign and have been elected, you need another plan to run your
public office. The MyPoliticalManager Public Office Planner is a part of the Management
System and is included free in your monthly subscription. The 33 Steps you'll take in planning
your public service are:
Office Management Basics (14 Steps):
Forming and Utilizing a Constituent "Roundtable."
Time Management
Office Management
Contact List Management
Role of Your Spouse
Financial Management
Financial Disclosure
Web site
Correspondence Materials
The Campaign Continues (4 Steps) :
District Analysis and Demographics
Polling and Self-polling
Issue Development
Clipping Service
Funding the Next Campaign (2 Steps):
Budget Process
Fund Raising
Communications (7 Steps):
Earned Media
Press Release Writing
E-Mail Communications
Constituent Contact Methods
Press Conferences
Scheduling (2 Steps):
Reminder System
Added Attractions (4 Steps):
Speeches and Public Speaking
Letter Writing
Event Planning
Know Your Office
The Campaign Planner guides a Candidate through the following stages of a campaign:
1.) Getting Started: (16 Steps)
Selecting A Campaign Committee
Time Management
Setting Up a Campaign Office
Campaign Staff
Contact List Management
Spouse/Family Involvement
Financial Management
Financial Disclosures
Qualifying to Run
Slogans for the Campaign
The Campaign Web Site
Correspondence Materials
Your Personal Image
Photography for the Campaign
Getting and Using Volunteers
2.) Strategy: (5 Steps)
District Analysis & Demographics
Polling and Self-Polling
Issue Development
Opposition Research
Clipping Service
3.) Funding the Campaign: (2 Steps)
Budget Process
Fund Raising
4.) Communications: (13 Steps)
Earned Media
Clipping Service
Paid Media
Campaign Materials
Direct Mail
E-Mail Campaigns
Get Out The Vote (GOTV)
Absentee Ballot Campaigns
Direct Mail Campaigns
Phone Banking/ Telemarketing Campaigns
GOTV Lists
Direct Mail
Phone Banking
5.) Scheduling: (2 Steps)
Reminder System
6.) Added Attractions: (5 Steps)
Speeches and Public Speaking
Letter Writing
Forums and Debates
Event Planning
Know Your Office

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Training Manajemen Kandidat dan Pelatihan Saksi

  • 1. Apa itu Training Manajemen Kandidat dan Pelatihan Saksi? Dua hal penting dalam pemenangan kandidat adalah kemampuan memanajemen kerja-kerja politik, dan menjaga hasilnya. Untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan tersebut Tim Desainkata menyediakan Training Manajemen Kandidat dan Pelatihan Saksi. Keduanya diberikan sebagai bekal pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan keterampilan kandidat dalam memanajemen kerja-kerja politiknya dan menjaga hasilnya. Dua faktor yang terbukti merupakan syarat utama kemenangan caleg ataupun partai politik. Berbagai program yang dilakukan lembaga-lembaga konsultan politik dalam memenangkan klien-klien mereka pun merupakan bentuk manajemen kandidat dan penguatan kapasitas saksi, dengan nama dan format berbeda dalam setiap penawarannya. Kenapa Anda harus mengikuti In House Training Manajemen Kandidat dan/atau Pelatihan Saksi? Anda adalah kandidat yang prinsipnya memiliki kemampuan untuk menang dalam pemilu melalui 6 sumber daya ajaib manusia: daya impian (imajinasi), daya pikiran (kekuatan otak), daya fokus (visi target), daya proses (pembelajaran), daya tertib (disiplin diri), dan daya tekun (konsistensi perjuangan); Anda ingin menghemat pengeluaran dengan memaksimalkan kemampuan potensi diri dan kapasitas Tim Pemenangan yang sudah tersedia; Anda bingung harus dari mana memulai dan bagaimana menjalankan strategi kerja-kerja pemenangan Anda; Anda tidak ingin kalah dan harus menang! Untuk hal-hal tersebut kami menyediakan 4 materi pokok Manajemen Kandidat, terdiri: (1) Manajemen Tim & Anggaran, (2) Manajemen Kampanye & Media, (3) Manajemen Konstutien & Saksi, serta (4) Manajemen Strategi & Advokasi Pemenangan. Dan, 3 materi pokok Pelatihan Saksi, terdiri: (1) Manajemen saksi sebagai mesin pendulang suara, (2) Manajemen saksi sebagai operator penghitungan suara, serta (3) Manajemen saksi sebagai penjaga perolehan suara. Semua materi terinci menjadi sub-sub pembahasan dalam bentuk modul. Bagaimana Metode Training & Pembelajarannya? Training ini merupakan training khusus yang hanya bisa dipesan secara in house / internal / private training. Di dalamnya, kami akan memberikan tips, trik, dan strategi memanajemen kerja-kerja politik caleg atau partai politik dan/atau pengembangan, penguatan, dan optimalisasi peran saksi. Training menggunakan metode pembelajaran andragogi, melalui: presentasi, diskusi, studi kasus, evaluasi, dan simulasi. Training masing-masing diselenggarakan secara Full Day+ selama 10 jam, yakni efektif selama 8 jam, terbagi menjadi: 4 jam materi, 2 jam simulasi, dan 2 jam evaluasi. Plus 2 jam asistensi / konsultasi. Tujuan metode ini agar hasil training dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam kerja-kerja politik kandidat secara kasus (by case), terukur, dan aplikatif.
  • 2. Kami akan berusaha menyelaraskan materi training agar sesuai platform partai politik kandidat, demografi politik daerah pemilihan kandidat, dan kasus (masalah / kendala) kandidat (melalui isian beberapa formulir yang kami sediakan setelah penandatanganan kontrak dan verifikasi pembayaran). Berapa Investasi Training Yang Harus Dibayarkan? Sebagai perbandingan, berikut estimasi biaya kegiatan lembaga konsultan politik* dalam memanajemen kandidat dan saksi klien. (1) Manajemen konstituen dan strategi melalui survei: Rp 240 juta – Rp 1,8 miliar, terinci dalam; (a) Operasional surveyor: Rp 200 – 500 ribu per responden, (b) Untuk mencapai margin of error ideal (+/- 5 sampai 2 %) minimal 400 – 1.200 responden, (c) Agar kualitas survei up date, tracking survei dilakukan setiap 3 bulan sekali sebanyak minimal 3X. (2) Manajemen Tim dan Anggaran: Rp 30 – 250 juta. (a) Operasional Tim Konsultan (logistik, akomodasi, transportasi, dan komunikasi): Rp 20 – 75 juta, dibayar di muka atau selama berjalan, (b) Operasional Tim Pemenangan / Tim Sukses Kandidat: at cost (sesuai kebutuhan), rata-rata antara Rp 10 – 140 juta (bisa lebih besar), (3) Manajemen Kampanye dan Media melalui Branding Kampanye: Rp 25 – 250 juta (hanya biaya jasa, tidak termasuk pengadaan atribut kampanye). (4) Manajemen Saksi atau Pelatihan Saksi: Rp 25 – 35 juta. (5) Fee Pemenangan: Rp 100 – 500 juta (untuk klien partai politik konon mencapai miliaran rupiah). (6) Manajemen Advokasi (kondisional): Rp 25 – 500 juta (tergantung tempat wilayah dan kualitas konflik) Total anggaran pemenangan yang harus dipersiapkan kandidat: 445 juta – 3,3 miliar rupiah (biaya berbeda sesuai tingkatan pencalonan kandidat; DPRD Kabupaten / Kota, DPRD Provinsi, hingga DPR RI serta tingkat kredibilitas lembaga konsultan yang digunakan dengan SAMA-SAMA TIDAK ADA JAMINAN MENANG). Semua biaya tersebut dapat Anda hemat hingga 90% jika Anda memahami tips, trik, dan cara-cara kerja pemenangan dalam Pemilu yang kami beberkan dalam Training Manajemen Kandidat dan/atau Pelatihan Saksi, dengan investasi**: Hanya Rp 1 – 5 juta saja * diolah dari berbagai sumber dan hasil konsultasi dengan beberapa lembaga konsultan politik. ** syarat dan ketentuan berlaku. Silakan kontak kami untuk proposal dan penjelasan lengkap. Bagaimana Cara Booking, Pembayaran, dan Jadwal Pelaksanaan? Kandidat menanyakan lebih dulu waktu dan tempat yang dianggap tepat bagi pelaksanaan training dengan mengirim SMS ke 081.934.7777.28 atau pin BB 2967DFC6. Selanjutnya kandidat mendaftarkan diri (booking agenda) dengan menyetorkan 10% dari keseluruhan biaya training sebagai tanda jadi ke: Bank BCA
  • 3. Nomor Rekening: 1800 524 110 atas nama: ERVIA TOGA Setelah melakukan pembayaran konfirmasikan melalui SMS dengan format: PMK_rencana waktu pelaksanaan_nama kandidat_tempat pelaksanaan Contoh: PMK 5 Mei 2013 Agung Wibowo Hotel Panorama Kota Batu Jawa Timur Kami dapat membantu kandidat dalam teknis penyelenggaraan yang diatur lebih lanjut (tidak termasuk biaya training). Jadwal dan detail materi akan kami kirimkan kepada Anda setelah ada tanda jadi untuk didiskusikan bersama. Tanda jadi MENJADI BAGIAN UANG MUKA (down payment) jika kontrak terlaksana, dan HANGUS jika kontrak terputus sepihak oleh klien sebelum pelaksanaan. Seluruh pembiayaan harus sudah lunas paling lambat 5 hari sebelum pelaksanaan training. Pembayaran di tempat acara TIDAK DILAYANI! Di Mana Tempat Penyelenggaraan Training? Training dapat diselenggarakan dimanapun Anda dan tim Anda berkenan, selama representative (misal rumah/villa, hotel, atau customized). Peralatan training disediakan oleh Kandidat (LCD, sound system, meja-kursi, konsumsi, dan perangkat pendukung lainnya). Siapa saja para peserta training? – Training caleg diikuti oleh caleg beserta tim pemenangannya (agar efektif peserta tidak lebih 30 anggota Tim), – Training organisasi atau partai politik diikuti oleh pengurus partai politik beserta para kandidat calegnya, – Pelatihan saksi diikuti oleh caleg / partai politik beserta calon-calon saksi TPS. Apa fasilitas yang Anda dapatkan? Setiap kandidat caleg akan mendapatkan: 1 (satu) paket modul/handout 1 (satu) sertifikat untuk setiap peserta (training oleh partai politik) Paket Buku + CD JJMP (voucher tidak berlaku) sesuai pilihan training Jasa Konsultan kami bersifat pay after service (jaminan menang baru bayar), meliputi penyusunan grand strategy, riset, komunikasi kampanye, pelatihan kandidat dan saksi, serta SMS Gateway dan Real Count. Reseller Buku + CD dan/atau Marketer In House Training Jurus Jitu Menang Pemilu Tanpa Uang Nggak Pake‘ Curang Plus 10 Langkah Anti Kalah
  • 4. 1. Partner adalah Reseller penjualan paket Buku + CD JJMP dan/atau Marketer In House Training Manajemen Kandidat dan/atau Pelatihan Saksi. 2. Partner Reseller wajib melakukan pembelian perdana sejumlah minimal 2 paket (langsung diskon 15%). 3. Partner Marketer wajib melakukan atau mendapatkan minimal 1 order in house training manajemen kandidat sekaligus pelatihan saksi, atau 2 order salah satu pelatihan (manajeman kandidat atau pelatihan saksi). 4. Partner wajib mendaftarkan nomor handphone, nama Bank dan Nomor Rekening, serta mengirimkan copy identitas melalui email: Selanjutnya kami akan memberikan nomor kode Partner dan membuatkan blog khusus untuk Anda (boleh membuat / mempromosikan melalui halaman blog sendiri dengan ketentuan point 7). 5. Bonus Partner dapat digabungkan dengan promo paket Buku + CD dan/atau pelatihan lainnya selama ada. Bonus akan dibayarkan sesuai point 10. 6. Promosi oleh Partner boleh melalui media apa saja, meliputi; media cetak, elektronik, jejaring sosial (teman-teman facebook/twitter) dan lainnya. 7. Dalam mempromosikan blog Partner wajib mencantumkan nomor rekening kami dan tidak boleh mengubah / mengganti / mengosongkannya. 8. Transaksi dianggap dilakukan oleh Partner HANYA selama dilakukan melalui nomor handphone / email Partner yang terdaftar pada kami, untuk Reseller SMS dengan format: JJMP_nomor kode partner_jumlah paket_nama pengiriman_alamat lengkap pengiriman. Contoh: JJMP P01R 2 paket Diana Lestari Jl Kemuning 11 Makassar Sulawesi Selatan 9. Setiap transaksi klien yang langsung terhubung dengan kami BERAKIBAT TIDAK ADA BONUS Partner untuk transaksi tersebut (dikecualikan ada bukti konfirmasi dari klien). 10. Bonus Partner akan dikirimkan ke rekening terdaftar yang diakumulasi sejumlah pemesanan setiap tanggal 3-5 di bulan berikutnya. 11. Program ini berlaku sampai tanggal 31 januari 2014. 12. Hal-hal yang belum diatur akan dikomunikasikan lebih lanjut. 13. Apa saja yang harus Anda pahami tentang politik sebelum memutuskan jadi caleg? Kepribadian seperti apa yang harus Anda tampilkan agar lebih unggul dari caleg lainnya? Bagaimana cara mengukur popularitas dan elektabilitas Anda secara murah, mudah, dan mandiri? Kenapa Anda harus mewaspadai penyelenggara pemilu dan pengurus partai politik? Dengan apa dan siapa Anda melakukan koalisi pemenangan? Bagaimana Anda merencanakan dan menyusun strategi, memetakan dukungan, mendesain kampanye, serta menjaga hasil kerja menjelang dan pasca hari H? Metode penanganan hukum seperti apa yang dapat Anda gunakan menghadapi pelanggaran-pelanggaran pemilu yang merugikan Anda? Prinsip-prinsip dan jurus apa yang harus Anda kuasai agar menang pemilu tanpa uang nggak pake‘ curang? Dan masih banyak lagi ‗RAHASIA‘ lain yang akan memudahkan upaya Anda mencapai kemenangan meraih kursi dewan. 14.Metode Kampanye Efektif 15.
  • 5. 16. Daftar Calon Sementara (DCS) Pileg 2014 telah diumumkan oleh KPU beberapa waktu lalu. Saya perkirakan tidak akan banyak perubahan dalam DCT nanti. 17. Seiring dengan ditetapkannya DCS, banyak pertanyaan yang disampaikan kepada saya. Salah satu pertanyaan yang disampaikan para bakal calon ini adalah tentang bagaimana Metode Kampanye yang paling efektif. 18. 19. Disini saya harus menjelaskan satu prinsip terlebih dahulu bahwa sesungguhnya tidak ada satu metode kampanye yang secara generik mampu menggerakan pemilih secara efektif di segala situasi dan kondisi. Sering kita membaca atau mendengar dari politisi atau pengamat bahwa metode kampanye yang efektif adalah melakukan ―X‖. Mungkin benar metode ―X‖ sangat efektif saat itu, tetapi metode ini belum tentu efektif bila yang melakukan orang lain, di waktu yang berbeda dan tempat yang berbeda. Contohnya begini, di satu daerah caleg A melakukan kampanye dengan cara gerak jalan massal. Metode ini berhasil diikuti oleh masyarakat setempat dan efektif mengerakan pemilih. Namun, metode gerak jalan massal ini belum tentu efektif bila dilakukan oleh caleg B yang berada di tempat dan waktu yang berbeda yang situasi dan kondisinya sangat berbeda. Demikian juga metode-metode kampanye yang lain. 20. 21. Intinya, metode kampanye yang efektif adalah metode yang memang sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi masyarakat atau pemilih. Metode kampanye efektif harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Metode kampanye efektif juga harus memperhatikan social budaya masyarakat setempat. Metode kampanye efektif juga menimbang segmen social yang dihadapi. Metode kampanye efektif di daerah perkotaan tentu berbeda dengan metode kampanye di daerah pedesaan. 22. 23. Disini saya membedakan dua metode kampanye yaitu 1. metode kampanye konvensional dan 2. metode kampanye non-konvensional. 24. 25. 1. Metode kampanye konvensional 26. 27. Metode konvensional adalah metode-metode kampanye yang sudah lazim digunakan oleh kandidat dalam sebuah pemilu. Metode konvensional ini sudah sangat dikenal di masyarakat. Bahkan metode ini sudah identik dengan pemilu. Misalnya, metode pemasangan poster atau baliho. Begitu ada baliho besar bergambar foto seseorang, dapat dipastikan masyarakat akan langsung tahu orang dalam foto tersebut akan mencalonkan dalam pemilu. Itulah kelebihan metode kampanye konvensional. Pesan langsung bisa ditangkap oleh masyarakat. Popularitas kandidat bisa langsung terdongkrak dalam waktu singkat. Agar metode konvensional ini efektif dibutuhkan jumlah dan ukuran yang besar. Ribuan poster dipasang disetiap sudut jalan. Baliho besar dipasang di jalan-jalan protocol. Metode konvensional ini biasanya membutuhkan biaya yang besar pula. Namun, metode konvensional ini hanya mampu masuk pada dataran kognisi pemilih. Metode ini hanya efektif meningkatkan popularitas namun belum tentu efektif dalam meningkatkan elektabilitas. 28. 29. 2. Metode kampanye non-konvensional 30.
  • 6. 31. Metode non-konvensional adalah metode kampanye yang unik atau belum pernah dilakukan oleh seorang kandidat di daerah tersebut. Artinya metode ini mungkin sudah biasa dilakukan di suatu daerah, tapi tidak lazim untuk di daerah lain. Metode ini bisa dikatakan metode yang tidak lazim dilakukan oleh seoarang kandidat di suatu dearah pemilihan. Misalnya, seorang caleg melakukan kampanye dengan cara menggunakan kostum superman. Di setiap penampilannya di depan publik seperti terminal, pasar dan stasiun kereta api dia selalu mengenakan kostum superman. Ini cara kampanye ―gila‖ ya memang metode non-konvensional adalah metode ―gila‖ untuk mencuri perhatian masyarakat. Metode ini tidak memerlukan biaya tinggi. Kekuatan metode ini adalah pada tingkat kebaruan. Semakin baru dan belum pernah dilakukan oleh kandidat lain semakin kuat metode ini memancing perhatian masyarakat atau pemilih. Butuh kreativitas tinggi untuk bisa menciptakan metode non-konvensional. Salah satu hal lain yang dibutuhkan lagi adalah keberanian keluar dari kebiasaan. Namun jangan asal ―gila‖ karena bisa-bisa dianggap gila beneran lho. 1. An E-Book fromOnline Political Campaign Tips Page 1 2. IntroductionThis booklet brings you practical tips for you to improve youronline political campaign. Whether you are a seasonedcandidate or just starting your first political campaign youare sure to find some useful information in these tips.Thank you for downloading this free ebook. You arewelcome to share it with others. This book may bereproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercialpurposes, provided the book remains in its complete originalform. If you enjoyed this book, please return to discover other works by this author. Compiled and Published by: Online Candidate® © 2012 Daley Professional Web SolutionsOnline Political Campaign Tips Page 2 3. Things a Candidate Should Never Do Online1) Assume you have privacy. First and foremost,anything you ever say, post or share online should pass the„New York Times Test‟. That means, if you wouldn‟t becomfortable with what you‟ve done appearing on the coverof the New York Times, then don‟t do it.2) Pretend to be someone else. This happens morefrequently than you might think: a local candidate createsseveral profiles on a local newspaper discussion board anduses them to promote themselves or bash their opponents.If the candidate or supporter is outed for doing this, it justlooks bad … and petty.3) Try to delete material after the fact. It‟s not thecrime, but it‟s the cover-up that gets politicians in trouble. Ifyou must delete a post, do it, publicly acknowledge that youhave done so, and move on.4) Not completing profiles. Each and every social mediaprofile should be completed in full with a description,website and any other important information.5) Spam out. Bombarding your supporters (or worse,voters who are not actively following you) with automated orunwanted messages of any sort will only serve to annoyothers – and can get you a reputation as a politicalspammer.6) Share too much information. Think before you post.If you‟re not sure where to draw the line with your posts,then err on the side of caution and keep things professional.7) Engaging in social media without a plan. Figure outwhere you want to stake your online presence before youbegin your campaign. Take some time to figure out whereyou should be directing your social media efforts, who inyour campaign is best equipped to manage the accounts,and what kinds of content you will offer.Online Political Campaign Tips Page 3
  • 7. 4. Add Interactivity To Your Campaign Website1) Email list signup. Email is still an essential way to keepin touch with supporters. Having an automated way forpeople to add and remove themselves from your list isimportant. The most popular ways are to have an email listsystem installed on your website server or, for morefunctionality, consider using an email list service.2) Social media links. Link out to your social mediaprofiles, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. Thisgives visitors the opportunity to learn more and link tosupport the campaign through alternate channels.3) Polls and surveys. For candidates with limited budgets,online surveys and polls help gather feedback and provide away for visitors to share their opinions. Most everyone likesa quick poll, and a well-designed survey can allow visitors toshare their opinions on a variety of topics.4) District Maps. A district map makes a great addition toyour voter registration page.5) Video. Video is a growing part of the web, and the toolsand software available make it easy for just about anyone tocreate video. For political campaigns ads, YouTube makes iteasy to link and share videos through HTML code that canbe embedded in a web page.6) Donations. Perhaps the most valuable interactivefeature is having a way to take donations through thewebsite. There are a number of payment processorsavailable, and some specifically cater to political campaigns.We do not get involved in campaign donations orfundraising, but we recommend PayPal as a simple,inexpensive way to process transactions.7) Other Forms. Contact and volunteer forms also add alevel of interactivity, though it‟s more one- way from theuser. Regardless, be sure that your campaign is easy tocontact, and that your site actively invites people to join andparticipate.Online Political Campaign Tips Page 4 5. Build A Social Media Following1) Start early and start small. While you should buildyour online presence as early as possible, you‟ll want to startsmall with social medial. Signing up for Twitter, Facebookand every social network you can find is a recipe fordisaster. Building profiles for multiple social sites is hardwork, so it‟s best to start by only tackling a couple at first.2) Use widgets. Add social network widgets on yourcampaign website. The best place to attract new followers isyour own site. These widgets can include buttons to yourFacebook and Twitter profiles pages. There are also widgetsthat you can add above and below your page content thatallows readers to share with others.3) Don‘t sweat the numbers. ―The journey of a millionfollowers begins with the first Like.‖ Sure, it‟s great to have ahigh number of followers, but it‟s better to have a smallernumber of interested ones. A few politicians have artificiallyboosted their follower numbers, and it‟s not that hard to do.In the end, though, „bots don‟t vote – only people do.4) Be consistent. Publish regularly. It‟s better to update alittle over time than a lot all at once. Starting a social mediapresence and then abandoning it is worse than never havingcreated a presence in the first place.5) Listen to what‘s being said about you online. Gobeyond just monitoring what others are saying about you.While most social media interactions regarding yourcampaign might not require a response, it‟s critical to findthe few that do and engage those individuals in a timelyfashion.6) Share with others. Don‟t just post things about yourcampaign. Share other news items, links and resources thatmay be of interest to those following you.7) Be careful what you post. Never post anything thatyou would not be comfortable having anyone read at anytime. Once something goes online it may be difficult, if notimpossible, to remove it.Online Political Campaign Tips Page 5 6. Use Facebook Like A Pro1) Create your Facebook Page. Any politician can createan official Facebook Page. (You‟ll want to create an OfficialPage and not a Community Page.) Facebook only allows youto create a page if you are the candidate or you are anauthorized person on that politician‟s staff. Unlike your basicprofile, Facebook Pages are visible to
  • 8. everyone on theinternet by default.2) Update your page profile. Use the Info tab to provideusers with information about yourself and your campaign.Fill it out with as much detail as you can, including a link toyour campaign website. Upload a profile picture to appear inthe upper left corner of your Page. This is typically acandidate head shot or campaign logo.3) Consider using a custom landing page. UnlikeTwitter, Facebook pages all have a standard look and feel.However, you can show off your creative side by creating acustom landing page for your page. This can display anyinitial information, images, or added functionality youchoose. There are a number of free and paid services thatcan help you create one.4) Be authentic. Voters value authenticity from politicianswho use social media. Candidates should work to engage ina conversation with readers, rather than simply broadcastingcampaign updates. The goal is to get people to know, likeand trust you. That won‟t happen if every post sounds like itwas vetted by a PR firm.5) Don‘t be a jerk. Be yourself. Share your opinions, yourpersonality, and even a bit of your daily life. Post frequently,but not so often that you appear to have nothing better todo. Most voters will never meet you in person. If you are ajerk online, they will only assume that you are a jerk in reallife.Online Political Campaign Tips Page 6 7. Campaign Twitter Tips1) Claim @YourCampaign. Even if you don‟t plan to useTwitter right away, be sure you claim your name orcampaign name as your Twitter handle. If you put it off,there‟s a risk that your name could be taken by someoneelse, similar to domain name squatting.2) Modify your account settings and look. Add yourinformation and website link to the account settings. Brandyour profile design by customizing the color settings andbackground to create a consistent look with your campaignwebsite.3) Update your Twitter account regularly. How oftenyou post is less important than posting regularly, no matterwhat the schedule may be.4) Post relevant material. Candidates don‟t have to justpost updates on what they are doing or thinking. Look athow other prominent politicians use Twitter for style andcontent ideas. News articles, campaign press releases,endorsements, website updates, blog posts and event alertsare all good material to keep followers up to date.5) Post to the proper account. Very often the personwho posts will have a personal Twitter account. That personshould be careful to know what account they are logged intowhen they post. Having a personal tweet appear in acampaign account may be embarrassing.6) Make your Twitter account part of your largeronline presence. Your website, blog, Facebook and othersocial accounts should be kept up to date as well. BecauseTwitter is designed for „small bites‟ of information, you canupdate your status far more frequently than you would onFacebook without ticking off your followers.Online Political Campaign Tips Page 7 8. About Online Candidate® provides affordable campaign websitedesign for small to medium sized political campaigns. Itallows users to create a high- impact campaign websiteloaded with features such as a built-in page editor, polls,advanced contact and donation forms, data capture is designed for campaignswho want to leverage online communication to reach,communicate and motivate supporters. Focus on theessentials of creating an effective presence for onlinepolitical campaigning. Distill the online opportunities, tools,and strategies in order to reach out to voters and help buildthe support necessary to win your election. Visit us at:
  • 9. 1. ALL POLITICS IS SOCIAL:Social Media Engagement Will Decide Election 2012SocialVibe Test-Case Shows 94% ParticipationRate for Engagement Advertising Campaignswith Political Themes By Jay Samit, CEO of SocialVibe June 2011 2. ContentsExecutive SummaryIntroductionHelping Supporters Persuade and EngageFive Ways to Make Political Campaigns More Social 1. Use Facebook and Campaign Websites to Engage Supporters 2. Make Your Social Presence a Conversation 3. Go Mobile 4. Make E-mails Social 5. Build Allegiance through Engagement AdvertisingSocialVibe© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 2 3. Executive SummaryAs the 2012 elections approach, social media engagement has become a key tenet that must bebuilt directly into every campaign strategy. Campaigns hoping to lead in 2012 need to look toproven social methods to reach, engage, and motivate supporters with messaging that is true totheir brand and ignites conversation within key influencers‘ social graphs.Commercial and political advertisers are shifting more of their advertising budgets to digitalmedia, including both online and mobile advertising. The most significant challenge in this arenais presenting information to political supporters in a manner that motivates them to share campaigninformation. Voters of all stripes are now actively engaged in social networking. According to a May 2011 study conducted by digital agency SocialVibe, 94 percent of social media users of voting age engaged by a political message watched the entire message, and 39 percent of these people went on to share it with an average of 130 friends online.The more adept campaigns become at engaging social media users, the further their message willtravel virally through personal contacts. If campaigns motivate supporters to express themselveswhile socially interacting with campaign information, they will be rewarded with an empoweredarmy of informal spokespeople advocating on their behalf.Candidates and campaigns up and down the ballot must plan to make outreach efforts more socialthis election season. Here are five key areas to focus on:1. Use Facebook and Campaign Websites to Engage SupportersFor campaigns to make the most of their investment in an online presence, they must provideopportunities for engagement.2. Make Your Social Presence a ConversationA robust social networking strategy will allow campaigns to engage supporters in sharing and tomonitor opposition messages.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 3 4. 3. Go MobileRoughly equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans use mobile technology to share informationabout political issues. QR codes, mobile use of social networking, and mobile advertising will allplay an important role in 2012.14. Make E- mails SocialThe technological savvy of many voters is still limited to email. And according to the NielsenCompany, active users of social media tend to spend more time using email than others.2 Socialmedia-enhanced email is cost-effective and allows supporters to forward information in their owntime.5. Build Allegiance through Engagement AdvertisingEngagement advertising enhances consumer loyalty by combining campaign content with word-of-mouth commentary from friends and associates. Engagement advertising creates a value-exchangethat invites participants to share professionally produced video messages with others and allowsadvertisers to target ads within Facebook based on whatever criteria they choose.A field study by leading social media technology company SocialVibe showed that the level ofsharing in a politically-themed engagement advertising campaign was double the average sharerates of non-political ad campaigns.1 IAB Reports Full-Year Internet Ad Revenues for 2010
  • 10. Increase 15% to $26 Billion, a New Record. April 13, 2011. about_the_iab/recent_press_releases/press_release_archive/press_release/pr-041311. Accessed May 27, 2011.2 Gibs, Jon. Is Social Media Impacting How Much We Email? September 28, 2009. nielsenwire/online_mobile/is-social-media- impacting-how-much-we-email/. Accessed May 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 4 5. Introduction Our society has increasingly turned toward interactive platforms for information-sharing, blending the personal with the political. Today‘s families are more likely to share interesting news articles or online petitions with one-another via Facebook or email than they are to watch the nightly news together. More than ever before, voters expect to be given an opportunity to express themselves and interact with information by sharing with friends, posting to Facebook, tweeting and commenting on posts. Social media will play a vital role in determining the 2012 election. Facebook friends, not the evening news, will inform most voters. Candidates must effectively engage the social sphere from the Which candidate will master social media in 2012? outset to remain competitive in this election cycle.The E-voter Institute reports in its 2010 survey of voter expectations that more than 40 percent ofvoters expect to be able to find information on demand about campaigns, including online videoand social networking. The vast majority of voters expect that all campaigns will have at least abasic website.3But that‘s just the ante to get into the game. No online presence would be complete without arobust social strategy. Voters of all ages and persuasions are increasingly turning to social mediafor information about issues and candidates. According to a January 2011 report from the PewInternet & American Life Project, Republicans and Democrats used social media to gather or sharepolitical information at roughly equal rates in the 2010 midterm election cycle.4 As reported bythe Christian Science Monitor, this trend reflects a major shift from the 2008 presidential electioncycle, in which only 29 percent of McCain voters were active users of social networking sitescompared to 44 percent of Obama supporters.3 E-Voter Institute. Social Networks Supercharge Politics: Turnign Action into Votes in 2010. Results from the E-Voter Institute‘s Fifth Annual Survey. September 2010. voter_voter-2010- survey-overview.pdf. Accessed on May 18, 2011.4 Smith, Aaron. 22% of online Americans used social networking or Twitter for politics in 2010 campaign. Pew Internet & American Life Project, January 27, 2011. http://www.pewinternet. org/~/media//Files/Reports/2011/PIP-Social- Media-and-2010-Election.pdf . Accessed on May 16, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 5 6. Part of this shift in user rates relates to the growing use of social media by people age 50 and older.5Social communication offers candidates and campaigns the opportunity to engage with voters andempower them to put their own twist on content as they share it with friends. Effective marketingto today‘s social media user – whether you are selling toothpaste or promoting the platform of aCongressional candidate – creates a ―mutually beneficial relationship.‖6 Political campaigns are more likely than commercial products to inspire passion, and as such have an even greater potential to motivate social media users to share information about a candidate with friends and followers. With 50 million consumers ―liking‖ a brand each day on Facebook, campaign managers can learn lessons from the commercial world 2008 2010 that will translate to victory in the political Election Cycles realm. Social media users who persuade friends to like a candidate or
  • 11. issue on Republicans and Democrats used social media to discuss politics in roughly equal Facebook or follow a candidate on Twitter numbers in the 2010 election cycle. Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project. will feel even more committed to that campaign.Commercial and political advertisers are shifting more of their advertising budgets to digitalmedia, including both online and mobile advertising.7 Although traditional media advertisingrevenue saw a slight uptick in 2010, general trends show that spending in print and broadcastmedia is expected to remain relatively flat through 2015.8 In contrast, eMarketer recently releaseda study that shows a growing investment in digital advertising and predicts, ―social networkingsites will increase revenues by 55%‖ in 2011 alone.9 Investments in digital advertising for the 2012cycle have already begun, with the Democratic National Committee/Obama for America jointlyallocating significant funds to digital advertising in the first quarter of 2011.10According to a May 2011 study conducted by digital agency SocialVibe, 94 percent of social mediausers of voting age engaged by a political message watched the entire message, and 39 percentof these people went on to share it with an average of 130 friends online. The deep attentionand loyalty that results from viral message sharing is why brands such as Microsoft, Proctor &Gamble, Coke, Disney, and others are shifting their advertising dollars from television to socialmedia. Every major television network has turned to social media to advertise their own TV showsand connect with their audience.5 Quintanilla, Eloise. Republicans now as nimble as Democrats on social media, study finds. Christian Science Monitor, January 27, 2011. as-nimble-as-Democrats- on-social-media-study-Finds. Accessed May 19, 2011. Accessed May 19, 2011.6 Solis, B. (2010). Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.7 IAB Reports Full-Year Internet Ad Revenues for 2010 Increase 15% to $26 Billion, a New Record. April 13, 2011. ase/pr-041311. Accessed May 20, 2011.8 Perrin, Nicole. May 2011. Traditional Media: Dollars and Attention Shift to Digital. (Web summary). Accessed May 27, 2011.9 Perrin, Nicole. US Digital Ad Spending: Online, Mobile, Social. April 2011. Accessed May 25, 2011.10 Kaye, Kate. DNC and Obama Spent Half Million Online This Year. April 29, 2011. news/2046653/dnc-obama-spent-half-million- online. Accessed May 25, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 6 7. The most significant challenge in this arena is presenting information to political supporters in a manner that motivates them to share campaign information with others. As noted by the E-Voter Institute, ―When people are inclined to forward email and links, campaigns need to be more creative in messaging so as to tap into that desire to share compelling content and ideas.‖11 Voters and supporters are actively engaged in social networking of all stripes – the challenge is for campaigns to translate that energy into increased sharing on social Engagement advertising within social media engages users in a give-and-take with a brand networking sites.11 Jagoda, Karen A.B., et al. Persuading and Motivating Voters: What Will It Take in 2010? October 2009. http:// Accessed May 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 7
  • 12. 8. Helping SupportersPersuade and EngageMuch as brand advertising aims to develop consumer loyalty, politicalcampaigns persuade and engage potential supporters. The more Voters of all agesadept campaigns become at engaging social media users, the further and persuasions aretheir message will travel virally through personal contact online. increasingly turningSocial media can be leveraged to strengthen a voter‘s relationship to social media forwith a candidate or issue and/or to inspire further action, rangingfrom providing a personal endorsement (e.g., ―liking‖ a campaign‘s information aboutFacebook page) to sharing a message from the candidate, to making issues and candidates.a micro-donation via text message. Social media users can also sharepersuasive information with friends and colleagues in moments from their computer or mobiledevice instead of spending hours making phone calls or canvassing.President Obama‘s 2008 campaign showed how a robust investment in gathering email addresses,cell phone numbers, and Facebook user information could be leveraged into a network of everythingfrom volunteers willing to make campaign calls from home to a broad network of low-level donors.If campaigns motivate supporters to express themselves while socially interacting with campaigninformation, they will be rewarded with an army of informal, but highly connected, spokespeopleadvocating on their behalf.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 8 9. Five Ways to Make PoliticalCampaigns More SocialThe challenge for political campaigns in 2012 is to find the right balance between retail politics, massmedia outreach, and the power of social media to actively engage supporters of all demographics.Entire generations of voters are increasingly relying on the Internet almost exclusively to learnabout news, issues, and to engage with campaigns. With the median age of a TV evening newsviewer approaching 63 years old,12 in this election cycle it is possible that 18 to 35 year old voterswill not even hear a candidate‘s message if it is not presented to them through social media channels.With this in mind, candidates and campaigns up and down the ballot must plan to make outreachefforts more social this election season.Here are five key areas to focus on:1. Use Facebook and Campaign Websites to Engage SupportersAccording to Facebook, the website now has about 150 million adult users in the United States.Half of all Facebook users log in on any given day to keep up on the latest news and informationposted by their friends and loved ones. Users spend more than 700 billion minutes per month onthe site worldwide. More than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook, including over80 of comScore‘s U.S. Top 100 websites and over half of comScore‘s Global Top 100 websites.13Facebook users are accessing the site more often through their mobile devices; more than 250million active users currently do so around the world. People who access the site through theirsmartphones and tablet devices are twice as active on the site as other users. (See below for moreinformation on how to use mobile devices to engage potential supporters.)One of the most important Facebook statistics for political campaign purposes is that the averageuser has 130 friends on the site. That‘s 130 people available for any user to share information abouta candidate or issue they support with one simple click. With Americans looking to social mediaand websites for news and information, and showing greater levels of trust for sources forwardedby someone they know,14 campaigns must take heed of these growing trends. According to theE-Voter Institute, 81 percent of voters expect political campaigns to maintain basic websites that12 Seltzer, Louisa Ada. Nightly news viewers are aging faster. Media Life Magazine (web). April
  • 13. 30, 2010. http:// viewers-are-aging-faster-asp. Accessed May 27, 2011.13 Accessed May 27, 2011.14 Global Advertising: Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most. July 7, 2009. http://blog. consumers-trust-real-friends-and-virtual-strangersthe- most/. Accessed May 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 9 10. provide general information about the candidate or issue.15 But placing a static website up at aconvenient URL misses the opportunity to engage visitors as ambassadors, donors, volunteers, andvoters. Every campaign website should, at the very least, invest in Search Engine Optimization,purchase alternate URLs in order to protect a candidate‘s image and message by redirecting allsearches to the campaign‘s main website, and make it easy for visitors engage on- and off-site.For campaigns to make the most of their investment in an online presence, they must provideopportunities for engagement. These opportunities could be as simple as including links to Facebookand Twitter and as sophisticated as providing an Electronic Press Kit about the candidate. The press kitcan easily be forwarded with a personalized message by supporters who want to recruit friends to thecause. Tools like Facebook Connect offer easy opportunities for campaigns with limited resources toinclude interactive elements on their sites while simultaneously enhancing their Facebook presence. While it may have been novel for President Obama to offer campaign updates via text and email in 2008, those tactics are now standard fare for presidential candidates. Republican presidential contenders Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, and Mitt Romney all invite visitors to their campaign websites to sign up for email updates and donate online. However, as of May 2011 only Mr. Pawlenty‘s site provided incentives for supporters to serve as hisTim Pawlenty‘s presidential campaign offers virtual incentives for supporters who share his message via social media. advocates and ambassadors in their communities. Supporterscan sign up to be part of the ―Pawlenty Action‖ team, which allows members to earn points andbadges for posting to Facebook, sharing their Twitter account with the campaign, volunteering,and recruiting others. This invitation for a value exchange between supporters and the campaignlays the groundwork for voters to engage.The Pawlenty site offers rich media opportunities both on- and off- site. Site visitors are invited towatch video housed on the site and/or to subscribe to the candidate‘s YouTube channel. Visitors arealso invited to inform the candidate‘s platform by responding to the prompt, ―The next presidentshould…‖. Mr. Pawlenty is also using Facebook Sponsored Stories ads to further integrate hiswebsite with his Facebook presence and to extend his viral reach into the newsfeeds of friends ofpeople who ―like‖ the information they see in any of the advertisements.1615 E-Voter Institute. Social Networks Supercharge Politics: Turnign Action into Votes in 2010. Results from the E- Voter Institute‘s Fifth Annual Survey. September 2010. voter_voter-2010-survey- overview.pdf. Accessed on May 18, 2011.16 Kaye, Kate. May 27, 2011. Tim Pawlenty Tests Facebook Sponsored Stories. news/2074620/tim- pawlenty-tests-facebook-sponsored-stories. Accessed May 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 10
  • 14. 11. As of May 2011 President Obama‘s campaign website had not yet caught up to the latest trends inonline engagement, although his campaign site indicates it is still in its beginning stages. Optionsfor engaging with the Obama reelection campaign include making a donation, ―liking‖ him onFacebook (as do more than 21 million Facebook users), and finding opportunities to plug into real-world activities in each supporter‘s community.2. Make Your Social Presence a ConversationIf the 2010 midterm Congressional election showed us anything, it‘s that social networking is notjust for young liberals. Twenty-two percent of adult internet users engaged with political campaignsin the last election cycle overall. Of those who are over 50 and also use social networking sites, 33percent used these sites to get political news, post political content, and otherwise engage with acandidate or a cause. Of social media users in the 18-29 age group, 42 percent used social mediafor those purposes.17 While the numbers still show stronger political use of social networking sitesamong younger voters, the difference between these two groups is not nearly as stark as it was inthe last presidential election cycle.Engagement and personal connection is the new standard for online activity. As reported by thePew Internet & American Life Project:The main reason our survey respondents gave for following political groups on social networkingsites or Twitter is that doing so helps them feel more personally connected to the candidates orgroups they follow—36 percent said that this was a ―major‖ reason they followed these groups orcandidates, and an additional 35 percent said it was a ―minor‖ reason.18Campaigns must embrace the elements of social networking that create its appeal: the ability toshare. Twitter may offer the opportunity to broadcast information, but if a campaign uses Twitterto talk but not to listen it is missing out on half of the conversation. Twitter users seek to connect,not simply gather information. Just like campaigns of the past have been tempted to see creatinga website as a necessary box to check off, today‘s campaigns must take care to truly join the give-and-take of a social networking conversation.© 2010 360i LLC. All Rights Reserved 13Consider the powerful use of Twitter for regime change during the 2011 Arab Spring. Twitter wasnot used to make static political announcements, but rather to inspire, engage, even enrage fellowcountrymen to the point of action. Protesters used the medium to share compelling photos andpersonal experiences that added texture and urgency in a way that a news report never could.Campaigns in the United States have much to learn from Mid-East activists who effectivelyharnessed social media to further a political agenda and motivate action, both on- and off-line.17 Smith, Aaron. 22% of online Americans used social networking or Twitter for politics in 2010 campaign. Pew Internet & American Life Project, January 27, 2011. Mediaand- 2010-Election.pdf . Accessed on May 16, 2011.18 Ibid.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 11 12. Twitter provides deep and broad opportunities to engage campaignsupporters in an ongoing dialogue that can energize a candidate‘s or Roughly equal numbers ofan issue‘s base to take action and share ideas. Whether a campaign self-identified Democratsdevelops a memorable cache of hash tags, tweets photos of eventsand supporters, or creates incentives for followers to retweet key and Republicans usemessages, a robust Twitter strategy can generate the same kind of mobile technologypassion seen in countries struggling to overthrow oppressive regimes. to gather and share information aboutTwitter also offers opportunities for campaigns to
  • 15. learn more aboutwhat their followers are saying, and to search and monitor what political issues.messages are motivating their opponents. Campaigns should takethe time to research and follow top-priority reporters and potential endorsers (ranging from localelected officials to politically active organizations) with the hope that these individuals and groupswill follow the campaign in return.Campaigns that master the effective use of social networking will successfully inspire ―FOMO‖among supporters: a Fear Of Missing Out. If someone attends a rally, make it easy for her to postphotos, videos and comments to the campaign‘s Flickr page and/or YouTube Channel. Tag eventattendees in Facebook photos from rallies and meetings, and invite supporters to tag themselvesto deepen the connectivity between the campaign‘s Facebook page with those of its supporters.Inviting supporters to contribute their perspective to the story of a campaign will greatly increaseits reach.Encouraging people to engage with a campaign on Facebook also allows the campaign to engagein Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with its supporters. In a commercial setting, CRMenables a company to understand each customer‘s full picture and experience with the company.Campaigns can take advantage of similar techniques to better understand what motivates itssupporters. Understanding motivation in turn makes it possible for campaigns to target messagesappropriately and to engage in conversations that encourage further interaction.Integrated Solutions. Measurable ResultsFacebook makes it possible to target messaging to supporters with excruciating specificity.Campaigns can target by political party, a cross-section of information imbedded into a profile(ranging from a user‘s ―likes‖ to the topics she discusses on her wall), and by age, gender, andlocation. This type of targeting makes it much easier for campaigns to highlight their mostpersuasive messages when communicating with each Facebook user.3. Go MobileThe use of mobile communications has increased dramatically since 2008. According to marketresearch firm comScore, 2010 saw the number of mobile users in the United States that accessed asocial networking site at least once a month via their mobile device reach nearly 58 million users.1919 comScore Releases Inaugural Report, ―The 2010 Mobile Year in Review‖. February 14, 2011. popup/layout/set/ popup/layout/set/popup/layout/set/popup/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2011/2/comScore _Releases_Inaugural_Report_ The_2010_Mobile_Year_in_Review. AccessedMay 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 12 13. Cell phones, smartphones, and tablet devices provide easy opportunities for users to share ideas aswell as information for campaigns to gather invaluable data. As noted above, Facebook users whoaccess the site through their mobile devices are twice as active in social media as non-mobile users.Roughly equal numbers of self-identified Democrats and Republicans use mobile technology togather and share information about political issues. However, Democrats in the 2010 election cyclewere somewhat more likely to use their cell phones specifically for campaign-related activity,such as texting friends about how they voted. Perhaps as a reflection of how younger generationsperceive what it means to be politically active, more than one-fifth of cell phone users who engagedpolitically on their cell phones did not cast a vote in the election.20The Obama campaign leveraged the cell phone data it collected in the 2008 election to create asense of connection with its supporters. The Obama campaign even
  • 16. created an iPhone app to makeit easy for supporters to connect with the campaign. By sharing coveted information – like his pickfor Vice President – first via text message, President Obama gave supporters something of valuein exchange for that information. In short, Obama played on the ―FOMO‖ of his followers andsuccessfully coaxed their cell phone numbers fromthem in exchange for first access to information.The campaign was then free to use those numbersfor everything from texting requests for low- dollardonations to phone banking to Get Out the Vote.In 2012, mobile communications will play an evenmore important role in political campaigns. Mobilecommunications make it possible to combine real-world experiences with online interactivity. Thegrowing use of Quick Response (QR) codes mergesthese worlds. Smartphones that are equipped toread QRs allow users to instantly ―check in‖ toan event via Foursquare or Facebook. BecauseFoursquare automatically links to Facebook andTwitter accounts, users who scan a QR code providea mutually beneficial exchange when they do so: the The Obama for America campaign created an app to allow iPhone users touser gets to announce to friends and followers that easily connect with the campaign in the 2008 election cycle.he is at a hip political event, and the organizers ofthat event are able to gather information from him in return.Facebook has made it easy for users to ―like‖ an event or a cause after scanning a QR code.Campaigns can also allow people to earn Foursquare badges for attending candidate events just asthey might for frequenting their corner bar, thus further integrating campaign activity into people‘severyday lives. The Mitt Romney campaign recently took advantage of this feature by creating a20 Rainie, Lee and Aaron Smith. Politics goes mobile: 26% of Americans used their cell phones to connect to the 2010 elections, December 23, 2010. Accessed May 25, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 13 14. Foursquare badge for participants in a one- day fundraising event in Las Vegas.21 According to a recent article on that provided a preview into communications strategy in the upcoming presidential campaign cycle: Look for campaigners to deploy quick Candidates are integrating QR codes into printed campaign materials. response codes, mobile check-ins and hyper-local targeted messages on Facebook. Candidates who prove themselves adeptat using these tools can connect with a younger demographic and save money that would haveotherwise been spent on traditional media.22The key to using these tools effectively is to invite mobile technology users into the conversation.Don‘t simply post a QR code and mine the data it provides: invite people who attend a rally to addto the conversation about who was there, what was said, and what they thought. Invite supporterswho attend a specific event to go out into their community and send back images that speak to thecampaign‘s central issues – whether it‘s photos of a boarded up store on Main Street or a long lineat an ER that is under-staffed.Mobile engagement advertising is a powerful new tool that enables supporters to upload photosand incorporate their personal images into candidate messages they share. Uploading photos,which has been successfully used in social media advertising campaigns for brands as diverse asGeneral Electric, Ford, and Disney, is the latest tool being harnessed by candidates.IDC research reports that U.S. spending on mobile advertising in 2010 was approximately $743million and is expected to reach $1.2 billion in 2011. With mobile devices quickly emerging as theplatform through which people connect online, campaigns must take advantage of these trends bydeveloping
  • 17. creative engagements that appeal to supporters and invite them to share with others intheir networks.Campaigns will get the most from these technologies when they are able to take advantage of aconnection and turn it into a sharable conversation that can spread campaign messages virally.People who might not be willing to phone bank for a candidate may be happy to forward photos ofthemselves at a campaign rally to hundreds of friends.Campaigns should leverage these kinds of informal campaign interactions by making it easy forpeople to share images and links through a variety of social networking platforms, including textand email.21 Kaye, Kate. Mitt Romney Hires Digital Director, May 31, 2011. romney-hires-digital- director. Accessed June 1, 2011.22 Crosett, Kathy. Lobbyists and Candidates Plan Early Ad Spending for the 2012 Campaign, May 3 2011. http:// Accessed May 17, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 14 15. 4. Make E-mails SocialWhile the world of social networking is rapidly evolving among particular subsets of the population,the technological savvy of many voters does not extend far beyond a basic use of email. Unlikebrand advertising, which tends to target younger audiences (due to spending patterns), campaignshave an obligation – and a motivation – to effectively connect with voters of all demographics.So while it would behoove all campaigns to invest in the more sophisticated modes of socialnetworking explored above, they should not do so at the expense of traditional email marketing.Also, according to the Nielsen Company, active users of social media tend to spend more time usingemail, rather than less23 – so email can be used effectively to supplement other social networkingefforts.While younger voters may be disinclined to even open emails, theirparents and grandparents still rely on email for information and 94% of voting ageconnection. Campaigns should continue to communicate via email users engaged by ato share campaign updates, upcoming event schedules, rich media,and fundraising appeals. By integrating video and opportunities political message into connect on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube into emails social media watchedto campaign supporters, political campaigns can also invite older the entire message,generations into these newer forms of social networking by giving and nearly 40% wentthem a peek into the latest trends. And, just as younger voters sharecampaign information through a wide swath of social networking on to share it with theirtools and engagement advertising, older voters can forward emails friends and colleagues while adding their own commentary to thecampaign‘s message.While not as shareable as Facebook newsfeeds, reaching supporters via email also has advantagesover other types of social media. Email allows people to forward information in their own time.It allows them to engage friends on a political issue any time of day or night, and provides therecipient with that same flexibility, thus removing the sense of intrusion that often accompaniespersuasive political calls. It also eliminates the cost and waste that goes along with producing anddistributing printed persuasive mail pieces.23 Gibs, Jon. Is Social Media Impacting How Much We Email? September 28, 2009. nielsenwire/online_mobile/is-social-media-impacting-how-much-we-email/.Accessed May 27, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 15 16. 5. Build Allegiance through Engagement AdvertisingThe next frontier for political outreach within social media is engagement advertising.Engagement advertising enhances consumer loyalty by combining video content with word-of-mouth commentary
  • 18. from friends and associates. Instead of attempting to disrupt a user‘s onlineexperience, engagement advertising creates a value-exchange: people choose to engage in aninteractive advertisement to access information that they find interesting or entertaining; a companyor campaign gains active attention from the user, who chooses when and where to engage in thesponsored activity; and the user gains credits for playing social online games, premium content,or other virtual goods that they find of value. The depth of the reach of engagement advertisingcontrasts sharply with early modes of online advertising, such asbanner ads, which have been shown to be largely ignored by most According to thepeople.24 Campaigns looking to old Web 1.0 advertising formats to Nielsen Company,help drive online social interactions are unlikely to see the results active users of socialthey seek. media tend to spendUnlike banner and pop-up advertising, the goal of engagement more time using email,advertising is to provide users with an opportunity to deepen their rather than experience by gaining access to something that they want ata time when they are interested in engaging with the advertiser‘smessage. Engagement advertisement campaigns are carefully placed where people are alreadyinvolved on their favorite sites, immediately making the message relevant to the user.A great example of engagement advertising is Microsoft‘s campaign with Zynga‘s FarmVille, asocial networking game that is available through Facebook. In exchange for engaging with aninteractive ad about Bing, FarmVille players were given an opportunity to earn virtual FarmVillecurrency. Once players completed the engagement, they had the option to share the engagement.The results were impressive: not only did Bing dramatically increase its Facebook fan base byhundreds of thousands of users, but 70 percent of these new fans went on to visit the site withina month of completing the engagement, and were more than twice as likely to use the searchengine than Bing‘s other Facebook fans. Equally impressive, the engagement had a 119 percentcompletion rate thanks to FarmVille players sharing the engagement with their Facebook friends.This earned media greatly reduces overall marketing costs.Engagement advertising has proven itself to be one of the most powerful innovations in thehistory of advertising, particularly in the digital age. The leaders in this field have transformed thequality of online advertising, finally tapping into the interactive mode of the Internet by creatingan emotional, engaging experience for users. Another advantage of engagement advertising isthat it allows advertisers (including campaigns) to carefully target ads within Facebook based onwhatever criteria they choose: gender, age, affiliation, zip code.24 Dolliver, Mark. Ignoring Internet Banner Ads. November 29, 2010. ADWEEK. technology/ignoring-internet-banner- ads-103905. Accessed May 31, 2011.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 16 17. Because all engagement advertising is user-initiated and non-disruptive engagement ads leaveusers excited about what they‘ve seen and motivated to share that information with others, creatinga ―share-ripple‖ that goes far beyond the initial audience targeted bythe campaign. In the world of commercial advertising, consumers The next frontier forwho opted into engagements and were motivated to share the brand political outreachmessage do so with an average of 130 people. The value of thisearned media can greatly exceed that of paid media. These types of with-in social mediaadvertising campaigns can see their paid investment spread virally is engagementto ten times more viewers than they paid for in their initial targeting. advertising.These types of engagements are particularly relevant for political campaigns, which exist to inspireand
  • 19. engage potential donors, volunteers, and voters. Campaigns can leverage engagements to promptan ongoing conversation with Facebook users by inviting them to take periodic polls that could be usedto inform a candidate‘s platform, or may reveal geographic areas by zip code that would be interestedin other types of targeted outreach, such as door-to- door canvassing. Sophisticated candidate andissue campaigns will leverage these engagement opportunities to connect with supporters whilesimultaneously gathering valuable information about each engagement participant.For candidates at any level who have their sights set on higher office, engagement advertisingoffers a unique opportunity to begin raising awareness beyond a geographic area via supporters‘personal networks. A compelling engagement will be interesting and often universal in its themes,often with messages that resonate beyond county or state lines.Similarly, Members of Congress can direct portions of their Federal Well-craftedFranking budget to fund engagement advertising campaigns in atargeted and interactive way to gather and share information with their engagement ads leaveconstituents during non-election periods. users excited about what they‘ve seen andTo show how this model translates in the world of political outreach, motivated to sharethe social media technology company SocialVibe put together a fieldstudy that combines the power of engagement advertising with the that information withpassion of political identity. The advertising campaign was run under their community.the title, ―Politics with Confidence: What‘s Your Affiliation?‖ Usersof Facebook who live in Iowa were invited to participate in the engagement through a value- exchange platform. SocialVibe discovered that with a media buy of just $25,000 in engagementadvertising, thanks to viral sharing, the campaign reached voting-age users in all 50 states withinthe first 24 hours.People who entered the engagement were invited to select three of twelve photos that mostappealed to them three times in a row (for a total of nine photos). SocialVibe then used an algorithmbased on the themes that most appealed to the user to determine which category was most likelyto match the user‘s political leanings. After participants were placed into a political category,© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 17 18. they were then invited to share their results with their Facebook friends. Users who received an invitation to participate in the engagement through a friend were also given the opportunity to forward the link to their friends. The level of sharing that resulted from this case study was significantly higher than the average share rates of nonpolitical ad campaigns. SocialVibe typically sees a share rate of about 14 percent in its engagement advertising campaigns; the Politics with Confidence campaign had double the typical response rate and came SocialVibe‘s Iowa test case reached social media users in all 50 in at a 30 percent share rate. Even more significantly, the states within 24 hours. campaign spread from a narrow outreach campaign in Iowa to reach participants quickly throughout the country – all through participants eagerly wanting to share the experience with their friends online. If a presidential candidate were to launch a similar campaign during the Iowa Caucuses, he or she would reach voters throughout the country with his or her message—intact and undiluted—just as voters are beginning to tune in to the 2012 presidential election in earnest.I ntegrated Solutions. Measurable Results With this type of enthusiastic engagement and sharing around political themes, political campaigns of all types—whether for issues, The share rate in SocialVibe‘s Iowa case study was more than double the average share rate for its other social media engagement advertising campaigns. voter initiatives, or candidates— would benefit from taking advantageof
  • 20. engagement advertising within social media. Campaigns have the option to tailor their messagesand methodology for each engagement, and have the potential to gain valuable information from bothparticipant responses and from tracking share rates and geographic trajectories. Most importantly,campaigns that pursue engagement advertising will meet potential supporters at a moment when theyare most interested in interacting with their messages.Political campaigns must continue to evolve their modes of communication if they hope to remainrelevant in today‘s increasingly fragmented and interactive world. By leveraging the latest trendsin social networking, campaigns can motivate political participation of all kinds while engagingand inspiring current and future generations.© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 18 19. SocialVibeJay Samit is CEO of SocialVibe, a digital advertising technology company that provides the mosteffective form of engagement advertising for some of the world‘s top brands. A 25-year digitalmedia veteran, Samit lead the White House‘s 1996 Initiative for Education & Technology andspearheaded the effort to create Internet access for America‘s schools. Unlike ad networks thatsimply deliver impressions through display advertising, SocialVibe provides opt-in engagementsthat consumers can share across their social graph. SocialVibe enables advertisers to engage at atime when consumers are most motivated to participate in brand experiences, such as while playinga social game, donating to charity or accessing premium content. SocialVibe enables engagementson the Web and on mobile, reaching a universe of more than 400 million socially-connected globalconsumers. Visit or check out© 2011 SocialVibe. All Rights Reserved 19 Once you run a successful campaign and have been elected, you need another plan to run your public office. The MyPoliticalManager Public Office Planner is a part of the Management System and is included free in your monthly subscription. The 33 Steps you'll take in planning your public service are: Office Management Basics (14 Steps): Forming and Utilizing a Constituent "Roundtable." Time Management Office Management Staff Contact List Management Role of Your Spouse Financial Management Financial Disclosure Slogans Web site Correspondence Materials Image
  • 21. Photography Volunteers The Campaign Continues (4 Steps) : District Analysis and Demographics Polling and Self-polling Issue Development Clipping Service Funding the Next Campaign (2 Steps): Budget Process Fund Raising Communications (7 Steps): Earned Media Press Release Writing Newsletters E-Mail Communications Constituent Contact Methods Articles Press Conferences Scheduling (2 Steps): Calendars Reminder System Added Attractions (4 Steps): Speeches and Public Speaking Letter Writing Event Planning Know Your Office
  • 22. The Campaign Planner guides a Candidate through the following stages of a campaign: 1.) Getting Started: (16 Steps) Selecting A Campaign Committee Time Management Setting Up a Campaign Office Transportation Campaign Staff Contact List Management Spouse/Family Involvement Financial Management Financial Disclosures Qualifying to Run Slogans for the Campaign The Campaign Web Site Correspondence Materials Your Personal Image Photography for the Campaign Getting and Using Volunteers 2.) Strategy: (5 Steps) District Analysis & Demographics Polling and Self-Polling Issue Development Opposition Research Clipping Service 3.) Funding the Campaign: (2 Steps) Budget Process Fund Raising 4.) Communications: (13 Steps) Earned Media Clipping Service Paid Media Campaign Materials
  • 23. Direct Mail Lists Billboards Newspaper Radio Television E-Mail Campaigns Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Absentee Ballot Campaigns Direct Mail Campaigns Phone Banking/ Telemarketing Campaigns GOTV Lists Direct Mail Phone Banking Lists 5.) Scheduling: (2 Steps) Calendars Reminder System 6.) Added Attractions: (5 Steps) Speeches and Public Speaking Letter Writing Forums and Debates Event Planning Know Your Office