homeostasis biology excretory organs excretion digestion digestive system chemicals proteins egestion assimilation absorption digestive enzymes peristalsis glands alimentary canal metabolism food smoking lung volumes breathing centre exercise toxic waste products respiratory system respiratory mechanics air gaseous exchange breathing respiratory surfaces theories first cells earth life science education learning styles intelligence multiple excretory system osmoregulation glomerulus cortex urea dialysis nephron adh medulla reabsorption urine kidneys ultrafiltration keratin line of defense epidermis hypodermis dermis melanin layers skin homeothermos temperature control lacteals lymph immunological lymphatics defence system lymph nodes lymphatic system capillary bed blood circulatory system veins arteries pressure circulatory system heart fertilization mating breast feeding pregnancy reproductive organs menstrual cycle nutritional requierements diet psychology of eating rna dna synthesis lock&key enzymes denaturation cells components lipids carbohydrates
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