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The First Intelligent Secure
Inking Wireless Tablet

   E@scribo saves paper and increases efficiency in your company
02/02/2012              E@scribo - Confidential Information
E@scribo® Features

• Key features of E@scribo® for professional applications

     – Complete wireless, lightweight, and portable
     – Easy integration with any existing back-end system via email
     – Paper copy as original
     – Interface with touch screen technology
     – Heavy duty and usability in almost all circumstances (temperature & portability)
     – Easy approval for international usage/support for all global languages / character sets
     – Linux OS, includes remotely updates/upgrades - Highest security/encryption
     – Digital signature ( SDK technology) as option for certification purposes
              • Including special usage like; signature-, voice-, picture-, fingerprint- biometric identification options
     – Allow for all global distribution and easy Telco integration
• E@scribo® is available, tested and scheduled for delivery

 02/02/2012                                      E@scribo - Confidential Information                                        2
E@scribo® Contract Flow
             1                                 Complete and sign
     Creation of the PDF                          Documents
        template for

                                          6                               3
                                   Sent data to                    Copy and attached
                                    back-end                          documents
    Apply OCR and Publish

                                                  Sent Unique

02/02/2012                  E@scribo - Confidential Information                        3
E@scribo® Basic Technology layers

                        Other Services                  HQ Office

               Customer Specific Applications

              API’s for third party applications

             Applications & Device Management


                   Communication layer

                             Linux OS

02/02/2012        E@scribo - Confidential Information               4
E@scribo ® Communications
                                                                             HQ Office

                IP Network

 Portal                                                  Network
 • Managing E@scribo devices
 • Modem / connectivity
 • Security – Encryption
 • Uploading PDF’s customer specific
 • Storage – Cloud infrastructure
   02/02/2012                          E@scribo - Confidential Information               5
E@scribo® Key Features
                                         • Secure document management system
                                         • Pen without battery and pressure for Bio
                                         • Completely protected and fully secure
                                           encryption and BioMetric technology
                                         • Standard A4 - Standard writing +
                                           checkbox options
                                         • Allows interactive communication with
                                           Back-End systems for e.g. Signature
                                         • Heavy Duty –
                                           temperature, security, connectivity
                                         • No other usage possible
                                         • Remote and secure management
     No other comparable                 • Portable integrated one device
   product can do the same               • Secure- GPRS/UMTS, WiFi (future), RJ45

02/02/2012              E@scribo - Confidential Information                     6
E@scribo® - Intelligent Inking Wireless Tablet
• Key Benefits E@scribo®
      –      Designed for secure documents management
      –      Designed for secure document communications
      –      Designed built in security – encryption - management
      –      Designed with biometric functions
• Manage Intelligent PDF forms, like;
      – Standard writing + signature
      – Standard writing + signature + BIO features
      – Standard writing + checkbox options
              • Control of mandatory fields (yes/no)
      – Multiple forms with Multiple pages

02/02/2012                        E@scribo - Confidential Information   7
E@scribo® - Increased Productivity
• Ideally suited when paper contracts are required and
  an electronic copy in the office is sufficient.
      – This allows the customer to have the original document
        completed by handwriting and signed by pen and an
        electronic and certified copy stored by your company, fully
        secure and encrypted with optional biometric data from a
• The E@scribo® can handle single or multiple forms
  with handwritten information
      – and complete this with a signature, a picture or even a
        fingerprint based on Biometric technology, which provides
        document authenticity and integrity

02/02/2012                 E@scribo - Confidential Information        8
Examples – Secure Output in PDF format
         This could be a single page                                                                                                                                                    This could be a two page document
                                                                                                                                Termo de Adesão - INSS / Autorização para                                               Espaço Reservado ao Banco BMG     7 – Declara, também, que poderá efetuar a amortização ou a liquidação total antecipada do seu saldo
Termo de Adesão - INSS / Autorização para                                               Espaço Reservado ao Banco BMG           Descontos nos Benefícios Previdenciários                                                                                  devedor, com redução proporcional dos juros e demais acréscimos, nos termos da legislação aplicável.
Descontos nos Benefícios Previdenciários                                                                                                                   Cód.Corresp./ Loja Nº ADE
                                                                                                                                Operação       Produto                                                                                                    8 - O MUTUÁRIO poderá contar com as operações disponibilizadas no âmbito do BMG INTERNET
Operação       Produto     Cód.Corresp./ Loja Nº ADE                                                                            I - Dados Pessoais - Mutuário
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BANKING, tais como, contratação de novas operações e/ou renegociações de operações em curso, dentro
                                                                                                                                Nome                                                                                                                      dos limites de margem consignável, desde que possua senha e código de usuário para acessar o sistema,
I - Dados Pessoais - Mutuário                                                                                                   CPF                                   Sexo             Data de Nascimento               Nº do Benefício                   declarando ter conhecimento dos termos do Regulamento para Prestação de Serviços - BMG INTERNET
Nome                                                                                                                                                                    Masc.   Fem.                                                                      BANKING, registrado junto ao Cartório de Registro de Títulos e Documentos de Belo Horizonte/MG.
                                                                                                                                Estado Civil                               Nome do Cônjuge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9 - O MUTUÁRIO declara estar ciente de que os Correspondentes e Substabelecidos do BMG, assim
CPF                                   Sexo             Data de Nascimento               Nº do Benefício
                                                                                                                                Nome da Mãe                                                                                                               como os Agentes por eles subcontratados, não estão autorizados, pelo BMG, nos termos da legislação
                                        Masc.   Fem.
Estado Civil                               Nome do Cônjuge                                                                      Nome do Pai                                                                                                               vigente, a receber e/ou cobrar quaisquer taxas, tarifas e/ou reembolsos de despesas e que, em caso de

                                                                                                                                Naturalidade (Cidade/Estado)                                  Nacionalidade                                               dúvidas, deverá entrar em contato com o BMG através do SAC - Serviço de Atendimento ao
Nome da Mãe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Consumidor, por meio dos números informados ao final do presente Termo.
                                                                                                                                Documento de Identidade                                       Órgão Emissor               UF     Data de Emissão
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          10 - O MUTUÁRIO declara ter lido e compreendido todas as cláusulas e condições deste Termo de
Nome do Pai                                                                                                                     CEP                        Endereço
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Adesão e do Contrato que ora adere, ficando ciente de que requereu os créditos conscientemente, após
Naturalidade (Cidade/Estado)                                  Nacionalidade                                                     Número                   Complemento         Bairro                                                                       verificada a sua condição de pagamento, não implicando em excessivo endividamento, nem prejudicando
                                                                                                                                Cidade                                                                          UF      E-mail                            a sua subsistência.
Documento de Identidade                                       Órgão Emissor               UF     Data de Emissão
                                                                                                                                                                             DDD       Telefone                   Ramal          Telefone de Contato
CEP                        Endereço                                                                                                                                                                                                Com. Res. Cel.         Local e Data
                                                                                                                                Espécie da Aposentadoria
                                                                                                                                     Tempo de serviço    Tempo de Contribuição               Invalidez Permanente         Pensionista     Outros
Número                   Complemento         Bairro                                                                                                                                                                                                       _______________________________________________________,______de _________________de _____.
                                                                                                                                Dependente (01)                                                                         CPF

Cidade                                                                          UF      E-mail                                  Dependente (02)                                                                         CPF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Polegar Direito - Mutuário
                                                                                                                                II - DADOS DO CONSIGNATÁRIO - BANCO BMG S/A, sediado na Av. Álvares Cabral, nº 1707, Bairro                               Assinatura do BMG
                                             DDD       Telefone                   Ramal          Telefone de Contato            Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte/MG, designado BMG, possuidor do Código nº
                                                                                                   Com. Res. Cel.               III - Características da Operação/Consignação
                                                                                                                                cas daFinanciado/ - R$
                                                                                                                                Valor Operação Consignação   Valor Liberado - R$              Taxa Contratual Efetiva                                     _______________________________________________
Espécie da Aposentadoria
                                                                                                                                                                                                           % a.m equivalente a                     %a.a   Assinatura do Aposentado ou Pensionista/Mutuário
     Tempo de serviço    Tempo de Contribuição               Invalidez Permanente         Pensionista     Outros                Tributos (IOF) - R$                                          Comissão Terceirizado (se houver) - R$                       ou Representante (“assinante a rogo”)
Dependente (01)                                                                         CPF
                                                                                                                                Nº de PMT            Valor de Cada PMT - R$ Valor Total do Empréstimo - R$                CET - Custo Efetivo Total
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             % ao mês        % ao ano
Dependente (02)                                                                         CPF                                     1º Vencimento                                              Vencimento Final                                               Testemunhas:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          _________________ ____________________________________________________         _________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                IV - Dados para Crédito da Operação
II - DADOS DO CONSIGNATÁRIO - BANCO BMG S/A, sediado na Av. Álvares Cabral, nº 1707, Bairro                                       Conta Corrente       Conta Poupança          Banco                     Agência - DV         Número da Conta - DV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Nome:                                                                          Nome:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CPF:                                                                           CPF:
Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte/MG, designado BMG, possuidor do Código nº
                                                                                                                                  Cartão Dinheiro Rápido BMG Nº do Cartão
III - Características da Operação/Consignação                                                                                                                                                                                                              CENTRAL DE RELACIONAMENTO 0800 723 2012
cas daFinanciado/ - R$
Valor Operação Consignação   Valor Liberado - R$              Taxa Contratual Efetiva                                             Ordem de Pagamento            Nome do Banco                                                                              SAC 0800 979 7050 para reclamações e sugestões.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SAC (Deficiente Auditivo) 0800 979 7333.
                                                                           % a.m equivalente a                     %a.a                                                                                                                                    OUVIDORIA 0800 723 2044 para clientes que já tiverem recorrido a outros canais de atendimento
Tributos (IOF) - R$                                          Comissão Terceirizado (se houver) - R$                                                                                                                                                        disponíveis e não se sentiram satisfeitos com as soluções apresentadas pelo BMG.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Central de Atendimento ao Público do Banco Central do Brasil 0800 979 2345.
Nº de PMT            Valor de Cada PMT - R$ Valor Total do Empréstimo - R$                CET - Custo Efetivo Total
                                                                                             % ao mês        % ao ano
1º Vencimento                                              Vencimento Final
                                                                                                                                  1.01.105-A                                          Vig.: 11/02/2010                                              1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1.01.105-A                                                               Vig.: 11/02/2010                                                                   4
IV - Dados para Crédito da Operação
  Conta Corrente       Conta Poupança

  Cartão Dinheiro Rápido BMG Nº do Cartão
                                               Banco                     Agência - DV         Número da Conta - DV
                                                                                                                                                             E@scribo allows multi-page processing via the
  Ordem de Pagamento            Nome do Banco                                                                                                                  TOUCH screen or a “check” on the print

  1.01.105-A                                          Vig.: 11/02/2010                                              1
                                                                                                                          E@scribo - Confidential Information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  9
E@scribo® - Saves Paper
• Daily there are billions of paper documents signed, for contracts be
  completed with handwritten information such as;
     – Name, address, dates, amounts, any other specific details
     – Copies are made for ID cards, Social Security documents etc.
     – All required for legal reasons internally and externally
• Every contract can be copied many times
     – For different departments, branches and HQ
     – In addition electronic copies are made and stored in electronic archiving systems
     – Often more than 5 copies are “somewhere” located in each company
• Nonetheless retrieval of the paper documents after several years is time
  consuming, costly and sometimes difficult or impossible
• Business Case = ROI in 6 to 9 months
     – Less paper – less CO2 – less copies
     – Less time for paper management - Efficiency and cost savings

 02/02/2012                         E@scribo - Confidential Information                    10
E@scribo® Key Features
 Intelligent Inking Wireless tablet creating secure PDF files via GPRS/UMTS
                                                    Key Benefits - Intelligent Inking Wireless Tablet
                                                    • Based on Linux OS and ARM processor allowing multitasking
                                                      operations for managing digital content & wireless
                                                    • Write on Standard Paper, A4 or smaller
                                                    • Write with a ballpoint bundled with E@scribo and easily
                                                      replaceable refill without battery
                                                    • Saves manually preprinted documents and combines with
                                                      handwritten info in PDF Format - fully secure
                                                    • Send your documents by email via GPRS/UTMS
                                                    • Documents produced by E@scribo can be managed by email and
                                                      standard PDF tools – for digital true copy of your notes, what you
                                                      see on paper you get in digital format

                                                    Technical Specifications
                                                    • Long Battery Life, at least 12 working Hours based on Lithium-
                                                      iron technology (new technology)
                                                    • Ergonomic, lightweight only 850g / 1.9-lb
                                                    • Internal main Flash memory – NAND technology of 1Gb –
                                                      allowing at least 1000 pages (can be increased with standard SD
 How many paper copies do you store in your           memory Card)
   company? – You can change this NOW               • Friendly and very simple user interface based on touch screen
                                                      color technology
                                                    • Can also record your audio notes, if required for authorization
02/02/2012                          E@scribo - Confidential Information                                        11
E@scribo ® Key                                           Features
               Portable, Digitalizing & Transfer PDF – fully secure via GPRS/UMTS
                                                                Technical Specifications (3x) USB interfaces
                                                                • External (but not visible) USB connection allows for a Telco
                                                                  (GPRS/EDGE) Key (or sometimes-called Dongle or USB stick)
                                                                • This allows also connecting an USB wireless stick or any
                                                                  other USB device that is requested in special projects
                                                                • This external approach means that NO country specific
                                                                  regulatory and/or telecom certification is required
                                                                • Allows local Telecom providers to bundle this technology
                                                                  with any packaging they like
                                                                • Two extra USB interfaces for other external devices

                                                                Additional Technical Features
                                                                • Electronic biometric signature integration as an option for
                                                                  signing, face-scan, or fingerprint recognition
                                                                • Optional Encryption is possible for external I/O, but also in
                                                                  communication via GPRS/EDGE
                                                                • Remote software update for easy management of large
USB Option – for external devices                                 quantities of devices in the field
• USB Option allows for a potential external and/or built-      • Can handle extreme high and low temperatures from -200 to
  in camera options for scanning external documents               +600 Celsius compared with other design that operate
  and/or events or a direct connection (RJ45)                     between 00 and 400 Celsius
• Or Voice Recording and Fingerprint Reader In                  • Powerful (400Mhz) CPU running native Linux, can be
  conjunction with BIO software                                   sourced from multiple vendors / suppliers

 02/02/2012                                   E@scribo - Confidential Information                                        12
E@scribo® - Intelligent Inking Wireless Tablet
Slot for an external SD Card
                                                                                                        Spring paper holder: holds up to 8 mm A4
                                                                                                        paper (100 sheets) which allows the user
                                                                                                         to collect the information written in ink

                                                        Total of 3 external USB slots for UMTS SIM card from any                External SD
                                                               Telecom operator, or any other external device                   Memory Slot

                                                                Pen Holder Slot – to safely store the
                                                                       pen during transport                  Mini USB       Audio Out        Power

                                                                                                           Write with a ballpoint bundled with
                                                                                                           E@scribo® and easily replaceable
                                                                                                              refill, without battery and also
                                                                                                           allows to create a Digital Signature

     Monitor/ Touch Screen for easy usage and fully                                                                       for UMTS
     customizable software and auto-save option in                                                                         SIM card
          combination with the Micro SD Card
       02/02/2012                                     E@scribo - Confidential Information                                               13
Secure Electronic Document Management
• Europe agreed with the Digital
  Document Agreement (DDT) in 1996
  must contain the following data;
      –      The sequence number and the date
      –      Transfer Identification and
      –      Description and nature of data
      –      Optional the document can also indicate the
             reason for transmission (e.g. typical industry id’s)

• E@scribo® allows you also to
  transfer an electronic copy of the
  document and still have a hard copy
  of the original document which allow
  also for traditional storage and/or                                              Tablets with Digital Signature
  management                                                                          software used in Banks

02/02/2012                                   E@scribo - Confidential Information                                    14
E@scribo® Ideally Suited for;
• Any application which requires paper
  contract filled in by hand, and could                            Termo de Adesão - INSS / Autorização para
                                                                   Descontos nos Benefícios Previdenciários
                                                                   Operação       Produto     Cód.Corresp./ Loja Nº ADE
                                                                                                                                                           Espaço Reservado ao Banco BMG

  require biometric and in other                                   I - Dados Pessoais - Mutuário

  E@scribo® digital signature features:                            CPF

                                                                   Estado Civil
                                                                                                           Masc.   Fem.
                                                                                                                          Data de Nascimento

                                                                                                              Nome do Cônjuge
                                                                                                                                                           Nº do Benefício

      – Insurance and Banking Companies
                                                                   Nome da Mãe

                                                                   Nome do Pai

                                                                   Naturalidade (Cidade/Estado)                                  Nacionalidade

      – Public Administration where handwritten                    Documento de Identidade

                                                                   CEP                        Endereço
                                                                                                                                 Órgão Emissor               UF     Data de Emissão

        paper receipt is required                                  Número

                                                                                            Complemento         Bairro

                                                                                                                                                   UF      E-mail

      – Utility-, Construction- & Logistics                        Espécie da Aposentadoria
                                                                                                                DDD       Telefone                   Ramal          Telefone de Contato
                                                                                                                                                                      Com. Res. Cel.

        Companies                                                       Tempo de serviço
                                                                   Dependente (01)
                                                                                            Tempo de Contribuição               Invalidez Permanente         Pensionista

                                                                   Dependente (02)                                                                         CPF

      – Maintenance- and Repair Companies                          II - DADOS DO CONSIGNATÁRIO - BANCO BMG S/A, sediado na Av. Álvares Cabral, nº 1707, Bairro
                                                                   Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte/MG, designado BMG, possuidor do Código nº
                                                                   III - Características da Operação/Consignação
                                                                   cas daFinanciado/ - R$
                                                                   Valor Operação Consignação

      – Hospital and other Medical usage
                                                                                                Valor Liberado - R$   Taxa Contratual Efetiva
                                                                                                                                   % a.m equivalente a      %a.a
                                                                   Tributos (IOF) - R$                               Comissão Terceirizado (se houver) - R$

                                                                   Nº de PMT            Valor de Cada PMT - R$ Valor Total do Empréstimo - R$                CET - Custo Efetivo Total

      – Fashion sketches (hand designed)
                                                                                                                                                                % ao mês        % ao ano
                                                                   1º Vencimento                                              Vencimento Final

                                                                   IV - Dados para Crédito da Operação
                                                                     Conta Corrente       Conta Poupança          Banco                     Agência - DV         Número da Conta - DV

      – Can manage also language / characters for                    Cartão Dinheiro Rápido BMG Nº do Cartão

                                                                     Ordem de Pagamento            Nome do Banco

        Middle-East and Asia regions
02/02/2012                   E@scribo - Confidential Information     1.01.105-A                                          Vig.: 11/02/2010                               15             1
E@scribo® – Any Application which requires at least one Paper Copy

The interviewer of any organization, fill out the form to fill in                            The person read the document directly from the paper and
     collecting the information directly with the person                                         agrees with his the signature and option his voice

                                                                                                         The form is also signed on paper,
                                                                                          The person retains the paper, the interviewer has an electronic
                                                                                                    copy, The paper copy is identical to digital.
                                                                                                           The signature with e@Scribo
                                                                                                       is written directly on the document
                                                                                             The interviewer have a complete control of the process.

                                                                                                                                  Storage could be sent by
                                                                                                                                  email, or to any other IT -
                                                                                                                                     computer solution

02/02/2012                                                   E@scribo - Confidential Information                                                          16
E@scribo® Environment & Cost Savings
• Conform Gartner Report (Publication Date: 5 October 2009/ID Number: G00171092)
      – “Electronic signature-based approach delivers a number of benefits to the banks”
      – “Cost savings, through the elimination of paper and streamlining of processes, such as account
        opening, tests required to support MiFID and more-complex transactions”
      – “Increased agility and flexibility for ongoing storage and retrieval of digitally signed documents —
        data is not locked away and participants have an option to outsource storage to CECA”
      – More-robust authentication due to online signature verification and higher levels of confidence
        in compliance and regulatory control, including detailed audit trails, for these digital documents.
• Both Corp & SMB’s want to focus on cost savings and Increased Productivity
      – Wireless, less paper, Co2 impact is huge for a better environment
      – Faster handling of signed documents, increased productivity, digitizing and management of
      – Optional Certified Digital Signature and does NOT require a complicated IT Backend
        infrastructure                                               Case Study (Gartner) for Industry
      – simple email is enough communication                           Collaboration: CECA Signature
• Portable devices, based on GPRS/ UMTS                                        Solution Cuts Costs and Drives
      – Large opportunities for Telephone & Utility Companies                             Revenue
02/02/2012                               E@scribo - Confidential Information                               17
E@scribo ®
        The First Secure Intelligent Inking
       Wireless tablet with Digital Signature
        option and creating PDF files via

   E@scribo saves paper and increases efficiency in your company
02/02/2012              E@scribo - Confidential Information    18

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E@scribo presentation jan 2012

  • 1. E@scribo® The First Intelligent Secure Inking Wireless Tablet E@scribo saves paper and increases efficiency in your company 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 1
  • 2. E@scribo® Features • Key features of E@scribo® for professional applications – Complete wireless, lightweight, and portable – Easy integration with any existing back-end system via email – Paper copy as original – Interface with touch screen technology – Heavy duty and usability in almost all circumstances (temperature & portability) – Easy approval for international usage/support for all global languages / character sets – Linux OS, includes remotely updates/upgrades - Highest security/encryption standards – Digital signature ( SDK technology) as option for certification purposes • Including special usage like; signature-, voice-, picture-, fingerprint- biometric identification options – Allow for all global distribution and easy Telco integration • E@scribo® is available, tested and scheduled for delivery 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 2
  • 3. E@scribo® Contract Flow 2 1 Complete and sign Creation of the PDF Documents template for E@scribo 6 3 Sent data to Copy and attached back-end documents systems 5 Apply OCR and Publish 4 Sent Unique Document 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 3
  • 4. E@scribo® Basic Technology layers Other Services HQ Office Customer Specific Applications API’s for third party applications Applications & Device Management Drivers Communication layer Linux OS 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 4
  • 5. E@scribo ® Communications HQ Office Portal E@scribo® Management Systems IP Network GPRS/UMTS Telco Portal Network • Managing E@scribo devices • Modem / connectivity • Security – Encryption • Uploading PDF’s customer specific • Storage – Cloud infrastructure 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 5
  • 6. E@scribo® Key Features • Secure document management system • Pen without battery and pressure for Bio implementation • Completely protected and fully secure encryption and BioMetric technology • Standard A4 - Standard writing + checkbox options • Allows interactive communication with Back-End systems for e.g. Signature approval • Heavy Duty – temperature, security, connectivity • No other usage possible • Remote and secure management No other comparable • Portable integrated one device product can do the same • Secure- GPRS/UMTS, WiFi (future), RJ45 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 6
  • 7. E@scribo® - Intelligent Inking Wireless Tablet • Key Benefits E@scribo® – Designed for secure documents management – Designed for secure document communications – Designed built in security – encryption - management – Designed with biometric functions • Manage Intelligent PDF forms, like; – Standard writing + signature – Standard writing + signature + BIO features – Standard writing + checkbox options • Control of mandatory fields (yes/no) – Multiple forms with Multiple pages 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 7
  • 8. E@scribo® - Increased Productivity • Ideally suited when paper contracts are required and an electronic copy in the office is sufficient. – This allows the customer to have the original document completed by handwriting and signed by pen and an electronic and certified copy stored by your company, fully secure and encrypted with optional biometric data from a signature • The E@scribo® can handle single or multiple forms with handwritten information – and complete this with a signature, a picture or even a fingerprint based on Biometric technology, which provides document authenticity and integrity 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 8
  • 9. Examples – Secure Output in PDF format This could be a single page This could be a two page document Termo de Adesão - INSS / Autorização para Espaço Reservado ao Banco BMG 7 – Declara, também, que poderá efetuar a amortização ou a liquidação total antecipada do seu saldo Termo de Adesão - INSS / Autorização para Espaço Reservado ao Banco BMG Descontos nos Benefícios Previdenciários devedor, com redução proporcional dos juros e demais acréscimos, nos termos da legislação aplicável. Descontos nos Benefícios Previdenciários Cód.Corresp./ Loja Nº ADE Operação Produto 8 - O MUTUÁRIO poderá contar com as operações disponibilizadas no âmbito do BMG INTERNET Operação Produto Cód.Corresp./ Loja Nº ADE I - Dados Pessoais - Mutuário BANKING, tais como, contratação de novas operações e/ou renegociações de operações em curso, dentro Nome dos limites de margem consignável, desde que possua senha e código de usuário para acessar o sistema, I - Dados Pessoais - Mutuário CPF Sexo Data de Nascimento Nº do Benefício declarando ter conhecimento dos termos do Regulamento para Prestação de Serviços - BMG INTERNET Nome Masc. Fem. BANKING, registrado junto ao Cartório de Registro de Títulos e Documentos de Belo Horizonte/MG. Estado Civil Nome do Cônjuge 9 - O MUTUÁRIO declara estar ciente de que os Correspondentes e Substabelecidos do BMG, assim CPF Sexo Data de Nascimento Nº do Benefício Nome da Mãe como os Agentes por eles subcontratados, não estão autorizados, pelo BMG, nos termos da legislação Masc. Fem. Estado Civil Nome do Cônjuge Nome do Pai vigente, a receber e/ou cobrar quaisquer taxas, tarifas e/ou reembolsos de despesas e que, em caso de Naturalidade (Cidade/Estado) Nacionalidade dúvidas, deverá entrar em contato com o BMG através do SAC - Serviço de Atendimento ao Nome da Mãe Consumidor, por meio dos números informados ao final do presente Termo. Documento de Identidade Órgão Emissor UF Data de Emissão 10 - O MUTUÁRIO declara ter lido e compreendido todas as cláusulas e condições deste Termo de Nome do Pai CEP Endereço Adesão e do Contrato que ora adere, ficando ciente de que requereu os créditos conscientemente, após Naturalidade (Cidade/Estado) Nacionalidade Número Complemento Bairro verificada a sua condição de pagamento, não implicando em excessivo endividamento, nem prejudicando Cidade UF E-mail a sua subsistência. Documento de Identidade Órgão Emissor UF Data de Emissão DDD Telefone Ramal Telefone de Contato CEP Endereço Com. Res. Cel. Local e Data Espécie da Aposentadoria Tempo de serviço Tempo de Contribuição Invalidez Permanente Pensionista Outros Número Complemento Bairro _______________________________________________________,______de _________________de _____. Dependente (01) CPF Cidade UF E-mail Dependente (02) CPF Polegar Direito - Mutuário _______________________________________________ II - DADOS DO CONSIGNATÁRIO - BANCO BMG S/A, sediado na Av. Álvares Cabral, nº 1707, Bairro Assinatura do BMG DDD Telefone Ramal Telefone de Contato Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte/MG, designado BMG, possuidor do Código nº Com. Res. Cel. III - Características da Operação/Consignação cas daFinanciado/ - R$ Valor Operação Consignação Valor Liberado - R$ Taxa Contratual Efetiva _______________________________________________ Espécie da Aposentadoria % a.m equivalente a %a.a Assinatura do Aposentado ou Pensionista/Mutuário Tempo de serviço Tempo de Contribuição Invalidez Permanente Pensionista Outros Tributos (IOF) - R$ Comissão Terceirizado (se houver) - R$ ou Representante (“assinante a rogo”) Dependente (01) CPF Nº de PMT Valor de Cada PMT - R$ Valor Total do Empréstimo - R$ CET - Custo Efetivo Total % ao mês % ao ano Dependente (02) CPF 1º Vencimento Vencimento Final Testemunhas: _________________ ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ IV - Dados para Crédito da Operação II - DADOS DO CONSIGNATÁRIO - BANCO BMG S/A, sediado na Av. Álvares Cabral, nº 1707, Bairro Conta Corrente Conta Poupança Banco Agência - DV Número da Conta - DV Nome: Nome: CPF: CPF: Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte/MG, designado BMG, possuidor do Código nº Cartão Dinheiro Rápido BMG Nº do Cartão III - Características da Operação/Consignação CENTRAL DE RELACIONAMENTO 0800 723 2012 cas daFinanciado/ - R$ Valor Operação Consignação Valor Liberado - R$ Taxa Contratual Efetiva Ordem de Pagamento Nome do Banco SAC 0800 979 7050 para reclamações e sugestões. SAC (Deficiente Auditivo) 0800 979 7333. % a.m equivalente a %a.a OUVIDORIA 0800 723 2044 para clientes que já tiverem recorrido a outros canais de atendimento Tributos (IOF) - R$ Comissão Terceirizado (se houver) - R$ disponíveis e não se sentiram satisfeitos com as soluções apresentadas pelo BMG. Central de Atendimento ao Público do Banco Central do Brasil 0800 979 2345. Nº de PMT Valor de Cada PMT - R$ Valor Total do Empréstimo - R$ CET - Custo Efetivo Total % ao mês % ao ano 1º Vencimento Vencimento Final 1.01.105-A Vig.: 11/02/2010 1 1.01.105-A Vig.: 11/02/2010 4 IV - Dados para Crédito da Operação Conta Corrente Conta Poupança Cartão Dinheiro Rápido BMG Nº do Cartão Banco Agência - DV Número da Conta - DV E@scribo allows multi-page processing via the Ordem de Pagamento Nome do Banco TOUCH screen or a “check” on the print 02/02/2012 1.01.105-A Vig.: 11/02/2010 1 E@scribo - Confidential Information 9
  • 10. E@scribo® - Saves Paper • Daily there are billions of paper documents signed, for contracts be completed with handwritten information such as; – Name, address, dates, amounts, any other specific details – Copies are made for ID cards, Social Security documents etc. – All required for legal reasons internally and externally • Every contract can be copied many times – For different departments, branches and HQ – In addition electronic copies are made and stored in electronic archiving systems – Often more than 5 copies are “somewhere” located in each company • Nonetheless retrieval of the paper documents after several years is time consuming, costly and sometimes difficult or impossible • Business Case = ROI in 6 to 9 months – Less paper – less CO2 – less copies – Less time for paper management - Efficiency and cost savings 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 10
  • 11. E@scribo® Key Features Intelligent Inking Wireless tablet creating secure PDF files via GPRS/UMTS Key Benefits - Intelligent Inking Wireless Tablet • Based on Linux OS and ARM processor allowing multitasking operations for managing digital content & wireless communications • Write on Standard Paper, A4 or smaller • Write with a ballpoint bundled with E@scribo and easily replaceable refill without battery • Saves manually preprinted documents and combines with handwritten info in PDF Format - fully secure • Send your documents by email via GPRS/UTMS • Documents produced by E@scribo can be managed by email and standard PDF tools – for digital true copy of your notes, what you see on paper you get in digital format Technical Specifications • Long Battery Life, at least 12 working Hours based on Lithium- iron technology (new technology) • Ergonomic, lightweight only 850g / 1.9-lb • Internal main Flash memory – NAND technology of 1Gb – allowing at least 1000 pages (can be increased with standard SD How many paper copies do you store in your memory Card) company? – You can change this NOW • Friendly and very simple user interface based on touch screen color technology • Can also record your audio notes, if required for authorization 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 11
  • 12. E@scribo ® Key Features Portable, Digitalizing & Transfer PDF – fully secure via GPRS/UMTS Technical Specifications (3x) USB interfaces • External (but not visible) USB connection allows for a Telco (GPRS/EDGE) Key (or sometimes-called Dongle or USB stick) • This allows also connecting an USB wireless stick or any other USB device that is requested in special projects • This external approach means that NO country specific regulatory and/or telecom certification is required • Allows local Telecom providers to bundle this technology with any packaging they like • Two extra USB interfaces for other external devices Additional Technical Features • Electronic biometric signature integration as an option for signing, face-scan, or fingerprint recognition • Optional Encryption is possible for external I/O, but also in communication via GPRS/EDGE • Remote software update for easy management of large USB Option – for external devices quantities of devices in the field • USB Option allows for a potential external and/or built- • Can handle extreme high and low temperatures from -200 to in camera options for scanning external documents +600 Celsius compared with other design that operate and/or events or a direct connection (RJ45) between 00 and 400 Celsius • Or Voice Recording and Fingerprint Reader In • Powerful (400Mhz) CPU running native Linux, can be conjunction with BIO software sourced from multiple vendors / suppliers 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 12
  • 13. E@scribo® - Intelligent Inking Wireless Tablet Slot for an external SD Card Spring paper holder: holds up to 8 mm A4 paper (100 sheets) which allows the user to collect the information written in ink Total of 3 external USB slots for UMTS SIM card from any External SD Telecom operator, or any other external device Memory Slot Pen Holder Slot – to safely store the pen during transport Mini USB Audio Out Power Write with a ballpoint bundled with E@scribo® and easily replaceable refill, without battery and also allows to create a Digital Signature Monitor/ Touch Screen for easy usage and fully for UMTS customizable software and auto-save option in SIM card combination with the Micro SD Card 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 13
  • 14. Secure Electronic Document Management • Europe agreed with the Digital Document Agreement (DDT) in 1996 must contain the following data; – The sequence number and the date – Transfer Identification and – Description and nature of data – Optional the document can also indicate the reason for transmission (e.g. typical industry id’s) • E@scribo® allows you also to transfer an electronic copy of the document and still have a hard copy of the original document which allow also for traditional storage and/or Tablets with Digital Signature management software used in Banks 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 14
  • 15. E@scribo® Ideally Suited for; Example • Any application which requires paper contract filled in by hand, and could Termo de Adesão - INSS / Autorização para Descontos nos Benefícios Previdenciários Operação Produto Cód.Corresp./ Loja Nº ADE Espaço Reservado ao Banco BMG require biometric and in other I - Dados Pessoais - Mutuário Nome E@scribo® digital signature features: CPF Estado Civil Sexo Masc. Fem. Data de Nascimento Nome do Cônjuge Nº do Benefício – Insurance and Banking Companies Nome da Mãe Nome do Pai Naturalidade (Cidade/Estado) Nacionalidade – Public Administration where handwritten Documento de Identidade CEP Endereço Órgão Emissor UF Data de Emissão paper receipt is required Número Cidade Complemento Bairro UF E-mail – Utility-, Construction- & Logistics Espécie da Aposentadoria DDD Telefone Ramal Telefone de Contato Com. Res. Cel. Companies Tempo de serviço Dependente (01) Tempo de Contribuição Invalidez Permanente Pensionista CPF Outros Dependente (02) CPF – Maintenance- and Repair Companies II - DADOS DO CONSIGNATÁRIO - BANCO BMG S/A, sediado na Av. Álvares Cabral, nº 1707, Bairro Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte/MG, designado BMG, possuidor do Código nº III - Características da Operação/Consignação cas daFinanciado/ - R$ Valor Operação Consignação – Hospital and other Medical usage Valor Liberado - R$ Taxa Contratual Efetiva % a.m equivalente a %a.a Tributos (IOF) - R$ Comissão Terceirizado (se houver) - R$ Nº de PMT Valor de Cada PMT - R$ Valor Total do Empréstimo - R$ CET - Custo Efetivo Total – Fashion sketches (hand designed) % ao mês % ao ano 1º Vencimento Vencimento Final IV - Dados para Crédito da Operação Conta Corrente Conta Poupança Banco Agência - DV Número da Conta - DV – Can manage also language / characters for Cartão Dinheiro Rápido BMG Nº do Cartão Ordem de Pagamento Nome do Banco Middle-East and Asia regions 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 1.01.105-A Vig.: 11/02/2010 15 1
  • 16. E@scribo® – Any Application which requires at least one Paper Copy The interviewer of any organization, fill out the form to fill in The person read the document directly from the paper and collecting the information directly with the person agrees with his the signature and option his voice The form is also signed on paper, The person retains the paper, the interviewer has an electronic copy, The paper copy is identical to digital. The signature with e@Scribo is written directly on the document The interviewer have a complete control of the process. Storage could be sent by email, or to any other IT - computer solution 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 16
  • 17. E@scribo® Environment & Cost Savings • Conform Gartner Report (Publication Date: 5 October 2009/ID Number: G00171092) – “Electronic signature-based approach delivers a number of benefits to the banks” – “Cost savings, through the elimination of paper and streamlining of processes, such as account opening, tests required to support MiFID and more-complex transactions” – “Increased agility and flexibility for ongoing storage and retrieval of digitally signed documents — data is not locked away and participants have an option to outsource storage to CECA” – More-robust authentication due to online signature verification and higher levels of confidence in compliance and regulatory control, including detailed audit trails, for these digital documents. • Both Corp & SMB’s want to focus on cost savings and Increased Productivity – Wireless, less paper, Co2 impact is huge for a better environment – Faster handling of signed documents, increased productivity, digitizing and management of documents – Optional Certified Digital Signature and does NOT require a complicated IT Backend infrastructure Case Study (Gartner) for Industry – simple email is enough communication Collaboration: CECA Signature • Portable devices, based on GPRS/ UMTS Solution Cuts Costs and Drives – Large opportunities for Telephone & Utility Companies Revenue 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 17
  • 18. E@scribo ® The First Secure Intelligent Inking Wireless tablet with Digital Signature option and creating PDF files via GPRS/UMTS E@scribo saves paper and increases efficiency in your company 02/02/2012 E@scribo - Confidential Information 18