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“In these kinds of moments of self-enquiry, the impulse can be really strong to tip over into a
self-denigration. Let me explain to you, Jerry, what a shit I am. And you are not a shit, you are a
human; a complex, multi-variable human.”
Welcome to the Reboot podcast.
I felt it again; the rush of blood up my face and my stomach just churning. I got up from my
computer with my head spinning, spinning up all kinds of stories, scary stories, stories of my
insignificance. Wait, all of this was from an email threat on pricing? This was just a few weeks
ago and my partners at Reboot had agreed upon a pricing adjustment on a product, something
that I had been suggesting for some time. So, I got wanted, right? Why was my stomach
churning? What was really going on here? It was certainly not about being right on pricing.
So when I really got curious, I saw that it was much deeper for me; something that’s always
there for me; a fear and a feeling of not being worthy. It’s really an old fear showing up and
reminding me that I am simply not good enough to be heard. But how might this fear, this feeling
of being unworthy, how might it be getting in the way of me accessing a deeper, more effective
communications style? How am I to be showing up and holding me back from being a better
leader, partner, even husband and father? How does it stand in the way of me being my fullest
“Work is difficulty and drama; a high-stakes game, in which our identity, our self-esteem and
our ability to provide are mixed inside us into volatile, sometimes explosive ways.” That’s from
David Whyte in his incredible book, ‘Crossing the Unknown Sea’. That volatile and explosive
mix is a gift, it presents us a tremendous opportunity to do our own work, our inner work and
further develop our own understanding of self.
I am Dan Putt, one of the partners here at Reboot, and in our conversation today, Jerry is joined
by Henry May, founder and CEO of CoSchool based in Columbia. Henry comes to Jerry with
this very issue; how might the journey of entrepreneurship, specifically his own, open up new
opportunities for him to grow or said more directly, how might he use his work at CoSchool to
do the real work on his humanity?
Be sure to check out top links, top quotes from Henry and Jerry at Now,
here’s a quick word from Ali on our upcoming, Reboot quest.
Poet and author Wendell Berry once wrote, “It may be that when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun
our real journey.” We designed our Reboot Quest with this in mind. The Quest is a special sort of
bootcamp; it’s a trip that will take you to the amazing wilderness of the Canadian Rockies in
British Columbia, and support the exploration of the amazing wilderness of your own inner
Join us this September 4th through the 11th to confront personal and professional questions that
won’t go away. Perhaps you are mulling on questions such as what’s next for me. What am I
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really here to do? Who am I if I leave? What if I really lived in my life? Am I fit to lead this
company? What do I really want? For more details and to sign up, visit;
applications are due by April 15th, 2016.
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. Who looks outside,
dreams; who looks inside, awakens.” – Carl Jung.
Jerry Colonna: Hey Henry, it’s good to see you again.
Henry May: Great to be here, thanks for having me on Jerry.
Jerry: Oh well, thank you for agreeing to come on and I know you are connecting in
from the UK right now, and we’ll find out where you actually live on a regular
basis, but why don’t you take a moment and introduce yourself?
Henry: Yeah, so my name is Henry, Henry May, 29 years old, I went through a program
called Teach First which is same as Teach for America, but in the UK, and I
ended up moving to Columbia to work for Teach for Columbia and as a result of
my experience as working as a teacher, I set up an organization in Columbia
called CoSchool two years ago. What we do in CoSchool is, we develop character
skills and leadership skills in young people between 10 and 18-years-old through
one-day, one-week and longer programs, and we work with kids from the poorest,
most vulnerable communities right through to working with kids from the most
expensive private schools. So, the last two years I’ve been on a journey in
Columbia and it’s been an amazing experience and yeah, great to be here today to
share some of that with you hopefully.
Jerry: Yeah, and thank you for that, and I want to give a shout out to our mutual friends
at Unreasonable Institute; we met this past summer at a talk I gave for the most
recent class of the Unreasonable Institute and I know I see you’re wearing your
green wristband for Unreasonable Institute; why don’t you tell us a little bit about
that and how you got involved with Unreasonable Institute?
Henry: So, Unreasonable Institute is a phenomenal organization, and it has been in going
for five years or so and what they do is they bring together social entrepreneurs or
entrepreneurs tackling the world’s biggest problems from all four corners of the
globe and put them together for five weeks, for a residential accelerator in
Boulder. And so we were thrilled to be selected and to go along, and the
experience was transformational on a personal level first and also for our
organization. I mean, we are connected with a fantastic bunch of mentors,
connected to the other entrepreneurs, connected to impact investors, really what
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came out more than anything for me and my colleague that came with me was
more of a journey of learning about ourselves, and about who we were, and of
course that helps us to really get things in focus for CoSchool. So, we are
mentally grateful to [Inaudible 0:07:14] and the Unreasonable team. And for
anyone interested in an accelerator, it’s a bit different but really delivers, I’d
really recommend looking it up.
Jerry: I’m sure our friends over there will enjoy that; you know, I’ve been working with
them now for a couple of years and I am such a deep admirer of what they are
trying to do, and you know, to your point, I think the journey of discovery into
self is really powerful journey, and we don’t often think of accelerators as
accelerating a deep-dive into who you really are. And you know, as I look, I
remember the conversation that we had, that really lead to us having an email
relationship, which was during a talk I had given. We started talking about our
own past and your own life and some of the connections there and when we
talked about you coming on, you mentioned that one of the things that was going
to interest you about coming on the show would be really exploring this notion of
this discovery into self and this journey into self. Do I have that right?
Henry: Yeah, you are exactly right. I think Unreasonable was a kind of, one of several
episodes or chapters in the last couple of years that really helped to dig deeper
into who I am, and I guess confirmed this kind of haunch that I had that actually
being an entrepreneur is not necessarily about accessing capital and financing and
all these tools that are around you and getting out into the ecosystem. It’s about
going in and finding out what you have got inside and that is what I have started
to see in successful entrepreneurs around me. Whether they articulate it or not,
they are generally the people who are doing really interesting, meaningful work,
are people who are connecting with themselves, and so for CoSchool it’s become
very important part of our coach and organization is this journey towards self for
all of us as individuals.
Jerry: I’m reminded of one of the other things that we had an exchange about and that is
Parker Palmer’s book, ‘Let Your Life Speak’ and you are smiling now because I
remember a little bit of the story. So, I think at one point, I recommended that you
read that –
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: – and what was that like for you?
Henry: Yeah, it was a fantastic recommendation. I actually – the day that we met in
Unreasonable, I was kind of – the session that you led kind of got my head
spinning a bit, and I went for a walk down the Boulder creek and I listened to the
podcast that you did with Parker Palmer. He talks about taking breaks in white
water and trying to run from your shadow and a lot of those ideas really resonated
with me. And then reading the book, I think it’s about in the third chapter where
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he talks about the – talks about childhood and about observing his granddaughter
I think it is and noticing that when a child is five or six years old, full of
innocence, full of enthusiasm, when they are really into something, they are really
into and when they really want something, they go for it and they get it. And then
bit by bit, when they turn seven, eight, nine, ten-years-old, we start to put on
masks and disguises and they go to school and they get friendship groups and bit
by bit, that innocent and pure self, in many cases vocation, is lost or trapped deep
within. And that really resonated with me in thinking about the kind of journey
that I went on through school and resonated a lot with the work that we do
working with young people in Columbia as well. So, Parker Palmer’s book, I
mean, I kind of like my – I had a coach in Columbia and she is like, “Have you
got your Bible with you?” I carry it around with me and I like to have other
people to read it too and it’s a great book and it’s been very poignant and useful
for me.
Jerry: Yeah, I just glanced up at my bookshelf over here because I have my dog-eared,
well-worn copy as well, and I have probably read it five or six times over my life.
One of the many themes that I think comes out of that book relates back to some
of the things that we are talking about, which is Parker’s notion of how the inside
of us needs to match the exterior of us; the inner has to match the outer. And that
when it’s out of synch and out of alignment, we start to get into trouble not only
as leaders where there is a disconnect with how we behave in the world, that those
around us sense there is a dissonance what is going on here.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: But we also had, you know, as you have heard me say before in the podcast,
whether it’s talking to Tracey Lawrence or even talking to Parker himself, we
start to lose access to some very powerful forces within ourselves when we don’t
spend the time to actually understand who we are and part of the reason we don’t
do that, as you well know, is that it’s painful. I remember, I was up on the stage at
Naropa, Naropa University, where we hosted Unreasonable Institute this past
summer, and we were talking, and you were staring off because the words were
landing for you; weren’t they? I know, I remember when your head started
spinning because I had taken you back.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: What had I take you back to?
Henry: Well, we started to think about how some of our behaviors, now as leaders and
entrepreneurs, are in fact connected to things that might have happened in the past
and quite a long time ago, and I started to connect a lot with experiences of when
I was at school and when I had been you know, 12-13-year old boy and those
were things I hadn’t really accessed or really considered for a long time, and
things that I also didn’t consider as particularly important. But during – yes, and
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my head started to spin as you said, and I started to kind of access it and think a
little bit about the way that I behave in my organization at times, seems to be a
reflection of things that were challenging for me back then and therefore habits
that I learnt to deal with, with those things, and yes, so that was kind of a short
moment of self-enquiry.
Jerry: So, let’s take note of Parker’s observation that when we are about six, seven,
eight, we start to really create these masks and we start to behave in a way that we
think the world wants us to behave in order to get a sense of safety, a sense of
love, a sense of belonging, and then for some of us, the world becomes a hostile
place and it becomes actively hostile, not passively hostile; not subtle messages of
conformity, but active messages of you are not right with the world. And if I may,
you used the word ‘bully’ and your experience at a boarding school and really
being tortured – is tortured too strong a word?
Henry: Tortured might be too strong, but I think it’s hard to really go back to that age;
you learn so quickly to put up these defense mechanisms and to put on a mask to
be a person that is not going to get bullied. In my case, that involved – I mean, I
was a bully as much as I was bullied by other kids. I bullied and I became – I used
an ability to be quick-witted and be sharp-tongued to protect myself. And so I
think deep down, there might be some torture going on and some hard things
going on, but the idea is, you learn to ignore that to be strong, to not be
vulnerable, not been weak and rise to the top of whatever social circle you are in.
In my case, that was kind of how it was. You either, you were tough, or you were
Jerry: Kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. Give as good as you get. And it starts to shape
us, this kind of behavior, this kind of experience and how did it – or how does it,
because I don’t know if we ever fully outrun those shadows, how does it show up
when you say your instinctive leadership impulse is?
Henry: Well, I think it becomes a kind of a second nature and a defense mechanism, and I
guess the ability to get people to gang up on other people is something that is a
part of the bully’s arsenal. I think that’s something that I noticed; my leadership at
CoSchool is sometimes going easy after a difficult business meeting or when
someone has made a mistake to talk to a couple of colleagues behind their back
and a quick joke, a quick wit, a little – can be so easy and so cheap, I can feel like
a win in the short term, but it is incredibly damaging and you build it – and I
mean, I run the risk and we run the risk of building an organization that isn’t
based on transparency and honesty and showing up perhaps an occasional sniping
and bad-mouthing. And it’s something I feel, we are not that type of organization
in CoSchool, but I felt myself and if I look back over the last years, yeah, I can
see moments when I behaved in a way that was just a reaction to me feeling
defensive perhaps, and wanting to attack others.
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Jerry: Yeah, I want to bring your attention to that because in these kinds of moments of
self-enquiry, the impulse can be really strong to tip over into the self-denigration.
“Let me explain to you, Jerry, what a shit I am.” And you are not a shit, you are a
human; a complex, multi-variable human. And so you just made a really
important observation which was, in those moments of stress and duress, that
aspect of your character can come out; isn’t that true?
Henry: Yeah, that is true and that still is something I compete with and I guess I have
been figuring out tools and ways to deal with that stopping and breathing, being
more grateful, looking for the positive, changing language, but that still is
something that was second nature to me for so long and something I didn’t
realize, I think, even in my early twenties, my first job at university, it was such a
natural way to behave and I never considered the true implications of it.
Jerry: So, I’m gonna make a suggestion, which is, rather than using the arising of that
bullying behavior as a reason to attack yourself, use it to notice that you are under
stress, or use it to notice that you are feeling threatened because that is what it is.
It’s a defensive posture and so even though you may exit a meeting and decide to
gossip and attack someone, there is probably some underlying, existential threat
that is getting in the way of you accessing a deeper, more coherent leadership
style, more coherent with the values that you actually have.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: And so when that arises, we’ve often talked about using mindfulness in a
particular way and people mistake mindfulness with a kind of zoning out,
whizzing out, like not being here, when in fact, it’s actually the opposite, it’s
being even more present and being present to the parts of ourselves that we don’t
like. And so when that starts to arise or when you start to notice it within your
colleagues, rather than saying, “That’s bad behavior, it’s counter to our values”
get curious. In fact, at the last bootcamp that we did, we laugh and we developed
a hashtag, #getcurious; get curious, what’s going on, what is that that I am
feeling? Because that impulse to bullying is coming up or I’m watching my
colleagues and oh, they are doing something.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: And maybe the existential threat isn’t so obvious; maybe it isn’t showing up in
that moment, maybe it’s behind the scenes, but as a senior leader, your
opportunity is to say “What is really going on here?” and then to grow from there.
Does this resonate with you?
Henry: Yeah, it does; I am trying to – while you are talking, I’m kind of exploring what is
the deeper, the next level down that I am trying to protect and in CoSchool we do
talk about vulnerability and you know, exposing ourselves to live in moments
when we are not sure what is going on, and I think that is still something for me
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that challenges me and it is quite hard running and being CEO of a startup in a
foreign country, in a foreign language many times, with a team, most of who are
form a different country means that I think there is some fear quite near to the
core of me about shit, I don’t – I’m out of my depth, and it feels like I’m okay
sharing that sometimes and I’m learning when to show that other times. And there
are times when I am maybe unsure about it, in order to defend myself, I’ll heap on
a couple of layers of protection.
Jerry: What’s the big risk that drives the fear? What are you afraid is gonna happen?
Henry: I think the fear is that – well, the ultimate fear is that things go wrong, you know,
and the dream to which we are sacrificing so much and we signed up for,
disintegrates, and I have played a role in the kind of disintegration of that through
not having enough experience, through not being the right person at the right time
and so that is –
Jerry: Right, so the voice of the inner critic starts to be proven correct when you
envision the failing of the enterprise?
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: “Who are you to do this? What do you know? You are a 29-year-old kid, what do
you know?”
Henry: Yeah, and people will pat you on the back and say “Well, you know, you gave it a
go, but really you weren’t the person for the organization.”
Jerry: So go one level deeper; who suffers if CoSchool fails? Yeah, who are you
thinking of right now?
Henry: Well, I think that the – I suffer. I think the team suffers and I – it might sound
cheesy, but I want to say that I think the kids in Columbia that we work with and
that rely on us, or that we might work with one day, that would never have the
opportunity will also suffer. So, it feels like there is a lot at stake. It feels like we
got –
Jerry: Henry, it doesn’t sound cheesy; that’s that UK boarding school voice coming up.
There’s nothing cheesy about putting the future of those children top of mind like
that. That’s not cheesy. My daughter teaches in National, she did go through the
Teach for America program; she is – once a week, we are talking about how
difficult that job is, just being in the classroom. She’s not in a foreign country,
she’s not trying to instill a sense of values and leadership, there’s nothing cheesy
about this.
Henry: Well, it was like we were on to something, we are developing an organization that
makes great impact, creates stories of transformation, that could really do
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something and do something for a lot of people and so I guess as the kind of the
opportunity gets bigger, it feels like that risk gets bigger as well. What if it comes
crashing down? What if this kind of, I don’t know, magnificent building that we
created, what if the foundations aren’t quite solid enough and it goes wrong, and
then who was the person who was the architect and the builder of this? It was me
and that’s – yeah, that was kind of scary to think about, you know –
Jerry: Now, how close are you to the kids in the program? Do you know them?
Henry: Still pretty close. I still lead the occasional group, I visit the projects that we run,
I’m still pretty connected.
Jerry: Does any kid come to mind?
Henry: I think about the – I probably think more about the – some of the kids from the
low incomes that we worked with in these really nice or quirky stories that
emerge of kids that did a program with us, the kid Jackie that did a program with
us and as a result of that won a scholarship to a university in Bogota and thanks to
CoSchool, this crazy idea there are pockets of transformation and people who
CoSchool comes into life for a few weeks, they come out the other end, they see
the world in a different way and then go on and they do something differently.
Jerry: What was Jackie’s life like before CoSchool?
Henry: So, Jackie, one of my team, my partner and friend, Lauda used to teach in
northwest Columbia in a place called Uraba, which is pretty war-torn and lots of
problems with paramilitary and [Inaudible 0:28:12] you want to imagine with
Columbia concentrated in Uraba and Jackie – Lauda taught there and after she
taught here, she worked with CoSchool. She still works with us, she invited Jackie
and a couple of friends to come down and participate in our summer camp as
mentors. And so these three girls came to Bogota for the first time, shoulder to
shoulder with kids from private schools and public schools in Bogota, had a great
time, got an impact, [Inaudible 0:28:39] and Jackie was curious about staying in
Bogota or seeing what options are around there. And Lauda helped to get an
interview with a university and now she won a scholarship to study at a university
at Bogota. And so she’s gone from a part of the country where her future was
probably limited by several factors to a city and a university in Bogota, where
there is a lot more opportunity for her and she can really flourish and fulfill her
potential. So, it’s a nice story about how CoSchool can come into a young
person’s life and help them see the world in a different way, see themselves in a
different way.
Jerry: Who does she remind you of?
Henry: Well, I was actually talking today with my parents in London – last night; I was
talking to my parents about this last night and saying that I think that the more in
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get into CoSchool and the more I see what we are doing in CoSchool, the more I
kind of – I definitely didn’t see it like this when I started out. I mean, it was like,
this is a great idea, I am going to save the world and we’re gonna do a great thing
for Columbia and the kids and the peace process and more and more, and I was
saying this to my parents last night, more and more I think CoSchool is a reaction
to my childhood and the type of experiences that I would have loved to have had
at school. It’s not to say that I had a bad childhood, I really – I was bought up in a
loving environment, and I had great friends, and I enjoyed my time at school,
however, I would have loved to have done a CoSchool program, and I would have
loved to have learnt about empathy, perseverance, creativity, teamwork
leadership; I would have loved to have done a project that change my community
around me and have the chance to really explore myself and really name those
skills and experience that journey of learning about myself when I was at school.
So, it’s hard to get the foreign context and the stories that the kids are different to
mind, but at the core of it something really great about CoSchool, which is that
we work with kids from private schools, from public schools, from rural
communities, from urban communities and we see the same need in all of them.
Jerry: It’s the same need that you had.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: And you know, we were talking about this before, there were recordings about
how one of the powerful things about the podcast is realizing the universality of
so many of these human needs.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: And so what I am hearing is, you are connecting with the fact that as you said to
your parents, in some ways, you’ve created the school that you wanted. So that is
one level of enquiry.
Henry: Yeah, and the interesting this was that it wasn’t – that realization has only started
to happen now recently –
Jerry: Okay, I’m going to do –
Henry: – you could make that connection when I first started.
Jerry: All right, remember what I did to you this summer? I’m gonna do it again.
Henry: Okay.
Jerry: You said to me that you wanted to explore the notion of entrepreneurship as a
journey of self, a journey into self; can you see that you are using CoSchool to do
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that right now? You are actually giving to yourself the very thing that you are
giving to your children, to your students.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: The power of vulnerability, the power of radical self-inquiry, the power of
actually understanding what is really going on.
Henry: Totally, yes.
Jerry: You are living it as you are teaching it.
Henry: Yeah, I just want to see one of the most gratifying and surprising things that
started to happen with CoSchool is the stories from the team and they all ring a
bell with each other because people in the team say, “I have been on a CoSchool
program this year. I am the one who is learning these skills.” My great friend Ed,
who came here from England to join the CoSchool team says, “I probably haven’t
contributed that much to CoSchool business, but for me personally, I’ve learnt so
much about myself and I have been on such a journey of learning.” That is an
amazing thing to hear and it’s an amazing thing to consider myself, and I know
that is the same thing that is happening to me and is happened to me.
Jerry: Yeah, I want to bring your attention to something really important here; in the
Parker Palmer podcast, he makes a joke that he often makes, which is quoting
Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living” and then he goes on to say,
“And if you choose to live an unexamined life, please don’t work with people.”
And so it’s a very funny line. Here’s the power of examining your life. When a
leader doesn’t examine their life and doesn’t create a coherence between the inner
and the outer, the normal human tendency to use our world around us to resolve
our inner conflict continues, but it creates a kind of narcissistically driven
dissonance within the organization.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: And so what happens, we’ve all worked for bosses who kind of – you feel like
you are being used because you are and they don’t even know it. The power of
what you guys are now doing is by connecting to your past, connecting to your
past motivations by seeing a content of CoSchool as not only a journey for those
kids, but a journey for yourselves and embracing that. You take it out of the
shadow and you bring it forward and you say, “Wait, CoSchool isn’t just a bunch
of smart people who are going to teach these benighted children something about
integrity and leadership; CoSchool is a platform for everyone to grow.”
Henry: Yeah, I think one of the words that I am going to love is “limitless.” If you
concentrate on the outer things and the material things that can be tweaked and
changed and adjusted, they are always limits and goals and it’s measurable. The –
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I mean, it’s a challenge that soft skills and these types of skills that we work on
and these journeys are not so measurable, but they are also limitless. As you go
into yourself and you help children discover all those skills, there’s no end to the
possibilities, there is not an end point, it’s an awakening of a self of – the
switching on of a light that continues to give and grow and that is incredibly
exciting to be part of an organization.
Jerry: In a sense, harking back to a very profound Buddhist concept, which is that we
don’t really ever – I mean, we can achieve enlightening, but it is the practice, it’s
the movement towards that awakening that is the most important thing. And I
loved your notion that is “limitless” because it is. There is just an endless realm of
depth and growth and further self-actualization. At Reboot, we often talk about
using work to further the process of becoming more human.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: And so when that happens, our whole relationship with stress and existential
dilemma starts to mitigate because it becomes merely hard work and it doesn’t
become in conflict with me as who I am.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: It enables us to approach every single job, every single work situation as a means
to that further self-exploration self-journey.
Henry: Yeah, and to me, there is a – it’s a movement or a choice towards love, and love
versus fear, the more truly and wholeheartedly you can love who you are and
what you do, the less fear and that little voice of fear that can be damaging and so
loud sometimes, starts to go away. And like you say whatever job or whatever
decision you make or wherever you go, if you continue to live life wholeheartedly
and with love, you should be okay.
Jerry: That was so beautifully said; so, so beautifully said. I think we’ve really hit upon
something here that is really important, which is this, you know, continual
practice of growth and self-actualization.
Henry: Yeah.
Jerry: I wanted to shift a little bit and really talk about – something we were talking
about before in terms of the podcast itself, and that is the – you said that you
found the podcast helpful in this way and I just want to note that your giving back
to the podcast listeners in precisely the way that we enjoy, which is, you know,
for you it’s been an incredible journey at CoSchool, and just sharing that
experience has been a gift to me.
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Henry: Well, thank you; I mean, the podcast and the stories and the characters that I get
to listen to on the podcast is so refreshing to hear that in this kind of confusing
world of entrepreneurship, about series A and series B, and Mark Zuckerberg, and
funding finance and operations team, growth, unicorns, and I mean, a lot of that is
bollocks, I mean, as we say in England, I mean, it really is. It is really the true
heroes and the entrepreneurs really giving all of themselves to their startups to do
meaningful work, and to do it well for the right reasons which is why I love the
use, and they are out there and their voices need to be heard, and we need to share
the journeys that we are on and the experiences that we are having, so that we
know it’s okay not to be one of these kind of, crazy stories up in the stars which is
not realistic and not routed in the day-to-day real life environment of startups.
And so for me it’s hearing these stories and hearing people share their
vulnerability and share their weaknesses and their hopes for their startups is very
easy to connect; very easy to connect with other people who are living
wholehearted lives and being really true and showing up. Yeah, it’s great to hear
stories and to hear a story from Europe and North America and everywhere else
and to know that regardless of industry, age, there is a great sense of union
between us.
Jerry: I could not have said it better. For me – you know, I’ve had some incredible
guests on the show over the year-and-a-half that we have been on and you know,
I’ll confess that my favorite guests are the entrepreneurs, as I said before, the
entrepreneurs that nobody has ever heard of because hearing those stories and
understanding what that experience is, is incredibly valuable. So, Henry, I just
want to thank you for coming on and talking about this journey for you, and it’s
really – as I said before, it’s been a real pleasure and an honor to connect with
you. And I will make sure that Parker knows to listen to this podcast and know
what an influence he’s had with that wonderful, little book.
Henry: Yeah, that’ll be great; thanks so much and keep up the great work.
Jerry: Thank you.
So, that’s it for our conversation today. You know, a lot was covered in this episode from links,
to books, to quotes, to images; so we went ahead and compiled all that, and put it on our site at If you’d like to be a guest on the show, you can find out about that on our site
as well. I’m really grateful that you took the time to listen. If you enjoyed the show and you want
to get all the latest episodes as we release them, head over to iTunes and subscribe and while
you’re there, it would be great if you could leave us a review letting us know how the show
affected you. So, thank you again for listening, and I really look forward to future conversations
“How long till my soul gets it right?
Did any human being ever reach that kind of light?
Page 13 of 13
I call on the resting soul of Galileo,
King of night-vision, King of insight.”
[End of audio 0:43:39]
[End of transcript]

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Reboot Podcast #34 - Self actualization - with Henry May on Reboot Podcast

  • 1. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 1 of 13 “In these kinds of moments of self-enquiry, the impulse can be really strong to tip over into a self-denigration. Let me explain to you, Jerry, what a shit I am. And you are not a shit, you are a human; a complex, multi-variable human.” Welcome to the Reboot podcast. I felt it again; the rush of blood up my face and my stomach just churning. I got up from my computer with my head spinning, spinning up all kinds of stories, scary stories, stories of my insignificance. Wait, all of this was from an email threat on pricing? This was just a few weeks ago and my partners at Reboot had agreed upon a pricing adjustment on a product, something that I had been suggesting for some time. So, I got wanted, right? Why was my stomach churning? What was really going on here? It was certainly not about being right on pricing. So when I really got curious, I saw that it was much deeper for me; something that’s always there for me; a fear and a feeling of not being worthy. It’s really an old fear showing up and reminding me that I am simply not good enough to be heard. But how might this fear, this feeling of being unworthy, how might it be getting in the way of me accessing a deeper, more effective communications style? How am I to be showing up and holding me back from being a better leader, partner, even husband and father? How does it stand in the way of me being my fullest self? “Work is difficulty and drama; a high-stakes game, in which our identity, our self-esteem and our ability to provide are mixed inside us into volatile, sometimes explosive ways.” That’s from David Whyte in his incredible book, ‘Crossing the Unknown Sea’. That volatile and explosive mix is a gift, it presents us a tremendous opportunity to do our own work, our inner work and further develop our own understanding of self. I am Dan Putt, one of the partners here at Reboot, and in our conversation today, Jerry is joined by Henry May, founder and CEO of CoSchool based in Columbia. Henry comes to Jerry with this very issue; how might the journey of entrepreneurship, specifically his own, open up new opportunities for him to grow or said more directly, how might he use his work at CoSchool to do the real work on his humanity? ** Be sure to check out top links, top quotes from Henry and Jerry at Now, here’s a quick word from Ali on our upcoming, Reboot quest. Poet and author Wendell Berry once wrote, “It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.” We designed our Reboot Quest with this in mind. The Quest is a special sort of bootcamp; it’s a trip that will take you to the amazing wilderness of the Canadian Rockies in British Columbia, and support the exploration of the amazing wilderness of your own inner landscapes. Join us this September 4th through the 11th to confront personal and professional questions that won’t go away. Perhaps you are mulling on questions such as what’s next for me. What am I
  • 2. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 2 of 13 really here to do? Who am I if I leave? What if I really lived in my life? Am I fit to lead this company? What do I really want? For more details and to sign up, visit; applications are due by April 15th, 2016. ** “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.” – Carl Jung. ** Jerry Colonna: Hey Henry, it’s good to see you again. Henry May: Great to be here, thanks for having me on Jerry. Jerry: Oh well, thank you for agreeing to come on and I know you are connecting in from the UK right now, and we’ll find out where you actually live on a regular basis, but why don’t you take a moment and introduce yourself? Henry: Yeah, so my name is Henry, Henry May, 29 years old, I went through a program called Teach First which is same as Teach for America, but in the UK, and I ended up moving to Columbia to work for Teach for Columbia and as a result of my experience as working as a teacher, I set up an organization in Columbia called CoSchool two years ago. What we do in CoSchool is, we develop character skills and leadership skills in young people between 10 and 18-years-old through one-day, one-week and longer programs, and we work with kids from the poorest, most vulnerable communities right through to working with kids from the most expensive private schools. So, the last two years I’ve been on a journey in Columbia and it’s been an amazing experience and yeah, great to be here today to share some of that with you hopefully. Jerry: Yeah, and thank you for that, and I want to give a shout out to our mutual friends at Unreasonable Institute; we met this past summer at a talk I gave for the most recent class of the Unreasonable Institute and I know I see you’re wearing your green wristband for Unreasonable Institute; why don’t you tell us a little bit about that and how you got involved with Unreasonable Institute? Henry: So, Unreasonable Institute is a phenomenal organization, and it has been in going for five years or so and what they do is they bring together social entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs tackling the world’s biggest problems from all four corners of the globe and put them together for five weeks, for a residential accelerator in Boulder. And so we were thrilled to be selected and to go along, and the experience was transformational on a personal level first and also for our organization. I mean, we are connected with a fantastic bunch of mentors, connected to the other entrepreneurs, connected to impact investors, really what
  • 3. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 3 of 13 came out more than anything for me and my colleague that came with me was more of a journey of learning about ourselves, and about who we were, and of course that helps us to really get things in focus for CoSchool. So, we are mentally grateful to [Inaudible 0:07:14] and the Unreasonable team. And for anyone interested in an accelerator, it’s a bit different but really delivers, I’d really recommend looking it up. Jerry: I’m sure our friends over there will enjoy that; you know, I’ve been working with them now for a couple of years and I am such a deep admirer of what they are trying to do, and you know, to your point, I think the journey of discovery into self is really powerful journey, and we don’t often think of accelerators as accelerating a deep-dive into who you really are. And you know, as I look, I remember the conversation that we had, that really lead to us having an email relationship, which was during a talk I had given. We started talking about our own past and your own life and some of the connections there and when we talked about you coming on, you mentioned that one of the things that was going to interest you about coming on the show would be really exploring this notion of this discovery into self and this journey into self. Do I have that right? Henry: Yeah, you are exactly right. I think Unreasonable was a kind of, one of several episodes or chapters in the last couple of years that really helped to dig deeper into who I am, and I guess confirmed this kind of haunch that I had that actually being an entrepreneur is not necessarily about accessing capital and financing and all these tools that are around you and getting out into the ecosystem. It’s about going in and finding out what you have got inside and that is what I have started to see in successful entrepreneurs around me. Whether they articulate it or not, they are generally the people who are doing really interesting, meaningful work, are people who are connecting with themselves, and so for CoSchool it’s become very important part of our coach and organization is this journey towards self for all of us as individuals. Jerry: I’m reminded of one of the other things that we had an exchange about and that is Parker Palmer’s book, ‘Let Your Life Speak’ and you are smiling now because I remember a little bit of the story. So, I think at one point, I recommended that you read that – Henry: Yeah. Jerry: – and what was that like for you? Henry: Yeah, it was a fantastic recommendation. I actually – the day that we met in Unreasonable, I was kind of – the session that you led kind of got my head spinning a bit, and I went for a walk down the Boulder creek and I listened to the podcast that you did with Parker Palmer. He talks about taking breaks in white water and trying to run from your shadow and a lot of those ideas really resonated with me. And then reading the book, I think it’s about in the third chapter where
  • 4. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 4 of 13 he talks about the – talks about childhood and about observing his granddaughter I think it is and noticing that when a child is five or six years old, full of innocence, full of enthusiasm, when they are really into something, they are really into and when they really want something, they go for it and they get it. And then bit by bit, when they turn seven, eight, nine, ten-years-old, we start to put on masks and disguises and they go to school and they get friendship groups and bit by bit, that innocent and pure self, in many cases vocation, is lost or trapped deep within. And that really resonated with me in thinking about the kind of journey that I went on through school and resonated a lot with the work that we do working with young people in Columbia as well. So, Parker Palmer’s book, I mean, I kind of like my – I had a coach in Columbia and she is like, “Have you got your Bible with you?” I carry it around with me and I like to have other people to read it too and it’s a great book and it’s been very poignant and useful for me. Jerry: Yeah, I just glanced up at my bookshelf over here because I have my dog-eared, well-worn copy as well, and I have probably read it five or six times over my life. One of the many themes that I think comes out of that book relates back to some of the things that we are talking about, which is Parker’s notion of how the inside of us needs to match the exterior of us; the inner has to match the outer. And that when it’s out of synch and out of alignment, we start to get into trouble not only as leaders where there is a disconnect with how we behave in the world, that those around us sense there is a dissonance what is going on here. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: But we also had, you know, as you have heard me say before in the podcast, whether it’s talking to Tracey Lawrence or even talking to Parker himself, we start to lose access to some very powerful forces within ourselves when we don’t spend the time to actually understand who we are and part of the reason we don’t do that, as you well know, is that it’s painful. I remember, I was up on the stage at Naropa, Naropa University, where we hosted Unreasonable Institute this past summer, and we were talking, and you were staring off because the words were landing for you; weren’t they? I know, I remember when your head started spinning because I had taken you back. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: What had I take you back to? Henry: Well, we started to think about how some of our behaviors, now as leaders and entrepreneurs, are in fact connected to things that might have happened in the past and quite a long time ago, and I started to connect a lot with experiences of when I was at school and when I had been you know, 12-13-year old boy and those were things I hadn’t really accessed or really considered for a long time, and things that I also didn’t consider as particularly important. But during – yes, and
  • 5. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 5 of 13 my head started to spin as you said, and I started to kind of access it and think a little bit about the way that I behave in my organization at times, seems to be a reflection of things that were challenging for me back then and therefore habits that I learnt to deal with, with those things, and yes, so that was kind of a short moment of self-enquiry. Jerry: So, let’s take note of Parker’s observation that when we are about six, seven, eight, we start to really create these masks and we start to behave in a way that we think the world wants us to behave in order to get a sense of safety, a sense of love, a sense of belonging, and then for some of us, the world becomes a hostile place and it becomes actively hostile, not passively hostile; not subtle messages of conformity, but active messages of you are not right with the world. And if I may, you used the word ‘bully’ and your experience at a boarding school and really being tortured – is tortured too strong a word? Henry: Tortured might be too strong, but I think it’s hard to really go back to that age; you learn so quickly to put up these defense mechanisms and to put on a mask to be a person that is not going to get bullied. In my case, that involved – I mean, I was a bully as much as I was bullied by other kids. I bullied and I became – I used an ability to be quick-witted and be sharp-tongued to protect myself. And so I think deep down, there might be some torture going on and some hard things going on, but the idea is, you learn to ignore that to be strong, to not be vulnerable, not been weak and rise to the top of whatever social circle you are in. In my case, that was kind of how it was. You either, you were tough, or you were bullied. Jerry: Kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. Give as good as you get. And it starts to shape us, this kind of behavior, this kind of experience and how did it – or how does it, because I don’t know if we ever fully outrun those shadows, how does it show up when you say your instinctive leadership impulse is? Henry: Well, I think it becomes a kind of a second nature and a defense mechanism, and I guess the ability to get people to gang up on other people is something that is a part of the bully’s arsenal. I think that’s something that I noticed; my leadership at CoSchool is sometimes going easy after a difficult business meeting or when someone has made a mistake to talk to a couple of colleagues behind their back and a quick joke, a quick wit, a little – can be so easy and so cheap, I can feel like a win in the short term, but it is incredibly damaging and you build it – and I mean, I run the risk and we run the risk of building an organization that isn’t based on transparency and honesty and showing up perhaps an occasional sniping and bad-mouthing. And it’s something I feel, we are not that type of organization in CoSchool, but I felt myself and if I look back over the last years, yeah, I can see moments when I behaved in a way that was just a reaction to me feeling defensive perhaps, and wanting to attack others.
  • 6. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 6 of 13 Jerry: Yeah, I want to bring your attention to that because in these kinds of moments of self-enquiry, the impulse can be really strong to tip over into the self-denigration. “Let me explain to you, Jerry, what a shit I am.” And you are not a shit, you are a human; a complex, multi-variable human. And so you just made a really important observation which was, in those moments of stress and duress, that aspect of your character can come out; isn’t that true? Henry: Yeah, that is true and that still is something I compete with and I guess I have been figuring out tools and ways to deal with that stopping and breathing, being more grateful, looking for the positive, changing language, but that still is something that was second nature to me for so long and something I didn’t realize, I think, even in my early twenties, my first job at university, it was such a natural way to behave and I never considered the true implications of it. Jerry: So, I’m gonna make a suggestion, which is, rather than using the arising of that bullying behavior as a reason to attack yourself, use it to notice that you are under stress, or use it to notice that you are feeling threatened because that is what it is. It’s a defensive posture and so even though you may exit a meeting and decide to gossip and attack someone, there is probably some underlying, existential threat that is getting in the way of you accessing a deeper, more coherent leadership style, more coherent with the values that you actually have. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: And so when that arises, we’ve often talked about using mindfulness in a particular way and people mistake mindfulness with a kind of zoning out, whizzing out, like not being here, when in fact, it’s actually the opposite, it’s being even more present and being present to the parts of ourselves that we don’t like. And so when that starts to arise or when you start to notice it within your colleagues, rather than saying, “That’s bad behavior, it’s counter to our values” get curious. In fact, at the last bootcamp that we did, we laugh and we developed a hashtag, #getcurious; get curious, what’s going on, what is that that I am feeling? Because that impulse to bullying is coming up or I’m watching my colleagues and oh, they are doing something. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: And maybe the existential threat isn’t so obvious; maybe it isn’t showing up in that moment, maybe it’s behind the scenes, but as a senior leader, your opportunity is to say “What is really going on here?” and then to grow from there. Does this resonate with you? Henry: Yeah, it does; I am trying to – while you are talking, I’m kind of exploring what is the deeper, the next level down that I am trying to protect and in CoSchool we do talk about vulnerability and you know, exposing ourselves to live in moments when we are not sure what is going on, and I think that is still something for me
  • 7. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 7 of 13 that challenges me and it is quite hard running and being CEO of a startup in a foreign country, in a foreign language many times, with a team, most of who are form a different country means that I think there is some fear quite near to the core of me about shit, I don’t – I’m out of my depth, and it feels like I’m okay sharing that sometimes and I’m learning when to show that other times. And there are times when I am maybe unsure about it, in order to defend myself, I’ll heap on a couple of layers of protection. Jerry: What’s the big risk that drives the fear? What are you afraid is gonna happen? Henry: I think the fear is that – well, the ultimate fear is that things go wrong, you know, and the dream to which we are sacrificing so much and we signed up for, disintegrates, and I have played a role in the kind of disintegration of that through not having enough experience, through not being the right person at the right time and so that is – Jerry: Right, so the voice of the inner critic starts to be proven correct when you envision the failing of the enterprise? Henry: Yeah. Jerry: “Who are you to do this? What do you know? You are a 29-year-old kid, what do you know?” Henry: Yeah, and people will pat you on the back and say “Well, you know, you gave it a go, but really you weren’t the person for the organization.” Jerry: So go one level deeper; who suffers if CoSchool fails? Yeah, who are you thinking of right now? Henry: Well, I think that the – I suffer. I think the team suffers and I – it might sound cheesy, but I want to say that I think the kids in Columbia that we work with and that rely on us, or that we might work with one day, that would never have the opportunity will also suffer. So, it feels like there is a lot at stake. It feels like we got – Jerry: Henry, it doesn’t sound cheesy; that’s that UK boarding school voice coming up. There’s nothing cheesy about putting the future of those children top of mind like that. That’s not cheesy. My daughter teaches in National, she did go through the Teach for America program; she is – once a week, we are talking about how difficult that job is, just being in the classroom. She’s not in a foreign country, she’s not trying to instill a sense of values and leadership, there’s nothing cheesy about this. Henry: Well, it was like we were on to something, we are developing an organization that makes great impact, creates stories of transformation, that could really do
  • 8. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 8 of 13 something and do something for a lot of people and so I guess as the kind of the opportunity gets bigger, it feels like that risk gets bigger as well. What if it comes crashing down? What if this kind of, I don’t know, magnificent building that we created, what if the foundations aren’t quite solid enough and it goes wrong, and then who was the person who was the architect and the builder of this? It was me and that’s – yeah, that was kind of scary to think about, you know – Jerry: Now, how close are you to the kids in the program? Do you know them? Henry: Still pretty close. I still lead the occasional group, I visit the projects that we run, I’m still pretty connected. Jerry: Does any kid come to mind? Henry: I think about the – I probably think more about the – some of the kids from the low incomes that we worked with in these really nice or quirky stories that emerge of kids that did a program with us, the kid Jackie that did a program with us and as a result of that won a scholarship to a university in Bogota and thanks to CoSchool, this crazy idea there are pockets of transformation and people who CoSchool comes into life for a few weeks, they come out the other end, they see the world in a different way and then go on and they do something differently. Jerry: What was Jackie’s life like before CoSchool? Henry: So, Jackie, one of my team, my partner and friend, Lauda used to teach in northwest Columbia in a place called Uraba, which is pretty war-torn and lots of problems with paramilitary and [Inaudible 0:28:12] you want to imagine with Columbia concentrated in Uraba and Jackie – Lauda taught there and after she taught here, she worked with CoSchool. She still works with us, she invited Jackie and a couple of friends to come down and participate in our summer camp as mentors. And so these three girls came to Bogota for the first time, shoulder to shoulder with kids from private schools and public schools in Bogota, had a great time, got an impact, [Inaudible 0:28:39] and Jackie was curious about staying in Bogota or seeing what options are around there. And Lauda helped to get an interview with a university and now she won a scholarship to study at a university at Bogota. And so she’s gone from a part of the country where her future was probably limited by several factors to a city and a university in Bogota, where there is a lot more opportunity for her and she can really flourish and fulfill her potential. So, it’s a nice story about how CoSchool can come into a young person’s life and help them see the world in a different way, see themselves in a different way. Jerry: Who does she remind you of? Henry: Well, I was actually talking today with my parents in London – last night; I was talking to my parents about this last night and saying that I think that the more in
  • 9. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 9 of 13 get into CoSchool and the more I see what we are doing in CoSchool, the more I kind of – I definitely didn’t see it like this when I started out. I mean, it was like, this is a great idea, I am going to save the world and we’re gonna do a great thing for Columbia and the kids and the peace process and more and more, and I was saying this to my parents last night, more and more I think CoSchool is a reaction to my childhood and the type of experiences that I would have loved to have had at school. It’s not to say that I had a bad childhood, I really – I was bought up in a loving environment, and I had great friends, and I enjoyed my time at school, however, I would have loved to have done a CoSchool program, and I would have loved to have learnt about empathy, perseverance, creativity, teamwork leadership; I would have loved to have done a project that change my community around me and have the chance to really explore myself and really name those skills and experience that journey of learning about myself when I was at school. So, it’s hard to get the foreign context and the stories that the kids are different to mind, but at the core of it something really great about CoSchool, which is that we work with kids from private schools, from public schools, from rural communities, from urban communities and we see the same need in all of them. Jerry: It’s the same need that you had. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: And you know, we were talking about this before, there were recordings about how one of the powerful things about the podcast is realizing the universality of so many of these human needs. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: And so what I am hearing is, you are connecting with the fact that as you said to your parents, in some ways, you’ve created the school that you wanted. So that is one level of enquiry. Henry: Yeah, and the interesting this was that it wasn’t – that realization has only started to happen now recently – Jerry: Okay, I’m going to do – Henry: – you could make that connection when I first started. Jerry: All right, remember what I did to you this summer? I’m gonna do it again. Henry: Okay. Jerry: You said to me that you wanted to explore the notion of entrepreneurship as a journey of self, a journey into self; can you see that you are using CoSchool to do
  • 10. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 10 of 13 that right now? You are actually giving to yourself the very thing that you are giving to your children, to your students. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: The power of vulnerability, the power of radical self-inquiry, the power of actually understanding what is really going on. Henry: Totally, yes. Jerry: You are living it as you are teaching it. Henry: Yeah, I just want to see one of the most gratifying and surprising things that started to happen with CoSchool is the stories from the team and they all ring a bell with each other because people in the team say, “I have been on a CoSchool program this year. I am the one who is learning these skills.” My great friend Ed, who came here from England to join the CoSchool team says, “I probably haven’t contributed that much to CoSchool business, but for me personally, I’ve learnt so much about myself and I have been on such a journey of learning.” That is an amazing thing to hear and it’s an amazing thing to consider myself, and I know that is the same thing that is happening to me and is happened to me. Jerry: Yeah, I want to bring your attention to something really important here; in the Parker Palmer podcast, he makes a joke that he often makes, which is quoting Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living” and then he goes on to say, “And if you choose to live an unexamined life, please don’t work with people.” And so it’s a very funny line. Here’s the power of examining your life. When a leader doesn’t examine their life and doesn’t create a coherence between the inner and the outer, the normal human tendency to use our world around us to resolve our inner conflict continues, but it creates a kind of narcissistically driven dissonance within the organization. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: And so what happens, we’ve all worked for bosses who kind of – you feel like you are being used because you are and they don’t even know it. The power of what you guys are now doing is by connecting to your past, connecting to your past motivations by seeing a content of CoSchool as not only a journey for those kids, but a journey for yourselves and embracing that. You take it out of the shadow and you bring it forward and you say, “Wait, CoSchool isn’t just a bunch of smart people who are going to teach these benighted children something about integrity and leadership; CoSchool is a platform for everyone to grow.” Henry: Yeah, I think one of the words that I am going to love is “limitless.” If you concentrate on the outer things and the material things that can be tweaked and changed and adjusted, they are always limits and goals and it’s measurable. The –
  • 11. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 11 of 13 I mean, it’s a challenge that soft skills and these types of skills that we work on and these journeys are not so measurable, but they are also limitless. As you go into yourself and you help children discover all those skills, there’s no end to the possibilities, there is not an end point, it’s an awakening of a self of – the switching on of a light that continues to give and grow and that is incredibly exciting to be part of an organization. Jerry: In a sense, harking back to a very profound Buddhist concept, which is that we don’t really ever – I mean, we can achieve enlightening, but it is the practice, it’s the movement towards that awakening that is the most important thing. And I loved your notion that is “limitless” because it is. There is just an endless realm of depth and growth and further self-actualization. At Reboot, we often talk about using work to further the process of becoming more human. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: And so when that happens, our whole relationship with stress and existential dilemma starts to mitigate because it becomes merely hard work and it doesn’t become in conflict with me as who I am. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: It enables us to approach every single job, every single work situation as a means to that further self-exploration self-journey. Henry: Yeah, and to me, there is a – it’s a movement or a choice towards love, and love versus fear, the more truly and wholeheartedly you can love who you are and what you do, the less fear and that little voice of fear that can be damaging and so loud sometimes, starts to go away. And like you say whatever job or whatever decision you make or wherever you go, if you continue to live life wholeheartedly and with love, you should be okay. Jerry: That was so beautifully said; so, so beautifully said. I think we’ve really hit upon something here that is really important, which is this, you know, continual practice of growth and self-actualization. Henry: Yeah. Jerry: I wanted to shift a little bit and really talk about – something we were talking about before in terms of the podcast itself, and that is the – you said that you found the podcast helpful in this way and I just want to note that your giving back to the podcast listeners in precisely the way that we enjoy, which is, you know, for you it’s been an incredible journey at CoSchool, and just sharing that experience has been a gift to me.
  • 12. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 12 of 13 Henry: Well, thank you; I mean, the podcast and the stories and the characters that I get to listen to on the podcast is so refreshing to hear that in this kind of confusing world of entrepreneurship, about series A and series B, and Mark Zuckerberg, and funding finance and operations team, growth, unicorns, and I mean, a lot of that is bollocks, I mean, as we say in England, I mean, it really is. It is really the true heroes and the entrepreneurs really giving all of themselves to their startups to do meaningful work, and to do it well for the right reasons which is why I love the use, and they are out there and their voices need to be heard, and we need to share the journeys that we are on and the experiences that we are having, so that we know it’s okay not to be one of these kind of, crazy stories up in the stars which is not realistic and not routed in the day-to-day real life environment of startups. And so for me it’s hearing these stories and hearing people share their vulnerability and share their weaknesses and their hopes for their startups is very easy to connect; very easy to connect with other people who are living wholehearted lives and being really true and showing up. Yeah, it’s great to hear stories and to hear a story from Europe and North America and everywhere else and to know that regardless of industry, age, there is a great sense of union between us. Jerry: I could not have said it better. For me – you know, I’ve had some incredible guests on the show over the year-and-a-half that we have been on and you know, I’ll confess that my favorite guests are the entrepreneurs, as I said before, the entrepreneurs that nobody has ever heard of because hearing those stories and understanding what that experience is, is incredibly valuable. So, Henry, I just want to thank you for coming on and talking about this journey for you, and it’s really – as I said before, it’s been a real pleasure and an honor to connect with you. And I will make sure that Parker knows to listen to this podcast and know what an influence he’s had with that wonderful, little book. Henry: Yeah, that’ll be great; thanks so much and keep up the great work. Jerry: Thank you. ** So, that’s it for our conversation today. You know, a lot was covered in this episode from links, to books, to quotes, to images; so we went ahead and compiled all that, and put it on our site at If you’d like to be a guest on the show, you can find out about that on our site as well. I’m really grateful that you took the time to listen. If you enjoyed the show and you want to get all the latest episodes as we release them, head over to iTunes and subscribe and while you’re there, it would be great if you could leave us a review letting us know how the show affected you. So, thank you again for listening, and I really look forward to future conversations together. [Singing] “How long till my soul gets it right? Did any human being ever reach that kind of light?
  • 13. Reboot034_Self_Actualization_Limitless Page 13 of 13 I call on the resting soul of Galileo, King of night-vision, King of insight.” [End of audio 0:43:39] [End of transcript]