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higher education education game studies games college video games philosophy ethics learning rhetoric game design game-based learning presentation theory teaching game based learning writing university metagame book club pedagogy videogame conference video lecture design composition gamification game narratology gbl technology rhetoric studies digital games mooc research english composition moral philosophy sherry jones interactive fiction history iste play procedural rhetoric youtube oer live webcast future bitcoin blockchain technology open educational resources psychology problems elcc interactive story theories international society for technology in education paratext methods elearning consortium of colorado ludology normative ethics intellectual property ip keynote game design and psychology narrative design gerard genette if gamified learning moral dilemma academic ideology critical theory metagame counterfactual history gaming cultural studies sartre ux colleges and universities rhetorical analysis social media teaching resources gmooc open education morality ai thought experiment white terror 1960s taiwan confucian ethics confucius detention indie game nuclear fallout eugenics altruism fallout shelter egoism invited talk coltt decentralization future of design activism future of education cryptocurrency panel academic writing game development story storytelling twine game research epistemic game design logic structuralism ludwig wittgenstein cyoa holistic gamified learning framework argumentation tools epistemic games artificial intelligence louis althusser gamergate critical studies jacques lacan friedrich nietzsche book club politics bioshock videogames narrative digital humanities literature johan huizinga educators media studies virtual reality online education augmented reality wittgenstein determinism existentialism ux design interface studies controversies twitter online writing video game connectivism rgmooc curation digital portfolio methods and theories webcast creative commons portfolio workshop collaboration chinese philosophy chinese relationships social control mass surveillance martial law confucian philosophy proposal publication trustless layer trustless distributed databases academic publishing publishing demonstration 2020 rhetorical situation lloyd bitzer conditions culture refutation relativism cultural relativism future of technology quantified self self trackers bots art 2019 slideshare ekphrasis personas chatbots chatbot iste expert webinar series design thinking honor institute ptk phi theta kappa consciousness mind vs. body distinction mind vs. body singularity cybernetic augmentation cyberpunk biohacking body augmentation humean personal identity theory personal identity theory david hume animalism observer colorado learning and teaching with technology white terror era 2018 ethics and games jean paul sartre rpg to the moon subjectivity and reality unreliable narrator fantasy vs. reality monism spinoza's monism spinoza's god spinoza baruch spinoza the vanishing of ethan carter atomic age authoritarianism plutocracy capitalism nuclear war mccarthyism butterfly effect chaos theory eternal recurrence episodic adventure life is strange life extension extended lifespan egyptian mythology greek mythology free will posthumanism transhumanism first person puzzle the talos principle fallout series the perennial plate countable buycott we the people digital citizenship raising awareness mobile apps silent protest social activism come together candle rally intelligence squared amnesty international mobile digital citizen apps echolocation games inclusion diversity empathy games refugee crisis university of colorado refugee tolerance immigration race choose your own adventure interdisciplines multidisciplinary book interdisciplinary multidisciplines interdisciplinary studies alternate story 1984 george orwell escape room game intentional play summit mixed reality orwell escape room utilitarianism curriculum design wechat slack roles roleplaying perspective miitomo twitch curriculum twinery roleplay gaming history decentralisation sha 256 vunk huntercoin peerplay big data encryption security freemyvunk future of game design open data the canon problem educational policy solutions theater of the oppressed iste 2016 game industry machinima participatory culture digital culture keynote presentation lets play cryptocurrencies 2016 english cccc permanence educational records writer novlr creative writing writers studio literacy github web2.0 creative cu boulder immanuel kant humanities graduate player representation proteus effect character design maslow's hierarchy of needs avatars immersive fallacy psychology of immersion slides spatial presence presence psychology of presence psychology of emotions ross moreno fourth axis games 4th axis games prototype immersion k-12 card game toulmin theory educational games rogerian theory epistemic game massively multiplayer online role playing game the perspective game massively multiplayer online gettheissues inevitable betrayal guild learners pracademics gaming pracademics the metagame book club learning games toulmin rogerian civic engagement aristotelian student led critical thinking learner centered national writing project educator innovator semiotics ludification pointsification playification elearning russian formalism vladimir propp narrative architecture roland barthes discourse text adventure parser based games webinar academic impressions argument mindmap mindmup coggle debategraph serious games the sims 2 spore fallout 3 jeremy bentham halo bertrand russell hannah arendt on revolution controversy identity politics feminist studies gender studies jean-paul sartre rigor self analysis molleindustria socio-political wii platform studies genre genre studies alternate history reality counterfactualism historical studies henry jenkins janet h. murray jesper juul miguel sicart espen aarseth debate transmedia paratextual steven e. jones genette stanley parable nietzsche derrida study magic circle homo ludens definition simulation the magic circle discussion moocs massive online open course marshall mcluhan game interface play ux design hegemony ethos pathos logos spoc online writing instruction online writing course ui language purpose context audience issues analysis tweets kairos methods and techniques education and training project based learning digital backpack brand you authentic learning brand wallwisher multimodal d2l lms whiteboard vimeo training videos desire2learn forum public domain open content open source open access dwp visual analysis multimodal text reader response textual analysis denver writing project file sharing file organization sharing peer editing peer revision google docs google drive
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