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Java course - IAG0040

              Java Beans,
             Applets & GUI

Anton Keks                           2011
Java Beans
 ●   JavaBeans is a component technology (like CORBA, ActiveX, etc)
      –   JavaBeans API allows creation of reusable, self-contained, cross-
          platform components.
      –   Java components are called “beans”
      –   Beans can be used in Applets, applications, or other Beans.
      –   Beans are usually UI components, but it is not a requirement
     There are many JavaBeans-compatible visual tools
 ●   Formerly, there was the BDK (Bean Development Kit), which
     contained BeanBox. Now it is superseded by BeanBuilder.
 ●   Nowadays, the concept of “beans” is used also outside of JavaBeans
     (not using java.beans API), e.g. in many server-side frameworks.
     Sometimes these beans are called POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects)
Java course – IAG0040                                              Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                             Slide 2
Bean basics
 ●   Beans can expose their
      –   properties, which can be modified at design time
      –   actions (methods to do something)
      –   events
 ●   java.beans.Introspector analyses Java Bean classes
      –   Generally automatically using Reflection API
      –   Or using the provided BeanInfo implementation (optional)
               it must be named XyzBeanInfo for bean named Xyz
 ●   Introspector.getBeanInfo(Xyz.class) will return a
     BeanInfo instance, describing the Xyz bean

Java course – IAG0040                                        Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                       Slide 3
How to make a Bean?
 ●   A Java bean is a Java class that
      –   follows certain rules (conventions, design patterns), which
          enable dynamic discovery of its features
      –   is Serializable (not strictly enforced)
      –   has a default constructor (parameter-less)
      –   can extend any class (no restrictions), but usually they extend
          some GUI container classes
      –   has properties defined by corresponding getters and setters
          (getXxx(), isXxx() and setXxx() public methods, where xxx is the
          property name)
      –   has public void action methods
                        ●   methods can throw any exceptions

Java course – IAG0040                                              Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                             Slide 4
More features
     Bean properties can have PropertyEditors assigned
     More complex editing is possible using the Customizer
     interface (it can customize the whole bean at once)
 ●   Aside from properties, Beans can have events
      –   event listeners must implement an interface (e.g.
      –   Bean must provide two methods: addXXX() and removeXXX()
           ●   addActionListener(ActionListener listener)
           ●   removeActionListener(ActionListener listener)
      –   The interface must define a method, taking the event object
           ●   actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

Java course – IAG0040                                            Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                           Slide 5
     Every bean is Serializable, hence can be easily
     –   using ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream
     Long-term bean-specific serialization to XML is
     also possible
     –   using XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder
     –   these enforce Java bean convention very strictly
     –   smart enough to persist only required (restorable)
         properties, i.e. read-write properties with non-
         default values
Java course – IAG0040                                Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                               Slide 6
Warning: Java Beans ≠ EJB
     EJB are Enterprise Java Beans
 ●   EJB are part of Java EE (Enterprise Edition)
 ●   EJB and JavaBeans have very few in common
 ●   EJB = bad thing (heavy-weight)
     –   at least before EJB 3.0
     –   even EJB architects at Sun agree on that now
     Don't confuse yourself

Java course – IAG0040                               Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                              Slide 7
Bean task
 1. Write a simple CommentBean
       with String property comment
 2. Try using the Introspector on it
 3. Make it a GUI bean by extending java.awt.Canvas
 4. Make it display text: override the paint() method, use
 5. Make the comment text scroll from right to left by using a Timer or
    a manually written Thread
 6. Tip: run it temporarily with this code in the main() method
    Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.add(new CommentBean());
    frame.setSize(w, h); frame.setVisible(true);

Java course – IAG0040                                         Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                        Slide 8
Java GUI toolkits
     Most Java GUI toolkits are cross-platform, as Java itself
     The most popular ones are
      –   AWT (Abstract Widgets Toolkit), java.awt – the first GUI toolkit for
          Java, the most basic one, sometimes may look ugly.
           ●   The principle of LCD (least common denominator)
      –   JFC Swing, javax.swing – pure Java, supports pluggable look-and-
          feels, more widgets, more powerful.
               Included in JRE distribution
      –   SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit), org.eclipse.swt – developed for
          Eclipse, can be used stand-alone.
           ●   Provides native look-and-feel on every platform.
           ●   Implemented as thin layer on native libraries for many platforms
    Java course – IAG0040                                             Lecture 14
    Anton Keks                                                            Slide 9
Java 1.6 desktop additions
 ●   Cross-platform system tray support
      –   SystemTray.getSystemTray();
      –   tray.add(new TrayIcon(img, “Hello”));
     Cross-platform java.awt.Desktop API
      –   Desktop.getDesktop();
      –   desktop.browse() - opens a web browser
      –   desktop.mail() - opens a mail client
      –   open(), edit(), print() - for arbitrary documents
      –   all this uses file/URL associations in the OS
 ●   These may not be supported on each platform
      –   use isSupported() methods to check
Java course – IAG0040                                         Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                      Slide 10
Java Applets
 ●   Applets were the killer-app for Java
 ●   In short, Applets are GUI Java applications, embedded in HTML
     pages, and distributed over the Internet
     Convenient to deploy centrally, convenient to run
     Built-in security
     Nowadays not as popular, because of Servlets, AJAX, Flash,
     and aggressiveness of Microsoft (Java is no longer shipped with
     Windows by default)
     Applets are created by extending one of these classes:
      –   java.applet.Applet – older, AWT-based API
      –   javax.swing.JApplet – newer, Swing-based API (extends Applet itself)

Java course – IAG0040                                                  Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                               Slide 11
Applet API
●    The applet API lets you take advantage of the close relationship
     that applets have with Web browsers. See both Applet and
     AppletContext (obtainable with getAppletContext())
●    Applets can use these APIs to do the following:
      –   Be notified by the browser of state changes: start(), stop(), destroy()
      –   Load data files specified relative to the URL of the applet or the page in
          which it is running: getCodeBase(), getDocumentBase(), getImage()
      –   Display short status strings: showStatus()
      –   Make the browser display a document: showDocument()
      –   Find other applets running in the same page: getApplets()
      –   Play sounds: getAudioClip(), play()
      –   Get parameters specified by the user in the <APPLET> tag:
          getParameter(), getParameterInfo()
    Java course – IAG0040                                                   Lecture 14
    Anton Keks                                                                Slide 12
Applets and Security
 ●   The goal is to make browser users feel safe
 ●   SecurityManager is checking for security violations
 ●   SecurityException (unchecked) is thrown if something is not allowed
 ●   In general, the following is forbidden:
      –   no reading/writing files on local host
      –   network connections only to the originating host
      –   no starting of programs, no loading of libraries
      –   all separate applet windows are identified with a warning message
      –   some system properties are hidden
     Trusted Applets can be allowed to do otherwise forbidden things
      –   They are digitally signed applets, which can ask user if he/she allows
          to do something. See the keytool program in JDK.
Java course – IAG0040                                                    Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                                 Slide 13
Deployment of Applets
 ●   The special <applet> HTML tag is used
     –   <applet code=”MyApplet.class” width=”10” height=”10”>
            <param name=”myparam” value=”avalue”/>

     –   Additional attributes:
          ●   codebase – defines either relative of absolute URL where class files
              are located
          ●   archive – can specify jar file(s), where to load classes and other
              files from

Java course – IAG0040                                                     Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                                  Slide 14
Applet task
 ●   Create CommentApplet
 ●   Use CommentBean there
 ●   Use Applet parameters for customization of
     background color and comment
 ●   Create an text field and use it for changing the
     comment String at runtime
 ●   Display the java-logo.gif within the Applet by using
     getImage(getCodeBase(), “filename”) and
     g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this)
 ●   Deploy applet and view using a web browser
Java course – IAG0040                                   Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                Slide 15
     JFC = Java Foundation Classes
     –   Swing GUI Components
     –   Pluggable look-and-feel support
     –   Accessibility API
     –   Java2D API
     –   Drag-and-drop support
     –   Internationalization
     JFC/Swing currently is the most popular GUI toolkit
Java course – IAG0040                               Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                            Slide 16
Hello, Swing!
●    public class HelloSwing {
        private static void createAndShowGUI() {
           JFrame frame = new JFrame("HelloSwing");
           JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello, Swing!");
        public static void main(String[] args) {
           SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
     } }

    Java course – IAG0040                               Lecture 14
    Anton Keks                                            Slide 17
Swing concepts
     Containers contain other components
      –   Top-level (JApplet, JDialog, JFrame), they have contentPane
          (e.g. JPanel) and optional JMenuBar
      –   General-purpose (JPanel, JScrollPane, JSplitPane, JTabbedPane,
          JToolBar, etc)
      –   containers provide add() methods
 ●   Layouts control positions of child components
 ●   Most noncontainer components have optional Model interfaces (e.g.
     ButtonModel), which can store their state (think of MVC pattern)
     The overall design follows JavaBeans conventions, including the
     event handling mechanism

Java course – IAG0040                                           Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                        Slide 18
Swing & Concurrency
 ●   Most of the API is not thread-safe
      –   Thread-safe parts are documented so
     Swing and AWT use their own event dispatch thread
      –   most interactions with GUI components should happen
      –   SwingUtilities class provides invokeLater() and
      –   event handling code must be as short as possible
     Longer running code must be in separate threads
      –   this allows GUI to always stay responsive, avoids freezing
      –   Java 1.6 introduced SwingWorker to simplify this
Java course – IAG0040                                          Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                       Slide 19
Swing Tips
     JOptionPane provides various simple dialog boxes
      –   showMessageDialog – shows a message box with an OK button
      –   showConfirmDialog – shows a confirmation dialog with Yes,
          No, Cancel, etc buttons
      –   showInputDialog – shows a dialog for entering text
 ●   Look-and-feel is controlled by the UIManager
      –   UIManager.setLookAndFeel(“”
             + “motif.MotifLookAndFeel");
      –   UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.
      –   UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.

Java course – IAG0040                                          Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                       Slide 20
     SWT == Standard Widget Toolkit
 ●   Fast, portable, native (uses native “themes”)
     Implemented in Java using native Java adapters
     API is a bit less flexible than Swing, not 100% JavaBean-compatible
 ●   UI access is strictly single-threaded
     Not included in standard distribution, must be deployed manually

Java course – IAG0040                                         Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                      Slide 21
Hello, SWT!
 ●   public class HelloSWT {
        public static void main (String[] args) {
           Display display = new Display();
           Shell shell = new Shell(display);
           Label label = new Label(shell, SWT.BORDER);
           label.setText(“Hello, SWT!”);
           while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
              if (!display.readAndDispatch())
           display.dispose ();

Java course – IAG0040                                    Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                 Slide 22
SWT concepts
     Containers contain other components
      –   Top-level container is Shell, which is a Composite
      –   Widget constructors take parent Composite as a parameter. No
          relocations or multiple parents.
      –   All widgets take style bits in constructors, which can be
          Button btn = new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH | SWT.BORDER);
 ●   Display class provides the environment
 ●   Layouts control positions of child components, each control can have its
     LayoutData assigned
 ●   Not all API conforms to the JavaBeans conventions; event handling
     mechanism is pretty standard
 ●   All widgets must be manually dispose()d! Parent disposes its children.

Java course – IAG0040                                                  Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                               Slide 23
SWT & Concurrency
     The Thread that creates the display becomes
     the user-interface Thread (aka event-
     dispatching thread)
     –   other threads cannot access UI components
     –   Display provides methods to ease this task
          ●   asyncExec, syncExec, timerExec – they all execute
              provided Runnable implementation in the UI thread
 ●   Event loop must be executed manually
     –   Display.readAndDispatch() in a loop
              processes events on native OS's queue
Java course – IAG0040                                    Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                                 Slide 24
GUI task
 ●   Write a simple CalculatorApplication
     using either Swing or SWT
 ●   It must have number buttons from 0 to 9, +, -, *,
     /, =, and Clear. Label must be used for
     displaying the current number or the result.
 ●   Note: IDEA's Frame Editor can help :-)

Java course – IAG0040                           Lecture 14
Anton Keks                                        Slide 25

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Java Course 14: Beans, Applets, GUI

  • 1. Java course - IAG0040 Java Beans, Applets & GUI Anton Keks 2011
  • 2. Java Beans ● JavaBeans is a component technology (like CORBA, ActiveX, etc) – JavaBeans API allows creation of reusable, self-contained, cross- platform components. – Java components are called “beans” – Beans can be used in Applets, applications, or other Beans. – Beans are usually UI components, but it is not a requirement ● There are many JavaBeans-compatible visual tools ● Formerly, there was the BDK (Bean Development Kit), which contained BeanBox. Now it is superseded by BeanBuilder. ● Nowadays, the concept of “beans” is used also outside of JavaBeans (not using java.beans API), e.g. in many server-side frameworks. Sometimes these beans are called POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 2
  • 3. Bean basics ● Beans can expose their – properties, which can be modified at design time – actions (methods to do something) – events ● java.beans.Introspector analyses Java Bean classes – Generally automatically using Reflection API – Or using the provided BeanInfo implementation (optional) ● it must be named XyzBeanInfo for bean named Xyz ● Introspector.getBeanInfo(Xyz.class) will return a BeanInfo instance, describing the Xyz bean Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 3
  • 4. How to make a Bean? ● A Java bean is a Java class that – follows certain rules (conventions, design patterns), which enable dynamic discovery of its features – is Serializable (not strictly enforced) – has a default constructor (parameter-less) – can extend any class (no restrictions), but usually they extend some GUI container classes – has properties defined by corresponding getters and setters (getXxx(), isXxx() and setXxx() public methods, where xxx is the property name) – has public void action methods ● methods can throw any exceptions Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 4
  • 5. More features ● Bean properties can have PropertyEditors assigned ● More complex editing is possible using the Customizer interface (it can customize the whole bean at once) ● Aside from properties, Beans can have events – event listeners must implement an interface (e.g. ActionListener) – Bean must provide two methods: addXXX() and removeXXX() ● addActionListener(ActionListener listener) ● removeActionListener(ActionListener listener) – The interface must define a method, taking the event object ● actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 5
  • 6. Persistence ● Every bean is Serializable, hence can be easily serialized/deserialized – using ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream ● Long-term bean-specific serialization to XML is also possible – using XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder – these enforce Java bean convention very strictly – smart enough to persist only required (restorable) properties, i.e. read-write properties with non- default values Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 6
  • 7. Warning: Java Beans ≠ EJB ● EJB are Enterprise Java Beans ● EJB are part of Java EE (Enterprise Edition) ● EJB and JavaBeans have very few in common ● EJB = bad thing (heavy-weight) – at least before EJB 3.0 – even EJB architects at Sun agree on that now ● Don't confuse yourself Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 7
  • 8. Bean task 1. Write a simple CommentBean with String property comment 2. Try using the Introspector on it 3. Make it a GUI bean by extending java.awt.Canvas 4. Make it display text: override the paint() method, use g.drawString() 5. Make the comment text scroll from right to left by using a Timer or a manually written Thread 6. Tip: run it temporarily with this code in the main() method Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.add(new CommentBean()); frame.setSize(w, h); frame.setVisible(true); Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 8
  • 9. Java GUI toolkits ● Most Java GUI toolkits are cross-platform, as Java itself ● The most popular ones are – AWT (Abstract Widgets Toolkit), java.awt – the first GUI toolkit for Java, the most basic one, sometimes may look ugly. ● The principle of LCD (least common denominator) – JFC Swing, javax.swing – pure Java, supports pluggable look-and- feels, more widgets, more powerful. ● Included in JRE distribution – SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit), org.eclipse.swt – developed for Eclipse, can be used stand-alone. ● Provides native look-and-feel on every platform. ● Implemented as thin layer on native libraries for many platforms Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 9
  • 10. Java 1.6 desktop additions ● Cross-platform system tray support – SystemTray.getSystemTray(); – tray.add(new TrayIcon(img, “Hello”)); ● Cross-platform java.awt.Desktop API – Desktop.getDesktop(); – desktop.browse() - opens a web browser – desktop.mail() - opens a mail client – open(), edit(), print() - for arbitrary documents – all this uses file/URL associations in the OS ● These may not be supported on each platform – use isSupported() methods to check Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 10
  • 11. Java Applets ● Applets were the killer-app for Java ● In short, Applets are GUI Java applications, embedded in HTML pages, and distributed over the Internet ● Convenient to deploy centrally, convenient to run ● Built-in security ● Nowadays not as popular, because of Servlets, AJAX, Flash, and aggressiveness of Microsoft (Java is no longer shipped with Windows by default) ● Applets are created by extending one of these classes: – java.applet.Applet – older, AWT-based API – javax.swing.JApplet – newer, Swing-based API (extends Applet itself) Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 11
  • 12. Applet API ● The applet API lets you take advantage of the close relationship that applets have with Web browsers. See both Applet and AppletContext (obtainable with getAppletContext()) ● Applets can use these APIs to do the following: – Be notified by the browser of state changes: start(), stop(), destroy() – Load data files specified relative to the URL of the applet or the page in which it is running: getCodeBase(), getDocumentBase(), getImage() – Display short status strings: showStatus() – Make the browser display a document: showDocument() – Find other applets running in the same page: getApplets() – Play sounds: getAudioClip(), play() – Get parameters specified by the user in the <APPLET> tag: getParameter(), getParameterInfo() Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 12
  • 13. Applets and Security ● The goal is to make browser users feel safe ● SecurityManager is checking for security violations ● SecurityException (unchecked) is thrown if something is not allowed ● In general, the following is forbidden: – no reading/writing files on local host – network connections only to the originating host – no starting of programs, no loading of libraries – all separate applet windows are identified with a warning message – some system properties are hidden ● Trusted Applets can be allowed to do otherwise forbidden things – They are digitally signed applets, which can ask user if he/she allows to do something. See the keytool program in JDK. Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 13
  • 14. Deployment of Applets ● The special <applet> HTML tag is used – <applet code=”MyApplet.class” width=”10” height=”10”> <param name=”myparam” value=”avalue”/> </applet> – Additional attributes: ● codebase – defines either relative of absolute URL where class files are located ● archive – can specify jar file(s), where to load classes and other files from Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 14
  • 15. Applet task ● Create CommentApplet ● Use CommentBean there ● Use Applet parameters for customization of background color and comment ● Create an text field and use it for changing the comment String at runtime ● Display the java-logo.gif within the Applet by using getImage(getCodeBase(), “filename”) and g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this) ● Deploy applet and view using a web browser Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 15
  • 16. JFC ● JFC = Java Foundation Classes ● Includes – Swing GUI Components – Pluggable look-and-feel support – Accessibility API – Java2D API – Drag-and-drop support – Internationalization ● JFC/Swing currently is the most popular GUI toolkit Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 16
  • 17. Hello, Swing! ● public class HelloSwing { private static void createAndShowGUI() { JFrame frame = new JFrame("HelloSwing"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello, Swing!"); frame.add(label); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); } } } } Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 17
  • 18. Swing concepts ● Containers contain other components – Top-level (JApplet, JDialog, JFrame), they have contentPane (e.g. JPanel) and optional JMenuBar – General-purpose (JPanel, JScrollPane, JSplitPane, JTabbedPane, JToolBar, etc) – containers provide add() methods ● Layouts control positions of child components ● Most noncontainer components have optional Model interfaces (e.g. ButtonModel), which can store their state (think of MVC pattern) ● The overall design follows JavaBeans conventions, including the event handling mechanism Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 18
  • 19. Swing & Concurrency ● Most of the API is not thread-safe – Thread-safe parts are documented so ● Swing and AWT use their own event dispatch thread – most interactions with GUI components should happen there – SwingUtilities class provides invokeLater() and invokeAndWait() – event handling code must be as short as possible ● Longer running code must be in separate threads – this allows GUI to always stay responsive, avoids freezing – Java 1.6 introduced SwingWorker to simplify this Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 19
  • 20. Swing Tips ● JOptionPane provides various simple dialog boxes – showMessageDialog – shows a message box with an OK button – showConfirmDialog – shows a confirmation dialog with Yes, No, Cancel, etc buttons – showInputDialog – shows a dialog for entering text ● Look-and-feel is controlled by the UIManager – UIManager.setLookAndFeel(“” + “motif.MotifLookAndFeel"); – UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager. getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); – UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager. getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName()); Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 20
  • 21. SWT ● SWT == Standard Widget Toolkit ● Fast, portable, native (uses native “themes”) ● Implemented in Java using native Java adapters ● API is a bit less flexible than Swing, not 100% JavaBean-compatible ● UI access is strictly single-threaded ● Not included in standard distribution, must be deployed manually Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 21
  • 22. Hello, SWT! ● public class HelloSWT { public static void main (String[] args) { Display display = new Display(); Shell shell = new Shell(display); Label label = new Label(shell, SWT.BORDER); label.setText(“Hello, SWT!”); shell.pack();; while (!shell.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep(); } display.dispose (); } } Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 22
  • 23. SWT concepts ● Containers contain other components – Top-level container is Shell, which is a Composite – Widget constructors take parent Composite as a parameter. No relocations or multiple parents. – All widgets take style bits in constructors, which can be composed Button btn = new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH | SWT.BORDER); ● Display class provides the environment ● Layouts control positions of child components, each control can have its LayoutData assigned ● Not all API conforms to the JavaBeans conventions; event handling mechanism is pretty standard ● All widgets must be manually dispose()d! Parent disposes its children. Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 23
  • 24. SWT & Concurrency ● The Thread that creates the display becomes the user-interface Thread (aka event- dispatching thread) – other threads cannot access UI components – Display provides methods to ease this task ● asyncExec, syncExec, timerExec – they all execute provided Runnable implementation in the UI thread ● Event loop must be executed manually – Display.readAndDispatch() in a loop ● processes events on native OS's queue Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 24
  • 25. GUI task ● Write a simple CalculatorApplication using either Swing or SWT ● It must have number buttons from 0 to 9, +, -, *, /, =, and Clear. Label must be used for displaying the current number or the result. ● Note: IDEA's Frame Editor can help :-) Java course – IAG0040 Lecture 14 Anton Keks Slide 25