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Final Year MBBS
Friday, August 21st, 2015
Presentation by
1668- Quratulain Nasir
1696- Zeeshan Ghias
1686- Urfa Mir
1637- Kanwal Shehzadi
1694- Zeeshan Ahmed
1667- Parsa Basheer
Case History
Presented by:
Ummair Munawar
Roll no 1684
 Name: Shaista Bibi w/o Abdul Rehman
 Age: 38 Years
 Sex: Female
 Address: Darbar, Mansehra
 MOA: Emergency
 TOA: 5:30 pm
 DOA: 6/08/2015
 Chief Complaints:
Epigastric Pain – 8 hrs
Vomiting- 3 hrs
 History Of Present Illness
 Pain:
According to my patient she was alright 8 hours ago before she
suddenly developed severe epigastric pain following a large meal the
night before. The pain was sudden in onset, severe in intesity, sharp in
character and radiates to the back and the tip of the left shoulder.
The Pain is associated with nausea and vomiting. The pain is aggrevated
when she walks and is relieved somewhat when she is sitting and
leaning forward.
 Vomiting:
Vomiting developed a few hours after onset of pain. Frequency is twice
in the past 8 hrs. The vomiting occurred after a light breakfast in the
morning, but also occurs even after patient stopped eating. The
vomitus is greenish-yellow in colour, foul smell. There was no blood in
the vomitus. Associated with pain, and no other associations.
 Systemic Inquiry
- Cardiovascular System -Palpitations
- Respiratory System- Laboured Breathing
- Alimentary System- Pain Epigastrium, Vomting
- Urinary System - None
- Nervous System - None
- Skin - None
- Locomotor System - None
- Endocrine - None
 Past Medical & Surgical History:
-She is a known patient of gall stones for the past one year,
for which she has not yet been operated for.
She was admitted in the hospital 3 years ago for Typhoid
from which she recovered after receving adequate
treament. The patient has also had 3 previous c-sections
for all 3 of children.
 Family History
- There is no history of Asthma, Tuberculosis, Hypertension
in her immediate family. However, her mother is a known
Diabetic for the past 30 years, and her older brother
suffers from Ischemic Heart Disease
 Personal History
- Sleep is disturbed for the past 2 days since she has been
admitted into the hospital
- Diet was normal, until illness and now she has a decreased
appetite. Bowel habits are normal.
 Socioeconomic History
- She is a housewife while husband is a driver. Income is
satisfactory for their needs. She lives in 2 room home in which
there is one bathroom and the water supply is obtained through
 Drug History
- Before illness the patient was not on any long term medication ,
besides taking the occasional panadol for pain.
 Allergic History
- No known allergies
 General Physical Examination:
General Appearance
Middle-aged, ill –looking woman lying in bed with I/v line passed on hand.
She is conscious
Blood Pressure: 110/60 mmhg
Pulse: 79 bpm
Temperature: 100 Degrees Farenheight
Respiration: 18/min
Cyanosis Absent
Jaundice Absent
Clubbing Absent
Kolionychia Absent
Splinter Hemorrhages Absent
Leukonychia Absent
Osler’s Nodes Absent
Herberden’s Nodes Absent
Bouchard’s Nodes Absent
Thyroid- Non tender, Normal Looking
Lymph Nodes – No tender or palpable enlarged lymph nodes
Ankle Edema – Absent
 Abdominal Examination
The shape of the abdomen is normal, and symmetric with normal
movements. Visible scar of previous c-sections and some striae.
There were no prominent veins or visible pulsations. The patient
had slight bluish discoloration of left flank (Turner’s Sign)
Upon superficial palpation the patient was very tender, Deep
palpation was not done do to pain experienced by patient
Percussion & Ausculation
No shifting dullness, & fluid thrills. Upon Ausculation bowel
sounds were barely audible and no audible Bruits were heard.
 Cardiovascular Examination
*No Remarkable Findings
Chest Deformities - Absent
Visible Scars - Absent
Heaves, Thrills -Absent
Heart sounds are normal with no Added sounds, and no Murmurs
 Respiratory Examination
Respiratory Rate is 18/min. Shape of Chest is Normal.
Deformity -Absent
Scars -Absent
Pulsations -Absent
Chest Movements and expansion is Normal.
Trachea is in Midline.
Vocal Fremitus - Absent
Crepitus -Absent
Palpable sounds -Absent
 Central Nervous System Examination
Cranial Nerves are normal, with normal reflexes that present.
No other significant abnormalities found.
Acute Pancreatitis
Anatomy And Physiology of
Presented by:
Quratulain Nasir
“Anatomy is to
physiology as
geography is to
history; it
describes the
theatre of
― Jean Fernel
Pancreas - Anatomy
Pancreas is an elongated,
accessory digestive gland
that lies retroperitoneally
Transversely across the
posterior abdominal wall
posterior to the stomach
between duodenum on the
right and the spleen on the
Parts of pancreas
• Head
• Neck
• Body
• Tail
• The expanded part of the gland that is
embraced by the C shaped curve of the
duodenum to the right of the superior
mesenteric vessels.
• Firmly attaches to the medial aspect of the
descending and horizontal parts of the
• The head of the pancreas rests posteriorly on
the IVC
• On its way to opening into the descending
part of the duodenum, the bile duct lies in a
groove on the posterosuperior surface of the
head or is embedded in its substance.
• Short and overlies the superior
mesenteric vessels, which
form a groove in its posterior
• The anterior surface of neck,
covered with peritoneum, is
adjacent to the pylorus of the
• Continues from the neck and
lies to the left of the superior
mesenteric vessels,
• Passing over the aorta and L2
• The posterior surface of the
body is devoid of peritoneum
and is in contact with the
aorta, SMA, left suprarenal
gland and left kidney and
renal vessels
• Lies anterior to the left
kidney, where it is
closely related to the
left kidney,where it is
closely related to the
splenic hilum and the
left colic flexure.
• The tip of the tail is
usually blunted and
turned superiorly
 Accessory pancreatic
• Usually (60%) communicates
with the main pancreatic
• Opens into the duodenum at
the summit of the minor
duodenal papilla
• Smooth muscle sphincter that control the flow of
bile & pancreatic juice into duodenum :
 - Sphincter of the pancreatic duct
 - Sphincter of the bile duct
 - Sphincter of hepatopancreatic (sphincter of Oddi)
Blood Supply - Arterial
 -The pancreatic arteries
derive mainly from the
branches of the splenic
 -The anterior and posterior
arteries, branches of the
gastroduodenal artery
 -The anterior and posterior
arteries, branches of the
Venous Drainage
 The pancreatic veins
 The pancreatic lymphatic
vessels follow the blood
vessel. Most of them end
in the pancreaticosplenic
nodes that lie along the
splenic artery, but some
vessels end in the pyloric
lymph nodes.
 Efferent vessels from
these nodes drain to the
superior mesenteric lymph
nodes or to the celiac
lymph nodes via the
hepatic lymph nodes.
Nerve Supply
 The nerves of the pancreas are derived from the vagus and
abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves.
Pancreas - Physiology
 neutralize chyme
 digestive enzymes
 hormones
 The pancreas produces :
• An exocrine secretion ( pancreatic juice from the acinar
cells) that enter the duodenum through the main and
accessory pancreatic ducts.
• Endocrine secretion (glucagon & insulin) from the pancreatic
islets (of langerhans) that enter blood.
Pancreatic Hormones
Secreted by the Islets of Langerhans
 Alpha Cells – Glucagon ( increases the glucose in blood)
 Beta Cells – Insulin (decreases the glucose in blood)
 Delta cells – Somatostatin (regulates/stops alpha & beta
 PP cells, or Gamma cells- Pancreatic Peptide
Pancreatic Enzymes
Trypsinogen Prophospholipase A2
Chymotrypsinogen Carboxylesterase lipase
Procarboxypeptidase A NUCLEASES
Procarboxypeptidase B Deoxyribonuclease (DNAse)
Ribonuclease (RNAse)
Amylase OTHERS
Trypsin inhibitor
Pancreatic Enzymes
Enzyme Secretion
pancreatic duct
microscopic view
of pancreatic acini
Enzyme Secretion
pancreatic duct
common bile
pancreatic enzymes
Control of Pancreatic Secretions
Activation Of Enzymes
trypsinogen trypsin
duodenal lumen
Protective Measures
 COMPARTMENTALIZATION - digestive enzymes are
contained within zymogen granules in acinar cells.
 REMOTE ACTIVATION - digestive enzymes are secreted as
inactive proenzymes within the pancreas.
 PROTEASE INHIBITORS – trypsin inhibitor is secreted
along with the proenzymes to suppress any premature
enzyme activation.
 AUTO “SHUT-OFF” – trypsin destroys trypsin in high
Etiology and Pathophysiology
Presented By
Zeeshan Ghias Khan
Roll no 1696
Starting with the quote
Doctors are men who prescribe
medicines of which they know
little, to cure diseases of
which they know less, in
human beings of whom they
know nothing. (1760)
 — Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire
Inflammation of the parenchyma of the pancreas
Due to premature activation of Pancreatic enzymes
Results in autodigestion
Pancreatic function and morphology return to normal after (or
between) attacks
Acute Pancreatitis – Etiology
 G: Gallstone.(common)
 E: Ethanol.
 T: Trauma..
 S: Steroid..
 M: Mumps.
 A: Alcoholism (common) or
 S: Scorpion bites.
 H: Hyperlipidemia.
 E: ERCP.
 D: Drugs: Thiazide,
Acute Pancreatitis - Etiology
 ***Other:
 Iodiopathic.
 Hypercalcemia.
 Hypothermia.
 Genetic disorders:
acute intermittent
Acute Pancreatitis Pathophysiology
Pancreatic Ducts
become obstructed
Hypersecretion of the exocrine
enzymes of pancreas
These enzymes enter the bile duct,
where they are activated and with
bile back up into the pancreatic duct
Acute Pancreatitis Pathophysiology
 Trypsinogen- (a proteolytic enzyme)
 Normally released into the small intestine, where
it is activated to trypsin
 In AP, it is activated to trypsin in the pancreas
causing autodigestion of pancreas
Acute Pancreatitis Pathophysiology
 Trypsinogen
 Activated to trypsin by enterokinase
 Inhibitors usually inactivate trypsin
 Enzyme can digest the pancreas and can activate other proteolytic
 Elastase
 Activated by trypsin
 Plays a major role in autodigestion
 Causes hemorrhage by producing dissolution of the elastic fibers of
blood vessels
 Phospholipase A
 Plays a major role in autodigestion
 Activated by trypsin and bile acids
 Causes fat necrosis
Trypsin Edema, Liquefactive necrosis,
Elastase Hemorrhage
Phospholipase A Fat necrosis
Kallikrein Edema, vascular permeability,
smooth muscle contraction, shock
Lipase Fat necrosis
Acute Pancreatitis Pathophysiology
autodigestion of pancreatic tissue
release of
enzymes into
the circulation
of white
blood cells
premature enzyme activation
organ failure
 STAGE 1: Pancreatic Injury
 Edema
 Inflammation
 STAGE 2: Local Effects
 Retroperitoneal edema
 Ileus
 STAGE 3: Systemic Complications
 Hypotension/shock
 Metabolic disturbances
 Sepsis/organ failure
Progression of Disease
 Autodigestion
Acute Inflammation of Pancreas
Necrosis of Pancreas
Digestion of vascular walls
Thrombus and Hemorrhage
Acute Pancreatitis Time Course
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
hours from pain onset
ER presentation organ failurecytokine release
Sign/Symptoms and D/D’s
Presented by
Parsa Bashir
Acute Pancreatitis
Signs and Symptoms
Is a cardinal symptom
Pain is experient first in epigastium but may be localized to either
Left upper quadrant or felt diffusely throughout abdomen
Pain radiates to back
Develops quickly,reaching maximum intensity with in
minutes rather than hours and persists for hours or even
E.Intensity and Nature
Pain and severe and constant
F.Aggrevating Factors
Fatty meals and ling recumbent
G.Relieving factors
Sitting or leaning forward
2.Nausea and Vomiting
Repeated vomiting
Can be troublesome
May be due to gastric distention
Or irritation of diaphragm
General Appearance
May be normal Or patient may look gravely ill
1. Profound shock toxicity and confusion
2. Tachypnea
3. Tachycardia
4. Hypotention
5. Body Temp
6. Normal or may be subnormal but frequently rises as
inflammation develops
7. Jaundice
Abdominal Examination
May reveal any distention due to ileus and Ascites that is
shifting dullness
A mass can develop in epigastrium due to inflammation
The most important signs
Turner’s sign
There is bluish discoloration of flank
Cullen’s sign
Bluish discoloration around umbilicus
Fox’s sign
Small tender red nodules on leg
Bowel sounds reduced or absent
Pleural effusion,Pulmunory edema pneumonitis may be
1. Named after British surgeon George Grey Turner(1877-1951)
2. Named for Thomas Stephen Cullen (1869-1953), Canadian
gynecologist who first described the sign in ruptured ectopic
pregnancy in 1916
3.Named after George Henry Fox(1846-1937), American
Differential Diagnosis
 Choledocholithiasis
 Perforated ulcer
 Mesenteric ischemia
 Intestinal obstruction
 Ectopic pregnancy
Presented by
Urfa Mir
Roll no 1686
Acute Pancreatitis
Diagnostic Studies
 History and physical examination
 Laboratory tests
 Serum amylase- 23-85 U/L rasied upto 450 U/L
 Serum lipase – 0-160 U/L raised upto 400 U/L
 Blood glucose 200 mg/dL
 Serum calcium below 8 mg/dL
 Triglycerides raised
 Albumin 32 g/dL decreased to 3.2 g/dL
 LDH increased upto 350 IU/L
 Trypsin most senstive blood test but not widely
Acute Pancreatitis
Diagnostic Studies
1. Flat plate of abdomen
2. Abdominal/endoscopic ultrasound
3. Endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
4. Chest x-ray
5. CT of pancreas
6. Magnetic resonance
cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
Diagnostic Studies
 Serum amylase;
 It stays 48-72h then become normal.
 Serum lipase; (diagnostic test)
 It elevated for 7-14 days.
 Other:
-WBC (15000-30000). -LDH>500 U/dl
-Glucose. - Albumin.
-Ca in serum. - AST.Bilurbin,Alkaline Ph.
- ABG show Hypoxia.
 Xray of Abdomen:
-gall stones.
-Sentinel loop: air filled SI in the LUQ.
-Colon cut off sign: gas-filled seg of transverous colon
abruptly ending at the area of pancreatic inflammation.
 Xray Chest
It shows pulmunory complications eg pleural effusions
And interstitial inflammation but sometimes it is normal
Sentinel Loop
- localized ileus from nearby inflammation
Colon cutoff sign
It shows dilatation of pancreatic ducts
Gland Atrophy or Enlargement
Gall stones in pancreatic duct
1. Biliary obstruction.
2. Pseudocyst.
Pseudocyst on US
Gallstones on US
CT: Gold Standard
(is the dignostic even with normal amylase).
 -enlarged pancreas.
 -Psudocyst.
 -Abscess & hemorrhage.
 -Presence of gas bubbles in CT scan indicate
pancreatic abscess.
It shows calcifications of the gland parenchyma and
Dilatation of the ducts are parenchymal atrophy
CT – Normal Pancreas
Pancreatitis on CT
Mild pancreatitis severe pancreatitis
Pseudocyst abscess
Pancreatic necrosis
Scoring System and
Presented by
Kanwal Shehzadi
Roll no 1637
Severity Scoring System
 In order to know who will develop severe and
 Acute pancreatitis various scoring systems have
 Been introduced like
 Ransons
 Glasgow Scoring system
 Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation(APACHE)
 Scoring system to predict the severity of the acute
pancreatitis.. in both systems diseases calssified as
severe when 3 or more factors are present
 Scoring systems
  3 Ranson criteria
  8 APACHE II points
 Glasgow scoring
 Glasgow scoring >3
 Severe symptoms CRP level >15mg/l
48 hours
 Organ failure
 shock (SBP < 90 mmHg)
 pulmonary edema / ARDS (PaO2 < 60 mmHg)
 renal failure (Cr > 2.0 mg/dl)
 Local complications
 fluid collections  pseudocysts
 necrosis (mortality 15% if sterile, 30-35% if
 abscess
Ranson Criteria
1. Age > 55 years
2. WBC > 16,000
3. Glucose > 200
4. LDH > 350 IU/L
5. AST > 250 IU/L
1. HCT drop > 10
2. BUN > 5
3. Arterial PO2 < 60 mm Hg
4. Base deficit > 4 mEq/L
5. Serum Ca < 8
6. Fluid sequestration > 6L
Glasgow Criteria
1. WBC > 15,000
2. Glucose > 180
3. BUN > 16
4. Arterial PO2 < 60 mm Hg
5. Ca < 8
6. Albumin < 3.2
7. LDH > 600 U/L
8. AST or ALT > 200 U/L
 Local Complications
A. Pulmonary: pleural effusions, atelectasis,
hypoxemia, ARDS.
B. Cardiovascular: myocardial depression,
hemorrhage, hypovolemia.
D. GI Hemorrhage
E. Renal
F. Hematologic
Acute Pancreatitis
 Main systemic complications are?
 Pulmonary
 Cardiovascular
 Electrolyte imbalance – Hypocalcemia
Management and Treatement
Presented by
Zeeshan Ahmed
Roll no 1694
Acute Pancreatitis
Goals of Care
 Relief of pain
 Prevention or alleviation of shock
 Decrease respiratory failure
 ↓ of pancreatic secretions
 Maintain Fluid/electrolyte balance
Treatment and Nursing Care
1. Pain management
 IV morphine
 Antispasmodic agent
 Bentyl
 Pro-Banthine
 Spasmolytics – Nitroglycerine
 Positioning – sitting up and leaning forward
Why is it important to relieve pain?
2. Prevention of Shock – hemodynamic
* Administer Blood, Plasma expanders,
* RL solution
Treatment and Nursing Care
3. Suppress pancreatic enzymes
* NG suction
* Antacids, H2 receptor antagonists,
4. Decrease respiratory distress
* Oxygen; check O2 saturation levels
* Semi-fowlers position, knees flexed,
position changes
* incentive spirometer
5. Antibiotics
Treatment and Nursing Care
 6. Correction of electrolyte imbalance
 7. Maintain Hydration / Nutrition
Treatment and Nursing Care
 Surgical therapy – if
related to gallstones
 Endoscopic
 Laparoscopic
Treatment of Mild Pancreatitis
 Pancreatic rest
 Supportive care
 fluid resuscitation – watch BP and urine output
 pain control
 NG tubes and H2 blockers or PPIs are usually not helpful
 Refeeding (usually 3 to 7 days)
 bowel sounds present
 patient is hungry
 nearly pain-free (off IV narcotics)
 amylase & lipase not very useful here
Treatment of Severe Pancreatitis
 Pancreatic rest & supportive care
1. fluid resuscitation* – may require 5-10 liters/day
2. careful pulmonary & renal monitoring – ICU
3. maintain hematocrit of 26-30%
4. pain control
5. correct electrolyte derangements (K+, Ca++, Mg++)
 Rule-out necrosis
1. contrasted CT scan at 48-72 hours
2. prophylactic antibiotics if present
3. surgical debridement if infected
 Nutritional support
1. may be NPO for weeks
2. TPN vs. enteral support (TEN)
 Follow up care
 Dietary teaching
 High-carbohydrate, low-fat
 Abstinence from alcohol,
 Patient/family teaching
* Signs of infection, high blood
glucose, steatorrhea
Treatment - Home Care
Thank you !
The most common causes of acute pancreatitis are:1. Gallstones - Gallstones that obstruct the common bile duct and prevent drainage of pancreatic juices can cause pancreatitis. This accounts for 30-40% of cases. 2. Excessive alcohol use - Heavy drinking over many years can damage the pancreas and lead to inflammation. This accounts for 20-35% of cases.3. Other less common causes include trauma, medications, infections, metabolic disorders, endoscopic procedures like ERCP, genetic disorders, etc.The pathogenesis involves premature activation of digestive enzymes within the pancreas itself, leading to autodigestion and inflammation. Risk factors that contribute to this include obstruction of pancreatic outflow, toxic

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The most common causes of acute pancreatitis are:1. Gallstones - Gallstones that obstruct the common bile duct and prevent drainage of pancreatic juices can cause pancreatitis. This accounts for 30-40% of cases. 2. Excessive alcohol use - Heavy drinking over many years can damage the pancreas and lead to inflammation. This accounts for 20-35% of cases.3. Other less common causes include trauma, medications, infections, metabolic disorders, endoscopic procedures like ERCP, genetic disorders, etc.The pathogenesis involves premature activation of digestive enzymes within the pancreas itself, leading to autodigestion and inflammation. Risk factors that contribute to this include obstruction of pancreatic outflow, toxic

  • 1. Clinico-pathologicalconference 4TH Final Year MBBS Friday, August 21st, 2015 Presentation by 1668- Quratulain Nasir 1696- Zeeshan Ghias Khan 1686- Urfa Mir 1637- Kanwal Shehzadi 1694- Zeeshan Ahmed 1667- Parsa Basheer
  • 2. Case History Presented by: Ummair Munawar Roll no 1684
  • 3. CASE HISTORY  Name: Shaista Bibi w/o Abdul Rehman  Age: 38 Years  Sex: Female  Address: Darbar, Mansehra  MOA: Emergency  TOA: 5:30 pm  DOA: 6/08/2015  Chief Complaints: Epigastric Pain – 8 hrs Vomiting- 3 hrs
  • 4. CASE HISTORY  History Of Present Illness  Pain: According to my patient she was alright 8 hours ago before she suddenly developed severe epigastric pain following a large meal the night before. The pain was sudden in onset, severe in intesity, sharp in character and radiates to the back and the tip of the left shoulder. The Pain is associated with nausea and vomiting. The pain is aggrevated when she walks and is relieved somewhat when she is sitting and leaning forward.  Vomiting: Vomiting developed a few hours after onset of pain. Frequency is twice in the past 8 hrs. The vomiting occurred after a light breakfast in the morning, but also occurs even after patient stopped eating. The vomitus is greenish-yellow in colour, foul smell. There was no blood in the vomitus. Associated with pain, and no other associations.
  • 5. CASE HISTORY  Systemic Inquiry - Cardiovascular System -Palpitations - Respiratory System- Laboured Breathing - Alimentary System- Pain Epigastrium, Vomting - Urinary System - None - Nervous System - None - Skin - None - Locomotor System - None - Endocrine - None
  • 6. CASE HISTORY  Past Medical & Surgical History: -She is a known patient of gall stones for the past one year, for which she has not yet been operated for. She was admitted in the hospital 3 years ago for Typhoid from which she recovered after receving adequate treament. The patient has also had 3 previous c-sections for all 3 of children.  Family History - There is no history of Asthma, Tuberculosis, Hypertension in her immediate family. However, her mother is a known Diabetic for the past 30 years, and her older brother suffers from Ischemic Heart Disease
  • 7. CASE HISTORY  Personal History - Sleep is disturbed for the past 2 days since she has been admitted into the hospital - Diet was normal, until illness and now she has a decreased appetite. Bowel habits are normal.  Socioeconomic History - She is a housewife while husband is a driver. Income is satisfactory for their needs. She lives in 2 room home in which there is one bathroom and the water supply is obtained through well.  Drug History - Before illness the patient was not on any long term medication , besides taking the occasional panadol for pain.  Allergic History - No known allergies
  • 8. EXAMINATION  General Physical Examination: General Appearance Middle-aged, ill –looking woman lying in bed with I/v line passed on hand. She is conscious Vitals: Blood Pressure: 110/60 mmhg Pulse: 79 bpm Temperature: 100 Degrees Farenheight Respiration: 18/min Pallor Cyanosis Absent Jaundice Absent Clubbing Absent Kolionychia Absent Splinter Hemorrhages Absent Leukonychia Absent Osler’s Nodes Absent Herberden’s Nodes Absent Bouchard’s Nodes Absent Thyroid- Non tender, Normal Looking Lymph Nodes – No tender or palpable enlarged lymph nodes Ankle Edema – Absent
  • 9. CASE HISTORY  Abdominal Examination Inspection: The shape of the abdomen is normal, and symmetric with normal movements. Visible scar of previous c-sections and some striae. There were no prominent veins or visible pulsations. The patient had slight bluish discoloration of left flank (Turner’s Sign) Palpation: Upon superficial palpation the patient was very tender, Deep palpation was not done do to pain experienced by patient Percussion & Ausculation No shifting dullness, & fluid thrills. Upon Ausculation bowel sounds were barely audible and no audible Bruits were heard.
  • 10. CASE HISTORY  Cardiovascular Examination *No Remarkable Findings Chest Deformities - Absent Visible Scars - Absent Heaves, Thrills -Absent Heart sounds are normal with no Added sounds, and no Murmurs  Respiratory Examination Respiratory Rate is 18/min. Shape of Chest is Normal. Deformity -Absent Scars -Absent Pulsations -Absent Chest Movements and expansion is Normal. Trachea is in Midline. Vocal Fremitus - Absent Crepitus -Absent Palpable sounds -Absent  Central Nervous System Examination Cranial Nerves are normal, with normal reflexes that present. No other significant abnormalities found.
  • 13. Anatomy And Physiology of Pancreas Presented by: Quratulain Nasir
  • 14. “Anatomy is to physiology as geography is to history; it describes the theatre of events.” ― Jean Fernel
  • 16. Anatomy Pancreas is an elongated, accessory digestive gland that lies retroperitoneally Transversely across the posterior abdominal wall posterior to the stomach between duodenum on the right and the spleen on the left.
  • 17. Anatomy Parts of pancreas • Head • Neck • Body • Tail
  • 18.  HEAD • The expanded part of the gland that is embraced by the C shaped curve of the duodenum to the right of the superior mesenteric vessels. • Firmly attaches to the medial aspect of the descending and horizontal parts of the duodenum. • The head of the pancreas rests posteriorly on the IVC • On its way to opening into the descending part of the duodenum, the bile duct lies in a groove on the posterosuperior surface of the head or is embedded in its substance.
  • 19. Anatomy  NECK • Short and overlies the superior mesenteric vessels, which form a groove in its posterior aspect. • The anterior surface of neck, covered with peritoneum, is adjacent to the pylorus of the stomach.
  • 20.  BODY • Continues from the neck and lies to the left of the superior mesenteric vessels, • Passing over the aorta and L2 vertebra • The posterior surface of the body is devoid of peritoneum and is in contact with the aorta, SMA, left suprarenal gland and left kidney and renal vessels
  • 21.  TAIL • Lies anterior to the left kidney, where it is closely related to the left kidney,where it is closely related to the splenic hilum and the left colic flexure. • The tip of the tail is usually blunted and turned superiorly
  • 22.  Accessory pancreatic duct • Usually (60%) communicates with the main pancreatic duct • Opens into the duodenum at the summit of the minor duodenal papilla
  • 23. • Smooth muscle sphincter that control the flow of bile & pancreatic juice into duodenum :  - Sphincter of the pancreatic duct  - Sphincter of the bile duct  - Sphincter of hepatopancreatic (sphincter of Oddi)
  • 24. Blood Supply - Arterial  -The pancreatic arteries derive mainly from the branches of the splenic artery  -The anterior and posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries, branches of the gastroduodenal artery  -The anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries, branches of the SMA
  • 25. Venous Drainage  The pancreatic veins
  • 26. Lymphatics  The pancreatic lymphatic vessels follow the blood vessel. Most of them end in the pancreaticosplenic nodes that lie along the splenic artery, but some vessels end in the pyloric lymph nodes.  Efferent vessels from these nodes drain to the superior mesenteric lymph nodes or to the celiac lymph nodes via the hepatic lymph nodes.
  • 27. Nerve Supply  The nerves of the pancreas are derived from the vagus and abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves.
  • 28. Pancreas - Physiology FUNCTIONS:  neutralize chyme  digestive enzymes  hormones
  • 29. Physiology  The pancreas produces : • An exocrine secretion ( pancreatic juice from the acinar cells) that enter the duodenum through the main and accessory pancreatic ducts. • Endocrine secretion (glucagon & insulin) from the pancreatic islets (of langerhans) that enter blood.
  • 31. Pancreatic Hormones Secreted by the Islets of Langerhans  Alpha Cells – Glucagon ( increases the glucose in blood)  Beta Cells – Insulin (decreases the glucose in blood)  Delta cells – Somatostatin (regulates/stops alpha & beta cells)  PP cells, or Gamma cells- Pancreatic Peptide
  • 32. Pancreatic Enzymes  PROTEOLYTIC LIPOLYTIC ENZYMES ENZYMES Lipase Trypsinogen Prophospholipase A2 Chymotrypsinogen Carboxylesterase lipase Proelastase Procarboxypeptidase A NUCLEASES Procarboxypeptidase B Deoxyribonuclease (DNAse) Ribonuclease (RNAse)  AMYOLYTIC ENZYMES Amylase OTHERS Procolipase Trypsin inhibitor
  • 35. Enzyme Secretion pancreatic duct common bile duct ampulla pancreatic enzymes TAIL BODY HEAD UNCINATE
  • 36. Control of Pancreatic Secretions
  • 37. Activation Of Enzymes trypsinogen trypsin chymotrypsin elastase phospholipase carboxypeptidase enterokinase chymotrypsinogen proelastase prophospholipase procarboxypeptidase duodenal lumen
  • 38. Protective Measures  COMPARTMENTALIZATION - digestive enzymes are contained within zymogen granules in acinar cells.  REMOTE ACTIVATION - digestive enzymes are secreted as inactive proenzymes within the pancreas.  PROTEASE INHIBITORS – trypsin inhibitor is secreted along with the proenzymes to suppress any premature enzyme activation.  AUTO “SHUT-OFF” – trypsin destroys trypsin in high concentrations.
  • 39. Etiology and Pathophysiology Presented By Zeeshan Ghias Khan Roll no 1696
  • 40. Starting with the quote Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing. (1760)  — Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire
  • 41. ACUTE PANCREATITIS Inflammation of the parenchyma of the pancreas Due to premature activation of Pancreatic enzymes Results in autodigestion Pancreatic function and morphology return to normal after (or between) attacks
  • 42. Acute Pancreatitis – Etiology  G: Gallstone.(common)  E: Ethanol.  T: Trauma..  S: Steroid..  M: Mumps.  A: Alcoholism (common) or autoimmune.  S: Scorpion bites.  H: Hyperlipidemia.  E: ERCP.  D: Drugs: Thiazide, Azathioprine.
  • 43. Acute Pancreatitis - Etiology  ***Other:  Iodiopathic.  Hypercalcemia.  Hypothermia.  Genetic disorders: acute intermittent porphyria
  • 45. Acute Pancreatitis Pathophysiology Pancreatic Ducts become obstructed Hypersecretion of the exocrine enzymes of pancreas These enzymes enter the bile duct, where they are activated and with bile back up into the pancreatic duct Pancreatitis
  • 46. Acute Pancreatitis Pathophysiology  Trypsinogen- (a proteolytic enzyme)  Normally released into the small intestine, where it is activated to trypsin  In AP, it is activated to trypsin in the pancreas causing autodigestion of pancreas
  • 47. Acute Pancreatitis Pathophysiology  Trypsinogen  Activated to trypsin by enterokinase  Inhibitors usually inactivate trypsin  Enzyme can digest the pancreas and can activate other proteolytic enzymes  Elastase  Activated by trypsin  Plays a major role in autodigestion  Causes hemorrhage by producing dissolution of the elastic fibers of blood vessels  Phospholipase A  Plays a major role in autodigestion  Activated by trypsin and bile acids  Causes fat necrosis
  • 48. Trypsin Edema, Liquefactive necrosis, hemorrhage Elastase Hemorrhage Phospholipase A Fat necrosis Kallikrein Edema, vascular permeability, smooth muscle contraction, shock Lipase Fat necrosis
  • 49. Acute Pancreatitis Pathophysiology autodigestion of pancreatic tissue release of enzymes into the circulation activation of white blood cells local complications local vascular insufficiency premature enzyme activation distant organ failure
  • 50.  STAGE 1: Pancreatic Injury  Edema  Inflammation  STAGE 2: Local Effects  Retroperitoneal edema  Ileus  STAGE 3: Systemic Complications  Hypotension/shock  Metabolic disturbances  Sepsis/organ failure SEVERITY Mild Severe
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  • 52. Progression of Disease  Autodigestion Acute Inflammation of Pancreas Necrosis of Pancreas Digestion of vascular walls Thrombus and Hemorrhage Death
  • 53. Acute Pancreatitis Time Course 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 hours from pain onset ER presentation organ failurecytokine release
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  • 57. Acute Pancreatitis Signs and Symptoms 1.Pain Is a cardinal symptom A.Onset Sudden Pain is experient first in epigastium but may be localized to either Left upper quadrant or felt diffusely throughout abdomen C.Radiation Pain radiates to back
  • 58. D.Progression Develops quickly,reaching maximum intensity with in minutes rather than hours and persists for hours or even days E.Intensity and Nature Pain and severe and constant F.Aggrevating Factors Fatty meals and ling recumbent
  • 59. G.Relieving factors Sitting or leaning forward 2.Nausea and Vomiting Repeated vomiting 3.Hiccoughs Can be troublesome May be due to gastric distention Or irritation of diaphragm
  • 60. Signs General Appearance May be normal Or patient may look gravely ill 1. Profound shock toxicity and confusion 2. Tachypnea 3. Tachycardia 4. Hypotention 5. Body Temp 6. Normal or may be subnormal but frequently rises as inflammation develops 7. Jaundice
  • 61. Abdominal Examination May reveal any distention due to ileus and Ascites that is shifting dullness A mass can develop in epigastrium due to inflammation The most important signs Turner’s sign There is bluish discoloration of flank Cullen’s sign Bluish discoloration around umbilicus Fox’s sign Small tender red nodules on leg
  • 62. Auscultation Bowel sounds reduced or absent Pleural effusion,Pulmunory edema pneumonitis may be present
  • 63.  GREY TURNER1 SIGN CULLEN2 SIGN FOX3 SIGN 1. Named after British surgeon George Grey Turner(1877-1951) 2. Named for Thomas Stephen Cullen (1869-1953), Canadian gynecologist who first described the sign in ruptured ectopic pregnancy in 1916 3.Named after George Henry Fox(1846-1937), American dermatologist
  • 64. Differential Diagnosis  Choledocholithiasis  Perforated ulcer  Mesenteric ischemia  Intestinal obstruction  Ectopic pregnancy
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  • 67. Acute Pancreatitis Diagnostic Studies  History and physical examination  Laboratory tests  Serum amylase- 23-85 U/L rasied upto 450 U/L  Serum lipase – 0-160 U/L raised upto 400 U/L  Blood glucose 200 mg/dL  Serum calcium below 8 mg/dL  Triglycerides raised  Albumin 32 g/dL decreased to 3.2 g/dL  LDH increased upto 350 IU/L  Trypsin most senstive blood test but not widely used
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  • 69. Acute Pancreatitis Diagnostic Studies 1. Flat plate of abdomen 2. Abdominal/endoscopic ultrasound 3. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 4. Chest x-ray 5. CT of pancreas 6. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
  • 70. Diagnostic Studies  Serum amylase;  It stays 48-72h then become normal.  Serum lipase; (diagnostic test)  It elevated for 7-14 days.  Other: -WBC (15000-30000). -LDH>500 U/dl -Glucose. - Albumin. -Ca in serum. - AST.Bilurbin,Alkaline Ph. - ABG show Hypoxia.
  • 71.  Xray of Abdomen: -gall stones. -Sentinel loop: air filled SI in the LUQ. -Colon cut off sign: gas-filled seg of transverous colon abruptly ending at the area of pancreatic inflammation.  Xray Chest It shows pulmunory complications eg pleural effusions And interstitial inflammation but sometimes it is normal
  • 72. Sentinel Loop • - localized ileus from nearby inflammation
  • 74. U/S: It shows dilatation of pancreatic ducts Gland Atrophy or Enlargement Gall stones in pancreatic duct 1. Biliary obstruction. 2. Pseudocyst.
  • 77. CT: Gold Standard (is the dignostic even with normal amylase).  -enlarged pancreas.  -Psudocyst.  -Abscess & hemorrhage.  -Presence of gas bubbles in CT scan indicate pancreatic abscess. It shows calcifications of the gland parenchyma and ducts Dilatation of the ducts are parenchymal atrophy
  • 78. CT – Normal Pancreas Spleen L Kidne y R Kidney A Stomach Liver V
  • 79. Pancreatitis on CT Mild pancreatitis severe pancreatitis Pseudocyst abscess Pancreatic necrosis
  • 80. Scoring System and Complications Presented by Kanwal Shehzadi Roll no 1637
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  • 82. Severity Scoring System  In order to know who will develop severe and  Acute pancreatitis various scoring systems have  Been introduced like  Ransons  Glasgow Scoring system  Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation(APACHE)  APACHE II
  • 83.  Scoring system to predict the severity of the acute pancreatitis.. in both systems diseases calssified as severe when 3 or more factors are present
  • 84.  Scoring systems   3 Ranson criteria   8 APACHE II points  Glasgow scoring  Glasgow scoring >3    Severe symptoms CRP level >15mg/l After 48 hours
  • 85.  Organ failure  shock (SBP < 90 mmHg)  pulmonary edema / ARDS (PaO2 < 60 mmHg)  renal failure (Cr > 2.0 mg/dl)  Local complications  fluid collections  pseudocysts  necrosis (mortality 15% if sterile, 30-35% if infected)  abscess
  • 86. Ranson Criteria AT ADMISSION 1. Age > 55 years 2. WBC > 16,000 3. Glucose > 200 4. LDH > 350 IU/L 5. AST > 250 IU/L WITHIN 48 HOURS 1. HCT drop > 10 2. BUN > 5 3. Arterial PO2 < 60 mm Hg 4. Base deficit > 4 mEq/L 5. Serum Ca < 8 6. Fluid sequestration > 6L Number Mortality <2 1% 3-4 16% 5-6 40% 7-8 100%
  • 87. Glasgow Criteria 1. WBC > 15,000 2. Glucose > 180 3. BUN > 16 4. Arterial PO2 < 60 mm Hg 5. Ca < 8 6. Albumin < 3.2 7. LDH > 600 U/L 8. AST or ALT > 200 U/L
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  • 95. Systemic A. Pulmonary: pleural effusions, atelectasis, hypoxemia, ARDS. B. Cardiovascular: myocardial depression, hemorrhage, hypovolemia. C.Metabolic:Hypocalcemia,hyperglycemia,Hyperli pidemia,coagulopathy D. GI Hemorrhage E. Renal F. Hematologic G. CNS
  • 96. Acute Pancreatitis Complications  Main systemic complications are?  Pulmonary  Cardiovascular  Electrolyte imbalance – Hypocalcemia
  • 97. Management and Treatement Presented by Zeeshan Ahmed Roll no 1694
  • 98. Acute Pancreatitis Goals of Care  Relief of pain  Prevention or alleviation of shock  Decrease respiratory failure  ↓ of pancreatic secretions  Maintain Fluid/electrolyte balance
  • 99. Treatment and Nursing Care 1. Pain management  IV morphine  Antispasmodic agent  Bentyl  Pro-Banthine  Spasmolytics – Nitroglycerine  Positioning – sitting up and leaning forward Why is it important to relieve pain?
  • 100. Treatment 2. Prevention of Shock – hemodynamic stability * Administer Blood, Plasma expanders, Albumin * RL solution
  • 101. Treatment and Nursing Care 3. Suppress pancreatic enzymes * NPO * NG suction * Antacids, H2 receptor antagonists, antispasmotics 4. Decrease respiratory distress * Oxygen; check O2 saturation levels * Semi-fowlers position, knees flexed, position changes * incentive spirometer 5. Antibiotics
  • 102. Treatment and Nursing Care  6. Correction of electrolyte imbalance hypocalcemia  7. Maintain Hydration / Nutrition
  • 103. Treatment and Nursing Care  Surgical therapy – if related to gallstones  ERCP  Endoscopic sphincterotomy  Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
  • 104. Treatment of Mild Pancreatitis  Pancreatic rest  Supportive care  fluid resuscitation – watch BP and urine output  pain control  NG tubes and H2 blockers or PPIs are usually not helpful  Refeeding (usually 3 to 7 days)  bowel sounds present  patient is hungry  nearly pain-free (off IV narcotics)  amylase & lipase not very useful here
  • 105. Treatment of Severe Pancreatitis  Pancreatic rest & supportive care 1. fluid resuscitation* – may require 5-10 liters/day 2. careful pulmonary & renal monitoring – ICU 3. maintain hematocrit of 26-30% 4. pain control 5. correct electrolyte derangements (K+, Ca++, Mg++)  Rule-out necrosis 1. contrasted CT scan at 48-72 hours 2. prophylactic antibiotics if present 3. surgical debridement if infected  Nutritional support 1. may be NPO for weeks 2. TPN vs. enteral support (TEN)
  • 106.  Follow up care  Dietary teaching  High-carbohydrate, low-fat diet  Abstinence from alcohol,  Patient/family teaching * Signs of infection, high blood glucose, steatorrhea Treatment - Home Care
  • 107.