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Educators‟ Network
The Key Element in Academic Achievement

      Literature Circles

             Sarah Pickles

              March 31st 2012
         Lincoln Community School,
                Accra, Ghana
Today I wanted to give you an overview of the benefits of using Literature Circles, talk about
how I personally use them as part of my reading program at LCS, and get you thinking about
and how you can use them in your classroom and in your school.

In this handout you will find copies of some of the resources I use in my Grade 4 class. I hope
you find them useful.


Noe, Katherine L. Schlick, and Nancy J. Johnson. Getting Started with
Literature Circles. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon, 1999. Print.

Day, Jeni Pollack. Moving Forward with Literature Circles: How to Plan,
Manage, and Evaluate Literature Circles That Deepen Understanding
and Foster a Love of Reading. New York: Scholastic Professional,
2002. Print.

 You can find more out about me and my teaching at the following

            Thanks for coming to the workshop!
                     Happy reading!
Appendix 1: Letter to Parents about Literature Circles

Appendix 2: Literature Circle Jobs

Appendix 3: Assessing Literature Circles

Appendix 4: Literature Circle Self Evaluation

Appendix 5: Literature Circles Reflection

Appendix 6: Discussions Elements

Appendix 7: What makes Literature Circles work?

Appendix 8: Focus Lessons

Appendix 9: Assessing Literature Circles
Appendix 1: Letter to Parents about Literature Circles

Dear Fourth Grade families,

We are now ready to begin Literature Circles in Grade 4. As a class we have been using our
read alouds to begin looking at different ways to discuss and respond to texts. As a class have
been reflecting on characters, connecting with, critically thinking about, as well as asking
questions about the texts. The children are now ready to apply all they have learnt and to
participate and lead their own book discussions.

Literature Circles are a forum for students to read, discuss and respond to literature at their
independent reading level. Literature Circles are a great chance for all students to share their
ideas, experiences and interpretations.
The children have been split up in to discussion groups, according to their independent reading
level. The class will have a time limit e.g. 4 weeks, in which they have to finish their book. Each
group will decide how much they have to read for each session. For now, the children will take it
in turns to have certain jobs for home learning to prepare then for their group discussions.
These jobs are:

       character detective
       discussion director
       word wizard

(Detailed descriptions of the jobs are in their Literature Circle notebooks and on the class

The groups will meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning and they should come having
completed their reading and their job (i.e. if they get their new job and reading on Tuesday,
they must complete it for Thursday). The reading response homework should work as a spring
board for their group‟s discussions.

The classes have come up with some essential agreements to ensure Literature Circles run

Everyone should:
      complete their home learning and bring it in on time
      participate fully in the discussion
      be open minded and listen to others‟ ideas
      be ready in 1 minute to start
      bring in their text and Literature Circle journal
      only read up to the page agreed upon
      encourage the others in the group
      keep the noise level down

The children will be assessed not only on their home learning but also on their contribution to
the discussion.

Thank you for your support and assistance! We look forward to many discussions this year that
will expand and improve our love of reading as well as help us become critical thinkers.

Sarah Pickles

Appendix 2: Literature Circle Jobs

            Discussion Director

              Your job at home is to develop a list of questions that your group might want to
             discuss about this part of the book. Your task is to help people talk over the big
ideas in the reading and share their reactions. Usually the best discussion questions come
from your own thoughts, feelings, and concerns as you read. You may also use some of the
general questions below to develop topics for your group.

                                       Sample questions:

                    What was going through your mind while you read this?
                      How did you feel while reading this part of the book?
                 What was discussed by the characters in this part of the book?
                                Can someone summarize briefly?
                  Did today‟s reading remind you of any real-life experiences?
                 What questions did you have when you finished this section?
                     Did anything in this section of the book surprise you?
                         What are the one or two most important ideas?
                       Predict some things that you think will happen next.

         Word Wizard

       Your job is to be on the lookout for 4 or 5 especially important words or phrases in
     today's reading. Look for words that are:
                                             * strange
                                              * funny
                                           * interesting
                                               * hard
                                            * puzzling
                                               * new
                                            * different

   Write down the word or phrase, the page number that it’s on & why you chose it. Then
                     write down their definitions of the words as well.

       When your group meets, help your classmates talk about the words you have chosen

           Your job at home is to find 2 or 3 connections between the book your group is
reading and the world outside. This means connecting the reading to:

        * your own life                   * happenings at school or in the neighborhood
        * other books or stories            * similar events at other times and places
        * other people or problems * other writings on the same topic
        * other writings by the same author

           Character Detective

    Your job at home is to think about one of the main characters‟ personality. Make a mind
   map about one of the main characters in your book. In the first bubble write one of his/her
character traits (e.g. principled). In the next bubble give a specific example of the character
demonstrating this in the section of the book you were reading. Give at least 4 different
character traits.

   when she thinks it’s not
 right for Karl to contacthis
         Dad without

Extra Jobs


Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today's reading. Your group discussion will start with
your 1-2 minute statement that covers the key points, main highlights, and general idea of
today's reading assignment.

Travel Tracer

When you are reading a book in which characters move around often and the scene changes
frequently, it is important for everyone in your group to know where things are happening and
how the setting may have changed. So that's your job: to track carefully where the action takes
place during today's reading. Describe each setting in detail, either in words or with an action
map or diagram you can show to your group. You may use the back of this sheet or another
sheet. Be sure to give the page locations where the scene is described.
Appendix 3: Assessing Literature Circles

   Literature Circle Self Evaluation

    I read up to page ----------and not ahead             yes            no

    I completed my job according to the job description     yes            no

    I brought my journal and my text                        yes            no

   Literature Circle Discussions                                  LOW                            HIGH

   I helped my group get started in one minute                    1           2      3       4       5
   I helped keep the noise level in class low                     1           2      3       4       5
   I was an active listener                                       1           2      3       4       5
   I encouraged my group                                          1           2      3       4       5
   I stayed on task and didn‟t goof around                        1           2      3       4       5
   I shared my job with the rest of my group                      1           2      3       4       5
   I responded to someone else‟s comments                         1           2      3       4       5

Teacher’s comment:

                                       Literature Circle Home Learning Rubric
                               0                    1                               2                         3
      Content                          Job is partially done,         All parts of the job       All parts of the job
                                       but not according to the       (according to the job      (according to the job
                                       job description.               description) are           description) are
                                                                      completed but minimal      completed and a lot of
                        Task is not                                   detail is given.           detail is given.
    Mechanics           completed         Assignment contains            Assignment contains       Assignment contains
     (spelling,            or not         a lot of mechanical            some mechanical           few, if any,
    punctuation,        brought to        errors.                        errors.                   mechanical errors.
   capitalization,       school on        Job/title date are             Either the job or the     Job, title and date are
   subject - verb      the day it is      missing (2 of the 3)           title or the date is      all written.
    agreement)              due.          * Presentation                 missing.                  * Presentation &
                                          and/or handwriting is          * Presentation &          handwriting are neat.
                                          sloppy/unreadable/n            handwriting are
                                          ot done in cursive.            readable but messy.

                              Content score: _________                   Mechanics score: ____________
Appendix 4: Literature Circle Self Evaluation

    Literature Circle Self Evaluation                                              Date:

    Preparation                                                     yes           no

    I read up to page _______ and not ahead.

    I completed my job according to the job description
    and it shows 100% effort.

    I brought my notebook and my book.

    Literature Circle Discussions
                               (5 = super! wow!, 1=eek, not at all good)
 Think about the following statements before giving yourself an overall score for today’s sessions.
                                       1        2       3       4         5
    a) I was an active, open minded listener.
    b) I encouraged my group.
    c)I stayed on task and didn’t goof around.
    d)I shared my job with the rest of my group.
    e)I participated in the discussion and gave 100%.

    Literature Circle Peer Evaluation

       Using the above statements, give the other members of your group a score for today’s
                          session. Feel free to explain more if necessary.

    Name:                                  1        2       3       4         5

    Name:                                  1        2       3       4         5

    Name:                                  1        2       3       4         5

    Name:                                  1        2       3       4         5

Teacher’s comment:
Appendix 5: Literature Circles Reflection

What do you like about Literature Circle discussions?

Would you use them if you were a teacher?

How might you do them differently?

What do you think your teacher wants you to learn from Literature Circle

What have you learned recently from Literature Circle discussions? What would
you like to learn next?
Are there any books you particularly enjoyed reading and discussing? Why did
you like them?

 Are there any books you particularly did not enjoy reading and discussing? Why
did you not like them?

Are there any people you especially like having in your group? Why? What do like
discussing with them?
Appendix 6: Discussions Elements

Discussion elements         Looks like                       Sounds Like
Focused on discussion       Eyes on speaker                  Speakers voice only
                            Hands empty                      Paying attention
                            Sit up                           Appropriate responses
                            Mind is focused                  Voices low
                            Face speaker                     One voice at a time

Active Participation        Eyes on speaker                  Appropriate responses
                            Hands to yourself                Folow off others‟ ideas
                            Hands empty                      Nice comments
                            Talking one at a time            Positive attitude
                            Head nodding

Asking Questions for        Listening                        Positive, nice questions
Clarification               Hands empty                      Polite answers

Piggybacking Off            Listening                        Positive, nice talking
Others’ Ideas               Paying attention                 Wait for people to finish

Disagreeing                 Look at the speaker              Polite responses
constructively              Nice face nice looks             Let people finish talking
                                                             Quiet voices
                                                             No put downs
Active listening            Paying attention                 Quiet
                            Hands empty                      Speaker‟s voice only
                            Looking at the speaker
Taking turns to let         One person talking               On evoice
others speak                Attention on speaker
Supporting Opinions         Use the book and from            Piggybacking off others
with Evidence               Be prepared                      Help others find evidence
                                                             One voice
                                                             Let people finish talking

     Taken from,”Getting Started with Literature Circles‟.
Appendix 7: What makes Literature Circles work?

    What makes Literature Circles
  1. Remember to bring your book to class every day.

  2. Remember to complete your job for homework.

  3. Always listen to people when they are talking to
     you, reading aloud, or when they read instructions
     so that you know what to do for homework.

  4. Youshould cooperate even when you disagree.

  5. Stay focused on the book and the discussion.
     Do not have side conversations or let your
     attention wander.

  6. Keep eye contact when someone is speaking.

  7. Speak clearly and loud enough for the group to
     hear, but not so loudly that you distract other

  8. Sit in a circle the same height.

 Always remember to have FUN! 
Appendix 8: Focus Lessons

Focus Lesson       Date              Date           Date
How to choose a
How to start a
discussion quickly
How to listen
How to keep a
Role of group
What to write in
response journal
What to do when
you don‟t
What to do when
your group
How to mediate
How to spice up

   Taken from,„Getting Started with Literature Circles‟. pg.88
Appendix 9: Assessing Literature Circles
               Moving Forward with Literature Circles
Understanding of Literature Discussion
Do the students know what types of things to
talk about? Is there trouble beginning a
discussion or picking a new topic? (What do
we talk about?”)
Do the students articulate what confuses
them? (I didn‟t understand why the character
chose to return home”)
Do the students theorize about confusing
them? (“I wonder if it means that she was
sorry for what she had done?”)
Do the students give evidence from the text
for their opinions and evaluations? (“It says
right there in the book that she was afraid.”)
What type of evidence do they give? Is it
based on their own experiences or the text
for something else? (“I would never do that if
that happened to me

Can the students talk about who else might
like the book? (“My little sister would like this
book better than I did.”
Do the students try to understand the book
from others‟ perspectives, such as the author
or main character? (“I think the author was
making a point about how tough life was
back then.” “I don‟t like that the main
character joined a gang, but I guess he felt
he had to.”)
Student Interaction
Do the students respond to each other‟s
ideas? What are their responses like? Do
they agree or disagree with each others‟
ideas? (“I agree tat she was selfish , but I
think she had reasons for being a brat. It
wasn‟t her fault.”)
Are the students willing to disagree? How do
they go about disagreeing if they do? )” I
don‟t think that‟s right. I think she had a good
reason for being mean to her sister.”)
Are the students willing to share tentative
ideas, things they haven‟t thought through
completely? (“I „v e been wondering if that
wasn‟t because things were different
then…well not different completely, but…do
you know what I mean?”
Do the students ask questions of others?
What types of questions do they ask? (“Did
you like the book, Ryan?” What do you think
the characters should have done?”)
How does student participation change in
different groups?
Critical thinking
Are the students willing to reconsider ideas
in light of new evidence? What do students
do when presented with conflicting
evidence?(“That‟s a good point…I forgot that
she had made the promise to her friend.”)
Do the students actively theorize about the
world or are they dependent on others to tell
them the right answers? (“Well it might be
that…..” as opposed to “I don‟t know. What
do you think?”
Are the students willing or hesitant to
disagree with sources of authority? (“I don‟t
care f the book says …..”as opposed to
“Well, the book says so…so it must be true.”)
Does the student see others as sources of
expertise on which to draw? (“Let‟s ask
Drew. He knows a lot about baseball.”)
When the students give reasons for their
opinions, are those reasons internal (“That
doesn‟t fit my experience”) or are they
external, depending on outside authorities.,
including their parents, their peers their
friends, the book, or other adults? (“My
teachers last year said it means this.”)
Do the students look for multiple
explanations or does one suffice? (“He
joined the army for excitement… or maybe
he felt he had to join the army to help his
sister…or maybe he wanted to get out of his
terrible home situation.”)
Literary Content Knowledge
What content knowledge do students use?
Do they use terms such as character,
setting , tone, theme, foreshadowing? Do
they talk about terms without having a name
for them?
Do students notice the sound and feel of
language? Do they attend to devices such as
metaphor and simile and how they help them
enjoy a book?

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Educators' Network: Literature Circles 2012

  • 1. Educators‟ Network Reading: The Key Element in Academic Achievement Literature Circles By Sarah Pickles March 31st 2012 Lincoln Community School, Accra, Ghana
  • 2. Today I wanted to give you an overview of the benefits of using Literature Circles, talk about how I personally use them as part of my reading program at LCS, and get you thinking about and how you can use them in your classroom and in your school. In this handout you will find copies of some of the resources I use in my Grade 4 class. I hope you find them useful. Bibliography: Noe, Katherine L. Schlick, and Nancy J. Johnson. Getting Started with Literature Circles. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon, 1999. Print. Day, Jeni Pollack. Moving Forward with Literature Circles: How to Plan, Manage, and Evaluate Literature Circles That Deepen Understanding and Foster a Love of Reading. New York: Scholastic Professional, 2002. Print. You can find more out about me and my teaching at the following sites: Thanks for coming to the workshop! Happy reading!
  • 3. Appendices Appendix 1: Letter to Parents about Literature Circles Appendix 2: Literature Circle Jobs Appendix 3: Assessing Literature Circles Appendix 4: Literature Circle Self Evaluation Appendix 5: Literature Circles Reflection Appendix 6: Discussions Elements Appendix 7: What makes Literature Circles work? Appendix 8: Focus Lessons Appendix 9: Assessing Literature Circles
  • 4. Appendix 1: Letter to Parents about Literature Circles Dear Fourth Grade families, We are now ready to begin Literature Circles in Grade 4. As a class we have been using our read alouds to begin looking at different ways to discuss and respond to texts. As a class have been reflecting on characters, connecting with, critically thinking about, as well as asking questions about the texts. The children are now ready to apply all they have learnt and to participate and lead their own book discussions. Literature Circles are a forum for students to read, discuss and respond to literature at their independent reading level. Literature Circles are a great chance for all students to share their ideas, experiences and interpretations. The children have been split up in to discussion groups, according to their independent reading level. The class will have a time limit e.g. 4 weeks, in which they have to finish their book. Each group will decide how much they have to read for each session. For now, the children will take it in turns to have certain jobs for home learning to prepare then for their group discussions. These jobs are: connector character detective discussion director word wizard (Detailed descriptions of the jobs are in their Literature Circle notebooks and on the class webiste) The groups will meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning and they should come having completed their reading and their job (i.e. if they get their new job and reading on Tuesday, they must complete it for Thursday). The reading response homework should work as a spring board for their group‟s discussions. The classes have come up with some essential agreements to ensure Literature Circles run smoothly. Everyone should: complete their home learning and bring it in on time participate fully in the discussion be open minded and listen to others‟ ideas be ready in 1 minute to start bring in their text and Literature Circle journal only read up to the page agreed upon encourage the others in the group keep the noise level down The children will be assessed not only on their home learning but also on their contribution to the discussion. Thank you for your support and assistance! We look forward to many discussions this year that will expand and improve our love of reading as well as help us become critical thinkers. Regards,
  • 5. Sarah Pickles Appendix 2: Literature Circle Jobs Discussion Director Your job at home is to develop a list of questions that your group might want to discuss about this part of the book. Your task is to help people talk over the big ideas in the reading and share their reactions. Usually the best discussion questions come from your own thoughts, feelings, and concerns as you read. You may also use some of the general questions below to develop topics for your group. Sample questions: What was going through your mind while you read this? How did you feel while reading this part of the book? What was discussed by the characters in this part of the book? Can someone summarize briefly? Did today‟s reading remind you of any real-life experiences? What questions did you have when you finished this section? Did anything in this section of the book surprise you? What are the one or two most important ideas? Predict some things that you think will happen next. Word Wizard Your job is to be on the lookout for 4 or 5 especially important words or phrases in today's reading. Look for words that are: * strange * funny * interesting * hard * puzzling * new * different Write down the word or phrase, the page number that it’s on & why you chose it. Then write down their definitions of the words as well. When your group meets, help your classmates talk about the words you have chosen
  • 6. Connector Your job at home is to find 2 or 3 connections between the book your group is reading and the world outside. This means connecting the reading to: * your own life * happenings at school or in the neighborhood * other books or stories * similar events at other times and places * other people or problems * other writings on the same topic * other writings by the same author Character Detective Your job at home is to think about one of the main characters‟ personality. Make a mind map about one of the main characters in your book. In the first bubble write one of his/her character traits (e.g. principled). In the next bubble give a specific example of the character demonstrating this in the section of the book you were reading. Give at least 4 different character traits. Clarice Bean when she thinks it’s not right for Karl to contacthis principled Dad without hismumknowing Extra Jobs Summarizer Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today's reading. Your group discussion will start with your 1-2 minute statement that covers the key points, main highlights, and general idea of today's reading assignment. Travel Tracer When you are reading a book in which characters move around often and the scene changes frequently, it is important for everyone in your group to know where things are happening and how the setting may have changed. So that's your job: to track carefully where the action takes place during today's reading. Describe each setting in detail, either in words or with an action map or diagram you can show to your group. You may use the back of this sheet or another sheet. Be sure to give the page locations where the scene is described.
  • 7. Appendix 3: Assessing Literature Circles Literature Circle Self Evaluation Preparation I read up to page ----------and not ahead yes no I completed my job according to the job description yes no I brought my journal and my text yes no Literature Circle Discussions LOW HIGH I helped my group get started in one minute 1 2 3 4 5 I helped keep the noise level in class low 1 2 3 4 5 I was an active listener 1 2 3 4 5 I encouraged my group 1 2 3 4 5 I stayed on task and didn‟t goof around 1 2 3 4 5 I shared my job with the rest of my group 1 2 3 4 5 I responded to someone else‟s comments 1 2 3 4 5 Teacher’s comment: Literature Circle Home Learning Rubric 0 1 2 3 Content Job is partially done, All parts of the job All parts of the job but not according to the (according to the job (according to the job job description. description) are description) are completed but minimal completed and a lot of Task is not detail is given. detail is given. Mechanics completed Assignment contains Assignment contains Assignment contains (spelling, or not a lot of mechanical some mechanical few, if any, punctuation, brought to errors. errors. mechanical errors. capitalization, school on Job/title date are Either the job or the Job, title and date are subject - verb the day it is missing (2 of the 3) title or the date is all written. agreement) due. * Presentation missing. * Presentation & and/or handwriting is * Presentation & handwriting are neat. sloppy/unreadable/n handwriting are ot done in cursive. readable but messy. Content score: _________ Mechanics score: ____________
  • 8. Appendix 4: Literature Circle Self Evaluation Literature Circle Self Evaluation Date: Preparation yes no I read up to page _______ and not ahead. I completed my job according to the job description and it shows 100% effort. I brought my notebook and my book. Literature Circle Discussions (5 = super! wow!, 1=eek, not at all good) Think about the following statements before giving yourself an overall score for today’s sessions. 1 2 3 4 5 a) I was an active, open minded listener. b) I encouraged my group. c)I stayed on task and didn’t goof around. d)I shared my job with the rest of my group. e)I participated in the discussion and gave 100%. Literature Circle Peer Evaluation Using the above statements, give the other members of your group a score for today’s session. Feel free to explain more if necessary. Name: 1 2 3 4 5 Name: 1 2 3 4 5 Name: 1 2 3 4 5 Name: 1 2 3 4 5 Teacher’s comment:
  • 9. Appendix 5: Literature Circles Reflection What do you like about Literature Circle discussions? Would you use them if you were a teacher? How might you do them differently? What do you think your teacher wants you to learn from Literature Circle discussions? What have you learned recently from Literature Circle discussions? What would you like to learn next?
  • 10. Are there any books you particularly enjoyed reading and discussing? Why did you like them? Are there any books you particularly did not enjoy reading and discussing? Why did you not like them? Are there any people you especially like having in your group? Why? What do like discussing with them?
  • 11. Appendix 6: Discussions Elements Discussion elements Looks like Sounds Like Focused on discussion Eyes on speaker Speakers voice only Hands empty Paying attention Sit up Appropriate responses Mind is focused Voices low Face speaker One voice at a time Active Participation Eyes on speaker Appropriate responses Hands to yourself Folow off others‟ ideas Hands empty Nice comments Talking one at a time Positive attitude Head nodding Asking Questions for Listening Positive, nice questions Clarification Hands empty Polite answers Piggybacking Off Listening Positive, nice talking Others’ Ideas Paying attention Wait for people to finish Disagreeing Look at the speaker Polite responses constructively Nice face nice looks Let people finish talking Quiet voices No put downs Active listening Paying attention Quiet Hands empty Speaker‟s voice only Looking at the speaker Taking turns to let One person talking On evoice others speak Attention on speaker Supporting Opinions Use the book and from Piggybacking off others with Evidence Be prepared Help others find evidence One voice Let people finish talking Taken from,”Getting Started with Literature Circles‟.
  • 12. Appendix 7: What makes Literature Circles work? What makes Literature Circles work? 1. Remember to bring your book to class every day. 2. Remember to complete your job for homework. 3. Always listen to people when they are talking to you, reading aloud, or when they read instructions so that you know what to do for homework. 4. Youshould cooperate even when you disagree. 5. Stay focused on the book and the discussion. Do not have side conversations or let your attention wander. 6. Keep eye contact when someone is speaking. 7. Speak clearly and loud enough for the group to hear, but not so loudly that you distract other groups. 8. Sit in a circle the same height.  Always remember to have FUN! 
  • 13. Appendix 8: Focus Lessons Focus Lesson Date Date Date How to choose a book How to start a discussion quickly How to listen attentively How to keep a conversation going Role of group member What to write in response journal What to do when you don‟t understand What to do when your group finishes How to mediate conflicts How to spice up lagging discussion Taken from,„Getting Started with Literature Circles‟. pg.88
  • 14. Appendix 9: Assessing Literature Circles Moving Forward with Literature Circles Understanding of Literature Discussion Do the students know what types of things to talk about? Is there trouble beginning a discussion or picking a new topic? (What do we talk about?”) Do the students articulate what confuses them? (I didn‟t understand why the character chose to return home”) Do the students theorize about confusing them? (“I wonder if it means that she was sorry for what she had done?”) Do the students give evidence from the text for their opinions and evaluations? (“It says right there in the book that she was afraid.”) What type of evidence do they give? Is it based on their own experiences or the text for something else? (“I would never do that if that happened to me Can the students talk about who else might like the book? (“My little sister would like this book better than I did.” Do the students try to understand the book from others‟ perspectives, such as the author or main character? (“I think the author was making a point about how tough life was back then.” “I don‟t like that the main character joined a gang, but I guess he felt he had to.”) Student Interaction Do the students respond to each other‟s ideas? What are their responses like? Do they agree or disagree with each others‟ ideas? (“I agree tat she was selfish , but I think she had reasons for being a brat. It wasn‟t her fault.”) Are the students willing to disagree? How do they go about disagreeing if they do? )” I don‟t think that‟s right. I think she had a good reason for being mean to her sister.”) Are the students willing to share tentative ideas, things they haven‟t thought through completely? (“I „v e been wondering if that wasn‟t because things were different then…well not different completely, but…do you know what I mean?” Do the students ask questions of others? What types of questions do they ask? (“Did you like the book, Ryan?” What do you think the characters should have done?”) How does student participation change in different groups? Critical thinking Are the students willing to reconsider ideas in light of new evidence? What do students do when presented with conflicting evidence?(“That‟s a good point…I forgot that she had made the promise to her friend.”)
  • 15. Do the students actively theorize about the world or are they dependent on others to tell them the right answers? (“Well it might be that…..” as opposed to “I don‟t know. What do you think?” Are the students willing or hesitant to disagree with sources of authority? (“I don‟t care f the book says …..”as opposed to “Well, the book says so…so it must be true.”) Does the student see others as sources of expertise on which to draw? (“Let‟s ask Drew. He knows a lot about baseball.”) When the students give reasons for their opinions, are those reasons internal (“That doesn‟t fit my experience”) or are they external, depending on outside authorities., including their parents, their peers their friends, the book, or other adults? (“My teachers last year said it means this.”) Do the students look for multiple explanations or does one suffice? (“He joined the army for excitement… or maybe he felt he had to join the army to help his sister…or maybe he wanted to get out of his terrible home situation.”) Literary Content Knowledge What content knowledge do students use? Do they use terms such as character, setting , tone, theme, foreshadowing? Do they talk about terms without having a name for them? Do students notice the sound and feel of language? Do they attend to devices such as metaphor and simile and how they help them enjoy a book?