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Образец	заголовка	
An	Introduc+on	to	Chatbots	
by	Nishil	Shah	and	Kanishk	Thareja	
Prepared	as	an	assignment	for	CS410:	Text	InformaMon	Systems	in	Spring	2016
Образец	заголовка	What	are	Chatbots?[1]	
•  Chatbots	are	arMficially	intelligent	computer	
systems	that	converse	with	humans	using	natural	
•  IniMally	created	in	the	1960s	to	simulate	human	
conversaMon	for	the	purpose	of	entertainment	
•  Today,	chatbots	are	abundant	and	offer	
sophisMcated	services
Образец	заголовка	ELIZA[1]	
•  One	of	the	earliest	chatbot	systems	
•  Designed	to	mirror	a	conversaMon	between	a	
paMent	(the	user)	and	a	psychotherapist	(the	
•  Uses	a	simple	keyword	mapping	algorithm	
–  If	a	keyword	is	found	with	the	user’s	input,	an	output	
sentence	is	selected	based	upon	a	rule	correlated	
with	that	keyword	
–  If	no	keyword	is	found,	ELIZA	returns	a	default	
response	such	as	“Please	go	on.”	or	“Can	you	
elaborate	on	that?”
Образец	заголовка	ELIZA[1]	
•  For	instance,	if	the	input	contains	the	word	“sad”,	
ELIZA	can	respond,	“What’s	bothering	you?”	
•  Based	upon	the	noMon	that	if	a	user	menMons	a	
feeling,	ELIZA	should	engage	them	into	opening	
up	about	it	
•  ELIZA	does	not	understand	what	the	user	says	
•  Generates	a	response	from	pre-stored	sentences	
and	sentence	templates
Образец	заголовка	Current	Applica+ons	of	Chatbots[1]	
•  Chatbots	have	more	pracMcal	applicaMons	due	to	
improvements	in	data/text	mining	and	machine	
learning	methods	
•  The	main	purpose	of	current	chatbots	is	to	
increase	producMvity	
•  Common	domains	of	today’s	chatbots	are	
informaMon	retrieval	(quesMon-and-answer	
systems),	personal	assistance,	and	e-commerce
Образец	заголовка	Facebook	M	
•  A	chatbot	service	created	by	
•  Beta	launched	on	August	27,	2015	
•  Few	usages	of	Facebook	M	are	
finding	restaurant	opMons	and	
vacaMon	suggesMons	
•  Built	right	into	the	messenger;	
allows	users	to	have	easy	access	in	
a	familiar	UI	system
Образец	заголовка	Siri	
•  Chatbot	service	by	Apple	on	iOS	
•  Uses	voice	recogniMon	and	speaks	to	the	user	
•  Siri	has	3	basic	funcMons	
–  Task	compleMon:	Can	perform	web	searches,	
complete	transacMons,	make	a	call,	etc…	
–  ConversaMonal	intent:	Takes	into	account	mulMple	
contexts	such	as	locaMon	and	Mme	to	understand	the	
user’s	situaMon	
–  PersonalizaMon:	Siri	learns	about	the	user	and	tailors	
responses	to	each	individual
Образец	заголовка	How	Do	Chatbots	Work?	
•  Natural	Language	
•  Discourse	Analysis	
•  Ontology	Learning	
•  Sentence	CompleMon
Образец	заголовка	Natural	Language	Processing[2]	
•  Text	systems	interpret	user	input	as	a	“bag	of	
words”,	each	word	considered	independent	of	
the	others	
•  Words	can	be	further	segmented	by	labeling	
their	parts	of	speech,	tense,	etc…
Образец	заголовка	Natural	Language	Processing[2]	
•  Contextually	dependent	words	can	be	found	
using	Markov	Chains	
–  In	the	sentence,	“How	is	the	Apple	stock	doing?”,	the	
keywords	“Apple”	and	“stock”	are	extracted	
•  ProbabilisMc	language	models	can	be	used	to	
assign	weighMngs	to	words	
These	techniques	are	used	in	general	text	
informaMon	systems.	
Let’s	focus	on	topics	specific	to	chatbots.
Образец	заголовка	Natural	Language	Processing[2]	
•  It	is	not	ouen	that	a	user’s	input	is	independent	
of	any	context	
•  The	chatbot	system	must	model	how	separate	
text	links	together	to	form	a	coherent	discourse	
Chatbot	systems	must	recognize	
that	the	user	is	referring	to	the	
same	locaMon	in	both	instances.	
We	need	discourse	analysis!
Образец	заголовка	Discourse	Analysis[3]	
•  Developing	a	raMonal,	coherent	discourse	from	
mulMple	user	inputs	
•  IdenMfies	and	evaluates	pawerns	within	a	series	
of	texts	
•  Creates	relaMonships	between	sentences	and	
•  3	main	models	to	model	discourse	
–  Analysis	of	semanMcs	
–  Analysis	of	structure	
–  Analysis	of	intenMon
Образец	заголовка	
Discourse	Analysis	Using	
•  Text	is	broken	down	into	primiMve	units	called	
elements	(ex:	enMMes,	acMons)	
•  Together,	elements	build	semanMc	formulas,	
which	represent	the	meaning	of	English	words	
Formula	for	“eat”:	
–  Agent	is	animate	
–  Object	is	edible	
–  DirecMon	is	toward	the	human	mouth	
•  Gives	relaMonship	between	objects	and	acMons
Образец	заголовка	Ontology	Learning	Creates	Models[4]	
•  Chatbots	automaMcally	
create	ontologies		
•  An	ontology	is	a	model	
for	describing	an	
enMMes	properMes	and	
•  In	this	example,	the	
system	understands	
that	the	user	likes	
Образец	заголовка	Ontology	Learning[4]	
•  Common	components	of	ontologies	include:	
–  Individuals:	instances	or	objects	(the	basic	or	“ground	
level”	objects)	
–  Classes:	sets,	collecMons,	concepts,	classes	in	
programming,	kinds	of	things	
–  Awributes:	aspects,	features,	properMes,	
–  RelaMons:	ways	in	which	classes	and	individuals	can	
interact	with	each	other	
•  The	more	the	user	interacts	with	the	chatbot,	the	
stronger	the	ontologies	it	can	create
Образец	заголовка	Genera+ng	A	Response[5]	
•  Now	that	the	chatbot	system	has	understood	the	
user’s	input,	it	must	generate	an	appropriate	response	
•  Similar	to	informaMon	retrieval:	rather	than	matching	
the	user’s	“query”	to	a	document,	we	are	mapping	to	
one	to	two	sentences	
•  We	take	into	account	certain	stop	words	such	as	
“you”,	“I”,	and	“because”	that	may	be	important	to	the	
semanMcs	of	the	sentence	
•  The	system	ranks	relevant	sentences	based	on	a	
probabilisMc	funcMon	and	selects	the	highest	one
Образец	заголовка	Sentence	Genera+on[5]	
•  Chatbots	should	keep	a	copy	of	the	conversaMon	
in	memory	
•  Prevents	the	chatbot	from	repeaMng	the	same	
response	if	the	user	sends	in	the	same	input	
mulMple	Mmes	
•  Feedback	based	upon	
– Relevance	of	response	to	user	input	
– SyntacMcal	and	semanMc	correctness
Образец	заголовка	Sentence	Genera+on[5]	
•  What	about	sentences	that	are	not	in	the	system’s	
•  One	method	to	solve	this	uses	a	geneMc	algorithm	to	
crossover	exisMng	sentences	to	produce	a	new	response	
•  To	implement	this,	we	can	use	the	concept	of	largest	
common	paRern	
•  LCP(s,	t)	=	(p1,	p2,	…,	pn)	where	n	=	1	and	p1	=	Ø	
•  LCP(s,	t)	=	(p1,	p2,	...,	pn)	where	for	every	1	≤	i	≤	n,			pi	≠	Ø	
and	s	and	t	are	sentences:	
–  s	=	s1	p1	s2	p2	…	sn	pn	
–  T	=	t1	p1	t2	p2	...	tn	pn
Образец	заголовка	Sentence	Genera+on[5]	
•  s★,	t★	=	first	word	of	each	sentence	
•  ss★,	tt★	=	each	sentence	without	the	first	word	
Auer	finding	the	LCP,	we	can	define	the	
complement	vector	of	each	sentence:	
•  Inds	=	(s1,	s2,	…,	sn)	
•  Indt	=	(t1,	t2,	...,	tn)
Образец	заголовка	Sentence	Genera+on	Example[5]	
•  s	=	Chatbots	can	simplify	many	tasks	for	you	
•  t	=	I	can	finish	many	assignments	for	school	today	
•  LCP(s,	t)	=	(can,	many,	for)	
•  Inds	=	(Chatbots,	simplify,	tasks,	you)	
•  Indt	=	(I,	finish,	assignments,	school	today)	
Assume	we	randomly	decide	to	swap	genes	2	and	3:	
•  Child	1	=	Chatbots	can	finish	many	assignments	for	you	
•  Child	2	=	I	can	simplify	many	tasks	for	school	today	
It	is	possibly	that	a	generated	sentence	is	not	
syntacMcally	or	semanMcally	correct.
Образец	заголовка	Evalua+ng	A	Chatbot’s	Performance[6]	
•  Evaluated	based	on	similarity	to	fluent,	human	
•  Turing	test	
– Judges	chat	with	mulMple	chatbots	and	score	
them	in	their	ability	to	simulate	a	human’s	natural	
•  However,	“naturalness”	is	subjecMve	
•  Important	to	take	into	account	quanMtaMve	data	
to	measure	efficiency
Образец	заголовка	Evalua+on	Metrics[6]	
•  QuanMtaMve	
–  Time	to	develop	response	
–  Time/number	of	interacMons	to	complete	user’s	task	
–  Number	of	re-prompts	
–  Number	of	irrelevant	system	responses	
•  QualitaMve	
–  Naturalness	
–  Clarity	
–  Friendliness	
–  User	saMsfacMon
Образец	заголовка	Limita+ons	to	Chatbots	
•  Chatbots	require	a	high	computaMonal	
complexity	to	funcMon	efficiently	
•  Languages	have	mulMple	dialects	and	varying	
sentence	structures	that	make	it	difficult	for	
chatbots	to	properly	understand	the	user	
•  Chatbots	have	difficulty	answering	abstract	
•  Chatbots	cannot	easily	recognize	humor	and	
Образец	заголовка	The	Future	of	Chatbots	
•  The	popularity	of	chatbots	is	rapidly	rising	
•  Businesses	in	various	industries	are	starMng	to	
implement	chatbots	to	make	their	services	more	
seamless	for	the	user	
•  Users	rather	have	a	conversaMon	than	click	buwons	and	
fill	out	forms	
•  They	will	be	used	to	simplify	online	processes:	everything	
from	simulaMng	customer	service	representaMves	to	
helping	you	order	food	
•  No	chatbot	has	uncontroversially	passed	the	Turing	test	
Образец	заголовка	Deep	Learning:	The	Future	
•  Deep	Learning	is	a	branch	of	machine	learning	based	on	a	set	of	algorithms	that	
awempt	to	model	high-level	abstracMons	in	data	by	using	mulMple	processing	layers	
Models	of	Deep	Learning	
•  Retrieval-based	models	(easier)		
–  Use	a	repository	of	predefined	responses	and	some	kind	of	heurisMc	to	pick	an	
appropriate	response	based	on	the	input	and	context	
–  The	heurisMc	could	be	as	simple	as	a	rule-based	expression	match,	or	as	complex	
as	an	ensemble	of	machine	learning	classifiers	
–  Don’t	generate	any	new	text,	they	just	pick	a	response	from	a	fixed	set	
•  Genera+ve	models	(harder)	
–  Don’t	rely	on	pre-defined	responses	
–  Generate	new	responses	from	scratch	
–  Based	on	machine	translaMon	techniques;	instead	of	translaMng	from	one	language	
to	another,	we	“translate”	from	an	input	to	an	output
Образец	заголовка	Cita+ons	
[1]:	Chatbots:	Are	they	Really	Useful?		
[2]:	Natural	Language	Processing	for	Informa=on	Retrieval:	the	=me	is	ripe	(again)		
[3]:	Approaches	to	natural	language	discourse	processing	
[4]:	A	Survey	of	Ontology	Learning	Procedures	
[5]:	Evolu=onary	Sentence	Building	for	ChaGerbots	
[6]:	Towards	a	Method	For	Evalua=ng	Naturalness	in	Conversa=onal	Dialog	Systems	

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An Introduction to Chatbots