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agile agileil15 agileil12 scrum agileil11 agile israel 2019 case study agile software development agileil13 kanban agile testing agile israel 2016 devopsil15 agilesparks agile israel 2015 shirly ronen lean danko linda rising leadership management agile israel 2017 conference elad amit it metrics enterprise flow product ownership fearless change safe scaling agile keynote trends agile teams cloudband product management design thinking organizational culture process improvement sap qa agile israel lean startup henrik kniberg atmm defects xp maturity hp alm engineering practices toc devops continuous deployment rallydev kevin goldsmith em campbell pretty the mindful manager simon bennett bugs zero arlo belshee devops&it kpis no qa agile culture open space daniel mezick distributed teams organizational change advanscrum leankit chris hefley horror stories agile horror stories עברית sprint planning daily scrum daily standup retrospectives roi business agility release planning change management influence invest business value value mmfs user stories product track sagi scaled agile framework scaled agile sagi smolarski less turn the ship around david marquet mobileagile mobile agile perfectomobile mobile agile team lead last leading agile teams atdd bdd hp hp agile manager technical debt professionalism cyberark dynamic feature teams customer collaboration enterprisedevops trainologic hpsw bank planning microsoft rightshifting marshall feature teams simulation software agile kanban scrum project man offshore outsourcing innovation games amdocs complexity theory jean tabaka dojo software quality software testing at&t pelephone government agile contracts contracting project management agileil10 fixed price translation hebrew release agile manual testing scrum master scrum roles lean reports agile reports agile metrics standup ben reich inbar oren dr ronen bar-nahor tal aviv testign team testing maturity modellshirly ronen testing maturity model scrum levels exploratory testing software craftsmanship diagnostics change process entinex roles collaboration research sla ops operations itg lean product management self-organization agile management best practices continuous integration fiftyone scrumban outbrain visualization
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