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Cooperation and Reputation
Vincent Traag
June 29, 2010
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
1. Introduction
2. Cooperative Mechanisms
3. Indirect Reciprocity
4. Proposed model
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Cooperation (and defection)
• Organizations (also Wikipedia, open source software, . . . )
◮ Why do people contribute?
• Worker ants in colonies
◮ Why do workers help without individual benefit?
• Prudents parasites in hosts
◮ Why do parasites not replicate faster?
• Human body
◮ Why do cells not replicate faster?
Central question
If defecting (not cooperating) is a real option, why (and how) has
cooperation evolved?
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Formal cooperation (and defection)
Prisoner’s Dilemma
• The game knows two options, donating or not donating.
• Donate at a cost c > 0 to benefit someone else with benefit
b > c.
• Agents are paired, and play a round of donating or not.
• Cooperators C donate, defectors D do not donate.
This can be summarized in the payoff matrix
A =
C b − c −c
D b 0
Defectors dominate
Whatever strategy you encounter (C or D), always better to defect.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Evolutionary Stability (static)
Definition (Nash equilibrium)
Strategy i is a Nash equilibrium if Aii ≥ Aji
and is a strict Nash equilibrium if Aii > Aji .
Players cannot benefit by switching from strategy i if it is a Nash
Definition (ESS)
Strategy i is an Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS) if
Aii > Aji or (Aii = Aji and Aij > Ajj ).
A population of players with strategy i cannot be ‘invaded’ by a
small number of different strategies.
Strict Nash =⇒ ESS =⇒ Nash
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Mixed strategies
Mixed strategies
• There are n different ‘pure’ strategies (e.g. Cooperate, Defect).
• Mixed strategy p is: play ‘pure’ strategy i with probability pi .
• Average payoff for ‘pure’ strategy i versus p is then (Ap)i .
• Average payoff for mixed strategy q versus p is then q⊺Ap.
Stability revisited
Strategy p is
(Strict) Nash p⊺Ap ≥ q⊺Ap
ESS p⊺Ap > q⊺Ap or
p⊺Ap = p⊺Aq and p⊺Aq > q⊺Aq
There always exists a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Dynamical View
• Natural to model game dynamics in an evolutionary context.
• Survival of the fittest (fitness = payoff).
Definition (Replicator equation)
Population with i = 1, . . . , n different mixed strategies pi
xi Relative abundance (frequency)
¯p = i pi xi Average strategy
fi = p⊺
i A¯p Expected payoff
¯f = ¯p⊺
A¯p Average payoff
Evolution of the population given by
˙xi = xi (fi − ¯f ) = xi ((pi − ¯p)⊺
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Stability (dynamic)
Fixed points
• Total population always i xi = 1.
• Dynamics are restricted to unit simplex Sn.
• Fixed point x∗ then p⊺
i A¯p = ¯pA¯p for xi > 0.
Nash and ESS vs. fixed points
• If x∗ is (strictly) Nash, then it is a (stable) fixed point.
• If the fixed point x∗ is stable, it is a Nash equilibrium.
• if x∗ is ESS then it is a stable fixed point.
• An interior ESS x∗ is globally stable.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
What are possibly mechanisms to get cooperation?
Payoff matrix
A =
C b − c −c
D b 0
• Kin selection (r > c
b )
Cooperate because offspring benefits of your cooperation. Basis
of ‘selfish gene’, or ‘inclusive fitness’.
• Direct reciprocity (w > c
b )
Cooperate because of possible future payoffs.
• Indirect reciprocity (q > c
b )
Cooperate because someone else may cooperate with you in the
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Kin selection
Kin and gene
• Focus is on the gene, how can the gene spread?
• If coefficient of kinship r > c
b the cooperative gene will spread.
Game theoretic dynamic view
• Let 0 ≤ r ≤ 1 be the assortativity.
• Average payoff (cooperators x, defectors 1 − x)
fC (x) = r(b − c) + (1 − r) (x(b − c) − (1 − x)c)
fD(x) = (1 − r)xb
• Dynamics ˙x = x(1 − x)(fC − fD), x∗ = 1 is stable if r > c
b .
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Kin selection
Change in payoff
• Average payoff (cooperators x, defectors 1 − x)
fC (x) = r(b − c) + (1 − r) (x(b − c) − (1 − x)c)
fD(x) = (1 − r)xb
• Gives payoff matrix
A =
C b − c rb − c
D (1 − r)b 0
• Cooperation is ESS if (b − c) > (1 − r)b, hence if r > c
b .
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Cooperate because possible future rewards.
Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma
• Play the PD game multiple times.
• Usually probability w to play another round.
• Huge number of possible strategies.
• No definite ESS.
• Play on average k = 1/(1 − w) rounds, then apply selection.
• Expected payoff aij of strategy i vs j.
• Then apply earlier framework (ESS, replicator).
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Some strategies
Example (Always)
Defect/cooperate on all rounds
Example (Win-Stay, Lose-Shift)
Change strategy if losing, keep it
Example (Tit-for-tat)
Start cooperating, then repeat
Example (Generous Tit-for-tat)
As TFT, but cooperates after
defection with probability p.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Stability of reciprocity (TFT)
TFT vs. AllD
• TFT will cooperate first round, then defect subsequently.
• Expected payoff matrix
A =
TFT (b − c)/(1 − w) −c
AllD b 0
• TFT is ESS when (b − c)/(1 − w) > b, or w > c
b .
TFT vs. AllC
• TFT is neutral vs AllC, neither is ESS.
• Expected payoff always (b − c)/(1 − w) for both TFT and AllC.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Cyclic behaviour
Weaknesses of TFT
• TFT population can drift towards AllC.
• TFT does not restore cooperation on errors
• Generous TFT (GTFT) sometimes cooperates unreciprocally.
• GTFT can correct errors but still neutral vs AllC.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Why is kin selection and reciprocity not sufficient?
Insufficient explanation
• Humans cooperate also with non-kin.
• Humans cooperate in non-iterative situations.
Indirect reciprocity
• Cooperate if cooperated with others in the past.
• Brings reputation into play.
• How to respond to reputation?
• How to determine new reputation?
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Indirect Reciprocity
Cooperate because others will return the favor.
• Cooperation increases reputation, defection decreases it.
• Cooperate with those who have a good reputation.
• Defect those who have a bad reputation.
Action and assesment
• Many other possible interactions between cooperation and
• Should it be ‘bad’ or ‘good’ to cooperate with ‘bad’ agents?
• Should you cooperate only to increase your own reputation?
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Image score
Definition (Image score, reputation)
• Integer status −5 ≤ Si ≤ 5 known to all.
• If cooperate increase (with 1).
• If defect decrease (with 1).
Definition (Discriminator Strategy)
• Cooperative threshold −5 ≤ kj ≤ 6.
• If status Si ≥ kj cooperate, otherwise defect.
• Strategy kj = −5 corresponds to AllC.
• Strategy kj = 6 corresponds to AllD.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Image score
• Have n agents playing m rounds of donating.
• Each agent i has a threshold ki and
reputation Si .
• Reproduce offspring proportional to payoff.
Results of simulation
• Cooperative strategies (ki ≤ 0) prevails
without mutation.
• Cycles of Discriminator → AllC → AllD with
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Some simple analytics
Simple image score
• Only good (1) or bad (0) reputation.
• Conditional cooperation (CC): cooperate if reputation is good.
• Probability q to know reputation of defector.
CC vs AllD
• Payoff matrix
A =
CC b − c −c(1 − q)
AllD b(1 − q) 0
• Conditional Cooperation is ESS when q > c
b .
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Other reputation dynamics
• Defecting a defector: bad in image score.
• What action should be regarded as good?
• When to cooperate, when to defect?
C ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
D ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Reputation of donor and recipientAction of donor
New reputation can be
either Good or Bad
Action can be either
Cooperate or Defect
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Some reputation dynamics
Image scoring
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Leading eight
Best strategies
• In total 2, 048 different possible strategies.
• There are 8 strategies (leading eight) that perform best (highest
payoff, and ESS).
C G ∗ G ∗
D B G B ∗
C D C ×
Maintainance of cooperation
Mark defectors
Punish defectors
Forgive defectors
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Subjective reputation
Subjective reputation
• Unrealistic that everybody knows the reputation of everybody.
• Introduce a subjective (private) reputation.
• ‘Observe’ only a few interactions.
• Probability q of observing an interaction.
• Cooperation declines with lower q.
• Diverging reputations cause further errors.
• Good may defect bad, but not all agree on who’s bad.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Synchronize reputations
Synchronizing reputations
• Spread local information to synchronize reputations.
• Players ‘gossip’ about each other to share information.
• Start gossip, spread gossip and how to interpret gossip?
Lying, cheating and defecting
• Possibly ‘false’ gossips spread.
• Spread rumours unconditionally allows liars to invade.
• Liars cannot invade conditional rumour spreaders.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Empirical evidence
Directly observable
• Humans seem to be using image scoring.
• Norm (help if S > k) can be different across groups.
• Standing strategy might be too ‘demanding’.
• Generates trust, also in subsequent games.
With gossip
• Gossip effective to spread information on reputation.
• Even in presence of direct observation, gossip has an effect.
• More gossip increases the effect.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Current research
Research questions
• What population structure can result from gossip?
• How stable are certain population structures?
Desired properties
• Have subjective reputations.
• Influenced by ‘local’ gossip.
• In the absence of gossip, rely on own observations.
• More gossip should have more influence.
• Have an analytically tractable model.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Simple model
• Start with some simple model and obtain some results.
• Somewhat arbitrary choices, which might be varied later on.
1 Each agent has a reputation of the other: Sij .
2 Everybody plays and cooperates/defects based on reputation.
3 Everybody gossips the result of the interaction.
4 Update reputation based on own observation and gossip.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Reputation and cooperation
One interaction
• Suppose agent i and j interact
• Each agent has a reputation of the other: Sij and Sji
• Probability to cooperate αij and αji depend on reputation.
Approximation to image score
• Image score uses effectively a Heaviside step function:
αij = Θ(Sij − k)
• We propose continuous version (for now, k = 0)
αij =
1 + e−γ(Sij −k)
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Individual strategy
The four different outcomes have the following probabilities:
Player j
Player i
C αij αji αij (1 − αji )
D (1 − αij )αji (1 − αij )(1 − αji )
Individual strategy
• +1 for ‘good’ actions, −1 for ‘bad’ actions to reputation.
• TFT-like: Consider CC and DC as good.
• We currently study WSLS-like: Consider CC and DD as good.
∆i Sij (t) =αij αji + (1 − αij )(1 − αji )
− (1 − αij )αji − αij (1 − αji )
=(2αij − 1)(2αji − 1)
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Who gossips?
• To whom should you gossip?
• What gossip should you trust?
• Pass on the gossip?
• Currently: no further spreading, talk to cooperative people.
Gossip about what?
• Gossip about reputation?
• Gossip about last interaction?
• Currently: last interaction.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Consider all neighbours k when updating the reputation Sij .
i j
The link to
be updated.
Does i ‘like’ k?
Will k gossip to i?
What action
has j taken
to k?
Change in reputation after gossiping
∆g Sij (t) =
αki (2αik − 1)(2αjk − 1)
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Reputation dynamics
• Combine change from individual strategy and from gossiping.
• Balance the two changes with a ‘social influence’ parameter
0 ≤ λ ≤ 1.
∆Sij (t) = (1−λ) (2αij − 1)(2αji − 1)
Individual strategy
αki (2αik − 1)(2αjk − 1)
Gossip influence
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Obtain differential equation
• Assume for interval ∆t < 1, probability to interact is ∆t.
• Then we can take the limit lim∆t→0 ∆Sij (t)/∆t
• The derivative ˙Sij can be written in terms of αij , we obtain
˙Sij =
γ(1 − αij )αij
Differential equation becomes (with rescaled time τ = γt)
˙αij = αij (1 − αij ) (1 − λ)(2αij − 1)(2αji − 1)
+ λ
αki (2αik − 1)(2αjk − 1)
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
No gossip
No gossip
• When gossip is not present
differential equation is simple:
˙αij = αij (1 − αij )(2αij − 1)(2αji − 1)
• Only dependent on αij and αji .
• Only stable fixed point: α∗
ij = α∗
ji = 1.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Stability of fixed points
Two classes of fixed points
• Let Sn be the unit hypercube of dimension n.
• First class of fixed points is the corner of Sn.
• That is α∗
ij = 0, 1 for all ij
• Second class is outside the corners (internal points).
• That is, there is at least one α∗
ij = 0, 1
Stability of points
• Points in the corner are easily classified as (un)stable
• Internal points more difficult.
• It seems that most internal points are non-hyperbolic.
• Possibly some (limit) cycles may exist.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Corner points
Corner points
• All corner points are fixed points.
• Jacobian of ˙α = F(α) defined as
∇F =
· · · ∂f12
· · ·
• For corner points, only ∂fij /∂αij is non-zero:
Condition for stability in corners:
(1 − 2α∗
ij ) (1 − λ)(2α∗
ij − 1)(2α∗
ji − 1) + λ(k+
ij − k−
ij ) < 0
where k±
ij is the number of matches/differences between i and j.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Stable groups
• One special case of corner points
• Cooperate within group, defect between groups
• Working out stability conditions gives
nc >
• Social influence λ induces lower bound on group size.
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Invasion from AllD
• Suppose system in equilibrium α∗ = (1, 1, . . . , 1).
• Add a number of defectors (AllD).
• Relationships between gossiping cooperators uneffected.
• Only reputation of defector changes.
New reputation equilibrium
• Let i be a cooperator, and j a defector, then
˙αij = αij (1 − αij ) [(1 − λ)(1 − 2αij ) − λ(nc − 1)]
• Stable fixed point 1−λnc
2(1−λ) exists if nc < 1
λ (otherwise 0).
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Invasion from AllD
• In equilibrium, expected payoff Acc of cooperator vs. itself is
(b − c)
nc(nc − 1)
• Expected payoff Adc of defector vs. cooperator is
1 − λn
2(1 − λ)
• Condition Acc > Adc reduces to
1 −
(1 − λnc)nd
2(1 − λ)(nc − 1)
• Since c
b < 1, if RHS larger than that, AllD cannot invade. This
reduces to
nc >
Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model
Invasion from AllD
Group size
• Two regimes of behavior:
nc <
and nc >
• In first regime, some cooperation with defectors.
• Amount of cooperation decreases with group size nc and social
influence λ.
• In second regime, defectors can never invade.
• But by earlier stability of groups
nc >
• So, always stable against invasion from AllD.

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Cooperation and Reputation

  • 2. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Outline 1. Introduction 2. Cooperative Mechanisms 3. Indirect Reciprocity 4. Proposed model
  • 3. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Cooperation Cooperation (and defection) • Organizations (also Wikipedia, open source software, . . . ) ◮ Why do people contribute? • Worker ants in colonies ◮ Why do workers help without individual benefit? • Prudents parasites in hosts ◮ Why do parasites not replicate faster? • Human body ◮ Why do cells not replicate faster? Central question If defecting (not cooperating) is a real option, why (and how) has cooperation evolved?
  • 4. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Formal cooperation (and defection) Prisoner’s Dilemma • The game knows two options, donating or not donating. • Donate at a cost c > 0 to benefit someone else with benefit b > c. • Agents are paired, and play a round of donating or not. • Cooperators C donate, defectors D do not donate. This can be summarized in the payoff matrix A = C D C b − c −c D b 0 Defectors dominate Whatever strategy you encounter (C or D), always better to defect.
  • 5. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Evolutionary Stability (static) Definition (Nash equilibrium) Strategy i is a Nash equilibrium if Aii ≥ Aji and is a strict Nash equilibrium if Aii > Aji . Players cannot benefit by switching from strategy i if it is a Nash equilibrium. Definition (ESS) Strategy i is an Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS) if Aii > Aji or (Aii = Aji and Aij > Ajj ). A population of players with strategy i cannot be ‘invaded’ by a small number of different strategies. Strict Nash =⇒ ESS =⇒ Nash
  • 6. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Mixed strategies Mixed strategies • There are n different ‘pure’ strategies (e.g. Cooperate, Defect). • Mixed strategy p is: play ‘pure’ strategy i with probability pi . • Average payoff for ‘pure’ strategy i versus p is then (Ap)i . • Average payoff for mixed strategy q versus p is then q⊺Ap. Stability revisited Strategy p is (Strict) Nash p⊺Ap ≥ q⊺Ap ESS p⊺Ap > q⊺Ap or p⊺Ap = p⊺Aq and p⊺Aq > q⊺Aq There always exists a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium.
  • 7. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Dynamical View • Natural to model game dynamics in an evolutionary context. • Survival of the fittest (fitness = payoff). Definition (Replicator equation) Population with i = 1, . . . , n different mixed strategies pi xi Relative abundance (frequency) ¯p = i pi xi Average strategy fi = p⊺ i A¯p Expected payoff ¯f = ¯p⊺ A¯p Average payoff Evolution of the population given by ˙xi = xi (fi − ¯f ) = xi ((pi − ¯p)⊺ A¯p).
  • 8. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Stability (dynamic) Fixed points • Total population always i xi = 1. • Dynamics are restricted to unit simplex Sn. • Fixed point x∗ then p⊺ i A¯p = ¯pA¯p for xi > 0. Nash and ESS vs. fixed points • If x∗ is (strictly) Nash, then it is a (stable) fixed point. • If the fixed point x∗ is stable, it is a Nash equilibrium. • if x∗ is ESS then it is a stable fixed point. • An interior ESS x∗ is globally stable.
  • 9. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Overview What are possibly mechanisms to get cooperation? Payoff matrix A = C D C b − c −c D b 0 Mechanisms • Kin selection (r > c b ) Cooperate because offspring benefits of your cooperation. Basis of ‘selfish gene’, or ‘inclusive fitness’. • Direct reciprocity (w > c b ) Cooperate because of possible future payoffs. • Indirect reciprocity (q > c b ) Cooperate because someone else may cooperate with you in the future.
  • 10. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Kin selection Kin and gene • Focus is on the gene, how can the gene spread? • If coefficient of kinship r > c b the cooperative gene will spread. Game theoretic dynamic view • Let 0 ≤ r ≤ 1 be the assortativity. • Average payoff (cooperators x, defectors 1 − x) fC (x) = r(b − c) + (1 − r) (x(b − c) − (1 − x)c) fD(x) = (1 − r)xb • Dynamics ˙x = x(1 − x)(fC − fD), x∗ = 1 is stable if r > c b .
  • 11. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Kin selection Change in payoff • Average payoff (cooperators x, defectors 1 − x) fC (x) = r(b − c) + (1 − r) (x(b − c) − (1 − x)c) fD(x) = (1 − r)xb • Gives payoff matrix A = C D C b − c rb − c D (1 − r)b 0 • Cooperation is ESS if (b − c) > (1 − r)b, hence if r > c b .
  • 12. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Reciprocity Cooperate because possible future rewards. Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma • Play the PD game multiple times. • Usually probability w to play another round. • Huge number of possible strategies. • No definite ESS. Framework • Play on average k = 1/(1 − w) rounds, then apply selection. • Expected payoff aij of strategy i vs j. • Then apply earlier framework (ESS, replicator).
  • 13. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Some strategies Example (Always) Defect/cooperate on all rounds Other CDDDDCC AllD DDDDDDD AllC CCCCCCCC Example (Win-Stay, Lose-Shift) Change strategy if losing, keep it otherwise. Other CDDDDCC WSLS CCDCDCC Example (Tit-for-tat) Start cooperating, then repeat opponent. Other CDDDDCC TFT CCDDDDC Example (Generous Tit-for-tat) As TFT, but cooperates after defection with probability p. Other CDDDDCC GTFT CCDDCDC
  • 14. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Stability of reciprocity (TFT) TFT vs. AllD • TFT will cooperate first round, then defect subsequently. • Expected payoff matrix A = TFT AllD TFT (b − c)/(1 − w) −c AllD b 0 • TFT is ESS when (b − c)/(1 − w) > b, or w > c b . TFT vs. AllC • TFT is neutral vs AllC, neither is ESS. • Expected payoff always (b − c)/(1 − w) for both TFT and AllC.
  • 15. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Cyclic behaviour Weaknesses of TFT • TFT population can drift towards AllC. • TFT does not restore cooperation on errors TFT CCDCDCDD TFT CCCDCDDD • Generous TFT (GTFT) sometimes cooperates unreciprocally. • GTFT can correct errors but still neutral vs AllC. TFT GTFT AllCAllD
  • 16. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Introduction Why is kin selection and reciprocity not sufficient? Insufficient explanation • Humans cooperate also with non-kin. • Humans cooperate in non-iterative situations. Indirect reciprocity • Cooperate if cooperated with others in the past. • Brings reputation into play. • How to respond to reputation? • How to determine new reputation?
  • 17. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Indirect Reciprocity Cooperate because others will return the favor. Reputation • Cooperation increases reputation, defection decreases it. • Cooperate with those who have a good reputation. • Defect those who have a bad reputation. Action and assesment • Many other possible interactions between cooperation and reputation. • Should it be ‘bad’ or ‘good’ to cooperate with ‘bad’ agents? • Should you cooperate only to increase your own reputation?
  • 18. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Image score Definition (Image score, reputation) • Integer status −5 ≤ Si ≤ 5 known to all. • If cooperate increase (with 1). • If defect decrease (with 1). Definition (Discriminator Strategy) • Cooperative threshold −5 ≤ kj ≤ 6. • If status Si ≥ kj cooperate, otherwise defect. • Strategy kj = −5 corresponds to AllC. • Strategy kj = 6 corresponds to AllD.
  • 19. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Image score Simulation • Have n agents playing m rounds of donating. • Each agent i has a threshold ki and reputation Si . • Reproduce offspring proportional to payoff. Results of simulation • Cooperative strategies (ki ≤ 0) prevails without mutation. • Cycles of Discriminator → AllC → AllD with mutation.
  • 20. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Some simple analytics Simple image score • Only good (1) or bad (0) reputation. • Conditional cooperation (CC): cooperate if reputation is good. • Probability q to know reputation of defector. CC vs AllD • Payoff matrix A = CC AllD CC b − c −c(1 − q) AllD b(1 − q) 0 • Conditional Cooperation is ESS when q > c b .
  • 21. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Other reputation dynamics Morals • Defecting a defector: bad in image score. • What action should be regarded as good? • When to cooperate, when to defect? GG GB BG BB C ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ D ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Reputation of donor and recipientAction of donor New reputation can be either Good or Bad Action can be either Cooperate or Defect
  • 22. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Some reputation dynamics GG GB BG BB C G G G G D B B B B Image scoring C G G G G D B G B B Standing C G B G B D B G B B Judging C G B G B D B B B B Shunning
  • 23. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Leading eight Best strategies • In total 2, 048 different possible strategies. • There are 8 strategies (leading eight) that perform best (highest payoff, and ESS). GG GB BG BB C G ∗ G ∗ D B G B ∗ C D C × Maintainance of cooperation Mark defectors Punish defectors Forgive defectors Apologize
  • 24. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Subjective reputation Subjective reputation • Unrealistic that everybody knows the reputation of everybody. • Introduce a subjective (private) reputation. • ‘Observe’ only a few interactions. Observing • Probability q of observing an interaction. • Cooperation declines with lower q. • Diverging reputations cause further errors. • Good may defect bad, but not all agree on who’s bad.
  • 25. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Synchronize reputations Synchronizing reputations • Spread local information to synchronize reputations. • Players ‘gossip’ about each other to share information. • Start gossip, spread gossip and how to interpret gossip? Lying, cheating and defecting • Possibly ‘false’ gossips spread. • Spread rumours unconditionally allows liars to invade. • Liars cannot invade conditional rumour spreaders.
  • 26. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Empirical evidence Directly observable • Humans seem to be using image scoring. • Norm (help if S > k) can be different across groups. • Standing strategy might be too ‘demanding’. • Generates trust, also in subsequent games. With gossip • Gossip effective to spread information on reputation. • Even in presence of direct observation, gossip has an effect. • More gossip increases the effect.
  • 27. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Current research Research questions • What population structure can result from gossip? • How stable are certain population structures? Desired properties • Have subjective reputations. • Influenced by ‘local’ gossip. • In the absence of gossip, rely on own observations. • More gossip should have more influence. • Have an analytically tractable model.
  • 28. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Simple model • Start with some simple model and obtain some results. • Somewhat arbitrary choices, which might be varied later on. Basics 1 Each agent has a reputation of the other: Sij . 2 Everybody plays and cooperates/defects based on reputation. 3 Everybody gossips the result of the interaction. 4 Update reputation based on own observation and gossip.
  • 29. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Reputation and cooperation One interaction • Suppose agent i and j interact • Each agent has a reputation of the other: Sij and Sji • Probability to cooperate αij and αji depend on reputation. Approximation to image score • Image score uses effectively a Heaviside step function: αij = Θ(Sij − k) • We propose continuous version (for now, k = 0) αij = 1 1 + e−γ(Sij −k)
  • 30. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Individual strategy The four different outcomes have the following probabilities: Player j Player i C D C αij αji αij (1 − αji ) D (1 − αij )αji (1 − αij )(1 − αji ) Individual strategy • +1 for ‘good’ actions, −1 for ‘bad’ actions to reputation. • TFT-like: Consider CC and DC as good. • We currently study WSLS-like: Consider CC and DD as good. ∆i Sij (t) =αij αji + (1 − αij )(1 − αji ) − (1 − αij )αji − αij (1 − αji ) =(2αij − 1)(2αji − 1)
  • 31. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Gossiping Who gossips? • To whom should you gossip? • What gossip should you trust? • Pass on the gossip? • Currently: no further spreading, talk to cooperative people. Gossip about what? • Gossip about reputation? • Gossip about last interaction? • Currently: last interaction.
  • 32. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Gossiping Consider all neighbours k when updating the reputation Sij . i j k The link to be updated. Does i ‘like’ k? Will k gossip to i? What action has j taken to k? Change in reputation after gossiping ∆g Sij (t) = k=i,j αki (2αik − 1)(2αjk − 1)
  • 33. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Reputation dynamics Reputation • Combine change from individual strategy and from gossiping. • Balance the two changes with a ‘social influence’ parameter 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1. ∆Sij (t) = (1−λ) (2αij − 1)(2αji − 1) Individual strategy +λ k=i,j αki (2αik − 1)(2αjk − 1) Gossip influence
  • 34. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Analytics Obtain differential equation • Assume for interval ∆t < 1, probability to interact is ∆t. • Then we can take the limit lim∆t→0 ∆Sij (t)/∆t • The derivative ˙Sij can be written in terms of αij , we obtain ˙Sij = ˙αij γ(1 − αij )αij Differential equation becomes (with rescaled time τ = γt) ˙αij = αij (1 − αij ) (1 − λ)(2αij − 1)(2αji − 1) + λ k=i,j αki (2αik − 1)(2αjk − 1)
  • 35. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model No gossip No gossip • When gossip is not present differential equation is simple: ˙αij = αij (1 − αij )(2αij − 1)(2αji − 1) • Only dependent on αij and αji . • Only stable fixed point: α∗ ij = α∗ ji = 1. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
  • 36. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Stability of fixed points Two classes of fixed points • Let Sn be the unit hypercube of dimension n. • First class of fixed points is the corner of Sn. • That is α∗ ij = 0, 1 for all ij • Second class is outside the corners (internal points). • That is, there is at least one α∗ ij = 0, 1 Corner Stability of points • Points in the corner are easily classified as (un)stable • Internal points more difficult. • It seems that most internal points are non-hyperbolic. • Possibly some (limit) cycles may exist.
  • 37. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Corner points Corner points • All corner points are fixed points. • Jacobian of ˙α = F(α) defined as ∇F =     ∂f12 ∂α12 · · · ∂f12 αn(n−1) ... ... ... ... ∂fn(n−1) ∂α12 · · · ∂fn(n−1) αn(n−1)     α∗ • For corner points, only ∂fij /∂αij is non-zero: Condition for stability in corners: (1 − 2α∗ ij ) (1 − λ)(2α∗ ij − 1)(2α∗ ji − 1) + λ(k+ ij − k− ij ) < 0 where k± ij is the number of matches/differences between i and j.
  • 38. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Stable groups Groups • One special case of corner points • Cooperate within group, defect between groups • Working out stability conditions gives nc > 1 λ • Social influence λ induces lower bound on group size.
  • 39. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Invasion from AllD AllD • Suppose system in equilibrium α∗ = (1, 1, . . . , 1). • Add a number of defectors (AllD). • Relationships between gossiping cooperators uneffected. • Only reputation of defector changes. New reputation equilibrium • Let i be a cooperator, and j a defector, then ˙αij = αij (1 − αij ) [(1 − λ)(1 − 2αij ) − λ(nc − 1)] • Stable fixed point 1−λnc 2(1−λ) exists if nc < 1 λ (otherwise 0).
  • 40. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Invasion from AllD • In equilibrium, expected payoff Acc of cooperator vs. itself is (b − c) nc(nc − 1) n2 • Expected payoff Adc of defector vs. cooperator is b 1 − λn 2(1 − λ) ncnd n2 • Condition Acc > Adc reduces to 1 − (1 − λnc)nd 2(1 − λ)(nc − 1) > c b • Since c b < 1, if RHS larger than that, AllD cannot invade. This reduces to nc > 1 λ
  • 41. Introduction Cooperative Mechanisms Indirect Reciprocity Proposed model Invasion from AllD Group size • Two regimes of behavior: nc < 1 λ and nc > 1 λ • In first regime, some cooperation with defectors. • Amount of cooperation decreases with group size nc and social influence λ. • In second regime, defectors can never invade. • But by earlier stability of groups nc > 1 λ . • So, always stable against invasion from AllD.