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2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
Quarter 2 : Force, Motion and Energy Topic: Plate Tectonics Time Frame: 
Stage 1 
Content Standard: 
The learner demonstrates understanding of managing effects 
of events associated with plate tectonics. 
Performance Standard: 
Learners, working in pairs, manage the effects on human lives 
and the environment of events associated with plate tectonics 
through informed decision making. 
Essential Understanding(s): 
Understanding of plate tectonics helps us realize that we share 
the same planet in which there are many events whose effects 
should be managed because they inevitably affect human lives 
and the environment. 
Essential Question(s): 
What does understanding of plate tectonics tell us? 
Learners will know: 
· Evidence of Plate Tectonics (lithosphere and 
asthenosphere, continental drift theory, seafloor 
spreading, relationship of the laws of motion and energy 
transfer to plate tectonics) 
· Managing Effects of Natural Phenomena associated 
with Plate Tectonics (earthquake: cause/s, damages 
caused by earthquake on human lives and the 
environment, earthquake and tsunami, managing 
damages caused by earthquake; plate tectonics and the 
formation of mountain types; volcanoes: types, volcanic 
activities, effects of volcanic eruptions on human lives 
and the environment , predicting volcanic activities, 
monitoring and safeguards for volcanic activities) 
Learners will be able to: 
1. identify causes and effects of plate tectonics 
2. make predictions and inferences on occurrences of certain 
events associated with plate tectonics 
3. observe correct scientific precautions during calamities 
4. constructing models to show concepts associated with plate 
5. determining relationships between plate tectonics and natural 
phenomena or events associated with it 
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
Stage 2 
Product or Performance Task: 
Informed decision making on actions 
learners need to take to manage the 
effects on human lives and the 
environment of events associated with 
plate tectonics 
Evidence at the level of understanding 
Learners should be able to demonstrate 
understanding by covering the six (6) 
facets of understanding: 
Describing how plate tectonics cause 
earthquakes and formation of mountains 
and volcanoes. 
a. Thorough 
b. Clear 
c. Justifiable 
d. Accurate 
Making sense of the connections 
involving recent occurrences of 
earthquakes and tsunamis that affected 
countries around the world. 
a. Meaningful 
b. Illustrative 
Proposing implementation of safety 
measures during the occurrence of 
Evidence at the level of performance 
Performance Assessment of the learner’s 
capability to make decisions based on the 
following criteria: 
1. informed decision 
2. actions learners need to take to 
manage the effects of natural 
phenomena or events associated 
with Plate Tectonics. 
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic 
a. Appropriate 
b. Practical 
c. Efficient 
d. Effective 
Analyzing government efforts 
(international, national and local) in 
reducing damages of earthquakes, 
tsunamis and volcanic eruptions 
reasonable based on cost effectiveness. 
a. Insightful 
b. Credible 
c. Reflective of critical thinking 
Imagining how other people feel and 
adjust while living in areas frequented by 
earthquakes, tsunamis or volcanic 
a. Perceptive 
c. Sensitive 
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
Self-assessesing how the understanding 
of reducing damages of earthquakes, 
tsunamis and volcanic eruptions 
shapes/influences one’s beliefs and 
values on volunteerism. 
a. Reflective 
b. Responsive 
Stage 3 
Teaching/Learning Sequence: 
Learners shall: 
· undergo an assessment of their understanding of structure of the earth, movement of the earth crust, earthquake and 
volcano. (Teacher’s Note/s or TN: Assessment to use include either paper and pencil test, use of checklist, using graphic 
organizer, etc.. Teachers shall take note of learners prior knowledge and misconceptions, if any); 
· be introduced to the topic plate tectonics and its subtopics such as lithosphere and asthenospheres, continental drift theory, 
seafloor spreading, plate tectonics and its relation to laws of motion and energy transfer, earthquake, tsunami, mountain 
formation, and volcano (TN: Strategies to use include either film showing of a documentary film on any of the subtopics or 
a science fiction film such as “Volcano”, “2012”, etc.; picture analysis, etc); 
· be informed that they need to demonstrate understanding of plate tectonics; 
· be oriented on related and varied resources and materials to be used in understanding plate tectonics (see resources and 
As part of initial activities, learners shall be given an overview of plate tectonics, what they are expected to learn and how their 
learning shall be assessed. In this stage, diagnosis of their understanding of the topic Earth gained from elementary science 
shall form part of the prerequisites.
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
equipment/materials needed); 
· be given time to formulate questions on plate tectonics and cluster these to initially find out what is/are interesting for them; 
· be given time to formulate other questions leading to Essential Question focusing on what does understanding of plate 
tectonics tell us.(TN: Strategies to use include either KWL, Focus Group Discussion, brainstorming, think-pair &square, 
dyads, round robin, etc.); 
· generate as many tentative ideas (TI) to the Essential Question (EQ) as possible to show what they already know about 
understanding what does understanding of plate tectonics tell us. (TN: Strategies to use include either brainstorming, Focus 
Group Discussion, graphic organizer, concept mapping, etc. At this point, the teacher shall be careful not to reject learners’ 
opinion but shall encourage them to give their ideas without being judged as right or wrong. Each tentative idea (TI) shall be 
published on the board); 
· be grouped accordingly to choose some of the identified prior knowledge, misconceptions and tentative ideas (TI). (TN: 
Whatever each group of learners selected, the group shall be asked to challenge or explore the validity of these prior 
knowledge or tentative ideas during the Firm Up Stage); 
· be oriented that they need to show their understanding of plate tectonics though decision making. 
· conducting in groups a teacher-guided data gathering; 
· be informed that this decision making shall be based on the following criteria: (a) informed, and (b) actions learners need to 
take to manage the effects of natural phenomena (such as those of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis) 
associated with plate tectonics. (TN: Brainstorming may be used to discuss how these criteria shall be used. Learners need 
to be clarified on the details on how their product or performance shall be assessed. Such details of criteria may be revised 
based on agreements reached); 
Varied learning experiences shall be introduced to help learners disprove misconceptions, examine/ assess prior knowledge and 
begin to discover the validity of tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ; make their understanding of plate tectonics real; equip them with 
skills and knowledge for them to be successful throughout the topic; and undergo differentiated instruction to address their 
unique strengths and needs. This involves acquiring scientific knowledge which is about accessing information, i.e., what 
information is needed, where information can be located and how information can be gathered focusing on plate tectonics.
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
Evidence of Plate Tectonics 
Using the chosen prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ as starting/focal points of investigation, 
learners shall: 
· compare and contrast lithosphere and asthenosphere; 
· make inferences on the changing positions of continents over time (TN: Needs discussion on evidences of continental drift 
and evidences from seafloor); 
· make inferences on the movement of plates (TN: Needs discussion on boundaries of tectonic plates, splitting of continents/ 
spreading of seafloor at divergent boundaries, use of hot spots to track plate movements); 
· make models on plate movements at different types of boundaries (TN: needs discussion on divergent, convergent, and 
transform boundaries); 
· relate plate tectonics theory to the law(s) of motion and energy; and 
· revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on evidence of plate tectonics , if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each 
group of learners to discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for 
investigation. This group shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the 
light of the activities conducted and analyses made.) 
Managing Effects of Natural Phenomena associated with Plate Tectonics 
Using the chosen prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ as starting/focal points of investigation, 
learners shall: 
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
· discuss how earthquakes occur when rocks move along different kinds of faults; 
· infer how energy from an earthquake is used to determine its location and size; 
· analyze the damages caused by an earthquake and how such damages can be reduced/ managed (TN: Learners shall 
relate their experience(s) or discuss the extent of damages caused by major earthquake occurrences with emphasis on the 
Philippine contexts; 
· make a creative presentation on the relationship between tsunami and earthquake; 
· make sense of the connections involving recent occurrences of earthquakes and tsunamis that affected the world 
· propose implementation of safety measures before, during and after the occurrences of earthquake and tsunami 
(FU:Application); and 
· revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on earthquake, if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each group of learners to 
discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for investigation. This group 
shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the light of the activities 
conducted and analyses made.) 
Mountain Formation 
Using the chosen prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ as starting/focal points of investigation, 
learners shall: 
· analyze how folding of rocks and movement along faults can form mountains; and 
· revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on mountain formation, if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each group of 
learners to discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for investigation. 
This group shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the light of the 
activities conducted and analyses made.) 
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
Using the chosen prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ as starting/focal points of investigation, 
learners shall: 
· make inferences how different types of volcanoes are formed as tectonic plates move; 
· classify the immediate and long term effects of volcanic eruptions on humans and the environment; 
· make predictions how the Philippine territory may be affected for having been situated in the belt called ring of fire; 
· propose implementation of safety measures before, during and after the occurrence/s of volcanic eruption 
· communicate how humans monitor volcanic activities and reduce damages caused by volcanic eruptions.(TN: Learners shall 
relate their experience(s) or discuss the extent of damages caused by major volcanic eruptions with much emphasis on 
Philippine volcanoes); and 
· revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on volcanoes, if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each group of learners to 
discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for investigation. This group 
shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the light of the activities 
conducted and analyses made). 
Learners shall: 
Here, learners shall be engaged in understanding scientific knowledge which includes the processing and making meanings out 
of the information. Learners need to reflect, revisit, revise and rethink their ideas; express their understandings and engage in 
meaningful self-evaluation; and undergo in-depth discussion/ analysis of plate tectonics using multiple sources of information 
and various modalities of manifesting learning.
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
· work in groups to show how concepts on force, motion, energy and matter are involved in plate tectonics (TN: This may be 
done through model construction, simulation, etc); 
· organize a field trip to the nearest PAGASA ( Philvocs) and learn more about volcanoes and earthquakes; 
· conduct an interview with experts (volcanologist, seismologist, etc.) to understand further those concepts in plate tectonics 
found to be difficult ; 
· make a background investigation (through literature search, interview or survey) on how safe one’s immediate community 
from the occurrences of earthquake, tsunami and/or volcanic eruption; and 
· make account of their self-interest in future career and occupation/profession by attending career orientation in the school 
or career counseling; 
At the level of understanding, the learners shall: 
· describe how plate tectonics cause earthquakes, tsunami, mountain formation and volcanic eruptions (FU: Explanation); 
· analyze government efforts (international, national and local) in reducing damages of earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic 
eruptions based on cost effectiveness (FU: Perspective); 
· imagine what other people feel and how they adjust while living in areas frequented/ visited by earthquake(s), tsunami(s), 
and/or volcanic eruption (FU: Empathy); and 
· self-assess how the understanding of reducing damages of earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption shape/influence one’s 
beliefs and values on volunteerism (FU: Self-knowledge). 
To draw out the Essential Understanding, learners shall: 
· contemplate on the Essential Question; 
-What does understanding of plate tectonics tell us? 
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
· reexamine their revised tentative idea (TI); and 
· justify the TI based on the understanding (s) gained. 
There is a need to encourage learners to organize their learning experiences so that they can move from teacher-guided and 
concrete activities to independent applications where they may create or produce new knowledge in science. This is to 
challenge learners to transfer their learning in new settings and use this creatively to generate new ideas or view things 
differently. Learners shall be involved in planning which manifest informed decision making relevant to reducing effects of some 
plate tectonics-related events. 
Learners shall: 
· .prepare a tangible output (eg. Decision Matrix, Action Plan, Advocacy Material, etc) showing informed decisions made on 
actions learners need to take to manage the effects of natural phenomena or events (such as those of volcanic eruptions, 
earthquakes, and tsunamis) associated with plate tectonics; and 
· evaluate their product/performance. 
Resources (Books, Interview, Science Magazines, etc.) 
1. Glencoe Science Level Blue, Chapter 7 
2. Pictures, Illustrations, Articles from Internet, Video Clips 
3. PAGASA, Philvocs materials 
4. Weblinks 
· Web Board/Science Web Board 
2010 Secondary Education Curriculum 
Integrated Science 
· http://www.pjoedu.wordpress/Philippine Studies/FREE TEXTBOOKS 
· Model School Network 
· http://www.APEC Cyber 
Materials/ Equipment 
1.Seismograph Model 
3. Other needed laboratory apparatus 

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Final draft of science tg q2 plate tectonics

  • 1. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science Quarter 2 : Force, Motion and Energy Topic: Plate Tectonics Time Frame: Stage 1 Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of managing effects of events associated with plate tectonics. Performance Standard: Learners, working in pairs, manage the effects on human lives and the environment of events associated with plate tectonics through informed decision making. Essential Understanding(s): Understanding of plate tectonics helps us realize that we share the same planet in which there are many events whose effects should be managed because they inevitably affect human lives and the environment. Essential Question(s): What does understanding of plate tectonics tell us? Learners will know: · Evidence of Plate Tectonics (lithosphere and asthenosphere, continental drift theory, seafloor spreading, relationship of the laws of motion and energy transfer to plate tectonics) · Managing Effects of Natural Phenomena associated with Plate Tectonics (earthquake: cause/s, damages caused by earthquake on human lives and the environment, earthquake and tsunami, managing damages caused by earthquake; plate tectonics and the formation of mountain types; volcanoes: types, volcanic activities, effects of volcanic eruptions on human lives and the environment , predicting volcanic activities, monitoring and safeguards for volcanic activities) Learners will be able to: 1. identify causes and effects of plate tectonics 2. make predictions and inferences on occurrences of certain events associated with plate tectonics 3. observe correct scientific precautions during calamities 4. constructing models to show concepts associated with plate tectonics 5. determining relationships between plate tectonics and natural phenomena or events associated with it 1
  • 2. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science Stage 2 Product or Performance Task: Informed decision making on actions learners need to take to manage the effects on human lives and the environment of events associated with plate tectonics Evidence at the level of understanding Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by covering the six (6) facets of understanding: EXPLANATION Describing how plate tectonics cause earthquakes and formation of mountains and volcanoes. Criteria a. Thorough b. Clear c. Justifiable d. Accurate INTERPRETATION Making sense of the connections involving recent occurrences of earthquakes and tsunamis that affected countries around the world. Criteria a. Meaningful b. Illustrative APPLICATION Proposing implementation of safety measures during the occurrence of Evidence at the level of performance Performance Assessment of the learner’s capability to make decisions based on the following criteria: 1. informed decision 2. actions learners need to take to manage the effects of natural phenomena or events associated with Plate Tectonics. 2
  • 3. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Criteria a. Appropriate b. Practical c. Efficient d. Effective PERSPECTIVE Analyzing government efforts (international, national and local) in reducing damages of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions reasonable based on cost effectiveness. Criteria a. Insightful b. Credible c. Reflective of critical thinking EMPATHY Imagining how other people feel and adjust while living in areas frequented by earthquakes, tsunamis or volcanic eruptions. Criteria a. Perceptive c. Sensitive 3
  • 4. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science SELF-KNOWLEDGE Self-assessesing how the understanding of reducing damages of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions shapes/influences one’s beliefs and values on volunteerism. a. Reflective b. Responsive Stage 3 Teaching/Learning Sequence: EXPLORE Learners shall: · undergo an assessment of their understanding of structure of the earth, movement of the earth crust, earthquake and volcano. (Teacher’s Note/s or TN: Assessment to use include either paper and pencil test, use of checklist, using graphic organizer, etc.. Teachers shall take note of learners prior knowledge and misconceptions, if any); · be introduced to the topic plate tectonics and its subtopics such as lithosphere and asthenospheres, continental drift theory, seafloor spreading, plate tectonics and its relation to laws of motion and energy transfer, earthquake, tsunami, mountain formation, and volcano (TN: Strategies to use include either film showing of a documentary film on any of the subtopics or a science fiction film such as “Volcano”, “2012”, etc.; picture analysis, etc); · be informed that they need to demonstrate understanding of plate tectonics; · be oriented on related and varied resources and materials to be used in understanding plate tectonics (see resources and 4 As part of initial activities, learners shall be given an overview of plate tectonics, what they are expected to learn and how their learning shall be assessed. In this stage, diagnosis of their understanding of the topic Earth gained from elementary science shall form part of the prerequisites.
  • 5. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science equipment/materials needed); · be given time to formulate questions on plate tectonics and cluster these to initially find out what is/are interesting for them; · be given time to formulate other questions leading to Essential Question focusing on what does understanding of plate tectonics tell us.(TN: Strategies to use include either KWL, Focus Group Discussion, brainstorming, think-pair &square, dyads, round robin, etc.); · generate as many tentative ideas (TI) to the Essential Question (EQ) as possible to show what they already know about understanding what does understanding of plate tectonics tell us. (TN: Strategies to use include either brainstorming, Focus Group Discussion, graphic organizer, concept mapping, etc. At this point, the teacher shall be careful not to reject learners’ opinion but shall encourage them to give their ideas without being judged as right or wrong. Each tentative idea (TI) shall be published on the board); · be grouped accordingly to choose some of the identified prior knowledge, misconceptions and tentative ideas (TI). (TN: Whatever each group of learners selected, the group shall be asked to challenge or explore the validity of these prior knowledge or tentative ideas during the Firm Up Stage); · be oriented that they need to show their understanding of plate tectonics though decision making. · conducting in groups a teacher-guided data gathering; · be informed that this decision making shall be based on the following criteria: (a) informed, and (b) actions learners need to take to manage the effects of natural phenomena (such as those of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis) associated with plate tectonics. (TN: Brainstorming may be used to discuss how these criteria shall be used. Learners need to be clarified on the details on how their product or performance shall be assessed. Such details of criteria may be revised based on agreements reached); FIRM-UP 5 Varied learning experiences shall be introduced to help learners disprove misconceptions, examine/ assess prior knowledge and begin to discover the validity of tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ; make their understanding of plate tectonics real; equip them with skills and knowledge for them to be successful throughout the topic; and undergo differentiated instruction to address their unique strengths and needs. This involves acquiring scientific knowledge which is about accessing information, i.e., what information is needed, where information can be located and how information can be gathered focusing on plate tectonics.
  • 6. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science Evidence of Plate Tectonics Using the chosen prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ as starting/focal points of investigation, learners shall: · compare and contrast lithosphere and asthenosphere; · make inferences on the changing positions of continents over time (TN: Needs discussion on evidences of continental drift and evidences from seafloor); · make inferences on the movement of plates (TN: Needs discussion on boundaries of tectonic plates, splitting of continents/ spreading of seafloor at divergent boundaries, use of hot spots to track plate movements); · make models on plate movements at different types of boundaries (TN: needs discussion on divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries); · relate plate tectonics theory to the law(s) of motion and energy; and · revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on evidence of plate tectonics , if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each group of learners to discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for investigation. This group shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the light of the activities conducted and analyses made.) Managing Effects of Natural Phenomena associated with Plate Tectonics Earthquake Using the chosen prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ as starting/focal points of investigation, learners shall: 6
  • 7. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science · discuss how earthquakes occur when rocks move along different kinds of faults; · infer how energy from an earthquake is used to determine its location and size; · analyze the damages caused by an earthquake and how such damages can be reduced/ managed (TN: Learners shall relate their experience(s) or discuss the extent of damages caused by major earthquake occurrences with emphasis on the Philippine contexts; · make a creative presentation on the relationship between tsunami and earthquake; · make sense of the connections involving recent occurrences of earthquakes and tsunamis that affected the world (FU:Interpretation); · propose implementation of safety measures before, during and after the occurrences of earthquake and tsunami (FU:Application); and · revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on earthquake, if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each group of learners to discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for investigation. This group shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the light of the activities conducted and analyses made.) Mountain Formation Using the chosen prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ as starting/focal points of investigation, learners shall: · analyze how folding of rocks and movement along faults can form mountains; and · revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on mountain formation, if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each group of learners to discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for investigation. This group shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the light of the activities conducted and analyses made.) 7
  • 8. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science Volcanoes Using the chosen prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or tentative ideas (TI) to the EQ as starting/focal points of investigation, learners shall: · make inferences how different types of volcanoes are formed as tectonic plates move; · classify the immediate and long term effects of volcanic eruptions on humans and the environment; · make predictions how the Philippine territory may be affected for having been situated in the belt called ring of fire; · propose implementation of safety measures before, during and after the occurrence/s of volcanic eruption (FU:Application); · communicate how humans monitor volcanic activities and reduce damages caused by volcanic eruptions.(TN: Learners shall relate their experience(s) or discuss the extent of damages caused by major volcanic eruptions with much emphasis on Philippine volcanoes); and · revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on volcanoes, if any. (TN: The teacher may ask each group of learners to discuss those prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI which the group previously chose for investigation. This group shall be asked to reason out for either assessing, confirming or rejecting these respectively in the light of the activities conducted and analyses made). DEEPEN Learners shall: 8 Here, learners shall be engaged in understanding scientific knowledge which includes the processing and making meanings out of the information. Learners need to reflect, revisit, revise and rethink their ideas; express their understandings and engage in meaningful self-evaluation; and undergo in-depth discussion/ analysis of plate tectonics using multiple sources of information and various modalities of manifesting learning.
  • 9. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science · work in groups to show how concepts on force, motion, energy and matter are involved in plate tectonics (TN: This may be done through model construction, simulation, etc); · organize a field trip to the nearest PAGASA ( Philvocs) and learn more about volcanoes and earthquakes; · conduct an interview with experts (volcanologist, seismologist, etc.) to understand further those concepts in plate tectonics found to be difficult ; · make a background investigation (through literature search, interview or survey) on how safe one’s immediate community from the occurrences of earthquake, tsunami and/or volcanic eruption; and · make account of their self-interest in future career and occupation/profession by attending career orientation in the school or career counseling; At the level of understanding, the learners shall: · describe how plate tectonics cause earthquakes, tsunami, mountain formation and volcanic eruptions (FU: Explanation); · analyze government efforts (international, national and local) in reducing damages of earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions based on cost effectiveness (FU: Perspective); · imagine what other people feel and how they adjust while living in areas frequented/ visited by earthquake(s), tsunami(s), and/or volcanic eruption (FU: Empathy); and · self-assess how the understanding of reducing damages of earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption shape/influence one’s beliefs and values on volunteerism (FU: Self-knowledge). To draw out the Essential Understanding, learners shall: · contemplate on the Essential Question; -What does understanding of plate tectonics tell us? 9
  • 10. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science · reexamine their revised tentative idea (TI); and · justify the TI based on the understanding (s) gained. TRANSFER ++ There is a need to encourage learners to organize their learning experiences so that they can move from teacher-guided and concrete activities to independent applications where they may create or produce new knowledge in science. This is to challenge learners to transfer their learning in new settings and use this creatively to generate new ideas or view things differently. Learners shall be involved in planning which manifest informed decision making relevant to reducing effects of some plate tectonics-related events. Learners shall: · .prepare a tangible output (eg. Decision Matrix, Action Plan, Advocacy Material, etc) showing informed decisions made on actions learners need to take to manage the effects of natural phenomena or events (such as those of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis) associated with plate tectonics; and · evaluate their product/performance. Resources (Books, Interview, Science Magazines, etc.) 1. Glencoe Science Level Blue, Chapter 7 2. Pictures, Illustrations, Articles from Internet, Video Clips 3. PAGASA, Philvocs materials 4. Weblinks · Web Board/Science Web Board · · 10
  • 11. 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum Integrated Science · · http://www.pjoedu.wordpress/Philippine Studies/FREE TEXTBOOKS · · · Model School Network · http://www.APEC Cyber · · · · Materials/ Equipment 1.Seismograph Model 2.Maps 3. Other needed laboratory apparatus 11