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Abstract: Tung
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and cerium are
Keywords: Mg-
1. Introduction
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IOSRD International Journal of Engineering (
Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 21-25
Copyrights © | All Rights Reserved 22 | Page
consequently. In order to prevent dislocations during the welding process, the two pieces were fixed. There were indentations
in the back of the sizing block, which were used to control the penetration and shape. The parameters of the welding
procedure are shown in Table 2. In order to reduce overheating and prevent burn-through, a high welding speed was used in
the process.
Table 2. Parameters of welding procedure
Welding speed/
Gas flow/
Welding arc
80 30 13 18
After welding, the sample was cut perpendicularly to the welding seam. These specimens were then prepared using standard
metallographic procedures. The specimens were etched by a 2% nital for 10−30 s until the microstructure was revealed. The
microstructure was subjected to optical and scanning electron microcopy and the distribution of the alloying elements was
measured using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. After removing the residual part of the coronal zone, the plates were
machined into tensile specimens according to the ASTM E8M-04 standard procedure. The schematic diagram of tensile
specimens is shown in Fig.1, and the tensile test was brought out at a speed of 5mm/min on five specimens. Bending
properties were also tested.
Fig.1. Dimensions of tensile specimen (All dimension are in mm)
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Macro-morphology of welding seam
The macro-morphology of the welding seam is shown in Fig.2. There are no macroscopic irregularities, such as weld
beadings or crater cracks.
Fig.2. Macro-morphology of welded seam: (a) Front face; (b) Back face
3.2. Microstructure of welded joint
The TIG-welded joint included a fusion zone, a heat-affected zone (HAZ) and a base metal zone. The microstructure of the
welded joint is shown in Fig.4. The base metal is composed of single phase (β phase) with equiaxed grains which are not
uniform. The microstructure in heat-affected zone is coarser than that in the parent metal. In Fig.3(c), the microstructure of
the fusion zone exhibits refined grains. As shown in Fig.4 (d), the base metal and welding seam are fused well and the
structure is tight. The microstructures in different areas are not uniform, which are mainly related to the TIG welding thermal
cycle process and the physical properties of magnesium alloys. During the welding process, the metal in the fusion zone
IOSRD International Journal of Engineering (
Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 21-25
Copyrights © | All Rights Reserved 23 | Page
absorbs a large amount of heat and melts, and then quickly solidifies because the thermal conductivity coefficient of
magnesium alloy is high (154W/ (m·K)) [12−13]. On the other hand, the pulses in the welding process contribute to the rapid
solidification of the metal. Therefore, the microstructure of the fusion zone is refined. During the welding process, because
the melting point of magnesium alloys is low (usually500−600 °C) [14−15], the heat-affected zone is wide and easily
overheated, so the absorbed heat promotes grain growth, resulting in coarser grains in the heat-affected zone. After rolling
deformation, the stored energy is relatively high and the grains are extremely unstable. Therefore, the grains grow rapidly
when they are heated.
Fig.3. Microstructures of welded joint: (a) Base metal; (b) HAZ; (c) Fusion zone;
(d) Junction of base metal and heat-affected zone
3.3. Mechanical properties of TIG welded plate
The mechanical properties of the TIG welded specimens and the base metal are given in Table 3. The tensile strength of the
TIG welded plate is 84% that of the parent metal.
Table 3. Tensile properties of Mg-Li alloys
Sample Tensile strength/MPa Fault location
Base metal 170.75 Middle of sample
Welded plate 143.76 Welding zone
According to Fig.4, the grains in the heat-affected zone are clearly coarser than those in the fusion zone and the base metal.
These coarse grains result in a decrease of mechanical properties. As proved by the tensile test, fractures occurred in the
IOSRD International Journal of Engineering (
Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 21-25
Copyrights © | All Rights Reserved 24 | Page
heat-affected zone, which indicates that coarse grains are the main reason for the decrease in the mechanical properties of the
weld plate. Table 4 shows the results of the bend test. The angle of the normal bend test and the root bend test approach show
similar ductility in the front and back. Therefore, it is confirmed that there is no front/back difference in properties in this
welding procedure.
Table 4. Result of bend test
Bending mode Angle/(°)
Front bend 30.3
Back bend 30.1
Fig.4. (a) Fractographs of base metal and (b) TIG welded sample
3.4. Fracture analysis
According to the macro-fracture morphology, the base metal fractures in the middle of the specimen, the angle between the
fracture plant and the tensile direction is 45°. The fracture of the TIG welded sample occurs in the heat-affected zone, and the
facture face is rough and dark. There is no obvious necking before failure. Figure 4 shows the fractographs of the base metal
and the TIG welded specimen. The fracture microstructure of the base metal consists of dimples, which is a typical micro-
void coalescence fracture. The fracture microstructure of TIG welded sample is composed of dimples and cleavage planes,
which is characteristic of a mixed-type fracture. This is caused by the change of the microstructure.
3.5. Composition analysis
The microstructure of the compounds is shown in Fig.5. The compositions in the fusion zone were analyzed by EDS, and the
results are shown in Table 5.The compound mainly consists of magnesium, aluminum and cerium, and the content of zinc is
zero. The solid solubility of cerium in magnesium is 0.5%. During solidification, most of the cerium reacts with other
elements to form compounds [16]. The electronegative difference between the magnesium and cerium is 0.1, while that
between aluminum and cerium, zinc and cerium is about 0.4. Cerium should first react with Aluminum. The solid solubility
of zinc in magnesium is large. The content of zinc in this work is lower than 1%, and it can be assumed that all the zinc is
soluted in magnesium. Considering that magnesium is the matrix, the molar ratio of aluminum to cerium is about 2:1, so it
can be predicted that the compound is Al2Ce.During the welding process, the alloy in the welding zone undergoes re-
solidification. Therefore, segregation may occur. As shown in Table 5, the contents of magnesium and zinc at the
intracrystalline phases (Point A) are higher than those at grain boundaries (Point B), and the contents of aluminum and
cerium at the intracrystalline phase are lower than those at grain boundaries. This illustrates that during re-solidification,
aluminum and cerium enrich at the front of the solid-liquid interface after reacting, so that the contents of aluminum and
cerium in the matrix decrease, leading to under cooling and refinement of grains in the weld zone.
IOSRD International Journal of Engineering (
Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 21-25
Copyrights © | All Rights Reserved 25 | Page
Fig.5. SEM images of compound in fusion zone (a) and grain boundary and infra crystalline phase (b)
Table 5. Microanalysis of positions in Fig.5 (molar fraction, %)
Element Point A Point B Point C
Mg 46.11 88.76 83.40
Al 34.97 0.21 1.65
Zn 0 0.79 0.41
Ce 18.62 0.20 2.40
4. Conclusions
Using the same material as wire, a TIG weld was implemented on the Mg-10.36Li-2.7Al-0.91Zn-0.81Cealloy. There are no
obvious weld defects. The microstructure in the fusion zone is fine, while that in the heat-affected zone is coarse. The heat-
affected zone is the weaker part of the weld plate. The tensile strength of the TIG welded plate is143.73 MPa, which is 84%
that of the parent metal. Fractures occurred in the heat-affected zone, which exhibits a mixed-mode fracture of ductile-brittle.
The segregation and enrichment of Al and Ce are found at the grain boundaries.
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  • 1. E A u in z f a K 1 M T a p h a e d e w th m w d li 2 T a c t M s B a Experim Abstract: Tung using Argon g nvestigated. Th zone is coarser fracture occurs and cerium are Keywords: Mg- 1. Introduction Magnesium all These alloys ar alloys with a d potentially broa have done a lot applications. B expansion coef deformation du et al [11] foun welding becaus hermal expans materials cause welding using discussed. The ithium alloy. 2. Experiment The alloy used atmosphere. Th composition of ested by Archi MPa and the e shown in Fig.1 Before welding acetone, washin ental inv for a P. V 1 Resear 2 ,3, 4 Depa *Corre gsten inert gas gas as a prote he results indic r than the pare in a mixed typ enriched at gra -Li alloy; TIG n loys have low re also recyclab density smalle ad applications t of work on th Because Mg all fficient, they a uring welding p nd that many d se magnesium sion coefficien es great concer a homogeneou results provid tal d in this exper he ingot was f the magnesium imedes’ metho elongation was on the plates. g, the surfaces ng with water, Copyrights © IOSRD Vo vestigatio a single p Vijayasarath rch scholar, De artment of Mec esponding auth weld was carr cting atmosph cate that the m ent metal. The pe of toughnes ain Boundaries welding; micro w density, high ble, making th er than normal s in aerospace he welding of m loys have a lo are chemically process, the so difficulties, suc m alloys have a t. Mg-Li alloy rns. In this wo us wire. The m de an effective riment was me then extruded m-lithium allo od and found to s 34.7%. The t Table 1. Chem of the specime , washing with © www.iosrd.or Availabl D Internati olume 1, Issu Journal home ons of mic pass TIG hi1* , V. Caleb epartment of M chanical Engin hor, E-mail ad ried out on sup here. The micr microstructure in tensile streng s and brittlene s in the fusion ostructure; me h-specific stren hem a kind of g l magnesium a , transportation magnesium all ow melting poi y active and re lidification cra ch as coarse gr a low melting ys have similar ork, a superligh microstructure theoretical an elted in a vacu d with an extr oy plates used i o be 1.45 g/cm thickness of th mical composit Li Al 10.36 2.69 en’s and wires h alkali, washin rg | All Rights e online at ww tional Journ ue 1, Novemb e page: http://io crostruct G welding bEugene2, S. Mechanical Eng neering, Jeppia ddress: vijayasa per-light magne rostructure and n the fusion zo th of the weld ss in the heat-a zone. echanical prope ngth, excellent green metallic alloys have at n, electronic an loy [4−6], as jo int, high therm eadily oxidized acks of TIG we rains, oxidatio point and larg r problems, and ht magnesium- is analyzed an d experimenta uum intermedi rusion ratio o in this experim m3. The tensile he base metal tion of Mg-Li a Zn Ce 0.91 0.81 were cleaned. ng with water, Reserved nal of Engi er 2014, Page ture and g with Mg Prabhu3 and gineering, Anna aar Institute of arathiprabakar esium-lithium d mechanical one is fine, and ded joint is abo affected zone. D erties; segrega t dimensional structural mat ttracted much nd military ind oints are impor mal conductivit d [7−8]. ASAH elded magnesiu on, volatilizatio ge thermal con d as their appl -lithium alloy nd the mechan al basis for exp ate induction f 16 at 653 K ments shown in e strength of th was 2 mm be alloy (mass fra Mg 85.23 The specific p , washing with ineering es 21-25 als mechan g-Li alloy d V. Anish4 a university Ind f Technology, In alloy plates w properties of d the microstruc out 84% that o During the we ation stability and g terial for the21 attention amo dustries [3]. C rtant for advan ty, electrical c HING [6] poin um alloy were on and therma nductivity, ele lications increa is welded by t nical properties panding the app furnace under Kand rolled a n Table 1. The he base metal b fore welding b action, %) process involve h acid, washing 21 | Pa ical prop y dia ndia m with a thickness the welded jo cture in the hea of the parent m lding process, good energy a 1st century [1− ong researchers onsequently, r nced materials conductivity an nted out that d restrained [9− l cracking, occ ectrical conduc ase, the weldin tungsten inert s of the welded plication of m the protection at 473 K. The density of the before welding bevels was pro ed sanding, wa g with water a age perties s of 2 mm, oints were at-affected metal. The aluminum absorption. −2]. Mg-Li s for their researchers with wide nd thermal due to the −10]. CAO cur during ctivity and ng of these gas (TIG) d joint are magnesium- n of argon e chemical e alloy was g was160.8 ocessed as shing with and drying,
  • 2. IOSRD International Journal of Engineering ( Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 21-25 Copyrights © | All Rights Reserved 22 | Page consequently. In order to prevent dislocations during the welding process, the two pieces were fixed. There were indentations in the back of the sizing block, which were used to control the penetration and shape. The parameters of the welding procedure are shown in Table 2. In order to reduce overheating and prevent burn-through, a high welding speed was used in the process. Table 2. Parameters of welding procedure Welding current/A Welding speed/ (cm·min−1) Gas flow/ (L·min−1) Welding arc voltage/V 80 30 13 18 After welding, the sample was cut perpendicularly to the welding seam. These specimens were then prepared using standard metallographic procedures. The specimens were etched by a 2% nital for 10−30 s until the microstructure was revealed. The microstructure was subjected to optical and scanning electron microcopy and the distribution of the alloying elements was measured using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. After removing the residual part of the coronal zone, the plates were machined into tensile specimens according to the ASTM E8M-04 standard procedure. The schematic diagram of tensile specimens is shown in Fig.1, and the tensile test was brought out at a speed of 5mm/min on five specimens. Bending properties were also tested. Fig.1. Dimensions of tensile specimen (All dimension are in mm) 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Macro-morphology of welding seam The macro-morphology of the welding seam is shown in Fig.2. There are no macroscopic irregularities, such as weld beadings or crater cracks. Fig.2. Macro-morphology of welded seam: (a) Front face; (b) Back face 3.2. Microstructure of welded joint The TIG-welded joint included a fusion zone, a heat-affected zone (HAZ) and a base metal zone. The microstructure of the welded joint is shown in Fig.4. The base metal is composed of single phase (β phase) with equiaxed grains which are not uniform. The microstructure in heat-affected zone is coarser than that in the parent metal. In Fig.3(c), the microstructure of the fusion zone exhibits refined grains. As shown in Fig.4 (d), the base metal and welding seam are fused well and the structure is tight. The microstructures in different areas are not uniform, which are mainly related to the TIG welding thermal cycle process and the physical properties of magnesium alloys. During the welding process, the metal in the fusion zone
  • 3. IOSRD International Journal of Engineering ( Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 21-25 Copyrights © | All Rights Reserved 23 | Page absorbs a large amount of heat and melts, and then quickly solidifies because the thermal conductivity coefficient of magnesium alloy is high (154W/ (m·K)) [12−13]. On the other hand, the pulses in the welding process contribute to the rapid solidification of the metal. Therefore, the microstructure of the fusion zone is refined. During the welding process, because the melting point of magnesium alloys is low (usually500−600 °C) [14−15], the heat-affected zone is wide and easily overheated, so the absorbed heat promotes grain growth, resulting in coarser grains in the heat-affected zone. After rolling deformation, the stored energy is relatively high and the grains are extremely unstable. Therefore, the grains grow rapidly when they are heated. Fig.3. Microstructures of welded joint: (a) Base metal; (b) HAZ; (c) Fusion zone; (d) Junction of base metal and heat-affected zone 3.3. Mechanical properties of TIG welded plate The mechanical properties of the TIG welded specimens and the base metal are given in Table 3. The tensile strength of the TIG welded plate is 84% that of the parent metal. Table 3. Tensile properties of Mg-Li alloys Sample Tensile strength/MPa Fault location Base metal 170.75 Middle of sample Welded plate 143.76 Welding zone According to Fig.4, the grains in the heat-affected zone are clearly coarser than those in the fusion zone and the base metal. These coarse grains result in a decrease of mechanical properties. As proved by the tensile test, fractures occurred in the
  • 4. IOSRD International Journal of Engineering ( Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 21-25 Copyrights © | All Rights Reserved 24 | Page heat-affected zone, which indicates that coarse grains are the main reason for the decrease in the mechanical properties of the weld plate. Table 4 shows the results of the bend test. The angle of the normal bend test and the root bend test approach show similar ductility in the front and back. Therefore, it is confirmed that there is no front/back difference in properties in this welding procedure. Table 4. Result of bend test Bending mode Angle/(°) Front bend 30.3 Back bend 30.1 Fig.4. (a) Fractographs of base metal and (b) TIG welded sample 3.4. Fracture analysis According to the macro-fracture morphology, the base metal fractures in the middle of the specimen, the angle between the fracture plant and the tensile direction is 45°. The fracture of the TIG welded sample occurs in the heat-affected zone, and the facture face is rough and dark. There is no obvious necking before failure. Figure 4 shows the fractographs of the base metal and the TIG welded specimen. The fracture microstructure of the base metal consists of dimples, which is a typical micro- void coalescence fracture. The fracture microstructure of TIG welded sample is composed of dimples and cleavage planes, which is characteristic of a mixed-type fracture. This is caused by the change of the microstructure. 3.5. Composition analysis The microstructure of the compounds is shown in Fig.5. The compositions in the fusion zone were analyzed by EDS, and the results are shown in Table 5.The compound mainly consists of magnesium, aluminum and cerium, and the content of zinc is zero. The solid solubility of cerium in magnesium is 0.5%. During solidification, most of the cerium reacts with other elements to form compounds [16]. The electronegative difference between the magnesium and cerium is 0.1, while that between aluminum and cerium, zinc and cerium is about 0.4. Cerium should first react with Aluminum. The solid solubility of zinc in magnesium is large. The content of zinc in this work is lower than 1%, and it can be assumed that all the zinc is soluted in magnesium. Considering that magnesium is the matrix, the molar ratio of aluminum to cerium is about 2:1, so it can be predicted that the compound is Al2Ce.During the welding process, the alloy in the welding zone undergoes re- solidification. Therefore, segregation may occur. As shown in Table 5, the contents of magnesium and zinc at the intracrystalline phases (Point A) are higher than those at grain boundaries (Point B), and the contents of aluminum and cerium at the intracrystalline phase are lower than those at grain boundaries. This illustrates that during re-solidification, aluminum and cerium enrich at the front of the solid-liquid interface after reacting, so that the contents of aluminum and cerium in the matrix decrease, leading to under cooling and refinement of grains in the weld zone.
  • 5. IOSRD International Journal of Engineering ( Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 21-25 Copyrights © | All Rights Reserved 25 | Page Fig.5. SEM images of compound in fusion zone (a) and grain boundary and infra crystalline phase (b) Table 5. Microanalysis of positions in Fig.5 (molar fraction, %) Element Point A Point B Point C Mg 46.11 88.76 83.40 Al 34.97 0.21 1.65 Zn 0 0.79 0.41 Ce 18.62 0.20 2.40 4. Conclusions Using the same material as wire, a TIG weld was implemented on the Mg-10.36Li-2.7Al-0.91Zn-0.81Cealloy. There are no obvious weld defects. The microstructure in the fusion zone is fine, while that in the heat-affected zone is coarse. The heat- affected zone is the weaker part of the weld plate. The tensile strength of the TIG welded plate is143.73 MPa, which is 84% that of the parent metal. Fractures occurred in the heat-affected zone, which exhibits a mixed-mode fracture of ductile-brittle. The segregation and enrichment of Al and Ce are found at the grain boundaries. References [1] B Howard, Cary & C Scott , Helzer, Modern Welding Technology, Publisher Pearson/Prentice Hall 2005. [2] Larry Jeffus, Welding Principles & Application Publisher Cengage Learning, 1997 [3] S.Gadewar, P.Swaminadhan. and M.Harkare. (2010),Experimental investigations of weld characteristics for a Single pass TIG welding with Stainless steel, Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2 (8), 2010, 3676-3686. [4] O.P Khanna, A text book of welding technology, Dhanpat Rai Publications Ltd., 2006. [5] J.I Lee and K.W Um, A prediction of welding process parameters by prediction ackbead geometry, Journal of mater Process Technology, 2000. [6] M. Hetmanczyk, L. Swadzba and B. Mendala, Advanced materials and protective coatings in aero-engines applications, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 24(2), 2007, 372-381. [7] Ahmed Khalid Hussain, Abdul Lateef, Mohd Javed, T. Pramesh.Influence of welding speed on tensile strength of welded joint in TIG welding process, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 1(3), 2010. [8] S.P. Gadewar, Experimental investigations of weld characteristics for a single pass TIG welding with SS304, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2(8), 2010, 3676-3686. [9] S. Gadewar, P. Swaminadhan and M. Harkare, Experimental investigations of weld characteristics for a Single pass TIG welding with Stainless steel, Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(8), 2010, 3676-3686. [10] C. Balaji, K. Abinesh and R. Sathish, Evaluation of mechanical properties of stainless steel weldments using tungsten inert gas welding, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4(5), 2012, 2053-2057. [11] H. Edels, Br. J. Appl, A technique for arc initiation,. Phys., 2(6),1951, 171-174. [12] S.R Funderburk, Key concepts in welding engineering, Welding Innovation, 16(1),1999.