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4 Days Report, Career Development Plan, NO AI AND CHATGPT ALLOWED
management multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
PLEASE READ the PDF1 Result and Following PDF 2 to DO THE Career Development Plan
3% Similarly With Great APA Write.
Dream Profession:
Technical project manager
Dream company to work for.
Google or Amazon
Existing education skills and abilities.
MBA, CS bachelor
D. The county you wish to work in.
!!!!!Please follow by below Suggestion Strucution to write the report:!!!!!!!
The Importance of Having a Career Plan:
(Approx. 3 paragraphs)
Page break, if it is not a full page, and then start the next topic in the next page. Remember
to sign post.
The Analysis of My Indigo Assessment on My Career Prospect:
(One page)
Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page.
Reflection on My Own Assumptions, Values, and Habits:
- Assumptions:
- Values:
- Habits:
How My Values Are Shaping My Opinion and Behaviour:
What Improved/Influenced Me Since I Embarked on This Program:
(Two pages)
Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page.
My Career Plan Timeline:
Present your career plan timeline form year 1 to 5. Be as creative as possible. Your designed
timeline needs to be ‘clear’, ‘specific’, ‘measurable’ and ‘visually impressive’. Be very specific
with your timeline, provide dates for when you will achieve different things mentioned in
your timeline. For instance, if you mention in your timeline, you will attempt an exam
provide a DATE of when you will attempt that exam. Also include the COSTS associated with
completing different activities.(Two Pages)
Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page.
My Career Objectives:
- Industry: (Describe this industry briefly)
- Position: (Describe this position that you are targeting)
- Location in Canada: Which Province/City/Why? (This needs to be supported with job
market analysis such as employment options, field attractiveness- current job openings
within your field, income potential/salary rates across different provinces– we want to see
a lot of statistics in here – Don’t make this section descriptive – use graphs, pie-charts,
salary benchmarking tables from federal and provincial reliable sources).
(Three pages) Remember to cross-reference all the images inside the text, sign post, and
then move on to the next section in the next page.
My Intended Organization to Work For:
Write a few words about the organization, what are the possible promotional opportunities
for career growth and what senior level position do you wish to obtain? How long will it
take for you to obtain your next promotion within your field? What certificate will be
needed for promotion? How long will it take to achieve them? How many years of
experience will be required for the promotion? All these need to be visible on your timeline.
Promotions need to be in your timeline.
(One page description, but rememberto cross-reference to your timeline and its image).
Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page.
Table of My Skills Inventory:
An inventory of your current skills, abilities, training, and education and the required
qualifications for your desired position? (Strictly use a table to outline your current
education as well as all job-specific skills, certificates etc., that you have. Only mention the
certificates/degrees acceptable in Canada, see NOC website for
(One page) Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page.
Actions Crucial to My Career Plan:
Step 1. X/Y:
Step 2. X/Y:
Step 3. X/Y:
From your time- line Identify three action steps that are crucial to achieving your stated
career development plan. These steps are usually those without which your plan cannot
proceed. (Put a heading action step and describe them in short paragraphs- 3-4 lines
(One page)
Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page.
Identifying Potential Barriers:
Identify potential barriers that might prevent you from reaching your stated career goals
and objectives. (In bullet points – make sure they are all realistic and applicable to you. Just
imagine what problems would you face while starting your professional career in Canada).
List of References:
Requirements: 3 days
Career Development Plan Prepare your own five-year career development
plan about ‘What do you intend to do professionally in the next 5 years (1st year, 2nd year,
3rd year, 4th & 5th year)’? Your plan must be presented in time-line format (This can be
done using MS Project and multiple other software). Your plan will also be assessed on the
basis of how creative your timeline is. Simple timelines (a simple table of one made using
word) will be marked down. Be very specific with your timeline, provide dates for when you
will achieve different things mentioned in your timeline. For instance, if you mention in
your timeline, you will attempt an exam provide a DATE of when you will attempt that
exam. Also include the COSTS associated with completing different activities. Your career
plan must address and consider the following items: 1. What are your career objectives?
What position, field or industry do you want to work in/for? (To be answered in
introductory paragraph – Max 1 page) o Which province in Canada and why? (This needs
to be supported with job market analysis such as employment options, field attractiveness-
current job openings within your field, income potential/salary rates across different
provinces– we want to see a lot of statistics in here – Don’t make this section descriptive –
use graphs, pie-charts, salary benchmarking tables from federal and provincial reliable
sources) 2. If you intend to work for an organization, what are the possible promotional
opportunities for career growth and what senior level position do you wish to obtain? How
long will it take for you to obtain your next promotion within your field? What certificate
will be needed for promotion? how many years of experience will be required for the
promotion? (Again, maximum one page in writing and also included these promotions in
your timeline)
3. An inventory of your current skills, abilities, training, and education and the required
qualifications for your desired position? (Strictly use a table to outline your current
education as well as all job-specific skills, certificates etc., that you have. Only mention the
certificates/degrees acceptable in Canada, see NOC website for reference) 4. From your
time- line Identify three action steps that are crucial to achieving your stated career
development plan. These steps are usually those without which your plan cannot proceed.
(Put a heading action steps and describe them in short paragraphs- 3-4 lines maximum)
5. Identify potential barriers that might prevent you from reaching your stated career goals
and objectives. (In bullet points – make sure they are all realistic and applicable to you. Just
imagine what problems would you face while starting your professional career in Canada)
APA writing conventions should be followed in the plan with sources/ websites referred to,
properly referenced and cited including in APA format, the report must demonstrate
analysis of the material and its application to the workplace. Critically reviews existing
knowledge, questions assumptions, and articulates new perspectives as a result of
experience.Critical reflection ¨CCritical evaluation (questioning, examining more closely) of
personal assumptions, habits, or values and their connection to the opinions or behaviors
upon which are reflected in the light of other perspectives.Demonstrates superior
connection between experience and class content (Talent Management) and literature;
evidence of application of theory and reconstruction of perspective. Substantial use of PDF
1 results.Describes short- and long-term goals as well as connections between personal,
academic, and career goals and how the goals support each other. Fully integrates a well-
thought personal course plan with necessary skills and relevant resources and experiences
available to support achieving academic and career success. Provides detailed information
on how resources and experiences will develop specific skills and knowledge in academic
and career fields.
Top 5 SkillsPersonal Skills RankingResiliency1Diplomacy/Tact2Understanding
Others3Futuristic Thinking4Creativity and Innovation5Behaviors
1009080706050403020100D69I34S66C42D = DominanceI = InfluencingS = SteadinessC =
ComplianceHigh D's tend to becompetitive,decisive, anddetermined.StrengthsThrives on
the challenge of solving problems.Offers informed opinions on a variety of topics.Tends to
be futuristic.Can be resourceful to influence others to get results.Methodical and reliable
researcher.Takes a methodical approach to implementingchanges that will increase return
on investment.Primary Drivers1. Intellectual - People who are driven by opportunities to
learn,acquire knowledge and the discovery of truth.01020304050607080901008653*2.
Intentional - People who are driven to assist others for a specificpurpose, not just for the
sake of being helpful or supportive.01020304050607080901008549*3. Resourceful -
People who are driven by practical results,maximizing both efficiency and returns for their
investments of time,talent, energy and resources.01020304050607080901005642*4.
Receptive - People who are driven by new ideas, methods andopportunities that fall outside
a defined system for living.01020304050607080901005447*Value to a TeamPeople-
oriented.Innovative.Challenge-oriented.Competitive.Will join organizations to represent
thecompany.Good listener.
DRIVING CHARACTERISTICSBased on your responses, the report has generated statements
to provide a broad understanding of WHY YOUDO WHAT YOU DO. These statements
identify the motivation that you bring to the job. However, you couldhave a potential Me-
Me conflict when two driving forces seem to conflict with each other. Use the
generalcharacteristics to gain a better understanding of your driving forces.Adding to the
body of knowledge is more important than the application of knowledge. Hesees himself as
an intellectual and will seek opportunities to bring new information to theorganization. He
will be a great resource to help with identifying valuable and informationalresources. He
feels things must be earned, not given, because he believes all are capable of hard work and
persistence. Sees the world as a toolset to accomplish his goals. He views people as a
resource to achieve results. He evaluates situations and looks for thepotential return on
investment. He may give freely of time, talent and resources, but will want and expect a
return on his investment. Tends to overlook traditions or boundaries to complete a task. He
tends to seek new methods and ways to expand his future opportunities.He will focus on the
objective before the harmony of a situation. He will evaluate eachsituation to determine
how much control to apply.He will gather as much information as possible before starting a
project. He has a keeninterest in formulating theories and asking questions to assist in
problem solving. He questions the amount of time individuals spend assisting other people.
He can buffer the feelings ofothers to drive business. May focus on efficiency to minimize
the squandering ofresources. Enterprising tendencies may cause him to be sensitive to
wasting time,resources and/or opportunities. In many cases, He would prefer to set his
own plan ofaction. He will not be afraid to explore new and different ways of interpreting
his own beliefsystem. May be able to mask personal issues and focus on professional
productivity.He will focus on the purpose as well as the presentation of a project. If He does
nothave strong feelings about a situation he does not see the need to exert control. In
certainsituations he may go to extremes to win or control the outcome.3
DRIVING CHARACTERISTICS may strive to maintain individuality in certain group settings.
He may be able tocompartmentalize the situation to ensure a rewarding interaction. He
tends to interpret anddissect other systems and/or traditions and is creative when applying
them. He may usewealth as a way to measure his success. He will not normally allow
himself to bedirected by others unless it will enhance his own self-interest. He follows a
philosophy of "it's not personal, it's just business." He sees documentation of the process as
important as theresults. He will continue researching until all information is discovered.4
I1009080706050403020100D72I25S68C42Norm 2021 R4Natural StyleGraph
II1009080706050403020100D69I34S66C42Norm 2021 R45
DISC REFERENCE GUIDE Find your DISC Graph on the summary page: Take note of
scores furthest away from 50 on the DISC graph (high or low). These are the behaviors that
will stand out most for you. Reference "stand-out" scores below. Various combinations of
stand-out DISC factors will influence communication styles and environmentalneeds. For
example, a High D, Low C will need a fast-paced, results-oriented environment with lots of
freedom.However, a High D, High C will need an environment where results can be achieved
through structure, quality,and attention to detail. If all scores are near the middle , you are
likely adaptable to many environments.Behavior StylePeople with this style have adifficult
time in:Communication withpeople having this style:Ideal environments forthis style:Job
TipsHigh DDirectForcefulBoldsituations where they can'texpress themselves.controlled
environments.people without opinions.Be clear.Don't beintimidated.Get to the
point.Competitive.Results-oriented.Opportunities to lead.Results-focusedjob.Low
DCooperativeAgreeablePeacefulanger-charged situations.competitive projects
andprograms.Connectpersonally.Ask questions.Stay calm.Collaborative.Low conflict.Jobs
with littleconfrontation.High ITalkativeSociableEnthusiasticlecture-based classes.being
aline too long.impersonal, business-likeinstruction.Be friendly.Act enthusiastic.Speak
warmly.Friendly.Group projects.Class discussions.Must work withpeople.Low
IReservedReflectiveListensfacilitating groups.activities with prolonged
interaction,especially without reflection time.Don't crowdthem.Short dialogues.Give them
toprocess.Independent projects.Classes that do not gradefor verbal participation.Jobs where
you don'tneed to talk too much.High SLoyalPatientUnderstandingquickly changing
activity.chaotic classrooms.confusion/lack of clarity ininstructions.Be soft.Speak calmly.Be
patient.Well-definedexpectations.Clear path tograduation/success.Jobs with stability
andclear expectations.Low SFlexibleRestlessImpulsivemonotonous classes.highly
structured situations withminimal choice or flexibility.Be spontaneous.Show
emotion.Flexible course work.Room for change andvariety.Jobs with a variety oftasks and
adventure.High CPreciseConscientiousCautioustasks and grading systems withoutclearly
defined expectations.risky situations.Be accurate.Be factual.Be realistic.Structured
activitieswhere quality matters.Classes with a detailedsyllabus.Jobs where qualityand detail
matter.Low CUnsystematicInstinctiveAvoids detailsassignments with lots of rulesto
follow.activities that demand qualityand detail.Big picture focus.Talk fast.Be casual.Broad
view.Low detailassignments.Few rules andstructure.Jobs with freedom fromrules and
DRIVING FORCES GRAPHEduard Spranger first defined six primary types or categories to
define human motivation and drive. These sixtypes are Theoretical, Utilitarian, Aesthetic,
Social, Individualistic and Traditional. The 12 Driving ForcesÂŽ arederived by looking at
each motivator on a continuum and describing both ends. All of the twelve descriptors
arebased on six keywords, one for each continuum. The six keywords are Knowledge,
Utility, Surroundings,Others, Power and Methodologies. Focus on activities and work that
relate to your highest driving
6Receptive54- Denotes Primary Driving Force9
YOUR SKILLS This page shows 25 skills that are important in the world of work. The key to
success is utilizing your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses.
ResiliencyDiplomacy/TactUnderstanding OthersFuturistic ThinkingCreativity and
InnovationDecision MakingSelf StartingMentoring/CoachingPlanning and
OrganizingConceptual ThinkingPeople AdvocacyInfluencing OthersAppreciating
OthersTeamworkProblem SolvingPersonal ResponsibilityNegotiationContinuous
LearningFlexibilityLeadershipGoal OrientationTime and Priority ManagementConflict
ManagementInterpersonal SkillsProject Management0102030405060708090100Well
DevelopedDevelopedWorking Adult AverageModerately DevelopedNeeds Development11
SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIESYour unique hierarchy of competencies is key to your
success. Knowing what they are is essential to reachingyour goals.1.Resiliency: Quickly
recovering from adversity.Demonstrates the ability to overcome setbacks.Strives to remain
optimistic in light of adversity.Evaluates many aspects of the situations to create a positive
outcome.Recognizes criticism is an opportunity to improve.Accepts setbacks and looks for
ways to progress.Utilizes feedback to forge forward.Seeks to understand how certain
obstacles can impact results.Sees the unique opportunities by overcoming
challenges.Swiftly works through the emotions and effects of stressful events.Copes with
the inevitable bumps in life.2.Diplomacy/Tact: Effectively and tactfully handling difficult or
sensitive issues.Effectively utilizes tact and diplomacy in working with people across
hierarchical,functional and/or cultural borders.Understands cultural, climate and
organizational issues.Adapts conduct and communications to "politically correct"
standards.Effectively leverages networks of influence to enable progress.Is sensitive to the
needs of special interest groups within organizations.Builds relationships and networks
with key people of influence.Provides advice, counsel and mentoring on organizational
issues.Utilizes both formal and informal networks internally to obtain support and
achieveresults.Expresses the context of a situation in a non-confrontational or positive
manner.3.Understanding Others: Understanding the uniqueness and contributions of
others.Demonstrates the ability to evaluate others.Strives to understand the unique
qualities of all people.Evaluates many aspects of the people in his surroundings.Recognizes
how other people can contribute.Accepts individuals’ unique abilities and looks for ways for
them to contribute.Utilizes feedback to identify strengths in other people.Seeks to
understand how certain decisions can impact others.Sees the unique contributions of
colleagues.Relates and connects with others.Understands the unique motivations, needs
and aspirations of others.12
SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES4.Futuristic Thinking: Imagining, envisioning, projecting
and/or creating what has not yetbeen actualized.Demonstrates an ability to connect the
dots and see the big picture.Looks beyond the forces driving the current reality that may
have long-term effects.Utilizes foresight and intuitive perception as well as factual events to
draw inferences.Recognizes, supports and/or champions cutting-edge ideas.Anticipates
future trends or events.Envisions possibilities others may not.Imagines and/or predicts
changes in current reality based on deductive and conceptualreasoning.Creates an
environment where forward thinking is the norm not the exception.Envisions ideas that
may be seen as unobtainable by others.Mentally lives in the future and does not allow
current technology to cloud their vision.5.Creativity and Innovation: Creating new
approaches, designs, processes, technologiesand/or systems to achieve the desired
result.Notices unique patterns, variables, processes, systems or relationships.Expresses
non-traditional perspectives and/or novel approaches.Synthesizes data, ideas, models,
processes or systems to create new insights.Challenges established theories, methods
and/or protocols.Encourages and promotes creativity and innovation.Modifies existing
concepts, methods, models, designs, processes, technologies andsystems.Develops and tests
new theories to explain or resolve complex issues.Applies unorthodox theories and/or
methods.Imagines new or revolutionary concepts, methods, models, designs,
processes,technology, systems, products, services or industries.Combines knowledge,
curiosity, imagination, and evaluation to achieve desired results.13
SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES6.Decision Making: Analyzing all aspects of a situation to
make consistently sound andtimely decisions.Demonstrates an ability to make thorough
decisions in a timely manner.Gathers relevant input and develops a rationale for making
decisions.Evaluates the impact or consequences of decisions before making them.Acts
decisively once all aspects have been analyzed.Focuses on timely decisions after the
situations have been completely diagnosed.Willing to update decisions if more information
becomes available.Provides a rationale for decisions when necessary.Systematically
analyzes information before making a decision.Looks at all aspects of a situation including
historical components.Asks the right questions rather than making assumptions to produce
a timely decision.7.Self Starting: Demonstrating initiative and willingness to begin
working.Possesses a strong work ethic and belief in getting results.Takes initiative and does
whatever it takes to achieve objectives.Projects self-assurance in getting the task
started.Starts quickly to avoid setbacks.Asserts self in personal and professional life.Willing
to begin working regardless of circumstances.Accepts personal responsibility for achieving
personal and professional goals.Functions effectively and achieves results regardless of
circumstances.Takes initiative and acts without waiting for direction.Displays self-
confidence, conscientiousness, assertiveness, persistence and isachievement-
oriented.8.Mentoring/Coaching: Facilitating, supporting and contributing to the
professional growthof others.Inspires confidence in others' ability to grow
professionally.Identifies and facilitates developmental opportunities.Encourages initiative
and improvement.Provides opportunities for enhancement.Gives new and challenging work
assignments.Acknowledges and praises improvements.Supports, coaches and mentors the
development of others.Views mistakes as opportunities for learning.Promotes learning and
professional growth.Understands the uniqueness and current level of each participant.14
SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES9.Planning and Organizing: Establishing courses of action to
ensure that work is completedeffectively.Works effectively within established
systems.Utilizes logical, practical and efficient approaches.Prioritizes tasks for optimum
productivity.Develops procedures, processes and systems for order, accuracy, efficiency
andproductivity.Anticipates probable effects, outcomes and risks.Develops contingency
plans to minimize waste, error and risk.Allocates, adjusts and manages resources according
to priorities.Monitors implementation of plans and makes adjustments as
needed.Establishes action plans to ensure desired results.Allows for practical, systematic
and organized conclusions.10.Conceptual Thinking: Analyzing hypothetical situations,
patterns and/or abstract conceptsto formulate connections and new insights.Demonstrates
the ability to identify patterns, themes or connections not noticed byothers.Gathers
hypothetical or abstract concepts to formulate new insights.Evaluates many patterns to
formulate connections.Recognizes unique or unusual perspectives.Envisions hypothetical
situations to formulate new concepts.Utilizes patterns to develop new ways to process
information.Observes and analyzes data to create new methods, techniques or
processes.Sees new possibilities by dissecting the situation and examining the
parts.Integrates issues and factors into a practical framework.Understands a situation or
problem by identifying patterns or connections, to addresskey underlying issues.15
SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES11.Customer Focus: Anticipating, meeting and/or exceeding
customer needs, wants andexpectations.Strives to anticipate, identify and understand
customers' wants, needs and concerns.Responds to customers with a sense of
urgency.Follows through on customer requests.Is patient and courteous with
customers.Resolves issues and complaints to the satisfaction of customers.Expends
extraordinary effort to satisfy customers.Develops relationships with customers.Partners
with customers to assist them in achieving their objectives.Acts as an advocate for
customers' needs.Takes professional risks for the sake of customers' needs.12.Influencing
Others: Personally affecting others’ actions, decisions, opinions or thinking.Utilizes the
knowledge of others’ needs, wants, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior topromote a concept,
product or service.Builds trust and credibility before attempting to promote concepts,
products orservices.Understands and utilizes the behaviors of others to personally affect an
outcome.Uses logic and reason to develop rational arguments that challenge
currentassumptions.Identifies and addresses the barriers that prevent people from seeing
the benefits.Adapts techniques to understand and meet the needs and wants of those
beinginfluenced.Understands the role self-awareness plays in influencing others.Leverages
a person in an indirect but important way.Produces effects on the actions, behavior and
opinions of others.Brings others to their way of thinking without force or
coercion.13.Appreciating Others: Identifying with and caring about others.Demonstrates
genuine concern for others.Respects and values people.Wants to ensure people experience
positive emotions.Expends considerable effort to impact the needs, concerns and feelings of
others.Advocates for the interests, needs and wants of others.Demonstrates sensitivity and
understanding.Takes personal and/or professional risks for the sake of others.Recognizes
and enjoys the good qualities of others.Provides support, appreciation and
recognition.Displays kindness and concern for others.16
SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES14.Teamwork: Cooperating with others to meet
objectives.Respects team members and their individual perspectives.Makes team objectives
a priority.Works toward consensus when team decisions are required.Meets agreed-upon
deadlines on team assignments and commitments.Shares responsibility with team members
for successes and failures.Keeps team members informed regarding projects.Supports team
decisions.Recognizes and appreciates the contributions of team members.Behaves in a
manner consistent with team values and mission.Provides constructive feedback to team
members.Responds positively to feedback from team members.Raises and/or confronts
issues limiting team effectiveness.15.Problem Solving: Defining, analyzing and diagnosing
key components of a problem toformulate a solution.Anticipates, identifies and resolves
problems or obstacles.Utilizes logical processes to analyze and solve problems.Defines the
causes, effects, impact and scope of problems.Identifies the multiple components of
problems and their relationships.Prioritizes steps to a solution.Defines and develops
criteria for optimum solutions.Evaluates the potential impact of possible solutions.Looks for
specific goals, clearly defined solution paths, and/or clear expectedsolutions.Allows for
initial planning including some abstract thinking to come up with
creativesolutions.Understands and defines the problem before jumping to a
solution.16.Personal Responsibility: Being answerable for personal actions.Demonstrates
the ability to self evaluate.Strives to take responsibility for his actions.Evaluates many
aspects of his personal actions.Recognizes when he has made a mistake.Accepts personal
responsibility for outcomes.Utilizes feedback.Observes and analyzes data to learn from
mistakes.Sees new possibilities by examining personal performance.Accepts responsibility
for actions and results.Willing to take ownership of situations.17
SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES17.Negotiation: Listening to many points of view and
facilitating agreements between two ormore parties.Understands both parties must get
something they want before agreement is feasible.Listens to identify and understand what
each party wants.Determines what each party is willing to accept in an
agreement.Establishes a non-threatening environment conducive to open communication
fordiscussing possible terms of agreement.Develops the terms for an agreement.Ensures
each party understands the terms of agreement.Binds agreements between parties with
verbal and/or written contracts.Listens to all sides involved and ensures all parties
understands the issues.Allows all parties to express their viewpoints.Facilitates mutually
beneficial outcomes to satisfy various interests.18.Continuous Learning: Taking initiative to
regularly learn new concepts, technologiesand/or methods.Demonstrates curiosity and
enthusiasm for learning.Takes initiative in acquiring and mastering the skills and
knowledge requirements of aposition.Keeps abreast of current or new information through
reading and other learningmethods.Actively interested in new technologies, processes and
methods.Welcomes or seeks assignments requiring new skills and knowledge.Expends
considerable effort and/or time on learning.Genuinely enjoys learning.Identifies
opportunities to gain knowledge.May be considered a knowledgeable resource by
others.Enjoys new resources or methods for learning.19.Flexibility: Readily modifying,
responding and adapting to change with minimalresistance.Responds promptly to shifts in
direction, priorities and schedules.Demonstrates agility in accepting new ideas, approaches
and/or methods.Effective in shifting priorities and tasks.Modifies methods or strategies to
fit changing circumstances.Adapts personal style to work with different people.Maintains
productivity during transitions.Embraces and/or champions a shift in activity.Strives to
adapt to situational demands.Capable of changing or adjusting to meet particular or varied
needs.Able to step outside their comfort zone and try something they haven’t done
SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES20.Leadership: Organizing and influencing people to believe
in a vision while creating asense of purpose and direction.Inspires others with compelling
visions.Takes risks for the sake of purpose, vision or mission.Builds trust and demonstrates
integrity with a noticeable congruence between wordsand actions.Demonstrates optimism
and positive expectations of others.Delegates appropriate levels of responsibility and
authority.Involves people in decisions that affect them.Addresses performance issues
promptly, fairly and consistently.Adapts methods and approaches to create an environment
to allow others to besuccessful.Makes decisions that are best for the organization and
attempts to mitigate thenegative consequences for people.Demonstrates loyalty to
constituents.21.Goal Orientation: Setting, pursuing and attaining goals, regardless of
obstacles orcircumstances.Acts instinctively to achieve objectives without
supervision.Expends the necessary time and effort to achieve goals.Recognizes and acts on
opportunities to advance progress to meet goals.Establishes and works toward ambitious
and challenging goals.Develops and implements strategies to meet objectives.Measures
effectiveness and performance to ensure results are attained.Acts with a determination to
achieve goals.Demonstrates persistence in overcoming obstacles to meet objectives.Takes
calculated risks to achieve results.Employs a strategy that affects how they approach tasks
and future projects.19
SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES 22.Time and Priority Management: Prioritizing and
completing tasks in order to deliverdesired outcomes within allotted time
frames.Effectively manages difficulties and delays to complete tasks on time.Effectively
manages time and priorities to meet deadlines.Presents completed tasks on or before the
deadline.Demonstrates an ability to maintain deadlines in the midst of crisis.Strives to
improve prioritization.Balances timelines and desired outcomes.Takes initiative and
prioritizes tasks to stay on schedule.Accepts responsibility for deadlines and results.Creates
an environment conducive to effectiveness.Reduces the amount of time spent on non-
priorities.23.Conflict Management: Understanding, addressing and resolving conflict
constructively.Readily identifies and addresses issues, concerns or conflicts.Recognizes
opportunities for positive outcomes in conflict situations.Reads situations accurately to
pinpoint critical issues.Listens to gain understanding of an issue from different
perspectives.Diffuses tension and effectively handles emotional situations.Assists people in
adversarial positions to identify common interests.Strives to settle differences
equitably.Settles differences without damaging relationships.Strives to limit the negative
aspects of conflict while increasing the positive.Focuses on enhancing learning and group
outcomes, including effectiveness orperformance.20

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4 Days Career Development NO AI AND CHATGPT ALLOWED.pdf

  • 1. 4 Days Report, Career Development Plan, NO AI AND CHATGPT ALLOWED management multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. NO AI and CHATGPT ALLOWED PLEASE READ the PDF1 Result and Following PDF 2 to DO THE Career Development Plan 3% Similarly With Great APA Write. Bad Graes WILL ASK REFUND AND LEAVE a BAD REVIEW Dream Profession: Technical project manager Dream company to work for. Google or Amazon Existing education skills and abilities. MBA, CS bachelor D. The county you wish to work in. Canada !!!!!Please follow by below Suggestion Strucution to write the report:!!!!!!! The Importance of Having a Career Plan: (Approx. 3 paragraphs) Page break, if it is not a full page, and then start the next topic in the next page. Remember to sign post. The Analysis of My Indigo Assessment on My Career Prospect: (One page) Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page. Reflection on My Own Assumptions, Values, and Habits: - Assumptions: - Values: - Habits: How My Values Are Shaping My Opinion and Behaviour: What Improved/Influenced Me Since I Embarked on This Program: (Two pages) Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page. My Career Plan Timeline: Present your career plan timeline form year 1 to 5. Be as creative as possible. Your designed
  • 2. timeline needs to be ‘clear’, ‘specific’, ‘measurable’ and ‘visually impressive’. Be very specific with your timeline, provide dates for when you will achieve different things mentioned in your timeline. For instance, if you mention in your timeline, you will attempt an exam provide a DATE of when you will attempt that exam. Also include the COSTS associated with completing different activities.(Two Pages) Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page. My Career Objectives: - Industry: (Describe this industry briefly) - Position: (Describe this position that you are targeting) - Location in Canada: Which Province/City/Why? (This needs to be supported with job market analysis such as employment options, field attractiveness- current job openings within your field, income potential/salary rates across different provinces– we want to see a lot of statistics in here – Don’t make this section descriptive – use graphs, pie-charts, salary benchmarking tables from federal and provincial reliable sources). (Three pages) Remember to cross-reference all the images inside the text, sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page. My Intended Organization to Work For: Write a few words about the organization, what are the possible promotional opportunities for career growth and what senior level position do you wish to obtain? How long will it take for you to obtain your next promotion within your field? What certificate will be needed for promotion? How long will it take to achieve them? How many years of experience will be required for the promotion? All these need to be visible on your timeline. Promotions need to be in your timeline. (One page description, but rememberto cross-reference to your timeline and its image). Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page. Table of My Skills Inventory: An inventory of your current skills, abilities, training, and education and the required qualifications for your desired position? (Strictly use a table to outline your current education as well as all job-specific skills, certificates etc., that you have. Only mention the certificates/degrees acceptable in Canada, see NOC website for reference) (One page) Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page. Actions Crucial to My Career Plan: Step 1. X/Y: Step 2. X/Y: Step 3. X/Y: From your time- line Identify three action steps that are crucial to achieving your stated career development plan. These steps are usually those without which your plan cannot proceed. (Put a heading action step and describe them in short paragraphs- 3-4 lines maximum) (One page) Remember to sign post, and then move on to the next section in the next page. Identifying Potential Barriers:
  • 3. Identify potential barriers that might prevent you from reaching your stated career goals and objectives. (In bullet points – make sure they are all realistic and applicable to you. Just imagine what problems would you face while starting your professional career in Canada). List of References: Requirements: 3 days Career Development Plan Prepare your own five-year career development plan about ‘What do you intend to do professionally in the next 5 years (1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th & 5th year)’? Your plan must be presented in time-line format (This can be done using MS Project and multiple other software). Your plan will also be assessed on the basis of how creative your timeline is. Simple timelines (a simple table of one made using word) will be marked down. Be very specific with your timeline, provide dates for when you will achieve different things mentioned in your timeline. For instance, if you mention in your timeline, you will attempt an exam provide a DATE of when you will attempt that exam. Also include the COSTS associated with completing different activities. Your career plan must address and consider the following items: 1. What are your career objectives? What position, field or industry do you want to work in/for? (To be answered in introductory paragraph – Max 1 page) o Which province in Canada and why? (This needs to be supported with job market analysis such as employment options, field attractiveness- current job openings within your field, income potential/salary rates across different provinces– we want to see a lot of statistics in here – Don’t make this section descriptive – use graphs, pie-charts, salary benchmarking tables from federal and provincial reliable sources) 2. If you intend to work for an organization, what are the possible promotional opportunities for career growth and what senior level position do you wish to obtain? How long will it take for you to obtain your next promotion within your field? What certificate will be needed for promotion? how many years of experience will be required for the promotion? (Again, maximum one page in writing and also included these promotions in your timeline) 3. An inventory of your current skills, abilities, training, and education and the required qualifications for your desired position? (Strictly use a table to outline your current education as well as all job-specific skills, certificates etc., that you have. Only mention the certificates/degrees acceptable in Canada, see NOC website for reference) 4. From your time- line Identify three action steps that are crucial to achieving your stated career development plan. These steps are usually those without which your plan cannot proceed. (Put a heading action steps and describe them in short paragraphs- 3-4 lines maximum) 5. Identify potential barriers that might prevent you from reaching your stated career goals and objectives. (In bullet points – make sure they are all realistic and applicable to you. Just imagine what problems would you face while starting your professional career in Canada) APA writing conventions should be followed in the plan with sources/ websites referred to, properly referenced and cited including in APA format, the report must demonstrate analysis of the material and its application to the workplace. Critically reviews existing knowledge, questions assumptions, and articulates new perspectives as a result of experience.Critical reflection ¨CCritical evaluation (questioning, examining more closely) of
  • 4. personal assumptions, habits, or values and their connection to the opinions or behaviors upon which are reflected in the light of other perspectives.Demonstrates superior connection between experience and class content (Talent Management) and literature; evidence of application of theory and reconstruction of perspective. Substantial use of PDF 1 results.Describes short- and long-term goals as well as connections between personal, academic, and career goals and how the goals support each other. Fully integrates a well- thought personal course plan with necessary skills and relevant resources and experiences available to support achieving academic and career success. Provides detailed information on how resources and experiences will develop specific skills and knowledge in academic and career fields. Top 5 SkillsPersonal Skills RankingResiliency1Diplomacy/Tact2Understanding Others3Futuristic Thinking4Creativity and Innovation5Behaviors 1009080706050403020100D69I34S66C42D = DominanceI = InfluencingS = SteadinessC = ComplianceHigh D's tend to becompetitive,decisive, anddetermined.StrengthsThrives on the challenge of solving problems.Offers informed opinions on a variety of topics.Tends to be futuristic.Can be resourceful to influence others to get results.Methodical and reliable researcher.Takes a methodical approach to implementingchanges that will increase return on investment.Primary Drivers1. Intellectual - People who are driven by opportunities to learn,acquire knowledge and the discovery of truth.01020304050607080901008653*2. Intentional - People who are driven to assist others for a specificpurpose, not just for the sake of being helpful or supportive.01020304050607080901008549*3. Resourceful - People who are driven by practical results,maximizing both efficiency and returns for their investments of time,talent, energy and resources.01020304050607080901005642*4. Receptive - People who are driven by new ideas, methods andopportunities that fall outside a defined system for living.01020304050607080901005447*Value to a TeamPeople- oriented.Innovative.Challenge-oriented.Competitive.Will join organizations to represent thecompany.Good listener. DRIVING CHARACTERISTICSBased on your responses, the report has generated statements to provide a broad understanding of WHY YOUDO WHAT YOU DO. These statements identify the motivation that you bring to the job. However, you couldhave a potential Me- Me conflict when two driving forces seem to conflict with each other. Use the generalcharacteristics to gain a better understanding of your driving forces.Adding to the body of knowledge is more important than the application of knowledge. Hesees himself as an intellectual and will seek opportunities to bring new information to theorganization. He will be a great resource to help with identifying valuable and informationalresources. He feels things must be earned, not given, because he believes all are capable of hard work and persistence. Sees the world as a toolset to accomplish his goals. He views people as a resource to achieve results. He evaluates situations and looks for thepotential return on investment. He may give freely of time, talent and resources, but will want and expect a return on his investment. Tends to overlook traditions or boundaries to complete a task. He tends to seek new methods and ways to expand his future opportunities.He will focus on the objective before the harmony of a situation. He will evaluate eachsituation to determine how much control to apply.He will gather as much information as possible before starting a
  • 5. project. He has a keeninterest in formulating theories and asking questions to assist in problem solving. He questions the amount of time individuals spend assisting other people. He can buffer the feelings ofothers to drive business. May focus on efficiency to minimize the squandering ofresources. Enterprising tendencies may cause him to be sensitive to wasting time,resources and/or opportunities. In many cases, He would prefer to set his own plan ofaction. He will not be afraid to explore new and different ways of interpreting his own beliefsystem. May be able to mask personal issues and focus on professional productivity.He will focus on the purpose as well as the presentation of a project. If He does nothave strong feelings about a situation he does not see the need to exert control. In certainsituations he may go to extremes to win or control the outcome.3 DRIVING CHARACTERISTICS may strive to maintain individuality in certain group settings. He may be able tocompartmentalize the situation to ensure a rewarding interaction. He tends to interpret anddissect other systems and/or traditions and is creative when applying them. He may usewealth as a way to measure his success. He will not normally allow himself to bedirected by others unless it will enhance his own self-interest. He follows a philosophy of "it's not personal, it's just business." He sees documentation of the process as important as theresults. He will continue researching until all information is discovered.4 STYLE INSIGHTSÂŽ GRAPHSAdapted StyleGraph I1009080706050403020100D72I25S68C42Norm 2021 R4Natural StyleGraph II1009080706050403020100D69I34S66C42Norm 2021 R45 DISC REFERENCE GUIDE Find your DISC Graph on the summary page: Take note of scores furthest away from 50 on the DISC graph (high or low). These are the behaviors that will stand out most for you. Reference "stand-out" scores below. Various combinations of stand-out DISC factors will influence communication styles and environmentalneeds. For example, a High D, Low C will need a fast-paced, results-oriented environment with lots of freedom.However, a High D, High C will need an environment where results can be achieved through structure, quality,and attention to detail. If all scores are near the middle , you are likely adaptable to many environments.Behavior StylePeople with this style have adifficult time in:Communication withpeople having this style:Ideal environments forthis style:Job TipsHigh DDirectForcefulBoldsituations where they can'texpress themselves.controlled environments.people without opinions.Be clear.Don't beintimidated.Get to the point.Competitive.Results-oriented.Opportunities to lead.Results-focusedjob.Low DCooperativeAgreeablePeacefulanger-charged situations.competitive projects andprograms.Connectpersonally.Ask questions.Stay calm.Collaborative.Low conflict.Jobs with littleconfrontation.High ITalkativeSociableEnthusiasticlecture-based classes.being aline too long.impersonal, business-likeinstruction.Be friendly.Act enthusiastic.Speak warmly.Friendly.Group projects.Class discussions.Must work withpeople.Low IReservedReflectiveListensfacilitating groups.activities with prolonged interaction,especially without reflection time.Don't crowdthem.Short dialogues.Give them toprocess.Independent projects.Classes that do not gradefor verbal participation.Jobs where you don'tneed to talk too much.High SLoyalPatientUnderstandingquickly changing activity.chaotic classrooms.confusion/lack of clarity ininstructions.Be soft.Speak calmly.Be patient.Well-definedexpectations.Clear path tograduation/success.Jobs with stability
  • 6. andclear expectations.Low SFlexibleRestlessImpulsivemonotonous classes.highly structured situations withminimal choice or flexibility.Be spontaneous.Show emotion.Flexible course work.Room for change andvariety.Jobs with a variety oftasks and adventure.High CPreciseConscientiousCautioustasks and grading systems withoutclearly defined expectations.risky situations.Be accurate.Be factual.Be realistic.Structured activitieswhere quality matters.Classes with a detailedsyllabus.Jobs where qualityand detail matter.Low CUnsystematicInstinctiveAvoids detailsassignments with lots of rulesto follow.activities that demand qualityand detail.Big picture focus.Talk fast.Be casual.Broad view.Low detailassignments.Few rules andstructure.Jobs with freedom fromrules and micromanaging.8 DRIVING FORCES GRAPHEduard Spranger first defined six primary types or categories to define human motivation and drive. These sixtypes are Theoretical, Utilitarian, Aesthetic, Social, Individualistic and Traditional. The 12 Driving ForcesÂŽ arederived by looking at each motivator on a continuum and describing both ends. All of the twelve descriptors arebased on six keywords, one for each continuum. The six keywords are Knowledge, Utility, Surroundings,Others, Power and Methodologies. Focus on activities and work that relate to your highest driving forcesscores.1007550250255075100KnowledgeIntellectual86Instinctive01007550250255 075100UtilityResourceful56Selfless241007550250255075100SurroundingsHarmonious33 Objective491007550250255075100OthersAltruistic8Intentional85100755025025507510 0PowerCommanding40Collaborative391007550250255075100MethodologiesStructured2 6Receptive54- Denotes Primary Driving Force9 YOUR SKILLS This page shows 25 skills that are important in the world of work. The key to success is utilizing your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. ResiliencyDiplomacy/TactUnderstanding OthersFuturistic ThinkingCreativity and InnovationDecision MakingSelf StartingMentoring/CoachingPlanning and OrganizingConceptual ThinkingPeople AdvocacyInfluencing OthersAppreciating OthersTeamworkProblem SolvingPersonal ResponsibilityNegotiationContinuous LearningFlexibilityLeadershipGoal OrientationTime and Priority ManagementConflict ManagementInterpersonal SkillsProject Management0102030405060708090100Well DevelopedDevelopedWorking Adult AverageModerately DevelopedNeeds Development11 SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIESYour unique hierarchy of competencies is key to your success. Knowing what they are is essential to reachingyour goals.1.Resiliency: Quickly recovering from adversity.Demonstrates the ability to overcome setbacks.Strives to remain optimistic in light of adversity.Evaluates many aspects of the situations to create a positive outcome.Recognizes criticism is an opportunity to improve.Accepts setbacks and looks for ways to progress.Utilizes feedback to forge forward.Seeks to understand how certain obstacles can impact results.Sees the unique opportunities by overcoming challenges.Swiftly works through the emotions and effects of stressful events.Copes with the inevitable bumps in life.2.Diplomacy/Tact: Effectively and tactfully handling difficult or sensitive issues.Effectively utilizes tact and diplomacy in working with people across hierarchical,functional and/or cultural borders.Understands cultural, climate and organizational issues.Adapts conduct and communications to "politically correct"
  • 7. standards.Effectively leverages networks of influence to enable progress.Is sensitive to the needs of special interest groups within organizations.Builds relationships and networks with key people of influence.Provides advice, counsel and mentoring on organizational issues.Utilizes both formal and informal networks internally to obtain support and achieveresults.Expresses the context of a situation in a non-confrontational or positive manner.3.Understanding Others: Understanding the uniqueness and contributions of others.Demonstrates the ability to evaluate others.Strives to understand the unique qualities of all people.Evaluates many aspects of the people in his surroundings.Recognizes how other people can contribute.Accepts individuals’ unique abilities and looks for ways for them to contribute.Utilizes feedback to identify strengths in other people.Seeks to understand how certain decisions can impact others.Sees the unique contributions of colleagues.Relates and connects with others.Understands the unique motivations, needs and aspirations of others.12 SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES4.Futuristic Thinking: Imagining, envisioning, projecting and/or creating what has not yetbeen actualized.Demonstrates an ability to connect the dots and see the big picture.Looks beyond the forces driving the current reality that may have long-term effects.Utilizes foresight and intuitive perception as well as factual events to draw inferences.Recognizes, supports and/or champions cutting-edge ideas.Anticipates future trends or events.Envisions possibilities others may not.Imagines and/or predicts changes in current reality based on deductive and conceptualreasoning.Creates an environment where forward thinking is the norm not the exception.Envisions ideas that may be seen as unobtainable by others.Mentally lives in the future and does not allow current technology to cloud their vision.5.Creativity and Innovation: Creating new approaches, designs, processes, technologiesand/or systems to achieve the desired result.Notices unique patterns, variables, processes, systems or relationships.Expresses non-traditional perspectives and/or novel approaches.Synthesizes data, ideas, models, processes or systems to create new insights.Challenges established theories, methods and/or protocols.Encourages and promotes creativity and innovation.Modifies existing concepts, methods, models, designs, processes, technologies andsystems.Develops and tests new theories to explain or resolve complex issues.Applies unorthodox theories and/or methods.Imagines new or revolutionary concepts, methods, models, designs, processes,technology, systems, products, services or industries.Combines knowledge, curiosity, imagination, and evaluation to achieve desired results.13 SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES6.Decision Making: Analyzing all aspects of a situation to make consistently sound andtimely decisions.Demonstrates an ability to make thorough decisions in a timely manner.Gathers relevant input and develops a rationale for making decisions.Evaluates the impact or consequences of decisions before making them.Acts decisively once all aspects have been analyzed.Focuses on timely decisions after the situations have been completely diagnosed.Willing to update decisions if more information becomes available.Provides a rationale for decisions when necessary.Systematically analyzes information before making a decision.Looks at all aspects of a situation including historical components.Asks the right questions rather than making assumptions to produce a timely decision.7.Self Starting: Demonstrating initiative and willingness to begin
  • 8. working.Possesses a strong work ethic and belief in getting results.Takes initiative and does whatever it takes to achieve objectives.Projects self-assurance in getting the task started.Starts quickly to avoid setbacks.Asserts self in personal and professional life.Willing to begin working regardless of circumstances.Accepts personal responsibility for achieving personal and professional goals.Functions effectively and achieves results regardless of circumstances.Takes initiative and acts without waiting for direction.Displays self- confidence, conscientiousness, assertiveness, persistence and isachievement- oriented.8.Mentoring/Coaching: Facilitating, supporting and contributing to the professional growthof others.Inspires confidence in others' ability to grow professionally.Identifies and facilitates developmental opportunities.Encourages initiative and improvement.Provides opportunities for enhancement.Gives new and challenging work assignments.Acknowledges and praises improvements.Supports, coaches and mentors the development of others.Views mistakes as opportunities for learning.Promotes learning and professional growth.Understands the uniqueness and current level of each participant.14 SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES9.Planning and Organizing: Establishing courses of action to ensure that work is completedeffectively.Works effectively within established systems.Utilizes logical, practical and efficient approaches.Prioritizes tasks for optimum productivity.Develops procedures, processes and systems for order, accuracy, efficiency andproductivity.Anticipates probable effects, outcomes and risks.Develops contingency plans to minimize waste, error and risk.Allocates, adjusts and manages resources according to priorities.Monitors implementation of plans and makes adjustments as needed.Establishes action plans to ensure desired results.Allows for practical, systematic and organized conclusions.10.Conceptual Thinking: Analyzing hypothetical situations, patterns and/or abstract conceptsto formulate connections and new insights.Demonstrates the ability to identify patterns, themes or connections not noticed byothers.Gathers hypothetical or abstract concepts to formulate new insights.Evaluates many patterns to formulate connections.Recognizes unique or unusual perspectives.Envisions hypothetical situations to formulate new concepts.Utilizes patterns to develop new ways to process information.Observes and analyzes data to create new methods, techniques or processes.Sees new possibilities by dissecting the situation and examining the parts.Integrates issues and factors into a practical framework.Understands a situation or problem by identifying patterns or connections, to addresskey underlying issues.15 SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES11.Customer Focus: Anticipating, meeting and/or exceeding customer needs, wants andexpectations.Strives to anticipate, identify and understand customers' wants, needs and concerns.Responds to customers with a sense of urgency.Follows through on customer requests.Is patient and courteous with customers.Resolves issues and complaints to the satisfaction of customers.Expends extraordinary effort to satisfy customers.Develops relationships with customers.Partners with customers to assist them in achieving their objectives.Acts as an advocate for customers' needs.Takes professional risks for the sake of customers' needs.12.Influencing Others: Personally affecting others’ actions, decisions, opinions or thinking.Utilizes the knowledge of others’ needs, wants, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior topromote a concept, product or service.Builds trust and credibility before attempting to promote concepts,
  • 9. products orservices.Understands and utilizes the behaviors of others to personally affect an outcome.Uses logic and reason to develop rational arguments that challenge currentassumptions.Identifies and addresses the barriers that prevent people from seeing the benefits.Adapts techniques to understand and meet the needs and wants of those beinginfluenced.Understands the role self-awareness plays in influencing others.Leverages a person in an indirect but important way.Produces effects on the actions, behavior and opinions of others.Brings others to their way of thinking without force or coercion.13.Appreciating Others: Identifying with and caring about others.Demonstrates genuine concern for others.Respects and values people.Wants to ensure people experience positive emotions.Expends considerable effort to impact the needs, concerns and feelings of others.Advocates for the interests, needs and wants of others.Demonstrates sensitivity and understanding.Takes personal and/or professional risks for the sake of others.Recognizes and enjoys the good qualities of others.Provides support, appreciation and recognition.Displays kindness and concern for others.16 SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES14.Teamwork: Cooperating with others to meet objectives.Respects team members and their individual perspectives.Makes team objectives a priority.Works toward consensus when team decisions are required.Meets agreed-upon deadlines on team assignments and commitments.Shares responsibility with team members for successes and failures.Keeps team members informed regarding projects.Supports team decisions.Recognizes and appreciates the contributions of team members.Behaves in a manner consistent with team values and mission.Provides constructive feedback to team members.Responds positively to feedback from team members.Raises and/or confronts issues limiting team effectiveness.15.Problem Solving: Defining, analyzing and diagnosing key components of a problem toformulate a solution.Anticipates, identifies and resolves problems or obstacles.Utilizes logical processes to analyze and solve problems.Defines the causes, effects, impact and scope of problems.Identifies the multiple components of problems and their relationships.Prioritizes steps to a solution.Defines and develops criteria for optimum solutions.Evaluates the potential impact of possible solutions.Looks for specific goals, clearly defined solution paths, and/or clear expectedsolutions.Allows for initial planning including some abstract thinking to come up with creativesolutions.Understands and defines the problem before jumping to a solution.16.Personal Responsibility: Being answerable for personal actions.Demonstrates the ability to self evaluate.Strives to take responsibility for his actions.Evaluates many aspects of his personal actions.Recognizes when he has made a mistake.Accepts personal responsibility for outcomes.Utilizes feedback.Observes and analyzes data to learn from mistakes.Sees new possibilities by examining personal performance.Accepts responsibility for actions and results.Willing to take ownership of situations.17 SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES17.Negotiation: Listening to many points of view and facilitating agreements between two ormore parties.Understands both parties must get something they want before agreement is feasible.Listens to identify and understand what each party wants.Determines what each party is willing to accept in an agreement.Establishes a non-threatening environment conducive to open communication fordiscussing possible terms of agreement.Develops the terms for an agreement.Ensures
  • 10. each party understands the terms of agreement.Binds agreements between parties with verbal and/or written contracts.Listens to all sides involved and ensures all parties understands the issues.Allows all parties to express their viewpoints.Facilitates mutually beneficial outcomes to satisfy various interests.18.Continuous Learning: Taking initiative to regularly learn new concepts, technologiesand/or methods.Demonstrates curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.Takes initiative in acquiring and mastering the skills and knowledge requirements of aposition.Keeps abreast of current or new information through reading and other learningmethods.Actively interested in new technologies, processes and methods.Welcomes or seeks assignments requiring new skills and knowledge.Expends considerable effort and/or time on learning.Genuinely enjoys learning.Identifies opportunities to gain knowledge.May be considered a knowledgeable resource by others.Enjoys new resources or methods for learning.19.Flexibility: Readily modifying, responding and adapting to change with minimalresistance.Responds promptly to shifts in direction, priorities and schedules.Demonstrates agility in accepting new ideas, approaches and/or methods.Effective in shifting priorities and tasks.Modifies methods or strategies to fit changing circumstances.Adapts personal style to work with different people.Maintains productivity during transitions.Embraces and/or champions a shift in activity.Strives to adapt to situational demands.Capable of changing or adjusting to meet particular or varied needs.Able to step outside their comfort zone and try something they haven’t done before.18 SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES20.Leadership: Organizing and influencing people to believe in a vision while creating asense of purpose and direction.Inspires others with compelling visions.Takes risks for the sake of purpose, vision or mission.Builds trust and demonstrates integrity with a noticeable congruence between wordsand actions.Demonstrates optimism and positive expectations of others.Delegates appropriate levels of responsibility and authority.Involves people in decisions that affect them.Addresses performance issues promptly, fairly and consistently.Adapts methods and approaches to create an environment to allow others to besuccessful.Makes decisions that are best for the organization and attempts to mitigate thenegative consequences for people.Demonstrates loyalty to constituents.21.Goal Orientation: Setting, pursuing and attaining goals, regardless of obstacles orcircumstances.Acts instinctively to achieve objectives without supervision.Expends the necessary time and effort to achieve goals.Recognizes and acts on opportunities to advance progress to meet goals.Establishes and works toward ambitious and challenging goals.Develops and implements strategies to meet objectives.Measures effectiveness and performance to ensure results are attained.Acts with a determination to achieve goals.Demonstrates persistence in overcoming obstacles to meet objectives.Takes calculated risks to achieve results.Employs a strategy that affects how they approach tasks and future projects.19 SUMMARY OF COMPETENCIES 22.Time and Priority Management: Prioritizing and completing tasks in order to deliverdesired outcomes within allotted time frames.Effectively manages difficulties and delays to complete tasks on time.Effectively manages time and priorities to meet deadlines.Presents completed tasks on or before the deadline.Demonstrates an ability to maintain deadlines in the midst of crisis.Strives to
  • 11. improve prioritization.Balances timelines and desired outcomes.Takes initiative and prioritizes tasks to stay on schedule.Accepts responsibility for deadlines and results.Creates an environment conducive to effectiveness.Reduces the amount of time spent on non- priorities.23.Conflict Management: Understanding, addressing and resolving conflict constructively.Readily identifies and addresses issues, concerns or conflicts.Recognizes opportunities for positive outcomes in conflict situations.Reads situations accurately to pinpoint critical issues.Listens to gain understanding of an issue from different perspectives.Diffuses tension and effectively handles emotional situations.Assists people in adversarial positions to identify common interests.Strives to settle differences equitably.Settles differences without damaging relationships.Strives to limit the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive.Focuses on enhancing learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness orperformance.20