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Health Management Course
Supervisor: DR. Sireen AlKhaldi
Done By: 1- Saba Sharieh
2- Lubna Al Nahar
3- Amjad Al Sabil
The Nature of
Charismatic and
Transformational Leadership
Role of followership
Leaders using power
to influence
Servant leadership
and moral leadership
Introduction From Management to
Definition Discussion
Explore how managers develop
leadership qualities.
Leaders behave depending on their individual
differences as well as their followers’ needs
and the organizational situation.
The ability to influence people
toward the attainment of
organizational goals
The Nature of
• Leaders are involved with
other people in the
achievement of goals.
• Leadership is a “people” activity, distinct
from administrative paper shuffling or
problem-solving activities.
3To attain goals
The relationship
among people is
not passive.
Globalization 4
Ethical and economic
Changes in Technology
Corporate governance
Turbulence and uncertainty
of the environment.
Significant Social
New ways of working 6
Shifting employee
Postheroic approach that focuses on the
subtle, unseen, and often unrewarded acts that good
leaders per-form every day.
One of the postheroic leader’s major
.. characteristic is humility.
Business heroes
celebrate the grand
Definition: Being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and
. prideful.
Leaders: Quietly build strong, enduring companies by developing and supporting
. others rather than touting their own abilities and accomplishments. (Not
the center of everything)
Contemporary leadership
Previously Recently
Level 5
The highest level of manager capabilities
Level 5
- Complete lack of ego.
- Coupled fierce
resolved to do what is
best for the organization
- Shy and unpretentious
- Accept full responsibility
for mistakes
- Poor results, or failures,
- Give credit for
successes to other
The highest level in a
hierarchy of manager
capabilities that Builds
enduring greatness
through a paradoxical
blend of personal
humility and
professional will.
Level 5
• Level 5 leaders want everyone to develop to their fullest potential!
-A Leadership style
characterized by values
such as inclusion,
relationship building,
and caring.
-Influence derives from
relationships rather
than position power and
formal authority
-Females are higher
than males on abilities
such as motivating
others, fostering
communication, and
-Women typically score
higher on social and
emotional skills, which
are crucial for interactive
- Personal humility.
- Inclusion.
- Relation-ship building
and caring.
Growth &
From Management to
Good management is essential in organizations,
yet good managers have to be leaders too.
Management and leadership reflect two different
sets of qualities and skills that frequently overlap
within a single individual.
A Person might have more of one set of qualities
than the other.
Problem solving
Leadership Traits
• Are the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader.
• Intelligence, honesty, self-confidence, and even appearance.
• What made these people great and select future leaders who already exhibited the
same traits or could be trained to develop them.
• The appropriateness of a trait or set of traits depends on the leader-ship situation.
• To focus on the dynamics of the relation-ship between leaders and followers.
o Looking at the behavior of leaders and how it
might contribute to leadership success or failure.
Task oriented
People oriented
 To be effective leadership in a variety of situations
and time periods.
 Concern for tasks and concern for people must be
shown at some reasonable level.
 a basis for study and comparison
Ohio State University
University of Texas.
University of Michigan
Ohio State University
People + Task oriented behavior
Initiating structure
- Provide open communication.
- Develop teamwork.
- Leader is mindful of subordinates
- Respects their ideas and feelings
- Establishes mutual trust
Task oriented
People oriented
• Give instructions
• Spend time planning
• Emphasize deadlines
• Leader is task oriented
• Directs subordinate work activities toward
goal attainment.
High initiating
low consideration
Low initiating
Low consideration
Low initiating
High consideration
The Highest
initiating structure
style achieved
better performance
and greater
The behavior of effective and ineffective supervisors
Focused on the subordinates’ human needs to “build
effective work groups with high performance goals
Employee-centered leaders
The less-effective leaders
Job-centered leaders
 Less concerned with goal achievement.
 Less human needs in favor of meeting
 Keeping costs low & achieving production
High performance goals
University of Michigan
The work of the Ohio State and Michigan studies
Two-dimensional theory
managerial grid
leadership grid
University of Texas
(leadership Grid)
Measures the leader’s
concern about the people and
the production
Contingency approaches
How can two people with
widely different styles both be
effective leaders?
Contingency approaches approaches
● Definition: It is a model of leadership that
describes the relationship between leadership
styles and specific organizational situations.
● The contingency leadership approaches focus
on the leaders’ style, the subordinates’ nature,
and the situation’s characteristics.
1. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory
● Hersey and Blanchard approach focuses a great deal of
attention on the characteristics of employees in
determining appropriate leader ship behavior .
● The point is that subordinates vary in readiness level.
People low in task readiness—because of little ability or
training or insecurity—need a different leadership style
than those who are high in readiness and have good
ability, skills, confidence, and willingness to work.
Leadership style According to situational theory:
● 1. The telling style is highly directive style,
specific, give instructions and tell people
exactly what to do, how to do it, and when.
Use when followers are low in readiness.(unable,
unwilling and not confident)
● 2. The selling style is based on a high
concern for both people and tasks. With this
approach, the leader not only give direction
but also includes seeking input from others
and clarifying tasks rather than simply
Use when followers are somewhat moderate
in readiness (unable, willing but not confident).
● 3. The participating style, shares ideas with
subordinates, gives them a chance to
participate, and facilitates decision making.
● the leader can guide followers’
development and act as a resource for
advice and assistance.
Use when followers are moderate in readiness (able,
not willing and confident)
● 4. The delegating style provides little direction
and little support because the leader turns over
responsibility for decisions and their
implementation to subordinates who have the
skills, abilities, and positive attitudes to follow
Use when followers are high in readiness (able, willing
and confident)
● This bell-shaped curve
is called a prescriptive
curve because it
indicates when each
leader style should be
● The readiness level of
followers is indicated
in the lower part.
● R1 is low readiness
and R4 represents
high readiness.
2. Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
● The basic idea for this theory : match the
leaders style with situation most favorable for
his or her success, by diagnosing leadership
style and organization situation ,the correct fit
can be arranged .
● There is two important elements:
1. Leadership style
2. Situation favorability
● Situation would be considered highly
favorable to the leader when leader-
member relationships are positive, tasks are
highly structured, and the leader has formal
authority over followers.
● Situation would be considered highly
unfavorable to the leader when leader-
member relationships are poor, tasks are
highly unstructured, and the leader has
little formal authority.
Matching Leader Style to the Situation
● Fiedler examined the relationships among
leadership style and situational favorability, and
he found this pattern.
2. Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
● The favorability of a leadership situation
can be analyzed in terms of three elements:
1. The quality of relationships between leader and
2. The degree of task structure.
3. The extent to which the leader has formal authority
over followers.
3. Substitutes for Leadership
● This approach outlines those organizational
settings in which a leadership style is
unimportant or unnecessary.
● A substitute for leadership makes the leadership
style unnecessary or redundant. For example, highly
professional subordinates who know how to do their tasks do not need a
leader who initiates structure for them and tells them what to do.
● A neutralizer counteracts the leadership style
and prevents the leader from displaying certain
behaviors. For example, if a leader has absolutely no position power
or is physically removed from subordinates, the leader’s ability to give
directions to subordinates is greatly reduced.
● A leader, need to know two thing in
order to use Fiedler’s contingency.
1. The leader should know Whether he or she has
a relationship or task-oriented style.
2. The leader should diagnose the situation and
determine whether leader member relations ,task
structure and position power are favorable or
● Two types of leadership that can have a
substantial impact are: charismatic and
● These types of leadership are best understood in
comparison to transactional leadership.
Charismatic and Visionary Leadership
● Charisma has been referred to as “a fire that ignites
followers’ energy and commitment, producing results
above and beyond the call of duty.”
● The charismatic leader has the ability to inspire and
motivate people to do more than they would normally do,
despite obstacles and personal sacrifice.
● Followers are willing to put aside their own interests for the
sake of the team, department, or organization.
Charismatic and Visionary Leadership
● Charismatic leaders typically have a strong vision (which is
an attractive, ideal future that is credible yet not readily
attainable) for the future, almost an obsession, and they can
motivate others to help realize it.
● These leaders have an emotional impact on subordinates
because they strongly believe in the vision and can
communicate it to others in a way that makes the vision
real, personal, and meaningful to others.
Charismatic and Visionary Leadership
● The impact of charismatic leaders is normally from:
(1) stating a lofty vision of an imagined future that employees
identify with.
(2) displaying an ability to understand and empathize with followers.
(3) empowering and trusting subordinates to accomplish results.
● Charismatic leaders tend to be less predictable because
they create an atmosphere of change, and they may be
obsessed by visionary ideas that excite, stimulate, and drive
other people to work hard.
Transformational Versus Transactional
● Transformational leadership can be better understood in
comparison to transactional leadership.
Is important to all organizations, but
leading change requires a different
leaders clarify the role and task
requirements of subordinates
Initiate structure, provide appropriate
rewards, and try to be considerate to and
meet the social needs of subordinates.
Excel at management functions.
Because they are hardworking,
tolerant, and fair minded.
They have a sense of
commitment to the organization.
Inspire followers not just to
believe in the leader personally.
Leaders distinguished by their special
ability to bring about innovation and
Recognize followers’ needs and
concerns, help them look at old
problems in new ways
Inspire followers to believe in their own
potential to imagine and create a better
future for the organization.
Create significant change in both
followers and the organization
Both followers and leaders use power and influence to get
things done in organizations.
Power is the potential ability to influence the behavior of
influence is the effect a person’s actions have on the attitudes,
values, beliefs, or behavior of others.
Whereas power is the capacity to cause a change in a person,
influence may be thought of as the degree of actual change.
Power results from an interaction of leader and followers. Some
power comes from an individual’s position in the organization.
Power may also come from personal sources, such as an
individual’s personal interests, goals, and values, as well as
from sources such as access to information or important
● No discussion of leadership is complete without a
consideration of followership.
● Leadership matters, but without effective
followers no organization can survive.
● Leaders can develop an understanding of their
followers and how to help them be most
● Understanding differences in followers can
improve one’s effectiveness as both a follower
and a leader.
Robert E.
Kelley came
up with five
styles, which
according to
Passive yet independent
Critical thinker
Think independently
Are capable but unwilling to
participate in developing
solution to problems
The “yes” people for
the organization
Carry out all orders without
considering consequences
Look to the leader or
other to do all the
Require constant
Have the courage to
initiate change
Serve the best
interest of the
Passive Conformist
Followers as well as leaders can tap into a
variety of power sources.
• Position Power : The manager’s posi- tion gives him or her
the power to reward or punish subordinates to influence
their behavior. Legitimate power, reward power, and
coercive power are all forms of posi- tion power used by
managers to change employee behavior.
• Legitimate Power : Power coming from a formal
management position in an orga- nization and the authority
granted to it is called legitimate power. Once a person has
been selected as a supervisor, most employees understand
that they are obligated to follow his or her direction with
respect to work activities.
Subordinates accept this source of power as legitimate, which is
why they comply.
• Personal Power :
In contrast to the external sources of position power, personal
power most often comes from internal sources, such as an
individual’s special knowledge or personal characteristics.
Personal power is the primary tool of the leader, and it is
becom-ing increasingly important as more businesses are run
by teams of workers who are less tolerant of authoritarian
• Reward power : stems from the authority to
bestow rewards on other people. Managers may
have access to formal rewards, such as pay
increases or promotions. They also have at their
disposal such rewards as praise, attention, and
• Coercive Power :The opposite of reward power is
coercive power. It refers to the authority to punish
or recommend punishment. Managers have
coercive power when they have the right to fire or
demote employees, criticize, or withdraw pay
Two types of personal power are expert power
and referent power.
• Expert Power : Power resulting from a person’s special
knowledge or skill regarding the tasks being performed is referred
to as expert power. When someone is a true expert, others go
along with recommendations because of his or her superior
knowledge. Followers as well as leaders can possess expert
• Referent power : comes from an individual’s personal
characteristics that command others’ identification, respect, and
admiration so they wish to emulate that individual.
Referent power does not depend on a formal title or position. When
employees admire a supervisor because of the way she deals with
them, the influence is based on referent power. Referent power is
most visible in the area of charismatic leadership.
Other Sources of Power
● Personal Effort People who show initiative, work beyond what
is expected of them, take on undesirable but important
projects, and show interest in learning about the organization
and industry often gain power as a result.
● Network of Relationships People who are enmeshed in a
network of relationships have greater power.
● Developing positive associations with superiors or other
powerful people is a good way to gain power, but people with
the greatest power are those who cultivate relationships with
individuals at all levels, both inside and outside the
● Information Information is a primary business resource, and
people who have access to information and control over how
and to whom it is distributed are typically powerful
Interpersonal Influence Tactics
The question is how leaders use their power to implement decisions
and facilitate change. Leaders often use a combination of influence
strategies, and people who
are perceived as having greater power and influence typically are
those who use awider variety of tactics.
1. Use rational persuasion.
2. Make people like you.
3. Rely on the rule of reciprocity.
4. Develop allies.
5. Be assertive—ask for what you want.
6. Make use of higher authority.
7. Reward the behaviors you want.
Leadership AS Service
Servant leaders transcend self-interest to serve others and
the organization.
They operate on two levels for the fulfillment of their
subordinates’ goals and needs and for the realization of the
larger purpose or mission of their organization.
Servant leaders give things away—power, ideas, information ,
recognition, credit for accom- plishments, even money.
They encourage par- ticipation, share power, enhance others’
self- worth, and unleash people’s creativity, full commitment ,and
natural impulse to learn and contribute.
Servant leaders can bring their followers’ higher motives to the
work and connect their hearts to the orga- nizational mission and
Servant leaders often work in the nonprofit world because it
offers a natural way to apply their leadership drive and skills to
serve others.
Moral leadership
is about distinguishing right from wrong and choosing to do right. Itmeans
seeking the just, the honest, the good, and the decent behavior in the
practice of leadership.
Moral leaders remember that business is about values, not just economic
Distinguishing the right thing to do is not always easy, and doing itis
sometimes even harder.
Leaders are often faced with right-versus-right decisions, in which several
responsibilities conflict with one another.
Commitment to superiors, for example, may mean a leader feels the need to
hide unpleasant news about pending layoffs from followers.
Moral leaders strive to find the moral answer or compromise, rather than
taking the easy way out.
Leadership CH13 Daft.pptx

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Leadership CH13 Daft.pptx

  • 1.
  • 2. LEADERSHIP Health Management Course Supervisor: DR. Sireen AlKhaldi Done By: 1- Saba Sharieh 2- Lubna Al Nahar 3- Amjad Al Sabil
  • 3. The Nature of Leadership Contemporary Leadership Leadership Traits Contingency Theories Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Behavioral Approaches Role of followership Leaders using power to influence Servant leadership and moral leadership Introduction From Management to Leadership
  • 4. Behaviors Attitudes Leadership Definition Discussion Explore how managers develop leadership qualities. Leaders behave depending on their individual differences as well as their followers’ needs and the organizational situation. The ability to influence people toward the attainment of organizational goals
  • 5. The Nature of Leadership Goals Influence People Leadership • Leaders are involved with other people in the achievement of goals. • Leadership is a “people” activity, distinct from administrative paper shuffling or problem-solving activities. 3To attain goals The relationship among people is not passive.
  • 6. Contemporary Leadership Globalization 4 Ethical and economic difficulties 2 Changes in Technology 5 Corporate governance concerns 3 Turbulence and uncertainty of the environment. 1 Significant Social Transitions 8 New ways of working 6 Shifting employee expectations 7
  • 7. Postheroic approach that focuses on the subtle, unseen, and often unrewarded acts that good leaders per-form every day. One of the postheroic leader’s major .. characteristic is humility. Business heroes celebrate the grand accomplishments. Humility Definition: Being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and . prideful. Leaders: Quietly build strong, enduring companies by developing and supporting . others rather than touting their own abilities and accomplishments. (Not the center of everything)
  • 8. Contemporary leadership Postheroic approach Previously Recently Level 5 leadership Interactive leadership The highest level of manager capabilities Level 5
  • 9. - Complete lack of ego. - Coupled fierce resolved to do what is best for the organization - Shy and unpretentious - Accept full responsibility for mistakes - Poor results, or failures, - Give credit for successes to other people. The highest level in a hierarchy of manager capabilities that Builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will. Level 5 Leadership Leader’s Type Character -istics Definition
  • 10. • Level 5 leaders want everyone to develop to their fullest potential!
  • 11. -A Leadership style characterized by values such as inclusion, collaboration, relationship building, and caring. -Influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority -Females are higher than males on abilities such as motivating others, fostering communication, and listening. -Women typically score higher on social and emotional skills, which are crucial for interactive leadership - Personal humility. - Inclusion. - Relation-ship building and caring. Interactive Leadership Values Growth & Differences Definition
  • 12. From Management to Leadership Good management is essential in organizations, yet good managers have to be leaders too. Management and leadership reflect two different sets of qualities and skills that frequently overlap within a single individual. A Person might have more of one set of qualities than the other. a b c Management Stability Order Problem solving Leadership Vision Creativity Change
  • 13.
  • 14. Leadership Traits • Are the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader. • Intelligence, honesty, self-confidence, and even appearance. • What made these people great and select future leaders who already exhibited the same traits or could be trained to develop them. • The appropriateness of a trait or set of traits depends on the leader-ship situation. • To focus on the dynamics of the relation-ship between leaders and followers.
  • 15.
  • 16. Behavioral Approaches o Looking at the behavior of leaders and how it might contribute to leadership success or failure. Task oriented behavior People oriented behavior Metacategories  To be effective leadership in a variety of situations and time periods.  Concern for tasks and concern for people must be shown at some reasonable level.  a basis for study and comparison Ohio State University University of Texas. University of Michigan
  • 17. Ohio State University People + Task oriented behavior Initiating structure Consideration - Provide open communication. - Develop teamwork. - Leader is mindful of subordinates - Respects their ideas and feelings - Establishes mutual trust Task oriented behavior People oriented behavior • Give instructions • Spend time planning • Emphasize deadlines • Leader is task oriented • Directs subordinate work activities toward goal attainment. Independent
  • 18. High initiating structure low consideration Low initiating structure Low consideration Low initiating structure High consideration The Highest consideration–high initiating structure style achieved better performance and greater satisfaction Four Styles Leader
  • 19. The behavior of effective and ineffective supervisors Focused on the subordinates’ human needs to “build effective work groups with high performance goals Employee-centered leaders The less-effective leaders Job-centered leaders  Less concerned with goal achievement.  Less human needs in favor of meeting schedules  Keeping costs low & achieving production efficiency. High performance goals University of Michigan
  • 20. The work of the Ohio State and Michigan studies Two-dimensional theory managerial grid leadership grid University of Texas (leadership Grid) Measures the leader’s concern about the people and the production
  • 21. Contingency approaches How can two people with widely different styles both be effective leaders?
  • 22. Contingency approaches approaches ● Definition: It is a model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership styles and specific organizational situations. ● The contingency leadership approaches focus on the leaders’ style, the subordinates’ nature, and the situation’s characteristics.
  • 23. 1. Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory ● Hersey and Blanchard approach focuses a great deal of attention on the characteristics of employees in determining appropriate leader ship behavior . ● The point is that subordinates vary in readiness level. People low in task readiness—because of little ability or training or insecurity—need a different leadership style than those who are high in readiness and have good ability, skills, confidence, and willingness to work.
  • 24. Leadership style According to situational theory:
  • 25. ● 1. The telling style is highly directive style, specific, give instructions and tell people exactly what to do, how to do it, and when. Use when followers are low in readiness.(unable, unwilling and not confident)
  • 26. ● 2. The selling style is based on a high concern for both people and tasks. With this approach, the leader not only give direction but also includes seeking input from others and clarifying tasks rather than simply instructing. Use when followers are somewhat moderate in readiness (unable, willing but not confident).
  • 27. ● 3. The participating style, shares ideas with subordinates, gives them a chance to participate, and facilitates decision making. ● the leader can guide followers’ development and act as a resource for advice and assistance. Use when followers are moderate in readiness (able, not willing and confident)
  • 28. ● 4. The delegating style provides little direction and little support because the leader turns over responsibility for decisions and their implementation to subordinates who have the skills, abilities, and positive attitudes to follow through. Use when followers are high in readiness (able, willing and confident)
  • 29. ● This bell-shaped curve is called a prescriptive curve because it indicates when each leader style should be used. ● The readiness level of followers is indicated in the lower part. ● R1 is low readiness and R4 represents high readiness.
  • 30. 2. Fiedler’s Contingency Theory ● The basic idea for this theory : match the leaders style with situation most favorable for his or her success, by diagnosing leadership style and organization situation ,the correct fit can be arranged . ● There is two important elements: 1. Leadership style 2. Situation favorability
  • 31. ● Situation would be considered highly favorable to the leader when leader- member relationships are positive, tasks are highly structured, and the leader has formal authority over followers. ● Situation would be considered highly unfavorable to the leader when leader- member relationships are poor, tasks are highly unstructured, and the leader has little formal authority.
  • 32. Matching Leader Style to the Situation ● Fiedler examined the relationships among leadership style and situational favorability, and he found this pattern.
  • 33. 2. Fiedler’s Contingency Theory ● The favorability of a leadership situation can be analyzed in terms of three elements: 1. The quality of relationships between leader and followers. 2. The degree of task structure. 3. The extent to which the leader has formal authority over followers.
  • 34. 3. Substitutes for Leadership ● This approach outlines those organizational settings in which a leadership style is unimportant or unnecessary. ● A substitute for leadership makes the leadership style unnecessary or redundant. For example, highly professional subordinates who know how to do their tasks do not need a leader who initiates structure for them and tells them what to do. ● A neutralizer counteracts the leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors. For example, if a leader has absolutely no position power or is physically removed from subordinates, the leader’s ability to give directions to subordinates is greatly reduced.
  • 35. ● A leader, need to know two thing in order to use Fiedler’s contingency. 1. The leader should know Whether he or she has a relationship or task-oriented style. 2. The leader should diagnose the situation and determine whether leader member relations ,task structure and position power are favorable or unfavorable.
  • 36.
  • 37. CHARISMATIC AND TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ● Two types of leadership that can have a substantial impact are: charismatic and transformational. ● These types of leadership are best understood in comparison to transactional leadership.
  • 38. Charismatic and Visionary Leadership ● Charisma has been referred to as “a fire that ignites followers’ energy and commitment, producing results above and beyond the call of duty.” ● The charismatic leader has the ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice. ● Followers are willing to put aside their own interests for the sake of the team, department, or organization.
  • 39. Charismatic and Visionary Leadership ● Charismatic leaders typically have a strong vision (which is an attractive, ideal future that is credible yet not readily attainable) for the future, almost an obsession, and they can motivate others to help realize it. ● These leaders have an emotional impact on subordinates because they strongly believe in the vision and can communicate it to others in a way that makes the vision real, personal, and meaningful to others.
  • 40. Charismatic and Visionary Leadership ● The impact of charismatic leaders is normally from: (1) stating a lofty vision of an imagined future that employees identify with. (2) displaying an ability to understand and empathize with followers. (3) empowering and trusting subordinates to accomplish results. ● Charismatic leaders tend to be less predictable because they create an atmosphere of change, and they may be obsessed by visionary ideas that excite, stimulate, and drive other people to work hard.
  • 41. Transformational Versus Transactional Leadership ● Transformational leadership can be better understood in comparison to transactional leadership. Vs.
  • 42. Transactional Leadership 4 2 5 . 3 1 Is important to all organizations, but leading change requires a different approach. leaders clarify the role and task requirements of subordinates Initiate structure, provide appropriate rewards, and try to be considerate to and meet the social needs of subordinates. Excel at management functions. Because they are hardworking, tolerant, and fair minded. They have a sense of commitment to the organization.
  • 43. Transformational Leadership 4 2 5 Inspire followers not just to believe in the leader personally. 3 Leaders distinguished by their special ability to bring about innovation and change. 1 Recognize followers’ needs and concerns, help them look at old problems in new ways Inspire followers to believe in their own potential to imagine and create a better future for the organization. Create significant change in both followers and the organization
  • 44. POWER AND INFLUENCE Both followers and leaders use power and influence to get things done in organizations. Power is the potential ability to influence the behavior of others. influence is the effect a person’s actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others. Whereas power is the capacity to cause a change in a person, influence may be thought of as the degree of actual change. Power results from an interaction of leader and followers. Some power comes from an individual’s position in the organization. Power may also come from personal sources, such as an individual’s personal interests, goals, and values, as well as from sources such as access to information or important relationships.
  • 45. Followership ● No discussion of leadership is complete without a consideration of followership. ● Leadership matters, but without effective followers no organization can survive. ● Leaders can develop an understanding of their followers and how to help them be most effective. ● Understanding differences in followers can improve one’s effectiveness as both a follower and a leader.
  • 46. Robert E. Kelley came up with five follower styles, which are categorized according to two dimensions. Passive yet independent Critical thinker Think independently Are capable but unwilling to participate in developing solution to problems Alienated The “yes” people for the organization Carry out all orders without considering consequences Look to the leader or other to do all the thinking Require constant supervision Have the courage to initiate change Serve the best interest of the organization Effective Passive Conformist
  • 47. Followers as well as leaders can tap into a variety of power sources. • Position Power : The manager’s posi- tion gives him or her the power to reward or punish subordinates to influence their behavior. Legitimate power, reward power, and coercive power are all forms of posi- tion power used by managers to change employee behavior. • Legitimate Power : Power coming from a formal management position in an orga- nization and the authority granted to it is called legitimate power. Once a person has been selected as a supervisor, most employees understand that they are obligated to follow his or her direction with respect to work activities. Subordinates accept this source of power as legitimate, which is why they comply.
  • 48. • Personal Power : In contrast to the external sources of position power, personal power most often comes from internal sources, such as an individual’s special knowledge or personal characteristics. Personal power is the primary tool of the leader, and it is becom-ing increasingly important as more businesses are run by teams of workers who are less tolerant of authoritarian management. .
  • 49. • Reward power : stems from the authority to bestow rewards on other people. Managers may have access to formal rewards, such as pay increases or promotions. They also have at their disposal such rewards as praise, attention, and recognition. • Coercive Power :The opposite of reward power is coercive power. It refers to the authority to punish or recommend punishment. Managers have coercive power when they have the right to fire or demote employees, criticize, or withdraw pay increases.
  • 50. Two types of personal power are expert power and referent power. • Expert Power : Power resulting from a person’s special knowledge or skill regarding the tasks being performed is referred to as expert power. When someone is a true expert, others go along with recommendations because of his or her superior knowledge. Followers as well as leaders can possess expert power. • Referent power : comes from an individual’s personal characteristics that command others’ identification, respect, and admiration so they wish to emulate that individual. Referent power does not depend on a formal title or position. When employees admire a supervisor because of the way she deals with them, the influence is based on referent power. Referent power is most visible in the area of charismatic leadership.
  • 51. Other Sources of Power ● Personal Effort People who show initiative, work beyond what is expected of them, take on undesirable but important projects, and show interest in learning about the organization and industry often gain power as a result. ● Network of Relationships People who are enmeshed in a network of relationships have greater power. ● Developing positive associations with superiors or other powerful people is a good way to gain power, but people with the greatest power are those who cultivate relationships with individuals at all levels, both inside and outside the organization. ● Information Information is a primary business resource, and people who have access to information and control over how and to whom it is distributed are typically powerful
  • 52. Interpersonal Influence Tactics The question is how leaders use their power to implement decisions and facilitate change. Leaders often use a combination of influence strategies, and people who are perceived as having greater power and influence typically are those who use awider variety of tactics. 1. Use rational persuasion. 2. Make people like you. 3. Rely on the rule of reciprocity. 4. Develop allies. 5. Be assertive—ask for what you want. 6. Make use of higher authority. 7. Reward the behaviors you want.
  • 53. Leadership AS Service Servant leaders transcend self-interest to serve others and the organization. They operate on two levels for the fulfillment of their subordinates’ goals and needs and for the realization of the larger purpose or mission of their organization. Servant leaders give things away—power, ideas, information , recognition, credit for accom- plishments, even money. They encourage par- ticipation, share power, enhance others’ self- worth, and unleash people’s creativity, full commitment ,and natural impulse to learn and contribute. Servant leaders can bring their followers’ higher motives to the work and connect their hearts to the orga- nizational mission and goals. Servant leaders often work in the nonprofit world because it offers a natural way to apply their leadership drive and skills to serve others.
  • 54. Moral leadership is about distinguishing right from wrong and choosing to do right. Itmeans seeking the just, the honest, the good, and the decent behavior in the practice of leadership. Moral leaders remember that business is about values, not just economic performance. Distinguishing the right thing to do is not always easy, and doing itis sometimes even harder. Leaders are often faced with right-versus-right decisions, in which several responsibilities conflict with one another. Commitment to superiors, for example, may mean a leader feels the need to hide unpleasant news about pending layoffs from followers. Moral leaders strive to find the moral answer or compromise, rather than taking the easy way out.

Editor's Notes

  1. What are the three words that your eyes sow first ?
  2. Studies suggest that effective leaders may be high on consideration and low on initiating structure or low on consideration and high on initiating structure, depending on the situation.
  3. The term 'situational' indicates that leaders should vary their approach based on the people they are leading, and the circumstances that surround the task at hand.
  4. The essence of hersey and Blanchard situational theory is to select a leader style that appropriate for the readiness level of subordinates relationship (concern for people) and task (concern for production) behavior. The appropriate style depends on the readiness level of followers To apply the Hersey and Blanchard model, the leader diagnoses the readiness level of followers and adopts the appropriate style—telling, selling, participating, or delegating.
  5. Fiedler considered a person’s leadership style to be relatively fixed and difficult to change;
  6. Task-oriented leaders are more effective when the situation is either highly favorable or highly unfavorable. Relationship-oriented leaders are more effective in situations of moderate favorability.
  7. Using the incorrect style can hurt morale and performance.