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Presentation on IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Protocol
Based on the Paper (A Renewal Theory Based Analytical
Model for the CAP of IEEE 802.15.1 MAC)
IEEE 802.15 Working Group
IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee
Higher Layer
LAN Protocols
Working Group
Wireless Local
Area Network
Working Group
… …
Wireless Personal
Area Network
Working Group
WPAN Low Rate
Task Group
WPAN High Rate
Task Group
Task Group
UWB Zigbee
Task Group
Mesh Networking
Task Group
Wireless Regional Area
IEEE 802.15.4
• IEEE 802.15.4 task group began to develop a
standard for LR-WPAN.
• The goal of this group was to provide a
standard with ultra-low complexity, cost, and
power for low-data-rate wireless connectivity
among inexpensive fixed,portable, and
moving devices.
IEEE 802.15.4 in ISO-OSI layered
network model
Data link layer.
• IEEE 802 splits DLL into MAC and LLC
• LLC is standardized and is common in
• features of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC are
association and disassociation, acknowledged
frame delivery, channel access mechanism,
frame validation, guaranteed time slot
management, and beacon management.
IEEE 802.15.4 Operational Modes
Non beacon-enabled mode:
• nodes in the network use a non-slotted CSMA
with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) mechanism
to contend for channel access.
• If the channel is sensed to be idle, the trans-
mission of a frame will begin immediately;
otherwise the node will backoff and try to
access the channel in a future slot.
• Pros: Node's receiver does not have to regularly
power-up to receive the beacon.
• Cons: does not provide any guarantee to deliver
data frames, specifically within a certain deadline.
05 2004 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corp. Slide 8
IEEE 802.15.4 Device Classes
• Full function device (FFD)
– Any topology
– PAN coordinator capable
– Talks to any other device
– Implements complete protocol set
• Reduced function device (RFD)
– Limited to star topology or end-device in a peer-to-peer
– Cannot become a PAN coordinator
– Very simple implementation
– Reduced protocol set
05 2004 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corp. Slide 9
IEEE 802.15.4 Definitions
• Network Device: An RFD or FFD implementation
containing an IEEE 802.15.4 medium access control
and physical interface to the wireless medium.
• Coordinator: An FFD with network device
functionality that provides coordination and other
services to the network.
• PAN Coordinator: A coordinator that is the principal
controller of the PAN. A network has exactly one
PAN coordinator.
Beacon-enabled mode
• In the beacon-enabled mode, a personal area
network (PAN) coordinator transmits a beacon
periodically to form the so-called
“superframe” time structure.
• It comprises of 4 parts
• A Beacon that enables the beacon enabled mode
• Contention Access Period
• Contention Free Period
• Inactive portion(Optional)
Active Portion
05 2004 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corp. Slide 11
Super Frame Structure
15ms * 2n
where 0  n  14
Transmitted by PAN coordinator. Contains network information,
frame structure and notification of pending node messages.
Space reserved for beacon growth due to pending node messages
Access by any node using CSMA-CA
Time Slot
Reserved for nodes requiring guaranteed bandwidth [n = 0].
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Battery life
Contention Access Period Contention Free Period
05 2004 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corp. Slide 12
Optional Frame Structure
• Superframe may have inactive period
15ms * 2BO
where SO  BO  14
15ms * 2SO
where 0  SO  14
SO = Superframe order
BO = Beacon order
Inactive Period
Super Frame Structure
• To
CFP(Contention Free Period)
• Period where the channel is reserved and can be
used exclusively by the reserving node.
• It is activated upon request from a node to the
PAN coordinator for allocating time slots
depending on the node’s requirements. Upon
receiving this request, the PAN coordinator
checks whether there are sufficient resources
and, if possible, allocates the requested time
slots. These time slots are called Guaranteed
Time Slots (GTSs) and constitute the CFP.
CFP(Contention Free Period)
• In the CFP, the network coordinator alone con-
trols entirely the contention-free channel
access by assigning guaranteed time slots
(GTS) to those nodes with their GTS requests
granted. The assignment of the GTS to those
nodes is determined by the scheduling
scheme adopted by the network coordinator.
Superframe with Inactive Part (cont’d)
• There are two parameters
– SO (Superframe Order): to determine the length of the active period
– BO (Beacon Order): to determine the length of the beacon interval
• In CFP, a GTS may consist of multiple slots, all of which are assigned to a
single device, for either transmission (t-GTS) or reception (r-GTS)
– GTS = guaranteed time slots
• In CAP, the concept of slots is not used
– Instead, the whole CAP is divided into smaller “contention slots”
– Each “contention slot” is of 20 symbols long
• This is used as the smallest unit for contention backoff
– Then devices contend in a slotted CSMA/CA manner
Slotted CSMA/CA Algorithm
• The backoff period boundaries of every device
in the PAN shall be aligned with the
superframe slot boundaries of the PAN
– i.e. the start of first backoff period of each device
is aligned with the start of the beacon
• The MAC sublayer shall ensure that the PHY
layer commences all of its transmissions on
the boundary of a backoff period
Slotted CSMA/CA Algorithm (cont’d)
• Each device shall maintain three variables for each
transmission attempt
– NB: number of slots the CSMA/CA algorithm is required to
backoff while attempting the current transmission
– BE: the backoff exponent which is related to how many
backoff periods a device shall wait before attempting to
assess a channel
– CW: (a special design)
• Contention window length, the number of backoff slots that needs
to be clear of channel activity before transmission can commence
• It is initialized to 2 and reset to 2 if the channel is sensed to be
– So a station has to detect two CCA before contending
Slotted CSMA/CA
CAP(Contention Access Period)
• The active portion of the superframe
structure, is divided into 16 equally-spaced
slots. Each one of this slots is further
decomposed into smaller slots of length 320s
called "backoff periods“.
Slotted CSMA/CA
Flowchart describing the slotted version of the CSMA/CA
mechanism. The algorithm works as follows; all the nodes
are synchronized and transmissions can begin only at the
boundaries of the backoff slots. Then a node which has a
packet ready for transmission follows the next procedure:
• Step 1. Initialization of the algorithm variables: NB = 0 and
CW = 2. If macBattLifeExt is set true, BE is initialized to
min(2;macMinBE), otherwise it is initialized to
• Step 2. Backoff procedure: the node backsoff for a random
number of backoff slots, chosen uniformly between 0 and
2𝐵𝐸 − 1, before sensing the channel. This random backoff
serves to reduce the probability of collisions among
contending nodes.
Slotted CSMA/CA
• Step 3. Clear Channel Assessment: After the backoff counter
expires, the node verifies if the medium is idle or not performing a
• If this CCA reported an idle channel, CW is decremented by 1 and if
CW = 0, then the message is transmitted.
• If CW ≠ 0, the algorithm jumps again to Step 3 with the new value
of CW. If the CCA reported a busy channel, then BE and NB are
incremented by 1 and the algorithm starts again in Step 2.
• This mechanism is repeated until either BE equals the parameter
aMaxBE (which has a default value of 5), at which point it is frozen
at aMaxBE, or until a certain maximum number of permitted
random backoff stages is reached, at which point an access failure is
declared to the upper layer. The maximum number of permitted
random backoff stages is determined by the parameter
macMaxCSMABackoffs, which has a default value of 5.
• Step 4. Acknowledgment (optional): If the acknowledged
mode is activated, the successful transmission is followed
by an acknowledgement packet (ACK) from the receiver of
length 11 bytes. This acknowledgment frame is transmitted
without using the slotted CSMA/CA mechanism to access
the channel. However, if the transmitting node does not
receive the ACK packet within MacAckWaitDuration, it
declares a collision or a packet loss. Then the same data
packet is retransmitted with the initial backoff parameters.
The maximum number of retransmissions collision or
packet loss is limited to aMaxFrameRetries. If the number
of retransmissions reaches aMaxFrameRetries, the packet is
802.15.4 protocol Diagram
A Renewal Theory Based Analytical Model for the
Contention Access Period of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC
• In this paper, a simple and yet accurate
analytical model for the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC
protocol is proposed. Instead of modeling the
channel, the writer models the behavior of an
individual node based on a novel concept of
three-level renewal process, which can be
solved by the fixed-point technique [12].
• The new modeling approach significantly
simplifies the mathematical analysis, where the
important performance metrics of MAC
throughput and average frame service time can
be directly obtained.
• The proposed model is in fact a general analytical
framework which enables us to analyze different
protocol variants of either single or double
sensing, in a saturated or unsaturated case, under
a general traffic arrival distribution, and with
various backoff policies.
Renewal Process example
• Many applications of the renewal theory involve rewards or costs (which
can be simply seen as a negative reward). For example, consider the
classical example of a renewal process: a machine component gets
replaced upon failure or upon having operated for T time units. Then the
time the n-th component is in service is given by Yn = min{Xn, T }, where
Xn is the life of the component. In this example, one might be interested in
the rate of the number of replacements in the long run.
• An extension of this basic setup is as follows. A component that has failed
will be replaced at a cost c f , while a component that is replaced while still
being operational (and thus at time T) costs only c < c f . In this case, one
might be interested in choosing the optimal time T that minimises the
long-run operational costs. The solution to this problem involves the
analysis of renewal processes with costs and rewards.
Renewal examples cont.
• let {N(t), t > 0} be a renewal process with interarrival times Xn, n > 1, and denote
the time of the n-th renewal by S n = X1 + · · · + Xn. Now suppose that at the time
of each renewal a reward is received; we denote by Rn the reward received at the
end of the n-th cycle.
• We further assume that (Rn, Xn) is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables, which
allows for Rn to depend on Xn. For example, N(t) might count the number of rides
a taxi gets up to time t. In this case, Xn is the length of each trip and
one reasonably expects the fare Rn to depend on Xn. As usual, we denote by (R, X)
the generic bivariate random variable that are distributed identically to the
sequence of rewards and interarrival times (Rn, Xn).
• In the analysis, together with the standard assumption in renewal processes that
the interarrival times have a finite expectation E[X] = τ, we will further assume that
E[ |R| ] < ∞. The cumulative reward up to time t is given by R(t) = PN(t)
n=1 Rn, where the sum is taken to be equal to zero in the event that N(t) = 0.
Chapter 7 29
Poisson Process:
Counting process
iid exponential times
between arrivals
Continuous Time Markov
Chain: Exponential times
between transitions
Renewal Process:
Counting process
iid times between arrivals
Chapter 7 30
Counting Process
A stochastic process {N(t), t  0} is a counting process if N(t)
represents the total number of events that have occurred in
[0, t]
Then {N(t), t  0} must satisfy:
N(t)  0
N(t) is an integer for all t
If s < t, then N(s)  N(t)
For s < t, N(t) - N(s) is the number of events that occur in the
interval (s, t].
Chapter 7 31
Renewal Process
A counting process {N(t), t  0} is a renewal process if for each n,
Xn is the time between the (n-1)st and nth arrivals and {Xn, n  1}
are independent with the same distribution F.
The time of the nth arrival is
with S0 = 0.
Can write
and if m = E[Xn], n  1, then the strong law of large numbers says
, 1,
n i
S X n
 
   
max : n
N t n S t
 
as 1
P n
 
   
 
 
Note: m is now a
time interval, not a rate;
1/ m will be called
the rate of the r. p.
Chapter 7 32
Renewal Reward Processes
Suppose that each time a renewal occurs we receive a reward.
Assume Rn is the reward earned at the nth renewal and {Rn, n 
1} are independent and identically distributed (Rn may depend
on Xn).
The total reward up to time t is  
 
N t
R t R
 
Renewal Reward Processes
• In the context of the above interpretation of the holding
times as the time between successive malfunctions of a
machine, the "rewards" W1,W2… (which in this case
happen to be negative) may be viewed as the successive
repair costs incurred as a result of the successive
• An alternative analogy is that we have a magic goose which
lays eggs at intervals (holding times) distributed as Si.
Sometimes it lays golden eggs of random weight, and
sometimes it lays toxic eggs (also of random weight) which
require responsible (and costly) disposal. The
"rewards" Wi are the successive (random) financial
losses/gains resulting from successive eggs (i = 1,2,3,...)
and Yt records the total financial "reward" at time t.
3–level Renewal
• The link layer activities (channel sensing and frame
transmissions) of any node over a given time interval is
a renewal process since the node resets its backoff
parameters to the default initial value after each
transmission trial (regardless of the result) or when it
senses a busy channel at the end of the last backoff
• Over a larger time scale, the end of each transmission
trial is also a renewal point of the frame service
• If the time scale is even larger, the renewal point can
also be set at the end of each successful transmission.
Concept of 3-level renewal process
O: a success of CCA x
• level-1 renewal cycle is defined as the period between two adjacent
time instants where the tagged node starts a stage 0 backoff.
• In this context, the number of sensing attempts R conducted by the
tagged node can be viewed as a reward associated with the level-1
renewal cycle of length X.
• A level-1 renewal cycle can be of either type X1 or X2, as shown in
Fig. 2. Type X1 is a cycle that includes no transmission from the
tagged node due to M consecutive failures in sensing the channel
idle, which is marked by the symbol “×” in the figure.
• Type X2 is a cycle that contains a period of frame transmission from
the tagged node immediately after sensing an idle channel (marked
as“o”). Note that the transmission in an X2 cycle may be a
successful transmission or a collision.
• Level-1 =No Transmission due to M
consecutive failure+Transmission
• Level-1 = X1+ X2
• X1=
• Bigger Scale than level-1,
• Transmission Transmission
• A level-2 renewal cycle Y is from the end of an X2
level-1 cycle to the end of the next X2 cycle.
• As shown in Fig. 2, there can be j (j ≥ 0) X1 cycles
before the X2 cycle.
• Depending on the result of transmission in the
X2-cycle, a level-2 cycle can be of either type Y1,
in which the transmission results in a collision, or
type Y2, in which the transmission succeeds.
• Bigger Scale than level-2
• Success Success
• Finally, a level-3 renewal cycle Z is from the end of a Y2
level-2 cycle to the end of the next Y2 cycle.
• Similarly, there can be k, k ≥ 0, Y1 cycles before the Y2
• Therefore, the successful transmission of a frame in the
Z cycle can be viewed as the reward for the level-3
renewal cycle.
• The throughput of the tagged node can thus be
obtained as the average reward in a Z cycle.
L-1Renewal points for 802.15.4
X1 X2
MAC Analysis
This paper uses Renewal process to analyze
• 1) the throughput and
• 2) Avg Frame service time
To address this issue we need to solve two parameters α
and τ
• α= channel sensing failure prob.(can be obtained by
observing the transition probability among the channel
• τ= sensing attempt rate=sensing probability =
𝑨𝒗𝒈.𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
𝑨𝒗𝒈.𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍−𝟏 𝒄𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆
α = f(τ),
τ= f(α)
These two equations can be solved by fixed
point techniques.
Evaluating τ
• τ=
• α=sensing failure probability
• 1- α= probability that a station succeeds in
sensing the channel idle and transmit the
frame by one single attempt.
• α(1- α) = prob. in transmitting in two attempts
• E[R]= Avg. number of sensing attempt for one
station in level-1 cycle
• E[R]= (1 - α) + 2α(1 - α) + 3α2(1 - α) + · · ·+ (M - 1)αM-2(1 - α) + MαM-1
= 𝑚=0
• Expected value of a variable=P(x)*N(N is the
number of trials and P(x) is the probability of
1st attempt 2nd attempt Mth attempt
Single Sensing Case(One CCA)
b0,b1,b2,b3 are no of retrials attempt upto maximum M no of attempts.
Finding Avg. Length of L-1 cycle, E[X]
Avg. Length of a level-1 renewal cycle
E[X]= E[X1]+E[X2]
• E[X]= (1 - α) (b0 + 1 + L) + α(1 - α) (b0 + b1 + 2 + L) + ・ ・ ・+ αM-1 (1 − α) ( 𝑚=0
(bm + 1) + L)
+ αM
(bm + 1)
αM(bm + 1)+(1−αM)𝐿
• Now τ=
• τ = 𝑚=0
𝑀−1 αM
𝑀−1 αM(bm + 1)+(1−αM)𝐿
which is a function of α
Evaluating α
Pi= Prob. Of a channel being idle
Pb=1- Pi =Prob. Of a channel being busy
Using Conditional probability
𝑖 −

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  • 1. Presentation on IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Protocol Based on the Paper (A Renewal Theory Based Analytical Model for the CAP of IEEE 802.15.1 MAC)
  • 2. IEEE 802.15 Working Group IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee 802.1 Higher Layer LAN Protocols Working Group … 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network Working Group … … 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Network Working Group TG4 WPAN Low Rate Task Group TG3 WPAN High Rate Task Group TG2 Coexistence Task Group UWB Zigbee TG1 WPAN/Bluetooth Task Group TG5 Mesh Networking Task Group 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Networks
  • 3. IEEE 802.15.4 • IEEE 802.15.4 task group began to develop a standard for LR-WPAN. • The goal of this group was to provide a standard with ultra-low complexity, cost, and power for low-data-rate wireless connectivity among inexpensive fixed,portable, and moving devices.
  • 4. IEEE 802.15.4 in ISO-OSI layered network model
  • 5. Data link layer. • IEEE 802 splits DLL into MAC and LLC sublayers. • LLC is standardized and is common in 802.3,802.11,802.15.1. • features of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC are association and disassociation, acknowledged frame delivery, channel access mechanism, frame validation, guaranteed time slot management, and beacon management.
  • 7. Non beacon-enabled mode: • nodes in the network use a non-slotted CSMA with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) mechanism to contend for channel access. • If the channel is sensed to be idle, the trans- mission of a frame will begin immediately; otherwise the node will backoff and try to access the channel in a future slot. • Pros: Node's receiver does not have to regularly power-up to receive the beacon. • Cons: does not provide any guarantee to deliver data frames, specifically within a certain deadline.
  • 8. 05 2004 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corp. Slide 8 IEEE 802.15.4 Device Classes • Full function device (FFD) – Any topology – PAN coordinator capable – Talks to any other device – Implements complete protocol set • Reduced function device (RFD) – Limited to star topology or end-device in a peer-to-peer network. – Cannot become a PAN coordinator – Very simple implementation – Reduced protocol set
  • 9. 05 2004 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corp. Slide 9 IEEE 802.15.4 Definitions • Network Device: An RFD or FFD implementation containing an IEEE 802.15.4 medium access control and physical interface to the wireless medium. • Coordinator: An FFD with network device functionality that provides coordination and other services to the network. • PAN Coordinator: A coordinator that is the principal controller of the PAN. A network has exactly one PAN coordinator.
  • 10. Beacon-enabled mode • In the beacon-enabled mode, a personal area network (PAN) coordinator transmits a beacon periodically to form the so-called “superframe” time structure. • It comprises of 4 parts • A Beacon that enables the beacon enabled mode • Contention Access Period • Contention Free Period • Inactive portion(Optional) Active Portion
  • 11. 05 2004 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corp. Slide 11 Super Frame Structure 15ms * 2n where 0  n  14 GTS 3 GTS 2 Network beacon Transmitted by PAN coordinator. Contains network information, frame structure and notification of pending node messages. Beacon extension period Space reserved for beacon growth due to pending node messages Contention period Access by any node using CSMA-CA Guaranteed Time Slot Reserved for nodes requiring guaranteed bandwidth [n = 0]. GTS 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Slot Battery life extension Contention Access Period Contention Free Period
  • 12. 05 2004 Marco Naeve, Eaton Corp. Slide 12 Optional Frame Structure • Superframe may have inactive period 15ms * 2BO where SO  BO  14 15ms * 2SO where 0  SO  14 SO = Superframe order BO = Beacon order Inactive Period
  • 14. CFP(Contention Free Period) • Period where the channel is reserved and can be used exclusively by the reserving node. • It is activated upon request from a node to the PAN coordinator for allocating time slots depending on the node’s requirements. Upon receiving this request, the PAN coordinator checks whether there are sufficient resources and, if possible, allocates the requested time slots. These time slots are called Guaranteed Time Slots (GTSs) and constitute the CFP.
  • 15. CFP(Contention Free Period) • In the CFP, the network coordinator alone con- trols entirely the contention-free channel access by assigning guaranteed time slots (GTS) to those nodes with their GTS requests granted. The assignment of the GTS to those nodes is determined by the scheduling scheme adopted by the network coordinator.
  • 16. 16 Superframe with Inactive Part (cont’d) • There are two parameters – SO (Superframe Order): to determine the length of the active period – BO (Beacon Order): to determine the length of the beacon interval • In CFP, a GTS may consist of multiple slots, all of which are assigned to a single device, for either transmission (t-GTS) or reception (r-GTS) – GTS = guaranteed time slots • In CAP, the concept of slots is not used – Instead, the whole CAP is divided into smaller “contention slots” – Each “contention slot” is of 20 symbols long • This is used as the smallest unit for contention backoff – Then devices contend in a slotted CSMA/CA manner
  • 17. 17 Slotted CSMA/CA Algorithm • The backoff period boundaries of every device in the PAN shall be aligned with the superframe slot boundaries of the PAN coordinator – i.e. the start of first backoff period of each device is aligned with the start of the beacon transmission • The MAC sublayer shall ensure that the PHY layer commences all of its transmissions on the boundary of a backoff period
  • 18. 18 Slotted CSMA/CA Algorithm (cont’d) • Each device shall maintain three variables for each transmission attempt – NB: number of slots the CSMA/CA algorithm is required to backoff while attempting the current transmission – BE: the backoff exponent which is related to how many backoff periods a device shall wait before attempting to assess a channel – CW: (a special design) • Contention window length, the number of backoff slots that needs to be clear of channel activity before transmission can commence • It is initialized to 2 and reset to 2 if the channel is sensed to be busy – So a station has to detect two CCA before contending
  • 20. CAP(Contention Access Period) • The active portion of the superframe structure, is divided into 16 equally-spaced slots. Each one of this slots is further decomposed into smaller slots of length 320s called "backoff periods“.
  • 21. Slotted CSMA/CA Flowchart describing the slotted version of the CSMA/CA mechanism. The algorithm works as follows; all the nodes are synchronized and transmissions can begin only at the boundaries of the backoff slots. Then a node which has a packet ready for transmission follows the next procedure: • Step 1. Initialization of the algorithm variables: NB = 0 and CW = 2. If macBattLifeExt is set true, BE is initialized to min(2;macMinBE), otherwise it is initialized to macMinBE=3. • Step 2. Backoff procedure: the node backsoff for a random number of backoff slots, chosen uniformly between 0 and 2𝐵𝐸 − 1, before sensing the channel. This random backoff serves to reduce the probability of collisions among contending nodes.
  • 22. Slotted CSMA/CA • Step 3. Clear Channel Assessment: After the backoff counter expires, the node verifies if the medium is idle or not performing a CCA. • If this CCA reported an idle channel, CW is decremented by 1 and if CW = 0, then the message is transmitted. • If CW ≠ 0, the algorithm jumps again to Step 3 with the new value of CW. If the CCA reported a busy channel, then BE and NB are incremented by 1 and the algorithm starts again in Step 2. • This mechanism is repeated until either BE equals the parameter aMaxBE (which has a default value of 5), at which point it is frozen at aMaxBE, or until a certain maximum number of permitted random backoff stages is reached, at which point an access failure is declared to the upper layer. The maximum number of permitted random backoff stages is determined by the parameter macMaxCSMABackoffs, which has a default value of 5.
  • 23. • Step 4. Acknowledgment (optional): If the acknowledged mode is activated, the successful transmission is followed by an acknowledgement packet (ACK) from the receiver of length 11 bytes. This acknowledgment frame is transmitted without using the slotted CSMA/CA mechanism to access the channel. However, if the transmitting node does not receive the ACK packet within MacAckWaitDuration, it declares a collision or a packet loss. Then the same data packet is retransmitted with the initial backoff parameters. The maximum number of retransmissions collision or packet loss is limited to aMaxFrameRetries. If the number of retransmissions reaches aMaxFrameRetries, the packet is discarded.
  • 25. A Renewal Theory Based Analytical Model for the Contention Access Period of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC • In this paper, a simple and yet accurate analytical model for the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol is proposed. Instead of modeling the channel, the writer models the behavior of an individual node based on a novel concept of three-level renewal process, which can be solved by the fixed-point technique [12].
  • 26. Cont. • The new modeling approach significantly simplifies the mathematical analysis, where the important performance metrics of MAC throughput and average frame service time can be directly obtained. • The proposed model is in fact a general analytical framework which enables us to analyze different protocol variants of either single or double sensing, in a saturated or unsaturated case, under a general traffic arrival distribution, and with various backoff policies.
  • 27. Renewal Process example • Many applications of the renewal theory involve rewards or costs (which can be simply seen as a negative reward). For example, consider the classical example of a renewal process: a machine component gets replaced upon failure or upon having operated for T time units. Then the time the n-th component is in service is given by Yn = min{Xn, T }, where Xn is the life of the component. In this example, one might be interested in the rate of the number of replacements in the long run. • An extension of this basic setup is as follows. A component that has failed will be replaced at a cost c f , while a component that is replaced while still being operational (and thus at time T) costs only c < c f . In this case, one might be interested in choosing the optimal time T that minimises the long-run operational costs. The solution to this problem involves the analysis of renewal processes with costs and rewards.
  • 28. Renewal examples cont. • let {N(t), t > 0} be a renewal process with interarrival times Xn, n > 1, and denote the time of the n-th renewal by S n = X1 + · · · + Xn. Now suppose that at the time of each renewal a reward is received; we denote by Rn the reward received at the end of the n-th cycle. • We further assume that (Rn, Xn) is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables, which allows for Rn to depend on Xn. For example, N(t) might count the number of rides a taxi gets up to time t. In this case, Xn is the length of each trip and one reasonably expects the fare Rn to depend on Xn. As usual, we denote by (R, X) the generic bivariate random variable that are distributed identically to the sequence of rewards and interarrival times (Rn, Xn). • In the analysis, together with the standard assumption in renewal processes that the interarrival times have a finite expectation E[X] = τ, we will further assume that E[ |R| ] < ∞. The cumulative reward up to time t is given by R(t) = PN(t) n=1 Rn, where the sum is taken to be equal to zero in the event that N(t) = 0.
  • 29. Chapter 7 29 Poisson Process: Counting process iid exponential times between arrivals Continuous Time Markov Chain: Exponential times between transitions Renewal Process: Counting process iid times between arrivals Relax counting process Relax exponential interarrival times
  • 30. Chapter 7 30 Counting Process A stochastic process {N(t), t  0} is a counting process if N(t) represents the total number of events that have occurred in [0, t] Then {N(t), t  0} must satisfy: N(t)  0 N(t) is an integer for all t If s < t, then N(s)  N(t) For s < t, N(t) - N(s) is the number of events that occur in the interval (s, t].
  • 31. Chapter 7 31 Renewal Process A counting process {N(t), t  0} is a renewal process if for each n, Xn is the time between the (n-1)st and nth arrivals and {Xn, n  1} are independent with the same distribution F. The time of the nth arrival is with S0 = 0. Can write and if m = E[Xn], n  1, then the strong law of large numbers says that 1 , 1, n n i i S X n         max : n N t n S t   as 1 n S P n n m           Note: m is now a time interval, not a rate; 1/ m will be called the rate of the r. p.
  • 32. Chapter 7 32 Renewal Reward Processes Suppose that each time a renewal occurs we receive a reward. Assume Rn is the reward earned at the nth renewal and {Rn, n  1} are independent and identically distributed (Rn may depend on Xn). The total reward up to time t is     1 N t n n R t R   
  • 33. Renewal Reward Processes Interpretation • In the context of the above interpretation of the holding times as the time between successive malfunctions of a machine, the "rewards" W1,W2… (which in this case happen to be negative) may be viewed as the successive repair costs incurred as a result of the successive malfunctions. • An alternative analogy is that we have a magic goose which lays eggs at intervals (holding times) distributed as Si. Sometimes it lays golden eggs of random weight, and sometimes it lays toxic eggs (also of random weight) which require responsible (and costly) disposal. The "rewards" Wi are the successive (random) financial losses/gains resulting from successive eggs (i = 1,2,3,...) and Yt records the total financial "reward" at time t.
  • 34. 3–level Renewal • The link layer activities (channel sensing and frame transmissions) of any node over a given time interval is a renewal process since the node resets its backoff parameters to the default initial value after each transmission trial (regardless of the result) or when it senses a busy channel at the end of the last backoff stage. • Over a larger time scale, the end of each transmission trial is also a renewal point of the frame service process. • If the time scale is even larger, the renewal point can also be set at the end of each successful transmission.
  • 35. Concept of 3-level renewal process O: a success of CCA x
  • 36. Level-1 • level-1 renewal cycle is defined as the period between two adjacent time instants where the tagged node starts a stage 0 backoff. • In this context, the number of sensing attempts R conducted by the tagged node can be viewed as a reward associated with the level-1 renewal cycle of length X. • A level-1 renewal cycle can be of either type X1 or X2, as shown in Fig. 2. Type X1 is a cycle that includes no transmission from the tagged node due to M consecutive failures in sensing the channel idle, which is marked by the symbol “×” in the figure. • Type X2 is a cycle that contains a period of frame transmission from the tagged node immediately after sensing an idle channel (marked as“o”). Note that the transmission in an X2 cycle may be a successful transmission or a collision.
  • 37. Level-1 • Level-1 =No Transmission due to M consecutive failure+Transmission (Failure/Success) • Level-1 = X1+ X2 • X1=
  • 38. Level-2 • Bigger Scale than level-1, • Transmission Transmission • A level-2 renewal cycle Y is from the end of an X2 level-1 cycle to the end of the next X2 cycle. • As shown in Fig. 2, there can be j (j ≥ 0) X1 cycles before the X2 cycle. • Depending on the result of transmission in the X2-cycle, a level-2 cycle can be of either type Y1, in which the transmission results in a collision, or type Y2, in which the transmission succeeds.
  • 39. Level-3 • Bigger Scale than level-2 • Success Success • Finally, a level-3 renewal cycle Z is from the end of a Y2 level-2 cycle to the end of the next Y2 cycle. • Similarly, there can be k, k ≥ 0, Y1 cycles before the Y2 cycle. • Therefore, the successful transmission of a frame in the Z cycle can be viewed as the reward for the level-3 renewal cycle. • The throughput of the tagged node can thus be obtained as the average reward in a Z cycle.
  • 40. 40 L-1Renewal points for 802.15.4 X1 X2
  • 41. MAC Analysis This paper uses Renewal process to analyze • 1) the throughput and • 2) Avg Frame service time To address this issue we need to solve two parameters α and τ • α= channel sensing failure prob.(can be obtained by observing the transition probability among the channel state) • τ= sensing attempt rate=sensing probability = 𝑨𝒗𝒈.𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔 𝑨𝒗𝒈.𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍−𝟏 𝒄𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆
  • 42. α = f(τ), τ= f(α) These two equations can be solved by fixed point techniques. and
  • 43. Evaluating τ • τ= 𝐸[𝑅] 𝐸[𝑋] • α=sensing failure probability • 1- α= probability that a station succeeds in sensing the channel idle and transmit the frame by one single attempt. • α(1- α) = prob. in transmitting in two attempts • E[R]= Avg. number of sensing attempt for one station in level-1 cycle
  • 44. • E[R]= (1 - α) + 2α(1 - α) + 3α2(1 - α) + · · ·+ (M - 1)αM-2(1 - α) + MαM-1 = 𝑚=0 𝑀−1 αM • Expected value of a variable=P(x)*N(N is the number of trials and P(x) is the probability of success) 1st attempt 2nd attempt Mth attempt
  • 45. Single Sensing Case(One CCA) b0,b1,b2,b3 are no of retrials attempt upto maximum M no of attempts.
  • 46. Finding Avg. Length of L-1 cycle, E[X] Avg. Length of a level-1 renewal cycle E[X]= E[X1]+E[X2] • E[X]= (1 - α) (b0 + 1 + L) + α(1 - α) (b0 + b1 + 2 + L) + ・ ・ ・+ αM-1 (1 − α) ( 𝑚=0 𝑀−1 (bm + 1) + L) E[X2] + αM 𝑚=0 𝑀−1 (bm + 1) E[X1] = 𝑚=0 𝑀−1 αM(bm + 1)+(1−αM)𝐿 Here,
  • 47. • Now τ= 𝐸[𝑅] 𝐸[𝑋] • τ = 𝑚=0 𝑀−1 αM 𝑚=0 𝑀−1 αM(bm + 1)+(1−αM)𝐿 which is a function of α
  • 48. Evaluating α Pi= Prob. Of a channel being idle Pb=1- Pi =Prob. Of a channel being busy Using Conditional probability Pi= 𝑃 ( 𝑏 , 𝑖 ) 1+𝑃 𝑏 , 𝑖 − 𝑃 ( 𝑖 , 𝑖 )

Editor's Notes

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