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‱ Strategi pemasaran digital dibangun di
atas dan mengadaptasi prinsip-prinsip
pemasaran tradisional, menggunakan
peluang dan tantangan yang
ditawarkan oleh teknologi dan media
‱ Fakta bahwa pemasaran digital sangat
empiris adalah salah satu kekuatan
utamanya. Semuanya bisa diukur:
mulai dari perilaku, hingga tindakan
dan jalur tindakan, hingga hasil. Ini
berarti bahwa ahli strategi pemasaran
digital harus mulai berpikir dengan
mempertimbangkan laba atas investasi
Desain web yang efektif adalah elemen
utama pemasaran digital, yang darinya
dapat dikembangkan strategi untuk platform
pengiriman lainnya, yang mencakup
pemasaran, pencarian, sosial, seluler, dan
email. Bagaimana halaman web dirancang
sangat penting dalam hal situs web
ditemukan di Internet. Meskipun beralih ke
pemasaran seluler dan sosial, situs web ini
masih sering menjadi tujuan kampanye
pemasaran dan harus 'ditemukan' secara
1. contex
2. objective
3. Value-
4. Tactic and
5. Metric
6. Ongoing
1. Context:
1. Siapa Anda dan apa identitas Anda yang membuat Anda berguna?
2. Siapa pelanggan Anda dan kebutuhan serta keinginan apa yang mereka miliki?
3. Siapa pesaing Anda? Ini mungkin melampaui organisasi yang bersaing dengan Anda
berdasarkan harga dan produk dan juga bisa berupa persaingan dalam bentuk abstrak
seperti waktu dan mindshare.
4. Apa konteks di mana Anda beroperasi (faktor sosial, politik dan ekonomi) dan
bagaimana hal ini akan berubah di masa depan?
2. Objectives:
Pemasaran digital memiliki teknologi di jantungnya. Oleh karena itu
penting untuk melibatkan pikiran teknis dan estetika dalam tahap awal
perumusan strategi. Tujuan harus berbicara mengenai sistem dan cerita
serta alat yang diberikan oleh teknologi harus menjadi titik awal dalam
proses pengembangan tujuan strategis.
4.Tactic and Evaluation
Tactic outcome
Email Marketing Customer Retention
Online Advertising Branding and Acquisition
Affiliate Marketing Sales and Branding
SEO Customer Retention and
PPC Customer Retention and
Social Media Branding and Participation
ORM Customer Retention, Branding and
WebPR Acquisition and Branding
3. Value-Exchange:
Nilai apa yang Anda tambahkan ke pasar, apa yang ingin Anda capai dan bagaimana Anda
tahu jika Anda berhasil?
Taktik Outcome
Email Marketing
Suatu bentuk pemasaran langsung
yang menggunakan sarana
elektronik untuk menyampaikan
pesan komersial kepada audiens.
Ini sangat hemat biaya, sangat
bertarget, dapat disesuaikan
dalam skala massal dan
sepenuhnya dapat diukur –
semuanya menjadikannya salah
satu digital paling kuat taktik
Pemasaran email adalah alat untuk
membangun hubungan dengan
pelanggan potensial dan yang
sudah ada.
Email harus memaksimalkan
retensi dan nilai pelanggan ini,
yang pada akhirnya mengarah
pada keuntungan bagi organisasi
secara keseluruhan.
Basis data email yang ditargetkan
dan tersegmentasi berarti bahwa
sebuah merek dapat mengarahkan
pesan pada sektor basis
pelanggan mereka untuk
mencapai hasil terbaik.
4.Tactic and Evaluation
Apapun tujuannya, kampanye
pemasaran email harus
direncanakan. Biasanya harus
diputuskan tujuan kampanye
dan audiens target dan
membuat daftar yang layak
untuk dikerjakan. Lalu kemudian
membuat salinan yang menarik
dan baris subjek untuk email
tersebut. Penting untuk desain
yang efektif adalah apa yang
dikenal sebagai "ajakan untuk
Panggilan untuk bertindak
adalah prinsip dari pemasaran
langsung yang berarti apa yang
perusahaan ingin konsumen
lakukan setelah menerima
1. Open rate: Percent of e-mails opened
2. Bounce rate: Percent of e-mails
undelivered (hard bounce is a bad e-
mail address; a soft bounce is one that is
temporarily undeliverable)
3. Unsubscribe rate: Percent of customers
unsubscribing from our offer
4. What links were clicked
5. CTR: The number of clicks the e-mail
6. Forward/Saves/Prints: Other
measurements of activity on the e-mail
Rasio Pentalan didefinisikan sebagai
persentase pengunjung yang meninggalkan
halaman web tanpa melakukan tindakan,
seperti mengklik tautan, mengisi formulir,
atau melakukan pembelian.
Rasio klik-tayang untuk email adalah
persentase orang yang mengklik setidaknya
satu link di pesan email Anda. Untuk
menghitungnya, cukup bagi jumlah total
orang yang mengklik dengan jumlah email
terkirim dan kalikan rasio tersebut dengan
100 untuk mendapatkan persentase CTR
email Anda.
Taktik Outcome
Online Advertising
Iklan online mencakup iklan di semua
area Internet - halaman hasil mesin
pencari, iklan yang ditempatkan di
email, iklan yang ditempatkan di
jejaring sosial, dan iklan di jaringan
tampilan Google
Tujuan utama periklanan adalah untuk
meningkatkan penjualan dengan meningkatkan
kesadaran merek secara online. Iklan juga dapat
lebih interaktif dan karenanya tidak terlalu
mengganggu dibandingkan iklan tradisional atau
iklan online non-interaktif, karena pengguna
dapat memilih untuk terlibat dengan iklan
tersebut atau tidak. Iklan online dapat
dioptimalkan dengan menargetkannya ke
geografi dan pasar tertentu dan
4.Tactic and Evaluation
Taktik Outcome
Affiliate Marketing
Pemasaran afiliasi adalah sistem
penghargaan di mana perujuk diberi
“biaya pencari” untuk setiap rujukan
yang mereka berikan.
pemasaran afiliasi online banyak digunakan
untuk mempromosikan situs web, dengan
perujuk yang dihargai untuk setiap pengunjung,
pelanggan, atau pelanggan yang diberikan
melalui upaya mereka. Dengan demikian, ini
adalah taktik yang berguna untuk branding dan
Iklan online adalah istilah yang
sering digunakan untuk
menggambarkan hampir semua
hal yang tercakup dalam buku
teks ini. Sederhananya, iklan
online adalah iklan di Internet.
Iklan online mencakup iklan di
halaman hasil mesin pencari
(dibahas dalam bab Iklan Pay
Per Klik), iklan yang ditempatkan
di email dan di jejaring sosial,
dan cara lain di mana pengiklan
menggunakan Internet. Namun,
bab ini berfokus pada iklan
bergambar: iklan online grafis
dan interaktif yang ditampilkan di
halaman web.
Animated GIF GIF (jenis file gambar) yang mendukung
animasi dan memungkinkan palet terpisah 256
warna untuk setiap frame.
Banner Sebuah iklan online dalam bentuk gambar
grafis yang muncul di halaman web.
Situs web konten yang menayangkan iklan PPC
dari penyedia yang sama, seperti AdWords.
Conversion Seorang pengunjung menyelesaikan tindakan
Cost per action
Mengacu pada biaya untuk mendapatkan
pelanggan baru. Pengiklan hanya membayar
bila tindakan yang diinginkan tercapai
(terkadang disebut biaya per akuisisi).
Cost per click
Mengacu pada saat pengiklan hanya membayar
ketika iklan mereka diklik, memberi mereka
pengunjung ke situs mereka biasanya dari
mesin pencari dalam pemasaran pencarian pay
per klik.
Cost per mil Amount paid for every 1000 views of an
Program PPC Google, yang memungkinkan
pengiklan untuk menampilkan iklan mereka
pada hasil pencarian yang relevan dan di
seluruh jaringan konten Google.
Bahasa yang dibaca oleh browser web. "Tag"
HTML tertentu digunakan untuk menyusun
informasi dan fitur dalam halaman web.
Sebagai contoh, email HTML biasanya berisi
grafik dan dapat bersifat interaktif.
protocol (IP)
Alamat Protokol Internet (IP) adalah nomor
eksklusif yang digunakan untuk mewakili
setiap komputer dalam jaringan.
provider (ISP)
Internet Service Provider ・this is the
company that is providing you access to the
Internet, for example MWEB or AOL.
A metric that indicates whether a website is
achieving its goals.
Pay per click
PPC is advertising on search engines where
the advertiser pays only for each click on
their advert.
Tracking Measuring the effectiveness of a campaign
by collecting and evaluating statistics.
A piece of code that tracks a user’s
interaction and movement through a
Newspapers, magazines, television and
publishing houses are the realm of
traditional media.
selling point
Unique selling point (or proposition) - what
makes your offering different to your
Viral video This is a video that becomes immensely
popular, leading to its
spread through word-of-mouth on the
Internet via email, social
networks and other hosting websites.
A software tool that collects data on website
users based on metrics to measure its
Web browser This is what allows you to browse the World
Wide Web. Examples of browsers include
Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox.
Advertising, whether online
or offline has a number of
1. Building brand awareness
and increasing share of
voice in the market
2. Reaching new customers
and creating consumer
3. Informing consumers of
the advertiser’s ability to
satisfy that demand and
develop brand loyalty.
4. Driving direct response
and sales.
5. The key differentiator
and Pop-
Interstitial banners These are banners shown between pages on a website. As you click from
one page to another, you are shown this advert before the next page is
Pop-ups and Pop-unders As the name suggests, these are adverts which pop up, or under, the web
page being viewed. They open in a new, smaller window. You will see a
pop-up straight away, but will probably only become aware of a pop-under
after you close your browser window.
Floating advert This advert appears in a layer over the content, but is not in a separate
window. Usually, the user can close this advert. In fact, best practice
dictates that a prominent close button should be included on the advert,
usually in the top right hand corner. Floating adverts are created with
DHTML or Flash.
Wallpaper advert This advert changes the background of the web page being viewed. Usually,
it is not possible to clickthrough this advert. The effect of these adverts is
difficult to measure as there is no clickthrough, and its chief purpose is
branding as the branded page will be visible so consistently.
Map advert This is advertising placed within the online mapping solutions available,
such as Google Maps.
Banner advert A banner advert is a graphic image or animation displayed on a website for
advertising purposes. Static banners are in GIFs or JPEG format, but
banners can also employ rich media such as Flash, video, JavaScript, HTML5
and other interactive technologies. Interactive technology allows the viewer
to interact
Cost per action
Refers to the cost of acquiring a new customer.
The advertiser only pays when a desired action is
achieved (sometimes called cost per acquisition).
Cost per click
Refers to when an advertiser only pays when their
ad is clicked upon, giving them a visitor to their
site typically from a search engine in pay per click
search marketing.
Cost per mil
Amount paid for every 1000 views of an
Pay per click
PPC is advertising on search engines where the advertiser
pays only for each click on their advert.
Technical obstacles
The nature of a lot of display
advertising is intrusive, so pop up
blockers can often prevent adverts
from being served as they were
intended by the advertisers.
Connection speed
Bandwidth can also be an issue,
although this is a shrinking problem.
However campaigns should be
planned according to demographics
in determining the richness (and
investment) of interaction. For
example, heart disease medication is
likely to appeal to the older
community, with less money and
slower connection speeds.
Advertising fatigue
Consumers are suffering from
advertising fatigue, so while new
technologies can provide great
results, as soon as the market
moves mainstream it can get
saturated. Consumers are
increasingly ignoring adverts.
Ad blockers
As well as most browsers now
blocking pop-ups, there are also
extensions available for the Mozilla
Firefox browser, such as AdBlock
Plus, that will block advertising on
web pages. Technologically savvy
consumers are increasingly using
these methods to limit the
advertising that they see.
If you recommend a
restaurant to a
friend, and that
friend visits the
restaurant because
of your
the restaurant’s
revenue will have
increased because
of your referral.
This is “Word of
mouth” marketing.
But you, as the
referrer, do not see
any of the cash
benefit that the
Term Definition
Action A specified task performed by a user, which results in the affiliate
being awarded commission. Actions include purchasing a product,
signing up for a newsletter or filling in a form.
Affiliate or
The Affiliate or Publisher markets the products of the Merchant.
Clickthrough A click on a link that leads to another website.
Commission The bounty paid by a merchant to an affiliate when the affiliate
makes a successful referral.
Cookie Cookies are parcels of text sent by a server to a web browser and
then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses
that server. Cookies are used for authenticating, tracking, and
maintaining specific information about users, such as site
preferences or the contents of their electronic shopping carts.
Cost per Action
Paid when a certain action is performed by a user.
Cost per Click
Paid when a link is clicked upon.
Cost per Lead
Commission structure where the affiliate earns a fixed fee for a
lead sent to a merchant.
Cost per
(Mil) (CPM)
Amount paid for every 1000 views of an advertisement.
Term Definition
Merchant or
This is the owner of the product that is being marketed or
Referrer The referrer is the URL of the web page that a user was at
before reaching yours. The server’s logs capture referral URLs
and store them in their log files.
Revenue share Commission structure where the affiliate earns a percentage of
a sale.
ROI Short for return on investment.
Session The session of activity that a user with a unique cookie spends
on a website during a specified period of time.
Traffic This refers to the visitors that visit a website.
Universal Resource
Locator (URL)
This is a unique address that identifies a website.
eXtensible Markup
Language (XML)
XML promises more standardised and organised delivery of
data over the Internet. XHTML is the XML version of HTML.
The core of affiliate
marketing is a simple
1. An affiliate refers
potential customers to a
merchant’s website.
2. Some of those customers
perform a desired action.
3. The merchant rewards the
affiliate for each desired
action resulting from the
affiliate’s referral.
Affiliate marketing can be used to promote any type of website -
there just needs to be an agreed upon action resulting in an affiliate
earning commission. Different types of merchants will have different
required actions. The actions and the type of commission can be
summed up as:
1. Cost per Action (CPA) - a fixed commission for a particular action
2. Cost per Lead (CPL) - a fixed commission for a lead (i.e. a potential
3. Revenue share (also CPS or Cost Per Sale) - an agreed percentage
of the purchase amount is awarded
4. Cost per Click (CPC) - this forms a very small part of the affiliate
marketing mix, and the merchant pays a fixed amount for each
The main types of affiliates can be broken up as:
Personal websites
Content and niche sites
Email lists
Loyalty sites (points or cash back or charitable donations)
Coupon and promotions sites
Comparison shopping (see also PPC advertising)
Search affiliates (search arbitrage)
Taktik Outcome
This is the practice of optimising a website in
order to rank higher on the search engine
results pages. SEO involves working with the
parameters set by search engines to ensure that
search engines index it when people enter a
search term that is relevant for a product or
SEO has a key role to play in acquisition, as it
ensures your organization’s offering will appear
in the search results, allowing you to reach
potential customers. A site that is optimised for
the search engines is also a site that is clear,
relevant and well designed. These elements
ensure a great user experience, meaning that
SEO plays a role in retention too.
4.Tactic and Evaluation
Taktik Outcome
In a pay per click or PPC system of advertising,
the advertiser only pays for each click on their
advert. It is most often used for the advertising
on search engine results pages; it is also used in
banner advertising (where the advertiser pays
per click on their banner).
For the advertiser, the beauty of PPC adverts lie
in the fact that they are keyword based. This
means an advert will come up in response to the
search terms entered by the consumer. PPC
therefore plays a role in acquisition and
retention. It allows the advertiser to reach
people who are already in the buying cycle or
are expressing interest in what they have to
Since we have decided that the basic
tenants of corporate strategy apply in the
world of digital marketing, we can then
apply these tenants in the world of search.
Critical to search marketing is the
concept of the keyword. In this
context, a keyword is a word or phrase
that users employ to search on the
Internet, hoping to get to the
information they need.
The key to finding the right keyword is to
know your customers and prospects well
and what their intention is when they
In addition to talking to our customers and
Google Trends, tools like the keywordtool,
and the Keyword Planner in Google
AdWords help us to see common search
Search engines need to help
users find what they’re looking
for. To make sure they list the
best results first, they look for
signals of:
Trust Authority
Search engine optimisation is a
fairly technical practice but it can
easily be broken down into five
main areas:
1. A search engine friendly
website structure
2. A well researched list of key
3. Content optimised to target
those key phrases
4. Link popularity
5. Usage data
1. Search volume
How many searchers are using that phrase to
find what they want? For example, there is an
estimated monthly search volume of over 338
billion for the keyword “hotel” but an
estimated 6600 searches per month for a
keyword like “Cape Town Waterfront hotel.”
2. Competition
How many other websites out there are
targeting that same phrase? For example,
Google finds over 2.630. 000.000 results for
“hotel” but only 37 100 000 for “Cape Town
Waterfront Hotel”
3. Propensity to convert
What is the likelihood that the searcher using
that key phrase is going to convert on your
site? A conversion is a desired action taken by
the visitor to your website.
Related to propensity to convert is the
relevance of the selected term to what you
are offering. If you are selling rooms at a
hotel at the V&A Waterfront, which of the two
terms (“hotel” and “Cape Town Waterfront
hotel”) do you think will lead to more
4. Value per lead
What is the average value per prospect
attracted by the keyword? Depending on the
nature of your website, the average value per
lead varies. Using the hotel example again,
consider these two terms:
“luxury Cape Town hotel” and “budget Cape
Town hotel”
Both are terms used by someone looking to
book a hotel in Cape Town, but it is likely
that someone looking for a luxury hotel is
intending to spend more. That means that
particular lead has a higher value, particularly
if you have a hotel booking website that
offers a range of accommodation.
How do you know where to start on
building your keyword list? It requires
a little thought, and a fair amount of
research using tools which are readily
available to help you both grow and
refine your list of keywords.
Survey customers and look at your
website referral logs
Look to see what terms customers are
already using to find you, and add
those to your list. If they are already
sending you some traffic, it is worth
seeing if you can increase that traffic.
Think about the words you would use
to describe your business, and about
the questions or needs of your
customers that it fulfils. How would
someone ask for what you are
offering? Consider synonyms and
misspellings as well.
Bear in mind that people might not
ask for your services in the same way
you describe them. You might sell
“herbal infusion” whereas most people
would ask for “herbal teas” although
some might request a “tisane”
If you are selling Tamagotchis,
remember that the spelling can be
tough to recall, and you might need to
consider common misspellings like
“tumagochi” or “tamagochi”
Use keyword research tools
There are several tools available for keyword
discovery, and some of them are free! Some
tools will scan your website and suggest
keywords based on your current content. Most
will let you enter keywords, and will then return
suggestions based on past research data with:
1. Similar keywords.
2. Common keywords used with that keyword.
3. Common misspellings.
4. Frequency of the keywords in search queries.
5. Industry related keywords.
6. Keywords that are sending traffic to your
7. How many sites are targeting your keywords.
Content already has several roles to play
on your site:
It provides information to visitors.
It must engage with them.
It must convince them to do what you
Here are some guidelines:
1. Title tag: use the key phrase in the title
and as close to the beginning as
2. H1 header tag: use the key phrase in
the header tag, and as much as
possible in the other H tags.
1. Body content: use the key phrase at least three
times, more if there is a lot of content and it
makes sense to. You should aim for about 350
words of content. But done overdo it! That
could look like spam to the search engines.
2. Bold: use <strong> tags around the keyword at
least once.
3. URL: use a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
rewrite so that it appears in the URL of the
4. Meta description: use it at least once in the
meta description of the page. It should entice
users to clickthrough to your site from the SERP
(Search Engine Result Page)
5. Link anchor text: try to ensure that the keyword
is used in the anchor text of the pages linking
to you. Domain name: if possible, use the key
phrase in your domain name.
Title tag
Pay per click (PPC) advertising is an
advertising system where the advertiser
only pays for each click on their advert.
Hence, pay per click.
While the term is most often used to
refer to the advertising system offered
by search engines, such as Google, Bing
and Yahoo!, PPC adverts are also run on
content sites and social networks.
PPC advertising continues to evolve, and
formats available range from simple text
adverts through to Flash banners and
even video adverts. PPC advertising
revolutionised the online advertising
industry, and today, PPC advertising
generates 99% of Google筑s revenue.
Google reported revenues of $8.44
billion for the quarter ended December
31, 2010, an increase of 26% compared
to the fourth quarter of 2009. PPC is big
Contoh Landing Page
With PPC advertising, the
1. Creates the copy for an
2. Determines the landing page
for the advert.
3. Selects the keywords or
criteria for which that
advertisement should appear.
4. Chooses the maximum
amount they are willing to pay
for a click on the advert or per
1000 impressions (CPM).
The advertising platform:
1. Checks the advert for
compliance to editorial
2. Displays the advert for
relevant search queries or
other criteria.
3. Determines the rank of the
advert based on the
advertiser”s maximum bid and
the relevance of the advert
(which includes factors such
as clickthrough rate (CTR), and
ad copy, keyword and landing
page relevance).
Taktik Outcome
Social Media
Social media, also known as consumer
generated media or Web 2.0 are media (in the
form of text, visuals and audio) created to be
shared. It has changed the face of marketing by
allowing collaboration and connection in a way
that no other channel has been able to offer.
From a strategic perspective, social media is
useful for branding, raising awareness of the
brand story and allowing the consumer to
become involved in the story through
collaboration. Social media platforms also play a
role in building awareness, due to their
shareable, viral nature. They can also provide
Crowd sourced feedback via open graphs and
social analytics systems.
4.Tactic and Evaluation
Taktik Outcome
Online reputation management
(ORM) is the process by which a
brand monitors, measures and
manages the conversations that
are happening around it online.
ORM can have a huge impact on a brand筑s reputation and its
bottom line. It is only through listening to conversations being
carried out
by its customers and potential customers that an organisation
can adequately respond and manage its situation in the market.
ORM speaks to acquisition, engagement and participation. An
effective ORM tool can assist a company in engaging with its
customers where relevant and providing better service by
responding to queries and complaints. The insights gained
from ORM should be considered when evaluating and
In many ways, social media epitomizes what the web is about:
collaboration and the sharing of content, ideas and information.
Social media is behind the explosion of content available on the
Internet, as the various channels have allowed anyone with an
Internet connection to be able to create and share content easily and
for free. Because social media has so many participants, it is also very
Simply put, social media are media (from written to visual to audio to
audio visual) that are designed to be shared. Sharing means that it is
easy to comment on, that it is easy to send, and that there are no
high costs associated with viewing the media. And, because of the
connected nature of the Internet, it means that sharing, commenting
and viewing can all be tracked and measured.
Social media channels can be categorised as:
Bookmarking and aggregating: social curation and sharing of content.
Content creating: using social channels to create and share content.
Social networks: social channels that are built around social profiles.
Location: a subset of social networks that are based on location.
If there are websites you visit often, or that you
would like to keep as a reference to come back
to, it is easy to use your browser to “bookmark”
them. This means that you store the URL so that
you can locate it again easily. It also gives you a
personal library of websites that you can store
on your computer.
Social bookmarking sites, however, allow you to
store these links online, use tags to describe
them and share these lists with other users.
Some of these sites allow you to submit URLs
that other users vote on, while others allow you
to use the tags saved to browse through the lists
and libraries that have been generated.
Social Bookmarking sendiri adalah sebuah metode
bagi pengguna internet untuk mengorganisasi,
menyimpan, mengelola, dan mencari penanda
sumber daya yang tersedia secara online. Dengan
membagikan artikel blog Anda pada situs Social
Bookmarking ini, Anda bisa meningkatkan SEO untuk
blog / web Anda karena Sosial Bookmarking ini
memberikan backlink yang berkualitas dan ’dihargai’
oleh mesin pencari.Beberapa contoh situs Social
Bookmarking yang dapat Anda gunakan adalah :
1. Blog Viva (
2. Portal Tahu Pedia (
3. Direktori Indonesia (https://www.direktori
4. Reddit (
5. Digg (
YouTube may be the first content
sharing site that comes to mind,
but users share images, audio
and information as well as video.
If it can be created, it can be
shared. There are many sites that
facilitate the sharing of videos,
images and audio, and they are
exceptionally popular. From
Flickr to YouTube, they have all
tapped into the fact that we love
to create content for others to
The key word here is free: there
are no fees for joining, whether
you are uploading content or
viewing content (although
premium paid for memberships
can allow you further features).
This means that these sites
attract an enormous audience. In
fact, according to Alexa
rankings, YouTube is the second
largest search engine in the
Video sharing : youtube
Knowledge sharing : WIKI
Blog, Microblog
Social networking refers to
the forming and
substantiating of online
social networks for
communities of people.
The communities are
people who share interests
and activities, or are
interested in exploring the
interests and activities of
others. And to complete
the definition of online
social networking: the
building of these social
networks requires the use
Social media can be used
strategically in a number of
marketing and
communication challenges:
1. Community management
2. Support and customer
3. Reputation management
4. Search engine
5. Communication and
6. Advertising and
7. Sales and lead generation
8. Insights and research
Taktik Outcome
Public relations are a set of functions that foster
an organisation筑s ability to listen to, appreciate
and respond to those people with whom it is
exchanging value.
While traditional PR focuses on carefully crafted
press releases and a controlled release of
information, the Internet means that
information is freely available to a wider
audience, as opposed to a select group of
WebPR allows companies to engage in a more
immediate form of communication. Unlike the
traditional press release, WebPR is about
connecting with customers. It is used to
connect with customers and enhance brand
awareness, exposure and SEO efforts.
4.Tactic and Evaluation
Public Relations is a set of
management, supervisory, and
technical functions that foster an
organization’s ability to
strategically listen to, appreciate,
and respond to those persons
whose mutually beneficial
relationships with the
organization are necessary if it is
to achieve its missions and
5. Metrics:
Metrics are important in defining what successful value-exchange is worth to an
organisation and how this worth will be measured. This step needs to be considered in
conjunction with value-exchange. As previously discussed,
digital is an empirical medium and digital marketing should start with ROI in mind. Setting
up the analysis and measurement tools early on in the online strategising phase will enable
you to measure returns from inception.
The metrics that matter to your business objectives are referred to as key performance
indicators (KPIs).
6. Ongoing Optimisation:
The growing necessity for an organisation to remain dynamic and agile ties
in with metrics and should be considered in the early stages of strategy
formulation, as well as being a continuous process in refining and
optimizing tactics.
The user experience and journey is vital to building successful brands.
Budget should be set aside upfront to be dedicated to the analysis of user
data and the optimisation of conversion paths.

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  • 2. DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY ‱ Strategi pemasaran digital dibangun di atas dan mengadaptasi prinsip-prinsip pemasaran tradisional, menggunakan peluang dan tantangan yang ditawarkan oleh teknologi dan media digital. ‱ Fakta bahwa pemasaran digital sangat empiris adalah salah satu kekuatan utamanya. Semuanya bisa diukur: mulai dari perilaku, hingga tindakan dan jalur tindakan, hingga hasil. Ini berarti bahwa ahli strategi pemasaran digital harus mulai berpikir dengan mempertimbangkan laba atas investasi (ROI).
  • 3. WEBSITE DESIGN : THE WEBSITE: THE CENTER OF DIGITAL MARKETING DELIVERY MIX Desain web yang efektif adalah elemen utama pemasaran digital, yang darinya dapat dikembangkan strategi untuk platform pengiriman lainnya, yang mencakup pemasaran, pencarian, sosial, seluler, dan email. Bagaimana halaman web dirancang sangat penting dalam hal situs web ditemukan di Internet. Meskipun beralih ke pemasaran seluler dan sosial, situs web ini masih sering menjadi tujuan kampanye pemasaran dan harus 'ditemukan' secara online.
  • 4. SIX STEPS IN CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY 1. contex 2. objective 3. Value- exchange 4. Tactic and Evaluation 5. Metric 6. Ongoing optimization
  • 5. SIX STEPS IN CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY 1. Context: 1. Siapa Anda dan apa identitas Anda yang membuat Anda berguna? 2. Siapa pelanggan Anda dan kebutuhan serta keinginan apa yang mereka miliki? 3. Siapa pesaing Anda? Ini mungkin melampaui organisasi yang bersaing dengan Anda berdasarkan harga dan produk dan juga bisa berupa persaingan dalam bentuk abstrak seperti waktu dan mindshare. 4. Apa konteks di mana Anda beroperasi (faktor sosial, politik dan ekonomi) dan bagaimana hal ini akan berubah di masa depan? 2. Objectives: Pemasaran digital memiliki teknologi di jantungnya. Oleh karena itu penting untuk melibatkan pikiran teknis dan estetika dalam tahap awal perumusan strategi. Tujuan harus berbicara mengenai sistem dan cerita serta alat yang diberikan oleh teknologi harus menjadi titik awal dalam proses pengembangan tujuan strategis.
  • 6. SIX STEPS IN CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY 4.Tactic and Evaluation Tactic outcome Email Marketing Customer Retention Online Advertising Branding and Acquisition Affiliate Marketing Sales and Branding SEO Customer Retention and Acquisition PPC Customer Retention and Acquisition Social Media Branding and Participation ORM Customer Retention, Branding and Participation WebPR Acquisition and Branding 3. Value-Exchange: Nilai apa yang Anda tambahkan ke pasar, apa yang ingin Anda capai dan bagaimana Anda tahu jika Anda berhasil?
  • 7. SIX STEPS IN CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Taktik Outcome Email Marketing Suatu bentuk pemasaran langsung yang menggunakan sarana elektronik untuk menyampaikan pesan komersial kepada audiens. Ini sangat hemat biaya, sangat bertarget, dapat disesuaikan dalam skala massal dan sepenuhnya dapat diukur – semuanya menjadikannya salah satu digital paling kuat taktik pemasaran. Pemasaran email adalah alat untuk membangun hubungan dengan pelanggan potensial dan yang sudah ada. Email harus memaksimalkan retensi dan nilai pelanggan ini, yang pada akhirnya mengarah pada keuntungan bagi organisasi secara keseluruhan. Basis data email yang ditargetkan dan tersegmentasi berarti bahwa sebuah merek dapat mengarahkan pesan pada sektor basis pelanggan mereka untuk mencapai hasil terbaik. 4.Tactic and Evaluation
  • 9. EFFECTIVE E-MAIL DESIGN AND OFFERS Apapun tujuannya, kampanye pemasaran email harus direncanakan. Biasanya harus diputuskan tujuan kampanye dan audiens target dan membuat daftar yang layak untuk dikerjakan. Lalu kemudian membuat salinan yang menarik dan baris subjek untuk email tersebut. Penting untuk desain yang efektif adalah apa yang dikenal sebagai "ajakan untuk bertindak." Panggilan untuk bertindak adalah prinsip dari pemasaran langsung yang berarti apa yang perusahaan ingin konsumen lakukan setelah menerima komunikasi.
  • 10. E-MAIL METRICS 1. Open rate: Percent of e-mails opened 2. Bounce rate: Percent of e-mails undelivered (hard bounce is a bad e- mail address; a soft bounce is one that is temporarily undeliverable) 3. Unsubscribe rate: Percent of customers unsubscribing from our offer 4. What links were clicked 5. CTR: The number of clicks the e-mail generated 6. Forward/Saves/Prints: Other measurements of activity on the e-mail Rasio Pentalan didefinisikan sebagai persentase pengunjung yang meninggalkan halaman web tanpa melakukan tindakan, seperti mengklik tautan, mengisi formulir, atau melakukan pembelian. Rasio klik-tayang untuk email adalah persentase orang yang mengklik setidaknya satu link di pesan email Anda. Untuk menghitungnya, cukup bagi jumlah total orang yang mengklik dengan jumlah email terkirim dan kalikan rasio tersebut dengan 100 untuk mendapatkan persentase CTR email Anda.
  • 11. SIX STEPS IN CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Taktik Outcome Online Advertising Iklan online mencakup iklan di semua area Internet - halaman hasil mesin pencari, iklan yang ditempatkan di email, iklan yang ditempatkan di jejaring sosial, dan iklan di jaringan tampilan Google . Tujuan utama periklanan adalah untuk meningkatkan penjualan dengan meningkatkan kesadaran merek secara online. Iklan juga dapat lebih interaktif dan karenanya tidak terlalu mengganggu dibandingkan iklan tradisional atau iklan online non-interaktif, karena pengguna dapat memilih untuk terlibat dengan iklan tersebut atau tidak. Iklan online dapat dioptimalkan dengan menargetkannya ke geografi dan pasar tertentu dan mengontekstualisasikannya. 4.Tactic and Evaluation Taktik Outcome Affiliate Marketing Pemasaran afiliasi adalah sistem penghargaan di mana perujuk diberi “biaya pencari” untuk setiap rujukan yang mereka berikan. pemasaran afiliasi online banyak digunakan untuk mempromosikan situs web, dengan perujuk yang dihargai untuk setiap pengunjung, pelanggan, atau pelanggan yang diberikan melalui upaya mereka. Dengan demikian, ini adalah taktik yang berguna untuk branding dan akuisisi.
  • 12. ONLINE ADVERTISING Iklan online adalah istilah yang sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan hampir semua hal yang tercakup dalam buku teks ini. Sederhananya, iklan online adalah iklan di Internet. Iklan online mencakup iklan di halaman hasil mesin pencari (dibahas dalam bab Iklan Pay Per Klik), iklan yang ditempatkan di email dan di jejaring sosial, dan cara lain di mana pengiklan menggunakan Internet. Namun, bab ini berfokus pada iklan bergambar: iklan online grafis dan interaktif yang ditampilkan di halaman web. TERM DEFINITION Animated GIF GIF (jenis file gambar) yang mendukung animasi dan memungkinkan palet terpisah 256 warna untuk setiap frame. Banner Sebuah iklan online dalam bentuk gambar grafis yang muncul di halaman web. Content network Situs web konten yang menayangkan iklan PPC dari penyedia yang sama, seperti AdWords. Conversion Seorang pengunjung menyelesaikan tindakan target. Cost per action (CPA) Mengacu pada biaya untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru. Pengiklan hanya membayar bila tindakan yang diinginkan tercapai (terkadang disebut biaya per akuisisi). Cost per click (CPC) Mengacu pada saat pengiklan hanya membayar ketika iklan mereka diklik, memberi mereka pengunjung ke situs mereka biasanya dari mesin pencari dalam pemasaran pencarian pay per klik. Cost per mil Amount paid for every 1000 views of an
  • 13. ONLINE ADVERTISING TERM DEFINITION Google AdWords Program PPC Google, yang memungkinkan pengiklan untuk menampilkan iklan mereka pada hasil pencarian yang relevan dan di seluruh jaringan konten Google. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Bahasa yang dibaca oleh browser web. "Tag" HTML tertentu digunakan untuk menyusun informasi dan fitur dalam halaman web. Sebagai contoh, email HTML biasanya berisi grafik dan dapat bersifat interaktif. Internet protocol (IP) address Alamat Protokol Internet (IP) adalah nomor eksklusif yang digunakan untuk mewakili setiap komputer dalam jaringan. Internet service provider (ISP) Internet Service Provider ・this is the company that is providing you access to the Internet, for example MWEB or AOL. Key performance indicator (KPI) A metric that indicates whether a website is achieving its goals. Pay per click (PPC) PPC is advertising on search engines where the advertiser pays only for each click on their advert. TERM DEFINITION Tracking Measuring the effectiveness of a campaign by collecting and evaluating statistics. Tracking code A piece of code that tracks a user’s interaction and movement through a website. Traditional media Newspapers, magazines, television and publishing houses are the realm of traditional media. Unique selling point (USP) Unique selling point (or proposition) - what makes your offering different to your competitors・ Viral video This is a video that becomes immensely popular, leading to its spread through word-of-mouth on the Internet via email, social networks and other hosting websites. Web analytics A software tool that collects data on website users based on metrics to measure its performance. Web browser This is what allows you to browse the World Wide Web. Examples of browsers include Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox.
  • 14. ONLINE ADVERTISING: HOW IT WORK Advertising, whether online or offline has a number of objectives: 1. Building brand awareness and increasing share of voice in the market place. 2. Reaching new customers and creating consumer demand. 3. Informing consumers of the advertiser’s ability to satisfy that demand and develop brand loyalty. 4. Driving direct response and sales. 5. The key differentiator Online advertising Interstitial banners Pop-ups and Pop- unders Floating advert Wallpaper advert Map advert Banner advert
  • 15. HOW TO SHOW YOUR MESSAGE: TYPES OF DISPLAY ADVERTISING Interstitial banners These are banners shown between pages on a website. As you click from one page to another, you are shown this advert before the next page is displayed. Pop-ups and Pop-unders As the name suggests, these are adverts which pop up, or under, the web page being viewed. They open in a new, smaller window. You will see a pop-up straight away, but will probably only become aware of a pop-under after you close your browser window. Floating advert This advert appears in a layer over the content, but is not in a separate window. Usually, the user can close this advert. In fact, best practice dictates that a prominent close button should be included on the advert, usually in the top right hand corner. Floating adverts are created with DHTML or Flash. Wallpaper advert This advert changes the background of the web page being viewed. Usually, it is not possible to clickthrough this advert. The effect of these adverts is difficult to measure as there is no clickthrough, and its chief purpose is branding as the branded page will be visible so consistently. Map advert This is advertising placed within the online mapping solutions available, such as Google Maps. Banner advert A banner advert is a graphic image or animation displayed on a website for advertising purposes. Static banners are in GIFs or JPEG format, but banners can also employ rich media such as Flash, video, JavaScript, HTML5 and other interactive technologies. Interactive technology allows the viewer to interact
  • 17. HOW TO PAY: PAYMENT MODELS FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING Cost per action (CPA) Refers to the cost of acquiring a new customer. The advertiser only pays when a desired action is achieved (sometimes called cost per acquisition). Cost per click (CPC) Refers to when an advertiser only pays when their ad is clicked upon, giving them a visitor to their site typically from a search engine in pay per click search marketing. Cost per mil (CPM) Amount paid for every 1000 views of an advertisement. Pay per click (PPC) PPC is advertising on search engines where the advertiser pays only for each click on their advert.
  • 18. DISADVANTAGES OF ONLINE ADVERTISING Technical obstacles The nature of a lot of display advertising is intrusive, so pop up blockers can often prevent adverts from being served as they were intended by the advertisers. Connection speed Bandwidth can also be an issue, although this is a shrinking problem. However campaigns should be planned according to demographics in determining the richness (and investment) of interaction. For example, heart disease medication is likely to appeal to the older community, with less money and slower connection speeds. Advertising fatigue Consumers are suffering from advertising fatigue, so while new technologies can provide great results, as soon as the market moves mainstream it can get saturated. Consumers are increasingly ignoring adverts. Ad blockers As well as most browsers now blocking pop-ups, there are also extensions available for the Mozilla Firefox browser, such as AdBlock Plus, that will block advertising on web pages. Technologically savvy consumers are increasingly using these methods to limit the advertising that they see.
  • 19. AFFILIATE MARKETING If you recommend a restaurant to a friend, and that friend visits the restaurant because of your recommendation, the restaurant’s revenue will have increased because of your referral. This is “Word of mouth” marketing. But you, as the referrer, do not see any of the cash benefit that the Term Definition Action A specified task performed by a user, which results in the affiliate being awarded commission. Actions include purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter or filling in a form. Affiliate or Publisher The Affiliate or Publisher markets the products of the Merchant. Clickthrough A click on a link that leads to another website. Commission The bounty paid by a merchant to an affiliate when the affiliate makes a successful referral. Cookie Cookies are parcels of text sent by a server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server. Cookies are used for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific information about users, such as site preferences or the contents of their electronic shopping carts. Cost per Action (CPA) Paid when a certain action is performed by a user. Cost per Click (CPC) Paid when a link is clicked upon. Cost per Lead (CPL) Commission structure where the affiliate earns a fixed fee for a lead sent to a merchant. Cost per Thousand (Mil) (CPM) Amount paid for every 1000 views of an advertisement.
  • 20. AFFILIATE MARKETING Term Definition Merchant or Advertiser This is the owner of the product that is being marketed or promoted. Referrer The referrer is the URL of the web page that a user was at before reaching yours. The server’s logs capture referral URLs and store them in their log files. Revenue share Commission structure where the affiliate earns a percentage of a sale. ROI Short for return on investment. Session The session of activity that a user with a unique cookie spends on a website during a specified period of time. Traffic This refers to the visitors that visit a website. Universal Resource Locator (URL) This is a unique address that identifies a website. eXtensible Markup Language (XML) XML promises more standardised and organised delivery of data over the Internet. XHTML is the XML version of HTML.
  • 21. HOW IT WORKS The core of affiliate marketing is a simple process: 1. An affiliate refers potential customers to a merchant’s website. 2. Some of those customers perform a desired action. 3. The merchant rewards the affiliate for each desired action resulting from the affiliate’s referral.
  • 22. ACTION AND REWARD Affiliate marketing can be used to promote any type of website - there just needs to be an agreed upon action resulting in an affiliate earning commission. Different types of merchants will have different required actions. The actions and the type of commission can be summed up as: 1. Cost per Action (CPA) - a fixed commission for a particular action 2. Cost per Lead (CPL) - a fixed commission for a lead (i.e. a potential sale) 3. Revenue share (also CPS or Cost Per Sale) - an agreed percentage of the purchase amount is awarded 4. Cost per Click (CPC) - this forms a very small part of the affiliate marketing mix, and the merchant pays a fixed amount for each
  • 23. HOW DO AFFILIATES PROMOTE MERCHANTS? The main types of affiliates can be broken up as: Personal websites Content and niche sites Email lists Loyalty sites (points or cash back or charitable donations) Coupon and promotions sites Comparison shopping (see also PPC advertising) Search affiliates (search arbitrage)
  • 24. SIX STEPS IN CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Taktik Outcome SEO This is the practice of optimising a website in order to rank higher on the search engine results pages. SEO involves working with the parameters set by search engines to ensure that search engines index it when people enter a search term that is relevant for a product or service. SEO has a key role to play in acquisition, as it ensures your organization’s offering will appear in the search results, allowing you to reach potential customers. A site that is optimised for the search engines is also a site that is clear, relevant and well designed. These elements ensure a great user experience, meaning that SEO plays a role in retention too. 4.Tactic and Evaluation Taktik Outcome PPC In a pay per click or PPC system of advertising, the advertiser only pays for each click on their advert. It is most often used for the advertising on search engine results pages; it is also used in banner advertising (where the advertiser pays per click on their banner). For the advertiser, the beauty of PPC adverts lie in the fact that they are keyword based. This means an advert will come up in response to the search terms entered by the consumer. PPC therefore plays a role in acquisition and retention. It allows the advertiser to reach people who are already in the buying cycle or are expressing interest in what they have to
  • 25. SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING Since we have decided that the basic tenants of corporate strategy apply in the world of digital marketing, we can then apply these tenants in the world of search. Critical to search marketing is the concept of the keyword. In this context, a keyword is a word or phrase that users employ to search on the Internet, hoping to get to the information they need. The key to finding the right keyword is to know your customers and prospects well and what their intention is when they search. In addition to talking to our customers and using Google Trends, tools like the keywordtool, and the Keyword Planner in Google AdWords help us to see common search
  • 26. HOW IT WORKS Search engines need to help users find what they’re looking for. To make sure they list the best results first, they look for signals of: Relevance Importance Popularity Trust Authority Search engine optimisation is a fairly technical practice but it can easily be broken down into five main areas: 1. A search engine friendly website structure 2. A well researched list of key phrases 3. Content optimised to target those key phrases 4. Link popularity 5. Usage data
  • 27. THERE ARE FOUR THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A KEYWORD: 1. Search volume How many searchers are using that phrase to find what they want? For example, there is an estimated monthly search volume of over 338 billion for the keyword “hotel” but an estimated 6600 searches per month for a keyword like “Cape Town Waterfront hotel.” 2. Competition How many other websites out there are targeting that same phrase? For example, Google finds over 2.630. 000.000 results for “hotel” but only 37 100 000 for “Cape Town Waterfront Hotel” 3. Propensity to convert What is the likelihood that the searcher using that key phrase is going to convert on your site? A conversion is a desired action taken by the visitor to your website. Related to propensity to convert is the relevance of the selected term to what you are offering. If you are selling rooms at a hotel at the V&A Waterfront, which of the two terms (“hotel” and “Cape Town Waterfront hotel”) do you think will lead to more conversions? 4. Value per lead What is the average value per prospect attracted by the keyword? Depending on the nature of your website, the average value per lead varies. Using the hotel example again, consider these two terms: “luxury Cape Town hotel” and “budget Cape Town hotel” Both are terms used by someone looking to book a hotel in Cape Town, but it is likely that someone looking for a luxury hotel is intending to spend more. That means that particular lead has a higher value, particularly if you have a hotel booking website that offers a range of accommodation.
  • 28. KEYWORD RESEARCH How do you know where to start on building your keyword list? It requires a little thought, and a fair amount of research using tools which are readily available to help you both grow and refine your list of keywords. Survey customers and look at your website referral logs Look to see what terms customers are already using to find you, and add those to your list. If they are already sending you some traffic, it is worth seeing if you can increase that traffic. Brainstorm Think about the words you would use to describe your business, and about the questions or needs of your customers that it fulfils. How would someone ask for what you are offering? Consider synonyms and misspellings as well. Bear in mind that people might not ask for your services in the same way you describe them. You might sell “herbal infusion” whereas most people would ask for “herbal teas” although some might request a “tisane” If you are selling Tamagotchis, remember that the spelling can be tough to recall, and you might need to consider common misspellings like “tumagochi” or “tamagochi”
  • 29. KEYWORD RESEARCH Use keyword research tools There are several tools available for keyword discovery, and some of them are free! Some tools will scan your website and suggest keywords based on your current content. Most will let you enter keywords, and will then return suggestions based on past research data with: 1. Similar keywords. 2. Common keywords used with that keyword. 3. Common misspellings. 4. Frequency of the keywords in search queries. 5. Industry related keywords. 6. Keywords that are sending traffic to your competitors. 7. How many sites are targeting your keywords.
  • 30. OPTIMIZING CONTENT FOR KEY PHRASES Content already has several roles to play on your site: It provides information to visitors. It must engage with them. It must convince them to do what you want. Here are some guidelines: 1. Title tag: use the key phrase in the title and as close to the beginning as possible. 2. H1 header tag: use the key phrase in the header tag, and as much as possible in the other H tags. 1. Body content: use the key phrase at least three times, more if there is a lot of content and it makes sense to. You should aim for about 350 words of content. But done overdo it! That could look like spam to the search engines. 2. Bold: use <strong> tags around the keyword at least once. 3. URL: use a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) rewrite so that it appears in the URL of the page. 4. Meta description: use it at least once in the meta description of the page. It should entice users to clickthrough to your site from the SERP (Search Engine Result Page) 5. Link anchor text: try to ensure that the keyword is used in the anchor text of the pages linking to you. Domain name: if possible, use the key phrase in your domain name.
  • 32. PPC ADVERTISING Pay per click (PPC) advertising is an advertising system where the advertiser only pays for each click on their advert. Hence, pay per click. While the term is most often used to refer to the advertising system offered by search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo!, PPC adverts are also run on content sites and social networks. PPC advertising continues to evolve, and formats available range from simple text adverts through to Flash banners and even video adverts. PPC advertising revolutionised the online advertising industry, and today, PPC advertising generates 99% of Google筑s revenue. Google reported revenues of $8.44 billion for the quarter ended December 31, 2010, an increase of 26% compared to the fourth quarter of 2009. PPC is big
  • 34. HOW IT WORKS With PPC advertising, the advertiser: 1. Creates the copy for an advertisement. 2. Determines the landing page for the advert. 3. Selects the keywords or criteria for which that advertisement should appear. 4. Chooses the maximum amount they are willing to pay for a click on the advert or per 1000 impressions (CPM). The advertising platform: 1. Checks the advert for compliance to editorial guidelines. 2. Displays the advert for relevant search queries or other criteria. 3. Determines the rank of the advert based on the advertiser”s maximum bid and the relevance of the advert (which includes factors such as clickthrough rate (CTR), and ad copy, keyword and landing page relevance).
  • 36. SIX STEPS IN CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Taktik Outcome Social Media Social media, also known as consumer generated media or Web 2.0 are media (in the form of text, visuals and audio) created to be shared. It has changed the face of marketing by allowing collaboration and connection in a way that no other channel has been able to offer. From a strategic perspective, social media is useful for branding, raising awareness of the brand story and allowing the consumer to become involved in the story through collaboration. Social media platforms also play a role in building awareness, due to their shareable, viral nature. They can also provide Crowd sourced feedback via open graphs and social analytics systems. 4.Tactic and Evaluation Taktik Outcome ORM Online reputation management (ORM) is the process by which a brand monitors, measures and manages the conversations that are happening around it online. ORM can have a huge impact on a brand筑s reputation and its bottom line. It is only through listening to conversations being carried out by its customers and potential customers that an organisation can adequately respond and manage its situation in the market. ORM speaks to acquisition, engagement and participation. An effective ORM tool can assist a company in engaging with its customers where relevant and providing better service by responding to queries and complaints. The insights gained from ORM should be considered when evaluating and
  • 37. SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL In many ways, social media epitomizes what the web is about: collaboration and the sharing of content, ideas and information. Social media is behind the explosion of content available on the Internet, as the various channels have allowed anyone with an Internet connection to be able to create and share content easily and for free. Because social media has so many participants, it is also very dynamic. Simply put, social media are media (from written to visual to audio to audio visual) that are designed to be shared. Sharing means that it is easy to comment on, that it is easy to send, and that there are no high costs associated with viewing the media. And, because of the connected nature of the Internet, it means that sharing, commenting and viewing can all be tracked and measured.
  • 38. HOW IT WORKS Social media channels can be categorised as: Bookmarking and aggregating: social curation and sharing of content. Content creating: using social channels to create and share content. Social networks: social channels that are built around social profiles. Location: a subset of social networks that are based on location.
  • 39. BOOKMARKING AND AGGREGATING If there are websites you visit often, or that you would like to keep as a reference to come back to, it is easy to use your browser to “bookmark” them. This means that you store the URL so that you can locate it again easily. It also gives you a personal library of websites that you can store on your computer. Social bookmarking sites, however, allow you to store these links online, use tags to describe them and share these lists with other users. Some of these sites allow you to submit URLs that other users vote on, while others allow you to use the tags saved to browse through the lists and libraries that have been generated. Social Bookmarking sendiri adalah sebuah metode bagi pengguna internet untuk mengorganisasi, menyimpan, mengelola, dan mencari penanda sumber daya yang tersedia secara online. Dengan membagikan artikel blog Anda pada situs Social Bookmarking ini, Anda bisa meningkatkan SEO untuk blog / web Anda karena Sosial Bookmarking ini memberikan backlink yang berkualitas dan ’dihargai’ oleh mesin pencari.Beberapa contoh situs Social Bookmarking yang dapat Anda gunakan adalah : 1. Blog Viva ( 2. Portal Tahu Pedia ( 3. Direktori Indonesia (https://www.direktori 4. Reddit ( 5. Digg (
  • 40. CONTENT SHARING YouTube may be the first content sharing site that comes to mind, but users share images, audio and information as well as video. If it can be created, it can be shared. There are many sites that facilitate the sharing of videos, images and audio, and they are exceptionally popular. From Flickr to YouTube, they have all tapped into the fact that we love to create content for others to view. The key word here is free: there are no fees for joining, whether you are uploading content or viewing content (although premium paid for memberships can allow you further features). This means that these sites attract an enormous audience. In fact, according to Alexa rankings, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world!
  • 41. MEDIA CONTENT SHARING Video sharing : youtube Knowledge sharing : WIKI Blog, Microblog Podcasting
  • 42. SOCIAL NETWORKING - CONNECTING Social networking refers to the forming and substantiating of online social networks for communities of people. The communities are people who share interests and activities, or are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. And to complete the definition of online social networking: the building of these social networks requires the use
  • 43.
  • 44. SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY Social media can be used strategically in a number of marketing and communication challenges: 1. Community management 2. Support and customer service 3. Reputation management 4. Search engine optimisation 5. Communication and outreach 6. Advertising and awareness 7. Sales and lead generation 8. Insights and research
  • 45. SIX STEPS IN CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Taktik Outcome WebPR Public relations are a set of functions that foster an organisation筑s ability to listen to, appreciate and respond to those people with whom it is exchanging value. While traditional PR focuses on carefully crafted press releases and a controlled release of information, the Internet means that information is freely available to a wider audience, as opposed to a select group of journalists. WebPR allows companies to engage in a more immediate form of communication. Unlike the traditional press release, WebPR is about connecting with customers. It is used to connect with customers and enhance brand awareness, exposure and SEO efforts. 4.Tactic and Evaluation
  • 46. Public Relations is a set of management, supervisory, and technical functions that foster an organization’s ability to strategically listen to, appreciate, and respond to those persons whose mutually beneficial relationships with the organization are necessary if it is to achieve its missions and values.・(Heath, 2005)
  • 47. SIX STEPS IN CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY 5. Metrics: Metrics are important in defining what successful value-exchange is worth to an organisation and how this worth will be measured. This step needs to be considered in conjunction with value-exchange. As previously discussed, digital is an empirical medium and digital marketing should start with ROI in mind. Setting up the analysis and measurement tools early on in the online strategising phase will enable you to measure returns from inception. The metrics that matter to your business objectives are referred to as key performance indicators (KPIs). 6. Ongoing Optimisation: The growing necessity for an organisation to remain dynamic and agile ties in with metrics and should be considered in the early stages of strategy formulation, as well as being a continuous process in refining and optimizing tactics. The user experience and journey is vital to building successful brands. Budget should be set aside upfront to be dedicated to the analysis of user data and the optimisation of conversion paths.